The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 260 - The Welfare Queen (Live in Chicago)

Episode Date: April 24, 2017

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine Linda Taylor, aka The Welfare Queen.  Recorded live at The Anthenaeum in Chicago, Illinois.   SOURCES - Main source - "The Welfare Queen" by Josh... Levin on TOUR DATES REDBUBBLE MERCH

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. Hi, thank you for squeezing that in this is great
Starting point is 00:01:30 thank you guys for coming out holy shit this is a lot of people who don't know what my name is if you really think about it it's also the largest group of people who thought my name is not what it is because again it's Gareth it's Welsh I've been very clear I wish that was a catchphrase that I used more well he she's a real queen shit of lies bill if you ask me just in the store having a real queen shit of lies bill day myself I'll see it God I've just been such a queen shit of lies bill late but I just think we have a book coming out May 9th United States of absurdity check that out and the web the webs good clear
Starting point is 00:02:36 very clear I'll be in a Bridgetown the weekend of May 5th and 6th and 7th and that's not for you guys that's for the people that's for other let's go right now what's up guys who is just straight-up listening not you guys we'll be in Philadelphia in DC July 14th and 15th yep and I'll go to the website we'll be in Dallas okay what day do we in Dallas next weekend last weekend in April okay the Sunday of the last weekend in April Houston Austin and Dallas and Dallas still still tickets on sale for the second show in Austin plenty of seats in Dallas Dallas we're actually allowing people to park their cars in the
Starting point is 00:03:26 theater we're gonna do a drive-in thing we just think that's gonna be more economical giving away eight seats for the price of one eight seats you get a row you get a blanket you get a juice and a cookie and you guys you're gonna love it starting to feel like maybe all those comments I made about Texas are not paying off yeah what the deal is there what I want to say oh you're listening to the dollar this is a bi-weekly American history podcast each week I comedian actor writer father lawn owner occasional garage cleaner that's not something garbage take her out or and
Starting point is 00:04:31 Dr. Dave Anthony reach a story from American history to my friend Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the topic is going to be about I think I think we I think we're I think we're finally good on that part of the you are you need credits yeah well once you're talking about taking out trash I don't know if those are credits those are no you need credits those are all credits sure yeah you clean out your garage take out trash and or a doctor so yeah I do it all absolutely a lot of doctors don't take out their trash I do I care about my home and mice my oh yeah see what happens when you fuck with me don't do it
Starting point is 00:05:22 Dave oh this was at me I'm getting waves the sound guy's going yeah he's smoking weed 1925 or 1926 is this 1927 Linda Taylor was born in Tennessee okay but her uncle Hubert said she was born in Summit Alabama okay how's that debatable and the 1930 census does not identify identify her as Linda but Martha Miller it'll be a long one okay she brought no Pat so we have Linda who might be Martha who perhaps is born in
Starting point is 00:06:24 Alabama most likely in Tennessee maybe okay good this is a choose your own adventure this is our first and I'd like it to be 1926 okay take me to that page okay that's fine like Dungeons & Dragons now play a little D&D up here okay he was a she was one of three children born to Joe and Liddy Miller who had a cotton farm in Mississippi County, Arkansas well surely they had employees okay that might explain some of the story not good to hear she went to school but only made it up to the second grade well okay if memory serves pretty easy time as far as the schooling goes third
Starting point is 00:07:34 grade is when it gets really hard Dave I think fifth that's when I stop paying attention especially history I think a lot of people a lot of people wrap it up in the second when they have a couple names I'm good I think I'm good on education I learned it all right here barely reading all right I'm gonna light up a smoke and get the fuck out of here I'm six so let's do it what am I supposed to do let's get this shit started are we calling her Linda or Martha or do I not get to ask that question I'm gonna call her Linda okay until I call her something else she was also known as a very willful child who would try to
Starting point is 00:08:24 prove someone wrong if they told her she couldn't do something so why didn't someone say you can't complete your education they probably said you can't drop out of school there she went there we are Linda V Martha on the census she's listed as white like the rest of her family got weird got weird and on something else but she didn't look like her parents or siblings Linda had long black hair and dark skin a neighbor said quote I think she could have been black it's a cool neighbor right great neighbor gossip great neighbor I think she could have been
Starting point is 00:09:15 black though the others are white yeah she's not also Bob he's being in his cousin's brother also his cousin and the cow he's sick move the other one yeah obviously the Linda's color could have been a product of the family's Native American heritage but okay but okay but they're white get used to it wait so are they look is Martha Linda from the white family who has Native American roots yep okay they're also could have been black ancestry in the family that wasn't something you bragged about Mississippi at the time so they're not just totally white right well she's the only one with dark skin
Starting point is 00:10:45 but then what is the what oh my god I'm just giving you options a lot of them because of her color Linda was moving between two very different worlds in the Jim Crow era south okay awesome time yeah great when she was a young woman around 1950 Linda had an affair with a white man who had blonde hair and blue eyes okay that guy's wife lost her shit when she did you hear she slept with a pure white wife live it also that one cow that was sick he's better that one's sick now so she lost her shit when she found out and discovered Linda in a car with her husband okay she threw rocks at it screaming come out you black I'm not
Starting point is 00:11:52 gonna say it in front of a thousand people especially a thousand white white people a stickler let's be honest this we have we have we're very for some reason it's just us white people in the theater isn't that redundant like that is being so like what it shows such a lack of creativity as far as like how you're trying to put someone down oh yeah I don't think she no we didn't say she was smart right she was just trying to come up with words when she was angry and they came out super fucking racist right okay sure sure sure Linda was very promiscuous she liked to she liked to do it like to bang a lot of
Starting point is 00:12:44 different the gents by the early Martha was a virgin tonight on lifetime hoary virgin by the early 1950s Linda had four children all by different fathers you got options that way that organization was fucking getting it done absolutely the kids did not look alike the kids what did not look alike okay well I think I know what that's attributed to yeah they had different doubts Clifford was born in 1941 when Linda was a teenager he was white okay Paul came next for some reason he was nicknamed Toho after the prime minister of Japan
Starting point is 00:13:43 there was no given explanation next Paul Paul was born in Oakland in 1948 on the birth certificate his mother is listed as Connie Martha Louise White but that that was actually Linda she just put she just literally never thought of what she wanted to say until the moment they asked Connie Linda Martha whites not black the third and I'm a doctor Paul's father was a white guy but Paul's skin color was dark much darker than Linda's so he's darker than mom sure the third son Johnny was born in 1950 very white-looking and then she had a daughter Sam Sandra who had the
