The Deck - Jennifer Wilson (9 of Diamonds, Kansas)

Episode Date: January 25, 2023

Our card this week is Jennifer Wilson, the 9 of Diamonds from Kansas. In 2002, 29-year-old Jennifer vanished without a trace after getting into a heated argument with her live-in girlfriend. For two decades, Jennifer’s disappearance has puzzled investigators, because even though they think they know who’s responsible, they’ve struggled to come up with answers to the two remaining questions in her case: what happened, and where is Jennifer? Jennifer was in her late twenties when she went missing. She was about 5’7” and 115 pounds. She had blue eyes and long brown curly hair. She wore contacts, had a broken front tooth that was repaired, and had scars on her waistline and under her chin. She normally wore baseball caps and sweatshirts. She’d be 49 years old today and would possibly be going by the name Sidney or Sydney. If you know anything about the disappearance of Jennifer Wilson, or if Brenda Leonard has ever talked to you about Jennifer’s disappearance, please call the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office at 316-660-3799 or email them at  To learn more about The Deck, visit To apply for the Cold Case Playing Cards grant through Season of Justice, visit Follow The Deck on social media and join Ashley’s community by texting (317) 733-7485 to stay up to date on what's new!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Our card this week is Jennifer Wilson, the 9 of diamonds from Kansas. In 2002, 29-year-old Jennifer vanished without a trace after getting into a heated argument with her living girlfriend. For over two decades, Jennifer's disappearance has puzzled the community because even though investigators think they know who's responsible, they've struggled to come up with the answers to the two remaining questions in her case. What happened and where is Jennifer? I'm Ashley Flowers, and this is The Deck. It was just after 6pm on March 29th, 2004, when the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office got
Starting point is 00:01:12 a call from a distressed mother. Her name was Paulette Mattingley, and she said that her daughter was missing. Paulette said she hadn't seen or heard from her daughter Jennifer in 18 months. Now, Jennifer was a full-on adult, in fact her 31st birthday was just days away. And Paulette said that even though they lived in the same county, they didn't really communicate a ton. It wasn't like the two of them had a strange relationship, it's just that life was busy, and on top of that, they worked conflicting shifts.
Starting point is 00:01:42 So it wasn't unusual for them to go months without talking. But over a year, Pallette thought that was a bit much. And there was something else adding to her worry. I couldn't get a hold of Brenda. And I called her and she would never return my calls. Brenda Leonard was Jennifer's longtime girlfriend. Pallette told the deputate this was strained because she and Brenda used to be in pretty regular contact. They actually started keeping in touch around the time that Paulette last saw her daughter. It all started in September of 2002
Starting point is 00:02:14 when Brenda showed up at Paulette's house in tears. Brenda came over and she told me, crying that she had an argument with Jennifer and Jennifer, and they got really upset. And so she just left in the car for a while and when she came back Jennifer was gone. Well, I can understand them getting mad enough to just want to get away from each other for a while. And so that's one thing. I believed everything Brenda told me. She cried, carried on and all this stuff. And then she would come back a couple of days later and see if I'd heard from Jennifer.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Well, I hadn't. Brenda also mentioned that Jennifer had left behind her beloved German shepherd, Zimpsady, and Paulette knew how much that dog meant to her daughter. There was no way she would abandon Sadie forever, no matter how mad she was at Brenda. So at the time, Paulette thought for sure Jennifer would just pop back up again,
Starting point is 00:03:06 it's just a matter of time. But Jennifer didn't pop back up. Over the coming months, Brenda would check in with Paulette to see if she'd heard from Jennifer and Paulette would check in with Brenda, but neither of them ever did hear from her. Brenda would also go over to Paulette's place just to cry and talk about how much she missed Jennifer. But as time went on, Brenda's communication with Paulette grew less frequent. She'd call for big things like to tell Paulette that Jennifer's dog Sadie had been hit by a car and died. But by August 2003, Brenda's communication had stopped altogether. Paulette said she grew worried, so that fall, as sort of a last-ditch effort, she tried
Starting point is 00:03:45 to contact Brenda the only other way she could think of. And so I called where she worked, and they said, oh, she didn't work here anymore. I thought, oh, and she didn't even tell me. Paulette waited a few more months hoping Brenda would reach back out, but by mid-March 2004, she was tired of waiting. So she contacted a mutual friend of Brenda and Jennifer's to see if she had heard anything from either of them recently. And what this woman said made Paulette's stomach drop.
