The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 124 - The Fine Cotton Scandal - (Live w/Wil Anderson)

Episode Date: October 18, 2015

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds are joined by Australian Wil Anderson to examine The Fine Cotton Scandal live at The Comedy Store in Sydney, Australia. SOURCES TOUR DATES REDBUBBLE MERCH...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at and will Anderson and will Anderson's here so you guys have been to okay so
Starting point is 00:01:14 Los Angeles Melbourne Perth and now Sydney yeah always in the front row they fucking love podcasts but they don't have an iPod it's the only way they can listen ladies you're doing it wrong these guys were on Australian television before we were having lunch and a guy was doing interviews for the New South Wales footy show so for their street talk segment he was just a costing fable and I made them do it boy they those those footy players are really good interviewers tell us a joke which is just a fun thing to see on the street tell us a joke he did that he did the
Starting point is 00:02:34 thing that every human alive says when they meet a comedian and they don't really know comedians tell me a joke why don't you play some rug you should actually just started doing your act I have a terrible relationship with my father well you know that Tamra man's looking at his watch his days like but I'm a dad now and you know but that was the great thing because he started he asked a couple questions about father's day and I said well I'm in America we don't do it now and he was will you send by you anything I was like he's not he doesn't know and then he said what about your dad will you call him and I was
Starting point is 00:03:12 just like get a chair bro you you have no idea what you've just done some way your dad's just like look at Dave fucking up another TV opportunity 1983 1983 yeah oh that's that's fun John Gillespie as he used car salesman and he was in a bugle road jail in Brisbane where he met associates of Mick Sayers a Sydney gangster and boogey and boogey boogey boogey he's also a boogey board I think it's like that you're the man I've heard about for all these years he's a gangster but you can also take him down to the beach and ride him also scare your kids yeah I'm a boogey too in the early 1980s Sayers was one of Sydney's
Starting point is 00:04:17 biggest gamblers but he lost more than he won and he supplemented his income with drug deals and into this shit early and he was known to be violent the boogeyman is John Gillespie came up with a plan with Sayers men to pull off what was called a ring-in where an underperforming racehorse is switched for an identical-looking faster one oh yeah you know you actually know it yeah that makes sense that's what happened with me and Adam Hill's so like get Ando in he's got two legs little did they know about my wonky hips you might have to put Ando down a horse is going also the arthritis but
Starting point is 00:05:13 he's hilarious so bets bets are placed at higher at high odds on the lesser horse and then they pay out big when the switched horse wins yeah another prisoner Pat height height Anna a prisoner yeah these are these are all happening in prison they're all hatching this plan in prison but you guys are in prison yeah they're in jail they're all in jail and they're hatching a plan to get rich okay I didn't all right that's what you do in jail sure you scheme idea man right so pat hi hi tana was a jockey and he was brought into the plan after getting out of jail Gillespie met with Sayers who bankrolled the ring-in nice
Starting point is 00:05:55 okay at this point Sayers needed to win he owed more than 120,000 to the biggest racketeer of all George Freeman who had a great resume he had been accused of murder assault fixing horse races running illegal casinos bribing police and bribing police the second bribing police police was just so he got his free coffee he had a card with all of them on it he had one square left where the fuck I'll bribe another cop okay so in May 1984 using the money Gillespie bought the horse dashing solitaire lovely name yeah a six-year-old group two winner so there's group one which is a head ones top-notch group two
Starting point is 00:06:41 sure I bought him for ten thousand then he paid a thousand dollars to buy an identical looking horse named fine cotton oh yeah right that's no dashing solitaire some people just went oh yeah no boy what fine cotton was a nine-year-old gelling who was entered into as many races as possible the betting price was driven down to buy racing fine cotton in nine races in 30 days before the ring in okay they're working that shit they're working that fucking horse fine cotton fine cotton's getting yeah cool hang on fine cotton's the good one of the bad bad one bad one dashing solitaire good one okay you would think
Starting point is 00:07:18 with the name like fine cotton though you'd be a fucking great really like you're really missing the mark on the name there but fine but fine cotton is like Nicholas Cage and the other ones like John Travolta in this face-off situation right oh shit that's huge now which ones Travolta face-off is a dashing solitaire I feel like pick wisely no idea no T what Nick Nolte wait now there's a nolte horse doing coke showing up naked Jesus Christ we got to put the nolte horse down make that thing glue now no yeah I'm trying to figure it out yet Travolta would be fine cotton yeah
Starting point is 00:08:04 okay oh Travolta's fine right cotton that's the yeah huh I feel like that added nothing well I'm picturing the horses differently they've got they've done a face-off of their own right look I'm enjoying the message a little more than the other horses do my front I think I feel like every dollop should have a who is who and face off get the mattress to sponsor it by the way you guys can get a chance to get a Savva so fine cotton came in eighth to last in all races so not that good eight eighth to last okay they were also flogging the horse during this time so its appearance would help the betting price drop
Starting point is 00:09:00 rule why just making it look like beaten yeah that's exactly what it was they're beating it to make it look beaten Garret really likes animals so of all the podcasts we've done he's now more upset than he's ever been I love how you made it like it was outrageous that Garret was upset about somebody beating a horse for no reason other than to drive down its price even if my picture distraught it's still cruel it's a little funnier but it's cool oh my god how could be so hot what about it's hurt my back I'm doing my best I didn't know you had another one's just like when is it my
