THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Building Confidence

Episode Date: February 21, 2018

This week on the Ed Mylett Show Ed gets interviewed! When Ed was first approached to work for WFG he was working in a group home helping boys that had come from extremely difficult situations. He knew... at this point that serving others was his calling. While he did not think working in the financial industry seemed to be something he would be passionate about, when he realized that his love for service was also a huge part of the WFG culture. Get inspired and learn about another side of Ed Mylett this week!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Edmila Show. Complete, lead and win. What's up, what's up, what's up? Chris Patterson with you again. I could not be more excited guys. Check it out. So I am here in Laguna Beach, California, with my friend Ed Mylett. If you don't know who Ed is, you're about to.
Starting point is 00:00:55 This is some good stuff, people. Ed is the agency chairman of a huge corporation called WFG. He speaks on the biggest stages with the biggest names, Cardone, Anthony Robbins. You name it, he's the man. He speaks on the biggest stages with the biggest names, Cardone, Anthony Robbins, you name it, he's the man, he's a life strategist, he made what? $200 million, but time he was 45 years old, net worth, and he coaches professional athletes, of course, so I couldn't be more excited, I'm so grateful to be here. Thank you so much for having me. I'm on a brother, I'm looking forward to
Starting point is 00:01:22 that. So me too. So I give, I gave a 10,000 foot overview of who Ed Mylet is. Nice one. Why don't you give me a little bit of insight of actually what it is on you do on a day-to-day basis. Wow on a day-to-day basis. Well, that was a nice intro by the way, but I think important thing everybody knows I'm a normal person, right? I'm an average ordinary person. So because I am I've had had to work really hard at overcoming my average IQ, my average background. I'm not a big dude naturally when I was an athlete. And so my days now are, they're all different because that's what I wanted. When I was young and I was up and coming as an entrepreneur, the one thing I didn't want was a routine.
Starting point is 00:01:59 You know, I wanted to be able to choose my time, right? And so my days are loaded now with whatever I want to be, mostly work because I enjoy it, but I spend a lot of my time coaching people, mentoring them, creating content, as you know, for social media and my website and stuff like that that tries to improve people. I just, about a year ago, I made a decision that I had done all this privately for years.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I had spoken on stage, I had coached people, and a lot of the people that I coach would prefer that that remain private, right? And so I was better than I was sort of a private person. But at the encouragement of some people, particularly Tony Robbins, he said, you know, I think it's time that you kind of get greater exposure and take some of your messages out there
Starting point is 00:02:37 to the world. So I just started on social media about a year ago, which is crazy. And so now a lot of my time is spent doing that. I kind of feel like it's my, the second half of my life now is about that calling the first half was about building sort of a legacy and and and a platform for my life but now I want to share that stuff with other people so that's why spend most of
Starting point is 00:02:55 my days doing so tell me about those challenges a lot of the audience out there first-time entrepreneurs salespeople people try in the grind in your 20s been there done that guys you are not alone, trust me. So share with me kind of how you, because you didn't start out with 200 million network. No, my gosh, no, no. You know what, being an entrepreneur, at least this is my experience, it's riddled with false starts too. So it's not all bad.
Starting point is 00:03:20 You think you've made progress, right? All entrepreneurs, and then you take two back and then three steps the wrong way, right? Two steps forward, three steps back, so I had all kinds of false starts, big time when I started in business, and I just struggled and struggled, and it got to the point for me where I almost quit several times, I mean, be honest with you, and someone asked me the day because we're here, Ocean front, and this guy's interviewing me for a book, and he goes, what are you the most grateful for at this house? And I said probably the fact that my backyard's an ocean,
Starting point is 00:03:48 like that is, but then I reflected on something which was that we got so broke when I was an entrepreneur that I had a home for closed on. And then after that, I had a car repossessed. In fact, my wife's car was repossessed. And then we had our electricity turned off. And those are all bad things, but anybody that's ever had this happen,
Starting point is 00:04:04 you know this is the worst, the worst thing that happened to me was the water got turned off. And those are all bad things, but anybody that's ever had this happen, you know, this is the worst. The worst thing that happened to me was the water got turned off at the apartment. So when you don't have water, you can't cook and you can't shower. And so we would have to get up in the morning and it's cold and we'd have to get our stuff gathered up, our clothes and everything and gather our stuff down and go down to the pool at our apartment complex. And we would have to shower every morning in that pool and the shower at the pool. And I remember being ashamed of that because we were newlyweds. And I remember thinking if I could ever change this and I remember having to fake it so badly,
Starting point is 00:04:32 right? Because I'm that broke and then I have to leave the shower pool and go out and pretend to be a successful entrepreneur, pretend to lead people, pretend to influence people. And so I told him the other day of the book, I said, the most grateful thing I have is the ocean, but I said, I said, the most grateful thing I have is the ocean, but I said, I have this weird trigger, and I'm not kidding you, that goes off, that many mornings I'm grateful, I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:04:51 When I pull the faucet, the water comes out of the shower, hits me in the face, and I'm grateful. It's like the smallest things you never forget those times. And so, yeah, the ocean's amazing. Believe me, I pinch myself, but there's a lot of mornings where I go, psh, I go, thank you, thank you, I'm so grateful. So I relate to those struggles that all entrepreneurs have. That's why I admire them. That's why when we meet each other like you and I do, we're kindred spirits of media. There's a respect
Starting point is 00:05:15 because I don't know all of your story, but I know to get where you've gotten, you've gone through multiple difficult times. And so all entrepreneurs sort of have that on the other side. And so I have that for you and I sure I sense that you do with me too. So tell me about WFG So when did that come into play? What is WFG? Tell me all about it. I got it in a W I had a couple blessings. So I'm I'm out of college. I get released from playing baseball and Here's this success dude story. Okay. I end up back at home living at my mom and dad's house in the same bed, same teddy bear on the bed,
Starting point is 00:05:49 same posters on the wall, and I'm unemployed completely without work, watching Moripovitch every single day in Jerry's figure. Like my whole day was like, anyone seen Moripovitch, my whole day was like, is he the daddy? You know, that little thing where you're in the room. You are not the daddy! You are not the father, right?
