The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 259 - Edward Clarke vs Girls

Episode Date: April 20, 2017

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine Edward Hammond Clarke and his fight to keep girls out of schools. SOURCESTOUR DATESREDBUBBLE MERCH...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. You're listening to the dog. This is a bi-weekly American History podcast each
Starting point is 00:00:43 week. I, Dave Anthony. Doctor. What? Keep going I'm ready for the end of your part. Reads a story from American History to my friend. Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the topic is going to be about and I don't. Okay. Nothing about me being a doctor. You're not a doctor. I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with you. Great. Please call me doctor. I'm not going to. Please call me doctor. No. We're not gonna do the podcast. Fine. You're not a doctor. Call me doctor Anthony. No. We're not gonna do the podcast. Is this a drawlip? A doctor dollop? Fine. Doctor Anthony may we proceed with the procedure. We'll be right back. What? Do you want to look who
Starting point is 00:01:36 to do? I'll do one buck. People say this is funny. Not Gary Gareth. Dave okay. Someone or something is tickling people. Is it for fun? And this is not gonna come to tickling people. Okay. You are queen fakie of made-up town. All hail queen shit of Liesville. A bunch of religious virgins go to mingle. And do what? Pray. Hi Gary. No. Is he done my friend? No. No. Gareth, is that your name? 1820. 1820? 1820. Okay. Here we are again. Edward Hammond Clark was born in Norton, Massachusetts. Okay. Edward Norton. Got it. He was the fourth child of Mary who was an e-gramatur poet and Pitt Clark who had attended Harvard. Who was a robot. And spent his life as a minister. Okay. So his
Starting point is 00:02:31 dad's name is Pitt Clark. Pitt Clark minister. His dad's a gas station. In 1841 he graduated Edward from Harvard Medical School. Okay. At the age of 21. Okay. Solid. But was unable to attend the graduation ceremony due to problems with his digestive system. Oh, he should be able to fix his own body at this point. Well, he's a Harvard doctor. It sounds like he was some sort of shitting. I mean, if you have a digestive system problem you can't go somewhere. That means you're you got a shitting situation, right? You might have a situation. These problems plagued him for most of his teenage years and through college. Okay. Despite this,
Starting point is 00:03:14 he finished first in his class. Okay. The malignant affection of his in the lower portion of his intestinal tract would dog him for the rest of his life. Okay, great. So we've got that to look forward to. Clark trained as a doctor in Philadelphia and Europe then settled in Boston where he set up a practice specializing in ear diseases. Okay, man, that's fun. It's probably been huge back then. Yeah, and it's also got to be fun to get in that game. No, I just want to look at problems inside of ears. I just want to I want to get in your ear. That because when you hear stories about like even now when like people will be like
Starting point is 00:03:48 I was deaf and my brother was like deaf in his ear for like a week once and then he goes to the ear doctor finally and the guy just sucks out a ton of wax and he's like, how's that? My brother's like, oh yeah. So like 80% of your job is just being like, yeah, you're just like a pig. You got something stuck in there. Did you know you had a bug in your ear? Yeah, you know, water actually lodged in your ear because there's so much wax. So what? Sorry, let me do the procedure. Then I'll tell you. Hi. Hey, how you doing? Good. You're a pig. What? That'll be $100. He made a name for himself using the latest medicines and people came from across
Starting point is 00:04:26 the country to be treated by him. So he's fucking hot shit. There's a lot of ear problems. There's ear problems up the fucking wazoo. Yeah, sure. It's the 1840s. Up the canal. Yeah. So Clark became well placed in Boston Society, right? So he's a fancy doctor guy. Sure. And in 1855 was appointed professor of medicine at Harvard. Okay. Hopefully he had a toilet in his office. Yes. Or just a bucket. But something was happening. Things aren't good. Something was happening in the world, which was concerning to Dr. Edward Clark. Oh, boy. The education of girls. Okay, there. What? And we've got our headline. I think we've got our episode title. The number of
Starting point is 00:05:14 young women going to universities was increasing dramatically. It's crazy. So that's, you know, that's not that that's happening. But the idea that you're like, what? How can this be? No. The debate. They don't have penises. The debate of whether or not women should go to school have been going on for quite some time. Sure. The woman question, as it is called, started in the later 19th century. It was a question the role of women in industrialized countries like America. Yeah. No, no, no. Yeah. Many question whether women had the intellectual capacity for education. And others argued their bodies couldn't handle the rigors of