Starting point is 00:04:16 The friend said that Brenda had been telling people that Jennifer wasn't missing, and that Paulette had actually told her Jennifer moved to Kansas City. Understandably, this gives Paulette a very bad feeling, one that she couldn't shake. So about a week later, she decided that it was time to contact police. Paulette told the deputy that she knew something wasn't right, and authorities had a bad feeling too, and because they were already 18 months behind the ball, they wasted no time jumping into a full-scale investigation. And naturally, the first item on their checklist
Starting point is 00:04:52 was to find Brenda, which actually proved to be a challenge. She was no longer living at the home that she and Jennifer had once shared, and she was no longer working at the then-angels nightclub where she'd been a bouncer for a long time. It kinda seemed like she just dropped off the face of the Earth. But investigators didn't give up. As they were looking into Brenda, they got an idea.
Starting point is 00:05:14 She does dialysis. She was doing it three times a week, and I knew where she got her dialysis, and they were there waiting for her when she came in for it. Investigators got Brenda to agree to an interview and she came down to the station to answer their questions. She told investigators that she and Jennifer had gotten into a fight back in September 2002. She didn't clarify what they were arguing about but Brenda said that she left the house
Starting point is 00:05:39 and drove around in Jennifer's car for a bit just to cool off. And when she came back, Jennifer was just gone. Now Jennifer's stuff was all there, like her clothing and again her dog, but Jennifer herself had vanished and then just never returned. Brenda made it seem like after that she just kind of continued on with life as normal. Well, almost normal. During the five hour long interview, investigators somehow got it out of Brenda that she had stolen Jennifer's identity. She was actually using her social security number to work at a new job and get Jennifer's social security checks. It's almost like she
Starting point is 00:06:15 knew Jennifer wouldn't be using her social security number herself or collecting her own checks. As if that wasn't a big enough red flag on its own, Brenda also got caught in a lie. She told me that one thing had happened to Jennifer's dog and she told the Sheriff's Department a totally different thing. And I had the only reason that we know that that was a lie is because one of them is a lie, one of them may be true. Even on top of the Social Security thing, this lie wasn't enough for police to prove that she'd done something to Jennifer, or even knew more than she was letting on, but
Starting point is 00:06:52 it certainly added to their suspicion, because if she was lying about that, what else was she lying about? Well, it was going to be hard to find out. Here's investigator Jeremy Null with the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office. Somebody knocked at the door during the interview and the detective had to step out. And when he came back in to continue the interview, she basically said, I want to talk to my attorney. I don't want to talk to you anymore. Of course, she didn't have to talk with police. She had the right to remain silent
Starting point is 00:07:23 and the right to an attorney, but her sudden refusal to cooperate left investigators wondering why she stopped talking and what she wasn't telling them. I was told after they talked to Brenda that they didn't believe she left on her own and they thought something bad had happened. But I didn't want to believe it was that she was dead. I did not want to believe that."
