The Dumb Zone FREE - Steve Smith Sr., Tim Hardaway Sr. vs Tyrese Halliburton, and Bad Beats | DZ 2-24-25

Episode Date: February 24, 2025

Get every episode of The Dumb Zone by subscribing to the show at or lot to catch up on today's show. The end of Argyle basketball for Blake, a weekend ch...eck involving a fight with the wife, our knockout winners in studio, Steve Smith and Tim Hardaway Seniors, and another edition of Bad Beats (00:00) - Open: Weekend check (43:59) - Sports: Lakers win, Mavs lose (01:07:22) - Today in Twitter: Steve Smith Sr. (01:49:40) - News: HP teacher connected to cold case (02:07:05) - VM birthdays/Today in History ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, I'm DFW's own Danny Bayless letting you know that you are about to hear a free podcast of the dumb zone. But if you'd like to subscribe at, you will get four shows per week plus the weekend wrap up and any bonus epi's like our business Wednesday interviews. Oh, you'll also get our DZTV archives again, that's a to subscribe. Now on to today's program. The Dumb Zone. Jake. Dan. Can you really say enough about Qualys Roofing? One of our original sponsors, maybe our first.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Qualys Roofing, Qualys OGGC. That's right. If you need a roof like we needed at the den, get a hold of Qualis. If you need your roof inspected, which your insurance folks say that you do, what's up with that? Well, I don't know, but they kind of run things. So if you need a roof, if you need your roof inspected, hit up And if you book yourself an inspection, you get yourself free t-shirt. free t-shirt or I think a Subscription they'll pay for a subscription for you. Oh, and then if indeed you do get a roof with qualis roofing they will give you a sit-in a free sit-in you'll be able to sit in the studio or
Starting point is 00:01:19 You know at the den and you'll be just like Martin Luther King jr Okay, okay okay yeah with at a place where you eat get coffee and stuff right mm-hmm some people do you eat and get caught okay I think we killed that. Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright I never listen, I'm gonna listen I wanna listen to the drums on So it's Monday.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Hello! We have a case of the Mondays. I'm Dan McDowell. I'm Jake Kemp. I'm Blake Jones. We got Clayton here as well. I wanna listen, I wanna listen With a mic?
Starting point is 00:02:04 Look, Clayton got himself a mic. Like he asked Clayton a hundred things. The one thing he remembers to do is get himself a mic. Yeah. This just showed up. Like I'm like, hey, we cut this audio and then he doesn't do that. He doesn't do that. And then all of a sudden, hey, maybe you should have a mic.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Oh, okay. It's got like a auto-tune auto-tune on it or something. Yeah What's going on Clayton? But we'll hear from Clayton it for a weekend check maybe see if he does stuff But uh we have sit-ins today You are not here from QALYS, correct? No Have you been instructed on those mics?
Starting point is 00:02:48 What to do with those? Self-explanatory, but maybe I should... Yeah, it probably was self-explanatory. Anyway, we have a couple of sit-ins. These guys are football experts. Yeah. They know more about football, picking games than you do. I know. I told them I expected them to walk in like Lloyd and Harry
Starting point is 00:03:10 with suits on and big bags of cash. These are our Knockout League winners. So from left to right on your TV dial, we're looking at the YouTube feed. It is Craig and Dan. Did you know? Yeah, I did. My brother's name is Craig. Oh, I think I did.
Starting point is 00:03:36 How about that? Dan and Craig. Dan and Craig. Heard that all my life. He's not the one that knocked up- Stepdad. ... a Titans cheerleader. That at your brother-in-law Right well step brother-in-law our former step brother-in-law. Hmm the ties that bind I've never really seen that video former step brother-in-law But step certainly in a in the search queue. Love the word step. Just throw that in there and it makes it all okay.
Starting point is 00:04:09 It's not really your mom. Don't see a lot of step grandma, but I'm sure it's not there. Gilf is what you're supposed to search, right? Yeah. Cougar, Gilf. Anyway, these guys won our knockout league. The knockout where all you have to do,
Starting point is 00:04:26 it's the easiest thing in the world. Man, I just remember when I first heard about it, like a decade ago. What, you just pick a winner? Not against the spread? I mean, all right, I'll just take your money. I didn't last through week one this year. I went with...
Starting point is 00:04:46 Cincinnati. Yeah, the Bengals to beat New England. That was an obvious one. Yeah. And. That wiped out about half my league. Yeah, for sure. Are you just saying that? No, it's always the ones you don't notice
Starting point is 00:05:03 coming up on the slate every week. My guy lets his buy back in. Well, Blake runs this league and Blake does not play. In fact, these guys wanted to stop like with four or five weeks left in the season and say, what if we just split it? And Blake said, no, we're in this thing for number one no laying up at the Masters and it turns out now did you guys just mirror
Starting point is 00:05:32 each other's picks or did they actually pick different teams sometimes but you know that's at the end get asked them it's different it was different a few weeks but by the time there was five of us left, I was checking the spreads and just going to the top two because it was like nervous. Yeah. No, I think especially as we got to the end, it just seemed like every week there was an obvious, like the Bengals beating the Patriots,
Starting point is 00:06:01 there was an obvious one that you should pick every week. And it just worked out, you know. So you guys- What's the loot? Each are taking home well into the four figures, correct? Yes, yes. Yeah, do we wanna say? Yeah, we have a check to present them.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Cause the way we do that at the end? Or I can get it right now, okay. All right. Boy, what a well check to present them. Because the way we do that at the end? Or I can get it right now. What a well-oiled machine. Yeah, no, I just thought. Says the guy who hasn't helped with anything. Whoa. He was busy during September. He was away. He didn't have a lot of input.
Starting point is 00:06:38 He was busy prepping for now. This is one of those, do we do this on the air or be a real big jerk and just do it off the air? It is funny, it's like your wife, right? He's complaining I didn't do anything about it and from the very beginning I was like, this seems like a lot of work, I don't think we should do this, there's really no upside.
Starting point is 00:06:58 And then every week he bitched and complained about it on the dot. It's like, we didn't really need to do this. The upside is. What, they want some money. Great dot. It's like, we didn't really need to do this. The upside is. What, they won some money. Great fun. That's really it.
Starting point is 00:07:09 The charity. Oh yeah, the Sandlot Charity is a beneficiary. I'd say it's some other charities that we're gonna provide too. Yeah, the initial thought was, let's do this as a money-making event. Right. And then I said to you guys right away,
Starting point is 00:07:22 I don't think you can do that. Yeah, so. And our lawyer called us. guys right away, I don't think you can do that. Yeah, so. And our lawyer called us. We know lots and lots of lawyers, and we used one or two of them, just to, we used one of them, he gave us the answer we didn't like, we went to another one, and he's like, no, no, no, that one was right.
Starting point is 00:07:38 The, yeah, we went to our aggressive lawyer, who's like, you can get away with anything, and he's like, nah, I don't think you should do this. It's like me asking Dan if I can run a bit on the air. Like, ah, what was the point of asking you? He says no. Yeah, the aggressive lawyer said, no, you can skirt it. You can run this pool if you give it to charity.
Starting point is 00:08:00 So we're going to donate an equal amount to charity that we give to you guys. What are we looking at? Five grand each? Is that it? Four? I don't know. But the IRS is gonna know one way or the other. 8,400 each.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Or jeez. Each, you would not wanna tell your wives. Yeah, do you wanna lie if your wives are going to see this? She's already seen it. Okay. Chappie used to have it. Have they spent it? I have a 100 inch TV in my living room now. Nice. Heck yeah. Now that makes it seen it. Okay. Have they spent it? I have a 100 inch TV in my living room now.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Nice. Heck yeah. Now that makes it worth it. I'm sorry, Blake. Yeah. Chappie used to have what he called the slush fund. What does that mean? It was just the money my stepmom didn't know about.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And he had like a little manila folder that he would keep. That was very Dave Ramsey. Documents, oh he was Dave Ramsey before, and that's where tickets for UT games or something came from, the slush fund. I mean, you and your wife have something similar in that she doesn't know exactly how much money you have in your account, right?
Starting point is 00:08:58 And vice versa. Yeah. And it's really more about hers, but yeah, I imagine it's pretty common to. She's gotta be rolling it. she seems to be doing quite well. Shouldn't have eight grand just laying around for a hundred inch TV though. Yeah, you probably got some left over.
Starting point is 00:09:14 It's a big deal. All right, well, congrats. Any shout out or we do that at the end too. We notice that you're wearing a Lone Star beer, some merch. Yeah. You went to, you actually bought merch. I actually did and I actually forgot to use dumb zone 21. What are we doing? As my... You forgot the promo code. I forgot the promo code. Well the good news is that means it's still active. It is still active. But you thought the merch was so
Starting point is 00:09:43 cool. Yeah, yeah. At full price. Well what if thought the merch was so cool. Yeah, at full price. Well, what if? It's a spot now. Imagine, no, no. I don't think we're doing a Lone Star Beer spot today. I do wanna shout out one of our dudes that was in on Friday, Zach, the rehab listener. He ran the half marathon in Fort Worth in 138.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Jeez. Oof. I'm like, dude, come on, were you really that bad? Is that impressive? Yeah, it's like. Oh, and he just got out of rehab and all of a sudden he's doing this? Yeah, he's like, oh, he's in such bad shape.
Starting point is 00:10:14 So now that you're a rehab guy, because I heard this, or at least maybe saw it or whatever on Twitter after you got back, was it really that bad, like this and that? Now you're that guy. Yeah, like alright dude, you're able to just break out a 725 mile a month out, I don't know. You didn't have, you weren't as bad, everyone does it. And he also sent me a photo of a guy that he ran with
Starting point is 00:10:39 running in a no puppet hat. I think we're well represented in local races. Should we do one? If you wanna have a bit. We wanted to do a bib. And let you do your bib. Do we wanna do a local race? Do we wanna do a race money for? I mean, I'd have to leave it up to our clearing house
Starting point is 00:10:57 for all that is good and noble in the charity space, Blake. Thank you. Sure, I don't know. I don't wanna get up that early. Also, this would be my- If I get up early,, I don't know. I don't want to get up that early. Also this one. I get up early, I just don't want to go anywhere. You know, I still have the dream of us having a softball tournament, so.
Starting point is 00:11:13 But these are later in the year type things. Yeah, but your dream involves revamping all the fields to make them pentagon shaped. That's not a bad idea. Everyone is stoked on the pentagon softball tournament to honor the fallen heroes of 9-11. The tough part is making twin tower foul poles. That's going to be the tough part.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Wow. Right? A lot there, yeah. Like, dare them to say that we're making fun of them when we present another big check. Yeah, what? It's for the fallen people or
Starting point is 00:11:47 maybe our Charity is just for the upkeep of the 9-eleven Memorial and grapevine Like okay, hey clean it up and stuff. You know yeah, you know the case project. Yeah, sir Table it. Anyway, perhaps as I try to slide us into, oh, before I slide us into a weekend check, tomorrow we have Steve Noviello here. D? We are broadcasting live, to live and live to tape from our Fox 4 studios this week. Fox Four studios this week.
Starting point is 00:12:28 And so DZTV, shout out, more 27. Steve Noviello from Fox Four will be joining us during the show tomorrow. And by request from Steve Noviello from Fox Four, he wants us to bring back Gay Not Gay. What? And you need to know this perhaps as well. This is a little bit of a forcefield we can raise. Steve Noviello, gay, homosexual. He has a man husband. Yeah. So he has called for gay,
Starting point is 00:12:58 not gay though. He likes gay, not gay. Because as we- It's not us. Used to say on gay, not gay. We're not talking, I mean, it's not about being gay. It's about being gay. Right. So if you have an email to send us, what's our email address? And we haven't wanted to do this. That's why we haven't. It's just that every time we see Steve Noviello, he's like, actually, you should and it's okay and good. He pushes for it. Yeah. So you can complain to him. He's always asking. I got a couple of them lined up for sure. Oh, you already do? Oh, yeah. Okay. Hit us up. Great. Because Gay Not Gay used to be the biggest non-green thing I guess that would be sent to me
Starting point is 00:13:47 and that has since been replaced by gummy thoughts yeah a lot of those trailing a distant third would be bad beats but I mean I've started to get some more bad beats lately it's this is simply a matter of Dan not wanting to embrace bad beats. I'm just telling you, maybe people are sending them to you. I got a few. I got a few for today if you want to do it. They're just not sending them to me as much. Yeah, and I was thinking we should start doing email more
Starting point is 00:14:20 because we get more timely emails and we need to respond to something right away. Maybe we'll make, maybe Thursday will just be just be for gummy thoughts and we won't do the big Thursday mailbag thing anymore and we won't have to play your drop and you won't get mad about it. I'm gonna do a bad beat right now. There's nothing you can do about it. Okay. Yeah what do you want, my validation that's true? No, don't do it, this is crazy. I'm waiting, I'm very excited.
Starting point is 00:14:51 This will be the video I put in there, the Tekken one. This one really spoke to me, and I'll tell you why. I've talked to you guys before about the cup, the Taco Bell cup that featured Alicia Silverstone as I think Batgirl also we've talked about Laura Croft Tomb Raider yeah very pointy boxed up PlayStation boobs well a listener sent us this one from from the trailer for the video game Tekken 2 and I absolutely remember being like can I crank it to this and it's just like a suggestive woman in
Starting point is 00:15:34 two and a half D which means you can kind of see that she has a rack and every video game at that time was doing this. They were all figuring out ways to put boobs in your video game. And this is one that definitely hit for me. Tekken, Dan, a fighting game. Really no need for this at all. At all. This is like on the pre-playing screen.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Yeah, like your menu screen type thing. Tekken coming out, or Tekken 2 coming out in October, this is what they were to release in April to get you excited. Did it work? I remember being very excited about it. You could download these trailers on your PlayStation and watch them, and yeah, I definitely skipped ahead, watch this.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Yeah, she's got like leggings on, like I didn't even know that existed at that time. Yeah. This is a big one. When you learn leggings. Yeah. I've got a couple. Oh, we're doing this now, okay.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Yeah, Jake started it. This first one, I'm gonna just keep this anonymous. Kids are dumb, but also the 90s were tough. This emailer says, youth today cannot comprehend the struggle. First bad beat was Street Fighter II. Oh, wow. On Super Nintendo.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Picking Chun-Li and doing her lightning kicks and pausing it at the right time, which is on your screen right now. As you can see, it's just a little upskirt action. That's really bad. That's so bad. And I have a worse one. So pixelated.
Starting point is 00:17:09 The next one, the same emailer says, while playing NHL 94, you have the face-off circles. No! Ha ha ha! What? OK. Just a couple of face-off circle boobs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:25 God, NHL 94 was so fun, but I never looked at it thinking of boobs. No, I've played that game countless hours. Hit the wraparound. Oh my gosh. That might have been the first glitch. Yeah, the wraparound goal was awesome. That is as down bad of a bad beat as I possibly imagined right there.
Starting point is 00:17:46 It's one thing to have a little slight cleavage in a video game character. It's another to jerk off to still circles. Why don't you just look at a plate? I don't know. I respect it. So maybe that guy that ran that marathon. This is now I'm segueing into a weekend check. I respect it. So maybe that guy that ran that marathon, this is now I'm segueing into a weekend check.
Starting point is 00:18:09 He cheated a little bit because he set up an Elite Rides. They don't ask questions. Elite Rides DFW. Yeah, they'll pick you up at mile one. Yeah. Drop you off at mile 22. They don't care. No.
Starting point is 00:18:23 They're there for you. Really, it's awesome. 1-844-RIDE-DFW. And if you need to go to a game, somebody hit me up last week and said they were just taking their daughter on a college tour and they took Elite Rides DFW to the airport. Wow.
Starting point is 00:18:42 They downloaded the app and they got a discount because they used the promo code there Dan gotta use the promo code DZ 15 15% off the phone number again 844 ride DFW download the app elite rides DFW. They got limos They got Sprinter jet vans, they've got SUVs, mini buses. Hit them up, it is Elite Rides DFW. How about the free water? How sweet is that? Elite. It is Elite. Okay, we can check. I don't have much, so I will volunteer to go first, knowing that you guys are gonna have a lot of gold to follow this. Yeah, Blake.
