The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 253 - James Oglethorpe and the Colony of Georgia

Episode Date: March 28, 2017

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine James Oglethorpe and the Colony of Georgia. SOURCESTOUR DATESREDBUBBLE MERCH...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. You're listening to the dollop this is a bi-weekly American History podcast each
Starting point is 00:00:44 week. I, comedian, actor, writer, director, father, husband, Dave Anthony read a story from American history to my friend. Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the topic is going to be about. I think you said a director twice in there and your list is your list before you get to father and husband. Oh man. My career comes first my family knows that. Alright Dave you've made the choice. You've made the choice. I mean Finn is in the hospital right now. Is that right? With what? He fell down some stairs. He did. How bad is it? I just dropped him off. I had to push him out of the car. I drove to the emergency and I pushed him out and said
Starting point is 00:01:26 you take care of this I got a podcast to do. Oh because it's that important. This is that important. Wow. Well that's important. It's a shame too right after his ad hot streak. What? He was on a hot streak with the ads. What ads? I mean I thought the way I did the ads. Why would you pull the curtain back? God do you want all of you to do? I'll do one buck. People say this is funny. Not Gary Girov. Dave okay. Someone or something is tickling people. Is it for fun? And this is not going to become a tickly podcast. Okay. You are queen fakie of made-up town. All hell queen shit of Liesville. A bunch of religious virgins go to mingle and do
Starting point is 00:02:06 my thing. December 22nd 1696. Oh gosh. Never good Christmases. Shit went back. James Edward Oglethorpe. Was Bo born? Okay. Let's be honest. I got a little bit of jet lag right now. We rolled in last night. It's not great. Was born in London England. He is the 10th child of Sir Theophilus Oglethorpe. Jeez. Ten kids and that name. It's fucking brutal. From the book of stereotypes am I right? He is dad. Did you ever pull out then? When did who invented pulling out? There was no pulling out. You had to. You had to. It was illegal. It was illegal to pull out. Yeah. You know one time my dad and I went trout fishing in
Starting point is 00:03:01 a place where they stocked the lake and if you caught a trout you had to take the trout and my dad would pretend like he dropped the trout sometimes. Yeah. So could you do that? Could you accidentally be like oh no dearie me. Oh no. I pulled out and came on your. I've had another one of my money shots. Oh boy. No you know because I think back then it was an honor. It was for reproduction. It was an honor. It was an honor. How many of your kids lived? Ten percent? Yeah. Sure. Not really taking into account how the woman's process and all this. Well darling one of them will pull through. Have a good pregnancy. I'll be back in a bit. So
Starting point is 00:03:42 his dad was a member of the House of Commons. When he was ten James enrolled in Queen Anne's first regiment of foot guards. Okay. The people protecting the shoes. It was mostly a ceremonial group. Seven years later in 1713 he was commissioned as a lieutenant quote to rank as captain of foot. Okay. That's very it is it really just does make it sound like you have a foot fetish. It's what's a big yeah it's but it's a big deal to be captain of foot. Sure. I mean both to have a foot fetish and to be the captain of that foot fetish. Well you don't want the guy with the foot fetish being in charge. No. All of you march to my room
Starting point is 00:04:23 and tickle my face with feathers. He resigned two years later so he's out of the foot business. Conflict of interest to all those feathers. Oglethorpe headed to school in Perry for school but while he was there he joined the war between the Turks and the Austrian Empire. Okay. Who wouldn't. Yeah. Oglethorpe presented himself to his mother's cousin Field Marshal George Brown to fight in the war. Okay. But George Brown made fun of Oglethorpe's fine clothes in front of German and Irish officers. Okay. The next day Oglethorpe came plainly dressed and said his mother used to cut holes in his shoes to get him used to discomfort.
Starting point is 00:05:04 That is so bullshit. Not only bullshit it's like such a rich person bullshit. Yes. Mummy used to cut holes in me shoes. Yeah. How about you just wear the shoes forever dickhead. No. I had to. I did not have it easy. These are the new Nike poppers. Mother would cut holes in me shoes. And so. Made the boy poor again madam. Cut the holes in his shoes. Removed all the money from his pocket. Also called hit him with a cane and called him a street. It's possible. May I now go back to my other shorts. So old madam. Actually we've never heard this guy before. I'm forty eight. End of my existence. Certainly. Oglethorpe returned to England in 1719. And in 1722 he ran for parliament and won.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Okay. I'm the hole in my shoes guy. I would say it was amazing victory but it was the same seed as father and two of his older brothers had already. Good. Yeah. Why do we do that. It's like a hammy down. We just do that because of name recognition because we always do that. We always fucking do it. And the really the only reason is because you know the name. That's it. It's not like it's not like the Kennedys or the bushes have any magic sauce hidden but it's not like it's not like when you have a kid. It's not like Peyton Archie Manning with with Peyton Manning showing him how to throw as a kid. You're just like the idea here is that they just have this name and you recognize it and you're like that's better than what I don't know
Starting point is 00:06:58 which is you. So in June 1728 one of Oglethorpe's friends Robert Castell was sentenced to London's Fleet Detters prison. Okay. Castell had written and published The Villains of the Ancients Illustrated. Love that book. But the book didn't sell well and he went into debt. Well I was not among them. Mine signed. I'm going to be rich when me. Illustrated book of Villains of the Ancients comes out. What is this book even of? The Villains of the Ancients. Oh Villains. Villas. Villas. It's houses. Illustrated old houses. It's a book he drew of houses and it's not selling well. Old houses. Can't believe it's not working out. Oh boy. They've never seen the old houses drawn by hand. You've got to see how it ends. So it goes into debtors prison and their Castell apparently in debtors
