The Dr. Hyman Show - Encore: How To Do The 10-Day Detox
Episode Date: January 6, 2025Do you experience cravings for sugar and refined carbs? Do you regularly feel tired or sluggish or experience brain fog? Do you have joint pain, muscle aches, bloating, gas, sinus problems, skin probl...ems, anxiety, depression or insomnia, or simply put, do you “feel like crap?” Most people, at some point in their lives, have experienced what I call FLC Syndrome—this is when you Feel Like Crap. Yet most people have no idea what causes it or how to fix it. The good news is that most of us are only a few days away from feeling well, ending sugar and carb cravings, and having control over our bodies. In today’s episode, I talk about how to activate your body’s extraordinary healing and reparative systems with my 10-Day Detox Diet. The 10-Day Detox addresses foundational gaps missing in our modern diet, supplements that support our natural detoxification systems, minerals and amino acids that promote relaxation and deep rest, and a dietary protocol that works by taking out the wrong foods and focusing on the right foods to transform your body in just a few days. View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Here are more details from our interview (audio version / Apple Subscriber version): Do you have FLC Syndrome? (2:41 / 1:07) The first pillar of the 10-Day Detox: Food (6:02 / 4:26) The second pillar of the 10-Day Detox: Daily Habits (9:44 / 8:12) The third pillar of the 10-Day Detox: Supplemental Support (12:31 / 10:59) What to eat and what to avoid during your 10-Day Detox (15:29 / 12:49) Transitioning off the 10-Day Detox (22:28 / 20:54) Mentioned in this episode 10-Day Detox PDF (includes the medical symptom questionnaire) The 10-Day Detox book The 10-Day Detox Cookbook What to Eat/What to Avoid during your 10-Day Detox This episode is brought to you by BIOptimizers. Head to and use code HYMAN10 to save 10%.
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Welcome to doctors pharmacy. I'm dr. Mark. Hyman as far as an apple place for conversations that matter and
I'm Dr. Mark Hyman. That's Farms in Apple Place for conversations that matter.
And I'm gonna share with you today
something that really matters
because it's the cornerstone of my medical practice.
It's the secret of a lot of my success
and it's how I get a lot of my patients better,
which is something called the 10-day detox diet.
Now, I do call it the 10-day detox diet,
but sometimes you need to do it longer,
like two weeks, three weeks, 10 months, maybe even 10 years, depending on the situation.
But we're going to talk about the 10 days and how powerful that can be to transform
your health.
And this today is part of our health bite series to improve your health by taking small
steps every day that can make significant change in your health over time. Now I find that most people have never connected the dots between how they feel
and what they eat. They walk around with what I call FLC syndrome. That's when
you feel like crap and that is a big problem for people. What do I mean by
that? Well you might be tired, sluggish,
you might have brain fog, maybe you have digestive issues, reflux, heartburn, irritable bowel,
maybe you have nasal congestion, sinus issues, muscle aches, joint pains, headaches, insomnia.
Should I go on? Rashes, acne. I mean, it goes on and on and on. And many of these things are caused by food. And the only way to know is to do a
total body reset. Like hitting the reset button on your commuter when all the systems are jammed,
it's a complete reboot. So how do you do a reboot? It's very powerful and most people have never
experienced this and this is what I love to do with people. And I actually run programs all around
the world where people can come and actually experience this.
We do programs where we have people do this
just in five days, not even 10 days.
People have a 70% reduction in all symptoms
from all diseases.
Now I'm gonna put in the show notes
the medical symptom questionnaire that I use in my practice,
which essentially gives you a score
based on the degree and frequency and severity of symptoms.
So if you have a headache, is it zero meaning never or is it four again all the time, they're
really bad or some version in between.
And then you get a score at the end and people have a score of 60, 70, 100.
It should be less than 10, maybe even zero ideally.
I should have symptoms, it's not normal for human beings to suffer this much.
That's really why I created this book and the program, the 10- 10-day detox diet because I was doing this with my patients and seeing
such incredible results. So I do this personally regularly. I do it at least
two or three times a year, four times a year to really reset my system to kind of
get my body back on track to get rid of all the bad stuff, put in all the good
stuff. I want to walk you through how to do this. I'm going to teach you how to hit the reset button, reboot your system, and to optimize
your biology to help your gut, to help your detox system, to help your immune system,
to help reset your nervous system, and it's powerful.
