The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 24 - John Africa and MOVE

Episode Date: October 6, 2014

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine John Africa of MOVE in Philadelphia.Tour DatesDollop MerchSourcesPatreon...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at a bunch of religious virgins go to mingle and do what a friend no it's the old
Starting point is 00:01:17 new sound yes I mean I know what you're going for but it's news with Dave and Gary what do you mean when would something why would something have changed you thought because of the Kickstarter so people things are changed no I don't even because of that no just figured you see this was the moment well I just did it didn't feel like we were gonna do more noises and I'd be Gary right up top I don't know I don't know what my I don't know what I expected but it's interesting it is interesting isn't it yeah yeah well so we want to thank everyone for the Kickstarter first I want to thank everyone
Starting point is 00:01:59 for the Kickstarter that was I mean it's not even over going for the 24 days or something but you guys did it in like 30 hours pretty much not expecting that was expecting it would go to the last minute I'd be like a telethon we like we got to save these yes I started it at midnight so because I think that's a good time in Australia and the US anyway I started at midnight I think that's like no maybe it's too late over there I think it's at night in the middle of the day ish 16 hour difference whatever so it's 30 the 16 hours ahead right so anyway so I thought that'd be a good time for both I could do like a countdown hey in America it's
Starting point is 00:02:44 midnight and I would be pushing people and then all of a sudden 30 hours it's over yeah oh thank you I didn't know it's amazing really thank you yes thank you very much so we have enough merit money to take Gary and you know it's just that I gave a little grin of like god damn it so you were like I'll do it more you have a little smile like son of a bitch you're like oh two more Gary's for that smile that's your tax your tax to Gary's for saying it's okay with your face and then there's still a couple more prices on there I really want someone to take the tandem bike ride with you did that happen have you looked I don't know but I'm ready there's a tandem bike ride up you can take it Gary and
Starting point is 00:03:29 then Gary will do your dishes and stand up for 10 minutes in your house yeah but I'm also I want to ride front on the tandem oh yeah no negotiate oh no you're in control yeah I mean come on I'm a girl yeah no I'm right in front of no you oh no Gary's in control thank you and you can call him Gary well um definitely pod fest not that people need permission to call me Gary no they don't do whatever they want well they've done whatever they want so I want to get into this John Africa we starting yep John Africa yeah I do not know about John Africa no given it's having the name he's born into John Africa was not born
Starting point is 00:04:10 with that yeah I mean that's just that's a name you pick I'm Danny Louisiana so John Vincent Lopez leap heart was born on July 6th 1931 at the now demolished Philadelphia General Hospital okay starting out in Philly sure he was raised in the tough tight and greedy neighborhood behind the Philadelphia Zoo it's a weird right it is a weird it is weird yeah you wake up you're like the zebras are fucking that's just that leads to grit and toughness yeah he was a quiet type boy a family federal calls he liked dogs the animals and mostly stayed by himself all right so he's an he's an animal loner sure I'm Michael
Starting point is 00:04:58 Jackson of sorts yes the lip hearts were Godfaring Baptist the father worked as a handyman he and his wife had Leni May lip heart that's her name Leni May that's it that's it not a good name that hasn't caught on I'll say that I haven't heard another one at 10 children six boys and four girls she stayed home and cared for them yeah until she died in her early 40s and then you can't care for the children anymore cuz you're dead yeah so the father felt the pieces instead of being like all right we're gonna make this shit run we're gonna make it happen he went get it we're gonna be a sitcom one dad 10 kids who's blackish just the
Starting point is 00:05:43 30 of us it's called overwhelming debt it's called half you're gonna make it half you're gonna be eaten by the other half okay so he he felt the pieces he just became like sickly and didn't you know couldn't really function anymore sure Vincent was short and very thin boy so underweight that the school doctor twice made notes about it by the age of nine he had been classified as orthogenetically backward wow well for I don't even know what it is and horrible disease name for him edukably I don't know how to say this edge edukably mentally retarded he was that's the definition that's that's the edge you
Starting point is 00:06:32 can't educate okay it's a different thing it's it's you have such a low IQ but you're not you don't have downs so you're in the mid so it's like an education it's an education definition okay so it means that in his whole life if he learned as hard as he could if he got every all the information that he could take in he would learn to a fifth or sixth grade level Jesus but he'd be like able to write but he'd be able to like take care of himself and live on his own and speak and it's okay but he can't like he's not gonna be all he's not gonna be a good reader and you know he'd be like 40 and
Starting point is 00:07:10 you'd be like right when's recess he's still in sixth grade he's always in sixth one practice division no it's our job we work at a alright I'm gonna go play tetherball see you guys at lunch okay what he was first tested his IQ was measured at 84 okay it's not high but it's not terrible it's like George Bush all right so this guy can run the country fair tested again eight years later at age 15 his score fell to 79 so he was going down five every eight years so at the end of his life he's gonna be like a potato yeah it's like what more suffered from he had more disease yeah his scholastic ability had reached
Starting point is 00:08:05 the third grade level when at age 16 he dropped out so he was 16 and he could read like a third grader but not only just read but just in general his disposition was sort of I don't think it's disposition it was just like it was just when it came to education okay that's why it's called edgy edgibly meant to be retarded okay it's just about your education okay so yeah so he drops out so that's a good that's like I don't see what else is really like a third grader thing you put on the cape get out there good make it happen to the city my friend at 17 he was arrested for an armed holdup and stealing a car
Starting point is 00:08:48 drafted by the army he served for more than a year with the infantry during Korea when he returned from Korea he met and married Dorothy Clark on March 11 1961 so he was dumb yes but he's getting some yeah and he got married yeah some of them do he's so sweet you know she'd be like so what do you want to do he'd be like want to go chase those rabbits he's a dreamer Vincent was a cheerful man who loved classic did you see the guy in Twitter that said that you were funny and I'm not that made me laugh so hard oh wait the one you had you had the blocked conference yeah it's like why don't you
Starting point is 00:09:34 block me you're like done you were just one word of your way through it Vincent was a cheerful man who loved a classical music in those days he dressed well and was a vigorous talker and debater wait right that's the thing that you have to understand is that he's not he doesn't come across as an idiot when you meet him but a debater is somebody who is very good at like weighing facts and argue with so this is someone that I would I would feel like that would fall under this umbrella of his retardation if you if you met him you wouldn't know until he said I can't read yeah I can't wow can you what I have five coins if I
Starting point is 00:10:23 take away one how what is that like that then confused didn't you just want a debate how many coins are left take two of my five please tell me please you just wanted on the debate how many coins I knew it so then he moved he was married and and he moved to New York City oh wait his wife this is right he had firm ideas about everything his wife described him as a very deep thinker so everyone who met him thought he was very philosophical and a deep thinker Vincent moved to New York City where he studied and practiced interior decorating so it put us straight on his marriage which being gay will do if you go honey I'm
Starting point is 00:11:14 gonna go be gay in New York for a couple years honey which one of these blue pastels do you like better for the living room I'm leaving you what so that put us around the man his wife was like you got to come back because we you can't be a gay interior designer in New York yeah and he was like all right so he came back when he came back he discovered Dorothy was following the teachings of a group known the Kingdom of Yehwah way yeah here we go why a h w e h oh wait isn't that Yahweh Yahweh Yahweh is that a thing yeah that's a big thing isn't a day it's something from the Bible Yahweh I can't I never read them I know I never
