The Dose - ENCORE | Getting to Net Zero: One Health System Fights Climate Change
Episode Date: July 15, 2022Climate change can have a devastating impact on our health. When people are injured or exposed to disease related to floods or fires, it’s up to health systems to pick up the pieces. But health care... itself is one of the world’s most carbon-intensive industries, responsible for 4.5 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions. What can health systems do to address climate change? In the United Kingdom, the National Health Service (NHS) has set some ambitious goals to reduce its carbon footprint. On this encore episode of The Dose, Nick Watts, the NHS’s chief sustainability officer, talks about how the health service is meeting these goals, and whether its efforts could be replicated in countries like the United States. A low-carbon health care system, he says, is actually just a good health care system. This encore episode was originally released on 1/28/2022.
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The Dose is a production of the Commonwealth Fund, a foundation dedicated to health care for everyone.
Hi listeners. The Dose is taking a short break this summer as we plan for the season ahead.
While we're away, we wanted to share some of our most listened to episodes from the year.
Today, we're revisiting my conversation with Nick Watts,
Chief Sustainability Officer of the UK's National Health Service.
We talk about how health systems can do their part in combating climate change,
from switching to medications that have a smaller carbon footprint to using electric and hybrid vehicles.
Before you tune in, I have a request.
If there's a healthcare topic you want to learn more about, or an expert you think we should feature, please get in touch.
You can send us an email at, or find me on Twitter at Shanur Sirvai. I love hearing from
listeners, and your ideas will help us make the new season even better. Thanks for listening to
The Dose and sharing the episodes you enjoy most. Nick, welcome to the show.
Hi, hi. Thanks for having me. I'm so glad to be here. All right. So let's get started with some context for our listeners.
Lots of industries are starting to walk the walk after talk about getting to net zero.
But the NHS has been very intentional about this for years.
So tell me about the initial commitment, how that might have been tied to the NHS's core
mission, which is health and wellness. I mean, adding to emissions has consequences.
Yeah, so it's very simple. In fact, just outside the room I'm in, there's a big poster. It tells
you the core mission of the NHS. It's been there since the NHS burst into existence.
Provide high quality care for all now and for future generations. The science is incredibly
clear. You cannot do that. By definition, a health system cannot provide high quality care for all
now and for future generations unless you respond to climate change. It is just not possible.
Climate change undermines the foundations of good health, those broad social environmental determinants of health. Everywhere you look, you see that when we built these healthcare systems,
we didn't think the environment was going to be moving so quickly. We didn't think
temperatures were going to shift so quickly. We didn't think floods and storms, infectious disease, shifts in water availability and food security
across the world were going to change. And to be frank, healthcare systems aren't ready for that.
We have to hold our hands up a little bit as health professionals. We have been a little bit slow
around the world to respond to climate change. The rest of the world has started to reduce its
emissions, you know, a little bit ahead of us. I think just in the last couple of years, we are
starting to see the health profession, not just in the United Kingdom, but all the way around the
world, really start to stand up. And hey, we've seen in the last 12 months, 24 months, when the
health profession gets its act together, it can move mountains to protect the health of its patients
and the public. And that, I think, is what we're starting to see when it comes to the public health response to climate change.
So how did you get started? What was the fire behind that initial commitment?
I mean, the fire is exactly that. It is an understanding that the NHS exists to protect
the health of our patients. We know that climate change impacts on their health,
and we know that health starts and ends outside of the four walls of a hospital, and so we have a responsibility to act on that. We have been reducing our emissions slowly, actually just ahead of the general economy in the United Kingdom.
2020 was a bit of a watershed moment.
OK, if the climate crisis really is a health crisis, then we as health professionals should respond to it as though it is a health crisis.
Right. And we've seen that we know how to do that. And so October 2020, the NHS became
the first health system in the world to make a net zero commitment, net zero for the emissions
we control directly by 2040. And again, like I say, we understand health extends out of the four
walls of a hospital or a clinic. And so we take account and responsibility for our entire global
footprint that is tough. And so 2045, you get an extra five years
because you're not just in direct control of those emissions.
