The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 167 - The History of NY Sanitation (Live w/ Ronny Cheing)

Episode Date: April 19, 2016

Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds record a live podcast in Brooklyn with guest Ronny Cheing.  The history of New York sanitation is discussed. SOURCES TOUR DATES REDBUBBLE MERCH...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. Ladies and gentlemen from the dollop Gareth Reynolds there he is stop stop seriously seriously stop stop no I'm
Starting point is 00:01:00 serious stop stop it we well thank you my dear I didn't wait I didn't get that I didn't get that when I came out thank you bro adorable anything is there anything you want to say to the people yeah you guys when you vote remember the guy we all want what is what a what a DT what is it that Trump said the other day what was his I'm gonna be so presidential you won't even believe it the greatest quote ever like what I mean I wasn't in until you said that I mean it's amazing is cuz he says you won't even believe it like he
Starting point is 00:01:49 understands that we're all I know I look like a total fucking piece of shit asshole but when I'm in there it's gonna be crazy good yeah I'll change once I get in there you won't even believe it I won't call anybody a cunt on Twitter now when I'm president that's gonna be great he will look I kind of want him to be president just to see what he does on Twitter it's gonna be so great I don't know if you guys know this but this is a this is the doll this is a bi-weekly American History podcast each week I read a story to my friend Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the
Starting point is 00:02:34 topic is going to be about we brought we're gonna have a guest tonight he's a guy I met a couple years ago in Melbourne and or moon boom as I sit on there and he's really right way to say it when you're here either no you try to bridge the gap people like what just happened you're like yeah I don't know I got these people call Houston Street Houston Street so everyone can fuck off yeah yeah no Houston so so I met him a couple years ago he's really really is a really funny stand-up and now he is he's on The Daily Show where he's also very funny ladies and gentlemen
Starting point is 00:03:17 Ronnie Chang thanks everybody hey and Ronnie is a listener of the dollop yes sir enjoys the podcast we won't hold that against him all right I love this podcast it's great you do yeah I do I love it tell us a little bit more about how great it is well I don't know I don't know that's fair love the album art this is last week's episode was really good what's your favorite episode last week's episode like most avid listeners the last is the best I mean but you know your podcast has hit like cult status when it when your podcast has its own wiki like that's that's when you know do we I guess I'm the wallop I hope if we
Starting point is 00:04:13 don't someone better be working on it tonight yeah yeah I'm pretty sure has his own wiki right yeah I'm sure the name section is long and fucking weird I'm not I'm not scary Gareth Garrett Reynolds good yeah I'm not talking about a page on Wikipedia I'm talking about its own goddamn wiki oh it's a wiki yeah oh wow that's a whole really hit home for her she is she had a very struck by that fact oh my god Bruce Willis was dead the whole movie 1624 this one is almost so perfectly geared for Ronnie to freak out wait for what
Starting point is 00:05:06 for Ronnie to freak out shit what he's gonna be saying what the fuck a lot that's my because that's one of his catchphrases the Dutch arrived and settled in the southern tip of Manhattan the Dutch the Dutch okay they were the first ones here in New Amsterdam first ones in town just a tip so it doesn't count right a little bit right a little little that's why it's called doing the Dutch all right all right all right 30 years later in 1657 the town's first street cleaning law was enacted oh I know where this is going to the sewer houses were fit forbidden from throwing quote any rubbish filth oyster shells
Starting point is 00:05:59 dead animals or anything like it into the streets or canals so you're no longer allowed to throw your dead animals out of the window of your house well I mean that's fucked up now I'm just stacking up we made a fort out of all the cow bodies we just we kind of leaned into it a little bit they were also forbidden from tossing their human waste into the street there it is yeah I mean that really that you should be I mean that at that point you're just like okay we need a goddamn law I mean what is but no but to be fair back in the day wasn't that how you would get rid of it you would have to throw in the street
Starting point is 00:06:49 are you just yes you end up sleeping with it just put your poop next to the cow carcasses the human waste was referred to in the law as tubs of odour and nastiness I need to use the tub I'm going number nasty of course the law was ignored five dumping locations were created a quote along the East River near City Hall near the gallows by Hendrick Willman the bakers nobody's a buyer of my pies smells like a shit of pie why you got a dump in there smells like tubs of odour yeah it smells like a tub of odor I'm gonna go get some bread and throw our shit next to the baker can
Starting point is 00:07:54 we get a dozen croissants we're gonna dump Ted's diary over there so we'll be back just get them together then we'll go dump Ted's ill ill odor they use their garbage to fill the shoreline build bulkheads and stabilize pier foundations with trash with shit garbage yeah they're like use the shit grout on the bottle wall let's build some with it keep the Mexicans out how we gonna hold this way how we gonna hold this beer in place start shitting next to it guys a little go ahead in 16 April 1664 one of the town constables wanted to know what he should do about that all the dead hogs quote here and there on the
Starting point is 00:08:53 street to prevent the stench like no one was like we should get rid of that fuck the pig died what are we gonna do let the constable figure it out all right all right what's going on here then the powers to be told him to use quote the city's Negroes to collect and bury the same just like how is that surprising to anybody that's listening to this podcast it's not that it's surprising it's just that it doesn't get any easier never it never stops oh just send the Negroes to clean up the hog carcasses Jesus year in 1694 after the British arrived a tax was created specifically to pay the salary of a street cleaning supervisor
Starting point is 00:09:44 so we're getting somewhere yeah I'm sure we are it's called progress gentlemen yeah almost time for the pigs not to be dying in the street I'm sure there'll be something there to replace it no by 1700 about 5,000 people were living in Manhattan yellow fever hit in 1702 more epidemics hit throughout the 1700s malaria smallpox whooping cough and measles syphilis I don't think you know what an epidemic well it's not contagious you don't you shouldn't get it from pigs one time I did like I'm not supposed to fuck it well I bought it for drinks what you want me to do he told me not to fuck a dead pig I was
Starting point is 00:10:38 like what go get a little snout love yeah David Cameron did it it was that was just a tip right for him he just put his balls in yeah no yeah he was doing it to be funny it's totally different you can fuck a pig for a joke right but when you really fuck a pig that's in private I feel super disadvantage because this this is the only accent I can do so yeah hopefully you get some Chinese characters Dave even if you don't have one jump right in this one yeah anytime there's a Chinese character just a guy going yeah well and we're both like accent wise
Starting point is 00:11:32 what's our approach the British self is beyond me I can't do that the city responded to the epidemics by paving the streets with cobblestones and making gutters down the middle of the street okay that's something else okay in 1784 they decided to go full bore and hired three commissioners to enforce street cleaning laws but still people continue to throw their garbage and excrement in the street like they're just tossing it out the way out of the window they're dumping it you shit in your pot and you need throw it out the window like a fucking gentleman just crazy talk about umbrella times that is yeah right
