The Dr. Hyman Show - Creating Healthy Habits To Stay Young As You Age

Episode Date: June 13, 2022

This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Athletic Greens, and InsideTracker. ​​What you eat literally controls almost every function of your body and mind. Food connects us to one another an...d to our bodies. At the same time, what we eat is only one “ingredient” needed to make a healthy human. We need real, whole, fresh food, but we also need things like movement, connection, meaning, and purpose. When you take out the bad stuff and put in the good stuff, you create balance. Your body knows how to create health from those ingredients. In this episode, I feature an in-depth discussion on the importance of community, mindset, and optimism when it comes to increasing our healthspan from my Longevity Roadmap docu-series. In this series, I am joined by my colleagues at The UltraWellness Center: Elizabeth Boham, MD, MS, RD, Medical Director and Physician; Todd LePine, MD, Physician; and George Papanicolaou, DO, Physician. In this conversation we also delve into the fascinating topic of innovative anti-aging therapies based on the newest longevity research.  To get all of my longevity tips, sign up for my weekly Longevity newsletter at This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Athletic Greens, and InsideTracker. Rupa Health is a place where Functional Medicine practitioners can access more than 2,000 specialty lab tests from over 20 labs like DUTCH, Vibrant America, Genova, and Great Plains. You can check out a free, live demo with a Q&A or create an account at AG1 contains 75 high-quality vitamins, minerals, whole-food sourced superfoods, probiotics, and adaptogens to support your entire body. Right now when you purchase AG1 from Athletic Greens, you will receive 10 FREE travel packs with your first purchase by visiting InsideTracker is a personalized health and wellness platform like no other. Right now they’re offering my community 20% off at  Here are more details from our interview (audio version / Apple Subscriber version):  The commonalities between communities with the longest-lived, healthy people (4:13 / 1:06)  The importance of your mindset as it relates to your health and gene expression (11:12 / 8:02)  Mobility and health (14:39 / 11:28) Exercising for longevity (17:29 / 12:50)  Understanding our body’s natural rhythms (18:21 / 15:16)   Optimizing sleep (22:13 / 16:57) Emerging therapies for health and longevity (27:04 / 22:16) Keeping our mitochondria young (36:53 / 31:37)  How small stressors to our body can be good for us (40:01 / 34:54)  The foundational pillars of health (43:49 / 38:33)

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 Coming up on this episode of The Doctor's Pharmacy. Your mindset, your beliefs, quality of your relationships, and your community all play an enormous role in determining your health and longevity. Hey everyone, it's Dr. Mark. I know a lot of you out there are practitioners like me, helping patients heal using real food and functional medicine as your framework for getting to the root cause. What's critical to understanding what each individual person and body needs is testing, which is why I'm excited to tell you about Rupa Health. Looking at hormones, organic acids, nutrient levels, inflammatory factors, gut bacteria, and so many other internal variables can help us find the most effective path to optimize health and reverse disease. But up till now, that meant you were usually ordering tests for one
Starting point is 00:00:50 patient from multiple labs. And I'm sure many of you can relate how time-consuming this process was, and then it could all feel like a lot of work to keep track of. Now there's Rupa Health, a place for functional medicine practitioners to access more than 2,000 specialty labs from over 20 labs like Dutch, Fibrin America, Genova, Great Plains, and more. Rupa Health helps provide a significantly better patient experience, and it's 90% faster, letting you simplify the entire process of getting the functional medicine lab tests you need and giving you more time to focus on patients. This is really a much-needed option in functional medicine space, and I'm so excited about it. It means better service for you and
Starting point is 00:01:28 your patients. You can check it out and look at a free live demo with a Q&A or create an account at That's People are always surprised when I tell them that even with a whole foods diet rich in plants, we can still be nutrient deficient. And addressing nutrient deficiencies is one of the lowest hanging fruits for optimizing our health and feeling better at any age. And that is why I'm a huge fan of AG1 from Athletic Greens. Since our soils are so damaged, the plants can't extract the nutrients because there's no living matter anymore. And we're up against issues like chronic stress and toxicity and sleep deprivation like never before. And our bodies need some extra help getting all the right information to work properly.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Now, that information comes in the form of vitamins and minerals and phytonutrients and good bacteria, all of which help our cells remember how to efficiently tackle their important jobs. So one of the things I use every day to support my diet is AG1 from Athletic Greens. With just one scoop of AG1, I get 75 high quality vitamins, minerals, whole foods, sourced superfoods, probiotics, adaptogens, and more to support my entire body. Even with a really healthy diet, it's hard to hit the mark for all our nutrient needs. So I feel better knowing I have some extra help from AG1. Unlike other supplements and powders out there, AG1 is
Starting point is 00:02:50 third-party tested and made without GMO, nasty chemicals, or artificial anything. It actually tastes great, kind of like a tropical green drink. I like it on its own mixed with water, but it also works really well in most smoothies. If you're curious about trying AG1 from Athletic Greens for yourself, right now they're offering my community 10 free travel plaques with your first purchase. All you have to do is visit forward slash Hyman. Again, that's forward slash Hyman to take ownership over your health and pick up the ultimate daily nutritional insurance. Now let's get back to this week's episode of The Doctor's Pharmacy. In today's episode of The Doctor's Pharmacy, Dr. Hyman reveals all that he's learned about longevity since he's entered his 60s. He discusses innovative therapies and the importance of
Starting point is 00:03:39 mindset, optimism, gratitude, and community when strengthening health span. If you want to learn more about Dr. Hyman's longevity tips and secrets, sign up for his longevity newsletter at slash longevity. We all want to know what it takes to live a long, healthy, happy life. Is it just good genes? Well, that certainly helps as part of the equation, but it's so much more than that. You might have heard of the Blue Zone communities before. They're regions around the world with a concentrated amount of centenarians. These people who live to be a hundred and beyond and do it well and vibrantly.
