The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 183 - The Norco Shootout

Episode Date: June 20, 2016

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine the 1980 Norco bank robbery and shootout. SOURCESTOUR DATES REDBUBBLE MERCH...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. You are listening to the dollop. This is a bi-weekly American History podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Each week I read a story from American history to my friend. Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the topic is gonna be about. I like this premise. This is a winning this is a winning premise. I like where this is I like I like what I'm hearing. I'm still here aren't I? God do you want to look who to do? I'll do one bottle. People say this is funny. Not Gary Gareth. Dave okay. Someone or something is tickling people. Is it for fun? And this is not gonna come to tickling podcasts. Okay. You are queen fakie of made-up town. All hail Queen Shit of Liesville. A bunch of religious
Starting point is 00:01:21 virgins go to mingle and do what? We like to laugh. Hello. This this podcast is brought to you by our Patreon subscribers. I want to thank each and every one of you for subscribing. It is awesome. It makes my 1,700 hours a week that I spend working on this 1,700. Sounds like you're working on this podcast. Slating those. Very helpful. In between I'm writing this sequel to the Martian. Wait. Yep. The Jupiterian. What is it? What's the plot? Guy gets stuck on Jupiter and everyone leaves him. And then what? He just like drives around. Uses his poop to make potatoes. Yeah. Okay. Well
Starting point is 00:02:20 that is very... I don't know if that's a sequel. It's a sequel. I don't know if that's a sequel. The Starg Ben Affleck. This is not a sequel. I think you're competing directly against the Martian. No. It's the sequel. Okay. Have you talked to anybody associated with the Martian? Don't need to. Don't need to. No you do. You absolutely do. I don't think so. That's not how sequels work. It is now. Okay. Good luck with that. One day in March. 1980. My favorite one yet. One day. San Bernardino. 1980. 1980. Okay. San Bernardino deputy Jim Evans a Vietnam veteran and father of a three-month-old baby told his wife something
Starting point is 00:03:04 big is gonna go down and we're not gonna be ready for it. We're gonna lose a lot of men here. The county's growing. We need to have two men in a car not one man in units. We need to be better equipped. Wait. Where was he? San Bernardino. And he's a cop. Okay. Already already not grasping the details. Yeah. He's a cop and he said that he's got a he's a Vietnam veteran. He's got a baby and he said and he's a guy right. He's a human who talks. Hi there. I do a podcast with Jimmy not listening. Hey. So he's a guy. Yeah. He talks. Hey Jimmy you listening. Okay. May 6 1980. Mira Loma, California. 10 314 50th Street. Anna Grimley was in her
Starting point is 00:03:51 backyard hanging her laundry to dry as she often did. When she noticed her neighbors were hanging barbed wire across the top of their 15 foot high greenhouse. Everybody has ways to dry their clothes. It's a bar bar line. She tried to joke with them. You must be you must have a goldmine over there and they just smiled and said nothing. Fuck you. Fuck you lady. How about this? How about you go fuck yourself. Excuse me. The other neighbors started to think the two men who live there were planning something. A row of carpet nails was also tacked along the wooden fence surrounding the house which meant that
Starting point is 00:04:24 anyone who tried to grip the fence and climb over would have their hands cut. I don't think they're putting carpet up there at all. I think they're just putting the nails up there. No they're gonna put carpet. No Henry. It's been three days. It's fence to fence carpeting. I've seen it. Why are they gonna carpet their fence though? It's fence to fence carpeting. It's the 80s. You know better. You know best. The two men who lived in the house were Christopher Gregory Harvin 29 years old and Gregory Wayne Smith 27 years old. Okay. What Anna couldn't see inside was an underground room about six feet high
Starting point is 00:04:59 ten foot long and eight foot wide. The room had been dug by the two men using a pulley with a pail attached to scoop out the dirt. Okay. The two men had moved in one year before and didn't associate with any of the neighbors. Well yeah they lived above the ground. You're mole people. That's right. They were very quiet these two. Anna's husband quote. They were weird. Real weirdos. Anything to add to that? No. That's my favorite guy. Okay. Any quote that's ever been on. They were weird. Real weirdos. Now I got nothing left to say. That's it. I'm out. All right. This wasn't the type of place where the area wasn't the time and place
Starting point is 00:05:46 where gunshots were out of the out of the ordinary. Okay. Anna quote. You hear a lot of gunshots around here on account of the butchering of animals you know. So you wouldn't know if there are any gunshots next door. What. Yeah. I'm married to Jimmy not listening. I'm Anna just don't get it. Oh honey. People butchering animals again. I don't know. Those sounded like they were coming from next door. No. Someone shot a pig. Also I really don't know if they're gonna carpet that fence. They're gonna do it. Both men had served in the military. Smith had served in the artillery division of the army and had been honorably
Starting point is 00:06:31 discharged. Harvin had been dishonorably discharged after three months of training. Interesting. They had moved into the house together about a year before they started putting up barbed wire. Okay. Well you want to get to know your room before you're throwing the barbed wire. Thank you. It's a hard conversation. Yeah. Yeah definitely. So there's something I have to show you. What's up. I really like barbed wire. Oh my god. I know. No. No. I've been. No. I've been. No. I almost didn't say anything. Let's put carpet on the fence. Yeah. No. No. No. Yes. No. Yes. I swear to God. I love you. I love you. Not in that way. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:07:15 I'm just saying. I like to get a barbed wire carpet. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. No. No. No. No. No. Yeah. You're my barbed wire bro. Yeah. B. B. W. B's. Yeah bro. My barbed wire bro. Love you so much man. They had both men had recently lost their jobs as maintenance men. Separate jobs. They were different janitors who had been let go from different janitors. You're not going to believe this. This is you know. Me too. You too. Yeah. You also couldn't clean shit well. Yeah. Fucking what. I hate mops. What do you like barbed wire. Don't. I'm not kidding around. Dude you know I love it. Barbed wire bro. Dude you're my B. W. B. He's my B. W. B.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Harvon also recently separated from his wife. And they were self. I can't imagine why your wife ditched you. You're not a work janitor who loves barbed wire. Come on. I talk about a catch. Both that fish. They were both that fish. Yeah. Get them on board when you got a winner net it. Yep. They were self-professed gun nuts and anarchists. The description that would fit them best is rednecks. Hmm. Familiar. They hated the police and would talk about overthrowing the government and going back to the principles set forth in the Constitution. Oh boy. Sounds very familiar. It's great when those people used to be fringe lunatics. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Instead of power. The greenhouse which now had barbed wire on
Starting point is 00:08:52 it was also wrapped in plastic. Inside they had 300 marijuana plants. Oh nice. All right. Now I like these rednecks. Okay. Smith and Harvon have built a tunnel between the shed and the garage next to the house through which they would escape if the cops came. Wow. Okay. And in the garage they were collecting a lot of equipment. Okay. They had a cache of weapons. A number of semi-automatic rifles which were modified to make them fully automatic. Jeez. They had thousands of rounds of ammunition including hollow point bullets. And there was an anarchist. So they're just like lethal weapon bad guys. Yeah. Right. Basically. And there was an anarchist cookbook which is a manual that shows you how to make certain types
Starting point is 00:09:35 of explosives using household items. I thought it was like the right pie for overthrowing the government. That's what I always thought it was too. Razzleberry. And they read it and they built many improvised pipe bombs. Okay. These were made by filling. It comes to it's yes anding when you're building those two. Always. Yes. And nails. Yes. And BBs. Yes. And fingernails. These were made by filling PVC pipe with gunpowder and surrounding it with a beer can full of broken glass bullets and concrete nails. Where would guys of this culture get a beer can? It is hard to. Yeah. It is hard to think about. Surely the neighbors recycling. The beer can was then wrapped with masking tape and a fuse was attached. Many
