THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Breakthrough For A Compelling Future w/ Tony Robbins

Episode Date: January 18, 2022

Tony Robbins is an icon  He’s an icon for a very good reason , which is that he has helped millions of people improve or change their lives I AM ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE. Tony and I have been FRIENDS... for many years.  He was one of my earliest SUPPORTERS when I decided to get into performance coaching. We’ve spent a lot of time exchanging thoughts and ideas about how to IMPROVE the human condition, and without a doubt, those are some of the most IMPORTANT CONVERSATIONS of my life. I’m grateful for that friendship and I’m grateful to share one of those conversations with you in this interview   We know how hard all the disruptions have been for many people, from losing loved ones to COVID, job upheavals, economic ups and downs, political turmoil, and trying to face what the future holds for us. Because our time was at a premium, we wanted to use it where it would do the most GOOD.  That’s why we focused on the fear, anger, and uncertainty so many people are dealing with right now, and how we could START A DIALOG that might provide you with some badly needed ANSWERS.  TONY wastes no time offering simple and practical advice…turn off the TV, FOCUS ON YOURSELF, and what you want out of life for 2022.  He also explains why fear is more than just psychological, it’s physical too, and how that fear negatively impacts your health. As Tony explains, the most difficult thing to do right now is CREATE MOMENTUM to overcome all the obstacles we’re facing.  But that’s exactly what you need to do as part of TAKING CONTROL of your life. Tony reveals the best way to do this is to develop the SKILLS you’re going to need to be successful in the future.  Listen closely for what those skills are. You’re also going to hear some master-class wisdom about the difference between success and FULFILLMENT, and the importance of PATTERNS and SEASONS and their impact on your life. We can’t solve all the world’s problems in one hour, but what we wanted to do is talk about them, how those of us who are hurting can start to CHANGE some of the ways we think and to help you rediscover HOPE that’s maybe been in short supply in your lives.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Ed Milach Show. Welcome back to the show, everybody. I'm so excited about today. I was thinking about introducing, you know, there's really not a lot of works introduced. Man, I was thinking about it, driving out here for the interview today. I've been on the Earth 50 years and I believe this one human being that I'm an introduced to you and am in it has positively affected and changed more people's lives in those 50 years than any other human being on the spinning earth.
Starting point is 00:00:29 And that's a pretty big statement to make. I believe he's affected more lives than any other human being in the last 50 years that I've been alive. And one thing, all the guests on my show haven't common. We've all been influenced by this man ourselves and he's an icon and I'm proud to call him
Starting point is 00:00:41 a friend of mine too. So Tony Robbins, welcome to the show again, brother. Thank you, Ed, for that introduction, I mean, for Jesus to walk out here. I don't know if I'm gonna go that far. Because I know you're a little hyperbole there about me being the most powerful influential, but I am really grateful to you, Ed,
Starting point is 00:00:58 because you know, we both are driven to find answers, right? In the middle of people's uncertainties and fears, is one of the things I respect about you. And you know, I love seeing how much your podcast has grown. Congratulations. Thank you, brother. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:09 And speaking of that, I want to go right to it. If I'm going to get you on the show, I want to really help as many people I know and serve as many people as you do. And you've gone right to it. We're in this time where there's so much uncertainty. Externally, in people's lives, you know, what's happening on the pandemic?
Starting point is 00:01:23 Masks, no masks, all the political discourse, all this stuff, this noise, this uncertainty. And I think there's so much angst and anxiety in our culture right now. So many people listening to this are watching it right now. What would you say to them that are experiencing those emotions right now? What advice would you give them? They got to turn off the news. I know that sounds overly simplistic, but you got to least turn it off a little bit So you can get a breath because unfortunately today it's hard to turn it off since it follows you I mean most people seeing the social dilemma they understand that literally you are being tracked and every single thing you speak say do
Starting point is 00:01:56 And everything you're going to see and it's different if you type in global warming and you're one person You're gonna complete different set of answers than if you type in global person of warming and you're one person, you're gonna complete a different set of answers than if you're typing global person, or warming, and you're another person. So we're living in a world where it's hard to find truth. And so the first place you gotta realize is you can't control out the outside world, you can influence it. But we can control the inside world. And if you get yourself overwhelmed, it's because all this is coming at you, you gotta slow it down,
Starting point is 00:02:20 stop it, and say, now what am I gonna create out of this insanity? Because that's the great thing that happens. I know it sounds, you know, optimistic or, and I think you know, me well enough, I'm not one of those positive makers I've never been. I believe in intelligence. I believe in seeing things as they are, but not worse than it is. So you don't try. But then you got to see it better than it is or you can't make it better.
Starting point is 00:02:40 And then you got to go to work and get the right strategies to make it happen. So for me, it's really slow it down. And then everyone needs a compelling future. What do I mean by that? Anybody can deal with a tough today if they have a compelling tomorrow. But what's happened is there are a large number of people that after the first run of 2020, you're coming into January and I remember that and people are like, all right, now it's a new world, it's a new life, it's going to go great. And then, you know, all of a sudden, more people died in 2021 with, with vaccines and with all these details that we have. And so people are uncertain. And then I'll be out on the cron and people are making it like the great plague. We, and if you actually look at the
Starting point is 00:03:17 science, the vast majority are showing it's more like a cold or a really gentle flu, but it doesn't matter. We're tracking everything now. If you imagine if you're tracking the flu constantly and where it was, we just, we don't test everybody. So we don't freak out all the time. So what are you going to do to create a compelling future for yourself? What do you really want this year to be about? Regardless of what's going on the outside world, you might say, well, it's easy to say, but they're controlling my business or they're shutting me down here. You can move, you know, you can make new choices. I know they're not easy ones, but you got to get to the point.
Starting point is 00:03:46 We say, I won't settle for less than I can really do be share, create and give in my life for my family, for myself, for what I want for my life. There's a point we got to say enough is enough. And you got to start to take control. How do you do that? One of the things that you say that I love is fear is physical. And what I learned from you so many years ago
Starting point is 00:04:05 that transformed my life is to begin to learn to change my state with my physiology. Everything on my life starts with my physiology from my fitness, but also when I'm feeling something I don't wanna feel, I try to shift my physiology and I just heard you recently say this, so I'd like you to speak to it. That fear is also a physical thing.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I want you to elaborate a little bit about that. Well, first of all, if you're concerned about COVID, according to CDC and I have this in my new book, the number one issue besides age, obviously, the number one piece is being overweight or obese. That is number one. And just this week CNN, the first time, two years later, coming and saying,
Starting point is 00:04:40 you can reduce your risk if you take care of your body, right? Do you know what number two is? According to the CDC, fear. Because when you get you take care of your body, right? You know what number two is? According to CDC, fear. Because when you get fearful, it changes your breathing, your body temperature, your attention to your body, all these things can create a trigger of reactions, hormones in your body and make it crazy. So when I say fear is physical, here's what I mean. Fear is physical, by the way, so is courage.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Emotions are physical. If you're really scared, if you ever been that point where you're like freaked out about something and you can't quite fully swallow or you got feeling in your gut. Certainly. But courage is also physical. That's what you're talking about. Like, it's like, I train myself from very young age at the number one thing I had to do. So I would follow through on the things we're talking about here, as I had to have a mind
Starting point is 00:05:19 and body that were strong together. That every day I was going to do something, you're strengthening my body. Even if it was just 10 minutes or 15 minutes, something was gonna shift me physiologically to do that. And so, you know, I get scared or I get frustrated and I go on a run, I go on a sprint and I wasn't in shape, didn't matter. I pushed myself beyond where it's comfortable. I go lift weights and I pushed beyond where it's comfortable with. And when you do that, everything in your nervous system changes. Because all of a sudden, when you face something and you push beyond the comfort zone, you get stronger and stronger. Even a little bit each day changes things.
