The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 192 - Jackie Mitchell and Babe Ruth

Episode Date: July 21, 2016

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine the teenage girl who made headlines against Babe Ruth. SOURCESTOUR DATES REDBUBBLE MERCH...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. Hello this is the dollop. Whenever you're ready. I'm gonna do the other way. You're
Starting point is 00:00:45 listening to the dollop. This is an American History Podcast. Each week maybe a couple of times. I read a story from American History to my friend. And Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the topic is going to be about. Sandwiches. Spurs. Sorry. It's about sandwiches. God do you want to look who to do? I'll do one bottle. People say this is funny. Not Gary Gira. Steve okay. Someone or something is tickling people. Is it for fun? And this is not gonna come to Tickly Podcast. Okay. You are queen fakie of made-up town. All hail Queen Shit of Liesville. A bunch of religious virgins go to mingle and do a pray. Hi Gary. No. Has he done my friend? No.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Hi. Hi Dave. First of all. Would you say hi to me or the listeners? Spicey early? You should. Saying too much. Let's not talk over each other. This. I find that that can be oh boy. It's on you. That has nothing to do with me. This podcast is brought to you by our sponsors on Patreon. I want to thank each and every one of you. You're all nice people. I want to kissy kissy kissy. You're tummy tummy tummy. So it's it's I think I'll I'll say for everybody that I think we started off sweet with what we're gonna do the Patreon people. We were gonna kiss all of them. Fun. You've sort of been taking the torch. Now you're gonna kiss all of them. Now you're kissing tummies. I don't want the next one to be oral.
Starting point is 00:02:26 So I think I'll just say what everyone's thinking. The next level. No no no. No sir. Move on. You know there's a guy who wrote me an email and said hey man you know I've tried to get people in your podcast but but it's it's hard with the intro thing no one wants to sit through it when you guys just talk before you get into the story. Mm-hmm. And I think I said fuck off. Well I think like when I listen to ones and they'll do it's funny that I'm gonna do commentary on how we delay the start of the podcast but I get that a little bit but I don't I feel like we're not like it's not like we're promoting a ton of products and stuff like doing I mean it's like interactive for the podcast so other people read five commercials yeah so put your dick in your
Starting point is 00:03:17 pants yeah and and I mean the idea that we're delaying for anything reminds me of you know Pringles I mean Pringles are a delicious potato chip and they're the the potato chip of the dollop yeah and you know I a lot of times when I'm sitting back and I'm sort of listening to a long boring meander before a podcast yeah it'll make me hungry right and I'll reach for a can of sweet Pringles yeah they got sour cream and and chive they got salt and vinegar they got the original they're in a tube which not a lot of chips are you know and I love that double barbecue and and they've got the fun Ridge they've got the curve at the curvature they got Hassan Fevers they've got Hassan Fevers and what you can do with a Pringle and again I to this guy's point yeah
Starting point is 00:04:00 we do not want to get bogged down in in sponsorship but you can make funny little lips with them that's right and you can make like a little duck mouth and you can sort of be like you know which I think is fun and I think that's again why why Pringles are the only chip that Dave Anthony and and I will eat they are the chip of the podcast and you know shout out to Pringles and Pringles shout out to you Pringles you eat enough you get diarrhea let's get into this that's a promise I usually do something clever but I'm just gonna say August 29th 1913 Jesus talk about mailing it in yeah do you want a FedEx slip that guy really bought me out even though he did it a year ago what Jack you know it was a while ago I just thought of it now Jesus because I was
Starting point is 00:04:45 sitting here listening to you ramble on about your dates and I was like God I could kill myself right now ramble on August 1913 okay Jackie Mitchell was born in Chattanooga Tennessee all right Nougat Nougat when she was very young her father took her to a baseball diamond and taught her the basics of the game fun now come to the diamond and learn rules you are to and you will tell me the difference between a cut fastball and a foreseam fastball she's a natural I want to sign your daughter to the New York Yankees soon after the family moved to Memphis Tennessee her father encouraged you to practice in sports from a very young age which was an anomaly at the time right yeah he supported her playing basketball baseball and swimming luckily when it came to
Starting point is 00:05:41 baseball they had the perfect neighbor in Memphis a gentleman named Dazzie Vance sure who would go on to be a Dodger great when an National League MVP award and also was the runner up in the best name competition thank you during his career he would strike out more than 2,000 hitters okay but at this point his career was just beginning and he was working his way up through the minor leagues currently he was playing for the Memphis Chicks well she's gonna be perfect for that squad and he took a liking to young Jackie okay he taught her to throw a sinker and a curve and gave her other baseball tips don't pursue this insider tip for you don't be black yeah don't be black don't pursue this that's it that's basically it that's all do that you'll be fine now get out of
