The Dumb Zone FREE - DZ 2-7-25: Show from Haas Moto Museum with Mike Sirois and Danny Balis presented by Fair Lease DZ 2-7-25: Show from Haas Moto Museum with Mike Sirois and Danny Balis presented by Fair Lease

Episode Date: February 7, 2025

Get every episode of The Dumb Zone by subscribing at or broadcast live at the Haas Moto Museum thanks to our friends at Fair Lease. Mike Sirois and Dann...y Balis join the show today and we preview the "big game" with Jared Sandler and Chappy! (00:00) - Open: Live from Haas Moto Museum (16:27) - Mike Sirois's grand entrance (49:20) - Super Bowl preview with Chappy and Jared Sandler (01:28:34) - News: college kid's foot on the line (01:44:35) - VM birthdays/Today in History with Heart Attack Man (02:20:52) - Closing remarks with Earl Young ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, I'm DFW's own Danny Bayless letting you know that you are about to hear a free podcast of the dumb zone. But if you'd like to subscribe at, you will get four shows per week plus the weekend wrap up and any bonus epi's like our business Wednesday interviews. Oh, you'll also get our DZTV archives again, that's a to subscribe now on to today's program If your mom has dementia don't watch is it cake Is she always right it's just like the never-ending That's the point we don't know We're trying to figure that out. What is this cake? Sup, Hope.
Starting point is 00:01:02 I just had to do a picture. Don't worry about it. No big deal. People want to, uh... Sup Hope? I just had to do a picture. Don't worry about it. No big deal. People want to... I'm pretty sure I heard you want to get a picture from someone and it wasn't him. Oh really? Do you want a picture with me? I have a Sharpie.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Yeah. Anyway guys, happy Friday. Huh? Hey Danny, sit down. Happy Friday to you too. We're live streaming today. We're at the Haas Modo Museum. Incredible.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Danny Bayless is here. Sup, D? Sup, J? It is a big day in Big D. Sup, B? It's Friday! Here it is, folks. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:45 What? There's a party now here. So wait, the coffee bar. I didn't quit that. Forrester? What was his name? The coffee bar is in the motorcycle sidecar, like where Barney Fife used to sit.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Yeah. Sick reference, bro. Yeah. Like and subscribe for more 50s comedy humor from Dan. Yeah, it's like a full coffee setup. He's got a pressure thing and fridge, and he drives it out here. Moto coffee.
Starting point is 00:03:16 It's called Moto coffee? Yeah. It's a lot of motorcycles, man. A lot of them. According to my copy points, this is a gearhead's dream come true. Can confirm, that's me. The gearhead, it is. It's my dream. Hey look who else is here, Jared Sandler. Wow, what's up guys? Who invited him? Great question, I just tend to show up. He's got a laptop and everything.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Just in case. We might talk a little betting. I want to make sure I got the most up-to-date lines. TV's Jared Sandler, folks. Hell yeah. That is TV's Jared Sandler. New Rangers thing coming to your phone this summer, right? Yeah. What's going on with the Rangers? Jake, I was just fired up earlier this week. Jake said he's going to be a big baseball guy this year.
Starting point is 00:04:09 He's going to know all the storylines. He said something like that. I'm joining in here. All the happenings. It's going to be a big year for baseball on the dumb zone, period. Yeah. I think so.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Are you going to do anything different now that you're on television? Like get facials or? I'm serious. Take care of your skin in a different way or something, so that now that you're not like a. Are you intimating the needs? Are these like the Jeremy Piven facials
Starting point is 00:04:30 you guys were talking about yesterday? No, just, are you gonna use like a glow, like. Well, I don't think he's had a carb in four months, he can't tell. That is true. I don't know how I could get any hotter when it comes to Jared's. That has been said by no one ever.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Yeah, people love, little five 5'7 got a big nose. I guess I'm gonna have to like do my hair yeah I would show up to the ballpark and Emily Jones would look at me and just be like you didn't do your hair today right and I'm like nope she's like all right well you're on radio it doesn't really matter and I think I'm gonna have to figure out how to do the makeup on the forehead, because I've got a big forehead that gets shiny. So I was told that. I'm not big TV guy.
Starting point is 00:05:13 It's not like I've. This is going to be fun. I'm trying to disrupt the TV scene. That's what we're going to do. Into space? Yeah. Disrupt the space. Bringing radio to TV.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I don't think it's fair that she could just go commenting on your book. I know. What if you were like, yeah. Turn the tables. Yeah. All of a sudden, she'd be like, eh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I know her. Yeah, exactly. Always quacking about something. Playing both sides of the fence. Yep. Emily both sides of the fence, Jones. Do they have a crew that does that stuff for you? So like hair and makeup?
Starting point is 00:05:43 Oh, yeah. So one of my first... I did games. That's good. Dave Raymond took off the series in St. Louis last year and during that series, Joe Buck had his big come back to St. Louis and do a TV game. And it was a whole big deal. And the broadcasts in St. Louis, they take that stuff really seriously because of the history. And I went into the bathroom
Starting point is 00:06:04 to try to figure out how to put that stuff really seriously because of the history. And I went into the bathroom to try to figure out how to put that stuff on my forehead. And Joe Buck walks in. And he made some, I mean, he was a really nice guy. But he laughed. He's like, oh, you don't have someone who does that for you? Joe, you don't realize how low on the totem pole I am. Well, the good news is you didn't
Starting point is 00:06:24 get addicted to hair plugs by using Joe Bucks. That is true. Not yet. That is the most insane celebrity story that we just glossed over. Like, oh, yeah, he had rehab. He was dealing with addiction to hair plugs.
Starting point is 00:06:41 We just all were like, yeah, that could happen. I could see that. He normalized it. What is Dan doing? I'm worried. Is there something wrong with him? I'm looking at, I think he dropped something. Who, me or Jared?
Starting point is 00:06:50 No, he was dropping Joe Buck's name and I just thought, oh wow. Oh, all right. Funny, no. I was hanging out with Joe Buck. I was not hanging out with Joe Buck. I don't know. He walked in the bathroom. I know, really.
Starting point is 00:07:02 I was like, where is this going? Well, I was in a place where Joe Buck, I mean? He walked in the bathroom. I know, really. I was like, where is this going? And now I know. I was in a place where Joe Buck was, I mean, it was a private bathroom. It was kind of a. Yeah. You know how big a deal he is in St. Louis. He was just hanging with me.
Starting point is 00:07:13 I mean, when I go to a game in St. Louis, I go to the bathroom and Joe Buck's in there. I hate you guys. You probably go with like 100 people in a trough. But I don't know. I hate you guys. All I was trying to illustrate was that no one gives a crap about me, but Joe Buck has people that does all that stuff for him.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I have to figure. Danny has a very simple question. Danny, thank you. I like you. I have to do it. I like you too, dude. F those guys. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I'm out. They're mean. They're mean podcasters. 230 bikes over. That reminds me of the time I was with Brian Gumbel. Right. They're out. They're mean. They're mean podcasters. 230 bikes over. That reminds me of the time I was with Brian Gumbel. Yeah. Keep going. A lot of motorcycles. 13 decades. Oh yeah. So we're inviting people out here to the Haas Moto Museum. Haas is spelled H-A-A-S. That's weird. A legendary racing name. Two A's in a row. Oh really? I think so. I've heard of Haas. Yeah. I've heard of Haas.
Starting point is 00:08:11 What's up Haas? I borrowed some forehead makeup from Haas. So 4301 North Beltwood Parkway in Dallas. Apparently this is their new location. Newish. And Danny could tell us all about the old location and the new one. Yeah. Because you visited them both today.
Starting point is 00:08:32 The OG was in the design district, which I visited today. That's where you went. Right. Visited. Thinking that that's where you would be. I did because I had been there a number of times and it's a great museum. Why wouldn't you want to go? 13 decades of motorcycles guys.
Starting point is 00:08:49 I heard about that. Fully restored in excellent condition. And yeah, just kind of drove down there and there's nobody in the parking lot. And I'm like, man, the dumb zone is not killing it today. And then I look in the window and it's empty. I thought somebody overnight had stolen all the motorcycles. What a heist. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Yeah. It was obviously maybe a cumulus move to ruin your remote, I thought. Maybe something like that had happened. But then I looked on the post. I like that. And realized that it was in farmers branches you know north Dallas. A lot of debate yeah Madison got here in time. Farmer's branch Dallas not sure so
Starting point is 00:09:33 yeah if you are sure. They have coffee and they have pizza mm-hmm and they have beer. I saw a lot of beer. Yeah Friday maybe. What is where's that other location the design district? Yeah. Maybe Niko went in there and traded all those things. What is this? Uh oh. The dumb zone's understaffed creative department
Starting point is 00:09:56 has issued a Luca free Friday alert for the Haas moto event presented by Fair Lease. Oh, what? This alert will be in effect from noon to four p.m PM Friday, February 7. We now resume our regular scheduled programming. Well, I mean, huh. You know those things are official.
Starting point is 00:10:18 So. Yeah. There is no Luka discussion to be had. You understand? You know what I really like is how you organically let it happen. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:27 I, I, I. I was like, man, that's a bad joke. Hopefully there's a point to this. And there was. No, but actually a listener did email me. And he named his kid. His kid was born right before Nico but after Luca. So the kid's like four. His name is Nico Luca.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Oh. You named him Nico. His name is Nicholas Luca and they call him Nico. Oh my god. Yeah and he's like I've got pretty close to hitting the kid a couple times. Well if he changes, will the kid remember? I don't remember anything on that. No, I don't know if he will. The dumb zones understaffed department has issued a Luca free Friday alert for the HaasMoto event presented by Fairlease.
Starting point is 00:11:22 This alert will be in effect from noon to 4 p.m. Friday, February 7th. This applies to all attendees at the Haas Motor slash Fair Lease event. Go get some pizza. We now resume our regular scheduled programming. What, oh, it's not done. Okay, well, so it applies to all of you here. Did you bring in the emergency light?
Starting point is 00:11:43 I was not expecting the light. Just for this? Or is this like multi-purpose? You know what's interesting? You'll have to stay tuned. Good lord. You know how you learn something new every day? Sure.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Or some people do? Sure. Where is this leading? Theory. What do you mean? It's leading to, do you know that legally you're not allowed to play the actual sound for the ember alerts? Yeah, they and I were on the phone and we had a whole thing already kind of worked up.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Yeah, and so I was like, in my head I'm like, that's FCC, fuck them, that's just for... Oh yeah, that's for over the air. There you go. And then I looked it up, it's illegal to play it on the internet. Really? It is illegal to play, not only play any part of it, it is illegal to play it on the internet. Really? It is illegal to play not only play any part of it, it is illegal to play. Yeah. Well, good thing you guys have had some recent legal
Starting point is 00:12:30 experience. And now you have that. I know. So I was bound and determined to make it sound the same. So I copied. Dude. I copied the voice and fed it through a paid AI voice to text.
Starting point is 00:12:43 And it sounds exactly like the guys. Then we just had to find the bed. So anyway. What happens if you use the elements from the A alert? I thought you were about to say the L word. No. They execute you. Do they have Michael Buffer's legal team to back them up?
Starting point is 00:13:02 Because that sounds very much like that. I wonder if that applies to YouTube. You should try to find out. No, no you shouldn't because it would be us who got sick yeah yeah yeah I run in I'm freelancing bro what's the the new SS these days is it ice some might say that I would not I respect our men and women and you know I would run in somebody would run in well we're here and they have pizza they are here we're gonna do, so since we do have an L free day we are doing some football stuff because there's a big game on Sunday.
Starting point is 00:13:32 As a matter of fact we are doing a live stream for that. We are. What time are we starting? I don't know, when's the game? I think 5.30. Then we're starting at 5.30. Okay. Ish. Okay. Right? What do you say clay? When do you want to start?
Starting point is 00:13:47 He doesn't care. He doesn't care. He'll just be there like early Really the guy who will dictate whether we start on a certain time or not is Blake the guy that kind of Ties it all together and it started like the second quarter Sure, just press record just every time for. Just in time for Half Blaked? Are we doing Half Blaked? Yeah, sure. You know what I saw this morning that I was not?
Starting point is 00:14:10 I don't think I fully wrapped my head around this when Fox signed Tom Brady. You know, like this week, the news shows have to talk about sports, right? So Tom Brady I saw. Because you know what the local suburb rec centers, every TV's on Fox News. Tom Brady on Fox, because you know what the local suburb rec centers, every TV's on Fox News. Tom Brady on Fox and Friends this morning.
Starting point is 00:14:29 And it occurred to me, like, he's just going to be president. Like that audience will learn to like him and love him. He's a cool, like he's perceived as moderate. Like there's a real chance that in 10 years we're like, you know what the country needs a return to normalcy with Tom Brady Don't worry. I'll probably vote for him. I know you will yeah I don't know he's got a lot of good things a lot of good ideas through a football through a jugs machine Obama didn't do that the most accurate passer in NFL history
Starting point is 00:15:01 This is not entirely out of the question. I'm telling you. Do you see Stephen A is considering a run? Shouldn't we have seen this coming at a smaller level? Tom Osborne was the governor of Nebraska. Why could that not have grown to? Jesse the Body. Yeah. Why not then take another step in? Screw states.
Starting point is 00:15:19 What about the country? Go for it. Speaking of, you see Kanye's back on Twitter. He had a big night. No! Jeez. What do we got? Debates over whether the Holocaust did or didn't happen. Interesting, okay. Debates. I thought that was kind of asked and answered a long time ago, no? I think it was, differently for two groups of people.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Okay. He hosted like a spaces, a Twitter spaces where he just... He just talked a lot about Jewish people. He was still going when I woke up this morning. It was all through the night. And he's like, I'm not deleting shit ever again. Y'all can't touch me. Is that where you hope to get someday? No, I think I decidedly need someone who can check me.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Pretty often. You're the guy that deletes everything at the end of the day, right? Not anymore. You don't have that set up anymore? No. I stopped tweeting. I stopped tweeting. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:22 I've seen you tweeting. I've seen you respond city responded people don't know yet though what we have here business i hear a motorcycle how could that be what happened here What is happening here?
Starting point is 00:16:57 Oh no. What Torbjorn is supposed to be watching? Oh here he is. Looks like Steve McQueen's unfortunate brother. Was he delivered on a motorcycle? The Chappy just drove up on a motorcycle. With a passenger on the back. Hey. Ladies and gentlemen, joining us now at the
Starting point is 00:17:30 Haas Moto remote here. Hold on. We got to get your mic working. Hey, it is Mike Saroy. Hey. Hello. Order of the male hooker, six foot two, body type with former Mets Gary Carver. He's arrived. I see the work order right here. Raise your hand. I know one of you. I heard a motorcycle. He just hop in. Right when he...
Starting point is 00:17:59 I don't know if I ribbed it loud enough. He being my dad. Yeah. My dad, who delivered. Did you enjoy your little tandem ride? I wish we kept going, man. That was pretty fun. Didn't go far enough.
Starting point is 00:18:13 It was about 100 yards. But he did rev the engine, and like 10 people were like, ugh, what? Not how I pictured it. Ladies and gentlemen, Mike Saroy. Hey! He's been in hiding for a year. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:18:32 He's been being paid the most money he ever made in his life for a whole year to not work. They hated him so much. Can we get Micah a chair? That they gave him like 200 grand to leave. Absolutely right. That's like, you should start hanging out with like Jimbo Fisher. The buyout boys. It's truly amazing. Somehow you still burn through the money even when you're doing nothing. Oh, of course. Well, Dan and I were talking about it this week and we were like, if that happened to you,
Starting point is 00:19:09 you have no wife, you have no kids, and you have your full salary for a year to do nothing, everybody would do something different, but what everyone would do is what they love just the fucking most. Yeah. Like whatever you like doing, do it the most. And for you, it was like mostly nothing.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Yeah, exactly. Perfect. That was the plan. It's weird how the money does not stack up like your dreams, you know, picture it. Did you invest a lot of it? No, I didn't do shit. I just kept my head above the water, barely, like normal. It was terrible.
Starting point is 00:19:43 You didn't incur any unforeseen expenses Not really. Oh No, it just cost that much money to be my I guess it fucking does like I don't know I play Call of Duty and chill And watch the traders you weren't maybe upping your expenditure in I don't know Goods and services. No, you know what I was thinking? Just normal, it's budgeted in. Yeah, it's on the Excel sheet.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Yeah, it's on the sheet. I think you should have like Airbnb'd your house for a couple months and just- And gone somewhere? Left the country. Or just slept in your car out in front of the house. Well, we don't need to cut all the way to the depressing mom situation because other than that, I had some plans. Yeah, I was going to depressing mom situation because other than that I would have had some plans Yeah, I was gonna do some wild shit, but that did not allow me to do any of that
Starting point is 00:20:29 But I told Danny this man. I'm just surprised that the money doesn't stack up. I thought it would But that's also if you back it up with like anything else productive that maybe makes you one dollar which I didn't do that Either so do we know? We know. Yes, you will know. We know. Yeah. We got you here today though. And it does go by fast, I'll say that. Really?
