The Dr. Hyman Show - How To Reduce Your Environmental Toxin Exposure

Episode Date: June 9, 2023

This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health and InsideTracker. We’ve become exposed to a greater number of environmental toxins than ever before. Environmental toxins can feed cancer, interfere glucose and cholesterol metabolism, and induce insulin resistance and obesity through multiple mechanisms, including inflammation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial injury, altered thyroid metabolism, and impaired central appetite regulation.  In today’s episode of my series I’m calling Health Bites, we’re talking about how environmental toxins impact our health, the top endocrine-disrupting toxins, and my strategies for reducing your exposure. I also share which foods you should be sure to buy organic. This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health and InsideTracker. Rupa Health is a place where Functional Medicine practitioners can access more than 2,000 specialty lab tests from over 35 labs like DUTCH, Vibrant America, Genova, and Great Plains. You can check out a free, live demo with a Q&A or create an account at InsideTracker is a personalized health and wellness platform like no other. Right now they’re offering my community 20% off at Here are more details from our interview (audio version / Apple Subscriber version): How environmental toxins impact our health (3:46 / 00:58) The top endocrine-disrupting toxins (5:52 / 4:01) Strategies to reduce your toxic burden (10:41 / 8:49)  EWG’s Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen lists (16:02 / 15:00)  Mentioned in this episode EWG's Skin Deep Database EWG's Guide to Healthy Cleaning Thrive Market EWG’s 2023 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Coming up on this episode of The Doctor's Pharmacy. It's not that hard to get rid of it in your life. Basically, don't touch credit card receipts. Don't touch gas station receipts that come out of the machine. Don't eat from plastic bottles unless they're BPA-free or from canned foods unless they're BPA-free. So make sure you look at that. Hi everyone, it's Dr. Mark.
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Starting point is 00:01:29 science-based recommendation based on your own body about the things you can do to take control of your health. InsideTracker tests and provides optimal ranges for over 40 biomarkers like ApoB, magnesium, vitamin D, testosterone, cortisol, and ferritin. And if a specific biomarker level is unoptimized, InsideTracker provides practical recommendations backed by dozens of peer-reviewed studies and personalized for your body. For a limited time, you can get 20% off the entire InsideTracker store when you sign up at slash Dr. Hyman. So if you're ready to get a crystal clear picture of what's going on inside your body, along with science-backed recommendations to optimize what's not working, then visit slash Dr. Hyman. And now let's get back to this
Starting point is 00:02:09 week's episode of The Doctor's Pharmacy. Welcome to The Doctor's Pharmacy. I'm Dr. Mark Hyman. That's pharmacy at a place for conversations that matter. And if you're worried about environmental toxins, you better listen up because we're going to get deep into those today and what to do about it and how to get rid of them from your life and your body. And we're doing it in the form of health bites, little bits of information that can guide you to take small steps daily that can lead to significant health changes over time. Now, we have been exposed to more and more and more number of environmental toxins than ever before in human history. And the problem with medicine is in medical school and today too, when I went to medical
Starting point is 00:02:49 school and now, there's almost no education about the effect of environmental toxins on our health unless it's an acute toxic exposure. Like if you're in a factory and you jump in a vat of mercury, well, okay, they know what to do. But basically, they ignore it. The truth is that low level exposure to multiple different substances over your lifetime is a huge risk factor for so many diseases from heart disease to cancer to obesity to diabetes to dementia to parkinson's
Starting point is 00:03:17 to autism to depression i mean the list goes on and on and on infertility i mean i could go on and on so it's not just sort of a oh let's detox and get rid of a bunch of toxins. It's really about understanding the biology of environmental toxins, our body's own detoxification system, and how to, one, reduce our exposures while at the same time up-leveling and upgrading our own biological detoxification systems. So we're going to talk about all that. Now, how do environmental toxins affect our health? Well, they do it through a lot of different mechanisms, but they're basically poisons, and they cause inflammation,
Starting point is 00:03:54 they cause oxidative stress, they cause DNA damage, they cause disruption in our mitochondria, they damage our stem cells. I mean, the whole flood of environmental toxins, there's over 80,000 of them now that have been introduced to the industrial sort of world since the early 1900s that we've never been exposed to before. And we somehow have to figure out how to deal with them. Well, thank God we have a system to do it, but it's still overwhelmed. So environmental toxins, as I said, drive cancer. They are hugely impactful, for example, in blood sugar and insulin sensitivity. Most people don't realize that diabetes and prediabetes and even obesity
Starting point is 00:04:32 can be driven by environmental toxins. Something called bisphenol A, which is a compound that's found in the lining of a lot of cans, plastic bottles, on paper, receipts from credit cards or gas stations. When you touch that, it goes to your skin. And bisphenol A is a huge driver of insulin resistance and prediabetes, independent of what you're eating. It affects cholesterol metabolism.