Starting point is 00:06:04 That was like, I waited all day for that. That was the highlight of my day. I'm serious too, which is pretty pathetic. And so, my dad had recently gotten sober. My dad had a drinking problem. My dad's not been sober for years. And my dad ended up getting sober. And he came home from one of his meetings that they go to when they're in sobriety.
Starting point is 00:06:20 And he goes, hey, I got you a job. Tomorrow morning, you got to go to McKinley home for boys in Sandeamus. And I'm like, what is that? He goes, I don't know, but this guy at the meeting says he I got you a job tomorrow morning. You got to go to McKinley home for boys in Sandeemus. And I'm like, what is that? He goes, I don't know, but this guy at the meeting says he's got you a job at six bucks an hour. You get your butt over there tomorrow. Yes, sir. So the next morning, I go to McKinley,
Starting point is 00:06:33 which is in Sandeemus down the road here. And I walk in and I said, yeah, I'm here for the job. And they're like, what job? And who are you? I'm like, I don't know what the job is. And my name's Eddie Mylett. And they said, well, we don't know who you are there's no job and they said well who's hiring you and I said I don't know I don't know the guys and they're like so you're here for a job you don't know what it is you don't know the dude's name and I'm like wait a minute
Starting point is 00:06:57 the dude's name is Tim right right and I said Tim and they go Tim who and I said I don't know But he's an alcoholic and they go oh Tim the alcoholic So they bring me to this home and change my life brother. I'm gonna tell you this It's how I ended up in the business McKinley is a campus of group homes of boys right hundreds of them and my boys were seven to ten years old They're wards of the court. They're either orphaned or most of my boysed or most by family and remove from cared for, believed in, hel all of a sudden, I'm this basically live with these
Starting point is 00:07:41 mornings, breakfast, school back from school, How was school? I became like a dad, a big brother to these little boys, and my life literally in that time transformed into, I wasn't about me anymore, it wasn't just my ego, it wasn't to be rich or famous. All of a sudden, it was like, man, I love serving people. I love helping people.
Starting point is 00:07:59 I love making a difference. Like those eyes these boys had, these abused kids have these eyes that are different. So, you know, you're on your, we're all on our journey trying to kind of figure our lives out, figure out who we are, what our gifts are. Yes. Was that a moment for you where you went?
Starting point is 00:08:13 Bro. My calling is to serve. It was my calling. And what's amazing about is I thought I knew what my gifts were. Because everyone had always told me when I was little, what my initial gifts were. Everyone puts you in that story when you're little right My parents always introduced me as Eddie shy. He's shy. That's the worst thing to say forget
Starting point is 00:08:30 So guess what I was I'm shy. I'm introverted right so my gifts changed and so what happened was right when I've got to work There I spent there a couple years the same time my best friend's dad called me and said hey, I know you got a stable job I you could start in this business part time. It's a financial business I'm like I have no background in finance. I hate money. I don't know anything about it. I didn't take a math class in college. It's not even, it's boring to me.
Starting point is 00:08:52 My dad's a banker. No. But then they brought me down there and I, they were like, no, this is really about helping people. And I went, okay, you got my buzzword. This is about contribution. I'm like, wait a minute. And, and you could kind of make the money.
Starting point is 00:09:04 You thought you were gonna make playing baseball. Right. And I said, here's the deal. I'm not wait a minute and and you could kind of make the money you thought you're gonna make playing baseball Right, and I said here's the deal. I'm not leaving my boys I won't leave these boys like you can start part time And so then I spent time in the business part time growing my practice growing my business Except I came at it differently instead of approaching it just like a stud and an ego and about making money I approached it from the standpoint of serving people and making a difference. And my following exploded. And then it got to the point where just financially I had to leave the group home and spend my time in my full-time business. So that's all I got into the business. You just mentioned something that's so important to me and something that I'm constantly preaching.
Starting point is 00:09:36 You know, there's a quote by a guy named Zig Zigler, you should look him up if you don't know who he is. He said you can have everything you want in life if you'll just help enough other people get what they want. Ed is here, we're overlooking the most beautiful view I've seen personally in my life in this magnificent home with his beautiful wife and you know he didn't get here by accident. The switch I think is he decided to stop thinking and working for himself and start thinking and working for everybody else. Is that accurate? It's accurate.
