The Deck - Valincio Hill (Ace of Hearts, Kansas)

Episode Date: October 26, 2022

Our card this week is Valincio Hill, the Ace of Hearts from Kansas.  On September 13, 2020, 17-year-old high school basketball star Valincio Hill was gunned down while standing on his own front porc...h in Wichita, Kansas, while hanging out with his family. For the past two years, Valincio’s murder has haunted the community of Wichita as police try to get answers from one of the only people who may have the answers they need: the man believed to be the intended target. If you have any information on the murder of Valincio Hill in September 2020, please contact the Wichita Police Department at 316-268-4609 or email  To learn more about The Deck, visit To apply for the Cold Case Playing Cards grant through Season of Justice, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Our card this week is Valencia Hill, the Ace of Hearts from Kansas. In September 2020, the 17-year-old high school basketball player was standing on his front porch in Wichita, Kansas, hanging out with his family when he was suddenly gunned down. For the past two years, Valencia's murder has haunted the community of Wichita as police try to get information from the few people who may have the answers they need, including the man that they believe to be the intended target of the shooting. I'm Ashley Flowers, and this is The Death. . It was around 9pm on Sunday, September 13, 2020. And Sergeant Ryan Showmaker with the Wichita Police Department was sitting at home winding down for the evening when he got a call that there had been a double shooting at a home
Starting point is 00:01:24 in the South Central neighborhood just south of downtown. Asley Detective, he threw on his suit and responded to the scene right away. When he arrived, he was briefed by responding officers on what had happened. A woman named Ivus and her 17-year-old son Valencia had been standing out on their front porch along with Ivus' husband Val, her other son Trevino, and her nephew, Adonis Daily. That's when two unknown people approached the home. One of them shouted, where is Adonis? And while Ivice was trying to get Adonis's attention, the two people whipped out guns
Starting point is 00:01:59 and started firing at everyone on the porch. It's unclear who, but someone on the porch ran inside, grabbed a gun and returned fire, while someone else rushed into call 911. The shooters were scared off by the return fire, and within minutes, first responders showed up. By the time Sergeant Showmaker got there, Balincio and Ivis had already been rushed to the hospital. At this point, Ivis was unconscious and being prepped for surgery, and moments after arriving on scene, Sergeant Showmaker learned that Valencia had been pronounced dead at the hospital. Sergeant Showmaker had to break the terrible news to Valencia's family members who were
Starting point is 00:02:38 still at the scene. Valencia's passing meant the investigation went from a possible aggravated battery case to a homicide case, so the urgency to catch the shooters was now at its highest. Investigators wanted to waste no time interviewing the man assumed to be the intended target, Adonis. But that proved to be difficult, because he was one of the only family members who wasn't at the scene anymore. Val and Trevino said that immediately after the shooting, like before first responders
Starting point is 00:03:05 had even arrived, Adonis fled. He phoned a lady to come pick him up and left before even finding out what condition his cousin and aunt were in. To investigators, Adonis was the key to all of this, because it was clear from the get-go that those bullets were meant for him. I mean, you can't have tunnel vision on any investigation, but you have to research everybody, interview everybody to find out if anybody else
Starting point is 00:03:31 was a potential target here. But it was pretty clear, but everything I learned, especially from other people there and the father that Adonis had had, ongoing fuge with other people. Investiator's main priority was tracking him down to figure out who had it out for him. While they looked for him, crime scene investigators
Starting point is 00:03:51 were scouring the hills' property looking for evidence. Technicians collected between 10 and 20 bullet casings, but that was pretty much it. In drive-by's, that's all you got. This, combined with the fact that usually no one wants to talk to police much after, is why drive buys are so hard to solve. Investigators didn't even have the gun that returned fire from the hills house.
Starting point is 00:04:13 They thought it was likely Adonis's gun and he'd probably taken it when he ran off. Investigators searched for Adonis all night with no luck. But finding him in the morning was easy. You see, Adonis was on probation and wearing an ankle monitor at the time, so once morning rolled around, investigators reached out to the ankle monitoring company and got his location. Now what was harder was getting him to talk. Adonis was no stranger to police. In July 2019, he was arrested in connection with a shooting that police thought was possibly gang related. A man got hit in the foot, and a donnis, and two other guys were arrested.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Police didn't think a donnis was the shooter, but he did have a gun on him, so he was charged with possession of a firearm by a felon. It's not clear if he was convicted of that charge or not, but in 2020, about eight months after that July arrest, he landed himself in handcuffs again. According to the Wichita Eagle, in March, Adonis physically and sexually assaulted a former girlfriend. He stole her phone, then led police on a car chase. He eventually ditched the car and tried to flee on foot, but he was quickly apprehended.
