The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 576 - The Menominee Abby Takeover - Live

Episode Date: March 28, 2023

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine the Menominee Warrior takeover of the novitiate near Gresham, Wisconsin. Recorded live in Madison.  Sources Tour Dates Redbubble Merch   RexMD...

Discussion (1)
Starting point is 00:00:00 The dollop is brought to you by hello a fresh Look with hello fresh you get fresh recipes. That's why fresh is in the name. They have pre-measured Ingredients they got step-by-step instructions and come straight to your door It makes cooking at home very simple very tasty with hello fresh you you stress less with dinner and you get affordable meal plans With with the holidays upon us, and you you you stacked up your bills buying gifts, and then then there's inflation Hello fresh helps you keep on Budget you go to the grocery store. You got the sticker shock But with hello fresh you get meals that are consistently priced week after week straight to your door and they and hello fresh has
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Starting point is 00:02:23 What the fuck Hi everybody Stay capital Fuck yeah Dave other one Hi, I'm the foundation of the dollop Yeah, yeah, you were in a closet chatting about Mike Tyson and then Here we are someone had to everyone's too scared to take him on head to head
Starting point is 00:03:00 What a psycho that is funny, and it's very funny that there was a time when you were like All right, honey, I'm gonna go to the closet and shout about Mike Tyson. So if you need me Do I have to read the story? I'm so tired. I can read it. I mean read it. It'll be way different probably I'm not I don't I don't probably gonna go back to the closet dollop a little bit, but we can give it a whirl You know we should do a Halloween show where you write the story and then we pretend to be each other for the whole show We dress up like the other one. I'll wear your glasses I'll reach you the story. I'll wear your fucking glasses. I don't wear glasses. Oh, he's in Gareth character. He's a character
Starting point is 00:03:43 Good work save it for October 31st When animals Yeah, that's pretty good. Yeah, people often go pretty nasally. It's tough for me to hear That seems to be the major Yeah, it's really I swear. I'm loving you. I think you're a great person Hey, oh my god, you are you are so capable you were so I'm a sniper. Yeah, uh-huh Not gonna sign off on that one too much You're listening to the dollop lie
Starting point is 00:04:23 Not clapping Drinks and nothing in her hands not clapping Not clapping right there. We made a we made a mental note of everybody who did not clap You're on a list who the fuck you're on a list. You won't be in the front row and another one of these shows You're on a very special list. Oh, yeah. Oh, this is an American history podcast where each week I Dave Anthony read a story from American history to my driver Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the topic is going to be about. That's a good one. That's a good one
Starting point is 00:05:12 Yeah Gareth we are brought to you by Rex MD look sometimes it's a little hard in the bedroom or not nice and You know, we've all had those nights Gareth. You're a little nervous or you know, we've had a little bit too much to drink or whatever You know, it's not uh, does it it's not ready for the call to action. Yeah, yep Yeah, the thing that needs to happen quite us. Yes quite is the little fellas not up to the business taking a knee He's laying down. All right. We get it. We understand what you're saying. So Rex MD is FDA approved And it's the most trusted leader in men's telehealth
Starting point is 00:05:55 They sponsored the the dollop here to help you always be prepared for those those moments Right simple Rex MD makes it simple easy cost effective help all the guys out there last longer It's a lot of pressure feel more confident in the bedroom, especially when you're screaming at me. Yeah, it's a lot of pressure So take advantage of their best deal They've ever offered you get up to 90% off and you pay only $2 per dosage with our exclusive link Rex MD comm slash dollop any guy who pretends He cannot relate to that feeling where you are like, yeah, there is you know what I mean You gotta like you want to you want to get it you want to get it going and you can't and it's happened
Starting point is 00:06:39 And you feel bad. So any way to like you cry you cry and then you're like now We're all crying but any way to to get ahead of that or to get out of those moments. It's a lot. It can be a lot of pressure, Dave I don't this isn't for cats This is for people. I think I misunderstood what this is for some people. I know I've been slipping it Okay. All right, we get it. I did it twice and I admit it's a mistake. It's for people fine specifically men This is mainly for men Rex MD has made the entire process simple. You don't have to jump through a bunch of hoops
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Starting point is 00:07:55 Cialis are now available for our listeners to get started. That's Rex MD comm slash dollop for up to 90% off there you go. I'm gonna buy it for you for Valentine's Day. I'll take it 1600 You have our Lord Jesus Christ Jesus Christo for spanish-speaking friends. I don't do any other fucking accents The manominee tribe My nominee my nominee. Okay, so don't come at me. Don't you come at me? I'm not gonna okay literally spent 45 minutes online of
Starting point is 00:08:48 All the different versions of Wisconsinite saying how to say it Well, I would imagine as well that it has been, you know, Wisconsinized to some extent like we're like trust us We know how to speak Native America. I did because this is how they this is how you're supposed to say it manaminee Right manaminee. So I first found manaminee, which is what I found and then the more I look deeper It's manaminee. I believe is how they prefer it, but I could be wrong. Well, yeah There's tons of different versions, but we're the people who have Taken the most allow me to find whites don't come across great in this story Specifically Wisconsinites Wisconsin whites
Starting point is 00:09:41 Get it right Jack So I'm going with manominee Well, you gotta insult someone I guess you may as well make it us Well, they lived on about a 10 million 10 million acres in 1600 that won't change and They'd been there for as long as their history remembers historically. They were known as a peaceful and welcoming people Here's you're setting us up now for a fall. Aren't you you're gonna I can already see how you're Putting the white man in your crosshairs How dare you we've been through tons
Starting point is 00:10:27 The French arrived in the 1600s it is More and more of their land was taken as whites came to settle The US government wanted them to move to northern Minnesota but chief Oshkosh said nope well and Managed to keep their land or and as a testament to him we made Oshkosh bagash It's it's one of Denim overalls is a way to sort of say sorry for what we've done to your people to your history and How awful we've behaved but hey, have you seen these pants the clasp at the shoulder? They got little pockets for your pencils and rulers
Starting point is 00:11:15 Not so bad now are we? It's it's pretty horrible. Yep. Yeah No doubt no one will remember you but they'll remember these dumb jeans ah The idea is that we get people off the scent of the you know massacres and genocides We're sort of moving in a clothing angle, which We find a sanitize nicely for our history is it a So when the reservation was created their land was down to 233,000 acres from 10 million 10 million okay, you can see that the
Starting point is 00:11:59 Downsized situation that happened there, and it's it's pretty pretty yeah, it's pretty fucked gone from Like an eighth of the state to the tetris L It's a tetris L and it's a tiny and so but at least Well, I will say this most most tribes got kicked off their land right shelleteers other shit They did get to stay on a part of their land, which is in some way a victory Really shows you how low the bar is set it is it's totally fucking low And I think we're not some of these evil white people who are I know here you go. Here's a plot Yeah, I mean they did that in shape. They did have to change the way they lived and stuff
Starting point is 00:12:41 It's a forest where they used to you know have more they used to be known as What's the name like a rice? They survived it for a while rice and stuff like that. They're right Why so this is like a whole different way to live right, but still it's it's their ancestral land in a way anyway So it's now mostly in Menominee County the poorest in the state Hey, good job, Wisconsin The Menominee practice, that's why Ernie von Schleidhorn opens such a competitive car dealership You know what there is such a thing as to local local history for you there my friend
Starting point is 00:13:21 There's people listening. This is a story of Ernie von Schleidhorn. There's there's a guy. Let me finish There's more to his history. He's a car dealer Out in the falls There's a fucking guy listening right now in Sweden like what is happening who's honey, but you Google Ernie von Schleidhorn, please Looks like he had oh, he was crazy about saving prices That guy lives that guy's in every what am I saying that guy's in every place. There's one in Stockholm there everywhere. Yeah Yeah, there's yeah, there might be an Ernie von Schleidhorn listening in Germany like did you just say Ernie von Schleidhorn? What is he talking about Satas?
