The Dr. Hyman Show - Using Ancient Wisdom To Resist Disease, Heal Quickly, And Age Well with Alberto Villoldo
Episode Date: August 24, 2022This episode is brought to you by BiOptimizers, InsideTracker, and Pendulum. I’ve always been a big proponent of learning from those who came before us. The knowledge of ancient cultures is one piec...e of the foundation of modern medicine, but much shamanic wisdom has been ignored and is now being lost. It benefits us to stop and think about what’s going on below the surface, the things we can’t see—for our health, our perception of reality, everything. Invisible bacteria is one example, wisdom is another. Today I am thrilled to talk to my friend Alberto Villoldo about the role of ancient wisdom in health, healing, and aging optimally. Medical anthropologist Alberto Villoldo Ph.D. is an international bestselling author who has researched the shamanic healing practices of the Amazon and Andes for over 25 years. He is the founder of the Four Winds Society, an organization dedicated to the bridging of ancient shamanic traditions with modern medicine and psychology. Dr. Villoldo is the author of numerous books, including Power Up Your Brain; Shaman, Healer, Sage; Mending the Past and Healing the Future with Soul Retrieval; The Four Insights; Courageous Dreaming; One Spirit Medicine, and Grow a New Body. His latest book is The Wisdom Wheel: A Mythic Journey through the Four Directions, which we talk more about in this episode. This episode is brought to you by BiOptimizers, InsideTracker, and Pendulum. BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough formula contains seven different forms of magnesium, all of which have different functions in the body. Go to and use code hyman10 at checkout for 10% off your next order. InsideTracker is a personalized health and wellness platform like no other. Right now they’re offering my community 20% off at To receive 20% off your first purchase of Pendulum’s Akkermansia probiotic supplement, go to and use code MARK20. Here are more details from our interview (audio version / Apple Subscriber version): What shamans view as our one illness and its one cure (6:08 / 3:24) Differentiating information and wisdom (9:44 / 7:02) How Alberto introduced me to a different way of healing (10:56 / 8:21) What is a shaman? (14:24 / 11:43) Why our brain needs ceremony, ritual, and rites of passage to heal (25:43 / 21:34) Gaining insight into the invisible world (34:05 / 29:54) How to upgrade your brain (38:58 / 34:45) The four animal archetype levels of shamanic healing (45:31 / 41:26) Using plant medicines and psychedelics to heal trauma (52:04 / 47:52) How plant compounds are indispensable to human health and healing (1:02:55 / 59:04) Learn more about Alberto here and get a copy of his new book, The Wisdom Wheel: A Mythic Journey through the Four Directions, here.
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Coming up on this episode of The Doctor's Pharmacy.
We cannot separate the biology from the psychology or the spirituality anymore.
These sacred plants come from a very feminine, shamanic tradition.
And we're trying to use them in a very masculine, patriarchal, reductionistic environment.
And they still work. They're magical. They're fantastic.
But we need to know the biology behind them.
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discount code in your cart. Welcome to the doctor's pharmacy. I'm Dr. Mark Hyman,
and that's pharmacy with an F, a place for conversations that matter. And if you've ever
heard about traumatic healing or energy medicine, if you've ever wondered about how to heal your soul, well, this conversation is for you because it's with my close friend, an extraordinary scientist, shaman, healer, someone who's healed me many times in many ways, Dr. Alberto Caldo.
He's an international bestselling author who's researched the shamanic healing practices of the Amazon Andes for over 25 years.
He actually connected with the Incas who've been hiding in the mountains for 500 years and come down about 50 years ago and connected with them and learned their ancient traditions.
He's translated them into practical tools for all of us to heal and heal our souls and our bodies and our minds.
He's really an extraordinary man.
He's the founder of the Four Winds Society, an organization that's dedicated to bridging ancient shamanic traditions with modern medicine and psychology. He's been on the faculty of the
University of Chicago, Columbia University in New York. And he, in fact, my daughter took a class
with him at Columbia. This is kind of funny. He's a fellow of the the explorers club which is extraordinary group out of the um out of new york
city which is you know like darwin and all these people were part of it's pretty trippy and he's
also written more books than i have which is pretty extraordinary in itself including power
up your brain shaman healer sage m Sage, Mending the Past, Healing the Future, and Soul Retreat with Soul Retrieval.
The Four Insights, Courageous Dreaming, One Spirit Medicine, and his latest book, Growing a New Body,
which actually something grew out of work we did together, running retreats around the world,
healing people with both functional medicine and shamanic healing, which go together.
And now he's got a new book called The Wisdom Wheel, A Mythic Journey Through Four Directions. And we're going to have the best conversation. So
listen up. Welcome, Alberto. Great to be with you, Mark.
Well, you're in Chile. I'm in Massachusetts. It's really pretty awesome. And you have been
such an important part of my life and my own journey and discovery of my own healing through both physical
and spiritual channels. And I know that you've written a lot of books, but this new book,
I think, is especially important because you're bridging the gap between ancient wisdom of the
shamanic traditions of the ancient Incas and the ancient traditions of shamans in South America,
and even globally, and the modern science that we now know about health and longevity and functional medicine.
And as we both kind of move through our careers, you're becoming more of a functional medicine doctor,
and I'm becoming more of a shaman, and we're kind of meeting in the middle.
Yeah, that's a big middle space that we're meeting in, Mark. And you know,
for example, now we're looking at Alzheimer's, dementia, heart disease as the diseases of aging,
and we're looking at aging as a disease, as an illness, and we're trying to heal the aging
process. And that's exactly what the shamans do, except that they begin to see aging as starting the first day of your life,
not later in life, so that they only have one illness and one cure.
Yeah, that's amazing. Tell us about that. What is that? One illness, one cure?
One illness, one cure. And we have 155,000 different illnesses in Western medicine and a different cure for each one of these.
And the one illness is disconnection.
Disconnection from your life purpose, from your community, from your soul's journey, and from nature, especially from nature.
And the one cure is that reconnection to nature, to your calling, and to spirit.
And then that accelerates any kind of intervention that you make.
So true.
I mean, you know, belonging is so much part of our human DNA.
And it reminds me of this book by E.O. Wilson, who recently died.
It was a sociobiologist
from Harvard who wrote many books, but one of them was called The Social Conquest of the Earth.
