The Dose - How Medicaid Can Help Solve America’s Maternal Mortality Crisis
Episode Date: December 6, 2019The number of women who die in the U.S. because of complications related to pregnancy is shockingly high – nearly 30 deaths for every 100,000 births each year. But some women die at higher rates tha...n others: the maternal mortality rate for black women is three to four times higher than it is for white women. On this episode of The Dose, the Commonwealth Fund’s Laurie Zephyrin, M.D., and Akeiisa Coleman talk about one way to address this crisis: Medicaid, which pays for nearly half the 4 million births in the U.S. each year. States have a real opportunity, they say, to take innovative steps to improve the care pregnant women and new mothers receive through their Medicaid programs.
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The Dose is a production of the Commonwealth Fund, a foundation dedicated to affordable,
high-quality health care for everyone.
The number of women dying in the United States as a result of pregnancy is on the rise.
And where we see international trends overall are decreasing, in the United States they're
And when we look at the four million births that we're seeing in the United States, you know, this is a really significant issue.
Maternal mortality in the United States has increased to a shocking rate of nearly 30 deaths for every 100,000 live births.
Hi, everyone. Welcome to The Dose.
You just heard from Lori Zeffrin, who's on the delivery system reform team
at the Commonwealth Fund. Lori is on the show with me today, along with Akisa Coleman, who is on our
federal and state health policy team. So Lori just laid out what is a really serious problem in the
U.S. Women are dying at an alarmingly high rate for reasons related to pregnancy.
And there's no way to justify that this is happening in the richest country in the world.
So a lot of people are trying to think of how to address this problem.
And we're going to talk about one way that policymakers think they could help, Medicaid.
But before we get into that, Lori, tell me, does maternal mortality impact
all women in the same way? When we look at maternal mortality, we see significant differences
in outcomes. And those outcomes vary based on race. And so Black women and other women of color
are more likely to die as a result of pregnancy
or have severe complications as a result of pregnancy when compared to white women.
And so recent data shows Black women almost three to four times that of white women.
And what about other social and economic differences?
Akisa, what do you think?
We often see that income is a factor in whether or not people are able to access health care services when they're early in their pregnancy, so that prenatal care, which can be really critical.
But some of the things that we see are when the research is controlling for socioeconomic status, we continue to see some of those
disparities for women of color, particularly among Black and Native American women.
So you're saying that maternal mortality rates are higher for lower income women. But when you map that onto race
and you control for income, rates are still significantly higher for Black and Native
American women. That's correct. Exactly. And typically, income and education typically would
be protective. But when we break down the data by race, we see that for
Black women, it's actually not protective and those disparities we see persist.
And we've talked a little bit about this on two recent episodes of The Dose. We talked about race
and maternal mortality with Kanitha Gaines, and she talked about her own experience being a black woman, a highly educated
black woman, but still feeling like she wasn't getting the same care as white women. And we also
talked about implicit bias and the way that race plays into the medical care that people receive.
But as I mentioned, when we got started, we had this huge problem with maternal mortality in the U.S.
And there is a mechanism through which we can address the problem, and that's Medicaid.
So, Akisa, talk to me. Tell me what the Medicaid program is.
So, Medicaid is a public health insurance program that varies from state to state, but typically covers people with very low incomes.
So income less than $12,500 a year.
And oftentimes the income levels can be set significantly lower than that for parents.
Medicaid expansion, which was part of the Affordable Care Act,
increased the threshold for covering people with Medicaid, so slightly higher incomes.
But this is really important when we're talking about maternal mortality because Medicaid covers
almost half of all births in the U.S. So Lori mentioned about 4 million births in the U.S.
About half, a little less than half of those are covered by Medicaid.
And that rate can vary state to state.
So, for example, in Arkansas, almost 70% of births are covered by Medicaid versus Vermont,
where only 20% of births are covered by Medicaid versus Vermont, where only 20% of births are covered by Medicaid.
So you're saying that Medicaid sort of has a huge role to play in how safe it is for
women to have a child.
And Medicaid, it's really an important opportunity.
It's an important safety net for the neediest in society.
Many of the women that I've seen in my career as an obstetrician in the past have been on Medicaid or uninsured.
And these are women that may not have been able to get care otherwise, but for Medicaid.
And, you know, this could be a student getting her college degree who needed health coverage.
