The Dose - Why Are More Black Americans Dying of COVID-19?
Episode Date: June 26, 2020COVID-19 cases in the U.S. are climbing again, and data show that Black and Latinx Americans are contracting and dying of COVID-19 at higher rates than white Americans. The reasons for are complex, in...cluding: people of color are more likely to be poor, work in industries that expose them to the virus, live in crowded spaces, and have chronic health conditions. Then there’s race -- the discrimination and violence that people of color experience on a daily basis puts their health at risk, further exposing them to the coronavirus. Against the backdrop of a nationwide reckoning over police brutality against people of color, Dora Hughes, a professor of health policy at George Washington University, talks about the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on Black and Latinx people, and what policymakers could do to address these racial inequities.
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The Dose is a production of the Commonwealth Fund,
a foundation dedicated to affordable, high-quality health care for everyone.
Hi everyone, welcome to The Dose.
Today we're talking about COVID-19 and race.
Black, Latinx, and Native American people are way more likely to get coronavirus,
be hospitalized, and die.
This suffering is layered upon a centuries-old crisis that the U.S. has been grappling with,
racism against communities of color.
My guest, Dora Hughes, is going to talk about what the COVID-19 racial disparities mean and what can be done about it.
And it's important to say that we're recording three weeks after George Floyd was killed by
policemen in Minneapolis, and there have been protests across the nation, hundreds of thousands
of people marching to speak out against police brutality. So in this context of a national reckoning with
a centuries-old problem, it's really important to talk about how the current pandemic is impacting
us. Dora is a professor of health policy at George Washington University, and she's an expert on
health equity. Welcome to the show.
Thank you for having me.
So get us started, Dora, by just telling me, what do we know about the disparities in COVID-19 deaths?
Sure. And we are seeing pervasive disparities, both in terms of hospitalizations as well as
deaths. I mean, if we look at a recent
study on Sutter Health Hospitals in California, they found that Black Americans were 2.7 times
more likely to be hospitalized than white patients. So in the simplest terms for every 10
white patients that had to be hospitalized, 27 Black Americans had to be
hospitalized. And even if we look at the state level, not individual hospital health system data,
when New York City released its data, it found that Black Americans were two times more likely
to die from COVID than white Americans. And Latinx populations were more than 50% more likely to die
from COVID-19. And so even though I focus on Black and Latinx, we're also certainly seeing
disturbing trends in Native American populations, certain immigrant groups. And so just across the continuum, both the magnitude and the breadth of
disparities has been quite disheartening. And so, of course, this is shocking and
disheartening, but in some ways it just reveals inequalities in health outcomes that have existed for a long time, correct?
Exactly. Whether you look on the front end in terms of access to care, whether it's levels
of insurance coverage or are there enough hospitals or providers in the area, to the
back end in terms of who's getting sick, what types of quality of care are they receiving. Minority groups have
traditionally been at the short end of the stick across all of these domains of prevention and care.
So let's get into that in detail though. What's going on? Why are you more susceptible to COVID-19
if you're Black or Latinx? Why are you more likely to be hospitalized and to die?
Well, it's very interesting, Shana.
When policymakers or researchers started looking at it,
at first they focused on the individual level factors.
Like, okay, many minorities are more likely to have diabetes
or high blood pressure or respiratory
conditions. And that's why their health outcomes are worse. But as people start to dive a little
deeper, even in the most recent analysis of Bicentral Health, they found that, oh, wait a
moment, even if you correct for these underlying chronic conditions, minorities are still more likely to have
adverse health outcomes. And so what are some of the other factors that we need to think about?
And of course, that logically led people to think about, well, why are minorities at higher risk?
And that really helped to shine a light on what we call social determinants of health. And I think as one easy example is
thinking about the types of jobs that minorities are more likely to have. They are more likely to
work in the service industry, for example. People of color, 50% more likely to work in service
industries. So whether that's in retail or if that's in grocery stores or frontline occupations such as custodial services, they are more likely to encounter, to work in situations that increase their risk of exposure to individuals who are infected with COVID-19.
And so therefore, they themselves are more likely to get the virus.
And then if you think about other social determinants to help people think about housing.
And again, that increases the risk of exposure.
Minorities are more than 25% more likely to live with multiple generations in the same household or the same apartment.
So it's the children, the parents, the grandparents all together.
And again, that makes it harder to socially isolate. Particularly, it's harder to keep children away from the
grandparents who would be at higher risk because of their age. Again, it just works against some
of the messaging that we're hearing that in order to minimize your risk, you should socially isolate.
You should, particularly if one person gets sick, they should separate themselves into another
bedroom or another floor of the house. All of that's impossible in many cases if you're
multiple generations, a lot of family members are together in the same household.
