THE ED MYLETT SHOW - A Fight for America Part 1: The Trump Campaign w/ Donald Trump Jr.

Episode Date: September 15, 2020

This race for the presidency is one of the MOST polarized elections in modern American history... and as voters, WE get to be "in the room where it happens!" And as with all huge decisions comes GREAT... responsibility. Over the next few weeks, as Trump and Biden go head to head, I'm sitting down with the top 2 rising stars from each side of the political spectrum, Donald Trump Jr. (R) and Andrew Yang (D). MY JOB IN BOTH INTERVIEWS IS TO ASK HARD QUESTIONS! IM NOT POLITICAL, I HAVE NO AGENDA. I ASK DIFFICULT QUESTIONS ABOUT TRUMP (and his philosophies )AND NEXT WEEK I WILL DO THE SAME W BIDEN! Too often we put blinders on and don't ever hear the story from the other side of the room. We watch only our favorite new stations, get fed social media content that the algorithm knows we want to see, and the truth becomes a one-sided conversation. The Maxout Community is better than that! We are independent thinkers. We value diversity and encourage insight from those who think differently. We allow ourselves to be CHALLENGED... which allows us to GROW! I do myself no favors by releasing these interviews but it's not about ME... it's about delivering unfiltered information so YOU can be fully equipped to VOTE based on the FACTS and make the BEST decision not just for you, but for your family and for the United States. My first guest, Donald Trump Jr. is the eldest son of President Trump. He currently serves as a trustee and executive vice president of the Trump Organization and is an active member of the Trump campaign. From President Trump's controversial tweets to their stance on Black Lives Matter and police brutality, we're covering it all!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Ed Miley Show. Hey guys, before we get into today's show, I just want to say something and that is that, you know, I created this program out of my heart to want to serve you and help you max out your life. And so every week I bring you somebody who's got a key in an insight and some area of life that you can improve in, including the shows that I do that are just me talking. And so over the next couple weeks,
Starting point is 00:00:32 I'm going to shoot a two-part series that you're going to watch the first one of today that involves what's going on in the world, the election in the United States. And so this week I'm going to air the perspective of the conservative and Republican side. And next week you'll see somebody very prominent, very close to the campaigns on the Democrat side as well.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I do myself no favors when I do this. About a year ago I had Barack Obama's economic advisor on in the next week I had Trumps. And so I hope that you'll listen with an open mind. I'm not a gotcha show where I'm trying to beat up my guests. I try to treat them respectfully. Everybody that comes on my show. At the same time, I hope I ask and sightful and hard questions as well.
Starting point is 00:01:09 And so just remember as you watch today, this is the Republican Conservative point of view. Next week you're gonna be listening to the Democrat and more liberal point of or progressive point of view. So I hope you enjoy today's show, listen with an open mind, and I hope you know my intention in doing this. God bless you.
Starting point is 00:01:24 All right, welcome back to Max out, everybody everybody really excited to have a conversation with his man today. It doesn't need any introduction every single one of you knows who Donald Trump Jr. is and we're going to talk about the new book that he has out but obviously we're going to try to get as many insights as we can into his father the campaign his thoughts surrounding that the direction of the country as we possibly can so Don thank the campaign, his thoughts surrounding that, the direction of the country as we possibly can. So, Don, thank you for being on Max out today. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Thanks. I'm good to be with you. Yeah, good to be with you, too. In a new book, Liberal Privilege, we're going to talk about that in a minute. That's certainly a telling title. I think I know where we're going there. Well, I don't, I'm not really closeted in where I stand on some of these things at this point. You know, I'm sort of out there in the open.
Starting point is 00:02:06 I think everybody knows where you stand, certainly. And I thought I'd start out by asking. I told you a little bit about the audience. I started this show to help people max out their lives. And so every week, I'm trying to give them a key a tip on some topic in doing that. And I also believe the mental side is just as important as the environmental side. And so our country is an environment.
