The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 136 - Bayou of Pigs

Episode Date: December 6, 2015

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine a man who tried to take over an island. SOURCES TOUR DATES REDBUBBLE MERCH...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. Hello and welcome to the dollop. Interesting. American History podcast. Yes. Each week I read a story from American
Starting point is 00:00:50 history to my friend. Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the topic is going to be about. Why not? Because that's the whole thing that's the thing. Really? Yeah. You like it. Or are you lazy? No I know it's the that's part of the- Lazy Gary. No it's- Gareth's a little fucking Gareth. The last goddamn time. You don't know that. Yeah I do know that. I don't know that. Don't know. Whatever. God do you want to look who to do? I'll do one bottle. People say this is funny. Not Gary Gareth. Dave okay. Someone or something is tickling people. Is it for fun? And this is not going to become a tickly podcast. Okay. You are queen fakie of made-up town. All hell queen shit of lies though. A bunch of religious virgins go to mingle. And do
Starting point is 00:01:36 my thing. August 19th. Okay. 1948. All right. Michael Eugene Perdue was born in Indiana. Okay. I'm gonna I'm gonna preface this by saying this is one of those ones I had to write fast. Okay. So we might run into some spelling grammatical situations. I think I speak for everyone when I say that's okay. We're okay with that. We enjoy that. His parents were Flora and Henry Popcorn Perdue. All right let's just keep going and let's just say that Popcorn was a middle name for a while. It's a nickname. Sure. His dad was- dad was a moonshine bootlegger. That's pretty great. But Henry abandoned the family when Mike was just a baby. Listen
Starting point is 00:02:30 you knew the deal. You got in business with a moonshiner. Why even go into Popcorn at that point. It's a cover. It's a cover. Call yourself Popcorn and then you make you know bathtub boot. Popcorn pop them out. Poppin. So Flora moved the family to Tennessee when Michael was six. Okay. They were a poor hillbilly family. Yeah moonshine sort of says that that might be the case. Mike was Flora's favorite and she spoiled him. He could have anything. He could do anything. Nothing was ever wrong. Always always a- favorite. Bad bad bad. Flora's favorite. Bad thing to do. Why? No. Baby him. He had cats. Baby him he'll grow up
Starting point is 00:03:12 understanding how important rules are. He had cats. Well see I like the guy. And he would carry him around by the neck. I'm not a big fan anymore. He quote he killed quite a few cats his brother Bill said. I just want to retract when I said I liked what I heard earlier about the cats that I obviously got on board very early and I'm not into this anymore. The neck grabbing is a red flag. The killing is I'm off. It's not okay with me. Quote he didn't have a conscious at all really. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. You know I like I said I jumped in. I jumped in. I jumped in fast. I jumped in hard and I'm out. I get it. Yeah. I get it. I heard
Starting point is 00:03:45 cats. I know you like cats. Yeah. The musical and the space. I mean look if I'm in the second paragraph of the dollop and I say he liked cats that's never gonna fucking go well. Why would that go well? Why would I bring up cats in the second paragraph? There's no way I ever bring up cats in paragraph two if the guy isn't killing them. There's no other reason to bring up cats. You're also saying he liked cats like he liked cats. Really what you're saying is he liked murder. He loved murder. Yeah. So when Mike was a teenager he formed a gang that was inspired by the Ku Klux Klan. You know there's there's better heroes to
Starting point is 00:04:26 have gang wise. They would beat up blacks and break into vacation homes along the Tennessee River. All right. The gang didn't last long as police figured it out and arrested them. Okay. Mike then served time in a state prison. Okay. After being released Mike was now just a full-blown criminal. Right. In prison he learned better ways to commit crimes. So prisons always worked. Oh prisons great. Right. His mom remarried but the second husband wasn't much better. Mike found out he was beating her so he turned the tables and beat the shit out of his stepdad. All this and he's still in high school. What? Yeah. He's called living.
Starting point is 00:05:08 I'm going to prom. You should try it sometime. I don't want to try this kind of living. He killed cats. In 1968 his father gassed himself to death in his trailer. Interesting. A week later Mike enlisted in the Marines. Oh Jesus God. Well he's perfect Marine. Oh God. Killing machine. Oh God. Oh God. Two weeks after entering the Marine Corps he broke into a house and was arrested. He was charged with petty larceny and then was kicked out of the Marines. Okay. I'm gonna go ahead and say the Marines dodged a bullet. His Marine career lasted an entire seven weeks. It's great. That's the right amount of time probably. Kind of
Starting point is 00:05:49 like a camp. The fucking Vietnam War was on. Yeah. You don't want to be there. He spent time in jail again and when he got out he tried to live the straight life going from job to job. Mike worked watching over patients at a psychiatric hospital. That's pretty awesome. And it was a pretty good job. Like that's where they like having a six year old be a lifeguard. But that's where they want many extra work in the 60s. It is. Want to beat up some crazy people. Yeah. But you also got to worry that like two of them are like that's a good point my man. Hey let's do you want to form like a buddy ship. Is that what it called. Yeah. A
Starting point is 00:06:21 buddy ship. I'll get the boat. No dude. He also drove a truck. He got another job in a different psychiatric hospital. He tried to work in the drug trade driving pot up from Texas. But he got swindled out of all of his money. Swindled. Yeah. That's that's the word I found. I decided to keep it. Yeah. Then he learned a great way to defraud banks. Oh boy. He would look for a home mailbox with the flag raised. Okay. That means there's outgoing letters. Yeah. I mean they're literally red flags. They literally are red flags. Yeah. He'd steal the letters and hopefully find one with a check. Okay. Then he then learned the info that was
Starting point is 00:07:07 on that check and he would go to the bank and give the teller the name and account number and withdraw cash. It really used to be very easy to commit fraud with banks. Such a different time. Yeah. Mike was five feet 11 inches tall and 200 pounds. He had the frame of a bodybuilder solid forms and a thick brown mustache. And he loved soldier stuff. Oh boy. He read magazines like Soldier of Fortran and Special Weapons and Tactics. It's a good magazine. It's a good magazine. This is I mean you know obviously when we hear cats it's not good but now we're really starting to see. We're getting into it. We're starting