Starting point is 00:06:00 intelligent work. Well, here's the thing. Yeah, then let them fail at it. What are you talking about? What would the? No, no, no, no, no, no. You gotta protect always. Gotta protect these little birdies. Same shit. Different day. These little. Well, scientists, they're still some scientists who say that women will completely collapse if they learn fact. Don't let them in. If you let the women in, they're gonna fall into little piles of bones. They will explode. We can't have women in piles of bones and skin. I'm preventing women exploding. Good Lord. Thank me now. Thank you. You're welcome now. In the 1870s, there was an established consensus in America that boys' education should be extended beyond reading
Starting point is 00:06:51 and writing to math, science, and philosophy to prepare them for the new industrial age. Sure. With girls, this was still a debate. Right. Yep. Sure thing. They were discouraged from science and math. Oh, no, no, no. I don't want you knowing how to add numbers. Unless, of course, we're talking about the numbers that bake delicious cookies. Pies. You're not a woman till you know how to bake a pie. I don't think you understand. You should be weighing out flour, okay? They had all they needed, finishing schools that taught home economics to prepare them for lives as housewives. As housewives. You have no choice. Your job is to serve your husband. But now, many girls were continuing with schooling
Starting point is 00:07:42 into their teenage years. Bully. Emma. Emma Willard had opened a school for girls in Troy, New York in 1819. And Catherine Beecher opened a school for girls in Hartford, Connecticut in 1823. It's spreading. Public schools for girls in Boston and New York were established in 1826. Oh, no. It was happening, which was very upsetting to men like Clark. By the 1870s, all hell was breaking loose on the lady front. Women were campaigning for suffrage, working in factories, medicine, and most frightfully to Clark entering public high schools and universities. I need to lay down. I'm lightheaded. The world has gone insane. My. Don't you see that they're going to explode? In 1871, Harriet J. Cook became the first woman college
Starting point is 00:08:38 professor in the United States. Your last name's Cook. Take a lesson from God. She was appointed a full professor with a salary equal to her male peers. Oh, my God. In 1873, Ellen Swallow Richards became the first woman to receive a Bachelor of Science from MIT. Oh, no. Several women's. Her name's Swallow Richards. Swallow Dicks is her name. Keep them in the kitchen. Good Lord, take a lesson from God. Several women's colleges opened across the northeastern USA in the 70s, including Smith Vassar, Bryn Maher, and Wellesley Colleges. By 1870, American women could choose from 239 colleges. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:09:29 But only a handful were coeducational. Okay. So it's mostly if you're a lady, go to a lady's school. It should be. If you have that resistance coming at you, the last thing you're after is like, you know, let's get some judgmental men over here. But they wanted, but the education was unequal, right? So boys are getting better education. So feminists and educational reformers started fighting for coeducation, right? Put them in the same school in higher education, a better education led to a led to greater demands for equality. Everything is snowballing. Women were abandoning the finishing schools in favor of public schools and universities, looking to improve their lot in life for Clark.
Starting point is 00:10:13 This was disturbing and dangerous. And it all started with education. Oh, boy, in 1872, when he was a professor at the Harvard Medical College at the height of his profession, Clark was invited to speak at the New England Women's Club, which was organ an organization of progressive women. Why was he invited to this? I have no idea. Were they did they not do their I think because he's were their brains to mushy from all the books. But I think he's I think at this point, he might not have been vocal about it. And he's just this guy from Harvard Medical School. So they invite him to talk thinking he'll be enlightened because he's a doctor. Right. Right. What little did they know?
Starting point is 00:10:50 The topic of his speech was appropriate methods for education of girls. Clark told the audience of forward thinking women that educating girls was dangerous. If a girl between 13 and 17 spent too much time learning, the energy put into developing her brain would hinder the growth of her ovaries and uterus. I just what is so reminiscent. Honestly, and I won't. It just sounds like the climate change debate. Okay, well, it's just like the idea that you're like, when you're like those facts, trying to sound like you know what you're talking about when you're bullshitting is really hard. Oh, yeah. You know, like the idea that you're just like, look, no, what'll happen is you look, ladies, listen, you're going to learn
Starting point is 00:11:34 math and then what's going to happen is your wombs are going to dry up and you'll be barren because your womb bones connected to your brain bone. Right. Okay. He's right. Because the blood comes up from your the blood that's in your vagina parts comes up up up into your brain where where the learning's happening. And then the lower parts, they dry up. I'm going to I'm going to actually take the microphone away from you for a second because I feel like I was kind of hitting this on the head and you're going heavy on the the blood to general ratio. No, no, no, I'll fit it. No, what happens is a whole pussies room. Okay, I cut the mic cut all the mics. All the mics need to be cut the whole thing. Cut them now.