Starting point is 00:08:00 prison you're required to pay for your room. Okay. That's a terrible. You have to pay for yourself. But I'm out of money. Right. Here's some money. Okay. See how that works. If I said there hadn't been money were you going to insinuate there was another way to pay. If I here's the money like I said. I can't see it. You don't want money at all do you. No but I'm a big kitty cat. Okay. All right. I should. Oh boy. Meow. Please take the damn money. Prisoners who could afford the payment stayed in quarters adjoining the prison known as sponging houses. Sure. Sure. If they could afford more so they can pay more money they got to live in a nearby area called the rules of the fleet. So there's three areas to debtors prison the high end the I can pay for it and then the
Starting point is 00:09:03 view limited shipbox prison. Right. Right. Castell could afford a place in the sponging houses but after a while he couldn't make payments and he was sent to a common prison. It's a tough fall house. It's a tough fall from grace. Smallpox broke out and Castell died. Geez. Well you know that wasn't going to go well. Yeah. So I didn't see smallpox kind of that fast though. Oglethorpe then led a House of Commons investigation into debtor prisons and became known as a prison reformer. Okay. In the summer of 1730 Oglethorpe and a Lord campaigned the crown to issue a charter that would allow them and fellow quote philanthropic trustees to secure a grant of lands on the southwest of Carolina for settling poor persons of London. Wait what they're they're they're they're trying to get
Starting point is 00:09:59 a chunk of land in Carolina. They're trying to Australia Carolina. But different different than Australia because Australia was while many of these people did commit crimes because they were poor but this is just let's give the poor a break. Okay. That's that's the plan. Right. It's not we have we don't have a bin to put out these people. Right. For the trash to come pick them up. Let's make an island of them. Yeah. Australia was more. Oh God what are we going to do with this garbage. Right. Whereas this plan. You whether you believe it or not you just enjoy you relish saying it like that. Yeah. I don't I don't feel like I could have I don't feel like I've ever said anything better. Okay. So so Oglethorpe wrote quote they who are oppressed with poverty and
Starting point is 00:10:56 misfortunes are unable to be removed from their miseries. These are the persons in it intended to be relieved and let us cast our eyes on the multitude of unfortunate individuals in the kingdom some of easy education some undone by guardians some by lawsuits some by accidents in commerce and some by stock bubbles. Yes there were stock bubbles. He's talking about like free range prisoners. Yeah he's talking about yeah free range prisoners keep the gate out roaming around. Right. They shoot him with a a tranq dart and then put him on a boat and give him a new home. Great. It's like what a bear comes down. It's like what a bear is on the news. Yeah. Oglethorpe organized his rich friends into a board of trustees to raise money that would quote enable them to
Starting point is 00:11:44 furnish the poor adventures with all necessities for the expense of the voyage occupying the land and supporting them until they find themselves settled. Okay. So I'm going to say oh boy you're really right off the bat. Can you prepare people like their plan is basically like. Oh this is an interesting point. Can you take people city people who are impoverished who know a very limited lifestyle and put them in a settlement sort of situation and will they thrive. Dave I'm pretty good at reading you and I can tell that this one's going to go okay. That's right. Continue the quote. So that now the unfortunate will not be obliged to bind themselves to a long service to pay for their passage for they may be carried debt free into a land of liberty and plenty where they
Starting point is 00:12:47 will immediately find themselves in possession of a competent estate in a happier climate than they knew before and they're unfortunate indeed if they cannot forget their sorrows and let's never talk about it again. It worked on June 9th 1932 the charter was issued and the trustees for establishing the colony of Georgia in America was created. Oh my gosh. Georgia was in a buffer zone between the French who were north the Spanish or sorry east the Spanish who were south in Florida and Indians Native Americans around everywhere else. Sure. Parliament voted to give the colony 10,000 pounds. That's a lot of fucking dough back. Yeah. A map was drawn up. This is 17 like 40 30. This is 1732. Okay. A map was drawn up for publicity but so right they're going to try to get the
Starting point is 00:13:52 other rich friends to go along try to get the press on board try to get them excited. Right. They're being propagandists. Not a great map. So they made up another one. The second one did a better job of lying. It showed the French much further away than in the first map this time west of the Mississippi and the Spaniards were located much further south down in Florida. Right. So it looked like they had a lot of room there. Sure. This is what we call the roaming zone. No one will get to them. They love it. They can play. We've got rocks and all things. Jeffy don't go into the buffer zone. Oh boy. Mummy I'm having the most fun ever. Oglethorpe said Georgia was quote always serene, pleasant and temperate. Never subject to excessive
Starting point is 00:14:38 heat or cold. No, no, no. Nor to sudden changes. The winter is regular and short. Absolutely. And the summer cooled with refreshing breezes. A lush paradise capable of producing almost everything in wonderful quantities offering fertile lands sufficient to sustain all the useless poor in England. Why don't I live there? Well, you know the thing is that I've that gosh, you know, there's two reasons, two reasons. Honestly, I have all my stuff here. It's not good for my skin. My dad, who I don't like lives there with someone I also don't like. I don't like my step. Mummy. All right. But I love it. Gosh, well, you love it. I love that he he uses all these wonderful words to describe this place. Refreshing, pleasant, serene. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Paradise. And then he calls them the useless poor. Yeah. Sorry, poor. And then it's a wonderful place for the shit people. And saying that George is like a climate where you'll never find a complaint. Unless you're there in the summer. Unless you happen to be there for one of the 345 days when the weather is extreme. The trustees gave 50 acres of land to each settler who was ahead of a household. Okay, that's a lot of fucking land. It's a lot of land. But they could not sell, lease or give away their property to anyone but their eldest son. So there they have their bound to their land. Yes. Bound to it. Okay. The poor who the trustees called these miserable wretches and drones. That's cool. That's cool. It's nice that they're not pulling any punches.