You have to work with partners and friends
and colleagues across the world.
So let's talk about those partners and friends.
How did it go selling something like this internally
to the highest-ranking executives,
the people who control the money?
I mean, for some people, maybe this was urgent,
but for others, maybe not such a pressing concern.
The answer might surprise you.
I came in just as the new net zero commitment was put into place,
tasked with shifting from planning into delivery,
from strategy into delivery.
Never once since I have been here,
and this has been in the middle of COVID-19,
in the middle of a response to an unprecedented pandemic, never once has anyone ever said,
Nick, now's not the right time. No one has ever said, could we do this later? Could we go a little
bit slower? In fact, quite the opposite. I get pulled into the door saying, oh my God, the climate
crisis is a health crisis. We need to respond and act as such. Can't this happen sooner? Can't we respond in a bigger way? Is this adequate? That comes, look, partly from the science we were
just talking about. It comes partly from an understanding that we go out every single year
and poll health professionals across the United Kingdom, 1.4 million health professionals in the
UK that work for the NHS. Every year we ask them, what do you care about? What do you really, really want to see the NHS tackle next? Every year, nine out of 10 of them shout back at
us. I want to see the NHS tackle climate change. I want to work for a health system that is living
and breathing my values. So part of it, we don't get those barriers because there is such overwhelming
support. You talked about the finances of that.
Surely this is going to cost a lot of money and surely someone is going to get grumpy at you when
you say, you know, we need to develop a net zero healthcare system. The answer, when you actually
go and look, and we spent a proper year with some of the world's best experts looking, is that it
doesn't cost that much. The answer is you can act on the vast majority, about 80% of your emissions at almost cost neutral.
For the remaining 20%, yes,
there will be an upfront initial capital investment,
but as a total package,
the ROI on that investment pays back in three and a half years
because it's just energy efficiency.
It's just common sense, good healthcare.
It's making sure that we are delivering care in a way that is better for our patients. It's being more efficient. It's being better with the way that we run the health service. And so I think everyone recognizes that. I think everyone practice, how did you develop targets like net zero emissions by 2040? And then, you know, how do you map out what to prioritize as you get there? Well, step one, know how big you are, know what your problem is, right? So first,
you need to have a carbon footprint and a sense of where your emissions hotspots are throughout
the healthcare system. Once you know that, you need to look at the signs and go, okay, well,
how quickly do I need to reduce my emissions? And the answer is almost invariably going to be
faster. The answer is always going to be, listen, we've sat on our hands for 30 years or
so, right? Climate change has been a big issue since the early 90s, and to be honest, before
then. And so you are running up against two things. On the one hand, the practical feasibility of,
God, it's really quite difficult to shift an entire system, hundreds of billions of pounds,
1.4 million staff, the practicality against the urgency
of climate change. And that's how you land somewhere in the middle. Our targets are
set at 2040. Are they fast enough? Probably not. Will they come forward? Yeah, we think they
probably will. We think we can demonstrate that we're going to be able to move those forward.
But we didn't want to say something that we didn't think was actually feasible,
was actually deliverable, because that's ultimately what matters more. You asked a little bit about the net part of this as well. There are
negative emissions, offsets, attached to the NHS targets. And whenever anyone doesn't tell you
precisely what they mean by that, you should be incredibly sceptical. The idea has to be you
reduce emissions, then you reduce them a little bit more, then you go and you look in your back
pocket and you go, oh, is there anything else I could do? Is there anything I haven't done? Then only then do you
get to think about the negative, the offsetting side. 6% is the total amount that we are looking
to offset. It's incredibly low. And to be honest, anything higher than 10%, I think
you no longer have ticket to entry in this discussion.
Well, let's just back up a little bit and talk about those hotspots that you mentioned. You know, not unlike, for
example, a university system, the NHS is incredibly complex. So for example, you could start with your
real estate, you could start with patient facing services, you could start with internal operations,
where were your hotspots? So that's the other thing is when you go and look at your entire
admissions profile for
a healthcare system and you say, OK, well, what do we need to act on?