So those are just two examples that certainly we could discuss more. For so many people, they are finding themselves on the front line bagging groceries when they never signed up to help the U.S. fight this pandemic in the first place.
Exactly. Exactly. I share your same thinking.
I make no secret that I have multiple sclerosis.
And so I am on an immunosuppressant and it's very easy.
I'm doing this podcast for my home.
I can rely on others to bring me my groceries and to bring me any other items that I need
to stay safe.
But others are not so fortunate, whether it's because of the type of job that they have or because they're lower income, so they can't afford not to work or they don't have paid sick leave.
That's another issue. We know that Latinx populations are the least likely of all groups to have paid sick leave. And so all of those social circumstances, social determinants
are at play here and very much on display in this pandemic.
I'm also curious about how these social determinants, as you described, intersect
with those health disparities that you said. We see higher incidence of chronic illnesses, but why is that the case? Like,
why are you more likely to have, you raise high blood pressure and diabetes as examples,
why are you more likely to have those chronic conditions if you're Black or Latinx?
Yeah, so, and that is, you get at a very good point. Minority populations are more at risk for
developing chronic conditions for a variety of reasons. One relates to access to care. So
maybe you've been uninsured or you don't have access to a healthcare provider
that's offered screenings to let you know that, oh, you have prediabetes,
here are steps that you need to take. We also know that populations that are very food insecure are more likely across the whole
range of chronic conditions. If you don't have enough food, you are more likely to develop
certain chronic conditions. Or if there's not green space or grocery stores offering
certain foods, all of that can lead to chronic conditions.
But even more so, it is also the experience in this country as a person of color, whether
it's the overt racism, discrimination that so many face, or if it's the microaggressions
as people describe them that collectively lead to higher levels of stress, which can get to levels of toxic stress.
And that plays out through increased chronic conditions, increased blood pressure, increased cortisol.
There's a lot of biological mechanisms that we don't necessarily need to dive into here, but those are just as important in my view as some of the more physical
factors that we talked about, whether that's appropriate housing or green space or food.
And so just to sort of spell it out, what you're saying is that the stress of being a person of
color in the U.S. is actually what makes you more vulnerable to a whole host of diseases.
And now, in that sense, makes you more vulnerable to COVID-19.
All of that together.
You can't disentangle.
I mean, it's hard to say that this factor contributes 10% and this factor contributes
I like to say one plus one does not always equal two.
I mean, these factors are working together synergistically to elevate the risk for disease
and to elevate the risk for poor outcomes.
And that's also sort of what we're seeing when people are protesting, right?
Like where people are protesting police brutality
and there has been, there have been a series of immediate instances of police brutality that
people are protesting, but they're also protesting the fact that they've been protesting this for a
really long time and nothing has changed. And so in a way, I feel as if people are protesting against the fact that even this global
pandemic, which in some ways has reached every single corner of the country, every single corner
of the world, but it's still worse for you if you are a Black American, an American of color.
Yes. And make no mistake, when we talk about social determinants of health,
although a lot of times the reports will focus on or analyses will focus on housing or food or
transportation or education, another social determinants of health is community safety.
And that very much reflects levels of police brutality or other violence or the risk of violence that many people of color
experience on a daily basis or a regular basis.
And so it's not just when the police, these murders that we're seeing that have really
helped to galvanize the protests, but it's also for many just being pulled over constantly by the police
or having that negative presence in your community or unfair rates of incarceration or
school suspensions and expulsions. I mean, it's the whole spectrum of issues that reflect justice
and the justice systems and legal sectors that are very much a very important
social determinant consideration for a lot of minority communities.
So you make a really important point, Dora, about the stress and the risk exposure to COVID-19
at every single level for Black and Latinx communities. But what has the
government done? What have policymakers done as they started learning about these disparities?
In terms of the government, I think that some policymakers were caught a bit flat-footed
in terms of the disparities. Certainly they were not unexpected,
but I think the magnitude of the disparities
was shocking to many,
not to those of us that have been working in this field
for so long, certainly, but for many.
And the first problem that we encounter
was just the data wasn't being collected
for certain racial and ethnic minority groups,
or it was being collected but not reported. And so we lost the opportunity to take a number of
steps to mitigate the impact on these groups. I mean, one is in terms of how do we target the
resources? We know that even in the earliest waves of funding,
some of the hospitals and health systems
that were treating more minority groups
did not receive as much funding support
as hospitals that had a higher share
of privately insured patients, for example.
So it's being able to allocate those resources
to know where the hotspots are and to get in front of that.
That opportunity was lost.
