The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 219 - The Terror of 1741

Episode Date: November 15, 2016

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine the New York City terror of 1741. SOURCESTOUR DATES REDBUBBLE MERCH...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host I like butter no aren't these uh no none of us we're testing it none of it's okay no matter what it is I like
Starting point is 00:00:49 cheese and butter David no you're listening to the dollop this is a bi-weekly American history podcast each week I read a story from American history which is over to my friend Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the topic is going to be about or what the hell is going on do you want to look who to do I'll do one bottle people say this is funny not Gary Gara Dave okay someone or something is tickling people is it for fun and this is not gonna come to tickly podcast okay you are queen-fakey of made-up town all hell queen shit of Liesville a bunch of religious virgins go to mingle and do what?
Starting point is 00:01:28 Hi Gary. No. Is he done my friend? No. All right so welcome to the first post-American dollop. It's already dead? Yeah I didn't see that that wasn't on the news ticker yeah yeah it's wrapped up your news must be set to two years from now I get a I get a future information you get future papers yeah that's how I called the election they're so expensive but it's so handy oh it's great future papers so we're not gonna talk about it I don't have an interest in talking about it if you want to hear what I thought about it you can go back to April when I called it point for point
Starting point is 00:02:12 on episode 250 of faux-fop but I don't want to talk about it I'm not gonna I'm kind of done I'm gonna bail on social media now I'm I think it is one of those things where you don't know what to say so I mean you know it's crazy it is everything say no the truth yeah they're not listening to the people that actually called it and those people are yelling at so it's a government isn't listening to faux-fop enough no the government is not they would listen to they should do a go-fop it's a it's a strange new time everyone enjoy it we got we got we got our Huey so weird and look at my dog looks like I'm up it
Starting point is 00:02:56 that great that they don't know the dogs like yeah things are the same my food still good no idea no idea food still good I like outside still why you down daddy what happened in the real world more scotch why okay you were yelling I would just like to say a personal message sure people are getting threatened in the streets people are being harassed it's you're no it's no longer acceptable to watch that and not do anything yeah it is it is unacceptable if it happens as a group you go after that person those people need to be shut down I agree I think that's totally true okay all right no more watching no
Starting point is 00:03:41 more standing by okay everyone's on the front line January 1708 okay mr. William Hallett Jr. and his pregnant wife and their five children were murdered while they slept in their home in Newton Long Island this is a started hot this is this is the locker room right this is aggressive two of his slaves were tried and found guilty so I mean I'm just gonna say he probably wasn't treating them well you don't think I mean I find that that relationship was often pretty you know there's it's problematic when you can't quit your job oh I mean I guess that's such a good way of putting it that is such a nightmare you can't which
Starting point is 00:04:29 that's why your job so what are you gonna do you like fuck it I don't want to be here anymore yeah all right let's wrap this shit up justifiable they were then executed along with two alleged accomplices okay the slave woman was burned burned alive at the stake oh god the man was quote hung from a gibbet I even know what that is okay but it sounds terrible terrible and sounds like a hobbit's cousin okay he's hung from a gibbet and placed a stride a bar of metal with a sharpened sharpened edge in which condition he lived for some time wait sorry so he's hung from something and then he's put right beside a very
Starting point is 00:05:10 sharpened piece of metal okay also hanging beside him and in a state of delirium which ensued believing himself to be on horseback oh no he would urge forward his animal with the frightful I don't even know what that word is of a maniac while the blood oozing from his lacerated flesh streamed from his feet to the ground so they put him up in this thing oh my god and then he slowly went crazy and then going crazy they knew that he would come up with a reason to engage the so thing that would kill him so they basically like below right below him or but or beside him whatever but he's like kicking a horse or he's
Starting point is 00:05:53 like hitting a horse getting on it right or get wow that is just crazy so it didn't work out for him oh the assembly of New York province cracked down passing an act for preventing the conspiracy of slaves judges would sentence to death any slave who was guilty of murder or attempted murder the method of s execution was left up to the judge so that's cool that's fun it's like a game show it's mandatory sentencing but you get to like have fun welcome to how are you gonna die this didn't stop a slave revolt in 1712 when about 25 slaves set fire to a building in New York and then waited for whites to rush in and put it
Starting point is 00:06:34 out at least nine whites were killed and seven wounded so they lit a building on fire and then just the knowing knowing the white would go in rushing to stop it and then they just fucking kill okay arson with a side of murder right arson with a side of murder soldiers were sent to put the rebellion down and the slaves were driven into the woods they tried to survive without food or water or proper clothing for that environment which usually unique clothes not great yeah yeah food to water water I actually let's go number one water some finally gave up while others shot themselves or slit their own throats