Starting point is 00:06:36 here but she grew up to be a baller though she was not very big just five foot five and waited just 130 pounds she however was very coordinated and very tough okay she kicked the shit out of you I don't know why you're bringing me into it and threatening me like that excuse me I got pissed can I get sunburned I'm trying to change my tire I'm surprised you're alive she was both too real she was she was both a good basketball player and a good baseball player during the winter she'd play for a traveling basketball team and in the summer but Dave I think that you don't want to be a traveling basketball team you get nothing but fouls called against you it's illegal to travel in the sport of basketball you can keep going I don't know if I want to
Starting point is 00:07:27 know why in the spring and summer she was playing for a women's baseball team in Chattanooga and she's just a teenager at this point okay Jackie was said to have a deceptive pitching delivery I'm not gonna pitch now that's a deceptive and quite good with her glove in 1931 she went to a baseball training school in Atlanta the many the man running the school took note of her skill and told Joe Angle okay Joe Joe Angle Joe Angle okay Angle was the chief scout for the Washington Senators and president of a AAA minor league club called the Chattanooga lookouts okay Angle had taken over the lookouts in 1929 not a great year to start running a business with the depression at all all right sign them all to max deals
Starting point is 00:08:21 time to buy a business gentlemen all right hand me that bottle of poison so to sell tickets he had to do more than just put a good team on the field he had to become a master promoter never by the way I think if there's one thing we've learned never a good angle I'm thinking short term one time he raffled off a house to a ticket holder all right congratulations you want a home what's happening the I'm time traveling Oprah other times he raffled off cars he also traded a shortstop that all the fans hated for a 25 pound turkey that's tough hey Bobby come on in here I want to hey coach I know I had a rough day I just want to apologize I think if I'm gonna don't don't worry about it just just want to let you know
Starting point is 00:09:17 that we we made a trade today we did enjoy having you on the team but just not working on it I understand it's a business trade you appreciate it can I ask you one thing just from my own yeah we traded you to a butter butter ball sorry the net who did you trade me for well we traded you for a twenty five pound turkey and you will be working at butter ball but I'm a but I'm a baseball player where you you were that's the interesting thing you what positions the turkey gonna play he is going to play dinner on Thursday so we could we want you guys are gonna have a turkey we did discuss eating you oh I gotta be honest now that kind of puts perspective on the trade a little for me now we felt that's how useless
Starting point is 00:10:21 we thought you were on the field we thought we were talking what what what could we do with him since he is basically just a piece of meat and someone said let's cook them up and then and then it just they just kind of got the ball rolling and then we call butter ball you got the butter ball roll we call we call butter ball and we talked to them about because they make turkeys and obviously well and so you're being traded you'll be working in the factory and then we're just gonna eat the the monetary equivalent of you anyway it's been great having you on the team you were a spark plug that's not true you were a you were you're trading me so obviously you were a real piece of shit okay well I'll
Starting point is 00:11:06 be honest knowing that you were gonna eat me I feel good with the trade yeah your existence upsets me all right I'm gonna leave fears you keep digging so I'm gonna I want to put a fork in your heart it was great to play for you take your heart out your natural born leader who makes nine errors in a game goodbye you know what you know who wouldn't do that a turkey I closed the door maybe will that in place shortstop before I'm going down the stairs now I'm at my home now who are you oh boy you know what he could catch to oh fuck I would watch a game if I put a turkey angle said quote the turkey was having a better oh boy that wasn't his only bird stunt he also had a duck lay an egg on second base
Starting point is 00:12:01 yeah I don't know okay another question is when during a game I couldn't find out why because the timing of that is so insane oh it's very strange that you kind of almost have to let the duck have free reign it had to have been before the game right like the end of train did it lay an egg at a certain time how you can try to duck to lay you don't know that there's no way you can trade all right ready 915 lay the egg what if you give him cocaine no or her no either yeah it may be him man that coke's real good holy that shit I have a womb on an opening day he had all the players ride into the stadium on elephants what is going on how well why why between 1900 to 1930 could you get an elephant anywhere
Starting point is 00:12:47 that's just how they were anywhere yeah it's not this is not like a safari oh it was then okay when the team lost a bid to us the all-star game he had a crying cage built and sat it sat in it during a game the whole time weeping he must be so tired that's all I thought of when I read that yeah like that he was like by the third inning he was like Jesus Christ I'm dehydrated worst idea of that oh my god it's hot should I give way house on opening day in 1838 he had a safari wearing trappers on the field hunting men in paper mache elephant costume what the what is what is going on is it the opening of the Japanese Olympics I don't care but that's the best thing that you could ever see men hunting paper mache