Starting point is 00:10:30 of the pipe bombs had a 19 inch piece of wood doweling attached which could be inserted into a modified shotgun in order to launch the pipe bomb up to a hundred yards like a mortar. Jeez. Whoa. That is good Lord. Just bros doing their thing. Van Helsing Red Neckary right there. Have you never been out in the country? I just, you know, it just goes to show you if someone wants it bad enough they'll figure it out. I mean, my God. Putting wooden stakes in guns. Hey, I made a mortar. I figure we can shoot this explosive beer can atom with a piece of wood inside of the gun. I was thinking about grilling fish. Me too. Yeah. Same. Okay. Fish sounds good. I'm not going to talk out loud too much more. Okay. Which kind of fish
Starting point is 00:11:21 did you want to get? The kind that has a policeman's heart. Okay. Huh? Sorry. Wait, what did you ask? A salmon. Whatever has the most amegas. Other, other the pipe bombs they would simply just throw. Sure. Some bombs when your arm gets tuckered out from overthrowing the government. Some bombs were just filled with gasoline to act as incendiary devices, you know, so I'm off cocktail 87 not 89. Get the cheap. Yeah. No, do not do not over. That's budgetary. That is budgetary conservatism right there. It all burns the same. That's right. That's right. That's right. They were prepared. You ever like to rub barbed wire on your back or your front? Yeah. Oh, yeah. You ever put wig on a barbed wire? Yes, I may have made
Starting point is 00:12:07 a woman out of barbed wire. That's what you know when I told you accidentally bit a bottle in my mouth. That's why my tongue was so cut up. Yep. It's because I was making out with the fence again. Okay, I'm going to show you my wiener. Man, I've been waiting for this moment. It does not look good. Look what I've done. Oh boy. Whoa. Don't fuck the barbed wire. Looks like someone's sucking up a mouthful of spaghetti. Yeah. Man, we're going to get the government for this. Yeah, I should say we are you and your tentacle cock told tentacle. Squidward. They were prepared to quote go to war with the police if it came to that. Because on May 9th. Oh, this is this is all because a defense because of the marijuana.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Nope. No, it is a separate passion. They have two passions growing a lot of weed in their side in their mystery magic shed. And then they also that's a side side. We're getting into their main business. Okay, now we're getting into the main job. Because on May 9th, they were planning to rob the security Pacific Bank in Norco, California. Okay. Norco is short for North Corona. Sure. It was a semi rural residential town in Riverside County, about 50 miles or 800 or sorry, 80 kilometers east of the city of Los Angeles. It's a bit more built up now. But back then it was more rural. The men plan to use the money from the bank robbery to buy a piece of land where the government couldn't tell them what to
Starting point is 00:13:31 do. Yeah. So that would be another country. Yes. Succession. Full on secession. Welcome to Birland. I'm going to buy land in America so America can't tell me what to do. Take that America. Okay, well, there's no zoning for that here. What zoning? Oh, boy, here we go. Now we got to blow up the zone in place. Boys, they had come with the plan just a week and a half before. So this is a new plan. The bank robbery. It's brand new. I would say this. Yeah, I think the key to a good bank robbery is catching your enthusiasm at its peak, not the planning. I hear you. You just want to go in there when you're hot about the idea. The last thing you want to do is go in there when you're kind of like, we've
Starting point is 00:14:18 got the T on the plan because we've run through this so many times. It's not even fun anymore. That's right. It's getting a little boring. Yeah, we're going to go. I know. Then if there's die, then we do this. They prepared. They read up on military tactics, bought walkie talkies and Smith drew maps. Their preparation sounds like what a kid pretending. It's a little half-ass. I got the walkie talkies and I drew up plans. I drew a map. This one goes, look, that's the top is where the sear of the mountain. This is a maze from Long John Silver's. I know, but I'm fixing it. Yeah. I think it's pretty much the same. They trained with their weapons in Lytle Creek in the San Bernardino National Forest and
Starting point is 00:15:00 they brought in others. Harvard's younger brother, Russell, who was 27 and currently lived with his parents was on board. As were two brothers, Manny and Belisario Delgado, who were 21 and 17 years old. Wow. You're 17. You're robbing a bank. I mean, God bless you. That's kind of, I think if you're going to rob a bank, you should do it around 13 or 14 because you get punished so much less. Once you're 18, you got to really think of life. Life is prison. Life is yeah. On May 9th, 1980, Deputy Jim Evans stopped by his home as his wife, Mary, was about to take the baby to the sitters and go to work. Mary said, quote, while I was getting ready for work, he gently held James on his knee, leaned
Starting point is 00:15:43 over, kissed his cheek and looked at me. He said, you know, some men never get to see their sons grow up. Dave. What? I don't like him saying that one. Later that day, Smith and Harvard went to a gas main at a building site in Norco. There they set an explosive device on the main. This was to go off later to be a distraction, which of all went according to plan would attract the police and fire department while they were robbing the bank. At around the same time as Smith and Harvard planted the bomb, the other three men dressed in camouflage, military jackets and ski masks and carrying automatic weapons entered the Sears car park at the Brea Mall. You guys validate. Sorry. Wait, we should have done
Starting point is 00:16:30 this prior. You know, we can get some Huffy bicycles. Yeah. The men do dude, dude, dude. Extra dryer combo for 450. We got to come back here when we're not when we're not doing this. We come back. I get this. Can you hold that because we got a thing to do. Don't give her your name, dude. We're going to go to the security bank and then we'll be back. We'll come back. We'll come back when we're out of our own country. Do you take money would die on it? Do you guys take money from our country? American money. It's called dialers because they're died dollars hundreds. The men jumped out in front of a Dodge tradesman van that belonged to Gary Heraldo. They gagged and blindfolded Heraldo and shoved him in
Starting point is 00:17:14 the back of the van. Then they loaded the van with weapons and bombs. I wish I didn't come to Sears today. Bad day to get a polyester suit. All five men then met up in Norco and got into the van and packed it with everything. Can you guys just take the van and leave me? That would be getaway car number one. They had left two other escape vehicles parked nearby, which they planned to switch to after robbing the bank. That's not a bad plan. They watched Starsky and Hutch. Liking it. Those two vehicles were also full of weapons. You got to pack for every suitcase you're taking. I'm an analogy doctor. They then drove to the security Pacific Bank on 4th and Hamner. At 3.40 p.m. on Friday, the 9th of May, 1980, just before the bank
Starting point is 00:18:05 closed, the dark green van pulled into the parking lot outside of the bank. But the plan was already not going as expected. The explosive on the gas main at the building site on the other side of Norco did not go off. A huge problem. An observant resident had noticed the burning fuse and reported it to the fire department. So no bomb going off for distraction. At that point, don't you go, hey, let's regroup another day. Do it tomorrow. Yeah, let's make sure we get our distraction. That was paramount in our planning. The first phase of our plan. This means that the police will be on their normal routes. But they decided to go ahead with the robbery anyway. Interesting call. Why not? You got all gussied up. The parking
Starting point is 00:18:50 lot of the security, security Pacific Bank was full of cars, people doing last minute Friday business, like before ATM. So they did both sorry. That's an amazing time to think of. Oh, God, terrifying. Go get money to get all the money I was going to buy by drugs for the weekend. Oh, sorry. It was to be the driver. He remained in the van with a walkie talkie to report if you heard or saw anything wearing camo jackets, ski masks and carrying semiotic weapons. The other four men ran across the parking lot and into security Pacific Bank. This was when another part of their amazing plan proved to have a flaw. Okay. Across the street at Redlands Federal Savings Bank, an employee watched the robbers
