The Dr. Hyman Show - Special Episode: Mark Hyman on Revolution Health Radio with Chris Kresser - Fixing Our Broken Food System

Episode Date: March 3, 2020

In honor of Dr. Hyman's newly released book, Food Fix (, we are sharing a recent interview he did on Revolution Health Radio with Chris Kresser. *** RHR: Fixing Our Broken Food System,... with Dr. Mark Hyman I’ve often said that health is not just an individual endeavor—a multitude of other factors contribute to it, including our food system. In this episode of Revolution Health Radio, I talk with Dr. Mark Hyman about his upcoming book Food Fix, which delves deeply into the problems in our food system and discusses how they can worsen global crises like the chronic disease epidemic, climate change, poverty, and more. In this episode, we discuss: What’s wrong with our food system How our food system affects our children The role regulation can play in our health Access to healthy food in underserved populations The damage that our industrial food system causes Hyman’s Food Fix Campaign Show notes: Mark Hyman The UltraWellness Center Food Fix: How to Save Our Health, Our Economy, Our Communities, and Our Planet—One Bite at a Time, by Dr. Mark Hyman “RHR: How Sustainably Raised Cattle Help the Environment, with Will Harris,” Chris Kresser

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, everyone. This is Kea Perot at one of the producers of the Doctors Pharmacy podcast. Dr. Hyman was recently interviewed by his friend Chris Kresser, and like always, these two had a great conversation, so we wanted to share it with you. They talk about chronic disease, the food system, and so much more. Hope you enjoy it. Hey, everybody. Chris Kresser here. Welcome to another episode of Revolution Health Radio. This week, I'm really excited to welcome my good friend and colleague, Dr. Mark Hyman, as a guest. Dr. Hyman is a practicing family physician and internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator, and advocate in the field of functional medicine. He's the founder and director
Starting point is 00:00:36 of the Ultra Wellness Center, the head of strategy and innovation of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, a 12-time New York Times bestselling author, and board president for clinical affairs for the Institute for Functional Medicine. He's the host of one of the leading health podcasts, The Doctor's Pharmacy, and he's a regular contributor to several television shows and networks, including CBS This Morning, Today, Good Morning America, The View, and CNN. He's also an advisor and guest co-host on The Dr. Oz Show. If you've been following functional medicine for any length of time, I'm sure you know about Dr. Mark Hyman. He is really one of the modern pioneers of this movement and perhaps more responsible for advancing
Starting point is 00:01:17 functional medicine as a concept and as a practice than any other person in the world. Today we're going to be talking about his new book, Food Fix, which I believe is one of the most important books that's been written in this century. That may seem a little hyperbolic, but I think you'll agree with me by the end of this podcast. Food Fix really focuses on the systemic problems in our food system and how they contribute to the chronic disease epidemic. And I've often said before that health is not just an individual endeavor. We really have to address the systemic problems that contribute to ill health. And that's really what Mark's new book, Food Fix, is about. So without further ado, let's dive in. Mark Hyman, my friend,
Starting point is 00:02:04 it's such a pleasure to have you back on the show. Welcome. Thanks so much for having me, Chris. This is an important subject we got to talk about. This is what we both care so much about. And I'm so excited to share this with you and your community. Yes. As I said in the intro, I think this is possibly one of the most important books that has been
Starting point is 00:02:24 written and will be written in this century. I know that may sound hyperbolic for some people, but given the scale of the challenge we're facing, and I know you saw this study published last week, Mark, predicting now that one in two Americans will be obese by the year 2030, and one in four will be severely obese, which is a whole new category we've had to create. So this is really like an existential threat that we're facing on the same level of climate change and other things that seriously threaten the future of humanity. And as you and I have both talked about before, health is not just an individual choice or an individual endeavor. It's really a society-wide effort that
Starting point is 00:03:07 we need to make. So let's talk a little bit more about that. I know you mentioned in the book that diet is now the number one cause of death in the world. So maybe we could start there. Yeah, well, thanks, Chris. I think that what you said was really important, which is it's about disease, but you mentioned sort of on the scale of things like climate change. But what really was clear to me after working on this book and practicing medicine for 30 years was that everything is connected, that our food system as a whole is probably the biggest driver of most of our global crises. Obviously, chronic disease, we'll get into that. The economic burden of it, we talked about how in the book,
Starting point is 00:03:46 one out of two federal dollars will be for Medicare within five years. That's a crazy number. Think about it. And it's getting worse. It's the number one driver of climate change, environmental degradation, loss of our soil, our water resources, biodiversity. It's the biggest driver of social injustice. It's a huge contributor to poverty and violence and mental health issues, not to mention kids' poor academic performance, national security. So this is really one issue that if we pull on the thread, we see how it's all connected. And the good news is by working on fixing the food system, we can solve all these problems. That's a really critical point. I don't think many people really consider that when they're making choices about food, that it's not just a question of nutrition. I mean, of course,
Starting point is 00:04:35 everyone's familiar with all the debates about which diet is best, low carb, low fat, plant-based, paleo, vegan, et cetera. But we often don't think of the fact that our food choices are also political, social, and economic, and environmental acts. It's not just about what we eat from a nutritional perspective. Every time we put something into our mouth, we're essentially making a vote on all of these global issues that we're facing. It's so true. I think that it's both a terrifying thought and a very empowering thought because we actually understand the impact of our choices and our behaviors. We also understand the linkages to what's going on in our policies, then it's a very empowering thought.