Starting point is 00:19:33 But, a couple things this weekend. Number one, the last fire, I think, of the season. Yeah, warming up quite a bit today, as evidenced by you being shorts guy. Well, I shouldn't have worn shorts It's a little chilly for that. But I think by the time we leave here today, you're gonna be fine It was just jarring at first. Yeah Got a kind of like a Federman thing going on But But yeah Friday night
Starting point is 00:20:03 Saturday morning was probably a little too warm, but I still had one. And that was my last fire, I think, of the year. I'm looking at the weather forecast, but I don't think we'll get another big one. I'm not sure. That's a sad moment. Another year has passed. Probably more sad when you had kids there.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Now you're just kind of alive for whatever reason. I love fire though. Love me a fire. I explained fairy smut to my wife. Didn't really tell her the origin because I was worried if she might judge your wife differently if I said that's where it came from, although it doesn't seem like your wife is concerned. No, not only is she not concerned, between Friday's show and then over the weekend, this is basically the female version of saying,
Starting point is 00:21:01 I like the NFL. I don't think this is a real avant-garde, you know, outside of the mainstream interest that she has. But I gotta tell you this, my wife had never heard of it, but she did show considerable interest. So, like, she didn't say, oh my god, that's weird and terrible. She's like, oh really, very smut.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Interesting. Yeah. She's like, I don't have to mow until August anyways. Yeah. I need a little. But no, whether it was Ted Emmerich or on down the line of people in our orbit who hit me up and said, hey, ask my wife about this. They're like, I've read every book. I've seen the show.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Apparently there was supposed to be a show on Hulu this year based on Akator in conjunction with. What's Akator in conjunction with... What's Akator? Court of Thorn and Roses. A court? Court? It's the book.
Starting point is 00:21:50 In conjunction with the creator of the TV show Outlander. You guys know anything about Outlander over there? I've heard the word. Yeah, it's a wife show. It's like the porniest take on, I don't know, sort of medieval. There might be some time travel in there, but it's just softcore porn. And that show,
Starting point is 00:22:10 you know, I love porn and I love time travel. Like I love, you sucker me in with a time travel movie or a Freaky Friday or just something weird like that. I love that stuff. Never thought of mixing it up though. No. No, you're not like... I need to look into this. You're not watching the butterfly effect and being like,
Starting point is 00:22:31 what if he shot it there instead of there? How would that have changed? I mean, I guess there was that... The world. That weird unexplained thing in Terminator. Right? Are you familiar with the weird loop in Terminator? So Terminator is Arnold was sent back as a Terminator to kill this little kid. Right. This little kid is going to grow up and lead the resistance. So, you know, the computers sent Arnold back to kill him as a little kid.
Starting point is 00:23:07 It's like sending someone back to kill Hitler. So, the Resistance sent a guy back to make sure the kid stays alive and to try and kill Arnold. And this guy had sex with Sarah Connor, that baby would grow up to be that kid that sent the guy back. Whoa. To kill, do you follow that? Like it doesn't make any sense. That seems like-
Starting point is 00:23:36 It couldn't really happen. No, that should have been thought out. But that was the mind F with it. But that's your limited exposure to doing it. But they didn't show, yeah, they didn't show the whole act. They just kind of inferred, they just, you know, just, they showed him kissing and then they showed him laying there sharing a cigarette or something.
Starting point is 00:23:54 I didn't get to see the other part. But imagine how good Terminator would have been had it been full pen. Just everything, kind of the whole lead up, just a 45 minute type, every position. Yeah, I guess I could imagine that. Any which way. Sure.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Now to add a little time to the movie, but James Cameron enjoys a long movie. Right, yeah, I don't know how much time travel has to do with Outlander, I'm just saying, women are very much into this era of sexy stuff. I bet if your wife asked her friends, it'd be really funny to have the Rose Twins take a spin through this.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Yeah, I asked my wife about it, and she said she didn't like it, because she didn't like the main character, not because of all the fairy smut. Like, that's just... She's on board grabbing a wing. Yeah. Stroking a wing.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Sure. And then I'm all in on Severance Season 2, but I know you want to have some TV talk later. Maybe we'll save that for then. Yeah, I can jump into it a little bit in my weekend check as well. I do have a big weekend check note for tomorrow off the top of the show. I went to my daughter's school on Friday night for I guess they were calling it STEM night. I don't know the school's got a zillion things where you're basically obligated to bring your kid there so that they're not the one who didn't go. Seems to be all it is. It's fine though, it's cool then you make
Starting point is 00:25:21 stuff. Hey whatever and then we went to dinner, it was my mom's birthday. Or excuse me, my wife's birthday was last week, so we did that. Freudian. My mom's birthday is next month, and we were just talking about it. Yeah, definitely, man. Want to sleep with your mom? We get it. Straight up edible, baby.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Edible arrangements. Saturday, I was just straight certified pool boy. Wife, because it was her birthday weekend, went and did lady stuff all day. Don't know what she did. How did they get a birthday weekend? Don't know, yeah. Friday night it was family, her family, my family,
Starting point is 00:25:54 the kids, dinner. Saturday she was gone all day. Whatever she was doing, I don't know. Men straighting across the Metroplex, but I was not involved. So I took advantage of that grapevine wreck indoor pool. Okay, that's what you mean by pool. Dude, my wife doesn't like, oh, she says-
Starting point is 00:26:12 You took the kids? Yeah, both of them. She's like, oh, it's a lot. That's a great pool. I'm like, it's nothing. It's warm. Like they're gonna- Get the lazy river there.
Starting point is 00:26:20 It's great. Like yeah, your kids are small enough, they don't get that that's worse than wet and wild. No, it's free. Yeah. They got, you know, the changing rooms are right there. So it's not that big of a beach. She's just like, oh, it's such a hassle
Starting point is 00:26:32 to get them dressed in and out. I'm like, what else am I going to do? Yeah, you got all day. Like, I'm just here with both of them. And it's cold. So what are we going to do? So we did that. That was nice.
Starting point is 00:26:43 And then Saturday night, doubled up on my pool game with my maiden voyage to World Springs. At a grand-shape. Oh yeah. The spa, or the hot tubs, right? Would recommend. Now, you have to be someone who's open to that sort of thing. As I've told you, like going to actual, you know, spa castle or king spa where
Starting point is 00:27:06 there's a lot of nudity and it's all indoor. If you've done that, this is nothing. But I could see the average American maybe taking a little time to warm up to this, but it's just... There's probably 40 or 50 different hot tubs of varying degrees of size and can the consistency of the waters got different? minerals and stuff in it, and then there's probably ten different saunas and It's just like a huge place out every by the way grandscape That's just the north nice nice version of Arlington now Is it near like it's a city of bits like the colony, grandscape. Wait, grandscape is a city? Well it's part of
Starting point is 00:27:53 the colony but I just mean that development that whole thing to me is just Arlington with a makeover and that's great because Arlington's got a lot of fun stuff to do but it's just bits on bits on bits on bits. Is that the place with the skydiving? Cosm, skydiving thing. There's a place opening called Fritz's Adventures, which is like a kid's play place. There's a lot going on.
Starting point is 00:28:19 And it's bit laden, and they have this place. And I don't know, it would be cool if you went with a big group. We got there at 5. and it's bit laden and they have this place. And I don't know, it would be cool if you went with a big group. I think there were, we got there at five, my wife got a massage and I just went and did my own thing. The later into the evening you went, it definitely turned pretty party time.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Like there are groups of people that it clearly got like. They serve? Oh yeah. Okay. Oh yeah. I think it's the type of place that if you were, you and your lady or you and your man were going to and you were at least curious about like,
Starting point is 00:28:53 hey, my wife and I saw you from across the floor over here. This might be your spot. Okay. Because I mean, you're sitting in hot tubs with strangers and everyone, not everyone, but people are drinking. The sun's coming down. It's a nice setting. Kind of a once in a lifetime.
Starting point is 00:29:09 What are you guys doing after this? That's what I should hear, yeah. Yeah, and it was, I also, I heard like groups of people. You'll never see them again? They probably live in. Yeah, there were a lot of people that had traveled there. Fort Worth, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, perfect.
Starting point is 00:29:20 You're just kind of sitting there across. So what do you do? Yeah, you don't want to swing in your town, because you might end up, you know. Right, I'm supposed to run into you at Ace Hardware? No, this is a judgment-free zone. But it's clean. It was cool.
Starting point is 00:29:35 It was super relaxing. It was fun. Did you stay the night there? No, I did not stay the night there. There are some where you do. Like the ones in Dallas, they have a hotel at King Spa, I think. And then you'll have, like there's one in Austin.
Starting point is 00:29:50 There's a bunch of them down there. And this is actually featured on White Lotus last night. I don't know if you're watching that show. And I don't know why I'm watching it. You don't like it? I don't know that I've ever really liked it. I like when they get a couple under the I Like to get a couple under the belt so I can watch it well because there's nothing but mystery being laid out for like the first three episodes
Starting point is 00:30:11 Yeah, you're just like how does it with that and this and that but Just the concept of like the the wellness retreat Where you just go somewhere for a weekend you do stay there, and you just do nothing But like cleanse your body That's a cool place. I enjoyed it left feeling very relaxed You know what else I went did And you can tell your emailer who basically checked me back into rehab for having ice cream about this. I fucked around with some pie this weekend. Pie?
Starting point is 00:30:47 Where? There was a place in downtown Grapevine that's by Jake's Burgers, it's like a local bakery, and I've always looked at it longingly and just never really had a desire for it. Like I just didn't eat sweets, whether I was not interested or my body just had alcohol, at some level at all times.
Starting point is 00:31:05 I just had no interest in eating sweets whatsoever, but we were picking up dinner next door and I'm like, I'm gonna go in there and get some fun pie. So you feel like now you're sweets guy? I don't know if I'm sweets guy because I am still somewhat conscious, not like to your degree, but about what I eat. But hey, Saturday night.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Did you buy a whole pie or just a slice of pie? I bought two slices and then one small, like six inch pie. And I have that left. I may give that away. What did we get? I got one vanilla bean cheesecake and one chocolate cream pie. Cream pie, Blake.
Starting point is 00:31:39 It used to be Cheesecake Factory. Don't direct that at me. Guy. What? You're always talking about how much you love CPs. It's just fun. This is a fun thing about like the stage of life I'm in at 40. I'm like damn dude these are they're just doing this all the time making pie like this. I'm very proud of myself. Yeah unless being at a restaurant and they kind of offer it up and they tell you that
Starting point is 00:32:05 theirs is really good, I can't see just getting some pie. No, that's what I'm telling you about it. I mean, it was very strange. However, when I walked in there, a small place, there appeared to be a lot of people who, as a group, maybe a family, there's 10 people at table, and they're just all having some pie. Like, it's Little House on the Prairie or something. It's really weird. It's good pie, though.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Did you have any hair pie this weekend? Why am I laughing at that? Because it's great. Yeah, dude. Clay, what'd you do this weekend? I was nostrils deep in some hair pie. Well, it was her birthday. That's right. Clayton's running our video.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Would you call yourself the director of the show? That's what I'm doing. Okay. I know you like to label things. Okay. Big label guy over here. Yeah. Big TV weekend. Go on. Friday night, over here. Yeah. Big TV weekend.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Go on. Friday night, ordered a couple pizzas. Hell yeah. Nice. Got a deal. No. Got a deal on two large pies for me for telling. I don't charge you for delivery either. Generation Kill, I watch that every year.
Starting point is 00:33:23 You watch it every year? Yeah. Jake's been imploring me to start watching that again. I think I watched it 15 years ago or whenever it came out you did you did and I think I probably I don't know if I finish it every Year, but I fire it up once a year and knock out like three or four over a month span It's a very important piece of television for our generation in particular, as it were. So got through that Saturday, Sunday started the newsroom. It's another show I watch every year.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Why? As I recall, that show sucked. Well, doesn't it? If you recall where I used to work. Where'd you work? I worked for Glenn Beck before here. Blaze Media. Blaze Media.
Starting point is 00:34:10 So that was, and growing up in journalism school and stuff, the newsroom stuff was just always like kind of, you know, you dream of working in a New York newsroom like that, so. I just thought it was BS. I can't remember why though. Was it the guy from Friends? Yeah, well, Aaron Sorkin.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Aaron Sorkin room, yeah. No, but Matthew Perry? Yeah, wasn't he in there? No. No, it's Jeff Daniels. Dumb and dumber. Jeff Daniels. Jeff Daniels is the news director.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Yeah, OK. It just felt so self-righteous or what? I don't know. It's Aaron Sorkin. Yeah, but I don't know. I really enjoyed The West Wing. For some reason, I did not enjoy the newsroom at all. It's no morning show. It's no morning show. Let's just be honest. Look, I'm not trying to compare it to the morning show.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Who is? Yeah, we can't. I mean... I think what he's saying is that he felt what his body felt like to have a fully grown penis after watching Generation Kill. He was like, how can I stuff this back inside my body by learning about the saviors that are the liberal media? I had too much tea, so I had to bring it down.
Starting point is 00:35:20 I get it. Yeah. No, I totally get it. I was ready to run through a brick wall. Yeah, I just needed to think about my importance of the fourth estate Yeah, it had Zah for the weekend and then little screen actors guild awards last night Okay, that apparently existed. It's a big TV weekend. Yeah. No, I saw Timothy Chalamet is all over the place for his big speech.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Did it move you? Give it like this. Did it move you? No, I've not heard it. I've not heard it. I'm a fan of his. But- Do you think he's our next one? Is he our next Leo?
Starting point is 00:35:58 Feels like that's been ordained. De Niro. Yeah. We don't have another one. And he doesn't seem like a bad kid. He kind of came up in the blog era, like there's, he had a fairly successful YouTube channel where he's just reviewing like PlayStation controllers
Starting point is 00:36:14 when he's 12, and I find that very, just a regular kid, you know, he follows like 10 accounts or something, and one of them was Zach Lowe, and the other was Bill Simmons. Have you wondered what you would do like if this if you grew up in this era because I grew up in an era and I was making cassette tapes yeah and you know trying to make little productions about the Cleveland Indians 1987 season or whatever like what I'd be on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Yeah, I mean, I think I probably would have, although now there's so many people that do it, I think my confidence would have been crushed. I guess what I'm trying to say is back when I first was, like when I first figured out I could record myself playing music, it was magic. But I was the only one who knew how to do it. And when it came to operating the Handycam and even editing.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Like there was no one else that had those. So even like we would edit some video when we were skateboarding and stuff, I'm like, this is great, no one knows. But now everyone knows how to do it. So back then, I was kind of popular as content guy, but that wasn't because it was good. It was just because I knew how to make it
Starting point is 00:37:25 do a four track and a tape recorder. But now everybody can, so I think I would fail. Yeah, probably. Yeah, I was recording myself playing NCAA football and commenting over it, put it on YouTube. You did? Yeah. I used to record myself calling.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Where are these videos? On YouTube. I can find them on, you have a YouTube page. Yeah, what is it called? Man, I don't remember. Okay But yeah I would take one of the worst teams in NCAA and then just go through a season win every game and explain why I was Calling this play or did we need that big gotta have it big swings in the action and yeah my UTSA Roadrunners Doesn't Blake look like a little baby when he shaves?
Starting point is 00:38:08 He looks super, he looks really thin too. He just finally has the stress of the season-s off of him. Yep, new man. Yeah, this was a big week. It was a Black Friday in Argyle. It's tough, no fireworks. Yeah, we played the end of that game. We're living and dying with you though, man.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Dude, yeah. Went down early. It's not that far from like a cowboy stream. They just got close. Down one. Down one, yeah. Down one twice. It was very exciting. Yeah, I heard you guys stood up.
Starting point is 00:38:44 That was nice of you. Yeah. Sent some energy from South Lake. It didn't work though. It didn very exciting. Yeah, I heard you guys stood up. That was nice of you. Yeah. Sent some energy from South Lake. It didn't work, though. It didn't last long. We were trying to do a rally thing. Nope. So last week, I drove 1,085 miles.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Because Monday, we had our game in Haskell. Keller Tuesday. And then Friday was the big one, where the girls' playoff game was at Abilene Christian University at 1 o'clock. Tuesday and then Friday was the big one where the girls playoff game was it Abilene Christian University at one o'clock the boys playoff game was in Fort Worth at 730 and I was able to do both. It was the closest I'll get to Craig Way in my life. It was awesome except for the fact that they lost. Yeah it's kind of like a Carlisle kid type situation for me where I definitely agree
Starting point is 00:39:28 that Coach Westmoreland was the guy to get him there. I don't know if he's the guy to get him over there. It's tough. And that's a tough decision. You have to be honest with yourself as a program. Sometimes that takes courage. They need a guy who does have some conviction in his moves maybe a guy like Nico that could evaluate what this
Starting point is 00:39:51 program is really all about and what it means to be an Argyle Eagle yeah I mean I would like to remind you guys he does have two state titles at Argyle so yeah but I've shown that he can do it. Is his work ethic there? Well, I mean, I think that's what I always say to people when they say who's the best GM in football. I'm like, well, you know, Jerry has a few Super Bowls, and then the argument's over. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Just add up the GM Super Bowls in the NFL today. Those were Jimmy's teams. So you say. Who was signing the checks? You ran into a buzzsaw. Yeah. Got to see the number one recruit in the country, Elia Chavez, headed to probably Texas, if I'm reading the tea leaves correctly. The Texas coach was there to watch, which was funny. Really great, yeah, really good player.