Starting point is 00:05:51 So think about a courage. That's not, you're not afraid. Because there'd be no need for courage. Courage is your schedule list, but you do it anyway. And so training your body, and you and I both do this, right? We train intensely because we know this is the resource through which my mind is going to try to make decision And then the second thing is every day you got to feed your brain your mind because if you don't crap is going in there automatically. We all know that right. Yeah, I mean today
Starting point is 00:06:15 It's chasing you because we all know the news knows not bad people the good people But just doing their job their job is make sure they make as much money for their shareholders. And they know one formula works. And it's pretty obvious these last two years more than ever. If it bleeds, it leads. If it produces fear, more people watch. It's because we all have a 2 million year old brain that's always looking for what's wrong, what kind of hurt us.
Starting point is 00:06:39 But you know, 2 million year old brains are not going to make you happy, right? You have to take control of that two million-year-old brain and start to direct consciously what you want your life to be. So it's changing your body radically by a workout, by a run, by a push, by whatever you're gonna do, shifting by feeding your brain every single day. And then making sure every day you're taking some form of action
Starting point is 00:06:59 towards a compelling future. Like what am I gonna make better? If you have nothing to look forward to, you're gonna be pissed off off, you're going to be frustrated, you're going to be depressed, you're going to be overwhelmed. And in those emotional states, even though you're a smart person, and you know lots of things, you won't use anything you know. So to me, the leverage to changing somebody's life is always starting with the human body. If I started to speak to you, and I spoke If I started to speak to you and I spoke more at this tempo and I said yeah, I really think people should get their act together and make this their best year ever. I feel terrible, my body. I'm not saying everyone needs to talk faster, loud like me,
Starting point is 00:07:40 that's my own physiology, but it's kind of train. But everyone has different gears. And when you're low gears, like you can be in a great relationship, somebody you totally love and you're both in a great physical state, emotional state, everything's great. You both get a little love from taking the kids to 20 soccer practices and casual problems in the business and all that stuff. And all of a sudden, same love doesn't feel like the same love. You still love each other, but it doesn't come across.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Maybe you're both stressed out. Then it creates problems in the relationships. So the most important factor in your life is the ability to manage your mental emotional state is the one thing you have complete control of once you learn how then it becomes just the daily discipline. And after it's not even disciplined, it just becomes habit. Just say, I'm not going to live in this lousy pace. I'm not going to put up with it. I know what to do. Let me do it. Let me move forward. But
Starting point is 00:08:27 that's why, you know, I do programs and events where I immerse people. Yeah. Because, you know, you and I can talk about this to you. And it's kind of nod your head. But if I put you in an experience, correct. I always tell people, a belief is a poor substitute for an experience. You can have a belief about China. I take you to China. You're going to have an experience. It's very different. So I think human beings need to put themselves more in experiences. There were a lot of us today, especially with COVID,
Starting point is 00:08:50 being stuck at home and doing business from home. A lot of people are stuck in their head. You're going to tell me, you're getting your head, you're dead. You're just going circles. You've got to get that body and that energy moving. And then your head will start to work as well. Okay, so you've all been listening now for, say, 10 minutes. There's two things.
Starting point is 00:09:04 All right, number one, do you have this compelling future? If someone asks you right now, what's that vision for your future? Second thing is, what are you doing in your body to create a change, to anchor things, to change your state? The third thing was Tony talked about as events, and I just, I want to get this out of the table right away. One of the most incredible things is you've done events
Starting point is 00:09:20 for literally millions of people from every continent, every country on the planet. And I mean what I said, I'm not saying that because we're friends, I just, I think you've positively affected more lives than any person that I'm aware of. It's just true. And I, the fact that you now are offering a free event, it's just bananas to me. I mean, it's, it's incredible to me. So I think it starts on January 25th, but I want people to know about this because this
Starting point is 00:09:42 could be that catalyst to help come, you know come create that compelling future and maybe transcend your environment. So tell us just a little bit about that event. I tell you why I did it. I did it. You know, after 2020, about halfway through the year, people were just so depressed, you saw people gaining weight. People had no clear idea what they're going to do. So I said, okay, I'm going to do an event for the whole world.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Let's just let's use YouTube. Let's use all the different tools that we can. Let's bring them all together. And we had 400,000 people. And I was like, let me do one for three hours, but I'm not really capable of that. So I was like, I'm going to do days, I'm going to do it for 90 minutes. And then I made it five days. Yeah. And the reason I do this, and I like to talk, it's because you need a certain amount of immersion. It's like learning a language. If you only learn a little bit at a time, you don't remember it two years later. But if I put you in Rome day and night for a month, you're going to come out speaking Italian. So that's my theory. So what I did was I did
Starting point is 00:10:32 five days. We had 400,000 people join us. And every day we took a part of their body, their emotions, their relationships, and the goal is get them a new perspective. It's hard to do that when you're at home. but not when you're in this audience, so do you have almost half million people. Last year we did it again. We had 860,000 people that joined me for five days. So I'm doing one final one because I'm praying this is the last of COVID. But I really want to help people here at the beginning of the year because you see so many people now are caught up in what I call learn helplessness. When you've been disappointed, oh, you got a gut check, but most people pick themselves back up. But if you get disappointed enough times, there's a point when your brain goes, the problem's permanent. It's just, or it's pervasive because I can't turn my business around,
Starting point is 00:11:13 my whole life is over, which is not true. Or it's personal or something wrong with me. And so I want to break those patterns and give people a direct experience. So if you want to join me, guys, there's zero cost and you don't have to travel. So I've got handles of the projections most people have. And as you said, it's coming up on January 25th of the 29th, five days in a row, about 90 minutes each day, it's probably going to be more like two hours for the guys to join me.
Starting point is 00:11:36 And it's totally interactive. It's not you just sit in passively, and we're going to cover your body, your emotions, your relationship, your life, and get you to have a plan for 2022 here, where you really can start to have a compelling future. And again, no cost to it. You just go to what is it? Breakthrough Okay. It's really the breakthrough challenge, wanting to break through your changes in your relationship, your business, your finance,
Starting point is 00:11:56 your life. So break through And there's no cost. Go guys. I, I, you got to take advantage of something like this. I'm so excited for that. And I want to ask you hard stuff, like stuff maybe you don't get asked all the time. Stuff that I get asked that I struggle with sometimes. And so I get, you know, obviously that they're compelling future. You've got to change your physiology in their state. I believe the more I've been, you know, working with people the last 30 years, you know, winning is as much happiness, success, sometimes to me is as much environmental as it is mental. And I get asked often and I know you probably do too.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Hey, I'm in a relationship where I live with someone who's not as driven as I am. It doesn't share my ambition. Might even be antagonistic towards some of my visionary thinking or even I come back from an event where I'm transformed, but they weren't in that same environment. So I'm in an environment, or I work somewhere where it's negative.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Do you have any advice for someone in transcending a not supportive or negative environment? Of the first thing is what you and I have already said. So I don't want to, I not want to be repetitive, but I got to be repetitive. You've got to be in the strongest physical state or your mind's not going to work there. And then secondly, you've got to feed that mind.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Those two things are prerequisite, because it doesn't matter what the external environment is. If the internal environment is re-engineered, I mean, think of it this way. You can try and take a general car and try and do a Sahara Desert run or one of these crazy races that we could go for seven days, right?
Starting point is 00:13:21 You're going to die. You're going to be crushed in the first two hours. But they've those cars, so that those trucks, so they can take the hits, so they can go to the desert, so they can go through the rain, so they can make all those things. We are in the middle of winter, and we need to re-engineer ourselves. We can't just sit around and say, I can't wait till it gets better. It doesn't work that way. You got to re-engineer you so that winter is your season. So that you're not freezing a death, you're learning to snowboard or ski or build this new version of your business or be with your family.
