The Dr. Hyman Show - Why We All Lie, How It Messes Up Our Lives and How To Fix It with Lauren Zander

Episode Date: April 24, 2019

Years ago, I met a woman who changed my life. A mutual friend introduced us and we went to grab a cup of coffee; but I didn’t realize how life-changing that day would be. That woman was Lauren Zande...r, and though she’s now a best friend of mine, I was a bit scared in the beginning of our relationship. She saw right through my exterior persona and instantly challenged me to think about the things I didn’t want to address in my life—I was overworking, unhappy in my marriage, and worried so much about doing for everyone else that I wasn’t really being okay with myself. But those uncomfortable truths brought a lot of thought out in me, and months later Lauren finally convinced me to dive deeper into that darkness. Today, Lauren joins me on The Doctor’s Farmacy to talk about my own personal journey with life coaching—or what I call Functional Medicine for the soul—to discover happiness, success, and so much more. Lauren Handel Zander is the Co-Founder and Chairwoman of Handel Group, an international corporate consulting and life coaching company. Her coaching methodology, The Handel Method, is taught in over 35 universities and institutes of learning around the world, including MIT, Stanford Graduate School of Business, NYU, and the New York City Public School System.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So first of all, I teach personal integrity and it's an ability to really have your thoughts, your actions, and your feelings aligned with your highest self, with what you really wish to be true for you about life, right? Like no one's coming to save you except you, and no one's coming to live your ideals except you. I'm not offering you my ideals, I'm offering you your ideals. What are they? Hi, I'm Mark Hyman. And today's podcast includes some mature language. So just be aware of that. And now let's go right into the episode. Welcome to the doctor's pharmacy. That's F-A-R-M-A-C-Y. I'm Dr. Mark Hyman, and this is a place for conversations that matter. And I think you're going to find today's conversation with Lauren Zander, the founder and the co-founder and chairwoman of the Handel Group,
Starting point is 00:00:55 to be one of the most interesting conversations we've had because we're going to go deep about me, about life, about you, about the inner you and all of it. So let me tell you a little bit about Lauren. She's the co-founder and chairman of the Hendel Group, which is an international corporate consulting and life coaching company. Just full confession here, Lauren has been my coach and has helped me overcome a lot of my obstacles to life, to be happy and fulfilled and successful. So if you want to know the secret of my success, it's partly sitting next to me here, Lauren Zander. Her coaching methodology, and it's a method, it's called the Handel Method,
Starting point is 00:01:29 is taught in over 35 universities and institutes of learning around the world, including shabby institutions like MIT and Stanford Graduate School of Business, NYU, and the New York City Public School System, which is pretty awesome. Getting kids early with food and mental resilience, I think is pretty important. She's also the creator of an extraordinary new program called Inner You, Learn to Human Better, which is an online coaching course that teaches the entirety of the hand-down method. So you don't have to pay a ton of money in order to get a life coach every week for a long time.
Starting point is 00:01:59 You can actually get this on your own and do it yourself. It's pretty awesome. It's been used by lots of celebrities, CEOs, entrepreneurs since 2004. She's the author of a great book, Maybe It's You. Not like the other person, but maybe it's you, you, who's the cause of your unhappiness. It's a great manual that helps people figure out not just what they want out of life, but how to actually get there. She has spent over 20 years coaching thousands of private and corporate clients including live nation ticket master vogue basf and aol uh she has been featured as an expert in the new york times bbc forbes women's health dr oz marie claire and she's a regular contributor to business week and the huffington post welcome lauren zander
Starting point is 00:02:42 you can tell how old I am by that list, right? She started when she was eight. Now she started coaching her friends. You're like, how did she get such a list? Yeah, well, it's true. She was the little girl that everybody went to for advice in her third grade. So that explains how- That is true still. That is actually true. That's true too. Now, Lauren and i first met at a business meeting where someone who we mutually knew thought we would be a good partner in collaboration around life and change health and coaching and so forth and um
Starting point is 00:03:18 i was like oh okay this is an interesting woman and we just happened to take a cab ride downtown i invited her to come to a talk i was giving and she like, like a laser saw right through me, which scared the crap out of me. And I basically tried to avoid her for the next six months because I really didn't want to deal with what was going on in my life, which was not a great marriage at the time. So, in that moment, what was it that you saw about me that I needed to do and deal with? Well, you were, you know, oh my i i i can go back to the moment in that taxi um like the the first moment one i fell in love with you like oh my god you are the cutest man ever who is so committed to humanity i can't even stand it i saw what you were committed to
Starting point is 00:04:00 and then i started to poke at you right like so how's the rest of your life mr big as can be right and then knew in the in an instant with the way you muffled your words right like that you were miserable in your personal life like i knew it in a second yeah and you knew it and you knew we caught it in that moment i was like and you were like, and I knew you even were like, back off, right? You want to be my friend? You better back off. And I like, backed off. I was, I did me, you know, I backed off a little. And then I started poking at more things and found even, you know, just you were a workaholic and you weren't happy in your marriage. And I knew it in like three minutes in the taxi drive. It's true. So that's why I like to call you a spiritual surgeon, a spiritual dentist, a spiritual
Starting point is 00:04:48 accountant, a chiropractor. You sort of go for the cavities. Yeah. It's a little bit intimidating because people don't want to look at themselves. And you always say your job is easy. People want to be healthy. They want to eat good food. It's aspirational.
Starting point is 00:05:02 People don't want to look at their dark sides. They don't want to look at their thinking. They don't want to look at their beliefs and their attitudes that actually make them unhappy. They like the way they are in a way, even though they don't really like it. Well, they got, you got, you get yourself in a trap and then you believe everything that got you to the trap. And then you believe everything that says you have to stay in the trap. Like, cause you're listening to that voice in your head and it's you, but it's also the problem with you, right? So how do you break into a person? It's not actually hard for me, but getting a person to want to break into themselves, that's a trick. Yeah. See, I, you know, you call yourself a life
Starting point is 00:05:36 coach, I think because there aren't other great terms and you call your company a life coaching company, but I don't really think it is. You're a unique character that actually has the ability to see what's really going on with people on an instant. It's not just about making lists and making plans and building your dream and dealing with those obstacles. It's actually getting to the root cause, which is like functional medicine for the soul. Yes. Yes. I think that's what you do. Yes. I, I like what, you know, what you understand about the truth about a body and what I understand
Starting point is 00:06:07 the truth about being happy, like really being true to yourself, um, and how far away a person is from that. I can get them there. You can get them there. And that we, and we knew that we knew we were that in that moment. Like you saw me, even though you didn't want to deal with me, you didn't want to you. You didn't want to deal with me. You're like, oh my God, get away. I saw you for you. I didn't want it for me. You're like, that's amazing. And please get that out to all humans, but holy shit.
