The Dr. Hyman Show - How This Gut-Protective Bacteria Can Help Prevent And Treat Chronic Disease

Episode Date: August 18, 2023

This episode is brought to you by Rupa University, Pique, and Super Simple Grassfed Protein. Our gut bacteria regulate many of our bodily functions, from creating vitamins to regulating our immune sys...tem, our brain function, and of course, our metabolism and weight. They are critical to our long-term health. One such bacteria is Akkermansia muciniphila, which accounts for 1%–5% of our gut microbiome—or at least it’s supposed to!  In today’s episode of my series I’m calling Health Bites, I dive into Akkermansia—what it is, what role it plays in chronic disease prevention, and what you can do to increase it. This episode is brought to you by Rupa University, Pique, and Super Simple Grassfed Protein. If you’re a healthcare provider who wants to learn more about Functional Medicine testing, go to to sign up for a free live class or a boot camp! For a limited time, get up to 12% off plus an exclusive gift on Pique’s Fasting Tea bundle. Just go to today. Right now, you can get 10% off Super Simple Grassfed Protein by heading to and using code protein10. Here are more details from our interview (audio version / Apple Subscriber version): Healing my own gut and recovering my health (4:12 / 2:46)  What is Akkermansia, and how does it work? (7:54 / 5:12)  Akkermansia and chronic disease prevention (13:48 / 11:46) Foods that increase Akkermansia (24:26 / 22:20) Mentioned in this episode Pendulum Akkermansia

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Coming up on this episode of The Doctor's Pharmacy. If you have good levels of it, it's linked to weight loss, to improving some sensitivity, to lower inflammation, to better metabolic health, to less autoimmune disease, better cholesterol and so forth. If you're a healthcare provider practicing functional medicine, you know how hard it can be to keep up to date with all the specialty lab tests that are available to you. Well, I have a solution for you. Rupert University.
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Starting point is 00:01:36 saving today. And now let's get back to this week's episode of The Doctor's Pharmacy. Welcome to The Doctor's Pharmacy. I'm Dr. Mark Hyman. That's pharmacy with an F. And today we're going to talk about something really important, which is your gut. Again, because it's probably the most important thing you need to figure out to create a healthy life and to avoid so many of the chronic diseases that we suffer from. And today, the form of this podcast is in a health bite, little bits of health information that can help you optimize your health in small ways that make big changes over time. So let's dive in and talk about our gut. And we're going to talk about something really
Starting point is 00:02:14 important today that you may not have heard about, which is a very special bacteria that is the keystone bacteria in your gut that protects you from so many diseases, from inflammatory diseases like autoimmune disease, from cancer, from things like diabetes, obesity, metabolic health issues, cholesterol problems. I mean, it's quite amazing how the gut microbiome is connected to everything. And this particular bacteria is one of the most essential, and it's only been recently understood to be so important. And it's actually really important to know how to take care of this bacteria, how to grow this bacteria in your gut, and how to take extra of this bacteria if you do have certain problems. So, you know, gut is important. You know, we have maybe 100
Starting point is 00:02:59 trillion cells in our gut, estimates between 10 and 100 trillion. That's more cells than we have in our human body. We have 100 times as much bacterial DNA as our own DNA. And it regulates everything from basic stuff like just helping digest our food and creating vitamins to regulating our immune system, our brain function, and even our metabolism and weight. And they're essential for our long-term health. In fact, one of the hallmarks of aging is degradation in our microbiome. So I wrote about this in my book, Young Forever, but the idea is that the gut microbiome has to be taken care of. Like, if you have a garden or if you have flowers or something, you have to know how to take care of them. And we have a whole garden inside of us that we basically neglected. So, you know, we really,
Starting point is 00:03:43 we've had some real trouble with our microbiome over the last century because of the advent of antibiotics, the increasing over hygienic way we live and not exposure to microbes when we grow up and evolve and have to deal with them. And so many of us have really depleted microbiomes. We're born by C-section. We take too many antibiotics. We antibiotics we take steroids hormones anti-inflammatory drugs acid blockers the list goes on environmental toxins all these destroy our gut microbiome so i i personally have had an experience with this uh actually twice once when i had mercury poisoning and my background got canned from the mercury and i developed problems with digestion leaky gut inflammation and inflammation and on and on. And the
Starting point is 00:04:26 next time was quite a bit later, not that long ago in 2017 when I ended up getting a really serious gut problem. And it taught me a lot more than I already knew. And I thought I knew a lot, but as a functional medicine doctor, most of my career has been focused on helping people optimize their gut function. But when my gut went kaflooey, I had to rethink everything. And so what happened was I had a bad root canal and I had it taken out and it was infected. So I took an antibiotic according to the dentist's recommendations, which I thought was okay. I mean, I don't really take antibiotics that often, but he was an integrative dentist. So I thought if he's telling me it probably is a good idea. And it was a particular bacteria killing antibiotic that also does a lot of damage. It's called clindamycin and it increases the risk of something called C. diff colitis or