So if you want to really see how your body can feel and get rid of what we call FLC syndrome, I would do this. Most people
are like the frog that's in cold water where you turn the heat up slowly and it starts to boil to
death. We just kind of get used to it and think it's normal. These symptoms are not normal.
So what are the principles? What are the foundational pillars of the 10-day B-thorax program?
foundational pillars of the 10-day B-House program. And what can you do?
Now, basically anybody can do this.
People go, I remember, I wanna do this
with a junior high school once.
And the teachers are like, well,
we might have to get permission from the parents
to see if it's safe.
Maybe they don't want their children doing this.
I'm like, what, is it safe to eat fruits and vegetables
and nuts and seeds and protein
and cut out sugar and starch and processed food?
I mean, they should get a note
that it's permission to eat the junk food
that they have in school.
It's the opposite.
So I know, yes, it's very safe.
Anybody can do this.
And some people, by the way,
need more of certain things or other things.
But basically, this is a very universal approach
to resetting your system.
So what are the first principle, the first pillar?
It's eat real food, real whole food.
Understand that food is medicine.
It's not just energy or calories.
It's truly medicine.
It's information, it's instructions, it's code
that literally programs your biology with every bite.
It regulates your gene expression, your hormones,
your brain chemistry, your immune system,
your microbiome.
Pretty much everything is controlled by food.
If you're eating the wrong food, you're sending all the wrong messages.
If you eat the right food, you're sending the right messages.
So this is a 10-day detox.
You're basically taking out the bad stuff and putting it in the good stuff.
You're taking all the foods that cause inflammation, that are toxic to your system, that are inflammatory, the best for your gut,
and you're putting in foods that actually help reset your system. It's pretty much a very simple
approach. It's lots of veggies, so mostly veggies, lots of good fats, lots of fiber,
lots of good clean protein. What does that look like? It's tons of non-starchy veggies like broccoli, any kind of veggie you think of that's not
basically a potato.
You know, sometimes sweet potatoes are okay for people.
Avocados, good shots of avocados, olive oil, nuts and seeds, lots of good protein, grass-fed,
organic, regenerative meats, fish, chicken.
Sometimes we, you know, for vegetarians, we can, or vegans, we can use plant-based proteins like
tempeh or non-GMO or organic soy, tofu. Those are the most dense sources of protein, but
you do need protein as you detoxify.
So for the 10 days, you're going to be getting rid of all the other junk, sugar, dairy, coffee, gluten, alcohol, pretty much actually all grains and
The reason we get rid of grains and beans is not that they're necessarily all bad.
A lot of people have issues.
A lot of people have issues with their gut.
A lot of people have issues with inflammation.
A lot of people have issues with gluten.
A lot of people have issues with insulin resistance a lot of people have issues with some resistance
and pre-diabetes and obesity and they can be problematic for these people.
So basically get off all the bad stuff.
Now it's not calorie counting, you can eat as much as you want.
We're not like crazy, how much macronutrients and percent of this and percent of that.
No, it's just pick the right foods and we focus on what to eat.
You don't have to focus on how much to eat. Right?
So when you look at your plate,
it should basically look like this.
Three quarters of it should be non-starchy veggies.
And I use, often we'll put two or three veggies
in my dinner.
I'll make mushrooms, I'll have a broccoli,
I'll make some, maybe a salad.
So I have lots of veggies and I'll have a portion
of protein that's essentially
the size of my palm, four to six ounces, which is really 30 to 40 grams of protein.
Now, it's a good amount of protein, but you don't need that much if you're having anal
It should be very generally raised, should be pasture raised chicken, wild caught fish,
should be low mercury, obviously all that.
We'll put all that show notes, lots of good fats with dinner like avocados, nuts and seeds, olive oil in your veggies. You can even use for example, ghee which is a kind of butter
but it actually has the inflammatory proteins removed, casein and whey. So basically it has
just the fat. It's called clarified butter. Very common. You can get my book, The 1080 Tox Diet.
You can get the 1080 Tox Diet Cookbook. whatever you want. We'll put all the show notes
and links together. The second pillar aside from what you eat, the food is really important.
And by the end of the day, approaching the morning, you need to make sure you get rid of sugar
and starch in the morning. It's super important. And then people start their diet, their day with
carbs, which is the worst thing you can do. Sugar, sweetened coffees, teas,
cereals, muffins, bagels, breads, diners.
