The Deck - LeeAnna Warner (Ace of Hearts, Minnesota)

Episode Date: March 9, 2022

Our card this week is LeeAnna Warner, the Ace of Hearts from Minnesota. LeeAnna Warner, affectionately known as Beaner, was five years old when she disappeared in broad daylight within a two block ra...dius of her family’s Chisholm, Minnesota home. She’s never been seen or heard from in 18 years. If you know anything about the 2003 abduction of LeeAnna Warner, please call the Chisholm Police Department at 218-254-7915. To learn more about The Deck, visit To apply for the Cold Case Playing Cards grant through Season of Justice, visit 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Our card this week is Liana Warner, the Ace of Hearts from Minnesota. Liana's case is one of those that once you've heard about it, you will never forget about it. She was just five years old and not even two blocks away from her family's house when she disappeared in the middle of the day. The mystery has haunted Liana's family in hometown for 18 years. I'm Ashley Flowers and this is The Deck. Saturday, June 14, 2003 was a pretty typical summer day in the small town of Chizum, Minnesota. Kaelin Warner and her five-year-old daughter, Leanna, spent the afternoon at a community-wide
Starting point is 00:01:12 yard sale in their neighborhood, just going from yard to yard buying stuff. But by 4.30 in the afternoon, they had pulled into their driveway at home. After she parked the car, Kaelin grabbed an arm full of their rummage sale fines to take inside, and Leanna asked her mom if she could go over to the quirks, a nearby family's house to play. You see, Leanna went to the quirks almost every day because they had four young daughters close to Leanna's age, and she loved to hang out with them. At first, Kaylyn said, no, but Leanna begged, and eventually her mom relented and told her, fine, but you've got one hour, be home by 5.30. Leanna walking alone over to a neighbor's house by herself was not unusual,
Starting point is 00:01:53 and anyone who grew up in a tiny Midwest town might agree. The walk took less than five minutes. Here's Chisholm Chief of Police Vernon Manor to explain just how short of a route Leanna took that day through her family's quiet, relatively safe neighborhood. She walked half a block to the west of full block south and then just a couple of doors down across the street to this friend host Chizamzi, a small knit community, every knows everybody, you know, around 5,000 people.
Starting point is 00:02:26 When 530 rolled around and Leanna hadn't returned home yet, Cayland sent Leanna's older sister over to the quarks to retrieve her, but she returned within a few minutes and told her mom that there was no one home at the quarks. That news was not what Cayland expected or wanted to hear. Immediately, she dropped what she was doing and went outside and started looking for Leanna. At first, Kaylen figured Leanna was using a different route to walk home or maybe she stopped at another neighbor's house.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Between 530 and 630, Kaylen knocked on every neighbor's door looking for Leanna but no one had seen her. Now, at that point, Kaylen had not called police or even called her husband Chris to tell him that his youngest daughter was missing. Chris was at work for a local ambulance service and she thought that calling either him or police would be an overreaction because truly she believed any second her baby girl would walk up and everything would be fine. As she canvassed the neighborhood, some neighbors out of concern joined to help
Starting point is 00:03:22 her search. So many of Leanna's neighbors knew her, and specifically, they knew her by her nickname, Beener. This is how Vernon Manor described her. Tom Boy playing the sand, very outgoing, not afraid to get dirty, not afraid to speak to people, very, very friendly and outgoing. So as people from the community walked around looking for her, they shouted, beener and liana, but they got no reply. By 730, Kaylyn was growing really worried about liana,
Starting point is 00:03:56 and she started to wonder if her daughter had wandered into the woods and got lost, or worse, she knew there was a lake nearby, and maybe something had happened there. At quarter till eight, Chris Warner returned home. When he learned what was going on, he immediately joined the search for his daughter. And finally, at 8.50, that's when the Warner's finally called 9-1-1. They went around, didn't call 9-1-1 right away because they asked she's got to be somewhere
Starting point is 00:04:21 on the friends' house in the neighborhood. So they went around for a little bit before Panic started to set in that, and they have a phone or so, they called 911 in our office, it was at first on scene. Gism officers got there about 10 minutes later and immediately started searching for Leanna. They started inside the Warner home