And it was about our social nature and our need to be connected to each other in order to survive
as an evolutionary part of our DNA. And the individualism of america has really created so much disease dis-ease
loneliness disconnection and isolation and and i don't know if you know this i'm sure you know
this alberta but loneliness is the biggest risk factor for almost all disease and death
and isolation is such a huge disease risk factor and i remember this one experiment that i read
about which was it was kind of awful. They basically took these monkeys that
were born at the same time. And they, one of them got love and attention from its mother and care.
And the other one was just sort of isolated and, you know, give a little food under the
cage. And, and the monkey that was isolated got old and decrepit and diseased. And they had
exactly the same food, exactly the same environment, except for no love or connection.
Yeah, this is it.
Not only do we get that love and connection from each other, but we get it from nature, with nature.
And nature, we think that nature means the forests and the trees.
But for the shamans, nature is also the invisible world.
The invisible world that is populated, that's alive. And it's the same quandary that
the physicists were facing when they thought that the entire universe was visible and observable.
And then they discovered dark matter, which is 95% of everything. And they understood now that
95% of reality is invisible. And for the shamans, this is the same applies to our day-to-day experience of
reality. What we call reality that we perceive with the senses is only 5% of what's going on.
And the other 95% is natural. It's also natural, but it's invisible. It's part of nature.
And our reconnection with the invisible world, whether it be the inner world that we access through meditation or the outer invisible world, what we call the quantum field, the energy field that we're all part of, is an essential part of our reconnection.
And that's what restores health from the perspective of the shamans that I work with, because they differentiate between information and wisdom.
Information is data.
Information is no water.
It's H2O.
Wisdom is being able to make it rain.
Information is having a diagnosis.
Wisdom is being able to heal.
It's empowering. It allows you to
dream your world, your health into being, and not just have more data, more data points.
Yeah, it's powerful. And you kind of came upon this, you were an anthropologist,
and you went to study these cultures, but you very quickly became aware that there was a lot more there than
just some archaic, you know, historical relic, but that there was really living wisdom and living
traditions that we need in our culture to heal us. And, and, and your work has been really a lot
about that. And you know, I love it if you sort of tell us, you know, cause the shaman sounds like,
you know, in people's mind, you know, rattles and feathers and like, you know, chanting. And it's kind of like, kind of, uh, almost like
bloodletting or some ancient stupid thing that people did that really isn't very relevant to us
today. But in fact, it very much is. And I just want to share a story and it may sound a little
crazy to people because, you know, it just, it even kind of astounded me. But I think you remember when I came back from Haiti
and I was working in Haiti during the earthquake
and then I went back a number of times
and I came back from one of the trips
and you were at my house and I said,
Alberto, I don't know what's going on,
but I don't feel right.
I have no energy.
I feel completely depleted.
I feel like something's really off.
I've never felt like this in my life.
And using your tools and your way of seeing
and this ancient technologies from the shamans, you were able to sort of tell me what was wrong.
And do you remember that? Do you remember what you said? Do you remember what you found? Do you
remember? Can you share that story? Or if you don't remember, I'll tell you. Okay. So tell us,
tell me what was your end of the story? Because it really profoundly woke me up to a different
realm of healing and a different way of understanding the world well what happened is that you had brought
back someone from Haiti an undocumented alien because but in the invisible world you had this
this this little boy that had died and you know perhaps perhaps in an operating room or as part of the terrible
earthquake had accompanied you, had come back with you. You know, this happens with very
compassionate people that they'll pick up these stragglers that they bring home in the same way
to bring home a stray dog. And this little boy that didn't know that it was dead had attached himself to you.
And when I tracked for you and I saw the spirit of this little boy there, I had to help him to cross over into the world of spirit.
And then he left your field.
And he was no longer feeding on you and attached to you and wanting his mother.
So he found peace.
And you did too. I remember at that point,
your mood changed. Totally. It wasn't just my mood. It was as dramatic for me as having a
severe migraine headache one minute and the next minute not having a headache. And my whole energy
shifted, my brain shifted, my body shifted. I was like, I was sort of shocked because, you know,
I love you and I love what you do. And I, you know, had many but you know i was like okay this is cool but like i do not really get it and
i've never really experienced i don't know it sounds kind of weird but i got okay i'll go along
with it but then i i experienced it myself and i was like holy cow and you really track this in my
body and you use these ancient techniques uh of being and healing to to actually heal me.
And, you know, it sort of reminded me of, you know,
also how we heal in community.
And I remember being in Nepal when I was in my 20s.
I was in a medical expedition with Johns Hopkins
looking at public health research in this village.
And after we sort of did our work during the day,
at night I would sort of go up and hear about these shamans.
They called them dami jankris in Nepal. And I heard there was going to be a healing ceremony. So I went up
and I just sat there. And there was the entire village gathered around the sick person. And then
they had the shaman there doing the work on this person. But the healing was done in community.
And the same thing in Native American tribes. When someone is sick, it's a community problem. When someone has a rift in a relationship, a healing community,
we've just become so isolated. And, you know, maybe we go to our therapist, but we really,
you know, have to understand these traditions have so much to offer us. And this is really why
you wrote the book, The Wisdom Wheel, A Mythic Journey Through the Four Directions. So tell us a little bit more about what is a shaman, and tell us about the first time
you entered the Amazon and how you embarked on your own shamanic journey.
And so take us back to that time so you can kind of give people a sense of what this is.
You know, the shaman mediates between the visible and the invisible world, but they
were the first nutritionists.
They were the first herbalists.
The Amazon is nature's pharmacy.
But it's also, these are all of the different plant foods that heal.
This is healing through your food, through your plants,
through your plant, primarily a plant-based medicine.
And they understood the plants that exercised death from you.
I remember when I was in my mid-30s.
You exorcised, not exercised, right?
You exorcised, yeah.
You healed the death that lives within you.
So in my early 30s, I was with the shamans in the Amazon,
and this woman is shaking her rattle and looking at me and saying,
Alberto, the death is very strong within you. I was hoping she'd say,
hey, the life force is really strong within you. She said, no, the death is. And we have to get
the death out of you. And I said, sure, do it right away. How do you do that? She said, well,
you eat these particular plants. Now, these are plants that are rich in polyphenols. And what she
was talking about was what we today call
senescent cells, the zombie cells in your body. So here's one of the crossovers with the ancient
medicine. So of course, we get rid of senescent cells with quercetin and fisetin, But these are the same polyphenols that she was using to get my body to eliminate these
cells that are neither living nor dead, but are still producing toxic signals and eventually lead
to cancer. So the basis of the medicine of the shamans is that if you create, and I've heard you say this so many times as well,
create the conditions for health and disease goes away.