Starting point is 00:12:15 that's the thing is how many people got hit with shit and piss when they're just walking yeah just they probably treated it like bird poop they were like that's good luck yeah gonna have a great day oh my dress I'm covered in Tony sorry sorry about that I ate a dead hog on the street the other night the commissioners weren't working out though in 1788 the mayor complained that they used criminals and vagrants to clean the streets which deprived the quote industrious poor of the means of a job you I mean that's more than we offer now though they'd be like oh a world where I could sweep shit oh swoon so cleaning
Starting point is 00:13:05 garbage off the street was obviously not for criminals but for the working poor yellow fever came again in 1798 by 18 yeah it's exciting wait is that my cue no yeah that's what you call your yellow fever yellow fever's here check back to here what's up yellow fever hey Dave what was yellow fever you're listening at home by the way Ronnie is white a very racist white man yeah this is horrible but if you're listening at home he's got those glasses on with this it is like 1970 super fucked up I'm dressed like Hitler also for those you guys listening at home just wanted to
Starting point is 00:13:59 make Ronnie feel at home so I one upped him went all in by 1860 he's dressed like Barney the dinosaur I don't know any Barney sounds I would have done one right there hi kids yeah that's all right it's not too far by 1860,000 people were living in New York the filth continued instead of the epidemics in 1832 a cholera epidemic killed 3,500 people in 1848 another epidemic according to the New York Times quote members of the respectable classes including even ladies what women have been killed what so it's not just penis related we thought you were immune because of your vaginas oh foolish woman so 5,000 people died in
Starting point is 00:14:57 that one and then the city built a sewer system great right right Queens animal animals were a problem the city took possession of 20,000 hogs and drove them to the wild northern part of Manhattan dead hog we're the we're the Native Americans probably like what the fuck is happening we're done with them we just were there we're done these live near you you can fuck them when they die we'll drop them off at Thanksgiving every year welcome thanks Indians by 1850 New York had 748 places where there was an quote amount of animal matter undergoing decay wait how much animal man 748 places so everywhere I mean that's
Starting point is 00:16:04 everywhere that's everywhere yes kind of everywhere you turn a quarter you're like oh good god in 1851 all bone boiling works were banished from Southern Manhattan sorry sorry yes sorry Ronnie why don't you tell the people what bone boiling is bone bone bro boiling boiling when you boil bones for soup everyone knows that yeah a little he's a little off yeah bones were boiled to break down various components that were used in dyes filtering systems grease and for fertilizer and the odor was horrific I mean when you're trumping shitty hogs streets odor wise they're like oh god just leave the hogs those
Starting point is 00:16:53 bones now at this time people believe that foul odors were what caused sickness all people not too far off yeah that must have made life so complex oh so fucked up not down there you'll die you'll get influenza over there too this was known as miasma quote pure air coming in contact in the lungs with millions of small blood vessels gives health and strength to every portion of the body but if loaded with poisons it bears disease and death to every portion of the human system a wise god has made healthful odors pleasant to the senses and diseased ones disagreeable boy he really planned out
Starting point is 00:17:43 everything huh really got into the nitty gritty the nose like a friendly and watchful guard you've always said the nose is the guard of the face you've always said that I always say that yeah you call the face a castle and the nose the guard and the mouth the moat keep going the nose is alert both day and night since instantly in the air a dangerous smell and gives warning of its approach as that of a deadly enemy this is a doctor well they know science they understand they understand the human body yeah you know been walking up mid
Starting point is 00:18:32 shit so after bone boiling was banned a city inspector named doctor Alfred were white who was not a doctor was he at least white he created a system to handle the city's waste he used a dummy partner as a front and began his plan to have a monopoly on the city's waste disposal they picked barren island in Jamaica as the home of their plant what like they're outsourcing carcass work they're just gonna ship all the bodies all this everything they're gonna ship out there it's part of Queens oh Jamaica play Jamaica Bay Jamaica Jamaica oh you were thinking Jamaica yeah oh that was so stupid I didn't even get it and the
Starting point is 00:19:38 truth is I got so excited just Rasta Farron's like fuck it man eat it we haven't even spoken to the Jamaicans they just seem into it they celebrate they're making punch out of it yeah the guy which is a Coleman wait what yeah it was kind of it was half but look I try I mean I give it a shot so they pick barren island in Jamaica as the as the home of their plant which would turn the city's waste into grease and fertilizer here's how bone boiling works first carcasses were skinned and chopped into small pieces then boiled in an iron vat the boiling separates the meat from the bones and recovers the grease
Starting point is 00:20:30 the oil and grease were then sold in Europe and America bigger bones were charred and used in sugar refining bone sugar the smaller bones the smaller bones were cut and used to make buttons that said I love the smell of shit whatever wasn't used was tossed into the bay fertilizers made of organic matter were treated with sulfuric acid and sold to surrounding farms dead horse bay on the west side of the island was named for all the carcasses unloaded there what did they name it dead horse bay that makes sense what should we call it it's full of dead horses I'm out of ideas I don't know I really I thought it
Starting point is 00:21:19 would come to us in that moment but it's called Clarksville they didn't like differentiated caucuses we just put all together yeah just humans pigs all there yeah that's something Ronnie wanted specified yeah hold on are they are they separating the horses from the pigs or is it like all together because I'm eating kosher I don't eat man bone so dirty there's a lot of people here there's a lot of people here who eat man bone and to them yeah God bless a few Irish Italian and Polish immigrants arrived at America and were sent straight to Barron Island for work for work is a base
Starting point is 00:22:16 on their social status the families would at the top of the pyramid sort bone then came the families that would scavenge metal or paper and then on the bottom of the social heap were the rag pickers well yeah yeah I remember this from Gangs of New York yeah that's when they were sorting through the shit and caucuses yeah it was important for the rag pickers to use their bare hands so they would get what was known as the feel of the garbage no oh it's good in the long run but for the person feeling that feel it's not good and then there were the fish wow tons and tons of fish arrived for a
Starting point is 00:23:08 reduction into fertilizer this was the worst work of all and so it was done by those at the very bottom the black people all right he's black it's okay he's black okay thank God thank you're gonna be white it's so awkward that was gonna be super fucked up clean fish the school on the island got out early so the children could help their parents sort through garbage the school I go to shit you it's awful I got a dead pig University yeah Baron Island did not have a doctor or nurse oh that's good cuz when you're around all that shit I'm sure you're fine yeah get it in your scabs really feel the trash really get
Starting point is 00:24:13 in there's probably just guys that I can do without looking you guys get the feel of it get the feel oh shit yeah oh that is some fucking garbage oh you know what I'm using the force right now really stirring it up man there was no electricity at no post office who the fuck would want to mail a guy on the only thing you're mailing is come help me it at one store and four saloons that makes sense it had five factories and the one-room schoolhouse former resident quote we raised chickens and ducks for eggs we did fishing and crabbing but the factory was about one block away from our house and if the wind was