Starting point is 00:20:52 Yeah. Can you believe that April 30th is almost here? You have two more months? Oh yeah. Yeah, we're fine. Oh, and the way it's structured, the Saroy buyout, because I got three. They didn't hate me as much as they did him. But I think he's going to probably get a check going into the middle of June.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Oh, they're tapering you off. Yeah, it's like they kind of stagger it a little bit. So yeah. I'll be doing the refresh on the bank account, you know, like come those months. Oh, I'd trust me. And like hope, like one more, baby, or a little half a one. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't on my Wells Fargo app refreshing it right around the end of my last month that I was supposed to get one thinking maybe they made a mistake.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Maybe my language was the same as always contract. You didn't go anywhere other than the Florida. I went to South Dakota a couple of times. No majors. Florida, no majors. Majors. I went to Harry Potter land in a Universal Studios. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Took the lady there. Fun as hell. Why? She's really into it, remember? She's into it. Okay. You know what's- Honestly, I was, my mom's dealing with shit,
Starting point is 00:22:00 so I do a lot of going to Florida, taking care of my mom, that kind of thing. And I can't like say, hey Christina, let's go, go to Florida sounds nice, go to Sarasota, beautiful, but we're gonna go and fucking make yogurt. With your mom? With my mom, you know? You know what's funny?
Starting point is 00:22:16 So I had to mix in something fun, so I took her to Harry Potter land, which also has Jurassic Park land, two of her favorite things. So it's not that big of an age difference. It's like what, 14, 15 years? Yeah. OK, so it's not like that.
Starting point is 00:22:31 14. It's not that big of a difference. That's perfect. But it is funny if you're an older male dating a younger woman to take her to a theme park. Wait, she's 15 years younger than you? Yeah. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:22:43 That's what I'm saying. I don't think Bill Belichick is taking his girlfriend to build a bear. Yeah. You don't take him to do childish activities. I like theme parks. But it seems weirder when it's like- Remember, I'm a child as well. But for her-
Starting point is 00:23:02 It was weird. Dude, okay, we spent one hour, I don't know if anyone's been to Harry Potter land, any of you guys kids know? Sure, yeah I know. Okay, I love Universal Studios. But I've been there with kids. Children. We had like an over an hour discussion because you wanted to buy a fucking wand. It's not in the budget. And I'm like, look, I don't I mean, I don't care, we can go to a $200 dinner tonight if you want. But I'm not buying a $60 plastic wand. We're not doing it.
Starting point is 00:23:31 But it lights up and stuff. It doesn't even light up. It's supposed to activate shit. OK, genius idea, right? You can get the $40 wand that literally just plastic does nothing. Yeah, walk around the park and it does stuff. Yes, but for $60, there's these points on the ground.
Starting point is 00:23:42 And you wave the wand at a fucking water thing, and then the water fountain starts. Or the flowers come to life and smile at you. You deprive that? I can't believe you denied her this pleasure. Well, she wanted to do it, then we walk by one and there's an old man, grumpy looking as hell, just standing on the thing with his wand,
Starting point is 00:24:01 trying to get it to work. And it works at a 10% hit rate anyway and there's like a refraction period for these things you can't just sit there and make the flowers dance, make the flowers dance. Yeah. It takes like three more minutes you know until it resets and we watched this dude like just get even sadder that his wand wasn't working. I'm like see fucking wand doesn't work anyway. Did you take your mom to Harry Potter world? No I did not take my mom to Harry Potter World. Dropped her off at the MyPillow Museum. You could use her for a fast pass.
Starting point is 00:24:32 You could probably do the thing. In front of everything? I'll tell you, don't watch. MyPillow Museum. It's restful. Yeah, the Lindell, the shrubbery cut into Mike Lindell. If your mom has dementia don't watch is it cake? Is she always right? It's just like the never ending. Is that cake? That's the point. We don't know. We're trying to figure that out. What is this cake? It's just the phrase, is it cake,
Starting point is 00:25:06 gets used 250 times per episode between the show and your mom as well. It's got to be so confusing. And dude, it's like at the point of the game. You have Alzheimer's and they make a show where it's just, is it cake? Is it cake? No way.
Starting point is 00:25:17 You would feel like you have lost. What is this cake? What's her success rate? And the worst part is I'm like, I don't know. It looks really good. I don't know if that's cake. And I'm the regular person watching. I'm not sure if that's cake or not.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Regular. They did a really good job on that handbag. Oh, shit. I don't know if that's cake, mom. And then they finally cut, and it's the only one. You should be documenting all of this. It was cake. It'll serve two purposes.
Starting point is 00:25:42 You'll remember her like, but but also it's gonna be hilarious it's Actually nice to have her around it's fun Let me tell you one of it cuz her real quick her stepdad or her my stepdad who she married after my dad passed away Years ago. I mean in my 30s like it was Gordon and he had dementia as well, right? So the only thing worse than is it cake with someone with dementia is this is 15 years ago. He had dementia, right? So the only thing worse than is it cake with someone with dementia is this is 15 years ago, he had dementia, right? They want to go on a cruise. We're like, cool. Don't go to a murder mystery lunch with someone with dementia. We're like, this sounds fun.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Let's go to murder mystery lunch. You know, you sit down randomly and they all get menus and inside your menu is your role, you know? And one of them's like, murderer, you know? So I open my mouth, it's like, captain or sea boy. And you keep playing, right? You have to read these parts of the script and the role and you're reading. And halfway through this thing, Gordon's grog crotchety as hell goes, and there's not just us at the table,
Starting point is 00:26:39 there's other like cruisers at the table, we're all a team. He goes, why doesn't everyone just shut up and eat your fucking lunch? So I go behind Gordon real I Go behind Gordon. I'm gonna open his sheet. I'm like, please don't be the murderer. Please don't be the murderer Just like all right good. He's not the murderer. We're oh it ruin it for everyone Man I miss Gordon Good. He's not the murderer. We're fine. They ruin it for everyone. Eat your fucking lunch. Oh, man. I miss Gordon. That's what's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:27:09 It was my other Gordon. It's going to be us, but or maybe you. Probably me. The TikTok generation with their grandparents start outwardly expressing like signs of dementia. Oh, we'll get to see it all. Yeah. And they'll just meme the fuck out of you over it. Someone's going to have millions of followers because of dementia. Oh, we'll get to see it all? Yeah, and they'll just meme the fuck out of you over it. Like someone, yeah, someone's going to have millions of followers because of that. Yeah, exactly. Because they play hot dog, not hot dog. I don't know mom. We'll find out together. Oh,
Starting point is 00:27:39 that's my mom had it too. When right over the last two years of her life, and she tried to convince me had it to when right over probably the last two years of her life. And she tried to convince me that she could call Governor Greg Abbott anytime she wanted to and that she knew Prince back when his name was Kenny. No, that's his actual name, mom. It's Prince. No, I know Prince. I knew him back when his name was Kenny. Just Ken wild stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Really? I hope, I hope when I get it, I hope I just think Romo his name was Kenny. I call him Kenny. Just wild stuff like that. Really? I hope when I get it, I hope I just think Romo won a Super Bowl. Just fix everything. No, it was great. I'm awake, sorry. Oh yeah, you almost said the L word. Nothing, nothing.
Starting point is 00:28:16 I didn't say it. Don't play the thing. Ooh, what is that I can't hear? Oh, is that it? That's the L alarm? The Dumb Zones understaffed creative department has issued a Luca Free Friday alert for the Haas Moto event presented by Fair Lease. Don't check the blinds, a kid is not missing in a city you've never heard of.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Just no Luca talk. Man, this is a lot of motorcycles. We now resume our record of virtual programming. It is. I couldn't hear anything other than, man, this is a lot of motorcycle. Did you make that? You've been warned.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Jake did that. You've been warned. Keep it clean. It's free, buster. It's a free zone, bro. That's right. We're here for fun. Yeah, I love it.
Starting point is 00:28:57 We're not here to be sad. Yeah, cool. And pizza. Oh, yeah. This guy over here's got a beer here, too. Really? I know you like beer. I love drinking!
Starting point is 00:29:05 Yeah Hahaha The good part about Mike is like he'll do that like Oh look, cocaine! And my joke is that it sucks 100% I'll drink a beer, right? It doesn't stop him Is it like a cooler of beer?
Starting point is 00:29:17 Is it like a slow down? Is it like a grab your beer? Or is it a... There's beer Is that beer? Yeah Yeah? Yeah
Starting point is 00:29:23 What time did you wake up today, homie? Didn't sound like. When Jake called me. Yeah, I was going to say that was 1030. Numps. Yeah, I did. Really? Yeah. I had the alarm set for 930. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:29:32 And we ignored that. Then Jake called. And I knew it right when I said hello that he knew that I was clearly out cold. Didn't care. Just kept, I was like, what time do you fire out of bed? Um. Just generally. 1130. Really? I was like, no. What time do you fire out of bed?
Starting point is 00:29:45 Just generally. 1130. Really? This is like the answer to your doctor when he asks you how many drinks you have in a week. You always lie. That's a lie. 1130, no.
Starting point is 00:29:59 That's like maybe once a week. I just have to show these guys. He wakes up to go to the bathroom at 1130. But no, it's crack of 1. I have to show these guys I get up in the AM. Sure. So it's close. Don't say noon.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Don't say noon. No, I'm 6 foot. Yeah, that's that guy. That's 5'11", guy. If you took the average of the last month, the exact moment that I officially got out of bed, I would say it's probably 11 11 40 Okay, see see you know, he's already one. What do you do at night? I stay up late and do what just game just nuke team. He watches TV shows about ships
Starting point is 00:30:36 I do watch shitty British TV shows that Danny refers me to Yeah, just hang out. I just kind of hang out, yeah. Play some vids. Well again, my mom lives with me right now. I know. So that's a different thing, you know. So when she goes to bed.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Mikey time. Yeah, and then after I'm done with my man duties and Christina goes to bed, then I play games. Gotta punch the clock. So what inspired the growing your hair out? You were a bald man for so many years. Nothing inspired it, just getting violently fired. I was like, I made it like a month for no reason, no plan.
Starting point is 00:31:22 And then I'm like, I don't know, they got kind of like long enough to wait. Why am I working so hard at keeping my head bald? No, I guess it's, I mean, I've been bald for 20 plus years, like shaved bald. So I was curious what it would look like. I didn't have high hopes. Well, it looks good.
Starting point is 00:31:39 It's a lot more hair than I thought you would have been able to grow. Do you have that much hair, Dan? I don't know. No, Ben Franklin, that was only a few years. I think of you a lot in hair than I thought you would have been able to grow. Do you have that much hair, Dan? I don't know. Oh, Ben Franklin. That was only a few years. I think of you a lot in Ben Franklin, because when this sometimes goes, lays down nice, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:31:53 It's a bad bit. You're going to make some laws. I mean, it's a good bit for you. It's a bad bit to be the person wearing it. The worst person is him. I love it. Because he looks at me dead serious. He's like, you look so great.
Starting point is 00:32:05 You do. You do. And hours of me looking in the mirror like, what the fuck am I doing? 10 seconds with him, like, all right, let's do this. Give it another month. Back in the 70s, Dan, growing up,
Starting point is 00:32:15 you had uncles that would lose their hair at 23. White dudes didn't shave their heads back then. They went with this. Yeah, but then he made it cool to shave your, you are one of the guys that trailblazed. The head shaving? The head shave and it looks great. What you're doing now is so outside of the box. See, listen.
Starting point is 00:32:34 I agree. This is going to be another six months. This is so unique and so different that I'm telling you, everybody's going to start doing that. I think more guys are going to consider it than they ever would have because they look up to Mikey. Make it feel like he's a trailblazer. Look up to him. He's got the personality to pull it off.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Yeah, I looked up to him as far as shaving full shave. That's why I did it. I said, man, if I could look that good. I think you are onto something that there is, because it's always cyclical. You don't figure this look is coming back for the bald, but I mean, this is sort of the last realm that is untapped. It's like, fuck it, just go back to where it was.
Starting point is 00:33:14 There are young hipsters that lean into irony when it comes to the way that they dress and wear their hair. There's going to be the guy that's prematurely bald and 30 years old that will grow out the long hair and try to do the comb over just to be ironic. Dude, what makes his so sick is the curl at the end. Oh, the wings.
Starting point is 00:33:34 The flow in the back, man. He constantly looks like he's in the wind. It's like a fucking waterfall of pleasure. That's so nice. A little gray waterfall of euphoria. It is kind of good back here. And I am using shampoo and conditioner now. Two products that I had forgotten about.
Starting point is 00:33:51 That's where all your money went. Yeah, all my money, conditioner, hair care. It's not just the sweater. Like, the circumstances of his last year, the hair, I could have seen him becoming motorcycle guy in the last year. Yeah. Like, you had a chance at a real viable midlife crisis.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Yeah. It might be in progress. What better place? I don't really know. What better place to be than right now? So what day were you fired? You were fired from The Freak. Many are saying that you two used to do a show together.
Starting point is 00:34:20 So that's cool. Dozens are saying. I don't know, many. And then you were fired from the Freak win let It was last of April April 20 April 30th something. Okay. Yeah, Friday. It was a Friday and For some reason Danny had three months severance. Yeah, you have 12 Correct Because if you remember Mikey started at the Freak well before I did.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Yeah. No one remembers him. In his contract, he negotiated his contract with a person that was no longer there when I came on board. Okay. That's right. And we were told at the time, both of us, that we would have identical contracts. That was not true.
Starting point is 00:35:03 And we thought we did. So you got fired and went, yeah, okay. So much so. Talk ahead of time. Yeah. Well, I thought we thought we did. We did. We were told that by an operative.
Starting point is 00:35:14 And then I remember the day you're fishing through your drawer because I'm like, something's a foot here and you find the contract. Let me tell you something. That fucking dealer ate well that night. When he, Saroy's finger on the paper, he's like, 12 months. That's exactly right. Well, I excitedly called him. He got me some false hopes up.
Starting point is 00:35:35 He goes, don't be checking. I'm like, dude, get it out right now. Oh, that 12 months suck. Because we so much believed that we were identical. Well, so wait, let me back up, though. I had also gone through mine, because the writing was clearly on the wall. We knew that we were identical. Well, so wait, let me back up though. I had also gone through mine, because the writing was clearly on the wall. We knew that we were probably going to get canned,
Starting point is 00:35:49 so I went back and looked at mine. But I knew what my deal was. I'd already had it looked over by a lawyer before I signed the thing. Like an adult. Yeah, so I knew what the terms were, and I was pretty certain that I didn't have a year. I wasn't certain that he did.
Starting point is 00:36:03 It was like, I want to look that over. Lo and behold, yeah. Okay, but you guys were told, hey, you're going to have the same contract. Correct. And then you didn't bother to actually look at the contracts side by side. He didn't bother. Okay. No.
Starting point is 00:36:19 We looked at them individually. He assumed I had a year. I assumed he had three months. So we were told that they were identical. We weren't going to just put them next to each other Yeah, it's all you asked about was the money You just want to make sure you're on the same Yes, but again mine was signed with a previous employee right but I'm but I'm just saying employee came in and either changed his or Redline mine did not approve the change.
Starting point is 00:36:45 You would think that if I had maybe wanted to take them to court and say, would you get on a witness stand and say that you didn't tell me that we had identical contracts? Well then, then it could be like, oh yeah, you guys do have identical contracts, so Mikey, you only have three months.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Yeah, yeah, yeah. They are identical. We've all been there. Not waters that I wanted to wade in at all. identical contracts, so Mikey, you only have three months. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They are identical. We've all been there. They didn't. Not waters that I wanted to wade in at all. Well, now you're here. You guys going to work together again? Or what?
Starting point is 00:37:14 Can they get on it? What's the? RSN? No. What's the? The fan. Oh, jeez. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Dude, the fan. OK, so on the way over here, I listened to a little fan. And I thought we could take one of their topics. Oh, this is good. This is fun. Because it's a, and we can ask people here. Oh, like a poll question? At Hosmodo, like what's your favorite food for the big game?
Starting point is 00:37:40 Are you serious? Yeah. They were talking about that? Absolutely. So think about that, everybody. I know it'll take a little while. Maybe we get the wireless out and just go around. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I probably should have called you last night so you could prep this. But this is one I have in the holster. Oh, OK. Because me driving over, I was like, god, I don't know. I've been thinking about it ever since. Love chips, but. But favorite?