Starting point is 00:14:49 coloring of her mother so four kids two white one that looks very dark and then one that's the same colors Linda right that's the family very benetton for sure total gap at yeah like the UN and a little house right Linda move the family around a lot Johnny quote we would go from Arkansas to Mississippi then from there we go to Ohio then California then Chicago somebody yells Linda and they were always getting into trouble especially in the south where the different ethnic looks of the family upset a lot of people sure has a lot of problems shocking but when they lived in Louisiana
Starting point is 00:15:39 Paul was not allowed to eat inside white-owned restaurants so the whole family would go and they'd be like you you're you're outside son so he would go outside sit under a tree and one time Johnny went outside to eat with his brother under the tree and all the whites told them they could need together even outside what we own the tree get away from there get away from your brother quit talking to your brother you got different skin stupid did you hear about the tree so the trees white you can't write this stuff in the sick cow from before dead nothing say that he was the first one from earlier the family
Starting point is 00:16:43 often left whatever city they were in very quickly because they were in trouble so quickly that each cat kid kept everything they owned in a bag that's a good that's good parenting when you don't forget your life bag it's your whole life don't forget your bag we're going to bed here double bags ready oh no I lost my life back there well foolish boy you're not gonna split your brother's life they never had any idea day-to-day where they would be living Cliff ran away when he was a young teen he was like fuck this shit right so it was Johnny Paul and
Starting point is 00:17:30 Sandra formed a little Union unit their mother was not very mother it would be amazing we demand rights mm-hmm yeah we're going on strike we're going on strike we want better life bags two bags two bags of life so Linda was not very mothering and Johnny was now getting the worst they go into school they're not going to school they're just driving everywhere yeah anytime they're bored she treats the life bag like an iPad in your life bag I didn't really look into that I didn't think about it but especially if she ended at second grade she probably wasn't like you need an education yeah so now Johnny was getting the worst of it because he was the odd one the only white-looking
Starting point is 00:18:25 one Linda would often drop her kids off with friends or family and then take off with no idea when she'd return okay that's a tough tough for tough for it's a child but at least you got your life sack but like team a team building that's just what you that's what you do retroactively the whole time I was teaching a team building we'll see how great of a team you are that's why I kept leaving for months sometimes she would leave them with acquaintances hey can you watch my kids for five minutes then she come back a week later in the mid-1950s wait wait she just leave with someone she met for a week if she'd
Starting point is 00:19:15 leave them yeah for a while yeah okay but they're fine sure okay in the 1950s she left Paul with the black family in Missouri then came and got him a while later and immediately drove him and dropped him off with his family in Chicago that's this city and that was the last anyone saw Paul I didn't even get to know the little squirt what so that's just well they baby sitting forever I don't think she's coming back he's 21 they went Johnny and Santa wouldn't see Paul for years Johnny believes she left Paul behind because he looked the darkest even though Linda dropped Paul off in Chicago and didn't
Starting point is 00:20:13 seem for years she moved to the same city with her two kids turn around it's your brother it was 1960 for the first time life was pretty good life was good yeah okay they had a furnished apartment okay the kids got new bicycles which they had never had before won't fit in my bag told you the strike at work one of us got fired he was pushing he was pushing I wonder where he is he's just three blocks away anyway we'll never know Linda somehow gotten in with Lawrence Wakefield who was a small-time policy king in Chicago's Ukrainian village can that be my title I do small-time policy
Starting point is 00:21:38 in the Ukrainian village the busy season as we like to say over there in the Ukeville what is that even okay so he makes policy in the Ukrainian village rarely you don't listen to the other podcast I was involved in called bronze ville which I helped do research a podcast Lawrence Fishburne directed it and there's a bunch of great actors written by the writer of history of violence and I help research on it it's about no no no no no no no no no yes okay now I whoa almost what a miscommunication that would have been it's about I know what it's about okay go ahead an hour 20 an hour 20 RT it's about policy king so policy racket it's like an underground lottery so before
Starting point is 00:22:48 lotteries were lotteries mostly in the black community they started a thing called the policy which is a numbers like it's like a lottery but it's underground it's illegal they're running a racket but they still have the spinning or did they get that they have the technology of the power ballish I think is what we're all picturing so yeah okay yeah it's like a very much like a power ball and it's underground under so like in the sewer power yeah yeah all right okay so I'm just gonna let me take off okay so most of the policy rackets were taken over by the mob the Italian mob except wake
Starting point is 00:23:48 fields was not he was on the south side of Chicago and his policy rack was considered so small time that they just didn't give a shit that's where you want to be yeah that's a nice mark at the corner yeah so he's like a hustler no one considered him to be a good hustler but you know okay so now she's taken up with Lawrence it was clear to Johnny his mother wake field had known each other for a while but he didn't know how oh my he never knew what the relationship was though it did not seem to be sexual she would call wakefield dad yeah so if it's a non-sexual one may thinks we may have a pop-up okay and
Starting point is 00:24:45 some there's a lot of people in here we fucking call each other dad start booing people have weird fetishes let's not shame this is my wife dad guy in row 13 C8 let's not shame that guy no right there that guy you call dad it's no big deal wait huh right there excuse me just that guy so wakefield lived down the block okay Johnny would sometimes carry bags or wake wakefield and drop them at a jewelry store okay the family always had money and bodyguards and bodyguards okay after life on the road this was heaven for the kids sure then on February 18th 1964 so they've been living
Starting point is 00:25:42 this way for a few years okay the police received a report that wakefield was definitely ill okay so they went to his house we might have to throw out his life bag there they found coin wrappers bedding slips money stuffed everywhere it was in furniture stuck in piles of clothes he's allergic to money is in laundry bags in pillowcases cardboard boxes and a footlocker altogether after counting it for 20 hours the total when I first hear footlocker I imagine the store there's a footlocker back here it's like the lie of the witch in the wardrobe but a footlocker what can we get you sir oh my god some Adidas would be great I just
Starting point is 00:26:28 him I'm looking for a running shoe I just I'm here investigating the guy might be dead but well this really opens up all you guys have the little mirrors down there that's great let's look at your little shoe mirrors pick a number pick a number pick a number shoe size or you're not a policy king are you do I have a crown so I thought you were the king of the refs like the manager so they the cops counted the money so wakefield was taken away he's sick taken the hospital they count all the money takes in 20 hours around the