Starting point is 00:25:35 blowing your way there were horrors horrors not a bad odor horrors and you just don't think a win that much now no it's like it's a little windy you're never like oh god that's headed towards my home oh sweet god that's awful a pickled whore that's right go ahead you had a follower where are they where they pickling whores I think the smell I don't want to get into why I came up with that there is a reason the smell preserved them this is it preserved the whores no but it's all the fish I said I didn't want to tell you where I came from there's a young lady who just went like this and she's right she's one of
Starting point is 00:26:47 a percent correct patreon darling patreon patreon please I didn't want to from the New York Times during 1858 the following animals were sent to Barron Island and worked up and worked up worked up that's what the New York Times said well I'm sorry but that sounds like interrogated what does that mean what's what doesn't sound like they're like oh we're gonna fuck you so close the door Tom one thousand fourteen horses eight hundred and sixty four cows one thousand two hundred and sixty dogs oh my god oh now you're upset they like what the fuck what happened to the other fucking nearly two thousand animals that I just read oh
Starting point is 00:27:41 they're dead it's not like they're killing the dogs on the island they're not like marching them out there like come on you're gonna go get it go get it also dogs about dogs are like the strongest sense of smell in animal kingdom I prefer death at that point yeah they probably yeah yeah look a man just made a scientific point yeah nobody cares about other and dogs no their tails way that's just a key difference there were a hundred and twenty hogs a hundred fifty-two pigs sixty four skinned cows yep they took the skin off I think if you skin a cow but I wouldn't you want to use the rest of it yeah like why would
Starting point is 00:28:36 you skin it and then be like that's enough like Halloween costumes is all I can think about I don't know if there's another option okay 20 goats 71 burnt horses you're not gonna believe it sir I said one in a million we got another fiery pony today I don't know it just keeps happening take him to shit island or whatever it is throw him up there sounds like they died and then someone was like what we're gonna do with the shit let's burn it and then they didn't realize how hot it is to actually burn a horse yeah it's partially burnt like nine hours later they're like well he is really cooking
Starting point is 00:29:37 in slow burn starting to he's gonna Jim I'm sorry to think this is a bad idea set in a horse on fire terrible also if you notice the smell it's not good it's actually where the wind the way the wind for cover for cover 20 nine calves ten sheep two Colts one jackass two bulls I wore a sombrero to an office party kill him kill Dan kill Dan kill Dan right there such a jackass such I'd burn him but he's probably a like a horse that goes going to burning man 30 hours and one flaming fucking thing so two bulls one ox a hundred and forty cats there you go and horses were burned and one was not one of them one fox one fox just for fun just for fun it's like a cherry on a banana split look
Starting point is 00:30:56 I know you guys aren't having fun working here out on Barron Island but I got you a surprise today I fuck her up no I would love to see my spouse no can do she she smells like the horrors there was a post office I could write to her it's just there's one you want to go to the saloon and have a beer no yeah fine yeah fine fuck please empty your pockets of all extra bones this is gonna take a while 150 cargoes of night soil have been taken from the city and sent to Barron Island where it is converted into fertilizer do you guys have a question you know the truth is I don't think I do I'm just assuming that's where
Starting point is 00:31:49 the round table nights trotted Ronnie or poo no I was just gonna ask how long that took to accumulate but I don't really want to know so yeah all right days four days four days all right shotgun night soil is what is in chamber pots are you that shocked yeah night night soil it sounds like the Bush administration came up with that term it's not poop it's not soil it's not a war it's a democracy convention oh boy hey where's the chamber pot I got to make some night soil something's not agreeing with me I might need to make some day soil I got day rear dip theory a broke out at Barron Island why was
Starting point is 00:32:59 it so what was that dip theory a broke out what's dip theory so dip theory is I believe it's an infection of the face throat and mouth I think and nose like I think it's like a you know how they were saying that people get poisoned from odor I think that's what it is goddamn these medical doctors that's amazing though if you're just walking around one day like do I look different because mirrors weren't everywhere I do it but feels like my face is big bleeding from every bleeding and big my eyes bleeding do I look I feel like I'm crying tears and my lips hurt so bad and the guard of my face has never been bigger it really look
Starting point is 00:33:43 at it Dr. Boynton said that the disease was due to the disregard of sanitary precautions by the Polish families who lived on the island it's the pollax so any questions none all right go clean up the dogs quote the fertilizer factories are not half so conductive to disease breeding as the habits of these families Polish people just been the scapegoats here just always it's amazing yeah we just picked Poland to be the place we shit on forever so they're stupid and do all the bad stuff they know nothing of the rules of health most of the population here is going about with their throats wrapped in flannel and salt
Starting point is 00:34:44 pork it's a Louis Vuitton do you like my scarf so they're not they're having throat issues and so they get flannel and then they get salt pork from it comes from dead pigs so they take it from the thing that they made grungy bacon burkas rolling around town I've never felt healthier yeah now there's some acne sure just a little around the face and neck yeah just a little bit I think it must be the tartan I don't know I don't think there has ever been on the dollop anything more horrifying than you walking up to a guy who has flannel wrap around his face with pork they just walking
Starting point is 00:35:57 up to that guy going oh god time machine please how's your day Bob hey is my face swollen I mean they're probably getting that flannel from the dead bodies as well that's true yeah that's true the rags of the dead bodies well we skin we skin Nirvana and this is what we have now it wasn't easy for the workers when they left baron island why Thomas Murphy who he's Polish Thomas Murphy who worked on the island was thrown off a train by the railroad conductor because the other passengers complained that his clothes smelled terrible wait okay but he had the train stop was stopped well I like to picture it moving I mean my
Starting point is 00:36:45 fantasy the train is moving pretty great get out of here stupid Pollock he's a bill to submarine with screen doors they're so stupid really are just once again I don't know enough about American like I don't know enough about Polish people to make fun of them growing up in Wisconsin taught me anything it's that they wrote a book on how to read and they broke their arms raking leaves by falling out of the tree okay we used to there used to be Polish joke books yeah we really were like jokes about dumb Polish people like every country does that where you like in England they're like oh the fucking Irish are bloody
Starting point is 00:37:30 stupid like every country has them but America for whatever reason landed on like Polish people are just very dumb yeah to me they're all just white people and Trump's America they will be Thomas Murphy sued the Brooklyn Railroad Company for a thousand dollars Murphy said he didn't have a choice in bringing the odors and he had a right to ride the trains a jury found for the railroad company what could you do you think he bathed when he went into the fucking trial you think he was like fucking covered in like cologne or whatever they had I guess it was just sheep shit I don't know a little dead pig on there
Starting point is 00:38:16 that'll spice up the jury a guilty or I guess not for me they try me guilty of smelling the judge ruled that although the railroad had an obligation to carry any paying passenger it was not obliged to carry smells but that's completely steps on it we'll carry anyone but not the stinky no absolutely not not not not in my America but he didn't smell it was his clue I mean sure you did but his clothes it was his clothes I think everybody fucking stunk dude he you probably lose perspective it would be like if like 90 smokers live down an island to be like I don't think I smell and then they like go on a train they're