Starting point is 00:07:46 Paulette thought there was a chance Jennifer was still out there alive. In fact, she had an idea of where she might be. You see, Paulette had adopted Jennifer when she was a baby, and for the past several years, Jennifer had wanted to seek out and meet her birth family. Paulette was always supportive of this, but they had trouble tracking down her biological parents. So Paulette thought maybe Jennifer had suddenly found them and that's where she had disappeared too. Maybe she was with her birth family wherever they were. So I did look for them.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And if I had known how easy it was, I would have done it way sooner. All I had to do, I knew her last name, I knew the town where she was born, and I looked online, and I got the names and addresses of everybody that lived in that little town that had that last name, and I wrote a centilliter to every one of them, telling them what I was looking for and why. And within four days I had three people call me all on one day. Her father, her grandmother, and her aunt. Sadly though, Jennifer's birth family hadn't seen or heard from her either.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Like Paulette, the Sheriff's Office was also coming up empty with their investigation. They had searched the house Brenda and Jennifer lived in back in 2002 but found nothing of value there. I think it occurred us really a lot too that we were so far behind the ball on this cold case because you know what it was reported to us, I think there had already been two other occupants that had lived in that home. So whatever evidence may have been there was completely gone at the time that we actually got this. With or without physical evidence though, detectives were convinced something had happened to
Starting point is 00:09:29 Jennifer, and that she didn't just up and leave on her own. Police spent the following months tracking down and interviewing people who knew Jennifer and Brenda. They wanted to know what their relationship was like and what Brenda had been telling other people about Jennifer's disappearance. There were a couple of old acquaintances of theirs that worked at the angels at the time that Jennifer and Brenda both worked there. These acquaintances told detectives they remembered the day Jennifer disappeared well because there was an argument between her and Brenda leading up to her disappearance that started
Starting point is 00:10:03 at work. Their fight was so loud and so disruptive that both were sent home. Now nobody could recall exactly what day that was, but they said after that, Jennifer stopped coming in to work. Some of them said that they found it odd that Jennifer just wasn't showing up so they'd ask Brenda, hey where's Jennifer? And Brenda would say the same thing. We had a fight, I came back home, Jennifer's gone.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Jennifer's friend said she would have never left that dog. She would have never left that dog at that house. The fact that Jennifer left Sadie behind wasn't the only thing making co-workers and friends suspicious. You see, over the years, Brenda had sort of developed a reputation. People would say that Brenda was very rougher in the edges, very gruff, tough. I mean, she was a bouncer at the the the gentleman's club.
Starting point is 00:10:55 They said that she were like combat boots all the time and you just knew you didn't f*** with Brenda. Friends also said Brenda was a jealous person with serious anger issues. One of her former partners had even filed a PFA or protection from abuse against Brenda at one point. After learning all of this, police were more confident than ever that Brenda was lying about what happened with Jennifer.
Starting point is 00:11:18 So by the time fall 2005 rolled around, investigators were ready to talk to Brenda again. They asked her to sit down for a polygraph, but this was right around the time that Brenda was being prosecuted for illegally using Jennifer's Social Security number. So by this point, she had loyered up. And her lawyer, in no uncertain terms, told investigators his client, wasn't willing to play ball. After that, the investigation slowed to a screeching halt. Investigators didn't have a shred of physical evidence, and the one person they were confident
Starting point is 00:11:57 held the answers to their questions refused to talk. Over the coming months and years, police were turned to Brenda and Jennifer's old property a few times with cadaver dogs, but nothing turned up and the case remained pretty much motionless. In June 2013, more than a decade after Paulette had last seen Jennifer, Paulette had her daughter legally declared dead. She told The Witcha Talk Eagle that it wasn't a decision she took lightly because she was initially so hopeful that Jennifer was out there somewhere. But as the years passed with no sign of her, she knew the likelihood of that was dwindling, and she was forced to accept the fact that her daughter was never coming home.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Paulette missed so much about Jennifer, the way she would randomly write her letters, or love on any animal that she found, or light up a room with one of her jokes or pranks. Paulette would often think back to one of her favorite memories of an elaborate prank that Jennifer pulled on her friends back in high school. Jennifer was setting up a deal to have people, she was interviewing them. But when she played it back, she played different questions. And so she was getting them to answer one way, which would make sense. But then when she put in the, oh, the bought her own voices later, it made them look really stupid.
Starting point is 00:13:13 So those are the kind of things she would do with her friends, you know, laughing. But they had a great time that night. They set up all sorts of little gimmicks where they would catch each other in a embarrassing problem, hopefully, embarrassing. It was memories like that, Paulette Clung 2, as the investigation fizzled, and she began to lose hope that she'd ever know what happened to her daughter. But then, in 2014, the Settlerwood County Sheriff's Office dove headfirst into a cold case initiative.