The answer, if your target is ambitious as something like net zero by 2040, is everything.
You don't get to just do the top 20 things.
You are at some point going to act on every single emission throughout the entire system.
So the question of what do you start on
first, I often think is almost where can you get going tomorrow, right? There are some emissions
that are going to have to wait because they just have a long lead time. Some of those pathway to
pathways where we depend on technology coming down the line, where we depend on new capital
investment before we can then start to act on those. For us, the early easy
wins, you can see them in our supply chain. And we have made it clear to our suppliers,
within the decade, the NHS will no longer purchase from any supplier full stop.
That does not meet or exceed our commitments on climate change on net zero. You could look at your
fleet. You could look at the ambulances, the rapid response vehicles, the patient transport
vehicles. And we've done that. We've got a commitment that we're going to electrify them, Look at your fleet. You could look at the ambulances, the rapid response vehicles, the patient transport vehicles,
and we've done that.
We've got a commitment that we're going to electrify them.
Not some of them, not the ones that are convenient, but all of them.
Every single one of the vehicles in the NHS.
I think we are the third largest fleet in the country.
And so that's not nothing.
We're behind British Telecom and Royal Mail.
And then you go and look at a couple of those medications that are particularly high
carbon that don't need to be. And we see some of those in metered dose inhalers, in certain
inhalers where the accelerant, not the drug, but the accelerant within that, just unnecessarily
bad for the environment. Similarly, certain anesthetics, Desflurane is something we've got
our sights set on at the moment. One vial of that is responsible for somewhere between 300 to 350 kilograms of coal,
roughly the same equivalent. And so those are the sorts of things I think we start on, right? The
big ticket items and the stuff that you can do tomorrow. So those are sort of the low hanging
fruit. What are you reaching for when you're really stretching? Once you've done all of those
easy things, and I shouldn't say easy because they're not easy, right? But once you've done all of those easy things, and I shouldn't say easy because they're not easy, right?
But once you've done some of that,
then you need to turn and go,
okay, well, innovation time.
How do we start to think not about
what is the healthcare system like today,
but what could the healthcare system be like
five years from now, 10 years from now?
Because we're not just talking about
tinkering around the edges here.
We're talking about transforming
what it means to be a hospital, what it means to be a healthcare system. So we're talking about
aligning the sustainability agenda with, in the United Kingdom, we would talk about hospitals as
anchor institutions within a community that recognize they have a responsibility beyond
just their four walls and start to engage with the broader public and community health and
wellbeing. We talk about digital first hospitals, right? And we had some really impressive targets
that the NHS was chasing after for remote healthcare, providing better access, providing
better choice to our patients. We blew those out of the water, I'm sure you can imagine,
last year and the year before with the pandemic. The emissions reductions there are really quite
significant and the access improvements are really quite significant. It's those sorts of things, right? It's starting to
think less about what is the carbon in my material, concrete or in my vehicle, and more about how am
I delivering care? How am I shifting the models of care towards a lower carbon?
So in some ways, the pandemic is making your work easier?
There's a very precise technical answer to that, which is no.
We have looked at this in great detail.
A whole bunch of things in COVID-19 have reduced emissions.
And we talked about one of them there with remote health care and reduced travel.
A whole bunch of things have increased as well, right?
Health care has become quite intensive as we have been dealing with more intensive and more acute issues. There's been
problems with single-use plastics, PPE, and there's a lot that has to be done there. Very, very
roughly, it more or less evens out. We've had huge emissions reductions, huge emissions increases.
It's more or less broken even. What we need to do is hold on to the things that have reduced emissions and find ways around the things that have increased emissions.
So I want to go back to what you said about your staff being really enthusiastic about this.
Was it always this way? Or how did you make that connection first for healthcare workers between climate change and health and wellness?
