The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 223 - The Night of Terror

Episode Date: December 1, 2016

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine what happened when suffragists stopped fucking around. SOURCES TOUR DATES REDBUBBLE MERCH ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. You're listening to the dollop. This is a bi-weekly American History podcast. Each
Starting point is 00:00:44 week I, Dave Anthony, read a story from American History to my friend, Gareth Reynolds, who has no idea what the topic is going to be about. So is rain not dripping in the house? Why does it sound like it's dripping in? Is it just hitting the windowsill? Is that what that is? Sorry do you never experience rain? No I've experienced rain but that rain sounds like it's dripping in your house. See I think what you're dealing with there is a lot of rain. It's raining loudly. It's not raining loudly. That's not what's happening right there. It sounds like it's hitting something right there like your floor. Right and you see
Starting point is 00:01:19 that there's no water on that floor? Lies. Oh so you see a ton of water over there. Lies. Okay that's interesting. Lies. Alright. Do you want to look who to do? I'll do one bottle. People say this is funny. Not Gary Gareth. Dave okay. Someone or something is tickling people. Is it for fun? And this is not going to come to Tickly Quadcast. Okay. You are queen fakie of made-up town. All hail Queen Shit of Liesville. A bunch of religious virgins go to mingle and do my thing. No I see done my friend. No. No. 1872. And I'm sick. You are. 1872. One guy got mad at your sniffling. There's always a guy that gets mad at that. How about
Starting point is 00:02:10 empathy? How about empathy for Gareth? I've been fucking sick. After fighting for years to get the fuck that guy. That's for you sir. I wish I was doing it in your mouth. After fighting for years to get the women the vote Susan B. Anthony was invited to ride in the Pullman car of California Senator Aaron A. Sargent on a long his name's backwards along train ride across the country it is Sargent's wife Ellen Clark had long been active in the suffrage movement in California and she thought if her husband met the convincing Anthony she might have an effect and it worked. The two not only became friends but senator Sargent
Starting point is 00:02:55 became a suffrage advocate trying to slip visions for the women's vote into unrelated bills in Congress. So this guy just went on a road trip with the with Susan B. Anthony started out thinking at the beginning of the road trip think thinking the women shouldn't by the end he was like but it was a long it was long right yeah I mean yeah like the train like they would they would just have to stop for snow for a fucking week like finally six years later he just went for it and in January 1878 introduced a constitutional amendment to give women the vote okay but it just sat in committee for years good it was
Starting point is 00:03:38 finally considered by the Senate in 1887 and rejected in a 16 to 34 vote okay this began a decades-long period known as the doldrums all right the amendment was not looked at again and women had few successes in their fight during that period some did not think there was any point in allowing women to vote after all they had no understanding of politics right and it would just lead to them voting the way their husbands told them to anyway exactly so it's just it's two votes for the same person right so you're like doubling the vote for no purpose yeah I do love how that's the thing right actually makes very little
Starting point is 00:04:17 sense then if that were to be the case then there's probably zero argument against it right because you're basically just yeah everyone gets an extra vote is essentially what you're saying but the others took a more reasons stance saying that if women got the vote they would take over the government just for one minute like can't you just be satisfied what if they make us wear wear you're white you're white what if they make us wear uteruses white in America you were thinking about that what they're not gonna make us wear uteruses what if they put a womb on the flag a womb on the flag womb how is that
Starting point is 00:04:56 even gonna function not a fit lot of not a real one like a draw a stitched womb yeah so I'm talking about that'll take forever and we'll take it down we're stronger than them if you give women the vote I'm waiting for the rest of this because it feels like there's nothing I'm thinking oh good Lord if I give women the right to vote then then what you don't know you have no idea bad things like what what the uterus thing okay that's irrational and not happening next wombs on flags get out that's the same one get out get out and if you say wombs on flags again periods good get out they have periods they menstruate
