The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 189 - The Wilmington Coup

Episode Date: July 11, 2016

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine the Wilmington, North Carolina coup. SOURCESTOUR DATES REDBUBBLE MERCH...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host you are listening to the dollop this is a bi-weekly semi-week what do I say bi-weekly by by semi-weekly American
Starting point is 00:00:50 history podcast each week once I read a story you just open beer how are you drunk from American history to my friend Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the topic is going to be about very potent beer that you just open it and get tipsy yeah wasted one sip Jesus not Gary Gara okay someone or something is tickling is it for fun and this is not gonna come particularly quite good yeah you are queen fakie of made-up town all hell queen shit of Liesville a bunch of religious virgins go to mingle and do my friend this podcast is brought to you by our subscribers on patreon I think each and every one of you who subscribe
Starting point is 00:01:44 you're very very nice people now we're kissing every one of them right that's we've established that right on the face okay November 1894 okay a political party known as the fusion ticket one control of both houses of North Carolina they were the ones who sort of mixed Chinese with like Mexican that's I'm talking yeah okay Democrats who were the white man's party served a white man party party had been in control of the state for over 20 years they suddenly found themselves on the outside the fusion party was made up of white farmers from the populist party who were dealing with economic hardships from
Starting point is 00:02:28 falling agricultural prices and high freight rates okay and the Republicans who are mostly African-Americans when those two nothing's changed so those two groups merged in what you would describe as a class struggle uh-huh if poor whites and blacks vote on the same ticket that's a class struggle okay right and when it's not that they kill each other that's also a class struggle great good the 1894 fusionist legislature quickly got rid of the Democratic Party's policy of appointment for local offices okay that included mayors city council members school board etc so they would basically
Starting point is 00:03:11 win the the big prize the legislature and then they would just appoint everybody all over the state yeah and now elections would be held to fill those positions that sounds shittier democracy and arrived don't like it I would you tell us what we're supposed to do it okay let us know where what you want just do your thing we trust you just be cool though no bullshit but do your thing we trust you yep totally fair you guys are cool yeah awesome and the fusion ticket passed a law decreasing property requirements for voters so you didn't just have to own property and we're a good place shit was on it's what
Starting point is 00:03:56 I'm saying sure 1894 yep the fusion ticket continued to roll in a really like the fusion party name all right it's fucking great spicier than anything I've heard a while I picture I picture their symbol being like a neon pink kind of a swirl martini glass yeah okay sure yeah yeah can we vote on Cosmopolitan's please so the fusion to get ticket continues to roll in 1896 the party won every statewide race in North Carolina total blowup it increased its majority in the legislature while Republican Daniel Russell became governor he was a white man from the city of Wilmington okay so they're
Starting point is 00:04:39 fucking rolling in the shit sure Wilmington was referred to as the big city it's in the east eastern area of North Carolina where the Cape Fear River flows into the Atlantic Ocean uh-huh this was a prosperous poor town North Carolina was mostly a rural state scattered with farm towns and small textile mills and lumber camps tobacco market etc the city had been majority black before the Civil War and after the war freed slaves left plantations to move to towns and cities yeah shocking that they don't want to hang I don't know why a black a freed black I wouldn't want to hang on the country with all those
Starting point is 00:05:20 ex-masters yeah oh well this is awkward oh I did not expect to see you here sir you owned me a few weeks ago I apologize for all the Lashins are sponsored earlier in your career may I buy you a sasparilla actually wasn't a career well I when I think about it I mean you worked for me did you not yeah but I promoted you right to the top where I was allowed to yeah think of when I gave you lemonade that was a thank you payment for all the hard work sure I lost my cool a couple of times things were different then I have scars I have scars too do you have any idea how hard it is to hold a whip I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:06:03 shoot you in the face legally you're right now sir anyway two sasparillas barkeep one for me and my friend oh fuck okay so there was there was basically safety and economic security in building black communities and cities and towns okay so the number of African Americans living in Wilmington searched in 1896 Wilmington had a population of 20,055 blacks outnumbering whites by 11,324 to 8,731 okay I'm sure the white people felt totally fine there is a small but significant black middle class black businessman dominated the restaurant business as well as owning barbershops tailors shops and drugstores African
Starting point is 00:06:51 Americans were firemen policemen mailmen and had an all-black health board great there were there were not many tensions between the races until the laws of appointing people to positions were changed there sorry say that again there wasn't a lot of tension because the whites are in control of everything all right so once those laws of appointing people were gone all of a sudden there was so when you say the tech like by tension you mean the white people like we want it back to when it was just our way we got to see what we want it's not a democracy if the black people are voting come on Democrats in