Starting point is 00:13:51 I mean, literally, there is an advantage. And I know it sounds unbelievably, overly optimistic, positive thinking, but you know me well enough, that's not where I come from. It's just smart. Intelligent shows, everything will provide an opportunity. You know, I have a nine year old
Starting point is 00:14:05 daughters, there's all the COVID because we tried for years. It's like, I've never been home this long. I said, okay, if I can be home and serve 10 times many people which I've been doing, I've had seminars that used to be 10, 15,000 people, stadium, and now I've got seminars 800,000 people. Right? It's like, I can reach more people, come home to my daughter, be with my wife, but there was advantages. There was, you know, I lost $100 million in the first six months of this area.
Starting point is 00:14:29 And I think I could handle the business thing, but it's like in my mission, screw the economics. How do I turn this around? But then you find a way to turn around, find a way to serve people. Now I get to see whole families because a lot of my seminars, people do now digitally. Yeah, not just this free one, but my regular ones.
Starting point is 00:14:44 And I built this giant stadium and now I can see and they're living in my see them with their kids who they didn't want to leave before to go or their husband who walks by going, what is this? But within a day, he's like, this is incredible. You know, so there's an opportunity that has to be found. But you got to build your first base within you
Starting point is 00:15:01 so that it isn't the environment now. Does the environment play a role? Of course, if you're a great sprinter and you try to run in mud, you're not going to maximize your capacity. And that's why it's critical to choose, have a chosen family, so to speak. I have my family who I adore and love.
Starting point is 00:15:17 And I have a friend I talk to the other day that I've known, gosh, since my first son was born. So, you know, 40 years, right? A little less than 40. And he's a good guy and he's doing better now. But years and years ago, he was always just not growing everybody around, complaining about him, he was taking advantage of my name,
Starting point is 00:15:35 he's doing the crazy stuff. So I stayed friends with him, but I literally at one point said, I'm gonna be a friend forever. But I said, we're not gonna hang. We're on something shifts. And it was one of the toughest things I ever did, but I said we're not gonna hang. You want something, chips. And it wasn't one of the toughest things I ever did, but it was a really smart thing. And now, you know, 40 years later, he's made a shift.
Starting point is 00:15:50 We have nice relationship, he's grown, but you've got to choose who you're going to surround yourself with. Now, you can't do that sometimes, family, or whatever the case may, your husband or wife isn't a good wine. Then you've got to find how to get that alignment. And that's your job. Your job in a relationship is not to go get something. Your job in a relationship is to bring something to the table, which means you got to know what do they want, what do they need, what do they desire, what are their wounds.
Starting point is 00:16:12 I mean, relationships is the thing in the world. They got to decide what I really want in detail. And they got to decide, what does this person really want, need, desire, and then I got to get addicted to meeting those needs because if I meet their needs and I love doing it, like in the beginning of relationship, most people get so excited light up their partner. After a few years is like, you know, would you take out the trash? You know what? I don't know. They lose the joy. They lose the passion. Right. So, so long answer to you to say, I don't believe environment is the most important thing. And in fact, I know it's
Starting point is 00:16:42 not. The inner environment is the most important thing. I could take you person after the person in the worst environment who found a way to thrive still. And so if you buy it's the environment, you're going to end up being a victim even though that's not your mentality. It's just where it goes. Now, can I enhance my environment? Can I choose people to bring into my environment? People I want to learn from. I want to get coached by it, people I want to help. Yes, and that's critical for your long-term success. I just think about so many things that you do, not just that you say. There's a lesson in there that most people would miss, but because we were talking a little bit when it happened,
Starting point is 00:17:20 COVID happens and you run a business a particular way to promote you, and you've got other businesses, but you've got lots of them, right? But the one you're most well known for in the public is your, your outreach, the date with destinies, the life masteries, these, these, UPWs, these events. And it was very expensive to get this gigantic team. You can't put events on, they're not happening.
Starting point is 00:17:40 But yet you then took a risk. You, you made a calculated risk by building the studio and making an investment where you had no idea with a peop. It was like you built it and hopefully they would come, right? And so, and that was a real ballsy move, gutsy move at that time that no one else was making other than you in the space. Everyone was a little bit frozen
Starting point is 00:17:59 and you did, you stepped forward and led. And I admired that so much. And I think right now, there's a lot of people that are sort of they're holding back a little bit. They're a little bit, you know, gun shy right now. And I'm wondering if you think that's appropriate right now or what advice you give somebody says, you know, I'm just going to wait this out to see where the cards fall. Yeah, that would certainly not be my recommendation or I doubt your answer. Right. Right. Because momentum is everything.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Right. The hardest part in life is creating momentum. So when that all happened, you know, I had built something of momentum over, you know, 40 years literally at that point around the world. And, you know, what do you do all of a sudden when, you know, suddenly they say you can't do an event with more than 10 people and you've got 15,000 people scheduled to take over the stadium. And, you know, you know, I did.
Starting point is 00:18:43 I went, we're going to Vegas. They're never going're going to Vegas. They're never going to shut down Vegas, right? But then they shut down Vegas. I was like, I know I'm going to rent a church, a mega church from a buddy of mine in Houston, 15,000 people. They're not going to keep Costco open and shut down the church. They kept Costco open, shut down the church.
Starting point is 00:18:58 So I got to the point where it's like, what do you do? And when you think there's nothing you can do, that's when you can do something. When you think, I don't know what to do. That's when you know what to do if you just push yourself. And so I was there's nothing you can do, that's when you can do something. When you think I don't know what to do, that's when you know what to do. If you just push yourself. And so I was like, I pulled my team together. I saw a guy do like a webinar with two 52 inch screens. And I said, I'll kill myself first. I said, I got to create an experience for people. They need it desperately. Wherever they are in the world. So I was going to pull out a tape recorder. It's like, okay, here's what we're going to do. We're
Starting point is 00:19:21 going to do 20 foot high LED screens, 50 feet wide, highest resolution, the world. 67, 150, you know, 50 degrees, 180 degrees around me around the back. I'm going to call my buddy Eric Yahn and I'm going to see if Zoom we can expand in from the little thousand to 20,000 or 30,000. I'm going to hire a firm to create an app so they can shake it. So it sends a signal and you can hear reality of people clapping because the more shake it, the louder it gets. And I just started creating the whole thing in an hour there. So I was done, my CFO says, Tony, you know, after you saw all the numbers, it was over 20 million bucks, what time we're done. And she's like, Tony, should we rent some of this first?
Starting point is 00:19:57 And I said to him, I said, listen, all first of all, you can't. I said, go ahead, be your best. Not what I'm looking for. I said, second of all, this is gonna be this way for a while. And we're gonna use this to help more people. And that when things go back to normal, we get to go do that too.
Starting point is 00:20:13 And I just did a destiny where I had 10,000 people from 97 countries, and then I had 500 people in front of me because I built the studio so that there's 40 foot high ceiling so I could literally lift the 20 foot screen. And so now I have a hybrid event. People don't want to come personally on there. People don't want to be in the middle of the night and some other country are able to participate.
Starting point is 00:20:33 But all that comes from just taking action in momentum. If you build momentum, you can accomplish anything. You've seen it in sports. You see a team that's dominating and then somebody steals the ball and the momentum changes. Yeah. Your job right now is great momentum. And that's why I'm building this challenge
Starting point is 00:20:48 is basically to say to you, let's do a breakthrough for you right now so you know it's real. Let's get you to get a real result. Let's get you to shift yourself physically and mentally and emotionally. So you can build that momentum because it takes so much energy to rock it
Starting point is 00:21:00 out of the atmosphere. It takes very little to take it out of the solar system. So that momentum I think is critical. Yeah, do you think we're going back, Tony? To normal? You're going back to normal ever? Or do you believe we're going to be in some sort of hybrid economy going?