Starting point is 00:02:30 So from your perspective, why would four more years with your dad being in office create a better environment for the majority of Americans to max out their life than if we give the country over to Biden and Kamala Harris. Well, listen, there's a couple approaches to that. Obviously, there's one that's sort of the economic argument, right? I mean, all of the things that Donald Trump did is certainly prior to COVID. But honestly, even now, I mean, look at your 401K today. It's as though we're not in a global pandemic.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I don't think anyone can blame the pandemic on Donald Trump. The media will try, but the reality is it came from China. They lied to the world about it. They let it spread. They shut down travel from Wuhan to Beijing and to Shanghai, but not to Milan, New York, and Los Angeles. So I don't think you can fault him for that, but the reality is this, Donald Trump was a business guy.
Starting point is 00:03:19 That's what he did his whole life. And he stepped into where all these sort of professors, right? People who talk about things in theory, rather than actually having done them in practice. And he was able to turn things around. I mean, there was not an economic metric, not a single one ed where we were not better off than under the Obama Biden administration. So when I hear Joe Biden is going to talk about building the economy, I go, well, we had the lowest unemployment numbers in the history of America.
Starting point is 00:03:44 We had the highest new business startup numbers in the history of America. And that's not just for the old angry white guy like the media would love to have us believe. That was for women. That was for African Americans. That was for Hispanics. Every demographic benefited. For the first time in modern history, we sort of achieved the holy grail of American politics, which was being able to get wage increases
Starting point is 00:04:11 for the lowest income earners. Their wages were going up for the first time in modern history, and it's because you had a guy that had actually done these things in the past, right? A guy who's run businesses understood efficiency. So he was able to cut excessive regulations. Get rid of the red tapes, beat some of those things up. I'd say this, for your viewers who are unsure economically,
Starting point is 00:04:32 I don't know, Jill Biden was there for 50 years, a half a century, is a long time to warm up. Talking about maxing out, I'll do some bench, a couple of sets, crank out 15, 21, 35s, throw on the 185s, go up to 225. I'm maxing out in 10 or 15 minutes. Joe Biden's had half a century, and he hasn't maxed out yet. I think even people that aren't supporting your dad would probably give you the economic
Starting point is 00:04:59 argue. I want to ask you a tough question. And I have this feeling that this election is probably not going to be as much about Joe Biden as it's going to be about your dad. I think that's fair. And so I want to ask you, this is the question I've been really dying to ask you because I think only maybe you could give this insight. And that is the business side of your dad, whether people voted for him or not, and I know
Starting point is 00:05:20 even people around the fence that went the other way were optimistic and excited about the fact that a successful, very successful businessman was now going to run this country back in business. And he did that and the numbers are the numbers are the numbers as you quoted them earlier. But here's the deal and I want this insight from someone who's in the family. But the country isn't just a business. The country is also a family. And I understand context, I understand getting aggressive because the media has pushed some very crazy narratives. But I think you would agree with me, and I'd like you to think, give this answer, you know, it's honestly as you possibly can't. I think it's great that it's been run like a business. But in terms of a family, and a family, most people are supposed to feel loved, welcomed, that they belong, that they're accepted, even
Starting point is 00:06:09 the different people in our family, right? And I think you would acknowledge that there are a lot of people that don't feel loved and acknowledge and accepted in this country prior to your dad, but especially during these times. Do you think there's anything your dad could do differently between today and the election, or if he is re-elected to make this more like a family and feel less like a business? Well, listen, I think there's a couple parts. The answer is yes. I mean, I think he's doing that. I mean, he literally went to Wisconsin today. Don't forget, he offered help, and he's offered help for months. He hasn't been a dictator, he hasn't forced that help on there. He's acknowledging states have rights.