Starting point is 00:38:04 But if we're talking about it, yeah. Put chips at the top. Big game? Maybe wings, guys. It's got to be wings. Now, what kind? Oh, by the way, you're going to be at the game? What?
Starting point is 00:38:14 Sunday, the watching party. Oh, yeah, yours, yeah. OK, I thought he was just doing the what, like he promised. Any mile and a hole? No, I didn't know it. No, but I hooked up Eatsies for you. Eatsies will be catering. Just for you. I love Eatsies. you eatsies will be catering just for you
Starting point is 00:38:29 We got a he's not gonna be at the actual game. That's what I kind of thought Yeah, but my know when Sean Bass are yeah, come on. I'm just saying they're there. I saw a post Why are you taking it in a different way? They're not going to the game They're there users go to the game, right The Measurers used to go to the game a long? Uh, the musers used to go to the game. Yeah, a long time ago. I don't know that that happens anymore. Yeah. They had Kenny Chesney on on my way in.
Starting point is 00:38:50 I thought he died. Oh no. He had Chesney. What's the other guy? Oh, Toby Keith. My bad. Yeah. Yeah, they had Kenny Chesney.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Then the fan had Billie Jean King on. I swear to God. Talking about her favorite Super Bowl foods? Well, it's funny because when you jump in and they don't reset, which is, you know, you should reset. It's always fun to play guess the products. Yes, I was playing guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:11 They're talking about how she's one of the greatest of all time. I'm like, oops, like who is this? Yeah. And then she said tennis. I'm like, all right, tennis. And then I had a moment where I'm like, Billie Jean King. I'm like, she, she still with us? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:22 You're all for the reset is what you're saying. I love resetting. OK, Mike Saroy, Danny Baylis, and Jared Sandler. Hi, Jared. What's up, Saroy? I know, he said hi. Yeah, baby, it's Jared. I'm my guy.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Mike, they got coffee attached to a motorcycle. You know what? They have coffee attached to a motorcycle. Shut up, Jake. Sick. No, it's true. He'll get you some of that. This place is amazing.
Starting point is 00:39:43 It really is. We didn't know they moved. You guys covered that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. true. Go get you some of that. This place is amazing. It really is. We didn't know they moved. You guys covered that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's hence maybe even later. I took a tour of the previous location. Did you really?
Starting point is 00:39:51 It's completely empty. You're like, so no one shows up to these, huh, dumbzone? There's less people at the Jake and Dan show than there was at ours, and we did one. I didn't think that was possible, and then I realized there's no motorcycles here Yes, so and plenty here 200 plus at least plus at least yeah What are you doing Sunday? You got the bits planned for us. I'm with you guys. What what do you I don't know you got any bringing the juice I know I'm not bringing news. I called Mike yesterday, and he was a almost done with a 10 mile walk Did you do 10 yesterday? These boys are walking. It's great
Starting point is 00:40:31 Right, did you did you go over 20,000 steps for your day over 20,000 steps? I did that last week 10 miles was the big goal. Yeah, that's too far. I think it's kind of I kind of sick Yeah, after it's got a point. Yeah sick, man. I kind of felt sick after. It's kind of pointless. Sick? Yeah, like kind of, yeah. It's just like you're in Fallujah. But you're a walking guy now. I'm a walking guy 100%.
Starting point is 00:40:52 He's way into it. I'm a sweating guy, as always. That really enhances everything, I think. There's obviously we go back with it now. We need the headband. We need them to get like a. Oh my god. Yeah, man, I'm a walking guy every day.
Starting point is 00:41:06 What are you saying? How long? You're just out and about walking? It was two and a half hours yesterday. Simon's obviously not with you for the... No, I don't bring him for the power walks, no. Okay. Now are you power walking like fast walking or are you just... Yeah, faster than like a stroll but not...
Starting point is 00:41:23 Like the... this guy, no that's goofy. No, this fucking guy is. Fast walk. They have Olympic walking now. It doesn't look like that. They have Olympic walking. Look, when you're built like an emu... God, you are drained.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Yeah, what is going on? It's because of that goddamn Oxnit sweater that he got on Facebook. That explodes. For like $29. The second you put it in a fucking dryer. Your whole house explodes. This thing was tried, that exact same sweater was just pushed to me every time I got online
Starting point is 00:41:53 because I looked at it one time, I was like, that's pretty cool. And then I show up at his house one day and he's wearing the damn thing. That's what you do when you're off. You just buy shit. Buy shit on Instagram. It was $6.99.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Free shippy. No, but when you're, you know, you're built like an emu like myself, you can cover a lot of ground quicker than most because I'm all legs. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't go as fast as him, but I love it. Dude, I'm telling you fucking for dudes. Yeah. Old cheat ass code walking. Yeah. Because you know, you get the feel of the when you work out and that great feeling like all that night into the next day. You're like, you feel accomplished and your body tingles. I still get that 100% from walking four, five, six miles even.
Starting point is 00:42:33 I mean, you say old dudes, but it's my 19-year-old daughter that turned me on to this earlier this year. Oh, really? She's like, yeah, she goes out to try to get 10,000 steps a day. Amazing. I don't know. Maybe if you start then. I don't just get 10,000 in life. That's what I know.
Starting point is 00:42:46 And I know the one on the whoop is off. But I don't understand how. I move around a lot. Yeah. But I don't like I'm getting 10,000 on a day. I do nothing. Same here. And I get 18,000 on a day where I exercise.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Yeah. I get 10,000 without planning a walk for the day. So it's pretty common if you plan on a walk and you're doing your normal day to get 20,000 without planning a walk for the day. So it's pretty common if you plan on a walk and you're doing your normal day to get 20,000. Because I mean, I'm just up that side of the house, this side of the house, that side of the house, this side of the house. And that goes on the entire time I'm awake.
Starting point is 00:43:16 It's young kids, that's why. Because you're chasing little shitheads around. I don't track my normal daily walking though. So I imagine I get up to a shitload. I only track like my intended walks. Have you been back to the doctor lately? Been back what? Doctor?
Starting point is 00:43:30 Yeah. No, not since this basically. Not since the year? No, not, no, no, no, not like- Not since walking. Okay. Not since, yeah, not in the last couple months. I just want to know how you're doing.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Yeah, when's your next appointment? I'm doing fine. When is your next physical? Are you sure? Because Mikey and I have the same doctor. It was amazing. I just had my physical about what, four or five weeks ago I think? Yeah. When is your next physical? Are you sure? Cause Mikey and I have the same doctor. It was amazing. I just had my physical about what? Four or five weeks ago, I think.
Starting point is 00:43:48 And when is yours due? Cause I thought we were close together. I really don't know. I thought we were physical sisters. I'm once a year though. I'm regular. Yeah. Okay. Dr. Agarwal.
Starting point is 00:43:56 You real honest. Honest on those questionnaires. He's pretty honest with Dr. Ags, right? There's a couple of red lines that I don't cross, but in general. Do you put the, I have used recreational drugs? Because I always will just absolutely put no. I don't want a record anywhere that I have signed anything that says that I did it. No, I think that's smart.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Just because you don't know what administration is going to come in in 20 years and then all of a sudden this is. Dude, I remember at iHeart, we were signing up for our. They're me too and me about that. Can we get them a towel? We were signing up for our medical shit, you know, and you have to answer all these questions for how much your medical care is going to cost. And there was one about nicotine use or. Tobacco. I don't know if it was just tobacco or nicotine, was it?otine was it well I said have you ever used tobacco right and I clicked yes and then the like the next page shows like $1,100 per month for fucking smoke I'm like back no and I sort of got it was like 600 nice and I And I'm like, I hope that wasn't on there long enough.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Yeah. To be permanent. What do you put, like, how many drinks a week? That's the one. Yeah. I don't know, four or five, maybe? That's what you put? That's what you put.
Starting point is 00:45:17 I don't know what I put. Come on. What do you put? We're not the fucking doctor. You don't have to do that. Four or five or night. I do what you got. I lie a little. You're you're in the tree and I bring it down a little thank you Oh, there's a napkin for your head. Yeah
Starting point is 00:45:32 You try to dress nice for your fucking I think you look great my lies if it says are you currently sexually active? Yes, but even if you draw a thumbs up if it's by yourself, it's still sexual. I think that counts. Hey, what's the, OK, how recently do you need to be sexually active for that to pertain? Like if you haven't been active in 10 years, but you're not, like are you sexually active? Does it mean you're just not a virgin and you haven't,
Starting point is 00:46:02 I don't know. That's a good question. You can just write not a virgin on the box. Yeah, you should ask, you have to ask the doctor that when he comes in. Just write totally not a virgin. Or you could just write like Baylor only. Just soaking.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Yeah. Just soaking. You guys wanna talk some football or what? What are we doing today? No. Wanna take a small break just to reconnoiter. Sure. sure get chappy in here. I'm gonna get some pizza Yeah, I want some pizza. Yeah, so we have a wolfgang puck pizza If you are tuned in on the live stream today, you can join us out here at the haas moto museum
Starting point is 00:46:41 4301 north beltwood parkway. Come meet my dad. Yeah, Chappie's out here. He delivered Saroy on his bike. Will he give away some rides? Why not? Zero fanfare. I don't know, he had a lot of rules. For a hundred yard ride.
Starting point is 00:46:57 I don't think he wants. We'll talk about the big game Sunday and the gambling and that's why Jared's here. He's fired up. He's got a lot of props to clue us in on So join us. Yeah Wolfgang puck pizza a coffee bar Mm-hmm, which he said is like in a motorcycle or something. It's also fantastic coffee. It was delicious beer and special guests
Starting point is 00:47:20 Jared Sandler Chappie Danny Bayless and Mike Saroy. Oh Jared Sandler Chappie Danny Bayless and Mike Saroy. Oh Also, fairly vehicles are on site here. Yeah, you buy or lease. We got leasing agents here on site. Okay, it's all site You're listening to The Dumb Zone. Hell yeah. Brews, sucks. Hell yeah, it's Friday, bro. Brewskis. Shirts.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Look at this shirt. All right, so we're at the Haas Modo Museum. We're live streaming. We're live streaming. We're podcasting. We're going live to tape. I'm good. What? Oh, so Blake is kind enough to join us now.
Starting point is 00:48:19 How long did you think the break was supposed to be, Blake? You know, I was on my way back, but then people kept stopping me saying they loved me on the show. I saw that. I couldn't really turn that down. I'm serious, dude. Like, I see him over there 20 minutes ago, and I'm like, oh, he's making his way here and just getting mobbed by the people.
Starting point is 00:48:38 That's Blake for you. So someone was stopping to ask him about the omitted books of the Bible Fair lease vehicles are on site here. Yes, they are to buy or lease You could lease a car right here on the spot. Have you ever heard of something so outrageous? No No, so and they also just stop by and they stopped by and said that Danny from Fairleigh said if someone Leases or buys a car today. They will quote do something cool They'll do something big What does that mean? I? Don't know I mean there's a mystery there joining us now for football talk is we we like to talk gambling
Starting point is 00:49:24 We like to make you some money for this weekend It is not only Jared Sandler Who's been here all day? But the man who drove Mike Saroy on his hog Which sounds gay But you rode Mike's you said Mike Saroy rode your hog today is that true? He can't control himself. This is Chappie. Good afternoon man. Good afternoon. How are you? Yeah we're Chappie ladies. Yeah yeah we uh we rode look at Jake
Starting point is 00:50:01 over here look at Jake he's already shaking his head I would have came here just to piss him off. Yeah, tell you what No, Mike and I came in on route 66 came in a little hot but uh, I don't know if he rode my hog I mean he was on the back of a motorcycle Hold on we got to get your mic up Maybe you know feels like maybe you show up back to the... Did he ride your hog reverse? Like it was he facing the rear? Anyways.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Oh look at him. Anyways. Anyways, let's talk a little football and gambling and whatnot for the weekend. I'm gonna be honest. You're fired up. I gambling and whatnot for the weekend. I'm going to be honest. You're fired up. I'm not going to drop the name. Probably not a Super Bowl I've thought less about in the week leading up to it in my entire life.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Yes, there are reasons that we're not. Oh no. Are you aware of this? The dumb zones understaffed creative department has issued a Luca free Friday alert for the Haas motor event presented by Fair Lease. This alert will be in effect from noon to 4pm Friday February 7th. This applies to all attendees at the Haas motor slash Fair Lease event. Go get some pizza.
Starting point is 00:51:20 We now resume our regular scheduled programming actually had a guy in the bathroom started to engage and I hey whoa you heard the alert had two things the pizza got it got to get yourself it's to die for they have a wood-fired of it and the second thing is you reference the bathroom put it on the list I think I want a black toilet Black potties are interesting. Yeah, that's was that you that walked in on me when I was peeing was it someone else you okay? They look good from behind always nice always, but I just haven't I don't know I haven't thought a ton about the Super Bowl this week like I normally would yeah, Dan wants a black toilet That's on there. Yeah, May 20th, 2022. Wow.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Yeah. Good. Now we both do. Yeah. That's why we're together. Anyway, yeah, I haven't thought a lot about it. My thoughts going into, you know, my thoughts BL. I don't think that counts.
Starting point is 00:52:24 You're fine. DL? I don't think that counts you're fine. DL? I don't know. Anyway pre-AL was uh I just thought Philly is being highly underrated here and it just feels like Kansas City is getting the they've just got that mojo thing going for them it feels like the most common thought right now is if it's a close game, it's gonna be Kansas City, but they could see if it gets broken wide open, it would be Philly winning. You guys agree with that?
Starting point is 00:52:55 For me, it's just hard. I mean, obviously Philly can attack you multiple ways offensively, but it's hard for me to imagine them just like blowing a team like Kansas City out because they're gonna run the ball a lot. Now they can create huge plays out of the run game not like it's the Cowboys but I don't know I don't know. That run game opens up
Starting point is 00:53:13 AJ Brown and sure yeah I just if you're gonna run the ball a lot you're not usually gonna score 41 points. Well can that defense get pressure on Mahomes, same as the Mahomes Tampa Bay Super Bowl, you know? I don't see how it's not closed. I feel like you're in for a replay of the game a couple years ago. Yeah, but I do feel like Philly is being underrated with Kansas City being the favorite, like just in general. But maybe you guys disagree with that.
Starting point is 00:53:48 I'll start with you, Chappie. Well, you know, the line opened up at one and a half, what, 12 days ago, and it hasn't moved at all. It hasn't moved a bit. What does that tell you? That tells me that it's gonna be, I think, to Jake's point, it's going to be a really, really tight game. I don't see either one of them blowing each other out.
Starting point is 00:54:14 The team that I took 12 days ago, I still have today. I didn't waver it a bit. So yeah, I think the majority of the play, in my mind, is gonna be determined on the Eagles defensive line and offensive line. And if you recall, and I'll turn it over, but if you recall when the Chiefs played the Buccaneers three years ago and the Buccaneers won, they were up Mahomes' ass.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Right up the middle and he looked just like a regular old dude back there trying to play. So I got some more thoughts on it, but my initial thoughts is that O and D line for Philly. Philly, their 22 people are better than the 22 collectively for the Chiefs. Now they got 87, they got 15, they got Andy Reid. Be interesting to see.
Starting point is 00:55:06 I agree with that. I do think Philly's got a better roster. I just think, and I don't have a strong play on the side. I really believe in the under in this game, which I know is not fun, especially when you go to these Super Bowl parties with people who don't usually bet and they always want to bet the over
Starting point is 00:55:24 because that's more fun. But I I just the only thing that is keeping me From playing the Eagles and I think I'm going to But I just Nick Sirian. I don't trust Nick Sirianni I don't trust him making good decisions in the fourth quarter of a close game and maybe that's not fair But I don't have any concern that Andy Reid is going to make the wrong decision. They might not execute, but I go back to that Rams playoff game.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Nick Sirianni tried to give that away. And I just can't get that out of my head, but I do think it's gonna be a close game. I'd have a tough time seeing a blowout unless it was like, you know, one of those fake blowouts where there was a pick six with five minutes left that made it a 14 point game when it was, you know, the other team was driving to tie it. But I do like the under.
Starting point is 00:56:13 I think both teams defensively are really, really good. And I think both teams can take away the other team's strength offensively. And I think those matchups kind of line up well. But if I had to lean right now Dan I agree with you I do think that the Eagles are underrated and I would probably take the Eagles since they're getting a point the point doesn't mean anything it's just a point. Yeah the odds are like the same. Yeah you may as well play the money line yeah but I think that's gonna be my play. I feel like Sirianni is underrated too I agree with what you say about him.
Starting point is 00:56:46 And I do think you look at him and you don't. I think he's a good coach. You don't get to two Super Bowls in three years if you're not. That's what I mean. And because he lost his coordinators and got back. There's just something about him in those moments. There have been times I'm like, I don't know the last time I watched a Chiefs game.