Starting point is 00:07:28 the city had held power for 15 years or 20 years but because of the new rules in March elections the mayor and six of the ten city council members voted in were from the fusion party yeah now there were three blacks on the ten member city council another black man was now the member of the board of audit and finance and on and on it went the justice of the peace was now black as were the deputy clerk of the court superintendent of the streets in the corner big big changes I just I'm wondering when did it all go back to the old ways it'll be fine it's be fine sure this is a happy story this is when people are like oh we try some
Starting point is 00:08:13 who's the fusion party running on this next election I forget Wilmington was one of the few southern cities with a black newspaper the daily record hard to read those there's no print this dull black yeah the collector of customs at the port was a federally appointed job the job went to a black band named John Dancy a prominent white I'm hoping he's a dancer I am so whoo now that's dancing all right you can see him a mile away a prominent white Democrat was fired from the job John Dancy was referred to in the Wilmington messenger newspaper as Sambo of the Customs House all explain that I'm dubious dubious yeah why is that I just tell me
Starting point is 00:09:03 how it's horribly racist it's not it's not Sambo the customs yeah oh Sambo is horribly racist word okay yeah great but California for a long time had restaurants called Sambo's and then some of them became a restaurant called Dennings now if you don't like to hear what is known as the n-word by some people then you probably shouldn't listen to this episode should I close this window I chose the I chose to use the word in all the podcasts about history as it is spoken and written by people from the time because I don't like to whitewash the history and I think to be so wrongly cleanses the like brutality of the language
Starting point is 00:09:44 that the people that live under fair I think it's when you talk you I I still don't feel guys still will skip it in hip-hop songs to myself but I hear what you're saying but I mean that a history but when people sure well I think to your point I mean I think I'm at the point where I'm like I don't know what we need to change but whatever addresses the racism of our country I think is good so maybe this helps oh the Wellington messenger was decidedly not into the new power change in town sure quickly North Carolina Democrats plotted their return to power the propaganda machine churned newspapers across the country jumped on
Starting point is 00:10:26 board Josephus Daniels was the editor of the Raleigh News and Observer and was the voice of the state Democrats okay something tells me we're gonna fall in love I'm tidbit Daniels would go on to be the secretary of the Navy during the Newport sex scandal haha anyway one time Daniels hired a cartoonist to draw horrific of front page caricatures of blacks great well I mean I've never seen a offensive cartoons of blacks from this time so ever no one really don't go overboard one was of a large Negro foot with a white man pinned under it with the caption how long
Starting point is 00:11:08 will this last oh god so you're handling it well they're handling it really good Jesus there was also a huge vampire black Batman with Negro rule inscribed on its wings and white women beneath its claws with the caption the vampire that hovers over North Carolina aren't they supposed to be funny isn't that like part aren't you you're at least supposed to attempt humor right like a lot of a miss but they were trying and just missing by quite a bit okay he also printed up stories with headlines such as Negroes have social equality a Negro insulted the postmistress because he did not get a letter he's every right and Negro on a
Starting point is 00:11:56 train with big feet behind white who would I mean that's the regardless of the racism that's just a boring story it's a terrible headline it's also a tear honey get in here this man had big feet on a white guy was in front of him on the train what and in the city Thomas Clausen editor of the Wilmington messenger got to work quote they have been more rapes attempted upon a white woman some of high school rank in the South within two weeks than perhaps at any previous period in the history of the South the reason why lynchings are fierce and frequent is because just before you read of a lynching you read
Starting point is 00:12:38 of some awful crime against some pure virtuous white woman how can southern men feel that life and home are safe with the dam in record of the last two or three weeks staring them in the face what home is sacred and safe from the brutal invader Jesus he's really building up momentum and another another editorial when a knock is heard at the door a white woman shutters with nameless whore the black brood is lurking in the dark monstrous beast crazed with lust his foracity is almost a monocle a mad bull the tiger which could scarcely be more brutal a whole community is frenzied with whore
Starting point is 00:13:22 with the blind and furious rage for vengeance honey have you read today's editorial I skimmed it I think tigers are raping people I just had to skim it boy yeah really really good we as we know from the dollop anytime you would like to change something you just say the black men were raping white women yeah and then you get to change stuff yeah scare yeah make people be scared of the black people on August 11th 1897 Rebecca Latimer Felton spoke at the Georgia Agricultural Society she said that farm wives faced many dangers sure quote none greater than the threat of black rapist absolutely I was gonna say
Starting point is 00:14:10 I mean without question you have a lot of dangerous farming equipment right but obviously also there's giving birth in the farmhouse of course of course yeah yeah I mean you know general general issues like that but really when it comes down to it it is the black Batman who keeps raping people yeah I mean he's got the claws yeah the claws are game changer the whole thing's just it's terrifying don't answer the door by the way when he comes knocking in that other article yeah yeah it's simple she wanted charitable donations for overseas missionaries to be spent at home educating young white girls who were not