Starting point is 00:05:43 how are they gonna be able to vote think about it I'm thinking about it what if voting day don't say is the same day no what it cuz I know if they're in a group they all menstruate at the same time but what if that happens on voting day how do you know that women's cycles sink and yet you're worried that they're going to turn the voting booth into the shining some time travel for obscure get out get out get out of here then things heated up in 1910 as women had success in states like Washington and California the western states were on board and state legislatures passed legislation or voter referendums giving
Starting point is 00:06:34 a full or partial vote to women okay so the western states are coming what does that mean you can just vote for like president like a part partial birth abortion oh cool cool cool cool cool a partial vote I don't know what a partial vote is must mean that you can only vote on for certain things yeah yeah probably nothing of importance right you can vote on yeah you know you can vote on the you can vote on the color we're gonna paint the church you get to vote on prop 51 which is should we or should we not put a womb on the flag and believe me you do not know which way you're going a vote of course honey I'm voting
Starting point is 00:07:09 now inside here yes put a willman there you can also vote on whether or not you will get flowers tonight okay the 1912 election saw the rise of the progressive and socialist parties and then Democrat president Woodrow Wilson took the White House okay now that's the year Alice Paul came to Washington DC Alice was the daughter of Quakers from New Jersey she was a small frail and very soft-spoken woman but a total badass okay she devoted all her waking energy to the movement she was a genius at strategy so much so that some compared her to a military general by 1912 at the age of 32 she was a daring and imaginative leader
Starting point is 00:08:00 and she was not one for waiting around this also meant opposing forces saw her as a dangerous radical yes of course Alice arrived in December 1912 and took over the local office of the National American Women Suffrage Association the Nasa nice NAWSA Nasa you guys have spice ships wrong God please stop coming here when we go into the moon there's a nothing there's nothing spelled differently you know about climate change get out you can put that womb on that flag get out the NAWSA was committed to a state-by-state approach and was not focused on doing anything with the federal government so much so
Starting point is 00:08:50 that they only allocated $10 to the DC office for 1912 Alice was supposed to find funds on her own that's smart though right I mean that is totally the better way to operate it because I think with every like with everything I've seen in my lifetime that has had a pendulum shift it starts at the state level I think it was easier to pass amendments back then but I think that you do both with something like this you know he's gonna take her seriously if she just goes national right away you gotta start small maybe I mean again I think a gate like gay marriage or like
Starting point is 00:09:30 pot I think those are things you fight state and and national at the same time but they swing they won't like it his own it it almost seems like we it's almost like the difference and I'm gonna talk Hollywood it's like states are the pilot and nationals the series you make the pilot and then if that works people like oh it might be good and then you have hopefully go to maybe yeah I get it I get what you're saying Alice brought her assistant her chief assistant Lucy Burns who was the total opposite of her she was tall robust and temperamental Alice would figure out the strategy and then burns would put it into motion on the
Starting point is 00:10:08 street there we go Alice believe Woodrow Wilson support for the movement was essential but it quickly became apparent that he did not give two fucks good she continued to push for support they weren't in the budget they only had a couple no they didn't and then the two fucks that he did have he was using on the other one had to go to racism she continued to push for his support to get behind the Anthony amendment and he continued to not give a shit he would just say presidents should not influence Congress then he would influence Congress on everything else but Alice and others kept pushing and the more
Starting point is 00:10:41 they did the more he dug in turns out this also upset the powers of B at the NAWSA who wanted to focus on a state-by-state campaign and they didn't like the aggressive tactics tactics which is what Alice Paul was all about Alice thought the state-by-state approach was garbage and wouldn't lead to anything she thought it was the Anthony amendment or nothing and to have that happen the president needed to get on board finally the Washington office and the NAWSA split so she's gone her separate way okay she's left the Washington office mutually no she's in the Washington office but they they've
Starting point is 00:11:22 just been cut loose it's no longer so she's in the Washington office not part of the National Association right she took the office with her okay gotcha the DC office was close to the White House and on January 9th 1917 President Wilson stormed out on a meeting with the suffrage delegation angrily saying he would not endorse the cause Alice had had it the next morning 12 women carried banners on long poles from the office and stood outside the White House gates the banners read Mr. President how long must women wait for liberty they came back every day regardless of the weather no one could really understand what was