Starting point is 00:05:20 He faced several charges, including aggravated sexual battery, domestic violence, criminal threat, and theft. He was actually in the middle of facing those charges when the shooting at the Hill's house happened. That's why he was on probation. It's unclear where he was in the adjudication process at this point, but he would eventually be sentenced to 13 months in prison for that incident. Anyway, since Adonis was a known gang member and criminal, police knew that they might be looking at a long list of potential suspects.
Starting point is 00:05:50 And they were hoping that Adonis could help them narrow down that list. Maybe he'd had beef with a specific rival gang member, or maybe they had been a big fight recently that escalated to the shooting. But when investigators found him and started asking questions about his cousin's murder, he didn't want to cooperate.
Starting point is 00:06:08 He told police that he didn't have any problems with anyone and didn't know anybody who would have wanted to shoot him or anyone else on that porch. I mean, this guy's cousin was just murdered as collateral damage from someone trying to kill him, and he didn't even so much as want to give police a few names to look into. Since the Donnis wasn't cooperating, police continue their investigation through other routes. Officers canvass the hills neighborhood, hoping to find someone who'd witnessed the shooting and maybe got a look at the suspects. But as they knocked on door after door,
Starting point is 00:06:54 no one was coming forward and saying they saw anything. But officers did find something helpful, surveillance footage. The hills had several neighbors and a business right across the street that had security cameras. Surveillance video is actually pretty good, but if you see actually the vehicle park and the suspects will get out of the vehicle, they'll walk right towards the house that has a surveillance video. The only problem is, at that time where it's getting dark, that surveillance video really picks a late a lot. So unfortunately, it was at that time, if it had been a little bit earlier and more daylight, it would have been able to see suspects because they're right, right,
Starting point is 00:07:45 and basically on the sidewalk in front of that house. Even though it was too dark outside for detectives to make out any defining features of their suspects, they got a great description of the car, a black Fordormer Sadie's with a Mercedes emblem on the hood and Kansas license plates. While police were busy trying to track the vehicle, the community of Wichita was mourning the loss of a bright young life. Valencia was a student at Wichita West High School where his teachers say he excelled in all of his classes
Starting point is 00:08:13 and was well liked by everyone from teachers to students. But he wasn't just gifted academically. Valencia was a skilled athlete and played on his school's basketball team. From his personal life, Valencia seemed to be a happy kid. He did not just by talking to everybody and going through his phone. Everybody told me that he was extremely well liked by members of the school, members of the community as well.
Starting point is 00:08:42 And that's going through his phone that it's seen to be that he didn't have any enemies that he was very well liked by people. But I mean the one common thing that we have with Valencia is people liked him. He didn't have bad blood with anybody that we can tell, that his friends knew about, that his family knew about. On September 19th, six days after Valenciaos murder, friends, family, and classmates gathered outside the hills house to hold a vigil in his honor. The family's front lawn was decorated with pictures of Valencio. They had candles and flowers and balloons, as members of the community rallied around
Starting point is 00:09:20 the hills to support them during their devastating loss. But in the midst of everyone showing support for the hills, police learned that not everyone in the community was mourning Valenciows death. Investigators got a tip that two teenage boys were chatting back and forth on social media, making disparaging comments about Valenciows. Something along the lines of, I did a dance when I heard his body drop. Obviously, this was a big red flag for detective, so they tracked down the two kids and asked
Starting point is 00:09:50 them to explain the comments. And the boys provided, when I guess they thought was an explanation, they said that the things they were saying were lines from a rap song. Like it wasn't stuff that they were coming up with, they were just referencing a song, they said. Now, it's't stuff that they were coming up with, they were just referencing a song, they said. Now, it's unclear what song, because Sergeant Showmaker didn't remember, and we couldn't find a song with those lyrics. But investigators went on to ask the boys how they knew Valencia, but neither of them really did at all.
Starting point is 00:10:16 I mean, they maybe had a class or two with him a few years back, but that was it. And Valencia's phone confirmed this. There had been no communication between him and these two guys. Sergeant Shoemaker said this is actually something he's seen before. It's just tasteful, but I've kind of find through doing that job that it's kind of popular just for lack of, I guess, better term to just talk crap, just to kind of shoot your mouth off. I know it was because they were teenagers or they went all out since a humor or what, but it's actually more common than you would think.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Aside from their distasteful comments, investigators had no real reason to suspect the two teams. In fact, one of them even proved that he was out of state when Valencia was killed, so detectives went back to the drawing board. But it didn't take long for their next big tip to come in. Because on September 21st, detectives received word from the hospital that Valencia's mom was awake, and she was ready to talk. Detectives went to the hospital and got Ivice's statement, which matched up with everyone else's account of that night.