Starting point is 00:57:04 I was like, Andy Reid, what are you doing? Right? And maybe that's made easier because you got Patrick Mahomes. Because Mahomes is probably making some of those decisions as well. Sure, yeah. But there are just some times that the Eagles are like, huh? I don't really get it. But it's kind of like, and I want to get into a McCarthy thing, McCarthy is probably a better
Starting point is 00:57:23 coach than Cowboys fans when to give him credit for. You don't win 12 games three years in a row if you just totally suck. Sirianni is a good coach, but I do think that the Chiefs have an edge in that department to whatever degree that will impact the game. Remember the local, the harken back to a time when the local sports story we were so mad about was Brian Schottenheimer. Do you feel like NBA News has really taken the heat off of the Cowboys? Yeah I feel like it would be really big now. Yeah I mean if Shotty wanted to do bits he would definitely send flowers to the Mavs front office just put his name on it like thanks you morons. Yeah. You know how
Starting point is 00:58:03 bad people hated me a week ago I go just yeah, it was very recently. Yeah, and I've totally forgot about they'll get their opportunity in September Yeah, yeah, well, yeah probably after a couple of getting the house. I don't know though. His dad was a Greek I've been really thinking about it a lot It's possible, you know got this offensive quarter what's really funny about the Cowboys if we can slide into Cowboy talk too during this is just that Now That's they did miss out on Derek Henry and Saquon Barkley and they see both of those teams being really really good
Starting point is 00:58:39 Now they're like this Arizona guy we got get a big big boy. He's led the rushing attack. He was their offensive line coach, loves to run the ball. You see who the offensive line coach is? The new offensive line coach? Yeah. Who is it? He's a guy who replaced, is it Clayton Adams? What's his name?
Starting point is 00:58:57 What's the OC's name? Something? The guy from Arizona? Yeah, well, yeah. But this guy had replaced him at a previous job. And he was most recently the O line coach at Kansas State That sounds like they probably run the ball. Of course it does. Yeah They just now we're doing the ball right just like two years removed from or one year removed from we
Starting point is 00:59:19 Really don't need any running backs. In fact, let's just give give a couple spots away really don't need any running backs. In fact, let's just give give a couple spots away. Does anybody here on the team or that works in the front office like have a relative that's being drafted? Does any former players that we could sell jerseys we could just make him a running back because we don't really need that position. But now they're going to focus on it. No. And they're probably what another funny thing is you've heard that this is like a running back rich draft. That's not the time you use a first rounder on a running back, but I'm getting ahead of myself for complaining about the Cowboys drafting
Starting point is 00:59:55 a running back. No, I think one way or the other. They'll definitely overcompensate. They'll fuck this up. That's what they're going to do. Yeah. Scadabo. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:02 They'll trade up for him. Yeah. Dude, if they draft him, they'll trade up for him. Yeah. Yeah, dude if they draft him I'm back in Give me a party boy from Arizona State big boy I'll take it Isn't it base level is just you don't want I? Don't want to bet on the Eagles and then watch Patrick Mahomes do exactly what he's done a thousand times before
Starting point is 01:00:27 That's the thing that night be like boy Didn't see that coming, but that's what you got. That's what you got to pivot away from I know because Yeah, I mean he had 13 seconds left with Alan. You know I mean I get it Did you know if I so you know what the do you know my friend? Yeah? Well? Yeah, you know I mean I get it. I can't live with myself like that. Do you know what the Eddie's my friend. Yeah well yeah you know the average height and weight of the Eagles offensive line it's 6'7", 3'30". I saw it just yesterday. Throwback. 6'7", 3'30". Think about this last piece here. When the Eagles get the ball they consider it to be first and eight. And that's the way they are gearing their offense come Sunday.
Starting point is 01:01:08 It's first and eight. Why? Because they're going to go for it on fourth down. If it's two yards, they're going to go for it. That is that the counterbalance I would say to that they always have that play. They have it whenever they want it. But the Chiefs have two weeks to prepare they have Andy Reid and Steve Spagnola and I'll tell you me I
Starting point is 01:01:29 feel like that that's where I have to but but see Buffalo right with my Buffalo could have beat the Chiefs sure and I think Buffalo I would take Buffalo over Philly too yeah but but it's close but they didn't advance the ball in critical positions that they needed to. So I don't see that out of the Eagles. I see the Eagles with the push, being able to get those critical two yards to keep that drive moving. Now the whole game to me beyond the O and D line,
Starting point is 01:01:57 it comes down to Hertz. Because if he can hit his plays that he needs to, to Schuster, if he can hit to Brown, and then you throw in Barkley on the running side and that road grader moving through people off the ball you're going to see a different moving machine. He's very bad against pressure. He is bad against pressure. I think you know one thing that stands out to me the Chiefs really haven't been great in the red zone. They'll get there they'll get been great in the red zone. They'll get there, they'll
Starting point is 01:02:26 get their points but converting red zone opportunities to touchdowns and I think some of that has to do with the fact they don't have a tremendous running game. I know Kareem Hunt sucks up some touchdowns but Pacheco has not looked good since he's come back. Hunt is not a great running back he's able to get you know two yards when he needs two yards but I think a big thing to me is going to be the red zone. And then I think it's the other white tight end. You're talking about AJ Brown. He's obviously going to have to have a big game if they win.
Starting point is 01:02:56 But the Chiefs on the outside are really good. And I just wonder if this is kind of a Dallas Goddard type game for them. Because not that the Chiefs have a ton of weaknesses defensively. They are so good there. But they can get got sometimes by the tight end. Everyone's talking about Kelsey, but I think this could be a Dallas Goddard night.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Also, while we're talking white tight ends, I just put a plus $00 $10 bet on Peyton Hendershot. There you go. Because if you look at the list of guys who have scored touchdowns. Just to score a touchdown? Yeah. Okay. If you look at the guys who have scored touchdowns. That's not the worst. For the Chiefs in these Super Bowls it's names you're like I forgot that guy played in Kansas City. Yeah. Because it's because it you know what it is it. As they're coming up with a game plan, and you would think other teams would know this,
Starting point is 01:03:47 but how do you prepare for it? They're like trying to give the ball to a guy you would not think that's going to end up with the ball. And it happens time and time and time again. And I like Peyton Endershot. Can I say something on props in general quickly? Because there are going to be so many people that play props on Sunday that never do it.
Starting point is 01:04:04 And I don't have all the answers here, general quickly, because there are going to be so many people that play props on Sunday that never do it. And I don't have all the answers here, but the one thing I would say, and Chappie, tell me if you disagree, think of how you're going to play, how the game is going to play out, right? If you think it's going to be a high scoring game, then all right, maybe you are going to take some more overs. If you think it's going to be a low scoring game, you, you think about the eagles' ability to get the big play, maybe they're not going to have as many possessions
Starting point is 01:04:28 or many plays, right? And so the props are fun as hell, and so many people dive into these, and they just naturally want to take as many overs as they can, and it's way more fun to root for that. But just think of how you think the game's going to play out, and then maybe make some prop decisions based on that. Just very basic, kind of 101 prop level advice.
Starting point is 01:04:48 I like it. Yeah, well, and to that point, I heard an interesting piece from Brady the other day ago, and what he was talking about, since he knows a little bit about the Super Bowl, is that the Super Bowl is four hours long. And you really have to look at it from the pre-warmup to the first half is really two hours. And then the back half is two hours.
Starting point is 01:05:11 And the point that he was making is that defenses in the second half of the Super Bowl yield more yardage and more points. So if you're looking for maybe some secular bet to take the over in the second half or position yourself to take a player that might excel in the second half it's because the defense is wore down from this four hours that's not what I say that's what he said and it made sense to me so I like it
Starting point is 01:05:40 there's like a pop a popular pick right now to is the take Philly first half Yeah, Kansas City game and he and just to finish up with that Dan. He said that because you have been off for two weeks your adrenaline is Just off the chart and some people inexperienced during the pregame will already burn himself out during the pregame will already burn himself out. Now you come to a two hour first half basically if you add in the entertainment and they're just wore out in the second half. So I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:12 But to me, if the Eagles don't have more than a one score lead with a couple of minutes left. You gotta be up to. I'd say the Chiefs gonna win the game. I mean, if you say I'm up 12 points with two minutes left, I'd say you Chiefs are gonna win the game. Yeah, I mean if you say I'm up 12 points with two minutes left I'd say you might have a chance, but if it's inside of a touchdown You know you might as well just go to the car and head home It's kind of like Brady against the Falcons, right? It just seemed like you could see it slowly unraveling. You're like, yep Brady's hey
Starting point is 01:06:39 Do you want to talk props or yeah? Yeah for sure. Is there any they jump out to you guys? I? Do you want to talk props or? Yeah, yeah, for sure. Are there any that jump out to you guys? I pretty much just make the bets you tell me to, frankly. That's a lot of pressure. Yeah. I'll mix one in on a weekend and almost uniformly, the guy gets one catch instead of, you know.
Starting point is 01:06:59 I can pick who's going to have a bad game. I mean, you want to look at some good value, right? Yeah, value's good. OK, so I like looking for somebody, not a quarterback, to win the MVP. Is there someone, there's a guy? Obviously Barkley is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:14 So Roy, I'd be curious your thoughts on this. But yeah, so I think sometimes people like picking a defensive player and you can do that, but I would stay away from the D lineman because you need like a guy who's gonna have a touchdown and that's more likely to be a defensive player, and you can do that. But I would stay away from the D lineman, because you need a guy who's going to have a touchdown, and that's more likely to be a defensive back. You're about to pull, we're going Cooper? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:07:34 I mean, do you want to wave that flag? And that'd be a big one. There should be a prop. Will the MVP be white? I've got to be honest with you like the way things are headed like looking around and the year that white men are having right now like I feel like Cooper DeGene might be about to win a Super Bowl MVP at a secondary position just keep riding the wave but no I would not put money on
Starting point is 01:08:03 that. A guy I like and I'm just looking at Cooper DeGene he's at plus 14,000 so you can make some. That's not that crazy dude like Larry Brown won a Super Bowl MVP by just getting what two picks and one pick six or did he house both of them? Both got housed. And then what did Malcolm did Malcolm Smith have two when he won it? What you would need there is you also need hurts to have his 180 yards pass, you know, not really a Crazy passing game. Yeah, and you need Philly to win. Obviously. Yeah, I like I like Xavier worthy I mean, he's only plus three thousand. So it's a extreme but like I think of guys
Starting point is 01:08:40 Alright if the quarterback's not gonna win it Then you obviously need that guy to do something big. And it can't just be like Kareem Hunt with two touchdowns, but like having 63 yards on 18 carries. Right. And Xavier Worthy's got like a big play type ability. And I think people value the big play more than they do, you know, the incremental kind of move the ball down the field play. So if you want someone who's not like a crazy afterthought, but like decent odds plus 3,000,
Starting point is 01:09:12 you can make some money. I like Xavier Worthy. What's Kelsey at? Kelsey's at plus 1,600. So you could play the narrative and people wanting him to- Kelsey has big games in the Super Bowl. He hasn't had a huge playoffs or anything. I mentioned Dallas Goddard. The thought that he's going to retire after this game.
Starting point is 01:09:30 I don't know if that plays into him positively or negatively. Does the Taylor Swift effect have a negative effect on people possibly voting for him for MVP? Just because they're tired of it? Yeah. Yeah, maybe. Because obviously he's in the news everything I mean, there's obviously Taylor Swift props
Starting point is 01:09:49 Yeah, I'm sure they're all over the Will there be an on-field proposal? He wouldn't do that right? Oh, well, obviously they got a win. Yeah, I don't think so and I think Yes, I think she would be upset if they didn't have it coordinated Yeah, interesting. Yeah, you know, you know if she didn't have a what? Would you say I said coordinated what it would ordinate? I'm sorry. I couldn't hear I don't have headphones on But I like listening to you, but I don't have headphones. Okay, sorry You can borrow mine no, you're good
Starting point is 01:10:25 Okay real quick next to you. It's just flashed into my mind. What about mid game proposal? Okay touchdown Dead serious take a knee either someone else look up to her and open a ring for real. I mean Again, they'd have to be up by three scores. Probably very comfortably. Five minutes left. And then like four, so Kelsey touched down the... Well, the refs will make sure that part happens. Oh, there we go. All the money. What if he does that and they end up losing?
Starting point is 01:10:53 Like he scores to put them up 14. He's like, I'm feeling good about this. I think that would be the peak of American culture. That would be amazing. And then Taylor does an album about it. Yeah, I like it. Yeah. You want to know Taylor Swift props? Let's hear him
Starting point is 01:11:06 Yeah, for sure. Will she be on during the national anthem? Of course, can you stop real quick? Do you remember? When the Saroy bros had the greatest inside information of all time. Absolutely. I was gonna ask you about that No, it's been a couple years. Yeah, I think we've lost that connection. The timing of the National Anthem. Yeah, we used to have friends who, let's just say, I'll make up a job catered. Just any job. And would be there during the rehearsals. Be there to rehearsals for the full official rehearsal. Every year they would run the clock on who's ever singing the National Anthem to the second and then they would let us know.
Starting point is 01:11:45 Don't you love that? I've already heard it. One year I had the audio. I literally had the audio of the perfect rehearsal. There's nothing wrong with cheating. No, hell no. Everybody who knew Mike Saroy. That's my dad.
Starting point is 01:11:56 I made an extra. There's nothing wrong with cheating. It's in life. You know what? Nothing wrong. You know, it's nothing wrong with that. That's a great thought. It was awesome.
Starting point is 01:12:04 It was like a few years in a row. I wish I had known you before now. National anthem. Will Taylor Swift be shown after his first reception? Kelsey's. Will Travis Kelsey do the Taylor Swift heart hand celebration? That feels like a yes. What are the odds on that?
Starting point is 01:12:19 What do you, what do you, it's just too much for me. Yes is minus 600. Oh, you don't want to hear any Taylor Swift stuff? This one says will she squirt? What is that one I did is it oh, it's okay It's like all right, that's it sorry heard that one See, I feel like this county's like Value but what will happen first Taylor Swift shown live during the broadcast,
Starting point is 01:12:46 or either team scores a touchdown. I think the TV networks hear the complainers, like Chappie, and will not make it a point to show her early. And I think they don't. That's a good thought. But I think they just don't overdo it, but they show her once before there's a touchdown.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Okay. She's the most famous person in the world. If she's there, she is pretty famous. I think the default is wait until he gets a reception. Man, but dude, how many people that are just watching, I can't wrap my head around this, but people who do it are going to watch a football game because they want to see her there Having a good time makes them feel good. How many of those people want to wait until like three minutes left in the first quarter? Like they may not get the ball first here comes Philly on a 14 play drive
Starting point is 01:13:35 It takes six and a half minutes they get the ball back and now they're you know It's not like they're he's not their offense So I don't know but I feel like not showing her and tell me way too much time actually Sorry, I just said I'm a guest You get the topics What are your favorite props then Chappie you do this? No, that's not really his game well, I lean on some props, but you know, I'm gonna look more into the second half and You know, I think I think Hertz will score a touchdown in the
Starting point is 01:14:06 second half I think there'll be some point where they're down there in the red zone where he's going to go in I know there's a prop for that but I'm putting all my chips in the middle on the Moneyline Eagles so you know the props are fun. Vegas we used to have just tons and tons and tons of props but you know really those are more just eye candy they're hard to hit they're really hard to hit. Jared's good at them. Yeah there's some value out there but I will say the second half points there's some value to that and who's going to do that but yeah yeah, I tell you, I made my bet a week, I mean, the day after the last games and it hasn't moved since because you thought it would.
Starting point is 01:14:55 I thought it might, but I was convinced after I'm bullish on the Eagles now. I wasn't totally with them, but saw well you know it's not going to change much so might as well get a point and a half. It was too expensive to buy another point or a half a point. It was like minus 130, 140 so I said I'm not going to do that so yeah. What do you got Jared? A really random one that I really like Noah Gray under one and a half receptions. I know that's kind of obscure, but that's one I like where like the juices was all right.