Starting point is 00:12:02 going on picketing was not something that happened back then and seeing women do it was like watching aliens stroll around right people gawked some screamed angrily what's happening over there oh god I don't feel right is just not mad this oh god I'm going to vomit in the court oh boy others just laughed at them they're holding signs unbelievable you look like a bunch of idiots this is like Monty Python wait what I'm from the future oh god the press fell into two camps those four and those very against President Wilson did not say a word sometimes when he drove out in his limo he would just smile and tip his hat
Starting point is 00:12:58 hello it was winter and it was cold and they they all suffered through the cold winter March 1917 came and Alice's organization joined a group from the West forming the National Women's Women's Party Alice was elected chairwoman and was becoming nationally known but a month later the US entered World War I now in the Civil War started pretty much every leader in the woman's suffrage movement back then agreed they shouldn't fight for the vote until peace returned the only one who was really disagreed with that was Susan B Anthony okay she thought they would lose all the progress they had made even though it was hardly
Starting point is 00:13:44 anything and looking back Alice knew Susan B Anthony was right and she's not about to do that again okay so wasn't gave a speech about the war in which she said quote we shall fight for the things we have always carried next to our hearts for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their own governments well how can you say that and not be like it's crazy that we're ignoring women right we must include everyone with everyone has a voice got to fight for democracy and giving everyone a voice but get out of here woman now why is this one looking me in the eyes grab your crotch do you
Starting point is 00:14:24 feel two marbles and a hot dog then you're important for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their own governments ladies take a break ladies you shouldn't be in here for this we're also gonna need pie girls cook the pies pie that's your part in government the men have some government fathoming to do let there be pie makers there we are our founding fathers oh and by the way women I want you to vote whether you want to make blueberry or cherry that's a vote isn't it you know you get a choice who's a voter now you're a voter look at this child I'm shaking my keys so when Alice heard that speech
Starting point is 00:15:06 she was like yeah we're gonna do that too and the decision was made to continue demonstrating even though the war was on okay naturally people lost their fuck you shit obviously the women were no longer just seen as foolish and ridiculous but now we're considered paid unpatriotic and some saw them as traders yep I love that they're standing outside with signs during war so they are traitors unbelievable and women bowed out some women some of the women bowed out because of the hostility that was coming their way right but they were replaced by new women who were encouraged by the fight the NWP was
Starting point is 00:15:49 showing okay right so basically they're weeding out the week yeah and they're getting stronger right they soon became a tourist attraction people would come by to look at their daily demonstration some admiring some curious some came to the hurl insults look at them they're wonderful what do you think fuck them you're stupid women you're dumb hey they're stupid hey dummy where's your penis yeah where's your dick you can't vote I'm gonna make a sign I'm vagina that's you yeah that's you yeah stupid dums I don't have any real friends so I come here cuz no one will talk to me I'll hold the sign I consider this part
Starting point is 00:16:41 I consider this a conversation I like dresses I like where it dresses I'm going to Oregon hello good so the women they were just quiet and orderly okay so they that's the move yeah you have not they're not chanting they're not they're just quiet newspaper started calling the calling them the silent sentinels they were getting people's attention which is exactly what Alice wanted the demonstrations went on for five months Congress refused to do anything until the president told them to meanwhile the president said nothing but he's doing everything then in late June people finally snapped when the demonstrators
Starting point is 00:17:27 raised a banner critical of president Wilson while a Russian delegation was visiting the White House nice so you can't keep your women in order here you're the women they are they are like like crazy they stand outside with science you know you know kill them with stone why why your women allowed outside why they do this do you not have guard bear go mob attack them good good good yeah so when they did that the crowd rushed forward and ripped down the banner all because they're like the Russians are here you'll embarrass damn it done for the Russians but of the riskies please yeah I guess this is the