Starting point is 00:38:57 like what the fuck is a shocking that's a really good after the show that's really good analogy the railroad made it policy to refuse service to anyone who worked on barren island so now they can't get out and then they can't go anywhere although it wasn't much better in the city women and children from five points rag pickers row and other slums search the streets quote basket on the arm and sack over the shoulder moving through the gutters and searching in ash barrels and boxes and overhauling garbage vessels looking for bones fish heads rags paper wire lengths of string oh my god string yeah the first
Starting point is 00:39:56 recyclers is great this is the best recycling what day what skull day is it Wednesday night I forget what is skull night and it's the it's the red bin isn't it it is the red bin where you throw your bones okay also laces of leather nails horseshoes cord bottles tufts of cotton what they looking for give us that list is everything got to be shorter just cotton and I've also got a lovely tuft of cotton I'd love to barely use barely used my wife and I would love to walk out of it with a prophet entire families lived under docks I thought you were gonna say they were also looking for entire
Starting point is 00:40:48 families the oh my god it's the Sheffield's get put them with the fish head forever entire families lived under docks they were mostly Italians that's not in there that's not in there it's not in there everybody's sticked out their place I'm thinking we make a little Italy under here once again they're all just white people to me hey it's the best of place you just gonna sit a bite of the docker here and watch the time roll away now I'm gonna whistle for 20 minutes under the docks was a great location to live because that's where the garbage was loaded onto boats that were headed for barren island we're gonna get
Starting point is 00:42:13 some good garbage we're gonna make a spaghetti out of cord the med would stand in boats under the dock while debris rained down from rubbish carts moving across the piers above it quote the garbage is literally deposited onto the heads of these people who live eat and sleep under the dumping piers those people seem to thrive there so why why was it pollocks I don't even mean to say anything against I understand but why weren't they like Italians I mean they live under the docks and eat shit like just go leave the pollocks be because the pollocks are walking around with flannel and pork wrapped around their
Starting point is 00:43:11 face foolish Italian sitting under their trash am I the only one it's just like Canadian bacon yeah the challenge is that making the pizza that's what they do if we get to the right amount of dough a calzone with bone a calbone a hey Jesus I have seen the this is still in the quote I have seen the cart coming from Bellevue Hospital carrying wrappings from ulcerated sores cancer operations what they had cancer back then I thought I hadn't been invented yeah it seems like it might have started at Baron Island okay what they could cure cancer back then we lost that technology somewhere along the line
Starting point is 00:44:12 all manner of rank and filth along with kitchen garbage chicken legs heads of fish ends of sausage and those men scrambled for it and picked out the stuff they could use or eat do you see seagulls were like what's the deal fucking god damn Italian those Polish people who put the pork on their face like they probably went through like several items before they settled on the point they're like cancer you know what the pot skins pretty good all right I think I think we've all landed on pork yes I don't know I'm using I'm using cat face it's pretty good Barry we've asked you kindly to not tell us what you put in there it's really good cat face it's just fun to talk through a cat's mouth for an afternoon meow meow meow
Starting point is 00:45:16 meow meow meow meow you know what I mean I'm doing this for health reasons not to have a good time it's my way of honoring my pet now watch how big my tongue looks when it comes out of its mouth fun isn't it and the final quote from the final quote from that do you want do you want to sit beside or have your daughter or wife sit by that animal on the street car so that's the only thing about the people who went to the docks right around the street car they're the animals it's almost like the trash should start to
Starting point is 00:46:01 pick them out of it bring it over they're grabbing us we're grabbing them it's a whole tit for tat so from the very first colony garbage was tossed along the shore to extend the shoreline wait yeah what to make the island bigger they're like let's just landfill but it's reclamation it's horrible garbage so they're yeah yeah four boards are popping a lot it's weird eventually on skulls and flesh eventually the pears were so filled with garbage that ships couldn't dock whoa so they just kept moving the dumping area north and north and north again and that's how Manhattan was built
Starting point is 00:46:54 until 1883 when more than nine ships ran aground on garbage shit oh well sir we've hit a bunch of skulls and shit we should probably port here it's not on the map now nor should it be because we are monsters we're caught at some sausage and sir and go down in the sausage the the state of New York City as described in a Citizens Association report in 1865 was horrendous the Citizens Association of New York was organized to promote the welfare of the community and Bennett and to benefit all classes in the city
Starting point is 00:47:52 they were volunteers who gave their time for municipal reform and public improvement the association stated that mortality and sickness in the city occurred among the poor classes and sanitary improvements would greatly help the people they believed there was a connection between being physically filthy and dying finally made that connection thank God I love imagine what the Native Americans were thinking at the time oh my god look at these look at these fucking animals called eye rollers going yeah these fucking animals living in you know we've discovered you did huh you did that's interesting well
Starting point is 00:48:43 get out of here and thanks for syphilis you fucking animals well we'll catch up later when we drop the pigs off good to see your engines again God you guys are a spicy people we'll see you thank you take care bye bye now I gotta get back out of the dock before the sunsets was I call it payday at West 39th Street the steamship the Alga Quinn was moored and filled with boilers vats cauldrons and kettles all constantly boiling blood and trails bones and the flesh of animals oh my god yeah it created a horrendous smell that poisoned the air from miles around from from that stuff yeah can you believe
Starting point is 00:49:34 that it's weird right on 39th 40th and 41st streets there were massive hog butcheries that killed 7,000 hogs a day what that's insane because it's no probably no refrigeration right so you can't just keep me you gotta keep killing shit yeah but 7,000 yeah yeah yeah we're expecting a lot of orders gentlemen kill first reservations later okay oh you know what Bob I think we should have just killed 5,000 we should have killed like 5,000 today my arm is killing me I went ape shit in there today went 10k deep I don't even know it was a shit bath just slaughtering him I felt like Thor I just don't even know
Starting point is 00:50:29 what happened I know you asked for 5,000 but once you get to five you're just like I want to set the high score let's party let's do this shit let's dance piggies I'll uncurl those tails one way or another you little fucks let's dance I don't need fucking bacon nearby were sheep slaughterhouses that killed 5,000 sheep a week and cattle slaughterhouses that killed 1,200 cattle a week the blood and trails heads and refus were carted down to the ship there was a manure yard on 38th Street like we want to make the shittiest smell ever I think if we work hard enough this smoke
Starting point is 00:51:21 stack will be like taking a rip from an asshole there's a carb on the bottom the manure yard was 240 feet long and contained 1,000 tons of rotting manure what are you really fucking up my property values what do you think it is a thousand tons of just horseshit they would just keep bringing sounds like Congress I mean those guys can't get any go ahead quote at midnight the night saw the night soil they're still saying that at midnight the night soil scowl of Frank Swift the night soil contractor what do you been up to Frank landing a great contract I'm gonna be fucking rich I'm getting all the shit man and the