Starting point is 00:40:41 After the game, I kid you not, there was a line around the court to get her autograph. For real? She had a handler there, and this was not her first time. She knew to hit recruiting websites, local TV, and then the coach pulled out a table for her, she sat down and began citing autographs for everyone in the crowd. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Did you get one? No. You thought about it though. No, I, no. Get a picture with her? She was overwhelmed. But very nice to do so. Met a couple nice listeners out in Abilene,
Starting point is 00:41:14 Aaron and Elizabeth. They bought tickets, and I don't know how much of the game they watched, but just to come by and say hello, and that was really nice of them. Aw. They're on your screen now. And they gave me this nice Abilene Wiley shirt.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Oh, Aaron's a dude. I thought you had two girls come visit you. No. No. All right. Nope. Still on board with them. Hello, ma'am.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Good subbies. Very nice. Hello, Aaron. Yeah, both of them. He's not. Dan, you would have appreciated this. In the gift bag they gave me for this shirt, they wrote down the cleanest bathrooms in Abilene. Okay on the way back. They said it's this exit you had
Starting point is 00:41:49 It's like, you know ten miles outside Abilene. Here's the name of the place the best bathrooms you can find I do like that, but probably more important for Jake cuz he'll be sitting down but less important for me though because Like I'm like Dez walking out at the link with no sleeves on I don't know the condition show me your worst conditions you're I'm putting up seven catches 105 yo I I've never been in a bathroom I'm like well this won't work and then on Sunday took the kid to the park wanted to feed the ducks and kind of like your bit with dolphins
Starting point is 00:42:26 Yeah, ducks. I think are the biggest dicks we have in the animal kingdom Because it's like they were like these three bigger ducks wouldn't let any of the other ducks eat Then a female came in there and they all just about to run a train on this board. Whoa Chased her off and then two flew after. It was, it's a bad scene, man. Ducks are not nice. I agree with this. And they look all cute with their green head.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Yeah, they're selling insurance and wrapping. Got a little necktie. Yeah, dude. Don't like it. Horrible, I think I'm out on ducks. They poo all over your yard, if they get into your yard. I had a few years ago. You were all thrilled about it at first.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Yeah, I was thrilled. It looked so peaceful. It was so sweet. I felt like Tony Soprano. They're flying in to swim in my pool and then they leave. Okay, cool man. How'd the squad do yesterday? We split. Oh softball. Yeah seems like we're
Starting point is 00:43:28 gonna be the cardiac cards this year. Had two come from behind victory well was gonna be a victory but then they had the hammer and they won it. Okay. We got some good exercise on a Sunday. Well you know what that's all it's about. I know. Just get out in there. Heart rate up. Having some fun. Fellowship. So on today's program, I see we have in reverse order closing remarks, Today in History,
Starting point is 00:43:55 News. We have Today in Twitter. But we can start with sports if you want. From the wonderful world of sports. Radio sports scoreboard. Oh yeah, I like that. Brought to you by Fair Lease. I read the wrong one.
Starting point is 00:44:17 That's okay. They will lease you a vehicle fairly. Let's say you have negative equity, Blake. Fair Lease provides you with lots of solutions for that situation. They have cost effective leasing. When it comes to leasing your next vehicle, do it with Fair Lease. Just go to You click request a quote, then select the dumb zone on the had you hear about us, which is probably true. 10,000 to 30,000 miles a year. What you need to know is that they will handle this for you from stem to stern beginning to end. They'll deliver the vehicle right to your doorstep. So do it.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Check them out. Matthew at Fair Lease, Danny at Fair Lease. Tell them the dumb zone sent you at It's Luca's offense now. Yeah, so JJ Reddick did come out and say that after the, um, after the Lakers, our Lakers beat the Nuggets. Like, I can't say I'm just a Lakers fan. I don't think I can ever do that. But, kind of like our little guy, I'm accepting things now. And I'm looking for ways I want him to win a title.
Starting point is 00:45:26 That's what I've always wanted. I really wanted it to be here, but clearly that will not be the case. And I would rather have Luca win a title with the Lakers than the Mavs win a title with AD. I don't care. I don't. Yeah. The tone deafness of this organization The Mavs continue to step in it Friday after we got off the show Did you see what hit Twitter Friday or social media? What was it the Mavs put out a video? Oh yeah, with Thoreau, okay. A hype video. And I wish I downloaded it.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Cause I knew there's no way they're going to be able to handle this onslaught of reaction. Because in the video, they would be showing highlights from their run last year and like if somebody fed Luca fed Kyrie and Kyrie lays it up and in but they would put a Mavs logo over Lucas face on the like he's on the court, but they just put a logo there just to kind of mask him. Like, why? You can't erase him from the history of your team.
Starting point is 00:46:54 It's the insecurity we talked about, maybe the ticket felt that or feels that a little bit with, you know, the, you know, what Saturday Night Live has never worried about the insecurity of oh, yeah That's just gonna make you know this will downplay the guys we have here. Why you made that decision Mavs You've made this decision Don't own it But they so they put out this video Luca is is not just cut out of it, but like really blatantly bad Photoshopping getting him out and then they delete the video a couple hours later.
Starting point is 00:47:31 So I don't know if this is true or not, but I do believe that WFAA did some detective work. All right. And that they had edited out Grimes and Kleba, but not Luca. But the point is... And then they just thought, okay well we've already gone this far let's just throw the logo up? Yeah and they should have just as PJ would say stood on business. If it's a standard thing to do, which Bobby Corolla tweeted, you know he's with DLLS now,
Starting point is 00:48:03 was with the Mavs for a long time, He's like, we used to have to do this all the time. It's not a, not a thing. That's also stupid, but It is stupid. He didn't comment on that part of it, but just said it's a normal thing. And then WFA went out and said, Hey, this is actually, this is Quentin Grimes and Maxie Kleba, but the team can't just do anything. Everything they do, they screw up. Because at that point, they should have just left it up. Like what are you worried about? If you don't feel bad about it,
Starting point is 00:48:33 just because people yelled at you, which that part makes me feel good. Because it does seem like if we just yell about stuff enough, short of bringing them back, they'll kind of bend the knee. Like I think by April 9th, they're gonna be be real worn down and that's when we take over. Are they working up a real nice tribute video for him? That's gonna be so weird man. Even if they have it, even if they do something nice? They have to but... They have to but this idiot organization I don't know if they will. I wouldn't be
Starting point is 00:49:03 surprised. Everything they've done PR-wise has been a disaster. So what about, there was another story, or I just saw people commenting on a story that I never really found the exact quotes. Was it the athletic article that they were talking about people, were talking about that Luca apparently controlled the practices. Yeah. What article was that? So, the athletic with Christian Clark, who's their local Dallas beat reporter now, like
Starting point is 00:49:36 replaced Kato, him and two other guys from the Athletic National wrote that article that we went over. It's like the what makes Nico tick. Talking about him in college and all that stuff. I don't believe there's anything about his practice habits actually listed in there, but I heard the same thing you did. So I went and listened to Mr. Clark on Locked On Mavericks over the weekend.
Starting point is 00:50:00 And he references it there. He says, in the reporting for this story, these are some of the things we heard. And the way he put it was, he didn't always want to practice necessarily to the degree that the team wanted. And that sometimes, when he didn't really want to practice, the team didn't really practice,
Starting point is 00:50:24 that they would just shoot instead. So it's more of this stuff that if any star player's relationship with their team went south, you would find out about it afterward. You don't find out about it when they're going to the finals. And that's, well the point is you don't care about it if they're going to the finals. Yeah, and they hadn't fallen into the shitter this year
Starting point is 00:50:46 enough to where you would think you needed to start planting seeds of all these stories, but Jason Kidd is Jason Kidd. He may be a changed person to a degree, but he's still the guy who was the coach of the Bucks and the Nets that that book was written about, or was written about in the book about Yannis. He's still that guy. We're learning what Nico is. So I think they actually were
Starting point is 00:51:12 ruffled by him saying, oh, we're talking about practice? That's what I want Luca to say at his April 9th press conference. Maybe even tomorrow night if he hangs 40 on him. Just open the press conference with, we're talking about practice. Because now they're seriously sitting here talking about this, and I mean look, Jamal Mosley, the Magic, I think, had a game last night. And he used to coach Luka, and they asked him about it.
Starting point is 00:51:39 He's like, guy works as hard as anyone I've ever seen. Like it may not look the way you want it to look But he's obsessed with basketball. This is not a Hey, he just happens to get lucky like he's yes, he's working. Does that mean he's always on the treadmill Does it mean he's always wanting to practice? Maybe not but that's where that came from It's just more BS that they have to do now to try to cover. Like obviously if they win the title, and that's the only thing that can happen
Starting point is 00:52:11 to make it kind of seem like this is okay. If the Mavs win the title? They have to win a title. Yeah. Not just like get to the finals, cause they've done that. But even that would, it'd be, I'm sure Mavs fans would be happy.
Starting point is 00:52:26 I don't think I'll care at all. But because it would also be somewhat like, I mean, when the Rangers won the World Series, I think it would have been way different if they won the World Series in 2011. Oh, without a doubt. Like that was a team we grew up with. It was Michael Young. The characters. Elvis, you knew him since he was little
Starting point is 00:52:47 Like you know you got to see that the growth in the addition and the you know Some trades that added to that you added to the core you you have your thing and then it grows and you add around it And then it feels satisfying Like the way the Rangers did it they just kind of signed a bunch of dudes and it just felt weird I would go so far as to say that if the Rangers won this year It would mean more to people than they than when they won two years Yeah, maybe just because now they just have but the Mavs are all players just different guys Like I guess Powell is the guy who's been there the longest, but you know, you're right
Starting point is 00:53:22 I mean basically the identity of the team is Kid. Just because he's a known, you know, Kyrie, but Kyrie's played on 10 teams. Right, Kyrie's known as a guy. So. Who will jump team to team. That's why it was cool to add him to the mix of what you had.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Anyway, yeah, Luca controlled the practices. This goes back to what I talked about early on too. Well, who's your coach? I mean, the whole point of this, you want a player to behave differently, you coach him up. You brought in a coach to coach a superstar. So, if you're known as a players coach and you just kind of let the players do their thing, well, that's your thing, you know. No team
Starting point is 00:54:12 ever gets rid of the superstar and keeps the coach. That's just not done. So now let's go to our, uh, our team. Oh, by the way, did you you see I didn't watch the game yesterday I saw him getting blown out and I saw pictures on social media. I saw it I watched it live. Rob Polenko was in the stands. God dude they kept showing it. It was tough. It was first quarter, second, because Bob Myers was on the call. Former general general manager of the Warriors. I've always liked Bob Myers was on the call, former general manager of the Warriors. I've always liked Bob Myers, super interesting guy, super smart guy, he was an agent himself actually.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Kind of laying the mold for Polinka a little bit. I like him on NBA studio shows, did not enjoy him on the call. Talks nonstop. But he is a GM, so when there's, Palinka's at the game for Andre Iguodala's jersey retirement, they're gonna show Palinka side by side with Nico Harrison a lot.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Was he his agent? Yeah. That why he's there, okay. Yeah, who worked with Bob Myers when Bob Myers was the Warriors' GM. But it was, dude, it was, it felt, it was at least twice, if not three times in the first three quarters.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Also, because the game was getting pretty out of hand, they would just show both of them on television and talk about them, and I'm like, fuck, dude, I can't do this. Like, I fully intended to just watch this game and maybe try to not think about this for a minute, and it was just, hey, you know, those guys have traveled the world together,
Starting point is 00:55:43 you know, they know each other in a way that a lot of people evaluating this trade don't understand. There's a trust there and a history. And it's like, fuck, dude, I don't care. I just wanna watch a basketball game without having to think about this for a minute. And I'm putting it to the whole game. There's a trust there, but one of the guys betrayed the trust.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Seriously, if you're actually friends, you'd be like, what are you doing? I gotta give you Austin Reeves, too. I mean, you need another ball handler. Yeah. Like the Lakers, I'm listening to the Lockdown Lakers these days, and I'm trying to learn about my new team. And they can't believe it.
Starting point is 00:56:27 They just can't believe how cool this is that there's always two of those guys on the floor. Like Austin Reeves is a real good distributor ball handler as well. Offensive player, he's a real offensive threat. And the fact that they can have Luca, LeBron and Austin Reeves, and yes, so then after the game, they beat Denver. So his first few games, they went one and two.
Starting point is 00:56:49 He was on a minutes restriction. He was averaging like 15 points a game. But he's Luca and he hasn't played in two months and he's Luca. So if you thought, oh, look, maybe Nico had something here. And he looked real, I mean, he was shell shocked. He really was. He's an actual human.
Starting point is 00:57:13 And that did affect him, I think. But he had a great game in Denver. 32 points, 10 rebounds, seven assists, four steals. You see some clips now and maybe this will get bigger. The fact that Luca does complain about the, to the refs a lot, but he also gets mugged a lot. Sure. And you've probably seen the one clip of him going around the right side and just getting hammered and hammered and then hammered again by a different guy and then he still gets it off and makes the shot but he didn't
Starting point is 00:57:49 get an N1. This will be a bigger thing now that he's in the spotlight. Oh yeah. Yeah. It'll be fun for the NBA world to finally take his complaints seriously. Here's Luca on the court after the game. for the nba world to finally take his complaints seriously here's luca on the court after the game
Starting point is 00:58:10 might just said it you can smile night long just what has felt what's up better tonight fun like myself no place as well i love so despite the movie myself a little bit so I that's why I was
Starting point is 00:58:25 smiling the whole game. There's been so much talk about you fitting in with the Lakers about you fitting in with LeBron James just how are you able to find a rhythm with LeBron tonight. Yeah I mean I think we still
Starting point is 00:58:38 got a lot of improvement you know I just can't play this my full game. So you know chemistry takes time. But you see today you know after three games. You saw today for the uh... so you know can she takes time but you see today not three days so today that is getting better so everything's gonna get better sister for game
Starting point is 00:58:53 with the lakers you've gone there's so much in the last two weeks you've had to adjust just so much what so when she's saying that did you watch this no uh... she goes you've gone through so much and he's like, like he just had this huge like sigh and it like you don't even get it. Yeah. Like you have no idea. The thing is this came so out of nowhere, you know? He's, he had a put a, he's buying a 15
Starting point is 00:59:23 million dollar house in Dallas or he was in the middle of closing on that like this he's wanting to be here long term for sure certainly for the next five years whatever the the contract is they could have offered like this really rocked his whole world. All right. Game. He said with the Lakers you've gone through so much in the last three weeks. You've had to adjust to so much.
Starting point is 00:59:49 What have the last three weeks been like for you personally? Hard, different, but you know, I'm happy to be playing basketball. So like I say, every day is going to get better for me. Like he just looks so sad during that when he was saying it's hard So I'm happy for the new journey Well the trade was a life changer for Luca dotch it should a game changer for the LA Lakers Man that one it has reshaped the entire NBA. Yeah, I saw buddy from apps Twitter's Twitter, Jared,
Starting point is 01:00:26 was like, man, watching Lakers fans react to an extremely normal Luka game, like, oh my god, dude, he just does this. Oh my gosh, yeah. That was a C plus B minus game. Yes, 30, 10, and 10. He shot it OK, but there's going to be nights where he goes 9 to 13 from three
Starting point is 01:00:45 and you're like, he can do that? No, that first game he played when he just did a step back. Oh, the step back. And the guy, he didn't really almost fall, but it's just like, that's what Luca does, and they're just beside themselves like, wow, look at this, and I hate that for them. Sucks.
Starting point is 01:01:01 We had that three times a week. JJ Reddick postgame. This morning we talked about going to war. Be willing to die on the court. All right, I was so amped today. I should have been able to take a nap. I couldn't sleep last night. I was up till five a.m.
Starting point is 01:01:11 I couldn't even nap today. Free game, I'm laying on the floor doing my breathing exercise. I'm envisioning what our team is gonna play like. And you guys went even higher. You went even higher. And frankly, our conviction and our belief in the game plan the bench was great everybody contributed Luca it's good to have you back
Starting point is 01:01:38 anyway I could even hear Dorian in there. Picking him up full court, is that what he said? Yeah. Okay, let's see. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! First team on defense. First team on defense. Rui, Vando. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:52 How can you not love JJ Reddick? That's another thing too, is he gets to go play for a cool coach. Do you remember when Reddick and Lucas sat down on his podcast when he was here for like a month? Oh yeah. It was great. Yeah. Whoa, these two guys with LeBron. Nah, it's awesome, dude.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Everything's going great. I don't know, de Grom, you think about what Chris Sale did after missing a ton of time over three seasons. If we could just get double digit starts out of de Grom, that's got to be a win. I'm not ready. Oh yeah, so yeah, they're going to start, then JJ Reddick after the game also said, yeah, we're going to, we'll be running the offense through Luca.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Yeah. And that was part of the first couple of games. That's LeBron's team. They made this trade to be Luca's team. Now, if you're with LeBron, it's always kind of LeBron's team. But even LeBron probably has to admit, yeah, I'm 40. And everybody involved in this, like I'll bet Anthony Davis was just honored
Starting point is 01:03:04 to be the guy traded for Luca. Like really? Like everybody involved in this is like, yeah, I could see. Like if he really didn't tell LeBron ahead of time, he would have to just sit and nod afterwards and go, well. Yeah, and how many moves like that are there? Two, three, where you can just do it and not tell LeBron in the event that they didn't,
Starting point is 01:03:26 and you just know it's gonna be fine, because LeBron's gonna be like, well yeah, it's Luca. Yeah, you had to get him. And that's the thing. How is Dalton Connect still in this locker room? That's why, right. Explain the trade to me.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Anyone. Again, Austin Reeves, you shouldn't have said, or who'd they get, Max Christie, and many are saying, hey, maybe he was held back there. Okay. Maybe. And maybe he's good, but you should also get Austin Reeves. You should get everything they have. Well, you know, he's going to, if he's actually playing himself into form,
Starting point is 01:03:59 I don't know that they're a threat, but if you have those three guys offensively, you're going to be able to hang with just about anybody. If LeBron's healthy and Luke is healthy and AR is right, then that's a one, two, three that's tough to top. I don't play any defense, but whatever. Yeah. They'll figure it out.