Starting point is 00:07:10 arguably giving up I think all giving quitting okay also quitting phrase yeah some physically gave up and others completely gave up ranch others really gave up must yeah super gave up I'm giving up yeah me too I meant I was gonna sit for 15 James New York then cracked down on slaves jailing over 70 in two weeks some of them weren't even from New York and had been outside the city when they were grabbed I'm a little confused so they're arresting slaves for what just 25 slaves yeah there's 25 so now they're like just another any slaves yeah but then if you're arresting slaves in New York well
Starting point is 00:07:56 that's where it happened right so so they're they're I mean they're assuming and probably rightfully so on some level that the 25 didn't have help right right so they're assuming that there are others so they're you know just arresting they're just rounding up okay tons of look there's there's about there's probably maybe there's far more than a hundred here there's a lot sure right less than 2,000 more than okay 21 slaves were then executed under the new law the governor wrote quote some were burnt others were hanged one broke on the wheel and one hung live in chains in the town so that there has been the most
Starting point is 00:08:36 exemplary punishment inflicted that could possibly be thought of just ma we are just monsters how can a man how was that ever how was that ever something that like someone was like bully do you know those little things you have on Halloween where you pull the string and the pop a little you mean party poppers Dave party poppers I feel like at the end of this he shot off a party popper and then one guy behind him's like but the governor did stop a lot of the 70 from being killed as he was convinced they had done nothing wrong so he actually there is a justice in this weird world of non-justice me clearly he killed a few of
Starting point is 00:09:18 this evidence yeah but so the 1712 revolt cast a long shadow it led to Pennsylvania making it more difficult to import slaves and Massachusetts banned them New York made educating slaves forbidden that's unbelievable yeah excuse me you weren't just teaching that man were you yeah I would like him to help with the children give me that book get him out of here no more teaching him you forget everything he just told you what does that have to do with the barnfire excuse what that's it beat the shit out of him what yeah both of them beat him that'll teach you to try to teach him I'm teaching you and don't you pick up a
Starting point is 00:09:57 lesson from this sir you're not to learn any new facts they said this because quote it would be a means to make a slave more cunning and after to wicked wickedness or just reading that he shouldn't be a owned yet knowledge no week you can have knowledge that's power and you know that always works yeah always that's a permanent solution and the state assembly passed an act requiring anyone who freed his slave to post a $200 bond guaranteeing that the freed man would never become a trouble maker so basically quite a contract you free a slave you have to put down a deposit that he won't become an asshole
Starting point is 00:10:40 he promised and newly freed slaves were not allowed to own property okay but more rebellions would come in the 1730 slave uprisings broke out a rebellion in South Carolina led to 25 white people being killed then in 1740 rumors spread through New York that slaves had plans to murder their masters by poisoning the water supply New Yorkers started buying water from street vendors okay well that so so this is by the way this this is where it takes a turn because this is actually just about bottle of water oh good this is about food gene avion okay Nestle yeah yeah just I mean it's it honestly it's just like just like we
Starting point is 00:11:27 didn't have enough shit on our plate then like they we fired the chef in 1741 New York had a population of 12,000 2,000 of whom were slaves England was fighting with Spain rumors of slave plots were everywhere and to make things worse the winter of 1740 to 1741 was bad so bread was hard to come by and food and everything was expensive misery was everywhere people began to express dissatisfaction with the government everyone was tense everyone was worried New York was a tinderbox okay and then came bottled water in February 1741 someone broke into the tobacco shop of Robert Hogg stole items including
Starting point is 00:12:15 several silver coins okay Hogg said a sailor named Christopher Wilson who everyone knew liked to hang out with blacks had seen Mrs. Hogg counting coins okay so this guy's putting two and two together yeah this guy hangs out with black people he saw her counting come on and clearly him it being a shop no one knew he had coins except the guy who saw him no no no businesses don't often have that the question Wilson how will I pay for it oh I never thought about that we'll sit and let me look at your feet oh yeah yeah take this pipe oh yeah Wilson admitted that he had told two slaves about the coins so right now
Starting point is 00:13:04 the story is this guy sailor goes into a tobacco shop he sees a lady counting coins and then he goes and hangs out with a couple of slaves and said I saw a lady counting coins theft telephone Wilson also said he had gone to a tavern the day after the burglary and seen those same two slaves named Caesar and Prince scape and goat with a hat full of coins yep nothing weird there wish we had money to buy a wallet so far the story is super plausible yeah there's no way Wilson stole the stuff yeah no half full of coins the slave they keep their coins in a hat they're very strange no one tell them what wallets are they were