Starting point is 00:06:33 The truth is I didn't really want to admit to myself how unhappy I was in my marriage. And I didn't really want to do anything about it. I was scared of the consequences. I didn't really know how to navigate that space. And I wasn't really willing to kind of have you tell me how bad it was because I knew you'd be right. And then I'd have to deal with it, which wasn't really what I wanted to do at the time. I was busy. Yeah. It's so funny because as you say that, I can still imagine the terror in your eye when I asked you, how's your marriage? What would you rate it? Right? Like, how good is it? How's your marriage? What would you rate it? Yeah. Right? Like how good is it? How's your sex life? How fun is it?
Starting point is 00:07:06 Are you in love? And you were like, don't go there. Like, you know, big dog, beware. So you have to be ready. You have to be ready. And you know, you say your job is hard because people don't want to actually face the truth. They don't want to face the lies they tell themselves. They don't want to face the ways that they get in their own way.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And I think for me, that's really been one of the most powerful things you've helped me do is to get out of my own way and to stop being my own worst enemy and to, to become more free in how to live life. And, you know, what I was curious about was, you know, I've heard these stories, you know, you were the kid in the third grade that, you know, was Lucy, you know, from Charlie Brown, who had the advice for five cents and, you know was Lucy you know Charlie Brown who had the advice for five cents and you know people would call you how did that happen like how did you start coaching was this always how you were were you born like this what happened um I was born like this but there's a big but I was born like this but I wasn't following what I understood what I ultimately teach now I was born like this, but I wasn't following what I understand.
Starting point is 00:08:06 What I ultimately teach now, I was a hypocrite, right? It didn't mean people weren't asking me what I thought or me calling things out. It just, I was, you know how Lucy really pulled the ball away? Yeah. I was actually really lying, right? Like I was not, I had a cigarette hanging out of my mouth. I was stealing money from my parents, right? Like I was a bad kid pretending I was great and, you know, had things that were great about me.
Starting point is 00:08:32 But when it, when push came to shove, um, I did not have a love life that made me happy. And I was a workaholic myself. Hi, cute friend. Like we were, we were, we had, you and I was a workaholic myself. Really? Hi, cute friend. You never know that. You and I had a lot in common, except I had one thing going for me, which was I figured this all out a lot younger than when you and I hooked up. Do you remember as a kid just having this awareness
Starting point is 00:08:59 that you understood people's emotional, spiritual context? Later in life, someone came to me who I met ultimately as a client later, but knew me when I was 11 and we shared a ski house. And this guy said to me, you know, you did something that changed my life. I was like, what did I do? I was 11.
Starting point is 00:09:23 I don't remember. I don't remember anything. I was 11. I don't remember. I don't remember anything. He's like, I was 11. And he saw me interrupt my parents in a fight. They weren't fighting, fighting, but he saw me interrupt them and get away with it and adorably get my dad to see what he was doing to my mom, get my mom to see what she was doing to my dad, stop the action, coach them, ask them to stop it and to make sure we had like a good time tonight because this was starting to be like, I like literally coached them. First of all, he couldn't believe that I knew how to say it or do it or like, and that it really worked. Right. And then his parents were in the room and it freaked him out because it opened a world to communication isn't something that doesn't alter the way everyone sees things or feels.
Starting point is 00:10:13 And I was freaking 11. Yeah. And I don't even remember what he's talking about. But I was capable of, you know, dropping a mic in a room and getting everybody to stop everything and think. Yeah. Right. And so, hey, I was doing it awfully young. How did you go from, you know, having the insights, but not behaving in integrity to. You mean, why was I a druggie and smoking pot and bad kid? And I was, I just, you know, one of the funniest things I still think is true and embarrassing,
Starting point is 00:10:48 though I'm not that embarrassed about it, is, you know, you're like, how did you get through high school? I cheated. How did you get through, you know, everything? I'm like, I was stoned and cheated, but I really like sports. So I was the captain of my team. Like, I was like, very strange, could get get away with everything didn't learn much was loved and no one knew i was lying yeah like not even my parents what happened where you go like wait this isn't right i need um i had a spiritual revelation that i was a con right i had a moment
Starting point is 00:11:22 where everything changed and i realized i couldn't feel myself. I might be getting away with everything. I might have all the friends in the world. I might have, I like, I have the boyfriend, I had everything, but felt nothing and felt so isolated and alone. And then the revelation was maybe it's because I'm a liar. Like, hey, hey, Chiquita, maybe you lied to everybody and nobody knows it and you can't feel anything. And that was the beginning of me resolving, like, I really, because I'm such a badass, right? So when I catch something, I'm going to reverse it. And I went and cleaned up every lie. You're like, how clean? I'm like, I even told my parents who I slept with in their bed. That's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I'm like, he's an Orthodox. That's one of the most. He's an Orthodox guy. That's one of the most terrifying things you actually have people do is actually go and clean up all their messes, apologize to everybody in their life, tell the truth to everybody. It's going to scare everybody away now. No one's going to do it's okay right but you know i can say i the truth is i still haven't done that yeah even though i try to do it more and more
Starting point is 00:12:34 but it's you know let me let me say something about that all my coaches if you want to become a handel coach that you've cleaned up every last lie you've ever told because it brings a level of profound awareness and self-respect to yourself, and a respect to the other person you screwed over or never rectified the story with, and you've apologized, and either they forgave you or they didn't. But that level of humaning is profound.
Starting point is 00:13:02 And I know I can't convince everybody to do it, but man, oh man, it's the best sober drug in town, right? And it's not like we lie because we're bad people. We're lying because we're managing our experience. We're lying because we don't want to hurt somebody. We're lying because we don't want a reaction from somebody. It's actually even crazier. We're lying because we think we're being good. It's like literally the dark side has tricked us all that I'm lying because I don't want to hurt your feelings. I'm lying because if I said, why should I burden you with my lie?
Starting point is 00:13:32 Like every last bit of I'm protecting people, I'm protect, like it's all fakakta, right? But we believe it and we really do, but it traps us into our very traits and personalities. And if you think you didn't inherit it from your parents, you did, right? Like the lying ability, like the joke about humans is what do we all have in common? We're liars, right? What are we not dealing with about ourselves?