Starting point is 01:04:19 You can have an answer for that is just score more. You don't need to see their culture though. An answer for that is just score more. You don't need to see their culture though. The one little thing that's happening there is will Luca resign here? Like that's their worry. Like they want him to sign an extension there. They should be worried. And a thought is perhaps that they backed out on the Mark Williams deal. You know, they they failed him on his physical. He was the big man they acquired from, is it
Starting point is 01:04:52 Charlotte? Mm-hmm. They just played. And some are saying, at least through Shams, that they shouldn't have failed, like that was what he had was not failable he shouldn't have failed him but the Lakers backed out after possibly initial talks with Luca did not indicate that he is real gung-ho about absolutely I'm resigning with LA. Interesting. So it's just theory, rumor, but you know they didn't have a chance to talk to him. That's why the Mavs didn't get that extra first round pick, as reported. That's where he still says, no, you still just can't talk to him. I need that first round pick or else we're not doing this deal.
Starting point is 01:05:37 You'd think. But Rob Palinka sniffed the blood in the water. He recognized the idiot at the table was not him, and that this guy really wants to get this deal done. He has to get this deal done, more than me somehow. That's a Rob Palinkasen or I can't believe this is happening. And I'm going to theorize that it goes back to ownership as well, that they just didn't want to pay that super max. But what if he doesn't resign and Palinka just sent AD and maybe a good player in Christie? Then it's still a great trade for Palinka because you have to do that. You have to figure it out.
Starting point is 01:06:14 AD will be free in a couple of years anyways or at least needing a new contract. LeBron's old. You got to take that shot again as Dan said. 100 out of 100. Right, that's why no matter what happens in the future, it's still a bad deal for the Mavs and a good deal for the Lakers. Even if Luca doesn't re-sign there,
Starting point is 01:06:32 because now it's on the Lakers to make sure he re-signs there. But you have to take a shot like that when you have a guy like that. If you find an idiot franchise willing to give up a guy with this talent, it's the talent. You can't teach that. You can't. All right.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Well, I'm sure tomorrow night will be fun. Yeah, tomorrow. TNT game. Mavs at Lakers. Gear up. I can tell how bummed you are. I just lose him for minutes at a time. No, it's going to be very difficult. I don't know why, man.
Starting point is 01:07:17 This hurts me. It hurts me too. Alright. Today in Twitter? Sure. Let's do it. Brought to us by Ownwell? I'm gonna plug my computer in while you talk to the fine folks about Ownwell. Very good. Yes, Ownwell is the place where homeowners save on property taxes. So instead of spending hours filing your property tax appeal and preparing for an in-person hearing,
Starting point is 01:07:46 that's weird because I was working on some tax stuff this weekend. And so I searched my computer tax and I found a time that we pitched like all this paperwork we put together. It took so many hours to try and pitch and then we saved like 20 bucks, like something really ridiculous. But it's so many hours and driving down, O'Neill does that for you. You spend three minutes and you get money back, excuse me, they get money from you only if you get money back.
Starting point is 01:08:16 And the money they get from you is a very low percentage, lowest on the market. They'll take 25% versus everyone else takes about 40% or 50% of the savings they get you. And they saved me some money on my cable bill and I think they only saved me, I don't know, 50 bucks or something and they said it's on the house. So they're not going to take 25% of everything. I think there's a certain threshold. Wow. But that's just the good people that they are. Ownwell. slash the dumb zone. Sign up up put it on auto renewal like Blake did
Starting point is 01:08:45 save yourself some money save some time with slash the dumb zone a couple minutes ago I definitely thought Dan was about to step into a sack but he did he did not when you were referencing things you saw on Twitter regarding the Mavs. I know they didn't ban the jerseys. No, but Dez didn't. Oh, okay. Yes, there was a tweet that said the Mavs banned
Starting point is 01:09:15 wearing Luka jerseys to the arena. Yeah, and it had like- Which is somewhat believable if a piece of black tape over a Mavs logo was banned. We do it all the time whenever we get ball-sacked. We, ugh, you could believe it. That's exactly what this was. And I think the people at NBA Centel and Ballsack
Starting point is 01:09:33 had gone out of their way to actually write fake emails and take screenshots of them. So they just got this email from MavsPR, ridiculous. So it took off. That was probably a.01 second where I saw it and was like, what? Yeah, I believed it. But Dez went ahead and mashed that retweet. You think Dez is terribly digitally literate? Well, yeah, because he sells Bitcoin and he can talk to you all day about that. He deleted that. He had to delete it after
Starting point is 01:10:03 throwing it up on the X do you think you ever says that when he tweets probably throwing it up on the X a couple other quick ones here so Tim Hardaway senior oh we're all very familiar with here right oh yeah he he doesn't like gay people. He does not. Let me test his audio real quick, Blake. Let me see if this works. But why is it that an- Okay, that's not right. I got it back here. So Tim Hardaway Jr. played for the Mavericks for a long time. Tim Hardaway Sr. was part of Run TMC, the famous Warriors team. And yeah, we played him on Dan Leventhal many years ago because an NBA player who had retired
Starting point is 01:10:48 had just come out as gay, and then Tim Hardaway Jr. was asked about it, and he was not too cool about it. Wanna hear it? Oh yeah, if you wanna play it, sure. Tim Hardaway, last question before we let you go. How do you deal with a gay teammate? Ooh, first of all, I wouldn't want him on my team and second of all you
Starting point is 01:11:07 know if he was on my team I would you know really distance myself from him because I don't think that's right and you know I don't think that you know he should be in a locker room while we're in a locker room and it's just a whole lot of other things so I wouldn't I wouldn't even be a part of that. But you know, it's stuff like that going on. And there's a lot of other people I hear like that that's still in the closet and don't want to come out the closet. But you know, I'd just leave that alone.
Starting point is 01:11:38 You know that what you're saying there, though, Timmy, is flatly homophobic, right? It's just bigotry. Well, you know, i hate gay people so uh... uh... you know i i let it be known i don't like gay people i don't like to be around gay people i don't you know i i i'm homophobic i'm homophobic i don't i don't i don't like it it shouldn't be
Starting point is 01:11:58 in the world for that or any in the united states for it so yeah i don't like it props to tim Hardaway for. Yeah, sticking to his guns. I think the next day he might have apologized, but. Yeah, once his boss made him. Yeah. But at the moment.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Yeah, but he's like, you know that's homophobic. Oh, oh, it is, okay, I am homophobic. I guess you're not understanding what I'm saying. I hadn't heard that before. I don't know how much simpler I can make this for you. Yeah, I wasn't aware there was a word for this, but great. Yes, I am homophobic. So Tim Hardaway Sr. was on, I guess
Starting point is 01:12:38 this might have been out at the NBA All-Star Game, but Tim Hardaway Sr. was on Gilbert Arenas' podcast. And he started going on some rant about, you know, he did the thing where like, ah, guys back in, guys in this era couldn't have played in my era. Sure. And he's up there with like Swaggy P.
Starting point is 01:13:01 And a couple other guys, like there's no way. Gilbert could have played, but there's no way that any of you could Have played and then he starts getting really fired up talking about Pacers all-star Tyrese Halliburton who I've never thought of is like an objectionable guy one way or the other but Tim Hardaway just goes on this rant where he's like I would bust his ass if I could go back right now if there's one Player I could go after,
Starting point is 01:13:26 it would be Tyrese Halliburton. Let me see if I can play this for you here real quick. Will it play, Blake? If I go back and put on my shit and suit up, I wanna go fuck up Halliburton. Ooh. Jeez. I wanna go fuck him up.
Starting point is 01:13:44 He talks so much shit. Okay. I wanna go fuck him up. He talks so much shit. Okay. I wanna go back and bust his motherfucking ass. I love it. I love it. I love that shit. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:53 He talks so much shit. I wanna go back. I wanna bust his ass. So you wanna bust Tyrese Halliburton's ass because he talks too much. Right. And he think he all that. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:03 So that comes out. And then I see this tweet from Tyrese Halliburton Where he tweeted this this clip and said tell the world the real reason you feel this way Tim so again Tyrese Halliburton younger player in his prime all NBA and I go to the replies and I'm like, well I don't know anything about this. Yeah. The top reply says, for those that don't know, Tim Hardaway was on the 2000 Miami Heat with Tyrese Halliburton's cousin Eddie Jones.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Remember Eddie Jones? The name, yeah. Eddie Jones invited the wife of Hardaway to his Miami high-rise condo and slept with her, had her screaming, this caused serious drama, Hardaway left Miami, etc. And this is a story I'd seen in several other places on Twitter and on social media after researching it over the weekend. So wait, Eddie Jones? Is Therese Halliburton's cousin.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Hooked up with Tim Hardaway's wife. Yeah. OK. And you know there's got to be a ton of teams that have been, as much as we joke about Tony Braxton and the Three Jays. Oh my gosh. The number of guys who are like Tim Hardaway senior level players who have been moved or someone else has been moved because of a lady
Starting point is 01:15:27 It's a long list. Yeah So I thought that one was funny just yeah, they don't publicize that no they just saw you know what cap casualty But that was uh, that was not our big our biggest Do you have an ender? Cuz I have one too. Um, I Do have an ender? Cause I have one too. I do have an ender. You go first. So hockey's back in action after the, the four nations bit. And this takes us to the Buffalo Sabres broadcasts
Starting point is 01:15:58 where they've got a court side, no court of what? Rink side. Rink side idiot. Rink side reporter Rob Ray and he's between the benches. Kind of like we see Leah Hextall. But I think they go to this guy a lot because his mic is open and it looks like the Rangers try to clear the puck, hits him right in the face.
Starting point is 01:16:19 How does it not happen more folks? Hits him right in the face, his mic is open and it's awesome. Oh, fuck! Fucking hell! And Razor just took another one. Hits him right between the eyes. That was a rocket.
Starting point is 01:16:37 Doctors checking Razor out very quickly. That was close to the eye. Yeah. Yeah, took one right after. What's his name? Rob Ray. Yeah, I got a couple there in the eyebrow. Good lord. A couple of stitches, but shit. All right, so where did it hit first? Or is that all in one motion? to the eye what's his name Rob Ray good lord
Starting point is 01:16:45 so where did it hit first or is that all in one way where the golf ball is right here good grief that's not normal that's not normal no my god so he's the rinkside reporter yes it looks like he's taking a couple off the dome before in his day. The puck is dropped and it's for the... Fuck! And Razor just took another one. That's on the broadcast. Yes. That's awesome. And how about the color guy said like hey, he took another one. Like does this happen
Starting point is 01:17:16 all the time? I don't know. The guy didn't even react that shocked. He's like oh. I got drilled in the head again. But the play by play guy says so where does it hit you? And he goes, right where the golf ball is. Yeah, there's a huge. I'm like, huge idiot.
Starting point is 01:17:28 You can see it. Huge bump on the face. Before our ender, we did have a little bit of science today in Twitter. As this account had a tweet that has now been seen almost a million times, retweeted over 15,000, that simply says, if an ant hits you going, I don't know, this is probably a trillion, miles per hour,
Starting point is 01:17:48 would you die or would it not matter? Now, we have been kicking around the idea of why doesn't an ant die when it falls off a table for many weeks now. Would you die? Well, maybe it might just shoot right through you. Well, there's a... It depends where it hits you.
Starting point is 01:18:07 It was probably AI, but there is in fact a top answer. Okay. It would kill you. Even if it went through your arm? Probably. Why? You would at least lose the limb. The antisp... So imagine something that's going about 500 times faster than a bullet.
Starting point is 01:18:28 Okay, yeah, I'm just thinking of a baby or something. It would penetrate instantly. It would leave a clean, narrow hole through the skin. The sheer velocity means it would probably vaporize mid-transit due to air friction, turning it into a plasma slug before impact. Chest hit would shred your harder lungs. Non-vital areas like an arm you would lose a limb. But Matt Dallas, DZ RV driver and DZ Hall of Fame member sent us a video where a guy did this science project on dropping an ant off of a table and then off of his house explained
Starting point is 01:19:09 it quite well. Turns out terminal velocity is a thing. It matters. And if you're really small you can only get going so fast. With... oh okay. Like it's too small, like when it's falling it's small and it should reach keep getting faster and faster but it doesn't because the air is pushing against it. It'll also, yeah. It evens out. Kind of float a little. Exactly. Bodhi style. So even an ant's falling off the Empire State Building. I don't think it makes a difference. It would be alive? Yeah. Well the guy guy dropped it off of his house, and he
Starting point is 01:19:47 Yeah, he just walked around. And he slowed it down perfectly, so you could see and then measure the frames per second at which the ant is falling. Yeah. And the little guy made it. Little guy made it. But no, our big topic for today on Twitter is I think the kids probably call this crashing out as a guy married guy in San Antonio
Starting point is 01:20:12 Well, he was married his wife was in I guess the Ravens the Baltimore Ravens have a marching band Which is cool and makes sense, right? Old school organizations that have, you know, cool... Well, they're not an old school organization. They did not have one when they were in Cleveland, but I think maybe the Colts did and that was one of the things they wanted to bring it back or something. I know the Redskins did. Yeah, the Redskins had a band. It feels like something that, you know, you could say not an old school organization, but in my head they're just, they are.
Starting point is 01:20:46 They are built that way. Yeah. So this gentleman. But I have an anti-Ravens bias. I know. I know. So this gentleman, his wife was in this band, the Ravens Band, and he finds out that she's having
Starting point is 01:21:04 an affair with none other than the NFL network analyst Steve Smith Sr., long-time NFL wide receiver. Now, what would you do? Let's go through the range of options. You go to your wife and you're like, this is not okay. I'm leaving. Or, hey, I caught you and we have to talk about this. How long has this been going on, do you love him? All these sorts of things, you could do that. What this guy opted to do was start tagging everyone on social media, including Steve Smith
Starting point is 01:21:42 and also Yeti Coolers. What, why? To let them know that Steve Smith Senior was Dick and his wife. I probably wouldn't have done that. No. If we're talking about range of options. Yeah. Well, he's wanting revenge a little bit.
Starting point is 01:22:02 He's losing his wife. Now his account of- That'll make Steve Smith. Now everybody knows Yeah, but everybody knows about Steve Smith then maybe more importantly like Steve Smith if he has a wife He does of 20 years. Yeah, she will of course now know about this The guy yeah, he crashed out super hard he tagged like The guy, yeah, he crashed out super hard. He tagged a couple golf, did he tag, is it Taylor Made Golf?
Starting point is 01:22:31 Why, what is the point of Yeti? He tagged Antonio Brown, ESPN, TMZ, The Panthers, Steve Smith, the NFL, the NFL Network, Ghost Golf Club, Taylor Made Golf, Yeti Coolers, and the Ravens. So I don't know. Is he thinking that's like hashtags that people will see this if they're looking at
Starting point is 01:22:51 TaylorMade Golf Clubs? I don't know. He's thinking Antonio Brown will amplify this and make him his cracker of the day or cuck of the day, something. I mean, Antonio Brown's probably gonna bone this chick. If I had to predict the next move here But does the initial one just said wife works for the marching Ravens She met Steve Smith senior at work Steve Smith has been fucking my wife. I got receipts
Starting point is 01:23:13 I got a lot more homie And he had use of homie very very bad use he also I'm pretty sure got into his wife's Facebook account and Started posting there where he said, hi I am Nicole Martinez though I won't be a Martinez much longer. You see I have been cheating on my husband. Okay. How everyone every culprit writes. I had him hidden under three but that's been fixed. My husband bought me a house. He stood by my side after I had been arrested twice
Starting point is 01:23:46 for domestic violence. The lady was arrested. And this is how I repay him and our son. There's plenty of messages here, Steve. Crazy the kind of revealing messages a celebrity will send. I'm also a member of your team band, tagging the Ravens. I believe I violated some fraternization rules by hooking up with Steve at the training facility.