Starting point is 00:04:27 So what do these communities have in common? Well, they're able to evade the chronic lifestyle diseases that we've been discussing throughout this docuseries and to live long, healthy, engaged lives. We call this the rectangularization of the survival curve, which is a rectangular shape of the survival curve versus a slow, gradual decline as we get older. Instead of a long, slow, gradual decline into chronic disease and disability and a long, slow, painful, and often expensive death, they live long, vibrant, healthy, active lives and die very old quickly, painlessly, and cheaply, meaning their health span is their lifespan. Which path do you want to take? What's their secret? Well, my friend Dan Buechner discovered that there are certain common characteristics among Blue Zone communities
Starting point is 00:05:16 that can significantly contribute to a longer health span and, of course, lifespan. And these include community, our lifestyle, spirituality, and movement. Incorporating key and powerful practices in each of these areas can create health, and neglecting them can create disease. In this episode, we're going to consider all these factors that add up to create an extended health span and a place where your health span equals your lifespan, and it's very long. Blue zones are areas in the world where people have the longest longevity. People live the longest and live the healthiest. And so they've been studied really carefully to say, well, why are people so healthy in these blue zones? And it's really fascinating. There's some things
Starting point is 00:06:01 that they do in common that helps them have a long, healthy, vibrant life. And one of the first things that we notice is that people in blue zones incorporate exercise into all aspects of their day. They are maybe chopping wood and walking more, going for bike rides. We know that people in blue zones are a part of a community. They have a sense of purpose. We know that the people in blue zones are more likely to eat less, about 20% less calories on average they eat per day. And they eat a much higher amount of plants in their diet,
Starting point is 00:06:40 plants that are rich in all those phytonutrients that we know are so good for our health. We know that they have times of regular exercise every day, but also times of rest every day. Times for a nap or relaxation, prayer, meditation, rest. And so all of those things can be helpful for helping us live a long, healthy life if we just take some of these examples from people who are living in the blue zones. So these are really obvious things that most of us sort of know and take for granted. But there are some interesting differences. You look at, for example, the Plains Indians, the Lakota, and the group that lived at the turn of the century longer than any other population in the world.
Starting point is 00:07:24 These were the buffalo hunters. And all they ate pretty much was buffalo and berries, right? They had the longest lived population in the world, the most number of centenarians, people who lived over 100 of any population. And all they ate was meat, but it was buffalo. And then you have this Seventh-day Adventists, who also had very, very long lives
Starting point is 00:07:43 from Loma Linda, California, and they were vegetarians. But what they also had was practices that supported health. They didn't smoke. They didn't drink. They had great community and connection. I mean, if you join a bowling club or a knitting club, you're more likely to live longer than someone who's socially isolated. I mean, loneliness is one of the biggest killers. So when you look at these populations, there's a lot of variables, but they have certain things in common. And I think we have to just look at what those are.
Starting point is 00:08:16 And there are things that often we've lost sight of and undervalue in our rapidly aggressive, consuming, advancing society. We need to sort of refocus our priorities on what actually matters, which is love, connection, community. And in this time of COVID-19 with social distancing, the paradox is that many of us are actually connecting more with each other,
Starting point is 00:08:42 connecting more with those we love, spending more time engaging in relationships that matter. And I think that's a good thing. And I hope we don't go back to the old normal and we find a new normal that maintains that level of connection. Everybody gets excited by the next new flashy thing or the next big supplement or the next big treatment
Starting point is 00:09:03 to help solve the problem of aging. But we often overlook some of the most important things that we know already scientifically play such a huge role. And they're relationships, community, and even meaning and purpose, which, I mean, how could that be related to longevity? But it really is. Even optimism is related to longevity. So your mindset, your beliefs, your relationships, the quality of your relationships, and your community all play an enormous role in determining your health and longevity.