And the shamans who can maintain the health of the village
because they see sickness as happening to a community
but manifesting through one person, through the individual.
In the same way the family therapists
see that there's an issue in the family, but the identified patient is a child usually,
and they want to fix the child instead of fixing the whole family. So illness happens to an entire
community, and in this case, to an entire humanity that we're seeing, but it's manifesting through an individual.
And you have to heal the entire community, the entire village, the entire ecosystem,
because the understanding is that as the fate of the earth goes, so goes the fate of you and I,
of each one of us. And we cannot be healed if the earth is not healed if our ecosystem if our garden
is not vibrant we're not going to be vibrant so that we're interconnected with each other and
today we know that we have like electrons do we have a particle state and a and a field state
and this is the particle state which is separate,
but the field state interconnects us with each other and with everything.
We truly are one in our energy field state.
And I asked one time one of the shamans,
well, what is this energy field state?
And he said to me, it's who you are after you die.
It's who you were before you were born.
It's going to be your luminous body, your luminous energy field that keeps creating physical bodies from lifetime to lifetime.
And then I said, okay, I want to learn about this stuff.
Teach me about it. And then after a few months of training, I asked the same shaman,
what's with all of this teaching about the invisible world?
What's the object, the purpose of it?
And he said to me, the object to all of this learning is to discover how to get out of this life alive.
I said, wow.
Sign me up.
Sign me up.
So I didn't believe in reincarnation.
I didn't believe in any of this stuff.
I trained in psychology and anthropology, and I directed a little laboratory at San Francisco State where we were looking at the brain and how to create health. And so I wasn't into any of this reincarnation stuff. And he said to me,
well, why don't you go ahead and cover your bases anyway, just in case, just in case,
you know, what's the risk of not learning about this? And I went, okay. And then I, that's when I started becoming
not only a shaman, not only an anthropologist, but a shaman. And today, I always used to hide
that, you know, I was saying, I'm a medical anthropologist. And today i tell people i'm a shaman i'm a modern shaman and by the way it's dr shaman
it's so funny because we we teach we teach together and and it's so funny because we now
sort of almost i talk about the more of the subtle energy fields and healing and in my work and and
just ways of accessing that and you talk about mitochondria and the science,
and I kind of laugh.
It's like all the worlds intersect.
I think there's a book by Fritjof Capra years ago
called The Tao of Physics, really,
about how sort of the mystical world
and the scientific world are really the same.
And it's true.
There's also the Tao of Biology.
And that's essentially what we're talking about
is the mystical realms of human creation. Einstein said, I don't want to know the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know the thoughts of God and the rest are details. And so in a sense, we're looking to the mind of God blown away by the ways in which these plant compounds interact with our biology to activate longevity
switches. I mean, how do they know? Like how it's like, wait a minute. And I just like,
wait a minute. How, how, how does this work? It's like, we know, okay, you need vitamins and
minerals and stuff, but actually we need all these plant compounds called phytochemicals.
And there's 25,000 of them to activate different parts of our healing systems.
And that's what you teach, and that's a lot of the work that you do.
Yeah, absolutely.
You know, our friend Dean Ornish did the science of how these polyphenols and plant phytonutrients switch on the genes that create health and silence more than 500 genes that create heart disease and breast cancer and dementia.
And you asked the shamans, how did you know that these plants that they call the sacred plants,
not the teacher plants, the teacher plants are the psychedelics,
but the sacred plants are the ones that are the epigenetic modifiers,
the ones that create health and silence the genetics of the seeds.
And I asked them, how did you know that these plants did that?
And they said, well, the plants told us.
The plants told us.
The plants told us.
You know, like, don't you talk to the plants, Alberto?
And there's a story that I love, which is when the conquistadors arrived in Peru, they met with the Inca, with the ruler, who was a shaman.
He was a divine being.
And the priest gave him the Bible and said, this is the word of God.
And the Inca took the Bible and put it to his ear.
And he listened and he listened.
And he threw it on the ground, and he said, what kind of God is this that does not speak?
When did your God last talk to you?
And the priest said, well, you know, 1,500 years ago.
And he asked the Inca, when did your God last speak with you? And the Inca said, this morning at breakfast.
So they still speak to the rivers and the trees and the plants and the animals and the rivers and the trees and God and the plants and the animals speak to them like they did to us when we lived in paradise before we were kicked out of the Garden of Eden.
And we are the only people in the planet,
we are Westerners are the only people in the planet
to have ever been kicked out of the Garden of Eden.
Nobody else was.
Everybody else was given, you know, the Buddhists
and the Native Americans and Sub-Saharan Africans
were given the garden to be the stewards and the caretakers of the garden
and to speak to the rivers and the trees and the animals, and particularly the animals because the animals were sacred.
The word animal comes from anima, from that word, the Latin and Greek word for the soul.
They're the soul of Gaia, of the mother.
So the shaman lives in a world that is animated, that is animistic,
whereas we live in an inanimate world.
We can barely talk to each other, much less to the animals and to the trees.
It's true. Incredible.
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for 20% off. Now let's get back to this week's episode of The
Doctor's Pharmacy. Well, I want to sort of take us back a little bit to how we use all this because,
you know, not all of us are going to get to go to the Amazon and work with plants and shamans in the
middle of the jungle in Peru. But you say that, you know that by learning about this ancient shamanic wisdom, we can heal
disease, we can eliminate suffering, grow a new body. You say that we can grow new bodies that
resist disease, heal quickly, and age really differently through modern-day shamanic rituals.
So what are those rituals? What are those practices? And in the wisdom wheel, you talk
about them. Can you share just a little bit more about them?
Yeah, I go into depth about this in the wisdom wheel.
But for example, our ancient brain, our limbic brain, our mammalian brain that we share with all the mammals, this brain needs ceremony and ritual in order to change. So you cannot change your mind until you change your brain.
And this brain requires a rite of passage.