Starting point is 01:24:06 And then he included several screenshots, text messages from Steve Smith Sr. to his wife and they're nasty folks. Sex messages. Major, major sex messages. Where she told him, well first first of all a lot of the pictures that Steve Smith is sending they're kind of from the waist up like they're not flattering which makes me think there has to be a dick in the full
Starting point is 01:24:35 photo like who's just taking this photo let me look down and see if I can get you a little double chin fold up. Kind of stare down at my... Maybe that's her POV. It might be. Because she looks up at Steve Smith. One of the ones that where he sent a picture and he's kind of smiling from a lower angle, he wrote, turn you over and get deep inside of you.
Starting point is 01:25:03 And one of her responses was deep in an understatement I felt like you were gonna rearrange my IUD you were so deep my goodness that's a little describe this is a honey pot the man thinks he's meaning or the woman that's interested in him I really like it when someone exp I Guess this is a reply here for people who? Are trying to hook up anyways, I think if I'm him I Take this as a little bit of respect now Steve Smith seniors not Jerry Rice,
Starting point is 01:25:47 but he's not Isaiah Standback. Like, if it takes an NFL great, like that kind of dog, to get my woman away from me, I don't think I'm too beaten up over that. If it's the bartender at, you know, where she hangs out after work, and he's just some guy, then you're like, Jesus, really? Or it's like, she's a high school teacher,
Starting point is 01:26:09 the kid's a 15-year-old edge rusher. Yeah, yeah, yeah, no. God, really? It's not that embarrassing to lose out on the speech. But it's like, dude, he's on TV, he was a very good player, he's scary. I don't know that I would say he's the most attractive-looking guy in the world.
Starting point is 01:26:23 No, but you know. And one of our guests today asked me if it's possible for there to be a black Roseanne. I think if. I think you. We found one, we found one. We might have found one, yeah. But if you're like, yeah, it's Steve Smith.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Who took your wife again? Right. James from HR? Yeah. Yeah, but this is like you guys always say, don't ask. Because if I were just to be told my wife is having an affair with Steve Smith, I think of him like the rowboat celebration in the end zone,
Starting point is 01:26:51 scoring touchdowns, I'm like, okay, I get it. Yeah. But when he is saying, I would have shot my nut all inside your pussy, I don't, that makes me feel bad. It's tougher to focus on the football. That was his sex talk? Oh yeah. And she, I like feeling it deep in my wet pussy. I don't, we don't need to see this. Yeah. I'm seeing that.
Starting point is 01:27:14 That makes it worse. Yeti and TaylorMade are sponsors of Steve Smith. I don't understand why. Why does he have a golf sponsor? You know, know I Can see it and then of course everyone goes and finds her. Oh yeah, um various different pictures of her and Looking better or better or worse. Yeah I'm on board with and then you also got pictures of his wife and how they actually look kind of similar He's got kind of a type Yeah, so she's a little more ratchety. Here, can we play the video? He posted a video of him calling Steve Smith. I guess he probably like called
Starting point is 01:27:56 from his wife's number and Steve knew what was up right away, but there's not much to this, but it is kind of interesting hey yo Steve yeah you've been fucking my wife bro what you gotta say for yourself I'm sorry. No you're not. Posted the number too. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:29 I fucking knew she was married. You're not a fucking idiot man. You're fucking Steve Smith, Steve Smith Senior. Senior. You gotta hit him with senior? Yeah. Alright that's enough. In case you didn't know.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Yeah so that phone number I imagine is probably no longer active. But I don't know. I don't really think Steve Smith Senior owes you anything, pal. That's not a problem between the two of you. Right, it's my mom being mad at my dad's new wife. Yeah. It's not her fault. If you'd have kept it together a little better. You know, let's look in the mirror a little bit, number one.
Starting point is 01:29:07 But yeah, then be mad at the husband. Be mad at the guy. You should, he, that guy should be mad at his wife. But you know, with your anger, you're probably... Steve. Steve! Hey, hey. Hey, yo, Steve.
Starting point is 01:29:21 What if you were doing that and you got that call? Would you, well, I guess he said he's sorry, so that's nice. I don't know, man, my bad. I'm sorry. She had the glasses and she was doing the whole marching band thing. And then the other funny thing is people went back and found,
Starting point is 01:29:39 there's like a promotional day where Steve Smith joined the Raven marching band. He's got the plume thing, like the marching band thing on. See, and you wonder how, like, maybe this is to alert Steve Smith's wife, but there's also a very good possibility that the Steve Smith's wife knows. Yeah. Or at least just knows he used to run around a lot. It's not a thing.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Maybe thinks he doesn't anymore. I kind of, personally, I. It's not a thing. Maybe thinks he doesn't anymore. I kind of personally, I think it's like a Jerry Jones situation where like it's a, you know, just don't embarrass me in public, but I kind of know we just don't talk about it. We understand that because you provide so much, I'm willing to live in this. Like, don't you think there's a lot of NBA wives that are kind of in course or pro pro athlete wives? Yeah. I'm willing to live in this, like, don't you think there's a lot of NBA wives that are kind of into it? Of course. Or pro athlete wives?
Starting point is 01:30:27 Yeah, of course. I'm trying to explain to my wife, look. Number five on Substack. Yeah. I love the idea. Take a run at Aaron. I love the idea that you're so mad at somebody, yet you have to identify all three of their names.
Starting point is 01:30:43 It is great. You are Marion Barber III. Ha! Steve Smith Sr. Steve. All right, well. And that was today on Twitter. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:01 Let's take a break, guys. Hey, Steve. Steve. The thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up. Okay. Good's take a break guys. Hey Steve. Steve. Okay. Good evening everybody. And welcome into the Super Bowl Brief. I'm your host Blake Jones. Okay. It's the Super Bowl. Super Bowl 59 Kansas City versus Philadelphia. Hard to imagine two bigger white trash cities.
Starting point is 01:31:23 Not sure if you heard the news or not, but the winner of this game actually gets to reopen their Red Lobster location so their fans can once again feel like they're fine dining. All right, yeah. Hope you're enjoying this halftime performance. If you've noticed, the last few halftime performers at the Super Bowls are like cornerbacks in the NFL. White people just apparently aren't good enough anymore.
Starting point is 01:31:45 But hope isn't gone just yet. The Eagles have a white corner, safety, and running back playing in today's game. A white male hasn't been this excited watching a Super Bowl since that Danica Patrick ad. The only thing that would have made that pop more for the middle-aged white man is if she took her top off inside a big green egg. That's, I do like that. But really the talk of the town this week, as you can see on the screen, is the Luca trade. And while we've talked about it all week, we failed to realize that this will be LeBron's toughest test yet. Luca, Austin Reeves, Brawny. LeBron trying to win with two whites and his son is like a turndown movie plot for the latest Uncle Drew movie. And LeBron trying to win with two whites and his son is like a turned down movie plot for the latest Uncle Drew movie.
Starting point is 01:32:25 And LeBron would know he's a noted film director. You may remember his Space Jam 2 creation that was released in 2021. His next piece is set to release this summer. It's called White Men Actually Cannot Jump, the 2025 Los Angeles Lakers. But they can somehow dribble and score something his son can't do. Calm down, don't have a heart attack on us, Brawny.
Starting point is 01:32:51 Did you see how unhappy Luke is sitting next to Rob Polinka? I was thinking that someone hasn't been that unhappy sitting next to Rob Polinka since the last time somebody sat next to Rob Polinka. It's like people don't like him. Right. last time somebody sat next to Rob Polinka. It's like people don't like him. Right, and you know what's bad? It's... You know what's bad when the other local teams are surprised by your move?
Starting point is 01:33:11 In fact, Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, called the move shocking, unbelievable, deplorable. You know, the same thoughts he had in Little Rock in 1957 watching black kids walk into his high school. Similar response from the Texas Rangers, which as a Mavs fan should really make you feel terrible. Because they saw Matt Bush crush a guy's head with his car and thought he could be a bullpen arm for our World Series run. But don't worry, he's cleaned his life up since then. And the Dallas Stars... who am I kidding? Nobody gives a shit about hockey.
Starting point is 01:33:46 But seriously, Mazz fans are so down bad after the breakup with Luca that I can feel Pete Davidson's dick right around the corner. It's just lurking, throbbing right behind us. Speaking of Pete Davidson, you could say this is Mazz fans 9-11. What I mean by that is both were inside jobs by the organization, both were controlled demolitions of assets, and both made people want to jump out of a building. I mean, Luka was a menace. On the court, he was ours, and other fanbases hated him. Thunder fans could not stand him. A white hadn't done that much damage in OKC since Timothy McVeigh. But Luka's gone, and we've got a guy with a unibrow who loves impractical jokers. The only thing that would make Dan and Jake hate him more is if he was I love my wife guy or had a British accent.
Starting point is 01:34:30 But they'll be back, because they could never become Lakers fans. Their games start way too late. In other news, it was good seeing Saroy and Danny at our remote on Friday. Saroy, it must be noted, is attempting to be the first man to achieve exactly nothing on a 12-month severance package. If Mike could have just accomplished one thing for every pound he gained in the last year, he'd be Time Magazine's Person of the Year. And Danny! So happy for Danny. He was only given a three-month severance but is still hanging on. In fact, he looks great. He's never looked happier in his life, which just goes to show you can be jobless,
Starting point is 01:35:06 womanless, and really bring no value to anything or anyone, and still be happier and more content in life than having to do a show with Bob Stern. Holy shit. All right, let's get back to the game, and inevitably more teeth swizzle in the second half, which is a really weird combo for a relationship. Travis Kelce is such a big dude, football player, Taylor Swift a thin musician, a
Starting point is 01:35:28 guitar. I haven't seen a skiddy digit attack a big piece of meat like that since I saw that video of Carissa Thompson fingering herself. Thank you everybody this has been a Beehive production. Hey okay yeah, he's got a graphic. You're listening to The Dumb Zone. We still got that promo code page up on the Dumb Zone or We do. Do we have a Lucy promo code these days?
Starting point is 01:36:07 Let me see here, promo codes, Lucy nicotine pouches, go to slash dumbzone and use promo code dumbzone to get 20% off your first order. What's your favorite flavor? Apple ice. Don't pop it. Espresso. Yeah, so they have these things that like break open.
Starting point is 01:36:24 The breakers. That's what it's called? Yeah. To enhance the flavor. Yeah, it's quite nice. The Lucy nicotine pouch. A little extra flavor, a little extra juice. No tobacco.
Starting point is 01:36:37 No tobacco. Correct? Whatsoever. Whatsoever. This is what- It's how I start my day. I feel like Clayton, this is Clayton's lunch. Yeah Clayton's a Lucy for lunch guy. Yeah. Yeah I mean if you want to go and relax
Starting point is 01:36:50 in a sauna and just like hide out pop a couple couple Lucy's and you are you are on your way. It's a cleaner. Here's it here's how I thought about I wanted to talk about this this weekend when I was ordering some Lucy. You know how whenever, I was never a big cigarette smoker, right? But you know how when you did smoke some cigarettes, you became aware like, oh, these are just the generic ones that everyone has and they're kind of gross.
Starting point is 01:37:19 And then you figured out like, oh, there's actually ones that have a better flavor to them and a better taste and they feel cleaner that's my comparison without naming brand names brand names you don't know you don't want this the generic one that everybody gets you want the Lucy at Lucy co slash dumb zone kind of play one thing from the OJ documentary oh that's right you're all into this now I watched it a couple weeks ago. It's great. Yeah. It's Netflix right? Netflix it's four parts. It's
Starting point is 01:37:51 all about the manhunt and like anything with OJ you're like how can I possibly learn anything new or more from this and through two episodes I would say I have. Well it's about the manhunt now. You're gonna get into the trial now. Okay yeah so I'm through two. Yeah. But there are still things that I think I forgot. Well, it's about the manhunt now. You're gonna get into the trial now. Okay, yeah, so I'm through two. Yeah. But there are still things that I think I forgot. I think I forget the kids were there. That doesn't really ever get talked about
Starting point is 01:38:14 because they were upstairs and they took them out through the other side of the house that you don't see on TV ever. I had never seen still photos that graphic. Had you? TV ever, at the driveway side. I had never seen still photos that graphic. No, I mean you can basically tell that there's a head missing in some of the photos they show. The head is off to the side enough. It's really, it's more graphic than any I've seen,
Starting point is 01:38:40 but I think because I've seen crime scene photos, maybe not to that degree, I forget the kids were there. It's just the kids never saw any of it because they were able to get to them and get them out through another door. If they didn't, they would become Dexter. Yeah. That's how Dexter.
Starting point is 01:38:58 Splatter. Was born, no, yeah, his parents were brutally murdered and the cop that was the investigator on the scene Picked up this little little kid in the middle of all the blood and carried him out Yeah, rescued him blood took him to the upside down world Now you're just joking around but I was being very very serious about OJ's kid perhaps becoming Dexter I don't appreciate you you just treating us so lightly. I enjoyed the note that I think that it might've been
Starting point is 01:39:31 the first episode so he hadn't even turned himself in yet but it reminded me of hearing about Jerry in his office when one of his cop buddies said they went to go see OJ and he had four TVs up with all of them on different networks covering the case. Okay, so this goes into a thing I've got that is a problem I have with movies and TV shows. One of them is movie fires, because if you're a fire aficionado like I am, you know that it'll look nice for like 10 minutes, but then you got to get in there and mess with it and put a lot of piece of wood. One of them I have with movie babies. Yep.
Starting point is 01:40:09 Never need any, like you ever see the, you didn't do Ozark, did you? No, but I mean, I know I've heard of that talk. It's just like, oh, we have a kid, but then it's just over here and nothing, you know, like if you have a kid and it's awake, you always know and it's always around or something, but you could just have a movie baby and, oh no, I just fed the baby and it's awake, you always know and it's always around or something, but you could just have a movie baby and oh no, I just fed the baby and it's fine. We can have you on for three. I mean, you know my main one.
Starting point is 01:40:30 What? Where Nut goes. Oh, if you're having sex? In a movie, it just doesn't appear to. You have sex and then you both just stop and you play it. Everyone's fine. No one gets a towel, no one goes,
Starting point is 01:40:41 I gotta run to the bathroom. Nothing. You can start doing it in five seconds. Yeah, it's just. Close off, insert. You flip the switch and then somehow no one's messy, ever. But the thing here is- And he's never down there like aiming it in,
Starting point is 01:40:53 it's just like a perfect just wham. Yeah, watch any TV show or a movie and let's say it's about you and there's things going on and that you've gone viral and whatever, you're on every network or you're on a network and you walk into the room and everybody in your family is watching this thing about Jake, he was arrested and you just like turn it off.
Starting point is 01:41:16 Yeah. Like they're just, or they're just talking about you and they're in the middle of saying something and you're like, turn this crap off. I don't wanna see it. No, if you're on TV, you're going to be watching everything that everybody's saying. And that's what OJ, so that's true, that's real life.
Starting point is 01:41:31 Of course it's true. Yeah, but that classic scene of just the TV goes black, you're like, let's get some fresh air. So then this part was, the whole thing is interesting. Like the fact that they botched it by doing the perp walk, I knew that. Wait, what do you mean?
Starting point is 01:41:49 Just that they let him try to turn himself in so that they could have a perp. Oh, yeah. Let him turn himself in, but also they wanted him paraded in front of the cameras, and that's when he just didn't show up. And then we get to the chase. Right, so much of it was, it feels like, Hollywood based.
Starting point is 01:42:04 They wanted that. But Like, they wanted that, they wanted, uh, but obviously they also gave him some preferential treatment because he was the OJ and they allowed him to, and the old grizzled veteran cop is like, I knew it immediately that was terrible. Yeah. We just wanted to go arrest him and bring him in like we would any other person. I've I was which and you I thought when the chase happened as everyone thought well this solidifies he'll never get off now yeah once you have this in the can you know that I mean there's no way you can be found in it and there's a crazy amount
Starting point is 01:42:41 of stuff too like just on what you know, obviously it's crazy, he was not convicted. But just on the stuff that they don't include in the trial, as they're going through this, they'll be like, was not interviewed. This witness who saw him throw away a duffel bag at the airport, like an hour after the thing. Cops never talk to him or they'll say this
Starting point is 01:43:06 bag was recovered, never fingerprinted or this blood was found, never tested. Then you wonder is it like what? It's the prosecution office. Yeah. So another thing I don't think I've ever really thought about is OJ was married before and he was married for like 12 years. OJ was married to Marguerite Whitley from 1967 to 1979. And Marguerite or Marguerite actually called into the national news, a la Baba Bowie, in the middle of the OJ white Bronco chase. And it's just on the air with them? Yeah. So she just calls in, and she, similar to Baba Booy or sweaty Jen Olson guy, they put her on and she has a bit of a,
Starting point is 01:43:55 hey, do you remember when you played for the 49ers type bit? And I cried laughing the first time I heard this. Trigger warning for language. We've been watching black men be set up falsely accused. That's Christopher Darden. We've been watching black men be set up falsely accused. We all have a story.