Starting point is 00:13:35 elephants yeah what if you liked baseball were you just going there like what is happening what what about the people are on acid oh the people on acid did not make it past like they saw that and they were like get out of here I don't know yeah they were jumpers I've also seen a photo of him standing on the baseball diamond wearing a crown and so it's a it's a king's crown and then like that red robe a little capey thing I don't know what's it called it's like a yeah rober the I don't think they tell the I don't think they tell the peasants like us the moomoo mm-hmm what it's called a half robe that thing half rope shoulder robe so naturally armless shoulder road shoulder rope for Kings so naturally
Starting point is 00:14:15 when he saw 17 year old Jackie Mitchell playing ball the bells went off yeah we should have her throw balls at an elephant although not right away Jackie left the baseball camp and went to play basketball in Dallas angle didn't actually think she was right for the team until the spring of 1931 because that's when the Yankees were coming to town for an exhibition game oh yeah what would be better than to see a teenage girl pitch to Babe Ruth what what what fair matchup oh my god angle sent word he wanted to sign her and she hopped on a bus and sped East to play professional baseball she's going to pitch against the Yankees yep Babe Ruth had come on to the scene in the roaring 20s the US was coming out of World
Starting point is 00:15:00 War one and the economy was booming and mass media through newspapers and radio was having a huge effect on US culture babe was bigger than life both on and off the field he became Americans first sports celebrity oh he was the example of America's greatness and zest for living he made more money I like that he's the example of greatness I mean he really was like I mean gluttonous to know oh no he's just a blustering man yeah I mean he would like fuck a ham and eat it yeah no he was a monster like it's perfect yes it is but I love that we love that we know that stuff yeah he's got a zest for living well yeah well he threw brandy at a woman exactly look at him go he's one of us he made more money
Starting point is 00:15:41 than the president which was considered crazy at the time when a reporter asked him about it he answered why not I had a better year than he did that's stealing the turkey line I guess so he's a hack yeah and now there was a girl signing a baseball contract in response she better not have put the little heart over the eyes otherwise boy wow in response there were headlines across the country screaming that women can't play baseball I would I am shocked that people were not more open to this right this time yeah people loved women advancing at this time yes this was when they were like I think we are equal they make us more sensitive and balanced but none of that deterred Jackie she showed up in a white dress a chic little
Starting point is 00:16:25 hat and a leather jacket sign her contract with her parents alongside kind of a badass outfit she was yeah that's what I thought that's what I put it in there she was the second woman ever to join a minor league team there had been many women baseball clubs for a while but having a woman actually playing a man's baseball league was a different thing all together I don't think I put in where the first woman did it but she just like signed for a day the first one was kind of just like a novelty thing yeah yeah we're signing an elephant and a lady all right everyone get your free hat the game will start in an hour so after we remove the pool from the dugout also you Jerry we're training you for a ham
Starting point is 00:17:07 all right and you right there you win a blimp oh boy wait a minute yeah different man it's good so that people didn't freak out over the idea of young woman riding with a busload of men around the country she'll turn out penises into the other one it was reported that her mother would travel with her on all team road trips Mitchell told reporters she hoped to use the money she made to pay for college quote this is an answer to a dream I have to make good this is an answer to a dream I have to make good yeah okay the Middleton Times Herald called her distinctly feminine I mean is that in comparison to all the men on the field she has a vagina she'll stand out the Atlanta Constitution said she was
Starting point is 00:18:03 quote one of these said she wasn't quote one of these stuck up temperamental women athletes possessed with a sense of her own importance and hard to get along with she's a shy little girl who blushed under her sunburned face when asked her full name it the headline was not a twat yeah I mean honestly could he be any more slanted oh yeah woman finally acceptable lady finally not a huge bitch sportswoman that doesn't make me want to kill her finally but she did not have much time before the Yankees were coming to town and the Yankees were the shit the top of their order hitters were given the nickname murderers row for all the damage they inflicted on pitchers and that was happening in just a few days so that she's
Starting point is 00:18:59 pitching in a few days wow so Jackie who have been playing basketball for a couple of months now to switch to baseball her brain won't be able to handle that transition Dave she's a woman she's the woman don't know how she's gonna do it but it'll be fun shooting threes from the mound I wanted to see a woman die on a baseball field for a while you know the reason she showed up is because she heard about a diamond it's it's true so Jackie trained she kept walking around saying how am I gonna fit this on my finger did you hear no oh well I've been drinking a lot alone yeah I've never had sex with a woman kind of broken the only woman that had ever talked to me was my sister they used to put me in dresses and braid my
Starting point is 00:19:54 hair I'm excited to see the Yankees come to town you've been alone there for a while you coming hi yeah would you heard nothing or something what are you doing nothing man just sweating from my eyes let's do this shit Jackie trained and trained and trained that turned out to be a bit too much the New York Daily News reported that the Yankees were going what the Yankees were going to be seeing in Chattanooga the Yankees will meet a club here that has a girl picture named Jackie Mitchell who has a swell change of pace and swings a mean lipstick why I like it's just so yeah it's just so it's not like it's lazy it's so lazy it's just lazy it's because you could easily come up with a thing that would you know I mean