Starting point is 00:13:46 arrested John Houston owned the tavern where the slaves received with the hat coins were happening just a couple of just a couple of slaves with a hat full of coins nothing we bar yep in the 1700s nothing to see here folks Houston's a copy look they need to invent records to make them scratch Houston was a cobbler who had moved to America but couldn't make a living with his chosen profession so he opened a tavern the tavern was where blacks sailors prostutes and other of the lowly people hung out okay respectable New Yorkers didn't like the place and especially when things were tense because they didn't like the
Starting point is 00:14:28 idea of all those people hanging out together and talking uh-huh right after 1712 yep don't want them chatting that's where ideas come from right so to them this is where the poor whites and the blacks could conspire against them right anyway Houston was held for a while and his tavern was searched and they found nothing that's when 17 year old Mary Burton got involved she was the 17 year old Irish indentured servant of Houston always a fun position the bar owner 17 year old and we've tied but they're basically they're basically slaves themselves yes at that point indentured servitude like intern slaves yeah she
Starting point is 00:15:05 probably was fucking bought or brought over when she was right and she's been no right with this guy who may be banging her sure and either way she's probably not treated that well right in her bar hole excuse me bar hole not her hole the place I'm calling a hole pardon not on her body though I'm calling the tavern a hole which part I got to go Mary told someone she knew about the theft and was brought in for questioning she said she was scared of Houston and was then given protection by the authorities at that point she could talk freely she said Houston often took stolen goods from slaves and she said
Starting point is 00:15:49 Houston's wife knew everything and his daughter and a prostitute named Peggy Kerry so she's throwing a bunch of people sure she's talking yeah she's very 17 Houston denied the accusations and said his servant Mary was just making trouble for him eventually Mary directed the constables to a big pile of stolen goods buried under the tavern all right so he's incriminating he's taking shit yep the city of New York was becoming very nervous and upset about this story Mary Burton went before a grand jury to testify about the Houston's all juries at that time are made up of landowners and rich peeps okay
Starting point is 00:16:29 that's when a fire broke out in the city and then another the fires brought back memories of 1712 many of the players were now related to the players back then right so mm-hmm children of parents the actual people mm-hmm slaves same slaves all that stuff there are fires at Fort George Warren's house and Van Zandt's storehouse and these reminded everyone of the fire that started not Van Zandt's storehouse yeah they were just getting going all this is all his guitar is gone oh and piles of music gosh yeah I was excited to hear had full of coins play those guys are great so I was reminded of this the fire that started the 1712
Starting point is 00:17:12 rebellion right uh-huh everyone the prosecutors started pressuring Mary to say anything she knew about the fires okay so all right so someone's going to left her yep finally she said the fires were a conspiracy between blacks and poor whites to burn down New York finally is an interesting starting word but the prosecutor wanted more information so he threatened to put her in jail if she didn't keep talking okay now I'm saying stuff like prosecutor but it's actually like the town rectory and I didn't want to get into it because it's it's a prosecutor okay investigator prosecutor so he threatens to put her in
Starting point is 00:17:50 jail if she doesn't keep talking okay so she's already made up shit so now she's really got to get like hey really get into some this is the original making a murder yeah so she talked she charged us the slave Caesar Prince Caesar and Prince and the Houston's and the prostitute Peggy Kerry with plotting to burn down New York City okay but it's bullshit well it's 17 year old girl right she threw in that Peggy was sleeping with Caesar for good measure right so now there's a white lady being a black guy unbelievable unbelievable Sarah Houston was thrown in jail with her nursing baby that's a pretty picture the
Starting point is 00:18:35 it's nice that I will say this it's nice that we shifted away from making the kids go with the parents into jail seems like that was a no-brainer but it's good to know that we eventually curved it we've made some great strides yeah what are you in for I was just a baby my mom fucked up yeah I live here now what's the son my my place I like our hole excuse me excuse me there's just a hole in the ground oh god that's also where I play no no he loves it he sees he plays in there all day he's happy he loves the toy that's a hole yeah he loves it was that hole a toilet yeah it's a toilet hole that's a toilet hole and it's a
Starting point is 00:19:19 play hole it's a toilet and a play hole so they kept pushing Mary and she talked more she named two slaves quack and kuffy so okay now that we've gotten two more of the names are these is there any way to be less respectful over the names you're giving them maybe I don't know me what are these but and how do I honestly I don't even know how that works kuffy kuffy is I think was I believe I recall reading this was based on a version of an African okay now quack is just fucking bullshit and this is quack and his pet duck Roger Mary went on to say so she says they were a quack Mary wanted to say the plan was to burn
Starting point is 00:20:02 this city down kill all the white people oh not all of them all the white men and after they were going to set up a new government where Houston would be a king and the white women were to be given out to the black men you know as far as plans go it's aggressive it's a very aggressive it's an ambitious plan it's definitely a new government of kings kings are interesting yeah you know it's gonna create it's a giant in a racial city that for sure this is what we're sure and by the way how great is it that they're like can you believe it the idea that a race is gonna control us like that no rights living in a world