Starting point is 00:18:09 idea that no one from another country should see the the crazy disrespect that you're showing the president so inside the White House we've almost created some sort of sitcom where Woodrow Wilson is shepherding Russians into other rooms so that they can't see out the windows and see that the women are dissenting yeah you know you're gonna like this room too this is an unbelievable room over here this is closet yeah I know look at that and this is where I do a lot of my thinking you know what let's all jump in here for a minute and have a think huh come on get everybody get in here get in here for
Starting point is 00:18:40 a minute come on don't be weird come on get in here there we go get in shut the door now it's closet it's closet yeah exactly it is closet and I just I love it in here I was trying to think but I said I want to shoot the bathroom we got to go to the bathroom come on come with me guys there's no windows in there don't look at that window this way you hide huh you hide something from yeah I did I did hide I did and if I'll okay you hide something from Igor yeah guilt guilty I've hidden something from you yeah a birthday cake you want to see the closet again no oh come on check it out come here get it
Starting point is 00:19:21 Igor one more round one more round come on please so the next morning Lucy Burns and one other woman were taken from the line put into a police wagon and driven away for what at the station the police scolded them for not being good ladies and bringing shame to the country is that an arrest yeah they're arrested for that you they're not being good ladies right it's amazing how there's freedom of speech in less your voices higher than a man's they were let go penning trial and four more women were then snatched from the line and given the same business a few days later all six women were convicted of traffic
Starting point is 00:20:09 obstruction charges there we go in jail for three days there you go yep this was the first time women suffragists in America had been put in jail by the way the worst idea right if you're trying to stop a movement yeah is create heroes yes martyrs living martyrs horrible idea but the authorities were just getting started on July 11th I don't know some of the women were sent to jail then two weeks later 16 women were given 60 day sentences so they're just kind of rounding them up right giving them jail sentences to top it off they were being sent to the dreaded workhouse for women at Ocaquan Ocaquan Virginia so it's this women's
Starting point is 00:20:59 prison where there's you know the typical at that time the prostitution charges and that kind of shit and right yeah so thinking too much publicly so now they're in there with them and you know these suffragists are mostly upper class right well off educated but they had good lawyers who argued that the arrests were blatantly illegal demonstrating was very much within the rights of any American citizen and one of the lawyers Dudley Field Malone was a friend of the president and a the collector of the port of New York and he told Wilson he would step down from his position in protest he thought the
Starting point is 00:21:40 crackdown was all Wilson's doing Wilson said he didn't know anything about their rests what what's that what come on Dudley I'm just a little kid I'm the president I don't know about the little kid who lives in the White House the ladies out front I don't know what I didn't know there was being mean to the ladies you know what let me show you a closet come over here I want to show you a beautiful cake over here come here my sir Russian guy in there get in here so after that conversation a couple days later all the women were pardoned what a weird wonder why clinking yeah then in August the ladies came up
Starting point is 00:22:17 with a new banner this one called the president this one called the president Kaiser Wilson now that was maybe not the most like thing they had done because we were at war with the Germans right and people went bug fuck the women were forced to retreat to the nearby NWP office for two days if any of them left the building they would be physically assaulted by a mob outside the women put up banners on their balcony and men climbed to the second floor and fought with them ripping down the banners they'll show them I took the banners down so they don't think they're up there they don't have signs now that I got the
Starting point is 00:22:59 banner down they can't think we won right yeah banner war is over oh man so I won't point someone shot through a window and just barely missed one of the women inside finally after sitting around watching for two days the police stepped in and broke up the mob but these women were not having any of it and the next day and they were right back in front of the White House picketing God bless them the six women were arrested and once again were being sentenced to Ocaguan this time for 30 days and Wilson was not given out pardons arrests and convictions went on for six more weeks they were all arrested for the blatantly