Starting point is 01:44:17 When that bronco went down the 405, it drug us all in. All of a sudden, we all have some personal personal emotional connection to OJ Simpson in this case. We have OJ's first wife Marguerite on the telephone right now. Marguerite are you there? Yes. Yes, I'm here. I'm very gentle, sweet Marguerite. We have OJ's first wife Marguerite on the telephone right now. Marguerite are you there? Yes. i just wanted to say oj bw please run run run margaret you're you're urging oj to run run and run uh yes oj if you can hear me run run and run and she just yells the n-word jay's first wife my read on the telephone right now Marguerite are you there?
Starting point is 01:45:15 Marguerite you're urging. Oh Jay to run to escape Stand up for years. Oh, Jake. Wow and keep, O.J. Keep going! Keep going! And this is live on TV! Is that actually her then? Or no? Man, I feel like if it wasn't, this documentary would have gotten to the bottom of that. Okay, because if it was, that seems weird too. Yeah, it all seems... I mean, it sounds like she's kind of on her... The way that the Darden quote sets it up,
Starting point is 01:45:45 like she's on her black power shit. Yeah, yeah. Like the Darden's like, look, we all kind of got wrapped up in this in the black community of like, we just think he should get off. Darden's a fascinating part of the whole thing too. Yeah, I always liked him. I mean, but his try on the glove thing,
Starting point is 01:46:01 which he claims he kind of did on his own and the rest of the prosecution is not distancing from that idea, cause it went so poorly. Yeah. They must have paid him a lot of money to be on this Netflix documentary. Cause there's no way.
Starting point is 01:46:16 You just wanna show up looking bad? Yeah, nothing really, I didn't come away from this going, ah, you know what, he kinda got railroaded a little bit. No, it makes him look bad all over the place. He does look like a DEI ad, if you want to call it that, but, or just an obvious thing
Starting point is 01:46:33 that you might want to have some black people on the, but they laid it out as, I don't know if they've mentioned this yet, but they thought it was such a strong case that we don't have to care about the venue. Remember the Rodney King trial, I don't think was tried downtown LA. It was tried in some kind of, is it Simi Valley? Is that what it's called? More of a white area. And the just about all white jury acquitted the Rodney King police officers. And I think for, so because of that,
Starting point is 01:47:06 because that was in the air, they wanted to make sure they did it, you know, in this jurisdiction with more black jurors, because they had done that before, they didn't want the impropriety, and they just thought this is such an open and shut thing. He was in the Bronco chase, we got all this evidence that it doesn't matter what jury we get, they will convict him. Yeah, and I- Yeah, they put Christopher Darden was black.
Starting point is 01:47:32 He was the only black team member. At least two episodes in, Marcia Clark not taking the check that Christopher Darden did to appear here. I haven't seen her. Have you, do you know if she's- You want me to tell you? No. No, she doesn't appear. I haven't seen her. Have you do you know if she's you want me to tell you? Oh, no She doesn't appear. I didn't think so. I mean she's not they would have used that earlier
Starting point is 01:47:50 But anyways, I just I don't know if it's Peter Jennings or whoever that everybody's just like I'm gonna go to Marguerite now for a solemn message from how Did you see the whole go in there the whole chase then what she's at. To when they got to his house and everything. Oh yeah. Saw everything. Incredible. Yeah. Imagine that.
Starting point is 01:48:10 I can't even imagine that it actually happened. He's on the phone like, just let me get to my house. But people were running to Hobby Lobby for cardboard and giant Sharpies to make huge signs. Yeah. And they'd be hanging them over or making a bed sheet and painting on a bed sheet, just hanging, you know,
Starting point is 01:48:32 Ron OJ or Go Juice or whatever, and then running to the next, like, oh man. All right, I see where he is on the, you know, the highway. If I make this thing real quick and I get over there in five minutes, I can hang this up. It's incredible. And it was bigger than any parade you've ever seen, like for a championship winning team. Oh yeah. Just the people lining the highways. The other crazy thing too is, I don't know that you or I will ever be famous enough for this to have landed this way, but if you have an entire life of doing commercials
Starting point is 01:49:10 out there and doing goofy sketches, if you kill your wife, the documentary is super easy to make. Yeah, there's so much. Because the amount of times that O.J.'s just like, come here, bitch, like in a movie, or he's like, I'm gonna get outta here right now, or they'll never catch me. They just splice that into the documentary every minute it's gold really well done run you know let's do the news in a second you know
Starting point is 01:49:41 who Harvey Spector is from suitsits? I am aware. Yeah, Gabriel Mock. Yeah, anyway, they- Bear Fight Whiskey has launched an ad campaign starring Gabriel Mock. Posing the question, what's your bear fight? While known for his sharp, confident role as Harvey Spector, Mock has stepped into his latest venture as the guy behind the suit, ready to take a playful look at all the challenges we face celebrating with a damn good whiskey. As a creative partner and equity stakeholder, Mocte is leading the charge and connecting with people on a personal level,
Starting point is 01:50:18 reveling in the grit and grace it takes to get through life's twists and turns. You know about that, twists and turns. I do. grit and grace it takes to get through life's twists and turns. You know about that, twists and turns. I do. So this campaign inviting people to share their daily bear fights with bear fight whiskey. Whether you're crushing it at work, guilty as charged, chasing a lifelong dream. Anyone doing that here? I'm not. You still doing that? No? No, I stopped
Starting point is 01:50:47 last Friday. Well, anyway. Or just wrestling with your kid's booster seat. Every day brings a new fight. Win or lose, Bear Fight Whiskey is there to help you celebrate at the end of the day. So check out Bear Fight Whiskey. If you are ready for a bold new favorite, you can order Bear Fight Whiskey at My dude Colin sent me a photo of his Bear Fight purchase just this weekend. I don't know if you can. Let's check out, yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 01:51:17 It's a sweet bottle, Why would you show that to your monitor and not your camera? I don't know. You did show that to the monitor and not hold it in front of the camera. Did it end up on camera? I will't know. You did show that to the monitor and not hold it in front of the camera. Did it end up on camera? I will hold this up and if you're showing,
Starting point is 01:51:29 if we're bragging about things people have sent us on camera. Yeah? Here, I'll show the monitor. No, got a little note here. Aw. Aw. Dave Raymond left us a note.
Starting point is 01:51:42 What a nice guy. He had to make sure the pen worked. Maybe he had to make sure the pen worked. Maybe he had to make sure the pen worked. Up there at the top. He left that here? Yeah, it was sitting on my desk when I walked in. What a guy that Dave Raymond. Maybe we'll speak with him soon. When is opening day?
Starting point is 01:51:56 The 27th? March? Yeah, March 27th. One, two, three, four weeks and three days away. We'll be there. On the bus. Were you on the bus last year? Of course you were.
Starting point is 01:52:08 Yeah. Because I know you go to opening day every year, right? Yeah, I finished the show, then walked across and went in the game. What do you guys know about Sebastian Walcott? He's 18 and what, the second best prospect? Most say he should be one. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:23 I agree. You're gonna be a 6'5 shortstop? Probably ends up going to be a left fielder for you, Dan. He got wide out there. Maybe he's your right fielder after Adolis. This my friend is... Can he fill the Luka size hole in my heart? Like is he that good? You say the number one prospect in all of baseball or no? Or just for the range? It's trending that way. He's number
Starting point is 01:52:50 two in all of baseball. Oh. Yeah. So many are saying that by his age 34 season he'll finally pop like Pro Farr and have one good season. This is a crazy story. Feels like the sort of thing that's gonna at least end up on a nice date line, if not a Netflix series of its own. Had a couple people email me about this. So there's a teacher at Highland Park. Hey now.
Starting point is 01:53:24 I think they've probably been relieved of their duties for now. However name This does not involve a teacher student sex story. So your hey nows are fine for now This is actually involving a quarter century old cold case of something that took place in North Carolina. It's back in February of 2000 there was a nine-year-old girl named Asha, Asha Degree. She went missing. She's a nine-year-old, she was a nine-year-old black girl and this teacher at Highland Park, I believe was 14 or 15 at the time. And her sister and her father in North Carolina
Starting point is 01:54:12 were all kind of persons of interest at the time that this little girl disappeared, but they're only in the last month or so getting new information, new warrants, new DNA. And they have some questions for this teacher or so getting new information, new warrants, new DNA. And they have some questions for this teacher at Highland Park, of which she has been evasive. They approached her at school, at Highland Park Middle School.
Starting point is 01:54:33 She basically told them to buzz off. They asked her for a polygraph. She said no. And then they got the text messages between her, her wife, or excuse me, her sister and her father. And there's a lot of talk about this murder. Like they think I did it, they think she did it,
Starting point is 01:54:50 they think dad did it. The text exchange, they're saying they think you did it or whatever. Yeah. They found this girl's book bag like six years later. And in that book bag like six years later. And in that book bag were some of her belongings, the nine year old who's missing, but also a couple things that weren't hers,
Starting point is 01:55:11 including a book from her school library that she did not check out, and another little girl's t-shirt. So they've got that wrapped in garbage bags, they found that about 20 miles north of where she disappeared. They had eyes on a vehicle that she was said to have been getting into, an old beat up green vehicle. So never found the girl, never found the body?
Starting point is 01:55:35 No. Beat up old green vehicle when they served these search warrants on their properties in the last half year. They found the beat up old green vehicle. the last half year they found the beat-up old green vehicle and there's also a witness that came forward and said that at a house party in the mid 2000s so let's say this is five years after the incident the two sisters were at a party the younger one was extremely intoxicated and was upset crying talking about how she had killed nine-year-old Asha. At which point her older sister told her to shut the front door and stop crying. Is older sister the teacher?
Starting point is 01:56:16 No. Oh, okay. I think the older sister was 16. The younger sister from Highland Park was 13 or 14. Oh, the younger sister was the one crying. I think so, yeah. Who was probably 18 or 19. But yeah, I mean, the text messages are very damning. Dude, are people going to learn that your text, you can't just
Starting point is 01:56:42 then delete your text? You know what else as part of this I read the warrant and there's stuff in there about how like they can force you to look at or use your finger to unlock something if they have a warrant like so let's say that your phone or your computer is you think you're all slick Snowden and it can only do your face there's actually a way that that law at least in North Carolina is written where it says something like have permission to compel the subject to unlock phone via physical they're gonna get your shit if they want it like
Starting point is 01:57:19 if you have a safe at home yeah and they get a warrant yeah yeah and it's the way that it's written is very very specific of like you're gonna give them what they want. So in the case of this girl she was in bed that night her dad came in and saw her in bed the nine-year-old at 2 30 in the morning. She was in bed. The next time she was seen she was walking on a freeway this is in the country in North Carolina at 4 o'clock in the morning morning two truckers saw her say that they saw her one of them stopped and tried to make contact but failed to do so you got a mad that's got to be tough like let's say you're out and you're a trucker in
Starting point is 01:57:57 the middle and no one's a nine-year-old walking well what then you got to wait for your next exit or pull like it's just not easy yeah so no they were that's the last time anybody made contact for the teach so this is a nine-year-old was a black girl teacher everyone else here is white okay but again yeah this is apparently very hot on they're taking a break from Akator to post in the Highland Park momsoms group about this and everyone's like wasn't here? Wasn't here? This person did something racist, wasn't here. And if you read through the text messages also it's tough to tell who's covering for who whether it's the dad covering for the
Starting point is 01:58:39 girl or the girls covering for the dad but somebody in this family killed this girl. I think it'd be less well based on my situation it would be less likely that the girls would ever cover for the dad. Man I don't know though yeah and I know what you mean but you know some backwood southern family like if there is a racial component to it but you know there is also some signs of the roast twins in the text messages where they're like, this is not our problem, we're tired of taking care
Starting point is 01:59:07 of his stuff, like this is, we don't need to keep having to live this way and, yeah. So again, it feels like this is going to become a national story. Yeah. Another wild one from the world of sinister romance, Another wild one from the world of sinister romance, a la Steve Smith. A woman named Aurora Phelps,
Starting point is 01:59:30 43 year old woman from Las Vegas. She has dual citizenship in the US and Mexico. She's been charged with a number of accounts, but over the weekend they announced sort of a superseding overarching 21 account indictment for her role in an alleged romance scheme. So starting back in 2021, there are at least four men that she has lured with the promises of romance online, actually met up with these men in person and then to varying degrees drugged and robbed them. Some of them like only while they were drugged,
Starting point is 02:00:13 others she would gain access to their accounts without them knowing while they were drugged and then kind of keep the relationship going so the next time she saw him again, you know, again Hey Get back into your phone here but uh very advanced operation There's some basic stuff like quote cause him to consume a prescription drug without his knowledge and consent But in the case of this guy she left the elderly man unconscious for almost five days Stole his phone stole his tablet stole his driver's license and bank cards, used that information to sell off his Apple
Starting point is 02:00:50 stock valued at about 3.3 million on E-Trade. However, in that particular case, she was unable to remove the money from his account. The last victim that she robbed, she met at a Hard Rock Hotel in Guadalajara in Mexico where she was living. That guy died at that hotel. She used one of his accounts to buy something called an APEMX coin, Clayton. Apparently she was just buying gold.
Starting point is 02:01:26 And she had that mailed to her house. There she is on screen, Dan, if you were interested in Googling this story at home. Aurora Phelps is her name. All right. Yeah. You never wanna hook up with an Apple Store employee because they might do this to you.
Starting point is 02:01:43 Like they can get in your stuff, figure that out right away. Right? Like a genius bar chick, you're thinking it's all cool because she has a nose ring. Well no, I was actually focusing more on that part in my experience with that type and telling you that it's not, even before they steal your credit card,
Starting point is 02:02:02 it's not always easy. What do you mean easy? Well you were like, that it's not, even before they steal your credit card, it's not always easy. What do you mean easy? Well, you're like, this is the reason you don't want to date a girl. I'm just saying you're enamored with it. You know she's wild, you know she's weird. What I'm telling you is there's a lot of reasons you don't want to date her.
Starting point is 02:02:17 But one is that they could really hack into your... Like, if you hooked up with my wife, you're going to have a lot of problems, but one of them will not be... You feel like if you hooked up with my wife you're gonna have a lot of problems but one of them will not be you feel like if I were being able to get into your electronics you feel like if I if I were subject like I was having romance with your wife and she got an idea about fleecing me you think that I'd be safe with my two-factor authentication that's right that's probably enough one factor is plenty on her. Dude, is there anything worse than two-factor authentication?
Starting point is 02:02:50 I think it's probably saving us a lot of something in the end, but it feels like it's not protecting us. It's probably protecting the company more. The only thing worse is two-factor authentication with a six-month, you've got to change your password every six months. Oh my God. We don't have to do that anymore.
Starting point is 02:03:07 That was a big key thing. A huge beating. I can't keep adding 69 to this. Have you had one? I had one recently, it wouldn't let me just do any variation of what my previous password was. Yeah, my wife was actually telling me about that this morning at her job. Any word you've ever used.
Starting point is 02:03:28 Yeah. Right, so if I had Steve Smith one, and then Steve Smith two, and then Steve, yeah, every year you just do a different thing. Steve Smith senior one. Right. Yeah, that's a horrible bit. Steve Smith IUD. Hahaha.
Starting point is 02:03:41 That's a horrible bit. Steve Smith, IUD. Oh. Ha ha ha ha. Yeah, I don't think that I can get regular scammed. But I could see a scenario where your wife's gone. You're old. You have old balls. And you have maybe a little bit of money.
Starting point is 02:04:00 And you're not like, your kids are OK. And you're like, whatever. You wanna go spend a week in Guadalajara with some hoochie mama from Tinder for five grand? Why not? Yeah. And the next thing you know, you know, she's selling all my top shots for. Oh no.
Starting point is 02:04:18 My NFTs. Not your Dennis Smith Jr. For low value. Boy, what an error that was. She's giving away all my Hawk to a coin. Where's she at? I saw her come out and talk. It was not encouraging. She was very scared. I think this means we're pretty close to an OnlyFans.
Starting point is 02:04:44 Yeah. I don't know. I think she means we're pretty close to an OnlyFans. Yeah. I don't know, I think she made enough that. She made me in some serious legal hot water though that could be wiping all that profit out. She's about to give it all back. Yeah. It's too bad. But, you know, hooking up with her,
Starting point is 02:05:03 or just out on a date, it would be the, it's the modern day equivalent of going out on a date with Monica Lewinsky 20 years ago. Oh yeah, what, I'm not good enough to spit on? You're just kind of waiting. You're just waiting, like, you're kind of making out and stuff, and you're kind of like nudging her down, a little bit pushing harder on her shoulder to... Do you think it's like a... You know, I know you do this.
Starting point is 02:05:23 Yeah. I know you will, this is what it's all based on. And, like, if you don't... There's got a lot of pressure on her, too. Sometimes you'll see this in a depiction of, like, an agent in the back of a room while an athlete's giving a press conference. But I can also kind of see it if your kid has a speech to give or, like, a recital. They sometimes will show the parent in the back of the room
Starting point is 02:05:45 kind of mouthing the words with them. Mm-hmm. Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. I imagine you have hock to a girl there and you just kind of occasionally are like, start going, hock, hock, hock. Yeah. Hock, hock, hock, hock.