Starting point is 00:20:46 like that the nerve they can't be talking so the grand jury found cause for for a trial right sure Caesar and Prince were the first to go on trial and were quickly convicted in the theft case okay on May 8th there were sentenced to death mmm don't steal thou thou shalt not steal that's I guess it is it was on Moses's tablet so it has to be true he wasn't kidding around with no well that with those aren't even his words I would imagine you know that they played a stiffer price for being black eyes dealing from white people I would imagine how did they plead to being black that's a good question not guilty the
Starting point is 00:21:29 next day seven barns caught fire in the city well oh no two blacks were seen running away and were caught and were burned at the stake right there they were like I will do this here again what an insane thing to be like look at you don't like fires light them on fire I love that that happens while they're doing a grand jury yeah right they find out yeah yeah some stuff we cut corners on other things we do the right way we had to find them guilty in the field your honor so at this point the city's pretty much gone batshit crazy Caesar and Prince were you can't get under arrest for running from fire too you can it's
Starting point is 00:22:06 happened I was scared well then you're going to die you die for that by fire weird twist uh Caesar and Prince were hanged on May 11th until their final moment both men denied any knowledge of a conspiracy because of this so-called stubbornness Caesar's body was hung in chains for public display so he's like I didn't do it well then we will hang your body up for a long time what I didn't what world it like are you comfortable walking by a hanging body no matter what color it's a message it's like a it's like a sign that's like hey don't forget we're recycling as much as possible or like hey there's a drought on
Starting point is 00:22:48 it's like that except it's a dead guy sure okay right so it's like drippy the drought I'm saying no one was making what I'm saying is no one was making banners back then right okay fair so this is a banner sure sure that's a dude sure right a manor right it's a manor on April 6 another fire at Philippe says storehouse this time spotted just as it started and now vigilantes are roaming the city attacking any black man who was unfortunate enough to be out okay the prosecutors reported many people had quote many people had such terrible apprehensions and indeed there was cause sufficient that several Negroes who were
Starting point is 00:23:31 met in the streets after the alarm of their rising were hurried away to jail and when they were there they continued some time in confinement before magistrates could spare time to examine into their several cases how and for why they came there so they just fucking lock it up black dudes now yeah and then when they're seeing if they're and then saying if they're guilty right or if they were they were or whatever yeah yeah well that's that's the right order to process these aren't just this is also complicated by the fact that they're locking up white guys property right right yeah that's what I was gonna say
Starting point is 00:24:08 early essentially they're they're taking away a guy who is owned yeah is property does a job yeah right so it's it's I think everyone's getting really freaked out intense they ignored the fact that slaves had helped put out the first fire at this Van Zand storehouse they just conveniently just sure but maybe maybe there was reason to two of the fires occurred on the anniversaries of the days that the 1712 plots were hatched okay okay good look a little complicated uh-huh uh-huh and the fires attack property owned by the most prominent members of the court party which is like the jury or the people
Starting point is 00:24:53 involved in the prosecution okay authorities ordered the militia to keep the city under watch every night for the next three months 25 men would patrol from dusk till dawn quack was now being interrogated okay he was one of the slaves Mary had said was in on it and he had been seen heard heard he had been seen heard seen and heard seeing this song ready I'm gonna sing it okay fire scorch scorch a little damn it buy and buy look so he's just cruising on the street singing guilty guilty put me in jail I need jail now either he's like shit shit ton stupid or he's super cocky I still even think if you're stupid you
Starting point is 00:25:42 know that you can't do that but he might just be like super badass do or it's just a lie right maybe okay so when they interrogated and he said the song was about a recent naval victory so he was singing this song I mean come on he was singing you've got to you've got you just think it hum it well he said the song was about a recent naval victory by Admiral Vernon in the war he knows the world with you the world you the white people you're around don't have time for rationale well come on this is bullshit it's total bullshit what he was it's total bullshit but you're playing the game of bullshit yeah he is playing the
Starting point is 00:26:23 game of bullshit I mean you got it like you can't in the you know I can't go I'm not that would be like evoking Trump's name like just walking down the street well in certain areas here's the thing because it actually did match Admiral Vernon's victory in the war they released him I'm completely shocked though the prosecutor didn't believe a word of it he was certain the city slaves were trying to start something because of the rebellion of 1712 he took quack song to mean the slaves were rejoicing over the fires he was also very obsessed with a laugh quack was said to have let out at the end of singing song
Starting point is 00:27:00 this little duck friends with him that's right quackers Saturday April 11th the Common Council convene and the prosecutor made his case the Council offered a reward of a hundred pounds to anyone who would reveal who the men were right so I'm fine these fire fuckers yeah they so basically they're like come sell lies for a hundred pounds yeah they then conducted a search of all the houses in the entire town people were stopped at intersections and not allowed to move from them until the search was over so they fucking shut down the town and they searched all the houses they're hoping to find a stranger up to no good