Starting point is 00:14:09 So the Menominee practice sustainable forestry well get out of here with that idea This There's sustainable forestry is in complete contrast to the cut it all down way of the whites cut baby cut. Yep so chief Oshkosh quote Take only the take only the mature trees the sick trees and the trees that have fallen so his philosophy again in completely
Starting point is 00:14:42 contrasted by that of the white is Be good to the land and the land will be good to you This is but where are you gonna put your Burger King's chief Oshkosh? That is right. So afraid we got a there's a little puzzle for you to noodle on for a while, huh? I don't think you got the answer to how you put a McDonald's everywhere under your bear hat So But the feds are in control of the land So clear-cutting just happens which is just also like I mean and that process is basically just I mean
Starting point is 00:15:19 That is what that's just the violent process of being like hey now We're fully in charge of all the land and we've net it's ours You live on it because you decided that nobody should have ownership We've kind of in there now we have ownership and we're kind of going against some of the things that you think because again We own it now. Yeah, just because that's not a thing that you believed in well Unfortunately, we do and it's ours and you're wrong. So Here's some paperwork that you don't believe in By the way that paper made from a bunch of those fucking trees
Starting point is 00:15:58 How about that? It's the circle of death sign that So From the clear-cutting the tribe got an entire 4% of the profits So they end up suing the federal government and they win after decades of litigation and they got 8.5 million dollars Okay, and control back of the forest. Okay Clapping there's fun for a minute, but I feel like it's not gonna last And I've said this before and I'll say it now because of an omni or great example if white people
Starting point is 00:16:36 followed the Way that people used to treat the land we wouldn't have this climate change problem But we need to turn the forest over to the indigenous peoples to run it. Yes, because they know how to do it correctly. I Believe Joe Biden said he was gonna do that day He said a lot of stuff, but I think that was in there I also plan on returning the land to the indigenous people of this country My eyes can't open any longer
Starting point is 00:17:11 They have stopped opening Joe you're in a closet you're listening to the dollar All things common that work, man, come on guy This is a pop cast corn each week corn pop and I discussed Joe, huh? I'm sorry. I just fuck So they use the money that they got from the lawsuit to Build their own hospital utilities and have a nice cash reserve But now the US sees them as a wealthy tribe
Starting point is 00:17:47 Which meant they were ripe for a new policy called termination? Which I love that I will go ahead Which is a way to assimilate Indians and get the US quote out of the Indian business get the US what out of the Indian business quote so because I'm glad you're not saying that but it's so so because they sued for the wrongdoing the US is like oh, so you do like how we do things, huh? And then they're like now we're going to
Starting point is 00:18:25 terminate you as a Right, it would ordinarily be something like if you really wanted to do it correctly You would do it as slowly over a long period of time, but they just get cut off Terminated so that means they're no longer. It's no longer reservation. They're no longer an acknowledged tribe They're just a fucking county Utah senator Watkins said tribes quote want all the benefits of the things we have highways Schools hospitals and everything that civilization furnishes, but they don't want to help pay their share of it. No, that's like Fair, yeah
Starting point is 00:19:04 Well, well, well you want it and they're like no, we don't we don't want you doing that. Well Unfortunately, that's because you didn't believe in ownership at the right time You should have moved up on that idea faster like we did So they were terminated in 1961 almost overnight They went from being a wealthy tribe to one of the poorest the hospital closed they had to pay property taxes now As a new county, they had to pay for services schools roads, etc They no longer had a court system and we're now prosecuted by outside whites. Ah The tribe made a company and began developing and selling land around a man-made lake called Legend Lake
Starting point is 00:19:44 Manominee fought between themselves over land sales and this led to a protest movement a determination of rights and unity for Manominee stockholders called drums so It's sort of what you see like in our country a lot in the sense that it's like Because we are we because we feel like we cannot fight the system We fight amongst each other so that's sort of what it like because the system is just so big
Starting point is 00:20:17 So now they kind of start there's in fighting going on. Yes, they're infighting right which is like why when which is what happens? When you when you have no money right and everyone's fighting then they fight them right which is happening in this country like Donald Trump's the solution It'd be like Joe Biden's the solution. You're like, what if they were both huge assholes people like easy. Come on now It'll get us Trump again. Relax Good energy in the room right now to feel that it'll get there. Yeah on pucker rain. This is it'll be fine So drums connects the land sales To you know the way life should be and their beliefs and all their culture and all that stuff and
Starting point is 00:21:05 And drums pushes to reverse termination now one of the drums leaders ate a deer Roast of power and spent years in D.C. Pushing the rest restoration act and she helped get termination reversed in 1973 okay There we go So she believed in working in the system and was not a fan of groups like the American militant American Indian movement See, I'm not saying she's wrong, but I see that picture and I love these guys. I kind of like what I see a little bit
Starting point is 00:21:44 I really were that oh It's my people yeah, I'd be like what we should listen to them, you know I mean, that's how you get your point across in this country is guns people like hold on they have guns We might want to actually hear them out Go ahead. You have guns you may speak guns or the new conch shell What have you got? So Ada really did not like these people quote our movement has been much more historically significant
Starting point is 00:22:13 We have a law through Congress. So she's like working within the system right guys hate the system right the classic, right? So it was elected with other drum members to be the tribe's interim government when termination ended okay But there was still built a banger from termination Many were living in poverty The American Indian movement came from this anger and they believed in direct action and violence Which led to the takeover of places like Alcatraz and Wounded knee some takers with some takeovers were very successful in 1971 aim occupied a vacant Coast Guard building in Milwaukee and one
Starting point is 00:22:53 Turned in turning it into a school for Indians Aim I should call it a I am whatever. I was sure I am supported La Cuddery occupied a Dam near Hayward The band gained partial control of the dam. Okay Menominee leadership was on the conservative side of all this direct action, but the youth on The reservation are very restless and impoverished right in
Starting point is 00:23:23 Gresham Shanno County now you also say that fucking wrong There's a W in there and it's crazy what you've done to that word It's lazy. All right. All right, but he's even said anything and you should all apologize Nobody's gonna say they're sorry to you relax. Why don't you say it again so people can laugh a little shanno? See that guy's fucking laugh at you. He's talking to you sir So this is right near the reservation The
Starting point is 00:23:59 Novich I don't know how to say this word Novichet and the Novichet of the Alexian brothers Which is a Catholic congregation who care for the sick? It's it's along the Red River. It's a 35 room mansion Would have been donated to the brothers in 1951 232 acres. Wait, who is it donated to just so I'm clear the brothers the Alexian brothers a Roman Catholic congregation. Okay, right So it's an abbey. It's where the new brothers live and But then they moved their operation in Chicago and they just
Starting point is 00:24:33 Vacated they vacate the building weird move in 69. So it's empty. What? All right. Here we go. I feel some fun. I feel a montage coming on Oh Risky business action on January 1st 1975 at 1215 a.m. An armed Indian group forced their way into the caretakers Cottage now that's on the property. Yeah, but there's the huge mansion vacant next door. There's a giant There's a 35-bedroom mansion. They're like we want where that guy sleeps and the guy's like the fuck are you doing? I'm like it's just me in here. It's just me and my wife in here and the shut the fuck up It's like there's 35 rooms. This is really cozy. We like the vibe in here. There's like 17 of you
