The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 17 - Rainbow Man

Episode Date: August 17, 2014

Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds explose the great and compliated Rainbow Man of the 1980's.Tour DatesSources Dollop MerchPatreon...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at right the middle of the conversation yeah we are having a conversation hey
Starting point is 00:01:13 welcome to conversations a weekly conversation that Gary Reynolds and I have Gareth really yep yeah that's right yeah well why don't you do something what why don't you listen to the intro music this week and then you try to figure out what your goddamn name is my name is Gareth okay well listen to the intro it doesn't matter what you've done to the intro to make my name it seemed like it's not Gareth it's Gareth it just played I don't know why you have this conquest and my name it's just it's just the rage of an English person when there's given a nickname the people Welsh the English and you're
Starting point is 00:01:54 given a nickname so far away from all that happy people absolutely always been recognized as the happiest so so Gary there we're gonna go back to the 70s to start this one all right like it rolling Stewart rolling Stewart rolling Stewart R-O-L-L-E-N Stewart okay was born and raised in Spokane, Washington okay Larry yeah sure he did not have a great beginning his parents are alcoholics okay his father died when he was seven his mother was killed in a house fire when he was 15 and then that same year his sister was strangled by her boyfriend oh my god so it's a right out of the shoot yeah you can guess that
Starting point is 00:02:45 Rollins gonna have some issues I would help you to roll in with the punches good night end of podcast he turned out to be very shy okay he got into drag racing in high school okay married his first love okay always a good thing to do yeah no that always works out well opened up a speed shop a speed oh just like a yeah cars I don't think we're like we got cross tops we got them all and you're under arrest for what it's a speed shop I'm legally selling speed if you open a shop they had a daughter and his wife soon left him okay good he was crushed he sold the shop and moved to a mountain ranch where he became a marijuana
Starting point is 00:03:42 farmer so far I like rolling all natural transitions yeah yeah that oh and he tried to grow the world's longest mustache oh that's an L for you yeah that's a lean story for me well so so right there you get a taste of some things off that's if you move somewhere and you go I want to grow the world's mustache that means you're looking for some sort of validation and you want people to go oh the thing that's behind me in the truck yeah it's just a thing that I have I can't cut it or I lose my powers I put my pants on just like you one leg at a time while biting the hair on my face to make it not go down the
Starting point is 00:04:37 legs okay so he ended up watching a lot of TV which I bet 50 percent of pot farmers both I bet 50% of pot farmers both watch a lot of TV and try to grow the world's biggest mustache but he didn't find this life satisfying so he moved to Hollywood to become an actor oh I'll tell you what I love about LA yes the people who make that decision yeah always seem to come out on top well it's not a place to come if you fall in love with acting and want to pursue it as a craft yeah it's a place to come when your mustache dreams have ended yes acting didn't work out it's really this whole story just it's like he's making such a
Starting point is 00:05:42 good decision yeah so he needed attention so in the late 70s he started going to sporting events dressed in a rainbow wig he got some attention because the camera should find that there's the guy the rainbow he would do dances you know whatever the camera would be on him sure crazy yeah dance camp so then he got so so he this what he was looking for when he grew the moustache he wanted the whole the mustache this was feeling this was feeling his mustache so he started going more and more events oh boy he would look for the he would scout out before the game the best place to go where he
Starting point is 00:06:33 would be on camera okay and then and then that's where he you know get his tickets he would start showing up behind the hoops of basketball games so whatever they're shooting the the basket through the glass backboard you would see him just standing there sure he'd go behind the goalpost so when they kick the ball there's the guy with the rainbow head anyway the camera pointed that's where he was his first really big event was the 1977 NBA Finals and everyone quickly came to know him after that and he got the nickname rainbow man so he's a man made a goal first that goes to grow a
Starting point is 00:07:22 mustache the longest then the man made another goal to be an actor and then the man made another goal to be known for wearing a rainbow wig about the speed business as well also he also started with the speed shop yeah then he so he had a few dreams a great he finally but he finally fell upon the right one the right one I mean he literally found he really literally found the one thing that would take almost nothing to accomplish right except by a $2 wig so directors of sporting events started hating him and the broadcast because he would always be in these fucking shots and it started just started drive them
