The Dumb Zone FREE - The Dumb Zone 7-6-24 Weekly Wrap

Episode Date: July 6, 2024

Hear every episode of The Dumb Zone by subscribing to our Patreon - you the best of the week from The Dumb Zone. Our top segments plus we're joined by Julie Dobb...s, Mike Rhyner, video Heart Attack Man, William Pace, and Lawrence Rosales. (00:00) - Intro (01:22) - 7/1 Open (29:31) - 7/2 Today in Twitter (44:10) - 7/1 Cowboys squabble (01:04:42) - Dan flip flops on the RV (01:09:46) - 7/3 Viewer Mail (01:30:31) - 7/2 William Pace (01:57:12) - 7/1 June MBR (02:27:10) - 7/2 Joe and Troy of porn (02:29:34) - 7/2 News (02:51:14) - 7/2 Today in History (03:21:26) - Outro ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

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Starting point is 00:00:00 all right episode three of this unnamed weekly wrap-up summarizing the week that was in the dumb zone only three episodes to catch you up on this week hope everyone had a fun july 4th and didn't blow off any fingers but if you did please email us the story and pictures the dumb zone at also was passed this message before taping send all moosing videos and pictures to dan at no puppet don't know what that means but he was adamant i read it okay like always uh this will be built like a normal show open at the top today in history at the bottom, news, viewer mail, today in Twitter in between, with some William Pace, Cowboys, and an MBR to round us out. Not much to report on the show coming up, couple 690 sit-ins next week as well as a couple remotes. One of the dynamic duo will be doing a TV thing in a couple weeks, and I'm fairly certain we'll
Starting point is 00:01:00 be joined by a Dallas Cowboy in our new studio soon, but I'll wait until that's final before spilling the beans on that. But for now, let's rewind to our Monday, July 1st show at the VFW in Grapevine. It was a really cool scene we had out there. Had a free lunch for first responders and saw a few veterans trickle in and out of there, which was funny considering what Dan's complaint was that day. Here's our open and weekend check from July 1st. Hey, happy Monday, guys. Hey, you too, man. I'm Dan McDowell.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I'm Jake Kemp. I'm Blake Jones. And today, we're out live on location. Grapevine. How about a grapevine remote? How about it? How about more grapevine remotes? Blake might disagree.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I mean, it's either driving to your house or over here. It's not a big deal. Yeah, this is a little closer, right? Got to go up and see historic Main Street. I drove past the 9-11 Memorial. The Christmas capital of the world. That's right. We are very drove past the 9-11 memorial the christmas capital of the world that's right we are very close to the 9-11 memorial main street's cool especially cool if you have kids yeah it's probably cool either way because you can you got your olds there doing some
Starting point is 00:02:18 antiquing got a biker bar my parents have business there. So I can always kind of park for free. I guess you can park for free a lot of places down there. I believe Mayor William D. Tate decreed that as long as he is mayor, and that seems to be forever, there will never be metered parking on Main Street in Grapevine. He wants to keep that small town feel. He thinks that's more important than a couple of dollars, and I applaud him for that. He also disabled the red light cameras. He did.
Starting point is 00:02:57 The guy's just a hero, honestly. That's why he runs unopposed. I think he's been, maybe with one brief break, the mayor since like 1988. Right. And there's a street named after him? Yeah. I want that. Not since Mayor Maine had a...
Starting point is 00:03:16 Mayor had a street named after them. We're in a unique location today. Have we ever broadcast from a VFW post before? Not to my knowledge, no No And we are here at the behest Of a good subscriber Mike Patterson
Starting point is 00:03:39 Are we having him on the show at some point today? Yeah, we need to Is he closing remarks? Or is he joining us in the beginning? Anyway, what do we got going here today? It seems to be some kind of a special event. Is anyone familiar? Yeah, but it won't really matter because we're not live.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Oh, that's true. If you're not here now, it won't really help you. Should I have promoted this on Twitter? I think we did. We did. Should I have, though? Oh, what, the guy with the big account? With my huge reach.
Starting point is 00:04:09 No, Mike made a really awesome graphic for us. The rest of your little minions we all promoted. But they have free lunch for veterans and all first responders. And that doesn't mean I call you and you answer the first time. You have to actually be someone who would respond to a situation. Okay, because generally on the show, I might be the first responder. If we send out a text,
Starting point is 00:04:32 hey, can everybody do tomorrow at four? I would be the first responder. Most of the time, yeah. That's going to be tough for us to deny, yeah. I tried to think of something, but that's why the one time you didn't call us back, I thought you were dead. It was like a Sunday night.
Starting point is 00:04:49 I'm like, holy shit, is Dan okay? But yeah, free lunch. And they got you your own special little... Yeah. Your own special little fish. I guess Mike got some eatsies. In fact, maybe even contacted Adam Romo himself. The big man.
Starting point is 00:05:06 To hook me up with some Eatsies Market and Bakery, which is fantastic. Dan has his own rider. I think there probably wouldn't even be a rider without me. Yeah, your section is definitely the biggest. I scooted down so I could be closer to you, actually. Thanks, man. Yeah. Preach. Yeah, but I've never been inside one of these before. My, actually. Thanks, man. Yeah. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Yeah, but I've never been inside one of these before. My brother goes to the one in New Orleans quite a bit. Oh, I absolutely have been inside. Yeah, Kristen was telling me that she used to go with her grandfather all the time. I guess I remember going in southern Ohio, small towns, just because there'd be meetings there and stuff. Drinking. Yeah, my brother goes and meets up with buddies at the one down there all the meetings there and stuff. Drinking. Yeah, my brother goes and meets up with buddies
Starting point is 00:05:47 at the one down there all the time. Smoking. Yeah, what happened there? I thought we could still smoke. Oh, you can't. Okay, you're just... I was going to say. Come on.
Starting point is 00:05:56 So is this the one public place that the government has not touched as far as not allowing smoking? I am pretty sure that if you go... I was going to say there's two places on Main Still. I think Tap-In too, right? They did – oh, it's for good? So is that part of William B. Tate? It's like no red light cameras, no pay for parking, and smoking as much as you want.
Starting point is 00:06:21 If you want to do it, you can do it. Will Hoyts, yeah. The biker bar. Sometimes. Well, anyway, it's cool to be here. It is. It's very cool. We will talk to Mike at some point.
Starting point is 00:06:36 It's the perfect new you start day. Are you guys familiar with this? Yeah, of course I am. I got my hair cut. I ran this morning. I'm like, cut the shit. You know what? I took a, of course I am. I got my hair cut. I ran this morning. I'm like, cut the shit. You know what? I took a little walk.
Starting point is 00:06:48 We're halfway through the year. There's still time to salvage this thing. I wanted to get me 3,000 steps before I did the show today, and I did. Yeah. I made a little breakfast. A little healthy. So it's the first day of the month, which is also on the first day of the week.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Because often you want to time up. I'll start my diet or I'll start the new thing. I'll wait until the first of the month. I can binge until then. But then if the first of the month is like on a Thursday, you're like, you know what, I'll wait until next month. Probably order a pizza and get a picture. You have to do it like on a Monday.
Starting point is 00:07:23 And here it is. Monday, it's the first of the month. And this is very rare. There's no way to tell how rare. But it's also the first day of the second half of the year. I think this is cooler than the eclipse. Yeah. It could be more rare.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I can tell you this. It probably is more rare. I can tell you this. The eclipse didn't make me want to cut out carbs and do chest. No. Did the eclipse make you get out and walk? No. You'll see Haley's Comet again before you see a day like this.
Starting point is 00:07:54 You guys, dude, by the end of the year, you'll remember this day. I'm walking shredded. Yeah, and today on the program, the MBR, the Monthly Business Review, because we're all about business. You've got a fan. One. No, one. One fan. One's more than none.
Starting point is 00:08:13 We will review that business. Uh-huh. Blake is at the helm of that. It's a free program, so welcome. Check us out at slash thedumbzone if you like what you hear. That's right. You probably just heard that from Dan in the open. You did.
Starting point is 00:08:29 And he wants us to be more involved in that. I know. I know. Yeah, we should all record our voices, not just me. But I also think it's funny. I'm just a bad pitch man. You and I are just stalling. Yeah, we'll get to it.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Is that what's going on here behind the scenes? Shut up. All right. So many little two-man games running. I'll do it this week. I got you. I got you. Yeah, it's like, oh, well, Jake left early.
Starting point is 00:08:55 I guess I'll... We'll just do it tomorrow. Yeah. We're on remote. You do keep pushing it ahead. Tomorrow we'll be in our studio. We'll have William Pace on the show. That is right. So exciting. And
Starting point is 00:09:07 introducing to William Pace will be Mike, right? Is that confirmed? It's confirmed as much as Mike Reiner can be confirmed. I did re-text with him this weekend. He said he remembered and he said he will be there tomorrow. Mike Reiner
Starting point is 00:09:23 and Julie Doms. And William Pace. What a powerhouse. I didn't retouch base with her. I just figured she'd be there anyway. What's she got? Golf camp. Yeah, she has zero.
Starting point is 00:09:35 We just have to keep her off the sauce long enough to do a show. And on today's show, we, of course, have plenty of sports for you. Apparently, we got some Cowboys stuff heating up and the start of NBA free agency, but we would like to start everything with a weekend check so you see what everybody did over the weekend. Now, you are mandated to have information for a weekend check. You can't just walk in and say, oh.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Oh, really? Yeah. You have to do a weekend check. You can't just walk in and say, oh, really? Yeah. You have to do something. Okay. So every weekend you have to do something. And then we'll judge whether it was interesting or not. Well, Saturday we started Brooks in gymnastics.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Hell yeah. Want to get some coordination down. And I think that the key with any sport or really just being outside, he's got to learn how to fall. You've got to protect your noggin. So started him on that. That's pretty sweet. Did you get him a Barbie too?
Starting point is 00:10:37 No, his leotard was blue. It was a nice boyish color of blue, I thought. Did you guys watch like Queer Eye for the Straight Guy afterward? Start him on the hormones or estrogen or whatever the... Greg Abbott's never going to let him compete if you keep this up. No, but it was cool
Starting point is 00:10:59 watching him follow directions from someone else. They do that well. What is he right now? Two and a half. Two and a half, yeah. That's about when we started doing something where someone else could They do that well. What is he right now? Two and a half. Two and a half, yeah. That's about when we started doing something where someone else could tell him what to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:10 It's a lot of can you do two things at one time? Can you jump while waving your arms? But the big thing I noticed, and Jake, I think you'll back me up on this. I noticed he has a seven-minute attention span. If I get to seven, I'm thinking the gods old and new. Because of Bluey. Oh, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:33 That show is seven minutes long? Yeah. Wow. And so he can follow directions and do pretty well six, six and a half minutes. And then he wanders. And I think it's just this generation of a quick youtube video or whatever this is or the bluey like they can focus for about five minutes at a time yeah we tried watching a new it's not pixar but a new you know kid movie on friday night and i would say she goes like seven minutes in a movie 20 minutes just kind of dicking around
Starting point is 00:12:03 yeah seven minutes if we get her back if something interesting happens. But it's never a sustained, I'm into the whole movie. No. Never. The class is about 30 minutes with like, I don't know, 15 or 20 of free play. And by the end of the 30 minutes, I mean, he's done. Yeah. So he just can't really focus.
Starting point is 00:12:18 That's cool though. And then we went to a birthday party and I'm here to report back that Capri Sun is not what it used to be. You mean when they started putting booze in it? What? They have like booze Capri Sun things now. Why? I don't know if they make them but they come in a pouch that looks exactly like Capri Sun. It gives you the straw so you get the nostalgia feel
Starting point is 00:12:38 but it's like a spiked seltzer. Wow. Yeah. Interesting. No, I just had the normal kids Capri Sun and it did not taste very good. Do you think it tastes exactly the same but you're now you? Well, that's... I don't Interesting. No, I just had the normal kid's Capri Sun, and it did not taste very good. Do you think it tastes exactly the same, but you're now you? Well, that's, I don't know. No. Everything sucks more now.
Starting point is 00:12:51 It tastes like fake sugar. Yeah. You think they were using, like, real cane before? Well, they were using something better than they are now. It's Capri Sun. It used to be good. I don't know. I have noticed that the kids are drinking the Capri Sun, though.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And then had a squared away Sunday. Laundry done, car washed, car filled up, house cleaned. That's good to do right before the first of the month. Yeah, especially when the first of the month, it's a Monday. I shaved my neck, showered. That's a once a month thing now. You didn't go in, did you? The haircut?
Starting point is 00:13:25 Yeah. No. Okay. We need did you? The haircut? Yeah. No. Okay. We need to talk later. I did not. I shaved my own head. I don't want to give away too many details, but we may find ourselves in a very similar situation. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Yeah, no. They've got some good people over there. Yeah, some good people. Right here on Main Street. You could probably walk to the... I've parked here at the VFW numerous times for Main Street days or Grape Fest or whatever. This is a very popular place to park and walk. I didn't do a ton over the weekend other than – I will tell you about a birthday party, a pool party I went to yesterday.
Starting point is 00:14:01 But first, I have two observations. The first is going to be a little bit controversial, but I don't care. We're going to do it. I was dropping my kids off at my parents' house, and the people next to them were having their lawn mowed. Why have we never asked the question, when the white man goes outside to mow his lawn,
Starting point is 00:14:22 he puts on a tank top or, like, no shirt? But Latino guys, when they're mowing the lawn, who are doing this all day, are like completely covered from – Long sleeves. Yeah, even maybe even like a huge hat, a hood. I don't know. Maybe they're smarter. There's two parts to this. One, the white man is trying to get a tan. And two, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:41 I don't think it's just that. Maybe, but – Not to even out a little bit. I guess. Yeah. And then the other part, yeah. I don't think it's just that. Maybe, but... Not to even out a little bit. I guess. Yeah. And then the other part, yeah, if you're in the sun all day, you can't be getting burnt or exposed for that long. Yeah, but even being in the sun for an hour, you could get burned.
Starting point is 00:14:54 It just seems like people that do this for a job have one way of doing it, and the rest of us are like, I guess I'll just wear a tank top. I think it's the difference of being outside for 100 hours compared to two. And maybe you don't want to have to keep putting on sunscreen all day. Yeah, maybe. So you just wear a long-sleeve shirt. But those guys don't look like they're struggling to me.
Starting point is 00:15:14 They look more comfortable. Which is always baffling because it's really hot. And sometimes you get the dry fit. Oh, yeah. Just like a dry fit, long-sleeve top. Dominic Robinson does that. And they're just cooking. I golf in that.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Even in the heat? Yeah, like in Scottsdale, it's 115. I have long sleeves on. Interesting. So the pool party yesterday, it was a friend of ours. A couple we're friends with party, but it was at somebody's house. And it was essentially a kid party. Everyone there had our kids there.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Dude. Which means a mom party. Pretty much, brother. Gymnastics, too. Oh, I bet. It's good being the good dad. Thank you. Like, if you're the guy who's at gymnastics with this kid.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Oh, I wonder what happened to his wife. Is she dead? Yeah, or something. Or he just loves his kid. This much? Yeah. It's like a dog on steroids. Yeah. In fact, on the sign-up sheet, I signed him up, and so the first parent, whatever, on the drop-down menu,
Starting point is 00:16:14 mother was first. Of course. That's ridiculous. Yeah. Dude, I was with some people yesterday, and a couple of them are going to hear this, so I'm not going to be rude. There's no reason to be rude but they had just come from uh all-star baseball which they've been doing
Starting point is 00:16:33 they said they had a tournament five out of the last six weekends and they start back up again tryouts are in uh late july and then their season starts again in September, at which point they will also be playing flag football. It's a group of dudes who were like kids who were like seven years old. I sat there and listened to a group of ten adults breaking down the players on their team and who they need to let go and who can't really give them anything offensively and who should be moved from third base. And, hey, there's a kid on another team who's available. There's two of them.
Starting point is 00:17:06 You remember them. And one of the grandparents who goes to every game was like, that kid's shown no progress. And I'm like, he's fucking seven. He's seven years old. This is insane. I'm embarrassed for being a part of all that, too. And they were really, really into it.
Starting point is 00:17:24 And I get it when the kid's like 12, 13, 14 or something. But my buddy and I who have – he has a son who's about three, but neither one of us are in youth sports yet. We just looked at each other like by the pool and we're like, what world are we in where this is – dude, it went on for an hour. And it was the husbands, the wives, the grandparents, they were all just in it. And they're talking about other kids. And I'm like, what is happening, the grandparents, they were all just in it. And they're talking about other kids.
Starting point is 00:17:47 And I'm like, what is happening? Yeah, they're ripping them. Yeah. But consider how much money they're spending. But like Jake said, they are seven only. Yeah. And I was, I'm still embarrassed that I was in it. But like at age 12, we were doing that same stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:01 And I know because one of the dads, it wasn't really my decision. It was, you know, a collective thing. But one of the kids that was on our all-star team one year kind of ousted her to get, because one of the, like, we got, like, the best player from another team. That's the discussion that was being had yesterday. Yeah, but the girl was friends with the group, and then she wasn't on the team, and it wasn't communicated to her.
Starting point is 00:18:31 She found out some other way. And then after learning that, I was like, I'm not cut out for any of this. Because then the dad, I don't know. I don't... Because then the dad... I don't know. I wasn't a good friend of the guy, but from what I heard, that guy stopped inviting people to his get-togethers.
Starting point is 00:18:53 That is the job of a coach at a school. Right. You know what I mean? I mean, it was the all-star team. The stakes are high. He gave that poor kid their 13th reason, Dan. Oh, that's dark. Is that for shooting the place up or something?
Starting point is 00:19:09 What are you saying? Wasn't it that show where that girl got really sad? Yeah. Anyways. I don't know. I saw an opportunity. I think when you get to school sports, that's why some coach can just be like, hey, you're not good enough.
Starting point is 00:19:24 And then you go home to your parents. Even that, I wouldn't like to be that guy. Well, no, but that's what they signed up to do. Yeah. Being a parent and you're friends with the parents, the kids come over to your house, and now you're like, uh, you know, your ops kind of dip below 600 last year, so... But dude, I would be there on a Friday night,
Starting point is 00:19:40 making out the lineup. No, no, no, you know what? Let's move her from here to here. Yeah, yeah. And they were telling me stories about how, you know, it was balls hot yesterday. Oh, my God. And how there was some fight over one team got there a little bit earlier and took the shaded dugout, even though they had already been assigned to the hot dugout. So when my guys showed up, they were like, get out. I've been there.
Starting point is 00:20:02 And this created apparently a huge problem. Yeah, yeah, yeah. up they were like get out i've been there and this created apparently a huge problem yeah yeah and they're now yelling at each other in front of their second grade kids gotta go to the dugout you're assigned to it's insane it's just yet another reason to not have kids there are many yeah there are many was my... I just kind of stood... I mean, this went on for a very long time. And if it stopped, it was picking back up five minutes later. Now everybody's had a couple of drinks in them.
Starting point is 00:20:32 And it's just like, we've got to get Casey off this team. I got a couple of just quick hit notes. So we went on a dog walk. I think it was Friday evening. And I wish I was rolling. I can't always record when my daughters are talking. But on this particular
Starting point is 00:20:51 time, I don't know why it had something to do with something I had to do. And we were talking music lyrics and something. And then my daughter, you know how they are. She was like, what do you think he's doing?
Starting point is 00:21:09 Getting ready for ticket stock? Like she said that to my wife. And she goes, nowadays, he's getting ready for laughing stock. Like making fun of what we do. That's a great line. She's like, now that I don't have a real job, like I'm, not that I was respected previously. But when we worked at the ticket,
Starting point is 00:21:31 there was some air of like, oh. Their teachers knew who, oh, you know, like when they found out, your dad were, oh my gosh, yeah. Like now. My husband listens, yeah. Right, now it's just, it's, again, it's just embarrassment, left and right.
Starting point is 00:21:48 I don't know what we're going to do. But I thought that was a good line. That is a great line. I wish I would have come up with it. Last night in the shower, I had like 12 great ideas for the show. That's where I have all my great ideas. And I forgot 11 of them. all my great ideas.
Starting point is 00:22:03 And I forgot 11 of them. And the only thing I could remember when I got out of the shower was the fact that once you said that you wanted to invent shower notes, like some kind of an ad or something that would be hooked up to us
Starting point is 00:22:21 neurologically, right? Yeah, yeah. So that we could just record what we're thinking. Because, again, I could have taken this show to such new heights. But now, we're screwed. Because, you know, the shower is kind of like the bathroom. It's one of those rare places in the house where you're just by yourself and no one can really bother you.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Well, I do think eventually we will have brain notes via Elon Musk and Neuralink. For starters, there's got to be some sort of tablet with a stylus that's waterproof. Well, I once did get, I don't know if somebody sent it to me or I actually ordered it on Amazon. There is like a waterproof writing pad and it just kind of laid in the shower forever.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Like once I got it, I never had another idea. I never had an idea. It was ideas died. Yeah. I never had an idea. It was just laying there. Yeah. And so, yeah. So I don't know what to do about that. But then my last thing is I spent the bulk of my weekend. I got a new Mac, as I told you guys, and opened that up.