Starting point is 00:25:14 We like to sleep like the three stooges in one bed So get out If you love the mansion so much go there. Okay, fine. We will whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Now we want that. What's your deal? We hate you specifically It's about you asshole So The caretaker his family he's got two kids and a wife and another copper will there because it was New Year's Eve So they're celebrating. Well, by the way, if you're the kids, you're like really way to go big dad
Starting point is 00:25:50 I mean, but they're Catholic right so they're like tonight Yeah, we drink a little bit of the blood and then at midnight when it's over what happens at midnight a little bit of the old blood So you little bloodly you think that Catholics at midnight New Year's Eve drink blood. Well, I mean that level of Catholic Level of Catholic the higher level of Catholic. Yes. Yes. Thank you. How long have you been in queue? I Am cue motherfucker That was a drop No, a little of the blood. Yeah. Yeah, it comes from babies. No wine asshole
Starting point is 00:26:26 God, is this your first rodeo? Do you find it's just it's part of the service you eat a little Jesus and then you drink a little Jesus You're nuts. What do you do for New Year's? Watch Anderson Cooper? What a fella I'm wasted on my God's blood again. I've done it Hand me those lays So They were a health hostage for two hours now
Starting point is 00:27:10 Two years before the FBI agents had come out and told the caretaker quote be careful. You could be next. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, fucking feds All right, honey Now the leader of This group is Mike Sturdebin. He had been it won't at the wounded knee takeover, which was like 72 days It's a hole. It's a giant thing. Nothing to talk about So he's more of the calm influence and the leader in the group. They called him the general. Okay, and then John
Starting point is 00:27:42 Wabanaskum is More scary. He's a he's a more volatile individual He joined the army at 17 fought in Vietnam, and then he was like, oh wait I'm killing indigenous people and then stopped shooting at them The army actually frowns upon this revelation you're having right now We need to confiscate any books you've been reading or Not a fan of what's happening here
Starting point is 00:28:10 We actually need that mindset out of the army to be honest It really gets in the way of a lot of the stuff we're trying to do over here So he wasn't shooting but then someone threw a grenade at the at the platoon and he jumped on it. Whoa And took the grenade blast and somehow survived Jesus Christ That's just a gear. I don't have no That's an every man for himself situation. Absolutely Yeah, it's not like oh thank God for him because I was not planning on doing that That would have we'd all be dead if he didn't
Starting point is 00:28:44 Looney tune his belly over here for grenade comes over. You just hear me. Oh fuck y'all. Yeah. Yeah I don't even I would probably just be like hey Todd like moving in front of me So he goes that after that he heals they wanted to still keep fighting So I would like you to stay in the army. You're really good at that diving on you've got a move that we need here Not a lot of people do that. Not a lot of people worm on a bomb He went AWOL twice and now he's out of the army he's back on the reservation. He's 26 and He says to the caretaker quote. This is a takeover like wounded knee. We are the Menominee warrior society The and then they all the others did war whoops
Starting point is 00:29:31 traditional war whoop, okay Uh, so then they try to get the leaders of the Alexian brothers on the phone. Uh-huh. This is New year's whole plan is they get in here. They call the leaders They start talking right new years might have been a bad date for this but go ahead They have the name of two leaders the two leaders One is in the hospital having just had surgery and the other's on vacation So the plan's already shitting the bed. Oh god, if you're one of the hostages you're like, uh, hopefully it's not a long vacation Eventually a brother named Maurice Wilson was put in charge of the situation and he called the county sheriff
Starting point is 00:30:14 And the warriors are listening to all this on a scanner Mike told Wilson at 2 a.m. That the Menominee wanted to building and property as it should be based on a treaty Okay, so that's what they want Right, so they're like it has been abandoned, right? So now it should revert back to us, right? Yeah, okay. Yeah. All right. Yep The Abbey was already for sale and they were in talks with the Oneida tribe to set up an alcohol treatment center. Oh, wow So Mike agrees to let the hostages go if Wilson agrees to keep the sheriff away, okay?
Starting point is 00:30:55 And the sheriff agrees to it. So they let the caretaker and his family go. Okay, there's one caretaker or two There's one caretaker, but then there's other wife his kids and then the other couple who were there, okay? So they're like they are doing they can all go. Yeah, okay The sheriff now did send someone out to do surveillance, but he hit a deer Very relatable story after our drive yesterday when we almost hit a deer. Yes Yep, that's very common. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay, so he hit a deer So they're like unfortunately He's 10 9
Starting point is 00:31:35 8 10 9 12 buck so That's that his car is accordion I love when you meet someone from like Boston and they see a deer. They're like, oh my god Oh dear, you're like no, those things are bad. They eat the yard and they hit cars. Yeah I love I love I love that. That's your version of what the deer do The deer are out there attacking our vehicles eating our yards We're in our natural ecosystem of the freeway and the deer's little deer brain is unable to process. Thank you natural development here They're in those man-made forests
Starting point is 00:32:16 getting covered in ticks by choice and They for some reason don't understand our way of life that has been here long before them. Yeah of cars You're mocking your deer, right? Yes. I'm agreeing with you How dare the deer invade our Hondas? Thank you They just keep running into there. They're bright. It's on purpose to stop attacking vehicles Look if there are any deer listening to this episode, you're on fucking notice. Okay Cars are not grenades for you to jump on you little pricks
Starting point is 00:32:51 What's so special about the other side of the freeway anyway? Just stay on your side God don't even get me started on those squirrels. You got plenty of trees with nuts on that other side of the freeway squirrels you shits Thank you, you're welcome What's up everybody, this is Gareth not Gary from the dollop podcast the show you're about to listen to listen I would love to invite you to see some stand-up comedy. I'm doing on the road I'm all over this great nation of ours be part of the Gareth army or the garmy as everyone's calling it everyone's calling it that Don't look it up. But everyone's calling it that Monday March 13th. I'll be in Fort Wayne, Indiana March 14th
Starting point is 00:33:31 I'll be in Indianapolis March 15th Louisville, Kentucky March 16th Columbus, Ohio March 17th Dayton, Ohio March 18th I have two shows in Parisburg, Ohio March 19th. I'll be in Cleveland, Ohio March 21st Lexington, Kentucky March 22nd I will be in St. Louis March 23rd. I'll be in Kansas City March 24th and 25th I'll be in Des Moines, Iowa March 26th. I'll be in Omaha then April 12th I'm very excited to say I'll be in Tacoma, but I will be doing a crowd work show. I'll be filming it So I really want people to come out to that. That's April 12th Which is a Wednesday Tacoma comedy club Washington come on out then April 13th back to regular stand-up at the Spokane comedy club And then April 14th and April 15th. I'll be in Bozeman, Montana at last best comedy also Los Angeles
Starting point is 00:34:20 My home city kind of whatever May 5th Friday I'll be at the dynasty typewriter in Los Angeles then May 18th I'll be at stand-up live in Phoenix, Arizona more shows coming like July 12th and July 13th I'll be at the New York comedy club one's in New York one's in Connecticut It's wild then I'll be in Pittsburgh July 15th And that's all for now go to to get tickets and information and join me be part of the Garmie Everyone's calling it that quit push it back Your career is one of the most important decisions that you'll ever make choose a program that leads to a meaningful career in social
Starting point is 00:34:55 Community or justice services you can make a difference. We are here to help you succeed apply now at slash make a difference Now the local judge was Gordon Mice So the judge gave permission for phone taps and then went to the channel courthouse We're group of locals were preparing a frontal assault on the abbey. Nice finally. Yeah. Yeah, we're back What what okay, so the hostages are gone. Yeah, so now What is Stop like I guess maybe you're just kind of very used to immediate
Starting point is 00:35:34 Well, I don't want to say police intervention because there's times when that's not what they do, but at this point it would feel like I Would imagine that they would like go in or like try to break this up now if there's no threat to any of the whites Who would go in the police you think they would go well then they would get shot at and maybe killed Oh, okay, so a lot's changed. Okay. Well, they don't want it. Yeah, please don't want to die Yeah, right. Okay Never heard that before. Yep. It's a new thing We're the bad guys