Starting point is 00:11:57 read that I was supposed to read the Bible in Catholic school but I didn't but it I know that I believe it's a simple assembly Yahweh maybe I'm crazy but this is where it starts this is where this is this is where oh my man it so doesn't start here it extolled the glories it we're so not dolloping yet it extolled the glories of reincarnation and the power of pyramids that's not in the Bible there's no there's no part where the Jesus was like look at the eye at the top of that one so followers swore off meat and adopted a natural diet Vincent however kept on eating meat and in 1967 the couple
Starting point is 00:12:40 separated they last saw each other in May 1968 Vincent moved to Powelton in Philadelphia in 1970 it was a cooperative neighborhood near the campuses of the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel so it's a co-op it's a neighborhood co-op so it's fucking liberal hippie it's that scene sure it's that time of the it's that time in the world and you walk down the summer love in San Francisco yeah it's all that stuff hey Jeff you want to make some shoes all right man bring my blanket we can sit on it in 1971 man of the manifesto of the community housing incorporated bore 14 names including
Starting point is 00:13:25 Vincent let parts Powelton in the late 60s and early 70s was a place where a lot of people were involved in liberal politics and social justice civil rights the women's movement the Vietnam War they were peaceful they worked to change things from within the system it was a variety of people artists musicians college students professors I'm sure people didn't lock their doors is that kind of place man come on in Jimmy they were friendly and open they had collective principles like love my brother and come on in Jimmy all decision-making is not here hierarchical non-authoritarian and open to the
Starting point is 00:14:06 entire membership reads the document the collective does not claim to be a substitute for revolution in our oppressive society yeah so they they got together and they made a bunch of words that no one would care about yeah their manifesto should be like easily taken advantage of we're gonna fight weirdos in super easy to trust and get that trust broken so it was exact type of neighborhood that had a tolerance for extremists that's problem like Ira Einhorn who a bushy bearded guru of counterculture who would manday around naked claimed he organized the first Earth Day in 1970 and then murdered his
Starting point is 00:14:46 girlfriend and ran away to France sorry but that's the brief story of Ira Einhorn and he was allowed to hang and he was one of the people walking around naked and then you know he's kind of oh yeah tell us more man and he's like I started Earth Day and then also when he killed his girlfriend upstairs in the apartment and ran away to France cool man where they didn't have I don't think they could extradite him until I want to say 2000 and something yeah it was something crazy by this time Vincent was no longer a nice dresser okay he had dreadlocks all right he was roaming the streets trailed by a pack of dogs okay
Starting point is 00:15:28 a pack is strong he was an unread man who walked around spouting philosophy Jesus with dogs yeah to make money Vincent would walk dogs or sell horse meat as dog food I bred that and I'm like where did he get the horse yeah what's happening what is there like it you got out of the dogs and there's a guy with a horse and a can and you take a bunch out like hey man I want to buy some horse for my dogs hey I need nine pounds of horse and then what does he do and then he walks around the co-op like with a bag of horse and he's like hey man you want to feed your dog hey here let me could you mind if I feed your
Starting point is 00:16:07 dog some horse how does any of it work hey cool man hey you know what I realize that I only have a third grade education but I think I'm gonna go into the selling horse meat on the street you take away two of my dogs out of my five how many are left seven cool man have some horse meat so Jesus Christ so that's him he he's everyone likes to talk to him he was about to lose his rented row house on Pearl Street when the housing co-op stepped in and bought it for him so he could remain wow so that's how much they liked him they liked him a lot fucking love Vinnie Vin yep about a year after you moved in neighbors
Starting point is 00:16:49 looked out one day and saw a young white man standing on Vincent's porch with an arm load of papers I thought he was some kind of school teacher a neighbor says but he wasn't Vincent had found his first disciple oh okay so now I could say here we go a man named Donald glassy Donald glassy had a new degree in social work he was trying to find himself and in doing so he met Vincent Vincent had all the answers glassy was looking for after listening to Vincent philosophizing glassy told him he should write this down Vincent said I don't know how to write which at that point would give you a weird like yeah pause yeah
Starting point is 00:17:28 unless he was like writing's for losers that's what I would have done yeah yeah oh you write you know who else writes the white man you write it down and I wrote it down in my memories so when Vincent but seriously can you please write that down glassy off offered to write them down for him nice Vincent dictated and glassy typed what became known as the book or the guidelines 300 pages that laid out Vincent's anti-technology back to nature views okay the two men moved into glasses apartment to work on the guidelines they carried out their work in an apartment house that was owned by the housing co-op after years labor the
Starting point is 00:18:08 guidelines were complete this was the founding of the Christian movement for life which would soon just become known as move do you know what it is yet no much of it was some of the strangest much of it was some of the strangest Pope pros I had ever read said a former co-op member the metaphor I remember was cloaked in vomit it was filled with metaphors like that the book was filled with an accusatory tone attacking science and technology I love that electricity is cloaked in vomit cloaked in vomit yeah so so that's the level of like then you get that you get like the level of maybe stupidity yeah it's actually involved
Starting point is 00:18:48 you're like you're like how is he philosophizing well not well like Nietzsche wasn't like people to puke it on that shit man he's covered in do-do it's totally what it was then glassy and Vincent began living the lifestyle so ready okay they refused to use roach spray in their apartment very spray faring would harm the dogs soon the entire building came invested infested with roaches wait they brought the roaches or they just we'll get to that oh boy when three co-op members was sent to confront them Vincent was very hostile this was the first time anyone had seen this side of Vincent and he
Starting point is 00:19:31 said if you're not with me you're against me hmm what other idiots said that years later George Bush so the co-op began evicting proceedings in the winter of 1973 do you know how much do you know much of a fuckhead you have to be to get a co-op to evict you so they evicted Vincent they're trying yeah they're trying so it's a box then a packet dogs and glassy and roaches and I assume rats and there's roaches there's fucking everything in there so Vincent and glassy moved out they're like fuck this shit we'll take move somewhere else anywhere else five dogs two crazy people in a handful of roaches
Starting point is 00:20:09 Vincent moved across the street to a massive Victorian house in a classic hippie fashion the guy who owned the building thought Vincent was a bit of a quote strong character and the addy bit of quote brutality about him but those are bad things for it yeah but I felt compassion I didn't know anybody who didn't have a place to live classic this is how it all fucking starts yeah like no everybody's cool man everybody's cool just so what this fucking roaches he'll go over here and it'll be fine like this is the guy that fucked everything yeah yeah the guy with the big heart yeah man I don't I never seen a homeless guy
Starting point is 00:20:48 before we got to put him in this big house over here can you believe this shit dude doesn't have a place to live make you believe that you learned that lesson one time like well fuck him I'm not giving him change then the tenants in the building quickly became concerned about all the dogs and the now parade of move supporters going through the building so they decided to sell the house it was bought by Donald glassy oh gee how the fuck did he buy it well I don't think houses were that much back then see like 500 bucks you get a house there's still people from the neighborhood to this day who think
Starting point is 00:21:32 glassy founded move many people think then and still think today that glassy worked for the FBI was brought in to destroy the co-op Jesus yeah what well the FBI was all about destroying co-ops but there was a lot of fucking counterculture people in this area but still there I know a guy they grew up there their counterculture was to that of like but think about they're also like there were black panther types yeah and so there were so this this neighborhood had that whole flavor to it there's gonna be the warriors there's gonna be probably like like strong anti-war voices and leaders of that type so there's