Starting point is 00:09:51 turn to raise I'm ready when ever welcome to another episode of almost impressions what wouldn't that be a great movie if they put John Chavau this face in a horse finally the movie no one wanted look who's talking forever I mean it's not that far away because I mean essentially look who's talking was Mr. Ed with babies yeah yeah so you just do that back the other way they've just looked at his watch is like our boy okay so a week before the race dashing solitaire cut its leg on barbed wire and needed a dozen stitches in its
Starting point is 00:10:51 leg this horse would not be racing oh this is playing in a barbed wire patch I'm imagining these guys aren't taking the best care of the horses there's probably just a just a roll of barbed wire laying out this whole plot revolves around this horse being ready to race like surely even these bad dudes would understand that this is their most valuable asset right yeah you would think so but apparently just leaving barbed wire around like they're fucking wrestling don't worry about dashing solitaire he's playing in barbed wire we fine it's right under the hay yeah we keep it there with some folded up
Starting point is 00:11:25 chairs but I think we're gonna find out these guys aren't really rocket scientists okay so the horse that horse did not be racing dashing solitaire is out the conspirators had a meeting Gillespie phoned Sayers what one guy wanted to just give the the horse amphetamines he thought the best way out of this fix was to give the fine cotton a bunch of just speak with dashing solitaire no dashing solitaire is out fine cotton okay oh so now they're just thinking how are the horse got rice so let's just get fucking fine cotton on an ice bar yeah let's make it great cotton juice it up
Starting point is 00:12:12 Gillespie phoned Sayers quote someone's gonna get knocked over this he said to the group so new plan Gillespie bought a horse he had previously been to see named bold personality what is going on I mean both first you got to meet this horse he lights up a room the stories oh get next to him in a party you'll be glad you did I got another winner every story's first place I'll stop Gillespie bought both personality with a bad check he figured that after the ring in when they want all the money you'd be able to pay for the horse yeah boy that point right exactly then the ring in was delayed for four days one of the crew
Starting point is 00:13:07 Tomaso de Lucio went to pick up both personality went to pick up both personality in a horse trailer pulled by a Toyota Corolla I mean once you get one of those things on the freeway though look out I mean fucking hell they can barely get up a hill by themselves yeah in your Corolla parking on a hill it'll be fine I could take it sorry my girlfriend's got my berina so he's just doing like 20 down the highway there we go a lot of smoke something that literally has less horsepower than the horse I know what's going on I've added horsepower the horse should have been
Starting point is 00:14:00 towing the fucking Corolla that's I'm gonna go pick up a Corolla we're gonna race it is dashing solitaire out of nowhere dashing solitaire just got a horse head on it with Travolta's face on the front on the horse's face I don't know dancing solitaire reverse parking into the mounting area de Lucio had absolutely no knowledge of horses this is the way the same guy went to pick it up yep that's the guy I know you can you believe it seems like he gets it so he threw a heavy winter blanket over bull personality for the six-hour ride and it was hot out so by the time they got to Brisbane bull personality was
Starting point is 00:15:02 distressed and dehydrated Hayden hi Tana who is the brother of the Pat the guy in the other hate Tana from the prison they met yeah he was gonna be the trainer he decided that the horse needed to be drenched what sorry to you mean as in with water or like as in like with the dirt whatever that is that they drenched them with you know they it's a farm thing I grew up on a farm I didn't pick it all up for a guy but I heard the monthly about drenching and I believe it's a thing you do what do you what do you think drenching is well I mean I don't know is my point I'm sorry I brought you point it to your face you
Starting point is 00:15:55 said you know when they do the thing well there's some sort of like you rely on a drencher of some kind and you just build a drink you dispel the drench from the drencher yeah into the drenches that you make them well they're like selling drenches are you sure I don't work for drenches everyone should have drenches wait a minute can't have adventures with our drenches anyway whatever we're just pouring water on it right okay so drenching is when a hose is inserted into one of the nostrils and flushed and waters flushed oh you know what I was fucking close your mouth yeah no you're in the fucking zone sure in
Starting point is 00:16:45 the zone why is that better than just letting them drink water like that I think it's like an IV yeah it's like an IV it's like a horrible IV I mean yeah horrible it's like HIV that's a horrible IV I'm just saying it's the worst IV I've ever done yeah now normally normally drenching is done by a vet oh this gentleman just gave us a kangaroo testicle bottle opener and will is now opening his bottle with that bottle opener and he's putting the testicles into his mouth and will's drinking drencher beer guys drencher beer hot new beer on the market get yourself a drencher Mike it's all I got it's all I
Starting point is 00:17:37 got it's as close as you're gonna get I took a fucking chance didn't go well I liked it it was bold nobody they're all mad a bold personality then put a hose in my nose wait a minute that's the travolta catchphrase he was there he's like hey you know this horse put another rubber nose up a toes fuck that was like a fucking gymnast at the Olympics who fucking nailed the whole thing and just did that little fucking bit at the end yeah my knee buckled I'll take the bronze so these these intelligent men did it to bold personality when they remove the hose personality began to bleed oh yep that's not good also bird