Starting point is 00:05:16 C. difficile which kills 30,000 people a year. It's a very terrible gut infection. It's hard to treat. And that's what happened. And I also had mold in my house at the time. So immune system was working over time. And I had a horseback accident, broke my arm, and basically everything fell apart. Ended up having a full-blown colitis after C. diff. I ended up in the hospital, in and out. I was going to the bathroom 20 times a day,
Starting point is 00:05:41 bloody diarrhea, bloating, mucus, nausea, vomiting. I lost 25 pounds, which is a lot for me because I'm already pretty skinny. I couldn't really eat that much and I was in bed for most of the time. So I figured I, you know, I was trying to, my brain wasn't working. I was doing my best, but I really started to sort of dig in and say, what am I not learning? What am I not thinking about? How am I, how do I have to kind of reimagine my own approach to my health? So I started to do some more investigation. I did stool testing, which I do in a lot of my patients. And I found that, you know, I had, while the C. diff resolved, I still had this full-blown colitis and my gut microbiome was the worst. And trust me, I've seen probably, I don't know, 50,000 of these tests over my career, maybe more. I've seen more poop tests than probably anybody on the planet. And mine was
Starting point is 00:06:30 one of the worst I'd ever seen. And one of the things that was really interesting was a very, very low level, actually non-existent level of a very important bacteria. The one I mentioned at the beginning is called Ackermansia mucinifolia. And it's a very special bacteria that is a mucus producing bacteria. That's why I call it mucinifolia because of mucus. And it counts for about one to 5% of our entire microbiome. It's supposed to, but I had none. And I needed to do a full gut reboot and get out the bad guys, put in the good guys. So when I finally saw what the root was, was this sort of disturbance in this keystone species
Starting point is 00:07:07 that was causing me to have an ongoing leaky gut, I really started to work on building my acromancy levels up. And I'll explain how we did that in a minute. And I think, you know, I started digging into the research and I was just sort of shocked at how much research there is on this particular bacteria and how it's so important across a whole spectrum of diseases and why, if you have good levels of it, it's linked to weight loss, to improving insulin sensitivity, to lower inflammation, to better metabolic health, to less autoimmune disease, better cholesterol, and so forth. So we're going to take a deep dive into acromantia.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Hang in there because it's worth it, I promise. What role does it play in chronic disease prevention and what can you do personally to up your levels of acromantia and keep your inner garden healthy? So what's acromantia? How does it work? Well, acromantia mucinifera feeds on mucin, which is a glycoprotein, basically a sugar protein that regulates the thickness of our gut's intestinal mucus layer. Now, the mucus layer is basically preventing you from having a leaky gut. Now, just imagine what's in your gut. There's all this bacteria, there's all this poop, there's all this food you put in there every day, all
Starting point is 00:08:14 these foreign molecules. And your gut has to be like a filter. Think of it like a coffee filter. It lets, you know, the right things in, but keeps the rest of the stuff out. So what happens is, you know, when that coffee filter gets holes in it, you get coffee grinds in your coffee. Well, that's not good. And those coffee grinds in your body are like the little proteins from bacteria, lipopolysaccharide toxins, and food antigens that actually get absorbed into your bloodstream through the cells, not, you know, in between the cells that actually cause inflammation and activate your immune system. Now, 60% to 70% of your immune system is in your gut. So that's because that's where you come into contact with the outside world. And so it's the first line
Starting point is 00:08:55 of defense. And when that lining is broken down, it leads to a whole host of chronic illnesses, pretty much everything you can imagine, including mental health issues, autoimmune diseases, allergies, asthma, depression, as I mentioned, Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and the list goes on. So it's really, really important. Now, the acromantia produces something called acetate and propionate and other short-chain fatty acids. And they feed the other gut bacteria to make a really important short-chain fat, which is butyrate. Now, butyrate is a really key source of energy for the intestinal cells and for the epithelial cells. So, you know, you basically are using the acromantia to kind of
Starting point is 00:09:45 feed the gut lining and keep it in integrity because it needs a lot of energy to keep the cells together. They're stuck together like Legos. And when those junctions are like, they're called tight junctions, but those junctions are held together on an energy-dependent basis. And when you kind of are not having enough energy in your gut from the butyrate because your body runs on glucose, right, or it can run on fat, but the intestinal cells run on short-chain fatty acids or butyrate. That's like the fuel. And when those tight junctions come apart, that's when the food and bacterial proteins leak in and it creates a huge problem. So when you have short-chain fatty acids at the right level, and we measure short- chain fatty acids, we don't just measure bacteria.