Starting point is 00:14:01 We're liars. Why? We defend it to our death, even Mark, right? Even him, right? And I'm not even going to make you tell all your lies. I'm not. But in an area you can't have power or success, whether it's your career, your love life, there's a bunch of cleaning up you can do. You're like, how clean? I'm like, clean enough till it breaks through, right? And it's about how to have those conversations in a way that's not necessarily hurtful, but with love.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I mean, that's the... It takes one to know one. And then it's even more bizarre because it's birds of a feather flock together. So if you think you're looking at like, I can't tell that I'm lying to someone that isn't lying, like, honey, you're both liars, right? It's two peas in a pod. It's so much more interesting than where we go about life and you know, what's under the hood. It's, you know, we have a, hopefully we have a
Starting point is 00:14:59 thousand years if we don't pollute ourselves to death. So what's really amazing, Lauren, is you've taken this insight, this talent, skill you have, that you're sort of born with, like Lucy, and you've refined it, you've synthesized it, you've honed it down to a set of principles, lessons, practices, tools, that makes it concrete for people. It works every time. It's not just abstract, and it concrete for people. It works every time.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Abstract. And it's very powerful. And you've taken all that and distilled it into this incredible course because not everybody can get a life coach. Not everybody can afford a life coach, but you've distilled all the wisdom from the hand down method, which you've developed with your team into this amazing online course called Inner You. learn to human better. Now don't we all want to be better humans?
Starting point is 00:15:48 I think that's a great tagline and it's 12 sessions of audio coaching from you. Yeah. Personally. Best stories I can tell. And you can tell, I can tell a good one. And they're, they're really good.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Uh, homework assignments. Now people don't like homework, but this is good homework because it actually makes you investigate your inner world in a way that will lead to happiness, right? You're going to have to do the work or you can listen to it and really get insights. Like there's two ways to do it. You can do the work, which is the difference between like really like climbing the mountain or watching some or listening to like listening to an interview after someone climbed a mountain, right? You'll have insights, you'll think things,
Starting point is 00:16:27 but it's very different if you do it. Yes. And the other part about it that's really important, it's really a lot of my work is how do we change behavior? It's through accountability. So whether it's small groups, whether it's things like the Daniel plan, the churches, whether it's just having a buddy to actually do something with that creates health. It's a way of actually keeping promises. So there's an interactive promise tracker to help people track their promises and the consequences that happens if you don't keep your promise. And you get a buddy. Like you can get a buddy on the site, which is really awesome
Starting point is 00:16:57 because then you can actually make a community and you could be in Cleveland or New York or anywhere and connect to people who are into changing their lives, which is really exciting. So tell us a little bit more about the course. What are people going to do? What are they going to learn? How's it going to change their life? So I, my first, you know, so you, everyone bear with me.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I am, I make accusations. Okay. Like I'm a little hard, tough love as you've figured out already. So the first accusation is that people don't dream people don't dare to have visions you may have a vision in one or two areas of your life but i am daring you to have 12 yeah yeah and because what happens is as people start to like well my career represents my self-worth versus learning and adventure and fun like people they're they're they're, they're, they're with
Starting point is 00:17:45 a partner, but they're not having a great sex life. They're like, so I'm not letting anyone get away with anything. And I want you to have a vision and a dream. So I start with dreaming and I get you to really understand why we don't dream. Guess why we don't dream. Why? Because if we said we wanted something, we'd have to do something about it. Right. Right. If you never say, if you want a better sex life or a great relationship, if you tell people you want to really run that marathon, guess who's on your diet and getting out of the bed early. Right. Right. So, so there's a part where we stop ourselves from having happiness in our lives. And happiness really lives on the other side of where we stay stuck.
Starting point is 00:18:30 A dream in every area of your life will get you unstuck. And until you write one and actually be with that, you have no idea how it changes your chemistry and your little cells will actually start to yearn for the change. People feel stuck. They don't know, how can I get that? I've got a job, I've got kids, I've got this, I've got that. It's how do you get through that with people? So next fabulous part of this method
Starting point is 00:18:54 is I make people make promises. I make a joke, it's the promise land, right? Where you actually keep promises to yourself, right? Oh, that's the promise land, right? Because if you kept those promises, you'd change, which is really going to make you happy and get you what you want in your life. And I put in this kicker because I've always needed one, you could tell. I put in consequences, right? So I make up a personal promise. So like truth or consequence? Truth or consequences, right? So it's, I promise something, right? And I look, so, you know, I promise to meditate. I promise to eat on your
Starting point is 00:19:31 diet, which I have kept that promise for years now, right? And I don't cheat on it. But if I do, if it's an area I am cavity prone, like, oh, I'm going to cheat, then I put in a consequence. And all I need to do for a consequence is if I cheat on this, my kid gets 20, I'm going to cheat. Then I put in a consequence. And all I need to do for a consequence is if I cheat on this, my kid gets 20, I have three kids. One of my kids gets 20 bucks. Anybody think I'm getting checked up on and seen if I kept a promise today? Is it going to kill me to give Kai a 20 bucks? Maybe. So I put in a promise and a consequence. And then obviously the tracker, someone else is holding it, right? And then that keeps me eating true to my dream. So that's part of the program in the interview is you actually have a mechanism where people can have an accountability buddy, essentially. And
Starting point is 00:20:16 someone's sharing their dreams and promises with you and you with them, and they're holding you accountable. You're holding them accountable. Is that how it works? It's completely how it works. And it's actually, you know, because the Handel method is also committed to you having fun, like it's funny. It's not trying to punish you. It's trying to get you to keep your promises and deal with your dark side, your own negative inner dialogue.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Like, why did you eat the cookie? Why didn't you go for the run? Why didn't you screw your husband? Why didn't like, come on, kittens. Like, we could do so much better if we gamify it a little and own we have a dark side that's trying to excuse us. So all of this becomes really chasing your dreams down. And if you haven't ever done that with another person,
Starting point is 00:21:01 trust me, you don't know what it feels like. So share some of these key areas, because people might not be aware of what are these 12 areas of life that we should all look at and ask ourselves, are we great in these areas or are we not great? And if not, why and what can we do about it? Because I think everybody would say,
Starting point is 00:21:17 yeah, I want to be great in every area, but people get resigned to, oh, this is just how things are about money or about health or about love. Or about my mother. Right. So what are those areas? So there really is your career.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Money is a separate area. There's your spirituality, your relationship, your spirituality in and of itself. Like spiritual doesn't mean religion, but whatever you want the experience of your spirituality to be. There really is your relationship to yourself. How do you talk to yourself in the mirror? How do you, do you like being with you? Right? So relationship to self is usually a big one. Then there is your love life and your, your sex life and your relationship. There's your family, extended family. There's
Starting point is 00:22:03 community right out in the world right everybody's complaining about politics but what are you doing about it right so there's community and whatever communities you care about there's um your friendships your relationships the quality of your life that comes from friendship there's oh my god there's vices right i have a whole separate category just for your damn vices because you would like to skip them all together you're like what do you mean vices yes your dark side in it of itself that you complain to yourself that you still fill in the back people get do you have any ideas uh ben and jerry's chunky monkey ice cream which i haven't had in years but if it
Starting point is 00:22:41 comes near me watch out yeah it's, people are like, you have no idea as simple as biting your nails still, right, is a reason people are uncomfortable with themselves, right? So vices can be like, but you're embarrassed, you're ashamed of yourself. Like there's way people carry shame that is so like, come on, we could get through that.