Starting point is 00:18:41 personality was reddish brown with a black mane tail and lower legs while fine cotton was dark brown fine cotton had white socks right so the white legs and bold personality had not no white socks but again you can't judge it just on its physical appearance because this personality is off the charts you gotta meet this horse yeah what it likes it looks but it makes up within personality yeah but the but the when you switch a horse you want it to look yeah yeah you know you don't switch it for its personality that's interesting that's what he was like the personalities are exactly the side I did what you asked
Starting point is 00:19:24 damn it so much alike you could take one face off one and put it on the other and they think it was the same person that same guy also the corolla is broken yeah we're gonna need a new corolla we're gonna take this horse back put a bullet in the corolla's head it's raised its last race so Gillespie went around town buying a ton of cleral dark brown hair ties it's Christ what they're treating it like oh my god it's not a problem in Australia we can't solve with black vise I mean and there's just not a smart person in the group really huh because there's nobody who's like that's stupid I just popped down and get some
Starting point is 00:20:19 just for horses so that night they died the horse completely they went to bed and they woke up the following morning once and they went down to see bold personality who had turned bright red haha way better than dying oh my god I mean it did did die but uh wow we got a problem mate no one's gonna buy a red horse switch we might have to switch prices but the plan had so many people involved that they had to continue what yeah now that's a wise the wire on the way to the track with the horses they've stopped at the home of Robert North a wealthy Brisbane gambler who was in on
Starting point is 00:21:26 the scam their burst bolt personality was hosed down the die running off his legs were then sprayed with white paint okay they're fucking spray painting a horse I mean you are in the worst possible place planning wise spray paint it's right by my mind he's like tagging it was it no just spray it don't put the date there not today Banksy it's like he had a lot of shows he's a banksy but the paint just dripped off if you could if you could tag horses it would be happening all over the place the paint just matter in time Michelle that's happening in the States so high tana decided to wrap its
Starting point is 00:22:11 legs in bandages and cover the horse with a blanket for as long as possible before the race oh yeah cuz once it's moving no one will say it's freezing keep moving keep moving horse is cold yeah keep moving and then they realized that bold personality was wearing the wrong type of horseshoes for the race what how was that how many even possible what yeah what are they fucking that but what yeah oh no no these are made weekend heels I have a bold personality I get my he was like wearing pumps like no just doesn't go with the outfit so then they brought in a guy who did horse shoes but he was like it's you don't want
Starting point is 00:22:55 to you don't have enough time I can't do it now so off he went with the wrong shoes the horses arrived at Eagle Farm track with just an hour to go before the race fine cotton was left out in the car park good bold personality in personating fine cotton stayed under a blanket all the way up until it walked into the barriers okay as a bag on why was fun cotton even there yeah why is then fun cotton unnecessary to be in there oh we can't lose fun cotton at home I suppose we got to bring them all you know the rules fine cotton's in the back of the you yeah just the case bold personality needs to get any info on how
Starting point is 00:23:38 to be the solitaire horse you need him there for info in the understudy for so long okay so fine cotton's out there with like an earpiece like Cyrano yeah yeah yeah right now run good good good keep doing that do that as fast as you can hey this guy this guy's asking me if I have kids do I have kids you do not have kids you do say want kids but you do not have kids did you say one you're breaking up I want no one you want kids you don't have kids hello bull personality fight cut the bull personality yeah I got one kid get the spray paint so as betting commenced fine cotton's I don't know why he's there I
Starting point is 00:24:30 think maybe because after the race they might want to switch him out in case it gets expected afterwards should be like a three stooges movie this is the plot of the first stage basically but I am as the betting commenced fine cotton's odds went from 33 to 1 to 7 to 2 because everyone in Brisbane and the world knew what was happening people who had never been to a horse race were betting I mean there's not a functioning part of the plan nothing is going right from journalist Jack the insider must be a racing guy indeed the best indeed there were also a number of members of the Queensland fraud squad in
Starting point is 00:25:22 attendance did you know about fraud squad fraud squad the Queensland's fraud squad what's this 1983 they were they were actually mostly in charge of the fraud that makes yeah about that era a red herring yeah those Venn diagrams would have been pretty fucking similar to be honest the people that to be honest if the fraud squad in Queensland in the mid 80s wanted to do their job they should have just got mirrors and arrested the guy in them it's hard with handcuffs bull personality that battled it out with the favorite Harbour Gold and one by a nose more than one million had been bet on fine cotton yeah the
Starting point is 00:26:06 Canberra times August 19th 1984 fine cotton was disqualified be by Queensland turf club stewards after a suspected ring-in operation at Eagle Farm racetrack bets on fine cotton were also written in New Zealand New Guinea and Fiji everybody in the fucking world knew about it Fiji so there were countries where they learned English in the time it took because the plan was out for so long someone's first words in English were fine cotton in the 40 minutes after fine cotton's win police impounded the horse betting
Starting point is 00:26:46 sheets were seized and its trainer Hayden Hytana could not produce registration papers Hayden said later I thought well I'm in big trouble here because at by that time pandemonium broke out people are jumping the fence and yelling ring in and all that so I thought I'm gone you know I didn't even get to pat the horse when it came in oh sorry to take away that sentimental moment fuckface what are you just go out to the cop back and pat fine cotton who's sitting in the back of your fucking corolla you dickhead you've left fine cotton in the corolla with the window down this fuck a mug for three