Starting point is 00:04:56 It drives inflammation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial injury, screws up our thyroid function, affects our appetite, leptin signaling. I mean, pretty much everything gets haywire when we're exposed to too many environmental toxins. Now, the downside of living in the modern world is that we're all pre-polluted when we're born. There's 287 known environmental toxins found in the umbilical cord blood of a newborn. I mean, basically, they take out the blood of the umbilical cord, send it to a lab, and the average amount of toxins is 287, many of which have been banned for decades, like DDT or PCBs or dioxin. And 217 of those are neurotoxic, meaning they're directly
Starting point is 00:05:38 damaging to the brain. There's pesticides, phthalates, bisphenol A, which I just mentioned, flame retardants, heavy metals like mercury, lead, arsenic, and they have huge effects across the spectrum of human health. So what are the ones that we should really be paying attention to that we really want to avoid and get rid of? The first I just mentioned earlier is bisphenol A or BPA. It's found in plastic water bottles and canned foods. It's a synthetic compound that mimics estrogen in the body.
Starting point is 00:06:07 We call these xenobiotics or xenoestrogens. And they're hugely impactful in regulating hormonal health and risk increasing risk of cancer. And it's been linked BPA to breast cancer, to infertility, reproductive issues, obesity, heart disease. And it's not that hard to get rid of it in your life. Basically, don't touch credit card receipts. Don't touch gas station receipts that come out of the machine. Don't eat from plastic bottles unless they're BPA-free or from canned foods unless they're BPA-free.
Starting point is 00:06:41 So make sure you look at that. You can use stainless steel, glass, bottling packaging. Look for BPA-canned foods. The next compound is phthalates. Phthalates are also plasticizers, and they're found in food containers, children's toys. It's banned in Europe. There's a legislation in Europe called REACH. It gets rid of most of these chemicals that are allowed in America. And when there's ever an attempt to limit by law or a bill to reduce our exposures, the food industry and chemical industry comes in hard with tons of lobbying dollars, millions and millions and millions, tens of millions of dollars to defeat bills.
Starting point is 00:07:19 There was one on bisphenol A that got defeated. And unfortunately, it was trying to be banned, but it didn't pass because there was so much lobbying against it. But it's found in children's toys. It's found in like the plastic little rubber duckies in the bathtub. So they stick it in their mouth. Bad idea. Also, makeup has a lot of phthalates in it. So get rid of all your unhealthy makeups. And we're going to talk about how to do that. But there's a beautiful website called the environmental working group they have a skin deep database you can put in your product what you like to use or other products you can find that have no contaminants and see the level of toxins
Starting point is 00:07:55 and what they are and and find alternatives so they also are really bad for you because phthalates cause hormonal chaos they're're linked to different cancers, to birth defects, to thyroid problems. So make sure you check it out. And the basic rule is if you wouldn't eat it, you probably shouldn't put it in or on your body, right? So for skincare products, everything goes through the skin. When we go to the emergency room with a heart attack, what's the first thing we do?
Starting point is 00:08:21 As a doctor, we slap on a toothpaste tube cream full of nitroglycerin because it goes right through the skin and it's the fastest acting, but I'm taking it by mouth or before we can get an IV and we just slap that on. And so it goes to the skin, hormone patches, testosterone gels. We know the fentanyl patch. I mean, there's all kinds of drugs that are delivered through the skin. So when you're putting it on your skin, it's actually getting inside your body. So you want to make sure that if you wouldn't eat it, you shouldn't put it on your body. Like coconut oil, but you can eat that and you can put it on your body. So that's a win. But there's a lot of products out there that are safe that you can use. Another one that's concerning is glycol ethers. They're in household cleaning products, cosmetics, paints. They damage
Starting point is 00:09:02 fertility. They lead to birth defects. They worsen allergies, asthma. And these are really bad because they're pretty much in all of our household cleaning products. And the Environmental Working Group, EWG, also has a whole guide on household cleaning products. So you can use the least contaminated products or ones that have no toxins in them that work well. So make sure you check that out. And there are so many other toxins like heavy metals, mercury, lead, arsenic. Mercury is from fish, from our fillings, from coal burning plants. Pollution, lead is often found in crystal wine glasses or glazed plates. I see many, many patients have those and they get sick from that.
