The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 166 - The Racist Record Keeping of Virginia

Episode Date: April 13, 2016

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine Walter Plecker and his racist data mining.SOURCESTOUR DATES REDBUBBLE MERCH...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. Good morning! You're listening to the dollop. This is a bi-weekly American History podcast each week. Every story to
Starting point is 00:00:46 my friend. Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the topic is going to be about and it's not we don't know that it's morning for everybody. For some people it's probably not morning. Good morning! I don't think stamping it with a time you know this could be evening. This one in particular. Someone's listening to it in the middle of the night. This one in particular. What are you doing up right now? You're listening to the dollop. This is the point I'm trying to make. This podcast, this one, this episode should only be listening to you in the morning hours. You're limiting why? No I totally disagree. I totally disagree. The dollop is
Starting point is 00:01:23 now a morning pod. No it is not Dave. We'll be right back. What? That's not how... God you want to look who to do? I'll do one bottle. People say this is funny. Not Gary Gareth. Dave okay. Someone or something is tickling people. Is it for fun? And this is not gonna become a tickly podcast. Okay. You are Queen Fakie of Hadeuptown. All hail Queen Shit of Liesville. A bunch of religious virgins go to mingle. And do my thing. We are on the All Things Comedy Network. We don't announce that but we should. The All Things Comedy Network is a network of podcasts. A great network. It's great. You can go check them out at and you will see all
Starting point is 00:02:10 of our podcasts and they are great podcasts and we were one of the first. So we should probably tell people that. Yes. It's true. We also want to thank our subscribers on Patreon. This podcast is brought to you by our subscribers on Patreon. I want to thank each and every one of you. You guys are awesome. I'm gonna kiss you. Stuff like that. So you're on record that you're gonna kiss every patron. Yeah. Okay. All right. Signing cars move over. Signing cars move over. 1861. Alrighty. By the way. What? I usually don't do the same kind of general area back to back but that's just how these two played out. This one's, if you're not a
Starting point is 00:03:01 fan of horrible racism. Right. Well. Trigger warning. Okay. Walter Ashby Plecker was born in Augusta County, Virginia. He was the son of a prosperous merchant and slave owner. Okay. Now you see where stuff's tying in. Well it's a strong start. I know but it's great that we're already sniffing around slavery. Sure. Sniffing around slave like America did for many, many years. Oh they dug in. Ten days after Walter was born his father left to fight for the Confederate army. Okay. So right he's born right at the fucking start of the war. 1861 this one shit's going down. Yeah. So his dad fucking bails. Walter was
Starting point is 00:03:43 then mostly raised by quote a faithful slave. All right. That's kind of sweet. Uh-huh. Her name was Delia and she remained with the family after the Civil War working as a servant. Okay. So more that's when you would get some sort of benefit. So that's a weird, that's a weird transition when you go okay so I'm gonna get paid now right. Yeah. So I'm gonna get some money now yeah. That's right. And then you're always just I mean well and then you also are really then you're also just like remember when you whipped me mercilessly two years ago. Hi. That was such a different time. More tea please. If you do that now you have to
Starting point is 00:04:20 pay me. That's right. The family liked Delia a lot so much so that they had her get married at their house. Okay. So she sounds like kind of part of the family. Sure. Like he was raised by her wedding there. They clearly enjoy this person. Uh-huh. Except for the part when they owned her. Right. Walter attended the Hoover Military Academy in Virginia and he graduated in 1880. Then he went to the University of Maryland Medical School in 1885 and got a medical degree. Okay. Right. Yeah. So whatever that means at that time. Yeah. Well it means that you can identify where the spirits live in a body that's hurting. Right. And maybe cut a
Starting point is 00:04:59 bat out or whatever you think is happening. Yeah. Right. Walter worked as a country doctor. There's a bat in your stomach. I'm pretty sure there's a bat in your tummy. We're gonna have to cut it open. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Modern medicine has given us the ability to track bats inside of the human body a lot better than we used to. Can I just say if they didn't they if you don't watch the Nick and you like this podcast you should be watching the Nick. Right. Sometimes put this podcast sometimes dark side of the moon it. Yeah. Put the Nick on and throw this podcast on over it. Sometimes they link up. But there's an episode where a
Starting point is 00:05:34 doctor was giving another doctor eye surgery and so the other doctor who's getting the eye surgery is like talking him talking to him like they were gonna do it. He was just gonna do it awake. Right. On your eye. Yeah. What's the what's the issue. Fuck me. I'd rather just die. What's the issue with little eye tissue. Just let me die. No. So he has your golf game Bob. There it is. Walter worked as a country doctor in Western Virginia and in the Colfields of Alabama. I didn't know there were Colfields of Alabama. We're gonna look into that. He eventually settled in Hampton, Virginia in 1892. He was a
Starting point is 00:06:17 private physician for 10 years until he became the public health officer for the county. Okay. And his new role he took an interest in delivering babies and educating midwives. Okay. These two strong likes. Yeah. Particularly, you know, a lot of the black black women having children and where there was a higher mortality rate. Okay. So he but that's what he's helping with is more black women with. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. He developed a simple incubator for home use. It was made from a laundry basket, a thermometer, a kerosene lamp, and dirt. Okay. So this is like when your kid makes a time machine. Just like a cardboard box with
Starting point is 00:07:06 like a bunch of string on it. It's just like a drum pedal. If I can, if you hit the pedal enough, we can go back to any time father. We have the four ingredients of the incubator, which is you take a laundry basket, you put a thermometer in it, right with a lamp. Yeah, that's gonna heat everything up. Sure. And then you just throw some dirt on the bottle just to be safe. Just a baby in dirt safe. Just a dirt floor. Hygiene top of the list. Right. Yeah. It was very successful. The mortality rate among the poor was reduced. Right. But the filth among babies had never been 10 times to the dirtiest babies have ever been.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Oh, your baby's very dirty. He's gonna live. But my God, does he need a bath? Walter also recorded the details of more than 90% of the births and deaths in the county. He loved keeping and reading records. It's all about records, records, records, records. Oh, well, well, well. He married a woman named Kate Houston, who was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Walter was described as quote, stone cold and a very rigid man by a former co-worker quote. I don't know of anyone who ever saw him smile. Geez. That that might be one of the most terrifying things we've ever read in the first page of a doll. He's
Starting point is 00:08:32 never smiled. Never smiled. Now, Virginia was a place you could appropriately describe as racist. What? Yeah. Virginia? Yes. In America? I know. What? Hard to believe. Can't. And they legalized it. In April 1691, the Virginia General Assembly outlawed interracial marriage. In 1785, the Virginia Legislature passed an act in order to determine who should be quote, deemed a mulatto. The legislature defined a mulatto as a person with one fourth or more Negro blood. Anyone with more than a fourth was considered a colored person. So you got the... So if you have... If you have a black grandfather and then
Starting point is 00:09:24 everyone else is white, you're mulatto. Right. But if you have two or if you have a black grandfather and then a mulatto grandmother, then you're gonna be colored, a colored, classified colored. It is amazing to think of it like, even hearing that, you're just like, it shouldn't matter. But in that case, you're like, oh no, what? I'm not black. I'm white. Please, I'm white. You're gonna love this one. Oh, shit. In 1849, Virginia passed a law making marriages between whites and blacks absolutely void. So they originally had outlawed interracial marriage, and now they're saying voids. That means that people that must have
Starting point is 00:10:06 gotten married to other places and it came to Virginia. Your marriage was automatically dissolved when you crossed the border. So you're like entering Vatican City, like once you come into Virginia. What's happening? Oh, I'm sorry. You're black and not married. Get over here. Get over here. Welcome to Virginia. Well, you shouldn't have crossed our border. In March 1912, the Virginia General Assembly created the Bureau of Vital Statistics. This can't be good. The Bureau would record all births and deaths and the race of the person documented. Okay. Of course, being a record keeper already, Walter Plecker was
Starting point is 00:10:43 appointed to head the Bureau. Walter made sure from 1912 onward that all babies born in Virginia were given birth certificates that included racial designations. Okay. Well, I'm sure that that is terrible. If that makes sense in a way. If they have to keep track of. If you're keeping track of bait, but I'm obviously sure that this is going to be a completely flawed and racist system. No. Yeah, for sure, obviously. Was Virginia done yet? Nope. In 1918, the General Assembly required that the Bureau record all Virginia marriages and note the races of husbands and wives. Just like a weird, like, race Gestapo just going