Starting point is 00:19:33 in their gear running across the parking lot and immediately called the police. I was just going to say, I mean, I feel like I guess I've never really thought about how you go in the bank, but I feel like you don't make a cross. No, you don't make it in the garb with the gun. You know, you feel a little more cash. You walk up. You don't wear camo. You walk. You don't wear camo. You also walk. What do you camouflage is to disguise yourself in the wild. Right. Nobody in a bank is going to be like, where did they go? No, that could happen. Where are they back? This happens all the time. Where the hell are they? They were here a minute ago. Never heard of bank camo. It's got like phones. You just got like a
Starting point is 00:20:09 vault wheel on your chest. Where is he? He was here a minute ago. No, you bring a duffel bag and then you change right in front of the bank. Yeah, the mask on you do that you pull out the gun. Yeah, they didn't do that. Okay, all right. I mean, bad start. Meanwhile, inside Security Pacific Bank, someone hit a silent alarm as the four entered. Unfortunately, the signal was sent to Corona Police Department, who then sent police to the Corona branch of the Security Pacific Bank. Okay, a break. That was five miles away from the bank that was actually being robbed. Okay. Thankfully, the Norco Police Department, or it's not the Norco Police Department, it's the San Bernardino Sheriff's Norco Division, you know, the guys
Starting point is 00:20:51 that are stationed there. Sure. So they've already sent sheriffs to the right bank due to the call from the witness across the street. Okay. So competing departments, not good when you're robbing a bank. In the bank, Manny Delgado jumped on the counter holding a 12 gig gauge shotgun. Russell Harvin guarded the door with an error 15. George Smith gave the commands while he held an HK 91 and Chris Harvin with an HK 93 forced the bank manager to open the vault. The manager gave him all the cash. Okay, $20,000. Is that enough to start your own country? Now, I assume that either they didn't know that this bank was a rural bank so it didn't have a lot of money, or they're robbing it on a day when a lot
Starting point is 00:21:37 of the money had been picked up. Again, these are homework questions. They are totally homework questions. That's why you don't do it in a week. Smith had. Sure, we've got $400 all in two dollar bills. What? What is he fucking? We'll take it. We'll take. Yeah, give us all of that. Smith, Smith had a count at the bank and had cased it, but obviously hadn't worked out that it didn't have much cash. So 25 year old Riverside County Deputy rookie, Glenn Bolaski was around the corner from the bank when he got the call of a 211 in progress. A 211 or a 211. He responded immediately without his siren on just his lights on. Interesting. Velisario Delgado saw him approaching and radio telling his fellow criminals to get
Starting point is 00:22:24 out of the bank. Hey, dummies. Hey, guys, it's on. As he drove, Deputy Bolaski heard popping sounds like glass bottles. At first, he thought it was a red was the red light bar in his car. He had taken the car to the garage superintendent in the morning to have it replaced because the solid red bar light was out. So he assumed that's what the noise was. The cop thought it was his. He's hearing pop, pop, pop. But why is he? Why is he going to the bank with a siren on because he knows about he turned he knows it was a robbery on, but he turned the siren on. OK. Am I crazy to think that that's a little to be like, what is all that shooting noise coming from my siren? Look, you don't when you're getting
Starting point is 00:23:06 shot at you don't ever expect to be shot at your cop on his way to a robbery. But it doesn't even matter your boy that he sounds like Steve Martin in the jerk with the cans. Well, first of all, this is this sirens really shooting. This is before before we have what we have now. These guys have fucking handguns and shotguns. They're they're not thinking they're going to get shot at by automatic weapons. OK, so your point is that automatic weapons is what's throwing him. Oh, totally. OK. OK. I buy that if he was if he saw a guy shooting with a handgun, he's going to be really close. Right. But he's a fucking couple hundred yards away. OK. And he's getting hit to him. That doesn't. So it's more the type of gun rather
Starting point is 00:23:45 than shooting in general. OK. All right. I can buy that. So I accept your apology. Yeah. What? In this case, what happened was Belisario had stepped out of the van and started shooting. OK. Belaski now ducked as his windshield was blown out. Now, does he get a pay bump? Because now he's a shooter too. Driver shooter. I think that's 50 extra bucks. Based on the planning, I don't think they probably went through pay bumps. OK. What's their union status? He's still in the union. OK, good. His windshield is blown out at this point, and now he is 20 to 30 yards away. Then he pulls into the bank parking lot and he finds himself pointed straight at the other four bank robbers who were just 15 feet away standing
Starting point is 00:24:31 in the parking lot with their weapons, and they started firing. Awkward. The noise was deafening as his windows were shattered by the air. The sirens going haywire. In case man, I'm going to have to pay for this. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Belaski quote for a quick second. I thought this isn't real. People with machine guns shooting at me. People with hooded ski mask wearing khaki green jackets firing at me. This can't be real. The men fired into his car and blast. He was hit in the left shoulder as well as taking fragments in the arm and face. Now he knew it was real. I started to think they're firing at me. I started to think there's a bullet in me that this is some things. At first, he thought about
Starting point is 00:25:13 driving his car into them, but he quickly realized that if he did that, he would only be able to take out one. His tires were then blown out by the guns. So Belaski dove under the dashboard, threw his car in reverse and drove it out into the street, ramming into a parked car on the opposite side of four street. His car spun around in perfect position to use as a shield against the bullets. Belaski said his brain was now in super drive. Whoa. Yeah. So you fucking went into cop mode. Yeah. Finally. Well, Belaski grabbed his shotgun and got out of the car. Shotgun. All right, guys. Here we go, fuckers. Okay. And crouched behind the front wheel of his car. Let me get this musket. Time. Time out. The gang
Starting point is 00:25:56 piled into their van through the back door. The van then drove out of the car park and as they did, they had to pass Belaski's car. At this point, there was no shooting. Belaski said it was definitely quiet. He felt like it was happening in slow motion. Oh, boy. He got up, stepped out and shot the only four rounds he had in his shotgun at the back of the van. One pellet hit the driver Belisario in the back of the head. Well, that's instantly paralyzing it. That's a big shot right there. Yeah, that's probably your best shot at this point that you can make. That's some shit. Kill the driver. Another pellet hit George Smith in the groin. Jesus. Okay. So one headshot, one dick shot. Jeez. Just like you teach
Starting point is 00:26:40 at the academy. Jeez. Belaski watched as the van weaved and then crashed into a chain link fence. Okay. No, two shots left. Yeah, it should be a show right now called Belaski. Listen, he's the one one guy's genetic history has ended and then another one's too. So we can't reproduce these robbers. He threw a shotgun away ran it because the only had four shells the only had four shells. Oh, okay. So he's okay. He didn't he didn't just go. Yeah. Yeah. And then spike it. Yeah, okay. Yeah. Daddy's on a hot streak. He threw the shotgun away ran and curled around the front tire with his revolver figuring the engine block could protect him. The four still alive robbers got out of the van, grabbed as many explosives
Starting point is 00:27:27 and guns as they could carry. Then standing for breast, they started firing their automatic weapons. Okay. Belaski radioed help me help me to live in progress. They've got automatic weapons. Get some backup quick. Seriously. He's been there for a while. No, he hasn't. No, this is all happening. It's so fucking fast. Other officers listening could hear the terror in his voice. Now you pranking us. Okay, so there's gonna be so many cops involved now. So if you get confused, just ask me. Okay. Okay. I was originally going to call him cop one and cop two and cop three. But then I thought that's totally unfair. Okay. Yeah, these guys actually went through some fucking crazy shit. Yeah. Sorry, my co