Starting point is 00:23:05 We can even grow your nails. Right. So you'd be amazed. Right. People are scared of the dentist. People like people have fears that plague them that they hide and then have shame around. So the first part of this is really coming clean about where you're really at. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yes. And the second part is. Really figuring out what you're willing to change and what you're never willing to change. I even help you understand that you're never changing that. So stop having the shame around it, right? Like, welcome to your true self. Okay, let's just fly that freak flag once and for all.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Not half-mast, but actually fly it. Like I have many freak flags that everyone knows and laughs at and can make fun of me in my company, my husband, everyone, my kids, right? Like I'm not changing this. Everyone accept. And so I don't hate myself, right? Because if I'm walking around embarrassed, you know, so you either make a promise because you're going to change it and really be true to yourself or figure out buh-bye stop lying about that thing that's called a lie oh yes i'm really going to get better at emailing yes i'm like no i'm not no text lauren if you want to reach someone just text her you're
Starting point is 00:24:17 like will she even spell check answer is no i send her i mean she's my best friend i send her, I mean, she's my best friend. I send her an email and I'm like, did you read it? I'm like, no. We are very clear. I do not read emails. I read some texts, but schedule a call. If I call her up and I say, please read that email, she'll do it. Yes, I need forcing. All right. So listening to all this, I imagine thinking, well, you know, that could be hard.
Starting point is 00:24:46 You know, how do I actually be honest, number one? And number two, how do I actually dream the dream of how to get to a nine or a 10 in each of these areas? And is it possible? And people think it's hard, but you don't think it's hard. That change isn't hard. First of all, I don't make you do all areas at once. Let's be clear. I am much slower for the individual and I'm not, and I don't think you actually need to fix all areas of your life to change all areas of your life because you're the common denominator. And so if you just fix the one that causes you the most pain, you'd be amazed at how much better everything else gets. Right. So don't you remember? I do. I mean, I remember one time I sat down with you and you were like, I said, I've got so
Starting point is 00:25:25 much going on. It's all great. I don't know what to do. I have too much to do. And you're like, okay, write down what you love, write down what you like and write down what you don't like. Right. And I said, I did the whole exercise.
Starting point is 00:25:37 I said to him, this is okay. Now cross out what you like and cross out what you don't like and just do what you love. And I actually worked on that and it was amazing. I began to actually change. Yes, that's how we changed your... My work life. Because you felt obligated and ultimately it was B... So I told you to make the list of A's, B's and C's and Y
Starting point is 00:25:56 and why you felt obligated to do B's and C's and A's and then I got you to get that the B's and the C's were lies. Yeah. And that you really could come clean and then really rock your A's. And that was like, wow. Because when you're in your mind, your inner dialogue defends everything. So that's why a big part of the coaching method is how to break into your own inner dialogue. Really.
Starting point is 00:26:20 If you're like, what am I really teaching you? I'm teaching you that inside that head of yours is a, you know, a shit GPS. And so back to making change, right? And that it's not that hard, right? We think it's hard because our mind actually is into our vices. You're like, you're telling me the reason I will suffer is so I could say a martyr and work hard and never come home and not avoid my ex. What? Like, oh my God, you think it's all connected. And if I just start telling the truth in one area, the whole thing starts to fall apart, change and get better. The answer is yes. Yeah, it's true. I mean, I say, for example, I was sort of traveling so much and all over the place and really struggling because it was great stuff that I was doing, but it took a toll. And I, and I decided I want to do things where I don't have to go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:27:10 And so I created this podcast where it's in my apartment. People come to me, I wake up, everybody shows up. I just sit down and it's so easy. And I have a whole team behind me doing everything that is a hard work and I get to do the fun stuff and I, it's just amazing. And it's kind of worked out. And you found your business partner that you loved and you had a deep dream about helping hospitals. So Cleveland clinic got your love. And so you picked your ACE and you know, here we are. Yeah. And it requires saying no a lot, which I don't like to do. That is not your best trick. And that was one of the lies I told myself
Starting point is 00:27:48 was that if I didn't do everything, that I wouldn't either be a contribution, that I wouldn't be relevant, that I would fail or that it wouldn't be enough or that I had to please everybody who asked me to do favors for them. And I just couldn't do it all, even though I'd want to,
Starting point is 00:28:05 but I have limited time, energy. And actually getting smarter about having more impact and taking care of myself in it all and doing the most important things has been really satisfying. Yes. And for anyone who's listening, you have the same answers in your life for you. And I have never met a person who couldn't face what they weren't facing right now.
Starting point is 00:28:33 And that the life on the other side is a hundred times better and you're worth it. And if I could sit with you, I would make you. But this is as close as I'm getting to you. So Mark and I are like making you. Did we make you yet? I But this is as close as I'm getting to you. So Mark and I are like making you, did we make you yet? I hope we did. But if we didn't, right. But like the, it's all about, you deserve it. And you have to be your best friend. You have to actually, you know, one of the lines I use is I'm rebranding, repackaging, remarketing the soul to itself. So it starts to kick ass for itself right instead of believing
Starting point is 00:29:07 the dark side which is fear you know i i you know my favorite books when i read when i was young was uh walden by henry thoreau and one of the lines in there was you know most men live lives of quiet desperation and and you're all about busting that whole thing up and not letting people just live in this sense of desperation and inadequacy and not able to have what they want and we can't do everything all the time and have everything we want but there's a way to actually you think we can maybe i'm working on it i I want you to know that once you get past where you've trapped yourself, life can get very fun and spiritual. And one of my lines is, I need rainbows.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Yeah. Well, one of the beautiful things is that you've really emphasized for me, which is that if you are clear about what you want, if you set your intention, if you sort of align everything inside of you toward that goal or purpose or dream, and you're doing it for the right reasons, that stuff happens, it shows up, magic occurs.