Starting point is 00:11:31 around. That's an interesting, interesting term. Determining. That apparently wasn't enough. In 1910, they legally defined, colored, so they, they changed the legal definition. So right, colored before was one more than a quarter, right? A quarter mulatto, more than a quarter. Right. That's what we had. Right. So they took it, they took it down a notch. Now a colored person was someone who was really good at basketball once. That's so racist. That's the idea. Yeah, it is the idea. The colored person was somehow one who had one sixteenth or more nigger blood. So that's like one great grandparent was black, makes you black.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Right. Right. That's got to be so like, okay, so in these horribly racist times, if your friends were the white guy who had a little black in him, but was determined to be white, now there's this switch now where it's way more awkward. Way more awkward. Where you're like, Terry, look, I can't talk to you ever since you got determined black. I did, but I'm the same Terry. I understand your heart's the same, but it was my great-great-grandfather. Quit bragging about it, Terry. Now get out of here. You know bragging means. Get out of here. They just drop them off at the woods like a dog. Go, turn around. What? I live next to you. You turn around. You
Starting point is 00:12:52 don't have to, you don't have to go anywhere, but you can't stay here. Oh my god, that should be a song. Turn around. Go, boy. Turn around. Every now and then I thought you was white, but now it turned out you're a black man. Oh, and then the definition of Native Americans was changed. To anyone who'd been fucked by the white man. Indians were people who did not have any Negro blood at all and one-fourth or more Indian blood. How is that so different from what they were before? Was there a lot of... Why is that? I don't know what the Native Americans were classified before this, but now they can't have any... Can you just... It's
Starting point is 00:13:38 terrible. Leave them be. Oh, we can't. They have to... Why? Well, there's a white situation happening. We need to... A situation. So that's obviously got to keep track of that. So now to be an official Native American, you have to have more than a quarter-blood Native American and you can't have a drop of any black guy stuffing you. Right. Meanwhile, whites are raping all of these people. Right. Now, Walter Plecker was also very into white people in Jesus Christ. He was a fundamentalist Presbyterian and believed the Bible was infallible. Sure. He thought segregation was a Bible
Starting point is 00:14:20 truth. He was known to say that God flooded the earth and destroyed Sodom because he was angry at the inbreeding of the races. Right. Well... So he should have a government position. Yeah, obviously. Well, it's like it says in the Bible, whites only. You know, I loved his interview. I was not sure about him, but when he said that Sodom was destroyed because blacks and whites were fucking, I was like, let's hire this guy. Isn't it weird that now the Bible didn't say stuff like that? Okay. You know what? What? Let me go read about it. Shocking how it's never changed, yet changed. What about the fact that Jesus wasn't a white
Starting point is 00:15:01 guy? Whoa, bro. Whoa. In September 1922, Walter founded the Anglo-Saxon clubs of America. Good. With Ernest Cox, a real estate agent and insurance agent, and John Powell, who was at the time a famous composer and pianist. They saw the Anglo-Saxon clubs of America as an alternative to the Ku Klux Klan, which they did not like. Okay. Supposedly. They considered themselves to be the science and intellectual counter to the stupid brutality of the KKK. Right. Sort of your thinking racism. Thank you. Yeah, right. Quote, the goal of the Anglo-Saxon clubs was to preserve and maintain Anglo-Saxon ideals and civilization in
Starting point is 00:15:44 America through the strengthening of Anglo-Saxon instincts, traditions, and principles among representatives of our original American stock. Right. And the KKK was more like a WWF wrestler? Yes. Lawless, ready to take a chair to get there. Who wants to be all white? And then there's the other guy like, I think... Now, hold on a minute. I think there's a way to trick the blacks. Let's smash chairs on the back of them when they ain't looking. Well, hold on a minute. Hold on. I also like that they wanted to strengthen Anglo-Saxon instincts. Yeah, right, right. You like fucking other whities, yeah? Yeah. Yeah, let's get some then. That kind of thing. Yeah, right. They were also into restricting immigration, not surprising. What? These people? And quote, the fundamental and final solutions of our
Starting point is 00:16:37 racial problems in general, most especially the Negro problem. Any time someone says the Negro problem, we're going down the dark. And I guess really the only problem was that they were around and had been given like no real opportunity for anything and therefore were seemed to sort of like... They're free. That's the problem. Right. This wasn't happening before the war. They're free now and now they're mad. Yeah. It would be like a state all of a sudden saying that you can't serve gay people just because or like that transgender people can only use the bathroom of their defined birth. Right, because what
Starting point is 00:17:18 you want is a woman coming into a bathroom and peeing next to your son. Yeah. Because that's not going to be confusing. No, really if you do look at the two, one is extremely illogical and one is the one, the new sense we're trying to define. And we're trapped with the one that's like, no, no. Statistically, if you really wanted to stop, which they say is all about sexual assaults, if you really wanted to stop sexual assaults at children, you would make going to the Catholic Church illegal. So... Mic drop. So they believe that increases in mixed marriages would destroy white
Starting point is 00:18:05 civilization by wiping out all its desirable racially exclusive traits and characteristics. Sure, like being total pricks. Like yeah, just like just being fucking monsters. By being huge racist monster. This was a popular belief at the time called eugenics. Eugenics at some point will get its own dollop. It was considered to be a thinking man science and was thought up by Charles Darwin's cousin Francis Galton. The word eugenics means well-born. The belief was a racial and genetic purity would result in a more stable society and then it could be gained by selective breeding. By promoting selective marriages, unwanted
Starting point is 00:18:43 hereditary disorders could be eliminated. Basically, get the awesome people to breed and sterilize those who are unwanted. Okay, and they're right. So the difference between Darwin was survival of the fittest. He's survival of the whitest. In the sense that he like it's just... Oh my god, no that's a TV show. Survival of the whitest. Trump hosts. But today you've got to scale the wall. Try to scale the wall. No using rope. But but the truth is that that is like where that comes from is the idea that how you are in society is not based on opportunity. It's based on skin color and if you continue to provide no opportunity to other races, of
Starting point is 00:19:28 course you're going to be like well they're just a bunch of do-nup. It's like you've created the environment where there's no other option than to be poor or like you have to work five times as hard to get anywhere a white person does. Yeah, it's great. Good. Glad to be clear. It was pretty well accepted. Eugenics was pretty well accepted in the USA as fact and the way to go, particularly among US academics, there were courses taught on eugenics at many well-known US colleges and the wealthy gave tons in funding to study eugenics and to create a eugenics movement because America, which we're kind
Starting point is 00:20:07 of still doing. We are. There's still payment for misinformation. I mean come on. Now in Virginia whites believe blacks were inferior but they believe their black people were the best black people going. Such a fun space to play in. We hate all black people but I'll say this, I'd put mine against any other black. They are awful devil people who we don't want drinking the same water as us but our group will get the shit out of your group. Bring it on, Mississippi! Come on, Mississippi! Now they had some reasoning behind this belief. Which was, bad slaves were sold down the river during slavery. We've
Starting point is 00:20:52 talked about sold down the river before, right? So sold down the river is, I think in Tennessee, it's the Mississippi rivers where they're talking about and if you had a slave that was a problem, tried to escape, whatever, you would take him there and he would be sold down the river to Mississippi where they were far more brutally treated. Right. Kind of like how the Inuits say goodbye to a family member when they die except they would just ship these people further down the river. Right, they're still alive and they're just getting a worse job. Right. It's not even a job because they're not being paid. Right. No, it's just a worse
Starting point is 00:21:26 life as a slave. You're going to hell basically. Right. I mean imagine when you're like about, you're just like, what else can you do to me? Be like, you thought this was like, get ready. Welcome to Mississippi, motherfucker. You're going to Mississippi. They treat you guys horribly there. So the Virginia blacks were then from what slave dealers called selected stock. Right. So it's a classification of humans that you own. It really is. Where these ones behave better and so they're considered better. So Virginians at the time believed that their black people, but it makes sense if you come from the eugenics thing. So we're talking about breeding and that's
Starting point is 00:22:12 what they're believing in. So they think that they have better. Yeah, but they're not cheerleading squads. Like why? There might have been some cheerleading squads. Why? I know what they're cheering for. Give me an F, an A, an E, an E. Run! Fucking run! Run! But it's so ridiculous to be like, no. There's nothing that's not ridiculous about this. It's just fucking horrifying. Yeah. Yes. It is true. It's almost ridiculous to call it ridiculous. So Virginia doctors believe that they had the best blacks, but they also argue that Virginia blacks had more crime, sexual, perversion, and disease since the Civil War ended. They have a weird way of bragging.