Starting point is 00:04:39 and worked their way out. Though it was June in northern Minnesota by nine o'clock, there was only a sliver of light left for emergency responders to work with, so at 1015 firefighters and scent dogs joined the efforts to try and find Leanna. From the Warner House, the dogs tracked Leanna scent to Longyear Lake, which was a popular neighborhood lake just two blocks from the family's home. It's the same lake that Caitlin worried about just hours before. Here's the thing though, her scent being there didn't necessarily mean
Starting point is 00:05:09 she went there that day. Because her mom told authorities that Leana had just been there on Friday afternoon with her family, so there was no telling when her scent was from. The dogs also tracked Leana's scent inside and outside of the Warner's home. No surprise there, but what really surprised everyone was that the dogs did not pick up her scent at all leading to the Quirks house. That made investigators think that she had never made it that far, or at least never went inside their home. In those first few hours, searchers were trying to stay hopeful that maybe Leanna was just scared or maybe
Starting point is 00:05:45 hiding as a joke. So one of the first places they did a more formal search of was the Warner property, where Liana would have felt most comfortable. Their house was searched, their garage was searched multiple times. But besides the little girl's regular belongings and normal everyday things, there was no sign of her. Just when police were feeling like they were hitting O'Wall, they got some helpful information after regrouping
Starting point is 00:06:09 and establishing a timeline of everything they learned so far after canvassing the neighborhood. Now, up until this point, Kaelin thought that she had been the last person to see her daughter when she walked off from their home that afternoon around 430, but it turns out a few neighbors did lay eyes on her after that. Two neighbors told police that they happened to be outside around 515
Starting point is 00:06:30 that day when Leanna arrived at the Quirks front door. That timeline left police puzzled since it shouldn't take anyone, not even a five-year-old 45 minutes to walk a few blocks. So they make note of the time gap and they conduct interviews. The neighbors say they saw Leanna knock several times, but never saw anyone answer the door. The witness is told police that they remember seeing Leanna sort of turn away when she realized no one was home, but they didn't actually see her walk home. Then after that, one more of the Quirks neighbors said that they saw Leanna walking down the sidewalk. She knocks on the door, nobody answers. She watched directly across the street where Wayne Crabble was
Starting point is 00:07:09 working on his vehicle's truck. Wayne has a young black lab in the yard and the dog is a young and aggressive and jumps on kids. So he's not a leash, but as she's walking up, he walks up and grabs a dog to make sure he doesn't jump on Leana and then takes the dog and brings it back into the yard and changes it up short. He's the last person to actually ever see Leana. So given that information, police decide to search the Quirks' house with their permission. By the time the search for Leana was in full swing, the Quirks were home explained to authorities that earlier in the day they'd been shopping at Target, which was in Virginia,
Starting point is 00:07:49 Minnesota, which is like 30 minutes east of Chisholm. So that's why they weren't home when Leana had stopped by. Authorities also searched Wayne Crabble's house because he consented and was fully cooperative with police. Despite these two exhaustive searches, police found no trace of Liana in either location. Officers even went so far as to interview Wayne more closely, but he said his interaction with Liana was brief because he went back to working on his truck after putting his dog in the backyard. He said, I didn't see where she went from after that because I just went back to the neighborhood of my truck.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Did Liana say anything to him? Not that I recall. and went back to the middle of my truck. Did Liana say anything to him? Not very call. There were dozens of people canvassing Liana's neighborhood well after dark, but eventually, Kaelin, Chris, their friends and neighbors had to try and get some sleep. As they retreated to their house's late on Saturday night, their hope was fading and dread really started to creep in.
Starting point is 00:08:44 The warners left their front porch light on was fading and dread really started to creep in. The warners let their front porch light on in case Leanna wondered home in the middle of the night, but she never did. So it was overwhelming to the citizens and it was a numb feeling that something like this could happen, just a disbelief. And yeah, we had great turnout for people to volunteer, but there was also that buzz of, can you believe this is happening here?