That's why we have ritual and rites of passage in every culture in the world.
They knew that in order to have profound change, you needed to have a rite of passage with a community witnessing it.
And that's when the brain changes. But you also needed to have the
neurotransmitters in order to be able to change your brain. And so let me give you an example of
these, serotonin. I mean, serotonin, we know 85, 90% of it is produced in the gut. And this is a neurotransmitter that we call the happy molecule.
And that your brain, your pineal gland turns into melatonin so you can rest and sleep. And if you
don't rest and sleep, you're not going to heal. You're not going to age well, you're going to die
young and with dementia. So we're serotonin depleted, deprived in our culture because our guts are
broken. So the very first nature that we need to connect with an ecosystem, it's inside your gut.
And we know that. We know that we begin with repairing the gut. In the programs that we teach
together, we begin with the gut. This is the forest, the ecosystem. And then when you provide the brain with serotonin,
you're able to switch on the higher brain. Because the brain, the pineal gland will
methylate serotonin, which is a tryptamine, and add two methyl bonds to it and turn it into
dimethyltryptamine, which is DNT, which is ayahuasca,
the most powerful psychedelic known to humans.
It's called the God molecule, right?
Absolutely, yeah.
And this is why –
It actually is what happens when we're born and when we die.
Our brain releases this molecule.
Absolutely, and when we make love.
Oh, yeah.
Don't forget that one. And when we dream, that's why when you're dreaming, you can have the most amazing dream in the world. And in the dream, he was younger than I am.
And in the dream, it felt perfectly normal.
I didn't go, wow, that's really weird.
That's because the brain is producing tryptamines.
And these are the bliss molecules that allow you to create psychosomatic health and not psychosomatic disease.
Because for us today as modern shamans, all disease is psychosomatic.
And psychosomatic means psyche and soma, the body and the soul,
the body and consciousness working together to create health.
So that's kind of in a nutshell the basis of what this book is about and what
the teaching of the sages, of the indigenous peoples is about.
It's so amazing, Alberto, because when I went to medical school, psychosomatic was a pejorative
word. It was like, oh, it's in your head. We used to have a really terrible thing we used to say as
doctors called the super tentorial, meaning it means there's this thing in your brain called the tentorium
which separates your lower and upper brain,
and mainly it means it's in your head, up your brain.
It's all psychological.
It's not really real.
It's not a real medical condition.
But actually the opposite is true,
that our brain and our soul and our mind are all connected to our body.
And in ways that are now understandable, replicable, we can examine these through very, very sophisticated
functional MRI imaging testing.
And we know the biochemistry of what's going on with our biology when we're in relationship
and when we're happy, when we're not happy.
And it's not this abstract phenomenon.
And it's quite amazing to this abstract phenomena and it's
quite amazing to see even this whole idea of social genomics which i actually came up with
this word as a result of my work in haiti that that our social connections our social relationships
are are actually what drives our gene expression drives our health you know and and and we thought
that for example chronic chronic disease is,
we call it NCD, non-communicable disease, but it's highly contagious. It's not infectious, but,
you know, we know that if your friend's overweight, you're more likely to be overweight than your,
if your family's overweight. And we know that our social connections and our social threads
are more important than the genetic threads in determining our health. And we can actually now
measure this. If you Google on PubMed, which is the National Library of Medicine, and put it in
social genomics, you can see that there's an enormous amount of science about this now. It's
how you can create inflammatory genes by having inflamed relationships. You can actually heal
your body through having healing relationships. Cuddling actually improves your epigenetic expression.
Even if it's with your dog, even if it's cuddling with your pet.
And, you know, this is the part of the problem is that today we have taken nature and domesticated it and we have pets.
And we have, and what the shamans have, they have power animals.
But they are in the invisible world, which to them, it's as visible and as engageable as the visible world is for us.
And this is part of our reconnecting to nature, reconnecting to that invisible realm.
I'll tell you a story.
I was in the Amazon one time, deep in the Amazon, working with the shamans because I learned I wanted to learn to plan
medicine and early on in my research I was funded by pharma because the Amazon is nature's pharmacy
and big pharma wanted to discover the next cure for cancer and the problem was after months of
research and backwaters at the Amazon and villages that had never seen a light-skinned
person before. And the kids, when I got there, the kids would run up to me and they would rub
my hand to see if the white dirt would rub off. And after months of spending time with them,
I came back to my handlers and they asked me, what did you find?
What root?
What bark?
What leaf?
I said, none, because these people have no cancer, no dementia,
and no heart disease, zero or minimal, until they begin to eat like us and live like us, then they get sick like us and begin to die like we do.
But when I was there, I was telling people about
the shamans telling them about bugs and bad bugs that you don't want to have, the bad bacteria
that are invisible to us. And they said, oh, you mean like spirits? And I go, no, I mean like
bacteria. And he said, no, no, no, no. We can't see it.
That stuff doesn't exist.
You're making it up, Alberto.
They're spirits.
So two months later, I went back and I took one of the laboratory microscopes with me.
And as soon as I got there, I took a drop of rainwater, put it in a slide, put it in the microscope, and call the people in the village and say, look.
And they go, oh, my God, this is a world.
It's like when you first go scuba diving or diving in the ocean,
you see this whole world down there.
They went, wow, and these things are alive.
I go, yeah, they're called, they're the invisible beings I was telling you about.
The problem is that we don't have the microscopes to look into the invisible beings i was telling you about the problem is that we don't have the
microscopes to look into the invisible world we do have we do have them but they're not legal
and with the united states and these are the teacher plants these are the the ayahuasca the
psilocybin the the these are just the sacred plants of the ancients that you find in every culture that give you a glimpse into this invisible world.
Now, you don't need to use the plants because the brain produces these chemicals endogenously.
You just need to have a practice that will get you there.
And that practice is called meditation.
Yeah, what is that?
That's meditation. It's still is called meditation. That's meditation.
It's still in the mind. It's quieting the mind so you can experience that expansiveness of communion with all life. And then you understand that the cosmos is living,
that the cosmos itself is conscious. And you go, ah, okay. And if you spend a little bit more time in dose
and doing that kind of research, and it's a kind of science, a spiritual science,
and we're capable of doing that, uniquely so. And I'm sure you know this, Mark, but out of the 40
million species in the planet, there are only three of them that don't have a death program in their DNA.
