The Debaters - 1830: Generation X & Angels vs. Ghosts
Episode Date: May 23, 2024Derek Seguin and Chad Anderson grow the generation gap when they discuss if Gen Xers are the best age group. Then, Hisham Kelati and Kathleen McGee have a spirited debate on whether angels are superio...r to ghosts.
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Hi there, listeners. Steve Patterson here.
You know, I get asked to emcee weddings a lot,
and I'm happy to do it for close friends and family,
especially when the wedding is somewhere fun,
like, say, Reykjavik, Iceland.
So my family and I booked an Airbnb in Reykjavik for a week,
and it was awesome.
There was plenty of room for all of us,
and we met lots of locals in the neighborhood.
And that made me think about how much our home
would be appreciated by fellow travelers as an Airbnb too since usually it just sits empty while we're away. It's in a
great Toronto neighborhood full of restaurants, shops, and friendly people. It has room for a
group of four to all have their own rooms and honestly we'd appreciate the house earning a bit
of income to help with our next trip. Intrigued? Your home might be worth more than you think.
Find out how much at slash host.
And speaking of hosting,
that couple I emceed the wedding for?
Still married.
That's how good I am.
Though I guess I can't take all the credit for that.
Anyway, let's get to this week's show.
This is a CBC Podcast.
This podcast is an extended version of The Debaters, which may contain more mature themes.
To stream the radio-friendly version of this episode, download the CBC Listen app or go to slash The Debaters.
And thanks for listening to The CBC.
Hey Canada, we'll make you Jubilee.
This is the funniest show on radio from Jubilee Place in Winnipeg.
It's The Debaters!
The Debaters, where comedians fight with facts and funny, and this audience picks the winner.
Now here's a man who will be leaving you laughing, Steve Patterson.
Hey, thanks Graham. Hello Canada. Welcome back to The Debaters.
We are back in beautiful Winnipeg, a city that is famously home to the windiest intersection in Canada, Portage in Maine. But by 2025, the city plans to allow pedestrians
to cross the busy intersection above ground.
For people who live in other cities, I'll explain.
Since 1979, there's only been underground tunnels at Portage and Main
And as an out-of-towner, I always find it fun going down there and trying to find my way out
The first time I came here to Winnipeg, it took me a full three days
And I ended up coming out the exact place I went in
Which, in all honesty, is a pretty good weekend in Winnipeg.
Just kidding. I'm kidding! I know you're not going to...
Of course, the city could just make crosswalks with nets installed on each corner
to catch pedestrians as the wind carries them across the street,
but I guess that's not part of the plan.
It's time now to meet two debaters
who I'm inviting to be our gusts.
This comic swims with baby goats
because he loves taking the kids to the pool.
It's Winnipeg's Chad Anderson.
Come on out, Chad.
There he is.
Welcome back.
Chad Anderson, striding purposefully.
Hello, Steve!
To my right. Hello, Chad! Welcome back, my friend.
Thank you.
And we are très content to have this comic with us encore.
It's Brassens-Quebec's Derek Seguin!
There he is! Derek Seguin!
One of our very favorites!
Hi Steve!
Hey buddy, welcome back.
Your topic is one for the ages. Generation X.
Are they the best generation?
I'm not sure about that.
And I'm a sure about that. And I'm a Gen X, too.
Two, as in also, not Gen X, too.
It's not a mysterious second generation X that everyone forgot about.
But if there was, that would be the most Gen X thing ever.
It's sometimes called the MTV generation, but here in Canada, we're the much music generation.
Funnily enough, the first video that MTV ever played
was Video Killed the Radio Star.
But did it?
Because I'm a CBC radio personality,
and I'm still alive!
So there!
Time now for a debate that we think will be pure nirvana.
So, whereas they often serve as a bridge between other generations
and are known for their independence and resourcefulness,
be it resolved, Generation X is the best generation.
Derek, you're arguing for this, my friend.
You have two minutes.
Starting now, Derek Senge.
Thank you.
Thank you, Steve.
And good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
I will present to you today that Gen X is the best all-around generation.
And I'm going up against Chad over here.
Who was born in the 80s, making him a millennial.
So I bet he think his opinion is really important
and he just wants to be heard.
Our parents were the baby boomer,
the first generation where our mom went to work.
So we're not only bringing up the next generation,
we also brought ourself up.