Starting point is 00:30:17 And what do you call it, Magilla magic, it's all the time where you have serendipity and the things that actually start to flow and you're in this state of flow in your life, which is way more fun and allows so much more possibility. Yes. And that's in inner you. Just for the ones that are horrified and scared that I'm going to make you tell the truth
Starting point is 00:30:37 to your mother. The answer is you'll make that choice, but you'll hear how it works and why it works and it will, you know, massage you into the right direction. And you have this amazing knack of being able to look at somebody and, you know, see where that pimple is or see where that, you know, spiritual vertebrae is out of line and know exactly the adjustment. And, you know, you do in a way that's, it's really hard stuff. Like, and I. And I'm saying, eat this and feel good. You're like, I'm going to change your way of being and thinking.
Starting point is 00:31:10 And it's a powerful skill you have. And you do it in a way that's funny and loving and easier to say, how do you swallow bad medicine? It's actually good medicine, but it tastes bad. The way you and I come together is the person who thinks they can't love broccoli the way they think they love a chocolate croissant right is i call that dumb yeah right because who just said that oh wait a minute i know who said you said that wait it was that voice in your head that said one is better than the other and that you're not the master of your own voice in your head i think that's unconsciousness right and so that i believe
Starting point is 00:31:53 at the at the precip like the most important thing is to be in love with broccoli like it's the yummiest thing on earth right like love your sex life love that like be at the source of the voice in your head versus i i'm just gonna report on it right i can't help it i've always been this way this is like and so i break in and you make people laugh at themselves oh oh my god i get you to get it's all dark right like can you believe how much we've sold out on being dreamers and chasers and lovers and spiritual and great yeah for a damn cookie and it's not therapy you know therapy is often somber and deep and brooding and long and you're all about you know getting in there doing the job getting out rewiring yeah i'm a rewire all of a
Starting point is 00:32:39 sudden it's like it's not actually so hard you're like it's brutally actually easily the more upsetting part is how quick it is you're not like you're like tell me more You're like. It's brutally actually easily. The more upsetting part is how quick it is. You're not like, you're like, tell me more. You're like, don't tell me more. It's just your story in your head. And like, let's see what's wrong with that story and how to fix it. Well, it really is. You're telling it over and over again so that you can get, you can not deal with what?
Starting point is 00:33:00 It's a payoff, right? Right. Beyond belief, the way you live in your mind, if it isn't making you happy, it's, it's, it's, it's got epigenetics in it. It's got, it's got some, which I make a joke, you know, oh, you have the epis. Your mother's on her third marriage. That explains why you kill all your men. That was the sentence Joy said to me when I was doing things like being negative. You're like, you'd call me my mother's name. My mother was amazing.
Starting point is 00:33:28 She died last year and I love her. But she could be negative. She could be negative. Explain why she couldn't get on a treadmill at all and needed to eat the fried chicken. Right, something like that. I'm like, yeah. So it was, you know, she was a depression kid
Starting point is 00:33:44 and there was a whole lot of stuff going on there. But it was just funny. And I would see that trait in myself. And I was like, oh no, that's not how I want to show up in the world. And it's really helping people get connected to what they really want as opposed to what they think they can have.
Starting point is 00:33:58 And let me fix this one thing. Like to be in love with Ruth and to love your mother is to be the evolution of her, which is not to complain and to really understand that she did the best she could. She passed you the baton and now it's your opportunity to take it further than she did. Right. So my mother, you know, my joke about my, I have a million jokes about my mother and we really do know them and And I love my mother, right? But my ability to even just hug someone well is a revelation in my line, right? To be caring, to play with my kids. I need a promise and a consequence if I don't, which is an evolution of my mother, right? So I have my
Starting point is 00:34:38 mother's dark side too, right? And so it's evolving our lineage in honor of our lineage. Yeah. Well, let's just go there for a minute because it's something you talk about a lot is this idea of lineage. Yes. And the historical sort of evolutionary development of our soul and of our emotional life and our thoughts, our behaviors, they're not just random. They come from this evolutionary process through the lineage of our ancestors. Not just your mother and father, but it goes back and back and back. We know biologically now that if something happens to your grandmother,
Starting point is 00:35:15 let's say she was exposed to pesticides, that that would mark your DNA in such a way that gets transmitted to the mother and the grand kid. And so you're literally at the effect of what happened generations before in a biological sense. But you're also talking about this in a spiritual sense, the epigenetics of your spiritual life. Can you talk about that? Yes. So, I mean, I once got, when I went to discover the science, it was because I got horrified by a client and got so spooked out. It was like electric shock therapy to me that something is so in the science. It was because I got horrified by a client and got so spooked out that it was like electric shock therapy to me that something is so in the water, right? Like, come on. And it just
Starting point is 00:35:52 began, like I already was studying personality traits come from your parents. How's your vantage? Are you reaction to them? Are they the same? Or is it, you you know some or your mothers or your fathers like i went somewhat in but now i go now i double down but the beauty part about it is that in order to really um shift it you have to understand where you came from and you will allow for this process in the work in the inner you and all your work to heal the lineage so you don't have to repeat the sins of your fathers and your mothers and it's it's something we just automatically inherit but we're not aware of most of the time and it's even a spirit like think of the spirituality that if if you go back to the beginning of time and that the the sins or the
Starting point is 00:36:42 deadly sins whichever you're into are repeating so that the next generation actually resolves them, not so that they keep repeating and punishing everybody. So it has like a Dante's Inferno meets the Torah meets the Bible, like it's all there to clean up the past in honor of the future, right? Evolution. And that whether you know it or not, whether you know what, where your parents lived or not, whether you know what they did in their sex life or not, if you don't know, it doesn't mean it isn't happening to you.