Starting point is 00:27:19 book is someone kept going what's that phone number he was like oh son of a bitch I was in the last pile why don't we write it down because we don't need to write it down if someone quits asking for goddamn phone numbers shit get them out now the total was seven hundred thousand sixty three two hundred twenty three dollars and thirty cents they kept the change and that kept the change they counted it three dimes because there's no way the cop I counted the change three times there's no way the cops took any of it no no no no no no where's that now they were probably in that footlocker wakefield died hours later
Starting point is 00:28:16 of a hemorrhage he was 60 okay since he wasn't charged with a crime the money was to go to his heirs okay wakefield did not your kids are getting new bags wakefield did not provide for Linda or the kids in his will and when the photos of all the cash were published in the local papers that's got a stingus bitch a dozen heirs came out of the woodwork okay one contender was Rose Kennedy a 66-year-old woman who said she was wakefield common law wife wait wait wait this is common law wife 12 people it said it yeah it said it doesn't came out okay 12 people are like I have the air but they quickly a lot of more quickly
Starting point is 00:29:12 eliminated okay right which is fun then Constance wakefield appeared sure they're saying she was his daughter and she was the rightful heir in April 18th 1864 the Chicago defender so paper wrote quote a 29-year-old woman who claims to be the daughter of the late policy king Lawrence wakefield has unfolded a fantastic story of plots and intrigues which separated her from her father the claimant Constance Beverly wakefield who lives in Chicago's north side showed the defender an array of documents when she claims proves she is the daughter of wakefield okay the story said constant Wakefield's home was
Starting point is 00:29:52 protected by a bodyguard director direct decorated with odd figurines and had a minor bird my bird they constantly squawk the name Lawrence so the minor bird is a bird minor bird is a bird that talks a minor bird minor bird minor by they said minor bird minor bird I thought you said minor bird and I thought minor bird was a bird no my you see the fun minor bird do you get why it's fun minor bird is a lady who lives next door and just says Lawrence all the time right now we're talking about the bird in the house also says Lawrence also says it's just a bird there's a bird that just says Lawrence yeah okay thank
Starting point is 00:30:46 you as if someone had coached it to say that over and over you think Constance 29 years old had a 1935 birth certificate listing her parents as birth certificate birth I thought she had the minor bird bird certificate that's coming up so the birth certificate listed her parents as Lawrence Wakefield and Edith Jarvis she said she thought Edith was her grandmother not her mother and then she found out that it was actually her mother okay so it was accurate Constance said she'd grown up in Blytheville, Arkansas okay Constance then said Rose Kennedy was not Wakefield's common law wife and that
Starting point is 00:31:41 Kennedy and tried to poison her there you go all right so the plot thickens we gotta know I wonder when I don't know who she is and she tried to kill me I've never met the woman and she killed me once quote the dog poison cereal but the doctor said I had swallowed enough strychnine to kill a dozen people all the other heirs also how did you survive is there no follow-up to that there's gonna be more no but it's there's no doctor who was no no that was it you should be dead 12 times you're not and I gotta get moving see ya she also said please caught two men trying to break into her house they did
Starting point is 00:32:35 what they caught two men trying to break into her house okay and a quote swar the Italian threatened to kill her it's swar the affair thing for a description in that way well I mean that's he's just I mean that so what a swar they mean is that like kind of hot or scary scary scary so scary Italian so a scary Italian so scary Italian all right plus her bodyguard had stopped someone who tried her bodyguard had stopped someone who tried to blow up her catalac what's going on with her why is everyone trying to kill her we don't know we don't know why everyone's trying to blow her up and kill now we don't know but wait I think
Starting point is 00:33:34 she's pointing the finger at Rose okay but what about these there's a lot of fingers to point yeah someone trying to blow up her catalac yeah serious business yeah that's my point nine days after the story came out in the Chicago defender about constant defenders all over the shit about Constance Wakefield a newborn child was kidnapped from Edgewater Hospital the mother handed the baby Paul Joseph a fronzec over to a nurse who said he needed to be examined by a doctor the nurse was in a full nurses uniform she walked straight to the back exit of the building and left she was described as being mid 30s to
Starting point is 00:34:18 mid 40s 5 4 and 140 pounds so a nurse yep took the baby correct and just was like we got it there's some tests we need to run this one's to go all right they're stacking up get them out get a move in guys come on the doctor was like that baby had enough strict line to kill 12 babies so a baby was stolen stolen a huge news nationwide story the parents pled for the baby's return on the news 500 police and 50 FBI agents were on the case a federal baby investigators the best the best the best the baby force out baby for someone believable you're not even gonna believe it just walk around sniff
Starting point is 00:35:22 his diapers the rookie ah come on rookie get your shit together never gets any easier doesn't lanky at all I'm okay I've come to like it he's retiring though I like the like it I might ask him to let me stick around or just be a guy who comes in does that I have finished with the car with the car a little bit in the car can I wear diapers absolutely not no who's a baby get out of here leave the apartment you should take me get out I can't have a baby carry me so I'm gonna go throw him in the car see
Starting point is 00:36:39 he's got like four more months he's four months so we can get money and I think he really did go boom so where's my partner get some apple juice meet me outside we'll take care of this okay a man it's hard to just step out of that a man named Samuel Harper later said he was living with constant slash Linda the day the Fronzac baby was bacon wait wait yeah okay Linda Constance is Linda yeah wait Linda's right Linda's Martha yeah Constance is Linda sorry Martha is Linda Linda is Constance yeah
Starting point is 00:37:47 Constance is claiming to be the heir to his fortune that her Cadillac's been blown up that's who we're talking about yeah she's a sheep shifter isn't she yeah I want to choose the 1925 so the time Sam Harper is living with Linda slash Constance the day the baby was taken and said she left that day in a nurses uniform well one does gonna be a nurse back in an hour and at the time she had several other white infants in her home wait what is going on baby farming you find them around she's just what is she doing as a baby tree what she's just collected white nursery who hasn't
Starting point is 00:38:50 collected white babies and they're all white with these ones okay they don't know any difference or babies excuse me the moms are probably bummed but the babies you're like goo Johnny said his mom would say she was working in a hospital often and wore a nurses hat after Wakefield's death there were suddenly a whole lot more kids in the house children always seem to be coming and going that's abnormal is that nobody's sometimes how old is Johnny where the fuck is Paul how old how old is Johnny roughly you know I don't know what year so this is about 34 he's a teenager he's a teenager yeah okay so he's living