Starting point is 00:10:05 There's multiple benefits to that, because you know, that's why I love your work. That's why when you ask me to do this, and I start to look at what you talk, I like, I'll do it, right? And the reason is, because I love what you stand for, because this is so important that people get. One, people matter, things don't.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Things will never, like, this view's amazing, but it's there every morning, right? So it does, you know, the Ferrari out front is awesome, but it's there every morning, right? So it does you know the Ferrari out front is awesome But it's not as awesome as it was the first day I drove it. I'll be honest with you. I like it And by the way, it's better than a camera aids better than a Hyundai. I'm not saying that I hate when rich guys go material things Don't matter. I'm not saying they don't matter. I'm saying they don't endure right serving people in durz and so but the power Of putting yourself where you're serving another person, here's what it does It's beautiful. It takes the pressure off you. Yeah, every sales call, every encounter, every conversation, if it's about them and not you, the pressure's off you to say the perfect thing to get it exactly right.
Starting point is 00:10:56 As long as your intentions are good, people sense intent. Long term, people will sense your spirit. They'll sense your intention, they sense your energy, influence and persuasion. It's why I like you. Like a media, I'm like, do I know, remember I told you, have I known you before? It's because people respond to what they feel, which is energy way more than what they hear or see and they people can smell a phony a mile away, they can smell it, they can sense it, but people can also sense, for the most part, sincerity, generosity, genuineness. And I'm really am in a position where I want to give you something and serve you and make a difference and I care about you.
Starting point is 00:11:34 That's a powerful energy that's rare. And if you're that way in business, I don't care what your business is. Tech speaking, computers, dry cleaning, sports, if you're that type of person, eventually your energy wins. It's a strategic advantage. Stop thinking of yourself, think of everybody else. Hey, you've got an amazing speech. In fact, this is how I found you.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I was in on a treadmill in Boca Raton. I was hanging out with my good buddy, Michael Chandler. Actually, I wasn't hanging out with him. I was just running, doing my routine. I looked at motivational videos. Really? You came up and you started talking about the thermometer. And I'm gonna let you take the reins here. But as soon as I saw this message, I called it Michael.
Starting point is 00:12:13 I said, dude, I know I send you 10 videos a day. Watch this one. Is that right? I did. And he watched it. Call me back. He said, that just changed my life. Wow.
Starting point is 00:12:22 So tell me about the analogy of the thermometer and why people do what they do and how all that works. Well, this is thank you for asking that. And I appreciate the story, too. So here's the thing. In your life, in my opinion, you will never get more out of your life than you think you're worthy of or you deserve.
Starting point is 00:12:38 And so our self confidence worth, whatever you want to wrap that up is, is what I would call identity. It's the way you view yourself. And can never long-term, short-term you can, but long-term you can never exceed in your life where you think your identity is. So it's like a thermostat sitting on the wall. You set the temperature for your life based on your identity. So if you set your temperature to say 75 degrees of whatever, money, happiness, peace of mind, fitness, health,
Starting point is 00:13:03 you name it, you set it right here. No matter what happens in your life, if you increase the conditions of your life and it gets better and better, you've all seen this happen, you will unconsciously turn the air conditioners on to get that thermostat back to 75 degrees of life. Unconsciously, I'll say, there's a car wreck, a misdeployment, some circumstance, you think is out of your control, but what you've done is you cooled your life back down to your identity. The reverse is also true. Life's going terrible. Appointments are flaking out. Your business isn't going well somehow you always find a way to eat. You always find a way to get back to where you were and you turn the heater on and get it back up to your identity. So the key
Starting point is 00:13:39 is yes you got to do more work, yes you have to improve your skills, but if you don't improve the thermostat temperature you think you're worthy of, you will always heat or cool your life back down to that same temperature. And you're, was I'm saying this, people are going, oh my god, that's exactly what happens to me. I get it going and then I cool it back down again. I didn't know I was doing it myself, is it self sabotage? It's self sabotage, it's unconscious, it's energy, it's, I watch it with people all
Starting point is 00:14:04 the time. Guys make a lot of money. And then they spend it all because they don't have a rich man's identity. Or they save and save and save and they can't stop. They get a pile of it and they spend it. Or their business grows and they stop doing the things that got them there. Or an athlete. We're just talking with one of the top fighters in the world you and I were. And I watch athletes do it.
Starting point is 00:14:22 They climb and climb. Then they become a champion or something like that. And they just let off a little bit. They get they don't train quite as hard and not quite as hungry. People think well he's not as hungry. No his identity didn't grow with the title. And so now if you make a championship and a sport, your identity can't be to be the champion. Your identity has to be all-time great, a legend, world class. And if you don't, you will cool it back down. Suddenly you lose a fight, you shouldn't lose. Or you drop a pass, you shouldn't drop, or you miss a putt, you should make.
Starting point is 00:14:49 It's all I'd say. The governor on your life, the secret invisible force is always identity, and it's a temperature you set up. And there's ways to change it, too, which is the good news. Now, that was my next question. You beat me to it, Ed. How do we change our self-image, our self-confidence? What do we have to do to get to the next level in our life?