Starting point is 00:16:41 We're trying to help the filthy dirt mongers. We are trying to help the human herpes. Sorry, poor shit men. We will aid you to be better. The dirt people. The absolute what we're calling the society of dog shit. Big scabies. Walking, talking, smelling sores with mouths and accents. As we're calling them. My name's actually Jimmy. Shut up Jimmy or nothing but a herpy with a mouth. You're gonna love it in Carolina boy when you get to you'll see Georgia. I'm just unemployed. Oh no, no, no. You'll be going to Georgia. Gosh, I wish I could go. Gosh, I wish I could. You could. No, I can't. All my stuff's here. I've got this situation with my father and stepmother. Otherwise, boy would I be there. Gosh, I wish I could. Gosh, I'm jealous. Oh, the ride over there's
Starting point is 00:17:43 going to be glamour as well. Right. Yes. You'll you'll get a ride over there with all these others. Get a sweet. Look at my keys when I jingle them. They're crazy. So these miserable wretches and drones would quote through hard work become useful and virtuous citizens. No Catholics were allowed. All right, sure. I thought there might be more. Well, the French and Spanish are Catholic and they're around. So yeah, so that's gonna be problematic. You know, the Catholics, they didn't trust who they who they had allegiance to. Okay. Because of the Pope situation. Right. Many people want to go to Georgia because it was free travel, free land, free food and free supplies for a year. For sure. Plus Chick-fil-A. You're
Starting point is 00:18:33 winning a lottery in the in that fucking time. Yeah. You're living on a fucking dock and all of a sudden someone's like, Hey, you want some land, food, supplies, you go anywhere. Well, yeah, I do, mister. I wouldn't mind doing that. I wouldn't mind going to this place if you said has all those things I need. The trustees screened the candidates. Those picked were small businessmen, tradesmen and unemployed laborers. It was a good sample of London, but debtors were very underrepresented and nearly absent. So everything they were going for. So the plan, the plan, like they, they weren't going to send debtors there. I mean, they're just sending kind of like the, they ended up getting like a cross section of London. Right. The trustees negotiated a treaty
Starting point is 00:19:13 with the Creek Indian tribe who allowed settlement below the Savannah River. The Creek tribal chief, Tomo Chichi, sure was on board. The southern boundary is 40 miles north of the Spanish Fort at St. Augustine, Florida. So they're just 40 miles north of the hated Spanish. The trustees demand that there be good relations in trade with the Indians. Okay. Because they figured that's how they're going to make their money. Yeah, good. Well, as long as you're depending on one business for all your profit, okay, that'll be fine. Yeah, it's fine. When the ship arrived on January 13, 1733, Colonel William Bull found a convenient and a good looking spot for the settlers, which they then called Savannah. Boy, I think we found it early too. Holy shit. Lucky us.
Starting point is 00:20:05 She's a wonder. Well, I should turn around. The only place that I've ever walked down the street and thought, Oh my God, I'm going to die. There are too many bugs in the air. Oh, Oglethorpe quote, presented to each of the Indians a laced, presented to each of the Indian chiefs, a lace coat, a hat, and a shirt. To the war, captains, a gun with powder, flint, bullets and shot and distributed some smaller presents among their attendance. The Indians were highly satisfied with the treatment, which they had met. I like how even when they're giving the the Native Americans gifts, they're still just like so off completely. Here's a top hat and a lovely jacket. How about a fancy coat? Here's a lovely walking stick. This is a wonderful coat.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Just don't get it wet. Here's a Nintendo. It's suede. You'll love it. The settlement was off to a slow start. All right. Two months after arriving, people were still living in tents. Okay. Only five houses had been built. Many people were sick and others were not used to working. Wow. It's so weird that it would take a turn like this. What was happening? They couldn't build a society in a couple months. One colonist wrote, sorry, one colonist reported quote, though we want for nothing, we have some grumbletonians here also. Grumbletonians. That sounds like something your dad would characterize you as. Yeah. You and your brother being grumbletonians again.
Starting point is 00:21:46 All the grumbletonians are here. No, don't worry. You guys could just eat snacks all night. The grumbletonians don't want to go to dinner. I'm going to turn this car around. The grumbletonians are here. Oglethorpe gave each family an iron pot, a frying pan, three wooden bowls, a Bible, the common prayer book, and the whole duty of man, which was a book, which was probably a cookbook on how to cook your fellow people. The entire duty of man. Yeah. He appointed officials, passed out favors and began settling disputes. He dispensed justice and gave one member of the crew a good kick in the arse when he harassed some of the colonists. So he really is just like the dad. Yes. Yeah, he's being a dad came home real quick. Right. Well, Oglethorpe's first minister saw
Starting point is 00:22:33 religion as an important part of the colony, quote, it is certain the colonists would soon degenerate into savages and barbarians were there not such frequent Sundays in which the whole village must meet together with their best faces. And then they're clean, cleanly, cleanly, cleanliest. Cleanest. So what about a doctor? Is that possible? Instead of a vicar? No, I don't think there's not a doctor yet. Okay. So first religion, then medical. Right. Cool. So, right. So that's the that's the first minister. But the first minister just lasted six months before falling ill and going back to England. I said, called that. Oglethorpe ordered that. It's pretty weird when the minister's sick, too, because you're like, maybe, boy, I mean, he's like, he knows,
Starting point is 00:23:31 he knows how to shake God's hand. Yeah, he's very in with God. Oh, boy. The Oglethorpe ordered that after Sunday church services, quote, the men should take their guns into the woods where he set up a target to be shot up for a prize. This practice was continued for many Sundays afterwards, because it was the only day that could be spared from labor. So the only day you don't work is and they're still not getting a lot of stuff built. You're learning how to shoot. Sure. Well, you can't build on a Sunday anyway. So. Right. God was trust. Yeah, God doesn't like it. No matter how much you're called Oglethorpe. Father. Okay. And celebrated his birthday with a party second only to Christmas. So he's forming a cult. Quote, cudgel playing on a pair of shoes
Starting point is 00:24:25 instead of prayers with a sermon. I found that quote. Wait, what is that quote? Doesn't make sense to me. And yet I love it. What is it? Cudgel, which is like a thing you beat someone with. Sure. Playing on a pair of shoes. So walk me through what we have so far. Cudgel playing on a pair. So I think Cudgel playing on a pair of shoes, maybe have maybe beating shoes or hitting like the bottom like a washboard type. Sure. Instead of prayers with a sermon. So it's a party. Okay. Right. Sure. Then the introduction of slaves came. Good, good, good. Quote, Colonel Bull, who was in charge of clearing and laying out the town, brought four slaves with him to help the workmen. Other colonists from Carolina also sent their slaves who were used
Starting point is 00:25:19 to preparing a plantation for settlement. So they're used to doing that. So they send some slaves down to set some stuff up. Sure. In 1733, Oglethorpe went to South Carolina and experienced that colony's slave society for the first time. Oh, God. He learned some of the Carol, Carolinians intended to expand the main crop, which was rice. And in doing so, slavery across the territories. Oh, gosh. Oglethorpe was not down with the idea. Okay. And when he went back to Savannah, he discovered the first settlers had quote, grown very mutinous and impatient of labor and discipline. No doubt encouraged by the presence of slaves. I am shocked and appalled. Oglethorpe then sent all these slaves back to South Carolina. Interesting. Yeah. Okay. That sounds like that is for,