Starting point is 00:23:24 It's a new Mac. It's black. Just like yours. Aw, that's cute. We're a little team. There were a lot of seams. It was not seamless? It was not seamless. My weekend of Mac
Starting point is 00:23:39 issues. And part of it is because I'm me. I started doing... I did the time machine backup on an external hard drive but then i talked to brevik for a moment and he said uh and i like apparently now there's a way just to go computer to computer yeah that's what i did and so brevik said i said which way is better he goes well you know it might be a little faster if you go computer to computer and blah, blah, blah. And I thought, a little faster? I want that.
Starting point is 00:24:10 And so I set that up like at noon on Saturday. And I walked away. Went to do my things. Went to the gym. Hell yeah. Got a little pump on. It might look like I got a lot. You were getting an early start.
Starting point is 00:24:25 What's that? You were getting an early start. What's that? You were getting an early start on 7-1 Monday. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Wet the beak a little bit. It never stops. So I got back and getting dinner ready and everything, and it was like 6 o'clock, and I noticed it still had nine hours left. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Oh. Yeah, I remember mine taking a full day. But I had stuff to do. So I had to hours left. Yeah. Oh. Yeah, I remember mine taking a full day. But I had stuff to do. So I had to cancel it. Oh. And start over with the external hard drive. But I also then hit the wrong button. So I ended up with like a third of my stuff on this computer.
Starting point is 00:25:00 And so then I had to re... I called Brevik, but he wasn't there, so he's our Apple guy. So then I just went online to search how do I... And it said, like, erase the whole computer. So then I did that, but then I erased all the programs that had already come on the computer.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Dang. And I had to read that. So I'm spending, like, four hours with this on Sunday because Saturday I was just lost. And then, anyway, there were a lot of sames. Doesn't it hurt to see your hero get old? It really does. It's not like I would have been killing this 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:25:37 He's got broccoli here. He goes to a warm glass of milk at 830. You could always handle technology pretty well. It's going to happen to all of us. Compared to everyone else in my house, I can't. Or most rooms I'm in, I'm the Apple store guy. But now, anyway, it was a big
Starting point is 00:25:56 problem. I do stuff like that with my daughter. I'll turn off her iPad and tell her it's broken. It's not an iPad. It's like a little learning tablet. I'll be like, what is wrong with this thing? I just turned it off. Then I'll mess with it for a few minutes and then
Starting point is 00:26:12 I turn it back on and I'm like, fixed it. She's like, oh my god. I'm like, yeah, your dad's good at this stuff. That's a great bit. I wish I had done that. It works. Works quite well. I think we're up and flying. Actually, just in case we weren't.
Starting point is 00:26:27 You didn't bring the other Mac, did you? I brought a backup Mac. Oh, my gosh. So I got my other Mac. You are such a snob. Right here. Just in case, if it didn't work and I got the audio, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Who's going to play the open? That's my value. Failure to prepare is preparing to fail. My value to the show. I'm the one with the open, and I won't let anyone else have it I've noticed and uh yeah but now it's got all the little things like just
Starting point is 00:26:53 it wasn't reading my email password and I had to reset that I just want to be clear I want to be clear that this is like Dan's big problem while we're here at the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Well, they did what they do so I can do this and complain about it. Dan's like, oh, my email, my program doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:27:18 This is going to take nine hours. I don't have nine hours. Oh, it's sad what I am. Yeah. All of us, really. But at least I know a guy whose brother is a veteran of a foreign war. That's right. At least you've, by
Starting point is 00:27:37 third order, have me. Yeah. We'll hear more about comparing veterans' problems to Dan's coming up shortly, as we'll check back in with our Monday show periodically. Before we get to today in Twitter, I'm going to try to have a treat for those of you that listen to this weekly wrap-up. Last week, you were told before anyone else about our new website,
Starting point is 00:27:58 Hope you were able to check that out and take a ride on random Kemp Spins. This week, I want to promote the link for the Dumb Zone Day at the Ballpark. Again, we'll be out at the Rangers game on September 19th for a 135 first pitch against the Blue Jays. It's the second-to-last homestand, so one of the last home games of the year for the Rangers, and hopefully they'll be pushing for a playoff spot. I'm going to tell you the link, which I know is a beating,
Starting point is 00:28:23 but I want to make sure people actually listening to this get first dibs because there's only 69 tickets available for purchase in our section. Okay, here we go. The link is slash event slash dumb zone and the number two. event slash dumb zone. And the number two, slash event slash dumb zone two. I put this in following my directions and got it. So if it doesn't work, just listen to it again. Again, one last time, slash event slash dumb zone two. Hope to see you out there. All right, let's move to a very electric today in Twitter from our Tuesday Patreon-only episode with Julie Dobbs and Mike Reiner.
Starting point is 00:29:10 We watched a couple videos in this segment, so if you feel like you're missing out on context, check the YouTube link in the show notes from our Tuesday, July 2nd episode, or the full video episode is on Patreon as well. The video is only available for Patreon subscribers, so if you are not subscribed, why aren't you? Here's Tit from Tuesday. The Dumb Zone presents Today in Twitter.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Let's kick ass open, man. All right, the first one, just our appetizer here. It's pretty short, but the University of Texas has been blowing it out big over the last week with their SEC entry celebrations. I don't even know what's going on, but ESPN was down there. They were at OU, and they've got Schloss on, and they've got
Starting point is 00:29:58 the AD. I'm shocked McConaughey wasn't there to vibe with CDC. They sent Laura Rutledge over there to go celebrate. Yeah. SEC lady. They had Pitbull, which of course resulted in a death at their concert. Crowd rush.
Starting point is 00:30:16 That's too bad. People were so excited about Pitbull. There was only a Pitbull fan. That's right. But they also did this. I'm just blown away by the decadence of college athletics these days and really just colleges in general because tuition has a linear trajectory to the moon as far as how much it costs relative to the purchasing power
Starting point is 00:30:37 of the dollar. It's never slowing down seemingly. But they can do stuff like this. I saw this on Twitter. And it is, according to the University of Texas, the first ever drone show with pyrotechnics ever in America. Look at this. So it's the big longhorn head.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Spinning. Hovering in the sky, which is really incredible. Drone shows. I know. I hate them, but I love them. I don't even get it. It's a lot less exciting to me than a firework. What if I gave you...
Starting point is 00:31:09 But now this one has fireworks attached to the drone and it looks like the longhorn logo is taking off. So those are all little drones? Or it looks like a wiener with wings. Doesn't it just kind of hang in there? Yeah, or you could just even look at the top parts of the horns and think of that as, like, the V thing that hot guys have,
Starting point is 00:31:27 and the dick is just hanging down. Yeah. Pack. Yeah. So the longhorn in general, you guys are equating to private parts. You've thought that this whole time? I've never actually thought of that, much like when Dan pointed out that there's –
Starting point is 00:31:40 I've driven on Chisholm Trail my entire life, but I never thought of it as a A sexual thing Yeah I heard that I cringed a bit He'll do that Look behind you Do I need to?
Starting point is 00:31:53 We got a street sign Chisholm Trail Okay Right there It's beautiful Okay well if you think you're cringing now The Chisholm Trail is often behind you Okay
Starting point is 00:32:01 That sounds really dirty You're with your lady What's the uh i don't explain this to mike well um it might have been a term that wasn't introduced until after your era but in the parlance of our times people would refer to the male reproductive product as jism okay so when dan saw the word familiar with that yeah yeah he immediately seized on that and said it's the chism trail yeah yeah i know all that i'm kidding okay so speaking of cringe julie the second one here uh as the democratic machine is in the democratic machine is in full panic mode after joe biden's's disastrous debate performance.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Yeah. Wasn't that bad? I thought he was pretty sharp. History will tell. It looked like he was made of clay. I've never heard so much malarkey in my whole life. So they're sending Kamala Harris out there to try to do and relate to the kids because he's completely lost the young person vote because most of them don't remember how horrible horrible it was whenever president trump was president trump oh let's get kamala out there that'll okay so we send kamala to comedy central and i just want you guys to
Starting point is 00:33:15 watch this and tell me if you were going to vote or if you're somebody who wants biden removed and you're like i'll vote for kamala watch this and tell me if you feel the same afterward this is uh some comedy no no tar no, Taraji. Now, you know, I wouldn't do that, especially not to a fellow bison. The real H.U., you know. So what's on your mind? Oh, Madam VP Harris, I'm worried about the election. Women's reproductive rights are on the line. Our Supreme Court is on the line. Our basic freedoms are being tested.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Madam VP, I know you've been traveling across the country. What are you hearing? Yeah, girl, I'm out here in these streets. And let me tell you, you're right, Taraji. There is so much at stake in this moment. The majority of us believe in freedom and equality. But these extremists, as they say, they not like us. No, they not.
Starting point is 00:34:04 There is a full on attempts at fundamental freedoms. The freedom to vote. Yep. The freedom to love who you love. The freedom to be safe from gun violence. The freedom for a woman to make decisions about her own body, not having her government This is Comedy Central? No, it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:34:20 I was wrong. I thought I saw the watermark that said CC. That was from the BET Awards. Oh, okay. Yeah. But yeah, as they say, girl, they not like us. And I know that probably she's, I bet she actually doesn't talk like that. She's sort of dressing up for the politics.
Starting point is 00:34:39 She's doing like a reverse code switch, but she's still using the language to relate. Yeah. But she sounds like a robot. I'm out here in these streets. You know I'm out here in these streets. Yeah. I'm ready. I'm voting.
Starting point is 00:34:55 You seem like a Saturday Night Live skit. Yeah. I might sit this whole vote out. No, you're not. Shut up. I'm going to protest. No, you're not. They have to give us a little something better, though, don't they?
Starting point is 00:35:04 When was the last time you voted? They don't have to, and they won't. So just bite down. Last time I voted? Yeah. I'm going to protest. No, you're not. They have to give us a little something better, though, don't they? When was the last time you voted? They don't have to, and they won't, so just bite down. Last time I voted? Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. Probably for Jan McDowell. I'm writing her in.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Hi! We should get her in here. Let's get Jan McDowell in here. That's a great idea. See if she has any tattoos or piercings. My final clip. Let's turn around. The bikini girl. My final clip. Turn around. The bikini girl.
Starting point is 00:35:28 My final clip. I'm really glad Julie is here for this because I did not watch this show, but it was sort of in that WB, UPN era with Gossip Girl. And every girl in my high school seemingly watched it or watched it and binged it in college. I'm speaking of One Tree Hill. Is this a show you've ever seen? Yeah, I watched it a bit.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Okay. You know what these are, Dan. This format. So probably all from the coaching tree of Dawson's Creek. So I had heard about this and I think I'd even seen it before, but it had been a long time, maybe 10 years. And somebody was doing a list yesterday on Twitter. You know what it is. Don't say anything. So it was the top 10 most iconic moments in TV history. Now now clearly this person was my age or around my age because it wasn't like they had anything from mash or you know dallas it was all shows from
Starting point is 00:36:34 probably 95 on and like game of thrones and uh seinfeld even breaking bad and then you know some of these schlocky wbupn shows, and one of them was One Tree Hill. So the clip I'm about to play for you is apparently the bad guy in the show, the guy who's a dad but he's kind of a jerk. Do I have this right so far? Yeah, sounds right. For a couple seasons, he had been waiting for a heart transplant. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:02 So he finally got a heart, and this is the scene when they're bringing him his heart and he's about to go into heart surgery all right got a box of organs oh no the guy carrying the box of organs slipped and there's a heart on the floor his transplant heart is on the floor oh my god there was a dog in there and he's eating it! Oh my God. And then no one stops the dog! No one.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And then his son looks at him like, you deserve that. This is the beginning of the show? There are credits. It was either beginning or end. I think it was an end. It was like a cliffhanger moment. Have you seen that show? No, I didn't see it live or anything, but I saw this on Twitter. That's not a sketch. That's not a joke. That is a dramatic moment. That was in a show.
Starting point is 00:37:55 That is a dramatic moment in a television show where somehow... First of all, you just carry a human heart in a cooler. Like a styrofoam 7-Eleven cooler. Right, that looks like the cheap cooler. You would buy a nicer cooler than that. And then the guy's dog leash. Somehow there's a dog in the hospital.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Yeah, the dog was leashed at that point. And the guy's like, oh my God, somebody pick up my heart. Somebody pick up my heart with the ground. So basically, also, the heart isn't wrapped in anything. No, no, it's just on ice like a tall boy. Yeah. It's like a six pack. And the guy's like, can someone pick up my heart?
Starting point is 00:38:29 And the dog's like, I'll take that. You know what? I'll let go of the dog's leash now. Looks like he's got a plastic tube sticking out of the top of it, too. Yeah, it's an artery, I think. He runs down the hall and nobody stops the dog. Nobody's like, hey, wait. There's a nurse in there who gives the concerned, hmm.
Starting point is 00:38:51 And then even the guy reading next to the son kind of looks, but then he's like, you could tackle the dog and get the heart back and rinse it off. And the guy that fell must have suffered a severe concussion because he doesn't move the entire time. No, yeah, he's like, oh, my God. Yeah, he doesn't get up. Like, oh, man, where's the heart I was carrying? I think he was just stunned. You know, he's like, I didn't see that coming. And they run the heart to the guy who's waiting for the heart, not like into the operating room.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Yeah, he's in the... Here. No back door. It's no... Okay, so go to the writer's room for this scene. Okay, so I read an oral history about this scene that the ringer did and apparently they would throw just wild ideas out because it's monotonous they did like 20 seasons of 20 episodes or not 20 uh 20 yeah yeah but they would do a ton
Starting point is 00:39:39 of episodes per season and like we would just get bored and we wanted to punish the bad guy in the worst way we could. We wanted him to have some pain and they were like, we came up with this and we could not believe they approved it. Oh my gosh. And then they said they had to find the heart that looked the most similar to a human heart. They settled on pig.
Starting point is 00:39:59 They had to go through at least two dogs because the first dog was not interested at all. In the heart? Yeah. I think his name was, I can't remember, but they're like, Dexter, eat the heart. Eat the heart.
Starting point is 00:40:11 And he's just not interested. And they said that the set that day was just hysterical. They had tons of backup hearts because everyone kept laughing every time the heart fell out on the floor. That's great. That's so gross. There you go.
Starting point is 00:40:30 One Tree Hill. Man, that's phenomenal. I wish I would have watched that show now. Sorry I laughed all over that One Tree Hill clip, but it was one of the more insane things I've ever seen. I thought it was just going to end with the heart being spilled on the floor with the ice and it's just laying there, but then the dog comes in and eats it and I couldn't help myself. Again, that was from our Tuesday Patreon-only episode with Julie and Mike. What do you do after
Starting point is 00:40:56 a high? Well, let's bring it back down. Let's play a low. Let's check in with the Dallas Cowboys as Jake presents some audio that eventually led to an online squabble between teammates. Let's head back to the Grapevine VFW from our Monday episode. There was sports. If that's what we're ready to get into. Sure. Okay, so this started making noise on social media on Friday. Malik Hooker, Cowboy Safety, went on Keyshawn Johnson's podcast, which apparently exists. And there was a clip that went viral where they were talking about Micah's podcast. And this is something that I thought was weird for a while,
Starting point is 00:41:39 but I guess as I get old, I'm just thinking, I guess this is just the way it is now. Draymond Green has a podcast. I mean, there's tons of athletes now that they're going to get their message out there on their own their way. It seems really weird to me, especially to do during the season. And Micah kind of took it to a new level because he would do a breakdown of the NFL every week. He would talk about the Cowboys game. He's not shy to give extremely hot opinions about the NFL.
Starting point is 00:42:04 It's not like he's doing an interview show and it's not like it's jason and travis kelsey who are legitimately funny as brothers together mike is basically doing first take which is yeah it's really weird but it's i like it well i'm not sure if malik hooker does because eventually at some point the cowboys players were going to be asked about this and to kishan's credit he did ask so i'll play this from my computer i hope blake but before i try to hit play i'm going to make sure that we're set up and we are so you're a veteran now whatnot how you feeling be honest with me though and i and i ain't trying to get
Starting point is 00:42:40 you in trouble i really don't care but i I got to ask you this question. How do you feel about Micah having a podcast during the season? How do you feel about that? Do you think right there where... Yeah. Yeah. If you thought it was great, you'd say, great, it's fine. Yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Or I don't care. It doesn't affect us at all. Yeah. Honestly, man, and this is me, I'm one of those guys, I'm not into that type of stuff. Some guys it works for. You see the Jason Kelceys and guys like that who are successful with the podcast
Starting point is 00:43:15 as well as performing on the field and having success with it. So I don't have a problem with it. I feel like a lot of these guys, though, they just get on there sometimes and they start falling into the part of, you know, just saying stuff, you know, for the clicks and, you know, having people to come view and stuff like that. So, I mean, I don't have no problem with it. My thing would be, though, for Micah, my advice would be for Micah would be, you know, just make sure we're all right, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:40 and being where your feet are because if we're not working, you know, the run game is terrible, but you're doing a podcast every week and you know the run game is terrible, then what are you really caring about? Are you caring about the crowd that is watching your podcast? Are you caring about the success of our team and the Super Bowl that we're trying to reach? So there's more, but I think you kind of get the point. So he's not that much older than Micah.
Starting point is 00:44:02 I was trying to think of that. He's 27. Yeah. What than Micah. I was trying to think of that. He's 27. Yeah. What's Micah? Probably 25. He was pretty young, so let's look. 25. Just turned 25.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Okay. So they're not that far apart. Because I was thinking that could be part of the disconnect. So basically what he's saying, it's Romo and Cabo. It's appearances. I don't think he thinks it really affects the run-stopping game. I think that's what he's alluding to, if you're defense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:34 But it does sound like, it's like, yeah, hey, do you need to be doing it now? Like, you are Micah Parsons. You're one of the top handful of defenders in the league. One of the best. Could you make the case that's why it's okay? If whoever... Obviously, quarterbacks can't do it. If Overshown had a podcast, he'd be like,
Starting point is 00:45:03 okay, it's just some spare in the back end of the roster, although he may play a lot this year. But, you know what, I mean, Micah is performing. But I also would prefer him not do this. I'll play a little bit more. See what I'm saying? So, I mean, like, but also, you know, a lot of people got to remember, Micah's young.
Starting point is 00:45:20 You know, he's still trying to find his way. He's still trying to grow into who he's trying to be. So, I give him grace, honestly. I always hear people say stuff that he just said on the podcast or something silly he just said. But people got to remember, Mike is still a big kid. Mike is still a big kid. You can't fault a big kid for trying to expand
Starting point is 00:45:40 as well as experiencing still stuff that they ain't really been through. Because Mike only been in the league four years. Like, they're still experiencing stuff that he been through. He ain't never been through real varsity yet. Okay. I thought that was pretty interesting where he's like, yeah, people will tell me some silly stuff he said or something. To me, that indicates that more than just Malik Hooker is like, man,
Starting point is 00:46:01 I'm tired of hearing about whatever this guy's doing or said. Because you think Micah takes notes and has a run sheet? No. He sits down, they turn on the camera, and he's just like, uh, here's all the stuff I saw on Sunday, and here's what happened in our game, and he just talks trash.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Well, not talks trash, but he just sits there and chops it up. He just shoots the shit. But that does take some sort of preparation, because he did admit he was watching games before his game i think he's football obsessed for sure i just mean i do think sometimes he says things without thinking how will this look if somebody told my teammate that i said it um i was also thinking about the difference in age but when he said he's been in the league four years, has he completed four? See, I thought it was just three.
Starting point is 00:46:47 This will be four. This will be four, yeah. And Malik Hooker has completed seven years. And to me, that's – That's more than the age difference. That's a world – Yeah, way more. That's like almost double – Like he's had the second –
Starting point is 00:46:59 Well, he got traded or whatever, free agent, right? And being on the second team. Yeah, so he's been around a bit more, seen a lot, whereas Micah's still kind of in the honeymoon phase. So, of course, Micah took this in stride and didn't tweet about it at all and didn't really have any comment that he would then have to later delete on Twitter. Whoa, really? Yeah, because I just went and tried to find it on his Twitter.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Oh, it was deleted very quickly. It's embedded in the John Matroda article. He said, he tweeted, he quote tweeted somebody who said, Malik Hooker is absolutely right and had the little 40 second clip of the video, which this is one of those situations where, what were we going to call it? Touch the clip? Something. This is one of those situations where, what were we going to call it? Touch the clip? Something?
Starting point is 00:47:45 This is one of those situations where when you go and find the full three minutes, it doesn't get better. Oh! The 40-second clip, you can listen for another two minutes and 20 seconds, and he's still just like, yeah, I think it's weird. Maybe you shouldn't be doing it, but I don't have a problem with it. Trying to backpedal. So Micah said, just wish you said.
Starting point is 00:48:04 So you're saying the bit of, you hear a 40 second thing, but if you hear it in full context, it's not, he's not ripping you. Yeah. But in this case, he is. Yeah. He pretty much just keeps going. Okay. Is Micah tagged in the original tweet? No. Or did he have to go find this? Of course.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Yeah, and it was really viral. Okay. The clip that Keyshawn put out, or that some Cowboys fan put out, he probably name searches, but his name's not even in the tweet. So it just says Malik Hooker's absolutely right. Micah said, just wish you said this to me, but instead on some podcast. That's not a real sentence, by the way, but that's okay. But he's talking to Malik Hooker here.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Yeah, and he says, and you got my number, But he's talking to Malik Hooker here. Yeah, and he says, and you got my number, family. Then he adds Malik Hooker, and you my locker mate. So you could have said this any day. And you do realize I shoot the podcast on our off day. Why are we talking about everyone's preparations and focus leading up to game week? I mean, I can point out a lot of other things, but I'm just not. Okay. That's kind of weird of like, hey, you could be doing more. You know... Or somebody could be. Just to retort here,
Starting point is 00:49:14 he could also just call Malik Hooker. Yes. That's exactly what I was going to say. I think it's weird that Malik Hooker did this publicly, especially since he's talking about going on a podcast and saying things that could affect. But it was also kind of out of the blue.