Starting point is 00:22:14 all kinds of people so it is something that actually FBI would fuck with and my friend who grew up there said phones were tapped in the neighborhood and so it was a legitimate like the FBI being after you was actually a legitimate thing yeah so at the beginning move seemed like a peace-loving group they picketed the zoo demanding demanding that the animals be set free okay which they can live with us man yeah we're thinking it what are you gonna what do you do what's your end goal with your lines like dogs hey man okay you know what you win here's a hippo like what do you really aggressive turns out hey can you
Starting point is 00:22:55 get this one not to eat my arm like this and this one keeps charging he's like a dickhead hippo keep him free the nicies isn't so fucked up that hippos are these terrifying animals hug them they're so big and they look so ridiculous yes ruin you ruin you for fucking hippos yeah you have no idea that it's like let me put the napkin around my neck before I eat yeah but it's actually like a big round dragon run faster than you ever will so they wanted to set on the animals free they protested outside of a pet store saying they didn't see the difference between pet stores and Auschwitz what no I just totally agree
Starting point is 00:23:41 I mean okay name one difference okay Auschwitz was a place where they killed humans we don't see any difference between putting Jews in Auschwitz napalming Vietnam or enslaving black people and enslaving puppies and as a Jew like you gotta be fucking kidding me they're not enslaved they're pets that you feed and they love you same thing with Jews man okay fuck you they're letting these Jews run in those big wheels in there too in their little cages that's not what's happening yeah yeah and they love mulch so so they clearly were a group of idiots yes it sounds like they were led by a third grader yeah but move was oh wait they
Starting point is 00:24:35 got their biggest headlines when they handcuffed talk show host Mike Douglas in his studio to retaliate for an episode in which an errant chimpanzee had been handcuffed and shot with a tranquilizer dart after running a muck during a taping so they went into the studio during a lot there handcuffed him because they'd seen on TV that a monkey got loose and they someone had a trank him chimps are fucked up so they had to try this is why you don't want them out of the zoo they run around in studios and do horrible things that's the only other option fine we'll just put them on talk shows you ask for it see the roar there's no in
Starting point is 00:25:15 between guys not another choice what do you want from us you want a mizoo's or do you want them on the Mike Douglas show make up your fucking minds but move it always been violent the people in the co-op learned this first hand after Vincent and the co-op had their falling out he quit the co-op yeah then the leaders of the co-op had their houses picketed and their lives were repeatedly threatened so he's just like it's like if you come over here and I'm like all right the people next door have these two kids and the kids think it's fun to throw their balls in our yard so I'm constantly throwing the balls back and
Starting point is 00:25:50 the kids are laughing so Gareth can you want to pick it today yeah let's go over there make their lives hell so just picketing your neighbors yeah like that's also a third grade you know we're gonna do we're gonna put the yeah protested neighbors shout at him we'll shout our way out of this one you motherfucker Julie yeah I know you hear me Julie you fucking bitch down with Julie move down with Julie down with Julie down with Julie so so as they walked down the street they were in neighbors were encircled they were cursed they were shoved and perhaps the most and perhaps the most violent incident a move
Starting point is 00:26:35 member kicked a co-op member in the face breaking his nose because he had refused to nod hello in the two past in the hallway wow so it's it's picking up nod nod hello from now on yeah oh yeah you learned your lesson nod give me a nod you measure the next time they walk by each other's like I do man you good you go yeah yeah yeah you know that's right you think you think about the puppies you let a puppy go today motherfucker Vincent was now rarely seen on the street okay so he's not out that much and he had a new name I'm pretty excited obviously John Africa there it is he chose Africa because he wanted to pay a
Starting point is 00:27:16 homage to Africa as the continent where all life began I'm sure that they appreciated the hell yeah they did sure word gun bet he probably got a plaque from Africa probably what he couldn't read thank you good luck figuring out what this says just says please fuck off he's like look at that huge award move was a haven for drug users ex-convicts and lost souls cool John Africa played the father figure advising cajoling ordering to win his approval members had to change their diets wear out junk food and meet and become physically fit okay yeah it's not it's not the worst thing listen this is just like I'm is
Starting point is 00:27:56 doing it's like joining CrossFit yeah exactly joining a gym yeah it's it's like a New Year's cult it's like everyone's making their New Year's resolutions yeah no more meat I've got to work out keep the dogs periodically they were sent on an activity ordered by John Africa they would go to demonstrate at the local police station to disrupt talks by Jane Fonda or meetings of the board of education all the while their leader stayed hidden which this I don't get now Jane Fonda was against the war so they were going out and protesting Jane Fonda doing it you're too pretty lady hey fuck you Fonda you're
Starting point is 00:28:32 protesting wrong while his 40 or so followers clashed almost daily with the authorities tallying into hundreds of arrests never once was John Africa picked up John Africa always made sure he wouldn't be identified but he was always there in the background sitting down the street while the commotion went on yes it's a little yeah yeah it's a little hitler all right you guys go over there and really let him know fuck shit up I'm gonna be down here burn some incense get a coffee grab some birds of incense get a scone you guys heard of scones okay you guys like scones I'll get a bunch for when you're done go handcuff
Starting point is 00:29:11 yourself to Mike Douglas I'll be here now this part's a little weird because I couldn't find a lot of information about it in 1976 when move members were released from another arrest they were coming home they were at the house something started with the police again a kerfuffle a kerfuffle that a clash with police and a baby ended up dying whoa okay so there was a baby and I think I think what it was from what I could try to gather because there's so many different piece of information about this and there's a documentary that they just kind of briefly and then a baby died and then they moved on coming up and
Starting point is 00:29:46 then they just moved on but I think I think what it sounds like is that a baby had already died and then after the clash with police they were like you killed the baby like it sounds like upstairs in the house so it's fucked up so they're living train spotting but then you but then they can also point the finger now yeah this you killed this baby today even though it looks like it's been dead for a while a while yeah move had a family structure everyone was given a new it's a feel-good story it's a feel-good story it's a good story this doesn't end well this story are you sure yeah I feel like it's gonna it's not
Starting point is 00:30:21 gonna end great fine you know what you know what the ending is and they exploded into flowers and there they sat move had a family structure everyone was given a new age of fun one whoa okay everyone is one okay you're one year old now you're in hello go go go go go shake your keys at me I think that so yeah I don't it seems like so it's a way to stop a hierarchy and just say well you won like there's no parents or now it's like now it's like you're living now you're actually born into the system you were supposed to be born into so now I would say that to count your years now it's not gonna start
Starting point is 00:31:11 counting the years don't stop guessing it's just and the same surname Africa so everyone had picked the name Africa popular name Larry ever good Jerry ever good hi I'm Jerry Africa this is Larry Africa this is Africa Africa crazy dude this guy is wild we're all one double laugh yeah we're one years old the children born to move or food forbidden from synthetic formal education as it was called they were not taught to read or write you know what you're gonna be like me stupid yeah what was it was it good enough for me then it's good enough for you you don't need to read John after this dead baby John Africa I know my
Starting point is 00:31:57 shit and cockroaches John Africa knew how to bring people in and make them the system the enemy right so right the education is you know who's education are you getting that kind of shit as the years past moved gain members and grew bolder the headquarters expanded into the Twin House next door which moved simply took over after its tenants moved out cool that's fine hey I wonder why the people moved out we work under the concept of dibs and we're gonna call dibs so that's just how move rolls by the way we're one I don't think that's a legal thing you know no legal dibs we have dibs so try to take it away I'm