Starting point is 00:09:07 A renewed search effort started at 4 a.m. Sunday. The Minnesota State Patrol got an aerial search underway at first light from a helicopter equipped with infrared technology. The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehensions sent out a statewide alert, and the Minnesota Crime Alert Network backs out information about Leanna to law enforcement agencies all around the state. The bulletin said that Leanna had brown hair cut into a bob, and she was wearing just a denim dress when she left her home that day. She had left barefoot watching.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Not unusual for her to be barefoot. Not unusual at all. It was a fight I was for her to put her shoes on. An amber alert was not issued, because at the time law enforcement had no real evidence that Leanna had been abducted. I mean, that was definitely a thought on everyone's mind, but in that moment police did not have enough credible information yet to officially issue the alert. Police chief Manor admits that behind closed doors investigators were beginning to think there was a criminal element to Leana's disappearance.
Starting point is 00:10:08 With every passing day, our theory just grows on that, so we prepare ourselves for the worst. Police and search and rescue personnel did a more formal grid search Sunday after the sun came up, again starting inside the Warner home, working their way out. We dove into the parents first. You look at the last person who saw the person alive and the person who found them, they had to be ruled out. The parents obviously had to be ruled out. There were a lot of rumors in the beginning that the parents
Starting point is 00:10:39 did this. Those were all those were looked into. Despite those types of rumors that swirl around a small town, Chief Manners said they eliminated Liana's parents of any wrongdoing pretty quickly, because Chris had been at work and Kaylin had not wavered from her original story. On top of that, their concern for their missing daughter seemed genuine to police. And then, the Warners told police something that made them wonder if a predator had been lurking around Chisim all summer.
Starting point is 00:11:14 The Warner's told police that a few weeks before she'd vanished, Leanna had come home with a new case full of Barbies and Barbie clothes that didn't belong to her. And when her parents asked her about it, she said that a little old lady had given them to her. And then one night, just before she vanished, Leanna packed a suitcase and said she was going to go live with her new family at their house. Chris and Kaylen said that on another occasion, they'd found Leanna sleeping in her closet, because she said there were monsters outside her window.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Investigators took Chris and Caitlin's information about Liana's odd behaviors seriously, but they also had to consider the fact that Liana was a five-year-old with a vivid imagination. But you have to wonder, is there any chance someone was grooming her to trust them? There is. Obviously, those comments are very alarming to us. So did she make that up? Or did she say something to grooming her? We had the Barbie doll case that showed up.
Starting point is 00:12:13 It was a pink plastic Barbie doll case with some miscellaneous toys and stuff in there. That showed up. They had no idea where she got that. They figured she stole it from one of her friends. Chief Manor said that they kept the information in mind as they continued investigating and took the Barbie case as evidence. But beyond that, there wasn't much they could do with the lead. It was tough to corroborate and, at the time, felt like a dead end.
