The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 16 - The Two Daredevils

Episode Date: August 10, 2014

Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds discuss daredevils Evel Knievel and Ken Carter in the 70's.Tour DatesSources Dollop MerchPatreon...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at the last the last podcast ended well for you great for you we cemented for the
Starting point is 00:01:14 whole Anthony family really well for you too I mean we've solidified your identity now see we haven't solidified my fucking identity my name is not don't even open your mouth my name is Gareth and I admit that last week is tough to come back from because we now are talking generations yeah and I'm gonna go change this thing there's a legacy now hi Gary just the little angelic voice I did not what I heard you can't deny a satanic shrill is what I heard deny that boy is reality he's not a make-a-wish kid it's my damn name my boy is always a make-a-wish kid that is a horrible 24 7 oh do you mind if he
Starting point is 00:02:01 right skips in front of you he's a make-a-wish kid all the time in our heads what do you mean by that is he sick now he's fine perfect actually extremely healthy but um if we could just maybe ride in the front of the roller coaster he really wants that always just making wishes for him we grant every way we call him a make-a-wish kid some call it spoiling we call it a make-a-wish kid 24 7 can you drive your car absolutely of course he's allowed to drive my car beautiful um what year were you born 79 okay so this this the 70s were crazy time I mean I was doing so much coke yeah yeah well your mom was
Starting point is 00:02:41 right sorry that's we that's when doctors recommended that mothers use cocaine just a little bit of coke they say yeah grows better you know you know what you know what fetuses need a little bump yeah you know honestly if you're looking to diet the baby should be dieting too a little snort a little and don't eat double bump snack I'm saying snack and dance snack and dance snack and dance that's all we're talking about 70s dance so what was big in the 70s was dare devils right okay it was the age of daredevil so I grew up so I was in it I was like focused on these guys like it was the shit right watching men jumping
Starting point is 00:03:16 over things yeah yeah evil kid evil was obviously the biggest one right so this this this podcast is called the two daredevils this episode of the dollop because we're gonna talk about evil can evil and then another daredevil normal can evil whose name you don't know you've ever heard of Ken Carter that's so weird you haven't but I've never heard of the room either I like my chances so there's really no set definition of a daredevil they're just people who put their life on the line right usually just totally reckless and they have just for money and fame and a lot of them were capes not all of them but a lot of them
Starting point is 00:04:00 the good ones Ken Carter oh boy evil did so that's what they do it's it's the one I've discovered in going over this it's the one thing I think that's sadder than being a comedian oh my god that's that hurts my heart my heart hurts because you're out on the road you're breaking bones yeah at least when you bomb you get to just sleep normally you know yeah you could just bomb there every single time these guys do something they go oh fuck like it doesn't matter if it went well yeah everyone is oh my back fuck me that's everything they do that sounds really good a French gentleman's was considered I guess the
Starting point is 00:04:42 first daredevil he was the first guy to do the parachute jump so he kind of invented parachutes but to admit a parachute you kind of be a daredevil yeah I mean yeah the first guy the first guy to do it is a daredevil cuz he's like fuck up this works yeah I hope this works so he but he first tried I mean did it first from a lower distance but then he went up to higher distance and he and he would strap animals off oh my gosh them off some more of a dick yeah but see that is that feels like the French sense of humor to me that feels like what the French would do and check out they don't get you square up to
Starting point is 00:05:16 yourself and then you are to daredevils jump leave parachute we're going to put the marmots on your back how about the hamster here how's this guinea pig pig of guinea oh my god you go fly raw deal for the animals too they're like leave me alone can I just sit on the ground and eat grass that's actually I'm supposed to be on the ground eating grass no no no no no no no no you fly the next big the next big daredevil thing which was a big big big thing were were the tightrope walkers oh right okay so that was a huge deal in like the 1800s 1700s the great blondine was known
Starting point is 00:06:00 for tightrope walking he walked across Niagara Falls right and then the great farini kept one upping him so the the great blondine would walk across walk across just straight across and then the great farini would walk across stop in the middle slide down a rope take a break on a boat by sipping champagne and then he climbed back up the rope and finish the title what a fucking ass fuck you blondine hey that's beats just walking I took a break I would like to if there was like he changed it from the great to the amazing just to sort of be like a double oh he should have right yeah double fuck you I'm the incredible I'm
Starting point is 00:06:40 the amazing I'm the most fantastic I've never been better double fantasy come here you bastard so they went back and forth with each other stunts like blondine would do a headstand and then farini would do a handstand it was just all fucking basically farini was a dick and talk about rooting for a death I mean if you're the other guy like just drop motherfucker mother fucker blondine brought a stove out onto the wire and cooked an omelet okay what the fuck that's what yeah he brought a stove out what do you mean to see oh he walked to drink a gas stove walked and he slid a stove and then he cooked an
Starting point is 00:07:22 omelet a stove and he ate the omelet and I kept walk what did he do with the oven did he drop the oven I don't know he's a fucking daredevil who gives a shit he made a fucking omelet I can't I mean I just can't wrap my mind around this part hey cool how's everyone liking their omelettes for any lugged out a wash tub and scrubbed handkerchiefs so he went on did the wash way a little bit a little bit less than yeah in 1901's a 63 year old retired teacher named Annie Taylor became the first person to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel right and live she became super famous and then and then would be a thing where they go
Starting point is 00:08:05 out on tour and they'd sit in a barrel on stage and they'd recreate it like that's stupid yeah everybody was dumb I mean just see it's like you think reenactments on TV shows are shitty yeah you have to go and then we were in the barrel and then I rolled like this she brought she brought her cat to in the barrel yeah what's with the obsessive animal this was a suicide right yeah bring your cat into a fucking daredevil you're killing yourself and the cat for sure a cat the cat could never have been more adjusted ever again oh no the cat forever was just out of its fucking mind it's like it just doesn't come off the roof now come on
Starting point is 00:08:45 it's time to eat what are we doing what are we doing I don't trust you you bitch what are we doing which all came out as meow meow meow meow meow meow next came the barnstormers which came after World War one okay and so barnstormers were the dudes who wing walkers barnstormers were the guys who flew low into shit and then the wing walkers came and those who walked out on the wing and did that shit hilariously that happened by accident because there was a guy in the army or Air Force who was flying and his radiator broke in a mid-flight he climbed out to fix it and everyone was like look at him go all the guys in his his his week
Starting point is 00:09:25 when it was a called tune true platoon you call the flying boys but they were all like yay so his so his his major whatever's like I want you to climb out of the wings all the time to boost so he would do it all so he'd do it all the time and then he got out and then he started but the thing is so many wing walkers died like it was like it is terrible they were like hanging from ladders and that kind of shit and they would just if you're hanging from a ladder from your teeth and an airplane I would say your career is gonna go about a year maybe max like a year max well you really I mean everything has to go