Starting point is 00:36:23 So the judge goes in and sees his group of locals talking about a frontal assault and he goes Why don't you just call them and ask what's up? We did they got a phone in there? Oh Yeah, all right. What's their phone number? That's great. We'll do that. All right, and then if they don't answer then we go in full on But I put all my worst stuff on we know Don. We're all excited. They put the worst stuff on They didn't get all dolled up to not go storm the house. We understand that we're all excited to storm something But the judge has a point here. First of all, why don't we give them a call? I say fuck the phone call stop it then look We've all got an assault boner, too We got to play by the rules a little bit. Let's do it a dance little foreplay. I don't just ram it in
Starting point is 00:37:15 All right, now what's that phone number? You got a dial nine on this thing or how does it does it just do outgoing? Yeah, okay, so nine nine Right nine nine. Okay, nine. You know three nines nine. Sorry. I don't want to be in here. What the hell? I'm not sure So they did call and Hello, um, they heard quote. This is our land. It's part of our reservation. We are reclaiming it So then the judge was like well, why don't we offer them amnesty to just walk away and the FBI they call the FBI and the FBI's like That's a good idea. Great good for the FBI to be like the judge actually has a pretty
Starting point is 00:38:02 Yeah, okay. Yeah We didn't grip great. That's great. Let's do that. We didn't thought of that We're in charge, but we didn't thought of that. That's great Do you have to down nine or how does it does it do outgoing? Okay, nine got it So at 11 the sheriff set up roadblocks So the sheriff's department is very angry and thought this was an attack on their authority So the judge calls the governor who he knows very well and said quote
Starting point is 00:38:34 You've got to get the National Guard in here or there's gonna be blood and the governor agrees It just It seems so escalator like right well No, I think that if they didn't do that I think the sheriff and the I think they go in and try to kill him Okay, but I like the National Guard feels like on a similar level of That no, okay. Okay. You'll see okay The National Guard arrived within hours
Starting point is 00:39:09 led by Colonel Simonson so The judge ends up going in with two men to negotiate and he's inside for 20 hours Wow While that's happening tons of law enforcement are arriving from all the nearby towns 20 hours. Yeah, is it okay? About 300 cops show up. We've all seen it Just like each time. They're just like we need to call backup for the backup. It's like Anyone doing anything? No, we're just gonna order some pizzas Out of gaming sent snipers when a beggar sent a riot squad Jesus Christ, so it is it's just like it is Halloween
Starting point is 00:39:52 They're all just like well, we finally get to do it Put it on put it on Oh, I can't wait the bush guy. They finally get the word is outfit that looks like a bush Whoo, it hasn't been burning a hole in my dream pocket. I'll tell you that much Anyone see Teddy you mean Teddy? Holy fuck that. It's right. I dressed up like a hedge for this Whoa fuck. I'm loving this thing, huh? So the property is huge
Starting point is 00:40:25 Jesus Christ and they're just in the guest house, but I guess that's where they're in there. Oh, they're in there now No, they've gone in there. Yeah, they're taking it over great Jesus they now the cops can barely make a Semi-circle perimeter around right so the forest is basically just open to Whoever right the bush guy the bush guy. I found my spot So Indians are coming and going from the rear like they're just like right in and out they can do what they want Hey, the cops like it looks like that's a big flaw in this right here Really moving quite freely in and out of that area
Starting point is 00:41:07 Now the warriors had brought women and kids with them all together around 50 people, okay? They built a sweat lodge next to the woods. Oh You got a you know got a great totally yep got a relax. Yeah, totally. Yeah, I mean you basically each get a room Yeah, it more than one. Yeah Brother Wilson met with the guy Negotiating for the Anida to buy the property to ask what the hell was going on and the Anida like a guy was like What the fuck is going on and that's when brother Wilson realized that all Native Americans don't know each other Why the hell are you in there if we're gonna sell you this
Starting point is 00:41:53 We're not the same Fucking white man. Oh, that is a fair. Oh, and well, I just assumed I Guess that's why there are different tribes. I'm having quite a revelation in front of you right now Well, uh, very interesting Okay, I guess maybe I am an ignorant white man at times sure What else Teddy I'm down here So The Milwaukee Sentinel headline quote Indians say not all Native Americans are the same
Starting point is 00:42:36 Shacking revelation leads off our newspaper today Hey, holy cow Indians say they'll die before giving up land the article also quoted a Menominee warrior quote We are in need of food. We have everything else but food now They didn't expect all the cops to come and they thought they could take over and just drill deal directly with the Alexian brothers Right and not have any of this wash it right so they're they didn't know we had tribes too We've got the sheriff department the highway patrol SWAT the federal agents the CIA the National Guard So
Starting point is 00:43:25 They have no food the sheriff cuts off all electricity and heat Negotiations that 20 hours that it goes nowhere Mike is just like I want the property Okay, and the judge is still in there. Yeah, okay negotiate with okay The judge says he didn't feel any danger while he was inside except for when John I'm gonna try to say his name again Wabanoscom whispered to him quote I want to waste you
Starting point is 00:43:54 And I guess what about that did he find threatening? Break that down Fuck at no point that I feel any level of threat except for when the one-man whispered that he wanted to waste me His hot breath went into my ear and then skull Oh The judge said many were willing to die and they now had a motto deed or death Now cops are using tracer bullets and flares to light up the building snipers used night scopes the warriors watched from the roof protected by
Starting point is 00:44:38 ledges and hay bales Mm-hmm the warriors broke into police radios and would blurt things out like quote. This is a war honky How are you not on their side you can't not be on their side now somehow they've picked up on our language They've hacked our code this is a war honky We know this is a wait a minute Our people have been through too much to be called honkeys So gunfires being exchanged the the warriors had hunting rifles with scopes and Then they brought in a trailer for negotiations one warrior wasn't impressed when he walked in quote
Starting point is 00:45:30 They had liquor in the trailer and we made them dump it out because we figured this old trick again Yeah, the Indians drunk and get them to sign. Yeah, I mean it is amazing to just be like Also very Wisconsin and be like little seagrams I take the edge off maybe the scope ain't so focused And then the cops are just like well come on just have one with us They said it's a dump it, but they didn't say where to dump it So we dumped it inside of our bodies The warriors said according to federal law the land should revert back to the tribe when the
Starting point is 00:46:15 Alexians left the property The brothers are not going to give up property. That's worth a million dollars On day four the Shawna the Shawna evening ledger reported cops knew the Indians were getting food and supplies And so locals are fucking pissed. How dare they? So Taking our natural resources Imagine the local whites want hard tactics a hundred whites gathered at a church demanding cop action and just so perfect
Starting point is 00:46:53 Whites at a church Doing what Jesus would want hard tactics I Love the fact that they can't just go you know stay there Yeah, like it's literally like who gives a fuck well it again It's always I mean It's like you bring in the magic of money and you you know you attach a price to something that it's just like that's worth money Yeah, like no, it's fucking worth lives. No, no, it's worth a million dollars
Starting point is 00:47:27 Hey, I'm Kathy Schultz. I'm the real estate developer for this property business card business card business card if you want to make an offer. We're very open to that Just make it competitive. They're actually an escrow the O'neid are actually an escrow as we speak But that's my face right there on that little placard out front That's the people who own it the fucking whites in town have no association well Dave to be fair. I mean they're whites They own everything in their heads Whites on snowmobiles now road around Jesus the whitest we're super whites What's going on? Oh fuck someone called the polar bear boys in what's going on?