Starting point is 00:21:13 Did this just accelerate what was inevitable by a decade because of the pandemic and we were heading here anyway? I'm really curious as to your, you know, you've talked to the best minds in the world, including your own. Where do you think we're going in terms of the economy? I think, I think there's, there are major challenges ahead. We're in winter right now, but we have not seen our more challenging winter. And I don't say that out of being drugged
Starting point is 00:21:36 or anybody could be right by being negative, right? But, you know, every year I fully prepare for a financial program I do where I bring in six or seven billionaires, and I bring experts in the field like a Michael Saler on crypto, I bring in Ray Dalio on finance. I mean, literally, who's who the financial world is, who I get? And then I interview them seven days and nights. Well, to prepare for that, I have to see what things are going. So, you know, this is a book, by the way, if you don't already have, you should get Ray Dalio's newest book. It's called The Changing World Order and it kind of answers your question
Starting point is 00:22:07 by studying 500 years of history and showing you where we are. Right now, we have some major challenges ahead. I think in the short term, we're gonna do fine. We're gonna make nice moves. I'm sure we'll figure things out. But over the long term, we have to be prepared because there's a cycle change that's happening.
Starting point is 00:22:22 And you need to understand these types of things. I'd recommend a book to anybody who's uncertain about their life right now, to give it perspective. There's a book called The Four Turning Areated in 1997. Still one of my favorite books in terms of importance, not favorite to read, I'll be honest with you, the writing, but the insights and what it basically shows, Bill Clinton gave me a book called Generations Written by the Same Authors, William Strauss and Neil Howe. And it's like 700 pages and it's 500 years of American history, you know, Anglo-American history. And it shows that these patterns that we go through in history, it's just like seasons.
Starting point is 00:22:57 There's a winter, there's a spring, there's a summer, there's a fall. And they're documentable. He did a thousand years of Roman history and shared it. So this book, I'm a foreturning, helped me understand that you got into what season you're in. Think about this, Ed. Like if you and I want to make a difference for somebody or our children or grandchildren,
Starting point is 00:23:15 there's three skills you got to master. If you're going to be in a world where right now, depending on who's, you read Oxford studies, they say, you know, like 2040, which is, you're going to blink your eyes and you're there. That's, you know, 19, 18 years. You're gonna see 45% of all current jobs will be gone, right? You're gonna be replaced by robotics,
Starting point is 00:23:31 you're replaced by algorithms, you're gonna be replaced by artificial intelligence. So how do I take my nine month old daughter or my grandchildren and prepare them? Three skills will make you successful, no matter how long you live, no matter what changes in society, skill number one, it's the ability to recognize patterns. You're really good at it.
Starting point is 00:23:49 You do it in finance, you do it in business. I'm not just blowing your smoke. That's why you're successful. Because when you recognize patterns, it allows you to go to the second step, which is use them. If you recognize financial patterns, you can do great things. You recognize patterns in business. You can turn around any business.
Starting point is 00:24:02 That's what I've been doing. I have 105 companies. Now we do $7 billion in business. can turn around any business, you know, that's what I've been doing That's I have 105 companies now. We do seven billion dollars in business And I have no business background But I recognize the patterns and I studied the billionaires to start with nothing and said what did they do? How did they do it? How did they turn around? So if you can recognize patterns and if you can use them You got a great advantage, but then gradually over time like
Starting point is 00:24:22 You know if you're gonna play the piano, usually play other people's music initially. And then there's a point where you come through. Now you start creating patterns. And we start creating patterns. That's when you become a dominant force and business and life in the marketplace and with your children or anywhere else. And so for me, those are the three most important
Starting point is 00:24:41 kind of skill sets that anybody's gonna have to have. And for me, I'm looking around saying, okay, how do I help my friends see the patterns that are coming financially? I don't know, I help see the patterns are coming physiologically. You know, there's new breakthroughs happening right now in health that are kind of just blow your mind because everything that's become digitized, all of a sudden has this growth of doubling in capacity and having and costs. We all know what's happened over decades. Well, that's happening to our health now. We're made up of B&A. We're made up of code. I just spent three years writing this book called Life
Starting point is 00:25:16 Force. Really proud of it. It's not out yet. You can pre-order it. No pre-order it. No pre-order it. Yeah. But what I can tell you is, it's all regenerative medicine. It's things like, I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that.
Starting point is 00:25:27 I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that.
Starting point is 00:25:35 I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't know that. It's horrific, it scars you. Now they have a spray gun at seven hospitals here in the United States. They can take your stem cells and spray your stem cells on. I've got in book, you should see the pictures, like seven days later, it looks like this person wasn't burned. Oh my God. It's my model.
Starting point is 00:25:55 You know, Christian Ronaldo, or better example, would be Jack Nicholas. Jack Nicholas, this is so much pain, he couldn't stand for 10 minutes at a time. Now he's playing golf again. With just some of these simple tools available, and there's things happen right now, and there are things they're coming over the next 24
Starting point is 00:26:12 to 36 months. So you want to know what the patterns are, so you can play, so you can make the most out of your life. So you can deal with the challenges quickly, and you can find the way to succeed at the highest level. But if you're going to be, after you're going to have an extraordinary life, you have to remember, losers react, winners anticipate, leaders anticipate. Your job is anticipate. So how do you anticipate? You read, you listen to podcasts, you find people
Starting point is 00:26:39 the best in the world and forget what they have to say. Not everybody's got an opinion. But you know, if I talk to Ray Dalio, he's the most successful, you know, hedge fund guy in history, but more money back to me, but in history and he's done it in good times and in bad since the 1970s, he got it to talk to you. So unfortunately, I got some decent insight, right? So unfortunate enough to have those people be my friends because what I did, I went wrote those financial books and how they do it. I said, let me interview the 50 smartest financial people in the world that started with nothing. What do they have in common?
Starting point is 00:27:08 How do they go about it? And then I made those distinctions and then I teach them to people. And I'm doing that now with the regenerative medicine for health and vitality and energy as well. I cannot wait for that, because you know, it's like my jam right now. It's the, and the third thing that you said there's one of my favorite
Starting point is 00:27:25 things of all the things you said prior, since I've known you, is a third step of creating patterns, man, like that's everyone that actually go back and replay that again. If you have children, like go hear that again, because I was thinking about patterns, and I was thinking about, you've studied these, you know, these financial, at least successful top 50 of all time, and you've done it in the regenerative,
Starting point is 00:27:45 you're doing it in the medicine world, the preventive and regenerative medicine or the future of anti-aging, all that space. But the other thing that you've had a front row seat to is helping people achieve success, but more importantly, fulfillment. There's these things that always run through my mind that are like your isms, success without fulfillment
Starting point is 00:28:01 is the ultimate failure. Quality of your life, quality of your life is the quality of your emotions. And I repeat these things, and I teach these things, and I have my spin on them. But, you know, I'm wondering the commonality of the fulfilled people. Is there something that they have in common
Starting point is 00:28:16 if you took the group of the fulfilled ones? Patterns, behaviors, something about them that if I wanted fulfillment in my life that you see they all have in common. Yes. You got to separate two skills out. I think most people in life think success is getting what you want. And fulfillment is living what you're made for.
Starting point is 00:28:39 And so getting what you want is not that complex, right? The human brain, you can train your brain to become this servo mechanism. It'll go figure out how to solve something. A lot of people without a goal or desire where they got so obsessed, they couldn't stop thinking about it. They didn't even have a plan, and they met somebody, and then something else happened,
Starting point is 00:28:54 and it came together right now. If they also had consciousness and effort and discipline, and it's heck of a lot easier to achieve those things. But frankly, with enough focus and enough massive action and enough consistency and modeling what already works, you can pretty much achieve anything. You know, because when it comes to science, we're talking about the science of achievement, your body's a science. You might be biochemically slightly different, but there's certain rules that if you violate them, you're going to have problems in pain. If you align with them, you have
Starting point is 00:29:21 eye energy. Money's the same way. It's a film that's different. Because what fulfills people is completely different. It's like, you want to know what the universe of God loves, go to a forest. What do you see? Everything's different. Every leaf, every little snowflake, there's similarities. But there's all these differences. And so people have got to find what makes them really fulfilled.