Starting point is 00:08:18 fucking crazy and cameraman we get fired for putting him in the shots and directors were getting fired by the broadcasters so the word was out do whatever you can to avoid putting him on camera whatever so and he would pop up ever so he'd always pop up at the crowd at the appropriate moment waving his arms and doing thumbs-up gestures and like here and then I'll be like oh fuck gritting like an idiot so it went on for three years oh cat and dog game and everyone who rainbow ahead was at this point everybody knew he was anybody who watched sports was like there's the
Starting point is 00:08:56 rainbow guy doing the rainbow dance never in your head like because I was a kid never did it go like in my head it went why is he everywhere well you grew up in it yeah you were like rainbow manner it's for that's a thing that's for it it'd be weird if he wasn't there it's true I guess in my head I probably thought it was different guys not realizing that this was a guy who just drove went all around the country to sporting events so he's just like driving yeah yeah basically we'll get to that oh boy he so we also would wear shorts it says later you first shorts he was wearing first shorts first shorts is really bad
Starting point is 00:09:40 keep it hot that's really tough keep everything else cool but keep the no keep the center part hey guys look it's peep shorts yeah peep shorts yeah hey everyone you do a little dance it was more like a fucking crazy generation thing that they were just that it's like a bad deadhead dance plan the moves that are gonna come out of brain it's natural yeah it's flow yeah there's no need to photograph it flows forth from the rain exactly he had the money to attend all the events because he sold his ranch okay they also had a little bit of a heritage money from his parents all dying horribly and I bet
Starting point is 00:10:15 this is exactly how they want to use this is what they said they said we want you to get into rainbows you know son someday your mother's gonna burn and I'm gonna be gone I want you to take all the money we give you a new shit completely so here's a businessman with a business plan oh I think that's right on the money I think that nails it the idea work for his head what he was doing was he was creating a shtick so then media he would be a media pitch man like companies oh like coke would be like holy shit look at that idiot dancing like a fucking lunatic behind the goal we should hire him as a pitch
Starting point is 00:10:57 man let's get a piece of that yeah yeah let's get on that crazy train this makes sense it's what we're calling the advertising Hail Mary well he is essentially early Kardashian like now he would probably be okay with okay this I'm okay with good asian yeah I got you this is actually to take a turn you might not be okay with yeah it's gonna it gets a little you know I don't okay all right so he actually got a Budweiser commercial which isn't surprising Budweiser and sports right they always did that so he probably was in one of those things so yeah it wasn't like he was like
Starting point is 00:11:50 I'm rainbow man right you know you're an analyzer bush we're always dedicated to making the best taste is most refreshing beer that's why these hops right here comes straight from the earth to your mouth you know I'm gonna just dance this egg and then he just throws up glitter he was he was paid to attend parties in his wig oh wow so I guess that's how people like let's get fucking rainbow man yeah right cuz he's an oddity and you'd be like there he is coming in his for sure a lot of coke yeah rainbow man yeah a lot of coke so he's living a party man life in those years he said he was in the dark abyss of sexual
Starting point is 00:12:28 promiscuity and wanton drug abuse Jesus he later so rainbow man I signed up for well but he's now he's now a thing so if you're a thing you get to go and party with everybody it's a fucking new world so he's probably at the Playboy mansion oh there's fucking ring he's like that guy now he said I was going to sail around the world on my waterbed I mean it's a so when he said that I don't think he's being literal okay I don't think he's actually thinking he can sail around the the world on his waterbed I think he's thinking he could fuck everybody right also he's bragging that he had a waterbed listen at that time that was a
Starting point is 00:13:07 break everybody had a waterbed it might be time to get waterbeds again hey you want to fuck up your back I do hey hey you want something you wake up and soaking everything changed the day he attended the Super Bowl in 1980 but what I just label man late later recalled I had gone in my fur loincloth and wig right there it's a great start to a story anybody who says that you're like I'm in I would like to hear the rest of your story the girls loved it everywhere I walked there pat me on the butt I could have held a thousand women in my arms that day and yet I walked out of there sad it was shallowness I was being seen
Starting point is 00:14:09 all over the world but never as myself yeah we get the thing is yeah don't wear the fur shorts in the rainbow wig and then people see you as who you are you were who you were if you wanted to be who you were then you would just sit in the crowd and watch the fucking game you tried to be the guy who had the mustache right and that wasn't him was it not that guy no we give a fuck about that shit no we should about speed shop guy no no what you keep your fucking marriage together be known as like the literally coach yeah people know you so that night after returning to his hotel