Starting point is 00:40:01 there and there's just the shitload of babies coming and going going might be 12 13 yeah 12 or 13 a lot of kids coming through the house it's like a kid train station sort of situation she's selling the babies I don't know there's just a lot of babies right now she's selling babies you don't know what she's doing she could just be collecting should be baby you don't collect and then get out I know what beanie babies are you keep them all most times you put them on the back of your car sit on that little shelf in the back beanie babies focus I think that you're
Starting point is 00:40:44 you have an unnecessarily negative view of people who collect babies boy have I got a doozy for you I'm gonna leave this one just running a baby factory a white baby named tiger arrived out of nowhere then vanished a few days later a white baby named tiger arrived and vanished a few days later yeah a young black girl lived with them for a few months then she was just gone one day a few days after the Chicago defender newspaper story about Constance trying to get Wakefields inheritance the associated Negro press wrote that constant Wakefields Steinberg
Starting point is 00:41:51 dude I remember what I thought I remember what I thought adding Linda was gonna be tough so what is she now she's orthodox she really needs to come up with better shit too oh we have Johnny's age perfect she reported her 11-year-old son Johnny had been kidnapped and then she had received several threatening calls so Steinberg her yeah Steinberg yeah Linda Martha her constant Steinberg Wakefield perhaps son Johnny's been kept been capped I don't think he's been kept no no perhaps capped yeah so she's like my white one's gone how do I describe him why for sure he's white get him 11 maybe a teenager get him but
Starting point is 00:42:53 Johnny hadn't been kidnapped sure okay fine the Chicago sometimes reported that he was fine but he was just under this pile of babies if it wasn't screwed on I swear sorry I slept under the babies again ma oh that's fine get a new one from the hamper there's a stack just washing dishes with babies there you go put them in the garbage do do do do this the one you dry with you dry I'll wash yeah throw them in there fires almost out want to grab a couple of the white kids get it going what do you think we're having company put out the good babies
Starting point is 00:44:00 I don't know which one's good they're all white I got to get rid of more of these don't know when you throw up was Paul because he was darker now you just collect white babies shut up it feels really psychological okay so Johnny was your pile of babies I put on you before you so Johnny was not kidnapped the Chicago sometimes reported he was found by FBI agents near his house he'd just run away after he had a fight with his sister okay so Linda Constance Linda slash Constance move forward with Steinberg trying to get Wakefield's fortune but she went to probate court
Starting point is 00:44:53 and did not go well she had a bunch of paperwork that verified her story that she was Constance Wakefield okay she produced a delayed birth certificate from the doctor who delivered her a delayed birth certificate so that means she got it later instead of right then you swear you're her okay there you go good to see again you've grown into a human it's amazing I mean 13 other person sure you they're yours yep all came out of me all at the same time all right let me just start the paperwork oh 14 sorry whatever you need oh one dropped out of your coat yep dude it actually right there those are
Starting point is 00:45:38 yours yep yep what are the names okay and the other one there you go let me just give you some blank ones you can be on your way yeah she had two different wills Wakefield had written that no one had seen before some magic wills she had two versions two wills the first was from night he did a funny and a serious once a satire the first was from 1943 and it just happened to include a description of his daughter that matched Constance will usually include descriptions of course they do they're very specific to my son with curly hair
Starting point is 00:46:28 and feet 11 and a half inches shortish legs a longer tall so I think that I'm sorry huh 11 and a half inch feet yes okay they turn in work I know a great footlocker learning quote specific specifically describing a scar and a mole and their exact location on her body okay that's what dads do that's what dads do I get over here you little skimp I just got where's your ball the second will for 1962 said all the money should go to Constance and that rose was not his wife and she'd only get a dollar that's the better will obviously that's the version you want to go with she gets one dollar quote she is no
Starting point is 00:47:35 good and will try to take everything from my baby so she'd never read a will before writing to will I don't think so right she was like dear will she stole enough from me since the death of my eaters right cook count is it notarized what are they no okay no idea cook County Assistant States Attorney Gerald Mannix did not believe any of it he found a witness Hubert Mooney who said he was Martha's uncle Martha being Linda Linda Big Constance right Steinberg perhaps Hubert said she was around 38 years old not wait who's Hubert he works with okay Martha's uncle okay he said she's actually around 38 years
Starting point is 00:48:32 old not 29 and she was not wakefield's daughter and then Hubert's 84 year old mother came from Tennessee to testify that she'd assisted in her granddaughter Martha's birth that was Martha Mooney said he hadn't seen her much over the years he saw her at Oakland once and he had to bail her out of jail good to catch up the state's attorney that produced fingerprints and quote police records from Oakland which he said were those of Ms. Wakefield listing arrests for prostitution contributing to the delinquency of a minor and assault the fingerprints also match those of Beverly Singleton a woman who'd been
Starting point is 00:49:10 arrested for assaulting a 12 year old girl wait she's also Beverly Singleton I thought so so from now on if there's a new name it's her yeah okay is she her bird she what you what's the guy's name Hubert Hubert no he's real he's real he's a real uncle was she the grandma I swear that's absolutely true I delivered my own self when I came out I delivered me and I was a baby well the story checks out here so Constance said she knew Mooney but that she was not Martha okay sorry okay Constance is on is the one in the probate court she's the one trying to get the mind she I know Constance is our main player so I
Starting point is 00:50:10 say when you just said again Constance said she knew Mooney okay but that she was not Martha okay okay interesting okay hard to and she does she must be very stressed out at this point she's like boy I might have made up too much bullshit and she denied she was the one who matched the fingerprints right that's a hard thing to argue so she knows her uncle but she's not the niece and she does not match the fingerprints but she did admit that she had been charged with assault an open why how do you not how do you split it it's pretty hard to say you were the person who went to jail but not fingerprinted yeah also that you
Starting point is 00:51:14 know your uncle who's not your uncle right right the judge then cited Constance for contention court I mean the judge must have just been like holy shit all right so he cites her for contempt and sent her to six months in jail okay all of Wakefield's money then went to Rose County the bitch you only deserve the dollar so they went with will one now Hubert Mooney would not understand he just couldn't understand what was happening it sounds like he's like most of us he was just like wait what no she I'm real god damn it he was an old southern man and according to his daughter very racist he was furious at