Starting point is 00:28:07 host can't remember stuff. So your memory dies with your memory dies with the news trades. This is another another part of Smith and Harvins plan showed itself to be not that great. Okay. Usually in narco, there were only two cop cars on duty. But this was change over time. So that meant there were actually three. I mean, not not I mean, they picked the worst time. Yeah, they couldn't have they couldn't have done this worse on every level. Everything went poorly. Everything was bad. Okay. Deputy Andy Delgado was one of them. He drove up on Hamner Avenue on the opposite side of the van as Balansky Delgado also only had a service revolver and a shotgun making him woefully overpowered by the automatic weapons. Meanwhile,
Starting point is 00:28:52 Balansky moved back to the front seat of his car to get more ammo for his revolver and was shot in the elbows of his right arm severing an artery. He was also hit in the face and both forums by shrapnel. Jeez. And they continue firing on his car as fire his car ended up having 47 bullet holes in it. So the car didn't make a car did not make it. So yeah, we'll talk about that later. Yeah. Then the third unit arrived at the scene driven by Deputy Chuck Hill. He turned on to the street and saw Balansky's car turned sideways and the rookie behind it taking fire. Quote, I heard two loud pops. My God, those are bullets hitting my car. I realized they were shooting at me. The dinosaur PD and training officers are
Starting point is 00:29:39 trained to take evasive action pull away and secure themselves. So that's what he did. He pulled behind a little building in a field to the side of the bank. As he did here, Balansky screaming on the radio, my God, my God, I'm shot. Please help me. The suspects are stranded their vehicles disabled on Haminer and forth a little help here. I need an ambulance. I'm bleeding bleeding badly. So he'll knew he had to get to Blansky right away. He left his car and ran across the dirt field figuring without his car, he would make less of a target. Interesting. That's fucking interesting. That's the fucking crazy balls at shit. That's pretty tough. I'm going without the car, fuckers. I can stop the bullets. They'll know I'm coming
Starting point is 00:30:20 that way. He just fucking ran across the field. Okay. As he did, they shot at him. Quote, they were shooting from the hip and lucky lucky for me, they were lousy shots. When he got to Blansky, the rookie was in shock. He was cold and covering the elbow wound with his other hand. He'll kneel down and Blansky told him his gun wasn't loaded. So he'll took the handgun and reload it for him, then put the gun back in his left hand. Like butch Cassidy and the Sundance fucking kid. Jesus. At this point, he'll had not seen the suspects. He just been shot out. He actually hadn't seen them. Right. He asked Blansky where they were and Blansky said they were moving around a lot. Good helpful. So he'll said we need
Starting point is 00:31:03 to get out of here. They're not going away. There was a big tree behind them and he'll figure the bullets couldn't get through the tree. So he asked Blansky if he could make it and Blansky said I think so. Oh my God. So they ran for it. Jesus. As they ran, he'll had his hand over Blansky's bleeding elbow. They ran for the tree and made it. Oh my God. I really want to see that. Yeah. Guy holding another guy's elbow. Yeah. They probably didn't chew down because they were like what's going on there? Is he holding his elbow? Are they playing elbow game? What is happening? Hey guys, we're not doing an elbow run. The gunman then turned all their attention on Deputy Delgado. Oh, cool. He was like, cool.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Good stuff. Hey, great guy. You guys are going to go. That gave him the chance to run back to his unit and as he ran, he said he thought it sounded like Vietnam. Now Blansky was alone behind the tree watching the four men fire at Deputy Delgado's car. Then some dude just walked up behind Blansky and said, Hey, what's going on? Whoa, sir, sir, sir. What's doing bro? Your elbow hurt? Hey man, why are you all bloody and stuff? These guys are shooting at us. These guys, they robbed a bank. They're shooting at us. What? You should get down. You want a coat? I got some, I got some. Get down, you idiot. You want some cola, bro? Cool. My elbow shut off. Blansky. You like sports? You like sports? My buddy has got
Starting point is 00:32:32 tickets to what was who's in town? Oh my God. I can't. No, it wasn't the gunfight. It was No. No, no, no. Hold on. It'll come to me. God, I'm bleeding out. No, that ain't it either. Who was they? Oh no, it's a concert. Yeah, my buddies, do you like the police? What? Do you like the police? I don't even think they're around yet. Huh? No, I'm talking about cops. Police in general. You ever heard of them? Yep. Yeah. What about the who? I don't like that. You know, I heard about a bank robbery going on around here. I was just wondering if you heard of anything. You're in it. You're in it. You're in it. Anyway, if you need concert tickets, we should exchange info. Thank you. We're a little busy over here. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I'm probably just going to go to the pet store, get some food or whatever. All right. Well, I should get moving. I'm so tired. I'm not sleeping good lately. It's just too hot. Why is this guy in every dollop? Why is there always a guy that does something weird in every dollop? There's a I'm reading that I told like someone was like, Hey, can I do a research this guy, Gareth? A Gareth did research. Oh, yeah. And I said, Yeah, they gave him a story like a month ago. And I'm reading and I'm like, wait, the guy came up and just said, Hey, what are you doing? Hey, so what else is up? We're in a gunfight. This tree is huge. Huge fucking tree, man. Think I could climb this? Oh my God. So Blansky, look at the idiot
Starting point is 00:34:24 and said, if you don't lay down now, you're a dead man. And then the guy just took off. Man, you got some attitude. What a dick. Jeez. Got cops and dicks. You're right. Dicks. I went to this cop and I was like, How you doing, man? He goes, Get out of here. You're going to die. I was like, Fuck, whatever. Whatever, dude. Take off. Lay the punk. Hill drove back serpentine style and swung the car around. The back door was already open and Blansky fell into the back seat. Hill said, quote, I'm going to floor this, get you around the corner and then we'll put your feet in and he'll hit the gas driving off with Blansky's legs dangling out of the car. I mean, if you're watching this, you're
Starting point is 00:35:03 like, What movie they made? Who is that? It's crazy movie. That is crazy. And sure enough, that's what he did. They got they got behind some cover and he pulled them in and then they jumped to chronic community hospital where the staff was waiting with a new elbow with a new elbow. Now the robbers were only barely threatened by Deputy Delgado's ineffective fire because he was so far away and he'd been hit. The four robbers grabbed a bunch of explosives and ammunition from their van. How much longer till the cabs here? They left $20,000 in cash. Okay, so a net nothing net nothing. They left 2000 rounds of ammunition and 15 homemade bombs. They also left Greg Geraldo. They overpacked. They totally overpacked. Yeah, okay. You
Starting point is 00:35:47 know what? Overpacked. Yeah, you got to know what your limits are. Yeah. Our eyes were bigger than our tummies. I wonder if they said to bite a Greg. Bye. Thanks for the van. The four bank robbers ran toward a yellow pickup truck that had stopped at a red light on the northbound land of Hamner. The driver seeing four guys running at him in ski masks and carrying automatic weapons. You guys hitting the slopes? Got the fuck out of his truck, leaving the engine running. There you go. And ran into a Carl's Jr. across the street. Can I get a junior western? Huh. Hey, I shall take a sourdough. Smith and Russell Harvin jumped in the back of the pick. What if he didn't even know there was a robbery? He just
Starting point is 00:36:36 wanted Carl's Jr. So anytime this guy sees a Carl's Jr. He gets out of his car. He runs to it. Whoa, baby. Robbery. What robbery? They just took your truck. I don't care. Do not care. Chicken tenders. How are those? I didn't know you guys carry those now. You guys do fish. So Smith and Russell Harvin jumped in the back of the pickup. Many Delgado and Chris Harvin got in the front. They took off northbound in the yellow truck. It was a 1969 truck. Not very fast, but very sturdy. Okay. They drove down the street right past Delgado's car and fired at him. Delgado just a quick FU. Yeah, Delgado couldn't load his revolver because he was wounded. They missed him as they drove past firing. And then Delgado