Starting point is 00:32:39 pretty sure that's not it's okay binding they say they have dibs I can hear you still okay soon neighbors were plagued by rats and foul odors those two don't get those two how are those two symbiotic and the headquarters grew into a compound surrounded by large wooden posts it looked like a military stockade move made compost piles of garbage and human waste in their yards which attracted the rats and cockroaches what what okay so they decided to so they have like a it's like a good I guess it sounds like a duplex like a Victorian house sure it sounds like a lovely place it's a nice place so then they get so
Starting point is 00:33:22 then they get a bunch of wood posts from where I don't know they probably went over near the zoo and cut down trees and they put so it looks like the beginning of a brave heart around you know the fucking English court yeah and then they just start shitting in the yard cool and throwing all their garbage there hey so what point is a neighbor are you like um oh I think a long time ago so but now people are just leaving and trying to get them evicted question yes why are you shitting in the yard that's where we're shitting there'll be no more questions so for the rats to eat dummy they considered morally wrong to
Starting point is 00:33:59 kill pests okay so they don't kill past right sure that's that yeh wah thing or whatever Yahweh Yahweh Yahweh or the highway Yahweh or the highway baby because of the time and the place many people refuse to see move as anything but victims of police brutality and racism well people okay but that makes sense right yeah crazy liberal area well that is the problem with like liberalism in a way right is that a lot of times you are too nurturing yes to understanding sure and the evil takes advantage but at the time there is a lot of racism totally and the cops are racist and yeah if you saw this at that
Starting point is 00:34:43 point I mean even now if you saw this you'd sort of be like intrigue like all right well it's happening because I don't like what the government's doing what are you offering but it's no rat and shits well I'm against that too so but it's maybe not as bad those people living close to the headquarters were constantly being threatened and harassed co-op members who tried to convince palatine neighbors that move was a genuine threat were called racist so anybody who lives on that block is like hey man there's rats in the shit in the yard they're saying they're gonna kill us right people around the blogger like
Starting point is 00:35:14 oh really you don't like black people no I know I didn't say that they're shitting in their yard really really they all look the same I want to open your mind a little bit bro yeah no he says they're shitting in the yard he said what he's racist motherfucker racist god damn in this day and age only they wearing bones in their noses yeah oh let me guess yeah they're carrying baskets on their heads racist fuck it's members of the co-op now broken a bitter the members of the co-op broken a bitter factional disputes quarreling about whether move sympathizers should be permitted into other co-op houses and
Starting point is 00:35:54 suing each other in common police court over proposed sale of the co-op's property so it's just breaking up so things are good things are fucking totally coming apart four co-op members lodged a formal appeal with the Philadelphia police for help they asked for the placement of metal shields over the front porch of the co-op apartment building across the street for move members a steel wall between them and move so they were like I have I have an idea to fix this have you seen Israel Palestine no that hadn't happened yet so be like Dublin okay yeah so have you seen the wall yeah separates that that's
Starting point is 00:36:35 what we should do orange on one side green and leprechauns on the other it's a lot like the sitcom where you're like we'll just put a line of tape down the middle that's your half that's my half except a little higher stakes move did not respond well to police involvement shocking I'm surprised to hear that they sent a written statement to the police on May 20th 1977 hopefully we didn't let John Africa write it well it's gonna be in crayon don't attempt to enter move headquarters or harm move people and yes you want an international incident because our last names Africa that's international we are prepared to hit
Starting point is 00:37:11 reservoirs empty hotels and apartment houses clothes factories in type traffic in major cities of Europe what I mean it's a little bit off it's a lot off the targets off it's all they're like uh-huh okay do that it's like if my neighbor came over and was like hey man I don't like what you're doing I'm like I'm gonna fuck up conquered that's a new Hampshire right you know that's right bitch that's it if you don't stop fucking with me I'm gonna call my friend in England and have it punch his neighbor teach you we are equipped we are equipped well-trained and expert in guerrilla tactics we are not a bunch of
Starting point is 00:37:50 frustrated middle-class college students irrational radicals are confused terrorists we are deeply religious organization totally committed to the principle and belief as top to us by our founder John Africa we are not looking for trouble we're just looking to be left alone well I won I wouldn't have started with the threats if I was looking to be left alone because they're the police and that's actually illegal to threaten the police yeah and just make terrorist threats about the world and I would not say what we're not because that's what you are right the whole the whole thing is I'm looking for trouble
Starting point is 00:38:22 looking for trouble and then I'm not looking for trouble but it's like we are not a bunch of disbanded college students who have no clue what we are you are a little bit you're one years old the statement was signed with the chemical equations for nitroglycerin and TNT oh my god hey man I like the words but how do we sign this what's our John Hancock on this bitch I mean they're making the police go to like another department real quick like what is that I thought so all right fucking let's get the tank it was just the kind of thing to capture the attention of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and firearms just in
Starting point is 00:39:07 military style fatigues and carrying handguns and rifles stood atop their barricaded paladin compound the same day a shotgun that police took from a move member who had left the compound was traced to glassy okay glassy was then arrested and facing a five-year prison term for falsifying federal firearms forms he became a snitch oh Jesus right yeah that's why people think he was part of the FBI because he just let it yeah he was all sudden he's rolling and he's working with them it's all very like start the thing get the ball rolling get these people all fucked up shitting in their yard I mean first of all
Starting point is 00:39:45 tremendous police work if that's true a top notch but but then all of a sudden he's working with the FBI okay so glassy had already become disillusioned with move and John Africa when he joined John Africa preach non-violence and now he was becoming a weapons freak requesting all move members to obtain bazookas and mortars see now doesn't that make you think he's not FBI that he just rolled because he's like yeah I mean I think so I think so but also if I'm if I'm following a dude and I'm like yeah man I like animals and then he's like go get a bazooka I'm like how the fuck am I gonna get a bazooka I'm not gonna go and get
Starting point is 00:40:20 it what I mean safe way like where's a fucking bazooka I go down to the grocery store I'm like hey where's your bazooka how like what the fuck yeah yeah it's just ordering them to get it he told ATF that move members would kill if John Africa ordered them to glassy sit and move at stockpiled bombs over the past year he and other move members had flown to cities across the nation and to London where they left bombing timing devices without explosives and hotel rooms these were accompanied by threatening letters warning that move would strike for real if Philadelphia did not stop its harassment okay so no
Starting point is 00:41:00 no no what it makes complete sense it makes complete sense go ahead can we recap go ahead what they're doing is putting a cap on the problem they're taking care taking care of the situation what they're doing yeah go ahead they're basically fake bombs around in like Seattle the country and world yeah with letters with letters that are basically like hey imagine if this was real yeah and then we live in another place yeah that has nothing to do with this yeah hey hey Toronto what you thinking yeah feel threatened by the way we're in jail now and it's capable of ever following through on this but it
Starting point is 00:41:36 meant for a second you were a little bugged out it's almost like this is a plan that was made by a guy with a third-grade education we'll make fake bombs leave them yeah so glassy then went to pick okay so then glassy went to pick up all of moves weapons and cachets from two homes of two move members while the ATF over watched so they said basically like a stick yeah they send them in to grab some shit and get out of the house yeah right yeah that haul from that day included 20 bombs a pile of bomb parts two shotguns eight high-powered rifles