I think a lot of that interest, where I look at the real areas where people are getting really
excited, I think a lot of it comes down to someone identifying that, hey, I have control over that
unique piece of carbon. No one else can access that. No one else is making that clinical decision
or making that healthcare decision that is resulting in the emissions. I'm empowered to do something about
it. So we talked about the emissions from anesthetics from Desflorane. Look, there's a
really, really simple switch. Sivaflorane works very, very well. Its emissions profile is
significantly lower. In fact, good anesthetic medicine is moving to Tiva. It's moving to
total intravenous anesthesia anyway. And what we've seen is when you make that obvious, when you develop the science
and when you communicate that science clearly, when it's communicated by the health profession
for the health profession, they act on it. Anesthetists across the United Kingdom have
acted on that and reduced the proportion of Desflorane that we consume in the NHS
down well below the target we were aiming
for. We were aiming for 10%. I think we hit 8, 7, 6% just recently, to the point where when we said,
okay, well, how about for next year, we aim for 5%. The response back from the Royal College of
Anesthetists from the anesthetic community was, we think you can go further. Why don't we eliminate
this thing altogether? So this is all good news. Now let's look at some of the challenges that lie ahead.
How are you hoping to close gaps and push forward in, say, the next year and then maybe the next
five years? Sure. So this will get harder. The NHS, we are really, really proud to be able to say that in
our first year since that net zero commitment, we actually hit our reduction targets. We did that
despite the pandemic and it was not easy, but we managed to get there. Next year, year two,
that's going to be tougher. Year three, even harder. Year four, even harder. There's a steep
curve here and it doesn't get easier.
It gets a bit tougher.
Although hopefully you have built up
a bit of steam of momentum, right?
You have started to increase the number of people
in the system that are working on this,
that are acting on it.
The two things I think we need going forward,
next one year, next five years,
are help and help from two communities.
One, we need help from clinicians across the country.
And so
what we are starting to do is look at different ways that we can unlock good ideas. If you have
a good idea for low carbon healthcare, we're going to put into place a few new grants across
the entire system for hospitals, for NHS trusts, for regions to say, hey, that idea looks really
great. It looks scalable. How about we scatter it across the country, see what works, see what doesn't.
We're going to be very happy to get things wrong. But unlocking that ingenuity, innovation, passion
from clinicians is going to be critical for us. The other thing we need is help from other
countries. The NHS at the moment is not the only healthcare system in the world to have a net zero
commitment. So we were in October 2020.
About 12 months later, 10, 15 countries up in Glasgow at the UN Climate Summit came out and said, yes, okay.
The world shifted and we understand that this is the direction of travel
that healthcare systems, that good healthcare systems are heading in.
That was really exciting.
It was a really positive moment.
What we need to see now is that commitment turn
into tangible emissions reductions. We need to see that commitment turn into tangible strategies that
are actionable. If we can get that over the next one year, two years, five years, I will be so much
more excited, energized, happy to confidently say, yes, absolutely, the NHS can do this.
There's something that I spent a little bit of time talking about back when we were developing the strategy, which should be clear, but we need to remind ourselves,
the NHS is not an island. It can't get to net zero by itself. It just isn't possible. It can
only get there if we all move there together. Right. So let's come back and talk about not
being an island because there are so many vendors that you work with.
For example, how are you going to work with global pharmaceutical companies?
You're competing with other countries in the EU, with other countries around the world to buy drugs.
How are you going to push those companies to reduce their emissions?
It's a good question. So number one, let's be clear about the direction of travel
and let's be unwavering about the direction of travel.
Within the decade, the NHS will no longer purchase
from any company full stop that does not meet
or exceed its commitments, our commitments on net zero.
I'm going to repeat that as often as I possibly can
because that signal is very, very important.
I also know that we will not be alone. I know that healthcare systems all the way around the world will move at that pace,
will probably move faster than the NHS. So I know that this is the direction that the global
healthcare market is moving. Number two, we're going to have to work very closely with those
companies, with our suppliers. They are our partners in delivering healthcare, medtech companies, pharmaceutical companies.
And we have a whole range of innovation competitions where we work with some of these companies to come up with some of the answers.
Everyone broadly is on board with the direction of travel.
It's when you get down to the nitty gritty of, okay, interesting.
Insulin is a big part of our market, say, Novo Nordisk. Very, very interested in seeing how we might decarbonize that. But cold chains are challenging and decarbonizing, finding a net zero way of running a fleet of cold chains. We don't have a problem long-term targets. You've got to have some good collaboration with the industry.