Starting point is 00:14:52 room he turned on the television show called today in Bible prophecy oh fuck me what you bastard it was about the appending in apocalypse oh no there is a rainbow man right and and let's face it if you've tried to grow the world's longest mustache yeah and they tried to be an actor and now you're a guy in a rainbow wig dancing around you are susceptible you can be slave to the Lord Jesus Christ so he says I fell to my knees there in that room and allowed Jesus to take control of my life so he was literally born again in front of a television in a shitty hotel room I assume with the wig and the loincloth
Starting point is 00:15:48 or did he come in and take the one that's the way you would take off would you take with the way you like to go from work would you like take his wig and throw it on the no I would do it when I was having my born again moment and I dropped to my knees that's when I would take it off I'm not I'm just me now tears running down whatever you want rainbow man or just me Lord oh Jesus can see me beneath the ring tell me what to grow so now he considered himself to be a self-ordained minister I'm sorry yeah that's a very no that's it he's in I mean look this shit doesn't
Starting point is 00:16:29 take long well I was at the Holiday Inn and I'm a minister so how's that right that's how this works I stayed at Holiday Inn last night and watched a TV show at a hotel yesterday so now I'm a priest father please father rainbow to convince the world through the Raymoman character to accept Christ as its savior was his one mission it's a pretty crazy mission I don't know I think it's pretty I I don't know now that we've led here naturally like I know the progression but I think if you take that out of context and just say that a rainbow man is going to be
Starting point is 00:17:13 spreading the word of the Lord it sounds weird that sounds okay it sounds weird oh rainbow man yeah already we haven't been a rainbow man obviously so he hit the road he suddenly started showing up to events wearing Jesus saves and repent t-shirts and carrying signs so now he's just gonna eat shit now he's the first but now he has a focus yeah I don't know he's so not gone out of his tits you hear rainbow man's born again he hasn't he's a born again we have no idea how far he's going to go quote out of his tits he was eating one meal a day smoking masses massive massive marijuana and blitz creating the
Starting point is 00:18:07 country for the Lord he was hitting up 12 sporting events a week oh my fucking god that's not a life this isn't a life that's a fucking it's a life that is not alive well okay cuz you've never tried to spend the word of the Lord I'm no and I've never heard yeah it's hard he's basically hitting two events a day he's committed my question my question is when I get a hot dog at those events yeah but popcorn or anything like that yeah no appetite I was doing a smoking weed so obviously I had no appetite what yeah I was salivating after a while he realized the stuff he was writing on the signs was not hitting the mark because
Starting point is 00:18:54 everyone in the world hadn't become a Christian right so he figured by now with all the stuff he was doing everyone see because he thinks that people are gonna see him on TV and go oh Jesus I'm in they're gonna do these like he did because he's so fucking stupid that that's how easy it was for him to be converted right yeah yeah yeah yep so he switched he's not working just to be clear that's not working all right and I think this is where you may have a little connection excuse me he switched to signs with scriptural references the main one being John 316 now have you seen this at games yeah I know that
Starting point is 00:19:37 there's I know people hold 360 people still get today he started it okay I don't know what is what is the for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believe it in him should not perish but have everlasting life go Raiders see that's my problem with the I mean not that I have a problem with the Bible yeah but what is that I don't know you read it to me I don't know what it means is I don't know it means is yeah it means that he he gave his son and then he got we killed him and then and then whoever whoever believes in this son
Starting point is 00:20:26 gets to have everlasting life you get to have you seen the show leftovers no that's a good call so if you're watching sports during the 80s you there's no way you didn't see him okay you know I must have seen him yeah he'd be behind the goalpost or the hoop or the plate the best ones were behind the plate during a fucking baseball game he's just sitting there in those seats the guy you always see for three and a half hours fucking sitting there we're all serious just there he is people going oh god how do we get him off camera he's right yeah and his whole idea is you see the sign John 316 and you'll go look it up and then