Starting point is 00:12:38 In 2003, Vernon Manor was a Lieutenant Investigator with the Chisholm Police Department. The weekend Liana went missing is etched into his memory forever. He had been out of town when the 911 call came in that Saturday, so on Sunday when he was back in the area and Leana had still not been found, he was called in to help with the investigation. He went straight to the Warner's home and told her mom, Kaylyn, that she needed to stay there in case Leana came home. St. Louis County deputies joined the efforts and state agents also started to trickle in case Leanna came home. St. Louis County deputies joined the efforts and state agents also started to trickle in to help.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Chisholm is in a big iron mining area, so searchers took to wells and abandoned mine shafts using cameras and infrared technology. Police set up a command post at an elementary school in town to make sure an organized system was in place to keep track of what tips were coming in, what search areas had been covered, and who had been interviewed. But despite all of this work and coordination, another full day
Starting point is 00:13:33 went by with no sign of Leana. This really rocked, rocked the town. Everybody kind of held on, especially that summer held on to your kids a little tighter. By Monday, things at the command post were in full swing. Volunteers helped answer phones and locals dropped off water and food for searchers. It was around this time that Chief Manor and other law enforcement officers involved began to internally switch their mindset from a rescue operation to a recovery. It both four or five days into it, you start thinking, obviously she hasn't appeared,
Starting point is 00:14:09 and as far as the searching of the area that grid search starts getting bigger and bigger and bigger as they start moving out, how far could a five-year-old girl walk out? More or less, their focus changed from looking for Leanna hiding in a tree to searching for her body. As all that was happening, officers were collecting information about sex offenders that lived in Leanna's neighborhood and any others within a five-mile radius. Other tips had come in suggesting
Starting point is 00:14:36 that investigators looking to a group of people who'd been in town for a charity motorcycle ride and concert on the day Leanna vanished. Some other tips came in about a couple of cars that were seen in the area that locals didn't recognize that they thought could have been related to that event or maybe were just totally random sightings that felt out of place. Police worked these leads for six days, and on Friday, June 20th, they announced at a press conference that they were looking for specific information about a light blue car with an antenna mounted in the middle of the trunk. They didn't say why they were focused on this particular car, but I have to think that
Starting point is 00:15:12 one or more of those tips that came in they felt were credible and could have been about these weird cars in the area. At that press conference police also adjusted their timeline. Up until that point, they weren't 100% certain about when Leanna left home and when she knocked on the Quirks' door. But they said that after doing multiple interviews with neighbors, they were confident that Leanna walked away from her house at 4.35 p.m.
Starting point is 00:15:36 and knocked on the Quirks' door at 5.15. That's roughly 40 minutes. Since it didn't take that long to walk, a block and a half, police wondered what took her so long to get to the quirks. At the press conference, police asked anyone with any information that could help fill in the gap of time to call them. By July 3rd, Liana had been missing for almost three weeks, and police had investigated
Starting point is 00:16:02 1,000 leads and scrutinized the alibis of 136 offenders in the area. Some of these individuals had been ruled out, but not all of them were cleared. Later that month, police asked the public for help finding three men who might have information helpful to the investigation. They were registered sex offenders who had not yet provided alibis for the afternoon of June 14. But ultimately, information did come in and police eventually did rule them out. After that, the department expanded its sex offender interviews to include all registered sex offenders in a 10-mile radius from the Warner home. And not long after this second round of
Starting point is 00:16:40 sex offender interviews got underway, police announced that they were looking for a white man in his 30s who was 5'10", 155 pounds, with a dark tattoo of a star or son on his right arm, who was wearing blue jeans and a white t-shirt on the day Leanna disappeared. They said he had blonde, feathery hair, and might have been in Leanna's neighborhood the day she vanished. Also around that time, police announced that they were looking for another car of interest. A maroon and blue Cadillac, driven by a black man in his 20s or 30s with a shaved head. And finally, officers said that they wanted to find witnesses who might have seen a brown
Starting point is 00:17:18 rusty pickup driven by a white man with black curly hair. So if you're keeping track here, that's three different cars, all of different makes and models that authorities say they're looking for that were possibly connected to the case, and a couple of very different descriptions of men they wanted to talk to regarding the investigation. Police relied on the public to help them investigate these angles, but never gave their reasoning for putting this information out there. It was obvious they were casting wide nets to get any information they could.
Starting point is 00:17:50 By late July, Liana's disappearance had the attention of more than just local reporters. News crews from around the region and other states came up to Chism and stayed there for weeks, covering every development in the case. Investigators continued to toss out more names as they ruled out area sex offenders and public pressure helped them expedite the process of getting those people's alibis confirmed. By August, two months after Liana went missing, police got their first big break. That's when they zeroed in on a person of interest. Police and Chism had been investigating a man named Matthew James Curtis for crimes completely unrelated to Leana's disappearance, but crimes that made them concerned he could
Starting point is 00:18:32 be involved. They'd been working a case against him for possession of child sex abuse material. What's scary is that he was practically neighbors with the Warner family. He was lit a couple ofoses down on the corner. Not the corner she walked by when she left, the opposite corner. While executing a search warrant on his house, police found the child's sex abuse material, but they didn't find any evidence linking him to Liana. Police had interviewed Matthew during a neighborhood canvas the day after Liana went missing,
Starting point is 00:19:04 and again four days later. And he said that he knew nothing about her. They were able to arrest him and charge him for having the illicit material, but he got out on bond. And again, the entire time he denied having anything to do with Liana going missing. In mid-September, the day before Matthew was due back in court, three men practicing archery on U.S. Forest Service land outside Chisholm found him dead in his pickup truck, with a bag over his head. The coroner said that he died of suffocation, and all signs pointed to him taking his own life.