Starting point is 00:23:02 The president of the American Medical Association, who happened to be a Virginia doctor, did research to find, quote, some scientific explanation of the sexual perversion in the Negro of the present day. Before the Civil War, a rape by a Negro of a white woman was almost unknown. Now the newspapers tell us how common it is. Rising rates of insanity and disease all indicate that the Negro is reverting to savagery and destined for extinction. All history shows that knowing for your race can exist for very many years in contact with the dominant white man. What? It is the frightful survival of the fittest. So
Starting point is 00:23:46 that's the president of the American Medical Association. What? What? The American Medical Association. You respect them, yeah? Surely now. They're the medical most. Never more than now. They're a great organization. That was the president saying that. That's good. Out loud to other people. Oh my god. I assume what was a smattering of applause. Oh my god. So in their minds, the propaganda of the southern post-war media, which would of course constantly attack the new free blacks to paint them as monsters, is real and therefore medically and hereditarily they are breeding into something. Not that it's the media doing it. But then, which is crazy. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Because it's just like you take, I mean it's a lot like our news cycle now. It's pretty much where you just take, you just have bullshit facts from bullshit people for your bullshit speech. Yeah. But it is, it's just astounding to think that this is said by somebody in a position like, out loud to people. Well, like not like a clearly respected man. Right. Like and again saying that like this is like when you, a white man being dominant, the only reason why white people were dominant was because they were just the worst. They had numbers, they were vicious and they had guns. Yeah. I mean that was what, that's nothing
Starting point is 00:25:18 about like them slowly becoming like a more dominant species. They were just really the biggest pricks. Yeah. They had the weapons. They were top dog pricks. They were top dog pricks. GDP. Of course, the Anglo-Saxon clubs were very, very popular and they branched out. They had over 400 members by June 1923, just nine months after opening up the first one. Okay. And they franchised. They had 31 clubs in Virginia, including two in Charlottesville, one for the town's folk and once for the students at the University. They're like a flood ruckers. I mean that's what I call them. They franchised. So welcome to the Anglo-Saxon
Starting point is 00:25:56 club. Come on down. We're opening up a new Anglo-Saxon club. Jalapeno poppers, half price. Try the new tater tot bar. It's like Golden Corral. Oh man. Even though one of the founders, John Powell, said the club had nothing to do with the KKK and that they were actually quote, friendly to the Negro, the chairman, president and secretary of the Richmond club had all been Klansmen. Hmm. That's that's interesting. Yeah. Isn't that odd? Funny how there's no association. This is the fucking 20s. This is less than a hundred years ago, just so we're all understanding. Virginia had two main newspapers, the
Starting point is 00:26:31 Richmond Times Dispatch and the Go Whitey Weekly. I do I do love the sports page in the Go Whitey Weekly. Well, white guys tore it up again last night sporting wise. There we go. That's what I love to read. Love to read about my white boys doing good. The Roanoke white walls almost defeated. Anyway, almost. I don't like that word one bit. No, whites versus whites. It was a win-win for everyone. They were both the newspapers were super on board with the club. The papers supported the club by publishing dozens of articles, including one titled Is White America to Become a Negroid Nation? Get out of my ears. But who fucking
Starting point is 00:27:17 thinks like who? Okay, but that's the sort of time at the time when it's so racist and so segregated, who looks around and gone, we're coming to Black Nation. Yeah. Like, but the club had bigger plans. Together, Palin, Walter, worked on a draft of what would become the Preserve Racial Integrity Act of 1924. My guess is it's low on integrity. It wasn't hard to get it past because many members of the legislature were members of the Anglo-Saxon clubs. Interesting. The law stopped a white person from marrying a non-white who referred to as colored in the bill. To do this, they had to determine, they had to define whiteness.
Starting point is 00:28:01 They had already done that. Yeah, but now they're doing it. They're going further. They need to be super vanilla. They came up with quote, a person who has no trace whatsoever of any blood other than Caucasian. Anyone else would be classified as colored. So it's called the One Drop. Oh, well, at least it's got a cute name. Well, they, that's what it became. The One Drop law. It's officially known as the, but it was known as the One Drop. They did have to make one exception though. It was known as the Pocahontas exception. I, Dave. What's up? What's up girl? I don't know. I don't know about this one. Many of the prominent
Starting point is 00:28:43 white people in Virginia were descendants of Pocahontas and John Rolf, or at least they thought they were. They believed they were. They were known around Virginia area as the first families. Okay. So they think they're directly descended from. Right. But is that, but how could that be classified as good in this world? Well, or okay. Because they're the first. They were the first ones. And so for whatever reason. So that's okay. It's okay. Okay. And they all seem white, right? Sure. Yeah. No, all seem super white. So they, they, so they don't want to classify those people as colored because those are the people who
Starting point is 00:29:25 kind of run the town. Right. Right. So when it's inconvenient, well, then the law doesn't matter. The dumb law for idiots doesn't matter. Okay. If you want to put it that way. Yeah, I do. He wrote language into the bill. Anyone who had one sixteenth or less of the blood of an American Indian and have no other non Caucasian blood will be deemed to be white persons. So it's a, it's a special clause loophole. Cool. Walter was not into this exception. He thought it was a dangerous loophole that would encourage mixed race breeding and that those people would pass themselves off as whites when they clearly were not. Pass
Starting point is 00:30:07 yourself off. The law asked people to voluntary register their racial identity, their racial identity with the bureau. That's the best. Oh, white. You know, black people in there like white, fully white. Hi. Is this the bureau? Yes. I want to come in and register myself as a white. Sure. Sure. Well, you're clearly a black man. No, I have blue eyes and blonde hair and I am very, very white. Well, you're black. So, okay. I, we're kind of going on the honor system here. I'm actually not going to volunteer. I'm just gonna take off. Okay. Cool. I'm gonna run. Yeah. Well, as you should, but again, your name. Out. Out? Out what? Sir?