Their parents were the next generation, we also brought ourselves up. Their parents were the silent generation, born from 1928 to 1945.
Which is self-explanatory.
I mean, they kept quiet because they didn't want to get sent off to war or go to bed without
Which was, I think, just gruel and a carrot or something.
Those born from 1901 to 1927 were called the greatest generation. They went
through two world wars, the tail end of the industrial revolution and the great depression. They were the greatest generation, to that point, maybe.
But now, they're mostly all dead.
If they were really the greatest generation, they wouldn't have died, would they?
Gen X invented the internet, CGI, MTV, electric cars, cell phones, laptop computers, skateboarding, hip hop, and grunge music.
And we were the first generation to ever play a video game.
You're welcome.
And by the way, we did all that
without any adult supervision or helmets
or any other safety equipment.
Look what your generation did with all that that we gave you. We got TikTok and Instagram and veganism.
Selfies and face tattoos, Britney Spears and the Kardashians.
Thanks a lot, millennials.
You've achieved the utter collapse of society.
Thank you.
Derek Sagan,
coming out swinging
on behalf of Gen X
in what I've got to say,
I've heard you on a lot of debates.
That might be the most researched debate
you've ever done.
Now, here to tell us why Generation X
generates X amount of anger in him,
let's hear from Chad Anderson.
Generation X, the generation of people
born between 1965 and 1980.
Sorry, I'll speak up for the Gen Xers.
Generation X, the generation of people born
between 1965 and 1980.
Did you get that, Steve and Derek?
While I was Googling facts about Generation X,
one thing that kept coming up on every single page
was that they are commonly referred to
as the forgotten generation,
which if you're trying to prove that you're the best,
already off to a pretty bad start.
Besides, you can't be the best at anything
if you're unable to accept your flaws,
which is something Gen Xers are unable to do.
You see, us millennials, we know everyone hates us.
We know that everyone thinks we're spoiled and soft,
but we embrace that.
That's why we started cancel culture.
To get rid of old white guys like this.
Gen X, what have you done?
Nothing, you just sit back and think that being forgotten makes you cool
Ooh, so edgy and mysterious
Oh, but we're the last true generation of kids who played outside
And no one cared as long as we were home by the time the streetlights were on
Yeah, exactly, no one cared as we were home by the time the streetlights were on.
Yeah, exactly, no one cared.
You were left to your own devices and now look at you, sad, angry, and alone.
You're literally the reason
Unsolved Mysteries was a hit television show.
No one cared about you except for the people
who abducted you on such a frequent basis
that a television show needed to be made.
Thank you.
Chad Anderson.
Ladies and gentlemen, we got ourselves a debate here
on whether Gen X is the greatest generation,
and it's time now for the Bare Knuckle Round.
We're debating whether Gen X is generation most excellent.
So show us that you two slackers are the real A-team.
Don't be clueless or just say anything.
References only work if you're Gen X, I've now realized that.
Don't be clueless or just say anything.
Mull it over.
But know that it'll all come out in the acid wash.
Because Degrassi's always greener on the other side.
It's time to let your backbone slide, starting now.
I'd like to counter a couple points that Chad made.
First of all, we're not that old.
We can still hear very good.
We see fine also, too.
If you turned on the radio in the car, we could see fine.
And I'll have you know, I may be sad and I may be angry,
but I'm not alone.
I have three friggin' kids living in my house.
Not alone at all.
Uh, sure, your sight and your hearing's fine, but how's your back, Derek? I have freaking kids living in my house. Not alone at all.
Uh, sure, your sight and your hearing's fine,
but how's your back, Derek?
How's your back?
How's that doing?
How are those knees?
I heard them clicking a lot on the way up the stairs.
I've lived a life, buddy.
I've lived a life.
Derek made fun of my generation for wanting to be heard.
Sorry that we're the first generation that doesn't have Stockholm syndrome from our parents. Sorry that we're that.
Also the first generation that wasn't, we weren't allowed to hit.
Maybe there'd be a lot less canceling if we just punched you in the mouth when you were eight.
Like the good old days, eh Steve? There are people writing us letters here in the theatre. Right now.
I've already drafted a Facebook post about Derek. I've already drafted.
Derek spent most of his opening talking about how great other generations were.
You can't even talk positively about your own generations for a full two minutes.
I'm a millennial.
Give me space and time and I'll talk forever about us.