Starting point is 00:27:28 hours and a blanket so he just bailed he just bailed and police quickly began searching for him three days later the Queensland Minister for Racing Mr. Hines expressed concern that the trainer Hayden Hytana and his wife and children had not been seen in public since the race he openly stated that Hayden was in danger of losing his life earlier that year during a ring-in attempt gone wrong a Sydney horse trainer named George Brown was found dead his burn body left in his burning car on f6 freeway yep that is a whistler probably lit a cigarette
Starting point is 00:28:11 around well that's fry pint yeah I'm on break four days later Hayden Hytana went on 60 minutes I mean that's what you do right yeah for sure yeah I'll clear this up he was still in hiding he said the person who killed George Brown was a person connected to the million-dollar ring in a fine cotton good smart thing to do yeah he's public with that he said quote he opened his suit and showed me his gun and said do you want to end up like trainer brown what do you call brown trainer brown what browns a trainer so trainer brown yeah would you think I think it's like Trinco Brown Trinco Brown yeah I didn't know what it
Starting point is 00:28:53 to me I was like you know if you remember I went what yeah that seems like an all-night way of language like a train is things that you have to like say their name in front of like a yeah like captain yeah is that how it was I remember the 1980s and we weren't going around this is comedian garrison hello this is my friend accountant Roger janitor Jerry will be here in a minute he'll clean this all up an inquiry is quickly held in court fine cotton co-owner John Dixon and leading the Brisbane Commission betting agent Jack Honey refused to name names Stewart they couldn't remember all of them
Starting point is 00:29:40 Stewart's established that Tomaso de Lucio of Brisbane was the boyfriend of Miss Pauline Pierce co-owner of fine cotton okay on August 31st Sydney book maker Robbie Waterhouse was named in connection with this scandal he dismissed allegations as the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard racing thrives on rumors and when you're the biggest name in racing unfortunately you have to put up with being the subject of rumors asked of his family could asked if he could have been confused with another member of his family he said none none of my family are involved and then he said I'm not
Starting point is 00:30:17 sure what the words prior knowledge actually are meant to me but I imagine I could have a guess based on the words no prior knowledge of prior knowledge what is the first I've heard of this is I've heard of this I mean I know what knowledge means I know what prior means when you put them together but there's no doubt that I was wrong firstly to be involved with backing a horse somewhat serendipitously and number two not more importantly not telling the stewards everything I knew about it so it seems like he just said that he knew about it right right but he found out what prior knowledge was the hard way September 6th
Starting point is 00:31:09 a Gold Coast horse dealer named John Gillespie a horse dealer horse dealer is that honestly remember he's the guy who bought the horses so now he's a horse beans ecstasy oh yeah this this this is an ecstasy story do you tonight I make this clear this is a horse beans ecstasy this is all about X anyway no man I thought I was getting some bold personalities but I'm pretty sure these are fucking fine cottons they're the same man just good they're not meant to be rent you got solid tears bro tastes the spring you know the fine cottons the fine cons are a little bit slower but they're just as fucking good this one
Starting point is 00:31:48 just had a Travolta face fall off of it what the fuck are these John Gillespie said that he would attend the fine cotton ring and inquiry in Brisbane with a clear conscience as he had nothing to hide he said in an exclusive telephone interview that he had kept out of sight for the past week because of threats against them while I haven't received the threats personally they have been made to my wife Gillespie said it's fun interstate business commitments had prevented him from appearing at your earlier hearings he
Starting point is 00:32:22 had business look interstate interstate between states yeah right interstate or just on the border or over excuse yeah he had couldn't get through yeah it just sounds a lot like your excuse to not get interviewed for that thing I'm just business business okay not him leaving big on September 7th Hayden was arrested near Adelaide at about 6 p.m. in a hotel Tom DeLuzio was warned that he faced punishment under Australian racing regulations when he refused to answer questions at a witness Pat Haytona was alleged to have told another person at Eagle Farm racehorse after fine cotton won its race that he
Starting point is 00:33:04 probably would never have to work again oh man that's yeah that's a little wrong yeah and in the choir he said that was the excitement of the race what I did say I don't really know can't recall that's good and I remember Hayden Haytona posted bail and he left the jail in the boot of a car to avoid reporters at the suggestion of his lawyer and then his lawyer snuck him into a drive-in movie just because he was in there anyway it was in a corolla that's still good fuck it's way to doubt get in the boot of the corolla I've said this before I'll say it again we should get a Camry on September 23rd Hayden Haytona
Starting point is 00:33:53 won a thousand dollars at the Southport races on Queen Queen Lynn's Gold Coast Haytona said he had backed the first two winners and for a joke he had also backed a horse called Blazing Cotton he was somewhat as a celebrity at as Southport punters spotted him spending a relaxed afternoon at the track so all at the track he's like a celebrity you are though right like if you're like a guy's pulled off a big racing con and you're at like the like that's you're the guy you spray painted a horse and got away with it well didn't get away with it well but but you know still you had a crack people love that or just if