Or moms that I've seen working two low-paying jobs to make ends meet
who didn't have access to health insurance,
or I've taken care of moms with disabilities who were starting their families
and relied on Medicaid for care.
And so as the largest public health insurance program,
Medicaid has an opportunity to lead the way and in many states is leading the way. And it's just a real opportunity
to really transform this crisis we're seeing, particularly for low-income women.
So when we talk about Medicaid leading the way, it sounds like if you're a pregnant woman,
you're likely to be covered at a higher income level than the very low threshold
for Medicaid in some states. Is that correct? Right, right. And so as Akisa was mentioning,
I mean, it's a large public health insurance program and their key requirements to being
eligible for Medicaid. And so if you're pregnant, that's one of the eligibility criteria is you're
pregnant and low income. And so when we're talking, that's one of the eligibility criteria, you're pregnant and low income.
And so when we're talking about almost half of the 4 million births in the United States, those women that are low income, if and when they become pregnant, they can qualify for Medicaid.
So how does Medicaid work differently in different states when it comes to, because each state has a
different Medicaid program. So how does it work when it comes to covering pregnancy and pregnant
women? So each state is allowed to kind of set their own threshold levels for who's covered
under what category in Medicaid. So most states are pretty generous when it comes to pregnant women. So,
for example, in Oklahoma, a single woman who's pregnant for the first time can have income up to
about $17,000 a year and qualify for Medicaid. But once she's had that child,
she's most likely not eligible for Medicaid coverage after 60 days and would
only be eligible as a parent with income around $5,000 a year.
So that's about 42% of the federal poverty level.
And so you see some variation there.
So in a state that's a little bit more generous, like Iowa, they'll actually cover that same single mom having a first child with income up to about $47,000 a year.
And then because that state has expanded Medicaid, that woman will be able to continue Medicaid coverage with income at that $17,000 level beyond that 60 days after delivery. So there's a lot of variation
there, which has impacts and implications for continuity of care after delivery for women.
Wow, those are some really stunning numbers in there. And I guess when we talk about continuity of care, we should talk about how likely it is
that a woman would experience pregnancy-related complications more than 60 days after birth,
right? Because having a child isn't as simple as here's your healthcare for 60 days and now
you're out the door. It's more than that, right? Exactly, exactly. Being a mom, having had a child, and being an obstetrician,
your health care continues after birth, and sometimes it increases.
But if we look at the data around causes of maternal mortality or rates of maternal mortality and maternal morbidity or near misses,
we see that more than half of those happen after birth. And so if we're talking about Medicaid and
in states where Medicaid, your Medicaid coverage ends 60 days after birth, you're leaving a lot of
moms uncovered with nowhere to go. And so that's
a huge challenge. And so when we think about solutions, thinking about that piece after birth,
that episode of care after birth is critical and really thinking through extending that. I don't
know who exactly came up with 60 days or what the modeling was around that.
But definitely more is needed.
Yeah, I feel like you read my mind.
I was just going to ask you that.
Who said that 60 days is where your need for maternal care ends?
Right, exactly.
I have no idea.
But we know it's not enough. And there are a lot of efforts out there around restructuring and rethinking
how we deliver care for women,
particularly around when they're pregnant.
And there's this new concept of this fourth trimester
of pregnancy where after birth,
there's another long period of time
where women need support,
whether it's social support, behavioral health support, whether it's social support, behavioral health
support, whether it's health, general physical health support, that's critical. And there's an
opportunity for Medicaid to lead in that. And Akisa talked a little bit about Medicaid expansion.
One of the key provisions of the Affordable Care Act was Medicaid expansion. And essentially,
for states, it was initially required or the
federal government would withhold provision of federal funds for Medicaid. And that essentially
was declared unconstitutional. And so it became an optional provision to expand Medicaid. But
what that has allowed researchers to do is compare outcomes for states that have expanded Medicaid
and states that have not expanded Medicaid. And there's a couple of interesting studies that have
come out that are focused on maternity care or outcomes around infant mortality. And what we've
seen in at least in one study is showing that in Medicaid expansion states, there was a decrease in maternal mortality and in
disparities relating to maternal mortality. What was that difference in Medicaid expansion
states versus non-expansion states? Akisa? For that particular study that Lori mentioned, it was a decrease of like 1.6 fewer maternal deaths per 100,000 in the states that expanded Medicaid.