Every other species has a death program.
39.99 million of them die when they're no longer reproductively viable.
When the female can't have babies, she's eliminated in nature.
There's no menopause in nature. There's no menopause in nature.
There's no grandmothers in nature, not for very long.
But three species, humans, orcas, whales, and dolphins don't have a death program.
And these are the three species that have the biggest brain to body weight ratio.
They have grandmothers.
Grandmother or workers teach the young
how to communicate and how to hunt. And the human grandmothers used to teach us how to become civil
and educated. And we're taking part in an experiment in longevity. Nature selected the
three of us. And remember, biology is experimenting all the time.
And we've been selected to take part in an experiment in intelligence.
And intelligence is what the ancients called spirituality. I don't know how we're doing.
I don't think we're doing that great, Alfred.
We're not doing well.
But we're failing.
But intelligence is what the ancients called spirituality.
Not religion.
Religion is different.
Spirituality is about exploration. It's about epigenetics. It's about growing ancients called spirituality. Not religion. Religion is different. Spirituality is about exploration.
It's about epigenetics.
It's about growing a new body.
It's about becoming a new human that's appearing in the planets today
and that the shamans call homo luminous.
No longer homo sapiens, but homo luminous.
Well, you know, we're living in the fifth extinction event
in the earth since the dawn of life in the planet. There have been five extinction events.
The previous one was 65 million years ago when a gigantic asteroid hit the earth and eliminated most life forms. And during extinction events,
mother nature takes her foot off of the brake and steps on the evolutionary accelerator.
Huge, rapid accelerated development. Evolution ceases to be guided by the laws of Newtonian
physics and begins to be guided by the laws of Newtonian physics and begins to be guided by the laws of quantum
physics. Biologists call it quantum speciation, suddenly appearing, new species appearing very
rapidly. So in normal times, evolution happened in between generations. Your children would be smarter or better looking than you were.
But during quantum evolution times, evolution is so accelerated, it happens within generations.
It's you and I.
We're taking part in an experiment in evolution and in longevity, but it requires wisdom.
It's driven by consciousness.
It's driven by intelligence. It's driven by intelligence.
It's driven by spirituality, by an experience of communion with the divine, with the cosmos,
that experience of oneness. How do people get that? Because people, I can imagine listening
and going, well, that sounds really great. And I kind of buy it, but how do I personally figure
this out for myself? Because I'm not a shaman and I'm not in the Amazon. I'm kind of buy it, but how do I personally figure this out for myself? Because I'm not a
shaman and I'm not in the Amazon. I'm kind of living my life and trying to make best of what
I've got. How do people actually start to incorporate the principles of what you're
talking into their daily life? Well, to do that, you need to upgrade your brand.
You need to step up to the higher brand, not to that limbic brain that's territorial,
that's looking, you meet someone and you're looking at them as a possible partner,
date, or as an enemy or an adversary.
You need to step up to the higher brain that runs in a different kind of fuel.
It runs on fats and not on sugars.
It needs a beta-hydroxybutyrate, one of the ketones to operate.
And it needs the neurotransmitters that are produced by your gut flora. It comes back to
the work that you do, Mark, which I love. I love how you have taken us through this
jungle of what the hell do I eat? And it goes to your gut. You got to support your gut, restore your gut,
produce a serotonin, a neurotransmitter so you can sleep, rest, and create the bliss molecules
and have that experience of oneness. You don't need to go to the Amazon. You just need to repair your gut and change what you eat and begin to become that new human, that homo luminous that has been prophesied by all of the shamanic cultures.
And we get to take part in that experiment and we get to be the ones that we've been waiting for. It sounds like there's a great number of us out there who are
trying to push this story out there to tell the story of how we awaken, how we heal, how we repair.
And at the same time, we see around us such darkness. We see the regression of civil rights,
of human rights. I think I was 30 or 40 years ago, 70% of the world
live in democracy. Now it's 30% of the world. And we're, we're seeing, see the same time of the rise
of consciousness, a decline in consciousness and fear and isolationism and nationalism. And
it's a little scary. And I, I kind of see this in our own country and I, in America. And I, I think,
you know, it, it makes me nervous and I feel
it registered in my nervous system. And I wonder how to, what's the antidote to that for people?
Yeah. Yeah. You know, shamans don't have an antidote to that, unfortunately. I wish we did.
I wish we did. And the, you know, the whole political system is corrupt. They say that we are living in the time of the great upheaval, of the Kali Yuga, of the Pachacuti.
They call it in the Andes when the gates of hell have been flung open.
And all of these critters are now in government and running the show and strife and violence.
But the beauty of it is that the gates of heaven have also been flung open.
And we have the opportunity to embody that wisdom, that you can live sustainably in the world,
that you can, but it's up to each one of us to make that choice.
And right now we are in the fifth extinction event.
It began about 10, 15 years ago.
There are more species disappearing in the planet today
than in any other previous extinction event.
So we have to do that exercise of that experiment of N is equal to one, where you have to be
part of that experiment in becoming homo luminous.
And my experiment of N is equal to one is called Alberto.
Yours is called Mark.
And if you don't do the experiment,
guess what? You get to be in the control group. And the control group is the statistics,
the 35% of people that die of cancer, of the dementia, said if you live to be 85 and you will, you'll have a 50% risk of diagnosable Alzheimer's.
At the age of 90, the risk is 75%. And we're all going to live to be 100. So we're living in the
midst of an extinction event. And we have to accept that, that there's going to be die-offs,
there's going to be massive upheaval and resettlement. And this is part of the process we're in that was avoidable.
But we've damaged the planet so badly that we're now in the renewal, in the process of the great
upheaval. And that's just what's happening. We have to try to make a difference in every way we can.
Absolutely. You're doing the work. I'm doing it. I mean, the Four Winds Society and your work of
training healers and getting the word out and helping kind of spread, you know, positive light,
helping people sort of wake up to who they are, help them reprogram their biological software,
which is what I learned, this amazing concept I learned from you that we can literally upgrade
our biological software, just like a computer and have it run better by changing how we live, what we eat, our relationships, our movement,
our connections, our nutrient intake, phytochemicals, all these things are ways to
upgrade our biological software. And at the same time, you know, like we're in this beautiful time
of science advancing and our understanding of how to extend life and how to improve our biology and
heal our minds and particularly the psychedelic kind of renaissance that's happening now about healing
trauma. And I want to talk about that in a minute. And at the same time, we're in the kind of worst
of times. And I literally ended my book, Young Forever, with a quote from Charles Dickens. It
was the worst of times. It was the best of times. And I both have hope and I both am sort of
disheartened by what I see. And I'm living this sort of dichotomous framework of life where I both feel very excited and hopeful.