Starting point is 00:49:31 He didn't prep that. They asked him, and he said what was on the top of his head. Micah Parsons had time to sit, think, listen to Malik Hooker. But then instead he quote tweeted. And then called him. Everybody who follows him could see it. And added him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:48 And so, yes. I mean, that's, again, reading the room. The room being the internet. And knowing what is this going to do if I do this? This is going to make it way bigger. And that's perhaps part of Micah Parsons just being in the heavily online generation. Yeah. Big kid, as Malik Hooker called him.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Now, I agree with Malik on this point. I like listening to Micah because it's good for our show, but I don't think it's something that makes a whole lot of sense. Maybe you do the whole offseason and you pop up in the bye week. It's weird to me. It's a little bit weird. It's weird to me when they do it before a pre-playoff game. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:32 And he's done that twice, right? He at least, Micah? He slowed down, I'm pretty sure. He slowed down for playoffs, but he was back for Super Bowl week. Yeah, and. Well, I mean, pre-Cowboys in a playoff game. I don't think so. The week leading up, he did one, didn't he?
Starting point is 00:50:46 I don't think so. I don't know. Not two years ago? Maybe two years ago. I'd have to check. But Draymond does them mid-playoff series. They're playing the Mavericks, and he's like, oh, Luca gave me problems last night.
Starting point is 00:50:59 It's weird. Point to the rings or the banners or whatever. That's very true. Very true. So what's weird about this is I agree with Malik Hooker here. It's weird. Micah needs this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Whether he'll take it or not remains to be seen. However, later in the podcast, Keyshawn starts asking questions that really if Malik Hooker were to take his own advice, he should not answer. I know we got to let you run, but I'm going to ask you this last question. Don't be giving me no bullshit. I don't talk about people's money and all that. Who should they pay first, man? Okay. Now we're getting into the sort of thing that Micah would be like,
Starting point is 00:51:38 oh, let me see, and immediately answer it. And everyone would be like, no, that's what we're telling you. So Malik Hooker goes on this rant, three-and-a-half-minute rant about, like, hey, young guy, you got to give him some grace. But, I mean, he'll get there. He'll grow up. And instead he's like, who should they pay? You got three, four dudes out there.
Starting point is 00:51:53 You got Zach Martin. You got – That's the first alarm bell for me. I didn't look this up, but I'm pretty sure the restructure they gave, you know, when he held out of camp. Last year. Just last year. He signed up for quite some time. Okay, so Keyshawn not totally doing his research?
Starting point is 00:52:13 No, I would say that, yeah, he signed up for at least two more years, and then they have a avoidable year, but I mean, he held out last year. He's not a pending free agent, and he's 35. Okay. This is very similar to when he thought that the Mavericks could get a little rim protection in the playoffs out of JaVale McGee, who was on the team last year. Yeah, he's a year late. I think that was him. That might have been Perk, but here we go. You got C.D. Lamb.
Starting point is 00:52:35 You got Micah Parsons. You got Dak Prescott. Who should they address? Like, right before training camp, all of them should get their money, but who should go first? Okay, so all of them should get their money, but who should go first? Okay, so all of them should get their money. So he's just like, all right, let me think about it. Yeah, isn't the answer here, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:53 That's not my job. Yeah, I come to work every day. I just want them all there. Like, I'm not here to give an opinion on. Yeah, that's, if he was to heed the advice of – Himself? Ten minutes ago Malik Cooker. Yeah. Instead he's just like, oh, let me think about it.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Well, I'm going to just go ahead and say this now. Micah should be – Micah, he shouldn't be yet. I wouldn't put Micah yet. I feel like Micah – I feel like we still got a lot to prove from – Micah still has a lot to prove. Like he's done a great job his first couple years in the league. Don't get me wrong. He's done a great job his first couple years in the league. Don't get me wrong. He's a fantastic player.
Starting point is 00:53:27 But I feel like Micah still has a surface that he don't even know that he can scratch. All right, wait. This ain't going to help this relationship at all. No. No. If I'm Micah, I'm more upset with this than I am the other stuff. Yes. Wait, I got a lot to prove?
Starting point is 00:53:45 I'm all pro. I'm almost upset with this than I am the other stuff. Yes. Like, wait, I got a lot to prove? I'm all pro. I'm like almost the MVP? Yeah. Defensive player of the year three years in a row, like in the running for it. Yeah, all pro. Yeah. That doesn't mean like one of the, I'm not pro bowl.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Yeah, I'm not going to play flag football. Like I'm one of the two, yeah. Yeah. His point here is that he still has a lot of room to grow. He tries to soften it with that. He can get better. Yeah. He don't even know that he can scratch as far as what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:54:11 So I would say Micah. I would say Micah's last. Geez. I'll probably say Zach Martin would be after Micah. So it's one thing, and I guess it's not his job to know, but does he not remember the Zach? Keyshawn might not know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Malik Hooker doesn't remember that Zach Martin wasn't at camp last year and they got a reworked deal to guarantee last year, this year, and next year. And he's like, oh, let's go Zach Martin. Yeah, he shouldn't even be on this list. It should be the main guys they have to worry about are Sandy. The only three that everyone's talking about? Yeah. But I was thinking, like, would it have been weird for him to correct Keyshawn in that moment?
Starting point is 00:54:50 No, this is what you want. You want him unaware of what players' contracts are, right? Yeah, no, I do. But, yeah, as opposed to Micah? Yes, yes. After Micah, for the simple fact that, like, Zach, he's done what he's done in the league. No, he is who he is. Like, no, he's going to be there.
Starting point is 00:55:09 I would probably say CD first. Let me just go there. I would probably say CD. Hmm. It's like the college football playoff reveal. No, that's very, very interesting that he would even say that. Because, yeah, this will now cause people to say, well, I mean, what kind of a leader is Dak? Yeah, well.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Wouldn't any really good quarterback, all their teammates are like, I really want the only – if we lost Dak, we'd be dead. You have to lock up Dak. Okay, well, to Keyshawn's credit, that set off an alarm bell for him too, and he followed up when he was done with his list. So you'd rather pay an offense alignment. Again, fake argument. He doesn't need a contract.
Starting point is 00:55:54 So you'd rather pay an offense alignment than the quarterback? Yeah, I feel like because of the simple fact of when Zach Martin ain't out there, you see how it is for him? It's rough because not only just for his performance, that confidence for guys around him, Zach Martin gives a lot of those offensive guys confidence to go out there and be able to perform how they do. Little do a lot of people know, like, yeah, they're great,
Starting point is 00:56:19 but when Zach Martin's out there, it's a different type of confidence. Like, I know he's going to do a job. I know he's going to do everything to a T to make sure that he's protecting that. And I'm not saying other guys. That's one of the – maybe he's about to say this, but I was going to say that's one of those quotes that it's like if you say – if you said last year, man, the routes were run much better and the play calls were in real quick.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Nothing against Kellen Moore. Right. So that's kind of the – nothing against Dak. Yeah. But actually, Dak doesn't inspire confidence around him and doesn't make other players better. Zach Martin does. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:57 And when have you ever heard that about any team anywhere, that the offensive lineman is more important than the – Well, if it's Tyrod Taylor or somebody, you might say, yes, I'd rather... I'm not saying other guys isn't. I'm not saying
Starting point is 00:57:16 that. I just feel like guys like that, Zach Martin, those guys, like you, man. Once you got those guys and you know you're lining up with them guys, man, that's a dog right there. Like, it gives you that much more confidence. Even me as a defensive player, like, I love lining up. We're about to come out the tunnel and I see Zach Martin right there
Starting point is 00:57:33 because I know it's going to be a long day for whoever's across from me. Damn. How is this not the big clip out of this whole thing? I know. That's why I told you I wanted to listen to the whole thing. Wow. Yeah, and he has a couple of other comments about the difference between Zimmer and DQ that are interesting. Because I don't know if you saw the quote at OTAs where Micah said that he said probably 20 words to Mike Zimmer.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Yeah. Or Mike Zimmer said 20 words to him. Yeah, it's that, right? They didn't talk at all. Whereas he was Dan Quinn's best friend. Yeah. Yeah, and Malik, I didn't cut that part off, but he's kind of like, look, it is different.
Starting point is 00:58:09 He's like, the scheme will be pretty much the same, but Quinn was very player-friendly in that, you know, if you couldn't do something trying and trying and trying again and you couldn't get it right, he would dumb it down for you. He would bring it to your level, whereas Zimmer's like, get off the field. Uh-huh. Old school. You would call that old school.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Yeah, so different. But yeah, man, the whole thing's action-packed. Wow. Plus, I thought because I thought originally he was going last to first. Yeah. And I thought he would correct Keyshawn when he says, oh, I didn't say Zach Martin's more
Starting point is 00:58:43 important than Dak. I was like, hell yeah. But in fact, he did. Doubled down. So his list is CeeDee Lamb, Zach Martin, who doesn't need a contract, Dak, Micah. Dang, man. So now you got Micah mad at you because he's ranked fourth. Yeah. You got Dak mad at you. You got the national media.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Again, I can't believe this isn't the viral thing, but this will be picked up. Oh, and, dude, this is going to be, like I said, no matter if they think they squash it before camp or not, this is going to be all over camp. And, by the way, CD won't be there. So the guy who he ranked as – You think he's holding out?
Starting point is 00:59:24 Oh, yeah. Like he hasn't been at the OTAs or anything? No. Oh. No. And I think what helps him is Jefferson got his deal. Yeah. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:59:35 That's right. Yeah. So that's another Cowboys late to the party. Yeah. The guy who's not there will be the guy who they're debating. You said he was the most important player to be paid. It's funny. More Cowboys, Bolsh.
Starting point is 00:59:50 And can you imagine are they going to go through this season without Dak having a contract? Yeah. Is he going to be $40 million on the cap? Is it not more than that? I thought that was dead money if he leaves. Yeah, I think that he's more than that this year.
Starting point is 01:00:10 But yeah, no, he's... Because if you plan to have him... Did you mean $56 million on the cap? This year? Yeah. And then nothing if he walks. Right. Nothing if he walks, but...
Starting point is 01:00:22 So the whole thought is, if you plan to have him pass this year... Then you would have signed him and reduced his cap. It would he walks, but. So the whole thought is if you plan to have him pass this year. Then you would have signed him and reduced his cap. It would be ridiculous. Yeah. Which they can still do. Yeah, no, but they're not getting the benefit of doing it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Yeah. It's all of the wrong ways to do things. I almost hope he gets to walk. I do too. I don't want it for my cowboy soul because I love him. I would like to see what the market is. I mean, obviously somebody will want him. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Yeah. Yeah. He's loved. But I would kind of like to see what he's like in another offense without a stacked offense around him. Yeah. Well, I'd also like to see what their plan is if that happens. You got a former number two overall draft pick.
Starting point is 01:01:14 I think number three, right? You've got to stop bringing that up. You would have to pay first, right? Yeah, because his options coming up. Yeah. You can't even watch him play like the Packers did with Jordan Love. You'd have to pay him. You'd have to pay him for one year.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Yeah, but... You'd have to do it this year, pick up that option year for $20 million or whatever. God, are you going to want to do that? I mean... Well, yeah, can they on the cap now? I don't... They could figure it out, but I mean, they could also just try to work a deal out with him next year
Starting point is 01:01:45 if they tell him you're going to be our starter and it's not going to be much. Speaking of Tyrod Taylor, although Tyrod Taylor had a bunch of wins. Will – Jordan Lance has virtually zero. Right. And he's already – yeah, with a stacked team, he didn't look good. Brock Purdy was better. Will CD be in camp by the time we're at camp? Yeah, with a stacked team, he didn't look good. Brock Purdy was better.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Will CD be in camp by the time we're at camp? Because we're going for, like, the later half of camp. If he's going to be there at all, it'll be then. I mean, look, I've been wrong a lot lately, but I would be surprised if CD shows up day one. And if anything, he won't practice. He'll be in the building to avoid the fine. Yeah, the hold-in. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:33 That's a popular term over the last couple years. Yeah, that's interesting. But I don't think he'll be participating day one. Yeah, I talked to the guy this morning who is threatening to drive us to camp. Threatening. RV boys.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Yeah, and it seems like he's wanting to try and pick that bill up for us, and I said we'd have a nice bed for him that he'd have to share with Blake. I called Blake. That's fine. He said he's not.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Everybody wants to sleep with Blake. But I did tell him I did tell him if we get that call from somebody who says they got a PJ we'll kind of back out of this. But otherwise it looks like we're driving to training camp.
Starting point is 01:03:26 I'm not. Can you imagine any bigger beating in your whole life? Yes, I can. This sounds amazing to me. Driving there and driving back. Oh, you guys got to drive back? Yeah, we're going to drive back. Oh, that's tough, man.
Starting point is 01:03:39 I'll be at a lake in Idaho. Uh-huh. Jake is a jerk, man. He is. He's bringing this up all the time. No, I'm not. Today in the meeting. You guys know, I think it's all of us, those being people
Starting point is 01:03:54 with male genitalia, don't really care about our birthdays, but we will be on the road on my birthday. Like a full day of just celebrating my birthday in an RV with Dan and Blake and Rob. What are we going to do? What do you guys got planned?
Starting point is 01:04:12 I don't know. F you. For those that have missed it, we'll actually be covering Cowboys Training Camp this year by shoving all our stuff in an RV and heading west. As one might imagine, this has Dan torn. On one hand, Spencer McKenzie's in the Fish and Seafood burrito.
Starting point is 01:04:30 On the other, riding in an RV for two days with us. So here is Dan flip-flopping on the RV already. His optimism is from Tuesday, his avoidance from the very next day. He's scouting RVs. Oh, yeah. Scouting RVs. We have found an rv oh yeah so unless there's a hail mary and we get that private jet because i will still accept that you're never going to get it unless you don't start full-time saying pj or peach you got to prove that you're one of them.
Starting point is 01:05:07 Yeah, that's tough to do. Yeah, we wouldn't. I definitely look more like an RV guy. Boy, truer words have never been spoken. I'm not completely looking forward to the RV trip, but I'm going to be a very positive influence on the whole thing. Mark this down. Okay. July 2nd, he says he'll be a very positive influence on the whole thing I am so
Starting point is 01:05:27 what's so what's day two of this trip check back in then oh yeah I'm also marking down he says he'll go on the RV yeah because I think there's a good chance he flies either out there or back oh guys my back yes and that's gonna be. His kids are too old to make up some bullsh on that front. Lost that card, buddy. I know. Maybe one of them can get pregnant real quick. I was about to say it, but they're your kids, so
Starting point is 01:05:55 I kind of left it there for you. Hey, does the RV have a TV in it where I can hook up my Xbox? Yeah, we'll have a tournament, bro. We'll have to check and see if it's compatible with your Nintendo. Or PS3. Tiger Woods Golf.
Starting point is 01:06:11 No. I'll play some golf with you. We're working. You better not bring your clubs. No, but I'm bringing my Xbox. I can't believe how far we've fallen. We're going to be driving to camp. Under a month of NCAA.
Starting point is 01:06:24 I'm going to be playing it. I'm going to be driving to camp. Under a month of NCAA. I'm going to be playing it. I'm going to stop being positive now. Jesus Christ. That took three minutes. Live to tape. And I'm Dan McDowell. I'm Jay Kemp. I'm Blake Jones.
Starting point is 01:06:38 God, I hate that we've normalized that. Not me. Let him get away with one. Not me Let him get away with one Alright we'll trade that For I'll fly to California No No sir
Starting point is 01:06:54 He's begun negotiation He's obviously asking for too much But we can think of something You know what I'd say this is a non-starter. There's this huge... There was these two huge rocks out in my yard that my wife was lamenting.
Starting point is 01:07:13 We have to move them because there's a hornet's nest under it and there could be a... It's real wet, so she's like, I think there's a sprinkler leak. And I should have done that. I'm just thinking of it now. I gotta go try to move those rocks. You're trying to hurt yourself. And just rip my back
Starting point is 01:07:32 and be like, I gotta... Like when Blake Bortles wanted to get a 50-year... I can't sit in a car for 40 hours. Oh, yeah. Sorry. I confused my spare white guy quarterbacks. I was looking at the route. It looks fun, doesn't it?
Starting point is 01:07:47 We're going to be driving to Oxnard. You can't look at it. We're going to go through Amarillo. Is there anything there? 72-ounce steak. Albuquerque. Go see the house? Yeah, I wouldn't mind stopping in there.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Well, who knows what I'll think of halfway through the trip. That looks about halfway. Sedona, I like Sedona. Okay. It doesn't look like there's anything else. There's three things. You'll have your boys in the open road. But if anybody wants to hit us up and say they'll meet us on the way somehow.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Like Forrest Gump? You know, guys, they're like, yeah. Like, do we go through El Paso? Someone emailed me from El Paso, said they'd meet us. There are a couple different routes you could take. I know, but you have to be on the quickest route. Yes. We're not like veering off to go see you.
Starting point is 01:08:45 I don't think we will be going through El Paso. In Carlsbad. You've never been to Carlsbad. It's great. But we're not going that way. Got the caverns. Roswell. We're not going to Roswell.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Although, that'd be a good way. It's Roswell. Roswell. And it's also pretty interesting to see. We're not going to the Gila National Forest. be a good way. It's Roswell. Roswell. And it's also pretty interesting to see. We're not going to the Gila National Forest. If you were thinking, maybe we'd meet you there. I wonder if they say Gila
Starting point is 01:09:13 or Gila. Because it's a Gila monster, right? I think that's how you say it. But I've never heard it referenced in terms of the park. Big Gila monster guy. With each passing day, I grow less and less confident Dan will be on the RV with us. Hell, it honestly just might be me and Video Man after all is said and done.
Starting point is 01:09:34 All right, let's get to Viewer Mail. This is from our Wednesday episode. Schedule got moved around a little due to the holiday, and we were joined by local comedian Lawrence Rosales, and we all got to learn what moosing is. Mind if I read a few viewer mails? Go for it. Let's do it.
Starting point is 01:09:48 This is viewer mail time. TK's this weekend. TK's Comedy. Tell Lawrence you heard about him on... No. We don't need you to do that. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:10:10 My husband, Chris Hughes, his friends call him Moses. Okay. Wants a birthday shout-out. His birthday is July 3rd. We call it his Dirk birthday because he's 41. That's from Jennifer. But they're just silly.
Starting point is 01:10:25 That's what we do. Just funning around. And actually, a concerned listener named Chris Hughes emailed this morning. Now, Jennifer actually reached out a while ago, like last week sometime. But Chris Hughes emailed as well. He said he wanted to make sure he got his bits in because Danny is his leader.
Starting point is 01:10:51 And he says, the only interesting thing about me is in January of 2023 I had emergency brain surgery following a complication from heart surgery the prior month. Oh, God. You tear your ACL on the way in there, too?
Starting point is 01:11:08 What else could go wrong? I think there's a message in there somewhere. Yeah, before he's 41. Oof. Oof. Well, I guess you're alive now. I guess it went okay. Yeah, I guess he's fine.
Starting point is 01:11:21 Yeah. He was able to type an email. Got a wife and stuff. Yeah, I guess he's fine. He was able to type an email. Got a wife and stuff. That's pretty much the only version of romance we experience is someone emails Dan and says it's my husband's birthday. Yeah, that is pretty romantic though. That is taking the extra step.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Uncle Hotmail, it is the Dylan Rayola birthday for my daughter McKinley. The Oregon Ole Miss quarterback? Well, look it up. Are you thinking about Jeremiah Masoli? Maybe. She's been in dance for over 10 years and the dance moms whooping
Starting point is 01:11:54 and hollering in the crowd are the worst part about the shows and recitals. Did they do that? Oh, yeah. At the end. Oh, no. Or during, yeah. Like when they take the stage there'll be somebody who's like, kill it, Shaden! What an absolute beating.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Shaden? Yeah. Whatever. You've heard the name Shaden? Oh, that's light work. More Blake's Book Club, more Kemp Spins, and more of the hot-sounding intern
Starting point is 01:12:20 from Jamie in Denver. I've got, I wish my wife a happy birthday for Friday, so we're not doing a show Friday. And that's why I'm going to read these now. In fact, we will next be with you on Monday. Unless your name is Blake. Blake's going to do a weekly wrap-up.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Yep, I'll be with you Saturday. Dylan Rayola hasn't even played in college yet. Anyway, my wife's birthday. High school kid? He's a freshman this fall. Oh, but he's going to be good? Just move on. He's annoying.
Starting point is 01:13:00 It's her Ezekiel Elliott times the square root of Brett Favre's jersey birthday. Which Ezekiel Elliott? the square root of Brett Favre's jersey birthday. Which Ezekiel Elliott? So it's 42? Oh, man. More Dan. I would love to have the first 90% of a cigarette with Jake and let him finish the last 10%.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Ooh. Keep it 100. 100. So I have his email address. It kind of said Mr. Barger. But there was no name. He didn't give his wife's name or his name. So if you're a lady whose birthday is Friday.