Starting point is 00:10:26 When I do a stool test, it's not just measuring the microbiome. And there's a lot of microbiome tests out there, but they don't test the full spectrum of things you want to look at, which is not just what's the microbiome, but what are the byproducts of the microbiome? How are those being produced at the levels that you need to actually create health? And one of the byproducts is actually the short chain fats. So these short chain fatty acids help strengthen the tight junctions. This is sort of a little glue that holds our cells together.
Starting point is 00:10:51 It's only one cell thick. So imagine you're like one cell thick layer away from a sewer all the time. And if that cell layer breaks down, you're screwed. Hey everyone, it's Dr. Mark. I'm so excited to share that I have a brand new protein powder called Super Simple Grass-Fed Protein. If you follow my work, you know how critical protein is for building muscle, for optimal weight, and overall longevity. I like to get a good amount of protein in every meal, and sometimes that's hard with a busy schedule. That's why I make a protein-rich smoothie every morning featuring my Super Simple Protein made with
Starting point is 00:11:21 really clean ingredients and also minimal ingredients from grass-fed beef protein. Right now, I'm offering the doctor's pharmacy listeners 10% off. All you have to do is go to forward slash protein and use the code protein10. That's forward slash protein and use the code protein10. That's one and a zero. You want to let the good stuff in and keep the bad stuff out. And the bad stuff is, you know, food allergens, endotoxins, poop, fecal matter, food particles. And the good stuff is all the vitamins, minerals, macronutrients, amino acids, sugars, fatty acids that you need to absorb to run your body, right? All the phytochemicals.
Starting point is 00:11:57 All that stuff is good. You want that in, but you want to keep the bad stuff out. Now, when the bad stuff is sort of getting through, you get this thing called increased intestinal permeability or leaky gut. Now, people used to laugh at me, specifically doctors, when I used to talk about leaky gut 20 or 30 years ago. Now, if you Google it or go on PubMed, the National Library of Medicine, there's thousands and thousands of articles. And now there's even the word dysbiosis in the medical literature. So I think we've come a long way. But this leaky gut phenomena is at the root cause of so many chronic diseases. And it creates the immune system to go haywire to
Starting point is 00:12:30 great inflammation, both in things that we are familiar with, like allergies and asthma, autoimmune diseases, but also things that are, you know, maybe surprising, like most of the chronic diseases that we see associated with aging, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, dementia, they're all inflammatory diseases. It's not just autoimmune diseases or asthma or allergies that are connected to inflammation. It's all the chronic diseases have this chronic, silent, hidden inflammation. And so that's what your gut does. It protects you against this hidden inflammation. And when your gut's leaky, you end up creating
Starting point is 00:13:05 more of this systemic inflammation. So we're learning lots more about acromantia every day. The research is exploding, but reading the research, talking with my colleagues, working with patients, I've consistently seen that higher acromantia levels are linked to better metabolic health, better gut function, better immune health. And understanding acromantia, identifying deficiencies, fertilizing the acromantia, taking acromantia probiotics can be really critical in treating chronic disease and increasing your levels in your gut using the power of food. And this can really be powerful. So I think getting a healthy microbiome is really important in order for you to have a healthy weight, to have a healthy immune system, and to live a long, healthy life.