Starting point is 00:23:46 bullshit charge of obstructing traffic yeah they all got 30 or 60 days at Ocaguan but the women did not stop in early September Lucy Burns and 11 others were given 60 day sentences Dudley Field Malone was done with Wilson he resigned from his position sightings Wilson use of such oppressive methods this made headlines across the country and he was no longer friends with one president Wilson now Ocaguan was a nightmare it was run like a concentration camp by the superintendent William Whitaker all the prisoners were terrified him of him but he had reserved his real special hate for the
Starting point is 00:24:31 suffragists good here were a bunch of educated women taking apart in traitorous actions according to him he would have used the word uppity or the other word if they'd been around uppity or the other word this see see oh nice candy candy yeah Whitaker's policy was to keep the women from having contact with the outside world so they were not allowed any visitors at all but then words started to get out about their treatment at Ocaguan these were leaked out on scribbled messages and smuggled to friends they learned that the food that the women were being given was horrific the meat was rancid the cornbread was
Starting point is 00:25:15 covered in mold the grits had worms in it ah and there was rat shit and dead flies in the food quote we tried to make we tried to make sport of the worm hunt but when one prisoner reached 15 worms during one meal it spoiled our zest for the game ah worms worms the prison was filthy no cleaning was happening at all the savages were forced into close contact with regular inmates who clearly had contagious diseases and were not being treated by doctors don't eat the cornbread and they were put into total isolation even their lawyers had to go through many hoops just to see them okay Malone demanded an investigation his
Starting point is 00:26:01 purpose was to expose the rotten filthy horrific conditions at Ocaguan of course the investigation happened and concluded supervisor Whitaker was really good at his job and the women prisoners were just being unruly troublemakers right totally right what else could it be well they haven't they're not being cool about it eat your worms eat your worms eat your worms they're not supposed to be worm eat them have your rancid meat there you go the government the government wanted Alice locked up at one point during the trial of another subject a government prosecutor pointed Alice and said we'll get you yet she had
Starting point is 00:26:45 mostly been directing strategy from behind the scenes but she would eventually venture out to the picket line as a leader does which she did in October and she was hauled off the picket line twice in two weeks and given seven months in jail for traffic but this time in DC yeah she was obstructing traffic all for traffic things so funny that like cuz there's other are there other women like protesting now yeah yeah yeah so she literally goes out and they're like you're obstructing traffic the most get out of here lady hurry so she sent to the DC jail not Ocaguan now in this
Starting point is 00:27:22 jail there's no privacy is overcrowded the cells were infested with vermin a lack of food like yeah you'd be like oh cool I've been eating your shit hey buddy there's a lack of food which left them near starvation and and they're out also out also isolated from the outside world and visitors they were not given the usual privileges regular prisoners had it was almost as if DC Warden Zincan was in competition with Whitaker to be the biggest fucking asshole they might have had a pool to combat the treatment of the suffragists demanded political prisoners status and the jailers were just infuriated the
Starting point is 00:28:02 demand was dismissed which led the women to come up with a form of resistance quote at the end of two weeks of solitary confinement without any exercise without going outside of our cells some of the prisoners were released having finished their terms with our number thus diminished to seven the doors were unlocked and we were permitted to take exercise Rose Winslow fainted as soon as she got into the yard wow I was too weak to move from my bed Rose and I were taken on stretchers that night to the hospital here we decided upon the ultimate former protest left to us the strongest weapon left to which continue
Starting point is 00:28:40 our battle hunger strike a hunger strike it had worked for women fighting for the vote in England where the suffragists were far more confrontational than America but Alice a lot easier to do a hunger strike in England to the food yeah yeah it's fucking simple I'm I would do it if I live there now more potatoes no do you want a bit of fish scale no don't know what that is no do you want some rag broth no I'm good thank you I'm throwing up from the names oh come on have some corn shoe no that's come on what is this you mean a bit of hand squash what do you want some mouth chicken no have a little big boy
