THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Ask! & Fulfill Your Destiny w/ Mark & Crystal Hansen

Episode Date: July 20, 2021

DO YOU WANT THE RIGHT ANSWERS IN LIFE? IT ALL STARTS WITH ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS. Are you ready for this ? MY GUEST HAS SOLD 500 MILLION BOOKS! Yep… 500,000,000 Mark is a legend and an icon In t...his interview he and his incredible wife Crystal are going to teach you how to ask the right questions and HOW to ASK for what you want! Best known as the co-author of the CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL book series, Mark is a highly sought-after keynote speaker who has helped untold numbers of people achieve massive success through his teachings and wisdom. As an author, he has written 59 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERS. Mark is a prolific audio and video producer who has also spoken to 6,000 audiences and continues to share his compelling knowledge and wisdom along with his soul-mate and wife, Crystal Dwyer Hansen, to gatherings throughout the world. It was an honor to share time with Mark and Crystal in this latest episode. We cover how simple but also how difficult it is for people to ASK FOR HELP in their lives. Mark and Crystal explore this topic in great detail in their latest book, “Ask!: The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny,” which I read in two days and HIGHLY RECOMMEND. Our talk also touches upon the power of asking GOD for help and asking your SUBCONSCIOUS to help you solve whatever challenges you're facing. These are the types of things that EVERY ONE OF YOU can do to improve your life. Mark and Crystal also get into the ROADBLOCKS that keep us from asking questions that can help us lead RICHER lives. UNDERSTAND THIS! We all have the ability to ask questions. As Mark and Crystal reveal, it’s the QUALITY of the questions we ask ourselves and how they relate to our feelings and emotions that determine the types of answers we get.   👉 SUBSCRIBE TO ED'S YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW 👈  → → → CONNECT WITH ED MYLETT ON SOCIAL MEDIA: ← ← ← ▶︎ INSTAGRAM ▶︎ FACEBOOK  ▶︎ LINKEDIN ▶︎ TWITTER ▶︎ WEBSITE  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Edmila show. All right, guess what I'm wearing right now? Tommy John Underwear, and I don't share that with everybody just my friends. And so it's the best underwear of all time. And I don't just say that like they sent me my first pair about eight months ago. And now from their undershirts to everything, it's what I wear all the time, especially with being hot outside right now for the summer. Get yourself some cool cotton fabric. Two to three times cooler underwear shirts. The whole deal from Tommy John, if you try him, you're never going to go back.
Starting point is 00:00:46 They don't have any customers, man. They have fanatics and I have become one of them. Hundreds of thousands of them, by the way. 13 years of them. Tens of thousands of five star reviews. It's the most comfortable underwear ever in the history of planet earth. And I'm just going to tell you, especially when it's hot out right now. I love wearing this because it keeps me cool. So 15 million pairs sold, by the way. So enough set on that. Go get some. right now, get 20% off your first order at Tommy slash my let Tommy slash my let for 20% off. That's M Y L E T T last time, Tommy slash my let see the site for details. Now let's get into this epic show. All right, welcome back to the program, everybody.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Well, I have somebody here who's trying to sell a book. He's not sold any in his life. Only over 500 million book sold. The most prolific author, really in the history of this space or probably any other space, 59 prior to this book, listen to this guy, 59 New York Times bestsellers. That doesn't even sound real.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Like, you're talking about the goat of personal development, author, speaker, incredible. And then as I've got to know Crystal a little bit, she's a life coach. She's incredible. And this book they wrote together, and I read this book in two days. And it's one of those books.
Starting point is 00:02:04 I've said this before where some books, you know, you highlight important points and you move on. The hard part with this book was there's very few spots that aren't highlighted. So it's like a bunch of yellow in this book because there's so many great points and the book is called Ask the Bridge from your dream to your destiny. And so Mark Victor Hansen and his beautiful wife, Crystal, join me today. Welcome you guys to the show. We are excited to be with you. And for those of you only listening, you've got to see how strong this guy is.
Starting point is 00:02:32 And sometimes you've got to watch him on video, because I really appreciate people that have metal, M-E-T-T-L-E, the spirit within show and without. And that's what our book asks is about. We've literally traveled, talked to 7 million people, been in 80 countries, and we discovered the difference
Starting point is 00:02:47 to somebody who's achieved the little, and somebody who's vastly successful is one thing only. God gave only human beings two abilities. The ability to ask, and the ability to imagine, and you can't imagine unless you ask. So the path to a real fulfill light is asking, and the big guy said, asking, you should receive, but until we got it together, nobody detailed it.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Now we detailed it to ask yourself, ask others and ask God just three simple stuff that I'll give you the fulfill life to get you to the destiny of your hearts to desire. My gosh. So you've heard Mark's done a little public speaking in his life, guys. And he's a hero of mine. One of the great things about this show is I get to meet
Starting point is 00:03:27 many of my heroes. And in this case, it's just odd that we have not met before. I should have asked, frankly, to have met you prior. And when I saw the title of the book, it showed up my daughter read it first. Just so you know, this book showed up in my house. It disappeared, guys. And then about three days later, I said, there's this book that's supposed to arrive. You know, this icon is coming on my show. I need to read this book. And my daughter says, I just finished a daddy. It's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:03:51 And she basically gave me a gigantic report on the book prior to reading it. And so all ages, by the way, everybody. And so Crystal Mark went through right there, sort of the three asks, I'm curious because I've found in my life, I've had a lot of mentors, a lot of help, a lot of support, and I asked for it. Why do we're going through some of the reasons today? But someone listening to this like, yeah, I'd like to ask, but, they're the hesitant to ask for anything in their life. What are some of the reasons why people
