The Dose - "It's Really, Truly Everywhere": How the Opioid Crisis Worsened with COVID-19

Episode Date: June 4, 2021

When the pandemic hit last March, the U.S. was still facing another major public health crisis —the opioid epidemic. Between COVID-19 lockdowns and economic devastation, overdose deaths soared. Expe...rts estimate that around 90,000 people died of a drug overdose in 2020. That’s the highest number of overdose deaths ever, and it represents the largest one-year increase. On the latest episode of The Dose, we explore why drug deaths are rising and how policymakers can help fix the problem with guests Brendan Saloner, professor of health policy at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, and Jesse Baumgartner, a research associate at the Commonwealth Fund.  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Dose is a production of the Commonwealth Fund, a foundation dedicated to health care for everyone. More than half a million Americans have died of an overdose from opioids in the past two decades, and the number of people dying has only gone up each year. This public health crisis has gotten worse in the pandemic, and it gets a lot less attention than COVID-19. So on today's episode of The Dose, we're going to talk about why drug overdose deaths are rising, and what policymakers can do to fix the problem. I'm your host, Shanur Sirvai, and my guests are Brendan Saloner, a professor of health policy at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health,
Starting point is 00:00:53 and Jesse Baumgartner, one of my research colleagues at the Commonwealth Fund. Brendan, Jesse, welcome to the show. Great to be here. Thanks for having us. Jesse, could you start by telling us what we know about drug overdose deaths last year during the pandemic? When did we start seeing the impact and how many people have died? We're getting more data every month. One thing that's important to recognize is that during the second half of 2019, before the pandemic hit, drug overdose deaths were trending up. So after a slight decrease in 2018, we were seeing a rise again. But what the preliminary data that we've looked at tells us is that while they were going up right about in March when the pandemic really started to hit the United States, they really exploded. Monthly totals within a couple of months reached a level that was about 50% higher likely than they've ever been before. And that we know from additional data through the end of the summer and into the fall that
Starting point is 00:01:56 while that started to taper off, those levels were still extremely elevated well into October and likely at least until the end of the year. So while we don't have the final totals yet and the CDC provides kind of provisional data on a monthly basis, the trend makes it likely that we're going to see around at least near 90,000 total overdose deaths. And just for some context, that's about 20,000 higher than we've ever seen previously. It would likely be the largest percentage increase in one year that we've ever seen. And are those drug overdose deaths in total, or is that only overdose deaths from opioids? That's overdose deaths total. A significant majority of those are related to opioids, probably around 80%.
Starting point is 00:02:46 And if we try to get further into the data, where did deaths go up the highest? And how does that map onto the places that were impacted by COVID-19? I think one of the important takeaways is that the overdose death rates have gone up everywhere. The provisional data really shows that between at least January and October, which is where our provisional data takes us right now, most states probably had year-over-year increases during that stretch of about 30% or more. And those geographies really, they range from places like West Virginia that have really been at the heart of the opioid epidemic. And I think, you know, people would be familiar with stories and media around that.
Starting point is 00:03:28 But also Western states, Arizona, Colorado, California, states that until, you know, a few years ago had really had lower relative burden of overdose deaths. Those states are now seeing some of the largest relative increases. So we're really seeing a change in some of the geography that's really hitting countrywide. And then to your last question about the COVID spread, given how wide the outbreaks of COVID have been, I don't know that they map particularly onto one area or another. You know, we can say that there are a number of Southern and Appalachian states that are probably seeing the largest relative increases. But again, you know, when a majority of states are seeing over 30% increases, it's hard to say that any state is really singled out. It's really been across the nation.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Well, the numbers that Jesse just took us through are sobering, and it's easy to forget how each of those numbers really relates to a human life. And I think that we have become numb to the impact of that. I think just one thing I'd like to add is that fentanyl, one of the main opioids driving our overdose crisis is now spreading rapidly into other drug supplies. And many of the overdose deaths that involve cocaine and methamphetamines now also involve fentanyl. So I think that's one of the key things to keep in mind with the spread. So who is dying? Who are the people behind these numbers? You know, again, we're a little limited
Starting point is 00:04:54 by the recency of the data. So provisional data is continuing to come in from the CDC and sort of the limits of what they release are sort of demographic estimates on a quarterly basis that take us through about September of last year, 2020, which is a fairly big chunk of the early pandemic period. And, you know, at least initially, it looks like first, every community is getting hit hard. You know, there's not no one is being spared from this. The differences and increases are relative and they're all starting from a large baseline. So what they're showing us, though, is that at least initially during the first nine
Starting point is 00:05:30 months of 2020, we probably saw greater relative increases among men as opposed to women, but again, large increases across both Black and Latinx communities, which we're already starting to see higher rates leading into the pandemic through 2019. And then also younger age groups. It appears, you know, again, a bit of a larger increase, but still large increases across the board. All of these demographics, there's really no part of the country or any community that's really being spared. And there was a time when the opioid epidemic was really talked about this crisis in rural white America. And you mentioned, Jesse, that death rates are now going up in Black and Latinx communities. Tell me more about that. How has that shifted over time?