Starting point is 00:14:46 being protected by the white men of the south oh god what I mean guy get get off your fucking high horse good god enough I mean I'm white and I'm sick of it white men had failed to protect farm wives from the black rapist vigilante justice is a way for men to restore that protection if it needs lynching to protect women's dearest possession from the ravenous human beasts then I say lynch human beast a thousand times a week if necessary what a pardon that's what she said curb the numbers first of all thousand a week he played like standard number the rope industry was like me hey you're just peeling at its
Starting point is 00:15:27 mustache do a thousand day more than her order more rope yeah it's insane I mean I yeah good god speaking to white Republicans she said quote you are the Negro's teacher you must correct your teachings or you cannot escape the wrath of an outraged people Rebecca Felton I also love how there was there's no like okay this is obviously let as you address propagandist in nature however even if it weren't yeah these people were enslaved yeah how is there no grace period of adjustment where you're like like this isn't even happening but you would still think they got a right to be a little pissed right
Starting point is 00:16:16 yeah yeah yeah of course yeah that's I mean what I don't they they won't get over it it's been months good lord we said sorry Rebecca Felton gave this exact speech many many times all over the south as well as it being printed in newspapers for the entire next year it was a stump speech Alfred Manley was the editor of the Daily Record Wilmington's black newspaper okay he was clearly not down with the total bullshit being spewed in print and in speeches so he wrote a scathing cartoons coming their way he wrote an editorial oh boy in response to Rebecca's speech should I be as excited
Starting point is 00:17:07 as I am quote the papers are often filled with reports of rapes of white women always a big black burly brute and the ensuing lynching of the alleged rapist the editors pour forth volumes to condemn all Negroes because of the few who may be guilty our experience among poor white people in the country teaches us that the women of that race are not any more particular in the matter of clandestine meetings with colored men then are the white men with colored men colored women sorry all right yeah good meetings of this kind go on for some time until the women's infatuation or the men's boldness bring attention to
Starting point is 00:17:55 them and the man is lynched for rape tell your man that is no worse for a black man to be intimate with a white woman than for a white man to be intimate with a colored woman boom yeah he's he's dropping the mic this might be the first mic drop yeah you what does it say at the end mic drop what does he mean who's Mike I want you to find this Mike and linch him you set yourselves down as a lot of carping hypocrites in that you cry aloud for the virtue of your women while you seek to destroy the morality of ours don't think ever that your women will remain pure while you are debauching ours the sow you seed the
Starting point is 00:18:39 harvest will come in due time geez okay so that's that's a serious editorial that's great from a black jet but I can only imagine that people didn't take kindly to this work they're gonna be fine but so true oh I mean yeah not that yeah are you saying by the way we fuck your white women yeah and just like you fuck our black women and then when we're done fucking your white women they're mad at us then they say we raped them yeah wait just giving them a good time yeah again keep in mind what has been happening the past few years and then the southern whites freaked the fuck out oh god southern newspapers reprinted
Starting point is 00:19:23 distorted versions of the editorial with the headlines Negro editor slanders white woman Negro defamer of white women a horrid slander of white women infamous attack on white women I mean it is it's just me it's media it's still the same shit still hasn't changed at all it's like when you source the actual story like wait what you just were it's like it's like when I thought I did a Johnny Carson impression because I did Dana Carvey's Johnny Carson impression you just it's a copy of a copy eventually and nobody really remembers the source in the fall of 1898 North Carolina's Democratic leadership came to
Starting point is 00:20:00 Wilmington to organize a local campaign committee money was raised and white supremacy clubs were oh he is here oh we'll stop it right there okay so I mean we should explain we just took a little halftime yeah we just took a break we just did commentary on the documentary tickled for the for the DVD the DVD so tickled documentary we just stopped in the middle of our podcast right did doc did we watch tickled we did commentary for it and then it's gonna be on the probably unless the someone hates it but no he liked it you like it but but you may be so producer be like what is this no way we nailed it baby I kept
Starting point is 00:20:40 saying beaver town well listen we both said beaver town a couple times sure but now so we're jumping back in which I mean we've had a tickled halftime on our racist dollop so here we go which Justin Timberlake had to perform at by the way yeah for a lock in the fall of 1989 North Carolina's Democratic leadership came to Wilmington to organize a local campaign committee all innocent money was raised and white supremacy clubs were formed called the white government union well I always think you should be transparent with your racist movements yeah you know let them know and KKK is so misleading it just kind of sounds like