Tell me about it.
All right.
All right.
That is the Bare Knuckle Round, everybody.
It is time now for the firing line.
In my hand, I have a list of questions on Generation X
brought to you by the popular 90s paranormal show,
The Generation X-Files.
The Generation X-Files.
The youth is out there.
Some say Generation X got their name from a book by Canadian author Douglas Copeland There's a lot of people out there.
Some say Generation X got their name from a book by Canadian author Douglas Copeland called Generation X, Tales for what?
For smoking indoors.
Those were the days.
That is incorrect, but I think you just found your new biography title you've been looking for.
Tales for Flat Earthers.
The actual answer is Generation X.
Tales for an Accelerated Culture.
Note, it is a very Gen X thing to take credit for creating the term Gen X.
According to Pew Research, Gen X is the first generation that sees women doing what more than men?
The first generation where women are sleeping with their secretaries more than men.
I heard that from a friend.
Sometimes your mind is just like an open movie, you know that?
Gen X is the first generation that sees women getting bachelor degrees more than men.
Hmm. points out that so far,
Generation X has failed to do what in politics?
Value women and people of colour.
The crowd is sort of turning here in this conversation.
Gen X in politics has failed to have a candidate
not have a picture of themself in blackface surface.
Every single one.
The actual answer,
Gen X has failed to produce an American president.
Obama was born at the tail end of the baby boomer era,
and obviously the two current American candidates
were born before time was recorded.
According to,
when it comes to money,
compared to baby boomers and millennials,
Generation X has the most what?
Conspiracy theories about money.
I got a theme going here, Steve.
I see it.
I see it.
Some people are still angry.
One point.
One point.
Derek, say again.
We're the generation that has the most Canadian mint sets from our Nana.
That's a good answer. That's a good answer.
That's a good answer.
I got to give that one one and a half.
The buck 65 I can't spend.
Gen X has the most debt.
We did it, everyone.
The most debt.
That's the firing line, everyone.
Well, it's just about that magical time
when our Jubilee Place Theater votes.
But first, here again to tell us why
he considers Gen Xers to be the dorks of hazard.
His words, not mine.
Let's hear again from Chad Anderson. Look, a lot has been said here today about Generation X,
those sad, forgotten idiots. Gen X loves to fight for the truth. No other generation is as self-righteous online
as Generation X.
Unlike you, sheep, I'm not so easily fooled.
Oh, is that why you believe the Earth is flat
or that climate change isn't real?
Gen X, you're the reason we can't have nice things.
So in closing, no matter what happens here tonight,
win or lose, the comment section on the social media posts for this debate is going to be fire.
Which none of you know what that means.
Chad Anderson against Gen X. Now, here to tell us why he exclaims
that Generation X is the best example of any generation,
it's Dare-X.
Say again.
Gen X ravaged our bodies
jumping our suspensionless bicycle
over plywood ramp into bone-shattering concrete
while our buddies chucked lawn darts at us.
Gen Z is out there with their helmets and elbow pads,
rollerblading through the Rubber Road Park...
to go get a lactose-free latte.
Way to go, millennials.
Latte means milk, and you're getting latte sans latte.
Figured you eat hamburgers with no meat,
peanut butter with no peanut, bread with no bread in it.
Gluten means bread, right? I don't know.
Am I a scientist? Come on.
Whatever. Gen X grinded? Come on. Whatever.
Gen X grinded and hustled to pave the way
to easy street for you kids to enjoy.
If Gen X has one fault,
it's that we were too soft as parents
and have created a generation of friggin' muh-muhn.
Who for some reason believe that their opinion
and feelings are so important.
They're not, shut up!
Work harder, Their opinion and feelings are so important. They're not. Shut up!
Work harder, because my nursing home is not going to be cheap.
Thank you very much.
Derek Sagan, on behalf of Generation X,
a very strong closing argument.
He feels very confident about it, obviously. And audience,
it is just about time to vote. But just before you do, I'm being told that we actually have an important message on this subject. Ladies and gentlemen, it's Manitoba's Premier,
Wab Kanu. What? Premier Kanu, how do you do? How are you, sir? Thank you so much.
Well, thank you so much, Steve.
And as a Manitoban who's just outside of the cutoff for Derek's generation,
Generation X,
and just inside the cutoff for Chad's generation,
the millennial generation, I have to say that I identify sincerely
and see a lot of worth and have a ton of love for both groups.