Starting point is 00:09:44 And that's why, for example, the Okinawans may have found the secret to longevity. It might be their diet, which I think plays somewhat of a role. But when they're born, they're placed into a group of babies called a moai. And this is a group of four or five little babies that literally grow up together through every stage of life and stay together all the way through school, marriages, children, careers, you know, and retirement. But they don't actually retire. They keep being part of the community all the way through until they die.
Starting point is 00:10:20 And so they have this sense of belonging. They have this sense of connection. They have this sense of belonging. They have this sense of connection. They have this sense of purpose. And it's an incredible thing to see how that relates to longevity and how the opposite is also true. That if you look at as a risk factor, what's more important than diet, more important than smoking, more important than exercise? It's social isolation. It's social disconnection. It's a loss of sense of connectivity.
Starting point is 00:10:50 It's a much bigger risk factor for death than all those other things. So you can do everything right, but if you don't tend to your relationships, if you don't tend to your community, if you don't tend to your spiritual life, to your meaning and purpose for being, for living, it's very tough to live a long, vibrant, healthy life. Mindset is very, very important because your thoughts create your reality. If you think something's going to happen, it will happen. And if you think something's not going to happen, it won't happen. So I call it the placebo effect and the nocebo effect.
Starting point is 00:11:29 And there's a wonderful book by Bruce Lipton called The Biology of Belief. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. It's one of the books that sort of changed how I look at medicine. I look at my patients. And it's the concept of your thoughts and your beliefs and your mindset affect the expression of your genes. And he was a cellular membrane scientist and geneticist. And what he realized is that our thoughts and our mindset actually affect the expression of our genes. And we're all sort of told that everything, the brain of the cell is in the DNA. And what he said is that there was an interesting experiment they did. They took cells, and they basically took the DNA out of the cell,
Starting point is 00:12:20 and the cell was happy as a clam and would live for like two or three weeks without all the nucleus, no DNA. So it was running, you know, just happily. The DNA, if you will, is a little bit like a recipe book that gives you recipes for proteins and various building blocks. But when the cell does not have the nucleus and not have the DNA, the cell works just fine. Only when it needs to go in there to do a reparative mechanism does it have to then tap into the DNA. And the person's mindset, your having a positive mindset, is really, really critical.
Starting point is 00:12:58 And there is a concept called the nocebo. So when a doctor says something to a patient and that, you know, you're going to die from this, that literally is like voodoo death. It's that negative mindset is toxic. And placebo is the effect where the doctor gives you a sugar pill and says, this is going to get you better. And lo and behold, it's just a sugar pill and the person does get better. So mindset and beliefs can actually have a positive effect or a negative effect. And it's a question of, you know, is the glass half empty or is the glass half full? Well, the glass just is.
Starting point is 00:13:30 The glass, you know, it depends on how you want to look at it. So your perspective on things, and you can shift your perspective. You know, that's one thing that, you know, cognitive behavioral therapy, people go to therapists. One of the things that a therapist does is allow them to sort of see themselves from another angle, another shift. So yes, the glass is half empty. Yes, the glass is half full. Yes, the glass is. It's a matter of how you want to change how you see things, and also your emotional connection to whatever it is that you're seeing. Like right now, we have the COVID crisis going on, and you can say, oh my God, I'm going to die or whatever. Now you can also, you can,
Starting point is 00:14:08 that's one perspective. You can also say, you know what? I got more free time on my hands. I'm a little bit less busy. What can I do to do better self-care? What can I do to expand my awareness of nature? You can just spend some quiet time by yourself and just be, get off your Netflix, get off your smartphone and just, you and just look at the world around you. And there are small, subtle things that we can do that give us joy and change our perspective and change our mindset in a day-to-day comings and goings. One of the biggest signs of less than optimal aging is when I notice that somebody has a decrease in their mobility.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Mobility is incredibly important for our health. We want to stay active and mobile and have good lean muscle mass and good flexibility. And when somebody is losing some of that, that is a sign that there may be more aging going on in their body. And it's something important we really want to focus on. One of the tests that I do and most physicians do is the get up and go test. It's a really easy test that you can perform. And what you do is you have a patient start sitting. You have them get up, walk for 10 feet, turn around, and go walk 10 feet back and sit down. That's called the get up and go test. And it's a really good sign of how much mobility somebody has and what is their risk of falling.