Starting point is 02:05:56 Trying to, yeah, egg around a little bit. The only thing funny about this Aurora Phelps story is just imagining this case's versions of the roast twins having to learn about all this. What the fuck, you sold dad's apple stock? Like there's a 22 year old college student in this story who just had their life inheritance wiped out. Who's gonna pay for my car now?
Starting point is 02:06:23 Yeah. I've changed the oil in years. Smart to buy gold though. Yeah, she is a, she is a, she is at the end of the day a very prudent financial, financial woman looking to the long term with the American precious metals exchange purchase. I'm digging deeper into how we investigate. Whoa, whoa, deeper whoa whoa whoa go away go stop it vision news
Starting point is 02:07:06 Today in history will be brought to us by Frankel and Frankel personal injury attorneys. If you get in an accident, an auto accident, you should call the Frankels, 214 or 817 and then all threes. That's very easy to remember. They are here for you. They're going to fight the insurance companies for you. Fight. They will get you what you deserve. That's right. Just remember their names.
Starting point is 02:07:39 And remember their phone number. It's very easy. 214-817-333-3333. We don't want you to get in an accident, it's very easy. 214-817-333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 you know what? If I was gonna get a million dollars I would definitely get an accident and I'd break my knee. Like so in that case if you're one of those people that say that in your head then I do want you to get an accident. I don't generally want people to get in an accident. But let's say you're one of those people I would like I would like the sun to shine on you today. I want you to get in an accident and I want you to call the Frankles. And then everybody's gonna win.
Starting point is 02:08:28 Yeah, I mean. Frankles will be happy they got a little business from their advertisement here. Everything is super on the up and up. You're going to get that million dollars you want. You know? Oh yeah. The only ones that aren't winning.
Starting point is 02:08:38 Not a whiff of impropriety. I'm just saying. No. Do you think I can actually affect change? I cannot. I don't know anything. But do you think what shirt I wear is going to make the Mavs win or lose? It's not.
Starting point is 02:08:53 So I hope for a lot of things and they just don't happen. I just hope that you're happy if you're listening here. And if your happiness is based on getting in an accident and getting a big settlement, then by God I want that for you okay all threes yeah where were we oh some stuff happened probably around this fire up there Mike's watch fire up there Mike's guys are laughing over here and nobody thinks we're doing anything funny fucking funny. Fucking Blake. So today's, you know, it's a very rare, I don't think I got a listener birthday. Oh wow. Remember this day. Okay. Yeah. Very rarely do we have one day without a birthday. Today is Monday,
Starting point is 02:09:45 February 24th. On this day in 1938, the first nylon bristle toothbrush was manufactured. Dr. West's miracle toothbrush. So before 1938, what was a toothbrush made of? What were we doing? Any idea? Mo hair? No, it's not bad. Horse hair? Yarn. Like I don't know. I'm just totally, I just played that music thinking somebody else would be able to answer it.
Starting point is 02:10:18 On this day in 1988 in a ruling that expanded legal protections for parody and satire, the Supreme Court unanimously overturned a $150,000 award that the Reverend Jerry Falwell had won against Hustler Magazine and their publisher, Larry Flint. Because in the back of Hustler, like the very last page, maybe it was the second to last page. One of them was Beaver Hunt, where you would send in a Polaroid or just send in a picture of your wife's downstairs area. What? Yeah. And they would
Starting point is 02:10:54 they would plaster them across on the last page. So have you ever heard of Spicoli from The Bone? No. Okay. So, he was a stoner type guy who, for like a year or two on The Bone, 93.3 in Dallas, when they were Hard Rock, they had a guy named, they called him Spicoli. And Spicoli's claim to fame was he once sent in his girlfriend's snatch on Beaver Hunt and got it in to Hustler. And it was gross.
Starting point is 02:11:32 It was the grossest page, because it was just a close-up. You wouldn't see the whole lady. You would just see like that. Maybe you would see the whole lady. Am I high? I feel like it was a pretty tight shot, as it were. Just search Hustler Beaver Huntaver hunt and you're gonna see a picture but
Starting point is 02:11:48 It was like a collage though, right? Cuz there was there was right there wasn't just one guy. No, it was like a whole page Yeah, like 1520 guys 1520 ladies. Yeah, or the home plates. Did anybody ever do anything cool like Like the die of heart well I was gonna say like you know when people will be like hey here's my mural of Luca that's all just different coke cans ah is it that'd be great but it's all a bunch of different little yeah I bet somebody could do that I have a generation kill beaver hunt tie in okay it's a true story you know and the reporter I think I have
Starting point is 02:12:27 this clip here will it play I gotta be a battalion for a while so make sure nothing happens while in there this is a writer who's gonna embed with us he's from Rolling Stone so be gentle so they get a Rolling Stone reporter and they're like look at this homo. Rolling Stone? They don't give us a dope smoke and peace freak writer. You're right about how we're all baby killers and mama rapers, huh? You're going to tell all them people that read Rolling Stone how it feels to be in a war? Could be worse. I used to write for hustler.
Starting point is 02:13:01 You wrote for hustler? What did you write Hustler? In the presence of the great... What did you write for Hustler? Uh, porn reviews, hot letters, Beaver Hunt. Oh, you wrote Beaver Hunt? This way, look. This guy wrote Beaver Hunt.
Starting point is 02:13:18 He must have those polaroids in his pocket. Now they love him. They take his bag, like a special spot, and they're like, whoa! This guy wrote Beaver Hunt? So the last two pages, like one was Beaver Hunt, one was the asshole of the month, and it was a picture of a donkey's behind, but the middle of it had Larry Flint's face, and then it would be an article about somebody
Starting point is 02:13:35 who was a really bad person. That's why Larry Flint sued him. Not a bad movie. Or excuse me, it was a picture of Jerry Falwell's face. Larry Flint was the guy who owned Hustler. On this day in 2020, former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein convicted of rape and sexual assault against two women. And on this day in 2021- What was the deal with his penis? It was something like weird, right?
Starting point is 02:14:05 Like something identifiable about it. Like deformed. That's weird looking at him. On this day in 2021, Lady Gaga's dog walker. Looked like it had been chopped off and sewn back on. I just, it's a funny thing to be like, hey, we're finally going to, after a half a century, everyone's going to know this guy's a raper. You're like, get him. And then everyone's like, also his dick is super weird.
Starting point is 02:14:36 Right. It's gross. And I wouldn't have liked it even if it were normal, but also it wasn't. That was the worst part. If he was raping with a nice wiener, it'd be one thing. Oh yeah, dog walker got shot, right? But it's like, you're a slave,
Starting point is 02:14:52 but you're owned by the Siamese twins. And Jane. And Jane. Like, you got raped. Lady Gaga's dog walker shot two of her French Bulldogs stolen she offered a five hundred thousand dollars reward for the return of the dogs they were recovered unharmed two days later but the dog walkers funeral expenses the gotta take
Starting point is 02:15:18 care of those on your own just give me my dogs back right so I think it's the dog walker because I read this as Lady Gaga's dog Walker was shot. Like I thought his name was Walker, but no. Like she has a person employed just to walk the dog, which I think sounds great. It's way down my list, but it's on the list. Like I would love a driver. That's the best.
Starting point is 02:15:45 But what if you didn't have to go walk your dog? Like it's hard enough for me to like ask my wife to go do it. Yeah I think it's very popular in big cities. Like very popular. Like that's a thing? Yeah I mean it's just a lot harder to get your dog any sort of exercise. I used to see him by the W, because there's people that live there, you know, and we'd be walking to work and I'm like, you'd see a professional dog walker? I mean, we would stand to reason that this guy with like six designer breed dogs.
Starting point is 02:16:15 Okay. I'm just thinking like that guy, I'm pretty sure, yeah. And a famous wedding on this date in 1992, Courtney Love married Kurt Cobain. Happily ever after. That'll end well Cobain. Mm, happily ever after. That'll end well. He was 25, she was 27. Birthdays today, Roddy Bo Bois.
Starting point is 02:16:34 Man, Jake. 37. Maybe still time to. Do not trade him. By a little scoring punch? Untouchable. Yeah, there was once a time in this Mavs organization where they said, I can't trade Roddy Bo Bois.
Starting point is 02:16:50 Like I won't trade him. Who else you want? He had a big playoff game. Golfers Zach Johnson, 49. Not Paulina's husband. That's Dustin. Paulina who? Gretzky. Gretzky. I was thinking Porizkova. She's married to somebody famous too. I was thinking. But I think he's in the cars or something. Rick O'Casey? Yeah Rick O'Casey. Is that true? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:18 Brian Flores, 44. Lawsuit. Phil Knight, 87. Whew. Good book. That's what I've heard. The Phil Knight book. Or what's his name? Our guy. Jordan Rogers.
Starting point is 02:17:33 Yeah, he told me to read that book. Or somebody did. Anyway, I read it. And they were right, it's good. I mean, there's no stroking of wings or anything, but still I enjoyed it. Eddie Murray is 69, our War Games winner today. He had 68.7 more.
Starting point is 02:17:52 I had his baseball card as a kid. He was on a commercial. I can't remember if it was Reebok or Nike, but they used the super racist song that's also the ice cream truck song as a theme. Oh, yeah. I think I've played this on the air before. Pop Goes the Weasel is...
Starting point is 02:18:07 And he's a three time winner of a Golden Glove. Da da da da da. Oh that's not Pop Goes the Weasel. No, but I think that ice cream truck song is, I think it's about slaves. Yeah, we've done that. Hmm. Floyd Mayweather Jr. 48. Can't read.
Starting point is 02:18:24 You can't even read. Mike Fratello, 78. Read. The Czar of the Telestrator. Trace Cyrus, 36. I'm pretty sure he's adopted, I think. Oh, really? Well, no.
Starting point is 02:18:41 I learned of him because in our recent Billy Ray Cyrus at the inaugural ball fair His son came out and was like, hey, I was on some stuff myself. Maybe it's time dad joins the family in the hab Dominic Chienese is 94. I don't know who that is uncle jr. Oh, okay Kind of looks like the six flags guy Yeah He kinda looks like the Six Flags guy. Yeah. That guy was awesome. That guy was awesome. What was Uncle Junior's bit? He didn't want anybody to know. That's all of our bit.
Starting point is 02:19:44 Let's see. Rupert Holmes, 78. He is the author of the Pina Colada song. Oh, wow. Are you familiar with that? If you like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain. Right. Oh, yeah. Popularized in Dirty Work. You've explained this. Dirty Work fans in the rain? Right. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:06 Popularized in Dirty Work. You've explained this. Dirty Work fans in the house tonight. Terrible lyrics. Because great lyrics as far as the catch. If you like Pina Coladas. So the whole bit is that he's tired of his woman.
Starting point is 02:20:24 I get it, bro. Okay? You're just doing the same stuff over and over again, and you're like, is this it? Is my life over? So back in the age of newspapers, he puts out a personal ad, or he's reading the personal ads,
Starting point is 02:20:39 and he sees a personal ad that says, if you like pina coladas, getting caught in the rain, the feel of the ocean, the taste of champagne. If you're not into yoga, you have half a brain. If you like making love at midnight, I'm the love that you look for. Right to me. Anyway, so he reads that, then he writes back to the paper and it says here, took out a personal ad, though I'm nobody's poet,
Starting point is 02:21:06 I thought it wasn't half bad. Yes, I like piña coladas getting caught in the rain. Not much net. So all he did is just repeat exactly what she wrote. And then he's like, not bad. Think it's pretty good. No poet. And then the punchline is he then goes to meet her at this bar.
Starting point is 02:21:28 And it's his woman. And then they're both happy about it. They're like, ah, this is cool. We were both writing the thing because we hated each other. But now we realize that we are for each other because we like all these things. Yeah, it's a tough scene. I mean, both of you know that you're looking like all these things. Yeah it's a tough scene I mean both of you know that you're looking to bang someone else. Yeah so I guess that night everything's gonna be cool. Right. Because you're all horny and
Starting point is 02:21:55 everything. Champagne. George Thoroughgood is 75. I have no problem with Bad to the Bone or... Are serious? No, I don't know I'm just saying I had a problem with Rupert Holmes, but oh, okay. I'm not like fired up about bad. Well, it's just But the bad that's what's wrong with it it's a it's a song for children And did he do one bourbon one shot one beer? Yeah, it's the same song. He's definitely got past the ketchup guy, tone low. What about his old friend Johnny Walker? He's probably all the same. Your old friend Buddy Weiser.
Starting point is 02:22:35 Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-bye. How do they let him get away with that? And almost all of his songs were covers. Really? Yeah. Yeah, they're all older songs that he just decided to redo bad to the bone I mean that's exceptionally bad if you think about it it's yeah like pretty all like I'm like the 30s or something he's not surface level bad all the way. Sammy Kershaw. Sammy Kershaw. 67.
Starting point is 02:23:09 Daniel Kaluuya from Get Out is 36. Yeah, he's very interesting. He was also in a pretty good Black Mirror. Of course, from London. In a new series that I'm starting today, we're trying to freshen this thing up for 2025. Hit me. Name that
Starting point is 02:23:37 friend's secondary character. Oh, I can't play. Well, this isn't really directed at you. I know, I know. You ready? Yeah, I can't play. Well, this isn't really directed at you. I know, I know. You ready? Yeah, I was born ready. Deborah Jo Rupp is 74. Deborah Jo Rupp is 74.
Starting point is 02:24:00 I'll tell you her name and then you tell me who she was. Like, I'll tell you her name on the you tell me who she was like I'll tell you her name on the show. Okay Maybe in the future because I just came up with this series just moments ago. Mm-hmm Throw a picture. I'll throw you show you a picture every time But her name and friends is Alice Knight This is not off to a good start. I don't know. Can the bit.
Starting point is 02:24:34 Let's see if I open this. Because it's not generation kill, we gotta kill the bit. If I show you this photo. You're outnumbered now. Can I even turn this with the music and everything? Oh, that's Phoebe's brother's girlfriend, who Phoebe had to have her triplets with. Or four. And then wanted to keep one. There you go.
Starting point is 02:24:58 She married Phoebe's brother. That's pretty solid. I'll still give it to you. I think that's great. Also Kitty, from that 70s show. Oh, yeah. OK. Of course. Born on this day now dead, Steve Jobs.
Starting point is 02:25:13 Oh, no, I'll just drink all this juice. It'll work great. If I just believe in it. A wonderful biography on Steve Jobs. But yes. Isn't there a chapter in the middle that's just about what a good daddy was no I don't I think he was a terrible dad oh you joking of course I'm joking okay yeah but yeah he I mean the thing is he
Starting point is 02:25:38 invited this biographer in to do a biography on him, he knew he was dying, and said, all is open. That is cool. I think Walter Isaacson. That's right. It's wonderful. And it would highlight, yeah, he would park in handicap parking spots everywhere he went. Didn't care. I don't do that.
Starting point is 02:25:59 Why, are you looking at me? I'm looking at her. I'm definitely not. I'm looking across at the two of you and feeling like I could at least get some. I've never done a handicap spot for more than like 10 seconds. He would go into a restaurant and just sit down
Starting point is 02:26:12 and he parked in the handicap spot because it was close and he would be like, I'll just pay the ticket. Don't look away from me. Jake is looking at me, Dan. Why? I stole my buddy's grandma's handicap sticker and I parked in handicap parking for a very
Starting point is 02:26:26 long time. Well at least you had that sticker. He would just, although maybe Steve Jobs did it better because then he would contribute to the local economy because he would just pay the ticket. I just needed a place to park at North Texas. So I parked in the church's parking lot across the street in their handicapped spot. Did you fake a limp or anything? Nope.
Starting point is 02:26:48 But also, yeah, he did get diagnosed with cancer, but just he was a vegan and he just thought, yes, I'll drink juice, I'll eat more greens, and I will holistically. Because a lot of times, like it's written in here the reason they think he acted like this is because he would be told stuff couldn't be done like with the iPhone or developing the iPod or whatever and the engineers would be like you can't do this you can't do this and he would kind of will it into existence and they would end up doing it and it would work and so he kind of felt
Starting point is 02:27:25 like he could just do that throughout life he would just he could will this thing away you know my not both is what my thought would be why not more kale and chemo but yeah try try him yeah by the way my fight wife fight over the weekend and the otherwise great time love it uh Friday night at the school we weren't late it was at 6, but it's a come-and-go thing we got there at 6 o 5 parking Non-existent other than like in the neighborhood the schools in which to me is fine because I'll just drop them off at the front door And I'll just walk with my boy let him run around take minutes of silence. No problem. There's the key and And you're viewed as a great guy.
Starting point is 02:28:06 Yeah. It's a win-win. But she's like, no, let's just park up here. Other people are, which is the fire lane. Now, yeah, there are cars in the fire lane. I'm like, I just don't want to do that. And now you're arguing in front of the kids? Yeah, and I'm just like, can we not even try it?