Starting point is 00:06:51 It's sort of interesting. I watch what's going on. The DNC, for example. Last week, you had this sort of, I hate America Zoom call that lasted for four days. Not one person at the DNC mentioned the riots, the looting, the vandalism. It's truly, it's the first time in America where you can get in trouble, you got to jail, you get arrested, you get to find, you lose your business license
Starting point is 00:07:11 for opening up your business. You've seen that across the country. I mean, people getting fined, people getting ticketed, people losing their business for opening up their business to put food on their table. But no one gets in trouble
Starting point is 00:07:23 for looting someone else's business. There's tacit acceptance from the other side. You know, you've seen this, right? I mean, this isn't just imaginary. They say, all the riot look at Trump's watch. Well, what about Ferguson? What about Orlando? This has been going on for a long time. But again, there's a different response from the media if it's on Trump's watch, then if it was on Obama's watch, because Obama could do no wrong and the media took an eight-year holiday during those period of time. So that same strife still existed, but this notion of America is the worst oppressive regime in the world. It's Asinine. When you see the media basically screaming fire in a crowded theater, like the shooting in Wisconsin,
Starting point is 00:08:05 right? They show a clip. It's two seconds of a cop shooting someone in the back, 100%. But what they don't talk about is what led up to that. They don't talk about a guy that's convicted sex offender, wanted a for a warrant. His girlfriend called the police because he was attacking her. They're tussling outside the car for minutes, then he runs around after being tased and stopped in this, and he's reaching into a blind spot in a car. I mean, that's a different context. You see that all of that context? And on all of a sudden, you say, okay, like maybe we got to figure out and get to the bottom
Starting point is 00:08:40 of this before we start rioting. But the media won't do that. They want to gaslight one side of an argument to push that. No different. There's no question, John. There's no question that that's true. I would concede to you that the media does that. But just to get context to it, this is the stuff I think that,
Starting point is 00:08:57 man, if we could get to where we would tell people we hear them. So I hear what you're saying, but you have to acknowledge regardless of what the media said and unarmed guy got shot seven times in the back. Wait a second. Stay with me. I'll let you respond. I will. white boy who's just killed two people walking down with his weapon and the police walking by him and Not doing those things to him looks incredibly unfair Is unfair and why would we not say hey the guys background Regardless of that this isn't right. By the way, I saw your dad last night and he started to say that doesn't look right to me But then the statement wasn't finished. I mean, honest, would you not have gone? Well, I think there's a lot of it. I think there's a lot of it.
Starting point is 00:09:49 I think there's a lot of. I think there's a lot of context that's missing. And the media immediately went to Lynch, Kyle Rittenhouse. Now, you look at that video and he's running from them, he's avoiding them, he's doing this. And then he's approached by people with guns, he's hit on the street with a skateboard. To me, again, with the full context, that looked much more like self-defense. I will say, they did say the other gentleman up in Wisconsin did have a knife in the car,
Starting point is 00:10:20 so he wasn't unarmed, but I get your point. My father went up to Wisconsin to deal with these issues. Joe Biden's still in his basement. He said, well, in 10 days, I may leave the basement because he's probably not capable of getting out of there. You think it's easy for my father with all of that to go up into those areas? No, but just like he spent all weekend down in Louisiana to deal with the hurricane mess. He does have that empathy.
Starting point is 00:10:43 He does understand that these problems exist. That's a problem. So they're trying to make it, well, Trump's personality, he's aggressive, he's sort of a bull in a china show. I get that. And by the way, I'll give you that. You know, people have asked me for the last few years, have you ever like thought about telling them maybe not to eat that? No, no, I've never thought of not even the ones, not even, that's on the record. I have not even one's thought about it. Of course, but it's also why he's effective. Meaning, I saw the DNC, Joe Biden is so empathetic. And that's a nice quality, but I don't know if that's the quality I only want.
Starting point is 00:11:17 That can't be the only quality in the commander-in-chief who has to make tough decisions, Western make real decisions. Liberal privilege is about all of those things. It's about, you know, listen, let's talk about the other side of it, not just the economics side, but Joe Biden's health and mental well-being, right? You see it.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I'm in a daily basis. John, do you think that Joe is in cognitive decline? I think without question. In the book, I actually interview one of the White House doctors, a former Navy admiral who was a White House doctor who watched it and is like, as a citizen, I can't not say something. And again, what no one knows watching this, Jill Biden's had two separate brain aneurysms, two separate that required surgery.
Starting point is 00:12:01 So that's a big deal. Ask a doctor what one brain aneurysm that requires surgery will likely do to someone's cognitive abilities, right? It's the chance of being normal are almost zero. You have two of those and it's probably less than zero. You combine that with again daily, you saw yesterday, he's in Pennsylvania, and oh, 100 year, I don't know the thing. Yeah. How many times have we seen that?