Starting point is 00:29:42 But I can give you, there's not laws like they are for success, but there are principles. And the two principles I can tell you and answer your question, who's most fulfilled, it's people that are growing and people that are giving. We are made to grow. If we don't grow, it doesn't matter how much money you made, does how many people gave you Academy Awards, stars on your chart. I mean, I get the phone calls from all these people. You would think, have the greatest life in the world and then they're calling me because it's not so great, because they haven't mastered the inner world. They're good at the outer world.
Starting point is 00:30:09 But this one hasn't been given enough time or energy. They've been so focused out here and they've done so well out here, not so well in here. This is the one you want to do well on. You're well here. You can master the outside world too. You can handle anything. So for me, it really comes down to looking at it and saying, okay, if you and I are going to have an extraordinary level of fulfillment, what's going to make me grow?
Starting point is 00:30:30 Because that's what's going to make me proud. And to grow, you've got to face challenges. And I think the biggest problem most people have is the biggest problem they have is they think they shouldn't have problems. You know, problems are a sign of life. Problems will make you grow. Now, you know, I'd rather call it a challenge. I'd rather look at the challenge
Starting point is 00:30:47 and take it on as a challenge, but you and I both know. I mean, I have grown so much in last 24 months, take 105 companies, some of which were literally shut down for 12 months, keeping them alive, not letting go of my employees, figure a way to turn around, figure out, adapt. I mean, I'd develop more skill and ability to help other people
Starting point is 00:31:06 because I had to manage my own state unbelievably so. I had to help other people manage their state. So without the challenge, what I grow so much, probably not. And then, at a growing, you have something to give. And you know, you think about it, Ed, and I know you're this way. But I think you're all this way. If you haven't experienced a something that's really amazing, something you love, what's the first thing you want to do? Share it with someone you care about, right? Why? Because if you
Starting point is 00:31:29 just have it in yourself, you only feel so much, but sharing it magnifies it. So the people I see that they're just growing and giving, but they also are really good at this pattern recognition. So let me give you one more note about pattern recognition, because I do, I want to complete the thought for your listeners and viewers. Think of it this way. There's power when you recognize the pattern and you can use it. There's even greater power sometimes when you can create a pattern.
Starting point is 00:31:52 So think of it from the standpoint of humanity. For thousands of years, we were wandering through the environment, trying to survive, moving from place to place, being, you know, gatherers and hunters of that nature. And then when did humanity change? we made one pattern recognition, seasons. See, when we understood seasons for the first time, we understood, if you plant in the winter, it doesn't matter how hard you try, you're going to get nothing. You have to plant in the spring.
Starting point is 00:32:20 You've got to push through the hot summer. And then you get to have the fall where you reap. And then guess what? The winter's coming in. And some winters are long, some are short, you know, some happen sooner, some later, but you can't break these sequence. And so there's a pattern, that pattern changed humanity. I'll tell you the pattern, go change anybody else realizing there's a pattern to your own life. There's a pattern zero to 20 is for most people springtime. It's where it's the easiest to grow. You're being taken care of if you're lucky. Some of us maybe not. Some of us have
Starting point is 00:32:51 to take care of others at a young age, but regardless overall zero 19 2021, you get to gather and learn information and be taken into some extent depending on your life. Then what happens 21 to 41? You go test that, didn't decide what you believe. Like they told me how to be this way, screw that, I'm gonna try this, you know, you go to college, you go try something, you start a business, you get in relationship, and you have all this testing procedure.
Starting point is 00:33:15 And so now you go through the hot summer figuring it all out. And then if you've really done a good job planting in the spring and building through that summer, you'll hit the autumn where you get to reap. Where if you've done really well, 41 to 61 is a reaping time. Right? Now, if you didn't plant in the spring,
Starting point is 00:33:32 you know, Jim Rohn, you just talk about you'll be weeping in the fall. You don't do it, right? If you don't do your job, you're gonna have problems. But that pattern is in people's lives. And then 61 to 81, and if you're lucky, you went to 102, that's the extended next season of winter but winter can be the best season in your life you have a great time with your family,
Starting point is 00:33:50 your close, your mentoring people, you have a different experience, you have plenty of business, you can do whatever you want to do or not want to do. So those are seasons but then there's one more pattern. And this is the one I hope I'll reach your listeners of yours with. There's a pattern of history. You know, it's often it said, history doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes. Okay. Any lesson we don't learn from history tends to repeat itself because as the older people die
Starting point is 00:34:14 who know how that history, like let's say the World War II generation, then the lessons are lost. So think about this just for a second. Imagine for a second you want to understand how generations are built. Here's my simple map for it. So imagine this for your viewership right now. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Think of it yourself. Imagine you're born in 1910. So you're going to come of age 19, 2021 in 1929. Now, you have a very different experience because what happened? World War War ended. It looked really good. And then the roaring 20s happened while you're 10, 12, 14 years old. People are getting cars and radios and people are dead. This is the greatest time of my life. And right when you come to that stage, you thought you're going to get a car. Red light jumping out of buildings.
Starting point is 00:35:01 The economy's going through the floor. We got the dust bowl. I mean that generation From 21 to 41 what happened when they turned 29 Well, think of their boarding 1910 that means 1939 so they made it through the depression that generation To go to a war that most people don't even know what is it about It was a war that if you were alive at that time, it looked like Hitler was going to win. Like he was taking over the entire world. I've been Nazis. It looked like we're going to lose. It did not look good. So all of a sudden this generation goes to fight this war for survival. And guess what? They come back in 1945 and they win. And I'll think about they're born in 1910, right? So here they are. 35 years old. And they come back to being a hero,
Starting point is 00:35:47 veterans administration, suburbia, they can have a home, they can finance it. And these heroes came back and they took care of our, they were the next springtime. Think about it was like about 30s and 40s versus the 50s and 60s. Say the 50s to early 63 before Kennedy was killed. It was a high time for a lot of people. Not if you're African American, not if you're a woman in some cases. I was just thinking that. I'm not even a rehearsal.
Starting point is 00:36:14 But just give you a historic component. But think about what happened after Kennedy was killed and then Robert Kennedy and then Martin Luther King, the 60s, a completely different generational race. If you were born that time, you have a different perspective on life. If you came at age in the 60s, a completely different generational race. If you were born at that time, you have a different perspective on life. If you came at age in the 60s, you have a different perspective than someone who came of age in 1929. You're going to look at life differently, going to respond differently.