And as somebody who would never, ever pander,
I do want to say that my vote is for a generation
that's active in their community,
that is passionate,
passionate about politics,
and is tech-sav savvy enough to make viral memes
about premiers changing car tires.
So my vote goes to Gen Z.
Thank you.
Premier Canoe, ladies and gentlemen.
What a great sport and a special treat for us.
Well, let's see if that affected the vote at all.
Ladies and gentlemen, who thinks that X marked the spot where Derek exalted Gen X Derek Sagan?
Derek Sagan.
All right, All right.
Listen to that. Listen to that.
And who thought that Chad's question,
why X, was, well, Zed,
Chad Anderson.
All right, and what do we got?
I don't know. So it is not definitive.
I love a premiere that brings people together rather than driving them apart.
It's a tie, ladies and gentlemen.
It's a tie.
Big hands for Derek Sagan and Chad Anderson.
Hey, Debaters fans.
For access to bonus content and details on upcoming tour dates,
be sure to follow us on Instagram at at CBC Debaters.
And now, back to Steve Patterson.
Hi there, listeners. Steve Patterson here.
If you're a frequent traveler like I am, you know that traveling's great.
But as a wise young girl with fancy red shoes once said, there's no place like home.
That's why when I travel, by myself or with my family,
I often book Airbnbs for that homey touch.
Like the one I stayed at in Stratford, Ontario recently,
where I performed a show and took in some Shakespeare.
Though to be clear, I didn't perform Shakespeare.
There's no perchance of that happening.
I was not meant to be, or not to be.
Anyway, my point is, I like the feeling of
home when I'm on the road, and I feel like I'm not alone in this, especially when I'm traveling with
my family, which got me thinking, when we're on the road, our house could be a home away from home
for fellow travelers, too, if we hosted on Airbnb. It just makes sense. Actually, it makes dollars,
and those dollars could help pay for our next family trip.
Your home might be worth more than you think.
Find out how much at slash host.
Something to prepend on and on.
Hey there, I'm David Common.
If you're like me, there are things you love about living in the GTA and things that drive you absolutely crazy.
Every day on This Is Toronto,
we connect you to what matters most about life in the GTA,
the news you've got to know,
and the conversations your friends will be talking about.
Whether you listen on a run through your neighbourhood
or while sitting in the parking lot that is the 401,
check out This Is Toronto wherever you get your podcasts.
Hey, Winnipeg, are you ready to meet your next pair of debaters?
Listen to that, Canada.
Listen to that crowd.
This comic says two bald men are a coincidence,
but three is a male pattern.
It's Edmonton's Kathleen McGee.
Kathleen McGee, there's Kathleen.
Striding to the podium to my left. Hi, Steve!
Hi, Kathleen.
Welcome back.
Thank you.
It's always good to be here.
And this comic once pitched a TV medical drama featuring elephants called Grey Anatomy.
It's Toronto's Hisham Khaladi!
Come on out, Hisham!
Welcome back, my friend.
Stevie P, what is good! Welcome back, my friend.
Stevie P, what is good?
Welcome back, brother.
Debaters, your topic is one that we would like to bring back to life.
Are they superior to ghosts?
Been wondering this for a while.
I will let our debaters breathe life into this topic,
but first I'd like to talk about the real angels of the world,
Volunteers, like the ones we have here at the Winnipeg Comedy Festival.
They drive comedians to shows.
They help comedy fans get perfectly situated
for maximum laugh potential.
They make performers and audience alike
feel at home in your fair city.
And one year, helping a certain comedian hosting a gala
get into a rather tight-rented RCMP Mountie surge,
which if it weren't for them,
he wouldn't have had a ghost of a chance
getting out of those pants.
So to all the volunteers in Winnipeg and beyond,
we salute you.
Time now for a spirited debate.
So, whereas angels are benevolent, helpful, and righteous,
be it resolved that angels are
superior to ghosts. Hisham, you are arguing for this, please. You have two minutes. Starting now,
Hisham Kaladi.
How is this up for debate? Really? Are you pro-angel or pro-ghost?