Starting point is 00:19:39 That news made everyone in the area even more suspicious that Matthew might have been involved in what happened to Liana. But when police got a chance to search his truck and house again, they still found no evidence linking him to her. I mean, nothing, not a hair, not a fiber, zip. Authorities had to chalk up the fact that he lived so close to her, combined with his charges, as really just a strange coincidence. Chief Manor said they never actually ruled Matthew out, but they also could never say for sure that he had anything to do with her disappearance.
Starting point is 00:20:15 After Matthew's death, investigators had to move on, and by that time, they developed suspicions about another person of interest, a well-known local criminal with a violent record named Bruce William Christensen. Every time we get a lead, even if the lead seems to be regurgitated and the same leads spun off, regurgitated, but a little bit of twist on it, we investigate it. Because it came from someone new, it came from so Bruce Christensen's a great example of this.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Bruce's name had come in from several tips that people had called into the police department's hotline. The reports indicated that Bruce had seen Caitlin and Chris Warner out one night after Leanna disappeared, and he screamed at them for people trying to blame him for what happened to her. When police tracked Bruce down and questioned him about the incident and what his alibi was for the day Leanna vanished, he denied being involved and provided a pretty solid alibi.
Starting point is 00:21:12 And he was out of town, he was out of state and family confirmed that. By October, after getting all the necessary permits needed, investigators partially drained long-year lake, which is where the dogs had picked up Liana's scent. Now, none of the aerial searches had detected a body being in the lake, but to eliminate the possibility of her having drowned, police wanted to do a really thorough search. By this time, winter was creeping in, as it does every fall in northern Minnesota, so they were
Starting point is 00:21:43 almost done draining the lake when the water started to freeze over. Because of that, they had to conduct the search with some water still in the lake, but from a helicopter, investigators could see all the way to the bottom, and Leanna's body wasn't there. No bodies were. Because of the cold weather and lack of information coming in, police scaled back the search for Leanna.
Starting point is 00:22:05 But the investigation into what happened to her continued. They forged on tracking down and corroborating alibis for area sex offenders, and they worked diligently to try to confirm all of those. But around this time, the department got a frantic 911 call that made them pause. It was from Leanna's dad, Chris, but it had nothing to do with the disappearance of The department got a frantic 911 call that made them pause. It was from Leanna's dad, Chris, but it had nothing to do with the disappearance of his daughter. When Chris called 911 in late 2003, he told police that his wife, Kaylin, had just tried
Starting point is 00:22:42 to run him over with their car. When officers got to the scene, the couple admitted that they had a fight and Chris got out and walked away. According to reporting by the Associated Press, Kaylen said that she didn't actually try to hit her husband, but that the gear got stuck in the car and it went into him. But police ended up charging her with a misdemeanor that she later pled guilty to. Chief Manor said the alcohol was involved in the Warner's altercation, but that the incident didn't change the course of the investigation into what happened to their daughter. Caylon's arrest was splashed all over the local news with headlines like, Missing Girl's Mom charged with trying to run over her husband.
