THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Control Your Identity Change Your Life

Episode Date: February 18, 2019

THIS is the MOST important skill in becoming the best version of yourself! It will literally change your life! In my own life, I'm always working on my self-confidence, my tactics and strategies, my a...bility to influence. But the thing I am MOST obsessed about... the thing I KNOW will take me to the next best version of myself, is constantly elevating my IDENTITY. The most powerful force in the world is to be consistent with the thoughts, ideas, concepts, and beliefs you hold to be true to yourself! This is what your identity is made of! Your identity is like a THERMOSTAT setting The entire temperature of your life. And once you understand how to adjust this thermostat, you can adjust any area of your life you want to! In this episode, I'm teaching you my top strategies on how to understand, develop and control your identity so YOU can control the script of your life! WHO YOU BECOME is dictated by your ability to alter your identity and shape yourself into the next best version of yourself. THIS IS THE KEY! I PROMISE YOU, this is information you will hear/see nowhere else! I want to help you change your life, and this will be the best 25 min you could possibly invest In yourself , your colleagues and ANYONE YOU CARE! And yes , once again it’s FREE of Charge! You could pay $100,000 or go to every personal development seminar on earth and you will not get something that will help you this much! This is why people are saying my content is the best in the word today👊🏽

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Ed Milet Show. Welcome back to Max Out everybody. I'm Ed Milet and today I'm extremely excited to share these thoughts with you because I think what we're going to cover today may be the single most important thing that will lead to you reaching the ultimate version of yourself, your optimal results, your max out level of play, or not ever getting there. And so it's that important to me. People ask me often what were some of the decisions and choices and areas I focused on that made
Starting point is 00:00:43 the biggest difference for me in my life. And today's topic is the thing that I would probably give you the gift of first. And that is the power of your identity. See I believe the most powerful force in the world is to be consistent with the thoughts, ideas, concepts, and beliefs. You hold to be true about yourself. And that is what identity is. Identity is the governor on every single area of your life. It
Starting point is 00:01:06 literally sets the temperature for all of the conditions of your life. Shakespeare has this incredible quote that says, we know what we are but not what we may be and the who you may be is going to be dictated by your ability to alter your identity because you are going to always be consistent with what you believe you're worth and what you believe you deserve or what is your identity. Your identity, the best analogy I could give you, is like a thermostat sitting on the wall of your life. It sets the entire temperature for the conditions of your life in multiple areas. And so most people think their life is dictated by external circumstances. They spend their entire life trying to control what is outside of them. You've all heard the great saying that people in 12-step programs talk about about learning to control the things they can
Starting point is 00:01:52 and letting go of the things that they can't control. And the fact of the matter is you cannot always control the external factors that are impacting you in your life. The good news is that it's the external things in your life that do not dictate the direction or the ultimate destination of your life. That is a fallacy. Listen to me when I tell you this. External circumstances do not dictate the ultimate destination of your life. It's an internal game.
Starting point is 00:02:16 You and your faith, your God, or what will control the direction of your life. Not the external things that are impacting you all the time. And this identity is that internal thermostat. It sets the temperature just like a thermostat sitting on the wall of the conditions of your entire life. Let me give an example of how the thermostat of our lives works. The best analogy I could give you is exactly how one works in the room I'm sitting in. It sets the temperature of the room.
Starting point is 00:02:41 And so the external conditions don't impact the internal temperature of this room because that thermostat regulates the condition of the room. So if we open the door in the windows in this room and cold air blue in here, the thermostat would kick on, wouldn't it, and heat the room back up to 75 degrees. So no matter what hit it, it regulates the temperature of the room. The reverse is also trivial. A bunch of hot air blue in the room If we open the doors in the windows the thermostat would cool the room back down and regulate at the 75 degrees Guess what that's exactly how your life works
Starting point is 00:03:13 Once you accept this truth It is a fact that is not the external things that are happening. It's the internal thermostat Too often in life people don't work on changing their identity. They're always working on producing external results. Have you ever known somebody who was wealthy and no longer is? Have you ever known somebody who made a bunch of money and no longer does? How about somebody who was in a great relationship and that relationship no longer exists? How about someone who got in great shape that is no longer in that shape again?