Starting point is 01:15:32 If you want to play some of like the, you know, will this guy get an interception touchdown? I like a Jalen Watson interception at plus 2000. And then I really like, I don't think he's like a great player, but they seem to really love giving it to him You know down inside the five yard line cream hunt. I like a cream hunt touchdown that you get plus money on that Yeah, cuz they don't do a tush push or something with the quarterback doesn't really yeah run the area. Yeah
Starting point is 01:16:00 Yeah, I mean that to touchdown game. You know that's not really his his bit You don't typically do that, but I do think there's a nice, you know, Kelsey or not Kelsey my homes What's the my homes carries? prop Five and a half. I think five and a half Because he is average or during the playoffs. He's run plenty. Yeah I Almost always go unders now. I wonder what Chappie or you guys think about this.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Take prize picks or any of these. Like what percentage of bets on any of these props are over versus under? I mean... Especially each time it's Super Bowl specifically when you get everyone betting. It doesn't matter. Anything. I mean, definitely more overs. I agree. Because he roots for stuff to happen. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:42 I would think 80% almost of every damn over-under bet is the over. And whatever it typically is, I bet that percentage is even more extreme for this football. Yes, I agree. It's not fun to root for things not to happen. So I've been on a kick the last few months of just kind of unders. Even when they suck and they hurt, and yes, they're not what you're cheering for, I just think there's value, generally speaking, on unders. But I do like over five and a half rushing attempts for my homes. But I got my favorite
Starting point is 01:17:09 one here. I need a bunch of research on this. It's minus 300, so it's a little expensive. Chappie, I want your opinion. Will there be a fourth down conversion? You think? Right. I think it's the almost most easy bet. What's that pay? It's minus's minus 300. But there has been... Will there be one? Will there be one? Will someone convert a fourth down? It's almost like they haven't adjusted the odds for old football versus now. I mean, how many times are there's someone going to go for it on fourth? Four?
Starting point is 01:17:38 I thought that would have been in your own territory. You're just saying that's anywhere. No, anywhere. Minus 300. Five Super Bowls in a row there's been one. Seven of the last eight Super Bowls there's been a fourth down conversion. The last time there was one was that New England Rams 13 to 3 snooze fence. That's an excellent one there. Minus 300. I mean, you got to put...
Starting point is 01:17:58 Dude, even over two and a half is plus 115. For over two and a half fourth down conversions? Yeah. The only thing I'd say is that Kansas City's not typically a huge, so they're probably, but yeah. But you're gonna get it from the Eagles. Yeah. Because three's a lot.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Hey, but that goes back to what we were saying earlier. Think of how you think the game's gonna play out. If you think the Eagles are gonna run away with it, then maybe that's not the right bet, but if you think it's gonna be close with their trailing, then maybe that's the right play. Yeah. Oh, what the beak? That's a good, that's not the right bet, but if you think it's gonna be closer, they're trailing, then maybe that's the right play. Yeah. Oh, what the beak?
Starting point is 01:18:28 That's two good ones. That's a good research. We're here to help. Must be those glasses. You don't think it's the hair? Chappie's twice while you guys were talking. Just looked at my hair. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:37 He's transfixed. No, it's not the hair. It brings me back to Miami boss. We talked about this. Oh, he's a... We were on the road quite a bit getting here, you and I. We come in all the way hot out of Albuquerque. We had a lot to talk about on our helmet, microphone, and headset. I'm taking the cheats. Got to do it. Oh my. Got
Starting point is 01:19:00 to do it. Just because you would feel stupid if you didn't. Yeah. Which is the way I put a fair amount on... And it's what I want to happen. Right. Yeah, you hate to root against what you want. I put a fair amount on the Chiefs against Tampa Bay. I remember. And as I recall, that was kind of over kind of early, right?
Starting point is 01:19:23 Yeah. Score might have been kind of closed But it never felt like they had a chance. But still I Think the beddings just the whole Psychology of it is stay away from the homes stay away from Reed stay away from number 87 stay away from spags in his Different kind of defensive schemes, but on paper in his different kind of defensive schemes. But on paper, the 22 people playing for the Eagles
Starting point is 01:19:48 are collectively better than the 22 people playing for the Chiefs. And I don't care who's playing outside the lines, in the middle of the field, it's gonna be different. And I think you're gonna see a game just like you did, and I'll leave with this. I think you're gonna see a game just like you did three I'll leave with this I think you're going to see a game just like you did three years ago with the Bucks I think that's going to be too much for them
Starting point is 01:20:10 to overcome don't forget yeah they only lost two games and they really only lost one game because they had their scrubs in on the last game of the year against Denver when the Dolphins needed them to win that's exactly that part me too I'm glad you're bringing that up. But okay they've won but they have not looked good winning and when you come up against right now collectively Philly's defense they're working as one right now if you watched what's going on in their backfield along with that line I think that may be the difference. I'm gonna also just sprinkle a little here on Chiefs to win from behind plus 170 because if they're gonna win is that a category yeah on the
Starting point is 01:20:54 hub you have MVPs in front of you what's Devante Smith I stall, hey, there are a couple other props I like while I stall and try to get this first for Roy. Xavier Worthy under five and a half receptions. I think that's more big play than volume. I like Dallas Goddard over four and a half, in part because I do think it's gonna be a close game. And I think they will be in kind of a throwing game script. All right, Mike, so you want MVP.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Who are you looking for, Devontae? Devontae Smith. Devontae Smith. I got plus 6,500. Yeah, 65? I'm seeing plus 6,500 as well. In. On the, I mean on the bed.
Starting point is 01:21:38 And he had a big Super Bowl two years ago, right? Yeah, I just think Casey's gonna go nuts trying to figure out, say, Kwon, good luck. Yeah. And if they are gonna focus on a receiver, I think it'll be AJ, and I just think Casey's gonna go nuts trying to figure out say Kwan. Good luck Yeah, and if they are gonna focus on a receiver, I think it'll be AJ and I just think Devante next thing, you know has two touchdowns and If you want to take the say you brought up say Kwan So I think I saw his last rushing prop at 112 and a half
Starting point is 01:21:59 If you want to take that that's not gonna go down, right? It might go up because they're to be a lot of over bets. Wait until Sunday. I don't think that's too bad of a play. There's so much momentum on Saquon Saquon and he might burn you because he's maybe the best player in football this year. But I do like there's a combined rushing yardage prop between the two teams. I just want to make sure I have the number right at 286.5.
Starting point is 01:22:24 I like the under on that. I like the combined rushing sure the number right at 286 and a half. I like the under on that. I like the combined rushing yards at under 286 and a half. But again, on any of these unders, they're almost certainly not going to drop. So if you're going to take an under, wait, because you're only going to, it might not make a difference, but you're only going to help yourself as we roll into Sunday. I'm sure one yard won't make a difference on an over-under that I bet. Never right? Never happens.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Yeah, never. That's some good prop advice from Jared there. Yeah, for sure. This is financial advice. If you want overs, jump on it now. If you want unders, you can wait a little bit. Look at that. So in the end, you're taking who?
Starting point is 01:23:02 I'll take the Eagles, but I really like the under okay You're obviously on the 110 percent angles. I Don't care You're just you're just betting props. Yeah, I bet a few props Squares fucking around pounding each sees at your house. Are you going to a Man the squares again at our house. I know that cash is good. That's cash is good. Okay, it's very good Cash is doing his Super Bowl party this year So should we do it? Can we set up a live remote from the cash Super Bowl party?
Starting point is 01:23:35 We should absolutely check how present any Do that it's dude on the phone. Yeah, you can do it on his phone a hundred percent. Okay I'm going Eagles You're going, you're lone guy going the other way? Yeah Or what are you doing Blake? Are you betting on this game at all? No
Starting point is 01:23:56 No, and the frustrating thing is However it turns out, you're going to say to yourself I should have known better It's either Mahomes late at the game And you're going to say to yourself I shouldn't have bet against them Right, the three-pe at the game and you're going to say to yourself I shouldn't have bet against them. Right.
Starting point is 01:24:07 Or the Eagles. And you're going to say they were the better team. Yeah. Then if the Eagles, you know, if the Chiefs can't get the Eagles off the field at the end of the game you're going to think well yeah they had the best rushing attack all year. I shouldn't have bet against them. So that's why this game is frustrating and I'm not going to bet on it.
Starting point is 01:24:21 What's the Argyle line this weekend? The women's? The girls are off until round one I don't know. I'll check hey get me a buzz if you get it Let's play You give us some insiders Argyle versus Granberry you're right over there by my house don't trust that one girl shooting free throws late though Oh, wow, yeah, she'll make the important one. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Kennedy tied it. Okay. That's all we needed I was the only one that met. I'm going to play the Z-Man over.
Starting point is 01:24:47 What a jerk. So you got the weekend off, huh? Yeah, kind of. I mean, from high school sports? Yeah. You notice how when he's not beaten down, he doesn't tell us like, hey, I'm feeling good and I don't have a lot going on? No, he only talks about-
Starting point is 01:25:02 It's always just, man That I hate working for you guys He's never like oh free weekend I'm enjoying my life the difficulty of being Blake Jones told me the other day his whole goal right now is Surreptitiously to get Blake in joke to enjoy something It looks like he's having fun to me. I told him to leave me alone He was having a great time when he took like a 20 minute break. Oh yeah. What?
Starting point is 01:25:31 You know what? I'm trying to get back on. Let me tell you something, he's the glue that holds this thing together. Says who? And then I sit down, put the headset on, hey where the fuck is he going? Yeah, I'd rather go hang out with these people. You don't have to take that, Blake. I don't.
Starting point is 01:25:43 Okay, well you can leave. That I am leaving. All right, there we go. Chappy everybody! I'd rather go hang out these people. You don't have to take that bike. I don't Okay, well you can leave All right, Chappie everybody By dad Let's see it too That's my ride Yeah, you have to go to are you like really leave it or just dramatic? He's really off. Yeah, he's really probably gonna take a break Are you like really leaving or just dramatic? He's really off. Yeah, he's really probably gonna take a break. No, I guess
Starting point is 01:26:14 Yeah, so I guess see you later buddy talk to you we could keep rolling over this halftime. I'm sorry Kendrick Yeah, I mean, you know whoever it is people are gonna complain about the sexual or wardrobe content, yeah Wasn't he the one in the beef? Yes, he was earlier this year's is one of the beat is there conjecture over whether he's going to do any of those tunes Yeah, he'll do all of them Willie yeah, okay. Yeah. No, there's no doubt. I Mean dude the other day at the Grammys when he won the
Starting point is 01:26:46 award for whatever it was, it might have been for songs, for Not Like Us, for Record of the Year. You had like the entire theater, including, you know, Taylor Swift and whoever, just rapping along to a song about Drake being a pedophile. the whole theater is like a minor like he's gonna do that song at the Super Bowl that's awesome it is awesome it's a big day he oh you would love this that's I'm really coming in hot there he accepted his award in the Canadian tuxedo just to mock Drake a little more why is that what Drake? No, he's just from Canada. Oh, OK.
Starting point is 01:27:28 You know the denim on denim? Like jean jacket with jeans? You've never heard of that referred to as the Canadian tuxedo? That's the Canadian tuxedo, really? You've heard that. Of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:37 Kelly, Julie's husband is wearing one right now. Oh, yeah. By the way, former Starz video coordinator Kelly Forbes is here. Yeah, it's fantastic. Buy the beer and the pizza. Yeah, of course he is. Just being kind as hell to everyone.
Starting point is 01:27:49 That guy rules. He's so cool. That is, it's like sod. Yeah. Like you know, you meet somebody and you're like, what's the deal here? Yeah. Why are you so nice?
Starting point is 01:27:58 And then they just seem to genuinely be that way? Consistently for years and it's like, well I guess the shoe does not drop. Yeah. You're just a nice person. Yeah, nice people are weird. That's probably why I like Blake. Yeah, he's not that way. Yeah Yeah Yeah, I just don't understand it. Like why are you nice? Nothing to be nice about so I like Danny
Starting point is 01:28:20 He didn't like anything So what do I want to do breaking or keep it going? You want to just like do news and stuff? Sure. Well then. Whoa. Jesus. Wow. Is my audio not up?
Starting point is 01:28:34 No, here we go. It helps to hit your button. Oh. Oh, hey. Look whose mic works. All right, we're going to start with this story. Apparently, this is something that's fairly popular on TikTok Oh, hey. Look whose mic works. All right, we're going to start with this story. Apparently this is something that's fairly popular on TikTok
Starting point is 01:28:49 right now. TC told me about it. Is it the thing where you walk on crates and then it might fall down? The milk crate challenge? Yeah. No? No.
Starting point is 01:29:03 The cold water dump on somebody else? It's been a while since we had a good challenge. Yeah, hasn't it? Yeah, should we invent one for a charity challenge? We'll call it the charity challenge. Oh, yeah We could do it on a different surface. I'm on a different surface. They're overdue We are like they came in a flurry. We always had one. The kids were being very creative, breaking their legs. What happened to planking? His mic doesn't work, huh? What happened to Batman-ing?
Starting point is 01:29:34 What happened to T-bowing? Blake's doing something. Anyways. Duffner-ing. Duffner-ing. No, this was not a T-bowing. This was not a TikTok trend, but it is something that's developed on TikTok. We have the case of an American woman, I believe she is from New York, she's early 30s, and
Starting point is 01:29:53 she was involved in some sort of what seems to be, she was catfishing someone in Pakistan. So you have a 32-year-old American woman, you have this 18 year old male in Pakistan and she's like selling herself online as like, hey I'm a blonde lady. Blonde white lady, we're getting married. I'm coming to your country, we're going to get married, we're going to have this life. She actually does it. She goes over to Pakistan and she gets there and the guy, 18 year old male, and his family are like what the fuck no way and that's because she's a 32 year old black woman and they
Starting point is 01:30:33 don't take that well so they're like get away from us they abandoned her you know she's planning on staying with them they tell others nowhere to stay you need to leave she refuses to leave. She refuses to leave. And by that, I mean not just leave their property, leave the country. So she's been there for a few weeks now. And she's held like impromptu press conferences.
Starting point is 01:30:58 She's talked to the local media. And dude, there's just like a 30 something year old black woman from New York tell me this is not a Tyler Perry movie who's just in Pakistan and as they try to tell her like no she's like why uh-uh uh-uh like we're all mature enough to acknowledge it's hilarious this is an American black woman so Lafonda goes over there. Yeah. But under the pretense, she said she was a blonde lady?
Starting point is 01:31:29 I think that's what I heard is that she had used those pictures. Like she said, yeah, that she's there to get married and now she's just like, Z snapping in the face of the Pakistani government. They have no idea. They're like, what is this? And she's starring in the Real Housewives of Islamabad. Is this a real turnaround though?
Starting point is 01:31:52 Is it usually Americans getting catfished by Pakistanis online? That's the way I would think of it. I would watch the shit out of that. Out of what? The Real Housewives of Islamabad. Yeah. Yeah. What are they going to complain about? It's not heist. Everything is great. You got to think of an 18 year old there is different than here. I'm hungry. Was catfishing a poor older lady or something? No, I think it was
Starting point is 01:32:20 the other way around. And she got there. And dude, I'm telling you, she's given press conferences. She has made demands of $20,000 up front and $10,000 a week from the Pakistani government. Why? I don't know. Not to leave? No. She's like, if I'm going to stay here, I need $20,000 upfront and $10,000 a week.
Starting point is 01:32:40 And they're like, well, we want you to leave. I don't understand any of this. Yeah. Because they're, well, we want you to leave. This is amazing. Yeah, because they're just like, we don't know what. She's camped out in a parking lot at an apartment complex. They're telling her to leave, and she's like, no. And in the news report I saw, it's hard to hear because it's a very hectic project house. And she's like, I'm not leaving.
Starting point is 01:33:04 They need to fix the power in this apartment building. This ain't right. She's like, this apartment building's run down. These people are living in squalor. They need to get somebody down here to fix this. They need to get somebody. And they're like, this is Pakistan. They're happy she's there, though.
Starting point is 01:33:20 She's an advocate. Somebody's happy. On their behalf. But the rest of them are like. She's bringing her American complaint system to Pakistan. Yeah, that's the thing. Is it when you just take that version of an American and put it somewhere else.
Starting point is 01:33:31 Y'all need to get somebody down here to fix this. Yeah. It's the funniest thing ever to me. They're so thrown by everything that she says. Have you guys seen the story about the kid at UMass who completed the layup three-pointer half court shot? No. So this happened the other night sparsely attended college basketball game and he knocked down all three for 10k. That's it? It's a college basketball
Starting point is 01:33:58 halftime you know. So he makes it the few that are there. The lady in Pakistan would be bitching about not getting 10k for the layup. And this guy had a little bit to bitch about because after he made the half court shot, the school sent the tape of that to their insurance company. Oh no. Oh, toe on the stripe. Toe on the line. No way.
Starting point is 01:34:23 No way. Yeah. For the three? For the half court. Oh my no. Toe on the stripe. Toe on the line. No way. Yeah. For the three? For the half court. Oh, my god. And you can see in the video, he does the leap with a foot on the line. He's not like two feet over. He just takes off from the half court line.