Starting point is 00:29:22 I don't want any of this all sounds awful well if you're not gonna eat that you're wasting away come on you're wasting away here have a handful of soot no eat this stuff in the sock strain it in water drink it like a good start like a spatula I'm an American oh American oh yeah well then I didn't realize you're American but a tongue burger you want some tongue burger what you like oh now Jose's up you're talking about food yeah so even though they were doing it Alice knew this choice would lead to a total nightmare quote the moment we undertook the hunger strike a policy of unremitting intimidation began you will
Starting point is 00:30:16 be taken to a very unpleasant place if you don't stop this was a favorite threat of prison officials where yeah we were there we've been there going to double prison oh gosh it's actually it's actually outside it's a double negative keep it up you're going outside keep it up we'll free you wait and they would vaguely hint of taking her to the psychiatric ward or the government in saying asylum particularly frightening was an examination by an alienist whose word was enough to commit anyone to an asylum now Alice began the hunger strike when she was already basically being starved so she was in terrible condition
Starting point is 00:30:57 already after three days she and her fellow sufferer suffrages were taken to the psychiatric ward and force fed three times a day they would cram a tube down her throat oh and often feed her until she threw up what between forced feeding there we go she's full yeah coming out the side she's not going anyway pull the hose I just filled it with nutrients that she threw up in front of me and then between those she was put in solitary confinement in a cell with boarded up windows so the government is clearly trying to break these women yes but where do the treatment was getting out which caused infuriated
Starting point is 00:31:38 women to head to DC from all over the country to join the fight and pick it yeah which is what you said would happen yep of course yes you know what if you wanted to stop this here's what you do you put them in jail and you just feed them great food that's right do that yeah try at least try that first yeah so by mid-November 30 more women had received sentences anywhere from six days to six months they were these women were all sent to Ocaguan their Whitaker was now just straight up admitting what he was doing when a suffragist prisoner accused him of cruelty he said quote very well I am willing to practice cruelty the new
Starting point is 00:32:22 picketers who arrived on November 14th we're about to learn this too well one woman quote I was immediately seized by two heavy guards dragged across the room scattering chairs and furniture as I went so fast that my feet could not touch the ground to the punishment cells where I was flung onto a concrete cell wall with an iron barred door this was the standard treatment by the 44 guards wielding batons as they brutalized the women for hours the club wielding men beat kicked dragged and choke them women were lifted into the air and thrown to the ground their heads were slammed against bars one was stabbed between the
Starting point is 00:33:02 eyes with the broken staff of her banner pole stabbed between killed no just stabbed in the head women were dragged by guards twisting their arms and thrown onto concrete Mary Nolan this was she there was a 73-year-old woman named Dorothy Day it was just Mary Nolan talking about her treatment oh quote the two men handling her were twisting her arms above her head they suddenly lifted her up and banged her down over the arm of an iron bench twice and we hear one of them yell the damn suffrager Lucy Burns was singled out she was handcuffed to the bars of her cell so they handcuffed her with her hands up
Starting point is 00:33:46 over her arms okay right and then they handcuffed her to the cell and left there for most of the night oh god when finally released she was left they left her handcuffed in the cell but in the morning the women were even more defiant and they launched their own hunger strikes and now there's hunger strikes happening and eat you will eat that's crazy they suffered physically hallucinated and often fainted prison officials first tried threatening them then tried to tempt them with fried chicken mashed potatoes and all the trimmings I mean like so backwards I will fucking bash your brains in or pie
Starting point is 00:34:26 you know what hard on you women yeah ladies just gonna sit here and eat a bucket of chicken oh boy oh man I got extra pieces yeah the problem is we got too much too much well we'll just throw it out I guess we just throw this on the ground or whatever smells so good oh I wish there was a mouth you know I'd be willing to trade you a chicken thigh if you would give up your human rights how about a bite of mashed potato to admit you're nowhere near and equal to a man the women held firm after seven days they were dangerously weak so they were force-fed quote I was seasoned and laid on my back where five people held
