The Deck - James Winston III (9 of Clubs, Kansas)

Episode Date: September 21, 2022

Our card this week is James A. Winston, lll, the 9 of Clubs from Kansas. James Winston III, a 35-year-old father of six, was waiting for a friend to come over in the wee morning hours of February 16,... 2020, when two unknown individuals barged into his apartment and shot him to death. There are many questions still swirling around James’ homicide that leave detectives stumped, but there’s one thing those closest to the case are confident about: James knew his killers. If you have any information about the murder of James Winston III in February 2020, please contact the Wichita Police Department at 316-268-4609 or email To learn more about The Deck, visit To apply for the Cold Case Playing Cards grant through Season of Justice, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Our card this week is James Winston III, the nine of clubs from Kansas. In February 2020, James was sitting in his Wichita Kansas apartment when suddenly two people barged in in the dead of night, shot him and fled, leaving behind a heartbroken family. Investigators think they know the motive behind James' murder, but their investigation has been frustrated by a lack of cooperation from the very people that they think hold the answers. I'm Ashley Flowers, and this is The Deck. It was just before 3am, I wasth, 2020, and a woman named Tara Hampton had just arrived at her friend James' apartment complex.
Starting point is 00:01:17 James had called Tara up an hour or so prior and had invited her to come over and hang out. When Tara walked up to his door, she noticed that it was slightly a jar. No big deal, he had told her over the phone that he'd leave it unlocked. And she could just let herself in whenever she got there. So she did just that. She stepped inside and looked down the hall into James' bedroom where she saw him lying on his bed. She walked towards his room, and she must have assumed he was asleep because he wasn't
Starting point is 00:01:45 moving or responding to her. But then, she saw blood, and lots of it. Tara pulled out her cell phone and frantically dialed 911. Within minutes, first responders were on scene. It was clear James had been shot multiple times, but he was still somehow clinging to life, though unconscious, so EMS rushed him to the nearest hospital. Once EMS cleared out, investigators started their sweep of the apartment. Right away, there was something they found rather odd.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Nothing seemed out of place. No sign of a struggle. Nothing appeared to be missing, and it seemed like the shooter hadn't left anything behind other than the 10 spent shell casings which were collected and eventually uploaded to the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network or N.I.B.I.N. The casings were two different calibers,
Starting point is 00:02:39 which right away told police that they might be looking for more than one suspect, but they were struggling to find anything else to collect as evidence. Detective Robert Chism with the Wichita Police Department responded to the scene that day, and he said that it was pretty clear right away that they would be strapped for evidence. From what we can tell, they walked up, they shot him, they ran off. They walked up, they shot him, they ran off. They didn't go through the house, didn't appear to have been searched, anything like that. Once the casings were collected, investigators started the process of looking for any areas
Starting point is 00:03:18 that might have had the shooter's DNA. Investigators dusted for fingerprints, swabbed all the doors and door handles and any other areas they felt like might have been touched by the shooter or shooters. They searched for any shoe prints inside and outside his apartment, but their thorough searches turned up nothing. While they were searching every nook and cranny for something, anything to hang their hats on, they got word that James had passed away in the hospital. He'd been pronounced dead not long after arriving. At the same time, word of the crime was spreading
Starting point is 00:03:50 like wildfire. Friends and family started to gather outside of the apartment waiting to find out what had happened to James. Investigators eventually came out and told them what happened, and they asked everyone to come down to the station for interviews. Several of the people agreed to interviews, including some of James' family members, even his kid's babysitter. But possibly most importantly, James' girlfriend and the mother of his six-week-old daughter,
Starting point is 00:04:17 Valin Borel, agreed to be interviewed as well. A reporting team spoke with Valin for this episode, and she said that when police were questioning her, she honestly felt like a suspect. But she was willing to answer any questions they had if it would help them catch James's killer. This whole time like my head is just spinning so fast because we have a six week old baby and she'll never get to, I'm thinking, you know, she'll never get to touch her dad, she'll never get to see her dad, she'll never get to smell her dad, she'll never have her own dad.