Starting point is 00:05:26 You know, wait a minute, I can be part of the solution. And I also realize that it has to happen on a bigger scale. And I think, so the book really lays out, not just, it's not called Food Apocalypse, which it could easily have been called, but it's called Food Fix, which maps out the solutions for citizens, businesses, and policymakers to fix the problem. And it's going to require a significant level of awareness so people really understand these problems and linkages, because I don't think most reasonable policymakers do. I, for example, spent two hours on a boat this summer with a United States senator, And he was a very, you know, open,
Starting point is 00:06:05 interested guy. And he was really unaware of these linkages, unaware of these connections. And I was sort of struck by that. I was like, wait a minute, the guys who are making our policy are not aware that these are the issues that we have to face. And they're all dealing with them in silos. It's a problem. It's sort of like functional medicine for the food system, as opposed to all these separate different issues. It's really one issue. If you get to the root cause, you can really solve them. Right. Yeah, that's why I'm so excited about this book, because I think a lot of people aren't aware. It's just not on their radar. It's not something they're thinking about. And so this book and then the campaign that's associated with it, which I want to talk about a little later, I think is really going to help bring this forward into people's
Starting point is 00:06:46 awareness and make it as big of an issue in terms of the public consciousness as it really deserves to be and needs to be if we're going to address these challenges we're facing. I mean, let's talk a little bit about the food system and diet and their contribution to this epidemic of obesity and chronic disease that is now literally crippling our, you know, our healthcare system or our sick care system, depending on what you want to call it, not just here in the US, but now worldwide. And it's going to lead to, you know, $50 trillion of expenditure to treat chronic disease just in the next 20 years and possibly bring down governments and economies all around the world. So it all starts with food. That's completely true. And I think if we look at some of the new data, you used to think I was smoking or whatever, but turns out
Starting point is 00:07:37 that according to the global burden of disease study, 195 countries that lack of good foods and too much bad foods kills over 11 million people a year. I think that's an underestimate, actually. When you start to look at the other chronic diseases that are causing people to die and you add them all up and you see what are caused by food like diabetes and heart disease and other things, it's probably upward of 40 or 50 million people a year, probably three quarters of all deaths on the planet are contributed to or caused by our food, our ultra processed food. And the ultra processed food we're eating is 60% of our calories, corn, wheat and soy, turn in all kinds of factory made science projects. And for every 10% of your
Starting point is 00:08:15 diet that comes from processed food, the risk of death goes up by 14%. And the side effect of that is huge economic burden that you mentioned, you know $50 trillion, but looking at how you slice and dice it, according to macroeconomic analysis, the cost to our society in both direct and indirect costs is going to be $95 trillion over the next 35 years. Just to put in perspective, that's an annual amount that's 91% of the total tax collected by the US government. So that's about over like- Much more than the GDP of the six largest economies of the world. And yes, and also it's probably more, that amount is more than the total economy of the world. When you add up, it'd be over 35 years, but just things like Medicare trust fund is going to run out of money in five years. By 2025, 48% of our mandatory federal spending will be for Medicare, which means there's like half of the money left for everything else inflammatory, it's so toxic to our microbiome, so toxic to our brain chemistry, it's so inflammatory that it's driving all these other issues, which isn't just
Starting point is 00:09:32 obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. It's affecting our kids' academic performance. You know, we're 31st in the world in math and reading, and our kids are struggling with ADD and behavior issues. The data on that is striking. The data on violence, who thought violence is connected to food, but in violent prisoners in prison, giving them a healthy diet reduced violent crime by 56%. If they added a multivitamin, it reduced it by 80%. And the same thing with kids and juvenile detention centers, bad behavior is reduced by 91 percent. The use of restraints by 75 percent. Oppositional behavior dramatically lower.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Suicide, 100 percent drop in suicide in these kids in this one large study of 3,000 kids where they swapped out healthy food for the bad food in these centers. So there's a huge impact on our intellectual capital, on our emotional capital, on the divisiveness in our society. I mean, we think of why is our society so divided and why are we having so much conflict in politics? And even the nutrition diet wars is, I think, an example. And I think it's a total distraction from what we really need to be focused on. Totally. And part of the problem, I just had David Promoter on my podcast. He was talking about the effects of inflammation on the brain in decoupling the limbic system from the frontal lobe. And what that means is you have a fight or flight reptile brain, your lizard brain, which is the old brain that's not great at making good decisions, except saving your life, and your frontal lobe, which is the adult in the room. So if you have an emotional reaction or response and you get activated, you can't really control it,
Starting point is 00:11:10 which is why there's so much divisive behavior, why our decisions are so poor. And it was sort of a striking, another striking fact from David Perlmutter and his son wrote this book, Brainwash, about how our food is driving behavioral issues know, behavioral issues and emotional conflict. Stuck in our limbic system and the amygdala running the show rather than our frontal cortex. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Let's talk a little more about kids. Cause this is something we're both passionate about how the food industry preys on children specifically, you know, it's, it, it preys on children specifically. It preys on everybody, but the effects are especially insidious with kids. So let's talk a little bit about those tactics and how we can address that, starting with young kids in schools and cafeterias and the food that they're served. It's so huge. Obviously, kids are sicker and better than ever. Remember, there was that they're served. It's so huge. You know, obviously kids are sicker and better than ever. I mean, remember there was that one overweight kid in your class