Starting point is 00:13:43 They dusted off Jennifer's file and poured over it with fresh eye, seeing if there was any more that they could do, or if there was anything missed in the initial investigation. And they decided, yes, there still was plenty they could do. I mean, for starters, no one from their team had even spoken to Brenda in 10 years. That's a long time for a guilty conscience to eat away at someone. So in 2016, they tracked her down and went to have an informal conversation with her. Two of our detectives went to the house and just kind of talked to her, you know, hey, we wanted to talk to you about Jennifer. They weren't there very long. One of the detectives
Starting point is 00:14:20 used the word s**t or crap or something and she said, oh, I'm offended by your language, get out. After being kicked out by Brenda, investigators knew that they were gonna have a hard time getting her to talk anymore. So they started to shake the tree a bit. So we started interviewing a bunch of her close friends. And what was really interesting about that was most of her close friends had heard of Jennifer.
Starting point is 00:14:47 They'd heard the name, but each group of friends was told a different story about where Jennifer was. That A, she disappeared, B, Brenda said, I saw her up in Kansas City a few years ago. Another story was that, oh yeah, I just talked to her a few years ago. I think she's up in North East Kansas somewhere." Other friends said Brenda told them she'd talked to Jennifer pretty recently. It was clear that she was telling different people different things. While it was certainly helpful to learn about Brenda's lies, they already knew she was a liar.
Starting point is 00:15:19 That wasn't helping. But when one door closes, a window opens. Or maybe you pry open the door, whatever you need to do. Either way, there was someone close to Brenda that they really hadn't talked to you before now, and they thought that person might have some important info. And that's Brenda's nephew, who we're gonna call Dominic. Detective knew that Brenda was super close to Dominic.
Starting point is 00:15:41 They knew Brenda and Jennifer had practically raised Dominic's stepson. So if Brenda had actually done something to Jennifer, Dominic had to know something, or maybe even had a hand in helping her. Investigators started trying to track him down, but that proved to be much harder a task than they thought. At one point, they were sure that they'd found him in a prison in Dallas, Texas.
Starting point is 00:16:03 I mean, the inmate at the prison had the same name and same birth date as Dominic, so investigators flew out to interview him. But when they started talking to this guy, they realized, this wasn't the Dominic that they were looking for. The inmate was from Texas, said he'd never been anywhere but Texas, and his entire criminal history was in Texas. He clearly wasn't Brenda's nephew. It took a bit more slew thing, but eventually detectives did find the right Dominic.
Starting point is 00:16:32 We started actually doing some surveillance on them, just watching them. We eventually asked him to come in for an interview because we started to gather some information about him. So we called him in for an interview a couple of times. And each time he was just a little standoffish, you could tell he was being deceptive in some of his questions. So we did what's called a geographic polygraph. I'd never heard of it until this. So what we did was a polygraphus from the KBI came down and we had we set up the interview room with the, you know, the polygrapher's had his table and his machine. And on the wall was a big map of the property.
Starting point is 00:17:13 And the property was sectioned off in I think five different sections. And just, you know, I'm not going to put words in his mouth, but to summarize what he did was basically he said, you know, okay, he did, did something happen to Jennifer in quadrant A. Did anything happen to Jennifer in quadrant B? Did you have anything to do with Jennifer's disappearance in quadrant A? And questions like that. We have a picture of the map
Starting point is 00:17:39 that the Kansas Bureau of Investigation used in this interview. That's in the blog post for this episode. You can find that at To give you a bit of context, the property Jennifer and Brenda lived at in 2002 was massive. There was a house, a barn, a big fenced-in pasture, and this huge feel. Like we're talking five acres in total. Although Dominic claimed to know nothing about something happening to Jennifer on that property, the polygraph indicated deception on Dominic's response to Quadrant B. That's the quadrant of the map with the barn in it. So armed with
Starting point is 00:18:16 a failed polygraph, detectives swooped in and began questioning him. But he wouldn't break, and he wouldn't admit to knowing anything. And because police had nothing to hold him on, they had to let him go once the interview was done. Detective did later go and search that area of the property with cadaver dogs, but investigator noles said that they didn't find anything. After that, there was another lull in the investigation. But this time the stance still would only last two years, because in 2018 the Cedric County Sheriff's Office got a call.