Starting point is 00:48:11 We're as white as it comes. Holy shit. That that snowmobile is just riding around by itself. No, it isn't Jesus. You guys are pale Without our rosy cheeks, you would not understand. We were even beings. We are translucent We are snow We're the snowmen We're the snow whites So they're riding around out back day and night they're faced hidden by ski masks and helmets By the third day the snowmobiles were shooting at the Warriors and the Warriors of course shot back Sure, this would go on for the entire takeover
Starting point is 00:48:52 Whole time there's just just packs a little video game going on in the back They're just endless whites at snowmobiles like I mean, I know we're not making a difference But it sure feels like we're doing something You know if we stopped riding these things we could probably shoot them, but that's our whole thing Our whole thing is that we're on this. I understand. I don't want to uproot the gang motto Just seems strange The the Warriors were shocked and excited to be fighting the townspeople Now the Warriors agree to a ceasefire on day four
Starting point is 00:49:31 Which was super easy for them because they had run out of bullets, right? Perfect. That's a very good negotiating tactic. We think we should stop finally They're seeing it our way But then some of the guys coming through the back brought up more bullets and they started shooting Actually, we don't want it anymore. What change we have ammo? Ah So a group called concerned citizens here we go Gresham and and Shanno formed they use propaganda to separate local good whites from the unlawful Indians
Starting point is 00:50:09 They wrote letters in papers. They held rallies and marches Nice a police set up roadblocks to stop locals from coming because they all want to go up there and Then they just would start using snowmobiles, so they couldn't keep them away They don't understand that they all have these snowmobiles in their garages like oh, there's a loophole You read your snowmobile. Oh, yeah, we write them for about eight days The sheriff tactics caused the Warriors to end negotiations Now that's good negotiating on behalf of law enforcement. Yes, right now. They turned flags in the building upside down. Whoops So
Starting point is 00:50:55 The Warriors have the flags paid upside down and they're just like you know sons of bitches Yeah, well, they paint they paint it on their body too because a I am use that But it also means in distress right if you fly the flag upside down you can see that in front of a bunch of dickhead Trump's houses and To be fair, they might not just have it put up properly We don't know So quite of course the whites see this as anti-american and disgraceful they're fucking Native Americans I know it's amazing. It is like this long this land was founded upon that flag
Starting point is 00:51:39 Actually don't bring history into this They don't care to know that part of this This country started when a white set foot on it actually don't even bring history into this again It's not so much as long as it's the version that's good to me So the colonels fucking had it and he replaces all the cops with National Guard nice here we go 24 checkpoints are reduced to 10 The colonel turns electricity and phones back on and sends food in now over the entire Takeover
Starting point is 00:52:18 2000 National Guard would come Jesus Christ when the National Guard took over Vigilante activity increased sure so they all the whites like well the cops are out there and eventually they'll take care of business But when the National Guard comes in then not it's not local boys now happening the right way Yeah, now doesn't it then seem like the whites are also sort of breaking the rules of engagement to some extent Oh, no, well, I just okay It's just that you have these dudes on snowmobiles and then you have like a bunch of vigilante whites and they're white right I guess that's what I'm right. That's kind of what I'm keying into a little bit here is that but because they're white it is
Starting point is 00:52:58 There's almost no difference between the words white and right Very fair point very fair point and that's why we can bring assault rivals into Denny's for breakfast Because The anti-warrior whites were angry because the guard would not take the building by force, right? And there's now military vehicles. I mean It's a tank situation thing They've got high-powered guns. They have More guardsmen coming Jesus Christ, so there's how many people are inside again 20 about 50 about 50 people
Starting point is 00:53:40 And there's people coming and going so it's you know, well get a great feature. Okay, and then we're like we need the tanks Just love the stuff Now the guards perimeter separated the warriors from the white locals Okay, rural reddit rural residents are kicked out of their homes As the guard extends the perimeter 20 miles I can only imagine the loss of irony on the whites being kicked out of their homes
Starting point is 00:54:16 For this event Nobody's ever been through anything as difficult as this before come on Candice get the pizza This is the imagine they've never been through anything like this in their lives They would have no empathy towards our situation right now. That's our home. We've been here before you got here Mabel had to stay at her cousins. Oh it was hell Also others could not turn on their lights at night and They see the Indians coming and going out the back while they're locked out of their homes So they're like losing their furious, of course
Starting point is 00:54:56 Now governor Lucy orders the National Guard to find a peaceful solution One of the big reasons for that is that Kent State recently happened Attica has recently happened so he does not want a massacre. Mm-hmm. Also the whole history of massacres thing sure So the president of the Alexian brothers sends a letter, okay? quote I am willing to allow the use of property for health care for the Menominee Indians and others as So desired as long as the compensation is just and health care is of high quality So he's fuck off right okay. Thank you for translating. Yep In town fights are now breaking out between guardsmen and locals in cafes and taverns
Starting point is 00:55:48 It's just amazing like to just I mean I I mean yeah like the gall to just be like You know just to Obviously, there's a racial component in all of David and it's clearly really driving the whites crazy What what is essentially driving the whites crazy is that this group of Native Americans have done what they wanted? As well as again have in their eyes taken land. Yes Yes, which is just like amazing to just be like oh my god. That's a band-in. I mean essentially We're talking about right squatting. Yeah, right Which is going on for fucking ever not any property that they live on or anything like that?
Starting point is 00:56:34 They're like they took our land. It's like no you fucking idiot. You took you motherfucker How would they like it if we took their land Tommy Tommy can we talk to you over here fucking bullshit Fucking dare they think something belonged to us That diet put them in our shoes they won't handle it as well as we are I'll tell you that much Soon anyone in town who's an outsider is unwelcome including the monomony so the locals wanted to quote Freeze starve or smoke the Warriors out Editorials and letters are published in papers about
Starting point is 00:57:18 the guard coddling the Warriors so after He turned the Colonel turns back on electricity and sends food in the Warriors start negotiating again The perimeter so one would argue a good tactic Yeah, right the perimeter is just now a buffer zone between the Warriors and the angry locals and it has become tense Anti and pro warrior groups are protesting It's just fucking white. I mean it is it's just paint by numbers
Starting point is 00:57:52 This is this is one. I haven't and yeah, it's just Associated you just put it you just put it through the white machine God, it's just like look at them. Oh look at them the biggest fucking babies on the face of the earth I'll dare you stay in a mansion that I've never been inside of And I'll never go through and I didn't actually know existed until five days ago You don't understand how hard this is for me and my family to go through Where the victims this is an absolute assault on democracy These colors don't run motherfucker
Starting point is 00:58:32 They don't run they don't do anything they just sit outside and hang out these colors get on a snowmobile So Groups try to sneak in locals watched so locals are now going and looking at the guard and heckling them Caesars searches murder people you pussy Caesars searches and violent arrests are taking place and And sorry the people being arrested are Native Americans. Okay, gotcha. All right, so they're just trying to get supplies in and right. Yeah The Daily Herald quote about 30 area residents all white left for Madison earlier today to protest to Governor Lucy By the way, the newspapers every fucking article is like the whites are doing that's good at least
Starting point is 00:59:29 That's good So they want the governor. This is why they went to see the governor. They want the governor to send troops To protect local whites forget. Well, just go home you idiot We need the army to save us from ourselves We need an occupying force to defend Mercy's house So now tons of people are rolling in with their own agendas and getting involved in the negotiations Now the American Indian movement has come and Dennis Banks is in negotiations Local ministers have gotten themselves in negotiations all kinds of different people. Everyone has a different agenda. Jesus Christ
Starting point is 01:00:19 When I am shows up the fucking whites are scared shitless Concerned citizens committee, I think it's called spread rumors about Indians killing livestock Russell means was outside of deer hunting season Not okay Russell means is picking fights with white people in bars a Citizen spread rumors about already said that a citizen army forms finally good and They soon claim to have
Starting point is 01:01:02 1500 residents But what they really want to do was attack the National Guard. It's like okay So if you're if you're in law enforcement in this situation You have to be like alright So what started as an occupation of a group of Native Americans has now turned into whites have full-on become the enemy well, they're there revealed so a Great example of an extremely effective protest is Kaepernick He takes a knee and then white people go fucking bug fuck and
Starting point is 01:01:38 And basically, it's like right. That's what I was talking about. That's why I took the knee because yeah, wait a minute. What do you mean? What are you talking about if they just ignored it Yeah, and so this is the same thing. There's no it is you right, yeah They prove to be exactly what you're yeah You can just picture like fucking Ben Shapiro on the ground in our you know I what we're seeing today is an absolute assault in every single possible way This is what we've been warning about that's this is why you cannot let your child masturbate what We talked about
Starting point is 01:02:21 So this concern of citizens Fucking whatever it is the committee army. They've formed the concerned citizens army They want to tuck the guard the sheriff goes and warns the Colonel that he's been hearing about the possible attacks the Colonel Yeah, like the the guy who's like I'm in charge of the citizen army. Oh, no, no the actual Colonel of the guard Okay, the actual colonel the sheriff goes to the curls I'm not the guy who's like I'm the colonel because I keep a piece of corn in my pocket No, the actual car he's like I'm hearing that they're gonna attack you Uh-huh the AM headquarters in Keshina are burned down
Starting point is 01:03:01 Okay, so that's on that's on the reservation. Sure Quakers cup nice Now they see themselves as civilian observers To watch over the cops. So now they're riding around in a car Marked observer on the side just watching the cops and the cops like thank you We're it it's the most help we've gotten from white so far. So honestly Well, the cops are coming like cannonball run. It's like rat race the cops are furious that the Quakers are there
Starting point is 01:03:35 Okay, so the cops are now like get the fuck out of here. Nobody watches what we do. We're shady And then a town meeting is held Why And they asked the Colonel to come and he comes a Woman called him gutless you got less thought of a bitch She stood up and said When are you gonna be a man? Enough to know that you don't have the guts to go in there and settle this and there's huge applause