Starting point is 00:12:09 growing up. One kid was a behavioral issue. Now it's, you know, one in 10 kids have ADD and 40% are overweight. And the obesity rate has tripled since the 1970s. And now one in three kids is overweight or obese. I mean, that's pretty striking. And one in four teenagers has type two diabetes or prediabetes, which is really crazy. I never saw that when I was growing up. And you see the fast food infiltrating the schools in dramatic ways. One, you know, once I saw this is like 50% of schools, they have fast food served in the cafeteria, like McDonald's Monday, Taco Bell Tuesday, Wendy's Wednesday. And these are what kids get to eat. And there's incredible abundance of these
Starting point is 00:12:53 processed foods and then marketing to these kids through schools, all the advertising that goes in from soda companies and the big food companies that is driving their behaviors and their choices. I mean, they now have Coca-Cola ads in the locker rooms, in the toilet stalls, in the bathroom. So there's a lot of good things that have happened, for example, trying to solve that with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act that Michelle Obama championed. And she tried to mandate the 100,000 public schools provide healthier foods and improve the nutrition standards. But it didn't really go far enough, right? You still can get all kinds of junk food in there. And now, unfortunately, the Trump administration has rolled back a lot of those guidelines and the kids aren't eating
Starting point is 00:13:36 the food, they're throwing it out. I mean, there were 111 food companies, trade groups, industry organizations that lobbied on this bill when it was put into play. There's a group called the School Nutrition Association, which sounds really nice. Yeah, all the groups have those kinds of misleading names, right? It's like an industry-funded lobby group, and their $10 million budget comes from big food companies like Coke and Kraft and Domino's Pizza. I mean, and they watered down the guidelines. Pizza's a vegetable.
Starting point is 00:14:05 French fries are a vegetable, right? Ketchup is a vegetable. And it's pretty terrible. Kids are really suffering. It affects not only their weight and their long-term health, but also their cognitive function. Their mood and their behavior, like you said before. Yeah. And now, things that are okay under the guidelines are things like pepperoni pizza from Uno, chicken nuggets, funnel cakes, chocolate muffins, sugar soaked slush puppy beverages. Those are all approved under the current guidelines, which doesn't make any sense. But the good news is people are really trying to ship this. A friend of mine, Jill Shaw, I read about in the book, created something called the My Way Cafe, where she found out how to refurbish kitchens in schools at a low cost because only
Starting point is 00:14:50 had deep fryers and microwaves. She hired top chefs in Boston, in these Boston interesting schools to create delicious foods that were within the school nutrition guidelines and even more importantly, within the school nutrition budget yeah which means that they can provide the same food at no extra cost i mean better food at no extra cost and these kids are performing better in school their behavior is better they're uh having less issues it's pretty it's pretty amazing that sounds great yeah grassroots solutions like this i think can go such a long way because they prove out the model and then that model can be scaled up and exported, not just here in the US, but elsewhere. Yeah. And they're not the only ones. There's really great groups that are trying to solve this in schools. I think Conscious
Starting point is 00:15:38 Kitchens is one of them. And there's really great groups that are working on this. So I feel like there's so much to be done. The other issue though is the food marketing. And this's really great groups that are working on this. So I feel like there's so much to be done. The other issue, though, is the food marketing. And this is really a problem because it used to be, you know, just in the obvious places, right, on TV, in print, you know, and so forth. And now it's stealth marketing. And the Institute of Medicine produced a report even before the internet saying how bad it was. And now it's 10 times worse. And they're hijacking kids' amygdala brains or using all kinds of emotional targeting.
Starting point is 00:16:14 And they're really driving huge amounts of marketing towards these kids. 2016, 56 of the biggest food companies placed 509 million banner ads and impressions on Cartoon Network, They placed 3.4 billion ads on Facebook and YouTube. I mean, and the WHO is like, hey, this is not OK. They're using powerful digital marketing tactics that doesn't even come up as advertising. It's sort of like adver games that are fun games they give kids for free uh driving to mcdonald's uh and it's uh these these are they're looking at kids brains with imaging so they can actually see what lights up their their pleasure center in their brain brain hacking yeah i mean it's scary i mean it's not
Starting point is 00:17:01 just like oh oh we don't really know what we're doing. We just, we just put these ads on. No, they're, they know what they're doing. Intentionally manipulative. Yeah, exactly. So we got to protect our kids. I mean, a friend of mine said, you know, if a foreign country was doing to our kids, what we're doing, we would go to war. Absolutely. Without a doubt, without a doubt. Let's talk a little bit about the role of regulation. This is a controversial issue, of course. People, politically, people have, you know, ideas about how much the state, whether we're talking about, you know, actual U.S. states or federal government should get involved. Let's talk a little bit about soda tax as an example and the effects that that has had, where that's been done, and then other things that governments both here domestically and abroad might do to intervene and whether you even think that's a good idea. Well, I think there's a whole issue of the nanny state.