Starting point is 00:13:48 So let's get into the specifics. What role does acromantia play in chronic disease prevention? Well, it's very effective in chronic disease prevention and even treatment because the short-chain fatty acid metabolites that acromantia produces, feeds the intestinal cells, strengthens the gut barrier, it prevents unwanted materials like food antigens and bacterial toxins from passing through your gut and activating and pissing off your immune system. And as a result, you get lower levels of inflammation in your body and a better balance of your immune system.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Now, what are the things that we know are connected to an activated immune system? Obesity. And a lot of people think, oh, wait, being obese or overweight, is that an inflammatory condition? But it absolutely is. If you're overweight, you're inflamed. Why did COVID kill more people with obesity and metabolic issues like diabetes? Because those people are pre-inflamed.
Starting point is 00:14:41 So when something like COVID hits, it's like putting a match on gasoline and boom, your immune system goes crazy and you end up with a cytokine storm. And that's really what killed so many people from COVID. But you know, we're in trouble because 75% of Americans are overweight, 42% are obese, 93% are metabolically unhealthy, which means they have some degree, even if they're not overweight, right? Between 75 and 93, there's about a 20 point spread. Those 20% of people are not necessarily overweight, but they're under lean and over fat. And so they look skinny, but they are fat inside. And they metabolically like someone who's diabetic or obese, even though they're thin. And that person is also pre-inflamed. So when you look at, you know, obesity, it's, you know, it's just killing us for so many reasons.
Starting point is 00:15:32 But when we eat, you know, processed food, which is what drives us to gain weight, ultra-processed food, refined carbs, sugars, and so forth, it doesn't do a good job on our gut bugs. It basically destroys our microbiome. Even, for example, food additives like emulsifiers, thickeners, carrageenan, and guar gums and other things, they actually are damaging to the gut lining and they cause a leaky gut. So one study, for example, found that obese adults who had higher acromantia levels had healthier metabolic status and better clinical outcomes like blood sugar, body fat distribution, insulin sensitivity after six weeks of calorie restriction than those with lower acromancy levels. So in other words, if you had high acromancy levels, your metabolic health got better as you tried to lose weight. Also, it had a better effect on lowering things you wouldn't even think. Like how does taking something that increases acromantia
Starting point is 00:16:25 also lower cholesterol and improve weight loss and lower tissue inflammation and help insulin resistance? So basically, it's pretty impressive. So you basically get this powerful change in your metabolic health of cholesterol, blood sugar, weight, insulin sensitivity simply by having higher levels of acromantia. What about type 2 diabetes? Well, it has a great effect on blood sugar. Another study found that type 2 diabetics who had a hard time keeping their A1C under control, despite being on diabetes medication, had far less acromantia than diabetics who were responding to medications. And what's interesting is actually metformin, which is one of the diabetes drugs
Starting point is 00:17:06 that is now being looked at for longevity, some of its anti-diabetic action could be the upregulation of certain intestinal cells, the goblet cells that thicken the mucosal layer in the gut and promote a healthy barrier and provide this anti-inflammatory effect like acromantia. So one of the ways that metformin may work is by actually helping the microbiome, which is very fascinating.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Metabolic health, just in terms of metabolic syndrome, which is pre-diabetes. So we've got obesity, diabetes, and pre-diabetes. And that metabolic syndrome is basically what 93% of Americans are suffering from to some degree or another, some level of insulin resistance, obesity, cholesterol issues, high blood pressure. These all increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Even if you don't get diabetes, even if you don't have a full-blown diabetes, this is still highly dangerous for you. There was actually an interventional study, which is in other words, not just saying, oh, did people have acromancy or not, but actually they gave acromancy supplements to obese overweight adults with insulin resistance for three months. And they saw improvements in insulin sensitivity, fasting insulin levels, total cholesterol.
Starting point is 00:18:17 It also helped them drop body weight, drop fat mass, get their hips to get smaller. So hips are confident strength, their liver got better, and other inflammatory markers got better. So that's pretty impressive when you think about it. I mean, taking a probiotic helps you lose weight, but actually it does, in fact, they've done studies where they've taken poop, basically done fecal transplants from people who are thin and healthy into people who are diabetic, and their diabetes gets better, which is crazy just by doing a poop transplant. That doesn't sound as much fun as taking a probiotic.