Starting point is 00:21:10 you'll be like holy fuck the Bible is awesome I gotta get a wig which I did I went yeah because you saw the sign so much that you went and read it Bible is awesome well I went to the Bible and I open it up my grandmother had one right and I hope a crack it open oh my god that means that I threw the Bible away like you're supposed to yeah you you put you carve out a book or you carve out a place for a weapon to keep it right that I know that's definitely most of the Bible's about there's some good stuff about fingering in there there's some good stuff in the Bible yeah that's great the figuring stuff is great figure
Starting point is 00:21:45 915 that's a great thing ring 915 that's a great number the best really good she shelt quiver in 1984 rainbow man met Margaret Hawkeridge a born again grade school teacher they met in a church in Virginia because obviously he goes to church whoever he is yeah I'm a late Margaret found herself in awe of him like how could you not if you meet a dude and he's like you know what I do I go to games and I wear a wig and a loincloth and I hold up signs swoon well religious issues a wig this is this is my boyfriend rainbow man he tried to grow the world's biggest mustache I don't worry I'm out of my mind hey you
Starting point is 00:22:39 guys do a fucking crazy how you doing I had a piece of toast earlier that'll be it I'm gonna go do a bathtub bong now the tube out of Toyota van and hit the road for the Lord ten months later they were married in St. Louis the bride dressed in mauve mm-hmm and rainbow man wore a Jesus's coming t-shirt like a groom that's pretty amazing look I pay anything to see wedding photos oh yeah I mean anything photographer was like honestly doesn't matter yeah I guess holder tighter I really want pictures of this yeah all right perfect can we do a couple without the wig no can uh what about the shirt like I get that you
Starting point is 00:23:28 wear that for your business okay so now they're just traveling on the country doing this he's getting some money from commercial residuals a little bit of the oh yeah and he got money left over from selling his ranch he's still got that but he lives in his car with his wife because they don't have a lot and they're saving enough because they are spreading the word it really it really is yeah she is also flashing Bible signs oh good yeah good you're coming away into the project they're a team yeah finally they start getting donations from other Christians because they're spreading the word so now they're going
Starting point is 00:24:28 around to go to church and they'll be like this man is the one you see on the television spreading the word of Jesus and they need some good man that everyone would kick in good we're gonna pass the way around you just throw your money in there you don't have any money to throw in the week that's okay but if it's fair some that I really hate to help the calls so they get donations it's all happening right this is all happening it's all happening it's all happening now the guys who live in the life he's driving 50,000 miles a year and now going to over a hundred events a year a hundred events a year which is gotta be
Starting point is 00:25:15 costly because he's got to get the good seats it's a nightmare it's live in the life it's a nightmare so now you want to know where he's going to heaven golf tournaments okay there's some great pictures of golfers swinging and him just standing there with a wig and a sign right behind them in the middle of the crowd it looks so fucking insane you're like why is there a clown there why is this clown that's when Jesus clown everyone else is dressed up in golf clothes and there's this crazy clown excuse me pardon me Jesus is coming to the front Jesus coming to the front of my tits
Starting point is 00:25:52 pardon me excuse me hi Jesus sent me to the front of the sign thanks he's a period in numerous World Series the summer and winter Olympics arrested in Russia for the winter Olympics Republic and Democratic National Conventions the Indy 500 the Kentucky Derby the NBA and NCAA Bascala Finals the Stanley Cup the Miss America pageants oh my god and the wedding of die in Princess try that I can't even comprehend because if he can't get up there behind them when they're doing the then he's just it'd be great if it was the priest all of a sudden like we'll gather I'm just kidding it's real
Starting point is 00:26:38 man hey Jesus oh and he hated sports I wish I wish God wasn't making me do this I can't even enjoy the fucking game he told people magazine I despise sports people who go to supporting events are like the Romans who went to watch the Lions eat the Christians nobody dies it's just people huge difference right there it's just a game it's a game and nobody dies and there's no animals there's no animals at all unless you go to an animal show yeah I'm sure it was but that doesn't end with a dog eating a guy no they're not like and now the dog will eat the Jew
Starting point is 00:27:38 dog will eat the other part of the weird tradition one will continue now oh my god it's starting with the groin hopefully this is really something she's really eating her now this reminds me of Roman times so he also didn't like television quote I realized now television is a tool of Satan I never watched TV unless it's to figure out my own strategy so that I can appear on it so he started carrying a Sony watchman to sporting events to figure out where the network cameras were located and how tight the camera angles were placing himself in a position though when the camera came on rainbow I was ready to