Starting point is 00:26:14 for, well, not great reasons, but for the time surprising, because you would think that he would go, I mean, just use slavery. But he's saying it makes... From what I read about him, he believes that there, that it's not the fact that there's a black guy there. It's the fact that someone is being forced to work for free. Yeah, it's forced labor. Right. So this guy who's being forced to work for free is not motivated to work that others could do. Right. Therefore taking their job or work that they could do. Okay. And it upsets, it upsets the balance of labor. Okay. Is what I understand. Sure. He also has a moral problem with it. Okay. Right. Into it. So the colony was supposed to become a silk producing colony. Interesting. We're going to make
Starting point is 00:27:09 great robes. Mulberry trees that fed silk worms grew easily and silk was considered not very labor intensive. The trustees wrote, quote, silk designed to be raised in the colony would not to acquire Negro labor. Silk is such that women and children might be of as much use as Negroes. Oh, God. Well, good. But how did you make it more equally horrible? It's horrible. You're hitting a lot of terrible words. It seemed like you were going against slavery, but then you did something terrible. So this is just instead of finishing their village, he's like, also we make silk. Well, the idea is to create these these settlements had a main sort of utopia. He's creating. Yeah, right. Exactly. But still, they believe that silk
Starting point is 00:28:06 will be their export. They can make tons of money. Right. Right. Get a doctor. Some Italians had come on the original ship to introduce the art of silk winding to the colony. But you just got to take your spoon out of your fork at a twist. And I like it. And around and around and around and around. You go and you go. You got a silk. Look at that. A big bite, huh? Look at that. That's a robe. Who's a silk man? Let me have the meatball money. Oh, it's a spicy. Silk didn't work out. We're shocking. Some of the workers broke the machinery, destroyed the trees and then ran off to Carolina. Wow. That is quite the exit. That's how you quit. Apparently they didn't like working with the silk.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Oh, no, I broke the machine. Bye. After that, the chesties required every settler to have 10 mulberry trees to each acre, as well as encouraging the Italian women to teach as many colonists as they could. So they're having the women teach about silk. They're making them trees. It's not as much as I have my own land situation. No, but now they're just yeah, but now they're just sort of like, get something going. Hurry up. The next minister who replaced the first one explained the difficulties of his job. Quote, my chief business was to daily visit the people to take care of those that were sick and to supply them with the best things we had. For a few days at the first, I had everybody's good word, but then they found that I watched
Starting point is 00:29:41 keenly over them and reprimanded them for their faults. Immediately the scene changed instead of blessing came cussing and my love and kindness was repaid with hatred and ill will. Well, let's soon the second minister left. Okay. So now we're down to ministers, no doctors, but they're learning how to make silk. Yeah. Sure. And the creeks were becoming interested in the European man's religion. The who were European man. Oh, okay. Chief Tomo Chichi started coming to church and wanted to be instructed in Christianity. That's so crazy to me. It's completely insane to me. I don't understand it. I can't understand how you I just I will never understand it. Never. That's quite a defection too. Yeah. All right. I am going to
Starting point is 00:30:34 woods to try to find Fox again. That's extremely racist voice. Hey, guys, sorry that took so long. God damn. I'll tell you what. Hey, can I get the Bible, Charlie? Thank you so much. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Where were we? Oh, awesome. Oh, yeah, yeah. Let's let's stand. Let's all rise. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. I mean, come on. What? Who? Who? Oh, yeah. Who? Who is like out in nature? Living what is a pretty, pretty fucking fabulous life. And then who's who's out there probably eating mushrooms, like making eye contact with wolves and then being like, tell me more about Jesus. Yeah. So Chichi gave his nephew the next air to the settlement to be educated. And in June 1734, Oglethorpe also returned to England and brought with him a delegation of Georgia Indians, chief
Starting point is 00:31:35 Tomo Chichi, his wife, Senaki, and their nephew and six other tribesmen. Mr. and Mrs. Chichi. The little Chichis. This is Chichi. Did I get that right? Chitopo Chichi. No, but dear son, is this Chichi? Chichi. Chichi. Okay. Chichi. Okay. Chichi. Yes. Chichi. Okay. Okay. They met the trustees council. A London magazine wrote, quote, comfortable apartments were provided for the Indians in the trustees office. And when they were suitably dressed and had curiously painted their faces, Sir Clement Cotterill took them all except one who was sick with smallpox to the palace in Kensington. I still want to go to the palace in Kensington. They were presented to His Majesty. Tomo Chichi presented the king with the feathers
Starting point is 00:32:48 of an eagle, which he said was the swiftest of birds and eminence of peace in our land. And the king accepted the feathers and they both declared peace. Okay. And they're people. Okay. But on August 3rd, because of this is a dollop, one of the creeks died of smallpox. Of course. The next day, they met his Grace the Archbishop and toured St. George's Chapel. And so they were on a four month stay in England. And when they were at the Royal Gardens, a huge line of people waited to see them. Sure. Then they returned to Georgia. They went back to Georgia. Okay. Everything's fine. This is the first time only one died. So it's the first time a whole group of people weren't wiped out when the white man took them. And they're also now
Starting point is 00:33:36 just sort of like the royal Native American family in a way. Kind of, yeah. Right. Yeah. So on the ship when they returned were 57 persecuted Protestants from Germany. Oglethorpe was thrilled the poor Germans were joining the colony. Oh, good. That should go. Oglethorpe remained in England due to his duties as a member of parliament. These shoes aren't going to cut holes in themselves. I feel so hard. It's so difficult. I wish I could go. It's just all my things, my father, my state. It's just a hole. I had a hole in my shoe. It's almost like I'm a slave. Oglethorpe remained in England. He would be gone from Georgia for almost two years. All right. They'll figure it out. In his absence, corrupt shopkeeper Thomas Costin took charge.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Good. Good start. By shopkeeper, I assume that they have a, the trustees have a store where everyone goes to buy all of everything. Sure. Right. Obviously a way for them to make money. So they just set up a store? All supplies go through them. Okay. They can sell to the settlers. Okay. Right? Yeah, I guess. The store kind of handles everything. Yeah, but it's so weird. Like again, the idea that you're putting the cart before the horse, sorry, putting the cart before the horse as it was in these times, but a store just seems a little premature. Well, possibly. But I'm not sure there could be four. Tell me more. Because I think we're past the first year where they got everything for free. Is it going well? Well,
Starting point is 00:35:34 we'll get there. A year later, colonist Elizabeth Bland wrote that she had been, wrote that she had been, quote, sorely mistreated by Thomas, the colony is a terrible place ruled by vile wretches, such lying, such scandal and false swearing, as I never heard of my life. In short, it's a very hell upon earth. So that's a letter. Not good. It's a strong letter. That's not good. So it's not going well. No, according to her, especially without Augie there, right? Yeah. No, he's, he's got to stay. So Thomas is mismanaging the store and the latest minister, quote, left a wheel builder to read public prayers, comfort the sick and bury the dead. Um, did you try putting a wheel on her?