Second pillar are your daily habits.
It says eating involves a pattern of eating and living
that puts your body back in rhythm,
it helps you reset your nervous system,
and there's two really important habits
as part of the 10-day detox.
One is when you eat and also when you sleep.
So let's talk about when you eat.
Now, when you eat might be as important as what you eat.
So many of us don't eat in the right pattern.
We tend to eat all day long, we tend to snack,
we tend to eat before bed, we snack late at night.
It's kind of bad.
So basically when you eat is very important.
Research shows that doing that can really be bad
for your health if you eat at night.
So the first is make sure you give yourself
at least 12 to 14 hours between dinner and breakfast.
So dinner at six, breakfast at eight,
that's a 14 hour fast, okay?
If you eat at six and then you keep snacking all night, that doesn't count.
And most simple form of what we call time-restricted eating. And it's basically
giving your body a rest and getting the body to reset. And I wrote a lot about this in my book,
The Young Forever. But basically, there's all the process at night that happens,
called autophagy and clean up and repair. You want to give your body the ability to do that.
The next is food. Now you can do a breakfast if you're eating
you know for example dinner at 6 and breakfast at 8 or so. That's a 14 hour
fast. Really important to have protein in the morning and not carbs and sugar. Also
not eating three hours before bed. It's really important. So most people eat and
snack after dinner. don't do that.
Have at least three hours of time you eat
and you go to sleep.
That way you will lose weight,
your body can repair and heal instead of trying to digest
and store the food.
What about sleep?
Sleep is one of the most underrated pillars of health.
It's probably even before exercise, meditation,
maybe even before nutrition.
Because when you don't sleep well,
you're gonna eat tons of sugar and carbs,
you're gonna crave more.
So you wanna focus on sleep and restorative rest. We
know that getting in a routine of waking and sleeping can help with a deeper more restful
sleep. So try to take the same bedtime every night. Try to get off your screens for an
hour or two before bed. Keep your room or use blue blocker glasses. Keep your room dark
and cold probably 65 to 68, really important because your body does
much better with sleep at night. Try to relax at night with meditation, do a guided imagery,
do breath work, stretching, journaling, gratitude practice, whatever you like, but do something,
very important. So your evening routine should be like set a bedtime and stick to it over 10 days,
turn your phone off and get out of your bedroom, turn the TV off for at least an hour or two before you go to bed, and then use the time
at night to read, to journal, to meditate, to connect with people you love, and just kind of
wind down. The third pillar is extra support we need on the journey, right? Now, we all need nutrients.
journey. Now, we all need nutrients. They're called vitamins because they were vital amines, vital to life. And so, we've seen a dramatic reduction in the nutrient density of our food, our organic
matter has gone out of our soil, nutrients can't be extracted, foods travel long distances, we have
commodity crops such are bred to actually
breed out the nutrients and in the starch and you know yield and so foods
aren't as nutritious as they once were and probably 90% of Americans according to the
government-owned surveys are deficient in one or more nutrients at the minimum
level to prevent deficiency. So how much vitamin D or do you need to not get
rickets? Not
very much, like 30 units. How much need for optimal health? Probably three to five thousand. So we need
to really probably focus on nutrients and even with a perfect diet, you know, because none of us are
hunter-gatherers anymore or you know kinds of food that we never ate and I'm a nutrient depleted.
We need the basic supplements. So we need a basic set of supplements, a multivitamin and mineral foundational.
Magnesium, a lot of us are deficient, probably 45% or low or deficient magnesium.
It's involved in over 300 different enzymatic reactions.
Super important, helps relax your nervous system at night, help you calm down.
Also people get constipated sometimes when they change their diet.
So taking magnesium citrate can help.
And lastly, vitamin D. They can also take fish oil, but vitamin D is really important.
Vitamin D over 80% is lower deficient in vitamin D. It's involved in so many different things
in the body.
So really important.
And it helps your mood, helps your muscle function, helps your brain, helps your energy,
helps inflammation, autoimmunity.
It's just super important.
And most of us are low.
Fish oil is also important.
And I often recommend fish oil to people
or omega-3 fats. So what are the program steps in the 10-day detox? What should be the steps?
And then we're going to go through this. The first step is to eat from the 10-day detox approved
list for 10 days. So eat what I'm telling you to eat. Whole foods, you know, whole food based shake
in the morning. You can add, powder, grass fed protein if you want.