Starting point is 00:12:17 So Clark later wrote that his speech had quote, excited and unexpected amount of discussion and has emboldened me to think that their publication in a more comprehensive form with added psychological details and clinical illustrations might contribute something however little to the cause of sound education. So everyone was pissed. And he's like, this should be a book. Pretty much. Okay. Look how much it's upset these women. I should write it down. Ladies, be careful. You don't want to get so upset. Your brains don't work and your wombs explode. Right. So there's such an amount of discussion that he's going to write it down in 1873. He published Sex and Education or a Fair Chance for Girls. Oh, that's the best to I'm looking out for
Starting point is 00:13:12 you. Ladies, I am looking out for what's happening with you. We just have a bass sliding girl. Clark did not your brains too little to learn. You need to stay in the kitchen and bake all day girl. Clark did not believe he was sexist. This was simply science. Men and women, he said, we're both able to reach the same intellectual heights. They could both learn languages, medicine, philosophy, literature and any other topic to the same level. Quote, man is not superior to women nor woman to man. Okay. Now, he has but but he has to say this because the times have changed. And it is now in the 1870s been proven that women can learn medicine, philosophy. They can. So but so now the older argument that women that they're that they're they
Starting point is 00:14:01 can't handle intellectually. Right. That's gone because of because of women doing it. So but then so what is his argument that has now morphed into here we go. Okay. Men and women's physiologies were different in particular. Clark was concerned about the organization of men and women. When he says organization, he is referring to their reproductive organs. He is sticking with the vaginal way. A woman's organization quote limits her power. By the way, it I mean, I have to refer to it as an organization for a while. Ma'am, I'm looking to get inside your organization. I'd love to be a part of the team, ma'am. What the hell is this? I'm asking to bang you. Look at my resume. It's pretty clear. A woman's organization
Starting point is 00:14:59 limits her organization. A woman's organization limits her power and reveals her divinely appointed tasks. Just as man's organization limits his power and reveals his work in the development of the organization is to be found the way of strength and power for both sexes limitation or development leads to both to weaken and failure. With women being treated the same as men, it was damaging their organs, their organizations. Yes. Clark said there should be a quote feminine training arranged to develop a feminine organization. What does he have an argument or is he just like stammering? He's trying to say that men and women are different and their womb area, their sweet ovaries and such are harmed by unless they
Starting point is 00:16:07 take care of them. Unless they take care of them. Unless they take care of what? Their organization. What does that mean? Unless they're douching or masturbating? Let's just hear the man out. I'm trying to hear the man out. But so then what is he saying that it says to a man? What happens to a man's penis? It becomes harder. A smarter cock. He used a metaphor to illustrate. Okay, quote. The lily is not inferior to- I got to go. Right now. The lily is not inferior to the rose nor the oak superior to the clover. Yet the glory of the lily is one and the glory of the oak is another and the use of the oak is not the use of the clover. That is poor horticulture, which would train them all alike. So you don't
Starting point is 00:16:57 treat the clover like the oak or the lily like the oak. They're different. He's literally using flowers and wood. You treat a tree differently than a lily. Don't you, sir? Yeah. Do you, sir? Yes, you do. Thank you. We are adjourned. I don't think this is a court. Though women could learn as well as men, they shouldn't because it would harm their organs. This is- but okay. But there's literally no medical connection to what he's saying. Hold on. You don't know that. He's a doctor. He's not a doctor. Quote. It is not true that she can do all this and retain uninjured health and a future secure from disease, hysteria and other derangements of the nervous system. You push you, you work, girl. Pick. If she
Starting point is 00:17:39 follows the same methods that boys are trained in, he saw this as a problem for the future of America. This is an astounding level of bullshit. According to Clark, women in the 1870s in America were a disaster. Their situation was dire. They were diseased and these diseases were all related to their menstrual cycles. Wow. This, I mean, what? He makes a point of listing these diseases throughout- You notice that week when they get it, they become real bitchy. Thank you. Well, my theory- He makes a point listing these diseases throughout his book. Almost all are normal functions of the female body. Yeah, what? Lusoria, which is a discharge. Moria, when a woman misses- So far, they just sound like opera songs.
Starting point is 00:18:36 When a woman misses three periods in a row. Dysmoria, pain during menstruation, chronic or acute ovaritis, inflamed ovaries. So he lists all these things that- And that's connected to learning. Right. Right. And of course, there is hysteria, which was a common diagnosis of women at the time that is total bullshit. Yeah. Why would they be in a hysterical mood in this time? Women considered to have had a wide array of symptoms, including faintness, nervousness, sexual desire, insomnia. Sexual desire. I would like to get fucked. You're crazy. Sexual desire. But that is so, like, that is still true in some morphed version of course. Like, acceptable for a man to be sexual and like- It's not okay, honey. You're
Starting point is 00:19:21 just, you know. Yeah. Also, insomnia, fluid retention, heaviness in the abdomen, shortness of breath, irritability, loss of appetite for food or sex, and a tendency to cause trouble. There is also a prolapsus uteri. Whoa. When weakened or damaged muscles and ligaments allow the uterus to slip into the vagina. Right. When the uterus moves in. Yeah. Yeah. The uterus moves into the vagina. Right. We're roommates. Hey, buddy. I'm going to put a poster on the wall. Neuralgia? But those are all, like, those are things that happen. Yeah. It's just that he is connecting that to learning. Yep. Okay. Neuralgia, which we now recognize as a symptom of a few diseases, stabbing, burning, and often severe pain that occurs