Starting point is 00:27:48 or some evidence or even stolen goods but none of that happened though two slaves are arrested for having goods improper and unbecoming the condition of slaves so they were arrested for having things that slaves shouldn't have yeah nice things yeah these are too nice you go into jail yeah sorry what is this oh boy a book and a nice boy I wish I hadn't found this spoon this is oh boy yeah yeah you got jail for you you got five spoons on each hand you should be using my man and what's that a nice poster on your wall yeah jail so quack and coffee were arrested and put on trial prosecuted separately on charges of
Starting point is 00:28:32 conspiracy and arson but wait didn't wasn't quack just I think the prosecutors just got a bug up his ass and he's okay yeah they had no defense lawyers crazy laugh he had yeah so no defense lawyers the juries are made up of landowners whose property is now being destroyed or threatened well I mean did they ask if anyone was biased that's true I'm sure they did yeah no nope my barn burned down why would I be biased do you have any bias guilty I mean no in some instances their actual property been destroyed and they were on the jury yeah well that's yeah it's probably that's not good a lawyer would be helpful yep in a
Starting point is 00:29:17 situation like that so I don't know anything about the law because you wouldn't let me read books defend yourself in our complex system they had no lawyers to defend them for the simple reason that no lawyer in New York would do it quack and coffee had to defend themselves to bolster the statements of Mary Burton the Attorney General got a thief in prison to snitch on quack and coffee even though it was forbidden by law for a convicted felon to testify the snitch took the stand and said that quack and coffee had admitted to starting tons of fires on the orders of John Houston while they were in prison with
Starting point is 00:29:54 them so you hear that statement you're like thanks asshole yeah you are a real piece of shit they'll also probably kill you so quack and coffee denied the snitches testimony okay they said they had not admitted to anything to the snitch and they had set no fires of slaves the judge said quote many of them have a great deal of craft their unintelligible jargon stands them in great stead to conceal their meaning so that an examiner must expect to grope through a maze of obscurity before he can be able to fix those creatures to any certain determinate meaning in other words they don't know how to talk court
Starting point is 00:30:38 talk right because they're slaves groped through a maze of obscurities yeah wow I was gonna say it sounds a little sounds a little locker roomy so quacks owner also testified for him as did coffee's master they that didn't matter they were both found guilty on all charges and were sentenced to be burned alive at the stake it is just the 1741 yeah the authorities held off on the execution hoping to get more of quack and coffee that but the two insisted they didn't know anything about any plot they were then executed on May the 30th the judge quote about three o'clock the criminals were brought to the stake
Starting point is 00:31:23 surrounded with piles of wood ready for setting fire to which the people were very impatient to have done their resentment being raised to the utmost pitch against them and no wonder I think that's the version of and how gosh so they burned those guys alive that's such a horrible that's how you do it authorities made one last attempt to get information right is there about to be burned alive right that's that this is your did enough leave them fuck off they separate them and and then they tell them the other guy confessed and they'd be spared if they told the truth ah so they're both like oh way out I can be
Starting point is 00:32:09 alive and they both named Houston as the guy who came up with the plot so now they've fucked over the bar owner because they just want to live I know but but it's like I mean honestly it's just you the people who are in charge of quote unquote investigating this you have to know that it's BS on some level even if you even if you can't fathom it it's like you don't lie when they're facing being burned alive would you come up with such an idea and also it's such a mess up like your last five minutes of life to be like freedom no I'm just kidding get back up there well like the sheriff then brought them back to jail
Starting point is 00:32:56 okay oh no wait he didn't because a crowd that had gathered went insane and by insane I mean they were both put on stakes and burned alive okay there we go I was now the Houston's and the prostitute Peggy Kerry were put on trial even though quack and coffees confessions were clearly made to just save their lives witnesses testified about their last statements the point of the finger at John Houston I mean witness like I witnessed the statement that was bullshit well that's enough for me I've seen him right before he almost got burned to death I've seen him say the other guy did it to save his life your honor I
Starting point is 00:33:36 call no further witnesses so everyone saw this statement this is actually not even allowed it's not allowed in the courts yeah cuz slave number one slaves are forbidden by law to bear witness against whites so a slave by law could not point the finger at Houston and we made an exception this time this time they're good guys and he hearsays banned like they're not even allowed total hearsay that's what I was good even at this time they're like that's fucked up yeah even it's not even it it's like yeah it's like a couple degrees off of hearsay even even when they're burning people alive they're like you know what