Starting point is 00:11:31 She had told me that they were sitting on the porch. It was kind of a darky shot and she saw two. She didn't find us two black mels. Come up towards the residence from the street. Asked for a donas and she said, she turned, said, hey, nephew, and then at that point or shortly thereafter that shots were fired. And the next thing she knows, she's hit and she's down on the ground. Since Ivis was the one who saw the suspect at first, investigators were hopeful that she'd gotten a better view of them than everyone else. And she actually did. So much so that she believed she could ID one of them.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Ivis told Sergeant Showmaker that she thought one of the shooters was a guy that she knew. Police asked us to refer to him as Stephen. Ivis said that she could actually show investigators a picture of Stephen. She pulled out her phone and showed Sergeant Showmaker a Facebook picture of several people and pointed to one of them.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Sergeant Showmaker knew Steven's name sounded familiar, so he took the photo of him back to his supervisor to see if he knew the guy. And his supervisor said, sure, I know Steven, but the guy in that picture is not Steven. That's someone named Amad. But he followed that up by saying, Amad couldn't be their guy because he knew that Amad was in jail when the murder happened. Now, Amad did bear a passing resemblance to Steven, so investigators thought maybe it really was Steven who I just saw that day.
Starting point is 00:12:54 And that suspicion would only grow a few days later when Adonis was arrested. Sergeant Showmaker didn't want to get into the charges he was arrested on, but regardless, when he was taken into custody, his phone was confiscated. An investigator's went through it and found some suspicious correspondence between him and Steven. Based on the messages, Sergeant Shomaker gathered that Steven was mad at Adonis for sleeping
Starting point is 00:13:20 with his girlfriend, and it seemed like there was maybe some other instance of disrespect that Steven was upset about as well. So these messages, paired with Ivice's loose identification of him, made Stephen move right to the top of the suspect list. Detectives were hopeful that they could sit down with Stephen and interview him, but Stephen's attorney refused that idea immediately. But detectives didn't let that stop them from investigating him further. They started by taking a deep dive into the cell data for Stephen's phone number, or should
Starting point is 00:13:49 I say phone numbers, plural. Though Sergeant Showmaker said that getting those warrants was no easy task. Basically, these turned out to be a lot of these search warrants, especially if you're going really in-depth like these were where you're in from one thing, which one thing leads to another, which leads to five other things and they became kind of novels. You need to be extremely specific. Once they got the warrants,
Starting point is 00:14:13 they requested the GPS data from Stephen's phone for the day Valencia was killed to see if he was nearby the hill's home. But when investigators got the results, things weren't as straightforward as they'd hoped. It's neither positive or negative. We know that Stephen was somewhat in the area at the time, but the phone's not the location records we have.
Starting point is 00:14:35 It's not moving at the time. So it's just like all day stagnant in one area. Basically, investigators had determined a location range that the killer's phone would have been in, and the data showed that Steven's phone was just outside of that perimeter. So it wasn't enough evidence for investigators to arrest him or even make him seem that much more suspicious,
Starting point is 00:14:58 but it also wasn't enough to make him seem less likely of a viable suspect. But since he was refusing to talk to police, investigators were kind of stuck. So they moved on to a different promising lead. You see, when investigators were going through Adonis' phone, they learned of another person Adonis had an ongoing feud with. A Donnis and a Man Who We've Been Asked To Refer To As Larry
Starting point is 00:15:30 had been fighting back and forth on Facebook for quite a while because a Donnis and Larry's sister were in and on again and off again relationship for the past few years. And allegedly, a Donnis had been abusing her. Larry was understandably furious with Adonis for beating his sister, so Larry sent Adonis a bunch of messages expressing that anger and threatening him physically. Larry was a gang member himself
Starting point is 00:15:56 and had an extensive and violent criminal history, so detectives knew he was definitely capable of something like this. Now Larry too was easy for detectives to track down because shortly after Valencios murder, he'd been arrested on unrelated charges. But when investigators asked Larry if he'd sit down for an interview
Starting point is 00:16:13 about Valencios case he declined, he wanted no part in the investigation. So, again, with no physical evidence pointing to him, police couldn't do much without his cooperation. They pushed pause on actively pursuing him and hoped that something else would come along. And sure enough, something did. In November, this is two months after Valencia's murder,
Starting point is 00:16:36 investigators got a call from an inmate at the local jail. He told him that he had some information to share with them about Larry. The inmate was a friend of one of Larry's relatives, and the inmate knew that Larry was involved in the murder. He told police that there was a recent heated argument between Adonis and Larry about some possible pregnancy issues with Larry's sister. Now, it's unclear what he means by pregnancy issues.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Like whether Adonis had gotten Larry's sister pregnant and he wasn't happy about it or if it was something else, but apparently this argument led to Larry saying that he was gonna have Adonis killed. And since Larry was higher up in the ranks of the gang, the tipster said that he had other people do the dirty work for him. Now when this person gave the information they were actually pretty specific on. None of this was released before this. None of the information on the car, what the car does, but this person had very good facts about how they pulled up where they parked at. How many were there, what they came up and what they did, and what kind of carton they were driving.