Starting point is 00:18:53 And so this is a very safe and effective treatment. It can help you predict against cardiometabolic diseases and heart disease and so forth. What about your brain? Your brain also is really important when it comes to your overall health and your gut plays a big role in your brain health. If you see the data on Alzheimer's, for example, we see low levels of acromancy in those people. Is it a coincidence? I don't know. I don't think so. You know, because now we're calling Alzheimer's type 3 diabetes. It's insulin resistance in the brain for many people. And you see inflammation, you see insulin resistance, you see gut dysbiosis in people with Alzheimer's. And in mouse studies, they found the lower your acromantia was, the higher your amyloid beta plaques are, which is what's characteristic
Starting point is 00:19:45 of Alzheimer's disease. That's a sign of inflammation in the brain. So lower bacteria that are healthy, worse brain health. I think it's important to think about how you take care of your gut to also take care of your brain. What about cancer? Well, cancer is another one that's kind of interesting because when you look at certain immunotherapies like the checkpoint inhibitors that have been used that are really a new advance in cancer, they don't work uniformly across all patients. And it's unclear why. Some patients don't respond dramatically and their cancer will be cured in weeks. Others just don't respond. And it turns out that acromantia might be part of the answer.
Starting point is 00:20:21 When they looked at lung and kidney cancer patients, those who had an abundance of acromantia responded really well to immunotherapy than people who had taken antibiotics, for example, in the past. What they also did to kind of double-check their studies, the researchers transplanted the stool of patients with lots of acromantia to antibiotic-treated mice and found that the effectiveness of immunotherapy and treatment and positive outcomes was just as good. In other words, when they took mice that had low acromantia and they took fecal transplant with acromantia and put it in those mice, they actually did better and responded better to the cancer therapies. There's a friend of mine, William Lee, who's been on the podcast whose mother had uterine cancer. She wasn't responding to immunotherapy. Dr. Lee knew about acromantia and he did a stool test,
Starting point is 00:21:09 found she had low acromantia and gave her all the foods that helped grow acromantia because you can fertilize acromantia with the right foods. And she ended up doing that, built her acromantia up and then responded to the immunotherapy and was completely cured from stage four uterine cancer. That's a pretty dramatic story. And I think there are many, many cases like that where we actually treat the gut to treat the cancer. What about irritable bowel? Well, yeah, inflammatory bowel for sure. These are all diseases of inflammation in the gut. And when you look at this phenomenon we call gut dysbiosis or imbalances in the microbiome or the ecosystem in the gut,
Starting point is 00:21:50 it's pretty much involved in the development of almost every chronic disease. But people with inflammatory bowel disease like me, I had it. Now I don't have anything. I'm fine. Perfect. But I think, by the way, I think most people with inflammatory bowel disease or autoimmune disease typically are told that this is a lifetime condition, that we can manage it, but you might need to be on medication your whole life. I think this is a whole fallacy. I can't tell you how many people with ulcerative colitis I've helped who are about to get their entire colon removed. That's one of the treatments for colitis when nothing else works. When they've taken all the drugs and nothing else works, they're told they have to get their entire colon removed and have a bag or basically have their stomach connected to their small intestine. And it creates a really miserable life for people. I mean, it saves their
Starting point is 00:22:28 life, but it's still pretty miserable. And what I've done over and over again is people who are about to have these treatments and surgeries, I use a functional medicine approach, build up their gut microbiome, get rid of the things that are bothering their gut, do a whole gut reset, which we've talked about in the podcast called the 5R Program, and these people get better. And, you know, one, it was a young woman who was 32 years old. She was referred to me by someone who was a friend of the CEO of the Cleveland Clinic. And she was kind of skeptical, but she didn't really want to have her colon removed, so she was willing to try what I said. And after I kind of reset her gut, six weeks later, we had our follow-up call and she said well
Starting point is 00:23:07 I'm all better I really didn't believe what you were telling me but I tried it and now my symptoms are all gone and I'm off of medications and I feel great and I just checked on her you know after a few or four years and she's still doing great so I think you know we really need to kind of rethink our whole approach anyway getting back to inflammatory bowel disease I think people with these diseases have some of the worst microbiomes on the planet, including the one I had. And so the question is, can we use acromantia as part of the treatment? Well, one study, they administered fecal transplants from healthy donors to people with irritable bowel, and they found a decreased, sorry, increased diversity of bacteria species and a lower level of abdominal pain and bloating
Starting point is 00:23:42 the more acromantia they had. So the higher the acromantia, the less irritable bowel symptoms. Another study looked at how we could protect ourselves against ulcerative colitis by using acromantia. So researchers found that when they had mouse models of colitis, they found improvement in weight loss and improvement in the barrier function, so less intestinal permeability and leaky gut, fewer inflammatory molecules than in the group that was a control group. So really important stuff. This is a really important bacteria.