Starting point is 00:12:29 100? Every time he forgets what state he's in, 50% of the time. But again, one thing you could say, oh, it's Joe Biden, he's being, he has gaps and he's being forgetful. But the other is, well, if it was Donald Trump that had those brain aneurysms, those explosions in his brain, they'd say, oh, there's a cause and effect. Those brain aneurysms are why he can't remember where he is.
Starting point is 00:12:50 It's why he can't remember his wife from his sister. It's why he needs notes to answer basic softball questions. You see a panic and going back and forth from the screen to some notes. I would just say to you and I'll put a bow on it, that by the way, I agree with what you just said. What I disagree with is the notion that, by the way, this boy that was attacked carried a weapon into a crowd in place at 17 years old,
Starting point is 00:13:17 and a lot of people would argue, and I don't even think it's arguable, that if a black 17-year-old boy walked into a crowd with an automatic weapon or some type of a weapon like that, even before the violence ensued, that the response would be different. And I think it's things like that that when we are a family that we need to be able to say, I hear you, I see you, that's wrong, like you did with George Floyd, but in these instances, because let's talk a minute about the black vote for a second.
Starting point is 00:13:47 It's an interesting thing. This data is saying now that your dad will actually possibly get maybe even twice as much of the black vote as he did the first time against Hillary. He's trending well in the, and policy wise, policy wise from fully funding black universities, criminal justice reform, opportunity zones, which I've invested in as well. Yeah, I've learned about these things. Those are things that help people of color and poor people.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Having said that, it's still, the data is still that eight or nine out of ten will possibly not vote for him. And I'm wondering why you think that is. Do you believe that that's media driven? Or do you believe that instances like this, a different type of response that says, we love you, we hear you, and we also love cops, and we want to fund the police because we want to protect your neighborhoods. We want you safer. You're our brothers and sisters as well. Might get more people to begin to listen to some of the really good policies that have been put in place. Well, as I think there's some people, we're all probably guilty of some of this that just
Starting point is 00:14:52 don't want to hear anything, right? I mean, I think there's some people that are, I see it a lot, I saw it a lot in the rust belt where it's like, well, I'm a union Democrat and I voted Democrat for seven generations and my grandfather would roll over in his grave if I was voting for a Republican. I go, well, okay, look at the party platform. Like, what would your grandfather say about today's Democrat party platform? Because John F. Kennedy would be all right today. He wouldn't be a Democrat.
Starting point is 00:15:16 He'd be thrown out of the party. So it sometimes takes that for people to realize that. Obviously, the Democrats stronghold in the inner cities and all these things. Some of the messaging about what's actually been accomplished by this administration will never filter down into those communities. So at best you're hoping to get to a portion of them
Starting point is 00:15:35 who have an open mind, who can look at the policies. Because again, it's not like Joe Biden couldn't have done these things. His racial record and his voting record and busing, etc., etc. has been a disaster. But now he's going to do it after 50 years. I mean, it's not like he wasn't the vice president to the first African-American, as you said.
Starting point is 00:15:54 I mean, he could have done prison reform, but they didn't want to. Because guess what? It's more effective to campaign on a problem than it is to actually solve it. It's much easier to keep people feeling victimized, feeling oppressed, and then campaigning, telling them about all the things you want to do. Joe Biden's had 50 years to do it. Opportunity zones, you mentioned prison reform, first step act, these aren't conservative party
Starting point is 00:16:19 platform issues. There weren't a lot of Republicans pushing for this kind of legislation until Donald Trump said, no, we're going to do this, not because it's Republican dogma, but because it's the right thing to do. And he got it done, and it was a bipartisan bill, like all of these guys, you know, for years, they talk about it. What have they done to even start the process?