Starting point is 00:17:46 So, there's pretty good information on that. This tip was a huge break for police, but in order for the informant to be able to testify in court, all of it had to go through the District Attorney's Office. While the District Attorney's Office was handling that, Sergeant Showmaker had some officers drop by a house that another one of Larry's relatives stayed at. And in the driveway, those officers saw a black Ford or Mercedes with a Mercedes emblem on the hood, the exact kind of car seen on surveillance footage. Since that kind of car is pretty common, it could have just been a coincidence.
Starting point is 00:18:25 But for Sergeant Showmaker, it certainly added to his mounting suspicion of Larry. In the following days, Sergeant Showmaker tried reaching out to Larry's sister, thinking maybe she would be willing to talk, but she too refused to cooperate. So investigators turned to search warrants, specifically for Larry's phones. Once they got those warrants, police found even more messages between Adonis and Larry, ones they hadn't seen before. It's unclear why they hadn't seen the messages when they were going through Adonis's phone.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Maybe he deleted the text or something, but the messages were more arguments about Larry's sister and how Adonis was treating her. And there were other incriminating messages they found, too. Particularly, a message from Larry's girlfriend from around the time Valencia was killed where she referenced him having something to do with the murder. But right around the time police were learning about this message, detectives got another lucky break in the investigation that was completely unrelated to Larry. Near the end of 2020, investigators got around to uploading the bullets found
Starting point is 00:19:23 at the scene to the National Integrated Ballistics Information Network, or N-I-B-I-N. And there were actually hits. One of the guns used in the shooting at the Hills House had also been used in a few local drive-by cases, one in July 2020, another in April 2020. And it had been used in an unsolved aggravated assault case. Get this on the day of Valencia's murder. Now we weren't given more information about that aggravated assault, but Sergeant Showmaker said there's no way to prove that it and Valencia's murder were carried out
Starting point is 00:19:59 by the same person because guns get passed around from person to person quickly. So the only thing definitively connecting those incidents was the shell casings. The other firearm was connected to a criminal discharge of a firearm case from 2019 and a homicide in another county in late 2019. An investigators learned that in that case, a suspect was arrested. Detectives checked into the suspect in that case to see if he could be considered for Valencia's case, but he was actually out of state at the time of Valencia's murder.
Starting point is 00:20:32 As great as those N.I.B.I.N. had seemed, they didn't turn up much. So detectives decided to return to their most promising suspect, Larry, and reach out to a potential informant, his girlfriend. Sergeant Showmaker contacted her and asked her to sit down for an interview. And to his surprise, she agreed. In March 2021, investigators sat down with her, and it's unclear why it took so long to get her to sit down for a formal interview. But whatever the case, once she did come in, she was hesitant to answer any of their questions,
Starting point is 00:21:03 so police ended up getting almost no information. But a few months later, in June, Larry's girlfriend reached out to police again and told them that she wanted another interview, and this time she was willing to really talk. When they spoke, she told investigators that Larry often drove a vehicle that matched the description of the suspect vehicle, which, great, but no surprise there, right, since investigators already saw that he had access to a similar vehicle. But then she did tell them something they didn't know. She said that the night of September 13th, when Larry came home, she asked where he
Starting point is 00:21:35 been, and he responded something along the lines of, just watch the news. This is incriminating, but it's not enough. We've done everything we can do on Larry, as far as locations, records of very sorts, it means very social media accounts. We just ran to a dead end where we have what we have and we can't get any more. As far as that inmate potentially testifying Gens Larry, Sergeant Showmaker said it's been a while since he's heard from the attorney's office, but he's holding out hope that it'll
Starting point is 00:22:13 work out for them. Sergeant Showmaker said the biggest problem for the investigation has been the lack of cooperation from those that he needs to talk most, specifically a doneness. And he hopes it's only a matter of time before a doneness starts talking. For Valencia's family, the past two years have been excruciating. Ivis still visits Valencia's gravesite almost every day. She keeps it decorated with flowers, pictures of him, and basketballs, keeping his memory alive however she can.
Starting point is 00:22:41 It sounds wrong to say that Valencia was in the wrong place at the wrong time because that place was his own front porch, just having a good time with his family. That's truly what it was. Valencia did nothing to deserve what happened to him. He was a great caring kid with a bright future ahead of him, and his life was cut far too short by two cowards with guns. Valencia's family deserves answers and Valencia deserves justice. If you have any information about the murder of Valencia Hill in September 2020, call the Wichita Police Department at 316-268-4609 or you can email coldcase at
Starting point is 00:23:39 The Deck is an audio chuck production with theme music by Ryan Lewis to learn more about the Deck, visit So, what do you think Chuck? Do you approve? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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