Starting point is 00:18:49 So we had somebody come forward and say, hey, got information on this cold case, and the information seemed very credible. Making the tip even more credible was the fact that the story this tipster told was one investigators had heard before. One of the stories that came out was they believed that Jennifer may have been buried below the deck, the back deck of the house. And that was just a hunch that people had.
Starting point is 00:19:19 But as we heard that hunch, then we heard other people saying, oh yeah, I remember, you know, the deck was being worked on on the back of the house. Okay, well that's interesting. Why were they working on the deck? Well, it was just old and fallen apart. And there were a bunch of boards just pulled out of the middle of the deck. I remember that.
Starting point is 00:19:36 I remember pile of new lumber setting on the side. And yeah, I think Brenda's nephew came over and helped her rebuild the deck. Okay, cool. Well, that's all interesting little pieces of information. And then that's when gentlemen came forward and he said, hey, I've got this information that I heard it directly from this person who said he helped bury a body under this deck. So it was good info. Investigator Noll wouldn't say for sure if the person this guy implicated was Dominic, but he did confirm the person the guy named was, quote,
Starting point is 00:20:15 closely related to the suspect. Now, it's worth noting that the back deck of the house was in a different quadrant of the map than the area where Dominic showed deception during the polygraph in 2016. But at this point, investigators had heard the deck story from so many different people, they figured there had to be some validity to it. And I keep thinking, who's to say they're both not true? Maybe something happened in Quadrant B, but then her body was hidden in whatever quadrant the deck was in.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Or option C, polygraphs don't mean much. Either way, detectives got a search warrant for the house, and they got the homeowners permission to do a thorough search that involved completely destroying the deck. Once they demolished it, they dug. And they dug. But after about six feet of digging, investigators gave up. They found nothing.
Starting point is 00:21:05 We asked investigator Noel why they called it quits after digging that far and he said that they figured there was no chance Brenda or Brenda plus another person would have dug more than six feet, especially under a deck to bury a body. Even though they didn't find anything by digging that day, they didn't leave the property empty handed. It was in this search where they removed the backsliding glass door from the home.
Starting point is 00:21:32 They found traces of what they believed to be blood on the bottom of the door. Investigators collected what they could of the substance, sent it off for testing, and waited for the results with their fingers crossed. If they could prove it was Jennifer's blood, that would be huge for the investigation. I mean, it would be the icing on the cake for a case against Brenda. It took months to get the results back, and when they did, it wasn't what anyone was hoping for. The lab said that the sample was too small.
Starting point is 00:22:03 They couldn't even find a partial DNA profile, let alone a full one, which meant that it couldn't be matched to Jennifer. In fact, the sample was so small that they couldn't even 100% prove it was blood. With the dead-end deck-tip and some disappointing lab results in the rear-view mirror, investigators decided to look into another potential lead uncovered during their rounds of interviews. And this one was another story that they'd heard repeated a few times. So in all these interviews, we heard it in two or three different interviews that,
Starting point is 00:22:44 oh, we heard Jennifer's body was taken to a pig farm and then devoured by the pigs at the farm. And then in one of those interviews, somebody talked about this pig farm because I guess it was kind of a party area. And they would go back here and just drink, you know, bonfire, whatever, just have a good time. Investigators looked into the pig farm, which from Brenda and Jennifer's old home was about 27 miles away.