Starting point is 01:04:08 So your question is when will I have the revelation that I have no guts to go in there? Probably never. Oh, he's on record So it's just like every fucking city council meeting now where it's just someone who's just like I just want to get clickbait People were shouting Indian lover at the colonel. So it's just a fucking shit show I I mean if this really the capper dick comparison is so apt because it is just like they've done this one thing And it's not that bad and and again a building they went into a building They went into a building that's it and everything else has been like that was the fuse that lit the White fireworks. Yes, and now everything else is like you're Andy unlover. It's like dude. Just shut the fuck up
Starting point is 01:04:57 I you literally can go to your job still Everything in your life is fine. I can't sleep at night knowing that someone has taken our land And New arriving guardsmen remember it's it's the guard So these guys are probably just coming in for a couple days and leaving right? So new arriving guardsmen are told by their officers quote Indians are only slightly less hostile than the local population And by the way, that's got like the white skew on it
Starting point is 01:05:32 They're like we can't really say what we feel. So let's just say that whites are not the heroes in this, okay? Because in reality, they're like look, this has become a white problem This is officially a white issue The Alexians also thought the colonel was making things too comfortable for the warriors Whites frame themselves as law-abiding and the Indians as lawbreakers Mm-hmm one concerned citizen said his taxes went to quote Welfare which in turn is given to many monomy Who can't go out on his own and make a living we tax payers never thought our nice quiet community
Starting point is 01:06:13 Had to worry about this type of lawlessness unreal. I mean like and then his head exploded like What it's really you get a job. It's amazing to be this close It's like Like I thought we were out of touch like they're This is shocking To just be like to have no sense of irony They're being like they don't pay taxes in our country. It's like dumb fuck listen
Starting point is 01:06:47 One white dude had an epiphany quote. Hey, we're awful In the mirror where the problem We do it us all the time They simply are trying to survive in the nightmare we've created But I do want to wear this push costume Hey You got a snowmobile, right? Yeah, I got two of them. I ride them like skis Quote I
Starting point is 01:07:32 Never knew that the Indians weren't Caucasian until they Taught me that I'm white and they are Indian talk of racism. It is time. We white scream discrimination This guy just set the bar pretty fucking high This dude Someone put a sash over this guy Dumbest white alive There he is
Starting point is 01:08:05 The dumbest white in town. Thank you. Give him the scepter. All right, I Never knew the Indians were Caucasian. I first let me start by saying I For one always gave them the benefit of the doubt That they were white Until they proved to me by their behavior that they are not white people I I'm gonna burn my Oshkosh This is not America. This is a discrimination
Starting point is 01:08:49 We're sorry for your loss Stuff we tried There they are, I will absolutely wait till you're gone Why does whites in the room? Oh, there's always forever since we've been doing this podcast There have been these people that are just like enough with the bashing on whites Mmm. Oh god I'm sorry was I saying something bad about whites for those of you listening at home We just lost two listeners at the live show
Starting point is 01:09:20 Enough with the white guilt that people are like well, I'll tell you I didn't know that the Native Americans were not white until he just said that Get the car Hmm, it's a shit they were so upfront too. It's like what a horrible what a great little predicament those whites were in well, I just feel like we're hearing a lot of bad stuff about being white But also these are third-row seats You should stagger that exit, right honey, you go pretend like you're going to the bathroom I'll sit through this white torture for ten more minutes Then I'll follow you so they don't know we're doing a walkout To be fair, they're probably just beating the traffic to Whitefish Bay
Starting point is 01:10:16 Where they live for sure I almost want to bring them on stage. I know well, hopefully one of them just has diarrhea or something Oh, why nobody's ever been through something as difficult as watery stool I went to the dollop. It was like my my life Now this is coming from a people who live in Shawano, I'm gonna call it the way it's fucking written from The monomony name Shawano napassa
Starting point is 01:11:03 Meaning Lake of the South You fucking butchered their fucking word and you're booing me you butchered it And that's the only thing The concerned citizens held a rally of 300 people impeached Lucy Fire the Colonel Locals carry no, it's gonna rain or I would have used a thicker marker Locals carried signs calling for the governor's impeachment calling him a criminal
Starting point is 01:11:43 The concerned citizens kept making the point that if the monomony got the property quote who can tell What was going to happen then that's always the move? Yeah, if this then what? Yes, this is the first domino and a line of them taking mansions Would they take over the development land on the fake lake of the reservation they wanted to know Inside the abbey there is now a serious plumbing issue because when the sheriff shut off the power the pipes froze and now they're all broken Okay, and now shit and pisses everywhere. Oh a plumber's sent in That guy so what are you need what's going on? I? Know nobody's told me anything what's happening
Starting point is 01:12:31 Okay, so first of all don't go in the back or the snowmobiles will shoot you pardon Sorry, I think we could be my name is Rudolph. I'm a plumber We understand we're gonna have to sneak Ian and Tom's push outfit. Oh, yeah, I brought two It's a hostage situation, okay, sure, so I'll bring the snake for sure So locals have a meeting that night Ada dear came She was now chair of the monomony tribe and said it was an embarrassing takeover Okay, Ada is basically a moderate dam. She presents a five-point plan To stop racism
Starting point is 01:13:23 Based around the reservation getting courts back No discussion of economics She says this is all about racism Now the Warriors and Ada and leaders like Ada do not see I die at all Native American writer Francis Blake, Jr. Later said of Ada quote She totally disregards the grassroots and the Indians in the red ghettos who have no Representation and who'd not get any services So it's it's what you said it's haves and have nots, but on the reservation, right?
Starting point is 01:14:02 And Ada proposed that Abby be used as a technical vocational school She said she would reject it if it was turned over to be used for health care So by day 10 the whites are really fucking pissed Daily Herald quote. I wish those people were here for this part. They would be like I wonder if they didn't know what the show was they were like, oh something at the Barrymore. Oh Come on, let's have a night get those good seats. Oh I like history. Oh, that's a history. It'll be about Hamilton. It's called the doll doll doll up Hmm sort of like sour cream. We like sour cream
Starting point is 01:14:47 We like it because it's the whitest condiment Well, come on, let's get them get those ones up front We got the sitter it'll be fun Like you said, it's probably a musical eventually If they say anything I'll say I have diarrhea. Yeah Spoiler I do of the brain The Daily Herald quote whites angered at guards leniency a Group of angry whites demanded Thursday that the state take prompt steps to end the occupation by armed Indians of
Starting point is 01:15:28 a religious estate near Gresham warning that failure to do so could result in bloodshed Now the guards are told to be very very careful in town and especially maybe avoid bars, okay So we have to get hammered in the hotel Read between the lines here The whites want the guard to stop Indians from coming and going stop all food shut off electricity And then a blizzard hits on the morning of the 12th I like the idea that like as a National Guardsman you couldn't take off your outfit and go into a bar in Wisconsin and passes Just a regular white
Starting point is 01:16:08 And a mustache there you have a mustache to shake Enjoy your cactail sir The nearby town of Richmond Considered deputizing men to fight the warriors so essentially Deputizing vigilantes Jesus Christ Come on go to your jobs Just go to the storm but tell you I mean yeah, I wait when was this no way it was football season This is the problem. It is it's well
Starting point is 01:16:43 It's January. It must have been a bi-week. Oh, they probably weren't in the playoffs. Yeah, not only Was it the football season? They weren't in the playoffs. They're like fucking. Hey, it's no way We made a next year. We'll be back. We're a better squad Are you checking up the right? You don't need to chat what year? 1975 I pretty sure they were not good Were they not good back then? Yeah, there's a long drought. There's oh really? Yeah, there's a there's a the after the big guy died well, he left because he went to GM a
Starting point is 01:17:16 non-racially named football squad and And and then there's a long drought until Don Magic me and Mokowski came to town And fucked his ankle up What thank God Yeah, then Jerry Glanville made a stupid trade the Ron Wolf bread fervor first round draft pick fervor is all drunk Goes out on the field when Don Magic man Mokowski injures his knee his ankle Goes against the Cincinnati Bengals
Starting point is 01:17:53 gets the dub They finished four and ten four and ten that year by the way I feel like there were more than 14 games in a season. They were like look we're not even gonna let you play that last one Packers you are fucking abysmal May we please play the last one? No No, I have four and ten we didn't get the wild card Interesting A lot of guns are also being smuggled into the Warriors so on day 16 the governor
Starting point is 01:18:25 Was called by negotiators and told they reached an Unspecified agreement those are the best ones. Yeah So we have a contract. We just need the words above the signatures Which we feel like we can hammer out no problem Inside the Abbey Warriors Smoke pot they played basketball. They took the pews out of the chapel and set up baskets by the way so great So great, you'll get me to church. That's how to get me into church. No problem. That'll be it. You got rid of the pews You I mean you got to admit they're making good moves. They really are. I mean, it's really great. Yeah, it's a flourishing democracy in there On day 18 the Warriors agreed to send out the women and kids 28 people
Starting point is 01:19:18 Okay, they were taken to Kishena and released and some of them just went back. Yeah The Warriors got the Alexians Formal proposal. So right they had the unspecified agreement now They get the formal proposal and they called it ridiculous and said no, okay, great Everyone's fucking pissed a Quaker in the negotiations said the Alexians had blown it and were being irresponsible And then an Alexian screamed at him and the Quaker was kicked out Well, they also like you just said you were here to observe. I'm starting a role as a commentator
Starting point is 01:19:54 Is that wrong you that was bullshit how you handled that? Oh, so I'm a Quaker, right? I mean, we all get that how much fucking bullshit Fuck you. I mean, this is day 18. This is really ridiculous How about a Quaker my foot in your ass? Hey Charlie come on have some oats relax eat some of these calm down. You're freaking out again. I'll eat them like a pony I'm so mad at these guys. We should add water to this. This is fucking disgusting Unchewable So after that negotiation situation breaks down gunfire starts again
Starting point is 01:20:35 Now at this point Mike Starts to think that AIM are using the takeover for their own purposes but Dennis Banks of AIM calls the Alexians and sets up a meeting I Don't know why at Denver Airport in the Delta crown room. I Know why That's where Dick Cheney was on 9-11 and the underground bunkers that they built there Why does the city need two airports that are four miles apart? Why was it a billion dollars over budget?