Starting point is 00:20:11 from a damaged nerve. So he lists all these things and says. They come from books. According to Clark, these afflictions tortured women and will result not just of education but also of food, clothing, and exercise. Okay. Quote, we live in a zone of perpetual pie and doughnut. Well, I would love to take them to today. Who doesn't want to live in that zone? Yeah, that is quite a zone. I'm living in the zone of perpetual pie and doughnut. Has he just been hanging out in a bakery? Like, look at them. All they do is eat pastry. Much also may be credited to artificial deformities strapped to the spine or piled on the head much to corsets and skirts. So he's blaming the way they dress, which is. Which is surely
Starting point is 00:20:54 a product of how men view and treat them to. Of course. This guy's. He's doing a good job of walking away from the scene of the crime. Oh, no, come back. Food and fashion were more indirectly to blame. The real cause came from, quote, the neglect of the peculiarities of a woman's organization. So they're neglecting their lady area. And because of that, they're getting super sick with all these different problems. Okay, you can't neglect it. You have to take care of it. Sure. He believed by going to school, girls couldn't look after their periods. Oh my God, his theory is that they're too busy to deal with being a woman. Well, he's basically saying that if a woman has a period, she got to shut everything
Starting point is 00:21:45 else down and just focus. Restart yourself. Hit the reset button. So a woman is. Clark pointed out that a wealthy European woman who visited America commented that American women were a feeble race and that she, quote, never saw before so many pretty girls together. They all looked sick. What is she? Who is the this translation is off? This is an angry angry German woman. No, they look, I've never seen so many pretty women before. And also, you know, it's gross. That's what she's saying. So have I been clear? Clark had studied in Europe and wrote that he was quote, always surprised by the red blood that fills and colors the faces of ladies and peasant girls. He is really walking a dangerous
Starting point is 00:22:40 line here with the amount of like insinuation. That's he's just at the start of these sentences are like, dude, I know where you're headed. Don't do it. He does it. But I am always equally surprised on my return by the crowds of pale, bloodless female faces that suggest consumption. Scrophila, which is a swelling of lip nouns in the neck, anemia and neuralgia. To a large extent, our present system of educating girls is the cause of this power and weakness. The period was a wonderful thing, and it needed attention. What he what is he is really going for? He's flying into the heart of this storm. Unfortunately, in America, the period was being neglected due to school. That is crazy. Quote, I was so busy reading, I just realized
Starting point is 00:23:36 that had my period. It's all over the couch. But I'm going to be fine. I forgot all the facts to quote this neglect of herself and girlhood when her organization is ductile and impressible breeds the germs of diseases that later in life yield torturing or fatal maladies. You know, the only time that men give a crap about a vagina is when they're legislating it. That's true. They care about it when they're fucking it. True. Outside of that, the only thing they care like they we still have they still are like demanding control over. Yeah, over genitals. So girls neglect and shame of their cycles in favor of study had led to disease making their them weaker. The end game was that the American
Starting point is 00:24:32 middle class would fail to reproduce and would soon be outnumbered by uneducated immigrants. So that took a jump. Yeah. This whole thing's a jump. These are just like insane jumps. Boston at this time had very quickly had a very quick growing Irish population and that caused widespread alarm. Clark believed that within a couple of generations, Americans would have to import women who could have children. My God, he's talking about bank rates. All right, gentlemen, gather on. We got a fresh bunch of bank rates. Head on down to the docks. There's some coming in to fuck and make babies with away from me. Don't let me read a word. I can't read a word or I'll be barren. He's saying that in in like a couple
Starting point is 00:25:25 generations, Americans will be like children of men where no one can have babies. So you have to import baby making ladies. Right. So everybody wins. Yeah. So the way to fix it was to separate education and menstruation. Particularly when menstruation began. That was the quote critical voyage time of their life. This voyage coincided with a considerable portion of a girl's educational life. So there was a demand for special training for girls which didn't let them neglect their organizations. So he's saying basically going to school, you need to stay home because yeah, he's saying that that because at the time when you're getting the most education right at that age period, you need you're on your voyage. You're
Starting point is 00:26:17 on your maiden voyage, whatever you call it, that that at that time is the most important time for you to not be getting an education. You should be staying home and the science speaks for itself. And and sorry, girls, just shit timing, I guess, dealing with your period. Yeah, sorry, your college years are going to be spent at home making sure you don't read anything because of your vagina. According to Clark, the girls quote marvelous apparatus. Yeah, there's some. There's something now. Well, there it's such a little wrong now. Well, it's very he's in love with the bride of Frankenstein. He's in love with the monster he's created. Well, he because he's so it's like he it's like he's mad. So he's mad at
Starting point is 00:27:05 women, right? Right. So he's like buttering up there. Easy. But you know what I mean? Like he's he's painting a beautiful picture of their experience in bodies. He like he's lying through his ass. So he's like most good propaganda. He's blowing smoke up the vagina. He's he right now is vagina smoke blowing. I thought it was my ass. No, no, no, not my precious. Look at your delightful organization. Marvel. The girls quote marvelous apparatus was extraordinary and acquired much energy. The male did not have to deal with anything like a period. So he wasn't affected. So I mean, you have to admit as far as like, you know, being a man that you probably are just as distracted as to what you do when you just