Starting point is 00:06:23 There was, for a long time, there was a large gap in sort of age-adjusted death rates between white communities and Black and Latinx communities. Over the past five or six years, maybe even a touch earlier than that, that's really transformed. As of 2019, you know, Black Americans were dying from overdose deaths at a rate that was almost equivalent to white Americans on an age-adjusted basis. And just five or six years ago, that was not even close. It was, off the top of my head, I think about half the rate. So that has rapidly changed in terms of the demographics. And Latinx communities have also seen larger increases over the past few years, as well as during COVID-19. I think if you were to open up
Starting point is 00:07:05 a newspaper about five years ago, a typical story you would see would have been making the point that whereas the crack epidemic of the 1980s very much hit the African American community hard, the opioid crisis has been a white crisis. And I don't think that ever was really totally true, but I think that this sort of pervasive idea that this is a white rural crisis, and it has therefore a very different kind of response, a less punitive, kind of more compassionate response for that reason, I think has really kind of sunk into the public narrative. The realities, I think, are a lot more complicated. And I think going back to those epidemiological data with fentanyl now spreading into other drugs of use. I think that's a lot of where we're seeing the rise in overdose deaths among Black and Latinx populations. And
Starting point is 00:07:51 one other group that I would just draw attention to are Native Americans who have also been incredibly hard hit by the overdose crisis. So everything that you're describing is concerning, but this opioid crisis was a problem even before COVID-19. Many of our social problems have been exacerbated by the pandemic. And so could you talk about how the opioid crisis has worsened? There's a few things going on. So I think one of the major things has been the pandemic itself creating a lot of stress in people's lives, a lot of social isolation. We know from the mental health data that depression went through the roof during the pandemic, that a lot of people were just caused a lot of people to use drugs more frequently and to use them in more harmful ways. And another thing that we know, especially from data that my team has been collecting, is that people are reporting using alone more often. So I think that's been a big factor. And one more thing I would add to this has been the change in the drug supply itself.
Starting point is 00:08:58 The pandemic disrupted routes where people were obtaining drugs. It became harder for people to obtain drugs. And so that unreliability, I think, has also created some volatility, some unpredictability for people, which has increased their overdose risk. And there's also been the economic toll of the pandemic. So many people have lost jobs. Yeah, absolutely. So economic stress, I think, is a major precipitator of harmful drug use. Homelessness, which was a crisis before COVID, is a major risk factor for overdose because when people are unhoused, the way that they use drugs is just a lot riskier. So I think that those things contributed in various ways to people using drugs to cope with stress and also
Starting point is 00:09:47 using them in ways that were just more unsafe. Were there any positive shifts in the pandemic? Was anybody using less or more safely? I think there is a subset of people who did positively change their behaviors. And again, we have seen this in the data that some people said that, you know what, actually, the pandemic changed their social networks. It caused them to use less. It gave them an opportunity to make different decisions in their lives. I think the other silver lining, if you want to call it that, from the pandemic is that drug treatment, although for a moment in the spring of 2020 basically shut down, there were really savvy ways in which people figured out how to make it work for people using new technology platforms and new flexibilities
Starting point is 00:10:37 created by the federal government. So I think also the ability to get treatment more on demand and to get it in different ways has been a benefit to some people who might have wanted treatment but didn't know how to find it prior to the pandemic. Are you talking about telehealth? Telehealth for sure. So we know that a huge amount of treatment shifted from in-person to telehealth, whether that is visits with a doctor to get a prescription for one of the FDA approved medications to treat opioid use disorder like buprenorphine. Certainly telehealth being a place where people can meet with a mental health provider. A lot of the self-help groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Smart Recovery moved to online platforms, which
Starting point is 00:11:22 did work for some people, not for everyone. You know, there's something that gets lost when things get moved into the virtual world. And then another thing that I would just draw attention to is the medication methadone. If a patient is using it to treat opioid use disorder, then they have to go to a clinic to pick up that methadone. Prior to COVID, most patients had to come into a clinic every day to get their dispensed methadone. With the pandemic, more patients were able to get take-home methadone, and that allowed them to basically give medication to themselves at home and created a more convenient environment for treatment. Brendan, you mentioned when we spoke the last time that you're working on a survey of people
Starting point is 00:12:03 who are enrolled in harm reduction programs. So tell me a little bit first about what harm reduction programs are, and then what you're hearing from these people. Harm reduction is a, it's a strategy, and it's also a philosophy. So the philosophy is that we are committed to the empowerment of people who use drugs and allowing them to use drugs in ways that are maximally safe for them. The strategies include giving people access to supplies that make drug use safer and more hygienic, like sterile syringes, naloxone, the medication that reverses a drug overdose, fentanyl test strips. And in terms of what we're learning from harm reduction clients, I think a big challenge has been keeping supplies going to people who need