Starting point is 00:37:26 grabbed the radio and said that the gang had split up and taken hostages. I think they're moving to the country. One of them is a bad. The other one is a donkey. Delgado, are you all right? Yeah, yeah. I've gained a lot of blood. How many of you guys are birds? So he says that they have taken hostages and they've split up. None of which is true. Interesting intel. So now there's confusion about whether or not some of the suspects had remained near the bank and everyone thought there were hostages in the truck. One of them's a merman and the other one's cotton candy. They got bazookas. They got bazookas and they're driving a big hockey skate. Okay. Over and out. Oh, and it's a hot air balloon too. We're good. We're
Starting point is 00:38:18 good with reports Delgado. Thank you. And every time it moves, it shoots taffy. Okay. Thank you, Officer Delgado. You'll know it's the one because it's playing the entertainer on a loop. Okay, we will talk to you later. Radio silence. Thank you. All right. Good luck. They're all chipmunks now. They just changed. Okay. Okay. There's 450 of them. All right. Thank you. All right. I'm made of wire. Let's keep the radio quiet. Call me Dr. Billiards. Okay. Billiards ambulance will be there in a minute. Ah, Jacques Cousteau is my best friend. Okay. Can I? IP catch up. Hey, why don't you head over to Carl's Jr. Well, say no more chicken tenders. The total amount of time since the shooting began was
Starting point is 00:38:59 no. Come on. Yes. I mean, I because I know it's not long, I guess I'll say 20 minutes for what? That's how fast this shit happens. Four minutes. Four minutes. I mean, that's a commercial break. Wow. Four minutes. Yeah, she's that flew by. Man, when you get shot out, it really goes quick. Whoo. So now cops from all over are pouring into the area. Crona and Riverside sheriffs, Riverside PD and the Highway Patrol shit was odd. The row robbers drove the truck northbound on Hamner heading out of Narco as they did. They ran two red lights and hit two cars. Well, at that point. Yeah, I mean, what the fuck? Yeah, they drove toward a deputy read who was driving in the opposite direction and unloaded on his car,
Starting point is 00:40:01 putting a bullet in his knee. They drove past their two getaway cars, which they had planned to switch to and make their escape. They were an AMC ambassador and a Chevy Camaro. See the Camaro would have been fucking sweet. No time, though. And those cars was an H and H Magnum rifle, which is also known as an elephant gun. There was also extra ammo and camping equipment. OK, so they had plans. Sure. They go camping after. Yeah, well, I mean, you know, you want to roast some marshmallows after declaring war. Some greeners around the fire. Yeah, for sure. And hot dogs and hot dogs, but they could not stop and make the switch because of all the cops after them. Yeah. So the plans totally not happening.
Starting point is 00:40:38 That is the plan happened at all. No. Yeah. The gang then continued to drive north and then turn east where they came across Deputy Borden in front of a dairy farm. Smith and Russell Harvin fired from the bed of the pickup, missing Borden completely, but forcing him off the road. He crashed into the dairy farm. OK. I mean, now it's like. Now we're just kind of hitting our montage stuff. But they were now on residential streets of Mira Loma where their home was. Uh huh. The pickup next came across Deputy Rolf Parks, who had pulled up onto the shoulder with the right side of his car up against a horsecrawl. Park said the driver was looking right at him and driving onto the shoulder. Park stayed in his car
Starting point is 00:41:23 and made himself as small as he could. Presto Schrinco. Quote, they drove by and started shooting the crap out of my car. Four guys were shooting at me. Bullets were striking metal, breaking glass, glass flying all over. He thought he was going to be killed. One bullet ricocheted and grazed his head. He also later realized that a piece of glass had stuck in his right eye. Oh, later. You got to be on some adrenaline if you later realize glasses in your eye. What's that? Oh, it's a big thing of glass. What about your eye? Oh, I hadn't even noticed. Oh, look, that's huge. But he wasn't about to stop after they passed. Parks turned his car around and went in pursuit. This is I mean, that's just they
Starting point is 00:42:07 are badass. They started shooting at him again. He said the bullets hitting the ground sounded like the crack of a bullwhip. He also used the radio to tell other cops a piece of information no one had heard yet. The criminals were using high powered weapons. Right. Okay. Yes. As the suspects turned north, they found Deputy Herman Brown driving right at them on the opposite side of the road. The two vehicles met in front of a busy supermarket. And as was their thing, they fired on Brown right behind them. Parks watched as they shot up the car glass exploding everywhere and then drove off. Parks was sure Brown would be dead. But when he pulled up, Brown had only been shot on the leg. Oh, they really were not good shots. They shot
Starting point is 00:42:46 a people in the leg though. They're good leg shooters. They're great at legs. Yeah, appendages. They're killing the fucking fuck up an appendage. Second. Yeah, the elbow killers. I mean, look, I don't think I've never shot an automatic weapon, but I assume they're hard to aim. Sure. But you would also assume that if you were robbing a bank and you had all these weapons, you'd probably be you know, it's quality, not quantity. Well, they took him up to Lytle Canyon and they did a lot of creek and they tried. They tested them out. They did training. Yeah, no. I mean, shooting into a creek is a lot like a high stakes bank robbery. The same. Yeah, very much the same. So parks kept going as he did a bullet hit his windshield
Starting point is 00:43:28 dead center. They continue north and now Riverside Riverside PD helicopter joined the chase above them. Okay. So at this point, if you're in the truck, you're like, well, things aren't good. Now, this is pre like they didn't have the technology to have a helicopter flying above watching a chase. Okay, this is pre that. So what is the helicopter? It's just a Riverside PD helicopter. But it's not how's it going on the ground, guys? There's no news helicopters. There's no I see what you're saying. Right, right. Okay. At an intersection to Riverside PD officers, Wayne McDaniels and David Madden moved to intercept the truck and the guys in the truck opened fire. McDaniel was shot in the shoulder
Starting point is 00:44:10 in a hail of bullets and Madden was not shot. So he continued the chase. All the radio calls from the cars out on the street, we're now creating chaos. There was so much gunfire. And so many offers officers getting shot that it was hard to make sense of what the fuck was going on. I'm sure. Yeah, it had been four and a half minutes. I've been shot. I've been shot. No, I've been shot. Anyone dead? No, nobody's dead. Well, but we all think I'm dead. No, no, no, you're talking to me. No, no, no, where we've all been. How many people have been shot in the legs? I'm a hammer. Thank you, Deputy Delgado. I just want to let everyone know I'm Zeus's I'm Zeus's best friend. If someone could come over here and
Starting point is 00:44:50 help me, I'm opening a pizza store. I need all the help I can get a lot of sauce here on the floor. And everyone say hello to my wife, a basketball. This is when the gang started my son's an alligator launching homemade pipe bombs. Oh, fun. I'll take it up a notch. You may as well. At this point, Parks and Madden slowed down their cars to keep some distance between them and the pickup. Okay. It wasn't just because of the bombs, but also the automatic weapons. Madden radio. Always a good sense. Madden radio. We're gonna have to lay back because of the amount of rounds they're firing at us. CHP cars then joined the chase as they did. Parks looked at his engine dials and saw they were all dead. The
Starting point is 00:45:33 front end of the card sank. The car was toast killed by rifle fire, but Parks wasn't done and he grabbed his shotgun. A deputy Frank Chisholm picked him up and they continued the chase. That's awesome. I fucking love that. Need a lift? Yeah, baby. Let's go. As they did, they came across what Parks would describe as quote a graveyard of police cars. Four lined up in a row all shot to hell. There were two police cars, two CHP cars and a bunch of civilian cars. An officer Reynard had been shot in the elbow. Another officer had a bullet whizzed by his head. More elbow shots. Elbows, arms. They don't like bendy parts. Did they maybe just think that people bled out through elbows more than they do? That's what they