Starting point is 00:16:42 What have they done to even effectuate a little bit of change? If you look at Joe Biden and his policies on race, you'd say they set us back much more than they ever moved this forward. Donald Trump is the guy that did that. So again, I do think it's hard to filter down and disseminate into those, you know, in the inner cities. You got, you know, the DNC isn't,
Starting point is 00:17:00 they got a stronghold there. They have for decades. But the party doesn't represent the people the way that they used to. It's changed so fundamentally. And you see Joe Biden is there as the vessel to be able to sell to middle America. It's a moderate party platform. I'm like, no, it's not.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Have you read it? Like the Biden Sanders joint, it's not, but he's the way that the media can use to sell a middle America that it's a moderate platform, even though it's a radical platform, which is what they want, because they really want to come out always to begin with, and that's what they'll get. But they can go to middle America and do that because our media today, they're not journalists anymore. They're pure activists. You're the opinion that Joe's sort of the marketing guy, this is the philosophy. Maint he's the old school Democrat, but that really who's driving the agenda will be the
Starting point is 00:17:49 AOCs, the Bernie Sanders, the Elizabeth Warrens, and that he's sort of the marketing piece for their agenda, correct? Well, he's the paraphernalia because again, I don't think he's making decisions at all. I don't think he knows. Don't forget, Joe was pro the wall before he was against it. Joe was pro life before he became pro late term abortion. You know, Joe has flipped flopped on every major decision. The reality is I don't think Joe knows. I think he's simply the vessel. You know, they'll try to put him out there. Okay, I'll, you know, old school Democrat. That's right. You're voting for that. Not, not the shadow government
Starting point is 00:18:22 behind it. So your dad interviewed last night, and Laura Ingraham asked him about that, and she said, well, then who's behind the campaign? Your dad said, people you don't know, people in the shadows. So are you, is that a George Soros link? No, no, I think it's people that are going to be making the major decisions in government that are not elected officials. What's that? What do you mean by that?
Starting point is 00:18:50 People who were not chosen by the people, right? Whoever wins president is chosen by the people, but if someone doesn't have the capacity to make those decisions and is able to be manipulated by others, you saw that throughout whether it's some of Obama's cabinet, whether it's some of the more radical, obviously, on Joe's website is the Bernie Sanders joint unity platform. So, is it going to be Bernie's policies pushed under a quote-unquote Biden administration? Because that's not what people are voting for. I don't think they're voting for Bernie's policies. They don't want that, but that's what's on Joe's website.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I want to shift a little bit to media for a second. And I've been frustrated with that as well. It's why I wanted you on and next week I'm having someone on that's going to represent sort of the other perspective. But I get that if I watch MSNBC, I kind of know going in there. This is they have a liberal point of view. If I'm watching Rachel Maddo or Bill Mar on HBO, that's a liberal, that's their point of view. I accept that.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Great. I think when I'm watching Fox, I think we both acknowledge. I'm watching a conservative point of view. If I'm watching Sean Hannity, he's got a point of view in the perspective and there's going to be a filter through which that information is presented. And that's wonderful. My frustration has been with what people think is the middle, like a CNN, or some of their online news, which they're lying.
Starting point is 00:20:08 And I don't care what side of the political perspective you've on, but they pretend to be in the middle and then completely slant things to the left. It's such an unfair and I believe disingenuous way. And that doesn't, I'm not tipping my hand on where I am politically. And I'm suggesting is that's dishonest. MSNBC's honest. We're left. We like everything left.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Box is right. Rush Limbaugh is right. Bill Maher is left. We know that. Now you're getting their perspective and their information. Wonderful. You know how they think. Maybe you agree with them.
Starting point is 00:20:40 It's these places that pretend to be the middle that I feel like do the most damage. A hundred percent. I mean, you know, CNN, I don't think, at this point, I think that that sort of those cards have been played. Everyone went all in and their bluff has been called. I don't think that anyone's gonna say that CNN is a moderate place anymore, but that's the reality.