Starting point is 00:04:20 have such a big hesitation for just asking in their life? They'll tell you something, but they won't ask you. people have such a big hesitation for just asking in their life. They'll tell you something, but they want to ask you. Right. No, it's such a good question. And, you know, all of us, it's funny. We come into this world as these beautiful little perfect, uncorrupted askers as children, right? We're wildly curious. First of all, we want to know everything. We want to know who, what, where, why, how? And we also are afraid to ask for more and pretty much ask for anything we want. And then depending on how we were parented, you know, what happened in our school years, what happened in our job experience, you know, you're hurt, you're, you're here, you know, quit asking so many questions. I'm tired of hearing from you. We're, do not ask unless you're called on or you're, your opinions just not valued at your work. It, you know, whatever it is,
Starting point is 00:05:01 this, this beautiful natural ability starts to get crushed out of us and suddenly we find ourselves standing there as we'll go in adults, literally terrified to ask anyone anything and and sort of ashamed to like not already have all the answers. And it's so sad to be in that state because there's no way any of us are all are going to have all the answers in this lifetime. in that state because there's no way any of us are going to have all the answers in this lifetime. We need to ask to fulfill our destiny. We need to be able to ask ourselves, ask others, and ask God and not be ashamed or afraid to take what we call that asking journey. I'm going to ask you a weird question about that. So I struggle with this too. In the book, you call it sort of like conditioning from our childhood that it happens. In fact, that's exactly what you call it in the book. And that sort of happens
Starting point is 00:05:48 over and over. And my audience knows that my childhood was beautiful, wonderful, loving family, but I did have an alcoholic dad who ended up getting sober for many years, became my best friend. But I was conditioned sort of not to ask a lot as a kid. Now here I am, I'm 50 years old, you know, I've had some reasonable success in my life, I guess. And that's that guy still shows up for me in strange places. Crystal, I mean, I'll tell you that I'm willing to ask for help in business, but this is no exaggeration. That guy is so close to sound odd, but I'm so afraid sometimes still of asking if I'm not intentional about it.
Starting point is 00:06:19 That when we go to a restaurant and we have a reservation, I'm not kidding you. I will tell my wife, go ask them if our table's ready. She's like, babe, you're in front, I go, no, you ask them. It's the strangest, I mean, is that odd? I say that to comfort the audience that all of us can struggle with this from time to time, including me on small things like that. So this isn't in the book, but I wanted to ask you,
Starting point is 00:06:42 do you think you should practice asking small things like that to build the muscle almost of comfort asking for bigger things? Absolutely, because this exists inside of all of us, usually at a subconscious level, until we address it, until we face it, until we read a book like Ask and realize, what are these roadblocks? Mark and I call them the seven roadblocks to asking and that first one is just what you said. It's
Starting point is 00:07:07 unworthiness. It's that subtle childhood conditioning that often we don't even know is there. That just kind of is telling us at a very subtle subconscious level that we're not enough. We're not good enough. We're a little bit of ashamed, you know, and it doesn't make any sense. It's not logical because the subconscious mind when we build these programs, they're based on all these emotional experiences and they don't make sense. The subconscious mind doesn't filter out information. It just stores it. And so we all have this stuff stored inside of us that is causing us to hold back, to not
Starting point is 00:07:39 ask, to not wonder, to not ponder, to not step up and ask for those things that we want, those things that we're curious about. Even if it's something as simple as, when is my table going to be ready, right? But we all do that. We're afraid to ask for a better table or a better seat on the airplane. So we just, we suffer. And there's no reason to suffer in this life. We all need to learn to ask and to get over these seven roadblocks and we can get into any one of them or deeply add. But what Mark and I found is that each one of us carries at least one if not more of these roadblocks and sometimes we're dealing with all of them all at once in our lives. Mark, how do you ask? I thought I'd like you to talk about faith in God in the book, it's important to me. And this concept of asking God, how do you do
Starting point is 00:08:27 that? What is that? How does it work? I pray every night, but asking God, what do you mean when you say that? And how does one do that? Okay, so two parts, first I'll do the practical. When Jack and I needed the title for chicken soup, we knew we had a killer book, because audiences said that's got to be in a book. And we didn't have the right title. So we respectively, this before cell phones went to our houses and 400 times said, megabassite telling megabassite telling megabassite telling megabassite telling. Jack calls me at 258 in the morning and says, chicken soup. I said, for this whole, I got goosebumps.
Starting point is 00:08:57 He got goosebumps for us. And that was corroboration of truth. We knew that work. Now 144 publishers kicked us out and said, hit the road jack and they didn't, I said, look, it's okay if you don't like Dr. Campio. But I don't really know, I just got there. I'm joking, Jack, you want a great friend, of course.
Starting point is 00:09:14 But then what we're teaching about asking is, because what Chris will say is, these seven roadblocks are so cluttered in our mind, unless you go to sleep, and the most important time to do some conscious ever sleep. So to get deep in your innermost, higher moths, God center mind what you're going is God what you're destiny from me. God what you're destiny from me. God what you're destiny for me. 400 times push back sleep. Tell you sweetiekins before I go to sleep. I'm going to wake up and if
Starting point is 00:09:40 Martin Chrysler told the truth, I'm going to wake up and I'm going to have the answer and I'm going to have to write it down and I got to have paper and pen next to the bed and if Martin Chrysler told the truth, I'm going to wake up and I'm going to have the answer and I'm going to have to write it down. And I got to have paper and pen next to the bed and turn on the lights and write it up because you will not remember. You got to do it immediately when you wake up in the middle of the damn night and you've had that. I mean, you didn't get where you are without waking up in middle of the night with answers. And when you ask questions, you get answered solution, elimination, revelation and dual awareness. Has that been your experience? to get answer solution, elimination, revelation, and new awareness. Has that been your experience?