Starting point is 00:28:03 get a random erection and you're like, oh, boy. But you know, at the end of the day, this is a guy saying, if you get a period, please don't come near me. That's what this guy is or or any educational facility. Right. Girls had to be attentive to their menstruation in order to develop a habit so that it was regular and healthy. Well, what is he talking about? I don't know, but they have to be attentive to it. You have to you have to stare. That's a full time job. I'm talking about a flora mirrors, girls. We need to know every cranny. Education just distracted them from their ovaries. According to Clark science, as he called it science, he called it science. Of course he did. The body could only concentrate on
Starting point is 00:28:47 one thing at a time. One and can work a day. Had a vagina had a giant. So this is the central logic to his whole idea, quote. I can't wait. The system never does two things at once. Who is this man? No, wait, sorry, the system never does two things at the same time. One cannot meditate a poem and drive a saw simultaneously without dividing his force. So the lady's brain is a poem and her menstrual cycle is a buzz saw. I was disagreeing with him, but I did try to meditate and saw at the same time. And I have to say, wait, it works perfectly. Oh, my thumb. You could completely meditate and saw at the same time. Well, no, even then that it's just there are things you can do
Starting point is 00:29:40 at the same time, but sign can be very meditative. If you do it, you can whistle and kick a ball. Well, I can't have tried. My ankle brain work and a stomach work interfere with each other if attempted together. It's medically speaking. They have an office in your chest and only one could sign up for it. The digestion of a dinner calls forced to the stomach and temporarily slows the brain. The experiment of trying to digest a hearty supper and to sleep during the process has sometimes cost the carelessness experiment or hurt his life. Now, let's hold on a second. And remember, this guy has fucking shitting problems or whatever he has up the wazoo. He's got a horrible digestive disorder. So he's fucking talking about himself. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:30:24 like when he eats, everything gets fucked up and he probably has to go and fucking crawl into a hole. He basically saying there that if you eat and go to sleep, you could die. Yeah. I mean, think of what the world we live in now. I mean, that could not be more disproved. I would say 80% of naps are motivated by food. People who eat so much that they're like, I'm pooped. I got a quote. If the schoolmaster overworks the brains of his pupils, he diverts force to the brain that is needed elsewhere. The results are monstrous brains and puny bodies. What? Giant, giant brains and little tiny, tiny bodies just like walking around with some sort of pulsing brain. Well, if you if your brain
Starting point is 00:31:12 is overworked and brains are often overwork, it sucks all the blood from your body. Oh, for sure. Body gets teeny tiny. No, no, no, your body is essentially a water balloon and knowledge is the water pick. In educating our girls, the attempt to hide or overcome nature by training them as boys has almost extinguished them as girls. But you're not I mean, they're almost training them as boys. Yeah, that's just he again, is drawing an amazing connection between learning and being male and women are now trying to get it on the activity of learning. And compared to boys, girls quote, ripe and much quicker. So he is a pervert. Look at the boys, they're like vines and the women are supple grapes
Starting point is 00:31:59 dripping off of them. Oh, to watch those sweet grapes. So he thinks that cells die in a replaced by better cells as children grow up. Sure. And playing and studying causes cells to regenerate. Absolutely. All sides. Yep. So the formative age between 14 to 18. So so the girls needed double the amount of cell renewal than boys. Because during that period where they're all this like they're getting boobs and sure they're right. That's the double cell. Yeah. Education of girls must therefore leave girls some time to concentrate on their bodies. Wow. We got to think they sit around and think about their breasts. Manifest your breasts. Man of breasting. Now for the main evidence in his book, Clark used seven women he had seen as patients.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Okay. He called them Miss A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Well, if those seven women walk in, you got to go with them. I mean, they're alphabetized already. Miss A studied too hard. Ignoring her periods. Foolish woman and ended up needing a holiday to the Alps. I bled so much I need to go skiing. You almost bled out. After which her quote blood was saved and her color returned. But after that, she went back to school, which meant that the evil of her education made her body suffer for the rest of her life. So now we're hearing evil, fun escalation. Miss B and Miss C had not studied and didn't really support his theory, but they had both worked and exerted themselves, which led them to ignoring their
Starting point is 00:33:52 periods and their bodies breaking down. Miss C had turned down a suggestion that she rest and stop seeing him and he assumed she had died. Well, that's quite an assumption. Miss C is dead. She just thought he was crazy. Yeah. And stopped coming and he was like, that one died. That one is no more for me. She's dead. She's absolutely dead. Miss D fainted when exercising and then her period stopped. Okay. Look, I mean, no question so far is the reality of these situations. She became hysterical and he concluded that she quote would never become physically what she could have been had her education been physiology, physiologically guided. Sure. She had gone to school for four years rather than tending
Starting point is 00:34:41 her period. Well, again, she may tend your period. She made the choice. Miss E learned languages, philosophy, mathematics and natural sciences. Oh, God, I hope she's ready for reverse. You have a reverse period. Then at 21, menstrual function showed signs of failure and quote soon after this function ceased altogether. And up to this present writing, a period of six or eight years, it shows no more signs of activity than an amputated arm. Graphic she became hysterical and he had to put her in an asylum. Yeah. That's right. So she she said four subjects and then all of her vagina went bad. Yeah. So she had to go live in a padded room. Miss G maxi pad. Miss G died from overwork because she worked