Starting point is 01:13:36 That sounds like a teacher in a teen movie. So the reason, Lawrence, that he's bringing up that he'd like to have the first 90% of a cigarette with Jake, let him finish the last 10% because you're what's his name? Jimmy? Jimmy Nelson. Jimmy Nelson. Do you know one of his bits? I know more of them than I'd care to. Would you rather Do you know the 90%
Starting point is 01:13:58 10% bit? Was it like rather sleep with or what was it? Would you rather give 90% of the blowjob, like the first 90% of a blowjob, right? Yeah. Or the last 10%? Okay. Do you want to put in the work or do you want to just get there for the end?
Starting point is 01:14:18 Yeah. Like, if you had to choose, right now, we're servicing Blake, me and you. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Why is this a tandem bike? Man. Somebody's got to go 90.
Starting point is 01:14:32 Somebody's got to go 10. I mean, but how are we ending, though? Well, you're ending. The point is. It's ending. Yeah. Do you want to finish Blake off, or do you want to? I mean, am I taking it in the mouth?
Starting point is 01:14:44 There's so many variables here. It's either the... Yeah, yeah, bro. It ends with a bang. Oh, okay. Then, yeah, I guess give me the top 90%. I think that's what I chose. Gay, he's gay.
Starting point is 01:14:54 I knew he was gay the second he walked in here. I was trying to hide it. He wants as much dick as possible. Jimmy used to have a great bit about only sleeping with post-9-11 pussy. And that was, yeah. He's a firefighter, for God's sakes. Love Jimmy. Love his wife.
Starting point is 01:15:12 And his dogs. Father Dan, Saturday is cool. Hold on real quick. The cool thing about that is you could kind of lie to him about what it was like. Obviously, they have the internet and stuff, but you could be talking to him like, Honey, you just to him about what it was like like obviously they had the internet and stuff but you could be talking to him like honey you just don't know how what it was like that day you know you could just make up like this entire lore about what the time around 9-11 was like because they don't know like you were there yeah you could do that like that steve resonini guy or whatever his name was yeah it was on the league the league that's right yeah he lied
Starting point is 01:15:42 about being in the building at 9-11 man that has got to be one of the worst all-time lies to have to walk back publicly. It's such an easy thing to not say. It's so easy to not say. He did walk it back publicly, though. He went on Stern and talked about it. Yeah. And then he talked about it on the show on Comedy Central. Yeah, he's like, ah, I was in New York.
Starting point is 01:16:03 It's close, though. Yeah, he's like, ah, I was in New York. It's close, though. Saturday is Colby Conner's 31st birthday. Aggie name? Yeah, 100%, especially the double C. Jake, Blake, Colby, and I both have one-and-a-half-year-old sons, so more dad talk.
Starting point is 01:16:26 How old is Brooks? Two and a half. A little over one and a half. Have they ever mingled? I don't think so. Because Brooks is downstairs.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Yeah. You live right down the street. Let's bring Carter over. You want me to go get him right now? What's your scene?
Starting point is 01:16:42 You have one? Yeah, three year old, three year old, three year old. That's good times. It is very good times. Great dude. His mom keeps saying I need to be meaner to him. I'm like, I don't know. Is he a three-nager? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:54 A three-nager? It's no longer the terrible twos. I've never heard that. They're three-nagers. Three-nagers? I mean, they're little dickheads. I think it just means they get a personality. I never thought the twos wereheads. I think it just means they get a personality. Yeah. I never thought the twos were terrible.
Starting point is 01:17:09 I thought it was all great, but I had two girls. Ah. They were both great. It just depends. I mean, day to day. It's day to day. Mine get along now, though, mostly, so that's cool. That's good.
Starting point is 01:17:23 She doesn't want to leave him in the street anymore? She does still say stuff like, yesterday it was, I wish we could take his voice to the dump. Okay. She's aware of the dump. Just get rid of it. I've taught my son to say I don't have any money. He really enjoys
Starting point is 01:17:40 saying it. Just anytime he asks for anything, I'm like do you have any money? He goes, I don't have any money. And I'm like, you're right. You don't have any money. Get back in the car. Know your place. Yeah. My leaders are Brunig and her husband and Philip Kingston. I spent a week in Hong Kong with Kingston back at our old law firm.
Starting point is 01:18:00 I also went to a Ranger game with Liz Griffin. That's two of our top, top lawyers of our super, what are we, Dream Team. Dream Team. Sorry. Anyway, this is from Austin. Day one, he claims to be number four. Wow. Really?
Starting point is 01:18:21 Subscriber number four, and he put a screenshot to prove it. Be a weird thing to Photoshop, so I'm going to have to take him at his word there. That's his 9-11. Let's see about that. Slying about. To the Mark, Tom, and Travis of the podcast world. I'll take it. Well, I'll be damned.
Starting point is 01:18:38 My name is Colby Connor. Wait, did we do this guy? Yeah. Double C, zaggy name. Oh, okay. So we already got your buddy, Tolis. That's romance. That's a dude being a dude for a dude.
Starting point is 01:18:51 Isn't that sweet? Yeah. All right. Then we also have my XXX birthday. He says that's 30 in Roman numerals. Thank you. Thank you. Got it.
Starting point is 01:19:07 Let's see. While this birthday viewer mail is being read over the airwaves, I'll be in Mexico on a trip with my wife and likely moosing her. Interesting. Don't know it. What's the moose? I don't either. If you're not familiar with the moose,
Starting point is 01:19:20 it's a sexual act that takes place while performing Doggy. The thruster raises his hands and gives himself antlers, similar to the Rangers celebration of yesteryear. However, with the lady facing forward, she is completely unaware that she's been moosed. What the hell? That's awesome. No, it's not.
Starting point is 01:19:42 It's a classic and personal favorite I like to whip out on special occasions. Feel free to add it to your own bedroom arsenal. What? You're just doing this? Just doing this, yeah. Do you consider yourself to have a bedroom arsenal? Yeah, I was about to say, arsenal is such an aggressive word for what most men are doing. No.
Starting point is 01:20:00 No. There's like two or three things, and that's about it. Yeah, I might as well be like a medieval knight. I got one sword. It's pretty much my only move. I'm definitely not putting my hands above my head pretending to be. Yeah. Who is that for?
Starting point is 01:20:15 Yeah. Who is that for? This is for the boys. You know? My number one move is I stay thankful. Yes. You know? I just stay very thankful. Yes. You know, just stay very thankful.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Yes. You know? Mine is I communicate. Yeah. You know what I mean? That's Douglas Waterbottom. Okay. Lieutenant Dan.
Starting point is 01:20:35 You're a wild boy, Doug. July 4th is my Nick Van Exel birthday, which is pretty cool because three plus one equals four. A numbers man like yourself can appreciate that. This is a bit Lawrence that people started that he's let get way out of control. I like to see a bit run off the rails. I just...
Starting point is 01:20:53 Come to the right place. Organically, things happen. I don't control anything. My leaders are the hop to it girl. You're familiar with the hawk to a girl? Yeah, I'm going to be opening be opening for next year I'm sure she's really catching on fire here everybody
Starting point is 01:21:10 loves it you know Blake said the kids bop version is hop to it girl hop to it okay that's good shit Blake thank you very good um his leaders are the hop to it girl and Jake and Blake's general disdain for dude perfect yeah those guys played pickup basketball His leaders are the Hop to It Girl and Jake and Blake's general disdain for Dude Perfect.
Starting point is 01:21:25 Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Those guys played pickup basketball at a DFW area rec center I frequented in high school around 2011-ish. One of the coolest guys in the world. They were the absolute worst. Oh, yes. Nice.
Starting point is 01:21:40 They called every foul. Yeah, I bet they did. They ran clearly practiced plays. Oh, my gosh. They thought they owned the place, et cetera. That all checks out. So imagine, just imagine what it would be like to play pickup basketball against those guys, and whatever you're thinking would be accurate. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:58 Yeah. Yeah. From Jake, day two, number 1524. So they got basketball stereotypes from themselves. Yeah. They're all probably wearing matching Nike neon. For sure. Yeah, I don't...
Starting point is 01:22:13 Two more... I would have been out there like freaking Lambeer, just headhunting. Two more. These are non-birthday emails now. Guy went to... He says the subject line is, did the Kansas City Chiefs retire
Starting point is 01:22:26 Jackie Robinson's number? I think it's a bad bit that they, Major League Baseball, retired Jackie Robinson's number in every ballpark. Because I think it was just a, hey, look at what we're doing. Totally not racist. We're not racist. We don't have racist hiring practices
Starting point is 01:22:42 because we did this. And once they did that, that fixed all racism in baseball. That's right. No player ever was subjected to that ever again. Oh, I do love seeing that shit on jerseys in sports where they're like, the back of the helmet or the end zone says end racism. Every time I'm like, oh, look, we did it. Listen, I'll pull some up here, but the peak of that was the bubble.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Yeah. Yeah. When the NBA was in the bubble. Oh, yeah. It was in the middle of a major, you know, social unrest. There were some hilarious ones like education reform. The name on a jersey. Yes, it was.
Starting point is 01:23:20 Obviously, the basic ones like Black Lives Matter. There was a jersey that said, I can't breathe. Si se puede. That was a yes we can Anti-racist Just on the back of your jersey You're going to watch the finals When the Lakers won with LeBron with your kid 15 years ago
Starting point is 01:23:39 And you're going to see I am man Passed to group economics You're going to have Such Am Man pass the group economics. You're going to have such a hard time explaining that whole scene. And then there was Marcus Morris with Cher Love on the back of his jersey as he's shit-talking Luka and stepping on his ankle. Yeah, as he's fighting under the basket. My jersey would just say, Moose it. Moose it.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Moose it. Moose it, please. This could be a big Moose weekend for all of us. Dude, between Hakua and Moose, this is going to be erotic. Big moose weekend. Try it. I mean, it's pretty much just like, can you have sex? Are you foolish
Starting point is 01:24:16 or silly enough to just do a little fucking cartoon move? I'd probably do that. I'd probably go Kenny Gant. Hit the shark on him. You're going to do it. By the way, Lawrence is vaping. So I'm going to vape too.
Starting point is 01:24:31 No, you're fine. I keep mine. I usually just don't do it. He is a narc. What a narc. Oh, look who's vaping. Here's the reason I have to do it. Because people think I do it when I'm simply breathing deep.
Starting point is 01:24:44 And they're like, I'm tired of hearing you vape. And people are going to be like, oh, he's doing it. Oh, look who's reading the Reddit comments. Yep. I thought you told me that. I don't know. So now I'm in. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:52 I got accosted by a guy at Starbucks the other day for vaping on the patio. Oh, the patio? Yeah, on the patio. Was he concerned for your general health? And then him and his wife surrounded me and they had like those backpacks on, but we're like, we're at Park and Preston, like those military backpacks on. Oh my God. Crossfitters probably. Yeah. I noticed they had those backpacks on, but we're at Park and Preston, like those military backpacks on. Oh, my God. Crossfitters, probably.
Starting point is 01:25:06 Yeah. I noticed they had pocket knives. Were they concerned for your health, or was it a you can't do that out here? You can't do that here. And I was just sitting there reading a book with my headphones on. Come on. Yeah, and then he started filming me. Are you serious?
Starting point is 01:25:18 I was like, just call the cops or something, man. I don't know. Why you got to be so weird? Serial killer. Not going to hurt you. Dan, I happen to be in Kansas City Monday for work, so I went to watch the U.S. men's national team
Starting point is 01:25:31 play Uruguay in the Copa America tournament at Arrowhead. Gay, I know. I wasn't gonna say it, but... It was my first time there, so I'm taking in the scenery when I noticed their ring of honor has a curious name
Starting point is 01:25:48 and number, and he sent a picture of the stadium, and they just have different names of Kansas City Chief greats of the past, and here it says 42 J. Robinson. As you know, like, the Miami Heat
Starting point is 01:26:03 retired Michael Jordan's number. Some teams will just do bits. The Mavs? Well, the Mavs did. They jumped on Kobe. When Kobe died, they retired his number. So there is precedent. And I think there might even be an NBA team that retired number 42 for Jackie Robinson, but I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:26:28 The point is, he's wondering, is that the case with the Chiefs? Did the Chiefs go full Mark Cuban and add a baseball player to their ring of honor? We'd like to hear a Dumb Zone Investigates on this topic. No puppet from subbie number 55, Cam Smith. So I did the research this morning. Fantastic. On this. And it turns out that they had a player who started in 1960.
Starting point is 01:26:55 His career went through 1971. Johnny Robinson. Okay. Who is white. And was drafted as a running back. First two years in the league, 458 yards rushing. The next year, 200 yards rushing. So it didn't seem to be going well.
Starting point is 01:27:16 He then switched to, it looks like, safety? Back in the good days, you could do that. And he ended up being an all-Pro six years in a row at safety. Pro Bowl two years in a row, then he became an All-Pro player. So that's huge. So he probably deserves to be in the Ring of Honor. Okay. Fair enough.
Starting point is 01:27:41 So we have done the research. And finally, from Adrian, he says, I found another Roseanne. Oh, okay. I might have to find the pictures. I have a theory that Roseanne, the person, is also an archetype for just a human being's look and affect. Oh, yeah. You can be a Roseanne. You can be a man, actually.
Starting point is 01:28:04 The first one was I don't know if you know what Travis Tritt looks like, but he was playing at a festival I went to and I was like, that is a Roseanne right there. I like this. It was clear. And then former Reds owner Marge Schott. People, you probably don't know what they look like,
Starting point is 01:28:19 but it sounds like you know what I'm talking about. Who was the lesbian that was the daytime host? Before Ellen. Ricky Lake. Ricky Lake. Ricky Lake is a Roseanne. That's what I had. 100% Roseanne.
Starting point is 01:28:30 Yes. What do we got, Dan? Okay, I wanted to pull up the picture here. If I can on my tiny little phone. Probably everyone listening, Ricky Lake looks like she would moose Roseanne. Everyone listening, you have an aunt who's a Roseanne. I've got two.
Starting point is 01:28:52 You can tell by his voice. You say dudes can be Roseanne. Yes. Yeah, dude can be Roseanne. Yeah, he says Vince Neal. Do you think Vince Neal can be Roseanne? There's some Roseanne there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:05 That's hilarious. Keep an eye out. Moosing. Unbelievable. This leads us to our first check-in with the dumb phone. Hey, dumb zone. I was wondering if you could help me figure this out. My wife and I end up pegging.
Starting point is 01:29:23 I'm pretty sure she's been moosing me. How do I find out? How can I confirm that she's moosing me like that? And what can I do to stop it? Got to be careful out there. If you're the pegging type, make sure to check your six every so often and make sure you're not getting moosed. Or head over to and get our anti-moosing mirror. It's a mirror you hold during, you know, so you can make sure your partner doesn't moose you in bed. Be safe out there. If you'd like to call the dumb phone, hit us up at 903-865-DUMB, 903-865-3862. Okay, let's get to probably the highlight of the episode. William Pace was the host of a late night cable access show in Dayton, Ohio. If you haven't heard his backstory,
Starting point is 01:30:13 please check out our May 2nd episode on YouTube as a young Dan McDowell went on his show and turned it into a zoo. Well, we booked current day William Pace on the program and it went probably exactly like you thought it would, ending with him singing The Dumb Zone in early happy birthday. Enjoy. You're listening to The Dumb Zone. I have a little present for you. I thought it was just when I heard a couple of weeks ago that I was the voice of the day, I thought that was just the cutest thing since homemade ice cream. So I have a few mystery gifts here for you. All right. And the first one is my album, my Christmas album.
Starting point is 01:30:51 It's called William Pace Sings Your Favorite Sacred Songs. That is great. Thank you. I call it 12 Divine Inspirational Songs Guaranteed to Lift Your Spirits. No puppet. Yeah, so that little piece of audio right there coming out of the break was when
Starting point is 01:31:10 William Pace joined my radio show in Dayton, Ohio in 1998. And joining us now, Jake, live from Dayton, Ohio, live to tape. We're just taping this, Jake. Live from Dayton, Ohio. Live to tape.
Starting point is 01:31:29 We're just taping this, William. It's the great William Pace. Yeah. The man himself. Good to be with you. Thanks for joining us. You bet. William Pace. It's been so long, my friend. It bet. William Pace.
Starting point is 01:31:47 It's been so long, my friend. It's great to see you. Yes, it's good to see you too, Dan. Doesn't he look great? Well, thank you. Do you think I look a little thinner? Yes. You look a little thinner. I know you were always concerned about your weight gain or weight loss.
Starting point is 01:32:07 So this is my partner, Jake. Hello. He is on the top there. And we're here with Blake as well. And my my good friends, Mike and Julie, they're the two on the couch. It's kind of a. Hi, William. Hi, William.iam a may december romance that mike and julie have going you could say that but we'll deal with that uh on another time i mean it's an you know it's the way things are yeah yeah so how's ohio well um ohio is ohio and you know what? Ohio is Ohio. And I've learned to count it all as joy. And so much time has passed since we originally met. Well, we won't say how many years ago it might have been, might have been. But I've come to see that, you know, I've grown in the show and the show is taking on a new direction. And from the early days, you were talking about the hairstyle. I felt I had to create a look and I definitely created a look look you know and um as well as the tuxedo that was a look
Starting point is 01:33:28 you know it set me apart and uh but we have had you know not big names on the show we've had uh bb king on the show jimmy walker on the show miss patty austin's been on the show. Miss Patty Austin's been on the show. A lot of big name people. Mr. T. Dan McDowell. And didn't you have Congressman Tony Hall on at one point? Congressman Tony Hall, a whole host of people have been on the show. And what people don't know, there's a story behind my show.
Starting point is 01:34:09 behind my show. In the early 90s and late 80s, I was singing all across the country, singing with orchestras and concert bands and nightclubs and so forth. And everywhere I went, people told me I was photogenic and I ought to be on TV. And I said, well, I did major in communications, mass media. You know, it was really, I doubled major music, voice performance and communications, mass media. It was just by accident. But now I look back over my life. I think it wasn't an accident. I was supposed to be in broadcasting. And more importantly, that I have a message for people. I didn't realize that until, you know, I just in the early days wanted to be on because I wanted to be a celebrity Da da da da da da da da da, but then there's an interesting story. I must tell you was in the early days when I met Dan in Dayton, Ohio and
Starting point is 01:34:59 We started doing inspirational moments on the show. Sometimes we read some scriptures that empowered people. And later, several weeks later on that show, there was a lady chasing me down the aisle in Cubs grocery store in Trotwood, which is a suburb of where I am. And she said I saved her life. where I am. And she said, I saved her life. And I said, what are you talking about? And she said, one night, she wanted to take herself out. She didn't have a gun. She went in the kitchen thinking that she could find a knife or something. And something told her to turn the little tv on that was on the counter and there was william pace wow and this day i don't know what i said i don't know whether it was we had started some inspirational moments on the show sometimes we would read some scripture something
Starting point is 01:35:58 i said made her not take her life it wasn't put down the knife. She put the knife down and something, and it was in that moment that God said, no, this is not about you trying to be some celebrity. This is about you touching the lives of people. I remember a similar story with me, though. When I turned you on, I was about to go to sleep, but instead I turned you on and then I stayed awake and watched. So it's kind of an analogous to that other story. You're staying the course. Yeah. You know what you are, William?
Starting point is 01:36:39 I remember this from watching your show and watching some of the old clips um that you sent us it was a tractor beam like i could not take my eyes off of you and i feel very similar right now to to the way your show must be because you never know what you would be doing you might be interviewing a a big celebrity like representative tony um congressman tony hall hall sorry congressman Representative Tony. Congressman Tony Hall. Hall, sorry. Congressman Tony Hall. Or you might be singing some Pavarotti. Yes. You know, and when I don't sing on the show, people call in and say, we didn't hear any music today. What's with that?
Starting point is 01:37:21 Yeah. And they're picking up the knives. Got to give the people what they want. Yeah. Yeah, and we do. do that's that's awesome that's what we're trying to do here on our show um maybe not specifically save people's lives but provide a positive message um inspire inspire for sure stay the course but back to creating the look how often did you have to get something done to your hair so you know you're on tv you got to stay looking nice but as the hair being part of the look how often did you have to do
Starting point is 01:37:49 something with it well you know i said in one of my concerts one time it isn't easy trying to be tall dark and handsome it's it's a job trust me i know it's a job and um but then i said well folks i have to keep trying i can't give up and that got a big laugh from the audience but yeah it it takes you know it was a look you know yeah um i have i go in between the jerry curl and the wave nouveau look and all of that. And it's attracted a lot of attention. But for the most part, I'm afraid to change it because I tell you why. We were doing a promotion for the show and this billboard and somebody came up with the idea that they were going to put my name in fire and have that up on the billboard. And I said, oh, no, we can't do that.
Starting point is 01:38:49 My fans will think I've turned to drugs or something. So we had to change that whole thing and just put nice big fonts. William Pace Show. See, I thought you were going to say they would spell out William Pace Show out of like jerry curl hair. You just kind of spell it with letters like that's better than fire. what has made me uh capitalize on keeping the show based in midwest but having it syndicated throughout uh because i'm afraid that i might lose what the viewers like about me they say they like the midwestern charm with a cosmopolitan flair dan mcdowell yeah that's what we love about our friend dan too he kind of kind of has those same characteristics.