Starting point is 00:42:25 and a handgun Jesus also recovered were books the anarchist cookbook to the silencer snipers and assassins handbook an OSS manual on sabotage and an army field manual on explosives so they seem like they're in a good spot they're reading they're just doing a little reading look John African needs to be read to as he goes to bed can I ask you a question sure is it wrong to have a hobby I'll tell you what Dave if there's one thing I've learned on the dollop it's yeah sometimes it is wrong to have a hobby in September 1977 reader reactor I oh well it's a hobby I have I don't have any skin and I in
Starting point is 00:43:08 September 1977 10 move members headed by John Africa were indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of conspiracy and of manufacturing and possessing bombs but when federal agents and police went to serve the warrants John Africa was gone then Mayor Rizzo said quote they wouldn't be able to get away with what they're in communist countries they love that's what's wrong with America we're backing off too much wait what is his point this is the man yeah Mayor Rizzo what is his point he's saying that okay so he's calling him communist yeah I mean saying so if this was fucking communist China or communist it would be okay you
Starting point is 00:43:46 go Slavia then they would they would be able to get away with right they wouldn't be able to get away with that there communist China be like we're gonna fuck your shit up yeah and that's what's wrong with America we're letting these fucking hippies he's one of the rare yeah he is a rare he is a rare guy saying that we should be more communist you don't you don't hear a lot of that rhetoric around this time you don't hear it you don't hear it from a guy who's saying let's take the really bad part yeah you know there's a lot of good to communism let's not focus on that they would fuck these assholes up okay in late
Starting point is 00:44:26 1970s and Mayor Rizzo ordered police to barricade move headquarters so they come in and they just put walls on the street and they they literally barricade and block the building the irony that the group's name is move I mean yeah you won't be moving move oh we're gonna move you want move move there comes the moving van Jesus I think moves gonna try to move and so they supporters defied the mayor and brought the modern supplies so you see video of their barricaded and hippies are coming with bags shit like hey man hey some kitty brother I like what you do it man fight the man fight the man it
Starting point is 00:45:06 sounds like shit real bad by the way but here man so it's really great so then he says oh wait supporters defied brought supplies on August 8th 1978 after negotiations failed police move in okay the police will be in there to drag them out by the backs of their necks they're gonna be taken by force if they resist never understate and their estimate an opponent never underestimate an opponent always get in there with more than is necessary and you overpower them mayor Rizzo mayor Rizzo is not a good mayor what do you mean well first of all mayor Rizzo has not not have a ring to it it's bad it's kind of guttery
Starting point is 00:45:50 to begin with hello mafia and I'm also noticing his policies are that of shoot first ask questions oh yeah there's definitely a hey we're gonna fuck them up feeling about all this yeah you wanna fuck me I'm gonna fuck you Philadelphia Square hey look me in the fucking eyes mayor Rizzo second term we'll give these hippies AIDS mayor Rizzo reelection speech it's all about the dumb shit we have on TV why can't I see the mayor Rizzo there is oh my god just fucking yeah it's time yeah now I quote move when the police came in with a bulldozer and started not it's a great start and started knocking down their fence sure
Starting point is 00:46:42 the bulldozer comes in and starts knocking down their fence yeah to get to their shit poor rats you sons of bitches are goddamn motherfuckers goddamn motherfucking pigs goddamn it I'm saying come on with it motherfuckers will shit on you goddamn fools so that's their response to the bulldozer holy grail well it feels like both sides are a little erratic who do you root for in this so after the police take down the fence they start moving in firemen set up to fire hoses and our spraying hoses at the house I mean you just know that these hippies are just so outmatched oh but then move shoots you can see it on
Starting point is 00:47:29 video all the cops and firemen start to scatter one of the fire hoses is just going crazy because one of the firemen got shot so one of the fire was just fucking squirting all over the road like you see in a yeah like the three stages cops are shot the firemen are shot one cop is dead offers of James ramp so then they're like oh we have a real situation on our hands and then they continue to spray the house is it time to stop spraying well I think I think that they this they've got the fence down yeah and they're like well if you move in it's gonna be a fucking gunfight from hell right but if they just
Starting point is 00:48:07 keep spraying the house you imagine just sitting in a house that's like like soaked yeah you're in the basement or whatever and it's just fucking soaked eventually I don't want to be here anymore yeah but I mean you would just you know it made me be like I don't want to be here at all how long do you want to be wet I mean how long damp I get a little day really really go down for date like yeah I'd be like yeah I'd be like yeah like it's annoying I'm wet it's annoying really for how long I mean for I could go for days yeah but then it's over at some point you like I don't want to be wet but I have guns and be
Starting point is 00:48:42 like keep shooting shoot till they stop dampening us one by one 12 remove baby one by one 12 adult move members and some children were driven from the compound flesh from its basement by water when one guy came out to give the to give up to the cops they just beat the shit out of him live on the news so you just see them they're just kicking a guy in the head never heard of anything like that right I mean he did shoot a cops ever it's like yeah there's video of them just kicking some guy when he rolls around on the ground John Africa was not among them then they tore down the house okay the police just knocked
Starting point is 00:49:22 the shit they knocked it down sure I mean again crazy strategy but sure move members think there was a police cover-up and that police shot officer James Ram because that's how cops operate well yeah a lot of times in the first day of beginning the cops will be like shoot him and then we'll blame them shoot Jimmy that's how they're thinking yeah they're not thinking of protecting themselves just didn't Jimmy was like I was working the ID but Jimmy's plan he was like okay guys I'll move over there kill me and then go you shoot me in the back of the head and then you got those motherfuckers earn it then earn it but
Starting point is 00:49:59 then move members also said stuff like the people who know us know that we are not terrorists we fight cops because they are dirty they are filthy they are criminal so the first doesn't go along the first sentence doesn't go with the second sentence at all it's almost like they're completely opposite sentences the people who know us know that we are not terrorists fine fair we fight cops because they are dirty they are filthy they are criminal okay wait also we didn't shoot that cop okay I'm having a hard time and we killed that cop that's our statement read it back okay good nine move members were prosecuted for the
Starting point is 00:50:40 murder of officer ramp they were sentenced to 30 to 100 years so nine of them are put away real rough real rough sentence to the district attorney brought charges against the cops who beat the move guy on camera okay and even though it was clearly videotaped that they committed a crime they were found not guilty why wow not not by a jury but by a judge they didn't even they were like no we don't need no jury which means that they chose a judge that was like yeah kicking a guy in the head's cool yep that's lunch how about a four minute trial you guys good with that good yeah that sounds great well the barricade was
Starting point is 00:51:19 going down three men named Jimmy Lee fart oh my god I thought you said Jimmy Lee fart Jimmy Lee fart Jimmy Lee fart sounds like Jimmy Lee fart Ernie Invincent Lee fart wait a minute bought property what the fart brothers PHRT the fart brothers what sometimes this does seem like a plan that was come up by a guy with third grade education mr. fart that's dr. fart this is my brother mr. fart Snickers yes we're the farts hello my name is Jimmy Lee Jimmy Lee farts this is my brother Bobby who fart with the farts you call this the farts brought property the farts brought property did they the farts brought property in
Starting point is 00:52:19 Rochester New York they were of course aliases and one was federal fugitive John Africa who we gonna be Johnny we're gonna be the fart brothers the fart brothers move up yeah ready five brothers move it in okay so move about seven houses where the farts we just moved next door what's what do you guys do potlucks are you guys doing right here that's right fart the farts yeah we says right on the mailbox where the farts I can't believe they picked that name move bought seven houses over the next four years and a gas station and then they moved to Rochester stockades went up around them it was the same old