Starting point is 00:52:15 Martha when he saw an old southern racist man it's like finding a unicorn you gotta meet it very rare to see down here so you standing now we standing what's going on standing standing now should I lay what do you want to do Hubert Hubert was furious at Linda when he saw what she was up to and could not comprehend why she would want to pass herself off as a black woman but he doesn't does he is why is because of money yeah right he doesn't get that no to him to him no amount of money is worth it if you're a racist and you're a pure racist then you're like it ain't worth it I wouldn't be black for a million dollars
Starting point is 00:53:37 here's a million dollars okay let me rethink my racism right so after she got out of jail the family was not doing well right right I wonder why yeah they were like oh good she's out this won't be complex they moved from house to house on the south side and for the kids it was a nightmare they were living the life with Wakefield but now it was back to hell okay Johnny was now 14 he kicked off a life of crime was constantly roaming the streets and getting into shit then on March 3rd 1966 authorities reported that Constance's daughter was gone quote Sandra Steinberg 13 has been missing wait who's she just every it's
Starting point is 00:54:26 latest dollars Sandra oh my god there's a lot of players it's the same person she just has a different last name now keep up is she missing no she's under a pile of goddamn babies well she reported that Sandra been missing for 18 days and Constance Wakefield says she believes her daughter had been abducted if she is seen please notify the Chicago you don't know what it's like to lose a child unless you've been in the hospital I go to different being on the other end really is but Sandra had not been kidnapped she came back and nothing
Starting point is 00:55:12 came of it cool great no explanation right sure was it that she didn't like her home life it's a little weird you try sleeping with 90 to 70 babies around this time is that a real offer they're the puppies of humans gang you ever sleep on a pile of babies holy shit so soft there's a baby hotel in LA hotel hotel you can just spell the French but there's no bed just a pile of babies and we have you down for a two bedroom baby sweet yes so around this time 16 year old 16 year old Rose Termini needed someone to watch her son Raymond and her sister used Constance as a babysitter so Rose decided to leave her
Starting point is 00:56:11 son with her oh my god what could go wrong everything will go wrong that's as bad that recommendation you are you over the recommendation yet now still a little pissed so little pissed than who you suggested quote she had a home of babies she acted friendly nice and kind and I always saw her with kids of course you did of course you did I go okay so I trust I go okay she's got 300 babies living with her she must be good with them why else would they be here what is she dressing up like a nurse and nabbing them it's good to know you got someone good but then when I went back for my son that day he was gone Rose
Starting point is 00:57:03 never went to the police to report the kidnapping okay so who are we rooting for right now who is good yeah when some you lose I mean I fucked up I'll tell you one thing I'm not using her again new he's gone fool me once she was only 16 she was scared of what Constance would do to her family or her so for months Rose would take the bus to the south side and search for Raymond but she never found him eventually she had a nervous breakdown and it was hospitalized two years went by finally Rose's husband who was in a gang called the dragons told Sandra it was time for her mom to give the baby back I gotta go
Starting point is 00:57:56 wait I gotta go wait she had a husband the whole fucking time wait who was in a gang and he never said give me my kid it was like I don't happen wait they a husband so neither one of them neither one of them they didn't call the police they were just like they went they went they went looking for their son the way you would a stray dog I don't even think they did that much no they didn't put up signs they just wandered around by the way when you're in the dragons very musical so there's not much you can do you just but then after two years the husband was like all right I've had enough of this stealing of my child thing
Starting point is 00:58:39 enough and then they told Sandra Constance's Linda's yeah to bring him bring him and Sandra went and got him and brought him what yeah I was it got her kid back end of happy story the whole time about me figured you were good or you know whatever I don't know are you good do you want to go back we could have called the police but well you know phones I mean they're not anyway we love you oh love you a lot anyway dad's got to get to dragon practice you did oh nobody knows how many children Linda took over the years in the six crazy in the 60s she was arrested twice for taking children but not
Starting point is 00:59:34 convicted either time how do you not convict someone of it's pretty because the kids were returned that doesn't work with goods apparently it works with children in Chicago there's a return counter if you steal it if you steal a child and they catch you you go alright take it back and then you get to go it has the judicial reach of capture the flag what do you see where this goes what do you mean where it goes where the fuck are we in 1967 Linda slash Constance reported another child was missing and probably
Starting point is 01:00:44 kidnapped but when police look at the irony she's calling the cops she's calling the cops to report a child that was kidnapped it's not Johnny or Sandra yeah but she's calling the cops when kids aren't missing and the others are like he's gone it'll be fine it's pretty ironic you know they're busy with all the pranks when police looked into it they realized it was not her child who she reported missing yeah Linda told the cops she'd given birth to a boy at Edge Water Hospital on December 13th 1963 that was just four months that's where the Edge Water just broke that was just four months that was just four months
Starting point is 01:01:36 before the Friends Act baby was taken from the same hospital the who remember the baby she took with the nurses uniform she's took a thousand yeah but that was the one we focused on the gateway baby gateway baby but then she told the cops that that child was living with foster parents in Chicago Heights does she think she runs an orphanage look into it the cops discovered the birth certificate was signed by the same doctor who had signed the fake birth certificate who's this guy claiming she was Wakefield's daughter this guy's not a doctor no right he's dressed up like a doctor stealing babies and she's running
Starting point is 01:02:11 into him dressed up as a nurse and he's like for sure I'm a doctor and I'm a nurse what do you need there you go come back anytime well that gold degree that doctor would stop practicing medicine in 1970 to avoid prosecution on charges of selling dangerous drug prescriptions to children what what doctor hasn't done that you want to make a couple extra bucks there's an eight-year-old around your leg you want some prozac your boy needs opiates now mommy I need opiates now Linda was living a very lavish lifestyle now at this point she's living high off the hog she was running cons and practicing voodoo
Starting point is 01:03:22 well that's chill okay so things are fine there nothing to see there little and tell people she got her spiritual training in her home company of Haiti which she was not from in her home country yeah okay I think it's a company country did I say company I was like a home company of Haiti what's the difference oh it's his company here that's why Johnny said she started practicing voodoo in the 50s one woman paid her $1,500 for several spiritualism visits in 1971 the woman ended the sessions when Johnny told her his mother was quote a fake and a con woman that's not a good reading yeah can we