Starting point is 00:28:34 bounce and spread the word Jesus so now they were on to him so he would wait with the wig and the sign that they wouldn't see and then watch on camera and then pop it on at the right time and then they're like you can there there are video there's video of him he's like looking and shaking then you see him look down at his television and then look back up and like he is strategist he's also a stickler for details is that right at the 1986 world series which is a great world series Stuart lost his shit and tried to choke his wife when she stood in the wrong spot with her John 316 place card so
Starting point is 00:29:24 just as Jesus with it yeah right Jesus of course that's what Jesus did if you if you back in the day if like say Matthew came out and and stood with a sign in the wrong place Jesus would fucking hit him in the kidneys yeah give him a couple fucking solar plexus and just yeah just choke him until he dropped in the dirt and then he looked at the other disciples and he'd go where do you stand with your side yeah and they would all get in place morons the fuck these stand with your fucking sides for sorry Lord listen you fucking cunts sorry well it's just one sin to prevent a thousand right so he had to choke her he had to
Starting point is 00:30:05 choke her because he had to tell everybody right the proverb hey thank you yeah you shall choke your wife if she stands in the sign place you wrong so and the Lord said and I said choker Lord said choke the bitch she ruined the whole evening so so he's almost impossible to avoid for the TV cameras they just can't do it like an NBC executive said he's a pest we try to take him out of a shot whenever we can rainbow man starts to get remember and then starts to get tossed at a stadiums now they're now they've got like pictures of him like so the security guards are all waiting with him with
Starting point is 00:30:49 signs but what is he doing wrong I mean he's really nothing illegal that's just it there is no there is no valid because you would then you have to say okay no signs and stages which they're not gonna do yeah because people like to come in and hold up their red skin signs because they're racist yes and so he he has a point and he he got into a lawsuit I couldn't very well have a lawsuit but he did sue our RFK state even Washington DC great would it be to be a fly on the wall with the lawyer and rainbow man best trial ever best trial ever all right rainbow man your turn job 316 okay we were just we were just we rest we're
Starting point is 00:31:29 it was not daunted he kept at it he had a dream the dream that was was that someday he would control like signed flasher central and like conduct people all over the country to hold up signs of supporting to be able to run the sign holding headquarters right of America right we had that as a kid yeah other people join in so now he's gathering a group of followers who go around to different sporting events and hold up the signs I'm good and they're everywhere so now it's like a franchise of crazy right it's rainbow man it's rainbow man yeah it's a rainbow man at this point he and his followers have been on
Starting point is 00:32:24 thousands of television events SNL does a sketch about him story Christopher walk in the Simpsons draw him into an episode he's characterized on st. Els when the tonight show Charles Schultz draws him into a penis carton Jesus he's fucking huge yeah so now he's it doesn't matter if he's making money or making a difference even if he's famous for being a pariah he's like it's working but I remember like we all thought it was like harmless and stupid yeah like oh there's the guy with the rainbow and he holds up the shit he's the crazy religious guy but he seemed like just a guy was holding up a sign yeah well
Starting point is 00:33:04 turns out there's a little bit of darkness things are not right with rainbow man his wife said his moves were constantly up and down just like a rainbow in 1990 Margaret had enough and she filed for divorce I can't believe it she doesn't want to be Mrs. Rainbow Man and you go wait I was a teacher living in a shitty car just going to sporting events now I piss in cups in a van and go to watch teams that I don't care about not so good I'm gonna call my mom real quick rainbow man she and she he was like calling rainbow man when I fuck you yeah look at the way look at the way look at the way I am he can't
Starting point is 00:34:04 turn session like coming on the way oh why do you want who will you sign a reconcilable differences well he was just always fucking the way while staring in the eyes his car was totally by a drunk driver his money ran down and he wound up he wound up homeless in LA finally so he's he's hit the stardom yep but the stardom was all based on donations and residuals have dried up and money so that's all gone yeah so now he can't fund his lifestyle which let's face it is a lavish he became increasingly convinced that the end was near and decided to create a radically different media character I mean
Starting point is 00:34:55 can we just savor this moment well it's like in Batman when two face gets burned okay okay do you know yeah yeah so that's this moment now he just do face just got burned this is where a normal man changes I'm gonna call him normal yeah I'm excited but he set off four stick bomb attacks in Orange County California is already great at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove at a Christian bookstore also in Garden Grove at the Trinity Broadcasting Studios and at the offices of the Orange County Register newspaper so in May of 1991 an arrest warrant was issued for Rainbow Man I mean I can only assume I got I hope