Starting point is 00:17:55 And I think people are opposed to that and the government getting involved in their choices. But it's important to remember that we do have laws that protect citizens. For example, we have seatbelt laws. We have emissions for cars. The car manufacturer all up in arms and now emissions are a thing people accept. We mandate baby seats. We mandate vaccinations, which may or may not, I think, is a good idea. But we do have efforts in our country to protect our citizens. We used to prevent industry from polluting our water source and air that we breathe. Right, exactly. So I think there's really great evidence around how to use fiscal policies to drive change.
Starting point is 00:18:38 And I think there's been enough soda taxes that have been in place where they're effective. And we can argue whether they're politically good or not, but they work. This is why the food industry and the American beverage industry spent $38 million trying to defeat them in California. And thank God that Michael Bloomberg and Arnold Foundation spent about $20 million of their own money to actually allow them to pass. I mean, that's what it takes, right? A couple of billionaires saying, hey, wait a minute, we're going to fight back. But when you look at the data, they really do work. There's a reduction in soda consumption, there's an improvement in health, there's a
Starting point is 00:19:13 reduction in weight, and it actually works. And that's why they fight it. Now, the problem is that the food industry fights back. So I'm not sure you're aware of this, Chris, but in California, there was four states that, sorry, four towns that passed soda tax in the 2016 election. And that was only because of Bloomberg and Arnold Foundation. And however, right after that, the food industry decided a new tactic. And this has nothing to do with soda or anything. They just created a ballot measure that would prohibit local governments from passing new taxes to pay for schools, fire department, police station, whatever, without a two-third majority,
Starting point is 00:19:55 which would be very impossible and would cripple local governments in California. They spent $7 million promoting this ballot initiative, which they couldn't care less about, but they used it to bribe Jerry Brown, who was probably the most liberal governor we've ever had in America, to pass a preemptive law that prevented any future soda taxes or junk food taxes. And they did it at the last minute. They said, we'll pull it. We'll pull the ballot measure if you pass this. And they did it five the last minute. They said, we'll pull it. We'll pull the ballot measure if you pass this.
Starting point is 00:20:25 And they did it five days before the election. And they just went through without any kind of awareness until after. And they're doing this in state after state after state. So they're fighting back. And they're using Big Tobacco's playbook. Yeah. So we see in a place like Mexico where they've had taxes for a while, they work. Soft drink sales plunged while water consumption increased.
Starting point is 00:20:50 We see the same thing in Philadelphia where we've seen similar taxes and Berkeley. So there's been a lot of analysis of that. to PLOS Medicine, which is a research journal, that if over the course of a decade, this tax in Mexico would save 19,000 lives, prevent 200,000 new cases of diabetes, and lower Mexico's healthcare costs almost a billion dollars. So it works. Yeah, I think the biggest, I mean, I'm with you on this, Mark, but I do have mixed feelings because the biggest risk with this, it's pretty clear. Everybody agrees that there should be a soda tax, but what about a saturated fat tax? You know, what about, you know, government starts making decisions, which consensus paradigm science, which, as we know, isn't always accurate and can change over time. So I think overall, I agree with that approach, but I am a little nervous about the direction that that could go in. Yeah, it's true. I mean, like, you know, I mean, in the book, I talk about how chili put in sweeping reforms, which I think are being really looked at carefully and scientifically, but have had dramatic impact. And they did a whole sweeping set of things and 18% soda tax.
Starting point is 00:22:14 They put warning labels on the front of boxes. They got rid of cartoon characters like Tony, the tiger, but their, but their warning boxes are saturated fat, salt, and sugar, which may not be the right approach right because then the food company can dial up and down these ingredients but it's still it's still a step forward but it you're right there is there is danger in it but what they did also was eliminate any marketing to kids between like 6 a.m and 10 p.m on any any place you know internet tv print everywhere and and they found there was a fourfold reduction compared to the taxes of junk food and processed food by eliminating the advertising.