Starting point is 00:35:29 and couldn't care for her lady part. No more questions. Another vaginal related death. Clark wrote that while not every female who graduated became permanently disabled, enough had been to cause alarm. Absolutely. Quote. Today, the American woman is to speak plainly physically unfit for her duties as a woman and is perhaps unfit to be a woman. Yes, but she's been the one thing you're insisting she maintain is the woman that you see as the societal norm and they can't even get that right. Physically unfit for duties as a woman and is perhaps of all civilized females, the least qualified to undertake those way to your tasks, which tax so heavily the nervous system of
Starting point is 00:36:20 a man. She is not fairly up to what nature asks from her as a wife and a mother. That that is even more insulting than the bullshit from before. Yeah. Because now it's no longer look, if you learn, it'll get in the way of being a woman. Now it's you're not even doing you're not even being a woman. Now you're not even a woman. You're not even booking the part of woman women. The second half of his book had the solution to this period problem. The exclamation point. The main problem was coeducation. Uh huh. Girl school vaginas are being around the penises and trying to become them. It's like a frog. If there's a bunch of male frogs, one will turn into a woman. All right. Class next lesson. Uh, so the problem
Starting point is 00:37:09 is that they're hanging out there. Okay. Girl schools had, uh, had modeled themselves on boy schools for Clark. There was quote a danger that such exercises that she may work her brain over mathematics botany chemistry on every day of the month and so safely divert blood from the reproductive apparatus to the head. The, the, the actual theory genuinely is if you're using your brain too much, it's going to take your period. Right. Got it. Just wanted to buy and the parts don't work if you're, if you're right because your brain is now working. It's sucking up the blood from your, it's like a drought. Yeah. Yeah. Um, your body is the trans Pacific pipeline. Yes. So, identical ed education of the two
Starting point is 00:38:03 sexes is a crime before God and humanity. So that's a heavy boy. Boys and girls in the same classroom would ignite their sexual energy, which would be wasted in the tasks of study and girls would burn out quicker. Is this guy married? He is married. Yeah. I looked that up because I was like, this guy can't be married. This does sound just like a guy who's like, if I can't have it, no one shall. The vast resources of reproductive of the reproductive system would be turned into the region of brain activity resulting in disease and degeneration. Co-education was making boys and a half girls and girls and a half boys. Oh boy. Yes. Hey, hello. But even with all this obvious scientific evidence, Clark
Starting point is 00:38:47 said that only a few college graduates had come to him from help for help. Okay. And even then two or three years after graduation, still he felt in two or three generations of educated women, we'd see the effects on the human race. He proposed always the way too. So he proposed a few years and he proposed that the girls not study as many hours of the day as boys. Sure. No more than four. Right. While boys could go for six or more. Absolutely. Girls needed the extra hours to construct their reproductive apparatus. Yes. Stay at home. Just don't think regenerating. Also, every fourth week, there should be a remission and sometimes an intermission of both study and exercise. Absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Take the week off. This don't do anything on that week. This is a physiological one week a month for the rest of your life. Be totally inactive. Deal. This was a physiological necessity so that nature could accomplish her periodic task. Even nature's got a period. American girls were fragile compared with sturdy German Frolans and robust English damsels. Sure. Clark praised the fact that schoolgirls never ride bicycles in Germany, or are they ever invited to parties? What is that? What are those? That's new. That's new nose. Those are new nose. They can't ride bikes. Well, bikes were a sign of independence. It will be a barricade to your organization. Your brain will pop. They rightly leave school
Starting point is 00:40:23 at the age of 15 or 16 when their epic of rapid sexual development arrives. They are encouraged to play in the fresh air and get plenty of sleep, not hunch under gas lamps studying into the late hours like American girls. Move to Germany. Go there. Clark ended his book with a story of a woman he once saw in Germany, who was tied to a yoke and pulling a cart alongside a donkey while a man drove them with a whip. I'm going to need you to play that back. What's a yoke? That's the thing that goes around. Okay, so he saw someone in a neck leash. Yeah. Basically pulling a cart while a man was whipping her. Yeah, but there's also a donkey. And there's a donkey and a woman are pulling a cart and a guy's
Starting point is 00:41:12 whipping them. Yeah. And the moral is no one looked at it as strange noting that the donkey appeared to be the most intelligent and refined of the three. Clark saw this as evidence of the monstrous physical development and a boarded brain development. To him, an American girl yoked with a dictionary and laboring with her period is an ex exhibition of monstrous brain develop and a boarded over development. So he's he is saying what he's saying that a woman with an education, he is saying I saw a woman in Germany getting whipped and pulling a cart. And he's saying that a woman with an education is no different than a woman pulling a cart with a donkey. It's the same thing you see. Yeah, you know, I'm not seeing
Starting point is 00:42:03 because they're periods. Right. That seems to be the theory. If they don't use their brain, then then nature washes their parts with blood. But if they do use their brain, what about the female donkey? What happens when they're pulling a cart? Are they baron? We're not doing zoology today. Okay, good. When a fair chance for girls was published. That's the name. Right. I forgot. Administrators and faculty who were opposed to educating women pointed to it as proof of their views. So some guy wrote down his bullshit and now we have a Bible. They could now say it was clearly about the safety of women, right? Why they shouldn't be educated. Yes. And the problem here as well is that, of course, women