Starting point is 00:30:42 Sir? Someone chase that man out. If you falsified your racial identity on a marriage license or birth certificate, it was a felony and you would get one year in prison. Jesus. Walter promoted the law as much as possible. He made pamphlets to be handed out and wrote journal articles. He gave speeches and lectures to medical and health associations around the South. There he would brag about Virginia taking the lead and keeping the white race pure. He also would keep track of records and personally write to people to warn them of their racial misdeeds. Oh, wow. Get that. That's not a letter. Dear non-white
Starting point is 00:31:23 liar. You know, when you get a letter from the IRS now, you're like, oh, this is a little bit different. There's a little bit different letter you get. Oh, fuck, we're black. They're auditing my makeup. Oh, no. Oh, God, I'm getting my whiteness. I knew I overstated my whiteness for this year. My guy said it would be fine. My guy said it would be fine. He said I get right off 10% black and then the rest of the white guy would be fine. Oh, gosh. I don't have receipts for any of this. In 1924, he wrote a letter to a woman who had just had a child because he said the father was colored. Quote. Dear godless black. This is to give you warning that
Starting point is 00:32:00 this is a mulatto child and you cannot pass it off as white. Wow. A new law passed by the last legislature says that if a child has one drop of Negro blood in it, it cannot be counted as white. You will have to do something about this matter and see that the child is not allowed to mix with white children. It cannot go to white schools and can never marry a white person in Virginia. It is an awful thing. Signed Walter. Funny. Plekker. Funny how he ended it. It is an awful thing for you. Isn't it? Isn't it, you fuck? It is an awful thing. So he clearly had his eye on that. So that he did right after the law was passed. So he clearly had his eye on
Starting point is 00:32:40 that woman, that woman the whole time. Right. And then as soon as the law was passed. Excuse me. Hello. Hall monitor. He had his eye on a lot of people. Right after the law was enacted, he wrote a letter to the Virginia Health Authority. It is estimated that they are from 10,000 to 20,000, possibly more, near white people in the state who are known to possess an inter mixture of color, colored blood. In the past, it has been possible for these people to declare themselves as white or even to have the court. So declare them. Then they have demanded the admittance of their children into white schools and have intermarried with white
Starting point is 00:33:16 people in any large gathering or school of colored people, especially in the cities. Many will be observed who are scarcely distinguishable as colored. These persons are not white in reality, and their children are likely to revert to the distinctly negro type, even when all apparent evidence of mixture has disappeared. Oh, okay. So you don't even need evidence to prove this theory. He's saying that you, a couple of white people, good at all, that look like a black baby. And then what do you do? Well, what's next? Then where are you? Then comes the loud hip hop, and the break dancing, and then the cavorting.
Starting point is 00:33:59 By Virginia Bureau of Vital Statistics has kept a watch fly on the situation and has guarded the welfare state, the welfare of the state, as far as possible. And less radical measures are used to prevent it. Virginia and other parts of the nation must surely in time go the way of all other countries. No. People of two or more races have lived in close contact. To succeed, the intermarriage of the white race with mixed stock must be made impossible. But that is not sufficient. Public sentiment must be influenced so that the intermixture out of wedlock will cease. The public must be led to look with scorn and contempt
Starting point is 00:34:37 upon the man who will degrade himself and do harm to society by such abhorrent deeds. Just openly calling for propaganda. And calling for scorn. Just calling for people to be mean to other people. Yeah. Worry everyone and then make them hate. If we can't do it legally, we'll do it on the street corners. I want to hear you all say black bitch. Which also, which also, which also sort of like, it just speaks to the fact that in society it really probably wasn't that bad. Because you have to inflate it now so much to prove, like there's not a lot of fact to deal with. Like they have, they have probably, society has probably already worked this
Starting point is 00:35:20 out where how you look, you get to do certain things. Or at least it's starting to like coalesce towards the time where it's okay and not terrible. Yeah. So he's seeing people, he's seeing, like you used to have just black and white, but now there is a mixing of the races a lot. And so they're seeing people in between. And so these are old school racists who can't fucking handle that. Right. It's like if like when an old dude on a porch sees two dudes holding hands and love, he's like never it's golden dicks are gonna be on the other dicks. Oh no. Okay first of all when I said that, I was, Dave, I didn't say you, I'm not attributing that to you.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Okay. We can cut that out. I didn't say that. Yeah. You never said that, but it's like you were saying when you watched those two dudes the other day hold the hands and you were worried about all the dicks on the other dicks. Right. So how does one go about learning who has a drop of black person's blood in them? Oh, that's easy. Well, now this takes us more to modern day stuff that America has been debating. That's what the NSA does. It's the thing. They were collecting emails. It's the thing our Congress thinks is okay. It's called data collecting. Right. And anytime you use data collecting, you can go back and look at
Starting point is 00:36:29 that old data. Right. So if you're worried about who is this or that now and you're keeping track of it, there's no saying in 50 years that someone might not go back and look at those records and use it for a different purpose. You mean like why I bought all those whipped cream cans? Well, I'm looking at you, aren't I? I just like banana splits. Uh-huh. And the gas that comes out. So he looked at old records. His main sources of information were birth and death records that were made by tax assessors from 1853 to 1896. I love that tax assessors like what they determine race to be is somehow going to work.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Uh, there was also marriage records beginning in 1853. He had United States Census reports from 1830, 1850 and 1870, which included a list of free blacks by county. He had county taxpayer lists by races that went all the way back to 1808. Jesus. And people declared their race on voter registration rolls. Oh, shit. There is also US military records. Walter also located, located a book written by a black man called Free Negro Heads of Families in the United States in 1830. I mean, this dude, it really, for his misinformation has a lot of information. He has a lot of information because people are always
Starting point is 00:37:51 collecting data. What you just explained would be like a great montage of like data collection. He really got some good stuff. This is why data collection is problematic. That's why you never write a book bragging about how good things are for you. He used that book quite a bit to prove that people had black in their past quote of the name submitted from a local official for verification. We find included in that list Solomon Collins and Vardy Collins in the book we find at least 12 Collins Heads of Families. This shows they were Negroes by the 1830 census. So now an entire family named Collins is now probably living as
Starting point is 00:38:37 white are now black. I mean, we've got a fun movie if we want it. Suddenly black. They were just a regular white family happily living. Mom, I can't find my paper and crayons. Until one day they were suddenly black. Ain't got no paper. Ain't got no paper. This fall. What happened? Let us have no paper. Don't let them know you can write. When one family gets turned upside down. Well, that's good. I'm getting a real Christopher Waltz and glorious bastards vibe from this guy at this point. Yeah, okay. He's the Jew, Hunter. Yeah, yeah. He made state clerks who issued marriage licenses determine who was pure white and if
Starting point is 00:39:28 there was any doubt then not issued the license until they had proof. The final burden of proof fell on the Bureau of Vital Statistics who would scour the old records to make a determination of their whiteness. So he's just like'd the racial state of Virginia. So you want to get married. Then you're terrified of getting married. Oh my god, is there any black in me? Well, I love you so much. I'm gonna go find out. Oops, we can't get married. It's so fucked up. It's like an STD test. Oh god, I hope I don't have. I came back. I have black and you do too now. I'm so sorry. The good
Starting point is 00:40:10 news is we can get married. The bad news is we're both black even though we're both incredibly white. We look white. We are black. So we have to move to the other side of town and get chased around by men and horses. Suddenly black. Walter created what he called the racial integrity dragnet. He seems like the guy, well, I'm not gonna lie, dragnet at the end threw me for a loop. I really, I was already mid-joke, but then hearing dragnet is, how could you follow integrity with dragnet? He got 6,000 midwives, 2,500 physicians, 1,300 local registers, registars, and 2,500 undertakers to report to him. So he had