Starting point is 00:15:08 So when we do hit an 80 and we're used to a 70, we keep going. Yeah, great question. And so this is, for me, it's like, I want to spend my life's work getting people the tools to do this. But in brief, it's important to short video. The first thing is self-confidence. So you must build self-confidence.
Starting point is 00:15:24 It's fighter and eye that that you and I both know We're just literally literally just said dominant crews by the way Dominics here with us at the house. Dominic is here, right? So we have nothing to hide We're hanging out with our men right Dominic here And so he was saying the same thing about confidence before I said it and he said confidence comes for me from my Preparation right and it's and what I what I would tell Dominic is it's not just that you prepared, it's that you told yourself you were going to do certain things when you did it. So self-confidence is the baseline, you grew quickly. Self-confidence is very simple to build, okay? Self-confidence is
Starting point is 00:15:55 self-trust. Self-confidence is you have built a reputation with yourself where you keep the promises you make to you. That's what preparation means, too. So when I meet somebody who lacks self-confidence, I know I've met somebody who is consistently not kept private promises they make to themselves. When I meet someone like you, who I know has exemplary self-confidence, it's not ego, it's not arrogance, it's rooted in the fact that this man knows when he tells himself he's gonna do something. Get up at a certain time. Eat a certain way. Work out at a certain time. Treat people a certain way. Show up. Whatever it is, you keep those promises. So you've stacked. And over time, you've built this muscle-up of self-confidence where you have a reputation with yourself that's so good, you don't care about what other people think
Starting point is 00:16:42 about you. The people who lack self-confidence, the ones always worrying about their reputation with others, what everybody else thinks, because they don't have a good one of themselves. So that's the first thing. That is so mind-blowing. And I heard you say that a couple of weeks ago, and since then I am, I'm a disciplined person, and I try to do what I say I'm going to do. Integrity is incredibly important to me, above most things. But since you've said that, I caught myself on even some small promises I made to myself,
Starting point is 00:17:06 you said, that's it. Yeah. No, I said I was going to do what I'm doing. And here's why. Other things that winners have, they're more self-aware. They're harder on themselves and they're more self-aware. You are aware of the mistakes you make more of the most because you have the confidence to see them.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Most people blame other people. And admit them. Right. Because it's not their fault because they don't lack the confidence lack the comfort of people who want to take ownership. They want to take responsibility, be accountable because they're confident they can turn it around. If you don't know the confidence you can turn on you better blame everybody else. Second way you change your identity is association. In other words, if I'm an 80 degreeer and you're 110 degreeer in life through, through us being around each other,
Starting point is 00:17:46 over time you will heat me up near your level in the area I want to improve in. So I have friends who are 150 degreeers in their faith, and when I'm around them, the longer I spend time with them, my faith heats up in that level. I have other ones that are very wealthy people, when I'm around them,
Starting point is 00:18:02 my thermostat of wealth increases. So it depends self-confidence, right? Fitness. When you're around a world-class athlete like Dominic, all of a sudden, you don't think you're so fit. All of a sudden, but if I ran and trained with him every day, I promise you, my mental and physical identity would be more fit.
Starting point is 00:18:18 So that's another way to change your identity as a association. And on the same topic, there's that famous quote, you're gonna be the same person you are five years from now Except for the people that you spend time with and the books you read. That's right So but you had added something to that a little bit when I was watching one of your videos You're saying that for instance their income is gonna be your income for the five people I've been hanging out with for the last five years. Yeah, chances are I'm gonna be so somehow you're exactly right
Starting point is 00:18:42 Somehow if I were to study you most people If I took the five people you hang around maybe minus one of them your income was within a 20 to 25% range of theirs So if they make a hundred you probably make 75 to 125 of the people you hang around and so for me Income wise especially and I do this very regularly I'm constantly seeking out association when it comes to my net worth and my income that I know will heat me up because I really am right now. If I look at my life, the five people I spend the most time with, even now, most of the, we name some of them when we start the program, right? Our net worth is all within about 25% of one another. It's so crazy. So I love them and they're going to stay my friends, but I need
Starting point is 00:19:22 to add another one. I got to add a new one who's going to stretch me who's way ahead of me though, not too far. If you pick someone who's so far out in front of you, their poll power has no influence over you. So I want someone one, two, three, four times more successful than me in that area, not a thousand. If I make $50,000 a year, me running around with a billionaire is not going to help you. Yeah. So there's a proximity. Well, you just can't relate. You can't relate. Yeah. They can't relate to me. There's no influence there. So one thing I've recognized with every successful person I've met is usually they rattle
Starting point is 00:19:51 around with all kinds of favorite quotes in their heads that have made a difference in their life. What are some of your favorite quotes and why? Wow. That's a really good question. I have a whole bunch of quotes that I constantly use, but I think for me, my faith is like my foundation, right? So my favorite quote is, I can do all things through Christ, through strength, and so every
Starting point is 00:20:12 night, my wife will tell you, I end up hitting my knees every single night because I've had enough experiences of my life where my ego starts to take advantage of me and I start thinking it's me all the time and I'm by the way, I know part of this is me. Part of this is the work I've put into the difference I've made, but I know the vast majority of this is blessing. And the minute in my life that I've neglected to acknowledge that, the Lord's tends to remind me. So if I look back at most of the setbacks that I've had in my life,
Starting point is 00:20:39 where we go backwards, typically those are because either A, I stop doing the things I needed to do, or B, my ego started to take over. I stop doing the things I needed to do, or B, my ego started to take over. I started to think I was something pretty special, and the God's got a way of humbling you when that happens. At best, we can take credit for being co-laborers. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:20:54 That's about it. The chances are we're a much smaller piece of that pie. Huge, and we're talking about self-confidence earlier, too. I love different parables. So, by the way, I love people of all faiths. I have great friends of every faith. I admire and respect people of faith. But I will say to you, there's the parable of the sower in the Bible. I'm a big believer that when you're planting seeds, I'm a big believer. My job is to plant the seeds. It's God's job to help with the harvest. I do my job of planting the seeds. The wind is
Starting point is 00:21:24 going to get some of my seeds, right? The birds are going to get some. The weather is going to get some. The rain is going to get some. The wind is going to get some. But if I just keep planting those seeds in my business, in my life, in my fitness, that there's eventually a harvest. I just, I have faith that that's true.