Starting point is 00:20:57 There is no moderate place. I mean, honestly, there's one, it's sort of some of the never-trip faction of Fox News, at least balances that out a little bit. Whereas if I watch CNN, I mean, there's still stories up about me on CNN that are literally disproven. You know, that I'll say, here's the this, and they won't even tank them down
Starting point is 00:21:14 because they can't acknowledge their mistake. I was part of like the 2017 time, three of the biggest bomb shells of the year turns out they were all lies. Two of them are still up as though it wasn't the case. I mean, you still see them. I mean, I saw CNN last week peddling Russia collusion still. They're still on that because it's their cycle is when we can't be trumped with numbers,
Starting point is 00:21:35 with facts, with results. It goes from Russia to racist, from Russia to racist, and it just keeps, you know, one way that that's the answer for everything. And it's sort of astonine. I mean, I think they're honestly a couple years ago. I think there were people I used to go on with Jake tap or all the time I could say fine I get where he probably stands. I understand his policies. I understand he's a former democratic operative No one's gonna say he's a Republican, but I was like he could look at something objectively
Starting point is 00:21:58 I don't know that that exists anymore speaking of stories. So when history writes about your dad's first four years, obviously a lot of what was gained during those times economically and to your point as of today, the stock market set in all time high, but the story will be a global pandemic happened during his administration. It'll be the first story. At the end of the day, the head guy's responsible. I said, it'll be the first story. At the end of the day, the head guy's responsible. The head guy takes all the heat. And so that's why polls tell us that things haven't gone as well for dad so far because the public feels
Starting point is 00:22:36 like this was mishandled. And so, or maybe perhaps not as handled the way that it should or could have been. And I always feel like as a leader at Don, I've made mistakes or errors. And like I always think it's very redemptive when someone says, I'm sorry, or I made a mistake here, or I could have done this better. Let me acknowledge this. It's one of my frustrations is that I don't hear that from your dad.
Starting point is 00:23:00 I don't know if it's in the noteness, but I let you and I let you talk about COVID that his response to it and whether or not you think things could have been done better. Well, you know, you're right. And I see what you know, Joe Biden has campaigned. Well, what would he have done differently? Don't forget, they had a pandemic. Luckily, it wasn't nearly as deadly. Okay, but they had swine flu.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Tens of thousands of Americans had it and got it before they even moved, right? Their own people, Joe Biden's own guy, because Joe Biden had a similar role to Mike Pence in the handling of that. Literally said, man, we got lucky that this thing, because we made every wrong decision at every turn. That's in the book. I go through it. So they had a total failure, but you didn't even hear about it. Now luckily, it was not as deadly as COVID. Luckily that wasn't as deadly. And you also see here that they didn't replenish the stocks afterwards, so they didn't learn anything from it. But again, if you were Obama Biden, you were protected from any sort of scrutiny.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Don't forget, one month, one month after my father shut down travel from China, the Democrats were still saying it's racist and xenophobic. Now, had you had tens of thousands of more people come into this country with the virus, spreading it, the way it goes exponentially, by the way, then you would have had the run on the hospitals. Then you could have actually not had the time to get respirators going and to have the public partnerships to do that for P.P. and E and all of the other things that they got done.
Starting point is 00:24:22 My father goes, Lizard, I'm going to take heed for it, but we have to make a tough decision and shut down travel. Now, at any other point in history, it would be literally just called common sense to shut down travel from the epicenter of a deadly viral outbreak. But because Donald Trump did it, their natural response,
Starting point is 00:24:38 because it's the easy button of the far left was to scream racism. So what would Joe Biden have done differently? He hasn't articulated that. You know, he said, a month later, he would have kept travel open. He would have kept travel open from Europe. So more people could have gotten in here early.
Starting point is 00:24:54 More people would have gotten sick early. That would have overwhelmed our system. So they can't articulate that, but the media just said, oh, it's a terrible response. They don't look to the past, or the Obama, the Obama Biden administration response this wine flow and I could say, luckily, it was not as deadly. You also see a lot of sort of fear being propagated from this thing, whether it's the, how many times does the CDC flip flopped on masks? Now you saw the statistics that
Starting point is 00:25:19 came out yesterday. Well, only 6% of the deaths of 150,000 people, 6% directly to COVID, meaning the other people had comorbidities, I think one of the things, I don't remember what the exact number was, it don't quote me, but it was like a pretty significant percentage, like a large percentage of those people, they were like, well, they probably would have died within the next year anyway, because of the other ailments and issues that they had, they didn't even die from COVID, they died from that. And I'm saying, wait a second, we shut down the world's largest economy for something
Starting point is 00:25:49 that doesn't appear to be nearly as bad as it is. That doesn't mean you can't take care of those who are more susceptible. No different than opening schools or in-person voting, you know, again, you saw last week, you saw the media reaction. There were, what, a thousand people at the White House for Donald Trump's speech.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Oh my God, they're not socially distanced. But the next day when there's a march of 50,000 people, not socially distanced, there's a legitimate doctor on CNN saying, well, that's different. It goes, they're marching for social justice. I was like, wait a minute. I didn't, you know, hey, I'm no virologist. I'm not an expert, but I don't believe that a virus can differentiate your intentions when it decides who and what and where or how they're going to infect someone. Your dad strikes me as a very decisive guy and no one's going to tell your dad what decision he should or shouldn't make. And in all candor, it looked to me through COVID,
Starting point is 00:26:45 like some of the China shut down agreed with, the European shut down agreed with, I think even people on the left go, hey, thank God he did that. Let's give you some credit for that. And even though it's not- Well, even the doctors acknowledge it now, yeah. I think so.