Starting point is 00:52:27 piss and I take it out on me boat I'm working at a bank actually position as a teller which is boy you smell yeah that's money my friend no that's not money no that is not I'm the shit man of New York City right well it smells like you're eating it anyway we have to you like to come on me boat absolutely not it's called the shitter titles are your strong suit we will actually take a rain check poo check as it were and maybe I'll swing by the bank you got don't do that don't do that no you got chamber pots over there no no no no nope I do not come to the bank definitely don't come there if you ever want to take a
Starting point is 00:53:19 shit you come by old Franky's all right well you know what I mean yeah right on my chest all righty good to see you you seem cuz I love my job all right well anyway I have no idea what you said okay so he's the night sale contractor and he was discovered in the middle of the East River without any inspector aboard dropping through the hinged bottom its entire cargo wait wait wait wait yes so he's making the boat he cuts all he cuts all the shit he made the boat poop yes he didn't take it anywhere and he just had the boat poop he basically went off the dock and then the boat took a dump all right well 100 feet far enough the
Starting point is 00:54:16 cargo soon rose and covered the surface of the East River from 95th Street to battery that's the whole fucking thing that's wait was this like the first time he did that that's just the time he got caught which is a no right there's no way because you figure he'd be like after the first time he'd be like oh that wasn't a good idea but think of how much more effective it would be if we had shit spills instead of oil spills like no we need to change something oils fine fuck the penguins but my god oh if a little penguin came out I'll cover in shit people will be up in arms I I might I would welcome that penguin into my
Starting point is 00:55:09 loving arms of the towel and I would clean him like a mother yeah I would the city's outdoor toilets had no ventilation or seat covers well but why would you need ventilator like everywhere's shit I just people would live in the toilets if it had but there should be a hole to let the fucking smell out or whatever but then you're just walking you're walking into it like it probably smells better in the toilet yeah I mean you honestly are probably like what are you doing to that you better be shitting I swear to God I am oh my god sweet fresh shit stale shit I'm living in in most the contents had
Starting point is 00:55:53 risen above the legal mark it's like the terror alert level we're code brown we are not things are not good be on high alert never goes down it's a toilet we are a code brown it is a very it's at the rim we are at we are rimming it we really are we're overflowing almost we're about to overflow so be on alert check in your bags at the airport along Greenwich and Washington wastewater from the populous tenant houses are deposited in the gutters while the contents of privies accumulate for months trucks wagons and carts were standing in filth of every kind one to two feet deep and the street was covered with old paper
Starting point is 00:56:47 rags ashes garbage straw and general trash on the west side it was four feet deep think about how much that made you appreciate straw you're like sweet straw my rock straw just four feet deep like four I mean that's not a road that Danny DeVito's like they tried to leave the saloon morons there is an alley named cat alley which was lined with falling apart tenant houses it was unpaved and incredibly filthy quote the inhabitants are degraded both physically and socially all the children we saw were covered with dirt and disease their sore eyes and crusted heads and dehumanized appearance told the story of
Starting point is 00:57:43 want and neglect how did anyone survive how is anyone still around how do you like oh I thought that guy was coming up I thought he was coming I would be amazing but that is like what was I mean there probably wasn't child services but if there were they were like no there was not too shitty his scabs are in his eyelids but not his eyeballs so we'll be back in six months have you thought about washing him the father son in the Holy Shearer it not everyone lived in buildings above ground it was estimated 1400 people lived in basements and sellers what dude that why why they're on is because the idea that you're like oh
Starting point is 00:58:45 to be able to step in shit you don't live under it it might be nice in the cellar you guys don't know I could now read and that was the best place to be in Manhattan hold on yeah we know where this train when high tide came the water would come high tide when high tide came the water would come up through the floor flooding the basement this is where they lived high tide doesn't happen once a month it's every fucking day I'll get you stuff and hold it the water's coming since the outhouses were usually higher than the basements the contents would ooze through the walls the worst was Paul's a guy's ever
Starting point is 00:59:48 oh god oh no back away and it was into the apartments oh I have a type of question here I my question is how are you doing Ronnie this is Manhattan right yeah still probably cost $3,000 a month they just show the place during the day yeah you'll love it you'll love it it's a high rise come by a low tide I mean four you guys work nights are you more day day people okay well you'll still love it do you like waterbed if you work on like a moon cycle do you have a lot of salted pigs with you one of those over the AC that'll really spice the place up it'll just you'll
Starting point is 01:00:43 forget you're living in a shit mode you'll just the citizens Association strongly believed many of the bowel problems of the children as well as typhoid were the result of these conditions they also believe many deaths could be contributed to the conditions and they were bringing attention to the situation because it was not like this in other cities it in most other cities around the world the municipal authorities took care of the sanitary conditions of their city as they had concern even for the lowest inhabitants New York right or flint nothing is changed
Starting point is 01:01:20 quote I didn't do it quote but year after year the nostrils of the citizens of New York are offended and their health and lives imperiled in order that a few heartless corporations and individuals may make money the comfort and health of the city is held and kept subordinate to the greed of a few individuals for gain I wish there's some sort of parallel to do you know what I mean like if only there was some way to contrast that with today well probably not here but other countries you might be able to hear we're good to go but I mean to be fair you know a few
Starting point is 01:02:05 people like you don't get four feet of shit by just a couple of people shitting like that's a everyone is to blame I mean okay that's a good point that's a good point making it sound like four guys just kept shitting on the floor it's like get me the tube show them everyone is at fault here all right that must have been what was so awkward about it was you were like we're all just disgusted I mean the shit is coming through my walls but I got to be honest I shit on the other side of the wall I know that I shit Rob I know that my shit was on your walls last Monday and again I don't even know how that I just don't know how it works
Starting point is 01:02:46 but all I know is that my walls plead shit like the shining it is not I've you seen the shining it's gonna you'll see in a hundred years or so but it's really it's actually a script I'm working on and a script is things that movies will be based on movies are recorded productions and productions are what we see in our local theaters and we're all caught up so now we have Washington you know taking all the money from corporations and doing the bidding of corporations for the disregard of the people and back then New York had Tammany Hall doing the exact same thing Tammany Hall was a
Starting point is 01:03:36 New York City political organization founded in 1786 it was the Democratic Party political machine that controlled nearly all facets of the New York City government from the city and the county up to the judiciary it welcomed it I mean it helped immigrants mostly the Irish rise up in American politics it used its resources to build a loyal well-rewarded core of district and precinct leaders and after 1850 on the great majority were Irish Catholics it is often today used as the greatest example of political corruption in US history and tell yeah yeah fucking did it Tammany Hall it controlled everything from the