Starting point is 01:04:16 keep it on me a little bit more on August 8th 1970 pretends I run away all the time again I just want to know am I gonna meet Mr. Wright help us you know this is not going well I really let me put a pin in a baby and see that's a real baby that's a real baby that's a real baby on August 8th in 1974 Chicago burglary detective Jack Schwerin responded to a woman who reported she'd been robbed oh boy Linda Taylor said the robin had taken 14,000 Linda Taylor let me guess 14,000 in furs jewelry and cash 14,000 in furs and Julie mainly furs had a big fur
Starting point is 01:05:19 year but officer Sherwin's spidey his name changed Sherwin yeah Sherwin okay sure his spidey sex was going off that's because two years earlier Linda had made another similar robbery claim and he had responded it was mostly paintings and furs again I shouldn't be carrying him down this dark alley alone so that time she said the first time she said she lost 10,000 in furs and other stuff oh but then since that one she'd gotten a lot of new furs replaced by the insurance company oh so she had four granted new furs and then replacement first officer Sherwin cited her for
Starting point is 01:06:05 making a false report okay and then he follows instincts and he kept digging into Linda he soon learned that she was getting welfare checks under several different names is that illegal and then she had at least she'd had at least seven husbands okay so his instincts were right what his instincts were right yeah a little bit so seven husbands he tracked them he tracked them all down so the names were not as bullshit as we think perhaps yeah they might be real I think potentially could just be tweaked someone okay well at least there's a little silver keep going so he tracks down all the husbands some were too
Starting point is 01:06:49 scared to talk too scared of Constance slash Linda but if that's got to be the weirdest thing when you're Sherwin walking up to ask if they're married be like what's your wife's name Linda okay great you are married to her and your wife's name is Constance okay great perfect every time you go up there there's like 18 names is she Jewish she isn't are you you are okay we're just trying to get this together over here and Linda was about to meet husband number eight Liz Taylor ring in real time just four days after she filed the second robbery report Linda met Lamar Jones he was a 21-year-old sailor working in a dental
Starting point is 01:07:40 clinic at the Naval Training Center how did she stumble across him a woman came in to get her teeth cleaned named Linda Shulvia and Lamar said she was beautiful it was love at first sight yeah they met on a Monday and were married on Saturday nothing nothing weird about that should I buy my other husbands she was 35 and gave him a thousand dollars as a wedding present and she also let him pick out a fancy new car okay but this was gonna be a rocky marriage as he became suspicious of who she was I mean you got eight he found a degree from a university in Haiti that was for Linda Taylor not Linda Shulvia she also had
Starting point is 01:08:38 five mailboxes at her apartment well Dave that's problematic how the fuck do you spin that there's literally no answer oh you're crazy no one's magazines one's Manila one's reg one's junk and one's outgoing letters what do you think my name is again letters would come to all five addressed to five different people Lamar was unnerved when she told them he was her eighth husband but oh so she came clean came clean about that okay yeah well he vetted her properly Linda also had a sister named Constance did she did she who seemed a lot more like an adult daughter what's the same oh my god
Starting point is 01:09:44 Sandra's got a case of the lindas Lamar said Linda's skin was so pale and smooth that she could look Asian or like a light-skinned black woman or even white but one doesn't sound like he was a hundred percent she's white and black this is Asian but one night he woke up early in the morning and saw quote one thousand wrinkles on her face wait sci-fi movie now wait wait unless she eats a spider did we just cross through the event horizon she doesn't eat a spider every morning wait doesn't go no no no no wait Linda leapt out of bed ran into the bathroom and locked herself in for an
Starting point is 01:10:49 hour and when she came out she looked completely different and young again got some kick-ass foundation I don't know what she was doing but maybe she's born with it what is happening right now then a week after she met Lamar officer you mean their wedding day right yeah I was like a week after they were married sorry officers sure when arrested her Linda paid the bond got out left the state and took her husband's new color TV with her why not I'll just lay it on this row of babies Lamar Lamar decided to cooperate with the police they taped a phone conversation traced the call and on August 9th Constance
Starting point is 01:11:55 Green was arrested in Arizona Linda yeah I mean obviously the main player press cut end of the story three days later the Chicago Tribune wrote quote crazy shit quote the 47-year-old welfare queen was well in a Tucson jail wait this may be she was 35 two minutes ago yeah right now she's 47 sure this may be the first use of the term welfare queen in America welfare queen shit of lice-bilt Linda slash Constance slash Martha was brought back to Chicago and put on trial Lamar testified against her the lawyer was like I need to change my pants I really this could be fun Lamar testified against her in front of a
Starting point is 01:13:02 grand jury as did her seventh husband who she was still married to but he was probably a little p.o.'s maybe I mean cuz of Lamar not the others they were living like dwarfs until Lamar came along we love you now why Linda was indicted on charges of theft perjury and bigamy in court her name was recorded as Connie Walker aka Linda Bennett aka Linda Taylor aka Johnny Jarvis aka Connie Jars yeah she was either 35 39 40 or 47 years old dude they're gonna have to cut her open to count the rings the executive director of the legislative advisory committee on public aid told the Chicago Tribune quote she is without
Starting point is 01:14:02 a doubt the biggest welfare cheat of all time Linda wasn't just selling kids she was using them to gain the system the paper reported she was conning the Social Security food stamps Medicaid and aid to families with dependent children canceled AFDC checks and Medicaid ID cards in several names allowed the state to charge her with stealing 8,000 from public assistance but that's all they had on her that's it yeah but she was selling babies well they don't know what happened to the babies I'm pretty sure there wasn't a policy king the babies would get hurt in the spinner but babies go babies go bad after a while do they
Starting point is 01:14:48 and then you compost them do you I don't know I don't know what my when thin came he was four but the case was very slow moving in the courts and Linda was out on bail she was then introduced to who granted her bail and she seems like a good kid or mid 40s lady she was then introduced to Patricia Parks was that her nice to meet you no but at this time Linda was going as Linda malexo Linda malexo an African daughter who practiced sorry African doctor who practiced voodoo as you know Lex is right she's now Linda malexo African voodoo doctor which is
Starting point is 01:15:54 gonna be great TV show CBS Patricia Parks was from Trinidad where there is a long tradition of belief in sorcery and folk magic and the day they met Linda looked at parks and told her she would be dead in six months well that's a fun opener hi hey you're gonna be dead in six months okay huh I'm just opening up the conversation all right is there a doll involved or you just is that what just happened you're gonna be dead hi I'm gonna be dead yeah do I still have to pay $30 yeah I can help you though okay that's how I know you're gonna die that's how I'm gonna die no that's how