Starting point is 00:07:49 to see this become a pile. We're building something aren't we. And I'm not a fan of what it is. We're building a mic. Oh god. In the May 1979 issue of Special Weapons and Tactics the issue had a story about the revolution in Granada. Oh boy. The deposed president Eric Gary was looking for... Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. The deposed president Eric Gary was looking for weapons and mercenaries to take Granada back from the communists. Okay. Mike decided he was the perfect man to do it. Oh boy. He certainly had been talking like he was for some time. He loved telling stories of his time in the battlefields of Vietnam, Southern Africa
Starting point is 00:08:33 and Latin America. He told everyone he was a mercenary. He'd been fighting in Rhodesia, running guns into Nicaragua and fighting Marxists in Uruguay. All not real. But that didn't stop him from thinking he was the man to take back Granada. He's gonna take back Granada? Hold on to your asshole. So he's just really he it's it's not about it's not about the cause at all. He just is looking to fuck people up. No. He wants to fucking do some shit. Right. He wants to get in there and fight. That's what I mean though. It's not like he's like... I don't know. Maybe he wants to actually do some battle. No. Yes he does. But maybe for a
Starting point is 00:09:13 moral cause. Is that alright? I don't know. So Mike learned that the ex Granada president, Eric Gary, was in San Diego. Oh no! Mike got his phone number from a newspaper reporter and rang him up. Who's this reporter? Fuck if I know. Good God. Gary agreed to meet Mike. Okay. Yes I will remember this guy is looking for mercenaries to take back his island. Still. At the meeting Mike told him his mercenary background which was not real and said he would assemble a group to take back the island. Good. Gary did not agree to or reject the plan. He just was like mmm and walked out of the room. Yeah basically. Okay. But Mike felt like he was
Starting point is 00:09:59 into it and started planning for an invasion of Granada. He didn't get the green light but he feels like it was green. He didn't get a not green light. He didn't get a red. Yellow means go. That's right. First Mike went to see American white nationalist anti-Semite and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan David Duke. Oh God. First? Number one? Where are you gonna go if you're gonna invade Granada? Everyone else. Duke was given a speech and Mike approached him afterwards and explained his awesome plan. Duke wasn't really into invading countries on the side. You know he had the politics going on. Well he's still gotta focus so much on
Starting point is 00:10:46 hating races that aren't white. Right. Yeah. But he did give Mike some names of guys who might be interested. Here are some bigger assholes too. Hey if someone came to me and they're like hey man you want to invade Granada I'd be like I don't I don't really want to myself but I know some bros. I know a lot of I know a lot of cool dudes would be down to do that. Greg Berent would like to invade Granada. Greg's in. Camille Nanjiani would probably like to invade Granada. Sure. This is gonna be a pretty funny invasion so far. Jonah Ray would probably go with with. Well shit if they're going I mean if I can do a quick set I'm in. Yeah so yeah if I can pick up a
Starting point is 00:11:20 gig or two on there I'll go. All right. Charlie Kloss would probably want to invade. Well I'll tell you if his Instagram pictures tell you anything it's that he should have been. Yeah he should looks like a warrior at this point. That's it we got four. That's plenty. The first guy Mike talked to I would have said will but the hips I just don't see. Yeah. I don't see he also they had pot there. Well look he'll figure out a way to get some and we will need someone to roll. The first guy Mike talked to told him about Domenica. Domenica means Sunday in Italian. That's the day Christopher Columbus spotted the island and having no
Starting point is 00:11:55 imagination he named it Sunday. Okay. The French eventually claimed. I'm shocked that Columbus wasn't far more creative. Isn't that amazing. He seems like such a deep thinker. Look there's an island what day is it. Sunday Christopher why. We named the island. What will we name it. It's Sunday. No I know it's Sunday but what will we name the island Christopher. After the day we're naming it after today is Sunday we're naming it that day so we don't forget. That it's Sunday. I understand that it's Sunday to this island it will always be Sunday. Oh now it makes sense. Okay. That makes sense. So if it's Tuesday and you come here then it starts the week over.
Starting point is 00:12:36 We'll call it TGI Sundays. The French eventually claimed Domenica and French missionaries lived there. In 1763 the island was given to the British after the war. Okay. There you go. Take that. Thank you. We're very happy with this. Yes thank you kindly. The British then created a government that only represented white people. We've done more good work. We actually do this everywhere. Yes. Slaves are brought in to take care of the crops but many ran away and lived in the mountains and valleys of the island. Honestly so much better. Yeah. Like yeah. Most of the caribs now I said caribs in this story. Caribs? Caribs. Most of the
Starting point is 00:13:24 caribs were killed by smallpox and warfare somewhere assimilated. The remaining carib people today live on a so I guess it's a natives. Right. Okay. Live on a 3,700 acre district on the island's east coast. Okay. Around a total of 70,000 people live on the island. 75% of Dominicans are of African defense, descent. And defense. And defense. There is a small European minority. On November 3rd, 1978, the Commonwealth of Domenica was granted independence by the United Kingdom. Okay. You gotta be free. Off you go. You don't have to go home but you can't stay home. Fuck off then. Fuck off. Fuck off. Don't give me those puppy
Starting point is 00:14:13 dog eyes. Fuck off. Look, I'm telling you, we don't want you anymore. Leave. You're tiny. God, you just can't go, can you? Cricketer and football player Patrick John was the first prime minister. Good. He had a rival, Eugena Charles, who wrote anonymous newspaper columns attacking Patrick John's policies. Okay. She was then elected to the legislature as a member of the opposition party. So she just talked shit on him and then got elected? Yes, she talked, she wrote a bunch of shit articles about him in the paper and then was like, I'm gonna get in there. Okay. So, oh, let's move forward. Okay. She was then elected to the
Starting point is 00:14:59 legislature as a member of the opposition party. Because she was a woman, the premier tried to enact a dress code. Eugena Charles then came the next day dressed in a bathing suit. Wait, she they tried to he tried to do a he tried to do a dress code, right? So saying like skirts only or whatever. And then so she to combat that came in a bikini the next day. Yeah, she showed that shit off, bro. But that that should be that like if you're if you made that rule, you're like, well, actually, this worked out pretty good. Yeah, it's not bad. All women must follow this dress code now. Yeah, everyone. No bikinis get your pants on off. The island