Starting point is 00:34:41 you painted a horse red and try to get him to win like that's right almost did it they came down and they found a horse that was red I mean the fact that they even got a red horse in the fucking race is an achievement I feel like we're judging them because I felt at the final hurdle but they got a lot of things were off I mean it really wasn't emotional for that moment when it did win after winning that day the track he flew home to Adelaide later that day he was remanded in custody when he appeared under tight police security before an Adelaide magistrate for extradition to Queensland apparently
Starting point is 00:35:25 didn't like the whole showboating and go into the track they had an issue with that on October 12th fine cotton's trainer Hayden Hytana part owner John Dixon Thomas de Lucio Robert Ray North and John Gillespie were charged with conspiring with intent to defraud the chairman of the QTC and others short title Queensland track cunts sorry did you cut right away I think I think that's yeah I mean if it's a it's a just the letters I think it's cunts wait so any c-word is cunt to you well I were in Australia what did you say it was turf club what's happening Queensland turf club oh they
Starting point is 00:36:16 say it's a tough club don't fuck with the club right on October 14th one of Australia's biggest sorry I kept out of that because I do a show on the ABC all broadcasting cunts again I'm pretty sure that's what it is no he works there no have you ever been to Kentucky fried cunts sort of what it tastes like actually it ain't chicken that's all I'm saying but why would it be that it seems so much harder to mass produce I'm not saying human it's possible I made it is finger-looking good so I'm a vegetarian so why is that towelette so moist I'm getting moisture the more I eat of it
Starting point is 00:37:34 that's just eating my chicken and shouted fell off the table I like it like that I am that's it that's all I have oh I thought you were gonna ask a question you said hey sorry just were you just saying hey like hi how are you is Robbie waterhouse in this story more yeah do you know okay cool now that's why I wanted to keep my knowledge of him until it but I didn't want to go we're about we're about to talk about the water okay awesome on October 14th one of Australia's biggest betting bookmakers Bill waterhouse yeah and his son were ordered to appear before the Australian Jockey Club Committee he's got a lot of
Starting point is 00:38:19 raise track club committees and the Australian Jockey Club though is it's a really fun club like all the like yeah stuff is on really life-showing it's like a board of like little jockeys they just have a little mini-bow you know what I love to go on there because I'm like I'm a giant and they just fucking scatter they're trying to talk into the microphones at the trial they're like okay so the waterhouses would need to show cause why they should not be banned from all race courses race yeah courses so yeah what do you know about them you you know a waterhouse fact oh yeah okay firstly the plural of waterhouses is
Starting point is 00:39:18 actually water homes no well here's the thing like I don't want to spoil anywhere this is going but like this is a whole obviously a horrible story about these people who've corrupted the racing industry so obviously their family was based it was banned forever for being involved in the Australian racing industry right apart from the number one trainer out of Sydney is gay waterhouse and the number one betting agency in Australia is by their son Tomwater else oh yeah we didn't flush this shit out at all no it sounds like you guys really cracked down on this it was a massive turn we've tried to flush it
Starting point is 00:40:01 it wouldn't go down so we just fished it out rubbed it in glitter and put it on telly that's by the way her name is gay waterhouse which just sounds like it is gay like it's in a gay waterhouse I was at this waterhouse and we're all in town and I didn't really know if it was like a anyway nothing wrong with that bug oh I didn't know this was a gay waterhouse I thought it was just a water house what happens in a game says the John Travolta horse what happens in a gay waterhouse I just thought he was
Starting point is 00:40:46 welcome to not at all impressions diplomatic immunity judge of all to went to Sweden for a year and hello at your water but your nose when I put your horse on with a rubber nose you put the face in the booty her and again her and again that's Travolta in his native language what do you think happens at a waterhouse gay waterhouse just stays in there whatever it is so much dudes getting jerked off being like I'm picturing a girl don't worry notices also went to professional punter John go Gary Clark a professional
Starting point is 00:41:44 punter care sorry and Gary's wife Glenis gladness gladness gladness sorry I'm here in fun stuff tonight let us let us she's a wedge let us Ian Murray a punter and businessman and a priest father Edward O'Dwyer oh no quote yes got involved in something the first I know can you believe it man I don't know when they left boys and got into horses but here you go it's okay if the horse is seven good joke barely an altar horse anymore he didn't say night once father
Starting point is 00:42:57 O'Dwyer admitted to backing the horse with certain bookmakers a cheap steward said the priest had previously been a suspect in drug trafficking in 1980 the priest had a priest what are you talking about you're right I love the drug trafficking thing died like that is like adding an extra bit to communion right and Jesus said take this this is my small intestine I don't know why that's just like well the priest had bet $1,000 on fine cotton which was his entire savings he had planned for a trip to England father a Dwyer also told journalist that he was in Britain at the time of the race but he wasn't I bet he
Starting point is 00:43:51 wasn't yeah it was not but God is like you can lie about shit if you're committed to cry yeah Jockey's Pat I'm still shocked that you guys spray painted a horse go do whatever Jockey's Pat hey Tana and Paul Dykes were disqualified for 12 months and six months respectively that's what you get that's it for fixing a horse race yeah that sounds about right it's what Damian Oliver got a couple years ago right he got about like six months and he's out as our greatest jockey so I think he fixed it just better on another horse you have a greatest jockey yeah we don't