Starting point is 00:12:51 them during the pandemic. So, you know, as I had mentioned earlier, drug use has become a lot more unpredictable and a lot of concerns have come to the surface about people's safety in the pandemic. You know, people who might have used with partners before early in the pandemic not wanting to congregate with other people, not wanting to go into public places, well that affected drug use too. So a lot of the harm reduction treatment providers had to come up with new strategies to work with their clients, to check in with them, to make sure that they were safe, to send peers out for different kinds of outreach. And I think that clearly those efforts have helped. Have they been enough to
Starting point is 00:13:29 meet the demand that's out there? I really don't think so. I think that that's an unmet challenge. You've also both mentioned that the drug supply is becoming increasingly dangerous. Can you tell me what you mean by that? Yeah, so take cocaine. So cocaine, I think, you know, in most cities, if you were going to go out and buy cocaine in the street a few years ago, you would have been relatively confident that the drug that you were going to take home would be, if not pure cocaine, at least cocaine cut with other things that your body was used to. Now, it's much more of an unpredictable game out there. So the drug supply, fentanyl has basically
Starting point is 00:14:16 traveled everywhere. And I think many doctors are advising their patients and harm reduction programs are telling people, you know, no matter what you think you're using, fentanyl can be out there. The other thing that has happened, there's been fentanyl traveling to parts of the country where people had previously been using mainly heroin in the illicit drug market. So fentanyl involved deaths really traveling in a remarkable way to states west of the Mississippi, where previously fentanyl had been kind of more of a phenomenon in the Midwest, the Northeast, and the Mid-Atlantic. Could we just back up and can you tell us why fentanyl is so dangerous? Yeah, this is actually a bit of a personal point for me. I had a cousin in 2019 who passed away from a fentanyl-based pill in Seattle. You know, I mean, back in 2016, when overdose deaths were at a pretty high rate,
Starting point is 00:15:12 we were probably seeing about 30% of them have a relation to synthetic opiate of some type, you know, with fentanyl being the one that is most notable. And that's sort of exploded over the last four years up to the point where in 2019, that was up in the realm of 50% of overdose deaths were associated with, you know, some type of synthetic opioid. And for the preliminary data we have during COVID, we think that's probably somewhere closer to 60%. So it just, it just speaks to how quickly this has happened and sort of, you know, obviously not overnight, but in terms of the way we look at data, it sure feels like it and just the makeup of these overdose deaths,
Starting point is 00:15:51 what's causing them has really just sort of flipped upside down. And this issue is now, you know, to Brendan's point, no longer regionally focused. It's really truly everywhere. Jesse, I'm sorry for your loss. That's a really tragic story. Just for people to know what fentanyl is, fentanyl is a synthetic opioid, meaning that it's actually not derived from the opium poppy, but it has a potency that's much higher than heroin, for example. So fentanyl can be on a per weight basis more than 100 times more potent than heroin. And so it's really slippery and difficult to sort of wrangle opioid. And I think that that has really frustrated a lot of efforts to try to tamp down on the
Starting point is 00:16:39 overdose death numbers. I want to spend a little bit of time talking about the criminal justice system. One in five people who is incarcerated is incarcerated for a drug offense. And so I have a couple of questions. One is, are there ways in which people who use drugs and are incarcerated have had treatment made available to them during the pandemic? You know, the most therapeutic place to get treatment is not in a jail or a prison. But having said that, you know, I think good news is that more jails and prisons are starting to provide the evidence-based medications to treat opioid addiction. So more people who are incarcerated have the ability to get methadone and buprenorphine in their jails and prisons. And I think that this has actually continued through the pandemic. You know, we had a worry that programs might shut down, but from what we can hear and from surveys that we've done of jails and prisons, we're hearing
Starting point is 00:17:44 that, you know, they are staying the course and keeping these programs running. So I think that's a really great thing. You know, that solution has to be embedded in a larger strategy that includes providing access to medications for people when they're reentering the community. So it's very important not to just start them on treatment during incarceration, but to make sure that during that critical period of reentry, when risk is so high that they continue to access medication treatment. And do you think that some of this that has been changing during the COVID-19 pandemic will impact the ways in which we think about criminal justice reform? Think about, you know, really treating drug use as a substance use disorder, as a social and health issue, rather than a criminal
Starting point is 00:18:33 issue. We are right on the precipice of a big national decision. So right now, jails are 25% emptier than they were prior to COVID. That is a stunning thing to think about. So the idea of making this kind of change permanent, I think, is very tangible. It's within reach. It's something that advocates have wanted for a long time, you know, decarceration as a strategy to push treatment into more therapeutic environments. But we're also at a moment of unprecedented, not unprecedented, but certainly high, high, high crime, higher than it has been in the last couple of decades. So it's also a dangerous situation
Starting point is 00:19:17 where there may be a public backlash against some of these decarceral strategies. So it's really important to provide access to services for people who are at risk of incarceration when they're in the community, because that is the best way to keep people from returning to jail or to go to prison is to basically make sure that they get what they need in a more therapeutic community setting. What steps can the Biden administration take to address the public health crisis that drug overdose has created?