Starting point is 00:15:39 also had a group of militant Rastafarians who were known as the dreads. Okay, gonna little Disney is cute little Disney is bad guy. Hey, with the dreads mon. You like to come. No, let's hear it. No, don't dreads dreads mon make sense mon. Because then we got dreadlocks. I can't. They rejected anything that had to do with the white man that included Western medicine, food and clothes. And by clothes. I mean, they would walk naked along the side of the road. Boom. There you go. Take that convention. They this is the kind of shit you can fucking pull when you're on a fucking Crimean Island. Yeah, but you can't do that if it's
Starting point is 00:16:19 Iceland. So okay, hey, great battle. You won there. Fucking bullshit. It's gonna be weird when you're fighting naked people got him weather Rastafarians. Yeah. If only we had snow you bastards. They would also not walk on the road. They would walk beside it because asphalt was brought by the white man. Yeah, fuck whitey grew pot in remote Hills. See that now this is these are my people. Yeah. They would also raid plantations for food and attack farmers, whites, tourists and the police. They're losing me a little. They would spit on our stone tourists. Okay, so again, I like to get on early and I shouldn't be doing that. I'm off of this
Starting point is 00:17:02 bandwagon again. I'm gonna hear all the facts from now on before it's killed an American. I'm out again. I'm out and then they kill the retired Canadian couple. Like I said, I'm I'm way off of this one. Yeah, no, not my people, not my people. This all led to a huge drop in tourism. And then the government passed the prohibited and unlawful societies and associations act. This made it illegal to be a dread. Okay, now it's illegal to say it's illegal to be a person. Is it illegal to be a Rastafarian or it's red? It's illegal to be you couldn't support the dreads and you couldn't have dreadlocks. But okay. That's
Starting point is 00:17:45 asking a good amount. Killing or wounding a dread found inside a dwelling, a building of any sort was legal. What if you found a you found a fucking dread in a house you could hiding you could just kill them you anyway if he's walked in he was like where's the bathroom man you get to shoot him in the head. Right there. The island's 160 soldiers and police officers went on the attack. The 300 dreads were chased through the forest and had shootouts with law enforcement. Now this all went bad for Patrick John on May 29 1975. Protests broke out after John tried to outlaw strikes. That's such a hard thing to
Starting point is 00:18:32 outlaw strikes man. Yeah, and then it's an island. Yeah, and then someone and then people like that we strike that's bullshit. Not anymore man. Yeah. Rocks were thrown by protesters. Defenses defense forces shot back at them and 19 O protester was killed and 10 wounded members of Pat and this is remember this is a tiny island. So yeah, it's like shooting at it. It's like a high school having a war. Right. Remember, so it's like an American high school. Yeah. All right. Members of Patrick John's government slowly bailed on him. He had no majority suddenly and Eugenia Charles was elected Prime Minister. Okay. What's
Starting point is 00:19:11 up? All right. So we got it. We got Prime Minister Bikini in those. That's what I'm talking about. Three months later, Hurricane David hit Dominica. 42 people were killed. 75% of the homes were destroyed or severely damaged and the banana harvest was toast. The UK, France, the US and Canada all helped the island. Coordinating the foreign military assistance was senior officer of the Dominica Defense Force Captain Reed. He'd also ordered the shooting of the protesters. Okay, great. Back in the US, Mike met a man named Arnie Pauley. Named Arnie Pauley. Arnie Pauley. Pauley. Okay. Pauley had gone to
Starting point is 00:19:58 Dominica to scout it out. That was where they planned to stage the invasion of Granada. Pauley was disappointed when he met Mike. Quote, he gave me the standard we've got to get these commies. This guy was weird, but I thought if he's a Vietnam vet, maybe he got fucked up over there and he's got post-traumatic stress. He was a little puffed up, a little baby ape. What? And he agreed to be a part of this? Yeah, I'm still gonna work with the guy. Yeah, he's a baby ape. So let's see what he can do. He's like a little puffed up squishy baby ape guy. He's like a little puffed up squishy baby ape guy who just talks a
Starting point is 00:20:37 bunch of shit, but I'm on board. But I'll follow him to the gates of hell. Yeah, you sound okay. Okay. Pauley knew a Tennessee lawyer named JW Kirkpatrick, who he thought could toss some money into the venture. At that point, after hearing about Dominica from Pauley, Mike suddenly thought invading Dominica might be a better idea. Sorry, but what? That's not... What do you mean? That's quite an audible. Well, an island's an island. Yeah, but okay, so he just... It sounds like a bad... Here's why it sounds like a bad move. It sounds like there's a lot of countries who have been trying to help it. So it sounds like, you know, you're not
Starting point is 00:21:19 necessarily going up just against them. You're going up with kind of an international force. Have you ever wanted an island? Have I ever wanted an island? Yeah. No, I'll be honest. So you're right. Maybe I'm not in a position to say... You don't have a lot of like a... Aspirations? Motivation or aspirations or anything like that. Okay. Do you want to... Do you want to own an island? Yeah, I'm gonna. You're gonna? Okay. All right. Well, good talk. There's a bunch down there that no one's taken. Sure. Yeah, no. And by the way, now's the time to buy an island with the lowering of our sea levels. We're gonna buy it. Let's take it. Yeah, take it. Sure. Sorry, Tim, for that you
Starting point is 00:21:51 would do anything sort of legal to get it. I apologize for that. They met with the rich lawyer and told him it would be easier to take over Dominica. He said investors could open up casinos. Who's this lawyer? This is the guy that Poli knew. Oh, and then he... So he's... J.W. Kirkpatrick. So Poli introduces Mike to the lawyer. And the lawyer... Mike says, you know what? I've been looking around on that and I think that this Dominica is the way to go. And the lawyer is like, as a lawyer, I think he's right. And he could open up casinos and banks. So this is just like a fucking cash run. Sure. Kirkpatrick gave Mike $10,000 cash. It's a great investment. Yeah, smart. Turned into
Starting point is 00:22:29 more money. Yeah. Then Mike and Poli went to Dominica to quote, look at the situation and see if we could create a coup. It's the right order, too, to go in. You know, yeah, get all the funding and then get down there and weigh it. They took pictures of everything. Then they returned and Poli went back to Canada and he never heard from Mike again. Interesting. So good. Smart. Mike didn't like Poli, it turns out. So a new guy came in. Wolfgang Droj. Also known as Wolf. Okay. All ears. Wolf was a German Canadian. He was also into white people. He had spent 14 days in jail in 1975 for spraying white power slogans on a store in Toronto. Lowest white power crime ever. I mean, that is a white power collar crime.