Starting point is 01:21:12 Why do they have that fucking art and terminal C answer the fucking questions? I'll cut my own my god So they meet the next day in Atlanta in the Delta crown room Really says a lot about the Green Bay Airport The Alexians the warriors AIM and of course Marlon Brando I'm gonna make him an offer How long has he been there he lives in the Denver Airport The
Starting point is 01:22:03 The Alexians president of America asks why Brando is there and And Brando said he'd been involved in a lot of Native American stuff and then asked for silent prayer for peaceful resolution I mean look Try to thread a needle here It's it's it's nice, it's good, but it's also during a negotiation being like I think the best way to handle this is through silence Marlon we came all the way here to hammer out a deal They'll hammer itself out of your quiet Okay, we had to take two flights to get here the meeting went on for eight hours
Starting point is 01:22:58 Because he was like the last hour. He's like, okay fine. Let's talk Brando says the World Council of Churches could launder Money and he could possibly provide money for the purchase. Okay But nothing is resolved in the end. Nice now in Shanno more angry whites March about 500 whites marched one block It's not a big town Yes, Christ. I mean, I know it's a march, but what the fuck I should have
Starting point is 01:23:36 Stretched out. Can we can you march on bikes? Is that possible? I got a little? A scooter we could use that's great. Well, we need her snowmobiles for concrete. Jesus. I shouldn't eat in all those curds All right, tomorrow we rascal March Now a group of Threatening whites set Tuesday the 27th as a deadline for the guard to go in and get the warriors out Or or what they said if that didn't happen, they would attack the Abbey themselves for fuck's sake and the national I mean again, it's like It's just amazing to be like we know more about this than the National Guard
Starting point is 01:24:21 Because we've been watching this from behind the National Guard We're ready to make some bold moves This has gone on long enough our lives cannot get back to normal until we're done fixating on this issue Six days later, it seemed pretty clear that wasn't gonna happen So they announced they weren't gonna do anything and they also said they weren't being weak They just didn't want to mess up negotiations. Okay, so we are not going to do what we initially said not because we are weak Because We want to let the process play out as
Starting point is 01:24:59 Seems to have been the plan Go ahead you guys were Sorry, I shouldn't even Marlon Brando, holy shit. I mean a yeah an unbelievable actor. I hate his politics, but holy fuck The Menominee People's Committee, which is the nonviolent wing of the Warriors met with the Alexians and make progress And then they bring Mike in and they talk all night Although that night a warrior was shot in the thigh by vigilante Wasn't a terrible wound wound and there was a doctor there who gave him aid a doctor come in
Starting point is 01:25:35 He had been at wounded knee and whatever so there's a doctor that says it wounded thigh wounded thigh The only do legs The next morning the Shadow school superintendent called the sheriff To ask about the 3000 AIM members coming to try to kidnap the colonel and he was told that's not true What but I read about it in a chat room Feels like
Starting point is 01:26:10 3000 we understand that some of them have gotten wet and they multiply so Is that not if I not Some of us just realized the Native Americans were not white so we're going through quite a lot over here personal revelations Now that day Marlon Brando and a guy named father a groppy entered the abbey through a backdoor Brando did not have the laundered money that he said he'd have Most of the warriors in size saw this as a Hollywood stunt and when Brando got there he cried Well, that'll really take him out the scent of a Hollywood stunt Marlin
Starting point is 01:26:56 Which way's the camera? There's no camera. Okay, I gotta get moving As he was crying a warrior said you're wearing a Rolex I know I'm so privileged And he said if Brando really cared he should give it up for the cause and Brando handed it over Why would you bring a fucking Rolex you stupid asshole? Well, Dave? He's from Hollywood. They Their customs are all so different. I Didn't understand
Starting point is 01:27:35 Father groppy and Brando were taken to the roof and while they're up there two warriors shot at someone in the woods and those people shot back Patrick Rick quote Indians laughed out loud at the brave Brando whimpering and begging to descend the ladder to safety Give me back my Rolex Now Brando and groppy spent the night the next day the Alexians agreed to turn over the property to avoid further violence Mike was said to be quote jubilant That night a snowmobiler named Sanford Peterson was shot in the head. Oh shit And it was reported footprints led back to the Abbey No, that's not gonna be good for business the Concerned Citizens Committee said it was an Indian
Starting point is 01:28:25 The back of the Abbey was now swarming with vigilantes on snowmobiles. Oh, no. Oh, oh God fuck Mike and brother Murr, but you're out there shooting at a fucking totally Of course, you don't have to be there. Yes, of course. However, you just know that that is I mean again it like happens all the time where you're just like Eh, they're gonna use this they're gonna put this in the fucking cannon and be like see Well Mike and brother Marie signed a deal on day 33 So it's over technically, okay, the worry is now that the Warriors would would If they would come out peacefully or not
Starting point is 01:29:09 So they brought up tanks to that'll help the broad for sure That's always like we're concerned about peace so we will bring in the main army weapons. We have right now Well, the idea was to literally escort them. No blow a hole in the wall. Sure. They needed to breach it Okay, well different Got it you gotta you gotta save the building by destroying the building. Absolutely. This is all about the building So to be careful, we're gonna bring a tank up front in case we need to blow a hole in it. Yeah, of course, uh-huh They had gone They found a vet and
Starting point is 01:29:46 he went up north to a What's it called like a ufw or whatever? Okay What? Yeah, and they went up to one and they and they they got 60 volunteers Who had fought in previous wars? To breach the building because none of the National Guard had experienced so they wanted guys Wow, so so there while this is going on they're training a unit of old vets
Starting point is 01:30:15 So you've got your Tommy Lee Jones your bow bridge at your Lloyd Bridges Clint Eastwood's the expendable. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. We knew one more Okay, so in a way it is kind of crazy that like what the town whites have been talking about the whole time is that the National Guard is not doing something and then in a way the National Guard is Not experienced enough to do everything which probably is only going to be like we know it and you're like fuck They were not necessarily wrong in a way like now that they're like deputizing former vets, you know vets Well, they were they were they weren't but they were planning on it like they were planning for the contingency Right, right, but it's just like one. Yes
Starting point is 01:31:05 It is just probably not great for the whites to be like they're going to get vets because they don't know what the fuck they're doing What is great for the whites? The blood But then Brando and father Robbie just stroll out get out of there Brando We didn't we solved the problem. Who's got that Rolex? Brando said to the press quote it was a bit like Disneyland in the beginning and Then when we were up on the roof and the bullets start to fly all around us
Starting point is 01:31:41 Then there was a certain kind of reality Who starts their analogy by with having like you know what I mean like then you come then it then it was like a haunted house or Something Nothing like Disneyland it was like Disneyland, you know the way there was shit piss everywhere It was like Disneyland. There were a lot of mice in the toilets that didn't work And then the Warriors just came out peacefully Okay, and
Starting point is 01:32:12 They're put on buses and taken away and processed And then one white guy in the crowd just looked on and he was like now What do I do and one lonely tear just goes down his face My fund Now I'm just a guy. Oh No, who will I hate? When will I wear this push costume again? So the Abbey is trashed
Starting point is 01:32:43 250,000 and damage Some older Manoni came and helped clean up But at the end of the day the damage from the pipes was too much. Oh, wow Now brother Maurice so that plumber was like I mean this is I don't know you guys really sent me I just have live a bag of stuff. You know what I mean? You guys really shit the pipe on this one. This is That's a plumber term for ruining the indoor plumbing It's literal not a turn of phrase. You have literally shit the pipes. It is an absolute nightmare in there