Starting point is 00:53:04 pattern they dug up driveways so the earth could breathe weird pattern gotta gotta gotta let the earth breathe it was like oh my god Jesus I thought that was never gonna I was dying under there hey the farts the porches were torn off the houses and slats were put over windows John Africa became known in the neighborhood as the dude who enjoyed running he was running in the streets and bare feet every day then he started putting out bones for stray dogs and rats here ready ready ready some neighbors began to become upset there were conflicts that attracted the attention of the ATF yeah I mean they
Starting point is 00:53:46 really if you're the if you're the farts yeah just lay low just chill out one way to lay low is not to cut yourself the farts yeah no big big red flag I mean there's probably there's just not a lot of people with the last name you go to ATF headquarters as a board with a picture up there's the leader Jimmy fart what all right stop laughing come on you guys is serious now these guys are serious business we're gonna smoke the farts out of the house god damn why are you laughing god damn it all right now back to project fart anyway Larry Queef one day several vehicles pulled up and John
Starting point is 00:54:33 Africa who was walking a dog on the street was arrested they just pulled up in the guy ATF agent rolled on the window and he's like I've been looking for you and John Africa's like I know and he just got it like that was it it was that easy okay in interrogation he said his name was Vincent life and then he was one year old Google Gaga is my statement Google Gaga Google he said it was okay that move made bombs because society had made all the chemicals to make bombs and they just mix them together okay that's legal no that means that you can make
Starting point is 00:55:13 everything on earth if you just have the shit yeah so your whole organization is built on fucking bullshit well because if you're talking about going back to nature everything out there that people make you can use which is everything you hold on a goddamn second what this whole operation is built on dog shit okay not bullshit all right I'm sorry son of a bitch everything else is completely valid John Africa's trial went smooth what he chose to defend himself he was very he was very respectful one of the prosecutors thought this was the strongest case he had ever had in his career third grade education glassy was
Starting point is 00:55:53 the star witness two other movement members defected and backed up glassy statements they had the bombs they had the weapons Africa's co-defendant Alfonso Robbins just put witness after witness up on the stand to testify that John Africa had cured back problems epilepsy smoking marital problems and drug addictions so there's there's a couple of things there's a couple of different trials going on I can't believe that he cured epilepsy one it's a guy trying to get a TV show yeah the other ones they're trying to prosecute them for weapons and bombs he even said it had caught he even said John Africa had
Starting point is 00:56:39 cost it to rain when police were blockading the palatine compound which was actually the hoses yeah so lots of it to a torrential downpour really located at one area and then it would move very focused rain very very it was like a storm cloud followed us through it all John Africa only spoke twice once to cross-examine an ATF agent and once to deliver his closing argument on the move was John Africa's greeting as he faced the jury for his closing up argument I love him I love him on the move everyone's like oh this guy's gonna get done a business before he was finished delivering what amounted to a
Starting point is 00:57:24 bizarre sermon John Africa would cry 10 times he was by his rights a victim I'm not a guilty man I'm an innocent man I'm fighting for air that you've got to breathe and I'm fighting for water that you've got to drink and if it gets any worse you're not gonna be drinking that water I'm fighting for food that you've got to eat and you know you've got to eat it and if it gets any worse you're not gonna be eating that food don't you see if you took this thing all the way all the way you would have clean air clean water clean soil and be quenched of industry but you see that they don't want that they can't have
Starting point is 00:58:01 that monkeys don't shoot people but people shoot monkeys yet monkeys are seen as unclear and people are seen as intelligent you can go as far as you want in the forest and you won't find no jails because animals of the forest don't believe in jail but come to civilization and that's all you see I rest my case he needs to see the last plan of the eight that's his whole argument bullshit it really is they have guns and jay yes hello scissors quite a man this is way after the fucking movies have come out all five of them now here's what's crazy right okay so what he's saying is not
Starting point is 00:58:48 that awful what he's saying is I want to protect us from pollution and you know the government right that's what I'm trying to do the work of the plan is yeah however the plan also monkeys on jails also monkeys do not have jails the plan the way he pitches the plan is not clear or good well I don't know but what he's going for is jury nullification do you know what that is oh no so during like if you go if you sit on a jury for a guy that is being prosecuted for smoking pot sure you can say I don't believe that's a just law right and just say not guilty based on jury nullification wow okay so I think
Starting point is 00:59:36 that's what he's going for so he's trying to get them to basically not believe in the crime he's charged right right okay I wish I knew that was a thing the jury deliberated for six days okay now this is this is the prosecutor says it's the strongest case he ever had his career he's like what in the fuck is happening Africa and Robbins were acquitted wow the prosecute prosecution was stunned it was the only case one prosecutor ever lost in his whole career wow they had so much evidence they were withdrawing some evidence during trial presentation throwing out we don't want to bore them
Starting point is 01:00:12 they'll be exhausted how many bombs do we have to show them just ease up yeah we could show him 10 instead of 30 they were over over evidence do you guys have you heard over evidence we're over over selling this crime we're talking ourselves out of a guilty as he walked to his car is such great video as John Africa's walking to his car he was asked how he felt when the verdict was read and he said nothing I was asleep true he was sleeping half the time after his acquittal John Africa moved to home on Osage Avenue that his sister owned he was now obsessed with his own power telling his followers that he had out
Starting point is 01:00:47 smart in the entire United States he began convincing the kids to hate their parents and started ordering move kids to beat up their parents he then told the young children that he was now their mother and father new rules I'm your parents and then those people that used to be your parents I want you to beat up beat him up beat him up thank you uncle fart seen children of the flies we're doing that who's got the conch I do you'll be piggy we're gonna use your glasses to make fire and burn your parents African never ventured outside the Osage Avenue headquarters it was a blue collar neighborhood kids were
Starting point is 01:01:27 playing ball in the streets parents would sit on the stoop everyone knows each other and then right in the middle that crazy fucking people move into a house board up the windows immediately and then start blasting from a loud speaker you motherfuckers what the fuck are you doing out there do you know what's going on here you sons of bitches you're around here fucking everybody up what the fuck is going on you're like who is this guy right there we buy in the vote for him did we buy in the wrong neighborhood just blasting this new hip-hop is very unfocused neighbors are a bummer next our neighbors would just
Starting point is 01:02:05 lay in bed at night and cry and hope the city would come find a way to deal with the situation you certainly couldn't talk to the move members they would go down the street to the park cut down trees and drag the logs up the street and into the house wood would be stacked up in the front of the house there was so much of it neighbors asked them to do something about it so move put all the wood on the roof they built two bunkers on the roof what so in the middle this roof bunkers so in the room in the middle of this nice little street there's one house that has all the board all the windows boarded up and then they also
Starting point is 01:02:38 took the they like took the wood paneling off the building so you get you know you can look through little slats you take off the paneling they did that they built the bunkers up top with holes to shoot guns out of now I know I he wasn't an exterior designer and then there's a fence made of trees in the front yard with compost piles this compost has got to stop and there's like dudes climbing up the front of the house like repelling up with the axes on their back and you're just like I'm gonna take this I feel like our property values gone down am I crazy to think that the neighborhood is not what it used to be