Starting point is 00:10:05 One million percent, if I could just add to that. So by the way, I should say this, a couple of those half million books were chicken soup for the soul books, by the way, everybody, but several million out of the way. But so I must second what you've just said, and then I'll let you jump back in. So now I've had two of the icons that I respect the most say the same thing to me. So I want to stamp this point with everybody. You'll get a kick out of this too, guys.
Starting point is 00:10:26 I won my first incentive trip for a business I was in to go to Hawaii. Running on the beach early in the morning, you get rewarded for getting up before the sun sometimes, right? There's this man, bald man, Harry, I eventually weren't runs by me. It's kind of a hairy back runs right by me in Maui. You probably know where I'm going with this. Yeah, I know who it is.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Further, I got a Sony Walkman on, and it's Wayne Dyer. Yeah. And I stop and I say, Dr. Dyer, I get any chills right now. I said, Dr. Dyer, I just wanted to thank you. You've changed my life. And he stops and he goes, how did I do that? And I said, well, I'd love to tell you. And he walks back.
Starting point is 00:11:00 And guys, I got to sit on the beach for about an hour with Wayne Dyer and watch the sun come up. We went through a bunch of different things. He was writing the power of intention at that time anyway. Long story short, the main takeaway I had was he said, when the morning, when the evening wind wakes you up, don't go back to sleep, get up and write. He goes, the key to my life has been that when I do wake up after I've asked these things, I know I'm not going to remember the morning.
Starting point is 00:11:23 I just begin to write and I've had that practice really since that time for the last 20 years of my life, exactly what you just said. So that's two now that have said it to me. It's amazing. Wayne and I are friends since back when he was a university professor at St. John's. And I used to carry in his book form and sell those books in the back. And he and I spend a lot of happy arts. And we spend a lot of time with him and Maui because we've been friends for until he passed away a year ago
Starting point is 00:11:46 or so. And the point is that Wayne became prolific because of that. And he kept, if you'll forgive me, and I've never, I don't have any right to say this, but I'm going to tell you what you just said is accurate. Wayne lived in the question, Socrates lived in the question, I got goosebumps telling you that.
Starting point is 00:12:02 So for me, it's corroborating and truth. If somebody listening out there and getting goosebumps and fun, marks out the lunch I got goosebumps telling you that. So for me, it's corroborating and true. If somebody listening out there and getting goosebumps and fun marks out the lunch, I'm okay with that. For me and for you, it's true. You got goosebumps. And we knew the Wayne story because every time we went to Maui, we'd be sitting at a restaurant, he'd be over there.
Starting point is 00:12:19 And I'd say, pay for that guy's dinner and later, when you paint for his, he's rich. I said, so my, the paper is there. And he had all the shit for that. That dinner and he's rich. I said, so my pay for his name. I don't want to do it. That's it. Beautiful. Wait, what the hell are you doing praying for? I said, because every time you come over
Starting point is 00:12:32 and talk to everybody, I bring here. It's beautiful. I think it's so beautiful that he had such a role in both of our lives. I had no idea that that was the case. And you're exactly right. He lived in the ass. It's so true.
Starting point is 00:12:44 I think also, curiosity know, curiosity is something that we lose often when, or we get further away from our childhood. When we're kids, we're willing to ask more questions because we're curious. I think as adults, we almost become punished for our curiosity sometimes. And I'm curious about asking for what you want.
Starting point is 00:12:59 I said there's seven roadblocks. I want everyone to read the book. So we're not going to go through all seven certainly. But we've talked a little bit about the childhood conditioning piece of it. That's certainly my jam, for sure. That's the one that keeps showing up for me. But what would one more be that somebody should be evaluating?
Starting point is 00:13:14 And we'll keep the other five for people to go get the book. But what is another one of these roadblocks? Well, let's just talk about what you were just talking about that childhood curiosity. But the next one is Niavite. And we don't know what we don't know. We tell the story in the book at about this lovely Filipino woman who came to work when our children were little.
Starting point is 00:13:34 The kids are 16 months apart. And she make all these amazing dishes from her homeland. And one day she shows up and cuts this fruit on a plate. And she goes, her try this. And I bid into this juicy orange fruit when I go, no, no, what is this? This is the most amazing food I've ever tasted. And she goes, it's a mango.
Starting point is 00:13:49 And I go, mango, how am I never tasted a mango? That's bizarre. I've traveled all over Europe. How did I miss the mangoes? But I realized I'm a girl from Idaho, grew up with a lot of potatoes, but no mangoes. And it made me start to think. I really planted that.
Starting point is 00:14:04 What else am I missing in my life besides the greatest fruit in the world, just because I don't even know it's available to me. I go, Melda, where'd you get these? Did you import them from the Philippines? She goes, no, they're at the grocery store. And I thought, I'm walking by this every day. What else am I walking past?
Starting point is 00:14:19 What person am I walking past? Not even, no, it's not even curious, because I just don't know. I'm naive, right? I might be walking past the greatest advocate I've ever had the best friend I might have. Or some opportunity, I'm not aware of because of that night of the day. And I think we're all naive in some way. And that is one of our roadblocks to asking. We need to look around more.