Starting point is 00:43:01 want to get educations. Their brains are little. They don't understand the consequence of what they want. It's for their own good. You need to stop them from getting an education, especially math. Thank you. Parents became worried. What would happen to their daughters if they sent them to get some learning? I don't want you learning while your vagina's forming. Told you that before, hon. God love you. This shifted the debate as mons were now acting like this was science and women were forced to argue against pure insanity. Mary Putnam Jacoby, the first female member of the Academy of Medicine and a founder of the Women's Medical Association of New York, decided to go all science on his ass. Well, I hope she's ready
Starting point is 00:43:49 for menopause. She published a 232 page paper filled with hard numbers and charts that analyzed monthly pain, psycholength, daily exercise and education along with physiological indicators like pulse, rectal temperature and ounces of urine. Well, I mean, that's I feel sorry for the girls that had to take part of that study. You have no fever. Piss. Jacoby had test subjects undergo muscle strength tests before, during and after menstruation. Her scientific method supported her scientific method method supported article read, there is nothing in the nature of menstruation to imply the necessity or even desirability of rest. So, so what's happening now is he's shifted the debate to a point where women,
Starting point is 00:44:37 the exceptional women of the time, this, you know, doctor who's clearly very successful now has to waste her fucking time proving that the period doesn't fuck you up. Yeah. Right. Well, but again, the damage that must have wrought onto her organization. True. Combing for all those facts. In 1874, I studied so hard, I have a penis. In 1874, Julia Ward Howe wrote Sex and Education, a reply to Dr. E. H. Clark's Sex and Education. It had chapters written by a number of educated women and men who believed women should get an education. Here's the introduction to the book quote. Dr. Clark's discord exists not in nature, but in his own thought. Most of us feel compelled to characterize this book in one aspect as
Starting point is 00:45:27 an intrusion into the sacred domain of womanly privacy. No woman could publish facts and speculations concerning the special physical economy of the other sex without incurring the gravest rebuke for insolence and immodesty. No man could endure the thought of having the physical functions peculiar to a sex so unveiled before the common side of society, so suggested to and imposed upon its common talk. Truth. 100%. Still probably. Yeah. To this day. Despite Dr. Clark's prominent position in this community, we do not feel compelled to regard him as the supreme authority on the subjects of which he treats. So fuck off, douchebag. Yeah. But it means that's just like, like there was, remember Terry
Starting point is 00:46:15 Shiloh? Yeah. Like I remember when you were watching like doctors slash senators tell you what it was going on with her case after watching a video. Yeah. You know, it's like you just, you can't, you need facts. Right. They're important. Yeah, they are. You can't make up facts. You can't make up your own science. And especially what an amazing undercutting you're doing of the other, you're doing of the other side's argument when you're basically saying the more they learn, the worse they get. Dr. Howe, Howe attacked his so called scientific methods. I've been pretty careful. I've been a pretty careful reader of books on natural history for all my life. And I cannot help
Starting point is 00:46:58 thinking that contemporary science offers a standard whose demands are hardly met by the book to take seven cases out of a physician's notebook and then assure us that there are a good many more is not enough. And strange to say, one of these is the case of an actress and another of a clerk leaving only five educated educational instances at all. And she's, you know, obviously they've done sounds like she's pretty educated. Yeah. But Clark was encouraged by the reception of his book about how women should not go to school when they were having their periods. It became a best sell. Of course it did. He was invited to speak at the National Education Association in 1874. Sure. Why not? I've come up with some fucking nonsense. Yay.
Starting point is 00:47:46 And he wrote a second book. This one was called The Building of the Brain, which was prefaced with praise for his first book. Smart. That's always a good opening. Quote, unless men and women have both, unless men and women both have normally developed brains, the nation will go down as good a brain is needed to govern a household as to command a ship. Okay. He re argues the point he made in his first book using as evidence a letter from a man saying his daughter died from the quote, evil results of inappropriate methods of female education. It's not hard to get one person to write you a letter. So now what's probably happening is every time a young woman gets sick, who's going to school, are already viewing it through
Starting point is 00:48:33 the prison. They're like, I told you, she shouldn't be reading books. That's the problem. That's I mean, and also it's terrible to think that you like lose a kid and you're like blaming it on this fake culprit. There is a clear thread throughout the book that the American race was devolving due to the influence of immigrant blood. Well, there you go. I mean, it's just aligned with the same bullshit that it's always aligned with. Yeah, it's always. I mean, again, it's it's the whites. Don't the whites, they're the white guys aren't there. Look, they just think crazy shit because they're they want to believe the shit. George Clark died on November 20, 1877, age 57, as a result of issues from his lifelong
Starting point is 00:49:19 digestive problems. His menstruation. Right. His. Yeah, the thing that he would he the thing that he was mad at himself about that he spewed on everybody else. Uncle Flo. Uncle Flo, a man who spent years explaining how women would fall apart if they were educated died from his rotting shit system. The pressure for coeducation at Harvard continued to pick up tennis. That's way good for your thank you. The pressure for coeducation at Harvard continued to grow in 1879. A women's college was established on the grounds that paid for professors to repeat their lectures to lecture halls of young women. Wow. So there we go. It's cool, though. That's like a set. That's like two shows in a night. I punched it up.