Starting point is 00:40:56 some numbers? I don't know what the undertakers were doing. Who knows? Walk on him open. He seemed black inside. Good. More stuff like this Chevy. Quote, we have one or more representatives in every local community within two to five miles of every person. School authorities have been reached through their journal and the public is being instructed by newspaper articles and lectures. And it wasn't just records. Walter, other ways to determine race. Quote, if a comb passes... This is going to be so racist. It hurts. If a comb passes through the hair of an applicant, he is an Indian. If not, he is a Negro. Oh my gosh. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:41:39 His race... It's just dirty. No, you're black. No, that's sorry. You're black now. Comb test. Comb didn't go all the way through, so you're black. His racial integrity dragnet sort of made calls based on whatever. I mean, that's the case, right? Right. Letter to one of his dragnet people. Quote, as to deciding the point of race, you and the sheriff and any other intellectual citizen of your community are as capable of judging from the appearance of the child as the most learned scientist. There's absolutely no blood or other tests to determine that question. Only the appearance of the child and the habits of the mother as to
Starting point is 00:42:15 association with Negroes. So if you're white, you know everything. It seems that way, yeah. It's interesting. So white people, you know, it's also the other thing, like what if you just wanted someone out of your neighborhood? Oh yeah, really. You know what I mean? Really? Or you're a rich guy and you want someone's property or whatever. Really? You want someone's job. Yeah. Or you get humiliated in a bar. You walk out, you're like, I'll prove you're black, Brett. I will prove it, motherfucker. We'll see who's got all the catchy taglines when you're a black. Hey, listen, you know, I'm sober now and I want to apologize for some stuff. Go through
Starting point is 00:42:57 the 12 steps. You know, first of all, I want to apologize because I made you black and you weren't black and I'm sorry about that. That was my drinking and my anger. It's one of those things that you kind of can't put it back in the bottle now that it's out. Yeah, but you know. I'm an indentured serve the two persons. Right. So, but anyway, I'm sorry for that. That was my alcoholism. Great. As long as you're happy. Okay. Fucking asshole. Okay, I'm gonna get in my chariot and race off. All right. I'm gonna go to the barn where I sleep on hay. So people's lives are being completely changed based on physical
Starting point is 00:43:32 features or family names. Because this was the law, people would find themselves in court as defendants charged of being a little bit black. You know, we did. We still do that now. We do still do that. We just come up with a different name for the crime. And September 1924, Walter testified against Dorothy Johns that she was this is such it's like the Salem witch try. Oh, it's yeah, it's fucking black. Yeah. If you float in the water, you're white. That's right. If you can swim in the water, you're a white man. If you could swim while you're on fire, you're black. So he testified in court that Dorothy Johns
Starting point is 00:44:17 was a triple mixture. She's what we call a triple mix of Native American black and white blood. And she had attempted to marry a white man. We're not sure the judge ruled in that one. In another case, a judge ruled that there was not enough evidence to rule that Atheist Sorals was racially mixed. The judge noted that the category Caucasian completely lacked scientific precision and that appearance wasn't enough. Atheist Sorals was ruled by the court to be white. I mean, it's really like guilty verdict red. Your honor, we have reached a verdict. Oh, please, please, please not black. We find the defendant not black.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Please not black to be white. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Yes. Oh, my God. I swear I didn't do it and I'm glad you guys figured it out. I did not. I did not become black at any point on the secondary charge. Please not black of murder. Please not black. We find her guilty. Oh, shit. They found me black. They found me black. Kiss my kids. Goodbye. Okay, now this ruling was a problem because it set legal precedent that Walters' methods were not really that great. He told the press that the ruling would change his work at the bureau, but he stopped taking the cases to court and instead relied on his racial integrity dragnet to enforce the
Starting point is 00:45:40 law. So now he's like, well, we're not gonna go to court anymore because they can remove it. Yeah. Well, there's no, the clear, the justice thing isn't working out because that woman that I know is black because she's got tiny, tiny drop of black in it. Yeah. It was just called white. So this is all fucked up. It is amazing though that judges somehow had like in this time did have the restraint to be like, no, you have to prove it. Yeah. No, that's, this is crazy. You're fucking, you're fucking crazy. Yeah. Mostly he was concerned going to court would lead to the law being declared unconstitutional. Oh God. And the editor
Starting point is 00:46:11 of the Richmond Times dispatch was on his side saying the judge quest, questioned, substituted. The judge in question substituted the rule of reason and the letter for the law. Right. The law. So, you know, he's probably a black. He gave every, Walter also gave every medical, a very medical speech to the AMA about the mixing of the races. We behold with awe the evidences which we now find in Egypt of the wonderful civilization of the, did I mention that this is the American Medical Association? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So this is a medical speech. Right. We behold with awe the evidences which we now find
Starting point is 00:46:50 in Egypt of the wonderful civilization of the past when that country was white. Who can forget when Egypt was white? Oh, we've all seen the movies. Egypt was so fucking white at first. Yeah. People don't realize that. When it was good. Yeah, it was super white. Yeah. When they got super white. When those pyramids had water slides, that was whitey. Then the dark Egyptians came in. From the bottom of the country. Exactly. The Pharaohs extended their conquest south and brought back as captive large numbers of Negro men and women. This is such an amazing theory. This is the craziest. This is such an amazing theory. Like that people
Starting point is 00:47:35 didn't start laughing that Egypt was founded by whites and was great until they started fucking their slaves and then became shit. That's pretty much what he's saying. It holds up. It really does. Intermixure of the races began and progressed to such a point that one of the Pharaohs took a wife that was a Negro woman whose son succeeded to the throne. And now look at him. Now. Now there was a black king. The fall of Jerusalem followed and the Egyptians were captured by the Babylonians. You've heard it a million times. We all know it. I can't believe I got to say this shit out loud. Now it is this mulatto or
Starting point is 00:48:16 his offspring that is causing all the trouble. They do not wish to be classed as Negroes. And if light enough in color, try to pass as white and marry into white families. I feel sick. Every possible means should be used to prevent this. The strongest weapon is public opinion. Good. Good. People shouting each other on the street. People. Yeah. Good. So accused someone of being black. Shame them out of white society and boom. Your job's done, right? So now. So now. Now the court. Now that the court has moved. The move is to now shame people that you claim are not pure white. Right. To. So. So the court is ruled. Banished. Right. The
Starting point is 00:48:56 court is ruled. So you can't go to court anymore. So now what. Because there's a legal precedent that says that there needs to be some burden of proof which you probably don't have. No, he doesn't. Right. Well, he's got these records but he doesn't have it. But really, what is that? Yeah. So now. But now if he labels someone black, the school is going to kick him out. Right. He's going to have to, you know, everyone knows who he is in this town. Right. So he has to use the courts. The colored drinking fountain. Right. And then, you know, he has to do all that shit. Right. What if you were like in line for the white water fountain and the line was
Starting point is 00:49:29 so long and there was like one person. Wouldn't you, wouldn't you be like, fuck it. Let's go drink out of the color. Yeah. I don't know how that would work. Just go over there real quick. But then does that make you colored? Yeah. Then there's someone who's like, can we talk to you in here, sir? You've put your lips near where a black person's lips were. Right. That was really thirsty. You're black. No, I was super thirsty. I would just run. Well, you're a thirsty black person. I wanted water. That's the very black quality. You're incriminating yourself right there. I'd watch your tongue. Egypt used to be all whites. Okay. I don't know why. Till you