I have a grass fed protein called super simple protein.
But you really need to make sure you have a good breakfast.
Second is commit to daily habits, right?
Pick your designated eating window, right?
You want a 12 to 14 hour overnight fast, which means eating within a 10 or 12 hour window.
Don't snack before bed.
Try to have the same bedtime.
Get off your technology an hour or two before.
Practice some active relaxation.
Huge impact on your health.
Step three is adding the supplements.
You don't have to do this, but I really encourage people to have a multivitamin, magnesium,
vitamin D, and potentially fish oil.
We're going to list which products you should take in the show notes so you have it all
listed there.
Also, what you should eat and what you should avoid during your 10-day detox, let's go through
Here's the full food list.
We're going to have it in the show notes.
You can take it with you to the store.
It's in the book, the 10-day detox.
It's in the 10-day detox cookbook.
Essentially, here's what you should eat and what you should actually get rid of.
What you should eat is protein,
you need the right protein, right?
So grass-fed or originally raised meats is great.
You can have a path to raise lamb, beef,
bison, venison, elk, grass-fed beef,
pasture-raised chicken, turkey, duck, all that's fine. What you should avoid is
conventionally raised chicken and poultry and eggs and so forth. And by the way, you
can also have eggs if they're pasture-raised eggs. Meat, get rid of all processed meats,
deli meats, all conventionally raised feedlot meats, get rid of all that stuff.
But about fish and seafood, lots of small fish are good, big fish are bad. Big fish like swordfish, tuna, fillet and sea bass, halibut, most farmed fish are pretty
bad for you.
What you should be consuming are things like the, I call it the smash fish, small wild
salmon, sardines, anchovies, herring, mackerel, black cod, shrimp, scallop, trout, all those
are fine. Eggs, as I, trout, all those are fine.
Eggs, as I said, pastries eggs are fine.
Non-organic, regular eggs are not fine.
What about nuts and seeds?
Very important.
Omids, Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios,
walnuts, all that's great.
You can even have cacao nibs, chocolate, not actually chocolate, but it's where chocolate
comes from.
Seeds are great. Chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds,
pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds,
pumpkin seeds, all great.
Nut butters, also great.
So unsweetened nut butters, so almond, cashew,
pecan, macadamia, I love macadamia.
Walnut, oh that's great.
You can also eat beans if you're a vegan and you want to do this.
You can use GMO-free or non-GMO tofu or tempeh as your protein.
What you should avoid are nuts that are with sugar, that are cooked in oils, that are with
basic candied stuff.
A lot of nut butters have sugar, hydrogenated fats.
Peanut butter, peanuts can be okay,
but I would say mostly avoid peanuts
because they have aflatoxin and they often are rancid.
And so you wanna be careful with that.
What about oils and fats?
Well, the ones you wanna use are organic avocado oil.
You can use organic coconut oil for cooking, grass-fed ghee. If you want
to use tallow, lard, duck fat, chicken fat, that's okay as long as they're pasture-raised
or originally-raised. For salads, you can use different kinds of oils like almond oil,
flax oil, hemp oil, macadamia oil, extra virgin olive oil. And you can cook with olive oil
but only like tomato sauces
and things like that, things that are not high heat. Sesame oil, tahini is great as
well, great fat. Sesame seed kind of paste, walnut oil, those are flavorful oils, they're
not main oils. But you want to avoid the traditional oils, all the seed oils like canola oil, partially
hydrogenated oils, margarine, peanut oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil,
trans fats, vegetable oil, vegetable shortening sunflower oil, safflower oil, trans fats, vegetable
oil, vegetable shortening, all that stuff's bad.
What about veggies?
What should you eat?
Well, you want to stick with lots of non-starchy veggies or artichokes, organic if you can.
I use the Dirty Dozen guide from the environmental working group,
Tell you which are the clean 15, meaning you can eat the non-organic or the Dirty Dozen,
which you should definitely not eat if they're not organic.
But I love asparagus, artichokes, avocado, bean sprouts, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage,
cauliflower, celery, cucumber, eggplant, garlic, ginger, hearts of palm, kohlrabi, leafy greens,
mushrooms of all kinds, onions, peppers, radicchio, radish, rutabagas, all the kind of stuff.