Starting point is 01:03:16 since they started becoming longer I remember I would get upset about where Jim parked his car just get angry about the bush hanging over the fence but now it's just like God I long for those days now it's a pile sure there's a pile of shit in what used to be a driveway literally a shit pile I'm not even using a you this is literally a pile of shit on May 3rd 1984 a dude went on top of the move house with a shotgun wearing a mask on his face hey that's comfortable to come home to police came there was a standoff the standoff lasted two hours police never entered the house and no arrests were made no arrests well because
Starting point is 01:03:56 technically it's not a crime is it not a crime to sit on the roof of your house with a mask and a loaded gun it's not not in America because we're not ever fucking well I know now I mean when I was in college we got into a beef with a guy across the street who was a real fucking weirdo and they were like five of us living in the house and it was it was a suburban place and the dude went into his house and brought out like a fucking dirty hairy gun like a huge pistol and just sat there staring at our house sitting on his car and we called the cops and the cops came they're like yeah that's Jimmy he's cool I'm like he's
Starting point is 01:04:32 not fucking that's like a threat like yeah no it's cool so for two days he just sat out there with a gun staring at our house it's legal the cops are like sounds illegal the cops like he has a he has a right to the gun well now he's on his property you now you can go to restaurants with like a k-47 yeah but that's how it should be because just in case well you never know how are you gonna eat out without the safety of knowing that you can protect your family eating your home fries or the man who has a loaded who's here have you seen red dawn do you know what's happening things are good here so the
Starting point is 01:05:07 Philadelphia DA got permission from the courts to evict move the info they got to uphold evictions was from two move members who were confidential informants one was the woman owned the house who happened to be John Africa's sister who he had his nephew beat up so the DA pursued charges of disorderly conduct pro-violation criminal conspiracy and terroristic threats on May 12, 1985 the police began to evict the street Osage Avenue in the surrounding area naturally it was Mother's Day when else would you do this great time you've had so much time yeah Mother's Day yeah they told neighbors they would have to be out of
Starting point is 01:05:43 the house for 24 hours a reporter asked one neighbor what he thought would happen and the man said I think you'll have to kill all of them the police commissioner commissioner Sanborn had premier prepared an announcement for the people inside of the house he read it into a bullhorn like a lunatic attention move this is America I mean seriously like who on the who in this story isn't a crazy asshole it's like I finally get to be in that Rambo movie this is America this is America talking like what in the fuck so then he reads the warrants this is different it's not American yeah police just yeah just say your fucking name
Starting point is 01:06:27 your police commissioner Sanborn job this is America okay then moves like no this is America motherfucker no no they fucking did not did they just say they're America move said they would not surrender they said they would kill all the cops and then the cops wives would be sleeping with other men before the end of the day it's quite a bold proclamation it's pretty presumptuous is it not grieving so they're they're just assuming that that once they kill these cops their wives you may like I gotta fuck something oh my god yeah yeah they also said the cops wives be sleeping with black men before the end of the day how
Starting point is 01:07:05 dare they so on one hand they're saying your wives are whores you'll be fucking black man but then they're all are they also saying the black men aren't that great because they're saying it's dirty to fuck well yeah they're definitely they're hitting a lot there's a lot of shrapnel to go around they're definitely saying that the wives are whores and that they're black men whores which are warler or whores they're so bad they're gonna sleep with guys like us yeah okay I'm not sure yeah coming from the guys who live on shit mountain the cops started spraying tear gas a whole shitload of tear gas it just more rain
Starting point is 01:07:42 it's just a giant cloud more rain we pray this rain hurts it's in our eyes so tear gas is covering the whole neighborhood then move shot at the cops with automatic weapons okay everyone could hear the automatic weapons firing and then had to be coming from move but after the entire episode was over police did not find any automatic weapons they didn't have any guns capable automatic fire it turns out but the police commissioner is positive that move shot with automatic weapons but he can't explain why they didn't have automatic weapons sometimes guns dissolve yeah I've seen that in
Starting point is 01:08:20 Terminator or the just yeah they turn into dust or whatever yeah dust guns so clearly the cop shot first are you sure I think so okay so they shoot a bunch of tear gas so no no news cameras can be around right and there's nothing no witnesses everybody left then they start fucking shooting on the house so now once they shoot they can be treated as violent felons right in the middle of a crime so that's that's now where we are now they're violent felons yeah can be you can do whatever you want yep the move people sent the kids down to the garage and the men went up to the roof there were three women four men and six
Starting point is 01:08:58 children in the house house John Africa was one of them the police ran out of bullets in the morning they used 10,000 rounds of ammunition in the morning holy shit happy Mother's Day apparently it sounded like Vietnam it was just like the most fucking insane 10,000 bullets yeah because of the bunker you think that there would be a casualty oh well if you're just shooting at a house it's silly think somebody be like all right I'm just gonna ask shit well they have bunkers yeah fair yeah right because of the bunkers on the roof police police thought move were in a better tactical situation than them the cops sprayed fire
Starting point is 01:09:37 cannons at the bunker off a crane like they did before with the other house 10,000 10,000 gallons a minute they want to knock the bunker over now move would already gone through the water torture episode yeah so now they're like me so they had they had a they had a plan to counter they put tarps on the bunker so no water got it I mean it's amazing how simple yeah tarps you know we should get this time tarps so they're just like god damn it they got tarp that's fucking bunker isn't coming down this is America your tarp trick so then everyone took a break had lunch like alright everybody
Starting point is 01:10:20 let's just take a smoke take five take five and while they're sitting around it's 5 p.m. someone from the bomb squad was like hey I got an idea why don't we fly a helicopter over the house and we'll drop a bomb on it and everyone was like that sounds cool whoa the mayor was like yeah I'm good let's do this is America after all everyone was like yeah I don't see what could go wrong the police loaded a satchel with four pounds of water gel explosive and see for plastic explosive on a 45 second fuse love your face right now I wish people could see your face what the fuck the helicopter a helicopter hovered about
Starting point is 01:11:05 15 feet over the roof and drop you were so on board for the whole thing you're so like yeah this is yeah this all makes and yeah they dropped a huge bomb on the roof it explodes and the bunkers still there so five minutes after the bomb smoke starts pouring out of the house and the police turned off the water cannon the sweeties because hey there's fire shut it down shut it down shut it down shut it all down hurting ourselves that's what you do when there's fire right then 15 minutes later the fire is now raging out of the house now it's fire coming out of the house they still did not turn on the fire cannon you see this
Starting point is 01:11:58 is going yeah the fire commissioner was told by the police commissioner to let the fire burn because he wanted the tactical situation he wanted the bunker to burn down yeah and the fire commissioner was like yeah that sounds good I'm just a fire commissioner fine if there's a fire burning in the middle of the city I don't know what I don't know what these are good sandwiches what it is this a egg which is like is a baloney that's amazing so it burned yeah and it burned and the mayor is watching on TV in his office in City Hall now Philadelphia Mayor Rizzo Philadelphia is one of the last no this is a different
Starting point is 01:12:40 now now we have a black mayor oh god he's probably sleeping with some of those cop lives right so he's watching us TV now Philadelphia is one of the last cities to get cable in America okay by soon because of all the mob shit and whatever else sure so he's watching on an antenna in his office you know old school yeah rabbit and he saw water coming in pouring on the fire he later realized after several minutes that that was just bad reception it was snow oh shit it's little dots not water yeah fire dots and then he realized it was a bad TV signal and he ordered them to put the fire out that was at 6 p.m. the