Starting point is 00:46:15 were trained. They were trained to. Some great elbow shots, gentlemen. These guys wouldn't have made it out of here alive. That guy's gonna be able to hit a jump shot again. You guys nicely avoided the hearts. Part of our goal. The truck was driving north and then turned onto East 50th Street. They were on the street that Smith and Harven lived on. In a few seconds, they drove past their own house. A neighbor watched them drive by. Hey, Trent. Quote shooting with policemen on their tails. It was quite a big deal. Yeah. Okay. Said the man who doesn't know how to state the truth. It was really quite a scene. It was something I'll tell you right here. Definitely the most exciting thing I've seen
Starting point is 00:46:56 on a Saturday this month. George is that. Whoa. Look at that. We should lay down. The gang then decided on on a new tactic. Divert the cops by trying to kill or wound innocent bystanders. Well, well, that's when you're getting kind of shady. They hope the cops would have to shoot the strangers elbows to help to stop the wounded. They shot at a car disabling it. Then they turn on a Bane Street, a residential street inside a group of 12 year olds riding their bikes. Okay. So I mean, they had to stare morality in the eye. Yeah. All right, we got to shoot it. Boy, that's a bunch of cute kids on bikes. This screams of math, doesn't it? Yeah. They shot at the children with their automatic weapons. Somehow
Starting point is 00:47:41 they only hit one kid who was shot in the finger. Dave. I mean, I mean, look, it's a bummer. What is the point of getting hollow point bullets if they're not going to break anyone's skin really? If it's a bummer that 12 year old was shot, but it but in the finger, like, I'm saying that's the best scenario. Yeah. Or maybe the hair. I mean, honestly, what like, completely insane. I think I got a guy's finger. All right, guys, we're chipping away at this. Good luck flipping somebody off. You said I'm a bitch. Yeah. Have you left to use your left hand to indicate that in future? Damn it. They then began throwing their explosives at passing civilian automobiles. Messed up. One deputy yelled over his radio, quote, they
Starting point is 00:48:31 are throwing all sorts of stuff at us. There's bombs and teddy bears and a brick. They turned back down to 50th Street and drove past their house again. Maybe just getting a look maybe like, goodbye. Looks great. Maybe if they close the gate. Sure. Yeah. Guys, the garage is open. No. Yes, I told you. All right, let's swing back around. Deputy John Sellas was in an undercover police car when he spotted the truck and started pursuing over the radio. He said, quote, they've got hoods on and I just saw them put another clip and a weapon. I love that guy's like, yeah, not not that useful of information. Yeah. They have hoods on and I think they're going to be shooting more. They're reloading. Another officer noted
Starting point is 00:49:16 that they were very professional with military backpacks, gas masks and military type ban banana ammo clips. Anyone watching would have seen two men in back of the truck shooting and throwing bombs with another hanging out the passenger window shooting. Geez. They decided to get out of town and drove onto Highway 60 Westbound and then onto I 15 North. Parks and Chisholm were in one unit behind them and Deputy Sellas was in another as they drove. Winchills were being hit with bullets. San Bernardino PD helicopter King 40 King one entered the fray flying above the truck. The gunman weren't thrilled about it and shot at it. One bullet deflected came through the floor between the copods legs and hit the
Starting point is 00:49:58 instrument panel, which then caught on fire. Oh boy. The helicopter was forced to land. The number of pursuing did he get a hang nail? The number of pursuing police kept growing in size. Riverside County deputies were joined by the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Office, the California Patrol and officers from multiple. It's the Blues Brothers. Yeah, it's the it's totally the Blues fucking brothers. The gang Nazis. The gang kept up a deadly stream of rifle fire from the rear of the truck, forcing the pursuing officers to fall back hundreds of yards, despite maintaining a half mile distance from the pickup. They were still being hit by gunfire. Fortunately, there wasn't much traffic on the highway, but that also
Starting point is 00:50:37 meant the cops were taking all the fire. Parks requested all pursuing units to keep their lights off as it made them an obvious target. Over the radio, the deputies were talking, they might be low on ammo, I hear rounds to find rounds of us now, we got to figure out what we have to do wait until they run out of ammo. Totally. The police were always in range of the rifle armed felons who could engage them with impunity while remaining outside the reach of the cops revolvers. Then one cop car overtook the lead vehicles and drove close to the suspects. Okay, who immediately threw three bombs at it. Okay, that was the end of that idea. Alrighty. Good try. It was a good try. This guy was like,
Starting point is 00:51:20 fuck this, I'm going to do this, I'm going to put an end to this right now. I see my name in lights. Boom, boom. Alrighty, move away. They're throwing MGD cans that are bombs. Taking this back. The pickup now exited I-15 and entered the sand. I wonder if it's signaled. It's always fun to picture that. I would. Instinct just still kicks in. I bet it does a little bit. A little bit. I bet it does. So they entered the San Bernardino National Forest and as they did, they shot up another sheriff's car to save him again. Jeez. They were heading back to Lyttle Creek. Mechanics in the city were probably like had dollars cartoon dollar signs in their eyes. This is going to be great. Boy, they really
Starting point is 00:51:57 blew up a lot of cars. It's us and the elbow surgeon who are going to be laughing all the way to this bank. What about one of those guys who pulls up? Have you ever dent in your car? Oh, the best. One of those guys just followed the cops around. Hey man, you need me to fix that? No, no, no, no, no. You guys always use the wrong color. No, no, no, no, my buddy, my buddy got that done like some dude in a parking lot was like fuck up your car. He was just he like when he saw the guy who's like, I mean, this is terrible. The guy was like, it's pretty good news. Like it's a totally different color. They completely fuck up your car. This same guy one time came out to his car in a parking lot and someone
Starting point is 00:52:38 had drawn with their key a huge cock on his hood and he said he dropped to his knees and went, no. So they're going to where they did the training in Lyttle Creek. They drove on a dirt road toward a canyon. So far, they've driven 35 miles in 42 minutes. Okay. Meanwhile, a deputy from San Bernardino trying to get to the scene got his car stuck on a train crossing and was struck by a Union Pacific freight train. The car flew 100 yards. They really are making a movie. The patrol car was destroyed. The deputy was not hurt. Parks and Chisholm followed. It's almost like the G.I. Joe cartoon where nobody died. It's fucking insane. I mean, except for the two bad guys. Well, if you assume, to me, losing
Starting point is 00:53:23 your penis is as good as death. Parks and Chisholm followed, but their car had taken a lot of shots. The radiators started to heat up and steam began pouring out. The AC's not even working. They began losing power. The car was slowly dying. Chisholm kept his foot full on the accelerator, but it just chugged along. Sad. Then it died. A new law enforcement car took the lead. Deputy Evans. Okay. Who's he? He's our, he's our cop with the baby. Okay, right. Parks and Chisholm watched all the other cars fly past them heading up into the mountains. They were all wondering what they could do against these guys if the chase stopped. The cops were completely overpowered, except for one. A San Bernardino deputy named
Starting point is 00:54:08 McCarthy was getting off duty when he heard the shooting start. He remembered there was an M16 in the armory and grabbed it. He now had it in his car, but he had no idea how to use it. Oh, well, it doesn't sound like that stopped the criminals. He was, it would be great if this was just ended with those, the cop not knowing how to shoot them, just shooting each other. 10 yards away missing. He was part of the pack chasing the truck to Lytle Creek. A second helicopter joined. Three hydro patrol officers were just behind Evans. Sergeant Bender and Detective Hopkins were also in pursuit in an undercover drug unit some distance behind Evans. They had only a car with a radio that could communicate.