Starting point is 00:23:22 A lot of people in town started to be less sympathetic towards the family. But eventually things quieted down. Thanks a lot in part to Jacob Wetterling's mom. She was quoted in the Minneapolis star tribune warning people to stop speculating because most people don't understand the toll a missing child takes on parents and marriages. Police reiterated to reporters at the time that the Warner's weren't suspects in their daughter's case, and that incident between them over the car was completely unrelated. The Warner's had made up by the end of 2003 and continued to keep the porch light on at their chism home, just in case by some miracle Leanna found her way. An entire year went by with not even a sighting of Leanna.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Around the one-year mark, another big search for her was organized. At least 50 volunteers combed through the woods and tall grasses in a grid search around Chism, looking for any clues they might have missed before, but they turned up nothing. According to reporting by the Associated Press that appeared in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, in the fall of 2004, there was another blast of attention on the case, when a local candidate running for Commissioner proposed an idea for anyone in the state of Minnesota who was running for office that election cycle to hand out information and flyers about Leana as they campaigned door to door. The Warner's liked the idea, and a lot of political candidates voiced their support, but unfortunately nothing significant came from it.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Then in 2005, police got what they thought would be their big break. Hundreds of miles away in Idaho, a violent criminal named Joseph Duncan, was arrested and charged with abducting an eight-year-old and killing her whole family. When police saw the news about Joseph's arrest, they started looking into his travel history, just curious to know if it was possible that he'd ever been anywhere near Leanna Warner's home in June of 2003. He did have ties to Minnesota, but to's home in June of 2003. But interestingly, when police looked into Joseph, they came across a disturbing website.
Starting point is 00:25:35 He kept an online blog where he wrote about the stigmas that came along with being labeled as a sex offender. You see, Joseph had spent some time in prison when he was a teen, or sexually assaulting a boy. In one of his posts on this website from January 2004, he wrote that he was worried he would be blamed for the disappearance of a little girl from Chism Minnesota. You know, that helped make people think that, well, here we go, and we've got a monster we can pin it on.
Starting point is 00:26:02 But even as good as Joseph looked as a suspect, police in Minnesota couldn't place an inchism in June 2003. They did it was actually, he was good, quite quickly because of FBI and, you know, you had everybody working in that case. And through travel records, credit card purchases, they were able to substantiate that while he wasn't Minnesota was just on that
Starting point is 00:26:27 western region. By 2006, tips and leads in this case had crawled to a stand still. Police released an age-progressed photo of Leanna because they were having a lot of tips come in from people saying, hey, I saw a toddler at the grocery store who might have been Leanna. Basically, people were forgetting have been Leanna. Basically,
Starting point is 00:26:45 people were forgetting that if Leanna was still alive by 2006, she wouldn't be 5 years old anymore. She'd be 8, and she would not have looked as young as she did when she disappeared. The Warner's also went on the news any chance they could to keep the public aware of their daughter's case, but by 2008, the case was cold. If you told me aliens have ducted her, I couldn't prove you wrong at this point. If you believe in aliens, it could have been because I have nothing. This is the hardest part about this. Then, out of the blue and to everyone's surprise, someone confessed.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Someone police had heard of before. Bruce Christensen. This was the guy who years earlier had been on investigators radar for yelling at the warners, but his alibi at the time about being out of state when Leana disappeared checked out. Still, police decided to see what he had to say. It was 2008 and he was in solitary confinement in a Minnesota prison on drug charges when he was like, you know what, never mind, I actually did abduct Liana. Now it's important to know that while serving his time, Bruce had actually killed another inmate.
Starting point is 00:27:55 After that, a judge had resentanced him from murder charges and tossed him into solitary confinement. Chief Manor said that Bruce was on such strict lockdown at the prison that he didn't get outdoor recreation time or any interaction with other inmates or guards. When Bruce came forward claiming he killed Leanna, he provided specific details of where authorities would find her body. At the time he said he murdered her or buried her. So Bruce was actually taken out of prison and brought to the area that he said he buried Leana Warrant, which was extensive we searched there after. The area Bruce said that
Starting point is 00:28:34 he buried Leana was called Maple Hill and it was in the nearby town of Hibbing, Minnesota, which is just 10 minutes southwest of Chisholm. When investigators dug at the spot where Bruce told them to, they found a bag under the soil with what looked like remains in it. But when they opened up the sack, what was inside was a huge letdown. It was just a cat buried in that spot. We, Bruce never said whether it was his cat or not.