Starting point is 00:22:54 So the marketing is a bigger factor and a bigger lever than taxes. The problem in this country is something called the First Amendment, which is being used by these companies to actually argue that they have a right to do that yeah yeah that's an impingement on free speech and that they shouldn't be limited and i think you know i don't know if there's anything in the first amendment that says we can't protect our children i just don't know right yeah we're living in a much more complex environment now than when those you know know, the constitution was written. And I'm not arguing that those principles aren't still valid, but I think there's a lot of nuance now
Starting point is 00:23:30 that there wasn't, that didn't necessarily exist at that point. Let's talk about the other side of this in terms of government programs. They can have great benefit, but they can also be problematic and contribute to the problem. And one example of that is the food stamp program. So let's talk a little bit about some of the issues that that is causing. Yeah, for sure. Well, I think, you know, a lot of the problems we have today, you know, I've come to really realize we're not the result of bad intentions, right? So our current agricultural system, our food stamp program, dietary guidelines, they were all coming from good intentions. And we decided we need to grow more food,
Starting point is 00:24:13 grow more calories, grow more starchy calories, and all that's great. We need to feed people. And so the focus was on giving people adequate amount of calories, but not concerned about where those calories came from. And it turned out that most of the calories we produced through all the government supports
Starting point is 00:24:26 were processed food calories that are essentially soy, wheat, and corn turned into all kinds of manner of industrial food products. And the Food Stamp program serves about 46 million Americans, one in four kids. It's a really great support for these people who are struggling just with food insecurity. So it's really helped solve food insecurity. But the dark side of it is that it is driving people to be more sick and have more chronic disease because the majority of calories purchased 75% are junk food, and 10% is soda. And that's about 7 billion a year. That's about 30 billion servings for the poor every year.
Starting point is 00:25:06 So there's the problem with, now the program is called SNAP or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance. The problem is there's no nutrition in the assistance. It's all malnutrition. And I think there's a large effort to try to put nutrition back in the food stamp program. And I think that's where there's incentives, for example, for purchasing healthier food with double bucks at farmer's markets. This incentives could be in place for bad food. And I think there's ways to do it that are politically palatable.
Starting point is 00:25:35 The challenge is, you know, I just have morally have a problem with the government paying for that many servings of soda for the poor when we know it's a contributor disease. And Coca-Cola is the biggest welfare recipient in America, with 20% of their American revenue coming from food stamps. Walmart is about, you know, probably 20% of all the food stamp dollars go to Walmart.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Now, they may be buying organic vegetables, I don't know, but my guess is they're probably not. And I think it's probably one of the biggest government programs. It's the biggest component of the Farm Bill. So it really shouldn't be called the Farm Bill. It should be called the Food Bill. And it's about $735 billion over 10 years. And there's huge fights on trying to improve the SNAP bill. And in the book, I detail how a lot of the congressmen and senators are bought and paid for by the food industry and are you know saying well it's all about exercise you know it's not really about not really about uh sugar or
Starting point is 00:26:30 other foods it's really about the exercise ridiculous and totally contrary to what the research says i have a personal story about this when i was uh back in school and i was interning in a clinic with a lot you know large underserved population primarily latino and uh we had kids who were coming into our into the clinic i mean this was uh 15 years ago and it was already a big problem with childhood obesity uh in that community and many of the the families were on food stamps and they were, the foods that they could buy, you know, one of the foods that, you know, I would ask often what they were giving their kids. And often these kids were drinking like a liter of orange juice a day. And, you know, I would talk to the moms about it and they would say, well, this is, I was told this
Starting point is 00:27:25 was healthy, you know, orange is a fruit, and, you know, fruit juice is healthy, it says right here, and they would show me the literature that they got about, you know, healthy food choices, so oftentimes people are trying to do the right thing, but they're not getting the right guidance or support in the choices that they're making. You're a hundred percent right. I mean, I was part of that movie fed up and I went down to this family in North Carolina, South Carolina, and they were struggling to lose weight. The father couldn't get a new kidney unless he was able to actually lose 45 pounds. They were crying because they were trying to do the right thing and didn't really know how. And, and I went to their kitchen and they were having Cool having cool whip because it said zero
Starting point is 00:28:05 trans fats on it it was a healthy topping or their salad dressings were full of refined soybean oil and high fructose corn syrup and they thought that was a good dressing and they it was one thing after the other and they were trying to do the right thing they just didn't know and i simply went through their kitchen took everything out of their cupboard showed them what the ingredients were why they were a problem and they got it and i said, here's how you cook a simple meal from scratch using real ingredients, which they'd never done. And they would learn how to do it. And they were able to do it. I gave him a cookbook and a guide to eating well for less. And they were able to lose 200 pounds as a family over a year. The son ended up going on to lose 138 pounds and now is in medical school.
Starting point is 00:28:46 And I wrote him a letter of release for medical school. I mean, it's not that hard. And they were living on food stamps and disability in one of the worst food deserts in America. And they were able to figure it out. And so they can figure it out. I think it's possible for all of us. Let's shift gears a little bit and talk more about the food system itself. I mean, one of the biggest issues, of course, is we have this massively industrialized food system where processed and refined food comprise 60% of the calories that Americans consume.