Seaweed is great, lots of minerals, shallots, summer squash, tomatoes, peppers, radicchio, radish, rutabagas, all the kind of stuff. Seaweed is
great, lots of minerals, shallots, summer squash, tomatoes, turnips, zucchini. List goes on. We have
all in there. You can have some things like sweet potatoes. I like the Japanese purple sweet potatoes.
We do squash, carrots, pumpkin. All that's fine. I mean, carrots are fine because unless you're
doing carrot juice, that's a problem. But basically try to limit to like one serving which is like
half a cup a day. What you should be avoiding is corn and white potatoes mostly. Little
fingerling potatoes or the Peruvian potatoes, purple potatoes can be fine. What about dairy?
You can eat pasture raised butter or ghee but I encourage you to get all dairy including sheep
and goat which are mostly fine for people but I encourage people to get all other dairy. And if you're having,
I encourage you to make sure it's grass-fed or originally raised.
And what about beans? Well, you can have green beans, you can have green peas, you can have
non-GMO or organic soy, just tofu or tempeh.
You can have snap beans, you can have snow peas,
but otherwise definitely no beans.
What about grains?
No grains at all.
So even healthy grains, quinoa, buckwheat,
things like that, I agree, really get off all of that.
Because it just shuts down the insulin response,
helps you lose weight, reduce inflammation.
Not that these are necessarily all bad, but eventually you can add them back, but basically get rid of all the other grains. Why? Because it just shuts down the insulin response, helps you lose weight, reduce inflammation.
Not that these are necessarily all bad, but eventually you're going to have them back.
But basically get rid of all the other grains.
Wheat, barley, rye, rice, amaranth, millet, tap, oats, everything.
Get rid of it.
Fruit can be okay, but small amounts of non-hydroacemic fruits.
So organic blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, kiwis, lemons, limes, raspberries,
all that's fine. Not too much, right? You don't want to be like, you know, two pounds
of blueberries, but you can have a cup, half a day.
You want to get rid of all the other fruit, all the high glycemic fruit like bananas,
pineapple, melons, cherries, grapes is the worst. Even fruits that you think, you know,
maybe good for you are actually good for you, right?
Whether it's peaches, pears, nectarines, cherries, for example.
But you don't want to eat them while you're on the 10-day detox.
You want to really shut down the blood sugar insulin response.
What about sugar sweeteners?
Sorry, none.
You can sometimes have a little monk fruit or stevia.
You have in the shake.
We have, but generally we tend to avoid all that stuff.
Also, just get rid of all the other artificial sweeteners,
all the sugar, all that stuff.
If you have to ask, the answer's no, basically.
Then what should you be drinking?
Well, lots of water, herbal tea, green tea,
all this other caffeine, that's okay.
A little green tea is fine. You know, if you get up coffee, sparkling water, mineral water, this color caffeine that's okay, a little green tea is fine,
you know, help you get off coffee, sparkling water, mineral water, all that's fine.
What you should avoid? Alcohol, coffee, bottled water, some plastic, soda, obviously sugary beverages.
Basically that's the program. So if you eat that way for 10 days, if you use those
simple habits, your body is going to totally transform and
you're going to see just how food is impacting your health, which is something most people
don't have a clue about. And that's why I love this so much. Now after the program,
it's really important if you do it for 10 days or 21 days or 10 weeks or 10 months,
you have to be smart about getting off it or you can get into big trouble.
Because when you go off of foods that are inflammatory, foods that are allergic to,
and then you reintroduce them, you can get a lot worse symptoms.
So let's say you had migraines before and then they're gone.
Wow, you're going to get a doozy of a migraine.
Or let's say you had gut issues before, you're going to get a real problem.
Or let's say you had sinus congestion from eating dairy and then you eat it.
Again, you might get a sinus infection. So you're going to have a real problem. Unless you had sinus congestion from eating dairy and then you eat it again, you might
get a sinus infection.
So you really have to be smart.
So if you're feeling great and you want to continue and let's say you have a lot of weight
to lose, let's say you have an autoimmune disease, let's say you just want to continue,
no problem.
You continue to do it.
You can do it for another 10 days.
You can do it for another 10 months.
It's fine.
It's totally safe to eat.
And it's pretty much how I eat most of the time with the occasionally grains and beans.
Also prioritize sleep and obviously your fasting window and not eating before bed.