Starting point is 00:09:41 It can be in the ground. It can be from coal burning. If you're in a cement plant or a coal plant, basically goes up in the atmosphere comes down in the soil your kids are playing with it be dragged in the house the baby's on the floor so lead exposure is real there's houses that still have leaded paint all the leaded gasoline that was used for years all that went in the air and goes down to the soil it can be in vegetables if you're growing in an urban environment for example you're growing greens you think you're eating kale and being healthy, it could be full-lead. Arsenic also is a big problem and it's found in rice in many places because in the ground,
Starting point is 00:10:12 it can be in pressure-treated lumber that you have on your deck and get on your feet. It can go actually in chicken feed to prevent the feed from going moldy, which is great for the feed and the mold, but it's not good for you and it gets in the chicken, you eat it. So it's pretty important for us to make sure that we get rid of those. So I think the key is we need to avoid toxins. And so the question is, what are the top strategies to reduce our toxic burden? Well, we can basically remove the toxins, but we also have to upregulate our detox system. So the first thing is avoid plastics wherever you can. Try stainless steel,
Starting point is 00:10:55 like containers. I have those or glass containers for storing food in your fridge, stealing some water bottles. Glass containers are great for leftovers. Don't buy water in plastic water bottles. Get a great for leftovers um don't buy water and plastic water bottles get a water filter i like reverse osmosis and you can actually get a water bottle bring it with you make sure you detox your home um get simple cleaning products a laundry detergent cleaning product for windows for counters for dishwashers stuff everything and um there's a great source thrive market you can get it's an online grocery store basically you can get all the best cleaners from seventh generation and other
Starting point is 00:11:29 eco-friendly non-toxic food companies uh and now of course check out awg's guide on household cleaning products on skin fear products uh they're great um so i think make sure that you just are diligent about getting toxins out of your home. Second is mercury is a big one. And often we don't pay attention to what we're eating. And people eat tuna fish, swordfish, sushi. Sadly, all the oceans have been polluted. And no matter where you get your fish from, it's pretty much pre-polluted. Because microplastics, mercury, and other toxins, PCBs, farm fish can be just as bad.
Starting point is 00:12:06 So there are a few kind of ways to get around it. One is to eat very small fish, sardines, mackerel, herring, anchovies. Small salmon can be okay, but still that can have mercury. Also, there's a great regenerative aquaculture company called And they actually provide beautiful, delicious, clean fish that you can get frozen, sent to your home. It's an amazing fish, actually. And also reduce your exposure to the problems that are from all the chemicals in your environment by having an air filter in your house. That reduces their airborne pollution.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Indoor air pollution is a real thing, whether it's mold or whether it's other things like contaminants, off-gassing from furniture, rugs. I mean, you want to obviously try to have a clean home and not full of products. But I mean, you buy a Tempur-Pedic bed and it smells awful. It's off-gassing. Those are called VOCs, volatile organic compounds. You really want to avoid those in your house. And then you want to start to learn about how to actually upgrade and increase your body's own detoxification system. And the best way to do that is by using a couple of strategies that are really important. One is maximize your intake of phytochemicals.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Plant-based compounds, these nutrients and plants work on upregulating different pathways in the body, including a lot of detox pathways. There's amazing cornucopia of phytochemicals that work on boosting glutathione and boosting our detox pathways and increasing our ability to get rid of stuff. So the biggest category is the cruciferous vegetables, broccoli, collards, cabbage, kale brussels sprouts they really up regulate lutefione in the body and help to maximize the main detoxifier also there are amazing things like garlic and onions that also contain sulfur that are great for detoxification also things like rosemary curcumin ginger um and the skin of a lemon like if you grate lemon into a salad or something
Starting point is 00:14:07 the skin of a lemon has limonene these all help upregulate our detox pathways we also need the right nutrients right we need methylation support b12 folate b6 we need magnesium selenium zinc and many other minerals and vitamins to actually help upregulate our detox pathways we need amino acids and form protein to help with some of the amino acid pathways. So there's lots of ways we now understand the body's own built-in detox system, and we have to support it. The next thing you do is sweat. So your body gets rid of toxins through both exercise, increasing the lymphatic flow and
Starting point is 00:14:42 circulation through exercise, increased circulation, and also saunas. So a sauna is an amazing way to boost your detox system and help body remove a lot of mineral toxins if you're fat soluble. And you can actually measure them on the sweat. You also want to take the right supplements, as I mentioned. So you want to take additional support of a good multi, methylated support, zinc glutathione boosting stuff and acetylcysteine lipoic acid milk thistle a lot of other herbs can be used to help to boost the body's detox pathway so i highly recommend getting on a regular support system for that i do because we're all exposed sometimes if you have a real big issue um you might need to see a doctor and get treated
Starting point is 00:15:26 like I did for mercury poisoning. I needed chelation. I needed to actually use a medication to help remove the metals from my body. If it's lead, you can use EDTA. If it's mercury, you can use DMSA. And they're extremely effective. They need to be used properly and safely with a doctor's supervision. There's a lot of steps to properly getting rid of mercury, but need a good functional medicine doctor so it's really really really important to
Starting point is 00:15:48 do that now uh here's a few more tips on reducing your exposure and one of them is through food so it's not just fish it's not just you know the environmental chemicals in your skin care your household products but much of our food is contaminated with glyphosate which is sprayed on over 70 percent of crops which means you want to really that's a weed killer you want to make sure you use organic food if you can regeneratively raised food if you can um but if you can't there's there's a great guide from the environmental working group that came out every comes out every year with a list of the dirty dozen worst contaminated fruits and vegetables and the clean 15 the least contaminated and basically if you follow that you can kind of avoid the most
Starting point is 00:16:30 contaminated foods so to come up with this year's list the environmental working group or ewg went through the usda data on 46 000 samples of 46 of the most popular fruits and vegetables they wash them they peel them as when we do at home before testing them for pesticides. Now, after washing, 75%, nearly 75% of the non-organic fresh produce sold in the United States contains residues of pesticides. That's what the report found. And so they basically score each type of produce from clean to dirty based on a percent of the samples tested with detectable pesticides, the percent of samples with two or more detectable pesticides, the average number of pesticides found in a single sample, the average amount of pesticides found, the maximum number of pesticides found in a single sample, and the total number of pesticides found in the crop. So there's a lot of different ways they look at how bad is it contaminated. Basically, this means that in that list, it's telling you which crops were treated with the most and the highest volume and the most variety of pesticides.