Starting point is 00:29:16 And, you know, one of the most common solutions that we often hear is that we should, you know know further industrialize the food system uh there was an article in the guardian recent not too long ago by george monbiot that really proposed lab-grown food as the the solution to to our uh food system woes what do you think about that and and if that's not the solution what what is well i'm i'm all for innovation and i think they're great great tech solutions but actually i met with uma valetti who's the founder of memphis meats which is growing lab grown meat and we were talking about the entire sort of life cycle analysis of the process and i'm like well you know it's a very energy intensive process it also uses farm materials basically feed grain and
Starting point is 00:30:02 other sources of often gmo mon monocrops come from industrial agriculture. I said, you know, you could literally transform this industry by getting regenerative ag crops and supporting those just like General Mills is doing. And now even I think Kellogg's is encouraging and Danone and Nestle. And two, you could use renewable source of energy to fuel your farm. I mean, to fuel your plant. An example of this is kind of cool, food waste we haven't talked about, but it's a huge problem. And in Massachusetts, they eliminated the this model where they built these anaerobic digesters on their farms and they get three tractor trailers full of food waste every day and they throw it in there
Starting point is 00:30:53 and they throw some cow poop in there and it basically creates electricity for 1,500 homes. It makes the farmer 100 grand a year, which is a lot because on average farmers lose about $1,600 a year. It ends the food waste issue. It helps deal with the manure problem. It's like a win-win-win.
Starting point is 00:31:11 So there's a lot of great innovations around things where they could, for example, power lab meat based on that, for example. So I think I'm not against it, but I just think, you know, it's probably not the solution. And what turns out, and this is really exciting is, is that, you know, we didn't talk about it yet, but the food industry as a whole, and this was a shock to me, is the number one cause of climate change. It's also the number one solution. And, and the things that are driving it are deforestation, soil erosion, factory farming of animals, food waste, all the transport, refrigeration, processing, packaging of food. When you add it all up, it's basically 48 to 50-something percent of our climate problem, which is bigger than fossil fuels. So we have to really think about a different
Starting point is 00:31:57 way of farming that reverses climate change. And the good news is that way of farming called regenerative agriculture, which is a very specific way of building soil, conserving water, less chemicals, more biodiversity, pollinators, et cetera, produces more food, better food, more profitable for the farmer while building soil, reversing climate change, creating resiliency to drought and floods and weather extremes, and makes the farmer a lot more money. It's like a winwin-win you know and creating great livelihood for people i mean i my my listeners will be familiar we just had will will harris um from white oak pastures who you probably familiar yeah yeah yeah on the show and he talked about you know like they the the independent analysis by aquanis international found that they sequester
Starting point is 00:32:42 three and a half pounds of carbon per pound of beef produced. Whereas Impossible Burger, which is a lab produced meat, a fake meat, is emitting three and a half pounds of carbon per pound of beef. So Impossible Burger certainly emits far less carbon than conventional beef, which is 33 in that comparison. But it's amazing that regenerative agriculture is actually a net carbon sink and is more environmentally responsible way of feeding people than fake meat and probably lab meat, although we don't have an existing analysis on lab meat yet. Yeah, that's 100% right. I think people say you can't feed the world, it's not scalable.
Starting point is 00:33:32 But if you look at all the degraded land we have in the world that needs to be restored, we can. In fact, the UN recently said that we could stall climate change by 20 years, simply by taking two of the five million hectares of degraded land around the world and spending $300 billion, which is just about the military spend of the entire world for 60 days, that we could convert two of the five million hectares of degraded land back to regenerative ag, and that would stall climate change by 20 years. That to me is staggering. I mean, this is in my opinion, these are the top scientists. And give us food security, because without soil, healthy soil, we have no food security. We don't currently really know how to produce food without soil. And none of the
Starting point is 00:34:19 technological or lab solutions that are being proposed do anything to address the decline in soil quality that is really, again, one of the most serious threats that I think humanity is facing right now and not one that's very well understood. Yeah, it was shocking to me when I started reading about this. The UN says we have 60 harvests left. The Obama administration produced a report on soil. They said 80 years left. But we basically are running out of soil because we're turning it into dirt, which can't grow food. And we are going to be screwed. And it's probably a more rapid and existential threat than anything else, even climate change. I mean, it's caused climate change. I think people, I don't think you'll realize this, and I certainly didn't,
Starting point is 00:34:59 that 30, 40% of all the carbon in the atmosphere, 1 trillion tons of carbon, 30 to 40% of it is from the loss of our topsoil over the last 150 years, which is because of the way we farm. And that to me was a shock because if that's true, then the whole converse is true that we can put the carbon back in the soil using an incredible carbon capture technology
Starting point is 00:35:24 that's available everywhere in the world. It incredible carbon tech carbon capture technology that's available everywhere in the world it's free it's been around for billions of years it's called photosynthesis yes you know absolutely i mean the solution is not to eliminate farming it's to it's to return farming to its roots really and and practice a way of farming that, as you said, can restore soil quality and ecosystems and reduce the release of chemicals into the food system, which I want to come back to and into the environment and provide meaningful livelihood for people who are doing it. Yeah, it's really notable to me that in the same way that you're talking about, you know, fixing the food system, it doesn't just address our diet and nutrition quality. It addresses so many of these social, economic, and environmental problems. Let's talk a little bit about chemicals. So, because we haven't touched that much on that yet. We've got chemicals in our crops and in our food system. We've got industrial agriculture massively, you know, contributing to this.