Starting point is 00:26:57 That's where people go. This, I don't even know that he was buying in to have the stuff he was telling us to do with the mask and the other stuff. Well, and by the way, if you look at the data now, it doesn't seem and you look at some of the data internationally, it doesn't seem like the lockdowns are all that effective. Now, I will say this, if it seemed like that was the case, I think it's because he's a conservative.
Starting point is 00:27:17 He believes in federalism. He believes in states' rights. It's why he didn't just send in the National Guard. He would say, hey, if you guys need the help, we're here for you, but he understands the sort of rule. He wants to let the governors of the states the way our constitution was designed make all make those decisions.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Andrew Cuomo is gonna handle something differently in New York than Gavin Newsom will in California and everything like that. The media says Andrew Cuomo did a good job, but by the numbers, he's 50 out of 50, right? But because he would attack Trump, he's boosted as though, you know, he was the grand champion of this thing. I don't think that's the case.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Gavin Newsom in California, which is a much bigger population, and he's a liberal. You know, you had Ron DeSantis as a conservative in Florida with a bigger population, a more elderly population still had one tenth the death rate of New York, but they're saying he failed. You know, Gavin Newsom got a lot of trouble because he said, you know what, I'll say this. You know, I'm in 47 lawsuits with the Trump administration, but anytime I needed anything as a related to COVID, it was there the next day. He got killed. He said it when I like an interview with Mark Zuckerberg.
Starting point is 00:28:20 He followed it up because he's like, hey, I got to call balls and strikes. You know, we don't pretend to agree on much, but when I needed something here, I got it. Now, you don't hear that story. You hear sort of the attack piece from Cuomo because he's willing to attack Trump, so that becomes clickbait, that becomes the narrative of the day. So again, I do think there's a component of what you're saying, which I understand. But I think if people understand the overall mentality of, despite what the media says, he hasn't been a dictator. He's deferred to the governors when you have a governor from the opposite party that wants
Starting point is 00:28:50 to do something differently. He would have loved to have sent in the federal backup to help some of these police agencies across the country that it were overrun. Were they burning down federal buildings? But hey, if they say no, we can't do it. That's not the way we are. He actually functioned exactly opposite of the dictator sort of mantra that they threw at him.
Starting point is 00:29:08 So he deferred to people on the ground in the states that had the data. So a governor of the state said, no, we need this. He got it from. If they said something else, he let them run with it. And that's sort of the way our system and the way we as conservatives believe our system is supposed to work. I don't like identity politics, the black vote, the Latino vote, the women vote. These are human beings.
Starting point is 00:29:28 I agree. Well, I don't like that, but I want to say this to you. I feel like you've always heard the analogy in almost every presidential election. It comes down to policies matter, but like you know this, people like my audience want to know policies, socialism versus capitalism, small government versus versus big government all of these different things that we're describing but oftentimes it comes down to they've always heard this and who don't want to have a beer with and no offense to Hillary Clinton but I think in the last election enough people concluded I'd probably rather have a beer with
Starting point is 00:30:00 Trump at least in the right demographics I feel like for your dad in this election, does he want to have a beer with me? And if he could the next, I get emotional when I say this, if he could the next 90 days make more people feel like, I want to be with you, with these words, with his language, and you can get through to him on this stuff, then the other stuff, then the other people, then I believe he has a significant chance of getting those four more years.
Starting point is 00:30:30 But I think if enough people conclude he doesn't want to have a beer with me. He wants to have a beer with those guys that this could end up not going the right way. Does that make any sense to you? 100% I totally get that. And again, I think if you see him, if you see his personality when it's not manipulated, you've seen the media outrage, when he's making a joke, he's doing stick, he's a New Yorker. That's his thing.