Starting point is 00:29:02 How did he know about a cat grave? I'm assuming it was his cat. not. How did he know about a cat grade? I'm assuming it was his cat. Police continued to search the Maple Hill area for more than a week and they found absolutely nothing. In the end, when detectives pressed Bruce about his claims, he broke down and told them the real truth. He confessed to he made it all up because he wanted to get out of prison one more time and see the light of day had smell for a share. Investigators were not happy with Bruce.
Starting point is 00:29:31 After all these years of exhaustive searches, a board inmate who had nothing to lose decided to send them on a wild goose chase. The blunder with Bruce was a setback, but it didn't stall the investigation entirely. Even the Leanna's case was still considered cold, detectives looked into every tip that came in. And that has been where Leanna's case has stood for the past 14 years. Chief Manor says there are no other missing children from Chism except Leanna. She's the town's sweetheart and has never been far from everyone's mind. Local news outlets run anniversary reports here and there, but for the most part, news coverage has halted. The last big wave of media attention in the case was in May 2021 when people magazine
Starting point is 00:30:17 ran a spread about it. Chris and Kaylen Warner didn't feel up to talking with us for this episode, and I can't imagine how many media outlets they've talked to over the years, and they've still gotten no answers. For years, people online have criticized them for letting Leanna walk to her friend's house alone. They've been parent-shamed like no other. But Chief Manor cuts them some slack, because he says they've suffered enough. It's a quiet little town where everybody knows everybody. And what we do here versus what people do in a bigger city are
Starting point is 00:30:48 Totally different The most recent tip chief manners department looked into came in 2020 when they got a kind of bizarre call It was from a young woman claiming to be Liana and she wanted to speak with investigators But that girl herself called us and said, I think I'm Leana Worm. It obviously turned out not to be her, but that's why we still have hope. The woman had been adopted
Starting point is 00:31:13 and wasn't familiar with her lineage. She said that she'd seen the age progressed photo of Leana and realized that she had similar features to her. To be absolutely sure, Chism police took a sample of her DNA and the results definitely ruled her out as a possible match for Leanna. As of today, the Chism police departments say
Starting point is 00:31:33 they've investigated 2,000 different leads in Leanna's case, but they're waiting for the right one to come that will help them make significant progress. Somebody out there knows something. Somebody knows a piece of information that will steer us in the right direction and bring peace for this family. And that's somebody might be Leanna herself
Starting point is 00:31:54 without even knowing it. Not a lot of cards that we come across give room for hope. Usually it's pretty clear what happened to the person and now we're just seeking justice. But this case, you guys, in this case, I can't shake the feeling that Leanna could really be out there. You know, they say that the most simple explanation is often the correct one. Someone gave her that case of Barbies.
Starting point is 00:32:17 She talked about another family, and there were potentially people looking in her window. Over the years, authorities have tried every avenue to try and get answers. They even sent off that mysterious Barbie doll case to try and get DNA evidence, but nothing has come from it. Liana would be 24 when this episode is released. If you're listening to this, please take a moment and go to and look at the picture
Starting point is 00:32:41 we have of Liana. Is that child resemble you or someone you knew as a child? I know this sounds wild, but just last year, another case like this got solved because a grown woman saw a picture of a child who went missing years before and thought, wow, that really looks like I did as a kid. Chief Manor says they won't stop until Liana is found
Starting point is 00:33:02 and they're willing to look into any tip big or small. Like I said, Leana Warner would be in her mid-twenties today, and despite the non-stop investigation that's been going on since 2003, police have no idea if she's dead or alive. A sweet little girl who had her whole life still ahead of her was taken and the police and the people of Chisholm, Minnesota including her parents won't rest easy until they learn her fate. If you know anything about the 2003 abduction of Leanna Warner, please call the Chisholm Police Department at 2-1-8-254-7-9-15. The Deck is an audio-chuck production with theme music by Ryan Lewis. To learn more about the Deck and our advocacy work, visit the So, what do you think, Chuck?
Starting point is 00:33:57 Do you approve? Bye!

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