Starting point is 00:20:46 obviously it's it's different so you could come up with a reason you could come up with some wording like that anything but yeah it's all you could think of that was shit yeah he was like lipsticks like a little baseball bat I suppose that in the next town the Yankees enter they will find a squad that has a female impersonator in left field a sword swaller at short and a trained seal behind the plate I would not say that to the man who ran that team times in the south they can train seals times in the south are not only tough but silly yeah the New York Daily News oh god women are like train seals what's the difference what was the last time you saw silly in a newspaper headline that would be this one
Starting point is 00:21:27 yes but seriously he's comparing a woman to a train seal yeah yep so cool yeah yeah do you have a problem with our attitude back then other papers chimed in one paper wrote the curves won't be all on the ball when pretty Jackie Mitchell takes the bound I mean he's talking about yeah TNA bro non-penis human to play with balls those kind of articles may have been why Jackie was training so hard or maybe it was just because she was driven whatever the reason she had a full bulletin board yeah oh fuck yeah it was too much in the Washington Post reported she was quote laid up with a sore arm okay we were all worried about this it already seemed over luckily rain came on the big day and the game was delayed
Starting point is 00:22:27 that she did it the witch pitcher she's able to bring storms with her vagina she's a witch pitcher that extra day gave her arm a little time to heal and the chance to pitch okay Babe Ruth wasn't thrilled by the idea of a girl pitching quote the newspaper men say there's a girl in Chattanooga that's been pitching for them there they've asked me what I thought of that I told them I don't know what's going to happen if they begin to let women in baseball of course they will never make good why because they're too delicate I would kill it would kill them to play ball every day I asked the newspaper man how big this girl was and they told me she's five foot seven hundred thirty pounds I don't know what things are coming
Starting point is 00:23:12 to what the hell is going on out there you're right Babe you are Ruth nails it you are our moral high bar the lookouts catcher was named Eddie Kenna he was a world one one vet and had been around baseball for a long time he didn't think Jackie was a joke quote I was impressed with Jackie skills she was twice as good as I imagine her signing with the lookout certainly wasn't a joke as some people think okay originally Angle's idea was to have Jackie come pitch every time Babe Ruth came up to bat just then that was that was his idea his first idea was just every time he came up to bat he would just pitch her and put her back in the dugout and then bring her out well then you are a train seal right
Starting point is 00:23:57 but now with her arm sore the plan changed she was just going to come into pitch to Ruth in the first inning and then stand the game for as long as she could I like this plan better on April 2 1931 Mitchell put on the wool lookouts jersey for the first time and headed into the dugout always a good fabric to be athletic in wool wool is in the south the breathing the breathing fabric yeah yeah there were 4000 people in the sold out stadium they all wanted to see not just Babe Ruth and the Yankees but the teenage girl that would try to pitch to them a nice photo opportunity was set up she met Ruth and Lou Gehrig on the field and posed for pictures with them then they stood behind Jackie watching
Starting point is 00:24:44 her warm up as photographers snapped away okay then the game started Jackie was not the starting pitcher that was Clyde Barfoot hey yeah I got one foot on the diamond one foot in the bar and name why were names so much better back then and they just were like it just everything was just two words they just put two words together Dave Stoolhand yeah Mike go shootry mm-hmm the old Jim TV Billy Sunhouse we get old shoes head we keep doing your bag it's not that great glass toes tow tow man bath the Yankee leadoff hitter quickly smoked a double to center and the next batter hit a single it was already one to nothing after two batters and now it was Babe Ruth's turn to bat okay the lookouts manager called for
Starting point is 00:25:41 Jackie to come in and pitch or as the Baltimore Sun said quote the snip-nosed blue eyed girl the Washington Post probably had the best get a nose circumcision Washington Post probably had the best description quote without so much as powdering her nose or seeing if her lipstick was on straight Jackie strode to the mound must have been impossible for that lady to do all that now I would say that is sexist why but hold on a second okay Jackie took some warm-up throws and then pulled out a mirror and applied some makeup okay on the mount not a good move setting things back a little bit right yeah but as but how did she look not as one of the boys how did she look okay that's what matters then the babe tipped
Starting point is 00:26:34 his cap to her and stepped in Jackie through her best pitch okay curveball okay Babe Ruth swung at it and completely missed okay he was clearly swinging for a home run yeah Jackie then through another breaking ball and Ruth swung again and missed again okay now there's some granule footage of the pitch and it has been described by some as quote a hell of a curve how the hell do we have footage of this and there's no footage of Doc Ellis pitching on acid is that true yeah there's no footage of it it was right it was probably like five years before they started filming every game that's a shame yeah Ruth then demanded that the home plate umpire inspect the ball right so I think it's full of tampons so that means