Starting point is 00:23:19 He wanted to create an exclusively white state for those wishing to live in an area among their own kind. Call it Whiteland. Wolf. Wolf. He was a great recruiter for the Canadian KKK of which he was a founding member. Oh, God, the Canadian KKK. Yep. The CKK. God, I wish the camera to started with a K. So Wolf went to Dominica to have a looksie. He met a couple of guys who were trying to open a casino in Dominica but weren't getting cooperation from the government. Wolf told them his plan, but they weren't down with overthrowing the government. They were, however, from Vegas. And they invited Wolfgang and Mike to come to the city and they were going to introduce them to their rich friends. To get to take over a country.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Right. I mean, it's not an independent film. It's America. This is what you do. We got a guy named Wolf. He's like, Oh, come to Vegas. We can meet some of my rich friends. Say love to invest. Say love to gamble. Come up with a plan. Write it down. Then you go do something. Then meet a guy named Wolf and go meet his friends somewhere. Mike and Wolf spent five weeks living in a hotel in Vegas trying to convince investors to come on board for their island takeover. Now I'm sick of staying at the Excalibur. This place is a shit hole. What about the Sahara? Okay, look, okay. Suck a circus. Yeah. I think we maybe I can get a cheap room over at Stratosphere. Please. If possible, just the Stratosphere.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Hello. This is Wolf. Okay. So as they stayed there, Mike, I did say hello. Hello. This is Wolf. This is Wolf. Do you have any vacancies? But down is the Excalibur. So now as I stayed there, Mike's story started getting bigger while they were there. Oh, good. He was telling people he was connected to the State Department now. That must be one of those things that like because you hear you're probably hearing the versions of this grow that the first day State Department comes out. That's interesting. Wait, we're three weeks in. Yeah, that's the first time I've heard State Department. I don't want to tell you. Yeah, I know guys at the and then five meetings later, he's like, so I work at the State Department and
Starting point is 00:25:43 the CIA. Yeah. So and he said the statement Department would take care of any problems they ran into. Oh, good. He also started saying he was connected to the Reagan campaign and that if Reagan was elected, they'd have a lot of influence. Good. No one from Vegas invested in this amazing, amazing plan. You know, if there's one town that's going to give you money for your crazy bullshit, it really should be this one. Wolfgang went back to his day job at manager of capital business forms where he made 23,000 a year. Man, he wanted his own country so bad. Mike then went to Jackson, Mississippi and met a guy named Danny Hawkins. Hawkins. Everybody just has to have an animal in their name. Yeah. The hawk. I just got
Starting point is 00:26:27 finished working with a wolf. Time to meet a hawk. There he is. That's how he wakes up every morning. I can't stay married to you. I can't. Why? It freaks me out. I didn't know you were sleeping. Hawkins is a 37 year old father of three. Oh boy. Like his dad, he was a Klansman. Yeah, good. He was considered to be fearless and idealized the German racial myth. Mike told Hawkins he was starting an incursion to stop the advance of communism. Hawkins didn't care about money. He just wanted to stop commies. He introduced Mike to L.E. Matthews, an ex-Imperial Wizard of the KKK, and Matthews gave Mike a check for $3,000. I think we've talked about, but the idea that they call themselves wizards is so stupid.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Oh no, I know. This is the next wizard over here. Like what? Really? I mean it's so nerdy. Now you're an ex, once you're a wizard, aren't you? Always a wizard? A wizard. No, it's fucking idiotic. And if I am racist enough, eventually I'll be a bridge troll. I'm the Dark Goblin. Which one? Louisiana. Have you met the Dark Goblin from Louisiana? If you get a seat next to that guy, don't move. He's awesome. He's great. Mike then got a meeting with former Dominica Prime Minister, Patrick John. Wow. Patrick John was now a pig farmer and ran a gas station. So that's probably something he told his fellow employees and they were like, right, anyway, go fill up that fucking car. You know, I used to be the
Starting point is 00:28:22 Prime Minister of Dominica, right? Get over there. Yeah, good for you. Go clean that dude's windshield. Sorry, Prime Minister, is this your pig? Yeah, that's my pig. Okay. Mike said he was an expert. Sorry, Mike said he was an American exporter. Quote, I'd be interested in financing, you know, a coup for the island, Mike told John. A day later, Mike was presented with a letter of intent. Quote, I, Patrick John, do hereby agree in principle with the general provisions of the proposed agreement subject to further discussions and amendments. That's rather vague. I mean, it's vague for legality. It's pretty vague. Yeah. You want to leave a gray area. You tell your guy to, you know, have a coup on your island, but
Starting point is 00:29:11 you also want to make it sound like you might just be trying to get a little wiggle room to make a pig farm. Totally. What do you mean coup? He did what? Oh, from the pig farm agreement. Oh, come on. I was talking about pigs. No, I know you're lying. No, I was talking about pigs. I wasn't talking about no coup. Oh, no. Come on, baby. No, baby. Oh boy, that highway skits you. I had to stop smoking. Mike used this letter to get more money out of Ellie Matthews, who sent him a check for 4,800. Okay. So here's the thing, right? This he, what he is doing is clearly effective. But wouldn't it just be so much smarter to just once you have that letter, just be a fucking con man? Well, that's kind of what it seems
Starting point is 00:29:56 like he's doing, right? But he's not. But is he, but where's that money? We've got 7,000, $17,800. But it feels like that money is not like he's not swindling people. He is getting ready for some sort of revolution in which he ends up with an island. Maybe unlike you. He has a little integrity. Dave, this, no, that's not fair. Mike then created a company called Nordic Enterprises. Okay. Get it, Nordic. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, case you didn't know, a white guy in his head. This is how it would work. I work for Arian Industries. Mike could get a fee for overthrowing the government of Dominica. That fee would go to Nordic Enterprises. Any revenue from the island like logging, agriculture, airports, banks, casinos, and
Starting point is 00:30:42 tourist facilities would also go to Nordic. Mike's plan was to have Patrick John give all the rights of all that stuff to Nordic tax free. Mike figured with this great plan, he could sell shares in Nordic and use that money to raise money for the coup. And mercenaries would each get shares in the company as payment. Mike was going to sell shares for $6,000 each. It's a good idea. So it's a pyramid scheme? It's a coup pyramid scheme. No, it's not a pyramid scheme because you're actually going to make money on the other end. You are? Yeah. Because if you invest, but you're right. Okay. It's not a pyramid scheme. It's a terrible scheme. It's a terrible scheme. Right. It's a terrible plan. It's really right. It doesn't