Starting point is 01:13:29 police commissioner said that he told the fire commissioner to put out the fire but the fire commissioner said the police commissioner did not tell him to put out the fire so it just kept burning they just take out video from across the street like right across the street they're in there in a in a building sure windows open and the the house that the John Africa in is engulfed in flames right and the cops are talking on the video you can hear them talking while that it's pointed at the house and the cops say I bet they won't call the police commissioner a motherfucker anymore and then they all just laugh when
Starting point is 01:14:05 they all just laugh because it's a fucking barbecue so now it's getting dark oh yeah it is remember the last time they had to stand up for the cops and they beat the shit out of that guy yeah right on the news yep now wouldn't you say that of those three cops you wouldn't have one of them no in a tactical position that's very important during this no you would not have him in that position one of the cops who was put on trial for beating up the move guy in 1978 was there he was behind the house in the alley with his partner the only place that no one can see with cameras and they had a machine gun oh my god so
Starting point is 01:14:49 there's no view of anything from anybody just whatever those guys say happen happen the house is completely engulfed in flames in the alley the move members open up the garage door and say they're coming out specifically they yell they want to get the kids out police say Ray Africa then came out and started shooting but a boy who was in the house later said that Ray did not have a gun in his hands because he was carrying a child and a monkey wrench that he helped to use to open the garage door and monkey wrenches don't shoot yeah yet some day so the fire at this point starts jumping from building to
Starting point is 01:15:31 building then the boy says he heard they actually asked the kid in court in a deposition make the sound of mating goes it just taps on the so the shooting the fucking machine gun at then Ray ran back inside the house and put the garage door back up the cops say he ran back into the inferno because they were gonna regroup and figure out a new plan if there's a great video of a minister being like see can you tell me what makes a man run into fire and the cops are like just to regroup regrouping regroup and he goes got his wallet I guess I'm trying under he just keeps asking him I guess I'm trying to understand because
Starting point is 01:16:20 for me that wouldn't make me run into fire and the cops like yeah I know it's weird it's a weird thing weird guy yeah they love fire they love the guy love fire really big fan of fire fire guy so the cops say all they said was come on down with your hands up but they also had a machine gun one kid ran out his name was birdie and a woman named Ramona Africa at that point everything was on fire the cops said it looked like they just ran out of fire Ramona was on one side of the fence and tried to lift birdie over but she dropped him and he fell down and was knocked out or winded briefly so a cop decided to go help even
Starting point is 01:16:59 though the cops will other cops like don't fuck around it's a trap she's gonna shoot you he ran over and grabbed the kid and got him safely out Ramona and birdie were the only move members to survive everyone died in the fire the fire kept burning 61 homes burned down the whole neighborhood burned everyone is like get out of here for mother's day it'll be fine yeah and yeah families were like oh we're here to celebrate our mother oh there's not gonna be a thing there it's just like a city block is burned to nothing it's ashes worth it right that's what I'm saying hashtag worth it the city's
Starting point is 01:17:41 first black mayor had dropped a bomb on a black neighborhood in the wake of the disaster mayor good said the police commissioner and manager and managing director had done outstanding jobs quote it did not turn out as we had intended but it was the right decision it was a good plan and it could have worked hey you know what next time do we get an almost there again Mulligan Mulligan you know it next time a smaller bomb yeah you live your learn what's wrong with trying you live you learn Jesus a few days later he apologized tearfully on TV and he was reelected in 1988 what do you have to do in
Starting point is 01:18:20 Philadelphia did not get reelected I mean really burned down 64 houses and killed 12 people or whatever like you children like you have it this guy's unattractive and the other mayors just crazy yeah the other guys the mayor left politics in 1991 become a minister he now runs a youth mentoring program the city of Philadelphia paid to rebuild the houses so that was nice right sweet sweethearts oh the houses were all condemned in 2001 because it's shoddy construction did I leave that part out that's cool finally the mayor street offered owners 150,000 and threatened to demolish the houses for
Starting point is 01:18:58 those who didn't accept his offer cool why do Philadelphia's have this like why do people think they're mean I don't know it is weird that people think that many took the buyout but 24 families went to federal court in 2005 the 24 homeowners want a $12 million suit against the city for botch rebuilding and repairs on their homes so that's good right yeah in 2008 a three-judge federal appeals panel reduced that amount to 150,000 for all the homo hey fuck them here's my here's my judgment fuck you all right that's recess we're joined hey you go fuck yourselves hey oh I want a house eat my judge balls
Starting point is 01:19:43 right Philadelphia Ramona Africa represented herself in court and she went to jail for several years the cop who testified in the commission hearing about the events who ran to birdie and saved his life was named James Bergherr he had nigger lover written on his police locker he was diagnosed with PTSD and left the force in 1987 he saved a kid's life and the other cops were furious a child he saved a child he's in the commission in the commission hearings he's like almost crying about having what he's about being a part of killing people
Starting point is 01:20:25 he's almost crying and the other cops look like bad guys from an 80s helicopter heist movie they've got mustaches and like yes so you know they can see crying they came out they came out trying to shoot at us out of the fireball and we were like fuck you like it's yeah the commission found the commission then investigated found mayor good and two other officials police commissioner George Sambore and fire commissioner William Richmond had been grossly negligent the deaths of the move children appeared to be unjustified homicide it said the report charged good with political cowardice and called the
Starting point is 01:21:05 city's actions morally reprehensible no charges were filed birdie whose real name was Michael Ward went to live with his father who had been stationed in the military overseas during this whole thing birdie died at the age of 41 when he got drunk and passed out in a hot tub on a Caribbean cruise that's how I want to go such a better ending yeah such a better ending way better what is this wine you don't get scared the hot stuff is Jim leaving me he'll be fine I go under the water move is still around its members still agitate move is still around its members still agitating for the release of the eight members who
Starting point is 01:21:46 have been imprisoned for the 1978 cop killing most of the two dozen or so members all of whom take the surname Africa live in a house three miles from Osage Avenue they eat a lot of raw food they homeschool their children but the tactics have changed since the bombing drew the world's attention yeah good Ramona Africa who's now out of jail says it's not necessary for us to be on the bullhorn now people are calling us for information they speak of John Africa in the present tense even though his body was recovered in the house my friend John Josh Olson reminded me of that story it's a real feel-good tale
Starting point is 01:22:32 in the 1980s an American police force murdered and bomb murdered a group of assholes let's be but yeah children still and burned out 64 houses in 1984 good times how you like an American now I just you know just the pride I feel hard to contain I just that's great that's a great story what a great tale from American history I'm glad moves still around to that's good yeah well it's all it's all good I mean yeah it's all good like the mayor's last name it's all good yeah it's all good I bet that was a campaign slogan yeah mayor good that's what is that's an appropriate title for this and sometimes fire that's
Starting point is 01:23:23 sometimes you know what sometimes you gotta burn down a house drop a bomb on a house and kill a bunch of kids prove a point sometimes you got a level of neighborhood you'll never forget Mother's Day that's right happy Mother's Day crazy that's a good one it's a good one I was gonna do that at Podfest and then I was like no it gets too fucked up at the end yeah yeah everyone would just be like what I'm gonna be like I smoke again they spray paint in water how many kids died yeah let's set off balloons well good stuff good stuff Anthony yeah well I'm thinking about I mean can you get you get citizenship in yes yeah in
Starting point is 01:24:04 England I can yeah and I will know how much better it is there but no the sun rain is rain there all right God bless there God bless America

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