Starting point is 00:23:11 And this farm was pretty expansive, like we're talking something like 20 acres. So they knew it would be a massive, all hands-on deck search to scour the entire property. Still, they felt strongly enough that Jennifer's body might be there that they wanted to give it a go, but they didn't get beyond the planning process. When we talked with folks that have the cadaver dogs
Starting point is 00:23:35 about going out here, they said no. They either couldn't or wouldn't run the dogs at this old pig farm because basically they're just gonna alert to the entire place. Yeah, the cadaver dogs would just alert to the entire place. Why? Because of the years of pig feces, dead pigs, X, Y, and Z, they were also concerned about just
Starting point is 00:24:01 whatever hazards may be out there for their dogs. And then, you know, talking with some people, I've been told that pigs would devour bones and all. There would be, if you put a body in there, it's going to be gone. They're going to eat every bit of it. Without cadaver dogs, searching the property would have been virtually impossible. So investigators were back to square one with their once long list of potential leads
Starting point is 00:24:28 now dwindling. What wasn't dwindling was detective suspicion that Brenda was involved in Jennifer's disappearance. So they decided to have a chat with the District Attorney's office. It was kind of just the informal conversation as well. We up having, where a bodyless homicide trying to prosecute that is very difficult thinking any jurisdiction. And I was the one, I was really screaming from the rooftops, you know, that, look at all the circumstances we have, I know it's all circumstantial, but good Lord,
Starting point is 00:24:58 how much more circumstantial can you throw together, throw this in front of a jury, and let them, let them hagg it out, you know, let them look at it, and see what they think. I don't know. I know that probable cause and you know, people's freedoms and I take that very seriously. The conclusion the DA's office came to was that there wasn't enough evidence yet to prosecute. They'd need either a body or more circumstantial evidence to have a strong case. And I get it. I understand they're where they're coming from, you know, trying to prosecute or more circumstantial evidence to have a strong case. While the Sheriff's Office started looking for fresh ways to uncover new evidence, Paulette was also trying out new avenues to get justice for her daughter.
Starting point is 00:25:38 In 2019, she began talking with a psychic. The psychic told Paulette that she knew where Jennifer's body was buried. She said it was in a field, somewhere you could look west and see the sunset, somewhere close to a fence and near some trees. Everything the psychic described matched the area Paulette had long suspected her daughter was hidden, that big open field behind Brenda and Jennifer's old house.
Starting point is 00:26:03 The psychic actually asked to visit the field, so Paulette took her there. And she had these rods for like a Upoon Uwich for water, you've seen some of that. And the rods are inside of a little tube. She's not touching the rods with her hands. And the wind was blowing horribly as it does in Kansas. And it was blowing, let's see, it was blowing towards the north, I guess, out of the south. And it was blowing the rods all the time, they kept blowing that direction. And she was walking, and when she hit this one spot, those things started swinging, and they stopped, dead stopped and would not move. And so we marked that area. Paulette told investigators about the psychics revelation and it wasn't long before detectives
Starting point is 00:26:48 went back out to the property to dig. To everyone's disappointment though, they once again didn't find anything. But Paulette still believes that her daughter is out there in the field. Because even though they did lots of digging that day, she said that they didn't dig in the exact spot that the psychic marked. She has helped other people find bodies, so I know that she's got some kind of skills and talents in them. And so I keep thinking, you know, maybe that is where she's buried. Since that search in 2019, there has been little public movement in Jennifer's case,
Starting point is 00:27:24 but that doesn't mean law enforcement or pallette have stopped pushing for closure. People talk about closure and that's something I have not had the kind of closure that you have when you go to a funeral. And that has been hard to deal with because it's like people don't know or they don't care or because they never responded that way like they would have at a funeral. But it's just because nobody really knew for sure when I really don't even care about the justice anymore. I don't care. What I really want is being able to find her remains and put them out in Western Kansas in the cemetery where my grandparents
Starting point is 00:28:08 were buried, where my aunts and uncles were buried, and where I'm going to be buried right next to her. That would be closure, and I thought about that. Paulette also thinks a lot about what her daughter would be like now 20 years later. I miss her. I miss her now that I'm older that I feel like, you know, our relationship would be so much different now. She would be 49. Is that yeah, 49? So yeah, we would have a totally different kind of relationship now. My daughter was not meant to die at 29 years old. So, you just... Sometimes I just have to pull over and stop the car.