Starting point is 00:15:33 So we know that when somebody can get up and go and come back and sit back down, in less than 10 seconds, they're doing pretty well. If they're taking more than 14 seconds to do that test, they have an increased risk of fall. And so that's a really important thing that we need to pay attention to. If somebody is not as mobile, if they're not having as easy time getting up and walking, getting down and up and down off the floor, that's something we really want to work on because through physical therapy, through exercise, you can improve that for somebody.
Starting point is 00:16:06 And that has a big impact on their length of life and the quality of their life. And because we know that if somebody falls, the sequela of what happens to their health afterwards can be pretty dramatic and not great. So there's a lot of ways you can improve your get up and go, right? Just spending more time walking throughout the day, adding in daily exercise, but also improving your strength. So I have patients work on just getting up and down out of their chair. That can really help improve all the strength of the muscles around all your joints. So you can practice this. Just stand up and sit down in your chair and do it 10 times. And over time, you'll get better at it. At first, sometimes people might
Starting point is 00:16:58 need to use their walker or they might need to use part of the chair to help them get up. But over time, you want to be able to, if you can, get up out of the chair without holding on to anything. That incorporates so many muscles in your body, in your core, in your legs, in your glutes that you will be working on. And it's a simple exercise that you can do. So we have people do that 10 times, three sets. So a total of 30, once or twice a a day can have a huge impact on their mobility. We know that when people can walk for two miles or more within an hour,
Starting point is 00:17:37 their chance of living for the next 10 years is much higher than somebody who can't walk two miles in an hour. So just getting good exercise in your day is critical for optimal aging. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise every week and two days a week of strength training. And that strength training could include things like Pilates on a reformer, more strenuous yoga where you're using your own body weight, things like the seven-minute workout where you're using your own body weight for resistance. Of course, it can include things like weight training, different bands, and pulleys for strength training as well. And that's an important thing to get into your exercise routine at least
Starting point is 00:18:21 twice a week. So chronobiology is an area that I find really fascinating. And it's really understanding that our body has internal rhythms. There's the sleep-wake cycle rhythm. There's the feeding rhythm that we have. There's the menstrual cycle that women have throughout the month. And our circadian rhythm and our chronobiology is very much tied in with our health. So I tell people that it's really important to be sleeping when it's dark out and not be eating. In fact, one of the biggest things that I can do to help my patients to lose weight is tell them stop eating late at night. Sumo wrestlers have a recipe for getting fat.
Starting point is 00:19:03 The way that they do that is they eat a big meal and they go to bed. So the biggest thing is eating breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, and dinner like a pauper. In fact, there's a recent paper, which I just read, that looked at the thermogenic effect of food. Thermogenic meaning your body's ability to produce heat from the food that you eat. And what they found is that when you eat a hearty breakfast, you produce twice as much heat, the thermogenic effect of that food, as opposed to eating that food later on in the day. So if you want to, you know, a simple way of controlling your weight is not eating late at night, eating a good-sized breakfast, moderate lunch, maybe even skipping dinner or having something very, very light for dinner. And that gets your body into a good circadian rhythm. When you look at animals, what do animals do?
Starting point is 00:19:57 They get up in the morning. They go hunt for their food. The bird picks the worm. And then when the sun sets, they're not ready in the refrigerator. They're going to sleep. That's what we need to be doing. Hey, everyone. It's Dr. Mark. Now, something I get more and more excited about every year is personalized medicine. Now, when I began practicing functional medicine over 20 years ago, it was clear to me we have to look at how unique each body is. Now with technology advancing in amazing ways,
Starting point is 00:20:26 we can truly take that concept to the next level. Like one of the tools that I recently discovered that can help us all do this from home is InsideTracker. Founded in 2009 by top scientists in aging, genetics, and biometric data from MIT, Tufts, and Harvard, InsideTracker is a personalized health and wellness platform like no other. It's purpose-built to help you live a longer, more productive life. Their cutting-edge technology analyzes your blood, DNA, your lifestyle, to give you highly personalized recommendations. Then, using the app, you can track your progress every day. InsideTracker tells you what to do and why,
Starting point is 00:21:01 so your health goals are clear and actionable, and most importantly, based on exactly what your body needs. And now you can connect InsideTracker with your Apple Watch to unlock deeper, more precise insights into your health. With real-time exercise, resting heart rate, and sleep data synced with your InsideTracker plan, you can truly wear your health on your sleeve. My team took InsideTracker for a spin and really loved it. They discovered some important things about their health that led them to stop procrastinating when it comes to certain parts of their health, like, for example, finally taking a vitamin D supplement after seeing they were deficient, or eating more iron-rich foods due to low ferritin and hemoglobin, and making an effort to embrace stress reduction techniques after seeing high cortisol levels.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Now, health is not black and white. Your wellness plan shouldn't be either. If you're curious about getting your own health program dialed in to your unique needs, I highly recommend checking out InsideTracker. Right now, they're offering my community 20% off at forward slash Dr. Hyman. That's I-N-S-I-D-E-T-R-A-C-K-E-R dot com slash Dr. Hyman. That's me, Dr. Hyman. And you'll see the discount quote in your cart. Now let's get back to this week's episode of The Doctor's Pharmacy. When you're dealing with sleep, and I tell patients, you have to sort of, you got to treat sleep like she's a queen. And she wants to be paid attention to from the first thing in the morning until you get back