Starting point is 00:49:57 blacked it up with your water wanting ways. Unbelievable. I was talking about Egypt right now. I just wanted some water. Because it used to be great. Then the blacks came in. A guy married a black and now look at him. Reactions from other doctors at the AMA meeting where he gave his speech were such. Dr. W. A. Evans of Chicago, the health officer who does not recognize racial hygiene and racial peculiarities, the advantages and disadvantages of mixing these stock is failing in the responsibility that rests upon his shoulders. Dr. Dempsey of New Orleans. No mixture of Japanese, Chinese, Negro, etc. has ever attained the
Starting point is 00:50:41 hapinical for which the white race is known. Oh boy. Walter also went around the state speaking to biology classes, explaining the Racial Integrity Act and taking the first step toward the quote final solution of the Negro problem. One speech Walter gave to students, quote, in the lifetime of some now living, we may expect the present 12 million colored population to increase to 20 or possibly 30 million. And that perhaps to 100 million during the next century to say nothing of the prolific Mongolians, the Chinese, who are already firmly established upon our West Coast. It's an invasion. He's claiming there's a
Starting point is 00:51:24 Mongolian invasion in the West. Well, there's clearly a Mongolian problem on the West Coast with the competition of this large number of people of low ideals and low standards of living. There it is. And the great effort to secure the means of maintaining a family up to the desired standard. The white population will be crowded out. Virginia has made the first serious attempt to stay or postpone the evil day when this is no longer a white man's country. Well, he doesn't pull punches. Virginia is for what? He doesn't pull punches. Used to be lovers. Now change it to what? Virginia is for what? Walter told
Starting point is 00:51:59 another class of about 40 members of a family who had been determined to have been related to a black man who had children with a white woman four generations back. The family had been living as a white family. Oh, God, for that. But the bureau had classed them as colored. This meant new schools, new doctors, etc. or a total upheaval of their life. Wow. So overnight, yeah, you literally can't do anything in the society that you've been like your whole fit. It's not like just you, your whole family. Shut out. Yeah. And your brothers and sisters who have their own families, like everybody from
Starting point is 00:52:32 grandfather on down all of a sudden is fucked. Yeah. Walter was very concerned about the state's allowing interracial marriage. That's what we should call him. Walter White is very concerned about the state's allowing interracial marriage at this point. I'm shocked. Which were Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, almost all of them that are, you know, northern. So if you got label, if you got his dumb label, you just go to Mexico. Move to
Starting point is 00:53:05 Maine or whatever. You go to Illinois. Yeah, you go to a fucking place. That's what's happening is these people are probably most probably just fucking moving, right? But they have to sell their house, which is then someone, you know, takes off them for cheap because they have to fucking leave. It's just they're black. So he was trying to push those states to get on the racist bandwagon. The white race in this land is the foundation upon which rests its civilization and is responsible for the leading position which we occupy amongst the nations of the world. It is not therefore just and right that this race decide for itself what its
Starting point is 00:53:40 composition shall be and attempt as Virginia has to maintain its purity. Sure. Sure. Let us turn a deaf ear to those who would interpret Christian Brotherhood as racial equality. I mean, uh-huh. Sure. That really applies today. Hey, no, no, come on. Yeah. In what way? Oh, just every way. Walter Plecker also started to cross out Indian on records and write in colored. Assuming really just got a game plan. Assuming any Native American in Virginia had Negro blood. So now he has just decided. Yeah. That every Indian right is black is black. Right. So he's crossing out the word Indian and writing colored. Yeah. Seems easier for
Starting point is 00:54:31 him. Less paperwork. If they had, if they had a birth certificate that said Indian. They were black. He would write colored on the back as like a official not official. Right. Like in crayon. Colored. He did this because because he didn't believe there any Native Americans left. They had all had sex with black people at some point. Well, because I said so. How could they not? Because I said it happened just like the Egyptians. Governor Lee Trinkel asked Walter to ease up going after the Native Americans and not embarrass them anymore than possible. I'm totally racist too, but you need to slow the fuck down,
Starting point is 00:55:13 my man. Check it. I get it. I get it. The Indian, their problem. They're black. They're not. That's the thing. They're not black. Sounds like something a black could say. Okay. This is where it gets weird. What? Because I just, I'm just trying to have a discussion with you. Yeah, you are. Everybody starting to become clear that you have black blood. Everybody tries to talk to you. Or Native American blood, which is now colored. Governor, everybody tries to have a talk with you. You say they're black. Oh really? Why? Because those black guys earlier came over and said that this was a flawed plan. That was Larry and Jim. They're
Starting point is 00:55:44 they're black, you dumbass. Okay. You're all black. Can you, you want to go get a drink? No. I don't want to either, blackie. Walter held his ground saying he didn't think it was an injustice for the Bureau to take a stand on mixed marriages or having them in white schools or to be able to ride in white coaches. Walter wrote, like rats when you're not watching, they have been sneaking in their birth certificates through their own midwives given either Indian or white racial classification. Walter, take a nap. Have some sleep. You know what? You don't look rested. Do you know what a clonopon is? You don't look like you've
Starting point is 00:56:21 been sleeping. Do you take a fucking clonopon? Just nap. Finally, the governor backed off. That's how you want that to go. Each local Native American group he had broken down. Now I'm going to fuck up these names. The, the Pomon Keys were quote, heavily mixed with Negro and white with a faint trace of Indian. The Rappahonks, you're breaking it down like a bottle of wine. The Rappahonks were quote, a group of similar origin that have about the same claim to being Indians. Of the Chickahummi, he said that quote, their existence as a tribe was a political trick to enable the white people to maintain control of the county
Starting point is 00:57:01 government Indians not being voters. Right. The Amherst Rockbridge group of about 800 are giving us the most trouble, though actual numbers and persistent claims of being Indians through. Sorry. Great. So Native Americans suffered greatly. Shocked. I would have thought that this would have helped. They were suddenly all just uprooted from white schools. At the time, Native American schools didn't go past the eighth grade. So now they couldn't go to white schools anymore. And the black schools were super underfunded and going to them would just be also a concession that you were not American Indians. So you're
Starting point is 00:57:42 basically saying, admit you're not an Indian motherfucker, admit it. No. Okay, what you gonna do? Not go to school? Yeah. So then you go to school and that's an admission of that they were right. Yeah. Because you have to take the lesser of two evils because the deck is decked against you so highly. Right. Most of them just left the area to get away from the discrimination. Steven Atkins, now the chief of the Chickahominy tribe said at the time, we were the third race in a two-race state. I remember once traveling with my father and we pulled into a gas station because I had to go to the bathroom and there was one bathroom
Starting point is 00:58:18 marked white and one marked colored. And I said, dad, what do I do? Go pee out on the street. Yeah. I mean, honestly, pee your pants. In 1924, a Richmond attorney questioned Walter's authority to change the birth certificate of a woman classified as Indian before 1924. Walter admitted to the attorney that he didn't have that power. He wrote, in reality, I've been doing a good deal of bluffing, knowing all the while that it could never be legally sustained. This is the first time that my hand has been absolutely called. Well, he was just waiting to get called out. And even though Walter, Plucker, made this admission, the
Starting point is 00:59:00 attorney kept quiet and never said a thing. I really thought that was gonna be the thing. And Walter continued his assault. Letter from Walter, December 26th, 1929. He's not fucking working. This is fucking day off. Yeah. It's the day after Christmas. Yeah. It's when you return the shit you don't want. He's doing this. Yeah. Dear William Adcock, I received your letter in which you say that we have decided to lose the last drop of blood we have in us before we will be classified class as colored. The old records, which we have made by the Commission of the Revenue for Taxes gives your family history clearly. These