Starting point is 00:31:32 sound like it's something you should invest in. Doesn't feel like you'll be getting your money back. Now, Patrick John supporters on the island were getting excited by this idea. They wanted Mike to come to the island to meet Major Frederick Newton, head of the military, Captain Reed, second in command of the military, and two dread leaders. Okay. The dreads now wanted to get rid of Eugenia Charles and apparently bring back into the power of the guy who had made their existence illegal. That's how much they hated it. It's a very small island. They don't like her now. So now they're like, Hey, remember that guy who made us illegal, man? Hey, we miss getting back on the island. We miss the guy who made us illegal the last
Starting point is 00:32:13 time. He was like, Hey, fuck you. You can't exist, man. We want that feeling back. He's better than what we got in Alma. The defense force officers told Mike the best way to go about getting weapons on the island, the best way to go about getting weapons on the island to take it over. Oh, right. So they said, yeah, they told them the best way to get weapons. They promised with weapons, they had enough manpower to get it done with the mercenaries backing them up. Then they made Mike an honorary member of the defense force. Whoa. Mike was now captain. Whoa, take that naysayers. Y'all didn't believe. Captain Reed said, quote, he spoke like he had guides lined up to come in here tomorrow. He spoke about Vietnam special
Starting point is 00:33:00 forces. He also spoke about having some business connections, access to funds. He spoke an impressive line. Mike went to Houston. And with Patrick John's letter of intent, he showed the money to an investor who gave him $10,000 in cash and two checks, one for $12,000 and one for $20,000. What? Why? Just to fund this thing that isn't going to happen? So now he's made $59,000. What the fuck? I think if I have that all right. Just off the letter of intent. Mike also had a five page contract from Patrick John. After the coup, Mike would have a senior post in the militia. Oh my God. He would handle the supervision and training of the National Defense Force. Oh my God. The Nordic company would be paid $50,000 for the coup. Mike would
Starting point is 00:33:58 get 2.5% of an 80 million development loan that Patrick John believed he would then get from foreign donors. Nordic enterprises would get tax exemption for 20 years. All Mike had to do was return Patrick John to power within one month. I mean, and it's going to be hard because he's basically just got to experience as a truck driver and watching over people and he's in charge and he's been in jail. And he's in charge. Well, he's a leader. I mean, he's a leader. If only, if only they knew about the mental institution stuff. They probably like, wait, what was that part? Dude, I want my money back. After that, Mike struck a deal with the dreads. After taking over, Mike would finance and build a depot that would buy pot from the dreads and
Starting point is 00:34:52 send it to foreign markets. What? And Mike offered to let the dreads grow cocoa to make cocaine. But they were opposed to cocaine. It's white, man. Yeah, totally. Yeah, too white, man. But that's so funny to think like, I'll give you guys a depot where you guys, you can grow your weed and we'll send your weed all over the world and make tons of money. All right, money like where your head's up, man. Yeah, man, okay. And then also what we'll do is we'll grow cocoa fields so that you guys can make cocaine. No, man, no, no, that's not what we're about. Can you get rid of the bathing suit, lady? Sorry, is there an Irish guy in the dreads? Yeah, Irish guy over here. Murphy, sit down, man. Sorry about that, lads. Sorry. I get fired up about the bathing suit, lady. Who happens to be
Starting point is 00:35:44 my ex-wife? He's like Mowgli from the Jungle Book. He's just like, bitter as a baby, he was around dreads his whole life. Just this little white Irish fuck. Mowgli, come up here, man, and talk to the dude. Mike offered mercenary recruits $3,000 each, as well as a share of Nordic enterprises. He put a classified ad in the newsletter, Les Mercenaries. Now it is becoming a pyramid scale. No, it's definitely. It read, quote, security personnel interested Caribbean work five-year term, 10,000 to 15,000 bonus, 250 a month. And there's just no, I mean, this is not feasible, right? Why not? Because, I mean, this is like, it's like when companies do like future shared income or whatever, where they're like, this is what our profits might be. So
Starting point is 00:36:48 we'll take bonuses now. But it's like, if a bunch of guys get a bunch of guns, can they go down and take down a fucking, it's like a high school island? Like it's not, we're not talking about it. No. Yeah, they can. Why wouldn't they? He's getting actual soldiers while they're KKK guys. Yeah, it's not. It's gonna happen. Hang in there. Okay. Hawkins brought on two buddies. Bill Waldrop had no military training and joined for one reason, one reason to fight communism. Cool. He was, quote, pretty sure the US government was behind the invasion of Domenico. Did you're, did, did this get spell checked every time you wrote blacks to go to communism? It just sounds like what they like these, all the KKK guys be like, yeah, fuck commies. It's
Starting point is 00:37:36 like, they're like, we just can't buy commies. I mean, we got to kill someone. George Malvini had served in the Navy, but had to leave because his clan work didn't mix with his Navy job. Sure. He also want to stop communism. Sure. Sure. Mike then met Don Blackthrough, Wolfgang. Blackhead military training, quote, I believe in America. He was a Grand Dragon. Sorry. Sorry. That's the quote. That's the quote. Okay. He was a Grand Dragon from the, of the Alabama Knights of the. How can you, how can your last fucking name be Black and you're a Grand Dragon? Welcome Grand Dragon Black. Wait a minute. No, no, what? Yeah. Yeah. You're a nigga. No. Wait, no, say it freely. Sorry. Don't know why he, don't know why he had such
Starting point is 00:38:30 an adverse reaction to that. Yeah, why'd you get weird about that? Because I, some of my friends are dead. Some of my good buddies are. Alright guys, let's get to the, let's get to the snacks and punch. Black thought the US government was backing the coup. Mike Norris is a 20 year old security guard. He had no military experience. Everyone lied. Mike Norris was a 21 year old security guard. He was a 21 year old security. He had no military experience, but figured someone would show him what to do. There's nobody, there's nobody to show you what to do. That's how this went into Iraq. Oh my, honestly. Larry Jacqueline had spent six months in the Canadian Armed Forces Reserve. In the Armed Forces Reserve. Six months. Start the bench players. That means six times you went.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Yeah, whatever. You got a problem with that? He lived with his parents. He could be a general. He lived with his parents. Well, I'll tell you what, who knows how to fight better than kids and parents. And worked at a furniture factory. Oh, well now I mean this guy, this guy's great. This guy's perfect because who knows more about the cushion you need politically than a, I'm out. I got nothing. Larry's big concern was that he'd have to live with the blacks once they took over the island. So a guy who lives with his parents is worried that if he gets to a Caribbean island that he'll have to live with black people. Boy, it's a wonder anyone gets out of the basement. Mike told him he would not have to live with black people. No, don't worry, dude. No, there's,