Starting point is 00:22:27 to her at night. So all day long, you have to actually be thinking about sleep. You just can't treat it like it's an orphan. You got to treat her like she's a queen. So when you wake up in the morning, you want to set your sleep cycle. And how you do that is by seeing the morning light. When your eyes take in the morning light, the light goes through in that area of where your eyes, the nerves that feed your eyes, there's something called the suprachiasmatic nucleus. That nucleus sets your sleep cycle,
Starting point is 00:23:00 your circadian rhythm, that biologic rhythm that tells your body what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. That needs to be in place, and that gets set the first thing in the morning when you see light. But then during the day, you're going to be inside a lot for most people, and that kind of light is too much light. So I always recommend blue blocking glasses, because that light that you have when you're inside has blue light, which is going to dysregulate the information that the suprachiasmatic nucleus gets. And that's going to also limit the production of melatonin in your brain.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Melatonin is that important hormone that at nighttime tells the body it's time to slow down. It's part of that circadian rhythm. And when that rhythm gets to a certain part of the day, you start increasing your amount of melatonin. And melatonin not only tells your body to go to sleep, it plays a role in your immune system. It can actually help fight viruses and decrease inflammation. So it's really important to set your clock in the morning so that
Starting point is 00:24:07 your melatonin gets made before you go to sleep. And then it's really important to have good sleep rituals. So when you're home at night and you're watching TV, you're in front of the screen, you should again be wearing your blue blocking glasses. And you want to turn off your screen at least an hour before you go to bed. Because if you think you're going to watch The Walking Dead and then, you know, go to bed and fall asleep in 10 minutes, that's not going to happen. So you create a ritual. An hour before, turn off the screen, read a paper book, have a cup of tea, take a warm bath, light the candles, write in your journal, create a ritual, because that begins to
Starting point is 00:24:47 tell your body, your mind, and your soul, it's time to rest. And then you go to sleep. The queen is happy, and you're going to get a nice restful sleep. Now, that's a really good ritual for the whole day. But I do want to indicate that there are things that can interrupt sleep, and sleep apnea can be one of them. Sleep apnea, a lot of people think, only happens if you're overweight. You have obstructed sleep apnea. However, sleep apnea can occur to thin people. Believe it or not, I have sleep apnea. And after my brain injury two years ago, I was having an even harder time falling asleep. And then about six months ago, I did a sleep study. I had sleep apnea. And starting to be treated for sleep apnea was the turning, the last real big turning point
Starting point is 00:25:40 in me regaining and actually improving my cognitive function over what it was before I had my brain injury. Sleep apnea, if you have it, will impact your immune system. It will depress the production of certain cell lines. Sleep apnea will impact your brain. You won't be able to make enough BDNF and you'll lose cognitive function. So just because I've told you to have a really good sleep pattern and a really good sleep ritual and treat her like a queen, there may be something that's interrupting that process. You may be doing all that right and still not sleeping well. And you may wake up in the morning not refreshed. You may be having
Starting point is 00:26:25 daytime sleepiness despite doing all those things right. And if you are, then you should really get checked for sleep apnea. When you get a good night's sleep, you're really going to help your immune system. It will decrease your markers of inflammation. And elevated markers of inflammation are associated with decreased immune functioning and more chronic disease and cancers. A good night's sleep also upregulates something called telomerase. Telomerase will stabilize your DNA. And when you have deterioration of telomerase, when you're not getting enough sleep, that can lead to DNA breakdown, aging cells cells and cancer. So there's a whole field of regenerative medicine out there. And these therapies are not your typical therapies.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Drug therapies typically work on one pathway that either help or hurt or interrupt some function to change your biology. That's what drugs do. They also have side effects, and they also are not always so effective. That's what drugs do. They also have side effects and they also are not always so effective. They're marginally effective. But there's a whole set of tools out there that are emerging that are regenerative therapies that do things in a broad way that
Starting point is 00:27:38 aren't treating a specific disease or pathway that activate all the healing mechanisms that we need to activate to age well. They reduce inflammation. They increase your antioxidant systems. They increase the function and number of your mitochondria and energy production. They enhance brain repair. They enhance tissue repair and healing. They decrease fat storage. They increase lean muscle mass. They increase cognitive function and brain chemistry. And they do this by a mechanism in the body called hormesis, which is essentially where a stress is induced to then create a healing response. We need to do that to our bodies periodically to create these stresses, whether it is these times of restricted eating where we fast or we time