Starting point is 00:03:41 If your results begin to exceed your internal thermostat, you will find a way to cool your life back down to what you believe you're worth and you're comfortable at your identity. You'll think it's coincidental. Oh, I was this accident happened or this appointment cancelser, this circumstance took place. It's not coincidence. All of those things have happened because you set the thermostat of your life and you've regulated what you're going to get. Isn't that incredible? That you could learn all the talents, the behaviors, the skills, the tactics, all the strategies that I teach you. But if you don't alter that thermostat internally, you could have all of the skills of
Starting point is 00:04:15 a hundred degree producer and you will live a 75 degree existence because you will turn the air condition of your life on. Back down to cool it where you're comfortable. It's also true by the way. You've seen this of your life on. Back down to cool it where you're comfortable. It's also true, by the way. You've seen this in your own life. Maybe you've had something really good going in business before, you've got momentum. It seems like things are happening great. And then you wake up four, five, six months later,
Starting point is 00:04:34 and you've cooled your life, your business right back down to where it was before. Maybe it saved some money at one time. And then coincidentally, your car broke down or a bill happened, or there was a run of birthday parties. And all of a sudden that bank account is back to where it always was. It's not coincidental. You've cooled the conditions back down again.
Starting point is 00:04:52 And so you've seen this happen. Maybe you've gotten great shape at one point, but your identity wasn't that fit a person and you've cooled it back down to about what you're comfortable being. This is true in your faith and your relationships. By the way, you have multiple thermostat settings. You have one in your faith, you have one in your fitness, one in your money, one in your happiness, right? One in your business life. So there's multiple identities we have. The reverse is also true. There's been times in your life where the circumstances, the conditions were terrible. You thought you'd never get out
Starting point is 00:05:20 of it. You're never going to eat again. Well, guess what? You ate again, didn't you? And you heated your life back up to that same place again. So you've proven this over and over in your life, haven't you? So have I. So has every single human being. The governor on our life, the regulator of our life, is our identity, which is the internal thermostat that sets the temperature for our life. So the key in life is to learn all the thoughts, the skills,
Starting point is 00:05:43 the tactics, and the strategies that can heat our life up in the areas that matter most to us. But if we don't simultaneously change the conditions of our thermostat, change what we're comfortable living at, change our identity, our worth, change the thoughts, beliefs, concepts, and value we hold to ourselves, we will cool or heat our life back to that regulated temperature. And so I'm telling you, the overall key to changing the external conditions of your life is changing that internal thermostat setting. So that's what we're going to talk about some strategies on today. Just being aware that you need to alter the thermostat is a life changing, liberating condition.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I covered this in very specific detail and hashtag max out your life. My book, it's a quick read, 100 pages. I wrote it so that every page has strategies on it, no fluff. If you want the book, go to You put in the code maxout, I'll buy the book for you. So I cover this in detail there, but I want to cover it in detail right now with you as well. What you need to be doing is becoming aware of how important it is
Starting point is 00:06:45 that you adjust this thermostat setting as you produce better results, as you start to learn new skills and strategies and tactics. See, you can move from an average business into an extraordinary business with incredible opportunity, but you will produce the same results you're getting in the average business if you don't change that thermostat setting up to 95 or 100 or 120 degrees of what you believe you're worth, the thoughts, concepts and beliefs you hold true to be about yourself. So it is the regulator on our lives and it's the main thing I work on with my private coaching, with some of the elite performers I work with in business and athletics, and entertainment and politics is me working with them on changing that internal
Starting point is 00:07:25 thermostat where we can heat it higher and higher and higher so that they can produce the results and the conditions of their life stay and exceed those levels all the time. In fact, in my own life, I'm always working on my self-confidence. I'm working on my tactics and strategies, my ability to influence, right? My thoughts, all of those different things, but the thing I'm most obsessed about, that I know is going to get me to the ultimate version of me, is constantly elevating the temperature in the areas that matter to me, adjusting that thermostat setting higher and higher and higher and higher so that I can get those conditions to match it because it
Starting point is 00:07:57 always will. You will always get your thermostat setting, always in your life. So, can I give you any insights as to how to change that thermostat setting? I can, let me give you a couple. The most powerful way, and the easiest way to change your thermostat setting is by adding people to your circle, very close proximity, that live at a higher temperature in that area than you do.