Starting point is 00:40:00 you know what, you go live with them. No, no. There's a white part of the island. You'll be fine. Yeah. You go to the white part. Who's this man? Yeah. Oh, this is the guy who's going to be living with you. Get the fuck out of here. Is this fella with us then? Hey, how are you? We'll do it back there, Morgan. It's Murphy. Oh, sorry. Fucking right. What? Because I'm on an island. I'm like Captain Morgan. Murphy, control yourself, man. Jesus. Fuck down, man. Larry got Bob Pritchard, a Vietnam vet in. Bob was also working as a security guard. Oh, good. So he does know how to patrol. Bob was excited to kill communists for money. My God. Sheriff's deputy Christopher Anderson answered the ad in le mercenary. Mike met him and said he was a former
Starting point is 00:40:42 sergeant in the Marine Corps, a Vietnam vet, and listed his medals. Anderson would serve as first sergeant in the Dominica Defense Force. I mean, these guys are getting great positions in this hypothetical army. Now, but all right. Now, so this is like, so now we have a legitimate guy who served in NOM. Now, if you're talking to the blowhard from fucking Vietnam, you immediately know he's a blowhard. Yeah. Right. But he, but they don't, don't they want to believe? Yeah, they don't they want to believe that they can go play like a carnival game with communists? They want to fuck some shit up. Yeah. Mike then tried to recruit his brother, Bill. Okay. Bill said he was quote fucking nuts to march. Hey, Bill, where you been all podcast, baby? Fucking nuts to march in
Starting point is 00:41:28 the Dominica. Okay, we're not going to march. We're going to take a boat though. So maybe you're fucked. You do not talk to the stupid one because we're not going to march in. I'm basically the water. Fuck you, Bill. Mom said you're stupid. I'm basically the head of an imaginary military. So what's your time, bro? Bill's wife asked, what the fuck's your plan? Mike, why would you go want to go down there with all these black people? You're with big shots in the KKK. That is the issue. That is the issue people have. Mike had a great answer. It's going to be different down there. It's going to be like having a bunch of slaves. I'm going to own them. Nice. Cool. Cool, cool, cool. And those are spelled with Ks. That's my cool, cool, cool. Did I mention that Patrick
Starting point is 00:42:22 John is a black guy? Oh my God. Poor guys. Like, let's do this, man. He's like, for sure. Hey, can I size you for a collar? What? No, nothing. Whatever. I just want to get it from the pigs. Yeah. I just want to get it from the fucking pigs, man. Okay. I was running an island and now I'm a pig farmer and I got a shell. Yeah. I got a fucking shell gas station. You work for me. Okay. Mike bought 3,000 rounds of ammunition at gun shows. Wolfgang found them a boat captain who would take the mercenaries to the island. His name was Captain Mike Howell and the ship was the Mannyana. Oh, tomorrow. Yeah. Mike told them the purpose of the trip was marina research. Yep. We're going to research how to own it. The Mannyana did towing, salvage work, took divers
Starting point is 00:43:17 to explore underwater archeological sites, help documentary film workers and researchers. Same thing. It's the same thing. And how was a Vietnam vet? Oh boy. Oh boy. He lived on his boat and he knew pretty much everything that went on around the lakefront. When Mike showed up saying he was from Alaska and holding an automatic rifle, Howell wasn't really buying the marina research story. Yeah. We want to shoot coral and fish. Well, part of our research. Our research is seeing how bullets do in the ocean. So, starter up. Let's get moving. Do you like peanut butter? What? We got sandwiches. He asked Mike what was really going on. And Mike explained that he wanted to take mercenaries down to Dominica and that he was working for the CIA. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Look. Look. Look. Listen. When I said I wanted you to help us research the marina, what I meant is I'm invading an island. So, are you in? How the greed? Well, I've heard enough. It's this plant sounds great. Yeah. He had to be like, like it had to be one of those where he's like, sir, without question, that is one of the greatest things I've ever heard. And yes, I'm in it. I will follow you there. Am I in? How far? How will far? Well done. Thank you. The next day, Howell introduced Mike to his business partner, John Osberg, and Mike explained the plan. The entire thing was moving forward. I can't believe it. But then on February 19th, Prime Minister Eugenia Charles addressed the nation of Dominica. Uh-oh. She said,
Starting point is 00:45:06 a group of, quote, rejected politicians and their hangers on were trying to destabilize the country and she declared a state of emergency. Uh-oh. That doesn't help anything. Captain Reed was arrested. In jail, he wrote a note to his friend and co-conspirator, Major Newton. He then gave the note to a traffic officer. Smart. That is a good person to give it to. Promise you won't open it? You promise you won't open it? Promise. You swear to God? Hey. Give me that pinky. Hey. Give me that pinky. Barney. Barney, look me in the eyes. Give me that pinky. What do you, what do you say? Say it. I promise. Say it. The whole thing. I promise I won't open the letter. Okay. Give it to me. All right. Holy shit, dude. What are you fucking doing? What are you doing? I'm reading the letter,
Starting point is 00:45:52 you idiot. The note explained how Mike's plan would proceed and what Norton should do, including an attack on the jail to release Reed. The first thing you're going to want to do is get me out of here. Right. It is terrible. Number one is changed. Yeah. Number one is now get me out of prison. Yeah. Oh yeah. And then we'll get moving with the rest of it. And then Island, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Anyway. The traffic officer took the note to the criminal investigations unit. I didn't see that coming. Oh, no. Yep. Then Patrick John, Major Newton and several others were arrested. Oh no. The prime minister explained the entire plot to the nation in a second radio address. Oh Jesus. So Mike switched up his plan. Please tell me he just became a cobbler.
Starting point is 00:46:42 First, he would break the guys out of jail and then proceed with with the couple. Oh, this is where I got fucked up. Okay. So he'd break them out of jail and then proceed with those couple of guys to then take over the island. So the plan is basically the same. It just has a new first part. Yeah. Now it's break out the military break out all the people I need to make the original bullshit plan. You need the military leaders. Two prong, two prong, two pronger. Meanwhile, Wolfgang sent a lady friend, Marion McGuire, to Dominica to check out the situation. But she wasn't that into checking this stuff out idea. A friend said, quote, quote, all she saw was a free Caribbean hotel in Boots. That just picturing her like beach day, beach day.