Starting point is 00:36:35 And then what happens in the 80s to do 2000s, where would this fall, where you could give anybody anything and they give you a house, right? Where the stock market goes up, no matter what. But then you get past early 2000s, 2008. And now where we've been since 2008, we're in winter, right? And the good news about winter is, in the beginning, it separates people. In the end, when there's a real pressure,
Starting point is 00:36:59 like I remember talking to the President Clinton one time, and I was 32 years old, I'm walking with him, I can't David, and the snowing, this little, this little deer went by. It was like a surreal moment. He's telling me all these things and all these challenges. And I think in this guy is the president of the United States and he stressed out, it's concerns me, you know, like, how do you guys, right? But I remember looking at time thinking, these are such easy problems, I'm paired to it earlier generation. So here's why I tell you that,
Starting point is 00:37:26 the generation that we call the great generation that fought World War II that made a through the depression, that came back and turned things around, that generation was not respected at the beginning. They've seen as flappers early on, they're seeing as weak, they responded because the environment got tough. That's why my response to you about the environment
Starting point is 00:37:43 doesn't matter, the environment. the most challenging environment is the best environment if you don't give up because it'll bring out things inside of you that nothing else will. And that generation went on. So I think right now you see a constellation of generations. You got the Z generation, right? You've got, you know, you got them arguing about the part in their hair between them and the millennials. But at the same time, these are people that are tech savvy. Yes. They're being prepared to be the next heroes. I think the next group of heroes
Starting point is 00:38:11 is this constellation of generations. And we're not facing it right now because we're running off on the corner. Imagine if you were an American, one of the pilgrims coming over, a one in three to one in two chance you wouldn't last a year. They give up their life for freedom. And we're sitting around going, you know, how many more mass should I put on and how many more shots can I get and who can I avoid even getting near? I mean, it's embarrassing. But I think it
Starting point is 00:38:35 has its limits. And I think there are a lot of people hitting their threshold right now and saying, you know what, I'm tired of living in fear and I'm going to take my life back. I don't know how yet, but I'm going to find the people who got those answers. I'm going to get the answers and I'm going to take my life back. I don't know how yet, but I'm going to find the people who got those answers. I'm going to get the answers and I make it happen. And so I'm one of those people. You're one of those people. There's lots more. And I think people have to decide to put the planter feet and say no more.
Starting point is 00:38:53 That's one of the best things I've heard. I also just an explanation and definition of actually why to be optimistic. Actually, why to be optimistic? And I need to read, I think people sometimes need reasons to be optimistic. And I think people sometimes need reasons to be optimistic. And I think about this young generation, the ZY generation, one I think they've been exposed
Starting point is 00:39:10 to everything they want to contribute. They want to be a part of causes and missions. They're not just all financially driven. So many of them want to be a part of something that makes a difference in the world. And we gotta unleash them. It's about time we stop sitting on our hands and not unleash them.
Starting point is 00:39:23 The way you described it, you are now trickling into the winter stage at your age. And I'm curious, if there's something, this is like what was a friend, but we'll let people listen in. Maybe you used to really believe firmly about life, people that you no longer believe. I think the smartest people every once in a while go, you know, I changed my mind. I think I'm always kind of concerned about someone who's never changes their mind. You've got more information, more experience, and you think the exact same things you thought 25 years ago, that would concern me. So I'm curious in your case if there's something profoundly that you, you know, you kind of were pretty sure you knew that you've shifted your beliefs on or maybe more than one.
Starting point is 00:40:05 I've just had a lot more than one. Yeah. Just trying to think of no in a more current form. I think there was a point in my life where I thought that I had to, like my model of the world was sacrifice. And then, you know, about 15 years ago, I remember I was on my home in Fiji and I was looking at put all these crosses and I was so frustrated. He's like, wow, I'm doing this to me. I'm the one that's making it, you know, either or I'm the one that's saying I have to give up everything that matters in order to serve in a certain way. I had had these stories in my head. I'll tell you another small one, but that's a big one. Small simplistic, but big. I remember telling my wife, I will not have a child after 50. I mean, I've already got four kids, I got five grandkids. I'm not doing F for 50 because I'm not showing up with my kids high school graduation at 70.
Starting point is 00:40:51 And now I'm going to be there at 81. Awesome. Congratulations. But that's also why I'm so glad I studied all the things I have. Now I got to live a lot longer. You know, you got the tools to do it. Yeah, that's so wonderful, brother. Is there a couple more things?
Starting point is 00:41:06 Cause I get, I get you here. Hard things to ask. I don't want to ask you the things you always get asked. So I get asked things, and these are the ones that I have struggled with. It's not, is it okay to quit? Meaning is there a point where, and how do you know if I'm on a path that's just not working?
Starting point is 00:41:25 I'm in a business that's just not working or I'm in a relationship that's just not working. I think we create this culture that quitting is this horrible thing. If you ever quit, that's failing. And I think some people create this bondage around them almost in a relationship or in a business environment where pivoting even is like, you know, something a terrible
Starting point is 00:41:46 thing to do, I'm just curious what you would say about that. That's a great quality question. It reminds me of one more thing that's changed with it me because, you know, I stayed in a relationship for 20 years when I was really not happy. I made everybody else happy, which was my whole sacrifice thing. And the reason I did it is because I grew up with four fathers, right? I swear I'd never get a divorce. So, you know, you build these ideals. I remember there's certain things like I'd rather die than that. I want a stupid thing to say. But we develop these beliefs that once they become an ideal, they kind of have, they possess you and they take you over. So you got to be able to question anything. And so the answer to your
Starting point is 00:42:24 question is yes, there's a time to move on. There's a time to start something new. There's a time to learn the lesson that this business or this relationship or this experience is given you and make a move. Because otherwise, the real test is, are you growing? Like if you're in a relationship, you know it's a great relationship. If you're constantly wanting to be better for the person you love. If you don't really give a shit what a thing, that's not a good sign. Right. Right? I mean, I just mean there's not the level of intimacy. There's not the level of connection. You might have been together forever, but it's not one needs to be. So it's like telling yourself the truth, I think, is the hardest thing for people.
Starting point is 00:43:00 And I think the ideals get in the way of that truth, meaning the things you've, you know, and grandized in your mind to be absolute. But I think when it comes to a business, it's not an easy question, when it comes to an investment, I don't, an investment, it's easy. I don't move to a new investment until I found a better one. I don't just get pulled by the next shiny thing. I really look and make sure it's there. And it comes to businesses. I'm pretty crazy. I've stayed in businesses way too long. I should have probably gotten out, but I did it and then sold it and made little money. But it was just my whole thing that I don't quit. So, but I think there are times when you have to adapt the business to something new. I mean, if I was still doing what I was doing
Starting point is 00:43:39 two years ago, you know, on the road doing what I was doing, I would do 115 cities on average, go on the road doing what I was doing. I would do 115 cities on average, usually 12 to 16 countries, as on a train of plane helicopter every two to three days. And I don't know, I mean, I know one would have ever stopped me because I couldn't because there's so much momentum of what I'm doing. But I'm doing that right now, you know, my 250 employees at that company would all be unemployed, you know, because all around the world, I mean, illegal to do what I was doing. So you have to be able to tell yourself the truth about where you are. And also, don't not give up too easily by saying where's the season of this business?
Starting point is 00:44:13 Okay. Where's the development? Like if a business is really young, it's a toddler business, it's going to burn more cash than it's going to give you back. If it's a, you know, if it's a business that's in that go-go phase, that teenage phase, you get overconfident, grows like crazy, and then you don't have the profits at some point when the sales slow down, and you got real trouble. Is it a business that's aging? But also, I got to look at what's the industry. I give an example. I have a friend, really
Starting point is 00:44:39 good guy, maybe 44, 45 years old, prime of his life, like you had really well put together, I mean, takes care of his body, great mind, great mindset, without giving his personal life away, he owns a very large business in Australia, dominates an industry. And the industry relates to big box office supplies. So I had him at one of my business seminars and I'm walking him through these stages, just like a human being goes through life stages So does a business just like history right? Yes, and you know what stage you're in you know You can do the right thing at the wrong time and you don't get rewarded yes, right on the winter you don't get rewarded right
Starting point is 00:45:16 By how sounds good 2007? Mm-hmm, maybe not the best time right, you know So it's like you got to take a look at where these things fit. Where is the, where is the real decision making here that makes this happen? So anyway, he's got this off-spot business and he's young and dynamic. So in his life cycle, he's in his prime. His business is in its prime. He's worked for years. It's crushing it. But where's the industry? Is that a young business, a growing business, an aging business? And there's no question it's an aging business.