Starting point is 00:30:53 So, you see that personality coming out of him, and it certainly exists. So, listen, I 100% get what you're saying. Always easier said than done. That's hard to do when you're trying to run the world, when you're saying. Always easier said than done. That's hard to do when you're trying to run the world, when you're trying to deal with a pandemic, when you're doing all of those things. But the reality is I think the American people see that. Because again, don't forget,
Starting point is 00:31:13 I get, he's a billionaire from New York City, but man, he was able to touch Middle America pretty well. He got what was ailing them. He fought to get rid of those things. He didn't, Nancy Pelosi's the one during this PPNE stuff and all the craziness of the, she's the one fighting to get salt deductions reduced for guys like you and me on the coasts, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:34 it costs me money. But like when he gets a payroll tax for actual workers, she's trying to fight him on that. Like I get the irony, I've sort of spoken about it a lot. The irony of sort of, you know, the brash billionaire from New York being the voice of the blue collar worker of America. But when you look at what's actually happened, when you look at the policies that he's implemented, when you look at who he's fought for, it's those people.
Starting point is 00:31:55 And again, that's not white America. That's everyone. That's everyone who wants to live their American dream. You combine that with the policies that we talked about that weren't conservative policies and prison reform and this. He is trying to be that guy for all Americans, not just doing, you know, the partisan hackery on both sides that we've grown so accustomed to. You know, because it's him and because, you know, he's definitely going to be different
Starting point is 00:32:18 and personality wise. That's fine, but I think when you look at the results, when you look at what's happened and you see where we are and where we'd be better off, I think it's a no-brainer, especially when you juxtapose that to the policies now of the other side. I really appreciate your candor and your openness. I think probably a lot of people listen to you and they think, well, there's probably a future for this man in this room. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:32:41 I'm going to be a compliment. I do a lot of public speaking. I've had a favorite speaker that I saw at the DNC. You wouldn't like them, but I have a favorite speaker that I saw there. And my favorite speaker the last two years at the RNC. And I'm not saying this because you're here as you. I just think you're an incredible communicator,
Starting point is 00:32:58 particularly this year. Your message about making dreams come true. If you want those things to happen happen they can happen in this country And as I said earlier, I want more people to believe that that's true in this country And so I just leave you with this is really not a political question. It's more than for my Audiences to be listening to me Everyone listening to my show is pursuing some kind of a dream in their life They want to make a dream dream relationship dream business. business. They wanna become a millionaire and see that.
Starting point is 00:33:25 What advice in general would you give to anybody out there right now that's got a dream in their heart? They're not left or right, black or white, rich or poor. They're just a human being who's got a dream in their life. What would your message be to them? Cause I thought what you said, the convention was articulate. Yeah, well thank you. No, it's, hey, you just gotta chase it.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Go after it. Don't take no for an answer. I mean, there are some of the, you know, the mentalities I learned from my father, but, you know, the reality is this, you know, despite what anyone wants to say about America, I don't think there's a country in the world where there's a more opportunity. You know, you saw those stories last week at the RNC, you know, just people that have lived that American dream. They could only happen here. You know, you have, you're so blessed to be able to live in this country to have those opportunities. But, you know, it doesn't just fall in your lap.
Starting point is 00:34:11 You know, it's not sort of equality of outcome. It's equality of opportunity. You have the sense. So, you know, if you have a dream, you know, chase it, figure out what it is that you want to do and go after it. Because life is way too short to be miserable in what you're doing. Thank you for today, Doc. Thank you, man. Thank you. is way too short to be miserable in what you're doing. Thank you for today, Doc. Thank you, man. Thank you. I had a really good to be with you guys.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I wish nothing but safety to you and your family and continued prosperity and success. Thank you for today, brother. Thank you very much, man. Appreciate it. Hey, guys. I hope you enjoyed today's program or at least it was informative for you. And, you know, next week I'm going to be bringing you the more liberal or progressive point of view with someone that you're going to be very familiar with. That's very prominent on that side of the equation. I want to remind you if you're watching this to follow me on Instagram and participate in the max out two minute drill every day that I run on social media on Instagram.
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