Starting point is 00:10:01 your way there's a wing ladder with your teeth yeah the only thing holding you it's really there's no margin no what if you sneeze sneeze a bird a bird a drop of rain anything a minor movement a minor turbulence is there anything like that whatever splat how many people went to go watch wing walkers and just ended with a body hitting the ground and how many of those people like honestly that was pretty cool can I get my money back though so um hey it's a good show and everything but the guy died and I want my money back hey just cuz my kids saw that is there any way to get like half my money back he's pretty traumatized
Starting point is 00:10:42 he's pretty tore up about it no it's a make-a-wish kid right yeah yeah he gets everything so they made it illegal in 1936 because so many people were dying wow because you can imagine training for it yeah a lot of guys just didn't get out of training idea that it was so popular it had to be illegal yeah 40s 50s came and that's when stunt cars came okay so that's when we kind of get into the modern-day stunt man right right Joey Chitwood thrill show was the big popular one sure in 1967 it was featured on the wide world of sports all right in 1978 Joey Chitwood Jr. set a world record when he drove a Chevrolet
Starting point is 00:11:22 Chevy Chevrolet 5.6 miles on two wheels oh okay that's some hooper shiny that's fucking yeah that's awesome that's crazy that's a smoky the band it Bert Reynolds shit right there yeah and that's five and a half miles five and a half miles fucking insane yeah he probably had to stop because I mean people were probably like goodbye follow him he's not pretty fast yeah how long just go on for can't see him anymore he's vlog gone most importantly Chitwood show was seen by a young evil Knievel in Butte Montana in 1946 his name was Bobby at that time little Knievel his name is Bobby Knievel okay when he was 18 he was
Starting point is 00:12:06 arrested for reckless driving on his motorcycle all right and in jail there was another prisoner which the cops arrested all the time for being drunk and his name is Knopfel and they nicknamed him awful Knopfel okay and so then they said we need a nickname for this other punk and so they nicknamed Bobby evil evil Knievel so they were so evil Knievel's name is because he was in a jail cell with a guy named nicknamed awful awful can awful awful can awful and then they named him evil evil Knievel yeah they were rhyming they were killing time rhyming back then in jail all right man we got five years in here that's a
Starting point is 00:12:56 lot of time to rhyme oh shit I already started so that's it it's the best beginning of a name ever so he liked it and he kept it even though he wasn't a stuntman yet up in Canada there was a guy named Ken Carter right I've heard about him yeah I've heard about yeah he was the exact exact same age as evil Knievel he was born poor in Montreal which I didn't know they had poor people there he dropped out of high school because he saw a chitwood show and at six time 16 he joined Joey Chitwood's Congress of Canadian Daredevil's wow yeah Congress yeah it was a whole Congress you guys want to vote on this
Starting point is 00:13:41 job yeah we'll vote we'll try to actually vote on shit for a Congress you go down see the Congress you know what I went down there to see them I thought they're gonna be jumps it just they just waited for like six hours it was awful they're gonna fix potholes I guess I don't know it's just like I don't give a shit they made a motion to invade Greenland which I thought was weird they're on a recess so I don't know I don't know what's going on I don't know I come back at four so Ken Carter wrote a motorcycle through fire stuff like that okay three weeks into joining he broke his leg okay and he was replaced oh
Starting point is 00:14:24 geez that's the fucking rough life of a daredevil yeah you're in there you're out it's not like you you can ride around with broken leg they gotta have another guy to yeah I'm sure they try all right all right smarts a little bit it's hanging all it hurts a little when I move it sure okay it's it's hanging but he knew at that point that he was gonna be a daredevil so he's a high school dropout daredevil right I bet your parents love to hear that yeah dropping out to be a daredevil oh my god worse than a comedian you're right so it's all in all you do is go I shouldn't take him to that Joey chip which
Starting point is 00:15:02 or just guys should have pulled out I should have I should have pulled out this is not gonna be good evil can evil had a family and he opened up a Honda dealership in Washington State so he's not a daredevil come on down to evils Honda evil no it'll be fine I'll give you a good deal get the best deals from evil if you sign this contract we don't need to worry about financing so it wasn't doing well so he decided to stage a motorcycle show for his PR you know for his amazing first dealership his first professional jump was at the dealership over 20 feet he jumped over a box of rattlesnake and two mountain
Starting point is 00:15:48 lions and what what he what the deal was is he was gonna jump over them he jump over the rattlesnakes and then and then drive by the mountain like between the two mountains it's fucking awesome it's already it's already it's great but I mean again and think of how much could go wrong I know what if you went into the mountain line or what if the lines are just like fuck it we're gonna attack people it's not good for Honda business come on down to line attack Honda he came up short and landed on the rattlesnake but he was like I'm onto something like people were there were so many people people were so into it like fuck the
Starting point is 00:16:37 dealership yeah I'm gonna jump shit so he's off and running that was in 1965 in 1965 Ken Carter been added a while okay right he had been with the international hell drivers sure yeah later he was with the all-american daredevils what they would do is they would t-bone into cars they would smash cars into brick walls they would ride cars on top of the cars and of course they would do car jumps jumping over other cars yeah some of that's that's really crazy it sounds fucking insane you want to do a t-bone tonight what's that that's just where I'm gonna drive into you for this next time I'm
Starting point is 00:17:15 gonna drive at 60 miles per hour into this wall that's it seems like a stunt that's the stunt hope I live how much you make tonight like 80 bucks I have to tip in people out I made nine bucks but it's cool oh look there's some of my bones are sticking out that's fun listen to me I sound like a Morocco when I shake my egg you hear that so after he mastered the car jump he started his own touring company because I guess that's the thing that I want to see is the main guy right he's gonna jump a bunch of cars right okay the headliner Ken Carter's suicide auto jump whoa right well he's the opposite of he's the opposite evil
Starting point is 00:18:02 kaneval right there because evil kaneval like I'm gonna jump rattlesnakes and go past a couple not lines yeah and this guy's like I'm gonna die well I'm dying don't know what the other guy's promising but this is it probably hey kids you want to go see a suicide show come on guys let's go watch a grown man die come on we're gonna go downtown to watch a man die tonight it's eight bucks you guys get in for four gonna die in a car it'll be fun and it's gonna be like two hours before he dies it's just fun just up front in the style guys are just gonna drive into walls and then he'll die around 8 30 oh god so the two guys on
Starting point is 00:18:46 his head different approaches to the whole yeah yeah of course carded it pretty well he started to get a name he became a star of the world of jumping shit which is all you can really become a like you're just out on the road going to little towns jumping shit yeah like you there's nothing there's nothing else that comes out of this is all you doing is going to a going to a fair or a stadium right and you jump over 10 cars and everyone goes whoo and then like there's no yeah there's no point where someone goes you want to be in a movie yeah no you're just slinging dick jokes so it was show was so popular that in
Starting point is 00:19:21 1967 he did a performance at islip Speedway in New York and that was broadcast on ABC's wire wide world of sports that was like that was huge show 20 30 million people right Sunday like wide world of sports was you I can still remember their their little promo thing it's just shit crashing I remember there's a skier going down a hill and he flies off and like this doing somersaults over a building like it's just like this is gonna be fucking not the wide world of sports is like bloopers yeah kind of yeah but live yeah horrible live bloopers I was there known as make that show now I'm in or is
Starting point is 00:19:58 there known as terrible accidents right horrible tragedies ABC's wide world of terrible accidents welcome to the world of horrible tragedy so at that point he was jumping eight ten cars he was jumping cement trucks and chuck wagons I love that he's jumping Chuck yeah that's funny why not he put in about 50,000 miles a year wow yeah worse than a stand-up he's a road dog yeah road dog here at everything he broke everything broken angles kneecaps smashed chest like he broken legs broken arms he broke everything everything is always broke right that's fun so evil decided to start his own group and he went at it from