Starting point is 01:39:47 William, we loved watching the tape of when Dan went on your show. What was that? What did we say, 25 years ago? Whatever it was. Wasn't that a riot? I was wondering what you remember. It turned into a zoo. Yeah, it was.
Starting point is 01:39:59 It turned into a zoo. What do you remember from your whole Dan McDowell experience back in the day? Oh, I remember great things and I treasure them too, because as I said in one show, it's rare in this industry that you find one on-air personality willing to promote another on-air personality. That is a rare thing. And that he befriended me. You must know why I feel so passionate about that. Because let me tell you, you know, when I came back from singing on the road and people say I need to be in television and da-da-da-da-da-da-da, I went to the stations. And like the story in The Wizard of oz they told me go get the wicked witch broomstick come back with a list of sponsors and yada yada yada yada and then they do it to do
Starting point is 01:40:54 anything so i said to them the stations i tell you what i'm going to do fellas i'm going to start my own production company yes william pace productions and then i'm going to start my own production company, William Pace Productions. And then I'm going to form William Pace Advertising. And the advertising agency will be the one that will represent the William Pace show. And we'll just pay you for your airtime. That's how I came to be. Innovator. So you don't really see problems don't see problems you see solutions yes he stays the course yeah yeah yes yes you're that stay the course has been a precious mantra
Starting point is 01:41:36 from god you know you just never know what's going to happen in any time like today. And you just stay the course. Right. Is, you know, the, the, now, now your look is fantastic.
Starting point is 01:41:49 And like Jake said, that's like, that stands out and it's changed throughout the years, but let's get to know the man behind the look. Let's get to know William Pace himself. Um, well, who William Pace,
Starting point is 01:42:02 who are your, like growing up, who did you, who are your role models? Who inspired you to become the man? Besides me, who has inspired you to become the man that we see before us today? William Pace. Well, as a kid, there used to be, in the early days of broadcasting,
Starting point is 01:42:28 there used to be the 50-50 club, or what was called the Ruth Lyon Show. And she was on in Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio. And people would take the bus to go to the Ruth Lyon Show. And they would have years of people on the waiting list for years to get in to the Ruth Lyons show. And she had, it was sort of like a collect mix of what my show is. She'd have people singing on the program. Then she'd have celebrities on there. Then there'd be local personalities. And then there would be featured stories. And somewhere that's a sort of seed in
Starting point is 01:43:07 me to to do that and as a kid you know my parents would always tell you i told you to sit out sit out and hush up and that was a sign there that i i would be in some form of talking in the public side because they they had a hard time trying to get me to hush up. And so, but did I answer your question, Dan? Well, you know, Ruth Lyons is very interesting. But I do know that, you know, elsewhere in media that you used to be a big fan of, you used to be a big fan of Oprah, at least. Perhaps you've turned on Oprah over the years. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:43:45 Absolutely. Absolutely. She has inspired many people. And I want to use my platform to inspire people, to empower people, to encourage people, to help people to have their best life. In fact, I've started the WP Foundation for a Better Life because- Sign me up. We- Better life? What did you say?
Starting point is 01:44:17 You can give people a better life with this foundation? That's the whole- I said sign me up. Okay. Okay. I will. That's the whole idea because we want to make sure that people if you don't have the best life maybe you can have a better life it's so simple i love it yeah you know and that's what we do we you know so uh we are a 501c3 and that's another part of the mission. And, you know, so much, you know, it's about the word says, if you, without vision, we will perish. And I've been given a lot of vision.
Starting point is 01:44:55 I don't know really that I've lasted 30 years on the air doing it this way, never having a television station at the helm behind me, had to executive produce, produce and direct. I can tell you interesting stories. All the stars that came on, it's great if you've got an ABC network or you've got a local affiliate that you can say. But I had to say when I was negotiating the interview with B.B. King, with the road manager, who else do you know on the sheer strength of their name? I'm William Pace and I have a show in Dayton, Ohio. And when B.B. King comes here, I would like to interview him on the show how many people you know who knew the name William Pace no network affiliate no local affiliate nothing and so I didn't know until that day until that day
Starting point is 01:45:57 that uh when he was in town at the memorial hall that I had landed the interview. And boy, was that, we had to scramble and all of that, get the camera people and all of that. And we were told that we would only have five minutes. Oh, you hate that. A tight five. They always tell you that. Oh, it was something. We had to get the dressing room set up,
Starting point is 01:46:22 dressing room set up, the lights and all of that. And he walked off the stage from his first half and sat down. And it was one of my best interviews. You killed it? Yes. It's interesting to know what you can do when you are down on the final moment. There were no second takes. And that's up on the channel, too.
Starting point is 01:46:43 You can watch that interview with B.B. King. Where can people see these interviews right now? Let's promote what you have going on right now. Just go to the channel, William Pace Show. Five words, William Pace Show YouTube. Got it. Okay, got it. And that'll pull it all up.
Starting point is 01:47:04 So now you're broadcasting to the world. Got it. Okay, got it. So now you're broadcasting to the world. You realize the world, the web is on the whole world. Yeah, it's wide. It's interesting. I was interviewed an author of the book called Child Care Before Day Care. And she's from Charlotte, North Carolina. Well, someone took that show and had a big gathering and played that show in front of a lot of people. And they kept saying, William, who? Where is he? Midwest? You know, so you can see the vision that God has for
Starting point is 01:47:44 me. You just have to stay the course. You can't, there are a lot of things to beat you down and you just have to defy it. And I just want to be clear that Oprah, while great, never had BB King or Congressman Tony Hall on and you have, so maybe you have a leg up on her a little bit. How about that? Well, I take that as a compliment. I think the world of Oprah, I think what she has done, how she has used television to empower people, that is what I want to do. And she used to give away cars, and she gave away, she used to give away cars and you gave away chocolate.
Starting point is 01:48:26 Yeah. Fine chocolate. Esther price, fine chocolate. Do you remember that? Yes, I do remember that. And did you ever see that show with Jimmy Walker?
Starting point is 01:48:36 Of course. Yeah. I gave him a box of Esther price, totally unscripted. Like the damn McDowell with the diet and all of that. He took that box of candy and said, oh, white and black folks can have this. And he just made it comical and totally unscripted. Because it had dark chocolate and light chocolate, right?
Starting point is 01:49:01 Yes. Yeah, that's the wit of Jimmy Walker. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. and then the interview with mr t i tell you boy i was a nervous wreck after that interview because you know the things that you thought people viewers would want to know i would ask the question he would go somewhere else with it mr t for the whole classic classic mr t am i right yeah yeah and here again what people don't know how did william pace get these stars to come on a local show no network affiliate support no No local station affiliate support.
Starting point is 01:49:46 It's kind of like us landing William Pace without being on a network. That's right. It's huge. We are on YouTube. Yeah, see, that's an entirely different look. I like it, though. I like all your looks. Which look are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:49:58 We were just looking at a picture of you with Mr. T when you were wearing the tuxedo. With the tuxedo and the ponytail? Yeah, that hair is something. Your hair is something to be envied. A nice little corsage, maybe? Looks like you're a man of size. Looks like you tower
Starting point is 01:50:17 over Mr. T. I don't think Mr. T's that tall, right? How tall are you, William? I'm 6'1". Well, there you go. I'm 6'1". That's not too shabby yeah well you're looking clean up there with mr t yeah well i was just glad to land that interview anytime you can get a celebrity to come on the show and it just gives the show more credibility and um and i'm in it for the long haul so uh i'll be doing the show uh probably longer than sally jesse rafael all together and she's a strange
Starting point is 01:50:54 so you know you know it's just in me what has happened over the years. And I, when I look back at the shows, uh, when I first started, it's like, okay, I'm going to do this. Uh, uh, I like this, but now I have inhabited the call. I just have become a part of the plan for my life. And so it takes a little while to figure it out. There were some detours that I wished I hadn't made. But, you know, then God shut down all the detours and he said, this is the call in your life and you're going to stand in it. OK, boom. So you have inspired us and I want to show you how we've done how you've done so.
Starting point is 01:51:44 So can we do this video, man? Can we play the William Pace open to his show? Just so this is the, not our open, but the William Pace open. Do you know what number that is? It should be one. Of your cuts? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:52:02 So this is your open, just for those who are just tuning in, which is silly. Yes, I noticed that. So this is your... I noticed it. Yeah, this is the open to your show, okay? The William Pace Show through the years has been a beacon of light in the Midwest, taking you to such destinations as the Navy Pier, the Palmer Hilton Palace Hotel, Look, you're on a boat.
Starting point is 01:52:26 You're in a boat restaurant. German festival. Hear it up. Looking at flowers. Nice pastry. There he is. There's B.B. King. Tony Hall.
Starting point is 01:52:49 Tony Hall. How in the hell did you land Tony Hall? So you have inspired us to create a new open for our show. And our show is called The Dumb Zone. Do you have the open for our show? Can we play that for William? Hold on. ...podcast. Some of the biggest stars, entertainers, and political figures like Drop Beth, Ted Emmerich, always plenty of Kemp spins. Yeah. On the Dumb Zone podcast. Some of the biggest stars,
Starting point is 01:53:26 entertainers, and political figures like Drop Beth, Ted Emmerich, Haralabob Valgaris, Julie Dobbs, Sarah Heppola, Quincy Carter's
Starting point is 01:53:34 voicemail, and former city council member Phillip Kingston have appeared on the Dumb Zone podcast. Now without further ado, we proudly
Starting point is 01:53:41 present the Dumb Zone podcast, a no-puppet production coming to you live via tape from the heart of DFW. How do you like that? What do you think? Oh, I love it. I love it. I've loved it.
Starting point is 01:53:56 If I have inspired you, that's a good thing. You continue to inspire to this very day, William Pace. That's what I wanted to do. Yeah, and we appreciate... Would you like to leave us with any kind of a song? I know you used to sing for our radio show back in Dayton. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:54:15 That's what I was hoping. You were hoping... I was hoping that I could hear you sing, yeah. I've heard a lot about your singing. I was hoping to hear could hear you sing. Yeah. I've heard a lot about your singing. I was hoping to hear something. Okay. Well, how about me singing the theme song for Dan McDowell's radio program here in Dayton? What was that?
Starting point is 01:54:36 Say what? Go ahead. I'm sorry. I interrupted you. Okay. Okay. You're making a first-time call on the radio. Welcome, welcome, welcome to the Dan McDowell Show.
Starting point is 01:54:52 Yes. That was the jingle. Wow. Beautiful. Wow. And then he made that the jingle on his radio show. That's right. Remember that, Dan?
Starting point is 01:55:04 Yeah. Hey, would you do this for us? Because I know you know this song very well. So we're called the Dumb Zone. I'm sorry that we're called that. It's not a great name. They're not really dumb, though. We got sued and stuff.
Starting point is 01:55:18 It's a long story, Willie. Yeah. And we're about to have our one-year anniversary, or I guess you would call it a birthday. Would you sing happy birthday to the dumb zone? And then we can play it on the- You got it. You don't have to. Yay.
Starting point is 01:55:35 Okay. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to the Dom's on. Happy birthday to you. Yeah! Wow! What a voice!
Starting point is 01:56:12 Fantastic! William, thanks for joining us. We'll do this again sometime, I promise. You're a sweet, sweet man. Thank you. Appreciate you. Take care. Good to talk to you all. Alright, thanks so much. Bye, William. The great, the great.
Starting point is 01:56:27 I love you. William Pace. Who are you voting for? Did you get the facts? Wow. I'm a little starstruck. That from our Tuesday, July 2nd Patreon episode with Mike Reiner and Julie Dobbs. If you haven't subscribed yet or
Starting point is 01:56:45 maybe you're already a subbie and may know someone who is looking for something to listen to specifically over the next week or two, remember we have a seven-day free trial that may just get you through these dry docking days of summer. All right, we had an MBR on Monday and to the guy who pre-complained about this being on the wrap-up and having to hear these things for a third time, just skip ahead to the next segment, you douchebag. For the monthly business review,
Starting point is 01:57:16 our old friend Grady sent this last month, which would be June. Like June 2nd, he sent this last month, which would be June. Like June 2nd, he sent this. Well, pick a lane and blast my star, Mr. Jones' MBR. People listen near and far to Blake Jones' MBR.
Starting point is 01:57:40 One clean business review. Which I thought was great. All right. By the way, I'm going to see Grady this Thursday. Are you really? I think I am too. In Hearst.
Starting point is 01:57:52 Are you going to see the work? I'm only there for Grady. Grady Spencer? Yeah. He's playing a 4th of July thing. Yeah. So he sent us that right away. Now last week,
Starting point is 01:58:01 I got an email from Rob Schindler. You know him from making many of our opens. He's also great. And he said, boy, I hope no one else has sent you something. He, in fact, called out Jameson by name, said, I hope Jameson hasn't sent you anything. So he got that hope.
Starting point is 01:58:17 The strategy was correct there, that Jameson did not send something, but Grady did. But here is what Rob Schindler sent us. It's that time of the month. It's time for the Dumb Zones monthly business review. And now the king of all note takers, here's Blake Jones. All right.
Starting point is 01:58:42 Okay, yeah. I like that too. I like them both. Why not have a rotation? We might have to rotation. I'm on board with that. Anyway, here's Blake. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:56 All right, let's review the month of June. Now, can you reset what this bit is? Do we have to do this every time? I'm just kidding. I just like trolling you from notes of our former employer. Rob also sent me a couple extra things.
Starting point is 01:59:12 So rather than me tell you what I'm doing, how's this? Things Dan and Jake want. Okay. We are so over production. I love it. Let's go back to June 6th. Things Dan or Jake want here in the June NBR.
Starting point is 01:59:29 Dan wants Jake to assemble all the videos that Jake watches on his buddy's trip. So the movies, the YouTube videos, everything that you guys huddle together and watch, Dan wants that so he can go through it. I feel like a big player on this year's trip is going to be this slap league they got going. You just watch a guy slap the ever-loving shit out of another dude. And one of them is usually from, like, Norway. They got a nickname. Yeah, and then he always gets bounced by a guy who looks like me. It's awesome.
Starting point is 01:59:59 But, yeah, I'll put something together for you. Okay. What's it called? The SL? The NSL? National Slap League? It's something I'll put something together for you. Okay. Do they have a, what's it called? The SL, the NSL, National Slap League? It's something like that. Dana White runs it. Okay, NSL, let's say it is. Of course he does.
Starting point is 02:00:14 Is there a WNSL? Because I feel like I'd rather watch that. Now, what would be really funny is if a trans person got involved in that competition. That's not fair. Get hormoned up and then just. June 17th. That might be my breaking point, by the way. This gender thing, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:00:44 Maybe they got a point here. June 17th, Dan wants to say Vester for investors. No, we're not doing that. You just said... Rotate. We're doing that. Rotate. Vester.
Starting point is 02:01:00 June 18th, Dan wants a side hustle like Jake and Blake. And I think we settled on one. I do, man. And I was upset like Rob this morning. Jameson reports that, in fact, they do have a women's slap league. Okay. That's excellent.
Starting point is 02:01:20 I mean, I know they have one on sites I can't access anymore. Yeah. Thanks, Governor. So I was talking to Rob this morning, video man, and he's going to be out of town, and then he's going to Utah to set up. He's got a side gig. Everybody is making more money.
Starting point is 02:01:40 We are his side gig. Yeah, we essentially are his side gig. Yeah. You could sell candles. Or something like the wives do. All I know how to do is talk. I can't do anything else, so I might have to just start a competing podcast.
Starting point is 02:01:56 I will sue your pants off. Boy, I wonder who our lawyers would go support. They'd probably support you. You'd probably have a... Phillip would ride with you, but the rest... Maybe Matt. But I got Liz and Frank in the pocket.
Starting point is 02:02:11 I'd call the Cuminous lawyers. Right? They can all be bought. Lawyers aren't... They'll just work for whoever. Well, they're in-house counsel, but still. They'd probably prefer to be paid. What was the idea we gave them?
Starting point is 02:02:25 Dan's digitization. Oh, they're in-house counsel, but still. They'd probably prefer to be paid. What was the idea we gave him? Dan's digitization. Oh, yeah. Where you can digitize your stuff or get a digit. Oh, okay. Alright. Yeah, that's good, but I need you to have a physical storefront. Dan's digitization. Digitize your digit. Walk in. You need the happy. Digitize your digit. Walk in.
Starting point is 02:02:47 You need the happy reception lady from Jake's thing. Yeah. Or she can say okie dokie. Okie dokie artichokie. And then two on June 20th. Dan wants to be bought out and Dan wants to be hooked up. Bought out does seem like a sweet deal.
Starting point is 02:03:03 Yeah, like you're paid a bunch of money to not do what you're doing. Yeah. Yeah. Let's go. I don't. Okay. It seems like there's more production here.
Starting point is 02:03:14 Time capsule. Okay. Time capsule. I got a stinger for each one. June 7th. Jake doesn't think the Mavs will be back in the finals in the next couple of years. I mean, that's just playing the chalk, right? It's very hard to do what they did.
Starting point is 02:03:28 Yeah. Yeah, I think it was your point. Look at the Rangers. Tell me about it. Although, Wyatt Lankford last night. Hold on. What did Wyatt Lankford do last night? It's incredible.
Starting point is 02:03:42 What did Wyatt Lankford do? What Wyatt Lankford did. What did he do last night? I'm so glad I saw this fact this morning, Blake, because I knew this was going to come up. All right, he couldn't have hit from the cycle. I would have heard about that. He threw a no-hitter.
Starting point is 02:03:56 He's an outfielder. I know. That's why it's such a note. No, are you super sure you would have heard about it if he hit from the cycle? He hit from the cycle? Yes. Oh, damn it.
Starting point is 02:04:06 I should have just guessed that. First rookie to do it in Ranger history or something like that. Huh. How's Seager's arm? They came back negative. X-rays were negative. Okay, nice. Thank you for asking.
Starting point is 02:04:18 The same day, Jake says Paul Skeens will have Tommy John by 2026. Again. These are just things to monitor that you've said. I think we're playing the chalk. Another thing that Jake said that I really hope is true. June 20th, Jake thinks somebody will put us in their will. I could see somebody
Starting point is 02:04:36 doing a bit like that. I really could. Now what do we get? I don't know. Maybe... Headphones? 690 bucks. Pool table. We take it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:48 Yeah, I think that's possible. Go do it now. A foosball table for our new cool place. Yeah, man. We're going to build our own little office. With the Danettes. I actually like the idea of us stealing the Dan Patrick bit and calling ourselves the Danettes. Dan of the Danettes.
Starting point is 02:05:06 I'm not even familiar with that. Dan Patrick calls his crew, yeah, the Danettes. That's no good. We're not – I was going to say we're not stealing anything, but I'm not going to say that. Come on. We will absolutely steal. Jump spins.
Starting point is 02:05:23 Jesus Christ. Isn't that cool? It is cool. 504 total. Jump spins. Jesus Christ. Isn't that cool? It is cool. 504 total. 504. You hit a big one, which we'll get to here in a minute. But a couple of the new ones that have been added. Carl Everett. Well, there...
Starting point is 02:05:37 Yeah, I mean, the main one is that he believes that human beings buried dinosaur bones to fool people into not believing in religion. Like dinosaurs never existed. Yeah, dinosaurs never existed. Who was the guy who went up after JD? Like went into the stands after a game
Starting point is 02:05:57 when the crowd was gone. Something like that, right? I don't think it was him, but I don't know. Okay. I can't remember. Stephen Collins? That's the Seventh Heaven dad. Oh, yeah, okay.
Starting point is 02:06:10 I just call him Seventh Heaven dad, yeah. He has like a three decade career as a pederast that came out after Seventh Heaven ended, but it was bad and it had been going on for a very long time. Perhaps when he was the dad on the show of a Christian family where he was the pastor.
Starting point is 02:06:29 He was also in Star Trek, the movie. Awesome. That's Dan Spin. Nerd Spin. This is a funny one. Wayfair. Yeah, for like a weekend, this is kind of in like the QAnon. Somewhat QAnon, somewhat like like epstein which is somewhat related for like a weekend people thought that wayfair was actually shipping
Starting point is 02:06:54 children the furniture company and that they had like code names for which furniture sets would get you like which kid and i gotta be, there was about five minutes where I bought it. It's like a Friday night. I'm laying in bed. I'm like, holy shit. When did this come out? Recently? It was a few years ago.
Starting point is 02:07:15 Okay. Yeah. Back at the height of Q, probably. Just this company will ship you a kid. So it was the height of Q years ago? Wasn't now? Not now. Okay.
Starting point is 02:07:27 No. But you just got to know some, some like CFO or some analyst at their company like wakes up on Sunday morning. He's like, let's check the financials, get my cup of coffee. What? What the?
Starting point is 02:07:38 Why? Well, because of this rumor. How? Yeah. He's like, what do we do? And the Kemp Spin List had a very, very special moment this rumor. How? Yeah. He's like, what do we do? And the Kim Spin list had a very, very special moment this month. As you hit a milestone I'm sure you never thought you could reach. No.