And also, you know, improvements around infant mortality as well. The biggest thing that we see in the Medicaid expansion states is well as having that continuous care during pregnancy and then following afterwards.
There is some evidence that that continuous coverage makes a huge difference across the board for those who
are qualifying for Medicaid. In non-expansion states, you know, that drop-off has some serious
concerns, and states are looking at ways to address that. One particular area is around substance use. And so how can you make sure that while mom is getting treatment
for that substance use condition while covered under Medicaid, so while pregnant, that's being
managed. But if that coverage ends six days after giving birth, the ability to maintain sobriety
and continue with treatment is significantly
impacted. And so states are looking at, you know, continuing that coverage beyond the 60 days to a
full 12 months, as well as, you know, how do you make that substance use treatment consistently
available to pregnant women, but those women who've just given birth so that they can maintain
their sobriety and their treatment and be there for their child. One quick note. A few days after
we recorded this episode, the House Energy and Commerce Committee in Congress introduced a
bipartisan bill to give states the option to extend Medicaid coverage for a full year after birth. The bill, called Helping Moms Act of 2019,
hasn't passed yet, but stay tuned. Now back to the show.
So obviously Medicaid matters because it covers such a large number of births. We said almost
half of the 4 million births in the country. It's the largest public
health program. But what are other ways in which Medicaid can really be a leader when it comes to
the way that pregnant women actually get health care? Sure. So one of the mechanisms that we're seeing used more and more often in Medicaid is a bundled payment.
And so that's a fixed payment for a set of services that are specific to an episode of care.
So basically what you're saying is that every single ultrasound you need to go in for isn't treated as a discrete
thing and it's all regarded as being under one episode of care and that's being pregnant.
Okay, got it.
So within that bundled payment in Medicaid, you can say we want to see a specific set of services included within that bundle,
and that should be screening for and catching some of those conditions that can lead to complications during pregnancy and at birth and helping to catch some of those things
on the front end as well as reducing some of the unnecessary and elective procedures
that we know can be a little bit riskier like cesarean sections or early deliveries that
can potentially have negative consequences.
And so Medicaid setting that standard, you know,
helps push some of the commercial insurers to look at and say,
wait, is that cost effective?
Is that driving down costs?
Is it improving health outcomes?
Maybe we should also be doing the same thing.
And so you see commercial insurers also adopting that same
payment model as well. That's really interesting. Do you have thoughts, Lori?
If we think of just state Medicaid programs and, you know, as they're thinking through ways to
increase value and meaning like have better outcomes and maximize or minimize their costs, there's a huge opportunity.
And if you can influence, you know, the payer, if you can influence how the care is delivered
from how it's being paid, that hopefully ultimately will help drive how care is delivered
on the ground and ultimately will help improve outcomes, right? And so that's
why thinking through Medicaid as an influencer is definitely critical. And there are states that
are thinking through this. And so can innovative payment models help incentivize improvements in
quality of care specific for maternity, there's definitely a
lot of opportunity to do that. And so, for example, if you look at group prenatal care,
which is a model of providing maternity care where women receive this care during pregnancy
as part of a group, and these are like hour plus long visits where there's
education involved and then they may go out and see the provider and come back and they have a
peer group and peer support group that they're going through pregnancy with. And there are some
studies that have showed that that decreases rates of preterm delivery and preterm births and
potentially shrink disparities. And so there's some insurers like in South Carolina, for example,
where they've decided to reimburse for that and pay for that
as a way of helping to improve outcomes and decrease costs, right?
And so if you can decrease preterm births, then you decrease neonatal ICU stays
and you potentially save millions of dollars, for example.
And those cost savings can be redirected into other valuable aspects of care.
So there's a lot of opportunity to think through payment strategies that can help incentivize how care is delivered on the ground. Because as Akisa pointed out, if more and more states start doing innovative things in
their Medicaid programs, and they're able to show that there's actually value to what they're doing,
then commercial insurers might also want to adopt those models.
Absolutely. Absolutely. And also states learn from each other. So if one state does it, then
another state can look and say, hey, I can figure out how to do it as well.
I want to come back to something that we talked about a little bit in the beginning, which is the issue of disparities, particularly when it comes to race and income.