But I'm also like, see what's happening in this country with the riots now.
And I just like, wow, it's kind of nuts.
Let me give you a personal experience.
For example, I remember in my 40s, I could barely do 15 push-ups.
Man, it was hard. And could barely do 15 push-ups. Man, it was hard.
And now I do 100 push-ups.
I'm transforming my body.
I'm in better shape today.
I'm 73.
I just came back from climbing the mountains in the Andes, hiking up to 16,000 feet.
So we can grow a new body.
We can become part of that experiment. We can take
that quantum leap and do what we can to help others. But the shamans say you have to do it
at four different levels. At the physical level of what you eat, of what you eat and
how you interact socially, they call that the level of serpent.
And then you have to do the work of jaguar, the level of jaguar.
And it's helpful to think about these as Russian nesting dolls,
that the higher levels inform the inner ones.
The level of jaguar is the mind.
And you've got to find inner peace in the mind.
You've got to find love.
You've got to give love, share love.
You've got to love yourself.
And this is where trauma occurs at the level of Jaguar and the level of the mind.
And you have to heal not only your personal trauma, but we know from epigenetics that the trauma your grandmother experienced is playing out in your life today.
The Native Americans call it the seven-generation effect,
that it lasts for seven generations.
And it's in the body.
The body keeps score.
The trauma from surgeries.
We know that if you have a C-section, for example,
that the body cannot tell the difference between the knife
of the surgeon and the knife of the mugger, even though you may be anesthetized. There's trauma in
the body. So we need to heal from trauma. You need to do the jaguar medicine. And this is what
the shamans excelled at. And then you need to do the hummingbird work.
Hummingbird is the archetype of the hero's journey.
The hummingbird is the one that drinks only from the nectar of life.
And, Mark, I spent so many years in psychotherapy working on myself on my craft that I couldn't do the hummingbird medicine because the shamans say,
hey Alberto, it's okay to have some weeds in your garden, plant fruit trees. They used to call me a
weeder. They said, they would say to me, you're a weeder, we're gardeners, but you're a weeder,
your garden is weed free, but nothing grows in it.
So I was so used to working on my stuff that even my hummingbird on the way to the flowers would stop by the dung pile.
And now we have to learn to really choose our friendships, choose our relationships, and be involved with people that nurture our soul.
That's the hummingbird work.
Hummingbirds migrate from Brazil to Canada.
That's unbelievable. So they go on the epic journey.
They're not even designed for flight,
but they represent that hero's journey,
saying yes to your calling. What did you come here to do besides to be in therapy and be
successful? What gives meaning and purpose to your life? What did you come here to give?
You got to find a map that's a sacred map and not only a professional map or a success map or an achievement map.
What's your sacred journey about?
And when you discover that, then that has a cascade effect to the lower levels and it begins to inform your mental health and your physical health.
Wow, that hummingbird medicine is important.
But let me go back to the jaguar.
Is there four medicines?
There's jaguar, hummingbird.
You said four, right?
Serpent, jaguar, hummingbird, and then eagle.
Eagle is the energy medicine.
So eagle is about awakening your vision.
So eagles have no obstacles.
They simply fly higher.
They realize that whatever you see in the world is a reflection of an inner map,
that everything you perceive is a projection of a map of reality that you have.
And if you could change that map, your reality changes,
which means that at the lower level,
that we're projecting onto the world our own negativity,
our own shadow sides, and we have to own them.
And at a higher level, it means that whatever you are perceiving
is your projection, and you can perceive beauty.
You can dream the world into being with beauty.
And this is the very high-level shaman work.
And it's the energetics so that you can heal the energy field,
that you can heal that we're energy beings,
that you've got to begin with your mitochondria,
that your mitochondria are not only your energy factories, but they control the death clock. And you got to restore
and repair your mitochondria, that you got to restore and repair your field, and that you have
not only the particle state that we all know, but the field state, the energy field state.
And that's where the work becomes really a lot of fun.
Yeah. So then you've got the serpent. Talk about the eagle, the jaguar, the hummingbird. Tell us
about the serpent. Well, the serpent is the body, is your nutrition, is what you eat,
what you put in your plate. It's how you can, this is absolutely essential. And I love the body, it's your nutrition, it's what you eat, what you put in your plate. It's how you can,
this is absolutely essential. And I love the work, how you have brought such awareness, Mark, to the conscious choices that we make and how what you put at the end of your fork
will create health or disease. And this is the most fundamental. And today I go into Whole Foods
and I see all these beautiful beautiful foods that are
coming from depleted soils and that don't have the micronutrients or the minerals that the body needs
to regenerate so the very foundational is what you eat what's in your food so powerful so you
know these these four these four archetypes are such beautiful ways
of thinking about healing
across the dimensions of being human.
And I just love it as a framework.
And it really is a shamanic framework.
And it's just so helpful for us today
because we're so disorganized about our thinking
about how we need to navigate this world,
how we need to create healing for ourselves.
I want to sort of loop back to the Jaguar medicine
because we're right now experiencing the psychedelic renaissance. And I literally just met this man
who was the CEO of Sandoz, which is a big pharma company that's a European pharma company that was
actually the company that discovered LSD. One of the scientists who discovered LSD.
And he now is going to be the chairman of MAPS,
which is the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. In other words,
it's a scientific group that is looking in rigorous ways at the use of psychedelic medicine
for healing trauma, PTSD, depression, for death, going through the process of dying, for healing all kinds of sexual trauma,
everything from iboga to ayahuasca to psilocybin to MDMA to what they call the toad or 5-MeO.
And there's just so many of these kinds of medicines. And you've been doing this work
for so long and I've done this work with you and it's been so helpful for me. And I think people are kind of maybe scared a bit, wondering
about it. But I just met this man this weekend whose family, he was a Hungarian Jew and 150 of
his family members died in the Holocaust. He says, I know every one of their names. I know every one
of their names in Hebrew. And I live in a
constant state of trauma, of fear and anxiety and PTSD. And he's made it to adapt, but his biology
is registering this. And I see it. He's like, I've never really talked about this. You're the
first person I've told this to. And I'm like, wow. And I think that the traumas that we have
either from this life or ancestral life are actually real.