Starting point is 00:04:50 And she's only six weeks old. James had five other kids by other women and Valin was worried for them too. One of his kids was a newborn who was literally just hours old. Two of James' kids lived with him, but they were thankfully at their grandma's house that night. And as Valens sat there at the police station, she couldn't help but think of those six kids who were now fatherless. But Valens pushed through her tears
Starting point is 00:05:17 and answered police's questions, the first being how she had found out that something had happened to James. She told investigators that she was sleeping soundly that morning, finally getting some rest after a long weekend of celebrating her birthday. But at some point, she woke up. And before drifting back to sleep, she decided to do a quick scroll through Facebook. Still half asleep, Valent thought that she saw a post with a picture of James' apartment
Starting point is 00:05:43 and what looked like his car parked out front. It was a link to a news story posted by local ABC affiliate CAKE NEWS, so Valent clicked on the story to get a closer look. And that's when her stomach dropped. She didn't even read the story, but she could see clearly now that it was James' apartment in the picture, and she knew right away that something terrible had happened. Ballon dropped everything, ran to her car, and drove to James' place still barefoot.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Investigators asked Ballon if she knew of anyone who would want to hurt James. And what she told police echoed what everyone else they interviewed had to say. There were some people who had it out for him. Everyone pointed the finger at the same family. The McPherson's. It was well known that the McPherson's held a longstanding grudge against James, because they blamed him for the death
Starting point is 00:06:36 of one of their family members in 2017, Maya McPherson. You see, at one point, Maya and James were a couple. They lived together and had two kids. But during their relationship, James was going through some turbulent times. He was struggling with substance use disorder, and that led to some run-ins with the law and ultimately jail time. Now, while he was locked up, Maya passed away from a drug overdose, which the McPherson family blamed James for, claiming that he pressured
Starting point is 00:07:05 her back into drugs after she'd gotten clean. After her death, Maya's mom, who we're going to call Wilma, got custody of their two kids since James was still in jail, but once he got out, he regained custody. Maya's family was far from happy about this, so the McPherson's took James to court and fought for custody, but ultimately ultimately the judge sided with James. But it's not like Maya's family was totally cut off. The end arrangement was that James got custody of the kids throughout the week, and Wilma would take them on the weekend. But the McPherson's weren't happy about that. At the time of James's death, Wilma was in the process of taking James to court again.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I mean, things were messy. And some of Maya's relatives had even gone as far as making death threats toward James. But it wasn't just verbal threats. Police learned that earlier that very week, James and one of Maya's male relatives got into a physical altercation. Detective Chism wasn't under the impression that the fight was too violent. It wasn't reported to police and to his knowledge nobody needed medical attention. But any kind of fight like this before someone dies is something that's really going to
Starting point is 00:08:12 stick out in hindsight, right? And there was something else police learned about the McPherson family that really raised some eyebrows. Another one of Maya's male relatives, who'd also been pretty vocal about his feelings toward James, had just finished serving a prison sentence for domestic battery. He'd been released from prison just a matter of hours before James was killed. Investigators knew that they needed to track this guy down, but not before they finished
Starting point is 00:08:38 interviewing everybody else who came to the station. James' family and friends said aside from the issues with Maya's family, James' life had been quiet recently. After Maya died in 2017, James was determined to turn his life around for the sake of his kids. He got clean, got a well-paying job at a meat-packing plant in Wichita, and he never looked back. He'd recently gotten his first apartment
Starting point is 00:09:10 and was doing his best to provide for his family. Sure, he had struggled with substance use in the past, but that was all behind him. He was moving forward. He had the biggest heart of anybody that I knew and he would give you his absolute last without even thinking about it. It was out question.
Starting point is 00:09:29 He was very dependable. He was a very, very, very great dad and nothing was more important in this world than his kids. But as they interviewed more people, it became clear that the McPherson's weren't moving forward. At least based on what the police heard from the kids babysitter, who we're going to call Tanya.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Tanya actually did some housekeeping stuff for James on the side, and she was there the day that James was killed. She'd been there doing some dishes and some other light housekeeping while he was at work, and she said that while she was working, two men stopped by the apartment. They were Maya's relatives, and they were looking for cigarettes. Now, Tanya said that this wasn't exactly abnormal. I guess people often came over to James' apartment to get some cigarettes from her because she was known in the area as this kind of go-to person for that.