Starting point is 00:36:29 Oh, she's got the smallpox. She don't need no wheel here. I think I got just the thing. It's a wagon wheel. Oh, she's dead already. Here. What is she dead? Oh, she's dying. No, she's dead. Look. Yeah, she dropped a wagon wheel on her. What the fuck? So frail. She just turned into dust. Will you drop the wheel on her head? Hey, can I tell you something? I think I know someone you might want to go out with. Who's that? It's this wheel. Get the fuck away from me, you son of a bitch. I live in a world of wheels. So the minister did not send a report of what he was up to for over a year. Okay. And my question, why not? He said, quote,
Starting point is 00:37:19 I lack the precise instructions in that regard. Well, fair. Nobody said, nobody said update us. Hey, when they weren't specific, you understand? You said put the kid to bed. You didn't say what to do if it was screaming. Though the minister did write a letter to a friend about the colony, quote, the public worship of worship of God is very much neglected and vice and immorality are very open and flagrant amongst us. Excessive drinking is as much amongst the women as the men. Social gatherings turn into brawls. Sexual misconduct is prevalent and in some cases public. Wow. Fucking in the street. All right. All right. Yeah, girl. Roman Catholic missionaries are active. Sounds kind of like a fun little town now that you're
Starting point is 00:38:12 pitching it like that. Now people are drinking a fucking in the street. Yeah. All right. Good party. Roman Catholic missionaries are active in the colony and none have tried to convert colonists. They would be disappointed for religion seems to be the least minded of anything in the place. The religion. Yeah. Okay. So it's really coming apart. Yeah. It's great. A visitor came across a complaining Tomo Chichi, quote, why these are Christians at Savannah. Christians drunk. Christians beat men. Christian tell lies. Me no Christian. Whoa. So they're having a moment now. Yeah. Tomo Chichi is not down. He's done. Yeah. He's over it. Okay. Well, it's not maybe he needs to Tomo Chichi. The minister was replaced. Dave, maybe he needs to Tomo Chichi. Right. Did you hear the
Starting point is 00:39:00 first? No, I got it. Okay. Reactions. Yeah, I just have I just have some stuff on lockdown. Oh, go ahead. If I hear something like kind of shitty, I, you know, I mean, I'm on lockdown. Stop touching the cap. Just leave it. That's none of you are mad at me, but you're yelling at the cap. Stupid cap. So that minister was replaced. The next minister, question. What minister are they on now for? Five? Okay. Right. Okay. The next minister questioned Oglethorpe's routine of allowing shooting practice after some day services and soon he was back in England as well. It's almost like they just need Mary Poppins. It was becoming apparent there was a problem with the idea of colonizing Georgia with people who came from poverty and misfortune. But that that's an
Starting point is 00:39:56 issue? Can't believe it. Why? Quote, some of the first settlers had provided as idle and useless members of society in America as they had been in Great Britain. Shocking that that didn't that they didn't they didn't lose that on the way. Because because without a safety net, safety net, you know, there's no without unemployment or a welfare check or whatever. Yeah. People who have alcohol problems or it's just sort of any sort of mental health ill situation or an action problem or any sort of issue of physical or just don't have the skills to start a society and aren't going to react well to the environment you're putting them in. Well, that's the other thing is these people have never gotten the opportunity to learn any other
Starting point is 00:40:50 way of life. And also you're like you're not what's not going to have people aren't going to elevate to like the best member. There's just going to be like it's just going to deteriorate because your conditions will become so bad. It's like taking a guy who's poor and just throwing him in a factory and going do it. Yeah. Or do what what I would like to. All right, great. But I don't know how to work the machine. Hey, listen, just came back from upstairs. Gonna have to let you go. No, but you put me out you didn't show me how to do nothing. Yeah. And it came across to you really your production was absolutely terrible. This is why I fucking the street. This is exactly why your cat looks like a fucking seal. That's he's not here right now.
Starting point is 00:41:36 It's a different era. So the trustees start looking for more better settlers and ended up granting land to 150 Scottish Highlanders. So now they're just going back almost like a recipe where you've like messed up an ingredient. Yeah. And now you're just like, well, I bought it. Yeah. And you're adding in things. You made a terrible mistake by by taking people who didn't have the skills. So now you're like, we just need the right culture to change everything. So they get people who are actually good at this. Right. And they came in 1735 quickly built their own town in Georgia. And they're quite efficient at doing so. Look at this. Hey, fantastic. But then if other people
Starting point is 00:42:29 want to come to them, how are they? I don't know how that works. So they've just now like they were sort of sent there to like help the culture and instead they just built a mini Scotland. They built their own town. You're not going to come in here. We're bloody perfect. Have you seen your society? Come on now. Yeah, we don't want any pizza. Sorry, what'd you say? I don't know. Oh, it sounded crazy. Oglethorpe then persuaded so he's still in England. Yeah, he's still quarterbacking from a different stadium. It persuaded the trustees to outlaw strong liquor. Okay. Rum was out. But the trustees supplied the store with strong beer as well as molasses for brewing beer and with wine which settlers could buy at a reasonable price. I think they'll figure it out. Quote,
Starting point is 00:43:18 beer is more refreshing and wholesome for them. Sure. Sure. They also pushed to have slavery banned in Georgia. Okay. The trustees said the importation of slaves discouraged the migration of free whites who could be relied on if war broke out while slaves might rebel. Okay. Also, yeah, it's a great reason. Very paranoid reason to not have slaves. Super paranoid reason. They could turn on us. Like if the slaves hear that and they're like, right. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, you do not. No, I was just going to say it's got nothing to do with owning humans. Yeah, we don't want us here because when the big one happens, we'll win. Right. Well, take care. Bye-bye. Also, slaves could run away to the Spaniards who would be encouraging them to do so. So,
Starting point is 00:44:13 the trustees passed, quote, an act for rendering the colony of Georgia more defensible by prohibiting the importation and use of black slaves or Negroes. We will take it. We found a long way to say no slaves. We will take it. Yeah, we'll take it even though it's it's let's just not even worry about the asterisk. Let's just take it. Also, silk production wasn't happening. Oh, good. The weather wasn't right. And it was not an easy thing for women and children to do. And a few people actually wanted to harvest it. Very few people want to harvest it. So no one really wanted to do it. Right. Great. So this is basically a colony set up on be like begrudging. Yeah. Okay. Okay. The next year, the welcome to the capital of the town, I roll.