Starting point is 00:59:42 records show that your father was a colored man. Your mother was the daughter of a recorded mulatto responsible people of Amherst County, now living state. She was generally known as quote, a little brown skin Negro who lived to be nearly 100 years old. I want to warn you that the racial integrity law of 1924 makes it a penitentiary offense for anyone with a trace of Negro to marry a white person or register in the Bureau of Vital Statistics as white. All midwives or heads of families who attempt to register colored births or deaths as white are liable to be indicted on a felony charge and marry
Starting point is 01:00:21 Christmas to you sir and happy new year. Also looking forward to the new year with you. What would you do if you're like related to it? What if this dude is your great-grandfather? How do you like deal with like not to make this anyone in this side the victim but you must have such a hard time like you still must just be like gosh I fucking hate my grandpa ever fuck him and not just like a racist he's also a pussy yeah he's like a pussy he's just like he's a pussy right he's just a real big pussy anyone who was getting married or the relative of someone getting married could just come down to the Bureau to look
Starting point is 01:00:56 up their future husband or wife or in-law and so so you if you didn't like who your daughter oh yeah so you would you would then go down there and be like please don't find find some shit on this guy I can make him I want him to be oh he's an Indian therefore black and this is anyone who wasn't white anyone he wrote to a Filipino you are classed as colored as well as all asiatics including Chinese Japanese native of India etc. Japanese I mean that's honest like now that would almost be a compliment under the law of Virginia they are not permitted to marry white people and their children be will
Starting point is 01:01:38 be classed as colored sorry your Japanese aka black he wrote to the superintendent of an orphanage oh boy now they clark and their illegitimate children in the orphanage are of mixed stock and are not white they are dangerous for other children in the orphanage keep them away from the almost whites all of Walter's great work made him a bit of an international celebrity cool in August 1932 he gave a keynote speech at the third international conference on eugenics in New York City and attendance was a man named Ernst Rudin of Germany 11 months later Rudin helped write Hitler's eugenics law well
Starting point is 01:02:24 glad that we helped fun to just have a chair at that table in 1935 Walter wrote to this been going on for 11 years now dropping the bucket in 1935 Walter wrote to the director of Germany's Bureau of Human Betterment and eugenics he explained Virginia's racial purity laws and requested that he be put on a mailing list for bulletins from the Germans department oh no just give me the updates when you got them guys love what you're doing over there yeah you get a new info on on the you know color mixing or whatever you want to call it over there interesting putting let putting something on their shirt the shirt that's
Starting point is 01:03:07 fun that's fun right he was getting me never thought of that so he's also love the logo I think that's really something we need some sort of grabbing logo well that's just it so if he's getting these bulletins yeah and this info yeah he's getting that information yeah oh for sure yeah he's on the mailing list he's on the fucking fucking mailing list yes yeah I mean yeah the updates are not gonna be like interesting cupcake recipe no they're like how to cleanse the master race even stronger oh you gotta get on the mailing list oh gosh I'll tell you first of all there's great recipes great recipes fun cartoons to round it up
Starting point is 01:03:47 Jews just the stories very fun he complimented the third Reich for sterilizing 600 children in Algeria who had black fathers I hope this work is complete and not one has been missed I sometimes regret that we have not the authority to put some measures in practice in Virginia he's also annoying like that's just like an I hope one wasn't missed it's like yeah dude we did it yeah we don't need your fucking what did you just yeah thanks doing our best over here yeah we didn't miss one we hope you didn't miss one because they're black sir when America joined the war Native Americans could register with the
Starting point is 01:04:24 military as Indian and be trained with white troops oh isn't that a fun wrinkle Walter was not happy about it oh so he spoke to the state selective service board and they changed their policy so local boards were responsible for determining quote the ethnic origin of each individual registrant that's so they were finding a way around it by signing up for the military yeah and he went down there and even then don't you why would you limit like I've never understood that when they were when people were like you know you can't like gay people in the army it's like it's not that they they wouldn't that just
Starting point is 01:04:59 means that they they were mixed with the white troops he just didn't want that fighting with the white true well that's what I mean but that would that's almost the same thing that was happening with sexuality like 15 years ago they were like you can't have gay people around other regular like straight soldiers quote-unquote regular soldiers because they will gay them up like that was the theory but then I was always like even if you are a horribly closed minded person wouldn't you just be like yeah if you want to go fucking try to kill people on behalf of this you know something I hold true yeah go for it
Starting point is 01:05:32 by the way if you want to see great speech on that in 1993 you see Bernie Sanders yeah there's someone else who's on the opposite side of that who can't think of her name oh it's a her he spoke well thank God so he speaks to the registrants and gets him to change it and then each and every Native American who signed up for the military Walter would present evidence against their race at their induction hearing so welcome to the army now I'm gonna prove that you're not white thank you for signing up for the army also this gentleman has something he wants to say it's the ultimate you know what man all
Starting point is 01:06:04 right sit down Walt well there's Walter's amped up we're 20 years into this fuckers reign now quote our December 1942 letter set forth the determined effort of free miladas of early days so listed prior to 1865 in the United States Census to escape from the Negro race now for some time they have been refusing to register with war draft boards as Negroes as required by the boards three of these Negroes were sentenced to prison on January 12th at Richmond for refusing to obey the draft law so three guys who go to jail believe they were white because they're great great grandfather was probably black
Starting point is 01:06:46 and wouldn't say they were white are getting drafted so they're willing to fight of hair so you just don't want to so they're willing to fight but what they won't say is that they're not white so they go to prison it just makes so much sense in 1942 Jesus Christ what the fuck well thank you for your service but you have to go to jail for not a great fight the Germans no sorry can't have you blacking it all up so you know a lot of times a black doesn't look like a black he looks like a white that's what makes my position so hard is determining the black whiteies right can I my gun now absolutely not you're not
Starting point is 01:07:39 white I'm ready to fight you don't get a gun are you black no are you black no you like cookies yeah are you black no want a cookie yeah I want a cookie you black yeah yeah yeah yeah no cookies black man no cookies for blacky in a 1943 letter Walter bragged that Virginia's racial records went back to 1853 quote Hitler's G genealogy study of the Jews is not more complete he's bragging yeah he's bragging well that his records of black people are better than Hitler's great don't get me wrong he's great Hitler's great yeah he ain't got nothing on me but he's not as he's not as thorough as I am Hitler ain't got
Starting point is 01:08:30 nothing on me right by this time he had a massive hit list as he called it it was surnames by counties and cities of quote mixed Negroid families striving to pass as Indian or white Albemarle County moon Powell kid Pumphrey Amherst County Adcox Beverly Branham Duff Floyd Hamilton heartless Hicks Johns Lawless knuckles painter Ramsey Red Cross Roberts Southerds Sorals Terry Tyree Willis Clark Cash would all those people that lived in that county that had those names were classified as black even the knuckle family even the knuckles wow Jimmy knuckles black even Jimmy knuckles
Starting point is 01:09:19 I knew Jade right yeah but Jade Knuck was my man about a hundred surnames were listed Jesus Christ Walter Plecker finally retired in May of 1946 at the age of 85 so he did this for 20 and he gets to retire that's right aggravating yes when someone's like well I did it you sure my country I made them all black made a good difference a few months later he was hit by a car and killed still not bad enough it is not known whether or not the driver was colored or white but we can only fucking hope yeah that some dude saw him yeah a kid from the knuckle family yeah some knuckle went there that motherfucker is and ran that