Starting point is 00:14:41 We need to rekindle that childlike curiosity and wonder, wonder about that person you're walking that's wonder about that company, that opportunity, that theme that you haven't even stopped inquire about. That's part of the magic of life, where life starts to unfold for you when you start to go back into that wonder. And I think if you read the Fable of Michaela,
Starting point is 00:15:04 like the book starts right? Unbelievable. So that's one of the places that Michaela she starts to wonder because she's so shut down in her life and I won't get too deep into it unless you want to talk about it. Well, I want them to read the book, but it's to me it's that that's the brilliance of the book. It's the beginning. We should talk about it a little bit.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Share a little bit of that story, but I want them to get it to me, it's that that's the brilliance of the book. It's the beginning. It's we should talk about it a little bit. Share a little bit of that story, but I want them to get it to me. There's a brilliance of the way this book is written. Everybody that's so enjoyable to read because you do get this sort of story in the beginning, then it's weave together with the points. And when you're reading it, I love reading something and I say, that's true. That's true. That's me. I know that. And it's just there's these validations of things when you read the book. So let's talk a little bit about it. Go you go into that a little bit as far as
Starting point is 00:15:48 you want to go because I do want them to get the book too, right? So yeah, no, no, and it's good. I mean, so the fabled me, Hey, Mark and I wanted to use the fabled because we love story stories are so relatable and our brain things in pattern. So when we can share a story that's relatable, we learn so quickly human beings can learn so quickly from stories. So when we can share a story that's relatable, we learn so quickly. Human beings can learn so quickly from stories. So we started, I took a lot of times and passed the writing back and forth and I started writing this. And honestly, it was like it had a life of its own. And I just took up, I had so much joy writing this. I feel like I was downloading it. The whole story, all the characters came and I'm unfortunate not in my life to have these amazing dreams that have guided me very spiritual dreams
Starting point is 00:16:26 So I kind of modified my own dreams a little bit and Michaela has these dreams, right? Completely different story of course, but just to to let the the listeners know should Michaela starts off She's lost everything in her life. Basically. She's lost her mother her father her home has been taken away by the build collector She's sleeping in a ground with trees and her job every day as an indentured servant on a stone quarry is to lift heavy rocks from one place to another. And I think that's how a lot of people feel in this life right now is that their entire life is just feels like moving heavy rocks from one place to another and they've lost hope. and that's where
Starting point is 00:17:06 Michaela was. So this story is really every woman in every man's story. But Michaela, you know, falls into an exhausted sleep and the being comes to her and he takes her on this insuriny. And I'm not going to tell everything, but the gist of it is he tells her, he shows her some really beautiful things. I mean, it monishes her to asking and never stop asking. And that's the key. And so when she wakes up, she knows already something has shifted because that's what happens to each of us. When we have those moments, those spiritual little epiphanies, we can shift everything
Starting point is 00:17:43 in a moment, absolutely everything, just with a little awareness. And so that's what happens. So she starts, little by little, Michaela's life starts shifting. She starts paying attention to the words, the dreams, and by the end of Michaela's story, she is a completely different person than she was when she started.
Starting point is 00:18:01 And that is what can happen to every single person listening. We all have that in as we all have the essence of God inside of us. We all have every possibility and potential inside of us. And so that story flowed up out of me from somewhere to to really remind people, I think, what is inside of each one of them and each one of you who's listening and to really start to ask the questions that will reveal your next step to you. Yeah, I got to tell you that the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,
Starting point is 00:18:34 the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the of things, but I think when something's great, it can mean different things that different people based on their life stage. And so for me, it's interesting, my takeaway was, I can tell when you were writing it, wasn't necessarily for this purpose, but for me, it was. And that was that my life started to change when I realized that the quality of the questions I was asking myself was directly correlated to the quality of my emotions and my life. And that I was also conditioned as a child to ask a certain sort of questions and take
Starting point is 00:19:11 certain sorts of meanings away from events in my life. And those questions were on repeat. So everyone listening to this or watching it, you're already asking some questions. But to take and be aware, as you just said, Crystal, to take an inventory and start to ask a different question. Literally, changes your life and then as you're one new relationship, one new question, one new breakthrough, potentially one new emotion away from a totally different life. But if you run the same pattern of questions, you're asking yourself all the time, you're
Starting point is 00:19:39 going to take the same meetings, you have the same emotions and have the same life. It's just a pattern. So Mark, could you speak to that? Because you talked a little bit about conditioning in the brain. We can go that direction or not, but what about just being in tension about the caliber and quality of the questions you're asking yourself, not just other people? First of all, I love the way this seminar or Zoom call is going, but it feels like a seminar. It's that one you're doing a good one.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Just come on my mind. one of the seven roadblocks is patterned paralysis. And my teacher's teacher and graduate school, my teacher's Dr. Arbok Benster Fuller, did us a dozen, those thousands of inventions, 15 doctors and Albert, but his teacher with Albert Einstein, Albert said, look, if you keep doing the same thing
Starting point is 00:20:20 and expect something new in German, it's your Kuko, meaning you're crazy. Well, that's exactly what you just said. So what you've done with the question only, God gave us this ability to question everything, it changes your path, it changes your life force. And what you said, I'm gonna morph it just a little bit because some people out there
Starting point is 00:20:39 hanging out by their fingernails because of the COVID confinement cocoon. And say, the kind of question you asked in terms of where your prosperity, your wealth, your riches is going to be. When I, 1974, when I tried to be bucket fuller, and I can't be a good bucket, I can be a good market, I can't be a good bucket.
Starting point is 00:20:54 So I boom bankrupt. I check a book at a library, how to go bankrupt by yourself, because I asked, what do I go bankrupt? Some conscious doesn't get a dang, what asked you, what question you asked, but it magnifies it back to your standard quantity of the question followed the question But now I said well, how do I get rich? How do I get successful? How do I get prosperous?