Starting point is 00:20:39 a different angle he got someone to back him already evil's got a way better plan and he got other riders who would do shit so he could just concentrate on the jumping right okay so the day the debut of evil keneval on his daredevil's was January 3rd 1966 in Indio California okay so let's cut out near what Coachella is right so yeah kind of the bumble fox huge success people loved it guys on motorcycles jumping around I went to other towns on his third show he okay so he a motorcycle is coming at him and he's standing there and then he's gonna jump over it you know spread his legs and jump over it now it didn't
Starting point is 00:21:24 timing it didn't yeah the timing was off so what happened I want to hear so what happened was the dude ran straight into evil's nuts no way no and he went flying like 15 feet what from a nut shot what no yeah yeah and and then you imagine the tummy ache and then after he was in the hospital for like two or three weeks he was just ruined balls his medically speaking evils ruined his balls you see the doctor coming in lifting up the sheet well I see here that your balls are ruined well let's see okay what I'm gonna recommend we do here is a ball stosity which is where we redo your balls cuz they are gone I
Starting point is 00:22:17 mean see what happened evil was a motorbike drove into your balls full acceleration acceleration riding your nuts and as you could see here your balls look like a couple of smush raisins I mean they are it's terrible it's awful I'm upset I've been barfing all morning thinking about I'm a doctor I didn't want to come to work today I'm quitting I just gave my two weeks I'm out of here I'm done yeah we have to do that too yeah it's very corporate I'd rather clean bathrooms than look at your nuts yeah I'm actually gonna be a daredevil feels cool feels like a good idea feels like the Taz right take it
Starting point is 00:22:50 off so Elvis then killed the Tory company okay hit the Nazis like fuck you evil killed yeah clearly like that you can tell in there that he was like you went too fast of the wrong time yeah something where he was like you fucking idiots dummy hit me in the nuts you hit my ball I mean sure sure I did make up the plan to jump over you with my balls yeah maybe half of the timings on me but still okay so so at this point most guys were jumping like water and animals like they jump a pool or they jump on motorcycles that was like the thing okay evil decided to jump cars instead which that set him apart from the other
Starting point is 00:23:30 motorcycle yeah and that went on for a while until the best thing that ever happened to him happened he was in Missoula and he tried to jump 12 cars and a van and it's spicy and well he and a van he missed the van oh shit he he hit the van oh he broke his arms a bunch of ribs and people were like that was awesome because he was on a motorcycle yeah and people love the idea of a guy on a motorcycle crashing and rolling around in pain yeah people love trainwrecks so like he got like national press from fucking up thank God we use that van so he was in the hospital for a while and the same
Starting point is 00:24:22 doctor the same doctor so listen how you're not can we see your nuts I just am so curious how they're doing cuz they were ruined all the good oh okay so then I'm a janitor here so then you went back at it jumping more and more cars and missing a lot throwing he's throwing is he diving a little bit no he's just he just he's just trying to do they always have to jump more than they last jump like there's no like I jumped eight cars I'm gonna jump eight cars again no I want to see that if you jump eight cars then they want to see you jump nine cars so everyone's like a stand-up it like he can do it a few time
Starting point is 00:25:05 he can work you know yeah you know get the eight cars yeah catcher eight good then move to ten I'm sure you could but as a daredevil your whole your whole your whole billing is he's doing more yeah like none of us like there's a daredevil record the same shit it's putting the stove on the tightrope and making enough well we'll get to his stove later what so so he he jumping more he's missing he's got concussions broke his left wrist his right knee he broke two ribs and then he was invited on the Joey Bishop show so now he's literally the guy that everyone's like excited about yeah okay on the Joey Bishop show
Starting point is 00:25:46 it's not a huge show it's not this night show but it's it's what is it like a just a it's like a talk show it's a talk show and that's so that's 1968 so at this point Ken Carter's kind of ahead of him still because Ken Carter's got his big road show everyone kind of knows he who he is he's done the ABC Worldwide of Wide World of Sports right so he's got millions of viewers he's out on the road he's bringing in a lot of fans and a lot of money and then this fucking asshole comes on a motorcycle yeah crashing into shit and he's like what the fuck he's not he's not right he's crashing so evil can he was tried 14
Starting point is 00:26:24 jumps this time and four of them have failed horribly Jesus those are perfect odds to go that's just enough to get me in the goddamn why stop I'll get in there for that percentage what can go wrong but Carter's just doing the same thing he's just jumping cars in a car or vans whatever he's just jumping in a car a motorcycle is more yeah your spectacular way less yeah way less safe of a viewer standpoint oh yeah got a motorcycle doing it is crazy awesome when you gotta wait for them to pull the body out of the car to see the damage the motorcycle you can be like oh his leg legs in the wrong way wait his head
Starting point is 00:27:05 shouldn't be on his back right no his head's bleeding so much so evil is in 1967 he's in Las Vegas for a wedding and he sees Caesar's fountains okay the Caesar Palace fountains and he's like that's it I'm gonna jump that shit so he's like the first guy to take it like out of arena so I'm gonna fucking jump something that's just outside in the real world so this is something that no one had done yeah so he made a deal with the casino and then he get a try to get ABC to air the event on the wide world of sports but ABC ABC was like no we don't air deaths completely insane and you're probably gonna die but they did say was
Starting point is 00:27:51 if you film it and it's great we'll put it on the air all right so it's not gonna be live and he was like man this shit's gonna be tight I think he's were tight really he was talking like I think so yeah I think back then wow so he had to pay for ahead of his time in so many right right so you to pay for it all out of his own pocket okay he got director John Derek to film it his John Derek's wife Linda Evans was running one of the cameras okay was running one of the cameras that sounds good he went into the casino on the morning of the jump he dropped his last hundred bucks on roulette lost immediately that's got to be a
Starting point is 00:28:31 good feeling that right all right I'm cold who's a winner today not me all right not my lucky day gonna go jump the fountain then he went over to the bar and had a shot of a wild turkey smart smart take a shot get yourself nice and heated it's always that's always the best thing you should do before motorcycle jump a little bus caliber you definitely want to be loose yellow bus out there how great would have been to be the bartender though yeah you're like aren't you jumping the are you jump I think I'm gonna cut you I'm gonna cut you off at one another one dare devil yeah well idiot
Starting point is 00:29:06 devil I think it's the word and then before it is hammered like well I'm pretty fucking drunk she's gonna jump a fountain threw up in the fountain I'm jumping at it is at a distance of 151 feet it was the longest jump so he'd never try to jump as far as the longest jump he's ever attempted more than 15 thousand people were there watching live can evil clear the fountains but landed on the safety ramp which was supported by a van so I'm already thinking it's not a little rinky dinky operate yeah this is when dare devils right now we'll put a van at the end what was it called the safety or security right say the
Starting point is 00:29:50 safety ramp okay because it doesn't sound like the safety ramp because he got hurt on it yeah yeah well if you see the video he lands on it kind of over the side of it and then as soon as he hits it he he he loses his grip on the handle bars and it's over at that point so he tumbles over the handlebars and he any rolls it looks like it's not a person it looks like it's a stuffed dummy or like that's good that's good like a mannequin just rolling around and he just rolls and rolls and then finally stops in the dunes parking lot which is the next casino at your trespass you either coming in gamble you get the fuck out of