Starting point is 00:35:46 he did it in the way I mean come on okay wait so now he's setting off things so he's just setting up stink bomb well he's changed characters I'm evil now he's got like a grayish rainbow wig yeah like a slashed hair okay the cops have to be I mean because they have to call it rainbow so the cops are seriously going like we've got a track down rainbow this better be about Rainbow Man it is we got a lead on him son of a bitch he's moving this Batman getting involved yeah at the 91 Masters golf tournament Rainbow Man was detained by authorities after he allegedly set off a remote-controlled air horn a loud buzzer and several colorful smoke bombs
Starting point is 00:36:48 so so now his his thing is now for whatever reason now he disrupts the sports right well he's changed tax because it wasn't working yeah okay but it's still for religion he's still trying to spread word he's like now he's like turned into like a one-man annoyance festival the at the at that event they did not they did not they did they did not press charges the the Masters people were like yeah well I think they just didn't want to press that makes sense does that make sense I mean I would be like yeah just get on the fuck out of here because if they press charges yeah it's a whole thing it's like showing a
Starting point is 00:38:00 streaker on TV yeah yeah yeah Rainbow Man was arrested a lot like showing a straight run rainbow man was arrested versus serving the public at the American Music Awards in LA after he tried to toss skunk sacks into the audience now I assume that that's maybe an actual like can you buy actual skunk sacks I would think that that's what it is I bet it's like or or did he trap a bunch of skunks not my ring and rip their sacks out and then throw them in an audience I don't think he did that okay but he's homeless where's he getting the money I think he trapped skunks and take out their took out their parts procedure
Starting point is 00:38:42 has to be a nightmare you just see him up in the hill with his wig cut open a skunk and it's good that's like the biggest threat to skunks right now is the rainbow man okay guys keep your eyes out for rainbow man coyotes and rainbow man he's ripping up the stick sacks but if you do that you gotta get sprayed a shitload yeah but he didn't care like yummy shower he was like you smell that that's the smell of Jesus Jesus made you smell funny rainbow man said he wanted to show the world that God thinks this stinks so that's why he's setting off God is so literal yeah God really is I never knew him to be that way well God
Starting point is 00:39:34 also says this is poopy stuff yeah that's all show about big God saying yeah well it's like 314 the book at the same time he sent out apocalyptic letters that included a hit list of preachers Jesus citing the letters the anti-Christ so he's really changed sides that's a full transformation what it'd be great to just see him in a blacker it a black like slash wig with like he puts like makeup clown tears rolling down his face this stakes okay so then came like a regular signature oh it said had to meant some kind of crazy signatures in a way he just signed it the other Christ yeah he had to have done it in some crazy way
Starting point is 00:41:10 September 22nd 1992 rainbow man believed the rapture was only six days away I don't like the headspace that's gonna put rain it's coming it's coming to a head we have less than a week it's 12 sporting events away but he's not going to sporting events anymore he's taking on a new tag the anti-Christ essentially a villain yes in a world without Batman yeah first he watched TV for 18 hours straight it's a good way to spend and when you know there's six days left I always say catch a good marathon he's like okay let's do like a clockwork orange and that all and then I'm gonna go hit up the hit up the world like so he
Starting point is 00:41:54 sat there right just gear himself up and then posing the contractor he picked up two day labors in downtown LA oh no Jesus those poor guys are probably cool some work no this is so different from work he was by doing contractor talk to hey you guys got five of us I'm looking I got a gym maybe we can connect us for the day done and he jumped in airport hotel now the day laborers he took them he took them up to a room now I I just can only imagine what was going on in their head in the elevator they're like do they've got to be thinking what in the fuck is happening it's like in the girl with the dragon tattoo like you you even
Starting point is 00:42:49 if there's maybe death there you still are like I don't want to be rude right yeah you dumb you're still thinking why do you need 50 bucks today cuz I don't think this guy has a yard on the 18th floor the rat I mean what are we gonna do go in there and build a dress yeah I don't know what's happening right now he wants us to take care of the room plant I don't know uh he walks into the he walks in the room and there's a hotel maid in the room and in the confusion that follows oh no rainbow man pulls a gut oh Jesus the two-day laborers who you knew had already envisioned this being a