Starting point is 00:50:08 You guys are going to be tighter and better. But Clark's work lived on and women had to continue to fight against his ridiculous and bullshit scientific claims. Seventeen editions of the shit book would go on to be published. The American Association of University Women was founded in 1881 and spent decades funding research to debunk Clark's theories. There you go. Decades. They pointed out his faulty methodology and lack of statistics. Yeah. And just lack of anything. But oh, here's a thing. Well, you know, the other thing too is when you create an alternate universe where an argument like that has to be disproven, you've already won your battle because you've already created the waste and the distraction.
Starting point is 00:51:00 And now the future, people can always say, well, look, I mean, people have been arguing about whether that's right or wrong for a long time. You're like, no, one lunatic wrote a book. Right. It's climate change. Yeah. They presented tons of evidence against his theories. Case studies, letters from authorities, data on the health, career patterns, marriage rates and fertility of women who attended college. They argue that coeducational promoted coeducation promoted healthy, realistic relationships between men and women with less expensive and more practical than separate education and had proven to be effective and beneficial. So right. So they're now they're now forced to argue on another field of play because
Starting point is 00:51:45 this fucking dipshit wrote a book. So they're spending all of the time that let's face it they're educated women. They could be doing things that actually fucking mattered. Yeah, making pies, making pie, cleaning things. It didn't matter. Clark's theories continued to be used in the decades that followed, not only by opponents of coeducation, but also by opponents of women's roles and others, other areas. Female educational institutions were forced to develop many different strict strategies like limiting the number of courses a woman student could take to prevent ill health. Colleges instituted programs of medical surveillance and health monitoring of their female students. So crazy to think that you
Starting point is 00:52:28 have to go get tested for learning. Oh, Jesus. Female physicians were brought in to oversee exercise and collect health data, including menstrual cycle record keeping. Women were basically get on the treadmill Sally. Is she having her? No, we're okay. Women were basically forced to through science prove the total bullshit theory of a moron was a bullshit theory and this went on for decades. Harvard finally began admitting women during World War two. Sure. According to 2016 statistics, women made up 50% of college students in America and for the first time ever, 51% of law students in the United States were women. The entering class of 2016 at Harvard Medical School comprised of 51% women. So reading is the tampon for
Starting point is 00:53:23 your brain. It's I mean, there's the science part, right? There's the science part, which is just totally some like you can have all this fucking evidence and all this shit and then some fucking loony asshole makes a point that people want to believe. So their life doesn't change. So their daughter doesn't go to college. So their wife doesn't get a fucking education so they can keep them chained to the slow stove stove and then ever asked to fight against this fucking moron who has said the shit for decades. Yeah, fucking decades. It's the same thing that's going on with climate change. The science is established and the the fucking companies making all the money off of oil don't want that to be a thing.
Starting point is 00:54:09 So they just say and they've and they've hired scientists to come work for them and give facts that behooved their industry. Yeah. And then they're able to say, well, you know, I mean, there's I read this report the other day that was saying and you're like, no, but it was written by this douchebag that you pay and you go, hey, look, all I'm saying is there's still some discrepancy. We're not sure who's right and who's wrong in this one. The jury's still out. And then instead of and then you get to waste time and then right. And that's the exact same thing is instead of instead of dealing with the actual issue, then you just spend all your time talking to these people about something that is already
Starting point is 00:54:47 established, which is the same thing this is. Yeah, there's fucking there's nothing. Well, I mean, we've clearly proved I mean, we've clearly proved disproven this theory. I mean, what? That that women are if they're to be educated, they are unblooded husks. But could you imagine like being like against the education of women and then coming up with such an insane idea and writing it down? Well, you know, the truth is that it comes it always comes from total insecurity of people getting a slice of what you have. So no matter whether it's conscious or unconscious, it's still that still all comes from a place of a white guy being like, we we run everything, you know, out of fear of what happens with
Starting point is 00:55:42 the other. But a white guy whose body is fucked up. Yeah. Yeah. Well, look, hypocrisy is always a big player. I mean, it's it's always it's always the like super anti gay Christian senator, who's the one who's ragged on it for years and is then eventually the one who's like, I mean, they were just 15. I like boys. What can I say? White stance. He gave me back grabs big deal. Back grabs. Well, I think we've proven again, David, that white man are the best understanding eludes us. Yeah, continually. We sign peer uneducated women organizations. We sell well, I don't know if we want to get the line a little long. I'm sorry, I'm just losing if you can find the pen. All right, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble.

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