Some of it was in terms of communication and messaging to different groups that maybe are not being reached by mainstream media. the faith-based community or other public health allies or community health workers that may have
been better positioned to liaise with certain minority groups. And that was it as another
example. Then there's other just very concrete examples. I mean, who is, how do we define
essential health workers? Who is getting the PPE, the masks, the gloves, the Perel that could help to minimize the risk or to keep
populations safe. And so we certainly focus on hospitals and healthcare systems. What about
nursing homes? And we're able to see that seniors and others in nursing homes and group homes were
terribly impacted, of course. And there may have been other groups that we had to think about more creatively,
like homeless individuals would be another population.
So on the front end, there is a number of issues that had to be overcome.
So if we think about what we should do or could do to address racial disparities,
if there is a second wave or
future waves. What would you recommend? What would you tell policymakers?
That we need to both think from the individual patient perspective, but also at a community
level, at a state level, how do we address some of the systems and structural drivers of inequities that we saw, that we're continuing to see in this
first wave that we can mitigate in the fall. And there's going to be another overlay of
considerations. I mean, we're talking about contact tracing. How is that going to play out
in communities of color where there's already a level of distrust anyway for providers and individuals that are not known. I think I saw
one story in one housing area, the National Guard was sent in to do the testing and not surprisingly,
the community residents were concerned about these strangers in military uniform coming and
knocking on the doors. And so it's being mindful, how is this contact tracing? How is that going to play out in different communities? And then also when we have
the vaccine, how is that going to be distributed, particularly in areas, again, where there are
scarce or fewer healthcare resources, whether it's hospitals or providers or clinics,
how are we going to make sure that we are fairly providing access to the vaccine,
particularly for higher risk populations? And so that is going to be the additional burden that
we're going to have to face during or whether it's during the second pandemic or the end of the year,
that this is the time that we need to start thinking through now so we'll be
ready. Are you hopeful that this is something policymakers are thinking through? Do you think
that they are making the disparities in the burden of COVID a priority when it comes to
ideas about what the public health response will be going forward.
Absolutely. I'm hopeful. I am seeing the medical, the public health, and social service sectors
come together already to start thinking through what is it that we need to do better as part of
this existing pandemic? What are we going to be better as part of this existing pandemic?
What are we going to be doing in the rebuilding and recovery process?
Could there be some type of permanent, meaning with mandatory funding for a public health infrastructure fund so that we can ensure that the public health community has the resources it needs on a regular basis to try to prevent and delay onset of chronic disease.
So that's one example.
And the other example that I would offer is starting to think through if we want to empower communities, and that's where decisions are made, policies are put in place, how can we make sure that the community voice is represented in some of these funding decisions as more resources are coming from the federal government?
And how do we make sure that their voice is represented across multiple sectors, trying to bring together the business
community, the health community, employment, education, legal, all together, along with
the community voice to think about how do we rebuild our community?
How do we innovate to try again to address social determinants of health in a sustainable
And that is another area that's being discussed by a number
of different groups. And so I think both of those are encouraging that we're not just thinking about
how do we get back to where we were, but how do we get to where we should be moving forward?
And when we think about where we should be, again, in the context of this highly contagious disease
that's spreading. Do you think the protests will help or hinder the response and the next wave of
COVID-19? Well, certainly, I mean, that's a tricky question. And certainly in terms of the mass protests, it may lead to increased levels of infection because individuals are together in the streets protesting and certainly not as socially distanced as our public health leaders have advised. But at the same time, though, I think the combination of COVID-19
in the context also with the police brutality and the killings,
I just think that it has really helped to galvanize awareness
and mobilize support in ways that we as the medical community could never have accomplished on our own.
And I think that it has really brought so many more Americans who maybe were aware, but more on the sidelines, have really brought them into this movement, into this discussion.
There seems to be a commitment to addressing this at the highest levels.
And I think that with such an extraordinary level of support,
not just in the U.S., but across the world,
that we are at an inflection point and that we will be able to move forward.
I mean, I'm optimistic, cautiously optimistic, but optimistic nonetheless that we have the
commitment to move forward.
And so certainly the onus is on us to translate all of this energy and passion into action. Um, but I, I think we,
I think we can do this. Well, let's end on a note of optimism then. Um,
thank you so much for joining me today. Thank you. Thank you very much.
The Dose is hosted by me, Shanur Sirvai.
Our sound engineer is Joshua Tallman.
We produced this show for the Commonwealth Fund
with editorial support from Barry Scholl
and design support from Jen Wilson.
Special thanks to our team at the Commonwealth Fund.
Our theme music is Arizona Moon by Blue Dot Sessions.
Additional music by Potdington Bear.
Our website is
There you'll find show notes and other resources.
That's it for The Dose. Thanks for listening.