Starting point is 00:37:17 So, so tell us the story of working with a client that you feel like is one of your biggest successes and how that shifted them and maybe even you. Well, there's, first of all, I hold people's dreams. Like if I make it dream, no dream, no dream, no dream, no dream. No, is that your best? Right. So the privilege of my life is that I get to hold and all my, all my coaches get to hold people's highest dreams and then make them do it. Right. Like i'll get you to keep your promises right so so okay so imagine there i have never like i would get killed like this is i get in trouble like you know if you ask an academy award moment like which dream wasn't good enough for you lauren and i'm like sorry they were all good enough i thank you all but you know i love the stories of some of the children that were born to like the 42 year old woman who never thought she could have a baby, who had to leave her bad marriage to go get pregnant.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Yeah. Right. And is and defied everything and could not be more in love with her man that she didn't know she could get and get knocked up like what right so i have like crazy miracles there's a guy right this was like my latest favorite story right now hi um he literally utterly cleaned up so many things in his life about his behaviors, his vices, and his money dreams didn't just cut, like his business money dreams didn't just come true. They are scaring the living bejesus out of him, right? Like into the 400 millions, right? He was already doing well, but the more we cleaned up in his personal life the more his
Starting point is 00:39:06 business dreams happened in ways that like lauren do you think it's connected i'm like uh sorry cookie right we have a nickname for his his dark side right i'm like larry's never allowed back in right and he knows damn right right it's it's epic yeah's epic. Yeah. Yeah. So one, one of the things that I think you talk about and your, your nephew Harrison has a great song about this, which is integrity. And I think that means different things to different people. But for me, it's about being aligned in every place in who you are so that you're not compartmentalized. You're not telling different stories to different people. You are in integrity, not just with other people, but with yourself in a way that allows you to feel free.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Because if you're not in integrity, whether it's not actually following what you really want in life or whether it's lies that you're telling yourself or lies that you're telling other people, it creates a level of unwellness. You know, it's, it creates a level of spiritual and ultimately physical sickness. And I think they're connected. So can you share what you mean by integrity and what is it and how do we get it? So, you know, I'm, this is like back to you, like, I'll start with the scariest. And by the way, all this is an interview. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:40:26 And I like tease, like I tell really good stories for you to get why it's a good idea, even though it'll scare the bejesus out of you. Well, I was scared of you. I was scared of having to be an integrity in my life, which I wasn't in some areas, right? And like in my marriage,
Starting point is 00:40:40 I wasn't feeling like I was integrity with what I needed or wanted. Yeah, and you had a lot of places you felt guilty versus had all the conversations. And then every time you have one of the hard conversations, even though it's hard, you feel so much better about yourself. You just didn't even expect how good you'd feel. So that's the good part.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Integrity, so first of all, I teach personal integrity, right? And it's an ability to really have your thoughts, your actions, and your feelings aligned with your highest self, with what you really wish to be true for you about life, right? Like no one's coming to save you except you. And no one's coming to live your ideals except you. I'm not offering you my ideals. I'm offering you your ideals. What are they? Right? So you have to develop, you actually have to learn how to say all this stuff and live transparently. What? Like there's nothing that I've ever done I'm keeping a secret about to anyone, not my children,
Starting point is 00:41:40 not my parents, not my coworkers, no one. Like I represent who I really am in life. And that is self-love. And you're also unapologetic about the things where you don't want to do. I've apologized everywhere I believe I owe an apology. And I love apologizing where I'm breaking a promise to someone that I promised, right? And I end up, are you kidding?
Starting point is 00:42:07 Ask David Zanger, my cute husband. In other words, you are not the lady of the kitchen in your house. Oh. And you do a little cooking, grilling, and... Barbecue. Barbecue. Maybe. Twice a week.
Starting point is 00:42:21 But you are very clear that that's not an area where it's your... Freak flag. I fly my... So I am true to myself about what to expect when you're like, what to expect with me. And I've made all my promises. So David, my kids, everyone gets to ask for what they want. And I give them what they want, given who I am and who I'm not. And it's delicious. Yeah. Yeah. And most people aren't willing to do that or even know that they can or think through how to. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I make you do all that. So, so most of us aren't even aware that we're
Starting point is 00:43:00 out of integrity. No, most of us don't know we're lying everywhere, actually. And it's not like lies like, you know, you tell somebody, well, I went to the grocery store when you actually went to get on the horses. It's not that kind of lie. They're different kind of lies. Can you talk about what kind of lies you're talking about? So the majority of the ways people lie is they have secrets they think are theirs to keep.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Like, I'm taking this to the grave. Like, this is mine. This is my secret life. think are theirs to keep. Like I'm taking this to the grave. Like this is mine. This is my secret life. This is, these are my secret thoughts. This is me hidden to myself. I don't want to burden anybody. I don't think it's anybody's business. Of course, there's what my mind is saying
Starting point is 00:43:35 that no one should know. I'll carry the weight. Yeah. Yeah. All that shit is lies, right? You're like, really? You don't think your husband should tell you what he's thinking that he's not saying? Or you're like, no, you keep all that to yourself too, honey.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Or is real intimacy telling the truth about everything in your mind and what you're dealing with? So people defend secrets. And people defend not hurting people's feelings. So I don't want to tell you I'm mad at you for this. I don't want to ask my boss this. So withholding information and pretending you have to be a particular way to keep everybody happy, your mommy, your children, your husband, your coworkers, even the taxi driver gets a liar out of you, like a fake you. Right?
Starting point is 00:44:26 So people are running around pretending. I have language for all of this. Like your agent is out in the world. You know, not the one you really are, but the one you represent being. Yeah. Yeah. And there is a process for unraveling all that, right? I make you only do it in relationships that really matter to you.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Like you don't feel as close, like your husband, your children. Like I'm not telling you to clean up every last relationship in your life. Yeah. But wherever you're not, you know, you wish you were making more money. You wish you had a more intimate relationship. Your sex life is boring, right? Like you wish you had something you don't. What you'll find is that tagline I use, maybe it's you. And then you're not willing to have the conversations or do the work or the thinking to get to the
Starting point is 00:45:17 other side. And all fear is the dark side. And as far as I'm concerned, we're very dark because we're believing in our weaknesses. Well, I think that's fair. I mean, the fear part is what keeps us from telling the truth. And yet most of the time the fear is in our heads. And I know my wife, we have this agreement about how we interact with each other, which is no fear, no filter, and no dust.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Meaning we don't want to leave dust on the surfaces of our relationship by cleaning up everything in real time and having these conversations and sometimes those conversations can be awkward they can be hard but once you build the skill it's like anything else like when you do your first push-up forget it when you can you believe you're in a marriage where that's the rules like that was literally like, how do I, I feel very successful right now. Mark's in love and it's real and he's sharing the principles that when we found you. Not happening.
Starting point is 00:46:13 It was literally, I can't say, like it was literally, and you were right because if you said everything, you'd get divorced immediately. Yes. Right, versus if you say everything, you fall deeper in love. Oh, this is cute. And we always come out the other side closer, more connected.