Starting point is 00:34:18 you shouldn't be able to just fucking blah blah blah kill a guy yeah and you can't come into court be like someone else said this well that's enough for me unfortunately no one had a defense attorney because no defense attorney wanted to help so there were no objections made time to burn a couple of those guys at the stake this niche was brought back this time I got more to say sir he swore that Mrs. Houston and Peggy Carey had confessed their guilt to him while they were in prison of course cuz he's kicking everybody yeah Mary came back and told her story about the plan to burn the city and pass around
Starting point is 00:34:55 white women this is the prosecutors final statement oh god gentlemen such a monster will this Houston appear before you he murderous and remorseless he infamous Houston this is the man this that grand incendiary that arch rebel against God his king in his country that devil incarnate and chief agent of the old Abaddon of the infernal pit and Gary on of darkness oh god I mean I don't read the Bible so yeah I don't know if I sit well then and then and then Jerry on well then it's like all right mr. Houston you're like ladies and gentlemen of the defense is I obviously I don't have a law degree and I don't know anything
Starting point is 00:35:50 about this but please don't run I'm shackled the Houston's and Peggy Carey were found guilty and hung within the week John Houston's body was displayed in chains besides Caesar Sarah Houston the daughter was locked in a dungeon she's on with the baby mm-hmm locked in a dungeon with their baby uh-huh to think things over with the hope that she would reveal the truth at some point so they put her and a baby and a baby in a dungeon until she has new information yes how do you think that's gonna go it sounds like a revelation forcing environment prosecutions against black and blacks
Starting point is 00:36:38 continued on June 20th the governor of New York said quote if the truth were ever known there are not many innocent Negro men and it is thought that some Negroes of the county are accomplices and were to act their part there yep yeah you know it's spread like fire through the black community Mary Burton as usual step down she's the real fire starter as the were as the trials went on her word became gold and their accusations got bigger and bigger now whites as well as blacks were being incriminated and interrogations were happening all over pardons were promised to those who confessed by July 1st which led to
Starting point is 00:37:22 convessions which led to more people being accused and then those people would confess and accuse others so it is a race to bullshit it is a chain reaction of fear and survival of just you're literally you're literally saying if you have any information and you tell us by July 1st you're okay all those people give the BS information so that they don't get affected yeah all the people who probably were like I'm not gonna do that because that's messed up then they get jailed and they're like what do you know and then they're like well shit I want to leave jail so I know this and then you just have a mound of bullshit
Starting point is 00:37:53 and ultimate power it's piles of nonsense yeah just piles upon piles of nonsense I mean you really what all you're really doing is just gathering that everyone was guilty yes eventually this is quote called an epidemic of mutual incrimination and it led authorities to suspending the courts for the rest of 1741 because there's nowhere left to lock up the criminals oh and it was becoming very confusing the webs of accusations were tangled and it was hard for authorities to keep track of who was doing what to whom honestly no no no wait that's the guy who did it no that's the guy who told us the other
Starting point is 00:38:31 guy did it oh boy oh boy and richman were losing so many slaves they didn't know how they'd get by thankfully the fires had stopped oh so what we found a positive this made the powers that be think the conspiracy to burn down the town and have all the white women was smashed they think they stopped it yeah but they stopped the plan that didn't exist or maybe it did okay yeah talk about hearsay I mean we do have like a bunch of buildings burned down like there is an arsonist loose for sure but the eye but I think there's a little bit of a scene probably a little bit of a jump between that and then saying that
Starting point is 00:39:12 there's a king who's gonna be throwing out white women like Oprah does cars look you get a whitey you get a whitey this seems like maybe there was an arsonist yeah guy likes a jerk off to fire there's an art exactly and then they went crazy or the other the other all that is that it is a guy who's mad that his dad got killed in 1712 and he's doing shit but it's a conspiracy no yeah and regardless of either scenario there's still no justification for this well you're looking for like you're I mean they're honestly looking for like an underground arson network and when it's just probably one guy who's like you're
Starting point is 00:39:47 saying either pissed or weird or both but then a letter so that it's all calm down now right yeah okay then a letter came from James Oglethorpe the governor of Georgia he was having trouble with Spanish agents along the border with Florida right so they're at war right now now the Spanish dude dude's fucking up to shit especially trying to get the American Indians to fight with them against the is it too late to get Florida away no we can do it they were said to be stirring up the slaves and promising freedom okay the governor was convinced Spain was trying to undermine English authority in the colonies the
Starting point is 00:40:22 letter warned the lieutenant governor of New York that quote the Spaniards had employed emissaries to burn all the magazines and considerable towns in English North America and that for this purpose many priests were employed under pretendable appellations of physicians dancing masters and such like occupations what I'm sorry dancing masters yeah isn't that a show on bravo it's going to be hopefully okay so now there's a bunch of priests run around undercover undercover priest there's five priests and they are there sprees get this slaves to so just just as I think it's all good and good and then this