Starting point is 00:28:35 restrict eating or we do fasting mimicking diets or we do ketogenic diets. That's a form of hormesis. Whether we do high intensity interval training, which is where we go really, really fast and stress ourselves and then relax. Our weight training, where we stress our muscles. Whether we do heat therapy, which is we use saunas. Or cold therapy, which is ice baths, which I do almost every day. I do a steam and an ice bath almost every day because it's a stress on the system that creates a healing response. Whether it's light therapy, certain light therapies create a stress on the body, but also activate a healing response. But there's some really cool things out there that do the same thing. And one of them is called ozone therapy.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Now, ozone therapy sounds scary because ozone, we know about the ozone layer. And we know it's dangerous to breathe in ozone because it'll destroy your lungs. And we know that ozone layer being destroyed causes all kinds of health issues. But there's medical ozone where it's used as a hormetic inducer of healing. In other words, this is a molecule that's very reactive, that is a stress to the body, but it creates a very short-term stress that then teaches the body to be like that wild strawberry and create all these healing responses. So medical ozone can be used rectally. It can be used intravenously through different techniques. But what it does is it activates all of your antioxidant enzymes that protect you as you age, right? So you stop rusting.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Things like catalase and superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase and glutathione S-transferase. These are our own antioxidants. It's not like having vitamin C or vitamin E. These are so powerful and our body makes them. But as we age, they don't make them so much anymore. And so this activates that. It also activates a pathway called NRF2. This is another one of these master regulators that reduces inflammation, that increases antioxidant systems, that increases brain function. And it can also be activated by things like sulforaphane, which comes from broccoli, and curcumin, which is from turmeric, and resveratrol, which is from red grapes.
Starting point is 00:30:53 But when you do medical ozone, it activates the NRF2 pathways. So it protects you. It's a protective system that is anti-aging. And it also blocks the effect of something called NF-kappa-B. Now, this is a master regulator of your gene expression that controls inflammation. Now, we know inflammation is bad. So when you have the stress of ozone, it inhibits NF-kappa-B, which turns off all the anti-inflammatory genes. So you're literally shutting off the inflammation, you're increasing your antioxidants, and you're creating all these healing responses in the body. As a result, you're even increasing your own stem cell production with ozone. And you're killing off all the bugs that are living in us that create chronic inflammation.
Starting point is 00:31:41 So it's this incredible therapy that has yet to be fully researched, but the early data is just striking. And personally, I found it an incredible therapy to optimize health and longevity, as well as treat so many patients with chronic disease. So I think there's all these really cool hormetic therapies that we can use, whether it's dietary manipulations that allow us to be in a little bit of stress, like a short-term fasting or starvation period, whether it's these certain forms of exercise that put a little stress on us, whether it's hot and cold therapy, light therapy, even hypoxia, which is low oxygen concentrations in the atmosphere, actually do the same thing. And there's a machine that they use in Germany that I've tried, which is so cool, where you put on a mask and you breathe oxygen, but the levels slowly go down.
Starting point is 00:32:30 So it's like walking up Mount Everest until you're a little bit hungry for oxygen, and then you get the oxygen back and come back down. And you do that repeatedly over a period of 15, 20 minutes, and that creates this response in the body of a little bit of stress that starts to do all the same things and heal your mitochondria, increase your mitochondria. And ozone is one of those therapies. And exosomes do the same thing. Stem cells could do the same thing. So we're seeing all these therapies that aren't treating a disease. They're treating the system to create a healing response, a regenerative response, a repair response, an age-reversing response. Now, exosomes is one of those strategies that I think is going to be found as a key driver of health and longevity. Exosomes are the healing factors that are in the stem cells. We used to think that a stem cell would go somewhere and become another cell. I don't think that's what
Starting point is 00:33:24 we're learning happens. Stem cells release all these growth and healing and repair factors, anti-inflammatory factors. So exosomes are all the goodies that are in stem cells, they've been taken out without the DNA. So I can't use your stem cells, you can't use my stem cells, because we'll get an immune reaction. So you have to use your own. But if you're like 65, like you got 65-year-old stem cells. But if you use exosomes, you can get, for example, youthful exosomes that come from placenta, where all the genetic material is taken out and only the healing factors remain. And you can inject those. You can inject them into places that are injured to heal. You can
Starting point is 00:34:05 inject them into your blood to have systemic reparative effects. And I found this incredibly helpful. Yes, we need more research. We're learning more, but I think this is one of the future therapies that's going to be very critical in helping to enhance repair and heal ourselves as we age as part of regenerative medicine. So stem cells are important, and stem cells are something that we can do something about and that actually are a critical part of aging and some of these other techniques of exosomes and other strategies can be very effective in bypassing some of the costs and also some of the discomfort and struggle of getting stem cells. One of the other very exciting