Starting point is 00:35:14 me one leaping upon my knees I can't believe there's food rape this is just insane like what an insane so what an insane solution over actually like listening you're like jam food into them you will live I mean how fucked up are men that they do this instead of just letting women vote it's insane fucking insane and it really if I think you know what if honestly like sort of like we're both alluding to if you the more that you act like this the more that I would imagine to someone with a plight you're like we are affecting them strongly and we just need to push push push instead of if like they were just
Starting point is 00:36:00 like do what you want and just kept them in a cell they'd be like that that almost would probably seem that would create like more apathy over if you're if they're like god damn it stop thinking so quote Dr. Ganon then forced the tube through my lips and down my throat I was gasping and suffocating from the agony of it I didn't like waterboarding with mashed potatoes I didn't know where to breathe from it everything turned black have you ever have you ever had surgery yes so I won I did surgery once and and when I woke up the tubes were still down my I had the exact same thing and I will never forget it it's one of
Starting point is 00:36:42 those terrifying moments of my life I had the exact same thing a scope and they I was young too and I woke up during it yeah and they were trying I could tell there was I was so drugged up but I could tell they were trying to drug me more to make me pass up on my adrenaline was just so high and I literally remember a doctor like he was in a tug-of-war just yanking yeah camera out as fat and I was it's like it's like out of body you're just like oh yeah really frantically yeah oh so that's what they were going through that's you know cool to bram down your throat the women did not back down they did grow
Starting point is 00:37:26 very weak but it was coming apparent they were choosing to win the battle or die but when they're when they force feed you like this then how are they not gaining weight or that I don't know but they're throwing it up I don't just not working I'm not sure I'm not sure I don't have an answer for that okay outside the prison the tide seemed to be turning their two lawyers each focused on one prison they managed to get court orders allowing them into the prisons where they saw a horror show Alice Paul was locked in a hellhole on the psychiatric ward even though she was given a clean bill of mental health we shouldn't have called
Starting point is 00:38:05 it the hellhole I mean bad it was a bad name fool is a bad name foolish but I love foolish I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer look I love the logo but it's a great show foolish her lawyer had immediately removed had her immediately removed from the the ward and put in the main jail the other attorney O'Brien got the court to order Superintendent Whitaker to produce all of his suffragist prisoners for a hearing before the US Court of Appeals okay Whitaker tried everything to avoid it including hiding out in his home he's not here he's just in his house just rocking back it's amazing right the guy
Starting point is 00:38:49 who's like throw him across the room so we're reporters packed the hearing the judge said the women's testimony was blood curdling but their appearances told the story they were pale disoriented covered in ugly bruises from the night of terror some could barely walk or sit upright how do you plead turkey I plead laying down almonds sorry everyone in the courtroom was horrified the newspapers reported what they saw and heard the worm had turned the judge ordered them to be transferred immediately to the Washington jail pending for the review then three days later with no explanation they were all released Alice Paul
Starting point is 00:39:39 exited the prison on November 27th unable to stand on her own she told reporters she hoped this would be the end of demonstrations and that the 14th amendment was coming but she said as a total fucking badass quote what we do depends on what the government does so she's fucking standing there all week and they're like are you gonna protest and she's like if they fucking give it up first I'm gonna have a croissant a big one the next month or so was quiet as the women healed then on January 10th 40 years to the day after was introduced into Congress the Anthony amendment was passed by the House of Representatives
Starting point is 00:40:16 and in March the District Court of Appeals ruled the arrests and jailing of the suffragists was illegal superintendent Whitaker was then fired you always wish those guys those those people go to jail to experience it right they just get fucking fired I know it's not it's the same with one like the cops it's like that that age that that Asian cop who shot that that black dude point blank when he said he had a permit to carry a gun and he said he had a gun and the Asian cop shot him and he gets like second-degree manslaughter yeah and by the way it is so crazy that it's an Asian cop that actually got
Starting point is 00:40:53 charges brought against him I did not think there's no white cut no white like like a lot of people are like I feel vindication it's like you do but it was not a white cop this the white cops are still not getting prosecuted like it's crazy yeah so anyway good run yeah we had a good run we sent cars

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