Starting point is 00:10:21 But just in case those two guys were somehow connected to James' murder, Tanya gave police their names. While detectives were conducting these interviews, officers were canvassing James' neighborhood, hoping that someone had seen something and was willing to talk. But as they knocked on door, after door, their hopes were dashed. No one had seen anyone or anything suspicious that night. Only one neighbor even reported hearing anything. They said that they heard gunshots at around 2 a.m. than a woman screaming at around three, which police figure was Tara discovering James. But the canvas did uncover something helpful. A house across the street from James' apartment had a few surveillance cameras.
Starting point is 00:11:05 And that really gave detectives something to work with. You can actually see the footage in the blog post for this episode on our website, At 2.10am, the camera caught a sedan slowly driving down the street beside James' apartment. Then it parked on the side of the road. Moments later, at 2.12am, two people are seen getting out of the car. They walk out of frame in the direction of James' apartment, and then 40 seconds later, they are seen running away from James' apartment, darting toward their car. I mean, they are booking it.
Starting point is 00:11:40 It's easy to miss them in the footage because they're running so fast that they just look like blurs across the screen. Seconds after you see those blurs, you see the car's tail lights pop on, but not the headlights. And the car peels out of its parking spot, then drives to the intersection, turns left, and continues out of frame. Now, even though we're talking about a case from 2020, we are somehow still dealing with really crappy footage.
Starting point is 00:12:07 The quality itself is pretty low and coupled with the fact that the stretch of road isn't well lit, it is so difficult to make out honestly anything about these people, gender, race, clothing, and it was even harder to know what kind of car they were driving. But investigators found another surveillance camera further down the street.
Starting point is 00:12:27 And using that, they were able to grab a high quality image of the car that they were looking for. A light-colored Chevy Sedan, possibly an Impala or a Malibu. Aside from giving police a car description, this footage told them three other important things. One, it confirmed what they had already suspected. There were two shooters. Two, thanks to the timestamps on the camera,
Starting point is 00:12:51 they knew the exact time that the attack had happened. And most disturbingly of all was number three. The whole ambush took less than a minute, only 40 seconds. To police, this meant that the killers had one intention that night, to kill James. It was a calculated, hit job, but by whom? In the days following James's murder, police tracked down the three relatives of Maya's, who were brought up in their initial interviews. Police contacted the two guys who came by that day to get cigarettes, but only one of them
Starting point is 00:13:24 was willing to talk to investigators. He wasn't super cooperative with the questioning, but he denied any involvement in James' death. Do you have any reason to believe that those men had come over to stake things out to then return later to the kill James? I can always think, you know, I mean, it sounds reasonable to me that they were there for something more than just cigarettes, but once again, as far as what I can prove and move forward with at this point, I don't have any reason to say that they weren't just there to visit and get cigarettes. So investigators moved on to Maya's other relatives
Starting point is 00:14:09 that they wanted to track down. Specifically, the one who'd been released from prison just hours before James was found dead in his bedroom. But that guy wouldn't cooperate with an interview either. He wouldn't so much as provide an alibi. He was completely closed-lipped. And this was a frustrating pattern with many of Maya's family members. The male relatives on the first-side were not cooperative.
Starting point is 00:14:32 We interviewed a number of them. They weren't very cooperative at all. As the days and weeks passed by, the tips slowed down and hope that James' killer would be caught faded. They had almost no physical evidence to work with, and the people they needed to talk to were refusing to cooperate. Things were at a standstill. James' case seemed to go cold and his family was left to pick up the pieces. James' sister, Danielle Winston, said losing her brother left a hole in her life that she'll never be able to fill. Because he was more than just her brother.