Starting point is 00:30:32 here listen we can make a deal where maybe you jump over the dunes you know parking lot we got it we can put up a dune or something but a slip and slide in here he had a crushed pelvis ah a crushed horrible start crushed femur fractured fractures to his hip wrist both ankles oh my god and a concussion he was in the hospital for a month and in a coma for 29 days oh my god and people loved it we're monsters everyone was like yeah that guy he was terrible at something man did he fuck up a 29 day coma a 29 day coma and people are like yeah finally wakes up and I was like you did it I've been waiting waiting to shake
Starting point is 00:31:24 your not usable hand for a while I'd love to walk a mile in your shoes with horrible pain with horrible ankle pain so ABC oh my god yeah they bought it they're like well we got a geek now that this is happening was a huge thing we didn't know it was gonna be a coma and we read how do we know it would be a complete fuck up we would have bought this and we thought he would maybe break his wrist we didn't realize the word crushed to be used so much when it came to bone nobody said he was gonna break everything we would have paid for it so he made so he made so much more money than he otherwise would have made right
Starting point is 00:32:04 yeah that pain out of the asshole doctors saying he probably never walk again but he did a star horrible doctor star you'll never walk again you're maybe he couldn't get health insurance after that why nobody would nobody wanted to give him a policy you know who could get health insurance who can't Carter canadian Kenny can't yeah canadian cat advantage Carter but now Carter is like the outside guy looking in now can he well now he has a big star he hasn't done his coma stunt yet thank you find a way to get yourself into a coma and evil is now the number one daredevil in the world like everyone
Starting point is 00:32:44 every kid at this point we all had the the evil can you will on a little motorcycle that you would you would it would just touch to a battery and you would like like a giant battery and you would hook it up and charge it and then hit a button it would go sailing and crash into shit like shit now with hospital that when you hit the button he screams fail and he spashes into anything you want that's right invite your friends over play the game and then take 29 days off all evil recovers well evil recovers an intensive care unit so evil kept jumping he he crashed his next three jumps good so
Starting point is 00:33:36 that's pretty good great breaking stuff you know all the way but the best thing happened in 1970 now this is my favorite evil can you will story ever so he is a motorcyclist buddy he hates the Hells Angels okay they're like the the dark bad element of motorcycles and they're evil and and the Hells Angels and other groups a lot of them were Vietnam vets who just came out of the war but they're the ones who didn't want to go back in a society yeah or couldn't adjust back to society they started right they started gang motorcycle gangs and so this is when they were really flourishing in the set early 70s not a good for anyone so
Starting point is 00:34:16 he was he would talk shit about them all the time not smart so I went to the Cow Palace in San Francisco the Cow Palace is a giant place we used to go see metal shows and stuff okay but it's called the Cow Palace because back in the day it was built for like farm shows okay sure move are you cows ready to move I said are you ready to move fuck yeah you are hit it so he would always come out to address the cow before the the crowd not the cows come out to dress the cows the cow before the jump he gave his usual America's the greatest place on earth and people don't know he had a white uniform with with like an X that
Starting point is 00:35:00 was blue and patriotic white stars and red lines it's all patriotic it's all very American flag wrapped around them these colors don't run but goddamn my blood after a crash fuck me did they break oh god did they break god damn both they get crushed and shatter shatter every time but I gotta make money and I gotta make a living now cuz the dealership's gone USA so he gives a speech so the crowd's fired up and then at the end he comments about them being a quote-unquote bad element in the motorcycle world today and starts referring to some outlaw bikers who are really screwing things up turns out
Starting point is 00:35:45 there were a bunch of hell's audiences in the angel because a bunch of hell's angels in the audience in the audience because this is where they wanted to fuck him up oh cool that's cool so evil heads outside in the parking lot and where he's gonna start his run before he makes the jump oh this is pre-jump yeah as he as he comes right through the door of the cow palace a hell's angel steps forward and throws a beer bottle at him oh my god misses him because I assume that he's drunk and also he's a hell's angel how good at throwing are they yeah well evil hits the jump perfectly smooth landing and then he
Starting point is 00:36:28 does his his standard traditional thing where he he sits on the motorcycle and puts both his arms up and drives around without touching the handlebars and he goes over close to hell's angel and while the motorcycle is still moving he steps off in one motion and punches the hell's angel it's the greatest thing ever without stopping the motorcycle he gets off of it and just hammers it dude right in his goddamn biker holy shit it's the best thing that's awesome so then it's no coma look it's no but I read a blog of some guy who was there he was just like it was fucking awesome you know I didn't realize I was walking into
Starting point is 00:37:13 the peak of my life but I was so it's like he's a god that's a god that's all god does it that's like Zeus and then evil can evil and then some other guy yeah Apollo or decided or some shit and he apparently hit him with a hay maker like he came from under and just yeah what a winner oh just so good I'm winning so then all the hell's angels piled on evil can evil and then the crowd went insane ten set beer night insane they all came out of the all came out of stands and piled on the hell's angels every hell's angel in the place was attacked one biker was down on the floor swinging like a two by four around
Starting point is 00:37:59 and the crowd would like back off every time he swung it and then they come forward then they back off and then if some point they all just jumped in and just beat him unconscious what a show eventually the crowd beat up every single house angel they were unconscious all over the place and then they just stopped they were like okay we're done and then the security came in and then aminances had to come in and take all the hell's angels to the hospital because they were all fucked up ambulances for the anti-altomant so that's the greatest thing that he did yeah yeah well that's quite a night it's a fucking
Starting point is 00:38:37 awesome night yeah so while he was jumping motorcycles and fighting villains Ken Carter poor Kenny so Ken's out there I know right kicking rocks done a dirt road like super evil good for nothing never done nothing but nobody has motorcycle loser hell's angels got it right I do in a car you think that's easy not easy so he's learning how to ride a motorcycle he's in the Guinness Book of World Records okay jumping the most cars in a in a car sure so that's cool it's cute but evil had flair you've had the outfits evil punched a hell's angel yeah the Cogniz he's punching hell's angels and he was selling toys
Starting point is 00:39:21 by the fucking truckload like every single boy in America had an evil Coneval toy okay it was like mandatory if not the outfit and everything else right that's when you start to get a little worried but Carter Ken Carter dressed like a dude who was going to Walmart for the day like there was no spicy look there's no flair he had like a big like at black curly hair that was like not like just kind of at a place look like he had been a windstorm oh cool so there's nothing like about him they like that's the guy and all he was trying to do now was to jump 16 cars because he jumped 15 so fast so he's
Starting point is 00:40:05 out there for years while evil's punchin else angels and crashing everywhere and getting like people like throwing I'll jump a fountain Jesus Christ motherfucker but the other thing is evil's already jumped 19 cars because he can do it on a motorcycle easier and a car can't jump as many so the Ken Carter is so fucking behind the eight ball that he's just fucked it's people like who gives a shit what you do in your fucking car you know it's funny is that he also doesn't like to be called a daredevil okay some of these guys like to be referred to as explorers explorers they consider themselves more like