Starting point is 00:28:52 If I'm driving, sometimes I'm driving down, and it's close to where she used to live. Or I have a memory of us being there. And doing something fun. Then, uh, I have to stop." The Sheriff's Office has far from giving up hope for solving Jennifer's case. In fact, Investigator Noel said that they recently got a promising tip. Now, he wouldn't elaborate on what that tip was because he said they need to look into
Starting point is 00:29:19 it more. But he seemed excited about it. Noel also said that he doesn't think prosecuting a bodyless homicide is out of the question. If the circumstantial evidence continues piling up, they won't shy away from it. He also said trying to talk to Brenda again isn't out of the question either. They think she's living in Georgia now and they're going to try talking with her again sometime soon. So whether that recent tip leads to something or they pushed
Starting point is 00:29:45 to prosecute with the pile of circumstantial evidence that they already have, the Sheriff's Office has a good feeling that justice isn't too far out of their reach for this case. We asked investigator Noel what he thinks truly happened to Jennifer in September of 2002. I think they had a fight, they had an argument. Brenda is an overbearing, very powerful person, physically. Jennifer is not. I think that they had an argument and somehow Brenda killed her. And it's up for debate.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I don't know if Brenda Beryder herself asked for help to bury Jennifer, took her somewhere else in Beryder. I think it was purposeful. I believe that Brenda's jealous of a lot of things and I think that she's just jealous of Jennifer being pretty, popular, other people liked her. And I betcha that that was the motivator for Brenda to kill her is, you know, argument something about some jealousy going on. And I don't think at all that it was accidental.
Starting point is 00:30:49 I think if it was accidental, we would have known that 20 years ago, maybe. I think completely, intentionally, she killed her. I think the pig farm thing, absolutely, it's a viable thing. Absolutely. But I don't see that as much as I see Brenda Berry and her somewhere on that property. That's what I see more. Especially, I mean, that's a rural area for the most part,
Starting point is 00:31:14 especially at dark at dusk. I mean, she could have drug her out into that past year and buried her and nobody been the wiser. But that's my personal opinion. Paulette told our reporting team that she hopes this podcast falls on the right ears, because she knows people out there hold the answers to what happened to her daughter. Answers to the questions that have led to countless sleepless nights, the questions that she spent over two decades trying to figure out. So I just feel like there's somebody out there
Starting point is 00:31:47 that knows something. They don't know that they, that what they know is that important. So any little tip is worth going and talking to the Sheriff's Department. And yeah, this is when it gets emotional, because I think somebody knows something and they need to help us. I can't believe she's not let something slip that she said something that she knows more, you know, somebody knows something to. And I think there's other people that know things and they don't realize that that clue plus another clue, but together might be just what the Sheriff's Department needs to find out where Jennifer's buried.
Starting point is 00:32:27 And another thing about this whole thing, too, is that I prayed to God immediately when I heard that a lot of this, I said, don't let me be angry. And I've never been angry at Brenda. I don't want to sear. I don't want to talk to her, but I don't feel any anger. And I think that God blessed me with that prayer, because, you know, I grieve, but I said, don't let me be angry, because I know that anger just eats me. I've it done her Brenda. And whoever did it, I'm not angry at them.
Starting point is 00:33:06 I don't know what happened. It happened. Just let me have her back. You know, let me know where she is. Paulette and the rest of Jennifer's family have waited over 20 years for answers. Answers that may be someone listening to this podcast can provide. If you know anything about the disappearance of Jennifer Wilson between 2002 and 2004, or if Brenda Leonard has ever talked to you about Jennifer's disappearance, please call the Cedric County Sheriff's Office at 316-660-3799. Or you can email, we're gonna put that email in our show notes. Jennifer was in her late 20s when she went missing.
Starting point is 00:33:46 She was a white woman, about 5'7 and 115 pounds. She had blue eyes and long curly brown hair. She wore contacts, had a broken front tooth that was repaired, and had scars on her waistline and under her chin. She normally wore baseball caps and sweatshirts. If Jennifer's still alive, she'd be 49 years old today, and she would possibly be going by the name Sydney. The Deck is an audio-chuck production with theme music by Ryan Lewis. To learn more about
Starting point is 00:34:21 the Deck and our advocacy work, visit So, what do you think Chuck? Do you approve?

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