Starting point is 00:21:36 It's interesting this morning when we were with Dominic, he did another interview. And one of the things that he said was, man, the main thing that marks my life is consistent sacrifice. And it was just like, and that's what we're talking about, because we're sacrifice planning those seeds, and we're not looking, we don't see the harvest coming around the corner. So it's almost like the process is the goal.
Starting point is 00:21:56 The process is the goal, right? Like, sometimes you have to separate from your outcome and do the work. One of the other reasons that the sacrifice is such a big deal is that guys like Dominic, me and you, I get confidence in knowing I'm doing stuff other people aren't willing to do. Like I have this overriding belief that if I keep doing things other people aren't willing to do, I'm going to get things other people aren't going to have. And so the sacrifice, it's not important just to make the sacrifice, is to be rewarding
Starting point is 00:22:21 yourself mentally when you're making a saying, I am doing stuff they won't do. I'm up earlier, I'm making more calls. I'm in the gym more often. Thank you. You want to do something? There's Dominic Cruz, everybody. Come on in here, Dominic. Get at least a little FaceTime.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Do you want to make sure I was drinking monster? Yeah, we got a show off monster. Call me the wire board. We're bragging about you and you're gone. Dominic in the house. I'm not pregnant. I don't want to get beat up, so it's good. All right.
Starting point is 00:22:44 So part of that sacrifice is where my self confidence comes from I I kind of get off on doing stuff. I know other people aren't willing to do and the reason is I Started out really insecure, right? I started out lacking self confidence. I still fight it right I still fight my tendency to not always believe in myself and so it it's for me, I can believe in me willing to do the work. I can believe in me doing the grind, doing the nasty, because I know I'll do that. I trust me. I have self-confidence.
Starting point is 00:23:14 That's different than being secure. Right. And so the foundations are my self-confidence and my fate. Those are the things that elevate me. If I have both of those things going, life is cooking pretty good for me. Awesome. I've been listening to your podcasts,
Starting point is 00:23:27 and again, changing my life as every time I listen to one of these things, one of the things that you said to me, I'll probably never ever forget, or you said to me through the podcast, I'll never forget is the story about meeting yourself at the end of your life. Can you expound on that for me and tell, just tell the story? Sure. Well, it just came up the other day.
Starting point is 00:23:46 If I can tell you my, we haven't dinner the other night, my daughter will say anything to me, right? And so, uh, we're in the interstuals. Hey, dad, um, I think you're going through a midlife crisis. And I'm like, what? She goes, come on, growing the beard, uh, Instagram pictures, I think you're going through a midlife crisis. And I said, uh, I am. I'm going through a crisis. And I said, I'll go through a 50-year-old crisis. I went through one when I was 20. Because here's what I think would suck. I think what would suck would be to be the same 47-year-old I was as a 46-year-old. I already lived that guy's life.
Starting point is 00:24:10 I already know what he experienced. I already know what he's capable of. I want the 47-year-old to be a completely better person, better version of me than the 46-year-old. I was at a car wash where my son was little. And there was a man I used to see. I was a 40-year-old. I was a 40-year-old. I was a 40-year-old. I already lived that guy's life. I already know what he experienced. I already know what he's capable of. I want the 47-year-old to be a completely better person, better version of me than the 46 year old.
Starting point is 00:24:26 I was at a car wash where my son was little. And there was a man I used to see there all the time. He's a nice man, I didn't mean to say it to him this way, but like most people say to you when you have kids, he goes, how old your son? I said he's six. And he said, well, enjoy the six year old because when he turns seven, the six year old's gone forever.
Starting point is 00:24:41 And then he said, and when he turns eight, the seven year old's gone forever. Wow. And I said to him, it reflexively, I went, when did that stop for you? And he just stared back at me reading his newspaper, and I told Max, and he said, I said, that's never going to happen to daddy. It's some age for most people that process stops. The 21-year-old is the same person the 20-year-old was, or the 30-year-old is the same dude the 29-year-old was, or the 40-year-old is the same woman the 39- old was, or the 30 year old is the same dude, the 29 year old was, or the 40 year old is the same woman, the 39 year old was.