Starting point is 00:40:44 Columbus what's well they're not right well I'll give you a quote from Kenny Carter that's gonna be wrong when column when Columbus said he said the world was round they locked him up in jail so that's kind of the you get the yeah but did they lock him up in jail I don't know and I don't think I don't think Columbus was the one that said the world's round okay so look I mean the point I'm making is Kenny's not that smart way off you know they like Columbus in jail when he said the world was round well no they didn't know he didn't say that and what I'm just trying to show you how not great can Carter was it sounds
Starting point is 00:41:28 like history got pushed pretty is mystery got crushed like his bones a little bit yeah a little bit the old head took a few hits on the internet now you can find everything I want to have evils jumps how far it went whether not it was successful there's charts there's graphs you cannot do anything with Carter yeah you cannot find anything about Ken Carter all you can find out about Carter is two jumps and I'll get to one in a second but it was created the next jump Ken Carter's big jump came about because of what evil did next he tried to jump the snake never river remember that yeah oh yeah yeah so
Starting point is 00:42:04 first evil big is the snake river I don't know it's it's not he did it in a in a skinnier part first you want to jump the Grand Canyon which is huge huge and the that's impossible and the government was like we can't believe we have to step in but no legally you can't do it yeah we don't want you to do that they're like here ask ask me again can I please jump the Grand Canyon on my motorbike no okay so good nope okay so he switched to the snake River Canyon and in September 8th 1974 he tried to jump the snake River in what he called the sky cycle powered by a steam engine that was built by a former aero jet
Starting point is 00:42:51 engineer okay and it looked like a rocket so basically he basically he's on this thing that's pointing up like almost straight up and there's a motorcycle in there but you can't tell watching it it's shaped like a big rocket right okay one of those rockets you buy and then you light on 4th of July and it goes bang it's huge though right yeah it's huge yeah it looks ridiculous it looks like it looks like the doctor strange love yeah right oh totally yeah yeah and I remember was seeing as a kid I was totally disappointed because I was like I wanted to see him on a motorcycle but he's
Starting point is 00:43:17 only gonna ride a rocket a fucking rocket you've been spoiled rocket man my make a wish is that it wasn't a rocket so he jumped the parachute as it's called went off super early cool good good and he just drifted over to the north side of the canyon where he was going and then almost made it but then then the wind blew and blew him back back to the side he started on it was all very sad very sad slow yeah but it wasn't hurt you just like oh my ankle oh god I hurt my ankle when I landed but all of a sudden Kenny Carter had an idea it's Carter's time he knew that he was getting older and his
Starting point is 00:44:04 inches were taken longer to heal and so he knew he needed one big jump to become the world's best daredevil explorer explorer devil he decided he was gonna jump one mile in a car across the st. Lawrence River Wow I mean okay by the side you mean fooled himself into thinking it was possible he's a daredevil he's gonna do it a mile it's easy a mile there is a point how does it how is it possible for him to go from 19 cars to a mile there's a point where they show him on the ramp and they are interviewing him and they show all the way across the river and all you can think when you see that is there's no fucking way in hell
Starting point is 00:44:53 it's not possible ever it's physics now it's physics we're being realistic now I'm gonna jump into another dimension yeah good for you I'm gonna drive my car off this flatter so and you know evil always has like a big production it's all the shit yeah so his idea was he was gonna jump from the Canadian side over to an island in New York and he was gonna get his citizenship on landing but he also was gonna put a bed of roses so he would land in a bunch of rose bushes rose bushes well at a row yeah ever at roses growing there so wait when he landed they would be like look I'm in roses like a thorny roses well I mean
Starting point is 00:45:45 he could have gotten small thorns the thorns are the least of his fucking problems he's not gonna make it there I'm just curious if the wind goes right is he gonna get thorns in it when the car is gonna blow the beam blow by the wind now I'm just saying if it nudges if it nudges is he gonna get cut up by thorns I was cut up by thorns once in a rose bush it's very painful I just want to make sure Kenny's okay fair totally fair so evil is a worldwide star Kenny thinks this is gonna let he's about to die he says literally this is gonna make me the number one daredevil in the world this is the jump this is gonna make it a
Starting point is 00:46:27 closed cap so he's clearly jealous of evil can evil and delusional and delusional and now he's going way out of his element which is just jumping cars and stadiums and he's gonna do this crazy jump smart so he moves in his moves on his idea he gets a big sports manager and they go to the networks and everyone's interested everyone's interested they're all like I want to see a man die in a car everyone is like watching a man die in a car sounds like let me see a track any so ABC gave him a contract $250,000 fuck live on worldwide of sports Jesus Christ yeah it's all happening evil not evil evil at around this time evil did a
Starting point is 00:47:09 jump at Wembley and crash really bad and after he crashed he got up and grabbed the mic and said I'm retired okay because he was like I can't I've got a lot of money and I keep rolling around after car crash your motorcycle crashes and it's not fun I might die I'm tired of hurting so I love Wembley I know Wembley what yeah well he was nice what opened up for him it just shows that he's worldwide right yeah yeah so so Carter and his guys are creating a 1400 foot runway with the ramp on the end and 85 feet 85 feet high ramp which I can't understand how it's gonna get you a mile and I feel like a guy grad didn't graduate from
Starting point is 00:47:55 high school isn't maybe the guy to figure this out well it it all just sounds horrible oh it's gonna be great climbing 85 feet it's and then and then you and then you rock it off and you fly to a island and then you fly through the event horizon yeah and then you land I think I think probably little explosions are going on yeah little bags here and there sure it's all gonna work out great so the jump of schedule I see this going well and happy you know it's gonna go great cool the jump of schedule for September 25th 1976 they start building the ramp but it keeps raining ABC is getting worried so they send evil
Starting point is 00:48:32 Knievel to the site to look it over for a tape segment of worldwide of wide world of sports must love that evil gets there you see evil and he says this looks dangerous you have no elevation you have no room for error so that's the guy who breaks everything but even he but he's saying that it's maybe possible he's saying he's basically saying highly unlikely yeah he's saying highly unlikely hey from evil to you barely barely barely barely barely any chance about it and by the way I hung out with God two years evil had worked on the snake River jump for three months they're trying to get the jump for carded
Starting point is 00:49:19 together in one month evil says I don't think I'd attempt to try this done I think it's much more dangerous than the Snake River Canyon stunt this is a daredevil stunt that might end it all for all daredevil stunts so that right there he's saying this guy's probably going to die yeah and that's gonna end daredevil stunts yeah because then people are gonna be like oh it's not about just getting broken it's about someone actually dying yeah that does take the fun off of it sure I've been told that you're like he lived a coma but he lives it's a matter of time until you like I feel bad I feel weird this one feels
Starting point is 00:49:56 weird evil Knievel talking about the jump on wide world of sports was broadcast to 20 million people so I'm just talking about him just talking about it now should I mention that Carter's never driven a rocket car wait which he needs to drive for this he's never driven over 90 miles an hour and the car has to hit speeds of 260 miles an hour wait okay go ahead you have questions yeah I mean it kind of seems like your dad's tried it right wait so he how fast will he go in a rocket car potentially 260 he will go 260 it's gonna hit 260 it's gotta go 85 feet up yeah 1400 foot ramp 85 feet up and then