Starting point is 01:10:06 shit head down yeah right has let's just believe that's what happened I would say it's it's the odds of this dick had dying by getting hit by a car too small I agree there has to be somebody who is like hey look it's shit for brains there's no way he people must have hated him so fucking much yeah that there's no way someone didn't run him over yeah in 1959 the man Walter picked to succeed him had the racial integrity files destroyed good the schools of Virginia were integrated in 1963 and in 1967 the United States Supreme Court ruled that Virginia's racial integrity act violated the Constitution's 14th Amendment
Starting point is 01:10:49 1967 right on time the decision overturned the bans on interracial marriage in 16 states in 1975 the Virginia General Assembly repealed the rest of the racial integrity act then in February 2001 the legislature of Virginia expressed quote regret for Virginia's experience with eugenics on fine court house that had a confederate flag hanging right we are so sorry for that well obviously we don't want to send mixed messages now get off the steps blackie some problems were made yes now this wood gentlemen here is still a negroid all right sounds like the defense of a black man on find a grave calm for Walter
Starting point is 01:11:43 Plecker whoa quote whoa the virtual flowers feature has been turned off for this memorial because it was being continually misused what is that what does that mean there's a picture of a frowning flower I guess I guess people just go into that they're just like because it's can I just buy a bag of fertilizer but his actions are still causing problems today quote he gained very close to committing statistical genocide on Native Americans Virginia says chief William P. Miles of the Pamunkey tribe it's also referred to as paper genocide in 1930 the US Census recorded 779 Indians in Virginia by 1940 that
Starting point is 01:12:29 number was down to 198 Virginia tribes who want to get federal recognition and therefore grants for housing health care and education are finding it difficult because one of the requirements is that the tribes prove their continuous existence since 1900 which is fucking impossible because of the dickhead speed bump Walter Plecker purge them as a race on paper that makes getting the federal money they deserve almost impossible the Palm Monkey were granted federal recognition by the Bureau of Indian Affairs in 2015 oh my god but they were still opposed and it was fought against by casino interests
Starting point is 01:13:16 particularly MGM so when someone says they don't mind data mining being collected by the government and the NSA snooping and all that other shit remember that any other time in the future anything can happen and that information can be used against you anyway so when someone says oh I don't mind if the government collects information I'm not doing anything wrong you might be in the future in the future that's feel that's a feel-good one this is a happy one that's fun you got hit by a truck or car whatever that's the only good part after getting away with it it's like Hitler getting hit by a car that
Starting point is 01:13:59 is what that is what sucks though is the idea that somebody doesn't get to see like at least like you know there there's people who are on the wrong side of history and they get to see that they're on the wrong had a history side of history and they get yeah when you it's so much better for that person to live and watch their legacy destroyed and then have them die yeah right totally yeah because they let's it's not you want you want like it's not fair that that guy didn't get some sort of suffering now than being hit by a car he died getting away with everything and and thinking that it was going to keep going like
Starting point is 01:14:38 thinking that he'd done something right he doesn't get to sort of see the seams breaking apart he's there no 60s yeah what a prick that's what I couldn't believe that happened I mean eugenics is it will do eugenics one it's really fucking sounds fun it's really just you can't believe it's cool you just can't believe it was so recent this is this shit this is the fucking 40s of this guy was born World War two this guy's doing this yeah they don't they don't actually repeal the law until 67 yeah like whites and blacks can get married 67 that's crazy yeah that really is fucking crazy but it's not even like it's
Starting point is 01:15:22 not even like in 67 after they okayed that that it was okay yeah it was still like a terrible I mean it was still like you know tough if you're black it's still fucking impossible I would just like to say that we are so lucky that there wasn't another war yeah I mean seriously the fucking anger and the shit that we did come on well we're not out of the woods yet David no it's still clearly ongoing but you would hope it's getting better although I think I think race wise it on the surface has definitely gotten better but if again you still think about class like it's classism and the way that they sort of now stack the deck
Starting point is 01:16:06 against you is that you know they affect the like a lot you know that they affect the classes and they make it so that it's impossible for a class of people to vote in these elections right but really when you look at what that class is it's you know predominantly non-white races right so I mean you know there's it's it's just a different version of it's like a more I guess a more acceptable version of it now because it's not so easy to determine exactly what it is it's not so easy as saying it's a race you're trying to undercut it's more that you're just disenfranchising a class of people right
Starting point is 01:16:43 it's pretty we still do that and we still I mean again you think again like think about the voting lines for this I mean it's just like they the way that they keep the voting lines in Arizona set seven hours to there and even then there's still so much bullshit so it's like even when you the system is quote unquote fixed it's still tremendously rigged and tremendously there's still so many black people who or you know again non-white races that have so much fucking trouble getting their voice heard and the reason is that when their voice is heard it so strongly goes against the establishment trying to
Starting point is 01:17:18 undercut them that it affects the status quo well I think if we're learning anything from this election it's that the their time is limited I fucking hope so that's why I would say to say that we're out of the woods on a war I don't think we're talking about another race war but again it's it's this new it's this new class they've created like you've created the uber rich right the very rich and then the poor yeah I don't I don't think we're gonna have a race war but I don't know what's going to happen because right now anybody who if you there's warning signs in history and and there's tons of there's tons of
Starting point is 01:17:57 countries that have over history ignored the will of the people and America has done so to such a great extent particularly in the last 20 years like basically flaunting it yeah that if you if you vote like I get there's Trump's out there there's always other people if you vote for the establishment which is your right to do because you think it's the best way understand that four or eight more years of what we've gone through is compounding the problem so I think we're in a no-win situation that's my that's my I think there is we're literally in a no-win situation so yeah we could go to violence America's a
Starting point is 01:18:44 violent country something has to give something it's gonna be we haven't even started to worry about water fully I know it's gonna be so weird something will I mean something has to give and again you think about like I mean we've obviously this nation has talked about gun control for a long time well what's gonna happen when you do have an armed citizenship that is live it at its government and doesn't trust that I mean they're gonna turn on each other but it's also not gonna be a fun time if you're these people who have completely fucked everything up like there there's going to be repercussions there was there
Starting point is 01:19:17 was a guy on NPR I wish I had the old interview but there was a billionaire who was being interviewed on NPR a couple years ago and they kept trying to ask some questions and his only response was they're going to drag us off our yachts and kill us right and that's all he would say like every time they kept trying to ask a question he goes you don't understand they're gonna drag us off our yachts and kill us like this guy it's just history history history look history isn't a roadmap it doesn't tell you what's gonna happen but it leans towards certain things and what's happening right now is leaning toward
Starting point is 01:19:51 very bad things I'm not saying it's gonna end in a war of violence I don't know what's gonna end up in but the control that they have to relinquish it good luck yeah from their cold dead hands feel good we thank cars every rescue animal has a story the global pet foods wants to give them their voices back you can't change their past but you can help rewrite their future donating will make sure animals are happy healthy and ready to start their next chapter show us your heart so they can show you theirs forever visit your local global pet foods between February 10th through 26 to contribute you'll get a free take-home
Starting point is 01:20:44 treat with every donation eat play love

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