Starting point is 00:54:56 They were the only car with a radio that could communicate with the helicopter. Okay. Due to a difference in radio frequencies, the helicopter could not make contact with the Riverside Patrol units. Okay. So so deputy Evans could not receive the helicopter broadcast because his car radio did not pick up the helicopters. California law enforcement mutual aid radio. Oh boy. But the two undercover cops had a handheld radio that could get the signal. So you see how this is working good. Yeah, really, really well. So the helicopter would radio down the location of the gang's truck to the undercover car who would hear it over their handheld radio. And then they would use their car radio to radio Evans.
Starting point is 00:55:37 But at the same time, all these cops are talking over the radio. Yeah, it's eventually going to be like telephone. Yeah, it's a fucking they're right near that blue bar. Even if it's not, he said he's right near the do farm. Oh God, there's no do farm there. He said, don't worry, there's no harm. He said his favorite thing is a nice charm. He said they're stopping for schwarma. Okay, they're at a Greek place getting schwarma to the Greek shop. To the Greek shop. You're unimpressed with my creativity. I liked it. So food. Then the truck hit a washed out part of the dirt road. That was it. The gang stopped and you mean like a part of the dirt road that used to have a promising career but then
Starting point is 00:56:21 kind of just packed it all in and that doesn't do much about that. Yeah, washed no one cared anymore. Had its peak. They stopped and got out of the truck and waited in ambush for the cops to come around the bend. Evan was figured this was happening. He radio back. Looks like they're going to lay back on a curb and wait for us. The helicopter radio down that they had gotten out of the truck and we're waiting. The sergeant in the drug cart tried to warn Evans, but it didn't go away. Wow. Because all the other cops are probably talking. Yeah. Quote dispatcher Evans, are you okay? Evans, yeah, I'm okay. There's a blind curb up ahead and I don't know how far back we are. Have radio advised the chapter
Starting point is 00:56:55 to keep a look at. Tell them if they stop. We are telling you want to know we are coming on a big curve. What are they doing? Are they moving? Evans unit around the corner and was immediately hit by several bullets. His windshield shattered the interior of the car disintegrated Evans. Okay, I'm hit. Then Evan screamed. Deputy Park saw some civilian target shooters walking around. He stopped the car and ran up to them telling them I need your rifle. We're following some cop killers. All the cops at this point believe several officers had been killed during the chaos. Because of course, if you're driving by and you see some guy shooting at a car, you think your buddy's dead. And you probably think a bunch
Starting point is 00:57:29 of 12 year olds died, not that a kid lost the middle finger. Right. One of the target shooters gave him his 22 and all his ammo. Not it. Not a great. Yeah. Got to bring to this fight. Yeah. Here's the worst thing you could have. Here's my crossbow. I have some throwing stars. Here we are. This is a hat. I've got a slingshot and some larger sized pebbles. Parks then ran back to the car and they continued to pursue the road was made for cars to go 10 miles an hour. And they were doing 50 parks tried to load the rifle while the car kept going airborne. Wow. Parks came to us. The parks car came to a stop on the road and could see the exchange of gunfire between Evans and the gang. They were about
Starting point is 00:58:11 a quarter mile away. The cops shot but as it had been the entire afternoon, they were outgunned under fire. Evans got out of his unit and crawled around back using the patrol car for cover against the automatic fire. Evans somehow returned seven shots with his service revolver from 56 yards. Wow. Evans was a Vietnam veteran who had served as a lieutenant in the Green Beret. Okay. He's a fucking badass. Sure. So this is a guy that's like I'll take my pistol. Yeah. Whip it out. He reloaded his revolver and set to shoot at the gun but was then shot to the eye and died instantly. Oh man. That's terrible. Yeah. But we knew that from when I started and foreshadowed. I kind of was thinking that that was maybe
Starting point is 00:58:52 like a false foreshadow. That would have been it. Well because I was yeah. I thought maybe at the end of this it'd be like and he's going to kiss his boy goodnight that night. But instead a bullet went through his eye to his brain. So the car between parks unit was the heart. Sorry. The car behind parks unit was McCarthy who had the M 16. He sped past them. I was actually hoping Evans was going to get the M 16. Yeah. You're right. Yeah. Deputy DJ McCarthy ran at the corner just in time to see Evans fall. They also got some records I could spin if we need that. Oh that. Yes. Come on. They then turned and fired at McCarthy was hit in the right arm. He stopped crawled out of the car over the
Starting point is 00:59:39 driver's seat seat. They started walking down the hill and firing him. The shooting was so insane that he tried to dig a hole in the ground. Wow. I'm just going to go down. I'm going to be Bear Grylls for a minute. Go down here. I'm going to try to get to China before you guys get to me. Then he realized that his only chance of survival was to get the M 16 and shoot back. Yes. He grabbed it out of his car and took a look at it and figured out how to use it. Triggered and then he popped up on the hood. He popped up. He put it down on the hood of the car and squeezed the trigger. This changed the game completely. Oh sure. Now the gang realized the police had the same level of firepower and they ran away. OK.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Off into the woods of Mount Baldy leaving most of their ammo behind. If not for that gun there would have been a lot more dead cops on the road that day. Soon around 200 police officers arrived in the forest and they headed up. One local paper called it the manhunt on Mount Baldy. Swat teams from San Bernardino spent the rest of the night in Lytle Creek in freezing temperatures. The LAPD brought a 65 man team on the hunt. Several helicopters and local law enforcement teams scoured the hillside. Probably morale is probably low with the bank robbers now. Yeah. The following morning Chris and Russell Harvin were found huddled together and shivering from the freezing night temperatures. They gave
Starting point is 01:01:05 up without resistance. Chris Harvin had been shot by deputy Evans in the back. OK. OK. So the guy with the fucking stud. Yeah. With the fucking pistol. Yeah. Shot the fucking dude. Yeah. Russell Harvin was carrying three handguns when he was arrested. George Wayne Smith gave himself up on officers near his hiding place. He was suffering from a gunshot wounds to the left leg and of course the groin. He had lost a lot of blood. Manny Delgado had climbed up a hill adjacent to Mount Baldy trying to avoid detection. But he was spotted when the police got to him he was hiding in the bush. He turned gun in hand and was immediately filled with many shotgun pellets. He somehow managed to also shoot himself in the heart
Starting point is 01:01:48 during the exchange. You're a real villain when you're turning on yourself. Let me help you. I'm sad they only killed one of them. Yeah. Two. They killed two. Well and a dickless one. A dick. A one guy less. Again I really think that that guy's I mean when that guy gets out he's not you know like he's not like it's great to be alive. He's like this was a bad idea. What are they just going to give me a bump like the Ken doll. I didn't know theicks were a possibility of going away. It's really the Norco Bank robbery shootout is still one of the biggest gunfights with police in American history. The battle between law enforcement and five heavily armed Orange County criminals lasted over 50 miles from
Starting point is 01:02:29 the security Pacific Bank in the foothills of the to San Bernardino National Forest. The gang fired over 2000 rounds and launched several homemade bombs. They damaged or destroyed 33 patrol cars shot down a sheriff's helicopter wounded eight officers killed several civilians sorry injured several civilians and killed Riverside County Sheriff's Deputy James Evans. But Jake and Elwood were OK. Jake and Elwood were fine. The trial of George Wayne Smith and the Harven Brothers was moved to Vista due to Riverside media coverage. It still took 14 months to choose a jury and try the case. I don't get that. I don't get why you can't like in a situation like that. Why do you need to move like shouldn't why you need