Starting point is 00:34:43 areas is peptide therapy. So again, peptides are small amounts of amino acids like beads on a string. And peptides actually act as very powerful signaling molecules in the body. One of the peptides that we all know is insulin. Insulin is a peptide. It's a bunch of amino acids. And we know how powerful that peptide is because when you give it to people, it lowers their blood sugar. And there are certain peptides that are out there that specifically can help with the healing of the body. There's one in particular called BPC-157. There's also peptides that are good for the immune function, thymus and alpha, thymus and beta. And unfortunately, right now, peptides are actually
Starting point is 00:35:27 being in the process of being banned, or a lot of the peptides are by the FDA, which is unfortunate because these peptides are actually quite safe. And they are helpful for a whole host of symptoms. In fact, there are some peptides that actually have been used specifically in patients with neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer's or post-stroke patients, one in particular called cerebral lysin. For those who are listening, I would strongly encourage you
Starting point is 00:35:54 to contact your senator and congressman to get the FDA to allow doctors to use peptides. When we look at the use of medications or supplements, we always look at what's called the risk-benefit ratio. How much risk is there and what benefit is there? Peptides, in my opinion, have one of the best risk-benefit ratios of all therapeutics that we can use as physicians. And they're very, very helpful for a host of things, helping with people who have ulcerative colitis, leaky gut, autoimmune conditions, et cetera. So these are things that I, as a physician, would like to have in my black bag.
Starting point is 00:36:34 I wouldn't necessarily use them as first-line therapy. But for patients who need it, they absolutely can be lifesaving. And unfortunately, right now, we're in the process of potentially losing a lot of these. So the time is urgent to really try to contact your local congressmen and senators. All the things that we've discussed in this docuseries, our diet, exercise, the right nutrients, getting rid of toxins, fixing our microbiome, reducing inflammation, reducing oxidative stress. These are all essential to helping our mitochondria. But what's really exciting about the science of aging and the science of our mitochondria is we now are understanding how to keep our mitochondria young through some very special tools, special nutrients,
Starting point is 00:37:23 things that we can take that literally help upregulate and activate our mitochondria, produce new mitochondria, make them more effective and make them more efficient and make them more functional, which makes us more energetic, which is what we want. And one of the key factors that we've learned about that declines as we age is one of the components of this energy production cycle called NAD. Now, this energy production cycle, there's a lot of steps, a lot of chemical steps. So you eat, you breathe, goes into the mitochondria, goes down an assembly line, and at the other end comes ATP and a little waste, which is carbon dioxide, which you breathe out, and water, which you pee out. And sometimes free radicals, which are produced sort of waste, which comes out your exhaust.
Starting point is 00:38:13 The problem is a lot of those steps require nutrients that decline as we age, or we don't get enough of, like CoQ10 or B vitamins or other things. And NAD is one of the key steps in that process. There's a tremendous amount of research going on now about how to use this molecule NAD to activate our mitochondria, to increase our energy, to reduce the aging process, and to even potentially reverse it. And it can be given orally.
Starting point is 00:38:42 There's a lot of companies producing this molecule as a therapeutic agent, as a supplement. There are companies trying to make it into a drug. There are scientists all over the world looking at this molecule as a way of helping slow the aging process and even reversing it. And there's also intravenous applications that are a little more controversial, but they can be very effective. And I've seen these patients of mine, for example, with Parkinson's, which is the quintessential example of a mitochondrial disease. The reason
Starting point is 00:39:12 these patients with Parkinson's shuffle and go really slow, one of the key features is called bradykinesia, which means slow movement. And why they have muscle dysfunction is because their mitochondria don't work anymore. And giving them NAD literally I've seen stop tremors and increase function in ways that I was shocked to see. So I've been using NAD myself. I've been using it in my patients. And I'm seeing remarkable results in helping to increase the energy production. So it's one of those key steps that we need to have functioning in order for us to age well. And I'm really excited about this NAD research that's going on right now. I think we're going to learn more and more about it. And it's already showing incredible promise as a way of optimizing your energy, of helping to slow and even reverse the
Starting point is 00:39:58 aging process. So I'm a big NAD fan. The etymology of hormesis means to urge on. And hormesis is that when our body is exposed to stressors, small amounts of stressors, and that small amount of stressor can be a variety of different things. It can be a temperature extreme. It can be going up in temperature. So as we raise our body temperature, that's sort of like a fever. And we actually can produce heat shock proteins, which are actually beneficial for the body. Sauna therapy is fantastic. If you actually look in the literature, epidemiologically, people in Sweden who do saunas on a regular basis are 70% less likely to develop Alzheimer's. Now, who would have thunk of that?