Starting point is 00:50:57 going 260 close your eyes close your eyes now picture it flying now how does a car fly it's a car fly I'm not sure how cars fly oh you don't know I'm not used to the trajectory flying car but I just see I hear evil's point there's no room for fear so they set up a they set up a medical wing medical wing in the middle of the river the river he has never driven a rocket car and his car is not done being built yet so they set up another guy's rocket car for him to train in and he shows up to the track Carter and he doesn't have his helmet or a suit who needs it when you're just gonna die on impact and the car he's
Starting point is 00:51:44 gonna test was built for someone else so he can barely squeeze into it all good signs I borrow a suit doesn't wear a helmet but he does it he does he drives 260 miles okay right this is one week before the jump so it's happening right it's happening it better fucking not be all happening better fucking not happen the four days before the jump his car isn't ready and it's still raining where they're building the ramp so it's not getting done it turns out that evil can even went back to ABC and said do not let this dude do this jump he will die and so ABC pulled out yeah Ken Carter must not be happy so that's it the 250
Starting point is 00:52:30 thousand has gone the jump is over Carter's dream is totally fucked his dream of dying yeah an evil can evil in 1976 the next year does the shark jump you remember the shark yeah his last jump he's supposed to jump tank full of sharks that would be televised live he's doing a rehearsal and during the rehearsal he loses control the motorcycle and crashed into a cameraman he broke his arms and the cameraman lost an eye so that was it he was done well cameraman don't need their eyes I think cameraman just need one yeah they just looked through the one hole right it's really I mean I don't know exactly how
Starting point is 00:53:09 it works I'm sure that guy had a great life after losing his eye as I recall from watching films and stuff when a cameraman looks into a camera he closes one I know yep okay so it's just hopefully it was that one that possibly oh god you gotta pray it's the right eye you're not gonna believe this but that's the the eye so I'll do it on my hand I still have is the one I close so evil's done the only thing he did after that was he did some smaller jumps to help his son Robbie who then became right Robbie can evil right I remember him so it's 76 and now the door is open for Carter because there's no there's no more big
Starting point is 00:53:54 daredevil and Carter's like I gotta do this I gotta jump the St. Lawrence River he's it's gotta happen no he finds a new business manager and they get new backers this time it's all Canadian backers oh god yeah shit is on Canadian style the ramps being built it's on for September 25th 1977 right I hope two weeks before they test the car yeah to make sure it goes 260 right right and it explodes oh that's interesting the rocket car blew up huh so they get a new gas tank man out of different materials I'm sorry they get a new gas they get a new fuel tank sorry not gas rocket fuel tank out of new material and they try
Starting point is 00:54:40 that one and that one also so so they're gonna try I think it's fine they're a week out now right everything is going well week out the cars are exploding they get a new gas tank so they get a third one good it's all fine it's fine cuz that one also explodes okay so there we go so let's see three down how we feel and how is the what's the general morale of the project but I think the best thing to do want to jump like this is to rush it yeah I always rush it yeah yeah let's get her done let's get her done there's no time to dot the eyes let's move I've got it I've got a death to get to so the guys who are building the tank just
Starting point is 00:55:25 leave yeah good they know they don't tell anybody they just up the middle of night go back home to like Florida now you're in a good project when people are fleeing like slaves when you walk in and the guys buildings ever just gone that's always the job the jump is off but no give it a rest it's back on for July can has his own money now that he's thrown in now he's putting his own money in oh he's got new backers who are these backers yet a new car and a new fuel tank and it fucking works a shit is on no shit is on no the cars not blowing up so far the cars cost a hundred thousand a bill but it goes 250
Starting point is 00:56:16 miles an hour it's all fucking good now perfect Kenny's expecting a hundred thousand people to show up uh-huh but the backers aren't sure they can handle crowd that big sure and then the backers want to do without crowds they just want to film it for TV and then sell it later without crowds that upsets Kenny oh god they bring the car down to the ramp to test it and other ramps built uh-huh and then they test it and the ramps like bumpy it's like but it go but I'm good but I'm good which isn't what you want to hear now what you want to hear go yeah not when you're building it 85 feet high 1400 feet long it's
Starting point is 00:56:54 gonna be hard to make it airtight and perfect quite a fucking distance you're such a naysayer yeah I really have naysaying this but the guy who builds the ramp convinces Kenny that it that the bumps won't matter can the bumps are good sound on a ramp like this man when the cars going fast you ain't gonna feel no bumps in 260 you ain't feel no but yeah you'll be good can you you'll be fine close your eyes and think about someone hit a bump at 260 does that guy feel anything makes you're making an omelet on a tight rope there you go so Kenny is still upset about the live crowd Kenny or as he says he's a fucking
Starting point is 00:57:30 daredevil yeah no he's an explorer he says I'm jumping a mile on a rocket car this should be on the front page there should be people there they should be pressed so right before the jump at the very last minute day of the jump he makes a new deal with some guys from Hollywood oh my god the other the backers he has now take the car and the crew and they bail so there's no jump the jump is off again this is quite a roller coaster so the Hollywood guys come in but wait he so he just switched horses just because he won a crowd and then so it's off and now these new Hollywood backers yeah he all he wanted was a
Starting point is 00:58:09 crowd he's a he is a daredevil he wants a lot of stuff well he wants a crowd he was very demanding supposed to be in front of people don't you take his fucking side so the jump is pushed to September 26 1979 his friend and fellow stuntman so they have they have the cameras come out and then they want to film it like reality style so they're like here's him working out working out well they put him in a kayak and they have his friend whose name is Kenny Powers oh my god there's a stuntman also tell them okay use the paddles and that like pretend to train him to run and stuff like it's all made up but sorry
Starting point is 00:58:47 this is training to hold a wheel you know what I'm just saying I don't know how much training you need to fucking he should just be resting he should be kayaking he should be kayaking he shouldn't even fucking be here he should be kayaking and doing push-ups what no he should not be he's driving climbing ropes no he's no no he should not be doing these things gotta work out I got a drive later he's been playing this now it's been five years and he's been planning this jump he's done he's they bailed so many times shit has happened the ramps ready the weather's good the cars ready but there's
Starting point is 00:59:29 what's the problem well there's no audience because the Hollywood backers also don't want an audience so he was ready to jump a year ago yeah he pulled out yes for new guys who did the exact same thing the other guys did yes okay so decision-making seems to be flawed and they won't allow any press so it's literally happening for no one it's like he's doing he just needs it now he's doing in a vacuum he's just like please let me die please just let me die this way that's I try to die this way for five years if you don't let me now the cancer is gonna get me what was that kid I'm dying to cancer so last jumpy did
Starting point is 01:00:13 was 12 chug wagons okay in Edmonton a couple of months ago yeah it's about a mile it's about a mile it's about a mile miles 12 12 chuck wagons 50 feet mile whatever about 50 feet so that's just a few thousand feet shy so it's two hours from the jump right two hours I don't have everyone showing up everyone's there the crew goes on strike they want they feel like they haven't been paid enough and they want $27,000 and they put a barricade up at the top of the ramp so he can't jump you ain't jumping it give us $27,000 if you want to die it's like such extortion that it's yeah well the whole thing's insane the word