Starting point is 00:46:29 You do. And we both, you know, have areas where we don't want to be completely straightforward because we think it's going to create conflict or separation. It isn't going to. It does. No, but if we tell the truth. It does. No, but if we tell the truth.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Yes. It goes away. Well, if you tell the truth yes it goes away well if you tell the truth it goes away and you can deal with what's making the conflict without hurting each other that there is one right but there's a there's a specific methodology for having those conversations and you have to have agreements about it and you have a method for actually how you speak how you listen yep taking turns i I mean, it's a very specific process. Trust me, it's module like six through eight in the handout. You can't just go blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:47:13 And you did this and you did that. It's like, that ain't going to work. No, that's literally what you have now. Right. And so that is a very different thing than just blurting out every stupid thought you have. It's really about being awake and conscious of your own experience, but like be honest about it. Like this hurt me and this is why. And like, I, you know, like there's a level of getting each other that is really
Starting point is 00:47:33 powerful. And most people are not, most people don't even understand what being in love is all about. Right. And so there's a whole part, once you start to dream what being in love is all about, then you owe it to yourself and your partner, right? Not just he owes it to you and he's failing. It's like, you both have dreams. You both need, there's like a series of conversations that get you both to understand your, like we have language, like your laundry list, what you need, making all your requests, figuring out if you have a freak flag, you're never making those. Like there's all this language to get a person to actually go through step by step on how to do what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:48:10 It's true. And you know, the link for me, which is fascinating is that, you know, we talk about health. I talk about health. This is called the doctor's pharmacy. You know, the pharmacy in your body and the pharmacy between your ears is the most powerful pharmacy. I mean,
Starting point is 00:48:30 voodoo medicine, you can kill people just with a belief, right? And we do that to ourselves. And then we literally poison ourselves. We're not even aware of it. And there's a way out of that. And you talk about personal pollution as a concept, and we are subject to that. And I don't think most people are even aware of it i don't know how to deal with it and by actually cleaning that up you literally liberate a whole set of healing mechanisms in your body that are physical yes but they're connected to the spiritual doorway so i go through food and lifestyle yes you go through sort of the spiritual emotional psychological doorway yes but they're they're part of the same package. Oh, it's so true.
Starting point is 00:49:08 It's so true. Though I think I have a much harder job. Like, hey, telling your lies is fun. And everybody knows they should eat that extra donut or that 17th Oreo cookie. But most people are not ready. Yeah. Most people don't realize the reason they're eating the cookie is because they're lying. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:29 And they're not getting laid and they're not having fun. Like they don't realize that the, that the, what they're eating comes from, you know, so I have a, I have a great new client and he's on day probably 58 of eating completely on your plan. Completely. And he's like, his line to me is like, you've ruined emotional eating for me. That's good. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:54 You've ruined. I cannot believe how much you've ruined it. Right. Right. I don't even want it. I don't, I can't even believe my mind even thinks of it. It's disgusting. What have you done to me?
Starting point is 00:50:04 Right. And now he's like, he's in love with his food. It's disgusting. What have you done to me? Right. And, and now he's like, he's in love with his food. He is eating. Yeah. Right. And he can't even believe the connection between inner dialogue, emotional eating, and like loving what you eat. Yeah. I mean, I, you know, there's some people just have like a physical issue and they need to, they don't know what's going on. They need to fix it, but sometimes they're not. And I, I send those people to you and it's, it's, uh, it's great for me to have that place to send them and send them to interview, send them to you, you, the actual you. I, it's, it's, uh, it's really satisfying for me because as a doctor,
Starting point is 00:50:40 I see where people get stuck and I know where I can't push that needle. And I sometimes channel you a little bit when I'm with patients, but it's not the same. I want to put a warning label on everyone. My coaches are much kinder, slower, and less snarky and obnoxious and in your face than me. Well, that's the thing about this method is there's a lot of flavors, right? Yes. And the Buddha talked about this concept of Upaya, which means skillful means how do you find the right way to speak to the right audience? If you're speaking to a group of children, it's different than speaking to a group of monks,
Starting point is 00:51:14 than speaking to a bunch of CEOs or, you know, everybody needs a little bit of a different frame. So I gave a talk last night to a whole group of CEOs and hedge fund managers. It's different than I'm talking to a bunch of doctors. It's a different conversation. So you have to learn how to actually match that. And you're able to do that. Your coaches certainly do that. And sometimes though you-
Starting point is 00:51:34 I don't exactly do that very well. You can be coached to do that. I have some issues. Lauren, don't yell at this person, please. You're like, Lauren, you're a witness. I'm like, what? Wheatgrass isn't for everyone? No.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Well, it's good. For me, I needed the hammer. I needed somebody to yell at me. I need someone to kind of make fun of me, to break open with love and humor the places where I wasn't willing to look at. So it's like, how do you get to your dark side laughing and just kind of realizing how silly it is. Well, don't worry. I am very self-deprecating, which then equalizes whatever crap you've got. I certainly make it funny on my
Starting point is 00:52:15 end. Cause I win the dark side, you know, leashed award, right? Like my dark sides leashed, right? I have to, I'm on a leash about everything. Right. And if you heard my, like my dark side's leashed right yeah i have to i'm on a leash about everything right and if you heard my like my grossest vice everyone brace yourselves what's my grossest vice mark uh you like to smoke cigarettes right you're like ew lauren and i'm like yes it's disgusting isn't it but i have like the littlest allotment that i'm allowed to have. But on those days. A few days a month. No, not even anymore. A few days a year. A few days a year. I get 13 days a year.
Starting point is 00:52:48 And everyone looks at me like, you're disgusting. And I'm like, yes. But if I can tell you, tell my kids and be proud of myself. Right. Yeah, uh-huh. I can do it. 13 days a year I can eat ice cream, that would be okay? I think, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:53:00 I go for like one. Well, you're, it's whatever you love. There's one ice cream place in Nantucket. It's called the juice. It's called the juice something. It's not juice, it's ice cream. Ever since I've been on your diet, the only way I really get off your diet
Starting point is 00:53:15 is if I'm in Italy, France. Like I have to be in some epic foodie place in order to eat bread and pasta. That's right. We actually went to Italy together and I saw you eat pasta. I did. And I loved it. It was like, so I'm allowed to get off my leash, but under very real like law.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Well, I remember that we took this long walk. We had this monster meal. We didn't order anything. They just brought everything and I ended up in a food coma in bed the afternoon but it was worth it you know how fun was that but you know it's like that's like one every seven years yeah pretty much you came back you gained a bunch of weight i did i gained like how to gain four pounds in three days right Right. Right. I gained five and then, and then that was it. Then you go right back on your diet and you're back to normal. Right. So it was epically worth it, but it's very rare that I let my dark side freak flag fly, but I'm not ashamed of it.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Right. And so everyone, whatever it is, you want to have a Sunday where you binge watch, you know, your Netflix, right? Like whatever you do, earn it versus it takes you away from being happy in your life. So it's like I really flip the dark side into a very different state of using it to make good happen, right? So it's a fun rewiring of dark and light in your life and being true to yourself and not lying anymore about anything. And could you imagine the human race if we flipped it? It would be huge. What?