Starting point is 00:41:09 letter fucking rolls in then they find out about the undercover priests right now we got a priest situation well we thought we were fine so it's back on no one questioned Oglethorpe's letter it was just considered fact they started a hunt for undercover priests I think I I mean there's just going into doing this podcast there's no way that I would have ever thought that statement would have had truth to it oh my god but isn't that a TV show undercover priest under but also not just undercover priests guys hunting undercover priests yeah there's a lot of delicious layers to this shit cake it's a hard thing to find another
Starting point is 00:41:53 cover please do you believe in God no yes shit no the other one the other one I mean this one just keeps going yeah good great well we're having a fun dig it's been a good week they came up with school teacher John Yuri he just happened to turn up in New York a couple months before the fire started he also knew Latin and enjoyed discussing theology well Yuri guilty then Mary Burton who had said absolutely nothing about John Yuri before this no no no no all the months you've been stopped talking to her trials no I've seen him too said he was the actual power behind the entire that's him the man I just found out
Starting point is 00:42:41 about today that's the head of the serpent you know you're not going to jail anymore right Mary aha they all did it all the ones you said they did it so Yuri's arrested and brought to trial with no defense attorney so these what are the defense deterred they just none of them will take anything related to this because they will be vilified yeah they just don't fuck that the prosecutor went after his Catholic religion first calling it quote a murderous Puppish religion like Christianity Puppish Puppish Pappish I think it should be Pappish but anyway Puppish religion okay right that was quote not only
Starting point is 00:43:24 lawful but meritorious to kill and destroy all that differ in opinion from them mm-hmm it is unlike you it is I mean it is unbelievable yeah to be like you are trying to control too much so we'll kill you for trying to take control he said Catholics had many quote juggling tricks in their hocus pocus bloody religion but again it mostly came down to 17-year-old Mary's testimony mm-hmm she said I'm back with more gossip I like being popular yep she said Yuri had put off burning the English church once can you imagine just saying inflammatory things just to get attention she said Yuri had put off
Starting point is 00:44:19 burning the English church once because there weren't enough people in it oh gosh he was actually she actually said that he was waiting for better weather so and and there's no more people will be in the church so there's no like nobody's fact-checking she's just like like at some point it's almost impossible for everyone to have told her all these things because at some point people will realize don't tell her anything right but instead she's still like I don't know I guess people just think I have a trusting ear he wanted the most people to die well the fact that she was like oh no he's in charge like that's yeah oh
Starting point is 00:45:00 maybe we shouldn't yeah but to them they're like good good more Mary more keep feeding the beast so now so what this so oh so then Yuri gets his chance to defend himself right right and he questions her but he apparently didn't know about all of her previous testimony and other trials or else he would have brought up he didn't even go near it and he would have just rubbed her to shreds sure so this was his good this is a little bit of his questioning Yuri you say you have seen me several times at Houston's what clothes did I usually wear Mary I cannot tell what clothes you are particularly Yuri that
Starting point is 00:45:45 is strange you know me so well I've seen you in several clothes but you chiefly wore a riding coat and often a brown coat trend with black I never wore cut such coat that's how that went on very convincing test by the way if you're her you just go that outfit what was I wearing that exact outfit a brown hat and white shirt and I don't own any of no I should have asked this no further questions your honor can we undue what's the undo button we have here to tell the little typey lady two more witnesses came forward one was a guy who had been implicated by Mary and was given a pardon for testifying the other witness
Starting point is 00:46:40 was a young Sarah Houston who is allowed out of her dungeon to testify she said she'd seen Yuri quote making a ring with chalk on the floor which he made the Negro stand around and put their foot in and he swore them with a cross in his hand to burn and destroy the town to cut their masters and mistress's throats we talking about a religious hokey pokey that sounds like that's exactly what it is put your left foot in put your right foot out burn down the town and get all the monkeys out I don't think we need to necessarily compete I don't think that's the right environment for really goes on fruitful discourse and improvisation the
Starting point is 00:47:23 government residence case Yuri brought character witnesses witnesses who placed him at other locations when he was said to have been at the tavern I wish it was people doing fun characters yeah he was convicted on August I'm Dr. McShakey oh I don't know oh this has been fun thanks guys I've always wanted to do that so he's convicted on August 29th he made a speech affirming his innocence and forgiving the prosecutors and was then hanged John Yuri was the last man executed as part of the criminal conspiracy to burn down New York and have sex with white women some prominent citizens particularly those whose slaves
