The Dividend Cafe

The Dividend Cafe is your portal for market perspective that is virtually conflict-free, rooted in deep philosophical commitments about how capital should be managed, and understandable for all sorts of investors. Host David L. Bahnsen is a frequent guest on CNBC, Bloomberg, and Fox Business. He is the author of the books, Crisis of Responsibility: Our Cultural Addiction to Blame and How You Can Cure It (Post Hill Press), The Case for Dividend Growth: Investing in a Post-Crisis World (Post Hill Press), and Full-Time: Work and the Meaning of Life (Post Hill Press).

1018 episodes transcribed

A Buffet of Answers

Episode Date: September 1, 2023

Today's Post - So you may have seen in yesterday’s DC Today that my plans for an out-of-country few days with my wife this...


Looming Problems

Episode Date: August 25, 2023

Today's Post - The right thing to do with Dividend Cafe the weekend USC football season is beginning is just replay last ye...