Starting point is 00:47:39 She's just doing a crossword puzzle by the pool. Like, I could get used to this. April 25, 1981. All the mercenaries met at Howard Johnson's in Baton Rouge. Okay. That's a hot place. I'll see you at the Hojo's. Bring a gun. Hojo's. But two cops were eating at the Hojo's restaurant. So they went to the Days Inn hotel instead. Oh, God. Hal and Osberg were waiting for them at the boat, along with another guy named Grafton. Can I just say though, if you are now eventually meeting on how to take over an island at a Days Inn, are you not thinking maybe the plan's losing a little bit of steam? That's where most of it happens. Okay. I just want to make sure. That's where they planned. That's where Stalin was. D-Day. Yeah. That's true. That's fair. So there's a third
Starting point is 00:48:27 guy Grafton there. When Mike got there, they went into the cabin and Mike opened up his briefcase and put down $9,800 in cash. 200 short, Mike said. And he promised Hal another $10,000 and he promised Hal $10,000 and told him he'd get them the extra 200 when they got to the island. Sure, where money will be everywhere. That's totally reasonable. Look, if a guy is planning to invade an island and he needs your boat and he's 200 short, it's fine. It's not a flag. His face is going to be on the fucking money. Thank you. Mike was then told no one could carry guns on the ship. Everything had to be put into bags to avoid the crew from becoming suspicious. Mike agreed and everyone talked about what they would do after. Osberg and Grafton discussed
Starting point is 00:49:14 the next job they had lined up. Wolf said he was going to open up a cocaine processing lab on Dominica. Mike said he would have $3 to $5 million in five years. Hey, just regular dreams from a days in. Later that night, Mike met with the mercenaries and went over the invasion plan at the days in. So we go up and then we take it. Hey, hey, don't sit on the bed. Sorry. Fuck man, I had the fucking lady come up here. Sorry, dude. Sorry, dude. She turned the shit down. Sorry. I'm sorry. Just don't sit on the fucking bed, man. I'm sorry. Hey, look at the shower cap. What the fuck are you doing? I'm just wearing the shower cap without showering. It looks funny. I'm gonna use the shower cap for my hair. It looks funny when I just wear it. Fuck, man. Hey, dude, I gotta
Starting point is 00:49:57 take a piss. The whole fucking thing is poor. I gotta pee. Jim's in the fucking bathroom. That's why I'm wondering, can I use that sink that's outside in an awkward position? Hey, what kind of mercenary piece in the sink? Hey, look, fine. Just... What the fuck, you guys? Dude, we're done. Are we a fucking invasion force or are we a bunch of fucking clowns? We're not a bunch of fucking clowns, but can I make a suggestion? We hit the vending machine and get a bunch of Fritos and snacks for the meeting. Maybe we do it before the meeting so that we're all... You know what? We'll do it after the fucking meeting. Hey, dude, your toilet won't flush. Fuck. Oh, give me that shower cap. I'm gonna go outside and smoke. Cool. It's almost real. Yeah. Mike gave out maps and sketches of
Starting point is 00:50:39 the police station. Sure. The next night. Sketches. Sketches. I can only fucking imagine. Yeah, of course. The next night they drove to the meeting place at Fort Pike State Park. Okay. There, they were gonna get into vans that would take them to the ship. Osberg and Grafton showed up in the two vans, one for the guys and one for the guns. Osberg laid down the rules. On the ship, they would follow the captain's orders. If the Coast Guard approached, they had to dump everything overboard. Then all the equipment was loaded into one van. Ammunition crates, vandaliers, rubber rafts, water jugs, fatigues, first aid kits, walkie-talkies, shotguns, rifles, and bottles of jacked nails for celebrating. Hey, I've got to do a job that's for sure gonna be good.
Starting point is 00:51:22 There were 26 of dynamite in an ammunition box and a grocery bag containing tear gas and hand grenades. There were safety fuses and blasting caps wrapped in paper napkins and a cardboard box and Christmas wrapping paper that held 10 electric blasting caps. They had a 12, they had 10 12 gauge shotguns of Ruger 223 Model Mini 14, a Browning 243 with a field scope, a Plainfield M1 paratrooper, a Remington 30-06, a Sterling AR 180, and eight Gwynn Bushmaster rifles. You still think they're fucking a joke? You still think they're a joke? No, that's funny. But they have to hide all that when they get it on?
Starting point is 00:52:03 They just have to put it in containers on the ship just so the crew doesn't see it. But they don't have to, I mean, it's not gonna be hard. It's gonna be in boxes. Okay. Don't look at me like that, motherfucker. Let's all play it out. People are gonna be like, oh, you're the research guys, and it's gonna be in a research box. Yep. Just a bunch of beakers in here and sample tubes and microscopes. Stop pushing, you're making it too obvious. We're just saying we're definitely science, we're here for scientific, we're here from scientific nature. Why can't I say science? It's like we have guns in the boxes.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Why would I say guns in the boxes when all that we have, all that we have, let me finish, all that we have are instruments and measuring devices, and to think that we have enough guns to take over a country. Take over a country. Who's talking about taking over a country? Why you guys say take over a country when I'm just sitting here telling you that these boxes don't have guns in them, they don't have dynamite in them, they're just a bunch of instruments that we're gonna use when we get out there. We're scientists. And by the way, while we're at it, nobody asks any scientific questions, because these are not guns. Good to meet everyone. Oh my God. I think that went pretty well. I mean, I probably should have cut it off halfway through,
Starting point is 00:53:14 but I think up there, I think we got the crew. I think the crew's behind it. I said don't say anything. You know, I said one word and then it just snowballed and I agree that was overt. I agree. Next time you say we're science-ing. Then that's where it started from. It started from that. Did you bring the DVDs? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. I should go tell the crew that we have DVDs not guns. Osberg and Mike drove in the van with all the weapons. When they reached the dock, the two men got out where ATF agent Osberg, then and for Mike Perdue, he was under arrest. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh man, the look. Right. The look. The look. What? Why? Why?
Starting point is 00:54:04 In the other van with all the mercenaries, Bob Prichard saw ATF agent Grafton pull out a handgun. Prichard quickly pulled out a 38 from his waistband and pointed it at someone's head. Oh God. He doesn't remember whose head he pointed the gun at. What? That should be something you're thinking of when you point the gun at someone. The guy's in the back, right? And then and then and then the guy who's driving the van pulls out a gun. So the guy in the back just whips out his gun and points it at anybody's head. I'll kill the other guy. I'll kill the other bad guy with me. All right. Nobody move or I kill the guy you're also trying to kill. No. Great threatening. Agent Grafton informed Prichard. He was a federal agent.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Prichard said, quote, what kind of federal agent? Oh God, what? Bureau of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms to which Prichard said, oh shit, and gave his gun to Grafton. What department? Oh, here you go. And actually, I should give you some info on some of these guys I maybe didn't give you before. I'm ready to talk. Then a gang of officers leaped upon Prichard. It was a big operation with eight ATF agents, 10 FBI agents, eight state police, seven custom agents, and one member of the local police with a Coast Guard vessel docked nearby. God, they're so sure they're getting away with it at this point, too. Turns out Captain Howell had not been down with a coup idea the whole time. Well, you know, that's he took to it so fast.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Of course he did. Of course he did. He was like, yeah, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. From what are you doing? Let me get all let me get it. Let's get everyone's numbers. Yeah. Let's start an email list. Immediately. Yeah. I'm down for your invasion. Oh, you don't want to go check out rocks? Yeah, let's take over Dominica. As soon as Mike told him that he wanted the ship for a coup, how immediately called the FBI and ATF. Wow. The next day, Agent Osberg was posing as his business partner recording everything that was happening. Oh, God. Agent Grafton was brought in later due to his KKK connections. He'd once infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan quote, just to show it could be done. Wow. So he's awesome. Yeah. The mercenaries. He's Donny Brasco.