Starting point is 00:08:20 For example, in your faith, let's just say, you're a 75 degreeer in your faith. You've already seen this. You can't possibly begin to regularly associate with good, godly people who pray regularly, who try to live righteously. And they're 110, 120 degrees of faith in their life and not have that proximity heat you up. Now, you won't get to where they are. You'll get to somewhere between where you are at 75 degrees and they are at 110. Over time, you a hundred degreeer. And you alter the thermostat setting
Starting point is 00:08:47 through association, same in business. If you and I were to hang around each other every single day and let's say you were a 75 degreeer in business hypothetically and I don't know that about you, but let's just say you were and I was 150 degreeer and we hung around each other all the time. Don't you think through that association, right, especially if you had two or three
Starting point is 00:09:04 or four people like me in your life, that just over time, you don't even feel it. You're at 80, you're at 85, you're at 90, you're at 95. And that's where you are. We understand the power of this with our children because we know at school, the teachers have influence over them, they're mentors, but the people that really have influence over our children are their friends because they're around them all the time. And so we know it sets their temperature. This is true in fitness. If you're a 75 degree of fitness at every meal, every day at the gym, all your associations,
Starting point is 00:09:34 hypothetically speaking, we're with someone who was shredded and fit the way you wanted to look at 150 degrees. You know over time you get heated up. And so you can't be with someone every day. You can't be with them all the time, but the key is to get more proximity in the areas that matter with people whose thermostat setting is higher than yours. I am a product.
Starting point is 00:09:53 You are listening to me right now because I've been so obsessed with this concept of adding new associations to my life that live in the areas that I want to improve in at higher temperatures than me. It's my obsession to this day. I'll give you a secret. life that live in the areas that I want to improve in at higher temperatures than me. It's my obsession to this day. I'll give you a secret. One of the reasons I even do my show is I know that I'm influencing many of these guests in the areas that matter most to them through our proximity and in some cases they do it
Starting point is 00:10:16 for me. So I'm obsessed with the power of association, but I don't just associate. See, all person most says, yeah, you're the five people you hang around. Kind of. You really are the five to ten people you hang around. If you're conscious all the time of studying them, of observing them, of asking questions, of the fact that you should be altering your thermostat setting, that's when it really moves. It's not just hanging around. It's consciously and intentionally spending time with people where you allow it to impact you, where you study them, where you really observe them,
Starting point is 00:10:51 where you're open to their influence. There has to be a level of trust before you can do that, where you surrender yourself to them, but it's not just being around them. It's intentionally being around people that alters that thermostat setting. So power of association is the main way to do it. Second way to alter your identity is in a short window of time behave completely differently. In a 30-day window of time
Starting point is 00:11:14 in your fitness life, you shock your system into eating or training completely differently than you used to. Or in your business life, you make a hundred times more phone calls, a hundred more contacts. You do something in a very short window of time that shocks you into believing, my gosh, I could never go back where I was before. You trick your brain into believing you're different. There's this part of our brain that always wants to be consistent with what we're worth. Well, if in a short window of time, I begin to behave completely differently.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Your brain begins to believe you deserve something differently. When you begin to do the things nobody else is willing to do, you begin to believe you deserve the results. Nobody else deserves to get. This is important also because it changes the water line. It's almost like a water line in the pool. If you raise it, it leaves a new mark. If you've ever seen that before in a lake or a pool, you raise the water line at a short window of time and it just changes the mark in your life. It changes the thermostat study. So you can alter things in your life. It changes the thermostat study. So you can alter things in your life in short bursts and I do this often in an area where I really
Starting point is 00:12:09 need to change. Like right now I just started back on a really seriously deeply committed fitness journey. I want to get back and past where I've ever been in fitness in my life. So I'm going to add some of these new associations. I'm going to train with a new group of people because I've been training alone. I'm going back to training with some people that are fitter than me, men and women that are fitter than me. That's my first combination. That'll alter my thermostat setting, our proximity. And secondly, I'm going psycho the next 30 days. I'm going psycho. I'm altering my nutrition and my diet dramatically. My workouts dramatically. And I'm going to shock my system in the next 30 days into changing the waterline, changing that temperature setting.