Starting point is 00:36:27 We've got genetically modified plants, pesticides, toxins leaching into the ground, contaminating aquifers, rivers and streams, and tainting the food supply. What are the impacts on this? I know you did a lot of this. I know you did a lot of research on that. And how can we address this? There's a ton of this. I know you did a lot of research on that and how can we address this? There's a lot of issues. Obviously the health risks of things like pesticides, you know, farmers risk of Parkinson's is 70% higher than the average population. You know, we're seeing pesticides being linked to cancer, type two diabetes, neurodegenerative
Starting point is 00:36:58 diseases, developmental disorders. Some studies show that in kids are this, you know, 41 million IQ points have been lost to kids exposed to pesticides. These are real issues. And then we, of course, got the glyphosate. This is the most abundant chemical that's used in agriculture. Essentially, it's herbicides that are used on so many different plants. And it's been banned in many countries. Here we just said the EPA said it was safe to use, unfortunately. But there's been billion-dollar lawsuits that have been won because of its link to cancer. It also causes destruction of the microbiome. I mean, the Impossible Burger has 110 times as much glyphosate as required to destroy the microbiome of animals, like rats in animal studies. And so we're dealing with these horrible consequences on
Starting point is 00:37:45 on people. You know, when you look at the Chamaco study with Hispanic workers in Salinas Valley, which is our big agricultural hub, they're 59% more likely to get leukemia, 70% more likely to get stomach cancer, 63% more likely to get cervical cancer. They have 40% more again, phosphate pesticides in their urine, including pregnant and breastfeeding women. I mean, it's a mess, but I want to talk about fertilizer because I, you know, this was again, news for me as I began to research this, you know, fertilizer, how bad is that? It's just a little nitrogen. What's the big deal, you know, but it turns out that the fertilizer is produced. It's, it's, it's a massive industry and it's produced. It's a massive industry, and it's produced using a very energy-intensive process. And the number one users of natural gas from fracking are the fertilizer companies.
Starting point is 00:38:34 And the fracking wells produce 30% or 40% more methane than conventional oil wells, which is adding more to climate change. Then when you put it on the soil, it turns to nitrous oxide, which is 300 times more potent to greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. And then it destroys the life of the soil. So the microbiology, which is required to extract nutrients, it's required to build carbon,
Starting point is 00:38:57 all these wonderful things that the soil does, it sort of kills it, along with the herbicides and pesticides. And then the runoff of the fertilizer into our waterways, rivers like streams and oceans cause these algae to bloom, sucks all the oxygen out of the water, ends up causing massive dead zones. And for example, in the Gulf of Mexico, there's one the size of New Jersey, which kills 212,000 metric tons of fish. I mean, who's paying for that,
Starting point is 00:39:20 right? And then there's 400 of these around the world, the size of Europe, which a half a billion people depend on for food. So, like, how do we even start to think about that? And the good news with the regenerative agriculture, you don't need fertilizer. You have animals making the fertilizer. You have plants making the fertilizer and you actually make money from your fertilizer instead of costing money. So I think I think we have to sort of come to terms with this chemical industrial agriculture from a number of points of view. One is the human health consequences, the environmental consequences, the effect of these pesticides on our pollinators. I mean, we've lost 75% of our pollinators. That's terrible. Without pollinators, it's like without soil, we can't keep going this way. And I feel like this is why it's such an imperative, why I wrote this book, why it's such a departure for me. I think it's really a different kind of book for me.
Starting point is 00:40:10 It's a political book. It's about how do we take action to solve these problems. And I'm working with an incredible team to actually create a whole campaign around this. And one of them is a Republican strategist. And I'm a Democrat. And so I'm pretty clear about some of my views on the book but I was struck why is he why is this guy who's spent his whole life you know working on certain types of policies why would he take the time to come up and meet and be part of this initiative and I said I said why I read the book and it just really made it clear to me that this
Starting point is 00:40:39 is the central issue of our time and we have to solve it and I think this is one of the most important books of the last decade and I just you know I feel like I need to be part of this. And I was like, wow. And he's like volunteering his time. And, you know, it's pretty, it's pretty impressive. For him. I mean, it's so clear that this issue crosses political lines. I mean, maybe the proposed solutions might vary a little bit depending on one's politics, for example, you know, the role of government regulation, things like soda taxes. But I think it's virtually impossible to disagree, whatever your political inclination is, that this is one of the biggest challenges we face, and it's urgent that we address it. So yeah, tell us a little more about the campaign and how that's going to complement the book.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Well, I mean, I wrote the book, because I felt like it was an imperative to tell the story. And that was the first step. But what was really exciting to me is a number of people reached out to me and wanted to do something bigger. And one of the guys was a guy who helped Bono launch his incredible one campaign that raised $87 billion for AIDS and poverty relief in Africa through Congress in a bipartisan way. And he really knows how to run stuff in Washington. And he's put together a whole team where we've got a policy group, a grassroots movement group, a business C-suite group for partnerships. I mean, it's really, really exciting.