Starting point is 00:56:21 He is. The mercenaries were all very surprised. I'm sure. They thought the coup was a state department and CA operation. Oh, that's right. Right. So they were like, yeah, no shit. Yeah. What's up guys? That's cool. That's are we all doing the gun? Should we all get our guns out and point them? What's going on? Because if the government is going to sponsor a coup on island, they're going to use a bunch of Canadian security guards. Yeah, obviously, it makes sense. Quote, we were totally shocked when we arrested in our own country. Black says, we thought that the government had its signals crossed. We couldn't believe that we were actually going to be in trouble here. It was just a total shock to us. Wolfgang was adamant that he hadn't
Starting point is 00:57:04 broken any laws. Right away. I would now to be honest, I've done nothing like a lot of these guys did other stuff. Yeah, but I've been like so clean. So I was just whole saying, yeah, that it seemed like, um, you know, these are the bad guys. Yeah. Wolfgang should probably go. I don't even, I'll be honest. I hit my head and I just started to realize what the situation is. Yeah. And, uh, is crazy. If anything, I shouldn't have rooted for maybe Berlin. Wolfgang just pulls out his wallet. Champions League. Wolfgang also visit ATF. Hello, I am the Wolf. I'm the Wolfman. And also visit ATF. Maybe you've heard that. Yeah. I'm with the Wolf department. You're all under vest. All of you. Yeah. Eight months later, gum and attacked police headquarters in Domenica. The people,
Starting point is 00:57:55 10 people died and nine were wounded. Reed was arrested. Major Fred Newton was also arrested. Newton would eventually be hanged for his attempted coup. Mike's lawyer worked out a deal. Mike was going to plead to violating the neutrality act and give up everyone and everything. Oh boy. Oh boy. That night in the holding cell, he broke the news to all the mercenaries in jail. Well, no, what? What is it? Why? Okay. I can't keep a secret. Okay. So guys here say, oh, is it gonna go? So I told you guys that we were working in the state department and CIA and blah, blah, blah. Yeah. But so what I did was I turned, I like, I told them everything. I said, you guys, but you guys are fucked. So I think we could turn this toilet paper
Starting point is 00:58:41 roll into a knife. So I'm good. But you guys should do something. You should do. Yeah, we should probably kill you. You should turn on each other or kill you. You're gonna kill me your security guard. Fuck you. I'm from Vietnam. Like I was almost born in the war, you know. I'm probably gonna kill you. Okay, good luck killing a war vet. Okay. Okay. Let's all kill him. I'm ready to kill this man. Mike would be getting three years instead of a possible 50. The other mercenaries have been completely fucked by Mike Perdue. They all started to plead out seven pled guilty. Mike and Wolfgang got three years. Bob Pritchard was sent to a psychiatric evaluation. Chris Anderson openly wept in court.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Oh, these guys just wanted a country. His wife had left him. His dad had had a heart attack. He told the judge, quote, a mercenary's life isn't ever isn't ever fit for me. Don Black Did he sing it? A mercenary's life is not for me. A mercenary life is not for me. My wife left me. My dad has died. I am ready to get off the stinking ride. A mercenary's life not for me. Don Black pleaded not guilty. Mike took the stand against Don. Mike also gave up the Houston investor JW Kirkpatrick. Kirkpatrick was contacted by the FBI for an interview and then he blew his brains out with a shotgun in his car. Two other investors faced trials but were found not guilty. That really makes that dude regret killing himself. Congressman Ron Paul
Starting point is 01:00:23 was named by Mike Perdue but they could not produce enough evidence to take him to trial. They could not produce it. Thank you. You're welcome. KKK Grand Dragon Don Black and Donny Hawkins who had pled not guilty were convicted and sentenced to three years. Wolfgang was deported when he was released from prison. Take care everybody. Thank you. Thank you. I'm out. I'm sitting coach. Wolfgang's lady friend Marion McGuire was imprisoned in Domenica. She would be. For what? Because she was. Because she was. Because she was. Because she turned a coup to vacation. Because Mike ratted on everybody including the lady. She was on a vacation. Poor girl. She would be sent back to Canada after two years. This happened just after there
Starting point is 01:01:14 was a failed attempt to break her out of prison by a friend. Chris Anderson learned welding in prison and then opened a shop in Wichita. Oh boy. Bob Prichard left the KKK. Quote I behave myself. I stay out of trouble. In 1986 Mike Perdue was convicted in a check fraud scam and sent to prison for a few months. The FBI was getting tips. He was still involved in mercenary plots but could not find any evidence. Perdue died of HIV in 1989. That's a turn. I don't know if his boyfriend Ron Cox whom he lived with also had the disease. Sorry. Oh did I not mention that Mike Perdue was gay? Not only that he was gay but gay with Cox. Gay with Cox. You're correct. So he okay. Mike's obituary read quote he was affiliated with the Church of Christ
Starting point is 01:02:06 and self-employed as a truck driver. They really admitted some stuff. Wolfgang came back to the US. I'm back everyone. You're in the Wolf 10. He set up shop as a pot and cocaine dealer in the south. Oh boy. He said he was doing it just to financially help the KKK. He was shot to death in 2005 by a customer. A police spokesman was asked do you have any explanation as to why he was in his underwear at three in the afternoon? No I don't. The police spokesman said I can't explain that. All righty. Patrick John became a minister in the Anglican church. In 2007 he was inducted into the Confederation of North Central and Caribbean Football Hall of Fame for his quote profound impact on football in the Commonwealth of Dominica. Don Black moved to Florida after prison
Starting point is 01:02:59 and now runs the website Stormfront. Stormfront? What is Stormfront? It's the biggest KKK. It's the biggest white power website. It's fucking huge. Stormfront's where they all go. It's their website. Dominica remains one of the least developed islands in the Caribbean and it was named one of the top 10 eco tourist destinations for 2006. Wow. That's kind of like the coup of Goodfellas. It's so much worse than that. These Goodfellas, they actually did a fucking, they fucking did a crime, like a major crime. One of the biggest crimes ever at the time. Like these guys like, if you compare it, these guys like robbed like a vogue so I can beat them compared to what they did at Goodfellas. Yeah, but still, but if, I mean they would have, yeah, I mean it would have been
Starting point is 01:03:53 quite a, quite a score. This was called in the press the Bayou of Pigs. Yeah, adorable. I suppose the Bayou of Pigs. Adorable. Right. Beautiful press. It's a fucking great story. That is really insane. Yeah. That turn of the ATF Gagents is amazing. Because you're, that's what's so great about it is like they always, they always, when they, when they have you, they really let you go up to the fucking edge. They do. They really let you be like, holy shit, I'm gonna be a general. As much evidence as possible because then they can just fucking throw you away forever. Yeah. The longer you do it. Then they're just like, oh man, oh, real quick, one more thing, you're under a fucking rest. All right, what? Say, what's a?
Starting point is 01:04:36 Well, that's crazy. Well. So wait, should be. Yeah. It makes you really, it makes you kind of, it's kind of motivating. Yeah. Go out there and do something with your life. Yeah, look, these guys are doing shit. What are you doing? Sitting in your fucking house? Do something. Yeah. Don't you want an island? Let's move. Do you want an island?

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