Starting point is 00:45:12 The next year, the silkworms hatched before there were leaves on the millberry trees, and that was that. So that's the whole harvest. They needed they need to come out. There need to be leaves. Sure. They come out early than they're. It's like groundhogs. Exactly like groundhog season. So while while gone, Oglethorpe had rid the settlement of slaves and serious booze and the silk or silk dream was a disaster. And people were pretty much just being assholes. A new minister. Does this guy know about the other ones? Like it's almost like like when you drummer in Spilenton. Yeah, exactly. It's like you're looking at you know, it's like you're looking at an apartment like boy, this place really opens up.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Now what's the catch? No catch. Oh, the Mansons lived here. 17 dead. Yeah. Yeah. New Minister quote attempted the difficult task of reforming the gross improprieties and settling some of the petty jealousness and quarrels the colonists had with each other in which he accomplished little else than making them unite and opposing him and conspired to rid of him in any way. Good. So he was like, well, at least you're agreeing. So got that. Yet when Oglethorpe came back to Georgia in 1736, the settlers were thrilled. Daddy's back. He fixed us, Daddy. Help. Help us. Shut up, you. You sound too desperate. I need to leave. Shut up. You sound too desperate. Everything's fine here, Father.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Quote, he was received by the entire citizenry constables and clergymen all under arms with salutes from heavy heavy cannons and every imaginable sign of joy. Okay. Tom Ochichi welcomed him and immediately sent two runners to bring news of his arrival to the upper and lower Creek tribes. Okay. But everything was coming apart to the other. Those the those tribes like him. Those tribes like what's going on. I think all the creek. Okay. So they're done. But everything was coming apart even with Oglethorpe back. The colonies corrupt storekeepers accounts were quote badly awry. So the trust you that your numbers are terrible. It's this is a four and then that's zero. Yeah. Everything starts as a four or a five and then ends up being zero.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Can I be honest with you, sir? Yes. Nobody told me how to do this. Okay. So I've just always written a four. I'm sorry. And then after two to three weeks, I'll write a zero. What were you doing before in England? I was a murderer. So this is a tough transition. Okay. Do you want to buy something? Yes. Four. I'm buying a number zero. Okay. Take it. You're giving me money. Yeah. Right. Have you found a problem with the process thus far? No, it's very, very good. I'll murder you. Okay. I have to leave. Son of a bitch. Where are the Scottish people? Hello? What do you need me? Save me. Absolutely not. God things here are great, right? Don't you love this area? Never thought George would be so perfect. I like the winter. I love the summer. Go Falcons.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Go Falcons. So the trustees started thinking that Oglethorpe was purposefully keeping them out of the loop because the storekeepers fucking accounts and books are so bad. Yeah. They think that he is. He knows something. Because at the same time, he was asking for large credit sums and the trustees were covering it. Okay. But the amounts were so much they threatened to harm the reputation of the trustees themselves in England. Okay. So they ordered Oglethorpe back to England and he arrived in January 1737. Thomas Stevens was then appointed to oversee the colony and send word back on whether there was quote progress or decay. Those are his two options. Yeah, decay or progress. That should be a game show. And to make a list of those. We left Todd
Starting point is 00:49:40 and Marzia two weeks ago. Now let's play decay or progress. She's dead and I ate her. Ah, decay. No, I think that's progress. You ever meet her? Get him off of me. Holy fuck. Get his hand off of me. You ever meet the woman? God, he stinks. You want to kill her and eat her too? Oh my god. What is this show? I got bad breath. Oh my god. Decay or progress. We'll be right back. So he was also there to make a list of those who weren't hard workers and those who were also to report on church attendance of both settlers and officers, whether people were following laws, keeping a record of letters that were being sent to England, keep watch of supplies. So in other words, the principal's walking into the classroom. Yeah, and find out any issues the settlers had with colony officers.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Okay, well. Hello, I'm a spy. Is he going to get prepped about what he's about to walk into? Yeah, he knows. Okay. Oglethorpe had already been gone for a full year when Stevens arrived. Okay. So it doesn't take that long to get to America, so he must have been doing a lot of packing. You know what? I also need a nice shit. Oh, can we turn around? I can't remember if I left the garage door shut. Colin has said, okay, so Colin has said they were given land in a swamp that was covered by water. Others were given completely barren ground, which they had to abandon. Stevens met with prominent merchants and found out they were irritated by restrictions on land possessions. That's the thing where they can't sell their land. Right,
Starting point is 00:51:25 because they have to give it to their kid. And quote, want of Negroes. I have two things I'm upset about. Yes, the first is the land. Why can't I sell it to this man? And number two, I would like to own a human. Oh, gosh, any human? A black one. Don't answer that. They're not male. Or Bob over there. I'm ready to be one. See? I'm so sick. What? I'm dying. I don't want that one. I can work hard. I want a healthy one. Just need often naps. The justies responded to all this bad news by slashing funds for the colony of Georgia. Okay, that's how they respond. Yeah, they dramatically reduced money for Indian presence, fired the shopkeeper and shut the store down. Okay, that has all the stuff