Starting point is 00:24:17 This is just one of many, many bacteria, obviously, but it's what we call a keystone species. So it's critical to measure, to understand, and to treat if you have a problem. So one of the best ways to increase your acromantia is to feed it the right stuff, right? And it loves polyphenols. It loves certain plant foods, but just generally having more prebiotics and probiotic foods in your diet, and particularly polyphenols are really important. So polyphenols, what are those? Those are these phytochemicals in plants. And acromantia loves, for example, something called elagic acid, which is prevalent in berries and nuts.
Starting point is 00:24:51 It also loves catechins from green tea, tannins from green tea. But what are the foods that naturally increase acromantia? And this is what I did personally. It wasn't an acromantia probiotic, which there is now on the market from Pendulum Therapeutics, but I actually couldn't get it because it didn't exist at the time when I had this. It was very hard to grow. And by the way, acromantia was also, we've had folks talking about acromantia on Instagram lives, but it also increases GABA secretion. So the acromantia bacteria produces a metabolite called GABA, which is like a natural valium. So it has a lot of benefits.
Starting point is 00:25:30 But when I had to fix my acromantia, I make sure I use things like pomegranate, cranberries, green tea, also other berries like raspberries, blackberries, root berries, apples, walnuts, pecans, grapes. All these things can help to fuel the growth of the acromantias, like feeding them the food they like. So you have to culture them, literally, and you can do that. Until really recently, like I said, there's been no probiotics out there that you can buy and take. But now there is one. It's called Pendulum Therapeutics, and they have straight-arch aromancia. They have ones with other combinations of things, glucose-controlled one. And it's now available in capsule or powder format. It's just
Starting point is 00:26:05 incredible way to support your health. And I take it regularly. So encourage people to learn about their gut, to fix their gut, to understand how to not do the bad things for your gut and do the good things for your gut and actually help your acromantia grow. We all have to learn how to tend our inner garden. And hopefully this has been a helpful health bite for you because it saved my life knowing about this one. Be sure to share this podcast with your friends and family on social media. Leave a comment.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Have you helped your own gut? Have you heard about acromantia? Have you used it? What has been your experience? And we'll see you next time on The Doctor's Pharmacy. Hey, everybody. It's Dr. Hyman. Thanks for tuning into The Doctor's Pharmacy. I hope you're loving
Starting point is 00:26:47 this podcast. It's one of my favorite things to do and introducing you all the experts that I know and I love and that I've learned so much from. And I want to tell you about something else I'm doing, which is called Mark's Picks. It's my weekly newsletter. And in it, I share my favorite stuff from foods to supplements, to gadgets gadgets to tools to enhance your health. It's all the cool stuff that I use and that my team uses to optimize and enhance our health. And I'd love you to sign up for the weekly newsletter. I'll only send it to you once a week on Fridays. Nothing else, I promise. And all you do is go to forward slash pics to sign up. That's forward slash pics, P-I-C-K-S,
Starting point is 00:27:27 and sign up for the newsletter, and I'll share with you my favorite stuff that I use to enhance my health and get healthier and better and live younger longer. Hi, everyone. I hope you enjoyed this week's episode. Just a reminder that this podcast is for educational purposes only.
Starting point is 00:27:43 This podcast is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. This podcast is provided on the understanding that it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services. If you're looking for help in your journey, seek out a qualified medical practitioner. If you're looking for a functional medicine practitioner, you can visit and search their find a practitioner database. It's important that you have someone in your corner who's trained, who's a licensed healthcare practitioner, and can help you make changes, especially when it comes to your health.

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