Starting point is 01:04:32 governor to the New York City Board of Audit who oversaw the city finances a large portion of the budget for street cleaning who find its way into the pockets of local officials street cleaners and sweepers would give their bosses and ward captains regular kickbacks for getting them a job a job they didn't really deserve and didn't really care about a job that wasn't being scrutinized by those above them because they were all getting kickbacks and because of this the city remained filthy so the guys on the street had to make up for the money they were kicking up to their bosses and they were in
Starting point is 01:05:06 they were employed by the Street Cleaning Bureau first the guys would come by with brooms and a scraper and push garbage into little piles and then a guy with a cart was supposed to come by and pick up the pile and haul it off but the cart guy would just take what he wanted and pass on what he didn't feel like picking up and running through it like cones no not that one no not this shape yeah that's disgusting I'll move that one and there was a there was a rule of the street no pay no removal in this this is particularly the case with hotels dining rooms and oyster houses they would have to play what's with the
Starting point is 01:05:45 oyster factor I just oyster like I'm not feeling well had another weird batch of oysters in the 1800s I don't know what to tell you they're just I don't think they're shelling them properly I really a lot of salt and sand and poo if I'm being have you been to the poo house the best oysters but am I the only one who always spends the next day in the chamber pot making night night soil yeah making night soil in the AM the morning hours the morning hours night soiling hotels and oyster houses would have to pay 25 to 50 cents per day to have their filth cart it off when they did haul it off it was taken to boats
Starting point is 01:06:36 and barges for removal and they would often just toss it overboard in Long Island sound it really sounds like how we deal with plastic we're just like bucket dump it we'll figure it out we'll form an island out of it I don't know you seen Waterworld might be fun now this led to some horrific summer days at Coney Island Beach Jesus Christ as filth washed ashore as people swim dead composing animals no oh my god as people swam dead composing animals smelling garbage rotting mattresses anything you could imagine would float up with the waves I'm going to swim through Pony Island it's a bunch of horse
Starting point is 01:07:22 skulls quote certainly it is not pleasant while swimming to be born down upon by the floating body of a dead horse no the godfather he's a coming out to me yeah he just used as a float it'll be fine yeah I think you'll be okay someone come help swim him back his torso's cut pretty bad or to have the carcass of a cat strike the swimmer in the face nature's buoy raise you out to that cat touch the horse come back probably a bunch of maggots on it as well just get it in there yeah flies and maggots yeah yeah yes yes yes yes but this is just biology there's gonna be flies and
Starting point is 01:08:24 maggots yes there will be flies and maggots you can't say no to biology yes safe all right there's no maggots that was easy I wish I'd known that about my name you're not helping the 99% and the 1% carrot in 1881 to solve the filth problem the independent department of street cleaning was created and treated Tammany Hall form it had little power there was no oversight overview a bunch of different agencies were now responsible for street cleaning the street cleaning department the public works department the health department the police department and the mayor's
Starting point is 01:09:24 office was just led to passing the buck around eventually the anger anger rose up so much against Tammany Hall turns out people didn't want to have been filth for that long shocking from the New York Tribune in 1890 the condition in which the streets of this town have been kept under Tammany's administration demonstrates either that they care not a straw for the public welfare and is absolutely destitute of local pride or else that it is monumentally weak and incompetent by far the greater parts of the street have been dirty most of the time some have been positively filthy it is useless to expect Tammany street
Starting point is 01:10:02 cleaning officials to come to their relief mayor Grant has shown that vast appropriations for the department of street cleaning is not for the purpose of scurrying clean streets but for the politics and the benefit of Tammany Hall and each year the budget for street cleaning would go up and the money would just go into the pockets of Tammany Hall this guy like writing this thing it's like he's swiping away shit from his like get me more brown out fuck Tammany Hall damn it it's everywhere at least aren't maggots should we use it as ink just thinking about streamlining New York Times 1891 but what can the people
Starting point is 01:10:45 of this city expect they have given their public affairs over to the unchecked control of Tammany Hall which means lavish expenditure of public money with unsatisfactory results it is it really Bernie Sanders it is so it really is just such a microcosm I mean yeah now the shit's just not literal that's the difference now it's just bullshit but it's not for now yeah well yeah for now yeah truly there will be a time when we're like how far away is Jamaica I wasn't listening is it Jamaica even this city's most wealthy citizens had had enough JP Morgan quote I don't care anything about the mayor's
Starting point is 01:11:31 politics what I want is to protect the health of my family the boy is sitting in shit JP Junior's living in shit when they get me a TD Ameritrade that poor boy when the industrial lines tried to hold open-air political meetings to discuss the situation the Tammany employees of the street cleaning department would break it up by running street sweeping machines through the crowd with people cleaning coming through a cleaning here you guys talking about how we don't clean look at you idiots which side you park on the the anger finally built and along with all the other corruption helped to temporarily break Tammany Hall's grip on
Starting point is 01:12:24 the city in 1894 their candidate for mayor was defeated by a man named William Strong who campaigned on an honest administration and choosing commissioners who were not Democrats or Republicans just saying strange time yeah sounds really fucking weird one candidate to head to the street cleaning department stood out above all others Colonel George E. Waring you mean he was just like not submerged in the shit he was like hello give me your arm I'm still alive I'd love to help lost my pocket watch obviously deep down that tried to check the time yes they are actually making great pizza it is if you haven't lived
Starting point is 01:13:16 till you've had their shit pie it is George E. Waring was educated as an agricultural chemist and ran a farm in Connecticut he was known for designing drainage systems for farms in 1857 Waring had been appointed agricultural and and drain drainage engineer finally construction of New York Central Park yeah because Tammany Hall didn't care it's just insanity they once Tammany Hall wanted it filthy because then they get greasy they kept increasing the budget every year and being like I don't know we're trying but people keep shitting we'll figure it out Tammany suggested blocking the sewers which we
Starting point is 01:14:03 think will work he's a real out-of-the-box thinker he really if you meet Tammany you'll be like that won't work but then you get in a room and then you're like that's a good idea so spot a yacht actually Tammany did so he's appointed shit council the construction of New York's Central Park which was the largest drainage project of its time because Central Park was a wetland he designed this we know why well no not that kind of wetland this dude it was just actual water it wasn't piss sure it was water comparatively you can walk through it this water this dude drain Central Park yeah he created the the
Starting point is 01:14:47 drainage system that created the scenic lakes and bonds wow what a hero put the yeah he put the whole fucking thing together but then the Civil War came and decided to serve in the Civil War in the military he rose to the rank of Colonel which side our side cool the winners the victors I think we should have a holiday that celebrates beating them shit day did you imagine you fucking imagine they would start another war if we try to have a holiday that's the problem that we like like they they they will march like celebrate Confederacy and we'll just be like it was good we won so let's just keep working and then