Starting point is 00:27:31 like if a curve if a breaking ball is really breaking there are ways you can do stuff you can scuff it or you can do stuff that'll make it move more so he's saying that she's cheating she's putting marmalade on it no way a woman can do a curve like that it's breaking a good foot so the home plate umpire was a man named Brick Owens Brick Owens I mean amazing he had been an umpire for many years and he and Babe Ruth had a history in 1917 the babe was pitching for the Boston Red Sox against the Washington Senators for Babe Ruth was a huge homerunner he was a pitcher yeah for another team Ruth walked the first batter on four pitches Ruth did not think the pitches were balls so he charged the plate screaming at
Starting point is 00:28:16 Owens Owens told Ruth to go back to the mound but Ruth was too angry and he kept coming Owen said to get back to the man or he'd be thrown out Ruth then got right in his face and said if he was tossed he'd punch the umpire in the face and then Brick Owens threw him out of the game Ruth then took a swing at Owens and punched him in the ear dropping the umpire ear punches are the best punches the best punch of all Ruth had to be pulled away by his teammates and was later fined and forced to apologize I'm sorry okay come on let's go fuck a girl together come on it's like a weird yeah but I'm also on board isn't that what we picture Babe Ruth doing just fucking everybody again I mean I'm pretty
Starting point is 00:28:59 sure the man was motivated by what the cavemen were motivated by he wanted to eat relax and put his penis wherever he wanted to and now here was Ruth having just swung at a pitch from a girl looking back at the same umpire Babe Ruth then asked Owens to look over the ball which he did and not finding any foreign substances he put it back in play it would be great if when he asked them look over the ball he was like huh what'd you say sorry I'm having a little trouble hearing you saying into my not punched ear sorry a shit had punched my ear years ago Ruth shook his head and got back into the batters box Jackie then made a pretty smart decision she decided to throw the last pitch Ruth was expecting she threw
Starting point is 00:29:45 a fastball right down the middle of the plate something he would normally crush unless he was completely not expecting it yeah and he wasn't the babe was completely frozen as it sailed right over the middle of the pitch super smart pitching that's crazy although some said it was a bad call and not over the middle of the plate the Washington Post called it quote the deadliest insult of all uh Owens called Ruth out on strikes Ruth then threw his bat down furious glared at Owens and stomped over the bench I mean imagine yeah the New York Times said he quote registered his disgust with his shoulders and chin well I have no idea what that means I mean it's probably the only place he had kind of emotional
Starting point is 00:30:33 movement over anymore he was just literally like a honey glazed ham next was Yankee great Lou Gehrig this year he would he would go on to bat 341 which if you don't know anything about baseball is very very good he also was going to hit as many home runs as Babe Ruth this year so he's no slouch that's what I'm saying yes and he went up and swung at and missed three straight curveballs crazy Baltimore Sun said quote Luke could hear Jackie's girlfriends squealing delightedly oh my god it might have just been the seventh inning pigs though they never know oh angle Jackie then walked the next batter and the lookouts manager pulled her from the game what an idiot it was the sore arm she couldn't she couldn't go on still
Starting point is 00:31:21 she just didn't have anything although the Washington Post had a different theory quote Jackie probably remembered that time that she was a woman and after all the excitement she undoubtedly wanted to go off and have a good cry so the let her retire from the game the problem was she forgot she wasn't a man and then she went all right i'm a girl either way that was it her day was over she walked back to the dugout as the crowd cheered all she did was strike out the greatest player in baseball history i mean and and and really two of them yeah oh yeah uh america's biggest celebrity and a next great player a 17-year-old teenager yeah i mean that's crazy the new york times headline read girl pitcher fans ruth and garrick
Starting point is 00:32:15 in an editorial the paper added the prospect grows gloomier and gloomier for misogynists and i think you all agree that is not true they didn't know how deep the tank ran and then came twitter yeah after the game the reporters flocked to babe ruth they did not go to jackie she quietly packed up her things and went home maybe they didn't try to enter jackie because they didn't believe what had happened another writer for the new york times made the argument that ruth and garrick didn't try to get hits yeah that makes sense the times wrote that ruth quote performed his role very ably by striking out while garrick took three hefty swings as his contribution to the occasion yeah it was sweet of them both to try yeah pretend try because there's no way one and and by the way
Starting point is 00:33:05 as you're the point you're making i mean the idea that either of these two would do anything to make it appear like a woman was defeating them is crazy right unless it was like an announced stunt there's no way that they'd be like this will help women she'll strike out to a little 17 year old girl why wouldn't i i'm the greatest baseball player in the world sure i killed a woman two nights ago but whatever i want to help them too i killed a woman when i sweat and laid on her ruth and garrick never admitted they struck out on purpose other yankees like pitcher lefty gomez said yankees manager joe mccarthy would have never told any yankee to strike out the next batter who was to come up said he was going to try to hit the ball as did the yankee she walked right a rumor immediately