Starting point is 00:44:33 do it yeah shoe maker oh cool Michael shoe maker that's not a that's anyway he made shoes and he and he was a horse he made horses he made shoes on the side he was a cobbler you think you have Daniel Daileus nope never mind I didn't really land that joke but if you go home and Google Daniel Daileus really is a great show sorry that's a great joke so fuck you guys no we we are all agreement up here that you guys were all wrong how dare you yes you make her he was our best and then he died you know he got like too small he's shrink he's just gone one day he was just gone he was this big
Starting point is 00:45:22 yesterday and now he's gone I hear his voice at night oh he's not gone he's just little that would explain a lot about Jockey's because they've voices do get high yeah but maybe they started big they're like Benjamin but yeah they just shrink as I get older and their voice goes up like they're helium balloon they're letting the air out so the next day Brisbane's Channel 9 television news crew took Hayden Hittana to an unnamed property at Kumra near the Gold Coast where he positively positively identified a horse as fine cotton but fine cotton was found at the Queensland police
Starting point is 00:46:19 stables just several hundred meters from the Eagle farm racetrack grazing amongst the police mounts at the fucking police stables I don't know what's happening fuck they'll never notice in there they must just been going like he won't believe we do that so let's do it yeah dudes we spray painted a fucking horse you're stopping at hiding our horse amongst train people who probably account for how many horses they have every night up horses possible Gary is your Sprite by no no no November 4th a stormy crowd protest erupted in the gloom of a rain swept Canterbury racehorse race course
Starting point is 00:47:16 yesterday when the Albert Hightana trained New Zealand bread gilding Roy Mac staged a sensational form reversal to win the last race officials had to restrain one woman as angry punters mobbed the mounting yard following the easy win which came after the five-year-olds price had blown out from under 25 to 1 to 200 one at the start Albert Hightana is the brother of Hayden Hightana and Pat Hightana who rode Roy Mac to victory they're still at it wow they're getting away what a unfortunate coincidence really talking about the right place at the right time right Alberta Hightana attributed a Roy Mac's
Starting point is 00:48:02 previous lack of success to injury quote he's been at home injured since August 8th he said it's taken this long for him to come good and I plan to give him one more start in Sydney before Roy Mac finishes his racing career and goes home to New Zealand the stewards warned of the Hightanas that Roy Mac would be closely watched oh Jesus so you take that okay in November the equity division of the Supreme Court heard from Father O'Dwyer's business partner Mario John Puglia yep okay often that often priests will be in business with guys who are clearly in the mob that doesn't sound mobish what was it again Mario John
Starting point is 00:48:47 Puglia hang on but that just makes no sense to have that allegation because I mean the Vatican is in the middle of Italy where are you okay now you're absolutely right quote we have a number of businessmen in total primarily there is a business of management services of giving assistance and advice to people who need help particularly in the field of small business people who get into trouble with banks we are registered brokers in this regard father O'Dwyer is a director of the business Puglia said the role he plays is that he seeks clients where he can as I do so the fucking place yeah is finding people in
Starting point is 00:49:31 his parish who are down on their luck yeah and sending them over to the fucking mob kind yeah like in the story from the Bible where Jesus found the money lenders in the church and gave them all high-fives and said go about your business be gentle on those five yet the okay no look with nails what high-five he's like yeah like this was pretty crucifixion they didn't do it before like he wasn't walking around with them in his hand for a while yeah now he was there was like it flat lies the earrings like you the big ones you get you have to work out the holes yeah it hurts but sort of high-fiving anybody
Starting point is 00:50:16 that's what I'm saying that's my point to you so when is it doing the fist bumps fucking dude he's magic come on and now fish bread down you like that water wait what lightning fingers one time want on one time it's five o'clock somewhere am I right I'm writing a new Bible and yeah get ready you know it sounds good it's nine pages uh-huh it's it sounds like it might be for the kids yeah it's all that is the party Jesus yeah animated party Jesus and he's just cool yeah but he still holds all that other bullshit but he's cool does he spin yeah for sure
Starting point is 00:51:31 I mean he's got to be careful again those paws pre-records his beats like thriller is the new Bible called the paws of Jesus yeah yeah J pause have you not heard his new album straight out of Bethlehem come on dude he's a blood what he's a blood he's a blood yeah fuck what he's the tightest this is my blood yeah yeah wow we just went on a magical ride with Jesus I am into this new Jesus you're gonna love him bold personality great crew yeah great right cruise that was a bit random yeah so father O'Dwyer's officially warned off rakes tracks indefinitely yeah more pet and priest right you shouldn't have to
Starting point is 00:52:35 do that with priests I might be wrong but I feel like somewhere in their vows part of it is like don't go to the track for it right yeah you would think yes right yes yeah don't go to the track although they don't they don't they don't stop figuring boys so I guess the racetrack isn't is it like a oh well I told what we'll have to talk to the staff here because oh do you need mom well no just that you know the buckets are empty they shouldn't get I mean I mean they should be forever flowing are you talking flogging yeah I'm gonna flog the staff and 1985 gangster Michael Mick Sayers 37 was shot outside his home at
Starting point is 00:53:24 Bronte about 10 p.m. on Saturday and killed he had double-crossed a heroin dealer over $400,000 with a heroin he didn't he did a double switch man that's like that whistle in the audience like probably couldn't hear it on the podcast but like when you said like that much like of heroin yeah there was one dude who's like hmm I know heroin yeah sweet a man as he whistled through his two reminding tape he wasn't even whistling he just sighed out Hayden Hytana was sentenced to 12 months in jail with hard labor for fine cotton ringing electronics technician Tom DeLuzio electronics it's so great