Starting point is 00:40:45 Just exposing yourself to sauna therapy can dramatically decrease your risk for Alzheimer's. That's a simple thing to do. That's not a costly thing to do. And it's also a social, it's a fun thing to do. So things that we can do to stimulate that hermetic effect, that sort of transient stressor. Cold therapy is also another thing.
Starting point is 00:41:04 I actually do that myself every day when I take a shower. And when you live in New England in the winter, that can get pretty cold. And that shock to the system actually pumps out lots of epinephrine and norepinephrine, which is actually good for the immune system. And there have been studies showing that cold therapy actually helps with immune activation. And there's some very interesting work with Wim Hof and the Wim Hof method, which combines cold exposure along with breathing exercises to dramatically decrease the immune system's response. They actually did some studies with medical students in the hospital where they injected them with gram-negative bacteria. They looked at their response, and these were people who were trained with breathing and cold water immersion therapy.
Starting point is 00:41:52 And what they found is that these people, their immune system's response was much less dramatic. So they have a sort of a more refined and more intelligent immune response so that their bodies aren't overreacting to something. Again, the immune system is really all about balance. You want to have an immune system that is going to fight something if that bug or virus is going to kill you. But at the same time, you want to be able to turn that immune system off. So it's really about a balanced immune system. And that is the key thing to understanding. Other things that affect hormesis
Starting point is 00:42:26 is phytonutrients. So a lot of those compounds which we have in our diet, things like broccoli, garlic, green tea, these phytochemicals act as hormetic molecules. And what it is is our body senses that these molecules are toxic at low levels. It's sort of like a small amount of poison, if you will. And our bodies will actually start to upregulate our body's own antioxidant systems. So including these sub-toxic doses of phytonutrients like garlic, like green tea, like resveratrol actually activate our body's own natural defense mechanism systems. So that's why the hormetic effect is really good. And then the other thing which is also really good is exercise. And that doesn't mean you have to go to the gym and be there for two hours a day, five days a week. But doing short bursts of exercise, which is stressing the body,
Starting point is 00:43:31 is a really good thing to do. So you're getting your heart rate up to 90% to 100% of your maximum heart rate. You're getting out of breath. That actually stimulates that antioxidant systems in the body. So those are all simple things that you can do that activate the hermetic response in the body. As a physician, it took me years to understand that health often extends beyond our biological systems. We need to set up our environment to enhance those systems. If you think you're doing everything right, but you're not sleeping well, you feel isolated or lonely, you have a lack of purpose and lack of spiritual connection, you still have work to do. Surprisingly, having meaning and purpose leads to a longer life. You're having so much fun,
Starting point is 00:44:17 you don't want to die. We cannot ignore all these factors that are as important, if not more important, than what we eat. The first step to getting healthy is to consider all these factors that are as important, if not more important, than what we eat. The first step to getting healthy is to consider all these spokes on the wellness wheel. They're foundational pillars of health. We can't just jump into the next best supplement or treatment and expect to get healthy. First do the basics and then consider innovative therapies with the help of a trained practitioner. I hope this episode motivated you to make shifts in your daily life. You have the power to turn your health around starting today. So thanks for watching and I'll see you next time for the final episode of the Longevity Roadmap where we put it all together. See you there. Hey everybody, it's Dr. Hyman. Thanks for tuning into The Doctor's
Starting point is 00:45:04 Pharmacy. I hope you're loving this podcast. It's one of my favorite things to do and introducing you to all the experts that I know and I love and that I've learned so much from. And I want to tell you about something else I'm doing, which is called Mark's Picks. It's my weekly newsletter.
Starting point is 00:45:18 And in it, I share my favorite stuff from foods to supplements to gadgets to tools to enhance your health. It's all the cool stuff that I use and that my team uses to optimize and enhance our health. And I'd love you to sign up for the weekly newsletter. I'll only send it to you once a week on Fridays. Nothing else, I promise. And all you do is go to forward slash PICS to sign up. That's forward slash PICS, P-I-C-K-S, and sign up for the newsletter. And I'll share with you my favorite stuff that I use to enhance my health and get healthier and better and live younger, longer.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Hi, everyone. I hope you enjoyed this week's episode. Just a reminder that this podcast is for educational purposes only. This podcast is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. This podcast is provided on the understanding that it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services. If you're looking for help in your journey, seek out a qualified medical practitioner. If you're looking for a functional medicine practitioner, you can visit and search
Starting point is 00:46:22 their find a practitioner database. It's important that you have someone in your corner who's trained, who's a licensed healthcare practitioner, and can help you make changes, especially when it comes to your health.

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