Starting point is 01:01:00 extortion doesn't exist on a fucking river a mile long river jump with Hollywood backers so where you shot a kayaking montage to show how the driver trains to steer straight so they're all discussing it for a while I was trying to figure it out they need to figure out how to get the money cuz this is the seven this is not like you can just go get $27,000 no no unless you're unless you're part of some heroin syndicate yeah you just have money laying around so late the cars ready to go it's 5 p.m. they finally get the cash well I can't believe they get the fucking cash at 5 p.m. it's now hours after it's supposed
Starting point is 01:01:41 to happen it's now 645 p.m. it's getting dark jumping out getting dark prime jumping out bats out yeah so you hit a bat or two on the way but I'm just thinking about the car shooting across the river sunset behind it we come to Canada you can see the postcard we haven't tested an eighth of a mile it's perfect it's not big crowd shows up because everyone's hearing about it so the crowd's there anyway they're all on the roads around it Carter's position Carter gets on the runway that gets in the car it's fucking go time and then he starts screaming there's a leak I can't see anything there's a leak so they
Starting point is 01:02:21 go over to get him out of the car there's some sort of valve thing I think I think it was part in what was supposed to happen with the car but he just flipped out like it was a lot of steam is supposed to come out before it took off it's a rocket engine yeah what does steam come out of a rocket engine new ewey steam so they can't so now it's too late yeah it's always too late and they dumb idea and then they they can't do it the next day because one of the Hollywood guys producer Mark Senate has a bar mitzvah guys we can't do the jump tomorrow my buddy's kids turning into a man we can't hey guys I I told you I had
Starting point is 01:03:06 a Saturday was off I have a thing I can't do it what kind of thing it's a bar mitzvah it's an all-day thing though I gotta help my friend said I don't know what that is I'm from Canada 13 year old Jewish boy is becoming a man in the eyes of God today and you want to go jump your little rocket river huh no no no okay that's fair you picture of it the permits but at one point you had to think I mean I probably could have done both yeah can't you jump it I'm right gonna come back yeah but you know what you don't you don't want to show up to the bar mitzvah hey what happened today you go bar mitzvah death yeah you go
Starting point is 01:03:50 apartments you've got kind of that gaudy glow outlook right now after the bar mitzvah you know you're ready to see your friend becoming a skin accordion right you give that you're at the bar mitzvah and you're like you're a man I saw a man become not a man today hey I found one man and another man I knew it's not here anymore he's he's on a rock he's was he's smushed into rock so they set up for seven days later October 3rd October 3rd it looks like it's gonna rain we can't do it Thursday have volleyball Friday's no good Wednesday's hockey Wednesday's hockey Friday I got to take the kid next Saturday I could do
Starting point is 01:04:30 I give you next Saturday I said I was playing the tree with my mom oh that's right that's all that I have softball right let's see Sunday Sunday works Sunday works okay it doesn't work Sunday Monday I'm booked we'll do Sunday we'll make it we'll make it happen I'll break sandwiches okay so October 3rd the ground crew has been cut to a minimum the rescue boat has been cut the rescue crew has been cut down from six frogmen a barge with a crane you and two high powered speedboats to two guys in a little boat well what are they fucking because he can't swim yeah but he's not going to need to swim dead bodies can't
Starting point is 01:05:04 swim ever you're such a naysay you don't need a life card for a man is in 80 pieces now he's gonna land on the other side that's what you need is a net you need one guy with a net he's gonna land on the other side no he's not where there's a big meadow someone someone goes over there someone goes over their shoes out of the all the cows out of the way because that's one of those cows show they go over the cows and they go hey look a guy's gonna die here a little bit can you move the cow band is playing about a half mile that way a guy's gonna die here a little bit can you move sorry so there's no crowd maybe 50 people show
Starting point is 01:05:41 up this time I want to do it in front of the cows this one for the cows so they get him in the car and he sits there checking and AC doesn't work kind of he just sits there rechecking and checking his harness and his safety stuff no different things for an hour he just sits there checking and they're like go go and he's like I'm just checking this I'm checking this and then it starts to rain oh my god so the jump is canceled two days later Carter's having meetings with the producers they're talking about doing stuff in Europe they want him fresh for Europe maybe this jump isn't such a good idea because he might be too hurt
Starting point is 01:06:24 or something because they want to take him on this tour Europe and it suddenly dawns on Carter that the reason he's an auto I have a meeting with the producers which is an hour away from the jump site is that someone else is doing the jump right now oh my god and sure enough Kenny Powers is doing the jump shut up and what Carter says he's never gone in a car of a hundred miles an hours he's completely unqualified for the job well that's a horrible thing to say when you're racing to go to 60 but he but at least at least Carter has done those things at least Carter has gone in a car on 260 at least he has done a bunch of
Starting point is 01:07:01 jumps and cars which Kenny Powers is not here's something I never thought I'd say yeah he's the most qualified to do this so powers suits up to make the jump Jesus the cool thing is they also talked to powers at the top of the top of the ramp and there's no fucking way like I said before there's no fucking way this is possible no and power is supposed to wear a special back brace whenever he jump he jumps because his bat's back been broken so many times which he forgot how could you know what what yeah cuz you're gonna make the craziest jump of all time forget the one thing that
Starting point is 01:07:47 might help shoot my back's broke and and powers has been driving in in Ken Carter's you know Daredevil show for ten years they're like this is like the oh this yeah this is like Robin stealing the Batmobile that's very good so he's an hour away at the hotel room while this is going on his the crew members who are on Kenny's side are taken away from this the whatever set whatever you want to call okay yeah his brother death March Ken Carter Ken Carter's brother is put in a car and they drive him to some faraway island and just drop him off in the middle of nowhere hey you see that why don't you
Starting point is 01:08:32 go grab that for us it's gun it it's like it's like that hit scene in the godfather kill all the guys without the hit you gotta he's gotta be expecting the hit I will take this this sounds fine and now I'm gonna let you watch the video and you can tell me what you see and how great it is wait there it goes it's going and up the ramp and what happened there it went very high off the ramp yeah one second in yeah a parachute went off and it and there's just some sparks and then it just slowly pathetically floated into a river nearby and now and I could seek any powers I think in the car in the
Starting point is 01:09:31 demolished doing what we'll call the float of shame so look how far like how close to the river he's like he's like 30 feet away to say that they're a mile away from their goal is pretty I mean look at that car so there's the two guys in the boats getting him those guys like yeah we're on the hour that was great that was good so what happened was the whole time they're taking out the car all he's saying here is ow ow ow so so they so they they take him and they lay him down what happened was is the the when the fiberglass car hit the boom boom boom boom so it's a rocket car and then there's a fiberglass body
Starting point is 01:10:25 built around it so it looks like a Lincoln or whatever right so it all started to break up when it hit those bumps because it wasn't made to right yeah fucking bumpy from so Kenny Powers had no experience so he couldn't keep his foot on the pedal because he wasn't used to anything like this so he took his foot off the pedal which cost the parachutes to fly out but but he's so lucky so he yeah so he he is incredibly lucky and the best part too is how the car has dumb little wings well the wings I think make it fly I don't think it does there's no way those dumb wings coming to watch you in slow motion and