Starting point is 00:17:36 But it doesn't quite go to connect the dots between that and what are the health risks. But there are, I promise you. So what is the 2023 dirty dozen? Strawberries always top the list. So if you're not going to eat those organic, don't eat them. And I'm going to list them now, but you can see in the show notes, we're going to post it there as well. Strawberries, spinach, which we all like, kale, collards, and mustard greens,
Starting point is 00:18:00 which are staples for people. If they're not organic, don't eat them. Peaches, pears, nectarines, apples, grapes, bell and hot peppers, cherries, blueberries, and green beans. So if those are not organic, don't eat them. Blueberries and green beans are actually new additions to this year's list. The green bean samples had residue acetate, which is a toxic pesticide that the EPA banned over 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Overall, more than 90% of strawberries, apples, cherries, spinach, nectarines, grapes sample tested positive for residues of two or more pesticides. But the good news is there's a whole bunch of stuff that you don't have to buy organic that actually isn't harmful. So the cleanest produce typically has a tougher outer peel or husk or a shell that you have to remove, right? Avocados, for example, corn, pineapple, onions, papaya, sweet peas that are frozen, asparagus, honeydew melon, kiwi, cabbage, mushrooms, mangoes, sweet potatoes, watermelon, carrots. So those are all okay to eat. If you don't want to buy a kiwi organic, it's probably okay.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Or your avocado organic is too expensive, that's okay. If you don't want to buy your unorganic, okay. If you want to get a mango, it's not organic, no big deal. Same with sweet potatoes. So you can save a lot of money by actually focusing on this list. So it's important to understand that whether we like it or not, we live in a toxic world. We have to understand where those toxins come from. We have to reduce our exposures and we have to upgrade our body's own biological detox system.
Starting point is 00:19:33 And we know how to do that. It's not that hard. I've written a lot about it. You can't get rid of them from our environment, but you can reduce your exposures and you can actually do a little homework for yourself and switch to safer products for your skincare, your household cleaning products, your food products, so you know how to live clean and green without a whole lot of effort. So that's today's Health Byte. I hope you enjoyed it. Be sure to share with your friends and family on social media. Leave a comment how toxins affected you, how you reduced your exposure. We'd love to learn from you. And we'll see you next time on The Doctor's Pharmacy.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Hey, everybody. It's Dr. Hyman. Thanks for tuning into The Doctor's Pharmacy. I hope you're loving this podcast. It's one of my favorite things to do and introducing you to all the experts that I know and I love and that I've learned so much from. And I want to tell you about something else I'm doing, which is called Mark's Picks. It's my weekly newsletter. And in it, I share my favorite stuff from foods to supplements, to gadgets, to tools to enhance your health. It's all the cool stuff that I use and that my team uses to optimize and enhance our health. And I'd love you to sign up for the weekly newsletter. I'll only send it to you once a week on Fridays, nothing else, I promise. And all you do is go to forward slash pics to sign up. That's forward slash pics, P-I-C-K-S, and sign up for the newsletter and I'll share with
Starting point is 00:20:54 you my favorite stuff that I use to enhance my health and get healthier and better and live younger longer. Hi, everyone. I hope you enjoyed this week's episode. Just a reminder that this podcast is for educational purposes only. This podcast is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. This podcast is provided on the understanding that it does not constitute medical
Starting point is 00:21:17 or other professional advice or services. If you're looking for help in your journey, seek out a qualified medical practitioner. If you're looking for a functional medicine practitioner, you can visit and search their Find a Practitioner database. It's important that you have someone in your corner who's trained, who's a licensed healthcare practitioner, and can help you make changes, especially when it comes to your health.

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