Starting point is 01:03:09 because too many people know about it and have already already I know I guess I'm being anti constitutional at that state. But I'm on the jury. Your peers your peers are people that heard about it. I get it. But you know remember OJ. Yeah. He's having a hot ear by the way. Big year for the Jews. So they were all found guilty. Forty four counts each. In September 1982 Smith and the Harven Brothers sentenced to life plus thirty six years. One of my favorite sentences is when you sentenced them to life plus more time. Yeah. Fuck it's a great yeah. Hey when you're dead we're going to keep your body in here. Well that seems a little that's what's happening. Sorry. Law enforcement agencies in California soon came
Starting point is 01:03:53 up with more substantial reforms. The Norco robbery was a wake up call for Southern California law enforcement agencies. They realized heavily armed coordinated groups of deadly opponents were a fact of life. They were also preparing for the 1984 Olympic Games and concerned about terrorism and after Narco a rapidly accelerating war against heavily armed drug cartels. They realized that you outfit patrol officers with long range powerful weapons. Law enforcement agencies reverted their weapons policies. The Sam Burnley the sheriff's department soon made the Ruger mini 14 to 23 semiautic rifle standard equipment for its deputies and how a patrol followed suit. The technology 1980 did not allow for news cameras to broadcast.
Starting point is 01:04:39 In 1997 the technology did allow that and that is probably why the North Hollywood Bank robbery got so much more attention than Narco. By 1997 the Department of Defense had established the 1033 program to transfer surplus M16 rifles to law enforcement and they accepted them and snap them up. In 1980 police helicopters just for observation and personal delivery. But after the Norco copter was shot down departments undertook training to teach air to ground small arms return fire. This would prove to be a very successful strategy in lethal force encounters in later years. So this really the Norco shootout was a big part of the militarization of police in America. A public shooting range has been built at Lytle Creek.
Starting point is 01:05:26 The security bank Pacific security Pacific Bank sits empty a chain link fence surrounding the building. It has been nearly two and a half years since the city council voted to permit horse race wagering at a future restaurant called Striders there. The developers Sportek venues California are nearly two years past their initial completion date and say quote we think Norco is going to be a great place to do business. Deputy Guy Balansky received the sheriff's gold hearts the equivalent of the military's purple heart and the Medal of Courage for his heroic actions that day. He has traveled across the country delivering seminars on responding to high stress incidents. He never fired a weapon again. The police
Starting point is 01:06:09 say the motivation of the robbers was simple. Quote Sheriff's Detectives Larry Maenberg their bank robbers because for the most part they were all unemployed and did not have any money. Well at least that changed. People try to set it up. They were like survivalists right that it was more about white power. They're just fucking unemployed losers really is crazy though because the amount of things you just listed off there. I mean you know like especially with the time we live in now where I had an argument with a guy on Facebook the other day somebody that's weird somebody that I don't know. That's a people should know. So I left Twitter because I just think people are fucking too nasty. Right. And I'm
Starting point is 01:06:57 I'd hate what I'm seeing with the way the fucking disintegration of shit. Sure. And on Facebook I realized that anybody can see your comments and just leave comments. I thought that everyone on Facebook could have their own page and only people you knew could leave comments. Oh right. But that's weird. People who don't follow you on there can leave comments. Yeah. But how do they even see your stuff. Someone else. So like oh because someone will comment and then it'll be like so and so comment on Dave Anthony's right. OK. Yeah. So then you're able to get the full like the whole. So I just make fun of them and then block them. But so you were fighting with some guy. Well and there you know the I get
Starting point is 01:07:39 I mean it's like part of the problem is that we're in such a quagmire with guns that the argument that was being presented was one of you know we really like this is not a gun issue this is a mental health issue. No it's all. So I was like OK. He was like so you like you know like you would see the person can kill like even if you get rid of guns a crazy person can use a knife to kill people. And I was like do you think 50 people would have died in Orlando or 49 people would have died in Orlando. If this guy had a knife and he goes well probably not that many. Fuck. And I was like OK. That was fun and easy. But my point being that like you know we are in the middle of this this gun pickle which
Starting point is 01:08:24 I think you know I think to people like you and I we say if you just make these guns harder to obtain then that makes it all easier but then there's other people are like no the point is to make it so that everybody has them so you can defend yourself. But my point being that you trace it back to this time the police weren't heavily armed they weren't militarized because there wasn't a threat from regular people because they couldn't they just hadn't gotten these assault rifles and they hadn't gotten these automatic weapons and then there became a threat and then there became that threat so then the police have no choice but to over do it because they don't ever want to be faced with a predicament
Starting point is 01:09:03 like that and then here you are where now everybody is just like you have to arm yourself to the teeth to be the most armed for when this shit hits the fan whereas it would just be easier escalation it would be easier if the crazy people had revolvers and the rest of us didn't have anything instead we're at the point where the sane people have revolvers and the crazy people have the you know they have the nuclear option. Well this you know this is just an example of escalation yeah and how what the response is which is yeah it's all. But the idea that there was a time where police would be in a gunfight and they would be like these guys are have outgunned us yeah that we've we have
Starting point is 01:09:42 I think in order to protect police officers they had to go the most extreme route I guess to never be able to be in that position again which is why they have tanks. Well okay that's escalation yeah well maybe let's let's just all agree that cops should have tanks. Yeah for sure to protect and serve and have an indestructible machine. I think if you listen to the dollop and you never and you think about what you've heard on here in the history I think that we are going to look back at this specific time yeah as one of the darkest times in American history and we will be ashamed of it. Oh there's no question I mean we're in the middle of it you know it really is it is it is it I mean
Starting point is 01:10:25 we're watching lobotomies on a stage crazy you know what I mean like we are we are so in deep with this craziness that you can't even call it crazy anymore. It's interesting it'll be interesting to see where it goes. Oh yeah that's gonna be a fun ride can't wait to see where that goes. I'm serious it is crazy the sane sane people have to get guns because it's so out of hand with the crazies I mean that is all I mean like that's that's the world we live in people who wouldn't want guns don't support guns get guns because there's no way out of this gun situation and then literally when people point to Australia like the reaction to what Australia did like watching people find loopholes on well yeah well they
Starting point is 01:11:12 have koala bears you're like what I don't know what's happening yeah I mean you could so easily like try no we can't try there's no trying there's no trying a baseball anyway at least we signed cars.

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