Starting point is 01:34:38 And UMass had to put out a statement like, let's see. We appreciate him taking the effort to this. It was a women's game. After the contest, we informed Noah that we would share the footage with our insurance partner as the next step. After their review of the four camera angles we provided, they determined the half court shot was disqualified
Starting point is 01:34:57 as it was not taken behind the half court line. So the first thing they did is they started offering him like gift cards to the student union. Like in and out a week for a year. And this is one of those cases where the angry mob worked because people were like, no, fuck that. And a day later, he's getting his 10K from UMass. The insurance company is not paying for it, but like Frank Martin, who still coaches apparently, the men's basketball coach at UMass got on Twitter and said,
Starting point is 01:35:32 hey, we're going to make this right no matter what. OK. I thought it was going to end up being a bunch of tickets or something like that. I mean, that's what it was yesterday. It was tickets, meal cards, and go get a hoodie. Like the kid who got the Paul Skeen's card. Yeah, he got screwed, right?
Starting point is 01:35:48 No. Or they made him that author he turned to them. They were offering him season tickets to Pirates Games for 20 years. They were Nico, and he was Polinka. Yeah, there you go. Oh, dear. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 01:35:59 Yeah, so he's. No name? I didn't say the name. Didn't say the name. Thanks, Jim. Oh, I haven't heard this yet. Hang on. The thing is, I only made three of these. Thanks, Jim. I haven't heard this yet. Hang on.
Starting point is 01:36:05 The thing is, I only made three of these. The Dumb Zones understaffed creative department has issued a Luca Free Friday alert for the Haas Moto event presented by Fair Lease. Don't check the blind sororities. A kid is not missing in a city you've never heard of. Just no Luca talk. Man, this is a lot of motorcycles. We now resume our regular scheduled programming. I only made three. I wasn't really planning on needing them. motorcycles. We now resume our regular scheduled programming. I only made three. Don't check the blinds of Roy's.
Starting point is 01:36:34 Dude, you know how hard it is to get AI to learn your name? Hard? It's impossible. You have to fanatically spell it, right? S-I-R-R-O-I. I tried fanatically spelling it. Yeah. I did. Saw Roy, Sue Roy. Yeah. Thank you for that effort. Mike Sirios.
Starting point is 01:36:46 But anyway, the kid lived in LA. So it's like, what am I going to do with these game tickets? Yes, and who's Paul Skeen's girlfriend? Livy Dunn. Livy Dunn, who got rizzed up by... Baby Gronk. Yeah. There's a guy here that looks like Groobz,
Starting point is 01:37:03 if Groobz had his shit together. They got walking away? Yeah, the red shirt. Gronk. Baby Gronk. Yeah. There's a guy here that looks like Groobz if Groobz had his shit together. A guy walking away? Yeah. No red shirt. Anyway, she also, she tried to sweeten the pot by offering him, she would sit in a suite with him for a game. And I thought, that's uh, yeah. That's ridiculous. You gotta go Hanes right yeah minimum yeah minimum yeah I mean what's the point or he's like a 12 year old kid you know what if I show you my boob just one mm-hmm I will give you one boot or like ten seconds of looking at me naked in the suite yes. Yes. That's what I like. I wonder if he'd take it.
Starting point is 01:37:46 If he was like totally by himself, he had to decide by himself with no advice. Yeah, no lawyers around. No parents. Right now. He just has to decide. Make this decision. He's like, yaw.
Starting point is 01:37:56 If you were like 12, what would you do? He has the card and just hands the card over. The answer is yes. Dad not allowed to get involved at all. Right. No wisdom. 10 seconds of not allowed to get involved at all. No, no wisdom. Ten seconds of a titty for a million dollar guard. Who says that word? Twelve year olds?
Starting point is 01:38:16 They're taking it to auction and they think they'll get like a million bucks. Did you guys see that the big man signed another, he's really signing a lot of stuff. The big man signed another, he's really signing a lot of stuff. The big man? Yeah, he's put a stop to this transgender athlete issue once and for all. That's great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:35 That's been a big thing that's been happening a lot. I know, I know, I saw someone here. I'm like, what's going on, what are you? Uh oh. Oh, somebody actually sent me from their college that they work at the other day. We can't, I can't put the image up, but you'll put like a third stick, what, stick figure?
Starting point is 01:38:52 What would you call what's on the bathroom to signify male or female? Yeah. There's a third one that has half dress on one side and no dress on the other. Like, you know how the dress is just kind of like a pointy out, Christmas tree type thing?
Starting point is 01:39:06 It's kind of playing this down, yeah. Yeah, so they've got the sign up there at your woke colleges. Just to let you know. I told you I was at a restaurant in Southlake and they had, it was basically a unisex bathroom. Yeah, there's a bunch of those, right? Yeah, yeah, there's a bunch of those.
Starting point is 01:39:21 I was just surprised because I went. They're on airplanes. Yeah, yeah, there's a bunch of those. I was just surprised. They're on airplanes. Yeah, everywhere, they're in my house. Because yeah, I went to the bathroom and then I'm washing my hands and then out of the next stall over, a lady walks out and starts washing her hands and I thought.
Starting point is 01:39:38 You just got so hard. Oh my gosh, yeah. Yeah. Did she offer to show you her titty for 10 seconds? I was uncomfortable because she, you know, I just knew she was probably attracted to me. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:51 I mean, I was there. Obviously, I was just done. Yeah. Like, I was ready to roll. It's close. Yeah. Ready to roll. I somewhat, like.
Starting point is 01:39:59 My hands are clean. I'm not there yet. I know I will get there. But I'm envious of, like, when I hear Dan's stories about just going anywhere. Like the way that he's just always sort of kind of falling in love. Like everywhere he goes he sees like a little chance for a spark. Like it's not that I'm not horny, but I don't go to Walgreens ever and leave thinking like, maybe there was a chance there. Well, and it seems like we're having him a lot.
Starting point is 01:40:27 But it's for Dan, I think it's more a yearning for a connection with these people that work cash registers. Yeah. Yeah. It's not necessarily like a, I'm horny. It's- Which is weird because he doesn't want to talk to anybody. I felt something that transpired between the two of us when I picked up my Mr. Gaddies.
Starting point is 01:40:46 Like, Mr. Gaddies. I don't want it to happen, but it's this animal magnetism I have that just attracts others to a feeling. I feel it. Have you ever gone down the aisle at a grocery store that you don't need anything in that aisle, but? But I saw someone at the end. Yeah, you saw that silhouette.
Starting point is 01:41:02 Pfft. I would, uh. This, I saw that silhouette. Pfft. I would, um. This is usually called stalking. That's why I won't say yes. They're light. It's light. Because of guys like this. Yeah, the narcs.
Starting point is 01:41:14 Yeah, this narco in here. I don't know. I have not done that, no. Me neither. Yeah, no, me either. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Me neither. Hold on, hold on. I on. Hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 01:41:25 I'm not even talking about someone that works at a grocery store. You've never looked and like, oh, this cereal, I don't need it. Wait a second. And you see someone. Maybe I'll walk down there. Yeah, I'll see what the lucky charms have in there. And then it's like, yeah. Then she turns around, but it's like a dude with a great ass and long hair.
Starting point is 01:41:44 Yeah. Bravo, my man. Some dudes a great ass and long hair. Bravo, my man. Some dudes have great behinds. Yeah. I will admit that. Oh, don't I know. Thank you so much. Apple bottom.
Starting point is 01:41:53 We call it walker ass. Because I'll see the hot wrist outside of a car window, and then I'll speed up. And your heartbeat starts beating a little faster. Yeah, and then it's a dude. And then I get more excited. Yeah. No, I can't say, I mean, I don't think I've ever made a turn down an aisle at a grocery store to sell pallets.
Starting point is 01:42:14 Will you ever speed up because of someone's license plate or something? You're like, OK, I've got to see what this person looks like. Yes, absolutely. Oh, for sure. Yeah. But if you go to a grocery store and you're on the same like shopping pattern as someone, right, and you continue to cross paths, you start to create in
Starting point is 01:42:30 your head some sort of a relationship. Sure. Yeah. You know. The next thing you know. And then the fronts of your carts just accidentally touch. Oh. Hey. Oh. Or you can't, you're trying to, oh, yeah. Can I have this? And then you do it again on the next? This is it's just a wacky occurrence right he's happening look I'm Dan The rest these stories are sad kind of suck so Yeah, we'll call that the news. We'll find out what happened today in history. Oh man. Fantastic. You don't have to clap for the news.
Starting point is 01:43:09 It's just a regular thing. Did you get a coffee? Why are you ending already? Did you get some- 20 minutes, what did you- Did you get some motorcycle coffee? No. Oh man. I'll go get some. All right.
Starting point is 01:43:20 Think we'll hear Danny's motorcycle song? Hey, you think we can book that lady? Oh, no one ever gave me that song. What do you want? You want's motorcycle song hey you think we can book that lady about oh no never gave me that song what do you want you want the motorcycle song yeah I heard about that it's all yours the lady in Pakistan I think she's actually headed home oh hell yeah okay the last report was she said at home I'd love to get her on remember when we talked to shovel girl shovel girl you did that I was thinking maybe she would pick games this year. Would Motorcycle Song been, I don't know, in December of 23?
Starting point is 01:43:50 Does that sound about right? The window's fairly small. Yeah, you're right. For sure it could have aired. The window's small. I just want to see if we have any more birthdays. Viewer mail birthdays. And as a matter of fact, we do.
Starting point is 01:44:05 So let me give you a couple of those, okay? Man, I can't tell you guys how much I had to go through to get my dad here today. Really? You know I don't ride out there. Yeah. More of a two lane guy, two lane back road. Was he nervous?
Starting point is 01:44:21 Yeah. He did it though. Yeah, I know. What if he said, there'll be people here and they'll talk about yeah You'll be on a live stream. Oh, okay. Yeah I Guess I'll do it Let's see Friday February 7th viewer male birthdays
Starting point is 01:44:42 Let's see my husband plays the dumb zone each day after you drop a podcast. While I won't be attaching a picture of my tits. Jesus. Skip. X. Red X. Here's a G rated picture of my family. That's kind of weirder. And then she writes, "'Dear Commander of the Clit' and the rest of my husband's friends. Wesley celebrates his 31st birthday today. While I can handle something special in the bedroom, I employ y'all to make this a memorable moment for him as he listens in." This is from Rachel Chatham.
Starting point is 01:45:27 Chatham. Chatham. Chatham. Alright, here's what I think we should do. Take this audio and on the, when we we're gonna count down from three and then we're all gonna make like the O noise and then they can sync it up. Oh yeah. So right when they're finishing up, he can make the sound with us. Oh. Like, rawr, rawr. You know how you cum. Yeah, cum noises. No, that's your noise?
Starting point is 01:45:52 Cum noise. You have that noise? Happy birthday. His leaders are Vitus Saroy's pillow collection, Julie's gluten-free pizza, and Blake's commitment to flipping the field How are how are the pillows like are they good pillows? They're fine. Yeah, they're fine. Yeah, they're fine Okay fucking pillow dude. It's fabric with foam and that's what do you want? They'd make bad pillows. Yeah, it's more female POV Blake They make bad pillows. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:22 More female POV Blake, more uncle hotmail, and more random local comedians slash firefighters that build their bid around incest hypotheticals. Happy birthday, Wesley, from Rachel Chatham. Chatham. It's probably Chatham. Chatham. Chatham.
Starting point is 01:46:43 Wanna see a picture of her family? No. Okay. No. Yeah yes slide that over here weirdo Okay, howdy Dan, please shout out my husband David for his dirty 30 birthday 30 30 Get some marks birthday week PS for Jake. Oh. This is from Tory. Hot name.
Starting point is 01:47:09 Yeah. Like, lavatory, that makes it hot. We went to the- No one, and I mean no one was thinking that. We went to the 420 event last year at the Alamo. As our group was leaving and coming down the stairs, Jake happened to be going up. Well right then our friend our friend fell all the way down the stairs in front of him. The first thing Jake said was, man I
Starting point is 01:47:35 wish I had gotten that on video. That caused the rest of the group to burst out laughing while our friend lay on the floor in pain. I forgot about that. That happened? Yes I forgot about that. That happened? Yes, I forgot about that. It was like the two-way stairs up and down. Outside of a movie, never seen someone do like a fall. How far? Half fall.
Starting point is 01:47:55 Like all the way down? Halfway to the. Halfway. Yeah, it was awesome. Carpeted stairs or? I don't remember. It was a lady? Yes.
Starting point is 01:48:04 She says. I think so yeah Jake being the good dude that he is immediately helped her up and asked if she was okay oh shit oh shit oh shit shit shit he then slid his hand in her pants oh tried to oh tried to mark Cuban her. What does that mean? Didn't Mark Cuban do that? I was an alleged thing. That was an alleged thing.
Starting point is 01:48:31 Many years ago. That he did a. It doesn't say that Jake did. We call that the puppeteer. The. Yeah. That was the allegation was that there was a puppeteering. Jim Henson.
Starting point is 01:48:43 The old one. You got Henson. You got Henson. You got Henson. Ouch. Also David loves run the ball Blake because of how much he personally relates to him. My husband asked me to include a picture of me for scientific purposes for Dan.
Starting point is 01:48:57 That's from Torrey. He has all of your pictures that you've ever sent to him. Paste it up against a wall. 25 years, yeah, like what's the movie that I watched, the comedy? Oh, happiness? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:14 Good morning, Dan. Happy Grease the Crease Friday. Writing in to wish my young hot wife, Hannah O. Gorman, a happy and blessed Seth Curry birthday. Her leader is run-the-ball Blake. God dang! Tracking them up today fellas. She'd like to hear Dan ask a Buffalo cab driver where to get tail the unedited version for a drop request from Robert O'Gorman. Do you remember what year that was? No chance. Okay no chance. Like I don't know what I would have labeled it. Buffalo
Starting point is 01:49:46 when I was my first guest. Yeah it wasn't that though. Do you think you have it? I have it. Jake's gonna find that for us. Dear Dan this is my Randy the Manster White birthday. I think it's this one that says 2015 February 6th, Buffalo pussy bit unedited. I think you actually labeled it extremely well. A lot of keywords in there, bud. You're a very organized person. Can you play it or me? I think Blake's got it. Let's see if this will play.
Starting point is 01:50:24 Pause it. So we're in a van with members of the Dallas Stars, like what would you say, PR staff or? The PR staff, the TV staff, the producers of the TV, like everybody who's in the truck, Ralph was there. When we would go on Starz Road Trips, yeah, the players go do their thing,
Starting point is 01:50:49 and then we hang out with all the behind the scenes guys. Nerds. Yeah, so we were going out to dinner. And we had this old bit, which Gribble first pulled off, correct? Where Gribble, we made Tom do stuff. And it was, you get in a cab, and you have to just say, hey, where's the guy go to get some pussy around here?
Starting point is 01:51:17 Yes, I love it. And then the cab driver will, he knows, usually tell you, because that's apparently a common question. But, so we did not set up the rest of the traveling party. He knows. Usually tell you, because that's apparently a common question. But, so we did not set up the rest of the traveling party. Were you in the band? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:31 Okay. Oh yeah. So you didn't know it was coming. No, I don't think I did. Bob certainly didn't know. No, if anybody did, I might have, but yeah. Yeah, if anybody knew, I would have told you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:42 Because Bob would have given me the yeah so yeah so I decided you know what I'll do the where do you get some pussy around here bit with the whole traveling party of the Dallas Stars and see if they'll like it hey so where's the guy go to get some pussy around here? Buffalo? Outside of Buffalo. Different city. Outside of Buffalo? Toronto. So all the guys are like, what the hell?
Starting point is 01:52:20 Sounds quiet. Yeah, they couldn't believe that I did this. How about Cleveland is He said, I don't know, man. I don't know, man. I'm surprised Ralph didn't pop up and go, I was about to ask him that. Yeah, yeah. That was, yeah. They laughed, but they muffled?
Starting point is 01:52:35 Yeah, I mean, dude, you know those jobs, especially the PR people. They're so uncomfortable with everything. It's like, nobody here can get in trouble right now. You can let loose a little bit. What's Sturm do? He always thought that stuff was funny once it happened. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:48 It was just like, I'm a lead up to it. He's doing everything he can to prevent it. But no, he's on board. Yeah. He wanted to know where that was. And you noticed the main thing, the cab driver, not surprised at all. No, no.
Starting point is 01:53:00 He's like, get the fuck out of Buffalo. In stride. I think it's a crazy thing to ask. Yeah, but for him, it's like, as it's just like, what's still open for food here? Like, dudes definitely ask him where to get drugs. Yeah, yeah. Prostitutes. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:53:17 Let's see. By the way, this is some other stuff that came up. When I was searching, Kimmel cries about lions because he's a pussy. We should just do a whole segment on our labeling. Well, I like to have keywords. Yeah, the funny part is some words, you don't type it. Even us, you're like, all right, this guy dropped a racial slur.