Starting point is 00:52:34 that people need. So are they abandoning the project? At the same time, a heatwave hit and a drought killed their silk crop. Oh, boy. Then Oglethorpe came back and according to Secretary Stevens, quote, made a pathetic speech to the down. Hey, y'all, let's just keep our chins big and high and we'll figure this out. Up to do. Right. So that's our new motto. Up to do. Let's do the do. Right. Who is with me? Let's cheer it out. Very, very loud. Do the do. Here we go. Here we go. You just to be clear, we're not going to say that. Okay. How are the worms dead? Hip hip hooray. No. For the future. No. Hip hip hooray. Oh, he's a jolly good fellow for he's a jolly good fellow for he's a jolly good fellow.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Oh, and yes, I'm talking about me. And yes, I'm talking about me. During the speech, Oglethorpe explained how in debt the trustees were because of the storekeeper's fiscal indiscretions. He's just got to do that like in a roast format. Yeah. Boy, I'll tell you, these these trustees are so broke that they're Johnny Cash's brother, no cash. Oh, boy, they get worse. They get way worse. Just going through them now. Oh, boy. Boy, these trustees accounts are so barren, they may as well be Todd's wife's womb. I forgot she passed. I am absolutely mortified by boy, they just get worse and worse. Don't
Starting point is 00:54:40 they the rest of the looking through the rest of these they're not nice. Oglethorpe told them the colony had a gloomy prospect. Okay. And you know, if you're saying that then, yeah, it's far more dire. It's pretty shitty. That's like yeah, that's like n run being like maybe sell Oglethorpe then disbanded the troop of Rangers who guarded the settlement. What is the plan here? Saving money. They offered to work for no pay, but Oglethorpe said that was improper and wouldn't allow it. No, no, no. Let's be gentlemen. Come on now. We'd rather die. Let's be gentlemen. Let's just let no law take place. Would you rather see your wife burned at the stake? Come on now. Scalps maybe. Come on, rather than work for free. Or to buy a Spaniard. Wouldn't
Starting point is 00:55:31 that be embarrassing? Who would want to work for free? Not me. I'd rather die. I mean, all the Scottish people are just like, what the bloody hell's the problem? What the fuck is wrong with these ones? I feel like that's terrible over there. Oglethorpe then gave his own money to orphans, widows, and the ill. He was now paying the most destitute out of his own pocket. This is just terrible. This is just this. This is not good. The colonists knew this couldn't last long. Yeah, yeah. The colonists wrote the trustees to now the colonists are writing directly that the settlement had never been so depressed. It was short of basic supplies and the colonists had no credit because they did not really own their land. And the trustees didn't respond
Starting point is 00:56:22 because they thought if they responded, they would be condescending to the colonists. Is that true? That's the rationale. Yeah, it's not just totally to avoid the problem. Well, it could have been. Yeah, I feel like that's what it is. And you say that shitty. Well, we don't want to insult them and give them a solution. Good Lord. What kind of character would that build? So they just ended up relying on Stevens for communication. But Stevens was not at all like Oglethorpe. He wrote to British Parliament saying the heat and work was quote indisputably impossible for white men alone to carry on planting to any good purpose. Oh boy. Besides, our neighbors in the Carolinas have such an advantage as the privilege of Negroes can
Starting point is 00:57:13 always undersell us with any manufacturer or produce. The poor people of Georgia may as well think of becoming Negroes themselves. Oh, sure. Did I really say that? No, I wrote it down. So it's worse. So you could and I've honestly, this is version four. It was objected that the introduction of Negroes might destroy the colony. This as it has never been tried is but an aisle in idle insuasion that the colony is already ruined is certain and evident. Oh boy. In fall of 1738, 21 colonists sent a petition to the trustees quote, the felling of timber was a task very unequal to the strength of white servants. So they also are just that that's crazy to me too. Well, if we make a if we make a musical out of this, which we probably will, we're gonna call it
Starting point is 00:58:15 everybody wants a slave. Yeah. But but white people are just like, well, yeah, like, like we said, medically speaking, we're just too big a pussies. Yeah, we're too big a this shit. We can't do it. I did not know how hard this is. And now that I'm here, I would like to own a person. Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah. Now that we're here, I think we realize now the way to do this is to get people. I did not want to own people when I was in England, nor did I talk like this. No, but now we're here. So bring the black people to work for us. That's right. All right. This is going good. Just continue. And you also are just like, yeah, the felling of timber was a task that was very unequal to the strength of white servants and plowing the ground being exposed to the sultry
Starting point is 00:59:06 heat of the sun unbearable. Whoa, whoa, that's like that's what was happening to him. Yeah, that was you just brought that to life. So I did. It was well known that this labor is one of the hardest upon the Negroes, even though their composition is much stronger than white people, and the heat no way disagreeable nor hurtful to them. That's the only time they would compliment them. Boy, that can really take eight. Boy, they can really work hard. They do like the hot. Here's the thing about me. And I'm just talking out loud and just kind of work trying to work through this issue is is I don't like working. Hey, in a hot. If it's over 75, I start to feel weird and I and I just keep thinking, Oh, my God, I'm white. Oh, my God, I'm white. What am I doing with a shovel
Starting point is 00:59:56 in my hand with 76 degrees out? Dear sirs, nothing would make me happier than to tell y'all that I am able to work the same amount. Right. But my skin is only so dark. There's only so much work I can be doing. I think we all know the solution. I need to own a person. Obviously, a person needs to be owned by me and now I'm white person. Right. Because you guys understand. I don't want to get into the medical science of it, but, uh, legit, logicalistically speaking, the black is different from the white. Thank you. That's the white suffers from what is known as sensitivity. Yeah, we when we get in the sun, we feel weird. Yeah. But they grow stronger. So we're gonna do this. Hey, do we need punctuation in this letter? It kind of just runs on.