Starting point is 00:54:18 Brisbane was found not guilty oh no fucking what the guy who towed the fucking horse in a crawler couldn't identify a horse in a lineup she's like that was the bit I'm like clearly this guy had no idea what was going on he took a corolla to pick up the fucking horse should have called a fucking over for the whole if you think I was knew what was going on why don't you tell me why I was torn it around a corolla innocent oh so I put a blanket on it yeah I put a fucking big old blanket on it was like 85 degrees out whatever 30 you're John Glespie did not answer bail at the district court and was now
Starting point is 00:55:07 being sought by police he was found a couple of weeks later he was discovered crouching in a cupboard in his sister's house heaven the luxury oh this is my sleeping area yeah I didn't know you guys like crouching in a cover yeah you really have no other option if you're in a cupboard standing tall in a cupboard he was a jockey at the end of his life all three of him standing tall and proudly look me head don't touch the mugs when they found him they just like hit it to see if there's anyone in there and he's like mags I like the idea that they turned on the lights and he ran out from under the fruit I think I
Starting point is 00:55:55 was him Glespie would be sentenced to three months Jesus and well oh no he's jailed for three months and but he didn't have a lawyer quote I don't require any I am making no application for bail he said okay then there was a paperwork mix up and Glespie was allowed to just walk out of court that is beautiful as much as he's a dick you do have to sort of love that feeling for him he's like sweet all righty well shit later guys okay I guess I can just go just a bit of moment where he went to correct them no I'm supposed to get coffee with my friend so I should go right good thank you guys very airtight
Starting point is 00:56:43 chip love it when the court finally tracked down the paperwork they went and got him and brought him back to jail we found it so come on back in February 1986 Glespie fingered now dead Michael Sares sorry sorry okay hold on hold on why sorry hold on sorry sorry yeah are you fingered a dead guy as well I put it up Dave hold on sorry yeah I forgot to tell you he was exhumed and they found him wow what a little finger bang in the court yes yeah man this is weekend in Bernie Jesus all right so they didn't finger it dead well I knew what I knew what I wrote
Starting point is 00:57:46 fingered instead of accused that you gentlemen would get all dirty she said he fingered a dead guy yeah well I mean you can figure that's the guy it's a fucking saying that's him not just fingering someone doesn't mean that they're gonna keep going come they're gonna come dead guys don't come but if they do ah no fucking master no your finger blaster yeah did you see that if you get it like Thunderdome Mad Max Thunderdome the master finger blaster yeah what are finger-blasting everybody are we talking about the same thing I don't I hope not okay anyway this one he got a sticky pinky keep going this
Starting point is 00:58:39 will be filed as mature on iTunes all right so he says that dead Michael Sears was the financier and mastermind of the fine cotton ring in Gillespie said quote the whole thing was set up for Sears to get back at the bookies in Sydney Gillespie was not believed and was given four years in prison I hang on was he a bookie which Sears was he a bookie do you say the bookies in no Sears was the guy who gambled the shitload it was always in debt and he wanted to get back at the bookies who had left okay but was the guy earlier a boogie or a boogie a boogie oh I missed that whole thing I thought he was a
Starting point is 00:59:21 boogie well we were joking that he was a boogie I know you don't actually take people down to the beach and ride them well you know what I fucking if you like the nightlife sometimes so you thought that I just casually said he was a boogie I thought he was a boogie and that was something I didn't know about and then I'm like I was too busy in my head trying to come up with a joke about smuggling pot to barley in him which would have like worked at the time that I missed the actual fucking point and it's finally because I don't really understand you when you talk because of your accent like I finally
Starting point is 01:00:02 realized you meant bookies so I thought he was a bookie too for a minute every single heckle I've gotten in Australia from the audience has been this I just got I don't know what you're doing sweet beautiful fucking music that is my beats the birds and we've gotten some heckling Perth it was a gentleman who did some great heckling to the podcast he was good he was great it was and he came up and introduced himself after it was like I was on heckled you know it's like thank you sir thanks a lot remember everyone in the room booed you that was a sign but on the upside you got to make
Starting point is 01:00:45 bin cousins sorry I got that one even I got that one yeah same that dude people in America people in America are now googling oh fuck this podcast I'm not gonna Google that I know exactly what we're talking about many cousins it's classic so Gillespie gets four years in prison then Hayden Hytana said a man had come to see him in jail and said quote I've come here on behalf of Robbie Waterhouse as a friend oh sure the man asked Hytana to record a television interview and blame mix airs the dead man for the crime yeah then David water him figure the dead man then David Waterhouse brother of Robbie
Starting point is 01:01:42 Waterhouse signed an affidavit claiming his brother organized the fine cotton ring it Bill and Robbie Waterhouse were banned from racing in 1989 brothers Hayden and Pat Hytana hopped popped back up on the New Zealand racing scene Hayden was ordered off the Mantamata course he was banned from race tracks in both New Zealand and Australia and in 1994 Hytana was escorted from the Mildura race course by Stewards he just keeps trying he just keeps trying to get if he's getting found that means all the time so he went there and bet and wasn't found right right then in 2013 Hayden Hytana was allowed to return to