Starting point is 00:34:04 started that the commissioner of baseball had heard what happened and voided jackie's contract the next day as well as banning any other women from playing the sport but that was not true the commissioner known of the contract before and did no such thing though the president overseeing the minor leagues was not thrilled he called her a quote female mound artist and the event a lamentable burlesking of the nation's favorite sport like a greased pig contest or a hot dog eating competition do you know who you're playing against this is a man who wept in a cage for a game like there's i mean and it is and it is there's so honestly i mean women throwing on the mound it's like having grease pigs running around that's highly different i feel like it's not the same
Starting point is 00:34:55 thing it's highly different it's like watching a man put 60 hot dogs into his mouth it's totally different again i would totally totally different again maybe the rumor that she never played again held strong because jackie didn't play for the lookouts again but she was still a professional baseball player she was put on angle's other team called the anglets which were men good news honey i finally found a way to extend my career you're gonna be on the lady boys i'm joining the girl men she was eventually released by that team in 1933 was signed by baseball club known as the house of david in michigan how this was the time when something called barnstorming was popular they were traveling teams that went from town to town
Starting point is 00:35:44 where there were no professional teams barnstorming mixed sports in vaudeville and the circus oh boy quote there are teams of fat men teams of one-legged men blind teams all brother teams stop stop stop stop you can't plow through the list what what are what are the words you're saying teams of fat men understandable teams of one-legged men a little okay i mean that's baseball that's great baseball mm-hmm just watch you guys hit the ball then fall over oh gosh dragon dragon so i'm gonna use my leg to hit with uh blind problem blind problem problem yeah problem okay that's fair how many people are here uh 150 how how great how great is a blind baseball game how great i'm dave the greatest it it literally it is a game of one hit i want to
Starting point is 00:36:51 see the yankees and he's still unable to find the ball they're all looking for the ball some of her the cracker they're all looking for the ball they don't know if the ball's gone fair or foul they just know that there is a ball in play meanwhile the hitter is looking for first base he's way far away from that he's actually headed towards third meanwhile the outfield is still looking for the ball and the ball's not even in the outfield it's in the infield but they've all gone to the outfield well looking to them have run into each other and again the hitter is close to first but he's just missed it and now he's going the wrong direction again they know there's a ball in play they know a ball's out of the field but none of them are getting close to it
Starting point is 00:37:27 he's right near it it's right behind it he's walked right by it again score man zero zero top of the first five hours into the game we are still looking for our ball and the hitter has found first but he's lost and far away from second he's run from first to home which again is not a score meanwhile they're very far away from the ball they are nowhere near the ball still i want to watch that teams would do tricks or ride animals onto the field all the antics you could think of of jackie's new team house of david was one such club they had started as a religious colony in michigan always michigan it began as a christian commune in 1903 started by benjamin pernell a self-proclaimed messenger of god we're only burnt in when he wanted to reunite the 12 tribes of
Starting point is 00:38:24 israel in preparation for the return of jesus christ hey asshole find an easier way you on set of the new millennium what that's where you do it michigan i'm gonna start a bet i mean he's the field of dreams guy i heard a voice of course that was 97 years away so they had some time members gave all their possessions to the commune and were required to refrain from sex alcohol tobacco and meat so bay bruce not a member no not he did not make the team by 1914 pernell had started a baseball team because they needed a recreational outlet while they waited the whole 97 years yeah well you're gonna need something he also knew baseball was popular and figured they could use the sport to spread the word of their cult they were ever team
Starting point is 00:39:10 team sorry team team team team team team team team team team they were successful early on as a team and by 1917 were barnstorming across the midwest they became hot shit partly because they were good and flashy and partly because of their look all the men in the sect had long beards and crazy long hair that flowed all the way down to their belts these hairstyles came from orders in the bible or something it was written about where grow your grow ye hair to make sure ye everything's really long this was a time when men did not have facial airs so they really stuck out okay that's insane too i i actually read i wish i had time to put it in but i had to rush over here uh there's a story don't don't put that on me about a world war one vet who came back and was walking