Starting point is 00:21:12 How do I get person of influence? Cassalam is most important line and he was a really important guy But some study to be an influencer of influencers, which is what your shows all about it and your influence is growing Which is what it's meant to it. You're meant to multiply. You're meant to expand. I mean, you've taken a 98-pound weakling and turned them into a superstar's talking guy,
Starting point is 00:21:32 but that's what you've done with your mind and your soul and your being. I hope you don't mind my teasing. I think it's important, guys. When I'm listening to the show back, like in my mind, because it does feel like a seminar to me, like kind of a masterclass, the more I'm thinking about it, the more I want to stamp this, I want you to get the book. I don't say this on the show very often, guys, just
Starting point is 00:21:53 why you know, I have authors on, I don't normally say it this firmly, because I'm so convinced that we're even oftentimes oblivious to the questions. Like, for example, what question am I asking myself that causes me the fear to walk up to the hostess at the restaurant? Somewhere in there, there's this question of what is she going to think about me, right? Is she going to, is that bizarre? Like, I'm paying for a meal. She might even know who I am when I walk up there, you know, it's, but yet I still have these questions. And if you're evaluating, I've been through everything. I've listened to every show. I'm still not making a move in my life. It's probably the questions. It's the lack of questions you're willing to ask other people.
Starting point is 00:22:33 And it's the questions that don't serve you that you're asking yourself, everybody. So I really want to stamp this because even in my own mind, this is a unique yet profound truth perspective about how to change the direction of your life. It's not something most people are talking about right now. And I think the timing is perfect for all of you coming out of what we've just come out of.
Starting point is 00:22:52 For example, what are the questions you need to be asking yourself? And that's what I want to go to next. So I'm going to throw it out there. If I'm trying to pivot. So I'm at a point I'm listening to the show for whatever reason. I'm just not where I want to be physically, spiritually. Maybe I'm not in the relationship that I want. I'm working for somebody, but I want to be an entrepreneur. Where do I begin on these questions? What would you recommend at my starting point,
Starting point is 00:23:15 being in terms of asking questions? Right. It's such a great question. And everybody wants to know, like, what question do I ask? We've given a ton of questions in the book, holding up the mirror questions, self-intervention questions. So it's all about the question. You can reveal so much about yourself. You can reveal everything about yourself and your life. Crystal, you put it in your up to, can you give them, I just want you to keep going, could you give them the holding up the mirror question? Just because to me, that's one of them that stood out for me, just, just that one, please. Okay, so when you're having this emotional feeling, like you were just about anything, say you're in a relationship, you know, and you think, Oh gosh, he's doing this to me because, you
Starting point is 00:23:52 know, he doesn't love me enough or blah, blah, blah, all these things. Start to look, hold up the mirror. What, what am I feeling right now, you know, in this moment? Is the information that, you know, I feel like he hates me. Well, is that information true? Right. Right. So you're questioning, you're basically looking at every single thing you're feeling and
Starting point is 00:24:13 experiencing and holding up in the mirror, holding up the mirror and saying, what is it about this that is causing me to feel this way? Does it have any truth? Yeah. Am I responding in a way that is just programming from my old experiences? What are those experiences that seem similar to this that I'm probably tagging on to this experience right now? I promise you, every single problem that couples have is usually that baggage from the past that we never get into, right? And so I love to tell people,
Starting point is 00:24:46 so the ask yourself part, Ed, is that reflective journey, okay? And there are really three critical phases of that. The first critical phase is where am I right now? Like whatever it is, whether you're dealing with your relationships, your career, even your health and fitness, it's that moment of truth. Where am I right now? Because you can't figure out where to go until you really start to question yourself and you start to understand where you are right now, really and truly. How are you feeling? Are you happy with this thing you're doing?
Starting point is 00:25:17 Does it feel right? Does this, this career that you're doing feel like it's in alignment with you or this relationship, whatever it is? When you start to ask where am I right now with this? A whole bunch of questions will open up to you, you know, sub-questions. The second sort of critical phase is, where do I want to be? And it's striking to me as a transformational life coach, how few people spend time with themselves asking these questions.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Where do I really want to be? Like, what do I really want? And in my life? What do I really want? And we're afraid to ask the question big enough. So Mark and I always say, ask the question from the greatest place in your imagination. From the eighth degree of your greatest imagination, just don't ask how to get through the next day, but ask, where do I really want to be
Starting point is 00:26:01 in my ultimate state of life, say in my career? And then imagine your my career, and then imagine your greatest career, and then start asking the questions backwards in this greatest career of my imagination. Who am I talking to every day? What am I? How am I serving? What products?
Starting point is 00:26:17 What services? How are people responding to what I'm bringing? What does that feel like? Who are my top clients? And in that way, you can literally start to engineer your perfect life backwards, but you have to take the time in the questions, in the asking of those questions. And then the third critical phase of that is, you know, what specific action steps do I need to take to move that forward? Because so often, you know, and we say, get your asking journal write down everything, because you will get illuminations, you'll get solutions,
Starting point is 00:26:47 you'll get ideas, plans will start to form, you need to write them down and keep asking your way forward, you need to pick up the phone and call that person that came to mind, right? Because this is all feedback from the universe, from God's perfectly divine universe. It's funny because we looked at a lot of studies when we were doing this book, Ed.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And when you ask yourself a question, a different part of your brain lights up and it's a part of your brain that does critical thinking. So suddenly you're asking yourself a question and your own brain becomes a better resource to you. But so few people get stuck in the problem and never ask their way out of it. They just see the problem and regurgitate it and regurgitate it.