Starting point is 00:43:38 possibility this was definitely I didn't bolt out the fucking door yeah they sure they just aren't they're like fuck this shit and one of Pedro's like I told you 20 bucks so the maid locks herself in the bathroom no rainbow man then decided to like two small fires to attract attention to himself so he lit a couple of fires in the room his name should be to attract attention to it's all a tiny like I should like some fires then people look rainbow man please I'll kill this man then people listen the police were called and swat surrounded the hotel the bomb squad came meanwhile rainbow man I remember the pictures of
Starting point is 00:44:38 him being in a wig looking out the window like it like the clown had gone crazy and there were like pictures of him looking out the window and you can find so many news reports online of like anchors looking at the camera going in today rainbow man so he started posting biblical place cards and this hotel window so like the hotel in was like John 316 like it's just all plastered with all these crazy signs he doesn't and I guess lost on him is the fact that now why would anyone listen to a guy but anybody can look up there and go what does that mean huh and then they're in yeah and then they're fucking in right
Starting point is 00:45:34 yeah eyes on the price one was an apocalyptic apocalyptic verse from the New Testament referring to the passage the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with the fervor heat now the cops have got to be down below going okay so I don't think we can talk to this guy game just took turns I don't know if you've looked that one up so he's posting shit from revelation so should we just shoot it in revelation stuff so push we just drop a bomb and fuck the mate so rainbow man then through a smoke bomb at police which part it's just it's just smart like it's just a smoke bomb yeah
Starting point is 00:46:22 like I had smoked yeah they just smell and they smoke a little bit honestly like if you're gonna do that you know how to cop so cops will be like shoot him it's a bomb like you shouldn't be fucking dancing around with this shit Charles R. Taylor the Baptist Minner the Baptist minister from the show today in Bible prophecy oh the one who inspired yes who then got to know him over the years that's horrible news for him came down to try to persuade rainbow man to surrender and we'll call the greatest conversation I realize the days are numbered but this is not the answer why talking like Bill Cosby you mentioned
Starting point is 00:47:17 him getting that call me just by told everything I'm sorry can you set up one more time just be clear rainbow man's little fire at the hotel and he has a gun you need to come down there and try to help okay all right let me just kiss my wife goodbye rainbow man's demands were simple he wanted a three-hour press press conference on all the broadcasting stations to make his last splash so obviously that's easy yeah the networks are like sure three hours absolutely oh yeah you know what we care about hotel mates yep yeah that's not a lot of those ABC's response go fuck yourself yeah yeah at 545 p.m. so this
Starting point is 00:48:00 has been now going on like eight eight or nine hours sure it's it's it's a long fucking day yeah a rainbow man he's threatened to kill the hostage man has threatened to kill the hostage yeah he says he's gonna kill the hostage and he says he's gonna start shooting at jet-liners as they pass because they go right over the hotel right so they're like okay so we just got a fucking we got to go in this time so SWAT uses flashbang grenades and storms the room he was like smoke bombs cool where'd you get him he was subdued and removed the hostage was locked in the bathroom the whole time in the room police found a
Starting point is 00:48:44 loaded 45 automatic handgun to four ammunition clips 47 live rounds of ammunition various incendiary devices three days of food bibles religious tracks and poetry and a blue-red yellow-green-purple-pant after a week so they like averted what could have been just like a crazy yeah shooting spray yeah he could have he could have gone batfoot like he if he had gotten the day laborers and they were not in locked in the bathroom I think he was gonna kill them but for Jesus okay so a few hours after the incident the police were driving Rambo man away so they got him and then they it's so funny back in that
Starting point is 00:49:38 day like they just threw him in a car with the windows down and they started to drive away so all the reporters are like it's like out of a fucking movie yeah running up and he shouted to get the word out for Jesus Christ and then smile I hope he was still wearing the wig he wasn't he's just a bald guy at that point Rambo man explained that he did it because no the member of the rainbow the it's up in the room yeah he didn't have to exactly maybe he's got back up weeks I bet it is house is just going to me laying it's like honestly it's like when Batman opens his closet yeah he jumps on a pole and slides
Starting point is 00:50:21 down to just the rainbow wig room it's just all fur and loincloth his brother's a day laborer who wants to go is Alfred senior I go today Rambo man explained that he did it because Armageddon was near and he wanted to alert the media Taylor the Baptist minister said he met well but he took the wrong approach I mean that's that's pretty right on I think that's yeah that's fair fair fair state it's got to be amazing if your rainbow man is when you're in jail and it's seven days later and they're like fuck oh wait he went to trial oh boy rainbow man was tried to eight felony