Then eventually people can transition slowly to the Pegan diet, which incorporates a lot
of the principles of the 10-day detox diet, but it gets you more flexibility in your diet.
You can add some gluten-free grains.
You can have some grass-fed dairy or sheep or goat. Maybe you want to do it most of the time but try it, you know,
occasionally have a glass of wine or dessert occasionally. All that's fine. Remember when
you're adding things back, you want to do it smartly and in the 1080 Talks book we'll put in
the show notes, you have to add one thing at a time. So if you're adding back gluten, just do
that for three days. Don't have a pizza which has gluten and dairy, all right?
Because you won't know it's effective if you feel bad.
You want to know.
So give yourself three days and then pick the next food.
So start with gluten and dairy, then grains, other grains, and whatever.
You'll see, slowly add foods back and you'll see how you feel.
And that's your best barometer.
The smartest doctor in the room is your own body,
and that's what you want to focus on.
So congratulations. Hopefully you you want to focus on. So congratulations.
Hopefully you're going to do this.
I'm saying congratulations in advance.
You're going to take the first steps towards optimal health.
It's kind of hard sometimes to kind of know what to think or feel, but I always say, don't
listen to me.
Listen to your body.
It's the smartest doctor in the room.
Try this.
See what happens.
If it doesn't work, 10 days, who cares, right?
If it works, you have the answer and the key to unlock some of your health.
So we have so much health information out there.
Just kind of reset here.
Hit the reboot button on your body.
By the way, you can do this on and off.
You can do it every quarter, twice a year.
I do it regularly. And I think the best thing is pick You can do it every quarter, twice a year. I do it regularly.
And I think, you know, the best thing is pick somebody to do it with, right? You have a
buddy. My friend, Derek Warren, says everybody needs a buddy. Accountability is key. People
are more likely to do it together. We do this in groups at Cleveland Clinic. We do this
in groups around the world. I encourage you to do it with a friend or join a group to
do this.
So that's it for today's health bite. Hope you enjoyed it.
Please share with your friends and family.
I bet they'll benefit from this.
Nobody likes to feel like crap.
They wanna know the way out.
And if you know anybody with metabolic issues,
digestive issues, autoimmune issues, mood issues, try it.
Quick anecdote before I let you go.
My daughter, which was 18, was in high school
that made them eat all the food there.
The high school, they couldn't bring in their food,
it was pretty bad.
And it was just, she just ate that food for a while
and got really depressed and overweight and very inflamed
and her face was all red.
And she did not want to go to college.
She was literally in bed not wanting to go to college.
Okay, just 10 days, give me 10 days and we'll fix this.
So essentially I put her on the program,
I gave her the vitamins, I started exercising with her, hung out and literally she totally
transformed and I have pictures of her before and after just 10 days and it's
hard to even recognize her as the same person. So it's very powerful and great
try it. What you do, let us know, leave a comment. We'd love to hear from you.
Subscribe to every of your podcasts and we'll see you next week on The Doctors
Hey everybody, this is Dr. Hyman. Thanks for tuning into The Doctors Pharmacy. I hope you're loving this podcast.
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Supplements to gadgets to tools to enhance your health
It's all the cool stuff that I use and that my team uses to optimize and enhance our health and I'd love you to sign
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nothing else I promise and
All you do is go to forward slash picks to sign up.
That's forward slash picks, P-I-C-K-S, and sign up for the newsletter
and I'll share with you my favorite stuff that I use to enhance my health and get healthier
and better and live younger longer.
Hi everyone.
I hope you enjoyed this week's episode.
Just a reminder that this podcast is for educational purposes only.
This podcast is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional.
This podcast is provided on the understanding that it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
If you're looking for help in your journey, seek out a qualified medical practitioner. struggling with sleep is exhausting both physically and mentally. I've been there, lying awake for hours, my mind racing. That's why I'm so impressed with sleep breakthrough by
bioptimizers. This formula takes a holistic approach to help you fall asleep, stay asleep,
and wake up refreshed, without any ingredients that might leave you feeling groggy the next day.
Key ingredients like magnesium, vitamin B6, zinc, and calming compounds like glycine and
magnolia bark work together to promote relaxation, lower stress, and optimize your sleep cycle.
If you're ready to transform your sleep and health, give Sleep Breakthrough a try.
Head to slash Hymen and get 10% off today with promo code HYMAN10.