And obviously there isn't a single prototype for the kind of pregnant woman who gets her
coverage from Medicaid.
But in as far as it's possible, what could Medicaid do to bring down this disparity between
Black and Native American women dying at rates of three to four times higher than white women
when it comes to pregnancy-related causes?
So one of the unique features of Medicaid is that each state is allowed to try and test different things and see what works.
And when they find things that work, they can adopt those more broadly, and other states
will look to see how they can replicate some of those same things.
So, for example, Wisconsin has an obstetric medical home program that is really trying to
reduce racial disparities in maternal and child health. And so that model provides incentive
payments to providers who meet particular care and quality measures.
And so, for example, you know, bonuses for prenatal care and screenings and positive
birth outcomes.
And so when those Medicaid beneficiaries are identified early and enrolled in the program
early on, they've seen some really positive outcomes from that model, which I believe
has been adopted in other states or similar models are being adopted in other states.
So there are things about Medicaid that are particularly unique.
And just looking at some of the characteristics of pregnant women
who are covered under Medicaid, looking at 2014, tells us that, you know, just under half of the
pregnant women on Medicaid are white, about 21% are Black, 22% are Hispanic, and about 8.5% are another race or ethnicity. So there's a significant
amount of variation within that Medicaid population, and it varies state to state.
And so those solutions in each state need to be tailored to the population that they're seeing
there. One of the things Medicaid can do is say, here are the standards that we want to be seeing
across the board. Here are the outcomes that we're seeking. And putting it on the delivery system and
providers to say, here's how we're going to do that in culturally competent ways to meet those
needs of these particular populations that we're serving. And I think it's also important to incorporate measurement as well. And so as new innovations are being tested shrinking disparities specific to a particular population?
Another piece I'd like to get at to your question, Shanor, is that Medicaid and thinking through innovations through Medicaid is a start and a beginning and definitely important to do. And it's also
important if we're going to think about shrinking the disparities in maternal mortality and maternal
morbidity, it's going to also have to go beyond Medicaid as well. Right. Of course, it can't be
that the public program that covers the poorest people in the country is expected to be the only trailblazer when it comes to this issue.
We really need innovation coming from every single piece of our healthcare system. I guess as we're wrapping up, there's a lot of things that our health care system could do differently when it comes to thinking about moms and their newborn children.
But if you had to pick one thing, one broad change that could be adopted across the country, what would that be?
I have a few things, but I guess since I'm limited to one. You know, in the work that
we're doing around healthcare delivery systems reform, you know, there's a lot of lessons that
we can learn around other sectors. Like we think of women's health as very siloed and, you know,
there are all these new things that need to be developed. But as we're having conversations
around social determinants of health and health-related social need and integrating
behavioral health into primary care, those are similar types of discussions that we need to have
specific to women's health, specific to maternity care. And so as states are thinking through
innovative models to address this crisis that we're experiencing, you know, I think it's important
to look at innovations that they're moving forward in primary health care and behavioral health,
because we're talking about a lot of the same things here, but specific for maternity care
and for pregnant women. And it's a defined population. I think we can lead the way in
maternity care. States can lead the way in maternity care and really make significant changes.
So I would go with making the federal change to Medicaid coverage for pregnant women
and extending that coverage for 12 months postpartum.
Like I said earlier, after we recorded this episode, a bill to do just that, the Helping Moms Act of 2019, was introduced in Congress.
Akisa explains why it helps for mothers to have coverage for a full 12 months after giving birth.
That way you've got a better chance of having continuity of care across the prenatal and postnatal period, and then also catching some
of those serious health complications that can arise after delivery for all pregnant women who
are covered by Medicaid, not just those who have lower incomes and continue to be covered in
expansion states, but across the board. Well, that's a hopeful note to end on.
So I just want to thank both of you for joining me on the show today.
Thank you.
Thank you.
The Dose is hosted by me, Shanur Sirvai.
Our sound engineer is Joshua Tallman.
We produced this show for the Commonwealth Fund
with editorial support from Barry Scholl
and design support from Jen Wilson.
Special thanks to our team at the Commonwealth Fund.
Our theme music is Arizona Moon by Blue Dot Sessions.
Additional music by Pottington Bear.
Our website is There you'll
find show notes and other resources. That's it for The Dose. Thanks for listening.