Starting point is 00:51:12 counts three of those were for hostage-taking before the trial he was offered a plea deal of 12 years but he refused because he thought he could get the message out during the trial oh my god this is not bozo the clown the LA district attorney said he is a very sick and dangerous man could you imagine saying that as a officer of the court like standing up and saying this is not bozo the clown I first thing we got to do bad cloud very bad cloud again do not hire this one for parties now miss I see you smiling in him like you see don't do that he's a very bad clown he almost murdered a man July 13th
Starting point is 00:52:10 1993 he was found guilty on all eight counts and sentenced to life in prison hmm 12 years might have been a good idea he now feels like he should have taken the deal oh yeah yeah that makes sense the LA Times discovered rainbow man had contemplated killing president Bush and took steps toward assassinating then presidential candidate Bill Clinton according to district attorney David Khan Roland purchased a 45 the 45 caliber handgun at the same time of Clinton's visit to LA he went to the Bonaventure where Clinton was staying with plans to shoot him but not carried did not carry it out because of heavy
Starting point is 00:52:51 security so he got there he's like oh man they're actually they actually guard they're not fucking around they guard that they guard that it's almost like it's almost like some sort of presidential candidate has been shot in a hotel in LA they're really hard to murder this guy maybe if I just put on my rainbow we're gonna be softer on through he's now in full some prison for life he spends his time writing letters to religious groups and media outlets about the rapture he is sorry he did it rainbow man is sorry he did it at the wrong time oh he thinks he should have waited right he jumped the gun yeah jump the fucking gun yeah a lot
Starting point is 00:53:39 it turns out yeah he thinks his story is a magnificent story yes because he found Jesus yeah that's a great so if you if you really look at the everything that happened at the end there's a man filled with light and they deal right they deal someone was saved this guy's found Christ that's right that's all that matters doesn't matter I mean he just look he was excited yep he had he was excited to spread the message when did we start punishing enthusiasm when they weren't gonna murder the president but aside from that could you imagine if a guy had a rainbow wig if a guy had a rainbow wing shot the president rainbow
Starting point is 00:54:18 man if rainbow man shot the president that'd be amazing and be horrible but like how would you the New York Post would just be like that's a leprechaun that's the thing the rainbow no that's true presidents under the rainbow now rainbow man murdered the president oh it could have been I mean it it could have been because once he's he just saw secure he's like oh they actually protect this guy oh it's not just him I thought he just beating waffles alone in the corner he's got a bunch of guys around him huh that's how this work okay good god I'm gonna crack a book next time I can't
Starting point is 00:55:07 believe you've never heard a rainbow man I'm so glad I have I mean living the life of watching it all transpired just and just and just like that was when I was starting out as a comedian just remembering like oh my god rainbow man did what again a movie I can't believe it's never been turned into a movie I should be like a at least a TV movie well someone did the documentary but that's it which no they should be fine anywhere I try to find it I couldn't find it that's probably good it's not be good it couldn't be bad you'd have to be interested even watching like the daredevil shit from last week like you
Starting point is 00:55:44 know if there's a lot of like parts that aren't that exciting but yeah it's just in general you're just like what the fuck what a weird time yeah show him to me oh so excited oh whoa oh shit so you still got the big facial hair wow where those mutton chops like what the fuck are those I don't know chops they're like out of control mutton chops wow he is out of his debt yes I was fucking mind he's that I was fucking out this guy's behind that sucker hats on yeah this guy behind my Jesus first wow I'm glad I got to see him that's really yeah I'll put that up online that's really weird one man's journey another man's dollop
Starting point is 00:56:33 Christ saves yeah that's what we learned here today well it's like yeah Christ saves dot dot dot not maids not what maids you know what I'm stickling I'm a stickler on the main thing sure it's okay to kill maids yep for for God well for Christ yep Christ did not like maids yeah and he thinks the Knicks is like the Greek Coliseum so he gets it yeah he has a the right perspective I'm gonna write him a letter oh we should write a letter it's right a letter I wonder if we'll get to him I bet it would dear may I call you rainbow dear a moment signed anti-Christ oh fuck all right all right well man sign off right mobile

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