Starting point is 00:15:06 He was her best friend. They had different mothers and were only three months apart, so they grew up telling everyone that they were twins. She'd watched him go through a lot of struggles throughout his life, but she also had a front row seat to him overcoming those. He was just becoming a man. It was immature, but a lot of his life. Life wasn't important until it came to it have to be important.
Starting point is 00:15:33 A battle with his children fighting for custody of his kids after his wife had passed. He succeeded, he won that battle. He got himself a job, a good job, $20 an hour job. He got his first apartment. He was doing everything rightly, leading up to his death. Not a gang member, not a violent person, a funny, lovable, drunk.
Starting point is 00:16:07 But funny, and lovable. Danielle said that her brother was an incredible poet. He didn't like to share his poems much, but would often give them to her, and she keeps a poem that he wrote about her proudly displayed in her living room. It almost sounds cliche to say that my brother didn't have a bad bone in his body because he's my brother. You can ask a million people. I swear they're all going to say the same.
Starting point is 00:16:35 That boy walked in and there was just a light. It was a light inside of him. There was them for no apparent reason. He was literally at the peak of greatness, of doing great things of these kids never won for anything. He finally clicked. It finally happened. Forget the streets and then the race about these kids. Teen Winston, Teen Winston, Teen Winston.
Starting point is 00:17:02 He was definitely at a speed of becoming the man that he was supposed to be. And I was taken from him. Valin also got to witness James becoming his best self. One of her favorite memories of him was an interaction at the supermarket that happened just a few months before his passing. I was trying to teach him how to budget his money. And we went into Walmart and he was just so excited.
Starting point is 00:17:29 He was so excited about everything. So he was so excited that he was gonna learn how to budget his money. So I said, okay, I'm gonna show you how to get groceries with $40. You can get a couple of meals with that. This is way before inflation. But we go in Walmart and we're on the second aisle.
Starting point is 00:17:46 I'm like, okay, you don't need a list. You just need to know what you're getting. There's a little kid on the aisle. He's screaming in his mom's head. I don't have any money. I don't have enough money for that. We just have enough money to get the things we came for. James only had $40 and gave the kid 20 bucks.
Starting point is 00:18:08 So we were, I was like, what are you doing? And he was like, he wants a toy and his mom can afford it. And he was like, he's crying. But he would just love people. And he loved kids and he just didn't want to see anybody hurt and he didn't want to see anybody suffering. Memory is like that or what James' family clung to as they greed the loss of a giant in their lives and came to grips with the fact that his killer might never be caught.
Starting point is 00:18:31 For months, the investigation was stagnant, but in June 2020, there was finally a development in the case. Investigators got a hit in the N.I.B.I.N. Some of the casings found in James' apartment matched some bullets found at another scene of another murder. The other murder happened in Kansas City, Missouri on June 6. That's about four months after James was killed. There was a big outdoor gathering and a huge fight broke out. Lots of shots were fired, and one man was killed. His name was Montel Ridley.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Investigators in James' case did some digging, but they couldn't find any connection between Montel and James besides the bullets that they were killed with. The two victims didn't seem to know each other, and detectives weren't aware of any strong connections any of their suspects had to Kansas City. But the two cities are only about a three-hour drive apart, so it could have been anyone on their suspect list, or the gun could have been a street gun
Starting point is 00:19:41 that found its way to Missouri. This lead didn't give detectives much information, but they wouldn't have to wait much longer for another development, one that would give them a lot more to work with. A month later in July, police got another N.I.B.I.N. hit. This time, it was because one of the murder weapons had been recovered in Kansas City, Missouri. There'd been a car jacking that led to a big police chase and ended with the suspect wrecking a stolen car. Now, the suspect bailed and the police weren't able to catch him or positively identify