The third thing is you've got to have some interim targets.
It can't just be a cliff edge that we find ourselves at towards the end of the decade.
And so to be clear for the NHS, all of our tenders going out in a month or two will start to include 10% waiting for net zero into absolutely everything we purchase.
That's the first thing we're doing. April 2023, we expect all of our partners, every single one of the companies we purchase from,
to have scope one and scope two. These are the sort of narrower scopes of their emissions,
publicly available, talking about how they're going to reduce their emissions. We want to know
that we're doing business with people that are heading in the same direction as us.
When you say you're doing business, do you have to make the business case for these companies
or are they bought in?
I would say they are bought in.
I would say the broad direction of travel,
we know everyone is broadly happy with,
especially for some of the larger companies that we work with.
I think everyone accepts this is the direction that the German,
that the French, that the American British healthcare systems are heading in. A good example of that, we made some
of those big commitments I was talking about about a year ago up in Glasgow at the UN Climate Summit.
15 of our largest suppliers came out and publicly together said, this looks really tough,
but we're going to get there. We know that we are going to get there. And they offered their
support, in fact, out to the rest of the industry,
out to the others that are going to have to get there together, because it is not possible for
the NHS to get to net zero by itself. It's also not possible for any one pharmaceutical company
to get to net zero by itself. You listed some other countries,
and I can't help but ask. The NHS is a national health service, publicly funded,
very different from the health system we have here in the United States.
So can other countries really achieve what you are doing?
Can they scale the way you are?
Unequivocally, yes.
And I hear this a fair bit.
We couldn't possibly do this.
We aren't a monolith like the NHS.
God, come and work here.
We don't feel like a monolith.
We are 220 trusts.
We are independent.
We are delivering high quality healthcare,
but in incredibly different ways all across the country.
The same, I suspect, will be true in the United States
as it is in France, in Australia, in India.
Can people get to net zero?
Can a healthcare system get to net zero? Can a healthcare system get to net
zero? Could the United States and its private and its public parts of its healthcare system get to
net zero? Absolutely, without question. Will it do it in the same way as the NHS? No, of course not.
And so it will do some things better, it will do some things different, and we will hopefully learn
from each other. It probably won't be able to run the same sort of structure and response that
the NHS has, but that's okay. The healthcare system itself doesn't function that way. It doesn't
mean that it can't act on its own emissions. And do you see your healthcare system as a
model potentially for other industries that are carbon intensive? Are there lessons that others can learn
from you? Yes, there are many more lessons we can learn from others, though. And indeed, when you go
and look at some of the things that we in the NHS are doing, we were really excited. We have the
world's first zero emission ambulance, fully electric and electric hydrogen hybrid. Go and
look at some of the technology there. Listen, it was produced in the United Kingdom, but a lot of the learning that we took from that about how this might
operate, we got from Germany. If you go and look at the policies we have, the new national policies
we have to reduce emissions and improve asthma care from our inhalers, we got a lot of those
ideas from France. We got them from Scandinavia. You go and look at some of the analytics behind
the NHS's carbon footprint and our strategy that came from and look at some of the analytics behind the NHS's carbon footprint and
our strategy that came from academic expertise from some of the world's best experts across
in the United States. There's a lot we can learn from each other here because it's worth saying
no one knows with absolute clarity what a net zero healthcare system looks like in 2040 or 2045.
We are going to make this up together.
And so we're going to have to be open to some of that innovation, some of that shared learning.
Nick Watts, thank you so much for joining me today.
Of course. Thanks for having me.
This episode of The Dose was produced by Jodie Becker, Julia Melfi, Naomi Leibovitz,
and Joshua Tallman. Special thanks to Barry Scholl for editing,
Jen Wilson and Rose Wong for our art and design,
and Paul Frame for web support.
Our theme music is Arizona Moon by Blue Dot Sessions.
Our website is
There you'll find show notes and other resources.
That's it for The Dose.
I'm Shannur Sirvai. Thank you for listening.