Starting point is 00:12:48 That's the second way you alter identity, alter the thermostat setting, so that you alter the external results. I've said this to you before as well. See, beliefs are so important to guard, because once you have a belief, your brain goes to work, and I've said this in another audio video where your brain has to go to work to prove your beliefs to be true. Your brain literally goes to work on finding the evidence to prove you right. And so that identity, you're constantly reinforcing it.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Let me give you an example of what I mean. If you believe a certain worth about yourself, a certain identity, that impacts the type of action you're willing to take. So if there's a goal you've got set, it doesn't matter what it is, pick a goal. To the extent that you believe it's consistent with your identity, is to the extent that you will make an effort towards it.
Starting point is 00:13:35 It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, however, because what happens is if your identity is here and the goal is there, you will only make an effort congruent with what you believe you're worth. And so that limited effort you make produces the result not consistent and it reinforces the belief. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Starting point is 00:13:53 So you set a goal that is inconsistent with an identity you're working on. You will only make an effort consistent with the identity, which you'll get you to hear, doesn't produce the result and it reinforces this belief you have about yourself. So it's important as you set new goals, as you set new visions, that you also upgrade your identity, simultaneously, you're in process of upgrading it because that identity impacts the effort you make, right? Impacts the will you put towards it and that will is reinforced by the lack of result. And so it becomes the self-fulfilling prophecy. So your mind has this belief it wants to prove to be true, and it starts to find references.
Starting point is 00:14:30 So if you believe you're 75 degrees, it's going to start finding legs to put under that table to make it immobile so it can't move to prove you right. And so our identity equals our effort, and the challenge is that effort produces the result. And so this identity has everything to do with the effort you make which produces the result which will reinforce the identity or the lack thereof. So it's critical that you upgrade identity with your new visions and goals. The next layer of this is you need to stop what's no longer needed. In other words, there were behaviors and thoughts you've had in the past
Starting point is 00:15:06 that were needed to produce the results you currently have. But you need to stop what's no longer needed. Maybe you're continuing a behavior in your life that's no longer needed. Maybe you're continuing a thought or a worry that at one time was needed, but no longer is. Maybe there's a stress or an anxiety or a belief you're holding true to be about yourself, that maybe you needed at some point in your life, that you no longer need. It could be something to protect yourself from fear, to protect yourself from harm, or to serve you in getting through a certain circumstance. But if we're not conscious of dropping a thought or a behavior that's no longer needed, we take old thoughts, old behaviors
Starting point is 00:15:44 that serve an old version of ourselves into trying to become the new version of ourselves. thought or a behavior that's no longer needed, we take old thoughts, old behaviors that serve an old version of ourselves into trying to become the new version of ourselves. So ask yourself that question, what do I need to drop that's no longer needed? Is it a person? Is it a thought? Is it a behavior? Or is it an emotion? One of those things, you probably are carrying with you from the past, but maybe you needed
Starting point is 00:16:03 to get through a circumstance. Maybe you needed to get through a circumstance. Maybe you needed to get through a relationship, through a setback, through a failure, or just to produce the results you currently get. But that thought, that behavior, that emotion, that person is no longer needed for you to go to the next level of your identity, the next level of your performance, the next level of yourself. And then finally is this, if you're stuck, you're stuck in a story.