Starting point is 00:20:14 him, but inside the stolen car, they found a gun, which they took into evidence. And as was protocol, they test-fired the gun and uploaded the casings to N.I.B.I.N. to see if there were any matches to other crimes. And lo and behold, there were two. With all of this information, investigators were able to track the gun back to the original purchaser, a woman from Wichita who were going to call Stacey. As far as detective Chism knows, Stacey didn't know James or any of the suspects in his case, but she was known to associate with a rough crowd.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Through some digging, police learned that she herself didn't have a criminal record, and she actually did purchase the gun legally. Detective Chisholm reached out to Stacey, explain the situation to her, and asked her if he could just ask her some questions. Originally she acted as if she wanted to cooperate, but it was, you know, very, she wasn't answering questions, and then she was going to get back to me. She had to look at something and she had to check her paperwork or she wanted to do this or she wanted to do that and she'd call me back.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Of course, she doesn't call back. I call her again after multiple attempts go to her house. Multitense to make contact. She does call me, but then doesn't provide any more information. Doesn't want to talk to me. Hangs up. That's been our relationship, you might say. She is not what I would call cooperative.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Detective Chism said it's frustrating that she won't talk because he thinks that she may hold the information they need to close the case. And he doesn't have enough probable cause to execute a search warrant for her house or charge her with any kind of crime. She's just not being cooperative. And that lack of cooperation when dealing with local law enforcement in and of itself does not constitute a crime.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Right now, I can't tell you if the gun was stolen from her. If it was borrowed by somebody, if it was sold to somebody, or if even she's a suspect. Because once again, in the videos, you can't tell race sex You know gender of the persons involved But I don't have any other information right now that would lead me to know or connect her to
Starting point is 00:22:41 Either one of these young men who were killed Since those N.I.B.I.N. hits, there has been little movement in James' case, but detective Chism hasn't given up the fight. He's still trying to track down some of Maya's relatives for questioning, and he's also looking out for anyone with a vehicle, similar to the one caught on surveillance cameras. It's just very difficult to get past that James' life was so centered at
Starting point is 00:23:08 that moment. I mean there wasn't a lot of external noise in his life. Even though it's been two years since the last big development in this case, James's loved ones haven't given up hope. Valin told us, she thinks it's only a matter of time before James' killers are caught. The thing that I know about people is that relationships change, so the people who you think are going to keep your secret forever will not. We asked her what she would say to the person
Starting point is 00:23:40 who took James' life if she got the chance. I would just let them know that they took away a very, very, very beautiful soul from this earth. They put out a light and a very bright soul. And it wasn't fair and it wasn't right. And he still had so much life to live. And he still had kids to raise. It kids to be a part of, it memories to make with his kids and birthday parties to celebrate and he's not gonna get to do that anymore and it's because you
Starting point is 00:24:16 guys were selfish or you got mad or you decided to use a gun instead of your mouths to have a conversation and at some in time, we got to put the guns down. And it's start talking. For James' family and friends, it's been excruciating, trying to figure out how to move on without their sweet, loving goofy James. When they took little James two years ago, they definitely took half of me. And I have not been able to recover.
Starting point is 00:24:50 So many different emotions as a sister losing a brother is no greater or no less than a mother, a wife, a girlfriend, a baby mama, a niece, you know, a nephew, pain is pain, and I carry it heavily. My life will never be the same. It will never go back to Vietnam. There is no more normal. This didn't normal. Your brothers gone. So you as a human, how could you function in society?
Starting point is 00:25:28 When you know that someone murdered somebody close to you that was close to them? That make you think that maybe they were close to me too? Do I know my brother's murder? Do they sit on my couch with me? Do they come to family functions? Do we bump each other in the club? Is that them and Wal-Mart talking to me and hugging me? do we bump each other in the club? Is that them and Wal-Mart talking to me and hugging me? James' family has gone two long years without answers. His six children are having to grow up without their father. And the monsters who took his life are still roaming the streets.
Starting point is 00:25:57 James' loved ones deserve answers, and James deserves justice. If you have any information about the murder of James Winston III in 2020, please contact Detective Robert Chism with the Wichita Police Department at 316-268-4609 or you can email The deck will be off next week, but we will return the following week with a brand new episode. The Deck is an audio-chuck production with theme music by Ryan Lewis to learn more about
Starting point is 00:26:46 the Deck and our advocacy work visit the So what do you think, Chuck? Do you approve?

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