Starting point is 00:27:30 You're so right. I just, I'm sitting there thinking of all the applications for this wisdom that's in the book and that you guys teach. I'm thinking about it not even as an individual. If I were leading a company right now and we're in a rut, we're not moving. You said from a big place, perhaps your job as a leader in that company is to ask a bigger and better question to your leadership. What's the different question you need to be asking them? You want to change the direction of your company.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Maybe you need to ask a different question of the leadership in your company, a bigger, bolder question because they've been in this pattern of the old one. Or maybe if you want to change your family dynamic, there's a question your family is asking, you're just not conscious of it. So what's the bigger question that transforms your family into a magnitude, if you're leading a church, what's the bigger question? I'm going to ask you guys a question that I don't think you've been asked. And, and I'm curious about, I'll share mine first, but I was thinking as I was
Starting point is 00:28:22 prepping even more this morning, I was really excited about today and I was thinking I really was and this is confirmation of it. So for me, I did a lot of work on this many years ago. These questions I even asked me and I wanted to find out what is something that's always being asked in my little mind or my big mind that I should be aware of that doesn't serve me. And I uncovered that I asked myself off than as a young person, as an adult, even as when I became a relatively whatever you want
Starting point is 00:28:49 to call successful or wealthy person, I had this question, well, almost like, what do I need to worry about right now? What do I need to worry about? And I would constantly find things to worry about. I used to have this saying right ago, I functioned very well in chaos, because I grew up in it.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Then I realized I keep creating chaos so in chaos because I grew up in it. Then I realized I keep creating chaos so that I think I function well in it. And so I create this chaos by constantly asking a dominant question of what should I be worried about right now? Because as a little boy, I worry it is dad coming home tonight. If he didn't come home, or if he did come home,
Starting point is 00:29:20 which dad's walking through the front door? Do I need to worry it's drunk dad who's sort of, you know, stay away from him or is it happy dad? And this question, this conditioning you talked about earlier is a dominant question in my life. And when I started to take control of that, my life changed. I'm curious from each of you, is there a question that you evaluated for yourselves that you used to ask yourself, maybe they didn't serve you, that you replaced with a more intentional, bigger, better question. Oh, boy, I know exactly the answer to that
Starting point is 00:29:47 because I've caught myself, you know, when you start to go through this process. So I think my question, Ed, was always like, who do I need to fix today? Who do I need to fix? And I spent so much of my younger life because I started having epiphanies and breakthroughs. I had so much awareness about how one could just completely transform your life if you had the awareness of what's
Starting point is 00:30:12 possible. But then I would see like addictions in my family, my father struggled with addiction. It wasn't as blatant as that. It was more of a hidden thing, but it still surfaces in different ways. And I love my dad. He was absolutely brilliant. But so often I was looking around to see who can I fix, how can I fix them? And then finally I had to accept that I can't fix anyone, that they're in less and until they come to me and ask for my help, and truly, truly want help in some way. But it's more about my question now
Starting point is 00:30:46 is how can I hold the space of love for them to discover and thrive, right? For them to grow, discover and thrive. How can I hold that space? Oh, I love that. Right? I love that. I love, love, love, love that.
Starting point is 00:30:59 I may steal that question from you, by the way. Yeah. It's an important one when you're a fixer. And I think when you grow up with some dysfunction,, you know, and you're the one whose, whose, whose sees it clearly you, you tend to be the fixer, right? You're so right. I know that's involved in our conversation today. When we're done, you should go check my Instagram story because just about two hours ago, I posted saying, listen, you really can't help fix somebody in their life. They have to come to their own conclusion because I have a little bit of that myself.
Starting point is 00:31:28 And so my goodness, what a beautiful restatement and a much more powerful question. Mark, what about you? I'm curious. This is like a whole eight hour seminar, but I'm going to do it at the end of our book. We got all the biggest questions ever. And the biggest question that is asked by the guy starts singularity is an Harvard PhD MIT Next door is asked
Starting point is 00:31:52 What is a Peter G. Demandis and Peter says and he's a friend, but what are you gonna do to positively affect one billion people in the next decade? Yes, most of the people listening are gonna be alive for 10 years Hey, Hey, what are you talking about? I'm going to do some good, you know, I'm going to affect the food. I'm going to eat the university and write Asela in New York. So I love the New York accident. I can't do that. I like still love New York. You know, it's a little issues like this minute. But the point in the matter is all of us can affect a billion people positively or we're going to affect them negatively or if you do nothing, that's probably going
Starting point is 00:32:28 to be a negative effect. So why not choose questions that are going to be uplifting and I'm going to finish selling a billion books during this decade. Wow. No one else ever done it. And by the way, I got plenty of people that say I can't just just as a we're on the biggest show with Amazon bestseller list the other day and the more devero says, you are the Roger Bannister books. And I go, wow, that's cool. Bannister in 19, 50 years of medical doctor ran a four-minute mile. What happened in the next week? I said, Mark, Mark, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:55 I said, 119 people did it. What happened? We were physiologically no different, right? But mentally, we broke into belief system. And what is happening now is we're breaking belief systems, shows like yours are waking up people's minds. They're saying, wait a second, maybe I didn't learn how to ask or I just asked for fun three questions. And what you're asking is how do I ask questions? They're going to be super natural. How do I ask questions that are you give me to what our book says to your destiny? Because crystal, my belief at a
Starting point is 00:33:23 soul level, everybody is coded a birth at DNA and RNA with a destiny. No, you don't understand. I'm an engineer. I'm a garbage man. No, no, I'm a me. I'm a housekeeper. All those are what you do, but not who you're becoming. Are you saying that you believe someone's born with a possibility? Is that what you're calling that destiny? This is what's possible for them. Is that what you mean when you say destiny? I'm gonna do two things. First of all, the answer is yes,
Starting point is 00:33:48 but everybody's born with infinite possibility because if your genesis 1-8 says you're made the image of lightness of God, so if you're made in God's stuff, you got three scenes. You got to create, right? Because a big guy created, so you're not as those great. Number two, you're here to contribute. You're not here to take the government goal
Starting point is 00:34:03 on a real 300-prise or number three is you're here to be charitable. You're here to make enough surplus, enough excess. And that's why we won the Horatio Agiro Award. It means I came from Rags, Diriches, and then excessively philanthropic. And this year we're gonna help 25,000 kids, not us personally, but our association, the Horatio Agiro Association,
Starting point is 00:34:20 get to college that are at risk kids that didn't have a chance that have horrific stories and their breakthrough kids. And what we need to do is every one of us, if we fulfill that destiny, whatever it is. And I mean, we're friends with guys like the top two orchestrators in the world, Quincy Jones, and Ken Flausser, and both guys at 13 got kicked out of school and both guys had great music ability to orchestrate now there's no test in school IQ or EQ that test that what happens is what we're saying is you need an MQ motivation portion the only way to get your ass in gear. I love that. I love that. So they're born with infinite possibilities. It's interesting to use the gosh guys. So good.