Starting point is 01:15:28 they're like we're gaining momentum and we're like what's happening it feels like there's shit in the streets are we deep already oh god after the war in 1867 sister after the war in 1867 Colonel wearing managed a model farm that used the latest agricultural practice engineering and technology so it was like little figurines he was using clay pipes and then the farmer will come over here doodledo doodledo doodledo kiss his wife a diorama and it goes down here yeah he's got a diorama then you'll milk the goat milk's the little goat you'll love it and with real people it might work I don't know I've been I've invented
Starting point is 01:16:09 Legos if anyone's he remained there until 1877 when he became interested in sanitary engineering the city of Memphis Tennessee at that time was a fucking nightmare it had several epidemics of cholera in 1849 1866 and 1873 and epidemics of yellow fever in 1867 1873 1878 and 1879 over 5,000 died in 1878 the city officials believed it was due to the sanitary conditions there were a lot of wells near outdoor toilets we prefer the term Oriental fever yeah sorry I came too late I'm sorry are you saying are you saying you don't want to be called outdoor toilets there are a lot of wells there are essentially there are a
Starting point is 01:17:07 lot of wells near out to toilets and it was all drained by a fetid bayou a lot of buildings stood above standing water the city board turned to Colonel Waring and he designed a system that separated sewage waste from storm water runoff what a hero yeah okay first idea what if the shit isn't with the water yeah that's a wall I'm behind why wasn't his face on the $5 note or whatever I truly yeah because as we've all learned through the dollar Benjamin Franklin was not a president the fuck isn't this guy on the hundo yeah and tie a key to a kite on a storm night good Lord low bar the the news drainage system reduced the
Starting point is 01:17:53 size of pipes required to carry sewage in Memphis's era of epidemics came to an end and now Colonel Waring was the shit with David mayor strong they you were called the shit back then it wasn't a good thing he's the shit back on his head and hit the horse's bottom he'll be banished wait he's on the horse he's on the horse yeah bag on his head slap the horses so you're not sitting there you're not put because leave him here with a bag on his head and speck the horsey and then the horse runs off and he's just sitting there and he's just sitting there with a bag and this is awkward then the horse catches on fire
Starting point is 01:18:32 in Italy oh this will take 30 days good Lord give him to the Italians they'll make breadsticks out of him oh when they come out from under the docks there's gonna be hell to pay mayor strong met with Colonel Waring and asked if he would consider the post the Colonel said under one condition I get my own way you can remove me but you cannot interfere with me so he's a fucking badass so after years of living with dead horses and human shit all over the streets the city of New York had a John Wayne type motherfucker who was about to take out the trash and by the way a few years ago I was listening to a Dodgers
Starting point is 01:19:16 Mets game and Vince Scully was meandering as he always does and he's talking he was I remember when I was a boy there was Oregon grinders and little monkey would want to run around and sometimes we just walked down the street past a dead horse and I was like what the fuck did Vince Scully just say and he never went back to it I was like what the fuck just happened it turns out all two strikes yet I mean it turns out that's exactly right and if you go I'll put up the pictures there are pictures of kids playing this is dead horses it's fucking crazy I remember when I used to wait around in shitting ponies as a boy
Starting point is 01:19:51 full count I think you want to throw the fastball on one like this my Italian people used to live other ducks and die real when I was a boy and ball for take your base I've always loved our public sewer system how about them Paula how they up to the plate so wearing I was appointed to head the street cleaning of New York he's a confederate this is the general right the guy who fought the Colonel the Colonel who fought the Confederacy yeah he came back to New York to continue to fight against human fields and Ronnie look I've already beaten horseshit one Ronnie just wiped the
Starting point is 01:20:50 entire south of his possible I'm just joking I don't even know what the beef is to be honest it's not great slaves so they deserve that right yeah it's a real beef real beef yeah they were having Confederate flags at a congressional buildings up to eight months ago with it when a black woman had to crawl up and tear it down and they all went that's wrong yeah yeah the slavery wasn't all right don't worry I think there might be some pro-slavery people over there they were big I come here to listen stories about slavery not shit brand poop matters
Starting point is 01:21:43 whoo little tube pumped up he quickly made it clear to the employees that any worker who used his broom filled his cart dumped the load and went back for more would keep his job and the others wouldn't their job had meritocracy what it's a real meritocracy bring the shit back are you not coming back yeah their job now had nothing to do with voting it was actually about doing the work and if they didn't they'd be fired warring reconstructed the department into a military-style order that's so great we're gonna clean up a bunch of shit don't like shit get out now boy you raise that I got you raise an army yeah
Starting point is 01:22:31 he really did yeah the city was the city was divided into sections employees attended a daily roll call where they were assigned specific streets they reported their progress or problems to the foreman the foreman reported to the two superintendents the supers to chiefs anyone with a rank above sweeper or Carter was an officer and was expected to make decision give orders and be obeyed I'm gonna stop being a car make my way all the way up to sergeant it's becoming a little megalomaniacal menial how do you pronounce that word megalomaniacal English language sorry wearing put all of his workers in uniforms white pants
Starting point is 01:23:19 white jackets dude is he just hilarious yeah are you gonna wear all white it's gonna be fucking hilarious go swim and shit fucking idiots no but then you can you can tell who's done track progress you can track progress yeah you didn't look at you are very shitty what a day Tom it's just your boots interesting interesting so they are so they also had tall white helmets white helmets yeah big tall white helmet like stove pipe helmets like you know you don't know what's coming they're fucking just beastie boeing the streets the trope yeah totally the storm trainers the street cleaners became
Starting point is 01:24:18 known as the white wings wearing started the operation in one of the worst neighborhoods he said he'd clean up five points and if that didn't work they may as well give up he put two superintendents in charge and told him to do whatever was necessary to keep the streets clean even even get rid of the five guys if you have to I'm telling you he's becoming a little bit you know he's getting a little bit controlling yeah a little bit within two weeks five points was a different place totally cleaned up but this was the battle for New York yeah so he said like this is it if we can't do this it's over that's
Starting point is 01:24:54 right we must all do this it's a toilet it's a toilet we can't do it flesh it I'm done I really I think this is it this doesn't work well going to Philadelphia yeah yeah yeah yeah Philadelphia also bad news not wearing head carts follow sweepers and no piles of debris lingered his wife devised a wheel metal barrel that could also carry brooms bags and shovels called a carry can and it was used in New York until the mid 1980s yo wait this dude was killing it man he was like organizing them give a uniform just like inventing shit yeah inventing techniques a carrot can carry can not a carrot can caring can carry