And now we're understanding them.
There was a beautiful article in Scientific American that talked about the biology of trauma that happens in past generations from Holocaust survivors.
And now from the 9-11 women who are pregnant during 9-11 and their babies and offspring and what they experience.
And they're able to measure changes in cortisol and receptor function for trauma and stress responses.
And it's like now we're understanding that actually this is not just psychological but
So can you talk us through how some of these plant medicines and these compounds from the
ancient world that have been used for thousands of years in these cultures can be now brought
into our psychiatric world and our emotional healing as well.
Yeah. First, let me tell you the plus is that these plant medicines are extraordinary. They
rewire the brain. They repair the damage that's been caused by trauma. Now, all of these plants work on the serotonin receptor, on the serotonin 1 receptor.
So the problem with the Western use of these plants is that we're trying to put them into
a Western medical psychological context, and we're forgetting about the sacred. We're forgetting
about the element of the sacred. And the second one is that we're not doing, when I was in the Amazon, for example,
working with the shamans with the plant medicine, they would have me do a dieta, a diet. And when I
looked at what the diet was, it was supplying the brain with the raw building blocks to repair the
hippocampus. We know that the hippocampus, which is where you have, where you
store memories, you have new experiences. The hippocampus is what allows you to wake up in the
morning with a person you've been married to for 40 years and go, wow, who is this wonderful being
I'm waking up with? And if your hippocampus is damaged, you're going to wake up and go,
who is this person in my bed?
Get him out of here.
You cannot have a new experience.
So what the dieta of the shamans did was to repair the hippocampus with serotonin, with the DHA, with blueberries, with the plants that we know repair the hippocampus in six weeks.
So this is the, what we, this, and we know repair the hippocampus in six weeks.
So this is the, what we, and we know that.
We know that DHA, breast milk, for example, is 40% DHA because a baby brain needs it to grow.
DHA will trigger the production of brain-derived neurotropic factors
that increase your production of neurons.
We have stem cells in the hippocampus that every day manufacture around 1,500 neurons. If you step on the accelerator, you can manufacture
many more because we have stem cells in. You switch on the production of stem cells and repair
the hippocampus, and then you've repaired the hardware to run the new software that's being offered to you
by these plants.
So the fallacy is that we're looking at these plants as chemicals and we're not including
the context that we need to maximize their possibilities. But still we're getting tremendous benefits,
and they will be approved very shortly for PTSD,
for a number of treatment of a number of diseases.
Well, what you're saying just kind of blew me away, Alberto.
I'm sorry to interrupt, but I had an insight when you were talking
that I've never had before, which was that these
compounds I always thought opened up your spiritual consciousness, your psychological
healing, your spiritual healing.
But what you said just made me really aware that the compounds in these plants also heal
the structure and the biology of your brain, not just the psychology. So it's like
a double benefit. And I'm like, holy cow, this is actually right. Because from a functional medicine
perspective, I know that phytochemicals from the food we eat does this. But why wouldn't I think
that the phytochemicals in these ancient psychedelic plants also do a rewiring. And I had back issues
my whole life. And I recently had an injection in my back and they used ketamine in the injection.
I'm like, why are you using ketamine in the injection, which is kind of a psychedelic
dissociative drug. And they were like, well, it actually increases the neuroplasticity and
neural connections and helps to grow new nerves and heal the nerves.
I'm like, wow.
And so I think this is really what you're talking about.
Well, this is essential because we cannot separate the biology from the psychology or the spirituality anymore.
We cannot bring – the sacred plants come from a very feminine shamanic tradition, and we're trying to use them in a very masculine, patriarchal, reductionistic environment.
And they still work.
They're magical.
They're fantastic.
But we need to know the biology behind them.
And all of these psychedelics are basically working on serotonin receptors.
And if you have enough serotonin in your gut to support the repair of the brain structures,
then you're going to really get amazing benefits.
So you got to also change the diet and not just administer the ketamine or the psilocybin.
We got to learn to eat properly.
You got to support the body, got to support the
brain. But now we can get the same results by increasing the endogenous production of serotonin,
but much more slowly than you can, of course, when you give a mega dose of DMT or psilocybin.
I was really lucky to have met Albert Hoffman, the discoverer of LSD.
Yes, yes, wow.
And actually, we were in a meeting in Basel 40 years ago,
and we were invited to one of the neuroscientist rooms for an experience,
and everybody was being offered a mind-altering substance,
psilocybin, and we get to Hoffman and Hoffman says, I don't do anything stronger than LSD.
But the amazing thing, Mark, is that all of these substances, they're receptors in the brain for them.
And the reason they're receptors is because the brain manufactures them endogenously.
So the shamans say, okay, you had your experience with ayahuasca or with mushrooms. You know the
pathways. You've rewired the brain for bliss. Now let's support it with your diet. But even more
than with your diet, with fasting.
So go into a vision quest, support it with your fasting so that you can begin to produce these endogenously.
And then you'll begin to repair your brain, repair your sleep.
You'll begin to sleep better.
You'll begin to lower your production of cortisol and adrenaline that's produced by the limbic
brain, the ancient Neanderthal brain, and you'll be able
to create health. And then you create health, then you take control of your health destiny.
And so the important thing was to be sure you didn't get stuck in Jaguar, because eventually
Jaguar medicine was designed to take you beyond death to an experience of the death of an old self and the birth of a new self.
To me, that's literally the birth of Homo Luminis.
That'll have even a new body because you cannot just have a new psychological self without a new biological self.