Starting point is 02:07:53 I never thought you could either. Honestly, when I started this list, I thought we'd get to like 60. They all said. Couldn't do it. Yeah. It couldn't be done. Right. But you hit Kim Spin number 500 earlier this month
Starting point is 02:08:06 and here it is. This was live on the show. He's certainly never been like a headline player. And also, I don't know if this is risky because I don't know
Starting point is 02:08:16 if we have the production ready. And it's probably already on the list. But also, Deadspin had a story back when he was in college that he had an abortion contract with his girlfriend
Starting point is 02:08:26 a contract? explain that Reddick has agreed that once Lopez has terminated said pregnancy and has provided medical proof of said termination satisfactory to Reddick included but not limited to direct access to her medical files and records of the clinic
Starting point is 02:08:42 that like basically he wanted her to get an abortion but he made her sign a to her medical files and records of the clinic that, like, basically, he wanted her to get an abortion, but he made her sign a contract that said, you gotta get an abortion. Like, you can't just tell me, hey, I'll do it. Like, there was a contract presented.
Starting point is 02:08:58 Like, pre-sex? No, I don't... Post. What do we have here? In the annals of time, celebrities have done some pretty fucked up shit. Jake has taken it upon himself to catalog those dalliances and short-sighted events
Starting point is 02:09:20 deep inside the recesses of his tiny ferret brain to never be forgotten and be accessible at the snap of a finger you have now witnessed camp spin number 500 wow what a moment kevin kt you got to be here for this hold on here comes the cake all right all, all right, all right. Wow. Yeah. Let us never forget the abortion contract. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:55 I really hope that one wasn't already on the list. Nope. Two is in there, huh? Thank you guys so much. Yeah, so that was June 25th. Kimspin number 500. What a moment. I like that open, too.
Starting point is 02:10:12 F'd up S equals dalliances. Yeah, that's not really... It's kind of a normal... It happens to people. So there we go. There's Kimspin number 500. Congrats. Let's go to notes, number 500. Congrats. Let's go to notes from the show.
Starting point is 02:10:31 June 3rd, Jake's flag football team lost their first game since the Trump administration. And that's just fueled you guys. Yeah, it has. When you say it like that. Norm. Yeah, that's great. I didn't know how to. Yeah, no, the combination of coming off of our first loss and it being a Monday, the first back half of the year,
Starting point is 02:10:49 I'm as locked in as I've ever been. The motivation has never been higher. Okay. You guys are doing well now? I mean, this is kind of a little dead period here. You've got a holiday. I'll give you a couple weeks off, but I like the heat, so I like playing in the summer.
Starting point is 02:11:07 June 3rd, Jake had a Volkswagen Passat seat warmer that burned his pants. That 100% happened. That 100% happened. And that's why when you throw that thing in the mail that's like, hey, we got a recall, which is bullshit anyways, because when you take your car in for the recall, have you ever done this? Yeah. Like I called once, Ford sent me something, and I'm like, hey, this is where they do it everywhere.
Starting point is 02:11:28 It has nothing to do with Ford. They're like, well, it's going to take at least two days. I'm like, oh, okay. So in this situation, are you provided a rental? And they were like, no. Yeah. What am I supposed to do? Give me a Mustang.
Starting point is 02:11:41 So in that case, I kept getting letters from Volkswagen, and I was like, whatever. Recall. And then my leg caught on fire. The same day, we learned that Jake will eat half of a sandwich diagonally. Yeah. Yeah, it's not pre-cut. No. Like, if you cut it diagonally, then you
Starting point is 02:11:58 eat that. That's okay. But just to eat your sandwich, it just seems weird. Yeah, he'll go from a corner to a corner, which was weird to me. I'm basically cutting it with my mandible. And then, yeah, sandwich this. A small sandwich. Too much.
Starting point is 02:12:15 You'll get to the rest of it later. Yeah. It's not like an Eatsies big giant hoagie. It's a teeny little peanut butter jelly. Then you save it. Same day. Dan hates the lyrics to Lonely Boy. I forgot about that. It doesn't make any sense. It's illogical.
Starting point is 02:12:34 It says in the summer of 53, he was born, and then it was like the summer of 55, they get a sister, and he's really against it. It's like he's two. He has no idea. It's like if you presented little Brooks with a sibling right now, as if Brooks would run away crying. Like he doesn't know.
Starting point is 02:12:54 He's an idiot. That takes about another year and a half. Oh, okay. It does happen eventually. Just the lyrics are not logical. June 4th, this was a day where Dan was mad at people at the gym. And he gave us three reasons. One, a lady was walking down the stairs the wrong way.
Starting point is 02:13:14 There's a... It's very clear. A handle in the middle, whatever, a thing in the middle of the stairs. Hand rail. The hand rail, yeah. And so it's, yeah. So I start walking up the right side, but then here she is.
Starting point is 02:13:29 And I'm like, okay, I got to kind of go back. Yeah. People weren't spaced out on the bikes. Right. There was four, three of them right against each other. Interesting situation I saw on... Or they were spaced out by three. So I had to pick one to sit like...
Starting point is 02:13:45 You could have gone every two and I'd have an easy place to sit. I'm not bike guy, but I went on... They were spaced out by three, so I had to pick one to sit. You could have gone every two, and I'd have an easy place to sit. I'm not bike guy, but I went on Saturday, and there's one part of the Grapevine one where there's three bikes, and a guy sat on the middle one. I'm like, oh, man, I thought about you. I'm like, what would I do if I wanted to get a little spin in here? It's a tough spot. And then you didn't like the teenagers that will just loiter on the machines.
Starting point is 02:14:05 God bless. Dude, it's bro workout summer. It's really because kids are home from college. It's the worst. They have nothing to do all day, and that's all they're doing is sitting on the one machine. Like, I've only got one thing I'm going to do, and I've got to sit and wait a half hour to get on it. June 6th, Dan learns that people roll under on toilet paper because of cats. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:31 That's after I corrected somebody at their house. You were on a mission. I thought I was helping. That's such a power move. I'm a good guy. You're going to go grab your apple out of the fridge. June 7th. Dan says Daniel is better to say at a Chinese restaurant because Dan can turn into a million other names.
Starting point is 02:14:53 In fact, anywhere I order now. If you hear me order somewhere, I will order, and they'll be like, what's the name? Daniel. It always works. There's no thing you can think my name is. I've never tried that because Jacob is pretty straightforward, but I get a lot of weird stuff with Jake.
Starting point is 02:15:10 I've got jigs before. Use Daniel. Feel free. Thanks, man. June 17th, we learned that Dan and Jake sleep in eye masks. Yeah. It's great. I haven't seen mine in a couple days, and I've definitely been able to tell. Is that common? I'm in eye masks. Yeah. That's great. I haven't seen mine in a couple days,
Starting point is 02:15:26 and I've definitely been able to tell. Is that common? I'm in the laundry. Are people sleeping in eye masks? I like it. I don't know, dude. You need total darkness. I learned from LeBron.
Starting point is 02:15:36 I need it. I need it. Yeah. I got those pods that we got, those Bose sleep pods. I use those. Again, we're at the VFW. I know. They were in trenches, but I'm...
Starting point is 02:15:48 I need your little eye mask to sleep. And a little calm app. I could have done World War II. Easy. Yeah. As long as I had a calm app. And, you know, just the right amount of water. Yeah, and I need a protein drink in the morning.
Starting point is 02:16:09 And you need to sit down to pee. We are such pussies. June 17th, Chappie couldn't help himself but laugh at the boys dancing at their recital. Yep. Yep. That's going to become an annual tradition for as long as... Yeah, don't take him to the gymnastics recital. Yep. Yep. That's going to become an annual tradition for as long as... Yeah, don't take him to the gymnastics recital. No, I think do
Starting point is 02:16:30 take him to the recital. June 20th, Dan's mom texted him to let him know that someone on MasterChef was from Southlake. Right? She followed it up with telling me that he lost. I love mom texts. Spoiled it. June 24th, Mark Cuban
Starting point is 02:16:46 made Jake use CyberDust to book him, which still baffles me. Didn't mind. He was trying to get it off the ground and if I had a communication app and someone wanted to contact me, I'd be like, do it this way. Dust me. Sure. Dust me. June 25th, Dan wishes he had a cooler
Starting point is 02:17:01 last name for things like Tepper Palooza. Yeah, that one's perfect, though. Tepper? Yeah, there's just not much you can do to beat that. Yeah, but no, McDowell just can't. It's nothing. But I don't think Kemp is either. Kempapalooza, I guess that kind of works. I mean, Kemp Spin is cool.
Starting point is 02:17:19 Yeah, that's true. You just can't do anything with my last name. Actually, you're right. My name's awesome. June 27th, Jake forgot Chappie's birthday. God dang it. Which is weird because I saw it in my phone. Oh, you have it in your calendar? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:33 Did you wish him a happy birthday? No, because I knew Jake would. Shut up. I would never miss my dad's birthday. Actually, I can't even say it. But, you know what I used to do with my mom or my dad's actually I can't even say it but you know what I used to do with my mom or my dad early in my radio career
Starting point is 02:17:52 I would call them on the air and so we could have just called Chappy I know then they care more about that like oh my I'm on the air that's a bigger deal and that would be my whole present if it wasn't from the public radio station I worked at in college, one of their mugs.
Starting point is 02:18:09 One Christmas, everybody got a WOUB mug. I hooked my dad up with a bunch of merch and I wasn't even able to call that a gift. I should have been able to back time that. Right? Shirts and stuff. That was in February.
Starting point is 02:18:28 I think he would appreciate you saying that, too, because he is a frugal man. June 28th, Dan got a new Mac, and I don't think you knew the problems that were headed your way. Look, they're very slight. You know there's going to be little bumps in the road. Everything's fine. But it did take up a lot of my weekend when I could have been. I mean, cancer could be cured by now.
Starting point is 02:18:47 Sure. Had I been focused on that this weekend. Sure. Time for my favorite. Jake has a buddy. Oh, my God. We've got a fat list this month. I will hustle through it.
Starting point is 02:19:05 Jake has a buddy who snuck out of Jake's house at a sleepover and Jake didn't go because he was scared. Jake called him after they snuck out to tell him that their parents knew about it and they had to come back and they did
Starting point is 02:19:11 because Jake was bored. It's a low point of my life. It's a low point of my life. I was scared. I was very, very scared of authority at that time even though his parents they would not have really
Starting point is 02:19:22 been that mad. But I was like, no man, I don't know. What if we get caught? What if we get caught? Especially weird coming from the man with the points for sex list in the future. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:35 You know? You weren't always this badass that we see in front of us. No, but really it was more like things that, stuff like that. It was like, oh, it's at school, you know, whatever. But sneaking out at night, man, I was terrified if my mom found out that that happened. I would have been in a world of trouble. World of trouble. So that's fine that I didn't go, but then the fact that I was like, dude, your dad's up.
Starting point is 02:19:57 Y'all got to get back here. Yeah, just an all-time low moment. Jake has a buddy who was a female who worked at Chuck E. Cheese and permitted him to buy pizza to take home. You hit that Chuck E. Cheese right there by Grapevine Mills Mall, my man. Jake has a buddy who is Travis Heim who will respond to negative reviews on Yelp. Dude, how does that even count? We all know Travis.
Starting point is 02:20:19 We were talking to one other restaurant person we were talking to. Adam Romo. No. Jay. Jay Jarrier. It doesn't matter. Whatever. John Schnatter. No, it was not Papa John. Jake has a buddy who sent him a video of Dave
Starting point is 02:20:39 Portnoy leaving Game 4 with 8 minutes left. How are these... How do you want me to say it so that they don't end up on the... Jake has a buddy who doesn't ski but stays in the house with them. Dave Portnoy. Jake has a buddy who has a Sprinter van. I don't think they own it, but yes, they travel in it as a band. Jake has a buddy who is a local grapevine dad
Starting point is 02:21:03 and he saw him sampling alcohol at noon at the grocery store. And Jake has a buddy who nailed a girl in the small room. All right. Roseanne's, we added one. Who knew Roseanne? For a long time, the only Roseanne on the Roseanne's list was Travis Tritt. Yeah. But now you've added Marge Chott.
Starting point is 02:21:25 Chott. Chott. Yeah. Look it up. She's a Roseanne. Now we have two. Email me with your Roseannes, male or female. Just kind of looks like Roseanne-ish. Dan wanted to start this list, our ball sacks. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:41 Dan bought the female Russell Westbrook. Deep fake. It's so female Russell Westbrook. Deep fake. It's so good. I fell for Hawk to a Girl being a teacher and getting fired. And then the big one.
Starting point is 02:21:58 Dan thought Tim McMahon was selling MacBooks on Twitter. And it was one day after I had bought this, I was like, oh damn. I gotta return it. I could've got one
Starting point is 02:22:10 for 600 bucks. And I'd be helping out my buddy Tim. And his new business idea where he sells MacBooks at an 80% off price. That one's awesome. And then finally, Dan's fights with his wife.
Starting point is 02:22:33 Okay. June 17th, how many times do you say hi a day? It's a good question. It's a good question. It was like her third time, and it was 10 a.m. Yeah. It's like, all right. Yeah. I third time, and it was 10 a.m. Yeah. It's like, all right. Yeah, I'm still here.
Starting point is 02:22:47 I've lived here with you for 10 years, yeah. And then she hung up a Wonder Woman poster in the den without asking you. It was a gift. I got to say, though, Jake said something last week that I nodded and agreed. He's like, kind of like the Wonder Woman poster. Yeah, it does fit. Yeah. It feels good.
Starting point is 02:23:09 And maybe because I told that story, now it makes like it's a thing that you want. It's a destination now. You want to go see it. Mm-hmm. So I feel like I'm really happy with it being there. Yeah. But it's only because of the cool story I told. Can't give her a single one.
Starting point is 02:23:27 And it's either going to be hung there or in the trash. So that's good that you rescued it from the garbage. Could have taken it to the studio. No, I'm saying she got it out of the trash. Oh, yeah. And had she forgot and she just gave it to me, it would be in my trash at some point and not right away. Like I'd have to keep it in the closet for a while.
Starting point is 02:23:47 But yeah, she just took it upon herself to hang it up. And it actually looks good there. I like it. There's your June. Not totally. Only because... This is actually happening. Intern Rachel gave me a few things.
Starting point is 02:24:00 Some MBR notes for Blake. Because if you notice in MBR, nobody ever mentions Blake. Yeah, nobody reviews his business. I got none. June 24th, Blake thought the grid is messed up because of NFL cheerleaders. Yeah, because they're all flocking
Starting point is 02:24:15 to Texas trying to make the Dallas Cowboys cheerleading squad, and then they're just squatting and taking our grid. Taking our grid? Yeah. June 20th, Blake's favorite book is All the Light We Cannot See. For now.
Starting point is 02:24:33 Until Dan reads it and pooh-poohs all over it, then I'll change it to something else. I am going to read it. I'm not. You shouldn't. And June 17th, during Blake's guy's trip, he watched strictly military movies, and he loved the fan in the house so much
Starting point is 02:24:53 that he and his buddy looked up the model of the fan. Yeah. That's weird. The airflow in there was immaculate. You couldn't walk into the room without noticing. Hey, am I the only one? Oh, you got to close? Hit it.
Starting point is 02:25:03 Well, pick a lane and blast my star. Mr. Jones is in VR. People listen near and far. That's a good close, right? It's pretty close. Maybe we could use them both. Sure. Okay.
Starting point is 02:25:16 Y'all know this show is called The Dumb Zone, so I got to present something to you guys. Does everyone else flip their fans? Yes. Okay. No, I know you're supposed to, like in the winter. Because I would never use the fan in the winter, even if, you know, I just don't use it. But it'll, yeah, the airflow, yes. Push the heat down.
Starting point is 02:25:39 Yeah. Yep. Yes. And in the summer, you're supposed to pull it out. Yes. Yep. So the problem is the fan in the living room at the rent house, it's going the wrong direction, and there's no ladder there.
Starting point is 02:25:52 So we just don't have a fan. It feels like it still probably affects the room in some positive way. It does not. It does absolutely nothing. So I don't know like i gotta borrow a ladder or something okay i just learned about this a few few days ago and i'm like holy hell that there's that little switch yeah i can see the other way yeah hey clay thompson signed with the mavs close followers of the show will catch the dan's other jobs in there as we may discuss Dan in World War II coming up in next
Starting point is 02:26:25 month's MBR. May have also caught Grady Spencer in there as he made an MBR open for us. Remember Grady was the one brave enough to have his latest single critiqued by the Rose Twins on our June 3rd episode. Make sure you've seen the video of that one because at some point you can actually see his soul leave his body as Dan's daughters give their honest thoughts on his latest hit, New Dress. This next thing is weird for me to play because it's based on something I said, but when Mike Reiner says it's the funniest thing he's ever heard you say, you have to play it, right? This is from our Tuesday, July 2nd episode with Mike and Julie Dobbs, and the topic of VPNs come up during the news.
Starting point is 02:27:05 We had a fun time explaining to Julie why some sites are better than others. So yeah, the Texas Supreme Court today, Dan, actually said they will consider a challenge to the law. So the hub might be back sooner before later. This is very exciting. It is very exciting.
Starting point is 02:27:24 I'm tired of these other sites. You're happy for us? It's the same videos, but it's just seedy. The setup looks real GeoCities-ish. Bingo for Jake. Do you think your husband watches porn? Don't answer that. Why are you aiming your target at me?
Starting point is 02:27:39 He's over here admitting to being very distraught about Pornhub. Don't do it. Both of us are. We know we're dirtbag. Pornhub is a clean... I just think most wives think... They run an above board operation. They don't allow revenge stuff. They moderate it
Starting point is 02:27:53 very well. They're the Joe and Troy of porn. They are America's porn side of the week. That's exactly what they are. Best producers. The A-team. Yeah. I haven't heard it all, but that might be the funniest that's exactly what they are. Best producers. The AT. Yeah. I haven't heard it all,
Starting point is 02:28:08 but that might be the funniest thing I've ever heard you say. It's exactly what it is. Troy. Really fun episode on Tuesday with Mike, Julie and William Pace. That's one. You definitely need to go back. If you missed it.
Starting point is 02:28:23 Quick shout out to Nima Shabazi, who's getting married today. Congratulations, brother. Advice, enjoy the day because it goes by really fast. Take some extra time, walk around, and talk to the people that made time for you. Tonight's advice, think about your fantasy baseball team. Think about your flex position and your draft strategies coming up in fantasy football. team. Think about your flex position and your draft strategies coming up in fantasy football. And think about what Bill Belichick thinks about to last longer with his 24-year-old.
Starting point is 02:28:53 Enjoy your day, Nima. Let's check in with the dumb phone one more time. So I know you boys regret naming yourselves the dumb zone when you're in business meetings and whatnot, but you shouldn't because a guy named Jelly Roll just won an ACM award and his name is Jelly Roll. So dumb zone, just fine. That is a great point. If a 400 pound tattooed dude named Jelly Roll can be taken seriously in country music, we'll be okay being the dumb zone. And we don't have an aggravated robbery felony in our history. Kemp spin. All right, let's get to the news. Back to our rare Wednesday show with Lawrence Rosales from July 3rd.
Starting point is 02:29:34 Uh, news? Yes, sir. News? Here's Jay with the dumb zone news. The FBI has accused a man of flying a drone over Globe Life Field during a Rangers game. So what? So I don't. Did this drone attack college football?
Starting point is 02:29:53 I don't think so. What's that mean? That was an old Mike Reiner bit. Apparently during the games, they issue a temporary flight restriction and you are not allowed to fly the drone over it. So they, of course, issued a warrant and they got the drone's flight data and photos and look, there it is, Globe Life Field.
Starting point is 02:30:19 Flying above the stadium. I think having a drone would be stressful. Because there are a lot of rules like this. Like you fly it into a place where you're not allowed to, you fly it at a time or an elevation that you're not allowed to. I don't want anything
Starting point is 02:30:38 to do with drones, man. It doesn't seem like they're going anywhere. Because, oh, this is a good opportunity to reintroduce that theory, right? Last year on July 4th, North richmond hills did the drone show begrudgingly it was badass i prefer a fire fireworks show and they did a little bit of that too but they had a drone show that was like depicting scenes from american history like washington crossing the river. And it was impressive, but it dawned on me that fireworks are basically just an approximation of war artillery. Like we got to fireworks based on the idea that like we used to blow shit up
Starting point is 02:31:16 and people were like, what if we did that without killing people? It's the same thing with drones. Drones were initially used to just wipe out ideally specific targets, but in practice, villages. And then people were like, what if we made them form a longhorn in the sky? So whatever the next thing is, just know that it will be coming to a July 4th near you. So, Paul, you knew Jake in high school.
Starting point is 02:31:41 You were both on the football team. Yes. And he was a badass, would do anything. No, you've overstated that tremendously. And now I have people I went to high school here with. He was a complete badass. He was a kick-ass badass who would do anything. Would high school Jake have been worried about...
Starting point is 02:31:57 I don't want to drone because I would have to worry about the rules and regulations. Leather jacket Jake? I did not have... Oh, interesting. Dude, jacket, Jake? I did not know. Interesting. Dude, a leather jacket? The guy who's putting his nutsack on people's faces to haze them? No, that nutsack was squarely on my face.
Starting point is 02:32:16 He remembers birthdays. Birthdays, no good. You sit up right into a ball bag there. Nobody likes that. He's been birthday... I'm sure he's been birthday... You know, I think I got away never being birthed you were bigger than i was yeah i witnessed many birthdays hold on a second what happened it's in the locker room yeah it's in the locker room okay all right one person holds you down okay it's a sit-up contest is that the i just remember it being like the nuts were in
Starting point is 02:32:42 my face i can't exactly recall I remember someone stands over you. Yeah. Then you're meant to do a sit-up, and when you do, ball bag. Yeah. All right. And was it 90% or 10%? Yeah, it hurt the balls. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 02:32:57 Yeah, I don't know. Anything grazes that. It was just emasculating. Why are all hazing things gay? Right? Like, extremely. Not even kind of like, hey, you're cute. You have beautiful eyes, Lawrence.