Starting point is 00:21:26 you're saying all right okay KKK everything's fine everything's KKK how am I KKK they made they forced whites to join a resident quote many good people we need slaves of some kind any color will do quote many good people were marched from their homes and told the sign those that did not were notified that they must leave the city as there is plenty of rope in the city what's the point oh God almighty you can't force someone to join a white supremacy yeah they're gonna be like yeah my heart's not really in it we're actually just a supremacy group and you better love burning crosses I don't hey you join the group right yeah
Starting point is 00:22:14 but you made me you made me sign that shit what you saw you hate blacks because you made me you said you were gonna beat the shit out of me if I didn't sign it yeah welcome to white supremacy you think I want to be here I'm a legacy oh gosh yeah I was born into this it's like a North Korean jail the prison I were born into democratic senator Ben Pitchfork Tillman so Dave that's a nickname that's not his given name oh shocking I'm named after my uncle pitch fork he was an actual pitchfork yeah my guess is this guy leans very liberal I I would imagine if your nickname is pitchfork you're just super under yeah he
Starting point is 00:23:04 hung out with Nick flaming torch Schmidt yeah this is the this is the guy who's like trans people should be able to use bathroom whatever they want freedom must ring so he led a huge rally on October 20th in Fayetteville South Carolina a delegation from Wilmington was there and Senator Tillman spoke quote why didn't you kill that damn nigger editor who wrote that send him to South Carolina and let him publish any such offensive stuff and he will be killed he said out loud to a bunch of people who then went yay good point good point America freedom of the press the Wilmington delegation led a parade right after them were 300 red
Starting point is 00:23:52 shirts red shirts were the military-style terrorist wing of the Democratic Party what after them came the committee chairman and finally the Wilmington brass band but in between them was a terrorist group sure yeah no I heard about the meat in the sandwich red shirts terrorized blacks and whites who were friendly to blacks they broke up political meetings they destroyed property and they shot at citizens in ambush people were taken from their homes in the middle of night and whipped people began to be scared to register to vote red shirts began marching and having rallies in Wilmington the Democratic
Starting point is 00:24:29 Party doesn't talk about this very much oh I think they do have you watched the last two DnC's okay that's they really embrace it it's their Clint Eastwood talking to an empty chair it really yes Mike Dowling an Irishman who had been fired from the foreman as the foreman of fire engine company number two for quote in competency drunkenness and in subordination they can't prove a thing led the red shirts in town oh good good I'll handle all the blacks well listen I'm the worst why don't I lead I've got a history of red flaggery shall I take this one the red shirts would act like they were in the Calvary white women
Starting point is 00:25:12 would wave flags and handkerchiefs as the armed red shirts passed through town on horseback well it's great that slavery ended glad that we turn the page on that newspapers printed notices of white supremacy meetings what on November 2nd Dowling and his red shirts led a white man's rally that free featured free barbecue you open the paper like oh honey there's a white supremacy meeting today downtown at the library oh I mean but all like I mean also the like the idea that there was a time when white people like we know how to barbecue like the black people like you fucking
Starting point is 00:25:55 idiot sauce the ribs you can't take everything Jesus Christ we know how to do it some southern home cooking so how many people do you think we're at these rallies well Dave in my in my heart of hearts I would think I would love to say like 20 close Wellington super white citizen Alfred M. Waddell spoke to a crowd of about 1200 god damn it when you said close I was like good good damn it quote we are reduced to the pitiful necessity of choosing whether we will live under the dominance of Negroes led by a few unprincipled man I love how it's dominance yeah doves dominance the dominance they've had a good they've
Starting point is 00:26:44 had a grasp on us long enough they've had six months of free right how much longer must we live under the thumb of a Negro and see the ruin of all we hold dear and prove ourselves worthy of the respect of mankind by restoring good government at all hazards at every cost our white dominance is the only issue in the common election we will never surrender to a ragged rubbish pile of Negroes even if we have to choke the Cape Fear River with caucuses too much what a very thick it's a it's laying it on very it's a very focused I just election speech days before the election the white supremacy movement brought a
Starting point is 00:27:32 rapid-firing Gatling gun oh cool promotion then rumors swirled that blacks were buying guns and preparing to fight it was said that's what's so fucked like the idea that you like how dare they we just got a gatling gun that doesn't mean they should get guns you're telling me they're preparing themselves classic black classic can't trust them the second we declare war on them they're getting ready to fight what are you gonna do it was said blacks were going to burn white men's cotton bales and warehouses out there they don't really but by the way cotton burns fast the Democrats hired a black detective to
Starting point is 00:28:17 investigate the rumors from Colonel Tom's Uncle Tom's I didn't know he got promoted I am now a colonel from Uncle Tom's investigative agent this is my African-American Brigade these are the Uncle Tom's the black detective's conclusion was that the blacks in town were quote doing practically nothing a righty a couple of white pingerton detectives reported that black women servants would burn the houses of their employers and black men had openly threatened to burn the town down if whites won the election black men tried to buy weapons for protection but the white store owners refused to sell to