Starting point is 01:33:17 We're gonna need to call in the Mario Brothers They're the best of what they do. It's a spicy me bar out of here. Get out of here. Get out of here Get out of here. Get out of here. Leave this house now. You get out. Get out of here Guys are the worst How do you say I don't know which one I hate more? Peace is a shit So brother Maurice meets with Aida dear and she seems upset that she was not always part of negotiations Interesting and said the entire thing was a setback for Native American progress
Starting point is 01:33:58 Now the CCA tried to impeach the governor and had a new motto Freedom through law enforcement Wow, that's the most fascist phrase I've ever heard. I really is amazing Two bombs went off in Shawnau The local paper was a target because the publisher had been part of negotiations and was close with the governor Aida dear keeps putting off taking possession of the Abbey She didn't want to legitimize the action So everything stalls and there's tension
Starting point is 01:34:40 Menominee the the young dudes are still coming and hanging out and the whites are getting mad and they're buying ammo on both sides And it's like building up again So The Alexians are like they fucking had it with all this bullshit. They're literally like we just add a building like they're fucking done so They tell Aida they're dissolving the agreement and
Starting point is 01:35:09 She met with a brother and said quote now we can start talking about health care services on the reservation Wow, she's what she wanted Everyone is now mad at the Alexian brothers for dissolving the agreement even though It was clearly not happening right the other end The colonel called it quote Indian giving. Oh fucking hey That is where is that where? Is that where the term cut that I? Don't know what I is. I've been thinking about that term a lot. I assume the term means that it does me. Yes
Starting point is 01:35:48 We lied to them when we gave them stuff, right? I think I hope it's not the reverse Wouldn't that make sense that because we when it comes to liars we yes, but you're saying no, but that is no no We're sure it's something else. Of course it is it what it I mean what it definitely is alludes to is the idea that Native Americans want land in this country that But in the eyes of whites that's land you gave to us at Thanksgiving and we're like You can't ask for it back and everyone's like that's not at all what fucking happened But they're like that's Indian giving where you gave something away, and then you want some of it back
Starting point is 01:36:32 So that like I was thinking about that recently because I mean I remember hearing that right you're ready. Oh fuck no It's it's everything that Indian Giver derived from the alleged practice of American Indians taking back gifts from white settlers It is more likely that the settlers wrongly interpreted the Indians loans to them as gifts This term may have been coined to denigrate the native race no No, but it is it's one of those terms It's like I remember like hearing that when you grow up, and that just becomes synonymous with like it is
Starting point is 01:37:16 It's like the idea of like hey you gave me that and now you're taking it back It's from the 1700s. That's how racist we're around. No, and like at no point is anyone like hey That's fucking crazy people that make sense Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do white white white Fucking a Aided dear after telling what she did after sitting down with the Alexians and Clearly killing the deal and then saying let's do something on the reservation She publicly then tells the press she had not been told the property wasn't being transferred
Starting point is 01:37:52 So she just completely lies right In response to the Warriors takeover Shanno businesses displayed we don't cater to Indian signs Whites harassed Indians all over Shanno garshie stores kids tormented in schools fights and bars. There's tension for years Three of them went to jail. Sorry trial Waban Ascombe
Starting point is 01:38:28 Was out on bail when he was killed during a domestic disturbance That led to a shootout with Manomini County Sheriff's deputies Wow One defended skipped and fled three were convicted Mike got the most time Eight years. He served only three Society members say they helped improve So the aided dear and the leaders are like that set us back that didn't do anything But the Warriors Society members say they helped improve the quality of life on the reservation Opponents say it had no impact
Starting point is 01:39:08 Warrior Royal Warrington became the tribe's legislative staff service director Said getting a health clinic and school was sped up by the takeover, right, which it was? You you you can act like you Got everything through negotiation and whatever but if there's a scary bunch of motherfuckers over here People want to deal with you Well, these guys are fucking scary. So you want to deal with those guys. It doesn't happen in a vacuum You don't get to say that set us back when in actuality that kind of shit makes people want to fucking deal with you So they do push forward
Starting point is 01:39:50 So you say direct action you say voting works. I'm saying voting works. Okay, so I'm Bottom-line it make sure we're clear boy. That's fucking crazy. I Don't think so The sources Libby, China's 1 Contested place the Minomi Wars Society native and non-native Placemaking and identity construction in rural Wisconsin Rick Patrick the Abbey and me renegades rednecks real estate and religion and
Starting point is 01:40:24 Yeah, that was a good one Yeah, yeah, I just go ahead You're in love with what you see in the mirror It's just like We all know we did wrong just give him more fucking land like I just I just look at it and I'm just like just Everybody fucking I mean the only reason you don't is because you're capitalist racist assholes, but like There's tons of fucking land that the state or the federal government still just fucking Yeah, do right now. What about all the tribes you fucking move? Was there any land where they came from their original like?
Starting point is 01:41:12 It's just like yeah enough correct the fucking wrong. It is. It's I mean It's It well, I can't believe those people fucking let like the I I mean it really is fucking crazy to me Well, I hit myself in the face with a microphone It's because I'm white. Yeah Dirty white man That's it Dave says that's it Thank you guys so much for coming out. We really do appreciate it. We want to thank our
Starting point is 01:41:44 two ex listeners up front Those are my parents they were here together tonight and they fucking left. It's great to be back here. We appreciate it Thanks for coming out everybody. Thank you. Have a good night What's up everybody, this is Gareth not Gary from the dollop podcast the show you're about to listen to listen I would love to invite you to see some stand-up comedy. I'm doing on the road I'm all over this great nation of ours be part of the Gareth army or the garmy as everyone's calling it Everyone's calling it that don't look it up at everyone's calling it that Monday March 13th. I'll be in Fort Wayne, Indiana March 14th I'll be in Indianapolis March 15th Louisville, Kentucky March 16th Columbus, Ohio March 17th Dayton, Ohio March 18th
Starting point is 01:42:30 I have two shows in Perry'sburg, Ohio March 19th. I'll be in Cleveland, Ohio March 21st Lexington, Kentucky March 22nd I will be in St. Louis March 23rd. I'll be in Kansas City March 24th and 25th I'll be in Des Moines, Iowa March 26th. I'll be in Omaha then April 12th I'm very excited to say I'll be in Tacoma, but I will be doing a crowd work show. I'll be filming it So I really want people to come out to that. That's April 12th Which is a Wednesday Tacoma comedy club Washington come on out then April 13th back to regular stand-up at the Spokane comedy club And then April 14th and April 15th. I'll be in Bozeman, Montana at last best comedy also Los Angeles My home city kind of whatever May 5th Friday
Starting point is 01:43:15 I'll be at the dynasty typewriter in Los Angeles then May 18th I'll be at stand-up live in Phoenix, Arizona more shows coming like July 12th and July 13th I'll be at the New York comedy club one's in New York one's in Connecticut. It's wild then I'll be in Pittsburgh July 15th And that's all for now go to Gareth Reynolds comm to get tickets and information and join me be part of the Garmie Everyone's calling it that quit push it back Your career is one of the most important decisions that you'll ever make choose a program that leads to a meaningful career in social Community or justice services you can make a difference. We are here to help you succeed apply now at slash make a difference

The sources Libby, China's

ltronnes 2 months ago

Libby Tronnes