Starting point is 02:33:09 Yeah, exactly. No romance involved. No romance at all. There would be people clapping and cheering and chanting around you. This is a nightmare. This is terrible. It was not uncommon. I think I got it twice.
Starting point is 02:33:19 I've been to jail a bunch. This doesn't happen. I feel like they would drag ninth graders into a varsity locker room and a full grown adult would then put his ball bag in your face. There might be a coach very aware of what was happening. This has turned into a documentary.
Starting point is 02:33:36 Not concerned. Sex crimes, pretty much. Yeah, pretty much. So all this bonding really helped lead to that 1-12 record? I think we went 2-8 this year. Yeah, sure. I just want to be clear.
Starting point is 02:33:52 That's all true. The leather jacket thing is not happening. I love that. I love that. That's not happening. My memory is a little different. That reminds me of Pop Collar. No, he's just...
Starting point is 02:34:04 There was no leather jacket? Pop collar leather jacket. No, he's just... There was no leather jacket. There was a letterman's jacket. Yeah, you know what happened to that? I gave it to Matt Birmingham as a White Elephant Day gift in a Trumpy Bear that I received. I put the leather jacket on the Trumpy Bear, and then he got in a car accident, totaled the car, jacket gone, along with Trumpy Bear, and then he got in a car accident, totaled the car, jacket gone,
Starting point is 02:34:25 along with Trumpy Bear. It was stuck in the trunk. The leather jacket. It just reminds me, remember the Teen Wolf, Michael J. Fox? Of course. Remember he pulls his best friend
Starting point is 02:34:34 into the garage to tell him his big secret? And he's like, I'm a werewolf. And the guy's like, oh God, I thought you were going to say you were gay. That's like,
Starting point is 02:34:42 it's a different era. What a relief. Yeah, what a relief. Yo, you're just a werewolf. Snipped era. What a relief. Yeah, what a relief. Yo, you're just a werewolf. that bag of pot. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:34:49 I got teabagged, but there was no leather jacket. Yeah, I won't admit to that. Yeah. I don't think high school would have, Jake would have gave a shit
Starting point is 02:34:57 about the rules about the drone. To get back to the original point. Way to circle back. Yeah, yeah, solid.
Starting point is 02:35:03 Hey, remind me, have we talked about the Selena memorabilia guy? I've had this story on my stack for a couple days and I didn't think I did it. So, there's a guy in Corpus Christi who is obsessed
Starting point is 02:35:14 with Selena. And he is on a mission. Somehow this is a record that is there to be broken to set a Guinness World Record for the largest collection of Selena memorabilia. And he put this on display last Saturday at the Lake Jackson Historical Association. He has
Starting point is 02:35:31 1,300 items. Now in general, does it really matter what the obsession is? I'm creeped out by it. Like, big cowboy fan. When I see a guy who has the cowboy room and it's got a little adjacent cowboy bathroom, I think that's weird. I think it's really weird.
Starting point is 02:35:48 Corpus is such a shithole. I mean, I could see it happening out there. You might have to play there. No, I have, and I told him that. He's just like, thanks for booking me. This is a shithole. Yeah, I know. I told you. This place is a beach town the way Long John's is fucking seafood. Save your money
Starting point is 02:36:03 and take a real vacation. It's like purgatory for dads that don't pay child support. My dad lives there. Yeah, yeah. He loves it. He looks like someone that does. He's got a Whataburger with a Selena statue. It does have that, doesn't it?
Starting point is 02:36:19 Yeah, it does. Probably the nicest restaurant in the whole city. I think I've actually seen pictures. It's really modern and cool looking, right? Yeah, it does. Probably the nicest restaurant in the whole city. I think I've actually seen pictures. It's like really modern and cool looking, right? No? Yeah, no. It's cool enough where you realize this is a bad city. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:33 They just got oil burning in the distance. You know what I mean? Just broken glass up and down the beaches. It is a rough place. So this guy's not that old. Let's see. He looks to me to be like he's in his early 30s. And he has
Starting point is 02:36:47 1,300 pieces of memorabilia. Selena dolls, perfumes, creepy, boutique items, and much more. So they had like this big event. Said his grandmother who passed away inspired him to start the collection because she was a passionate collector of Elvis memorabilia.
Starting point is 02:37:07 The woman that shot Selena was a big fan too, wasn't she? She was president of the fan club. Huge fan. Huge fan, yeah. We miss you, but the bullets didn't. Go ahead. Should I get my note on her? On which one?
Starting point is 02:37:21 The woman who shot Selena? Go ahead. That's the first thing I think about. Are you allowed to? I don't know. Probably don't, then. I forgot what note you had until now I'm considering it. Maybe we huddle together and see if we can get back on this one.
Starting point is 02:37:37 All right, I'll hold that. Okay. Boy, remember Jake? Dude, every turn. He used to wear a leather jacket, not give a shit about anything. I know a guy who is connected to the killer of Selena somehow. That's... Okay, I'll take the ball. No, let's go with that.
Starting point is 02:37:58 Okay. I'll go with that. And you know what? I will attempt to reach out to him. Dude, you guys remember Dan when you played golf on acid? You know? Took shrooms and went to ride roller coasters. Yeah, he's telling pedo jokes at the campound.
Starting point is 02:38:12 Now he's like, I'll just stop there. Let me check with my guy. You want me to tell him? All right, so anyway. Are you guys with me on anybody who collects to that degree is just weird? I've never met anybody like that, so I don't know if I would maintain a friendship or ever have one. I think a friend of mine's mom growing up was really big into collecting beanie babies. Like had a whole wall of them.
Starting point is 02:38:40 That might have been a hustle though. Yeah, was it for the cost? A lot of people thought, oh, these are going to be worth a lot. I guess I don't remember at the time. I just remember it being really weird having an entire wall of Beanie Babies. That was a
Starting point is 02:38:55 non-working wife-mom side hustle. That was basically like what was the candle thing they all tried to get us into? Scentsy. Scentsy. It was everyone knew. I disagree with a lot of men's hobbies. Like, we got grown men knocking children down to get Lego sets, and nobody seems bothered by it.
Starting point is 02:39:16 Yeah. You know, just a grown man with a full beard just building Legos. I don't know. I mean, I think it's even, you's even the foul ball with the guy at the game who's going to push a kid down. That's no good. The old guy in the autograph line. I mean, you've been going to games for 30 years.
Starting point is 02:39:31 It's your turn. You've never had a foul ball yet. I've never really liked the crowd chanting that you have to give it to a kid. Yeah, I can imagine. Because, yeah, I've been going forever, and I've never come close to a foul ball. If I get one, and then the crowd chants to give it to this
Starting point is 02:39:49 three-year-old who has no idea what's going on. And then, even as a kid, as a teenager or something, when I'd go to the games, I thought that'd be a cheap way to get one. You want to earn it, because nothing is given anywhere in Ohio. Right, in northeast Ohio.
Starting point is 02:40:06 Yeah. Fuck that little kid. Yeah, right? That's my personality too. If I caught it and I would give it to the kid, but if everybody started yelling at me, I'd be like, I'm keeping this. I'll fight everybody all my way out. Yeah, how great would that be? I'm going to make SportsCenter, finally.
Starting point is 02:40:24 This is a story I'm surprised you don't see more of. Two 18-year-olds pled guilty to robbing USPS workers all over DFW. Oh, wow. Kind of a sitting target, right? Yeah, that's a real crap shoot-out. Yeah, you don't know what's in there. You're just taking other people's bills. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:40:42 How many people are getting anything real valuable in the mail? I imagine they're stealing packages. Yeah, you go for the loot. The vault. You end up with a crocheted blanket. Yeah. Just a bunch of stuff from Etsy. How do Amazon trucks not get hit more?
Starting point is 02:41:00 They have to be equipped. With turret machine guns? Well, at least with cameras and stuff, don't you think? Well, yeah, I mean, these people are on camera, but they're... Oh, they don't care. No, they're just obscured their face. They look like Heart Attack Man from yesterday. But yeah, 18 years old.
Starting point is 02:41:19 Little teen. Eight robberies in four months. You know what? Again, now, having a kid that's a teenager, I applaud that kid for... That little initiative? Yeah. My kid was just sitting around watching YouTube. She's not out there trying to earn.
Starting point is 02:41:39 I don't think it matters. I wouldn't want to get robbed in my USPS uniform. You're already in kind of a weakened position. You know, those little short shorts. You know what? It's so hot outside. Oh, my God. And those trucks are not air conditioned.
Starting point is 02:41:52 Yeah. It's miserable. That's actually interesting, though, because as trends change, the USPS shorts and even the UPS shorts have stayed the same. And for a long time, everybody was like, look at those homos. Now, the seven inches, maybe even five, is in style. Standard issue.
Starting point is 02:42:12 Little thighs out. Now they're like, I've been here the whole time. Culture. Can you take a cop seriously who has shorts? No. Like the bike cop or something around Ranger Game? Do you have to do something stupid to end up being the bike cop?
Starting point is 02:42:31 They obviously had bigger aspirations. They have to make fun of him at the precinct or whatever. Like when they put Jimmy on the boat. Like, don't give me the bike cop today. Sorry. Yeah, you fucked up again. Jake, you're on the Segway. Oh, the Segway cop?
Starting point is 02:42:47 That seems like a punishment as well. Yeah, it's tough. What about the horse cop? That's pretty badass. Yeah, that seems cooler. That seems cooler. A horse could kill you. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:42:56 You're never going to get anywhere, though. And it's shit everywhere. You ever see a horse cop chase a criminal down on the horse? He's whipping it. I'd love to. And how come the horse cop isn't tiny like a jockey? That is a great point. That is a very valid point.
Starting point is 02:43:11 They just have to start recruiting four and a half foot cops. A little squeaky voice, guys. I do love that. I just love the whole concept. This is an interesting one. A little league team here in North Texas, this is from Fossil Ridge,
Starting point is 02:43:28 not too far from where we grew up, has been removed from the Little League of World Series tournament. By the way, you're about to get beaten down with that. Yes. No, not steroids, pedophilia. No, it's not pedophilia.
Starting point is 02:43:44 The coach says in comments to NBC here locally that they're too good. Like that they never lost. And so other parents around the region and around the country didn't want them in. So they started trying to find little loopholes of, hey, is this guy's residency actually good? How long have these kids been playing together? Stuff that probably they all do and nobody cares about. Well, of course the coach is going to say this.
Starting point is 02:44:21 Yeah, but the NBC comment asked the, I get whatever, commission Little League International, and they didn't give that much detail either. They just said we reviewed the information and discussed it with the league. I think I read someone accused them of being like a travel team that wouldn't normally qualify. Yeah. And then they started like a little league team basically. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:44:38 Okay. So it's probably true. But you're probably right too. There's probably a lot of teams doing that. Exactly. But if you go 50- too. There's probably a lot of teams doing that. Exactly. But if you go 50-0, then other teams around are like, hey, how'd you get that kid? Get yourself a beam.
Starting point is 02:44:51 How'd you get that kid? That's your fault. And it's also funny, too, that the guy— Don't cheat on the test and get an A. The guy says—basically, he says that they had the water bills, which is not that hard to do, I would imagine. You could just say, hey, he stays with them. Resident, oh, okay, yeah.
Starting point is 02:45:07 Do you remember the Brett Shipp story where he drove to Oklahoma because Southlake had a quarterback that was here, and he immediately supplanted the kid that had been waiting to play quarterback? What do you think those kids' parents did? They called Brett Shipp. Right. The kid had moved from Oklahoma. His mom didn't really live here.
Starting point is 02:45:27 But Brett Shipp is like standing in front of his house in Oklahoma, trying to knock on the door and talk to the parents up there. Brett Shipp's awesome. We gotta get him on. Yeah, he'd love to talk Dion with Brett Shipp. That was such a wild scene, man. Brett
Starting point is 02:45:43 Shipp in prime prep. I feel bad. We turned him down when we were getting sued. There's a lot going on, dude. I know. But I like Brett Shipp. I do, too. A woman, this is our last one, was charged with murder.
Starting point is 02:45:56 You know what? I want to do that with your residents, too, to be able to join Grapevine Wreck. Done. Like, would I be able to say I live at your house? Yeah, we'll craft a narrative where you got divorced. Oh, yeah, make it a good narrative. You're staying with me for a little while. You got divorced because she's not romantic.
Starting point is 02:46:15 You've been divorced, right, Lawrence? Yeah, yeah. Is that sweet or is it upsetting? I've had the worst time. That's not what Dan wanted to hear. Yeah, yeah, it's not been good. You thought it was a bad thing. I live in a rented room. You know?
Starting point is 02:46:30 Now? Yeah. Well, that really brought the room down. No, you think it would be awesome and sweet, but like... Yeah, when you got divorced... Was the kid already born? He was in the womb. Yeah, yeah. Were you able to be in the room for the birth?
Starting point is 02:46:46 No, I showed up, and they said, we cannot prove that she's here. What? Yeah. Yeah, it was a whole thing. It was not fun. Not fun at all. I did bring the room down, didn't I? It'd be fun.
Starting point is 02:46:57 It turned dark. But everything's okay now. She was just texting me. I'm like, hey, I'm busy. She's like, your son's at the Crayola place, and he got in for free. I'm like, I took him six months ago, and I paid to get in. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:47:07 But thanks for adding that detail. All right, well, I'm going to end this with a fun one. A woman was charged with murder. Ooh. Ooh. After the body of a man was found in a plastic storage container in northwest Fort Worth. Hot?
Starting point is 02:47:23 You be the judge, America. Hot? Oh be the judge, America. Hot? Oh, my God. Rose Zan vibe. Very hot. Yeah. We got a Zan. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:47:33 We got a Zan. Jesus. Wait, she was murdered or she murdered somebody? She murdered somebody. She's 51 years old. The man was 52. Whoa. She's 51?
Starting point is 02:47:43 Yeah, so she's younger than Dick. That's a lot of years. Yeah, yeah. Apparently he stole her Mountain Dew. Oh, man. She looks like a tire that needs to be changed. That is rough. That is rough.
Starting point is 02:47:58 Imagine that being the last thing you see. That's not a loving God. Yeah. That's not a loving gun Yeah You'd literally You would rather be Like you would rather be looking at the state official Who puts the cocktail in your arm
Starting point is 02:48:12 On the gurney I was thinking about this yesterday I had a school teacher when I was a kid in Plano Named Miss Wolverton And she was like She was just real mean And then one day she just went home and murdered her entire family She hated me too She hated me She was just real mean. And then one day she just went home and murdered her entire family.
Starting point is 02:48:27 She hated me too. She hated me. Hated me bad. And what's funny, she yelled at me one day. And what's funny, I was talking about this yesterday. What's funny is she yelled at me one day because I was in this kind of thing where I was in trouble where you weren't allowed to do anything that wasn't exactly what you're supposed to be doing. And I was reading a biography at the time.
Starting point is 02:48:43 And I remember she grabbed me by the neck and kicked me out of the classroom because I was like, you're mad at. And I was reading a biography at the time, and I remember she grabbed me by the neck and kicked me out of the classroom. I was like, you're mad at me because I was reading? And what I was reading, this is true, was Jim Morrison's Nobody Here Gets Out Alive. She's like, good idea. Maybe she just saw the cover or something. I don't know. Wow, yeah, here it is.
Starting point is 02:48:58 Yeah, Miss Wilverson, Plano. Yeah. That was my teacher. Senior here. Science. How's she looking there, Jake? Oh, dude. She's not. There's no image in this photo. Real rough. Senior here. Science. How's she looking there, Jake? Oh, dude. She's not.
Starting point is 02:49:05 There's no image in this photo. Real rough. Real rough. Man, yeah. I guess a gun I couldn't beat. What are you saying? What were you about to say? Well, when I see this story that this guy, you know, he's a 52-year-old guy who was killed
Starting point is 02:49:21 by this 51-year-old woman and put in a storage container. I mean, it's got to be a gun because otherwise this woman is not killing me. There's just no way. Those guns give you big muscles. Apparently that's what Miss Wolverton used because it was a handgun found next to her. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:49:38 Yeah. Took everybody out. Yeah. Looks like there was a 19-year-old aide. Hot? How did you manage to get
Starting point is 02:49:58 the room back by telling us about a family murder suicide? I just thought it was interesting. I thought about it yesterday. I think that Jim Morrison thinks a pretty good detail. I remembered it vividly. Yeah, I just thought it was interesting. I thought about it yesterday. I think that Jim Morrison thinks a pretty good detail. I remembered it vividly. Oh, man. I love the thing they do now. This is 2003, so they probably didn't do this,
Starting point is 02:50:13 but now what they do is they say counseling services will be on site for students who need. Oh, they didn't do shit for us. They didn't do anything, yeah. Yeah, but there's a bomb threat made now. You know how fast all three of us would have taken? I'm feeling some trauma. I feel like for us, we came into school the next day,
Starting point is 02:50:33 and they're like, you know how she was. And then everybody just got back to work. We had a substitute teacher, you know what I mean, who was clearly nicer. What a low bar. She didn't kill anybody. Yeah. All right, there's your news. The Dumb Zone
Starting point is 02:50:47 News. Like and subscribe. Lawrence is headlining at TK's Comedy this weekend. I think Dan is going Saturday night and Jake and I are going Sunday night. So let us know if you plan on making it out. Maybe we can do a DF
Starting point is 02:51:04 meetup with Lawrence after the shows. Last segment of this one. It's Today in History from our Tuesday sewed at our new studio with Mike, Julie, and a cleaner sounding heart attack man. They took our money! They didn't really address that part.
Starting point is 02:51:20 Oh, look at this kick-ass video open! Damn! Son! Is that from Jason? Why'd y'all put 1969 on there? It's a big year in history. And we didn't do this. Jason did. He's got the dirty mind. I mean, if you know
Starting point is 02:51:36 Jason for five minutes. That was a pivotal year in American. You know he loves 69. Jason. So today is Tuesday, July 2nd. On this day in 1881, President James A. Garfield was shot.
Starting point is 02:51:55 Number? 20. Yes! Oh, wow. We have an exclusive photo. Ah, I'm shot! Garfield would die the following September. So we hung on. That's pretty impressive for 140 years ago.
Starting point is 02:52:16 July till September. Yeah. Wow. All right, this is where I have trouble with. The following, like 1882. No, no, no, wait. Is that Mike Reiner? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:52:26 Hey, whoa. Is that Heart Attack Man? I thought Mike Reiner was dead. Whoa, what's happening? He has been for years. Reiner's dead. I love you, Mike. I love you, too.
Starting point is 02:52:42 I love you, too. Heart Attack Man. I'm so glad to see you. Maybe you guys could do some Rocktober. So weird and not on the phone. Maybe a little Uriah Heep. Yeah, a little easy living. Look at that guy.
Starting point is 02:53:08 So on this day in 1937, aviator Amelia Earhart disappeared. Disappeared over the Pacific Ocean while attempting to make the first round-the-world flight along the equator. She wouldn't ask for...
Starting point is 02:53:25 I don't know. Thank you to the skydiving chief for that chyron. Yeah. Trademark. Let's see here. So she was trying to do the first around the world thing.
Starting point is 02:53:48 Anyway. Didn't make it. Didn't make it. Never seen again. You know, there are some people that think she was taken prisoner. Really? Yeah, I think so. In Japanese custody.
Starting point is 02:54:00 Like she's possibly still alive? I don't know. Married to Hitler? She was there with Injun or whatever his name is. We call them Native Americans, I think. She's kind of an interesting piece. Not bad. Not bad for back then.
Starting point is 02:54:16 All right, guys. Settle down. Settle down, everyone. Let's see. Old Southwest outfit. Old Southwest outfit. On this day in 2002, American Steve Fawcett completed the first around-the-world solo flight in a balloon. He went Australia to Australia.
Starting point is 02:54:39 And he probably just went up. The guy did it in a balloon, but a chick did it and got lost. In an airplane. 13-day, 19,000 mile trip. How do you know where you're going in a balloon? How do you know he didn't just go up there, float for 13 days, and then land and be like, oh yeah, I went around the world.
Starting point is 02:54:56 That's sponsored by Bud Light. Yeah, he's sponsored by Bud Light. You have to stay awake for 13 days? All you would have to do... That was my thought. Hear me out. So you just go straight up. You sit there for 24 hours and the earth rotates under you. Aha. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:55:14 It's a nice little trick. That sounds so boring. Leave it to Mr. Dan to come up with. Man, it rules so hard that Bud Light sponsored that. Yeah, that's when I started. That's so America. Hey, a really cool science thing that we have here. Let's get some domestic lights in there.
Starting point is 02:55:33 On this day in 1982, a man named Larry Walters of San Pedro, California, had a lawn chair equipped with 45 helium-filled weather balloons, sat in it, and it rose to an altitude of 16,000 feet. 16,000? He landed eight miles away in Long Beach, California. Safely? Apparently so. Larry Walters.
Starting point is 02:55:56 In a lawn chair? Yeah. Was he strapped in? He had to be. Yeah. Had to be. Back then, they didn't have regulations like they do now. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:56:04 Right. Biden to be. Back then, they didn't have regulations like they do now. Yeah. Right. Biden's America. Now, if somebody get into an unstrapped lawn chair and talk to me. Now, you can't get in a lawn chair without airbags. That's right. Yeah, right. The price of lawn chairs? Yeah, and I hear now they're trying to make them electric.