Starting point is 00:41:59 And I think that there's such a deep understanding of these issues in this group. We've got incredible champions that are coming together to create this. We've got donors, we have celebrities, we have policymakers on board. So I feel like this is a really crucial moment where we can actually make this happen. And it's not, you know, whether current administration stage or not, I think there's ways of getting things done in Washington that are a little below the radar.
Starting point is 00:42:24 And I think this is how we're going to work and be deliberate and strategic. And, you know, I'm so excited about doing this. It's called the Food Fix Campaign. And you can learn about it on our website, or, where the site's coming up probably next month or so. So I think it's really an exciting effort because I feel like I'm worried about my children and their children and what does the future look like for all of us? And connecting the dots has been my life's work. And I began to think about connecting the dots, not just about food and health and functional medicine, but connecting the dots that affect all these issues and that are really imperative for us to solve. Well, I'm so glad that you wrote this book, Mark.
Starting point is 00:43:07 I know it is a bit of a departure for you, but I really feel like I agree 100% with what others have said. It's for sure one of the most important books of the decade, if not the century. I really believe that this is on the same scale as climate change and some of the other existential threats that we're facing and threatens humanity in a similar way. And I firmly believe, as you know, and we've discussed, that we won't be able to address this just by supporting individuals to make better choices because individuals are part of a system. They're part of this really complex web of influences that are often unconscious and very, very difficult to avoid entirely because our kind of basic brain programming is working against us in that way.
Starting point is 00:44:01 So I think change, I'm not, you know, abdicating personal responsibility here. We all definitely have personal responsibility, but I think we really have to move beyond that. And I know that was kind of the key insight for you, you know, recognizing this after doing what you've done for some, you know, for three decades, that this is more, this goes beyond individual choice. Exactly. I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's such a bigger thing and we all can be part of it. And I think, you know, we often feel discouraged and frustrated by the state of things that we're in, you know, we don't have the power to change things, but we do.
Starting point is 00:44:36 I mean, just look at what happened last few weeks with glyphosate, you know, Kellogg's, which, you know, in their Cheerios, they were outed for having more glyphosate than vitamin A or vitamin D. They announced that they're going to phase out all glyphosate from their products by 2025, which is fantastic, which means it's going to change the supply chain. It's going to change how farming is done. General Mills, same thing. They committed to a million acres of regenerative ag. Nestle, Denone, all these big companies are really focused on this issue and are acting on it because consumers, people like you listening, are making different choices, demanding different things, and asking for different products. I see this happening. I was very skeptical about any movement in the food
Starting point is 00:45:20 industry, but it's possible. There's other levers. There's people using financial levers, for example, investment levers, where this one guy, Jeremy Kohler, I talk about in the book, he essentially decided to gather $12 trillion in assets. He's a private equity guy. He basically got $12 trillion in institutional assets and told these companies to get together to get all the big fast food companies to get antibiotics out of their feed and their supply chain by a certain date. And if not, they were going to divest those companies. So, for example, if there's big investors in McDonald's, they're going to sell all their shares. It's not going to be good.
Starting point is 00:45:57 So they basically all agreed. They got 20 companies, the top 20 companies, to get antibiotics out of their feed. So there's a lot of hope, I think, in this space. And I think there's a lot of possibility., I think, in this space. And I think there's a lot of possibility and I'm really excited about it. Absolutely. I am as well. So I think a lot of people listening will want to get involved and be a part of the solution. So where can they learn more about the book and pick up a copy? And if people want to get involved in this larger campaign, is there a way to do that yet? Yes, for sure.
Starting point is 00:46:26 So, I'm sorry, is the main website. And there'll be a link on there for the Food Fix campaign. That's probably the easiest way to get it. We're still launching it. It's going to official launch date is going to be May 2020. But it's pretty exciting. We've got a 45-page strategy document. We've got incredible networks we've put together of business leaders and scientists and policymakers. And it's just
Starting point is 00:46:51 really pretty, it's pretty exciting. So I'm very, very happy that you have me on your podcast today. It's really important to tell this story. And I think we're, you know, we're just in this moment in time where it's like, I think the perfect moment for this all to sort of happen. Absolutely, Mark. And I just have so much gratitude and appreciation for you and having the courage and willingness to write this book and, you know, get this message out there because I really believe it's one of the most important of our time. So thank you.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Thank you. Okay, everybody. Thanks for listening. Keep sending your questions in to slash podcast question, and we'll see you next time. That's the end of this episode of Revolution Health Radio. If you appreciate the show and want to help me create a healthier and happier world, please head over to iTunes and leave us a review. They really do make a difference. If you'd like to ask a question for me to answer in a future episode, you can do that at slash podcast question. You can also leave a suggestion for someone you'd like me
Starting point is 00:47:56 to interview there. If you're on social media, you can follow me at slash chriscresser or slash ch Chris Kresser LAC. I post a lot of articles and research that I do throughout the week there that never makes it to the blog or podcast, so it's a great way to stay abreast of the latest developments. Thanks so much for listening. Talk to you next time. Thank you.

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