Starting point is 00:45:50 And I said to him, I said, you gotta separate these out because if you're using your brain intelligently, you gotta sell this business because even though you've got a great business, the multiple's gonna go down every year because the industry's going down. Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:01 You take those resources and re-end us. So again, it's looking at things by telling yourself the truth, seeing what stage they're in and seeing what stage the world's in. But you might have the best idea in the world, but it's not going to work when everybody is shut in their homes, perhaps, paying about what the product or services so you have to adapt. I love it.
Starting point is 00:46:23 To get clarity, you had taught me a long time ago, you know, about my rituals and habits and my routines. And I'm curious if there's anything new you're doing or what your morning routine just looks like for you. Is there anything new to it and take them through maybe just the, the, the big pillars of it? The basic fundamentals is I get up in the morning. The first thing I do is I go on this freezing cold water
Starting point is 00:46:45 and I do it as a discipline, not only for the health of my body because it moves everything in your body, it moves your limp throughout your whole system. But it's also kind of been my mental discipline for about seven or eight years. It's like, I don't negotiate. There's never been a day where I wake up and go, I can't wait to jump in this freezing water.
Starting point is 00:46:59 It's 55 degrees, right? But I just, I don't say, oh, in a moment, or let me think about it, or let me do it later. It's like, now, when I say go, we go, and I've trained my brain to do that, while I also give a great physical benefit. And then I do what I call priming, which two minute version of is, it's just 10 minutes. Sometimes I do longer because it feels good. But I do it for 10 minutes because if I said do this for 20 or 30, people don't have time. But if you don't have 10 minutes for yourself, you don't have a life. So I do three things really fast. I change my body. And if people go to 20 Robins Ford slash priming, there's a free video there. They'll show you how to do it. Awesome. But the essence of videos, you change
Starting point is 00:47:36 your breathing to awaken your body. And then I do three things. I spend three minutes where I focus on three things. I'm truly grateful for which I'm so basic. But I don't just think about it like seeing myself on a roller coaster over there. I imagine being in the front seat of the roller coaster going over the edge so that I feel it. And the reason you use gratitude and you stack it every day is that gratitude destroys the two emotions that wipe out most people's quality of life, fear and anger. Think about it. What messes up your relationship, what messes up your relationship, what messes up your body, what messes up your business, and your anger. So if you're in a situation where you're grateful, you can't be grateful and angry simultaneously. It's gone. And instead of being
Starting point is 00:48:13 grateful for some phony thing, you're remembering a real moment and you're reliving in your body. So it activates your nervous system, not just your mind. And that's a big difference. So I do three of those. And then I do three minutes of these types of health blessings, so to speak for myself, my family. And then I do three minutes on what I call three to thrive. I think of three things I want to achieve. And I don't wish for it. Hope for it. I see it is done. I feel the celebration. I acknowledge I give gratitude for it. And I own it. It sounds overly simplistic. But in 10 minutes, I'm primed. Meaning my brain now is going to look and find the things
Starting point is 00:48:49 I wanted to versus the old brain that we all have that's looking for what's wrong. And so by doing that each day, it makes it really simple. And the last thing I tend to do is I try to make one text or phone call or I leave an audio message for somebody to acknowledge somebody sincerely. And I don't just go, somebody to acknowledge somebody, sincerely. And I don't just go, you do great buddy, you're really hot. You know, I say, you know, I saw you Tuesday when we were with those kids.
Starting point is 00:49:12 And I notice you're the only one that stood afterwards and spent the time with them. And I just want to acknowledge you for that. Thank you for that type of thing. And then the last thing I do is I do the most difficult thing of the day. It's like, I always try to start with the most difficult thing, because when you conquer that, everything else is easy. So if there's something I'm not looking forward to do or there's a meeting and I want that, that's the one I do. Don't you think that lastly,
Starting point is 00:49:29 a difficult thing creates momentum too, don't you? What you really do. It really does. And also it makes you, once again, just like starting the morning with something difficult. It's like, change your brain. There isn't anything that difficult. All right, let's just go do this.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Let's go handle it. It puts you in a state of action as opposed to state of thinking. Okay, so good. All right, to to it, I got two questions left. There are so many things in my life that you've said to me as a friend and also just your work that's impacted me. But there's just this subtle thing you said one time. I'm in it.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Like you said earlier, I think the success part, there's a science to, right? The fulfillment part is an art. And you had had an experience where you just said, you know, I just someone said, I'm paraphrasing, but being in a beautiful state. Yeah. And I then asked myself, I said, Ed, like, what percentage of the time, I was ranking things, you know, or percentage of the time, are you in a beautiful state, you know, and kind of as a masculine dude, you can't, I guess a little bit weird, but but but how often am I just feeling in a beautiful state? And I didn't like the answer. It wasn't as much as your answer back then. Well, honestly, I think I said to myself, it was about one percent of the time. And this is crazy. When you hear beautiful states, some people think like you said,
Starting point is 00:50:40 it doesn't sound very masculine, but let me give two seconds. A back. Please elaborate on it. Go ahead. Yeah. I mean, for most of my life, like how people achieve accomplish everything achieve, make it happen. And if you ask me how fulfilled, it's, of course, it was. And I was. I loved it. But there's different levels of fulfillment, right? You've never smelled a rose and someone's telling you what a rose is like you think you know, to experience it. Yeah. So I had this experience in India. I go about every two years. And there was a friend of mine there is built this amazing facility. And he had like a quarter million people showing up for his event they expected they would have, you know, I think
Starting point is 00:51:12 they had a hundred thousand people and a quarter million people showed up and then a million two by the next morning. And the guy that was there is a really smart guy. And so I had a conversation with his son and he was thanking me for all this work I've done. He goes telling you of all the things you've taught me, he said, I think maybe the most important thing is all the ways I can change my state and get unstuck. I can get myself to follow this through because it is priceless. And he really thanked me and I said, well, I really appreciate it. And more importantly, I'm glad you're using it, right?
Starting point is 00:51:37 He goes, but I just have one little thing I'd like to ask you. He goes, you know, you know, you talk about if you're in a peak state, you get peak performance or if you're an energy rich state, a high energy state, you're going to produce differently than a low energy state or a low-easy state. That's it. Yeah. And he goes, well, what if you call those high energy states, beautiful states? That's great. Because it's not just happiness. A beautiful state could be excitement. It could be gratitude. It could be love. It could be kindness. It could be warmth. I mean, there's a million beautiful states. It's any high energy state where no one has to tell you what to do, you'll do the right thing. So he goes, okay, I said, so yeah, beautiful states great. And then he goes, what do we take all those lousy states, those low energy states, those those types of states and what we call those suffering?
Starting point is 00:52:18 And then when he said that, you probably kind of like what you experienced, it's like not at me a little bit. It's like suffering. I don't like suffering. I don't suffer, but I do have times on a frustrated or stressed over well. So I couldn't deny it says like, okay, yeah, those would be suffering states. I felt this little trap going on in the United States. Why do you say this? Yes. You guys Tony, because I think it's the most important distinction you've made, but I like to use some other words around it. You guys, because I've set a spiritual vision for myself. You said, what's that? He said, my goal is to live in a beautiful state every day, no matter what.