Starting point is 02:56:20 Oh, it's unbelievable. You know, and making them in Mexico. Look at them go. Look at him go. Look at him go. On this day in 1996, Alex Rodriguez was named to the American League All-Star team,
Starting point is 02:56:35 becoming the third youngest player ever selected as an All-Star. Who were the other two two Mike Reiner? Who were the two younger players than A-Rod? Baseball Jesus.
Starting point is 02:56:58 You got this. So he was 20 years and 11 months old. I'll say Pete Rose and David Clyde. You know that's the dumbest guess you've ever had. Yeah, it is. David Clyde did not. You're just mailing this in. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:57:16 Oh, man. Please don't yell at me. It's actually... One of them Robin Yunt. It wasn't Robin Yunt. It was... Nolan? Trout? No.
Starting point is 02:57:31 It had to be pre-1996, right? Right. Wait. Yeah. Dwight Gooden. Okay. And then Ken Griffey Jr. Those weren't that hard. We're dummies. No, they weren't.
Starting point is 02:57:46 The dumb zone. He just got signed because of his dad. That's right. Ooh, Jake. Uh-oh. On this day in 2013. This is going to be Ryan Dunn. An Olympic track star had her name removed from the Big Ten Female Athlete of the Year
Starting point is 02:58:03 following some revelations. Susie Favor Hamill. That she had worked as a prostitute, Olympic track star Susie Favor Hamilton, who would go on to be interviewed by Norm, right? Yeah, I just instinctively was going to play it, but I don't want to mess with that possibility. Yeah, I don't think we can play that. Well, we probably can, but yeah, let's not. It's so funny, dude, because TC and I broke it down within the last year,
Starting point is 02:58:24 so I went and listened to the whole interview, and if you don't know the story, she was like, You and I broke it down within the last year, so I went and listened to the whole interview. If you don't know the story... You and I broke it down once. Did we? Yeah. No, it was me and you. She was like America's sweetheart. She's from Wisconsin. She was a phenomenal athlete. Then somewhere along the line she got depressed.
Starting point is 02:58:40 You were there, right, Blake? Yeah, we did this. I think I did it on both. She wanted to try a threesome in Vegas with her husband and another girl. Maybe it was another guy. I can't remember. But anyway, she got addicted to sex. Let's ask Tom Gerbil. And she became an escort.
Starting point is 02:58:59 So the one threesome got her addicted to sex? Yeah, I think she had a lot of other issues. She was schizophrenic, and she was in good spirits when she was on with Norm and was able to tell her story, but it was so weird because Norm was like, she's like, yeah, and, you know, I participated in, you know, sex with multiple partners at the same time, and I swear to you, Norm's like, how many? Oh, God.
Starting point is 02:59:24 Does it hurt? Yeah. That's a fair question it was just that's really dirty it was like this whole hey we're we're talking about redemption and forgiveness and grace and how you can you know turn your life around and he's just like how many dicks i remember where i was when i was listening to that. I pulled my car over. Did you ever have double penetration? It was super funny, too, because Donovan was like, let's go back to which one of the races you think is the hardest to win in trials or something. And I'm like, no.
Starting point is 02:59:56 Right. No. Back to the high end. Norm's rolling here. On an easy, ironic note, though, you have two orifices. On this day in 2018, rescue divers in Thailand found 12 boys
Starting point is 03:00:12 and their soccer coach. They had been trapped by flooding as they explored a cave a week prior. It always seemed really weird, too. Just the whole, hey, I'm 12 boys and a soccer coach in a going a little exploration i guess i don't know i get what you're saying was this the elon musk thing yes
Starting point is 03:00:33 yes i'm gonna see if i can find the exact comments he made i should get one of those kids on i wonder what they're up to now i I think they're all in the Premier League. They're all sex addicted and they've become prostitutes. I can get one of them for you. I'll just call for information on my new, you know, the helpline for my new Mac. Yeah. So, yeah, Elon won a defamation suit that this guy filed against him. The guy who actually, he's like a cave explorer and created the vessel that went in there and saved him. Elon wanted to get there first, and so he called this guy Pedo Guy.
Starting point is 03:01:16 And in court, this actually worked. It was Pedo Brian, yeah. This actually worked. Mr. Musk told the court this week the phrase Ped Pete O'guy was common in South Africa where he grew up. Jeez. And he won? Yeah. That Elon man got to hand it to him.
Starting point is 03:01:36 He keeps winning. So much winning. And on this day in 2020 British socialite Can't handle it Ghislaine Ghislaine Maxwell Was arrested in New Hampshire On charges she had helped lure
Starting point is 03:01:56 Is that a crossroad with Chisholm Trail? She was Jeffrey Epstein's Yeah She was a big Recruiter She was great Epstein's... Yeah. She was a big recruiter. She was great at recruiting, right? She was great.
Starting point is 03:02:09 Oh, yeah. She wasn't the head coach. Yeah. She was not, but she was very, very involved. And I heard recently she was going to spill the beans on everything she had on Trump or something. But, you know, I've been down El Brillo way before that's where the house was. And I have been there. You seeked it out. One of the creepiest experiences of my life.
Starting point is 03:02:30 El Brillo way? I thought that was a euphemism. That's what I thought too. No, it's Mike's getting flashbacks. The 70s. I gotta say too, horrible criminal right up my alley
Starting point is 03:02:46 Ghislaine Ghislaine? Yeah I don't know I've heard it said a million different ways You think she's hot? I do And a little bit evil? I do
Starting point is 03:02:55 I mean she's British which doesn't help But Yeah Yeah Kinda into it too Yeah Powerful Like Charlotte Jones.
Starting point is 03:03:05 Powerful. Yeah. She'd be totally into a three-way. Yeah, I'm like, how old is this kid? I don't think so,
Starting point is 03:03:13 Ghislaine. Yeah, you'd never be able to satisfy her, I'm distancing from you two. She's always wanting to take it to that next level. Yeah,
Starting point is 03:03:20 I don't have that in me and I'm also not a criminal, so that could be it. She's a sicko. She would lose interest in you rather quickly. I think so, but I might be able to up my game. You don't know me.
Starting point is 03:03:34 You could lead with the whole throw cheese thing. Yeah, that's not bad. Microwave to CD once. In our famous birthdays, we have Jose Canseco is 60. Former Ranger great. What was he like to cover? Difficult. He wanted no part of any of it.
Starting point is 03:03:52 Were you out in the room back then? I was. Interviewing him? And he wanted no part of any of it. He was far, far too good for him. Because he was a big, he was one of the Bash brothers, man. Yes, yes, he was. What, he was one of the Bash brothers, man. Yes, yes he was. But Oakland just couldn't
Starting point is 03:04:07 fix their free agents? He was at least one of the three most high-toned baseball players of his time. The other two? Dwight Gooden and Ken Griffey Jr. Jack Clark.
Starting point is 03:04:27 Not even in the conversation. He's got a hot daughter, too. Jose Canseco, have y'all seen his daughter? He's got a hot daughter? No. Yeah, she's like all over. She's a big social media gal. Did you just ask me that?
Starting point is 03:04:39 Yeah, okay. Just making sure. I was waiting for someone else to say it. I figured. I don't know, Jake. Let's go over to Jake. Does he? Is that true? Yeah, 100%.
Starting point is 03:04:50 Absolutely. He's all over it. So wait, a pro athlete. Yeah. Uh-huh. Probably had like a model that he had this daughter with, and then their kid was hot. Here she is at a celebrity softball game with Johnny Manziel. Oh, right.
Starting point is 03:05:06 Just waiting for it to go there. Man. I really wanted the Cowboys to draft him. That would have been so great. I know, bud. Got to let it go. Yeah. That's Jose Canseco's daughter.
Starting point is 03:05:20 That's the Canseco daughter? Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Ozzy Canseco is 60. I bet Ozzy Canseco daughter? Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Ozzy Canseco is 60. I bet Ozzy Canseco's daughter's a root. No word on that. Derek White is 30.
Starting point is 03:05:38 A root. The Celtic? The Celtic. That is a very useful player. Figure skater Johnny Weir, 40. By the way. Some say gay. Maybe we'll...
Starting point is 03:05:50 I don't know if there's time to talk about this. Do you find it funny that the Celtics have now signed three guys to the largest contracts in NBA history on the same day that they announced they're selling the team? Yeah, I heard somebody mentioning... Maybe it was like the Hoot Collective was like, yeah, now they'll let the new owner. I didn't get that far in it, but yeah, it's a great move. We'll take care of the second apron and all.
Starting point is 03:06:13 Like, who cares? Yeah. Yeah. Johnny Weir. I wonder if we have that audio. Why do they call those aprons? Oh, I have all the Johnny Weir audio for sure. You want to hear some?
Starting point is 03:06:24 Yeah, whatever. We've already gone long. I don't know. Apron. I'm really uncomfortable with that word. The word apron? Yeah. Why?
Starting point is 03:06:34 I don't know. I think they should use membrane. I don't know. I'm not really uncomfortable with it at all. I was just trying to set somebody up for a joke. You don't want to get into that second membrane. That's danger. You did it. That's danger.
Starting point is 03:06:59 How do you spell it? W-E-I? I'm only finding two things. I was just looking at it this morning. No, I had a bunch of stuff where he was talking about whether or not he's gay. Well, I did not mean to stop you down, pal. Whether or not. Yeah, he's asked about it and he's very coy.
Starting point is 03:07:18 Oh, of course. He can't. What? What? What do you think? You're saying he is? No, she's saying how could he ever try to... Try to play that like he's not. Like he's very, I thought, very openly, outwardly. Why would you say that? I don't understand what you're saying.
Starting point is 03:07:36 Pretty masculine. I don't know. Kind of a cross between Adamant and I don't know, maybe the guy from Dexy's Midnight Runners. I don't know those references. I don't know. No, I can't find it.
Starting point is 03:07:59 Okay, it's all good. Little goody two shoes. Oh, here we go. For the man who's comfortable talking about everything, on the one question everybody wants answered, he reveals nothing. Do you understand that people are always fascinated by whether someone is gay or straight?
Starting point is 03:08:21 Yeah. I completely understand people debating about sexuality for famous people, for athletes, but I am Johnny Weir. And take me as that. I don't need to be pigeonholed one way or another, just the same as people don't need to be judged based on their race or their gender or things like that. I don't need to be put into a box. I have no box.
Starting point is 03:08:48 I'll believe that. I almost felt like you got that right. I don't want to be pigeonholed. Gay! Absolutely. But isn't he somewhat guilty of begging the question? He's coy. He's coy.
Starting point is 03:09:03 He's not gay. That right there would not fly today. You think? Yeah, dude. You're not... You can't just say to somebody like, tell us. You're acting gay. Say you're gay. Yeah. Tell us now. You gotta come out, man. You're begging your question and we have a right
Starting point is 03:09:17 to know. Yeah. Of course you don't have a right to know. Actually, the gay people would make him do it. Seriously. You're probably right. What are you not proud to be gay? What the hell's would make him do it. Seriously. You're probably right. What are you, not proud to be gay? What the hell's wrong with you? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:09:29 I'm disowning him. Probably true. Brett, the hitman heart is 67. Oh, man. The sharp. I can't tell you how many times I put my brother in the sharpshooter. I don't know what that is. I'm proud to not know.
Starting point is 03:09:44 I'm proud of that. It's a super solid finishing move that works really well on an eight-year-old. Nice. It sounds... Knuckles, bro. ...pito-ish.
Starting point is 03:09:55 Man, I'm going to put a distance from that. If we just mark that and play it alone. Brandle. He's actually physically distant. Brandle Chambly is 62. Golf man.
Starting point is 03:10:14 Golf man. Longhorn. SEC guy. Wasn't he super pissed about Liv? Yes. I remember we played some of his stuff where he was real mad. Was he the one that went off to die? No.
Starting point is 03:10:33 No. I'm ready. That's Nick Faldo. That's Nick Faldo, yeah. He didn't go off to die. He went to Montana. And then he was on the next broadcast. I'm ready.
Starting point is 03:10:44 Ready. Scott Aukerman next broadcast. I'm ready. Scott Aukerman is 58. I like him. I saw a clip of his this morning. He's from Mr. Show and Comedy Bang Bang. Let's see. Catherine Irby is 58. I only bring her up. She was on Oz. Did we have two Oz?
Starting point is 03:11:02 What was her... Who did she play? She was a prisoner on Death Row. But Did we have two Oz? What was her... In Law and Order. Who did she play? She... She was a prisoner on Death Row. But we had her on once when I was out at the... Her. You see it? Yeah, I can see it, but I don't recognize her.
Starting point is 03:11:18 Not ringing the bell? No. Larry David is 77. Greatness. You watched the final season? No, not yet. I haven't. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:11:26 I'm watching the whole thing all over again. Oh, okay. That's what I got going. I thought about doing that. Nice. It's good. It holds up, man. It's great. That's where... Recently, who was complaining? Oh, Jerry Seinfeld. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:11:41 He was like, oh, you can't be funny nowadays. You can't do funny things. The PC police and everybody's like, you know, the Larry David show's on right now. And you can absolutely be really funny and don't care about the PC police.
Starting point is 03:11:59 Jerry Hall is 68. Yeah, Mick Jagger plowed through that, as did Rupert Murdoch. As did Brian Ferry. Congratulations to all of them. Okay, let's just consider how weird it is that The lead singer of one of the most influential, and I would say in their time viewed as somewhat, I know they were huge, but counter-culturally,
Starting point is 03:12:30 I guess, the Rolling Stones. Roxy Music, you mean? Their lead singer was married to a lady... That was for you, Mike. Who then ended up marrying the guy who created the most evil news empire of all time.
Starting point is 03:12:47 This isn't weird to anybody else? Yeah, no. I can't see you, Mick Jagger, is about as far to the left as you can get. It's weird, but it's understandable. It's like funny. Who knew? Yeah, it turns out she doesn't care about any of their views. Yeah, it's weird, but it's not totally incomprehensible.
Starting point is 03:13:04 Because it's rich people doing rich people stuff. We're simple creatures, really. They're staying in their own economic demographic. Going to the Hamptons. Rock musician Dave Parsons is 59. His band, I once saw them open for Tool. Well, let's see. I've known a few bands that toured with Tool.
Starting point is 03:13:41 You can't even do it. You can't even do it. What was corn? Well, now corn would play, but... It would kind of be on a side stage with hole. Yeah, hole would open for corn. And of course, Bush would open for tool. And Dave Parsons was in Bush. Lindsay Lohan is 38.
Starting point is 03:14:02 Make Bush's great again. Dude, I'm telling you I'm proud of her So Dave Carson Yeah There was a time when she was like a full on junkie Such an old photo right No have you seen her lately
Starting point is 03:14:17 She is cleaned up and looking great And she's confident A lot of lip filler Okay well look out that window as he would say That's not a I like to fill her lips confident. A lot of lip filler. Okay, well, look out that window, as he would say. That's not a... I like to fill her lips. If we're going to start taking shots at lip filler, then there'll be a whole
Starting point is 03:14:34 lot of women. Big lip filler apologist over here. No, I'm just saying. It seems like... Whatever. I'm not going to say it. Margot Robbie is 34. She's pretty fantastic. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:14:47 Is that the daughter of Joe Robbie? No, she is hot. I will admit hot when I see hot. No, she's not the daughter of Joe Robbie. Okay. Fair question. She's Barbie. She's Barbie.
Starting point is 03:15:01 I never saw Barbie. Or Oppenheimer. Whatever she's had done, if anything, it's the perfect amount She doesn't look too fake I thought I need to see Barbie and Oppenheimer at the same time She was great in Wolf of Wall Street And listen to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon Right
Starting point is 03:15:18 Wolf of Wall Street The boobs one, is that why you're saying that? I just thought she was a good actress. Is that where she showed her boobs, though? I do not recall. I think it is. Because that was like her first movie, really. Her first big role.
Starting point is 03:15:35 Got to make a splash. You're the one who remembered that, not me. That's true. And I'll just mention this because it's on my list. Paul Valamides is 32. He is the intern who would update our birthday list. I remember him. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:15:51 Great dude. I believe he might have been the nephew of my assistant principal. Oh, yeah? Yeah. That's a completely useless note. Not interesting at all. Nope. Really did nothing to advance the conversation.
Starting point is 03:16:03 It is random, though. That's all right. Possibly even made a progress. It is random, and I support that type of thing. Could have stopped on the momentum of the whole show, really, now you think about it. Born on this day, now dead, Thurgood Marshall. Ah, the former Supreme Court Justice. And Dave Thomas.
Starting point is 03:16:26 Of Wendy's? Of the Square Burger? Who founded Wendy's, yeah. Nice. Damn, man. That's nice. I made the burger square. So good right now.
Starting point is 03:16:33 And then it'll stick out over the edges of the bun. And then you can eat those little four parts first. I mean, I told you guys about this on the show, but that is a fascinating story to read about. Is it really? Yeah, they found themselves squarely in third behind the big two. No pun intended.
Starting point is 03:16:49 Yeah, and they needed a bit. And their point was, look, you're not getting as much meat with these other two companies because they're just putting this big ass bun on it. So that's where we got Where's the Beef? We already have Flame Broiled versus The King. Fried or whatever.
Starting point is 03:17:06 Me tried flame broiled. Let me like it. Yeah, I'm pro Wendy's. I love it. I don't try not to go, but I love it. Second tier fast food. Although they did just get a berry
Starting point is 03:17:23 frosty flavor. They have a new frosty flavor, which I feel like hasn't happened in my whole lifetime. The orange cream one? It's only been chocolate frosties. The 99 cent frosties? They now have berry. They have vanilla. Yeah, they've always had vanilla.
Starting point is 03:17:38 Have they? I don't think they do. I didn't know that. Oh, yeah. I've had vanilla. Sure. Well, then they don't have chocolate. One of them they don't have.
Starting point is 03:17:43 Julie doesn't know shit. I don't know. I've got a kid that likes vanilla and I've had vanilla. Sure. Well, then they don't have chocolate. One of them they don't have. Julie doesn't know shit. I don't know. I've got a kid that likes vanilla and can never get vanilla, so I feel like I know this. I don't know. Check back with me after we try to go and get a vanilla. Tell me how it goes. I might be getting a Wendy's burger at my house. What is it?
Starting point is 03:18:01 Salad night at home? I don't even care, but probably. Dead on this day, still dead. Nostradamus died on this day in 1566. BS. And you think everything about Nostradamus is BS? No, I think, well, of course, yes. But I think trying to say birthdays and stuff from the 16th century,
Starting point is 03:18:21 it's just, or death days, there's no way. I'm kind of with you. Yeah. Also died on this day in 1994, Andres Escobar, soccer player. Yeah, this is a wild one, man. Says here,
Starting point is 03:18:40 murdered because he scored an own goal. Oh, no. Yeah, this is like a top three weird sports story. Like Columbia or something? Yeah. Yeah. That's terrible.
Starting point is 03:18:51 The cartel didn't take that kind of thing very well at all. No. It's a great ESPN documentary, or 30 for 30 on that. Funny? Hilarious. Knee slapper. And that was Today in History. this is really funny this part is funny after Escobar's death his family founded the Andres Escobar project to help disadvantaged
Starting point is 03:19:18 children learn to play football and I think they started with kick it fucking that way. Whatever you do. Whatever you do, don't kick it into your own goal. You obviously haven't had a child score an own goal yet because it does happen. Oh, I know, but in Columbia it does happen
Starting point is 03:19:36 and it's awkward as hell. I've seen it. All the parents look at you and you're like, I'm sorry. I've seen it. I swear I tell them how to play. But I'm just saying,
Starting point is 03:19:43 down there. Then you get introduced to the concept of the Colombian necktie. Get the necktie. We can work on passing in month two. For now, that way. Yes, rule number one. Yeah, that way. Who gets to handle the remarks?
Starting point is 03:20:01 Anybody? Nobody? Somebody? You got to keep it oot. Yeah, we usually like to get some closing remarks at this time. That's the end of the show. But often people will have their remarks prepared because
Starting point is 03:20:15 they've been waiting to be on the show and you don't care. You don't even care that you're here. You're non-plus. What are you talking to me? That's a perfect cut. I didn't know that this was going to fall to me today I know we should have prepped With closing remarks You got anything you want to say?
Starting point is 03:20:35 Anything you want to get off your chest? Review the show, William Pace Your ample chest I would say that This was very good You guys have was very good. You guys have a very good thing going here. I like it.
Starting point is 03:20:51 You're supposed to say thank you. Oh, yeah. Okay. No, I didn't know that was done. That's not good enough for you? No, no. Okay. The whole thing sucks, man. That's what we usually hear.
Starting point is 03:21:01 This sucks. That's all we need. That's what we need how about you jd no oh no this is the show right there because video man's done for the day it's good saved by the bell oh okay so are we done yeah all right adios mofos Adios mofos Very weird seeing Heart Attack Man on camera But to no surprise he had a bit To hide his identity Again check out the video from that episode
Starting point is 03:21:34 There's plenty to see in that one From One Tree Hill to William Pace To Heart Attack Man Well that's it for this one Hope you enjoy this thing This weekly wrap up 13 days until NCAA 25. Let's hold strong, folks. We'll get there. We'll talk soon. Thank you.

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