Starting point is 01:02:24 the track the racing Queensland board decided he had served his time sure what yeah well no you you know you I mean look you did your time you twice you got caught and clearly you will be a benefit to racing and I love that he's clear not even trying that hard to be in disguise at least I can like pay yourself right big great who never ever I saw a guy who looked like an umbilumber in white boots but yeah why are your shoes spray to spray painted white I've lured to place a bit
Starting point is 01:03:04 hot in here my silver's coming off the water houses were allowed water homes were allowed back to race courses in 1998 yep finally in 2001 Philippine immigration agents arrested John Gillespie for allegedly promising foreigners high-paying jobs in a non-existent country called the Dominion of Melchis deck no no this late in the story to bring up something that good like I thought minion of Melchis dick like so close like they would have been like ah what should we call it I'm sorry the Dominion of Melchis dick Melchis dick Melchis dick let's name it after Melchis dick
Starting point is 01:04:20 hey Melch you got the papers they're gonna be so about Melch I've got a country you're gonna like yeah have a big dick what's the country get over here Melch this is your dominion you get all the dick sucks Gillespie was arrested for large-scale illegal recruitment and non-payment of debts according to officials quote he had been introducing himself as either the president governor general foreign affairs minister or external affairs minister of a fictitious country hello I'm the prime minister of Melchis dick you want a job bro you know what kind of job I'm talking about blow sorry sir what get on
Starting point is 01:05:12 the island this is Melch you know the worst thing about that story is they've been in a fictional place a woman can't get an important position in a government I don't think we're ready yet all the major positions taken by one man fucking wise secretaries of ladies like and the secretary by 2008 John Gillespie had racked up 350 convictions first for fences including false pretenses stealing and armed robbery at 68 years old he was now being investigated for conjuring up fanciful stories that he had inherited a fortune made up of famous artworks and a string of properties on the Gold Coast from a
Starting point is 01:05:50 private pilot who once worked for the former Shah of Iran wow I love it go big or go home with the lies essentially this is the guy who came up with the first Nigerian aim out in order to convince he was doing this in order to convince unsuspecting businessmen to finance his activities Gillespie had promised various parties he would fund everything from a 44 million dollar horse race what's man to a 10 million feedlot to a 250,000 dollar haul of anti-wrinkle cream what the fuck he's got his negotiating techniques from the end of get smart a 40 40 million dollar okay what would you believe at 10
Starting point is 01:06:43 million dollar just be talking to a guy he noticed he had wrinkles to be like you know we also have an anti-wrinkle excuse me wait what I mean because I'm gonna know we're talking about the track and the 44 million dollar race horse I notice a little bit of wrinkle room and we have a truckload of wrinkle cream coming in if you want to get in on that getting a good vibe five businessmen claimed that Gillespie owed them a total of almost two million Gillespie told the Daily Telegraph the sale of some art to Arab interests fell through because they found out he was managing a gold close gold coat that's okay because they found
Starting point is 01:07:23 out he was managing a Gold Coast nightclub singer who sang an anti-terrorist song called you won't go to heaven why have we not heard more from her I mean that's why a lot of business deals for her because he managed a person who had an anti-terrorist yeah also to be that clearly pro-terror it's offensively anti I don't know where I fall on it but I'm not like that no are you do really have a woman singing in your nightclub against terrorism sir you'll never know so like knowing what I know about the Gold Coast was it really like a Gold Coast singer singing anti-terrorism songs like what the fuck on the
Starting point is 01:08:07 gold cut like I guess maybe the idea of finding 72 versions was foreign to them but well we've got nine so in 2008 he would not glass we would not reveal his whereabouts because he said Muslim extremists were trying to kill him totally fair on February 20th 2009 fine cotton died oh yeah also corp entertainment paid John Glespie and John Dixon to develop a screenplay about the fine cotton scandal Glespie said quote it's time the real story was told I want to get it off my chest oh yeah last year father of Dwyer was interviewed by the Daily Telegraph his band was eventually lifted but the priest has never gone back
Starting point is 01:08:53 to the races now 90 immediately after the interview he asked that the interview not be published did they respect his wishes no I love that they wanted them to make a fucking movie and their story I would have loved if they just handed in like sea biscuit but on red paper you know we got some of the pain off the script is it sea biscuit you guys thank you for coming to the bonus what your what happened that was the end the horse died and everyone we wrapped up everybody yeah there's no one else to talk about you guys unless you want to start I think the important moral to remember is these criminals are still
Starting point is 01:09:38 fully involved in our society fully involved they've got ads on the TV hi I'm Tom waterhouse like his name should not be associated with that's like Bill Cosby's son going in a fucking comedy like it's too soon dude wait what's wrong with Cosby you know Cosby might just be doing the longest joke of all time nobody's pointed that out good finish we're gonna end this on a terrible rape riff you guys thank you so much yes thank we because of we're between shows we can't do posters after the show but we'll do them after the next show if you guys stick around and go have dinner
Starting point is 01:10:26 why don't have dinner around here there's some great fucking places heard of subway you got dinner and then we'll be doing it after the next show after the 7th show but we still love you yeah we'll sign anything so come back after we will sign anything bring a dog or a horse oh god oh god thank you so much guys

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