Starting point is 00:29:03 them when they tried to order them from the north the company's local agent rejected didn't they know about the second amendment oh yeah you're right okay that's the most important thing we have in the world yeah the second amendment but it was the biggest actually apply biggest deal we had of all time better than everything so not many blacks in town right election day came red shirts blocked every road leading into towns in could be problem could be problem they drove black voters away with gunfire could be again an issue but there was still not much violence as blacks got the message and invited the
Starting point is 00:29:40 polls great so every everybody wins yeah the yeah the right except for well except the majority right the this is before it was vote or died it was vote and die yes it was vote and then die right or dying then either way dying about just die whatever the Democrats wanted landslide why do you have any like statistics what were the exit polls saying good message shocking good mess connected with the consumers be North Carolina State Legislature also turned back to Democratic control so it's all common but Wilmington's Wilmington's local fusion party government remained in office since many local officials like the mayor and
Starting point is 00:30:24 city council were not up for reelection the next day the Wilmington messengers headline was attention white men that's the headline it's a grabber oh it's a big grab it'll grab you white men were being asked to gather at the courthouse at 10 a.m. okay that's fine anytime you see a headline that says white men please gather at a place at a specific time it's fine fine it's like bull it's like a bowling that's probably just a kite flying or something the next morning merchants mechanics farmers bankers clerks and clergymen packed the meeting Alfred Alfred Rod Waddell read them quote a white declaration of
Starting point is 00:31:10 independence or as it's known in America the declaration of independence it is that's what the declaration it is shocking like even that like think of like they think of the hypocrisy that's insane in writing you're into it's overwhelming the god damn it how do you fucking white people right the worst hmm quote who's worse horses I agree besides them source quote first the time has passed for the intelligent citizens of the community owning 90% of the property and paying taxes in lack proportion to be ruled by Negroes second we will not tolerate the action of unscrupulous
Starting point is 00:32:09 white men and affiliate in with the Negroes so that by means of their votes they can dominate the into intelligent and thrifty element in the community third the Negroes demonstrated by antagonizing our interests in every way that he is incapable of realizing that his interests are and should be identical with those of the community fifth he well real quick if I may jump ahead well why why why are we continually banging our heads against the wall as to why these black people will not accept the clear rules we've set down that are fair the rule is simple are you into our white white supremacist society or are
Starting point is 00:32:53 you out again because if you're out you're a problem make and if you're in you've agreed to be a problem thank you you finally fifth we propose in the future we give to white men a large part of the employment now given to Negroes yes obviously that's fair that's totally it's finally time for white guys to get a chance let me give my break come on you know what you know how long do we give the black guys jobs two months oh yeah those jobs yeah they know they would let the they led the slave job market they were like a hundred percent of the slave job market I don't know if it was that much but it was
Starting point is 00:33:27 close there were a couple confused white guys in the mix wait what hold on I just realized I'm saying oh boy Tom woke up boy sixth we are prepared to treat the Negroes with justice and consideration in all matters which do not involve sacrifices of the interests of the intelligent and progressive portion of the community look we'll be fair when we're not being pricks the seventh resolution condemned Alexander Manley's editorial and demanded that the newspaper quote cease to be published and its editor be banished from the city fair banishment is something that is I'm totally fine yeah right I'm
Starting point is 00:34:08 free yeah I can go okay put a sack over his head and hit a horse but Manley had already fled Wilmington and the record was no longer being published because he knew he was gonna get you think you felt pressure I don't know why he would do you think it was because of the editorial no probably not 25 whites were appointed to a committee to carry out the resolutions 32 I'm sure they'll be fair really great it's all white guys 32 prominent black citizens were brought to the courthouse where Waddell read them the declaration he gave them each copies and told them they had been picked assuming they were the leaders of the black community you
Starting point is 00:34:48 all look the same to us y'all y'all y'all seem like leaders right we can't tell when I'm not what not no I know you're black aren't you yeah okay all right he admitted it they admitted it and he told them they were to respond to the declaration before 7 30 the next morning one black guy said quote colonel we are not responsible for this and we have no authority Waddell replied the meeting stands adjourned that was the 1800s talk to the hand this meeting has been adjourned yeah excuse me this meeting has been adjourned no but I have one thing to say you can't need you talk to the head no you have