Starting point is 00:40:02 through boston and people started yelling at him and like booing and hissing him on the street because he had facial hair it's crazy by the 1920s posters advertised house of david appearances with whiskers whiskers oh yes right yeah they packed stadiums all over and invented a unique game of pepper in which the players with insane speed would toss the baseball from behind their backs in between their legs and use sleight of hand tricks sometimes hiding the ball in their beards oh they were the harlem globetrotters of baseball but they're pitch they're pitching behind their backs no they're pepper they're throwing the ball around they're throwing the ball around behind their backs and then they're hiding the balls in their beard yeah
Starting point is 00:40:52 all right soon they're playing all teams including major league teams and nigger league teams but in 1927 as expected pernell was convicted of sexually assaulting girls and embezzling money from the sect whoa as they all are every one of them no all the cult leaders no always every time no i won't hear of him no way he died five weeks after being convicted the religion fractured why them it went to the guys who like baseball and the guys who like to molestation they went into different groups oh we should play each other uh the baseball team continued being so popular survived the terrible actions of their leader it may have been i think that really is quite a comeback story actually is that's the miracle that is the miracle that people still like yeah you can
Starting point is 00:41:49 play ball we accept your apology uh they may have even been more popular spawning copycats now like the negro house of david whoa team okay i mean so now they're just like bravo shows same thing but black now same thing about white eventually they started bringing in players from outside the cult who did not have to do anything with the religion and that's when they signed jackie she was then just 19 they paid her a thousand dollars a month it's great that's a shitload of money back then right yeah again i'll take it now yeah right again with her mother she traveled around the country playing ball she even played against the saint louis cardinals and they won the game eight to six meanwhile people knew who she was and she had a little bit
Starting point is 00:42:43 of celebrity letters would arrive to her home addressed simply to the girl that struck out bae bruth okay i don't care about your name eventually she got tired of all the craziness on the road and and uh and parted ways with house of david players were wearing fake beards at this point what for that team yeah because they weren't now they were losing their religion now they were just a baseball so they now they were just like the hollam globetrotters what is their point well because they still had the reputation of being all beardy so they're like hey let's get away from that horrible religion separate player i'm pretty sure they sold fake beards because they found pictures of of when they played
Starting point is 00:43:27 the boston braves which is the last team bae bruth played for it he has a fake beard on he has a fake beard on because they played each other and then and so all these pictures of boston brave guys so what was it what did we try and to accomplish here is it a sport i know beard competitions yeah it's just shows all of it meanwhile at the blind game i need some food they're literally tripping over the balls two more have died today from starvation out on the field when is it with that is the question we're all asking when will this end they are not near the ball as i told you four days ago one of them ate the ball the ball's been eaten the rest of them don't know they're just being left out here to die sort of experiment is
Starting point is 00:44:14 this players were wearing fake beards it is believed jackie finally had enough when she was made to ride a donkey onto the field okay she's all that quits in her bait on her baseball career in 1937 and went back to chat nougat and worked in her father's optometry office during world war two and all female baseball league was started they asked jackie to play but she refused because she's like yeah no no she's not she's a dude i'm not gonna play with much yeah right yeah that's so true right yeah she lived the rest girls don't belong in baseball she lived the rest of her life around the chat nougat area major league baseball finally got around to banning women in 1952 finally oh thank god when the harrisburg senator's attempted to sign 24 year old elinor
Starting point is 00:45:03 engel she never appeared in a game because harrisburg's manager buck etchison who had not been consulted on the signing through a shit fit the national association of baseball clubs president george tautman ruled both major minor league clubs could not sign women commissioner ford frick agreed even bill veck or bill feck yeah disco demolition owner oh okay okay even he said the idea of when ludicrous baseball was going too too much too much that's it too much now i'm gonna blow up a game jackie married eugene gilbert late in life when she was in her fifties jackie also worked as a chauffeur and later at the tidy tidy diaper service didn't you just strike out by bruce i did here's can i have that bag of shit yeah cloth
Starting point is 00:45:58 yeah thank you fairs fair in 1982 she was asked to throw out the first pitch on 19 what 1982 okay the first pitch on opening day at engel stadium three years later the aletta braves asked her to come and sit in the dugout she met her favorite player dale murphy one of the brave players asked if he could kiss the woman on the cheek that struck out bay bruce jackie died january 7th 1987 people still argue there's no way she struck out bay bruce and lou garig the case against is that she was a teenage girl and they were great and that engel was always looking for a promotion angle but he didn't picture with that team again which seems to negate that point right because if you have a if you have a girl who struck out the two best baseball players then you would have her on