Starting point is 01:53:42 The end word. We can't put that in there. Yes. C- in there. Yes. C-bomb. Yeah. It's always fun. Anyway, I was prepared to tell you my leaders, my drop requests with witty vagina names.
Starting point is 01:53:55 But I've been listening this week, and the Luca talk is killing me. I will never understand Jake. He has a son that was born with no skull, is now thankfully doing great. We only had three of them He just got out of rehab and yet he obsesses over the results of local sports teams His behavior in the den during cowboy live streams make listening to them impossible. He's a lost cause But you you were the guy I could count on for making fun of this kind of behavior. You could laugh at a grown man in New Jersey. Blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:54:29 Anyway, he then says you're crying and losing sleep because the local basketball team traded a whiny, fat, spoiled, petulant... Yeah, I was going to say, we should have been playing this years ago. Fucking light. I didn't know about the light. I'm going to be honest. I didn't know about the light. I didn't know anything about this light. I started the well a little too much on this one.
Starting point is 01:54:54 We now resume our regular schedule programming. New people tuning in all the time. More Blake, non-sports talk, news, bits, and whatnot. That's what this guy wants. Anyway, this is Matt. Happy birthday, Matt. Thanks, Matt. Yeah, Matt.
Starting point is 01:55:15 And dear Uncle C-Bomb and A-hole Effer. Why? Day two, DF here. My leaders are Wire Will. Hey, Wire Will's heres here somewhere wiring stuff up and Jake for brave bravely tackling his demons heroically with a lot of inspiring courage at Rick Perry's family's old hunting lodge No, the hell's that mean? So where your rehab was no no no The rock that had that written on it was not there. You don't remember that you've seen it
Starting point is 01:55:49 Clayton happy birthday to my platonic friend Melissa Yeah, right. Oh, come on. It's platonic because she doesn't want to fuck you do I Love Dan the cleven area rater guy moved to Dallas to land his dream job only to give it up to do a podcast In this garage with his buddy while his daughter's dunk on him You don't Daniel Demers. You don't remember the name The hunting ranch. Oh, no, would you type that in the drop box or no? Whoa? No. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, Wow, and they turned that into a rehab. No, I didn't.
Starting point is 01:56:25 It's not there. It was at a hunting lodge though. Many of the animals still roam these grounds, junkies. If you're quiet at night, you can hear the screams of a million fentanyl addicts. Wanna do this? Yeah. Today in history. Yeah. What are we doing at the end? Are we gonna break before?
Starting point is 01:56:52 Or are we gonna have closing remarks? Who's coordinating that? Blake? Talk to us. Don't we have a special guest joining us? I mean, is it coordinated? Are we ready? Yeah. 2.30 I think. Oh. Or whenever. I think. Oh. Or whenever, I don't care. Someone from Haas Moto.
Starting point is 01:57:09 Okay. Cine already emailed me and uh, got my dad, caught my dad giving free pizza to take home on the way. Oh no, really? Yeah. Are you referring to me Dan? I'm here. I'm not. I am. I assume you'll be here. I'm referring to uh,. We don't usually have a Hey heart attack right there. Yo You look like an extra from a Burt Reynolds movie
Starting point is 01:57:36 Thank you kindly So how do you see me? Wait? Are you here? This call coming from inside the building? Oh You'll never know. Oh Today is Friday, February 7th. Are you noticing, like, that there are cameras set up everywhere? Just now, actually. Oh, okay. Literally just now.
Starting point is 01:57:54 I can put you on my computer. Really? The funny thing is he dressed up, not knowing there'd be a camera. That whole witness protection plan thing is not gonna work out that way. Yeah, I'll put it out the window. There are seven cameras right in front of me.
Starting point is 01:58:06 Didn't notice one of them. You're not wearing an undershirt under that sweater? No, this one's mesh. I like the see-through parts of it. This one is mesh. The question wasn't, what fabric is that sweater? The question was, are you wearing an undershirt? No, he's not.
Starting point is 01:58:20 That's skin. No, I'm not wearing an undershirt. That's skin. And look, he's got the stripe here, the horizontal stripe, that just conveniently covers the nips. Otherwise, you'd have a little nip, poke in here. Roy rarely wears underwear.
Starting point is 01:58:33 I wish he had real saggers. So when he does, it's often something unusual. I have a body similar to Triple H. Firmly mesh. OK. This part is mesh. The nipple part is not mesh. You're right.
Starting point is 01:58:46 Right. Was that on purpose you think? 100%. Yeah. Yeah. It's breathing. How many days till opening day? How many sleeps?
Starting point is 01:58:54 Gosh. I can't answer that. I saw a tweet about 52 days ago, so maybe 48. I don't know. Oh my God. It's one week until I leave for Arizona for five weeks, So that's all I'm when's truck day one week away You leave I leave Friday until oh, yes Mike it was already truck day, which is a big
Starting point is 01:59:13 We already a truck day already truck day. Yeah, they had to turn around Crap, we forgot the rosin bag. Should we do? Training god damn it Randy. where's the rosin bag? They got to El Paso and had to turn around for rosin bags. They're on the side of the road, like boxes are out. They're like, fucking shit. What are they doing spring training these days? Surprise, Arizona.
Starting point is 01:59:38 And the rest? For the pictures. Don't. A lot of good memories. I'm fine with it. Why not? a lot of good memories from Peoria surprise I feel like we've already told you have it's not like it had to have already told that story. Yeah Which one have we that was Norm's friend? this is
Starting point is 01:59:58 Dave yes Dave. Yeah his fantasy baseball. Yes. Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah like a helping team. Yeah. His fantasy baseball buddy. Yes. Yeah. Who worked in baseball. Yeah. Like a helping team. Yeah. When he passed away, Norm brought his ashes to surprise, to sprinkle about the Rangers facility.
Starting point is 02:00:17 And he wanted me to, it was just me and him, and he wanted me to make a video of the spreading of the ashes, like to send, I don't know to make a video of the spreading of the ashes like to send I don't know Dave's family or the or the rest of the league 100% for the rest of the week for the rest of the GTFBA And I'm like, yeah, of course and I was it was emotional. It was nice, you know, but it's norms I'm gonna call my friends right away now and make money. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah So I we and we got down there real early and he tried to talk to whatever the name of the guy who runs the actual fields.
Starting point is 02:00:50 In surprise, you probably know him. Got all these arms twisted to get out there. He's like, just go out there early before anyone else. So we're out there right at sunrise and the hot air balloons are going up. It's beautiful. And then, yeah, he puts on a little show and puts some around home plate. And he's like dressed like norm, you know he has dress shoes slacks dress shirt and the cane and he's sort of he's
Starting point is 02:01:12 He's sprinkling ashes in the batter's box Yeah directly in there and at some point he has some left and I guess he's kind of decided he's done and he likes Solemnly looks at the camera held by Mike and goes, and now the rest for the pitcher's mound. And there's a cut, obviously, while Norm walks to the pitcher's mound. And then it just like fades. And now he's all of a sudden on the pitcher's mound.
Starting point is 02:01:39 And just a little pull. And he just dumps the rest of it on the pitcher's mound. And the final cut is Mike took a video of Norm in the press box throwing the cup away. It was a little box. Throwing the cup away. He'd already thrown it away. Throwing the cup away.
Starting point is 02:01:54 So I got the last shot. Sorry, pal. Over Norm's shoulder. Again, sunset, mountains. Beautiful. And then framed as the final shot. And then I slowly panned to the trash can. It just had an ant receptacle sitting on top of Norman's
Starting point is 02:02:09 propelled up Arizona newspapers. Two hours later, when they're playing a game at 10 o'clock in the morning, Ruggio doors up there just fucking digging it in to the box. These guys ashes. Yeah. Extra dust flying up, and he's kind of shushing it out. I'm not going to be able to not think about that.
Starting point is 02:02:28 So he would have wanted. Could you bring some more dirt up to the mound here that got the big power? Still, we sprayed this mound down. Still there. There are molecules of that dead man in someone's cleats in Cincinnati right now. It's true. And rest in peace, Doug.
Starting point is 02:02:48 That's why we told that story. In memoria. So it's Friday, February 7th. On this day in 1943, the government announces that wartime rationing of shoes made of leather goes into effect in two days, which would limit consumers to buying three pairs of shoes per year.
Starting point is 02:03:10 You were only allowed to buy three pairs of shoes per year in 1943. They must have just obviously been burning through them because the quality was bad. In 1943, allowed, you got to, you were entitled to buy three pairs. But for two days, you probably entitled to buy three pairs. But for two days, you probably went out and just bought a hundred pair of shoes.
Starting point is 02:03:31 Yeah. Yeah. So they didn't have like rubber soles? Well that's what I'm saying because three pairs of shoes, I don't buy three pairs of shoes a year. A year? No. I do. Yeah. I mean, I think I buy three a year maybe two but no You're not a sneaker hooker. I am but if you take
Starting point is 02:03:49 You know 15 years and multiply it by two or three. I have like 30 pair of dunks and deep throw away shoes I haven't bought three pairs in a while in a five-year span and You really the only reason you bought one recently is because us and your daughters were making fun of you, right? You still wearing those orange ones or? Really, the only reason you bought one recently is because us and your daughters were making fun of you. Right. You still wearing those orange ones? I like those. I think they're cool.
Starting point is 02:04:08 No, you don't. Yes, I do. I saw them the other day. I moved off of those because of, yeah. You got shamed? Well, I went to Clemson and we had to do a pregame thing on the field and she didn't want me to wear those shoes on the field. So that's why I bought these shoes in Clemson daddy
Starting point is 02:04:27 No Where are we on this day in 2021 Tom Brady leads the Buccaneers to a Super Bowl victory over the Chiefs 31 to 9 on the Buccaneers home field. Is that the only time that's ever happened? That's the first time in my hand the Rams did it it happened again with the Rams Well, that was you're right that was way more lopsided that I remember I just remember Putting I don't bet very often, but I so I put a fairly sizable amounts Realizing that nothing could stop Patrick Mahomes. Yeah, and I knew I had lost very early in the game Which is not a bad way to go.
Starting point is 02:05:06 No. You know? And on this day in 2023, we all- Then you can get to your favorite foods for the big game. He's been thinking. Yeah. It's not a decision you just made. Willy nilly, Jake.
Starting point is 02:05:20 I know. Yeah. Maybe buffalo Chicken. This day in 2023, LeBron passes Kareem to become the NBA's all-time leading scoring leader. You know what I'm saying. The leading scoring leader. He had lots of points. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:44 Go on. I just remember being pretty grossed out by that like they stop in the game and the whole thing I don't know felt like a another reason well the thing is though he didn't want them to do that yeah no no all right okay gross at the time I did it I did it? I wasn't even keeping track. Really? Wow. I believe, in fact, if I remember my history right, he was humbled by that. I think he says it all.
Starting point is 02:06:13 That kind of knocked him down a peg. Today's birthdays include former Maverick Steve Nash is 51. Damn. Don't see him much. That reminds me of a current situation. Oh, thank you. You don't see him much that reminds me of a current situation Thank you You don't see Steve much From a guy who was a coach
Starting point is 02:06:32 Two-time MVP he was doing soccer on television for a bit Champions League like yeah, it's like eight years ago though. Oh was it? Yeah, it's like a special Okay, yeah, that was like when Kyrie I Oh was it? Yeah, it was like a special. Okay. Yeah, that was like when Kyrie I mean one day Steve will coach one day out coach Whatever man Is he well, I'm gonna tell you that he is the worst multiple MVP ever like if you look at all the multiple-time MVP winners and then look at their stats He's you're gonna say why was Steve Nash ever the NBA MVP multiple-time MVP winners and then look at their stats he's
Starting point is 02:07:06 You're gonna say why was Steve Nash ever the NBA MVP Give me a call. Yeah, I don't Howard is 52 He's a coach right Oh Michigan don't punch you Yeah, he's an assistant Josh Howard,'m thinking of Josh Howard. Josh Howard's a coach at UT Dallas. Matthew Stafford is 37. Not University of Dallas, right? No. It's UNT Dallas.
Starting point is 02:07:34 The Dallas branch of North Texas. Yes, yes, yes. That doesn't even make any sense. Why does there have to be a UNT? Is there a Los Calinas branch? Yeah. What is the point? Matthew Stafford, former Highland Park ticket club member, right? Know what they say? Yeah. Seems like a good dude. Do you have any famous friends? I've heard. Can't place it, but he played. Former Ranger Scott
Starting point is 02:08:02 Feldman is 42. I think he has a wife that does a podcast or something. Scooter Feldman. Former Cowboy Morris Claiborne is 35. Didn't Scott Feldman used to smoke Ron Washington cigarettes or something? There were rumors. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:18 And then he got you Darvish to smoke with him. Yeah. He's a partial tribe member, so I support whatever he does. I think we asked. Hard times like these. I think we asked,'s his name Matt? the reliever Bush Bush no
Starting point is 02:08:31 Nagina what was the other with the Harris Mike Adams Mike Adams. I think we asked him about it He's the one who told us the SIGS did a lot of them would steal menthols from wash to piss him off And they would just smoke and I'm like, you know somewhat in front of it And when they got you to do it, it was hilarious because of course it was That's awesome. Yeah Isaiah Thomas 36 Making a comeback once traded for Kyrie owned Jordan said he wanted a frosty
Starting point is 02:09:03 They said they just that was the worst it's the Luca trade we've got stop making a siren go off those lights hurt my eyes Mike has epilepsy Robert's my goal is 65 Lord Is he Comic the Insult Dog? Yeah, Triumph. Triumph the Insult Dog. There's a ton of other stuff. Ambiguously gay duo. He wrote a bunch of stuff that wasn't cartoonish.
Starting point is 02:09:31 I was at the Billboard Music Awards with him and he's doing Triumph, so I hung out with him right next to him for over an hour doing Triumph. Wow. And befriended him at the thinnest level? But enough to where he needed me to go up to his room in the hotel in Vegas to get his box of CDs, because Triumph had an album out, which is fucking funny as hell, by the way. I've never heard anyone other than me like listen to him or enjoy it. What does he do? Does he like play drums?
Starting point is 02:09:58 He sings dog songs, he has a song called Underage B. Sean. Let's find this right now. Dude. Would you have done anything he asked you? Oh 100% unfortunately, he didn't Join me in his room, but I ran up to his room to get this box of triumph CDs And I did and right next to it was like two other backup triumphs Sitting on the chair
Starting point is 02:10:21 Stick for the hand and a box of cigars Like credible the triumph headquarters was right there. Like I got a chair in his Vegas Oh, with a little stick for the hand and a box of cigars. Incredible. The Triumph headquarters was right there, like on a chair in his Vegas hotel room. And they were just straight backups. They weren't in different outfits or they looked different. Pretty sure they were exact same Triumphs, just sitting there. And I looked at them.
Starting point is 02:10:37 If you'd have came into that room at that point, you would have been his. Yeah, I would have been his. Were you just straight to my knees? Was that the first time you realized that Triumph wasn't a real dog? Yeah, when I got out of the room. That's why I was reporting.
Starting point is 02:10:48 Guys, it's a puppet. But it's pretty cool to see two backup Triumphs and watch him do his thing. That's better than the Joe Buck story. It's not for you. Joe Buck wouldn't give you his room key. Jared can't, right? Stop catching strays.
Starting point is 02:11:03 No. That was just an innocent, innocent story. I mean, it's just not that innocent. Do you miss this? I mentioned Joe Buck to just explain how low on the table I am. He's going to do it again. I can't believe this story warrants a second.
Starting point is 02:11:17 It doesn't. But then Dan is leaning over. And Jake and I are wondering wondering what are you doing and Dan's like oh I dropping names why you think of it like there's a whole like dramatic performance like it was inspired by Jeremy Piven or something that's how I might have been Jeremy Piven Jeremy Piven looked great the other day I mean his hair is looking really slow he's one of the first we debated whether or not right yeah we needed to bring up there on this podcast
Starting point is 02:11:48 he did live spots for hair hair stuff so I don't know so I guess I could suck it James Spader 65 okay blacklist I like it I think I think I like it. Yeah, yeah super cocky, but yeah, why isn't videotape was a good movie? Oh, yeah, I can't listen to your own guy Robert, California bad on the office I'll save this one for Jake. Let's see Chris Rock 60 Comedian as Eddie Izzard 63 I got dragged at one of his concerts. It's the majestic. I had a beer with him at the landing Yeah, yeah, I had the same night showed up. Yeah, he showed up at the landing after his show He's big cross-dressing. I was excited. He was just regular dude in the in the land his performance
Starting point is 02:12:41 Yeah, scared of him as a child. Yeah, like they would run him on Comedy Central I'm like this doesn't feel right. Yeah, why am I getting around? Am I so turned on if he wouldn't have those dudes that's totally opposite off stage Danny I didn't see I only saw him on stage where he was dressed as a woman. Yeah, he was just a dude Yeah, you recognize him because you know, it's him. Yeah, he's got an accent But other than that just like the most normal human wouldn't even trying to be funny? I don't think I really know who he is Weird pretty famous like boy George, but comedy really funny, huh? Yeah, that's when he's trying to be funny Tina major Reno is 40
Starting point is 02:13:20 Deb Napoleon Dynamite. Oh What is she? She's the one that's taking the pictures. She's side pony. Really? She's dead? Deb. No.