Starting point is 01:11:13 see it's completely breaking up and then here it like oh my god pieces are just flying off and the whole the whole time and as pieces are flying off it's going like it's like sputtering yeah and clouds of smoker coming out of it he broke eight vertebrae three ribs and had a fractured wrist Keddie Carter is furious and as he described it he said they took my pension so he was literally thinking this as his retirement yeah he thought he'd be the number one daredevil in the world he would be able to sell all the toys yeah and all the shit that evil was doing in his mind he was gonna do this
Starting point is 01:11:50 thing and then be done and then he was gonna be evil can either yeah well hey it doesn't always work on how you draw it up huh you know it's like the old saying goes sometimes your friend takes the death car away from you and drives it into the river taking your pension away a year later Ken Carter was still talking about making the jump still talking about trying to get it together it'd be hard to be friends with him that year after oh horrendous he made a record-breaking 180 he started jumping in rocket cars he made a 186 fit jump in a rocket car at Cayuga Speedway and then and then he went back to now I have to
Starting point is 01:12:31 break that record so he was in the back in the record breaking thing when he should be fighting Sons of Anarchy at the Cow Palace right yeah so on July golfing on July 1st 1983 he tried to jump a pond in Peterborough Ontario I mean what a step away and he was just about to do a mile jump over a river like this pond this pond's days are numbered look out pond there's a new pond in town the jump failed when he couldn't control the car and you see the jump and he he I'll put it up on the Facebook page the doll has a Facebook page I'll put it up there but he goes off sideways oh good yeah because he because it was a rocket yeah
Starting point is 01:13:21 hard to handle it sounds like I haven't heard a lot of good rocket car stories not a lot of those end with like it was amazing so he vowed to make the jump again on September 5th that day the races this is after it's supposed to be after the races all the races went long and it was so late that they paint up bumps they painted the car yellow oh so the cameras could see it if you're painting a car at the last minute right before you jump they're painting the cars yellow maybe don't do the cameras can see you're like okay okay will I be able to see it was after midnight oh good anyone who wanted to jump a rocket
Starting point is 01:14:06 car after midnight hey no at the very last minute he decided to put more rocket fuel in the tanks it's all make it's all it's all make sense he's not smart he's very smart everyone that everyone who was there that spoke to him said he wasn't confident that he seemed off that day he asked someone to do a will for him but he was really concerned about the the loss of publicity he's had over the past two years a few years because because he didn't do those jumps and and there was no one gave a shit about jumping cars in a stadium anymore yeah because evil Knievel had jumped yes had tried to jump evil Knievel never jumped it didn't
Starting point is 01:14:53 even matter what he did he still just he did it the best even if he walked into an ass backwards yeah he really now this guy's like all or nothing he's like I must die to beat evil Knievel I must die says car overshot the landing ramp and landed on its roof it overshot the landing ramp by a hundred need to be bigger by a hundred feet well okay then fuck up Carter was killed instantly oh shit he severed massive head chest and other injuries literally the car goes off the ramp and flips over you've seen this yeah I can put that video up to flips over and lands on its roof it's if you look at it you go oh that guy's dead oh my there's
Starting point is 01:15:35 no fucking way in hell anybody survives that wow so it overshot up by a hundred feet it went way up too high flips over lands on its roof and that's it oh and evil Knievel's right it sort of was the end of stunt driving and stuff like people still not what this guy wants to hear but it's not it's not like it's no longer as big as it would they were they were the fuck evil Knievel king stunt guys with a king and now when people do it ever goes oh that's a little weird yeah but I can't believe he died powers continue to be a daredevil of course it always works out for that shithead I told the newspaper in 1986 that he had
Starting point is 01:16:14 been a stuntman in films like smoking the band at Hooper vanishing point and the blues brothers he said his career was winding down a film because and I quote there are a lot of younger kids coming along now in the motion picture business now I just do the stunts that nobody else will do oh that's nice yeah so that's Kenny Powers of which none is true he was touring with Carter when smoking the band it was made he's never been in a film he's not credit on the IMDB with any stunts he's just credited being in four documentaries about head injury yeah he's a total his wife put this on a forum that I found oh wow he was
Starting point is 01:16:51 as proud if not prouder of being a veteran than being a stuntman Kenny didn't think twice about driving through fire and flipping cars over but he was afraid of a few things he was extremely afraid of heights okay he was afraid of the wood scorpions that are native to where we are from he was afraid of bears and wildcats that used to stay below our house and believe it or not he was extremely afraid of ocean fish he had an obsession about keeping porcelain clean and keeping refrigerators at the perfect temperature I mean if I was at the wrong temperature at 2 a.m. he would actually wake me up we would take the
Starting point is 01:17:33 back of the refrigerator off and vacuum vacuum it so she's the real stunt person that list is insane it starts off and you're like duh and by the end you're like what the fuck just happened so you know we just had to vacuum the fridge cuz he got up in the middle of the night check the temperature times to baby baby on the fridge times too low get the bag we got a vacuum is I'll move the fridge you get the vacuum I never knew from one minute to the next what he was going to do it sounds about right that's about sending this friend I'm afraid of scorpions and warm fridges he performed his last stunt in 2006 Kenny
Starting point is 01:18:29 powers carried an 8 by 10 photograph of Ken powder Ken Carter every place he went and tell you until his death in 2013 stuntman Ed Beckley big Ed Beckley received the rights from the Idaho Department of Lands to reproduce Knievel Snake River jump for a price of $943,000 to jump the canyon on the 40th anniversary of the attempt which is September 7th what wait so that's coming up yeah less than a month there he's gonna do it yeah guys gonna try it again shit that's great yeah we gotta figure out we had a watching party a viewing will call it yeah that would be pretty amazing that's crazy fuck how's
Starting point is 01:19:16 that for a story real good I mean the daredevil thing is like they all were bad at it evil was bad at it he was good at jumping things in a stadium but whenever they tried to take it out of the stadium they all fucked up it also is just basically like evil Knievel just like you said early he just did on a motorbike yeah and that look cooler and he had it he had the kid you can see yeah bones break and that's so beautiful yeah it's gorgeous whereas Ken Carter just flopped like a pancake to his death but I will say this he is right at the fact that he would have done that jump better yeah all the one of
Starting point is 01:19:56 the car would have just landed in the middle the river but this is why I think it's best case scenario because if he had if better in this situation is further yeah further is not it's just going south like where Kenny fucked up was like basically close to the peak yeah and I don't think going well is going further you it's nice you're saying if Carter went further than Kenny powers higher chance of death I agree yeah he would have landed out in the middle it's a car he did you two baby parachutes cars can't jump a mile yeah no can we just can we just all agree if there's anything the dollop agrees on I think we are on
Starting point is 01:20:40 the same page cars can't drive a mile oh no no no no no no no no no we're on record at the dollop cars can't drive a mile you heard it here first they can't drive a mile well that's the that's the two daredevils listen one man spurred another man to do something ridiculous that's why the power of no yeah also choose a career that you can retire in yeah well have also have a regular pension choose a career where someone demanding 27 grand isn't gonna ruin your career right before your career is about to take off all right well that was a dollop that's our longest dollop yet oh yeah that's a long story that's a lot to
Starting point is 01:21:29 go over god damn all right there's Canadians there's Canada's big entry into the dollar well congratulations welcome aboardy

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