Starting point is 00:25:07 I want every year to be in a crisis, to be the next best version of me, because I'm chasing a guy. The guy I'm chasing is the man I'm capable of becoming at the end of my life, that God made me to be, that's my destiny, right? And at the end of my life, when I go make the Lord, it's gonna be awesome, but I have this feeling
Starting point is 00:25:24 he's gonna introduce me to who I could have been, what my destiny was, who I was born to be, right? And at the end of my life, when I go meet the Lord, it's going to be awesome. But I have this feeling he's going to introduce me to who I could have been. What my destiny was, who I was born to be, right? And when I get there, I want to meet that guy and be best friends, like I've known you a long time, brother. The worst end of my life would be I would get there and we'd be total strangers. I meet this dude, I could have been, what he could have accomplished, where he could have gone, the people he could have helped, the peace, happiness, strength, all that, and I don't know him. Wow, I don't wanna be a stranger to that guy. And so that happens every year
Starting point is 00:25:50 because I can't fall behind a year. Not every year is gonna be better than the previous year, but every year I'm gonna be better. The year may not be better, the results may not be better, but I'm gonna be better because I'm chasing that dude. That is, think about it every day.
Starting point is 00:26:01 I swear to you, every day I think about it. So I would assume just that one thought is motivation enough or it creates enough discipline in you, I mean that, it's my barometer. So that's what maxing out means. I want to max out my life and at the end of it I meet that freaking guy, right? And so my barometer is even this, when this is done and you leave, I'll go, did you max that out? Or was it just good?
Starting point is 00:26:25 We're maxing it out, baby. We ain't going nowhere. Oh, right up my home, right? I'm always wondering that. I'm always thinking that. Look at these arms. How do you not look at these arms without maxing out? They're deep.
Starting point is 00:26:36 They're sport guns now, everybody's telling me. Tell me about that though. Max Oats are a really interesting slogan. I love it. And I've been watching and seeing, but what does it mean and what is it all about what do you do with it. Maxing out came from my son's name's max but I got the concept of maxing out mainly because I had caught myself doing good.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I just put a video about this again because I've fallen into this again I caught myself who say how is the workout I'm like good and then a few a little while later like hey how was your meeting how was your like, yeah, that's good. In fact, Christiana asked me today, how was your workout? And I caught myself again, I'm like, yeah, that's good. And so I caught myself, I'm like, good. The fuck is good, right?
Starting point is 00:27:13 Good is not gonna get me anywhere. Good is the enemy of extraordinary, right? And I asked myself, like, when's the last time I like maxed out a workout? Like, I left there like, exhausted fatigue. When's the last time I left this speech, I went, I left it all there, that's all I had. And then what's it feel like when I do? Right. It's the best feeling in the world, right? And so I find I'm
Starting point is 00:27:32 happier when I so so I just decided to start setting a new standard because in your life whether you're an athlete or a business person or father a mother a person of faith, you get your standard. Your life's never going to exceed what your standard is. And I just found out I'm working hard, I'm going through the motions, I'm a good guy, I'm calm, I've done all these other things. But what's my standard? Like what's my daily standard for the things I do?
Starting point is 00:27:56 And I realized I didn't have one. Wow. I had no standard, it was just like, you good? Get through it, work hard, do your thing. Well, Tom Brady, I'm about to play his eighth Super Bowl, right? And I know Brady, he's a member of one of my clubs, and I can tell you that he literally said to me one day, I'm in a crisis to get better every single day. That's where I stole from what I just told you.
Starting point is 00:28:18 And he's like, and I, I, I, more than around these elite performers, whether it's, and not name dropping, but if you, and I, if you, if Tony Robbins were here, or Phil Knight from Nike, or Tom Brady here, where they're sitting here, or Zach Johnson, PJ Gauper, Zach Johnson doesn't want to stack up 10 great practice sessions in a row. He wants 10 maxed out practice sessions, so when he's got a putt to win the masters on a Sunday,
Starting point is 00:28:42 he's confident he could roll that thing and have that ultimate max out. You don't get the ultimate max out by being good all the other day. Right. And so that's what it means. I love it. I love it. And I'm counting on a hat.