Starting point is 01:16:53 I know you're gonna die I'm a voodoo doctor you're so stupid I'm sorry I'm taking it a lot right now I just sit down and when are you gonna say how can you help me I think I'll just pay the $30 out of here so Linda convinced Park Parks that she had voodoo skills and she could help her with becoming death situation so right great change your name 30 times Linda was hired by Parks to keep house and watch her kids Linda moved into the home well well she liked kids well Parks had three children who described had to describe Linda as quote the worst nanny we ever had really
Starting point is 01:17:56 voodoo nanny wasn't winning shocking this week on CVS voodoo nanny better go to bed Parks immediately became sick and was soon confined to bed but that we knew it was gonna happen she's gonna die in six months so well David Linda was giving Parks pills the whole time really help pills soon Parks struggled to talk and then I've been sick ever since we started saving me she's gonna die go ahead and she died on June 15th 1975 all right Linda told the funeral director that Parks had cervical cancer but the coroner said she died of combined
Starting point is 01:18:48 phenobarbital metha praline and salicylate and I think they're all barbiturates she still did not have cancer the trio reported quote when investigators entered the dead woman's bedroom they found five lamps directed toward a hospital bed a pair of witch doctors masks hung on the walls candles a voodoo manual and a religious statue on a nearby table how do you not do a minor cleanup if you've murdered someone but she's like look I did everything I could I did everything I could I got the mask the doll is some sage I gave her poison I mean I did everything I could I just let you try it I gave it I gave it
Starting point is 01:19:33 I gave with her I haven't waived the $30 well I'll keep the kids I guess 20 mom the cops who learned that Parks had willed her home to Linda and had made her the beneficiary of several insurance policies and the guardian of her three children there it is but just like with the franzak baby kidnapping Linda was not charged with murdering Parks wow the prosecutor of the welfare fraud case right the $8,000 welfare fraud case right James Piper looked into it but he said he wasn't able to get blood samples from the hospital and he thought without those he couldn't convict convince a jury and that's that that's it
Starting point is 01:20:20 okay so that's diligence he thought if he brought murder charges the press would say he was looking for more press in the welfare case and he didn't want us up the welfare case wait okay so he's he's a fucking idiot he's good he's good at what he does officer Sherwin thought that was idiotic really so Sherwin's the hero well but he was a burglary detective so he couldn't investigate Linda wait he was a what he's a burglary detective he can't investigate her for murder because he's really yeah you're not allowed to still work like that yep who know Linda then had her bond revoked when her parole
Starting point is 01:21:14 officer went to check on her and found a vacant lot at the address she had listed weird weird her explanation was that they were looking for Linda Taylor and she was not Linda Taylor way wait how does that it's anyway she was a venture wrenching abilities to get she then applied after she gets out of jail after being arrested for a vacant lot broke bond yeah okay so she gets out and then she immediately applies for welfare claiming she needed money for medical purposes okay she was suspected of falsifying information on the application she Linda was Linda Linda and then Meredith Linda yeah and then
Starting point is 01:22:05 it's Meredith Linda they were flagging and then Linda called the cops good I bet something's missing she was robbed of course she was this time they took 17,000 in jewelry shocking no furs now the Chicago Tribune wrote about Linda's connections to the baby kidnapping and Park's death in 1975 wrote that she was quote buying newborn infants to substantiate welfare claims and somehow the claims on welfare fraud were the bigger story everybody ignored as opposed to a baby market yes when the welfare program is created how to tell you do it when the welfare program was created under FDR it was mainly used by whites
Starting point is 01:23:01 about 80% okay then more black people began to migrate north to get out of the fucking south and when they did more began to use welfare and suddenly for some crazy reason welfare began to be framed as being bad in 1964 timing was weird in 1964 27% of photos in stories about poverty in the top three news magazines hot wait one more time the percentage 27% okay in the top three new magazines were photos of black people okay in 1965 it was up to 49% okay and by 1967 it was 72% wow suddenly there was a huge backlash against the undeserving poor on welfare welfare now had a big huge target on it and in October 1976
Starting point is 01:23:56 Ronald Reagan who was gunning for the White House discussed the welfare queen in his weekly radio address he talked about the woman he talked about the woman who had operated in 14 states used 127 names and claimed to be the mother of 14 children and was using 50 addresses in Chicago alone Reagan told his I love how he has to make shit up I know with her he doesn't have to make you don't have to yeah but I got a politician Reagan told his audience she had three new cars a full-length mink coat and her take was an estimated one million dollars wow and that she had once posed as a heart surgeon Reagan said
Starting point is 01:24:52 all this information came from the Chicago Times the Tribune had now printed so many crazy stories about Linda that Reagan's claims didn't seem exaggerated she had actually posed as a heart surgeon how far did she get Dr. Connie Walker shut up shut up I'm picturing at a Christmas party she's in the yard isn't she no she never went to the yard but she did use the name Dr. Connie Walker for a while up in Michigan I don't know but I did at some point we have to not follow this woman are you a little crazy a woman reported to police that Linda had stolen 800 worth of items from her $800 okay once again
Starting point is 01:25:42 officer Jack Sherwin was called and he found the woman's electric can opener color TV and fur coat hidden away in Linda's apartment building okay unfortunately the three-piece polka dot pantsuit was not recovered well you got to call the pantsuit detective for that that's not a burden in the fur coat was babies Patricia Patricia Parks credit card wait a minute so nobody did anything okay the cops also found two boys a white seven-year-old a black five-year-old who were taken into protective custody naturally the news stories focused on her car because it was a Cadillac this woman needs a Sarah
Starting point is 01:26:29 McLaughlin song like no other she had two babies they're like the cars this story how hot this car is look at the whip naturally the news stories focus on the Cadillac the New York Times headline was welfare Queen loses her Cadillac limousine that's it and not the children that she stole babies reports did not focus on the tons of fraudulent documents found in her apartment she had documents for over 33 different aliases oh she had tons of waves for her many disguises she was calling everyone everywhere right they focused on the Cadillac during the wig box is the story during court appearances the news
Starting point is 01:27:17 described her appearance quote bright the colored mod outfits with sparkling rings and bracelets could you call each one of her aliases to the stand I don't think it works like that hmm be fun though fun to watch be like backstage in a sketch show the angle in the papers was always about the woman stealing from welfare not her other crimes never mind that she was a baby trafficker she was a baby hunter she was also the perfect welfare Queen photo right she finally went on trial in March 1977 was found guilty and sentenced to six years for theft and perjury that's pretty good if you're her I mean yeah yeah what she did