Starting point is 01:00:55 So that's the plan. The plan is now they explain the heat gave them fevers, wasting and tormenting fluxes, most excruciating colleagues, dry belly aches, tremors, vertigos, palsies and a long train of painful and lingering nervous distempers. So they're just like the end of a pill commercial. Did that guy in the flu commercial who hasn't taken his medicine? Yeah, that's him. They said silk was possible, but only with slaves and silk was possible. They already made silk. They need to make more better. They got to get more, more different people. Okay. And the competition with Carolina was unfair because they had slaves. They ended by saying if the trustees didn't allow slaves, it would bring the colonies
Starting point is 01:01:46 ruin, which would cause the ruin of the trustees reputations. Sure. And then war came in 1739. The war of Jenkins ear. Yep. Yep. Georgians and South Carolinians fought the Spanish of Florida. It was named after, it was named the war of Jenkins ears because seven years earlier, seven years earlier, seven years before a previous six plus one year, seven prior before this, the Spanish should cut off the ears of British smuggler Robert Jenkins. Okay. So seven years later, it's time to fight. There's a lot of questions. Oglethorpe recruited, you won't be smuggling anymore. Wait, they're not British. Never mind.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Oglethorpe recruited American Indians and Carolinians and commanded a regiment of 1000 people. And he told the trustees he wouldn't give it up an inch of ground and would die hard instead. All right. The first die hard. Here's the deal about me. I'm not giving up an inch of land. And if I die for it, I will be erect. You understand me? Sir. I will die. Sir. I will go down like a man who's getting ready to be in a pornography. Sir, sir, sir, sir, sir. Hard. Sir, you had a great speech the last 30 seconds. John Holmes. God. A lot of references. The little guy with the mustache. Yeah. Yeah. Who's very, been a lot of them. It does not make sense what he does.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Jeremy Peters, I think. For he's a jolly good fellow. For he's a jolly. So in the middle of November, some Spaniards ambushed two Scottish guys on an island who were unarmed and looking for wood. Oh, excuse me, sir. There's a lot of wood over here. Well, look at that. That's a great. There's actually not any wood. They hit in the grass until these two guys walked over looking for wood and then they just got up and shot them. That is funny. The Spanish then jumped in their boat and took off. Great. Perfect. Small scrammages broke out for months. And then the battle of Bloody Marsh came and Oglethorpe defeated the Spanish. The English said over 200 were killed. Wow.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Well, in fact, it was just seven Spanish. Well, still. The Spanish ended up running off. And then Oglethorpe received a word that because hurricane season was coming, the British were not going to put ships at risk and they were ending the blockade. We like can't handle hurricane season now. No, it's still it's worse back then. I mean, then it was just like you were like, well, that'll be terrible when we all die for sure, either during or after a boat like that would just be. Yeah. They were not going to put their ships at risk. They end the blockade. Much of Carolina regiment at that point just walked away from the militia. Oglethorpe was sick and decided he was
Starting point is 01:05:06 done with the war. On the 4th of July, the entire army started retreating and that was the end of that. OK. Oglethorpe now spent his time defending the disastrous conduct in the war. So now he was right. Now he's Cheney. Well, at the same time, the pro-slavery groups pushed their agenda, which was to get more slaves. So he's like, I'm not a bad man. And they're like, let's get some slaves in here. Can we do some business? The Scottish were against slavery. Quote, we are not rich and becoming debtors for slaves in case of their running away or dying when inevitably ruin us, the poor master and become a greater slave to the Negro slave merchant. It is also shocking to human nature that any race of mankind should be sentenced to perpetual
Starting point is 01:05:55 slavery, nor injustice can we think otherwise. Boom. Is this like 1742 now? Yes. 48. Scottish are bringing it. Geez. Also, I like that that's the second. No, think of it like this. If they run away, well, bloody lose a lot of money. You become addicted to the slave trade. Also, like, you know, from a humanitarian standpoint, it's pretty messed up, isn't it? It did come at the end. Oglethorpe now spent his time defending where I just did that. Can I do that twice? No, all good. What's happening? I love you. What? The pro-slavery Georgians claimed Oglethorpe had bribed the Scottish Highlanders with the promise of a few cattle so they would oppose slavery. Interesting. In 1742, Oglethorpe was pretty
Starting point is 01:06:45 much finished. His last backers on the common council of the trustees left. Can I? He's got no one on his side. Oglethorpe left for England in 1743 and never returned to America. I wonder why not? Yeah, it doesn't make sense. So weird. You think he'd want to come back? By 1746, rum was being sold in Georgia. Slavery was legalized on January 1st, 1751, and two years later the trustees gave up their charter. By 1760, more than one-third of Georgia's population were slaves. Between 1752 and 1776, the total population went from 4,000 to about 40,000. Whoa. By 1776, an estimated half of the population of the colony consisted of slaves. Jeez. James Oglethorpe lost his seat in the House of Commons and joined a friend fighting
Starting point is 01:07:37 around Europe in the 1750s. I won't stand. Goodbye. After his friend died, Oglethorpe returned to England. He lived in retirement for around 20 years. Then on June 4th, 1785, he met with John Adams, the first US ambassador to Great Britain and expressed great esteem or regard for America. James Oglethorpe died three weeks later. So a man came to America and tried to set up a non-slave state in the South. And the response was, we want slaves. Yeah. Just think if that had worked and how different. What a different world. How how that could have changed things would be interesting or if it would have changed things or if like it had, it would totally change things. Would Georgia have ended up fighting for the
Starting point is 01:08:39 North? Like what? It's a very interesting idea. Yeah. Well, well, it didn't happen. Great. Good. Well, as long as we went the other way, hard. As long as as long as slavery's over and people in prison aren't being used as near slave labor by getting pennies to work all day. And as long as we have the CIA making tons of money off of predominantly black students. No, no, no. The 13th Amendment is there to protect Dave. It's very clear. Voluntary servitude and slavery it prohibits. That's why we lock in drug offenders in time for double digits. Killer Mike. Is that Killer Mike? Yeah. Killer Mike's song Reagan is like one of the, oh yeah, when I was first getting into that. Yeah, but that is one of like that dude just so quickly
Starting point is 01:09:41 boils down the political puppetry and the rationale for certain things that we just accept. Yeah. Yeah. No, we as a country will not, I mean, it's honestly, it's very similar to like what we use, you know, energy for now. Like you're, if you look like there are going to be more jobs in solar and other areas for our economy, the economy that we're talking about, we can't turn our back on by trying to pursue like green energy. But then it's the same thing by, you know, the idea that we will just never deal with slavery and we still won't, we still can't get off even the watered down version of it. We're still like, it's so important to the powers that be that that free labor is still has a heartbeat in whatever we're dealing with. Always. Gotta have that free labor.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Free labor. We quite a ride, David. America. America. Well, we sign. Yeah. What is it again? I think boats. Yeah, yachts. We sign yachts only for the rich. They're the best. Go elite.

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