That's like saying, are you pro-happy
or pro-suffering existential dread
stemming from the reality that we are specks of dust
floating in a universe whose size
is so beyond our scope of understanding
that its measurement is infinity? Angels are exclusively helpful and
supportive. Take guardian angels, for example. They are a security blanket with wings. They're
always looking out for you, making sure you don't get hurt and in trouble. It's like they were
designed by an overbearing mother. And what's the opposite of a guardian angel? An enemy ghost.
Instead of helping you out, they heckle you while you suffer trauma like a see-through insult comic.
And even the term angel is lovely. Calling someone angelic means they're sweet and kind and beautiful. No one ever has said,
oh, my sweet little ghost.
Unless they're a godless pervert.
The only time anyone ever uses the term ghost is to describe when they got abandoned on a date.
Artists from all over the world
love painting angels
who are so adored that you only see them
in three kinds of settings.
At parties in heaven or hanging out with naked women.
Angels are literally 60s rock stars.
Thank you. I've been the angelic Hisham Kaladi.
Hisham Kaladi is all about the angels.
Thank you, Hisham.
Now, here singing a very different tune, kind of like, if there's something fun in your
neighborhood, who are you going to call?
I was going to say the debaters, but yes.
Let's hear from Kathleen McGee.
Thank you, Winnipeg.
When I die, I don't want to be an angel.
I want to be a ghost.
I don't want to help people.
I want to be an angel. I want to be a ghost. I don't want to help people.
I want to haunt people.
No one wants to be an angel.
Who wants a job after they die?
Making people uncomfortable and question their sanity
is so much fun.
And it's something I'm really good at already.
Angels are the hall monitors of the afterlife. Always watching, following people around,
and delivering messages from the great beyond
to people on Earth.
Angels really need to get a life.
Ghosts get to haunt places for fun.
When you're a ghost, you get to mess with people,
leaving cupboards open, hiding car keys,
and leaving underwear on the floor.
That's what the ghost that haunts my house does.
I'd rather float than fly.
Flying is too much cardio.
This is the afterlife.
You shouldn't have to do cardio in the afterlife.
In the grand celestial showdown,
angels might have their halos and their heavenly grace,
but let's talk practically here.
Ghosts don't need to worry about celestial bureaucracy or divine commandments.
They're the ultimate freelancers
of the afterlife.
Be your own boss.
Ghosts for the win.
Thank you.
Kathleen McGee,
on behalf of Ghosts, it's time now for the Bare Knuckle Round.
We're debating whether angels are superior to ghosts, so it's time for you paranormal debaters
to wing it and give your opponent a Gabriality check.
Prove to our listeners from ghost to ghost to ghost
that you're the brains of this apparition.
Because trust me, if you lose, it'll haunt you forever.
But if you win, it'll be heavenly.
Time to knock them dead, starting now.
I can't believe you say that ghosts aren't happy,
like Casper the friendly ghost.
Like, that's one.
And if you run into an angry ghost,
that says way more about
you than about anything else because when i'm a ghost i plan on haunting only terrible people
or businesses that got my simple order incorrect
you you mentioned uh ghost can't be happy and you said casper the friendly ghost was one
name two more thank you so much anyway, the cost of living has gone so high
that even when we're dead, we're still going to need jobs, okay?
We still need to pay for bills.
And if I were going to get a job,
I think Angel is a pretty good job, okay?
Oh, my God.
I can't think of a worse job
than having to follow around a stupid human
to make sure they don't fall in a sewer or something.
That sounds like a nightmare job.
And all the paperwork you have to do afterwards.
But the pension is heaven.
You understand?
The pension is heaven.
Okay, here's a fun little joke.
What's Canada's favorite type of angel?
Snow angels, okay?
It's a fun activity to do on a fresh snow day.
Flip it and you get snow ghosts,
which sounds like a rock band from North Alberta
made up of single dads.
Um... We just lost Alberta.
I'm so sorry, guys.
Listen, I am from Alberta,
and I'm extremely offended
because that was my uncle's band.
Okay, okay.
His lawyers will be in touch.
That's the fair enough around, everybody.
It's time now for the firing line.
In my hand, I have a list of questions
on angels versus ghosts,
brought to you by Chris Angel's new Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce.
It'll make your taste buds disappear.
According to,
one of the five types of ghosts is a funnel ghost,
which appears as a swirling spiral of light
and is believed to be what?
Your high school bully finally died.
That's pretty good A lot of bullies in the audience tonight
A haunted Dairy Queen blizzard
That'd be pretty good
No, the five type of ghost is a funnel ghost
Which appears as a swirling spiral of light
and is believed to be a loved one returning for a visit.