Starting point is 00:35:40 any more questions feel free to ask them what's your question ask it I'm just gonna ask you so what okay also real quick talk to the wrist oh you've been just okay next so the 32 black leaders wrote this response fuck you white man quote we the colored citizens to whom was referred to the matter of expulsion from the community of the person and press of Alexander Manley beg most respectfully to say that we are in no way responsible for nor in any way condone the obnoxious article that called forth your actions neither are we authorized to act for him in this manner but in the interest of peace we will most willingly
Starting point is 00:36:22 use our influence to have your wishes carried out okay so they're making peace I mean they're being as agreeable as 25 men who got called to a courthouse to represent a race can be they then gave the letter to Attorney Armin Scott to bring it to Waddell's home but Scott then found out that he was on a list of men who are going to be banished so instead of delivering it to Waddell's hand he put it in Waddell's mailbox now what's the logic there he just didn't I don't know either he did either he was like fuck this shit he like saw his name he's like I don't want to get banished or he was scared he would then get killed if
Starting point is 00:37:10 he went in right one of the other yeah I don't disagree with the call right well Waddell apparently didn't check his mailbox at 7 30 in the morning and it are you kidding me I know it's weird where the hell are they the little flag on the mailboxes up oh there's no way they put it in there what is that little flag about anyway at 8 a.m. white men gathered at the Armory good always always good at 8 15 Waddell volunteered as a leader good quote I never dreamed the time would come when I would lead a mob I think you did I this feels amazing I think that you did dream of that I didn't know this one oh shucks me miss
Starting point is 00:37:56 America I can't believe it all I did was enter I feel like you're being a little harsh on who the guy is a good guy obviously it's a job leading a mob good guy mocking him yeah he saw a hole he filled it about 500 men were at the Armory now they walked up Market Street and quote threw the city into a state of excitement great schools were let out taverns closed their doors and all businesses stopped I love it like the idea of taverns closing their doors you'd be like why come on there's a white man March on let's drink to celebrate just open the door people were watching
Starting point is 00:38:36 from sidewalks and windows and the mob then swelled to 2000 at 8 a.m. the mob arrived at the newspaper office ransacked it and then burnt it cool this obviously caused the blacks living in town to freak the fuck out why remember quickly spread that whites were going to burn down and kill them in their area of the city well doesn't sound like whites now then something not my wife not my wife not my whites at a cotton compress around 300 workers walked off the job and stood around in the street terrified trying to figure out what to do oh then the whites marched in a group of black men were standing on a corner they were
Starting point is 00:39:16 ordered to disperse the whites claimed the blacks refused and then shot at them so the whites fired back that sound yeah they were provoked yeah for sure three black men were killed two white guys were wounded slightly or in other words hit me hit me Jim oh my eye one black guy took off running down the street shot a rifle at William Mayo who was standing on his veranda I mean set right there you deserve to be shot at anyone standing on their veranda now you got to get dropped a peg agreed Mayo was shot in the left lung that's what it said that's not a great place to get shot feels like the chest yeah the black guy ran off but was
Starting point is 00:40:02 found hiding under a bed and he was shot and killed around 1 p.m. some black man in a house shot some white guys walking by does that sound like that would happen nope and this no it doesn't does it yeah it's not like that would happen in this situation yeah it's interesting but that's what the historical record well then it has to be true the house was surrounded and four black men were captured and taken to jail one tried to run away but I wish I'd kill during the afternoon eight more black men were killed that night the city was patrolled by whites obviously the record of what occurred that night changes based on the
Starting point is 00:40:34 color of your skin well whenever we're in situations like this I always say trust the whites yeah thank you you know I mean what when it one of one of white people ever been go with the way wrong or distorted the truth they haven't ever what else estimated around 20 dead black people cool others said with closer to 90 interesting African-Americans in Wilmington believed the death toll was around 300 hmm strange feels like the Iraq body count the official count was 25 oh okay but the bodies were all dumped into the river and is believed many more were killed well you know what are you gonna do there they got into the
Starting point is 00:41:13 river well it's in the river you can't count them no nope that's cool the governor was almost killed when he heard about what happened he was around Wilmington and he headed for Raleigh on a train the train was stopped in the town of Maxden where a mob of red shirts were waiting for them they swarmed the train car yelling lynch him the governor's aid got into the box car which was then locked and the train pulled out and he survived he's white though right yeah but they still the because he was aligned with because he was aligned the fusion party so he's part of the fusion party so he's working with he's got to
Starting point is 00:41:52 go that they I would I would imagine that they were considered worse than the black no there was something there was something yeah yeah that that is true yeah I mean they're like the associate few if you compromised your whiteness it was almost like worse yeah you know it's like dating outside of the circle the tribe the tribal circle from the San Francisco call November 11th 1898 this afternoon the Wilmington City Council resigned one by one as each member vacated the remaining elected a successor named by the citizens committee until the entire board was changed legally good they resigned in response to