And then you had to bring it to hummingbird. What's your new
life map? What's your new life journey about? I know you and I have been speaking about what's
our new life map now that we have done well in our fields, in our careers? How do we create
a bigger vessel that's more sacred? And then you got to bring it up to ego so that you awaken your vision of what you were
born to do here in this life. What was your mission, your purpose? And not a lot of ego
inflation. This is not about self-aggrandizing. We have too much of that. With deep humility,
what is it that you came to to be part of a sacred dream that
humanity has the opportunity to dream together at this time of great crisis yeah that's amazing
alberto you know i actually i have a little bit of a different theory i mean all that you said
about the the four archetypes of animals the serpent hummingbird eagle uh and the jaguar are
so important as a
framework for understanding. It's all in your book, your new book, which I think everybody
needs to get. It's really an extraordinary book, The Wisdom Wheel, A Mythic Journey Through the
Four Directions. But you know what? I have a little bit of a different framework because as
a doctor, and you mentioned this early on in the podcast, you said, fisetin helps to kill the senescent or aging or zombie cells.
Now, I'm thinking, there's no endogenous pathway for strawberries, right? And so, my theory is
that we co-evolve with these plants and we use these molecules in our plants to activate different
healing systems in our body. And we just need to get back to that.
And so, yes, there may be certain things like that are natural receptors for opioids, right? For like morphine or for the endocannabinoid system. We actually name the system after
marijuana, you know, cannabis, endocannabinoid system. The opioid receptors, we call them.
They're not, you know, they're not from opium poppies, right?
But those are true. But there's so many of these phytochemicals and we don't naturally,
I think, have all these. So there are these molecules that are in the plant world that now
I'm sort of uncovering and you're uncovering, the science is uncovering about how we actually
can, these compounds turn on longevity switches, heal our bodies, heal our brains, repair us. Like fisetin, for example,
or quercetin that you mentioned, these are just staples now in my diet and also in my supplement
regimen. And so I kind of think, I call it symbiotic phytoadaptation. Like we've co-evolved
symbiotically and adapted to eating these plants. And now because our diet sucks,
we're not eating these plants. And that's why we see our health degrade, our psychological health,
our physical health, our emotional health, our spiritual health, all degrading because we're
not eating these plants or taking these plants. Well, yeah. Let me jump in on that because
polyphenols. Polyphenols are part of the phytonutrient. You know, there's a nutrient side, and then we have the polyphenols that are the genetic switchers that begin to flip on the genes for health and silence the genes for disease.
The polyphenols are produced by a plant as a response to stress or to predators.
So it's a defense system.
The flavonoids, you know, the quercetin, the fisetin.
The plants are producing this and even the psychedelics.
So I remember being in the high desert in Peru working with shamans that work with the San Pedro cactus.
And they would stress the cactus, expose it to, don't give it any water to stress it. The minute you stress it, it produces these
protective or defensive polyphenols that when we ingest them begin to switch on the genes for
health, but also switch on the NRF2 detox pathway. This is the pathway that activates the NRF2
protein that's normally bound to the cell membrane. And when
it's sweet, that are like the Navy seals. And when they're turned on, they migrate from the
cell membrane to the nucleus and begin to again, flip on the genes for health, the protective genes
you begin to produce glutathione again, superoxide, the antioxidants that the body will shut down at age 35 because this is part of
a legacy of a biological program that predestined us to die after reproduction, but that we have
overridden with our longevity program with these three species. But it's still operant in us, so we kickstart the production of the antioxidants, so glutathione,
superoxide, and suddenly we have this hormetic effect that's dose dependent where we have
this tremendous repair process that's triggered by these plants and that the shamans identified the ones that,
you know, we don't use the strawberries or the quercetins in the Amazon because they have other
plants they use and we don't employ them here because we can't get them at the reliable dosages.
But this symbiotic relationship that you talked about with the plants is extraordinary.
And we still depend on them to create health.
I do.
We don't talk about these essential nutrients, but they really are essential if we want to be healthy.
Yeah, totally.
They're not only essential they're indispensable we cannot do
without them and if you look at the plants that we have adapted to like iceberg lettuce for example
it doesn't taste like anything because we've adapted to their phytonutrients so they're
polyphenols but if you look at arugula atugula, we haven't quite adapted to it completely.
And it has that beautiful little tangy taste.
So plants that we've adapted to, we call that food.
The ones that we are adapting to, we call them spices.
But the very high polyphenol content plants are the sacred plants.
They're the olive oil, for example.
They're so rich in the polyphenols and the flavonoids.
But yeah, we have to get rid of those zombie cells because from the shaman's perspective, this is the death that lives within you.
And we have to exercise that death.
And today we know how to do it.
That's the beauty of it.
We know how to get rid of these cells that are wreaking havoc because they're still,
their mitochondria are huge.
They're bloated.
They're producing chemical signals, cytokines, chemokines that are turning nearby cells into senescent cells, and they're wreaking havoc in the body. And we don't know how to measure these zombie cells, but we know how to get rid of them. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, it's so true. And your work, your books, I mean, whether it's Growing a New Body
or the new book you've written, The Wisdom Wheel,
it's a map for how we do this.
And my books do the same thing.
We come at it a little differently, but we end up in exactly the same place.
And, Alberto, I just want to thank you for your almost 50 years of dedication
to this work, for bringing the wisdom of the ancient traditions
and of the Amazon and the Incas into an accessible form for most of us and helping us learn how to start to
map our life in a way that creates healing across all of our elements of our life. So thank you for
the work you do, Alberto. Everybody listening, make sure you get a copy of The Wisdom Wheel,
A Mythic Journey Through the Four Directions. It's out now everywhere you get your books.
If you love this podcast, please share it with your friends and family on social media.
Leave a comment.
Tell us about your journey.
How have you awakened these archetypal spirits of these animals in your own life, whether
it's the serpent, the jaguar, the hummingbird, or the, what was the last one?
The eagle.
The eagle.
The condor. Yeah. the condom, yeah.
So thank you so much.
And subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
And we'll see you next time on The Doctor's Pharmacy.
Hey everybody, it's Dr. Hyman.
Thanks for tuning into The Doctor's Pharmacy.
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and I'll share with you my favorite stuff that I use to enhance my health and get healthier and better and live younger,
longer. Hi everyone. I hope you enjoyed this week's episode. Just a reminder that this podcast
is for educational purposes only. This podcast is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor
or other qualified medical professional. This podcast is provided on the understanding that it does not constitute
medical or other professional advice or services. If you're looking for help in
your journey, seek out a qualified medical practitioner. If you're looking
for a functional medicine practitioner, you can visit and search their
Find a Practitioner database. It's important that you have someone in your
corner who's trained, who's a licensed healthcare practitioner, and can help you
make changes, especially when it comes to your health.