Starting point is 00:35:12 You use the word creator. And I want to emphasize that for everybody. So I just had a dear friend of mine on a pastor's name's Erwin McManus. And it was interesting to hear a pastor talk about that too. And he basically said that we're all born to be creators, exactly verbatim. Use the same word you just used, Mark. And I think for those of you that are sitting there listening to this and you're saying,
Starting point is 00:35:33 hey, I am a garbage man. I'm a school teacher. What is creating about that? You're a creator. You can create by asking different questions. Do you know that a new question you guys create say completely different space that didn't exist before you asked it?
Starting point is 00:35:48 Just the question creates a brand new space that you can step into. I think crystal people sometimes are afraid to ask this question because they feel ill prepared for the step after that. And I think one of the blessings from, but you and I know now that we're a little further down the road and our faith tells us Is that what we will need what is required will be provided once we get into that space
Starting point is 00:36:11 But do you agree with that that there's this hesitation if I ask this and then crystal decides she will mentor me or coach me Oh, now I've got and that fear alone causes us not don't ask the question because we feel it'll prepared Right people are afraid sometimes of a bigger future because we don't truly understand who we are, that we are really me. And it's funny, even Christians, they read their Bible, but they don't believe the words on the page. When you look at even the words of Jesus Christ,
Starting point is 00:36:41 the things I'm done, you can do, but greater than these. I mean, everybody blows past that. What did he just say? That we can do things that are greater than Christ. Like, no one registers that because they're too afraid. They're like, oh, that's not what that meant. That's certainly not what that meant, right? But he talked about the oneness between him and the father
Starting point is 00:37:01 and the oneness between us and our father. You know, so it's like, there is this oneness of God. I mean, it makes sense, doesn't it? And you know, when you look, we're created, the creator's image, we are God's stuff, right? We don't see ourselves as that. And if we could just start asking these questions, so we ponder them and look at ourselves differently
Starting point is 00:37:21 to see ourselves who we really are, we do have unlimited potential. And so we just have to get all of our fears out of the way and our uncertainty so that we can step into that potential because it's such a beautiful thing. We all do have this ultimate destiny that I think we're all moving toward at any given time. But if we don't ask those questions, we can fall short of that destiny for sure. I mean, we have a lot of little, you know, we'll end up somewhere on the road, but it won't be, you know, our ultimate destiny.
Starting point is 00:37:53 And Mark, and I also believe that once you feel like you reach a destiny, people look at him, you know, look, Mark, or look at what we've done. Aren't you guys finished? Like, why don't you just go play more golf or something like that? We don't have to work because we know we're not done. There's there's more that calls us every day. We know that we need to keep contributing, keep sharing, keep growing, keep creating. There's so much more that we're creating.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Yeah, to your point and Mark, second point too, is to contribute. And that's a never ending thing. I tell people all the time, that's, you know, I'm sure people ask you this too, is I don't like when someone gets very well thing. Go, Hey, getting rich won't make you happy. Well, that's a lie. I mean, I got I was I'm much happy. I was happy. Poor and happy rich. I'm much happier rich. And he do. I bought a nice I got a I bought a nice watch a while ago. It made me happy for a while. But what it so for someone to tell you doesn't make you happy. I can't stand what that happens. Here's what it doesn't do. Doesn't fulfill you. What fulfills you is contributing.
Starting point is 00:38:48 And there's a huge difference between happiness and fulfillment. And you said something earlier about dreams, I just want to, I want to get into for a minute too about, I just want everyone to just consider something as you're listening to these two amazing souls. What if you really were born to do something great with your life? If you don't believe it, what if if you don't believe it? Is there a little power in you asking yourself, what if I really was born to do something great with my life in big ways and in small ways? You don't think that when Mark was helping set up those books for Dr. Dyer back in the day, that that wasn't in some small way contributing to doing
Starting point is 00:39:22 something great. Now that step, that small step, little did he know would lead to a bigger step someday of chicken soup for the soul and hundreds of millions of books old, both are doing something great. And so maybe you'll start today with something small, what you think is small and insignificant in greatness that can lead to something bigger. But Crystal, you said earlier dreams, I think questions are correlated to dreams. Now, you said you have these very clear dreams. I happen to believe our dreams aren't hallucinations sometimes.
Starting point is 00:39:53 I think they're God giving us a glimpse into what is possible in our lives. Could you speak to that for a minute about how you feel about dreams and people being conscious of dreaming while they're awake, not just asleep? Right. No. There's no doubt our brain does these, you know, sort of processing, discharging dreams. That's one type of dream. Sure. But there are definitely these dreams and I've had many of them that are guiding you. And I think to the degree that you can trust God's perfect universe, the thing of it is when you go into a dream state, you're going into an altered brainwave state. So your conscious mind is no longer filtering, so that huge well of your subconscious is actually freely connecting with all of the information in God's beautiful universe.