Starting point is 00:42:38 public sentiment the new board is composed of conservative Democratic citizens finally a voice of the people thank you the mayor and chief of police then resigned and the new board elected their successors according to law good Alfred Waddell was elected mayor perfect but he seems like a born leader he does let the mob he's it's his time killing and all the people yeah well I think you'll be fair yep it sounds like it'll be fair a committee moved quickly around and notified the more prominent and objectionable white Republicans that they must leave town the first act of the new government it is so weird to hear of
Starting point is 00:43:20 Republicans being the sort of savior party of good guys yeah and the Democrats being black monsters yeah monsters makes you think sometimes the first act of the new government was to swear in 250 special policemen chosen from the ranks of reputed reputable white citizens right Waddell quote we literally followed the law as the fusionists made it themselves there has not been a single illegal act committed in the change of government simply the old board went out and the new board came in strictly according to law nothing to fear black people weird here have you been down to
Starting point is 00:44:02 dead black person river it's what we call an oil change we're having a governmental oil change okay nothing to worry about just some new oil on November 14th the state Democratic Party held a huge party in Raleigh more than 2,000 torches lit the cheering mob and 500 barrels of burning tar filled with filled the air with plumes of colored smoke creating a carnival atmosphere sorry they had a party and they're boiling tar yeah I mean what yeah what else would you do is that the end nope four days after the coup hundreds of African Americans were still hiding in the forest around Wilmington many had run off without coats
Starting point is 00:44:51 or blankets and they slept on wet ground they had no money no clothes no food parents were too scared to light fires to warm their children fearing the whites would come to kill them like what world honestly you know how do you even claim that you like how do you claim to be like a society oh it's fucking yeah yeah it's insane after Alfred Waddell became mayor he had a list of people to banish I'm swapped in banishment work these piles are just now they're growing I did not know there'd be so many banishments I would not have taken this job I swear to god I'm gonna work late tonight mr. May we have a new list of banish no my
Starting point is 00:45:38 hand hurts gosh I don't think anyone could empathize with my pain right now nobody my hand is killing me I'm the victim soldiers with bayonets marched fusionist leaders to the train station white fusionist George French had a news placed around his neck and was about to be hung when a member of the committee of 25 saved him he was then taken to the train station and told never to return yeah no shit former chief of police John Melton was carried onto a train going to Washington DC as he was screamed at quote white nigger you know that Chris rocked it a bit on SNL like 15 years ago where he was trying to come up with a
Starting point is 00:46:32 word to call white people and that was the one he came up with but the idea that it was really you like yeah you you anybody who says that they should be top of the kill list anyone who's like that's that makes sense talking about on Sunday November 13th the Reverend J. W. Kramer said the mobs in the streets had been doing quote God's service at first Baptist church the world needs less of our God interpreters we could use less these may well okay at first Baptist church the minister compared the victory to the triumph of the Lord over Satan and his quote black-robed angels he what he dismissed the killings as quote a
Starting point is 00:47:22 mere incident you cannot make an omelet without breaking a few eggs the primary nobody's eating was not to kill but to educate oh my god but that's he's really the Rev. at the first Presbyterian Church read quote he that ruleeth his spirit is better than he that taketh a city since last we met in these walls we have taken a city to God be the praise he if I just I loved a picture God he'd be the idea that if he if this is a real being and of course he's a man right if this is a real being he must just be sitting up there pulling out his hair every century no that's not what I meant he came down the first thing
Starting point is 00:48:09 he would say was you guys don't talk for me I got this he would come down like a parent who like heard a noisy party going on in a basement do I have to do this again Jesus yeah not you I was just having a race war not you dad it was just having a race for sorry I misunderstood not you my boys going through his adolescent race war face something you people could empathize with and learn from at the opening of the Negro State Fair I I mean that's the thing I read that's actually by the way I read and put in here better fair has to be I mean I feel like they might change lower budget better fair I think they
Starting point is 00:48:55 might have changed the name by now that's the good no the Orange County Negro fairs in June at the opening of the Negro State Fair on November 15th 1898 five days later Joe Daniels wrote in the news and observer quote of the genuine friendships which the leaders of white supremacy felt for them it was a campaign not directed to the law abiding an industrious Negro but at the Negro slave drivers of which governor Russell was the head Republican president William McKinley completely ignored what happened and would not meet with the white office holders who had fled the state no