That's nice.
A 2023 poll found that 69% of Americans believe in angels,
while only 34% believe in what?
The truth.
Good answer.
Good answer. Good answer.
Listen to that.
That is a five-point answer, Kathleen.
Good work.
A 2023 poll that 69% of Americans believe in angels,
while only 34% believe in reincarnation.
And I believe that all polls should add up to 100%. But that's just me.
McGill University says that ghost hunters usually do what to gather evidence of the paranormal?
Hisham. Play Nickelback on loop on a huge speaker and see if the ghosts turn it off.
Good answer. Good answer. A little
shout out for Nugelbach. I'll give a point for that. Kathleen McGee. Fart in a room and see what
happens. Buy that. Buy that shirt. McGill University says ghost hunters usually do what
to gather evidence of the paranormal?
Generate as much noise as possible
with the instruments they deploy,
then comb through this noise for any anomalies,
which seems dumb.
I don't want to tell McGill University
ghost hunters how to do their job,
but that's a stupid thing to take in university.
That's the firing line, everybody.
Almost time for our Jubilee Place Theater
to pick a winner.
But first, here again,
let's hear from someone who, in the afterlife,
wants to be a ghost writer.
It's Kathleen McGee.
The afterlife is just that.
You finished your life here on Earth,
and now it's your time.
You don't need to be stressed out,
working for the man,
just like you were here on Earth.
You want to relax, have fun,
maybe find a beautiful mansion to live in.
You want the afterlife of a ghost, maybe find a beautiful mansion to live in. You want the
afterlife of a ghost. Sitting in the clouds, monitoring humans on earth sounds like a nightmare.
You're basically the CRA of heaven. Which makes sense because angels have no souls.
Angels have to follow divine rules, but ghosts?
Ghosts get to bend the laws of physics and haunt people's dreams and doesn't that sound
like a boo-tiful afterlife?
Thank you!
Kathleen McGee!
Yeah! Well done. Thank you. Kathleen McGee. Yeah.
Well done on behalf of ghosts,
and let's hope this one doesn't play during tax season.
Now, here in full transparency, to give angels a lift,
let's hear again from Hisham Kaladi.
To close my argument out,
I'm going to play a little game
where I make a ghost version
of an angel-based movie.
Angels in the outfield.
Angels playing baseball
sounds like a great Sunday.
Ghosts in the outfield
sounds like a Scandinavian
arthouse movie about sad farmers.
City of Angels sounds like a great vacation spot.
City of Ghosts, you mean Regina?
Boom. Touched by an Angel, an amazing TV show about an attendant of God coming down to provide help to various people who are at crossroads in their lives.
Touched by a Ghost is the Halloween episode of Law & Order SVU. In conclusion, angels are holier, far superior,
and just overall better than ghosts.
And if you think otherwise, you're going to hell.
Thank you, I've been Hisham Kaladi.
Hisham Kaladi, putting it together in a nice bow.
The audience has a lot to think about.
Let's see what our living judges have decided.
By applause, who agreed with Hisham's angel angle
and praised it on high?
Hisham Kaladi.
Nice support for Hisham.
And who here thought Kathleen's argument
on behalf of ghosts
was calm, ghoul, and collected?
Kathleen McGee.
The audience has spoken.
They prefer the ghosts.
The winner is Kathleen McGee.
Ghosts are better than angels.
Big hand for Kathleen McGee.
And Hesham Kalani, everybody.
Well, that's all for this week.
I'm Steve Patterson saying to all the ghosts and angels listening to CBC right now,
thanks for boosting our ratings.
I'll argue with you again soon, Canada.
Good night!
The Debaters is created by Richard Seid.
This week's episode was produced by Nicole Callender, Chloe Edbrook, Dean Jenkinson, and Graham Clark.
With continuity by Graham Clark, Dean Jenkinson and Graham Clark.
With continuity by Graham Clark, Diana Francis and Gary Jones.
Technical production by James Perella and Lloyd Peterson.
Story editing by Gary Jones.
With special thanks to Katie Ellen Humphries, David Pride and Emily Ferrier.
Executive producer of CBC Radio Comedy is Lee Pitts.
And thanks to everyone at the Jubilee Place Theatre and the Winnipeg Comedy Festival.