Starting point is 02:28:22 She's like, they're just gonna tow you? I just don't do it. It says don't do it, I don't do it. Sorry. Then she's like- Trying to have a properly functioning society. Then she was like, I'm gonna call Steve Smith and have him rearrange my IUD.
Starting point is 02:28:38 Senior. Drinking Jake would have parked there. Oh, that's, yeah, for sure. Prehab Jake would have parked there. Oh, yeah, for sure. Prehab Jake would have parked there. Yeah, whatever. Also born on the stay now dead Mitch Hedberg. And Dave Strader.
Starting point is 02:28:54 Good dude. Stars play by play man. Very, very cool guy. Yep. Very cool guy. Died on the stay still dead. You've got Robert Fulton. He built the first steamboat.
Starting point is 02:29:07 All right. Don Knotts, who's he? The Andy Griffith show or something? Yeah. Okay, sweet. And Harold Ramis. The Great. So great. That's maybe what, like top five?
Starting point is 02:29:23 And that was today's new history. Comedy film writer ever? Put that resume up there, bro. Ghostbusters? Animal House, Meatballs, Caddyshack, Stripes, Ghostbusters, Caddyshack 2, maybe we can leave that one out. Groundhog Day. Didn't he have a long- That's pretty freaking good. A long feud with Bill Murray. Two, maybe we can leave that one out. Groundhog Day. Didn't he have a long- That's pretty freaking good.
Starting point is 02:29:47 A long feud with Bill Murray. Very long. And I believe it was only really rectified when he was about to die. I've just recently learned of a longstanding feud between Wayne and Garth. Did you know there was that? No.
Starting point is 02:30:07 Maybe I'll save that for later this week. Somebody sent us a Reddit thread of beaver hunt pictures. And it is not closeups, these poor women. Oh, it's like you see their whole face? And it's, you can just be told, just lay on the bed here, to be a little provocative and put your hand down there. It's real nasty. You know this picture It's nasty I'd probably flip right to it. Yeah, sure It's people's grandma right now. Well, it's not like hustler was well known for being right tasteful. Yeah
Starting point is 02:30:49 So 70s we did have a community hustler in the bathroom at the dorm it was only four guys like two guys in one room two guys in the other so that's not that bad ah I see no problem with that. But until you start to learn what everyone else's favorite pages are, mark the territory here. For some reason at the time, I never thought any of that was dirty or unsanitary. Now I would just hate the fact that anyone else was going in that bathroom at all.
Starting point is 02:31:20 I know. And I don't look. We all go through our own personal developments but it is weird to me to imagine you, cause I'm still pretty much how I was then, but like you're the guy who was on the mayonnaise and mustard acid bus to Daytona Beach, just sleeping in cars every now and then.
Starting point is 02:31:41 Yeah. And now it's, oh. Again. You know. Growth. Are they gonna have edamame beans there or some uppity thing? I do like edamame. Anyway let's go back to Craig and Dan for closing remarks. And you know what's great at the end of a show? What's that? Or the end of a long day is some early bird CBD.
Starting point is 02:32:09 Oh, no doubt. Early bird Dumb Zone is a single use discount code. You can get 20% off. It's the good stuff. If you've been fooling around with what somebody tells you is called CBD, you need to try early bird CBD. Early early bird there's real THC in it. Two and a half milligrams get you going nice. Check it out. Early bird promo code dumb zone. You'll get 20% off. These
Starting point is 02:32:35 are not for you. If you're taking a drug test, these are for you. If you want to put a smile on your face and hang out and celebrate some closing remarks. Got to use that promo code there, Dan. Well, having a CDL keeps me off of the early bird list to begin with. You'll get there. It'll be alright. One of these days I won't be working. He's a driver. Commercial driver's license? Yes. Oh, okay. Well, I drive commercials every day, bro. You do. This is guys, he's an unpaid Okay. Why drive commercials every day, bro? You do. This is guys, he's an unpaid slave.
Starting point is 02:33:11 What does that mean? Underpaid, underpaid. Like a big rig? Yes, that's correct. UPS. UPS. Oh, okay. Is that tough driving one of those? Looks fun. Traffic isn't fun, but outside of that, I enjoy it. You mostly, like, how often are you home over the years?
Starting point is 02:33:29 What's your normal? The schedule I'm on right now, I get off early Friday mornings and then I go back in early Tuesday morning. Okay, and you're just, you could be anywhere by Thursday. Oh, you're driving across country? Oh yeah. Okay, I thought you meant your UPS driver just the truck around town. No no not anymore
Starting point is 02:33:48 no. You were that? Well I never did the show up to your house and hand you your box I never did any of that but okay. It's like airport hub type stuff before that or? Yeah yeah okay. Yep yeah so. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. though I just sit behind a wheel. Okay. Is it a big rig? Oh yeah. Okay. Do you go, so does your company, UPS, do they pay for the toll lane? Everything. I pay everything. Okay, so you're the a-hole in front of me.
Starting point is 02:34:40 Yeah, 100%. That's why he's clogging in, his company's paying for it. Oh, what if I just go in this toll lane and drive slower than the posted limit no the downside is I can only go 70 yeah I know yeah oh yeah yeah yeah oh the people behind me know too but yeah I mean if I you're like whatever I'll just do that cuz I'm the most well I don't want her sitting the traffic I'm not gonna get paid to sit in traffic yeah you sleep in the rig at night? Like on the road? I sleep in the rig when the other guy's driving. Oh okay. It's a two-man job always. Yep. Well this this one
Starting point is 02:35:13 is. You carry a gun? No we're not allowed to. That's surprising to me. Like independent contractor truckers? They do right? I would hope so but I don't. I just feel like those guys are sleeping on the side of the road a lot. They are, oh yeah, you're sleeping wherever you can get it parked. Lot lizards? I only had one experience with a lot lizard and it was a long time ago. She didn't approach me, she approached my partner at the time and asked him, she said, I'll do anything you want for some breakfast. And he thought it was the saddest thing in the world,
Starting point is 02:35:49 so he just went in and bought her breakfast. That's not a good deal. Yeah, damn, man. Well, I mean, I guess it's good. Think of the possibilities. She was offering you a lot. Yeah. Have you ever showered at a gas station?
Starting point is 02:36:03 I have. At a truck stop or? Yeah. Oh yeah, yeah, all the time. Flying J. Yeah, I was just on the way back from the house. Flying J. Do you wear mostly gloves?
Starting point is 02:36:14 Gloves are great too. Do you wear flip-flops? Yeah, the little thin ones, yeah. Okay. I just get worried about. I think Dan would be a good truck driver. Just focused, routine. I mean, I like routine, but nobody's doing it like him.
Starting point is 02:36:28 Pop a dip in. Maybe a Lucy. Yeah, I do like a little THC though. Yeah, that would be a problem. That'd be a problem. Especially now they have a nationwide clearing house. So if you fail a drug test at one company, everybody will know now.
Starting point is 02:36:45 What are they gonna do next? Do that with kids who get diddled by teachers? Maybe. And have everybody finding out everything all over the place. Yeah, it used to be if you failed a drug test, they'd just fire you and you'd go get a job somewhere else, but now- Ah, the Catholic Church way. Yeah, but now-
Starting point is 02:37:00 Yeah. Now everybody will know that you failed a drug test, so- Hmm, that sucks That's the man for you. Yeah, it is. But what are you gonna do about winning rights? Bar TV is about states TV still that's TVs like that's right. You got a hundred inch TV, but you're on the road Yeah. Yeah, my wife gets to watch it a lot. I bought her a new TV stand for it to go on to she didn't she... How about she loves her life? It's pretty sweet. It's better now. This guy's gone five days a week. Yeah. Comes back.
Starting point is 02:37:29 I'm home more than I asked. Just with a big pile of money. Yeah, I had a really long route where I was gone. It was 6,200 miles a week. So I kind of laughed when Blake was talking about how much he drove. I was in my car and I picked the gas. was talking about how much he drove. I was in my car and I picked the gas. But it, yeah, I had a 6,200 mile a week that we did, and we were, I was not home very much at all. You ever see any crime?
Starting point is 02:37:54 Not really, I mean. Like a nine-year-old black girl walking on the shoulder? Or anything like that, I don't know. I've never seen anything like that. You're kind of awake when the rest of the world is not a lot. You ever have people do this? All the time and our trucks don't have,
Starting point is 02:38:09 UPS trucks don't have the air horns. So it sucks. Is that still a thing kids do? Oh, yeah. Okay. Grownups do that too. All right, that was huge. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:38:21 A huge part of my life. Yeah, no, so we, I guess some of the rest of the money, spring break we're going to Sedona. Nice. So we bought a bunch of excursions and stuff out there. You know what it was worth it, Blake. Why are you trying to strip this man of his joy? The wife and I are going to Chicago in April
Starting point is 02:38:44 to see the Rangers and the Cubs. Never been to Wrigley. Nice. Yeah, so that'll be fun. So yeah. Look at all, I was going to say that we've done for you, but we didn't do it. You did it. Didn't do much.
Starting point is 02:38:57 Yeah, and what's Craig's bid? Did you put it in your kids' 529 or something lame? Man. Well, not long before,, right before the NFL season started my AC went out so we just replaced that. So that was always in my mind as the, as always picking games. I was like I can help pay off this AC right here. It's always fun. So that's kind of, that is really lame. But we're gonna travel too. I didn't get into TV. I did look at TVs the other day for the
Starting point is 02:39:23 first time probably 10 years. TVs just aren't a thing you buy anymore used to is like I want to get the next one it's badass yeah and I was they'll they're all cheap and fairly cheap now too it's they're not expanding or they're not getting different they all seem the same yeah I've had I've had the same TV since I think it was a Black Friday of 2019 And the TV that I replaced that with, I still have in the house. I mean, it works just fine. It did used to be, you would hear about like the new,
Starting point is 02:39:50 even you talking about the CES thing the other day, you would hear about like what the new thing in TVs was gonna be. And they would release like right before the Super Bowl or something. Yeah. When we used to be a proper country. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:40:03 Yeah. It's been bothering me all weekend because I watched some high school basketball. There's a stat during the Argyle game on Friday that's just been staying in my head and it was one of the girls, all of, 90% of her points have come off offensive rebounds and I just wanted to follow up on it. It was just a wild,
Starting point is 02:40:22 it's set me sideways too. How many points does she have I guess? If she only had 10 points the whole year, I guess that would make sense, but is she a big scorer? Do you remember that stat? Yeah, I mean, she only got the ball in the paint. So typically off a missed shot, she'd get the rebound and put it back in.
Starting point is 02:40:34 She was never getting like post touches or anything like that. It's still our own missed shot too, a lot I imagine. There's some of that, yeah. It's still a hilarious statistic. For sure. Like it doesn't yeah. It's still a hilarious statistic. For sure. Like it doesn't seem. It stood out for sure.
Starting point is 02:40:47 It doesn't seem possible. Like again, like he said, unless you have five points on the season, and it was like, well, four of them were. It's a very weird stat. No, Huddle keeps stats like that, and it's surprisingly accurate. But yeah, she just did nothing
Starting point is 02:41:04 but gather rebounds and put backs. It's awesome. Andy was trying to force in some new stats with you guys. Like she leads in will to win, recovering loose balls or something. I think you told him you'd workshop it. And that's, I guess I didn't hear the ending,
Starting point is 02:41:23 but did they finish 80%, higher than 80% at free throw? Oh, that's right. They were first lost. They were like 4-0 during that? No, just in every one of their losses, they had shot under 70% from the line. Not anymore. No.
Starting point is 02:41:38 Not anymore. Yep. What happened to the boys? Did they get routed? I didn't see that. Had a lot of problems. The other game, yeah, was a little closer. Yeah, the other game was exciting.
Starting point is 02:41:53 Didn't the boys only score 16? Just like 16 points or something. Yeah, like 18, yeah. No, it's not. How the coaches could do. Yeah. He'd okay. It was a dark day.
Starting point is 02:42:06 You guys got any transfers or perhaps transitions coming up for next season? Mm. Mm. So you guys are posing remarks just interviewing Blake about- The transition portal. Argyle basketball.
Starting point is 02:42:19 And TVs. Here, grab your check. Oh yeah, you got a big check. Oh, big check? Wanna get a picture. Yeah right now 16 thousand four hundred twenty dollars sixty nine cents. That's sweet Wow right there in front of Chisholm trail two folks Incredible awesome. I There's one thing that I got for y'all that's not arriving until
Starting point is 02:42:47 tomorrow and it's my favorite thing. But I do have something else. I'll ship that other thing. The arriving tomorrow guy. Yeah. I know it will. We'll never see this item. No, it'll be with y'all this week. There was another thing in Denton. I live in Denton area. There's a store on the square that it's called the Mini Mall, it's been there forever, I'd hardly go in there, but if you walk by there, it's just swords everywhere. And I swear to God, I almost got you all a sword, but I was pictured me walking up the street into Fox 4, so it's still maybe down the line.
Starting point is 02:43:22 But for now- There's a sword spot on the wall. Yeah. For now, I got a Toronto FC Brandon Awkwary. Nice. Oh, that's sweet. That is awesome. How'd you get that? I just custom made it.
Starting point is 02:43:35 I tried Notre Dame. Oh, you custom made it? Sick. Well, I just got the name put on the back and I found his number. I tried Notre Dame one. That seemed to be a little harder. The.
Starting point is 02:43:44 XL. You're gonna have to to wear. All right. Yeah We need to book him just to wear that yeah for no other reason and then the other gift I got y'all is is similar to this but I'll just I'll just let y'all open it when it comes in it will come in Okay, I did get y'all one little thing I'll give it to you Jake. Okay y'all one little thing I'll give it to you Jake okay I got Lucas let's see this is like one a pendant if you will I think yeah I think it might be a Christmas yeah Christmas ornament perhaps it is from Dearborn or Ohio oh it's a 9-11 memorial?
Starting point is 02:44:25 And it is to make sure that no one forgets. For some reason they had Dearborn, Ohio. Yeah. Yeah, that popped up in my eBay when I was shopping for a autographed baseball for my wife. So I don't. Go on. I don't know how that ends up in your eBay.
Starting point is 02:44:46 You may also like. What did your wife want? What are we talking here? Oh, my wife's huge in the baseball. Especially Rangers. So. OK. What were you getting her? Well, I got her a bunch of them, but we've got Beltre. We've got we've got several Beltre's. Josh Sorbs signed a 23 World Series ball. So this be like the stereotypical thing if you're trying to slow things down but if you were to accidentally say it out loud and he's like all right five four three two down like roll over, like if he starts talking baseball to preserve and she just loses it. Yeah, that gets her going.
Starting point is 02:45:30 It's like when I start talking about steel products, my wife really likes the riding lawnmower. Yeah. They make good stuff. Yeah. So yeah, that's odd. I can't imagine a worst gift if I was to present my wife with an autographed baseball for her birthday.
Starting point is 02:45:50 Oh no, my wife was over the moon. Over the moon. That's great. I think it would be great. They're gifting a lot easier. Yeah. Yeah, it's kind of like. Because I don't know what the hell she wants.
Starting point is 02:45:59 It's like a Pandora neck bracelet, but with cool stuff. Yeah, and you get to kind of enjoy it too. Right, yeah. Yeah, we got a whole room in the house and put the base. There's a, she had a custom-made cabinet made that is shaped like a home plate that you put autographed baseballs in. So that's all in there. She's a big bobblehead collector. So we got, I had to put several bookcases together in order to display all her bobbleheads. So she's really into it. She loves it and it's cool buying that stuff too. So she'll be at our 9-11 softball tournament, sounds like.
Starting point is 02:46:39 I'm sure she will. Yeah. Well congrats boys. Thanks guys. Thanks for having us out here. Thanks for having us out here. This got the book. Congrats boys. Thanks guys. Thanks. Thanks for having back This has been fun. Adios mofo gotta go before this becomes a zoo Scrib and type for my name if you want to watch more of my video The time anybody writes a decent song I guarantee that you'll hear it all day long Then play it at least a hundred times a day Till you're sick of hearing it and you're ready to say
Starting point is 02:47:16 I've heard this song enough for one day There's so many other songs that they could play I call and pitch at the radio station We're playing like a song while I fear this one They play the same songs over and over The songs are great when you hear them at first, but when it's all you ever hear, it will soon become the worst. They play it till you're getting stuck in your head And they play it even after you've already said I've heard this song enough for one day There's so many other songs that they can play I call and bitch at the radio station I play another song while I laugh to hear this one Over and over, over and over
Starting point is 02:48:22 They play the same songs over and over, they play the same songs over and over Are they ever playing as popular to hear? There won't be another trend on the radio next year. I hope you never hear this song on the radio, Because if you ever do, then you're probably gonna go. I've heard this song enough for one day, There's so many other songs that they could play. I call and pitch them to radio station I play another song but I left me this one
Starting point is 02:49:08 Over and over, over and over They play the same songs Over and over, over and over Over and over, they play the same songs Over and over, they play the same songs over and over

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