Starting point is 00:19:50 I think that they're starting to do this issue, centering harm reduction and really talking about it as a strategy that is important for the administration to lead with, trying to get more states to expand Medicaid, which I think would be a really critical lever to pull. So I do think that there is an appetite that there has not been in the past to try to take a more wide-ranging strategy to this issue. In my opinion, a lot of the key action in the months and years to come are going to be in states and local governments. I would just put you on Brendan's point about Medicaid expansion, though, and why it's so critical. You know, the remaining non-expansion states are incredibly well represented in the analysis we've done on some of the hardest hit states with increases in these types of deaths, relatively speaking. And which are these hard hit states that have not expanded?
Starting point is 00:21:01 Not to generalize, but if you look at the South, most of them are there. Florida and Louisiana, South Carolina, those are some with some of the largest recent increases. But really that whole region has been increasing as has the rest of the country. And as we're wrapping up, if we think about states that maybe have done a good job, Brendan, you said that this crisis really has to be addressed on the state and local level. So are there any states we can look to for leadership on this? Yeah, one state that comes to mind is Rhode Island. So Rhode Island, I think, really, the strategy started with the governor owning this issue. Governor Raimondo decided that she was going to make this a cornerstone of her state policy, committed resources to it, created a lot
Starting point is 00:21:51 of transparency and accountability about what the state was doing, made sure that the Rhode Island Department of Corrections was providing all the medications to treat opioid use disorder, created a centers of excellence model to basically allow for multiple entry points into treatment in the community, and got the hospitals on board too, which I think was really important. So that's a small state. It's hard to know whether a Rhode Island type strategy is going to scale to a big state, but I think that it does provide kind of like a proof of concept of what could happen. I think there have been other interesting models that have been pursued in some of the states that you might not expect. One state
Starting point is 00:22:31 that I'm really excited about is Missouri, which has a medication-first approach to treatment. So in Missouri, the state drug and alcohol programs have created a whole system where they will support people in recovery, even if they're not ready to start counseling, they can still get medication. I think that that was a really big shift in that state. Louisiana has used its power of credentialing and licensure oversight to require residential treatment programs to provide access to medications. So, you know, all of these models are kind of interesting, small. We really need to do these things to scale
Starting point is 00:23:08 to see the changes that will ultimately help to reverse the tide of this epidemic. Mm-hmm. And we started this conversation by talking about the urgency of this epidemic. And so are there any final thoughts you can leave us with on really what a big crisis we have on our hands still?
Starting point is 00:23:29 We have a huge monumental crisis on our hands, but we can do something about it. I think that's the thing that I want to leave people with is a sense of hopefulness, because if we succumb to despair, then this will become normalized. And this is a country where we have normalized a lot of death and loss. And these tragedies don't need to happen. I really think about this a lot. People who have died from the opioid crisis did not need to die. And there are things that can be done. So I want people to feel not a sense of hopelessness. We don't need to be paralyzed around this. There is a better future. All right. Thank you both so much for joining me today. Thanks for having me.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Yeah, thank you. The Dose is hosted by me, Shanwar Sirvai. I produce this show for the Commonwealth Fund, along with Andrea Muraskin, Naomi Leibovitz, and Joshua Tallman. Special thanks to Barry Scholl for editorial support, Jen Wilson and Rose Wong for our art and design, and Paul Frame for web support. Our theme music is Arizona Moon by Blue Dot Sessions, with additional music from Poddington Bear. Our website is There you'll find show notes and other resources. That's it for The Dose. Thanks for listening.

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