Starting point is 00:54:55 Yeah. Right? So what you do in a sense is medicine, right? It's spiritual medicine. It's emotional medicine. It's psychological medicine. It's emotional medicine, it's psychological medicine, it's life medicine, and it's a piece that often gets neglected
Starting point is 00:55:08 in the wellness world, right? We sort of, we jump over, it's like premature transcendence of the stuff we really have to do to be healthy. It's not just doing 30 days of yoga in a row, because you can still be as screwed up doing that unless you deal with what's really happening. Yeah. Yeah. No one knows how to tell, like no one wants anyone to hear their inner dialogue.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Not like, and then if you had to, if you had to put your inner dialogue on a microphone, you'd have to face, I could tell you everything going on and I could tell you where it's your epis. I could tell you where it's you. I could tell you where it's your vices. I could tell you where you sold out on a dream. And so if you're, if you want to actually be true to yourself, you're going to have to break into your mainframe, which is your inner dialogue. Cause it's all right there. Inner you.
Starting point is 00:55:54 It's true. And, and, you know, how to human better is a great tagline because I think most of us aren't connected to how to be fully expressed and fully human. And that is really the magic of your work. And it's not something that we really take on as humans. We sort of go through our lives in a way that's pretty unconscious, most of us, or we pack things away in little boxes or corners and rooms we never go in. And it eats at us and it doesn't allow us to have vibrant, healthy, alive, connected lives that lead us towards things that are important to us, whether it's the work we want to do, whether it's love we want to have, whether it's the money we want to get. And it's pretty special stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:36 It's not easy, but it's sort of the missing piece for a lot of people. And I encourage everybody who's listening to think about the areas of their life where they're not in integrity, where they're not telling the truth, where they're not exorbitantly happy, where they may be a three or four instead of a eight or nine or 10 on their scale of where they are in that area of their life. And how do they work through that? Because most of us don't have the tools. I write books on what to eat. Okay, well, there's a set of guidelines on how to do that and be successful
Starting point is 00:57:07 and it's not that hard once you do it. But most people don't have the map of their spiritual life, the map of their emotional life, the map of their psychology. And somehow, somewhere, you got this download from the universe of that map. And I don't think it was through studying because I know you don't read many books.
Starting point is 00:57:28 No, you heard I never read a book in my life. And I don't, I think, you know, some people just get struck. And I think you're one of those humans who's gotten struck by how things actually are. It's like the veil is off. You know, simple see things that nobody else can see. And I'm in love with humans, right? are. It's like the veil is off, you know, simple, see things that nobody else can see.
Starting point is 00:57:50 I, and, and, and I'm in love with humans, right? I do not think, I think humans suck, but they suck because they pretend they don't in ways that individually you have a lot of personal pollution and you can yell at your kid. You could yell at your mother. You could yell at everybody else to change but but hey what about you right and and and i'm in love with people telling the truth and how funny it is like that's what you go why do people love comedians right and it's like because they're telling the truth right because they're horrifying us on all our stereotypes and all the ways we're a jerk and all the ways we don't ask for what like they literally are telling why we're howling is because we hear the truth, but we don't tell it to ourselves, but we laugh when we hear it.
Starting point is 00:58:32 This is how to tell yourself the truth to yourself. And it's not as hard as you think. You know, I've done workshops where I had patients who were like, look, I'm addicted to sugar. I eat a ton of it every day. I crave it all the time. I don't know how I'm gonna stop. This is impossible. I've tried. I give them to sugar. I eat a ton of it every day. I crave it all the time. I don't know how I'm going to stop. This is impossible. I've tried. I give them the method. Yeah. Three days
Starting point is 00:58:50 later, they're like, I don't understand. Like, I don't want that anymore. It doesn't look like food. I don't have cravings. I feel good. I lost 10 pounds. Like, I think it's the same with your work. It seems daunting in a way, but it's actually not. It's actually pretty simple if you just do it, right? Yeah, I have a client right now. You don't actually have to believe it. You just have to do it. I have a client right now who got in a bunch of me too trouble. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:18 And he and I made him make, and it was years ago, but he and I made him make a list of all the people he really owes apologies to. And he's got, it's, forget it. He's fine. It's already embarrassing. It's already terrible, but he never took the time to go clean up his own mess. And he's going, and he's, he was hot. Like, you're like, how many sessions did it take before he would do one, like before he would make the list and get, he had phone calls to make, right? And it was, and he's now on, like he's addicted to how much better he feels because the ladies, like any of those ladies,
Starting point is 00:59:55 they were also in some position that, like they need to hear it and they also have something to say. And it's beautiful. Like it's so much more beautiful than people understand or just get horrified and run and put it in a compartment. And so it's like, he's addicted now to getting it all cleaned up. He's not doing, he has a promise with a consequence, like for one a week and he's done four in one week. Wow. Impressive. Okay. And
Starting point is 01:00:22 trust me, that's scary. All right. Well, this has been an amazing conversation, Lauren. Your work is extraordinary. I encourage everybody to go check out
Starting point is 01:00:32 Inner You. And the good news is if you're listening to this podcast that you get $75 off the price. All you have to do is go to
Starting point is 01:00:41 forward slash Mark Hyman and learn how to human better with Lauren Zander's online coaching course, Inner You. You can sign up with your special coupon code, which is HYMAN100.
Starting point is 01:00:53 I hope that's not how long I'm going to live because I'm shooting for 120. So it should be HYMAN120. Although my friend Dave Asprey goes 180. Why are you only going 120? Like, okay. But HYMAN100 and get $75 off. You can also just want to explore this.
Starting point is 01:01:09 You can talk to one of their coaches for their group coaching or their individual coaching. Again, forward slash Mark Hyman. You can check out their work at online and learn all about what they're doing. Sign up for Facebook and Instagram. It's all there on our homepage in
Starting point is 01:01:30 And I am so pleased we had this conversation because I think a lot of people are going to be helped by this. It's deep, yeah. Check out Inner You because it is the bomb. And not everybody can get access. Maybe there's no coach in Des you know, Des Moines, Iowa, but here you go with interview. It's just, uh, been a huge game changer for me using the method led to my extraordinary happiness at this point in my life, which I wasn't always there. My career is where I want it to be. My marriage is, there's still areas I'm working on, but,
Starting point is 01:02:03 uh, it's, it's a whole lot better. Yeah, you're honest about all of it. Yes. So this has been The Doctor's Pharmacy with Dr. Mark Hyman and Lauren Zander. It's a place for conversations that matter. If you've enjoyed this podcast, please leave a comment. We'd love to hear from you. Sign up for the podcast anywhere you can get your podcast itunes google play and share with
Starting point is 01:02:26 your friends and family on facebook and social media and we'll see you next time on the doctor's pharmacy for another conversation that matters

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