Starting point is 00:46:45 the team as a promotional thing but make it i i can't find a rationale to why bay bruce and lou garig would take part in that piece okay so uh what is there a theory behind that well so ruth struck out all the time he led the league for five years in strikeouts also not knowing a picture at all gives the picture a huge advantage fine all that's fine to top all that off jackie had a jackie had a sidearm style that would have made it difficult for left-handed hitters and while ruth was one to screw around and this would have been entirely in character for him to strike out but not with her lou garig was the opposite neither there's i mean i totally agree with you there's no way there's just no way i mean met like honest to god men today wouldn't do it right they would
Starting point is 00:47:34 not do it they would they would totally take it as a moment to prove why women wouldn't belong in sport and that is exactly what those two do you think bay bruce would would want to see headlines that he got stuck up by a girl no and like and and this is the time when the headlines were twitter right so there's no i mean if that gets out once that's just going to be wildfire and that's going to spread it there's just no way yeah uh lou garig stuck to a strict set of rules and never would have done anything to embarrass the yankees jackie held to her belief that she'd really struck out the two yankees until the day she died she said the only instruction the yankees received was to try to avoid lining the ball straight back at her in 1987 just before her death she said why hell they were trying
Starting point is 00:48:21 damn right hell batter better hitters than them couldn't hit me why should they have been any different she's awesome she definitely hung out with baseball players yeah well hell shit they got a hell shit a well uh you can also be sure that a hell of a lot of fucking baseball writers couldn't handle the fact that she struck them out and started those stories right that's what it is it's the baseball writers i don't understand this though i i why would you bet well if you are baseball why would you ban women why would you say no women um because well the excuse was i believe that they would get hurt okay but we we allow professional athletes to go into perilous situations all the time reason to ban women yes is that you don't know because they
Starting point is 00:49:11 might be better than you well i mean for sure that's the only reason well i look i mean i think the truth is you know like if you watch the difference between like the wnba and the nba there is a difference between skill level between them but why would you ever say no way yeah why there there will be a female baseball player we have female refs we have female coaches yeah like the idea that it's impossible i mean i think that like ronda rousey think of ronda rousey yeah i mean like she's an example of like they like they're five years ago six years ago people would have been like no way but you there are competitive i mean there are like like i feel like venus will uh i feel like venus or serena williams could like beat top 10 male tennis players all right i mean i've
Starting point is 00:49:59 lost you they could i don't watch tennis so i don't know oh well sorry do you want to come over and watch it sometime i think that they're can't i think there will be a female baseball player and that'll be the first sport that i think it's interesting i mean if you think about like what are they trying to do they're trying to get ratings at the end of the day they're trying to get ratings right if that is their goal if they can get a female baseball player you've they would make started a new market they would make so much you start you fit like arguably 50 percent arguably of the market that has been left out yeah could be ignited that i mean think of when yaoming played basketball china all of a sudden like it was enormously into the sphere if you had a woman
Starting point is 00:50:43 playing baseball there is a there is a 12 year old in our little league in our town who is she is so fucking good and all the little girls in town are inspired and they all want to play baseball now because of her but she i went to a game to watch her pitch because i'd heard about her and it was an all-star game where they play other all stars from other towns uh and the burbank all stars came over and she struck out nine street boys and you should see boys walk back to the dugout yeah after they've been struck out by a girl so then babe you tell me babe ruth right in that era would that be great it would never do that would not have that emotion never multiply never never um you can throw a curveball and you don't have to be a super strong think a knuckleball
Starting point is 00:51:33 17 year old girl could throw a curveball and have it there there are pitchers whose job it is to not throw fast to throw right curveballs are not a great curveball is not a fast ball yeah like knuckleballs how fast the burry zito's ball was not moving that fast how fast is the knuckleball oh knuckleballs are not fast at all what 50 they're just crazy yeah they're just nuts yeah all right well your dog's your dog uh yep my dog is a cat that's a cat your cat's looking at its belly and playing with its foot that's his favorite chair i can't believe that chair turned him into a dog he's a fucking idiot it's a really it's a fat animal right now that's just a fact i've uh i someone was very nice after you were awful to jose with your language on one of the previous podcast tubs and then look
Starting point is 00:52:18 at the way he's looking he's like that food no he's he's tired from licking himself who isn't who isn't he needs a break he needs a break he needs a nap after licking his tummy well i've been there all right but someone gave me some nice recommendations on how much to feed the this fat fucker we're a or a lap band can you imagine dude over under eight years on cat lap bands we saw in cats

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