Starting point is 01:28:02 yeah she's like I mean the kids will be older when I get back but it'll be fine while she was well she was in jail she quote use state-owned materials to make cushions and sell them okay and the 1970s it's like how a shark tank pitch begins and the 1970s a psychologist developed a 20 item list to assess whether someone was a psychopath Linda met every single one to some degree well I mean the name column alone he was like this is what there's more on the back Linda was released in prison sometime in 1983 and she had a husband waiting for her when she got out just one she had married him just before she went in who's
Starting point is 01:28:51 this guy he was a former Marine I mean he is getting I mean this is like beyond catfishing this is a pond of catfish I didn't write down his name that's all right that's okay no of course not actually names have no value in this story so he gives a shit his name is Raymond doesn't matter she also had a boyfriend named will true Lloyd will true Lloyd will true Lloyd wow who was a former World War two vet and the two men were always fighting with Linda's about what Linda seemed to be sending them against each other and finally Lloyd shot Linda's husband with a shotgun when does her reign of terror
Starting point is 01:29:36 he died and it was ruled an accident we're an upside-down land that meant Linda got the insurance money she then moved to Florida with Lloyd of course she hit Florida at some point Linda met a widow in Chicago and convinced her she was the daughter of the widow's long-dead husband but people know her but she's still able to family like this isn't a long-last daughter she's like it is she's the one we were always seen in the pictures who's blurry it's her she's finally here for money this worked out she convinced the widow to move to Florida with her
Starting point is 01:30:36 okay I'll drive soon $50,000 but missing and much of the widow's furniture no my man the widow's children at this point I have no idea where she was I don't either there's a lot of grass here and then the widow got married to will true Lloyd wait wait was it in Hades it's real okay okay so she bears Lloyd now being old she eventually died she was she was already really old this won't this widow Linda died no no wait horse not right the old woman who no fortunately for Linda she had tons of insurance policies on sure yeah she was fine
Starting point is 01:31:45 several in different names uh-huh really the corner oh my god corner revealed the widow had died as a result of a blow to the head however but a blowjob something to go but he couldn't prove it wasn't an accident so the insurance companies paid up how does she not feel bulletproof at this point oh she's totally bulletproof then Lloyd died and his air was his granddaughter okay it was seven years younger her name was Linda she's seven she's seven years younger than Lloyd Lloyd's granddaughter is seven years younger so his granddaughter seven years younger alrighty and named Linda
Starting point is 01:33:06 yeah weird yeah impossible some would say now Linda was getting Lloyd's World War two veteran benefits cool you're welcome in 1994 Sandra visited her mom Linda and Tampa and found her in bad shape she had several facelifts and was wearing very raggedy clothes she was in a state of dementia Johnny then came down and flew her back to Chicago and she lived in Chicago until she was either 74 or 77 years old she died in 2002 of a heart attack boy the tombstone in grave it was like it was alright one more time almost nothing on her death certificate is true if that's what an entire existence of bullshit will
Starting point is 01:34:16 result in because of Linda and her insane Connie ways and Reagan putting the spotlight on her welfare fraud prosecution shot up in a 1978 poll of Illinois voters 84% ranked controlling welfare and Medicaid fraud as their highest priority wow a welfare fraud hotline was set up and it received over 10,000 calls in 1977 probably all still about Linda across the country welfare fraud investigations skyrocketed and welfare benefits began a steady decline that continues today it is nearly impossible to figure out the actual scope of welfare fraud much of it is just due to mistakes and overpayment by
Starting point is 01:35:15 the government other than Linda there is no proof that as a group welfare recipients are gaining the system but Reagan continued going after welfare Queens and that resulted in a slashing of benefits that was continued by President Clinton 1996 Clinton declared an end to welfare as we know it and signed a bill with time limits work requirements and strict sanctions for non-compliance it overwhelmingly affects single mothers now 15 states use drug test applicants even though evidence contradicts the claim that they use drugs in Missouri they spent $336,000 to come up with 48 positive tests from
Starting point is 01:35:57 40,000 welfare recipients holy shit horrendous loss of money also in 15 states if you're on welfare and have a baby you are not allowed to get more money which just leaves a child in poverty turns out if if pointing out that a psychopath is a standard welfare recipient shitloads of people suffer welfare queen is still a pejorative term used to refer to women who allegedly collect excessive welfare payments through fraud or manipulation it is 100% based on a lot quite a punctuation mark it's a weird place for people to cheer that is so crazy that the like you're so inept with one
Starting point is 01:37:05 person that it creates Bigfoot you can forever just like forever yeah you forever because of this one forever because of her was a good place she had a baby factory and lied about furs 91 name got away with all of it because they had murdered murdered because they wanted to point the finger at welfare fraud and she got it with murder and baby kidnapping and baby selling all this fucking shit oh so all the paper reporting you mean is way more is that we're saying that though the skew of the media is so they both did the politicians right but that but that's very true like the idea that the papers
Starting point is 01:37:41 headlines are not about like crazy woman lives on stack of babies instead they're like look at the caddy right the New York Times the paper of record right babies are clearly being sold they're like how about that catty motherfucker and then think of us now with babies now we're like but baby I mean if you're fucking to fuck with a baby holy shit any level anymore you know no no no no no no no you used to be able to put your baby welfare checks would come out the point I'm making that is not the point you just hit him and that's why out the mouth stop it stop it hold this like a goddamn press conference now you
Starting point is 01:38:33 weren't a shit at the end if I give you back your mic are you gonna be good I don't trust it all right guys we want to thank you for coming out so much if you can't come if you can't come they just go cut his audio cut his audio we're gonna take a picture we're gonna take a picture hold on we are gonna sign posters and shit we'll take some pictures we kind of got to be a little quick because of this place but we're gonna sign them right over there on the side what is the name of that street side of the building oh what
Starting point is 01:39:34 is it okay so right now right here outside there's a stage door so if you guys want to post some pictures we'll be out there has someone's agent didn't tell them that we needed them to keep the place open so it was a fuck up you guys can play Joe Joe but I know you guys are leaving early we just fucked up but truly guys so fucking awesome to be here thank you so much love you guys so Toyota might quality and capability and I mean my vehicles okay I hate means I'm a while I said I don't want to move my son quality means everything to us because it means everything to you
Starting point is 01:40:21 nice not in 2023 to coma access cab TRD off-road from 131 weekly for 60 months at 8.39% with 4950 down in stock now on visit shop or your local Ontario Toyota dealer today it's time to Toyota

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