Starting point is 01:25:40 okay did you think they were what going on with a can full of carrots all right boys we're going to clean up this city everybody grab a can of carrots be very very quiet mr. fun you've been warned that is a carrying kit oh yeah bunch of carry that's in it don't upset the web two weeks in a wearing term four inches of snow fell at night by 5 30 in the morning workers were clearing it 3,800 men shoveling they had the exact same budget as Tammany Hall but now the streets were clean though he did manage to raise wages to $60 a month
Starting point is 01:26:30 twice that of unskilled laborers were normally getting paid at the time he also cut their workday down to eight hours which was less than the norm the colonel started the juvenile street cleaning leagues compete it's like a game who gets the most points wins a new sock so they were clubs that taught kids how to be quote the eyes and ears of the department they're fucking trashnarks they're the nose of the department watching people shit keep this between us what wife had a rough we ate under the docks again which is just don't get the pizza under the dogs I don't know but that's where the only
Starting point is 01:27:21 pizza restaurant is not good so the kids would tell adults what to do and tell on them if need be that's what Bernie's doing sounds legit by the time the colonel moved on there were 41 leagues and about 1,000 narc children at the city oh you little god damn bastard I didn't after a year the colonel threw a parade the entire department of street cleaning work force 2,200 men were there they marched down Fifth Avenue in tight formation and it took over 10 years with their white uniforms amazing we're not you we're not ready for all the species sir it's parade with their
Starting point is 01:28:07 white uniforms the sweepers held brooms over their shoulders like rifles so they were like a musical almost the first sweet stomp yeah well we're very very sick of it we're gonna go and sweep your shit there were 10 marching bands and prayed floats the colonel led the parade in his military dress uniform and it's white white sweepers helmet three years after he started the job Tammany Hall was voted back into power because just hear me Americans are fucking stupid he's a good Christian man but the war from filth was over Tammany Hall could no longer claim there wasn't enough manpower or the budget
Starting point is 01:29:12 was too small to clean the streets they should have called that a butchette I'm going I don't get it you'll get it when you listen once you listen back you'll be like well what just happened you really you really New York New Yorkers now expected to live in a clean city when did you guys get rid of that but of course it was Tammany Hall the New York Tribune December 29th 1898 this is what a year after they're back in wind and dust to make life wretched for pedestrians dirt left in the street caught up by the gale and world about in blinding clouds inconveniences do entirely to the inefficiencies of
Starting point is 01:30:00 Tammany Street cleaning department the thick layers of dirt and filth which Commissioner McCartney permits to encrust the city streets were yesterday caught up by the wind and churned into the finest of dust until at times the city was enveloped in clouds of dirt particles that could only be likened to the sandstorm of a desert New York is back baby President McKinley appointed Colonel Waring to the American Army of Occupation in Cuba to suggest how to improve sanitary conditions of Havana there he
Starting point is 01:30:39 contracted yellow fever and returned to New York where he died already in October 1898 yeah Oriental Fever please please so you guys kill them I don't think that's on Ronnie's doorstep oh he died in the end from we brought you to you here to answer for this I'm sorry for killing the king of your shit I don't know all hail king shit king shit man yeah well that explains so yeah why the statue of liberty looks like that's just trying to hold the torch above the shit she by the way in the long run she will be right she will be like my life please just be there then in 1906 a reporter from the Los Angeles Herald visited New
Starting point is 01:31:29 York City in Marvel that the clean streets how did they do it quote if the police see a man throwing a banana peelings or paper on the street they arrest him well he's obviously cartoon character I think this should be done in Los Angeles the only person they're arresting is shaggy they started just arresting people throughout shit and then that was that was how they cleaned it up yeah man I come from single-pole minutes yeah that's how we roll yeah yeah please bring up Baron Island was connected to the mainland in the 1930s by landfill and lost the name Baron Island Robert Moses condemned
Starting point is 01:32:09 it to build the Marine Bridge Park and gave residents 30 days to leave all their cottages were bulldozed he bulldozed lots lots of slums in the city and dumped the remains at Baron Island expanding the shoreline he then covered it in topsoil for 70 years the garbage has seeped into the surrounding water thousands and thousands of bottles garbage and broken and intact and other litters are all on the shore as well as chunks of horse bone seebiz now covered in topsoil now covered in topsoil so enjoy your city it is now known as the Gateway National Recreation Area yeah yeah that's full
Starting point is 01:32:58 of just fucking horrors water quality is routinely tested but the results are not given why why are they not why forget about it right hey what are the results we gave you all that water did you test it what are the results get about it it's it's fun but we actually paid you guys a lot of money we paid you a lot of money you want to go to Baron Island motherfucker sweet god forget about it back in the good books it is estimated that 30% of New York is built on garbage your city is fucked up why the fuck were there so many horses dead horses or just horses well that's how people got around yeah but this dual
Starting point is 01:34:03 sounds like you could have surfed on poop well you couldn't you couldn't drive a wagon through the streets what was it like a thousand horses dying a day a week no we was a butcher was killing seven day a day no no a week a week a week a week I thought they wanted a party sub turns out they just wanted a sixth and show well did you make a week oh yeah if everyone in the south who is listening to this I actually don't know anything about American history and I'm under a lot of peer pressure right now so also you'll be at Helium's at Birmingham I just got here in September so my my English is also not very good so I have
Starting point is 01:34:52 a very rich history that you'll enjoy hearing you're proud of it yeah it's cool but that's nothing to be ashamed of our lots of like it's smart to use your garbage to reclaim land to make the city bigger that's it's a smart thing to do I'm not pandering I'm never sets on the American trash pile yeah also we ended that story as though everything's awesome now but it's like hey we still have garbage every single day you know where the fuck does that go yeah right it probably peaked and is not as good as it used to be at this point yeah so you go out there I mean you can see like yeah it's a great town and I'm having a
Starting point is 01:35:30 lot of yeah well wasn't there a long time ago that this giant trash like a boat right and they couldn't find anywhere to put it and it was just kept going from place to place was just New York trash and everyone's like we don't want your fucking trash ship into Detroit I love it we've kind of made them the rug we're sweeping things under now the Detroit is basically the people living under a dock yeah really Detroit you guys just went all Detroit go buy a house for negative fifty dollars hard of Motown all right thank you guys yes thank you oh thanks for having me thank you Ronnie thank you so much very kind of
Starting point is 01:36:32 you to have me thank you so much thank you very much we'll be selling posters and signing posters we'll be right out there selling posters it's gonna be different living out here but you're open or your cousin get you into any kind of shit now you hear me pop some gum can't nobody get me in trouble run dead you see this but since you're going to bring your black ass back home but your ass is to it let me pay you down these backstreet love and backstreet treated like an athlete
Starting point is 01:37:36 life in a track me no it's a marathon for the cemetery that a nigga get carried on we be coming to the day we die nigga act of our tender if you think we lock but if you think we hot nigga think again cuz when it's think of when you got to think to win everybody you know it cuz I ain't going for it so break to the law at that I don't pull us out and bust out go to make a bra

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