Starting point is 00:52:52 He goes, to me, that would be the most gorgeous life, because you know, people have everything and they're miserable. They're pissed off, they're frustrated, and so forth, because you deal with them all the time. I said, that is brilliant. I changed it slightly for me. I'd say, life is too. I changed it slightly for me. I'd say life is too short to suffer. I mean, that's where it starts. Life's too short to suffer. How
Starting point is 00:53:09 can I possibly suffer when I've been able to live this magnificent life? It's just the mind. If you don't direct this thing, it directs you. It's like you use the mind or it uses you. You use stress or stress uses you. And so I said, you know, okay, so how am I going to do that? There's one thing to say it. Yeah. If you want to develop the habits. Yeah. Right. And when I found myself like getting on a plane and you know, I'm going to play now, obviously, but the time I used to go to Australia four times a year and I'd fly on Quantus. And when I moved to Florida, it became 20 hours each way, like a 40-hour trip for one little visit. And I remember getting on the plane and being so stressed, and I thought to myself, Tony, how can you be stressed? You're flying into plane, you can fall asleep, you can, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:51 it's not my size bed obviously, but I'm in first class. I'm very lucky. It's like, come on. What are you whining about in your head? And I realized what it was was that they had no internet. So now I'm flying for 40 hours and what's happening? All my slacks, all my emails, all my tinnets, it's all growing. Fortunately, I got this result in my head before I got lucky enough to have my own plane.
Starting point is 00:54:13 And I remember when I got worked out, I got no plane, I flew from here to LA, to got an airplane LA and the captain comes on and goes, he's captain, stubble-bind, it's gonna be a beautiful flight, Sydney. And then he said something, I never heard before. He said, today I have a special announcement, and it's this, we have for the first time
Starting point is 00:54:31 in history of quantus, international. Why have you been doing that? Really, people stood up on the plane and cheered and I want to stand up to everybody see me, right? So I stayed there and caught them in chair. So we all open up our iPads, our phones, our everything we got right. We're all typing, doing our stuff in social media. And nine minutes later, what do you think happened?
Starting point is 00:54:52 You'd press down and crush it. And let me turn on again. What do you think? You've never, and the thing that struck me at it's changed my life is I looked around me and people were angry. They were cursing what the hell's wrong with this airline and he can't help have the mind expect, but you can direct it. And when you expect something is not met, you get upset. And it's like, if the only time I'm happy is when everybody meets my expectations, I got
Starting point is 00:55:34 105 companies, I got 3,800 employees on four continents. What are the chances someone's screwing up right now, meaning doing something different than I think they should? 100%. So I was like, I need to make it so that other people don't have to behave a certain way for me to be happy. I have my preferences of what they do. But I'm not going to live my life in reaction to whether things work out the way I expect
Starting point is 00:55:59 you're not. And so I've said I'm committed to it. So I have a 30 second rule, 90 second rules sometimes. It's like within 90 seconds, ideally 30, I catch myself feeling that stress, and I let it go. And the way I let it go is I find something to be grateful for. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Because you can't stay stressed if you're grateful. And there's always something you can appreciate or love or respect or be thankful for. And the minute you do that, it changes your biochemistry. Your entire biochemistry change, like a different person. And so now it's become a habit for me. So I wouldn't say that I never stressed or never do that.
Starting point is 00:56:33 But if mine was, I probably was more liberal of myself, said I was in a beautiful state, maybe 20% of the time. I would say it's more like 85% of the time now. It takes a lot to grab it because it just becomes a new habit. It's not that your better issue don't muscle. Yes. Now, the same stuff to use to upset you, you put in a different perspective. I freaking love it.
Starting point is 00:56:52 And the one thing that you helped me do with that is I identified my pattern. Like what put me into the state? And for me, it was a little bit of the reverse. I'll ask you one last question. Mine was more like, if I'm not meeting everybody else's expectations, I need to suffer. And this standard of what I thought their expectations were, was this something I made up in my mind. It was something wired into me as a little boy.
Starting point is 00:57:10 If I can meet my dad's expectations, I can meet my mom, I can meet my coaches, then I won't suffer. Then I'll allow myself to live in a beautiful state. Once I acknowledge that pattern, understood it, lost its power over me, and I've created a new one. So thank you for that. And that was just awesome. I'm so glad to hear that. I got to tell you honestly, till I was 50, I still like on my birthday when I was 40,
Starting point is 00:57:29 when I was 35, I haven't done it. I have 10,000,000 people. It was never enough because I had that same thing you had. And then I have to sacrifice to make that happen. But I honestly say at this stage of my life, you know, it's like I wake up and I know I've accomplished plenty. I helped millions of people. It doesn't make me any less hungry to want to help, but it's just I'm no longer, there's no longer whole. I'm trying to fulfill or fill up with this piece. It's more like, I just want to help. It's like you said, these giant missions Davis,
Starting point is 00:57:54 I'm gonna transfer on this and that, and you don't have huge goals and feed the billion people. I got some good stuff. But it's like my whole thing is just how come I help? To me, that makes life so much more enjoyable, because when I help somebody, I feel phenomenal inside. In fact, when I've got something to help, means I grew someplace to be able to do that
Starting point is 00:58:10 in the first place. Well, you did it today here, and thank you for this last hour. I mean, I know that. I'm already, I can feel it. I can feel the people sharing this with people that they love and care about. So last question, you are a new dad again. And I did introduce you as Jesus when we started.
Starting point is 00:58:23 So I might go out oh, she just question. So clearly not. When she gets, and we both know that, but when she gets to of an age, and this may be kind of corny, but I don't feel like it is, because I would love to know your answer to this. It may not probably change,
Starting point is 00:58:37 but if she asked you, daddy, what is life all about? What's the meaning of life? I mean, this is a man, everybody, who's just affected so many lives and met people from every single walk of life from people that have had the most terrible things done to them in their life,
Starting point is 00:58:53 to the most successful people, to world leaders, President of the United States, top athletes, entertainers, the best business minds in the world. And yet you walk amongst everybody at all of your events. And she asked you, it's sometime when she really wants to know, Daddy, what is life all about? What's the purpose of
Starting point is 00:59:09 this thing? What would you say? It's about growing and giving. I mean, I know that's overly simplistic, but that's what I want for her. It's like, you know, it's about laughing, loving, growing, giving, and giving passionately and generously and graciously. it doesn't, I don't mean just money, I mean, of your presence. You know, it's very easy to say hello and not be there. It's very easy to say I love you and, you know, it's just a habit, you know, about, you know, depending on which studies you read,
Starting point is 00:59:37 about 47 to 52% of things we do are just habit. The cool thing about habit is it allows you to do the things, like, you know, trying to drive a stick shift car in the beginning as a is way it's overwhelming. Now it's one thing I can do 20 other things, right? But the problem with it is technology has made us become more and more habitual and less and less connected. And so for my daughter I want her experience love. That's what life is to me. And when you are loving you have to grow to loving. And when you're growing and you're loving, you're going to give. And to me, if that's all she does, if she learns that life is not,
Starting point is 01:00:10 what you're here to get, it's what you're here to give, that you're being called to find what you're called for. And I don't know what you'll be called for. She, you know, may, she might sing. She might draw art. She might just be a mom. She's not just normal, support things in life. She might, I don't know what she'll do.
Starting point is 01:00:24 And I have no frame of reference about how she's going to do it. I have only one frame of reference. She's going to be a person that's earned it, and she's going to be a person who's proud of herself because the earn part to me is where the pride comes. It's like, I have this amazing life. You could take away all the toys and things that I have. You couldn't change who I've become as a man.
Starting point is 01:00:44 And also, because I never had those things, and I earned those things, there's the stories and the examples and you know what it's like right to conquer all the challenges you get there. I want my daughter to have all those experiences. But to me life is love and life is growing and giving. It's really that's what the whole game is about as far as I'm concerned. What a beautiful answer. Thank you for today, brother.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Thank you so much. I love you. You're a great man. I love you. I continue to paint it here. I see your podcast is crushing it. Yeah. And I hope to see him person sometimes soon. I know. Man, when you get together in person and everybody, hey, January 25th event, we'll put the link to the event in the show notes. And you can pre-order life force right now too, so that you're getting up booked a minute that it comes out. So Tony Robbins, thank you for being here today, brother. Everybody, thank you for being here and please share the show with people that you love and care about. God bless y'all. Max out. This is the end my let's show. you

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