Starting point is 00:48:03 have been killed were critical of the whole thing why they pressured authorities authorities to stop the trials then there was Mary Bird oh gosh she started turning her attacks on prominent whites the Attorney General was baffled by this new twist now that she was accusing whites he thought her stories were wild and seemed fabricated mm-hmm oh boy the prosecutor who had gone along with everything until now said the new accusations quote staggered one's belief how they seem fine until now now it's rich white man that are getting this isn't how gentlemen I think this is a queer situation how deep in racism
Starting point is 00:48:52 are you when like you're so deep you don't even know race that racism exists almost this is amazing like this is this is so deep the prosecutor that had all the minutes of the investigating grand jury with all Mary's insane accusations suppressed this was as he said to protect the innocent really not at all to protect himself if people looked at her testimony as a whole yeah that he was fucking insane the prosecutor said it was quote time to have a little relaxation from this intricate pursuit this is the point after having done something remarkably stupid for months with the clear and inevitable results
Starting point is 00:49:36 ignored as you are caught up in the minutia you hide and deny the truth or the body of your recent work which makes you look foolish could that not epitomize our media more what are you talking about it is insane I really like when you're when I was watching the news I like I just don't know how we are still capable of watching our news yes because watch they they have come I'm not even saying like I'm not saying they gave Donald Trump the election as much as they are so interested in reporting bullshit it but outrageousness that they get caught up in it and then this let the day after the election you know what
Starting point is 00:50:24 watching them the night of the election start to be sort of like you know I kind of saw this coming if you look at some of these numbers it's like you didn't say shit and then they also were like we're so tired over here we've been working around the clock it's like you don't get no that's like when I got that's like when an ESPN football analysis guys like telling you something about football and then he's like that guy's on my fantasy team I don't care how you feel you are a nightmare you are a disaster you've ruined everything you've poisoned public knowledge you don't also get to tell me that you're tuckered
Starting point is 00:50:54 out sorry so the proceedings ended minor there's all the provincial council claimed a day of Thanksgiving for deliverance from the conspiracy what Mary Burton claimed the 100-pound reward for exposing the plot the turkey started the fires she got it and a note from the New York Council thanking her quote for the great service she has done she took the money and vanished but people still rehashed what they had done as people tried to figure out the truth you know to form the truth to what they wanted to be so they're trying to yeah we're trying to do the thing and make it right puzzle time the prosecutor wrote a
Starting point is 00:51:39 book of his account in 1744 called the New York conspiracy or a history of the Negro plot in it he said he was amazed anyone it could have doubts one thing was certain so just sticking to it one thing was certain an ugly past had come back in 1712 to 1812 in 1712 okay two of rip van dam slaves were hanged in 19 in 1741 van dam slave John was accused and van dam son was on the jury Adolf Philippe say had been a Supreme Court justice in the 1712 trials and in 1741 his slave Amba was tried and his nephew was on the bench his nephew also had a slave on trial Geradis Beekman son had been shot to death by a slave in
Starting point is 00:52:28 1712 and he was a witness now in 1741 the owner of that slave Nicholas Roosevelt had two sons on the jury in 1741 Nicholas Roosevelt slave had been burned over a slow fire for his actions in 1712 in 1741 his son slave was burned at the stake the whites were baffled that the blacks had not taken the clear warning of 1712 quote that your streets should have been a perpetual terror to the Negroes that survived the vengeance of that day and should have been a warning to all that had come after them why why that last part it's a it's a it's a repeating of history part they through their sheer terror of what it happened
Starting point is 00:53:21 and probably anger still residual anger recreated the situation and killed again something about a 1741 killing of slaves and fire terror relates to America in 2016 history fun what I'll tell you what's not fun is the fact that you know like it even when like you're driving like it feels now I mean things are definitely getting worse I think that is safe to say but like when I watch like when I watch Deadwood or when I picture the 1800s and stuff you know you picture like you know there's people with like one crutches bloody homeless people you know there's a lot more violence driving around LA the the
Starting point is 00:54:25 homeless situation is so like what's horrifying and it's the only differences we have cars it's this it would be the same if we were walking down dirt roads it's just a lot of people begging everywhere and they need it and we're just I'm very no but it's all fine what's the plan what's the plan people aren't suffering economically and now what now touch your racism out there I am there in Australia do you want to live there are no answers you just we just have to wait I like Melbourne the best I think maybe love Sydney if I could live anywhere in Brisbane will be nice living huh I live in Melbourne great
Starting point is 00:55:06 that's what I'm up great my wife won't do it because she has to work here she's doctor well let's get in for a good Australia unfortunate there she would have to go to school over again and she's a fucking doctor sucks you got to leave her behind FaceTime's like it's gonna happen FaceTime is an easy way to keep in touch you know you'll have me you'll have FaceTime we'll have freedom sorry

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