Starting point is 00:40:36 And so when you start to seek through questions and wondering and inquiry, you will start to get those answers. And honestly, I've been just so blessed to like, I honestly feel like I've gone to different planes and seen different things. And it sounds crazy that I'm saying this right here. A lot of people would go, oh, that's, that's not, no one can do that. And I would probably think that too, how do I not all done that sort of thing? I think, you know, our consciousness can travel. You know, it's not necessarily anchored to our body. Our conscious awareness goes way beyond our body. If you think about it, when we die, we still are sitting there,
Starting point is 00:41:17 you know, as sort of a lump of meat with our brains, our brains still completely intact, but our brain isn't doing anything. So our brain is really just a mechanism but our brain isn't doing anything. So our brain is really just a mechanism to store information and process it, but the mind goes so far beyond the brain, right? And it goes out and connects to all that there is. So when you live in that state of wonder and inquiry and what are the answers and, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:43 what is my greatest expression, God God for which you made me? Will you show me that? Will you reveal that to me? You know things will start to open up to you when you expect and dissipate and wonder it's truly magical. Expect anticipate and wonder everybody because and by the way I know you're not crazy because I've experienced some of that myself and and candidly I want everyone to know that's been talked about on the show before but often off time some of that myself and candidly, I want everyone to know, that's been talked about on the show before, but often off time, some of these, I don't know, you want to call them achievers, people that are fulfilling the highest expression of themselves and really pursuing it
Starting point is 00:42:12 that have been on the show have shared that with me privately. And even in my own life, I'll tell you guys that for me, the power of asking great questions and dreaming while you're awake even, like what's possible in my life? And then having those things become real has been one of the all-time great confirmations
Starting point is 00:42:29 of my faith, of my faith, that I know that there's gotta be my father in heaven. By the way, I think you guys are this way too. I'm a devout Christian, I also believe in vibration and energy and plugging into something big. I believe in all of that. And I just believe my God created that whole quantum field, if you want to call it that.
Starting point is 00:42:50 But having settled about everybody, that's having settled all that, dreaming, asking a question, having a dream, having that happen will be one of the great confirmations. Not that you need it this way, but that there's something amazing at work in this life and that this life is incredible and that you are destined to do something special with your lives. And I want you to get that out of today because I didn't know we would go this direction
Starting point is 00:43:13 today yet. I feel incredibly blessed that we have. And so I promised you a certain time frame just so you know, I would go 14 hours with you guys today because I really believe that this has been the fastest 40 minutes or so, we've ever done on the show. But I, so first before we finish, I'm gonna ask one more question of each of you. I wanna thank you, number one,
Starting point is 00:43:32 because I love meeting people that I look up to and that I admire, and then they're even better than I thought. It's just so amazing. That's so sweet. We've all had that experience where someone will really look up to and you're like, oh man, you know, and so when they meet, but then when they exceed it, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:49 you can tell everybody, you guys all know me pretty well from watch the show. I'm, I'm, I'm getting you right now, you know, I'm, I'm so excited about to also want to make sure that you guys get the book. Go get asked. Go get this book. It's the, it's the bottom line by it, guys, it's the bridge from your dreams to your destiny. And there's so many things in here that I know can make your life better. And so that's why I recommended it. It's very simple. So we've asked this sort of round and around today, but I want to give you both just one space to create here.
Starting point is 00:44:15 And that is I just ran into each of you individually at a Starbucks. Let's just say and I go, oh my gosh, that's crystal. Oh my gosh, it's Mark. And you, I asked you for a minute. Could I have a minute? We've all been asked that before. And you, by the way, you'll find folks that are listening. Most people are good people and want to help you.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Most people want to help you. Not every single person, but most people want to help you if you'll just ask. You're going to find that to be true. And they asked you for any advice to move forward from the space they're at now that we didn't cover yet today. I'd like each of you to give us your sort of one minute version of what that answer might be and you're welcome to take a longer if you like. I'll just go first and say based in the fact that we've had the book
Starting point is 00:44:59 off for a little bit and it's literally been around the world on podcast. We love every one of them is it what Peter is telling us is that if they get the book and goes through the book with another person, it also has every question they transform themselves. Because we've all been in this lockdown, this shutdown is cocoon for now a year and a half. And in some places worse, like Australia keeps paying me to break them out of it because there's too much shutdown.
Starting point is 00:45:22 You can go from province to province or state to state. So we believe that. And then the second part to that is at once I got it and read it, we have created Ask the book It's free. We want to teach everyone to be a master answer because we believe our destiny is helping you and everyone listening to get to their destiny. And back to your question about the mirror, hold up the mirror. So if you're in a corn right now, you become an old tree because you learn to serve greatly with love and that you learn
Starting point is 00:45:51 that you back to Wayne Dyer's line, you're in no limit, fully functioning, self-actualizing person. And we're gonna say, you know, you're gonna manifest your highest best, most magnificent wonder of self. Beautiful. Beautiful.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Crystal. I would just say to them that while it appears that, you know, life is just coming at you and just happening to you from some source outside of you, that is not the truth. You know, the life you're experiencing is coming from the inside out. It's always created from the inside out. So spend that time with yourself in a very quiet place and start asking yourself the questions, start listening, start connecting with God, and start understanding that beautiful power you have inside of you to literally create your best self, you as the masterpiece, your life as a masterpiece. You can do it.
Starting point is 00:46:43 you as the masterpiece, your life as a masterpiece, you can do it. Oh my gosh. I don't want this to be over, but I know it has to be. And so guys, I just, I wanna thank both of you for a magnificent experience today, for me. And I'm grateful that my audience got a chance to listen and if you're in the max out universe out there, you have to share this.
Starting point is 00:47:01 You love somebody, you care about somebody, you need to share this with them today. If you're watching this on video, go subscribe to an audio platform because we're coming big on audio and if you're listening to an audio, you've got to watch these as well. Get over to the YouTube channel and subscribe there. So, guys, I want to thank the Hansons for today. That was a remarkable conversation. I'm looking forward to coming seeing you in Scottsdale and to everybody else out there. God bless you and max out. This is the end my let's show.

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