Starting point is 00:28:53 I got one of the other things I want to do. So I was listening to Lewis Howe's interview. Great interview with you guys. He's fantastic. Great guy. And he asked you a question that I thought was amazing. He said, what do you wish people would ask you about more? And you said the balance between driving happiness.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Yes, I did. Tell me what that means to you. Well, so a lot of successful people that are watching this have this false belief that I held for a long time. And the belief is this that I'll be happy when. So it's like, I better reserve my happiness level or I'll lose my drive. And so it's interesting.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Most people think if I have to be unhappy in order to get to the next level, and they reserve their happens, once I get this car, I'll be happy. Once I get this relationship out, once I get this house, once I get this promotion, once I get this amount of money, so they delay this place they need this somehow mysteriously get to in order to experience happiness. Those people never arrive. Okay the only way we ever arrive to a place of real happiness, real peace is we have to be able to be a peace and happy now. I call it blissful
Starting point is 00:29:57 dissatisfaction. You can live in bliss right now and still be dissatisfied. There's no correlation or relationship between happiness and satisfaction. They're completely different things people confuse the two they Misconstrued, okay, and so for an example of this is you ever I use this with Lewis But you ever like bite into like the best steak of your life, right? You're like oh, it's just blissful, right? Are you any less hungry for the next bite? No, you want more of it. So there's a fuel to being happy where you are. There's no correlation between the two. So I try to live in a state of, and I don't always do it, but in a state of blissful dissatisfaction, I am the most dissatisfied person. Anybody that I know knows, dissatisfied, even showing you this house. I'm like, yeah, but you know, I'm dissatisfied, but it doesn't
Starting point is 00:30:42 mean I'm not happy. I've learned life is too short I've had too many friends of mine work all their lives Retire and a year later die of heart attack and they never enjoyed their life I've watched too many of my buddies on their phone and I struggled on their phone the whole time They're with their family and never be present and be in the moment right yeah, so they miss moments They miss life God gave you today You're supposed to enjoy and max out today. It doesn't mean you're any less desires of a better tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Yeah. Okay. And so that's what living blissfully decided, and there's a science to that. There's an art to it that I teach. It's interesting because a lot of these correlate as you meet people that are akin and things like that. And the term that came up for me years ago was, it was a question.
Starting point is 00:31:22 And it was, how do I remain content and ambitious? What was your answer? And it's the same thing, right? What did you uncover? Really what you just said is I needed to come to a point where I was daily accepting and grateful and happy and building routines into my life of gratitude and thinking about all the blessings that I have
Starting point is 00:31:41 and how far I've come and where I used to be. So I'm like, man, I got it made today. Yes. But I sure am hungry for that next piece of steak. Exactly. Exactly right, brother. So it's exactly the same thing we've been talking about. There's nothing worse than meeting a person who has all of the things other people would like to have in their life and you get to know them and they're unhappy.
Starting point is 00:32:00 It's such a letdown. We've all met people like this. Like a letdown. It's like, I want to know I can be happy along the way I'm happy here. I love being happy here, but to be honest, that was happy where we were before what are you most proud of? Most proud of my family so by miles and miles and miles You get me choked up on that one so my family 100% at the end of all this I can't take any of this with me
Starting point is 00:32:23 I always say all the time you know people matter things't, but the real people that really matter are your loved ones in your family. Right. And so, by a mile, I'm the most proud of my children, my wife, my parents, my sisters, I'm the most proud of that. That's who I am. The story of my life, right? Like, always talk all the time. You're the lead character in the story of your life, right? And most people go through their entire life worrying about all these Ancillary you ever watch the end of a movie? In a mood has all the leading characters, right? And then if you watch it long enough you scroll down It's like taxi cab driver number two. Bouncer at the bar. There I've been named right? You ever watch that?
Starting point is 00:32:58 Yeah, okay. Most people live their lives Obsessed with taxi caber number two and what they think about you. Bouncer number three, these faceless people that will just pass through your life and their obsessed with what they think about them. They don't take action, they don't live their dreams because they're worried about all these other people. Instead of focusing on the leading characters, the leading character of my life is me and my family.
Starting point is 00:33:20 But when you read the book of my life Sunday or watch the movie of my life Sunday, my great grandkids come along and they read the pages, they're not going to know who taxi caber number two, right? In the background, I'm living for the main characters in my life, right? Yeah. That's who matters to me. So that's what I'm the most proud of by Miles. You speak a lot about your faith, and it's incredibly important to you. Tell me how that all happened and what it means and...
Starting point is 00:33:43 Well, like everybody, my faith is something that I work on that times I even struggle with. It bothers me sometimes, I think everyone's faith is perfect. I'm always 100% in perfect faith in harmony. I'm not. I struggle with that too. I ask myself questions all the time. But my faith comes, I was raised, a Catholic, I was raised going to church. I don't know, it's interesting. I'm not in that church anymore, but my, my, this is interesting. My, oh, when I was a kid, my dad prayed well with me. So half the time
Starting point is 00:34:17 he was probably drunk when we did it. But, but my dad would do the right type of prayers. Like before a game, my dad would say, I don't want you to pray to get foreheads. God's not favoring you over the picture. But I want you, let's pray Lord, that the Lord will let you play to the best of your ability and that everybody leaves the game safely. And somehow, when I would go into sporting events
Starting point is 00:34:37 as a kid, I would have this quiet piece about me that I was favored and that I was protected and that God had my back really like I've always felt that right and then be honest with you all of this stuff is almost evidence almost of my faith because I know what a screwed up dude I am I know my frailties I know how weak I am there's no way just I produce this. There's just no freaking way. It has to be blessing It has to be favorite, right? And so and you don't need this to do that But I am constantly saying thank you Lord. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord when I look at my life because I know how screwed up
Starting point is 00:35:17 I I know how weak I am. I know my insecurities and the things I'm not good at and so It's the foundation for my life. It's like, it's the only thing, if you really get down to it, it's really the only thing that really matters. It's like there's got to be a purpose to this life. Like I want to serve other people, I want to make a difference.