Starting point is 00:49:33 charges were filed in the end the federal government determined whatever they tried would end in an acquittal which is absolutely true right attitude November 26th 1898 the state newspaper mr. Josephus Daniels editor of the Raleigh News and Observer wrote to the governor of South Carolina quote as the result of the recent election there is considerable feeling in the state in favor of some can constitutional provision that will eliminate the Negro as a political factor will you do me the great kindness of writing me the methods employed to eliminate the Negro vote without depriving the illiterate white man of
Starting point is 00:50:13 his vote any advice would be appreciated well we got a problem because all the laws we try to come up with they apply to the poor white guy it's a very frustrating situation that I find myself that is so much that's like that just just further insults to think that I mean it's just so based on skin you you would not that you would understand it but if you were like they're a completely different class like any one of that any one of that affluent like that nature needs to be left out of the polling stations but instead you're just sort of like dumb whiteies we need them no we need the stupid white people it's very
Starting point is 00:50:54 difficult it's hard to tell them apart on paper it's it's hard because it because again they're illiterate it's hard I'm having a hard time God white is all it is a burden trying to run things tell you trying to get every white involved because there's so many stupid ones of us but still we're the best the Democrats and introduced a constitutional amendment that created literacy tests for voting and a poll tax the grandfather clause protected illiterate whites for a time any descendants of a man grandfather if your grandfather couldn't vote you couldn't write right fuck I mean it's they
Starting point is 00:51:34 figured out they found the whole thing why not just be fully transparent no it's a grandfather thing yeah it's all sounds nice as a grandpa I'm not familiar with your history what is it really well unfortunately you're not gonna be able to vote either man who knew that you guys were enslaved first I've heard of it any who's will be move away we've got a dumb white man to vote any descendant of a man eligible to vote before 1867 need not prove his literacy in 1896 85.4% of North Carolina's electorate cast a ballot by 1904 less than 50% in 1900 the Democratic Party won by a landslide taking the
Starting point is 00:52:22 governorship why do you think white man had made up 52% of the unemployed and hope to take over black jobs after the coup but complaints started that poor whites could not count lumber that it took two white guys to do the work of one black guy and that whites were not as hardworking or literate as blacks and whites didn't want to work in domestic and service positions a textile factory owner said quote now is sorry there is now a universal complaint of the scarcity of reliable labor that's so weird that that just happened the second you put the smart great white people in the jobs well that's just what happened started
Starting point is 00:53:01 to get eliminated Mexican workers from Alabama Alabama exactly what happened but you there is like that that really is like I mean that is the quandary is that like white people are we're the best can't do anything better than us except for picking stuff and a lot of these jobs actually we were not all those jobs turns out we're really spoiled and that gets in the way of our work ethic thank you so it's weird like that Rebecca Latimer Felton remember her she gave the speech oh yeah right yeah five hours ago yeah she became the first woman in the US Senate in 1922 good she was appointed as a replacement when a
Starting point is 00:53:44 North Carolina senator died Congress was not in session at the time she was sworn in on November 21st made a speech thanking the Senate and said that the women who followed her would serve with quote ability and integrity of purpose her elected successor was then sworn in and their term lasted 24 hours what a run the first female US senator what a run just a fucking monster racist horrific person well but Dave sometimes being the first doesn't actually mean much if you're the person you are it turns out I think it's in 2006 the news and observer pendant editorial titled quote a painful past known in the
Starting point is 00:54:32 paper's part in the racist efforts of 1898 were quote not a history we can undo but this newspaper was a leader in that propaganda effort under editor and publisher Josephus Daniels in August 2007 the North Carolina State Senate passed a resolution acknowledging and expressing profound regret for the coup would we officially feel awful turns out we was what we were naughty we feel super bad about what we did with the whole killing in the book so murder were not we know that no amount of money time or effort can make up for what we did mm-hmm so we're gonna give you a full page in our paper full page I think
Starting point is 00:55:22 that that should say enough page eight still we're doing sorry's so this is we've got a case of the sorry's okay okay our bad official sorry our bad mm-hmm whoo hang on our face yeah sorry about the whole life thing Opsie doopsies existence must have been treacherous and a hue well good how do you feel you know it was nice about that one was that we got a half time to watch tickled mm-hmm so I got to see what happens when white people are left in power Jose's like trying to wrap it up do yeah yeah Jose's like I'll go to Alabama and pick all that fruit bro you don't look stupid licking your neck at all it's
Starting point is 00:56:12 totally working out well the bandana throws them off cuz he's like tattered this is sad to watch it's not trying to lick its neck with a bandana on is to just a tragedy let's get the bandana lick that neck bro that neck bro yeah fat neck what do you do when your cats fat I don't know you don't leave a food bowl out no but I like feed I don't like feed it's not like I'm always keeping it full like I monitor well something's going wrong the stuff's saying wrong you're talking about I'm watching I'm watching Dom de louise and cat for now all right we signed cars

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