Starting point is 02:13:30 Deb. She's dead. She's 40. Is she the cow that got shot by the old man? She's that fucking cow. Then in our- She was a big girl. Deb.
Starting point is 02:13:42 Our Jake birthday corner. Good. Is there an open for this? Is it Ryan Dunn? She was a big girl. Our Jake birthday corner. Oh good. Turn open for this. It's Ryan Dunn. We have two today. Bucky Lasek. We have Garth Brooks. Wow.
Starting point is 02:13:58 Wait, so he's alive. He's the one, we just, who's the one that's dead? Toby Keith. No, Garth, it's a big, it could be a big Garth weekend Paul Walker Didn't you just get like a Garth? I got in pieces on vinyl. Yeah, congratulations Hey, listen anytime you guys want to just lift your spirits watch the standing outside the fire video Is that the moment of the Sun running track? Yeah, it's okay Curiously not Garth Sun son but there is a son
Starting point is 02:14:26 who has Down syndrome and it's like a don't give up message and it's what passed for trying to be sensitive in 1994 but it's it ends up just being a kid with Down drum trying to run track and it not going super well for yeah it's a very very good video is it like incredible yeah there's a house on fire for some reason I don't know the kid finished the race though he got up a distant eight he got he got up to finish he did not win it's an inspirational video but yeah so Garth wanted to make it believe again the stand in the stands playing guitar and stuff. It's really weird. The kid's dad hates him at first or something.
Starting point is 02:15:09 Yeah. And then he runs out once he falls on his face. That helps. And they slow mo it too. So you gotta keep it down. Oh dear. You literally see the cinders going into his skin. That's bad.
Starting point is 02:15:23 The kid thought he won. Oh jeez. Oh's bad. The kid thought he won. Oh, jeez. Oh, jeez. And that what really matters? Also in Jake corner, Ashton Kutcher, 47. Wow. Big day.
Starting point is 02:15:38 Not only a doppelganger, but then he marries a lady 20 years. Like, you're like, wow. That was, yeah. This is kind of. 20 years. Like you're like, wow. That was, yeah. This is kind of. My guy. Like I could see that. Yeah. I remember.
Starting point is 02:15:51 I'd still do Demi Moore, oh my God. I don't know if it's good or not, but at the time I liked. Oh my God. Wow. Did you guys ever see. Was that me? I'm sorry, I lose my entertainment.
Starting point is 02:16:03 We would all do Demi Moore. Did you ever see the movie Butterfly Effect? Do. Like I thought it was great. Yeah, I thought that was a good movie. But maybe I don't think it is now if I watch it now. I don't know. It's too deep, man.
Starting point is 02:16:13 You and I are just- Yeah. Born on the stay now dead Charles Dickens. Book. Doll of chickens. Cider. I just like the idea of exclaim. Anytime you want to say it. A sale of two titties.
Starting point is 02:16:27 Bull it. Okay. And Milt Holland, he is credited with creating the sound of Tinkerbell and the sound of Bewitched. When she was- Oh yeah, the sparkling little thing. Twitch your nose or something. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:47 Do do do do. Like. What an artist. Stay with me here, first. That's what I was going to say. Oh, he's known. Like, you had to have been in the field. He lived 80 years.
Starting point is 02:16:58 Seemingly did lots of other stuff. But the only thing that you've ever heard of is those two things. That's tough. And he could hold his breath. That would be like be like create those sounds by the time he x-ray That would be like if when sorority's career is over The only thing they remember him for is being the on-track MC for dragon brag with Rich Phillips the one thing
Starting point is 02:17:21 That's all it says at 20 years from now That's all it says. Is it 20 years from now for the podcast? The officer who dropped Rich Phillips just threw it down to Saroy to interview Glenn from North Switzerland Hills as a souped up Honda. Also starring John Michaels. Were you as tanked during the Enfield? I didn't smoke the giant joint that John Michaels tried to get me to smoke before we went on the Enfield. You did or didn't? Those were fun. I didn't. You were just that John Michaels tried to get me to smoke before we went on the internet.
Starting point is 02:17:45 You did or didn't? Those were fun. It was Friday night radio at a racetrack. It was fun and my only job was to watch. John Michaels and Mike Sorroy. I would come into work at 9 or 10 for the overnight and I'm like, this is going to keep me awake all night. This is fun.
Starting point is 02:17:58 I would just monkey wrench everything and I'm like, that's I guess, we're cool with that's what you're doing. I'm like, Rich, be honest. Your whole life, how many hamburgers you think you've eaten? And then he's like, it's an Oldsmobile and it's got a T260 in it. And I just wouldn't stop. And they would just ignore me.
Starting point is 02:18:13 I was just. That was fun radio for me. I really kind of loved it. I loved it. Dead on the stage, still dead. You have Doug Henning. No! Magic. Ooh, it's an illusion. No. Joseph Mengele. Dead on the stay still dead you have Doug Henning. Oh magic. Oh
Starting point is 02:18:26 No Joseph Mengele. Oh the angel of death the Nazi concentration camp doctor who died in the year 1979 oh wouldn't you have thought Dude he flew free Is that a Buenos Aires death probably beautiful beachfront home by quite a quite a bit he outlived Picasso I don't yeah, I don't think they were ever ever able to find him He got away with all of it So we got away with that, huh?
Starting point is 02:18:59 the only man That was able to hold Michael Jordan under 20 points Joseph Mangoli died on this day. No Dina A man that was able to hold Michael Jordan under 20 points. Joseph Mengele? Died on this day. No, Dean Smith. Dina. Dean Smith.
Starting point is 02:19:11 And died on this day in the year 2000. Big pun. Get that shit out of here. Get denied. And block your shit into third row. You kind of saw that one coming, big pun. I will not allow. The lane is not open.
Starting point is 02:19:26 It wasn't that he would have funny little quips, right? No. It was not a size of... And starting center for the LA Clippers at 6'3", Joseph Mingley at 79 years old. Hi, Jared. I ate the whole pizza. old. Hi, Jared. I ate the whole pizza. Are you out Jared?
Starting point is 02:19:50 Oh, you're getting kicked out? Same. For the the spot? Okay. Are you sure these people don't want to talk to you Danny? No, I gotta go bro. Oh, you do? Yeah, I gotta go get some pussy. Word of the day.
Starting point is 02:20:04 Right? Hey guys, Steve Ne post. Thanks dog. What's next? What's what's? I think we're doing closing remarks but okay I think Blake is coordinating this. Yeah sure. Boy if you have a good weekend I gotta split as well. Alright bye bye. What do you got? What's your pre-k? I have no idea. I have no idea what's happening. Well you take take the lead shut up. Oh look Julie's joining what? No, all right, it's been fun Stay wake, huh? Right there. Well, you will sit right there. I was gonna get a beer get it and come back
Starting point is 02:20:43 Okay. Yeah, that's empty. Okay. All'm just making sure I'll be right back. I Left my preferred beer in my Jeep. So I'm gonna go there and get it. All right, so let's do some closing remarks Closing. Yeah Hey, hey This is Earl Young, correct? That's correct now, what is your relation to the Haas Modo Museum? Well, Stacy's my daughter. Okay, Stacy. My eldest daughter. The owner. The owner. Okay. And is this your, are you into this stuff or no? Since she is. Okay. Yeah. You're not a gearhead? No, I wouldn't classify me as a gearhead. Our copy points indicate
Starting point is 02:21:26 This is a gearhead's dream. I have a lot of faults, but that's not one of them. Okay. So what are you into? Well right now I'm into Earl Young's foundation Earl Young's team and what we do is Go to universities mainly and hold stem cell drives We like to increase the awareness of the need for stem cells and that came about 13 years ago when I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia and given three months to live unless we found a match and my matching my twin lived in Offenberg Germany and she was the only one out of 22 million that matched my immune system. Wow. So it's very important to me that people understand that your body has
Starting point is 02:22:12 twins out there and one of those twins or number of those twins may end up with a lousy immune system, a blood cancer, and need a transplant. If you check my immune system today, I am no longer, my blood is no longer a male that it was for many, many years, for 71 years. It is now all female. You transitioned. I transitioned big time. A legitimate transition.
Starting point is 02:22:41 Are you allowed to use the other bathroom? No interest. Okay. Nothing changes except your immune system. Okay. A legitimate transition. Are you allowed to use the other bathroom? No interest. Okay. Nothing changes except your immune system. Okay. Wow. That's wild.
Starting point is 02:22:52 But that's a story that, like you're admitting right now, it's a story that people don't know and yet you have the capability of saving life simply by giving your white stem cells to a person who has a matching is a match to you and has blood cancer and if they don't get that they will die now only four out of ten people that could survive with a matching transplant find that match so six die while the matches in here enjoying the day has no clue. Crazy. So how does it go ahead? No I was just gonna say this is what inspired you to do this. Nearly dying yeah to create this foundation. Yeah this is my life just what I do 24 by 7. We have we have registered 33,000 and we've had shortly the number will be in the next couple of weeks to be 150 people that are alive today Because it came out of those 33,000. That's crazy. So is it like donating blood? It's very similar. Yeah, they put you
Starting point is 02:23:58 You put a needle in here your blood flows into a centrifuge and your stem cells are taken out in that centrifuge. The rest of the blood goes back in here. You get up and go home. They take that bag of DNA to the patient, plug it in like a transplant, that flows into the patient and the patient who has had their immune system destroyed by chemo prior to this, you destroy all the bad guys that you can and then put the new cells in the person. Wow, that's fascinating. It's fascinating to me. So it's like donating plasma, because I've done that
Starting point is 02:24:34 in college for money. Good example. Yeah, because they put it back in you and it's cold and it feels bad. You bet, you bet. I only did it once, because after I did it, I called my grandma and told after I did it I called my grandma and told her I did it and then she mailed me money okay so that's a
Starting point is 02:24:48 good trick enough yeah if you ever need a tip on how to get money all right so is this sort of thing like if they're already if you were to go give blood is there a situation in the future or why isn't it the case that when you give blood they would just do that wouldn Wouldn't have been registered register. Yeah. Yeah, just wouldn't be great. I just run your fingerprint on your driver's license I don't even find this lady in Germany that she had registered. They had a stem cell drive over there She went and registered. Okay, and by registering she just identified her DNA So they knew where to go they knew out of 22 million that were registered at the time,
Starting point is 02:25:27 as I said, she was the only one that matched my need. Wow. So it's as simple as life and death, isn't it, guys? So there are other matches for you out there, you think, but it's just that we don't register everybody. They didn't register. Yeah. OK.
Starting point is 02:25:42 That's really interesting. I never knew this existed. I mean, you hear about stem cell research but that's my point that's all I read. That's as far as I read in the article. People in here are hearing it for the first time. Yeah and again it's so simple it's no it's no big deal. Number one we just we just swab your your your lip and that's what gives the DNA and that goes on file then if you're lucky enough to get the call to save a life you go through a procedure I talked about like a transfusion. Okay so that's what that's all you have to do? It's all you have to do. Okay to get the just to see? To register. You just
Starting point is 02:26:21 don't have to give blood? Three swabs and a registration form. Okay, now what is your, how do people find out about this or how to do it? You go to and it tells you all you need to know. And if you want to hold a drive, if you have a church, if you're part of a fraternity, sorority, whatever. Hop hop in. You're yelling stuff I can't hear a thing. You're gonna turn those around. There you go. Does this one work, Blake? Is this your daughter? Yes, that's my daughter. Okay, this is Stacey. Are we allowed to ride these around after the? Absolutely not.
Starting point is 02:27:09 Oh, okay. They're rolling sculpture of it. Okay, so correct your dad. What's the website? Again? Earlyoungs with an S. Yes.
Starting point is 02:27:17 Hey, you want to get to the fun stuff? Sure, I don't know. I think saving lives is pretty, oh wow. Oh wow. You just broke out the medal. Okay, so he pulls out a gold medal what year was this one 1960 60 gold medal jeez Jake I want you to test this for the veracity feel suspect even touch it Your fingerprints are on it now. Yeah
Starting point is 02:27:47 I'll touch that thing did the I'll keep it the necklace part come with it That's the only year they put the necklace on don't you think they would do that every year looks really cool great touch Wow, it was in Rome, so it That was the same year as Cassius clay Now did you go up and hold up your fist or no that was the same year as Cassius Clay now did you go up and hold up your fist or no that was a different thing different different day okay what was your what was your event I ran the 400 I got beaten the 400 I got six in the 400 but we won the four by 400 okay who was on your team? Otis Davis, Glenn Davis and Jack Gehrman.
Starting point is 02:28:26 Okay. Glenn won the 400 meter hurdles and Otis won the 400. So we had three gold medalists on the team. So I understand that you knew Bob Hayes? Oh, very well. Okay, how so? Just... Friendship.
Starting point is 02:28:43 Same team? No, when he was here in Dallas we became friends. Okay guys who just like to run fellow Olympians together. Yeah okay I didn't know. Yeah great guy great guy. So as far as it's host a swab drive like you could we could do this even we could have an event we could have absolutely the proper technical specs out there. We're looking for age 18 to 55. Churches are great places to hold one. Like I said, universities, we just held one at
Starting point is 02:29:16 Kappa Sig at SMU. We're getting ready to do all the fraternities and sororities at SMU. And we're going up to Texas Tech here in a few weeks. It's, again, it's, nobody turns it down. Right. They just say, well, I had to, I didn't know, you bet, let's register.
Starting point is 02:29:37 So you were a sprinter. Yep. Do any other sports in high school? No. No, they didn't try to recruit you? Very linear. Be a wide receiver? No, well Philadelphia did, but I didn't think that was.
Starting point is 02:29:50 What do you mean? I didn't, it wasn't that kind of money back then. We're talking 1960. This was 1962 and they said you need to come up and try out and they give you a little bonus and so on. Did you go no you'd never had pads on before right no you don't start that at that part of your career I had other things I wanted to do okay but that was pre Bob Hayes then
Starting point is 02:30:14 right oh yeah okay yeah cuz that's something the Cowboys did is drafted him in the real late round something like that yeah did you get drafted no or they just called you no just called me said hey, he's pretty fast Yeah, come up here come up here and give it a try. Yeah back in the day when some of the guys did then David Steve then played a while I think oh really and Yeah, but it's It was not my not my goal run from A to B. Yeah, that's your That's how you liked it. Yeah, put up a finish line.
Starting point is 02:30:45 Just get there. I was anxious to get off in the business world and do other things. What was that like back then? Because even today they will say, man, the Olympic Village cramped or just, you know, it's a wild scene, the beds are uncomfortable, things like that, weird stuff. How was it? I was a 19-year- old sophomore at Abilene Christian who had made the Olympic team.
Starting point is 02:31:09 You were not complaining about anything? I didn't complain about anything. Okay. Now, the Pan Am games down in Sao Paulo, Brazil, it's a little different. A little different. More flies and food. But there were some great experiences.
Starting point is 02:31:22 It took me to Moscow to run against the Russians. Like I said, took me to South America. Track and field was good to me. It was it's still going on. Look, I still get to bring this out and tell people about how to save lives. So it's it's a piece of my life. No question. Wow.
Starting point is 02:31:41 And what a life. Stacey, you want any final remarks? You want to close your remarks for us? As we close this out? Thank you guys for being here. We appreciate you for having us out here. It's been fun. This place is wild.
Starting point is 02:31:54 We still have any pizza left? That's a good question. Okay. I don't know. Probably. Well, we appreciate you having us out here. She didn't kick us out before it was over. Not yet.
Starting point is 02:32:04 I was slightly worried. Nope. Happy to have out here. She didn't kick us out before it was over. Not yet. I was slightly worried. Nope. Happy to have you here. OK, cool. Well, thanks. Nice to meet you, Earl. Thanks, guys. Great to meet you.
Starting point is 02:32:12 Well, this is fun, boys. Adios, mofo. We got to go before this becomes a zoo. Thank you for watching my video. Subscribe and type for my name if you want to watch more of my videos Fairly snobby dod, Fairly snobby dod, Drive now, pay later, Fairly snobby dod.

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