Starting point is 00:35:34 It's got to be more than just this. For sure. And I have a foundational belief that there's more than this. I know there is. And so I live my life acting like that. Most of the time, not all the time. So I'm a sinner saved by the grace of God.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Right. So, so believe in God. Which is why we need faith. That's why I need faith. What type of, we're coming into a landing here. I got just a couple more questions for you Ed, but what type of legacy do you want to live? When you, on your app of TAF, what do you want it to say and what do you want people to
Starting point is 00:36:02 remember you as? Yeah. I'll be okay. I just got asked this the other day. In fact, I'll give you the answer that I'll tell you. I don't need to be remembered. Right. My legacy I'm hoping is other people.
Starting point is 00:36:15 I'm hoping that whatever works I do in this world, the other people that I impact pay it forward somehow else themselves. I'd like my own family to know I lived. It's important to me that my great-grandchildren know I lived. They know I was here. They know that I made a difference. They know that I changed our family tree, my family and I, right? But in terms of everybody else, it's not all that important to me that I be remembered. What I want to be is that what I'm done with my life, I meet that guy. I meet that dude I was born to be. And there's two things that happen. one I meet him and that also the Lord says, Hey, I'm proud of you well done. Good and faithful servant, right? And so that's important to me. It's
Starting point is 00:36:51 not so much that other people remember me, but that my family does and that me and the Lord are proud of me. Those are the most important things. Just put my name on there. Fantastic. I love it. Last but not least, we've got, you know. What a good interview, man. We've got thousands of people out there watching. And, you know, I know for every single young man or somebody that wants to get ahead in life or somebody that has not given themselves, or given up on themselves,
Starting point is 00:37:17 their question is how do I get to the next level? I want to end on that because I really want you just to talk to the audience and tell them, this is my best advice for you to get from where you're at to the next stage. Okay, good. There's a lot of advice there, but the most important thing is clarity is the most important thing on getting where we want to go. So in other words, complexity, as you know, is the enemy of executing in your life.
Starting point is 00:37:40 You've got to get crystal specifically clear on what it is you want. If you don't know exactly what it is, your brain cannot go to work on producing a vanilla generic result. You've got to get super clear. Like not I want to get in shape. Exactly what's your body weight. Exactly what's the body fat. So good.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Not I want to get financial. What's the exact dollar amount exactly when do you want to have it? But here's the kicker on it. A lot of people will get to that stage. The, the fuel, because here's the thing, now you got that, now all the adversity kicks in, right? You have got to know why, and why people, I don't know what my why is, I'm going to give it to you, I'm going to give you the formula, why is really easy? Why is always either your dreams or other people? The only reason you do anything in your life is your dreams or others. That's it, there's only two why's. So when you
Starting point is 00:38:24 get clear on what you want, when you go, why do I want to do it? It's either another person you're doing it for family, friends, some loved one, or it's a dream of yours you're making sure. So if you can link the fuel to your dream, which is the why, right? If you got those two things locked in, then what holds you back is really simple. Your execution of the plan. Are you willing to outwork everybody? Yes. Work everyone. Like you've got to be the hardest worker in the room by 10 times. And you can't compete against the other people around you because that's not a high enough standard. Maxing out is competing against your best, your capacity, the ultimate version of you,
Starting point is 00:39:02 right? So if you put those three things in a row, exactly clear on what you want, know exactly why, and then you just decide I'm going to outwork everybody in the world, and that includes my best standard, you're likely to produce the result over time. Last thing, okay, you can't quit. I watch people all the time in sports. I work some guys right now that are getting their body building card, right? And they train and train and diet and struggle and work hard and they didn't get it in the time they thought they should and they give up.
Starting point is 00:39:31 And they were six more months away in another show, right? I watch athletes, I watch golfers, they're close, they're close, they don't make a cut, they quit. I watch business people and they make all these effort deposits over time and they quit before they get to make the big withdrawal. There's a power to stain. There's a power to not giving up that most people don't appreciate. So you anchor those four things together.
Starting point is 00:39:53 That's a recipe to eventually win. It's like this. I'm just going to wear your ass out till I win. I'm just going to wear you out. I'm going to out work you. I'm going to know more of what I want specifically. I'm going to know why. I'm going to wear you out with work and you can't get rid of me. I can't tap out. You can't get me to tap out work you. I'm gonna know more of what I want specifically. I'm gonna know why. I'm gonna wear you out with work
Starting point is 00:40:05 and you can't get rid of me. I can't tap out. You can't get me to tap out on this. So good. Boom. That's a formula to win. So good. Ed, I'm ready to go lift up a,
Starting point is 00:40:15 go bench press a Volkswagen or something. I'm gonna do it. I can't thank you enough for having me to your home. Great to have you. Sharon, you're wisdom with us. This has been an amazing hour for having me to your home sharing your wisdom with us This has been an amazing hour for me, and I'm sure you blessed everybody out there too. Hey guys Chris Patterson Daily giving you another checkup in the neck up. Don't forget to max out every single day. Love you guys I'm a max out, max out, max out, I'm a max out

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