Starting point is 00:16:28 That's where you're stuck. There's a story you're telling yourself that doesn't serve you anymore. And you have to evaluate what that story is. I'm serious, right now if you say, Ed, I'm kind of stuck where I am. Well, what you need to do is you need to alter your associations, you need to do something
Starting point is 00:16:43 in a short window of time, no question about it. You definitely need to evaluate what is no longer needed and evaluate the story you're telling yourself. There's all kinds of stories we tell ourselves that don't serve us anymore. This is critical. Maybe it's a story about your past, a story about your parents,
Starting point is 00:16:59 a story about a previous relationship, a story about a success you used to have. You keep talking about that doesn't serve you to get to the next level. If I can be real with you, whatever you've achieved up to this point, that story you keep talking about, every second you spend in that old story about what you've achieved, your degree, some business you had, one thing you were real successful at in the past. Every time you live in that story, you're stripping time and focus from the new story. What's the new story you're telling yourself? You can't have a new identity without a new story. What's the old story you keep repeating? Maybe it's
Starting point is 00:17:33 not a success. Maybe it's a failure that you've had. It was a business set back. It was the market turned. It was the economy. It was someone who did you wrong. A relationship that let you down. A business partner who wasn't consistent, a failure you've had, a poor decision you made, a mistake you made in your life. And you're repeating this story to yourself, simultaneously trying to create a new identity. You can't take that old story into the new identity. One of the things we have to do to create a new identity is to begin to tell a new story. What's your new story? Who are you now?
Starting point is 00:18:06 What are you all about now? Where are you going now? What's this new version of you? See, here's what's amazing. At any point in your life, you can just decide to write a new script. You can decide to become a whole new character. See, the leading character in the story of your life is you.
Starting point is 00:18:22 And guess what, You and God control the script. You could write a new script that anytime you want, listen to me. At any time you want, you can simply decide to be a new character. I'm strong now. I'm beautiful now. I'm handsome now. I'm bold now. I'm funny now. I'm smart now. I'm going there now. Stop telling the old story. Here's the truth. Nobody cares. No one cares if you had a failure. No one cares if you've had a setback. No one cares if you had a victory. And none of those failures. None of those setbacks. None of those victories. And that old character you keep playing is the very thing that will prevent you from becoming this new version of you. It's a story, if you're stuck.
Starting point is 00:19:06 It's an old story you're telling with an old character that was last year's version, last decade's version. Who's the new character? What's the new script? What's the new story? I must tell you, I have a lot of weaknesses. A lot of things I do that don't serve me. But this identity thing, I get this. It's the key. Now, there's a lot of little I do that don't serve me, but this identity thing, I get this.
Starting point is 00:19:25 It's the key. Now, there's a lot of little many things in life that matter, there's never one thing. If you said, what's the key? I can tell you, it's my addiction and my obsession to working on my identity. It's the thought of mine that dominates most of my thinking. That's number one.
Starting point is 00:19:41 So I'm conscious of the concept. That's huge. Just being aware of the concept will put you light years ahead of 99.9% of it, just awareness of the power of identity. Just now you knowing about the thermostat puts you in the 0.1% of all the people on the spinning earth right now. And then the next thing I'm really focused on is always adding people to my life in the areas that matter to me that live at higher temperatures than me. The second thing is I'm constantly doing things in short bursts of time to change the water line.
Starting point is 00:20:11 I'm also super obsessed with dropping what's no longer needed. There were certain things I needed to think and do and say or people I needed to be around, emotions I needed to have that got me to the place I'm currently at. I have valuating all the time. What is no longer needed? What emotion? What anxiety? What thought? What belief? What person? What behavior is no longer needed in my life? And then lastly, I never tell the old story. I don't like telling the old story. I'm constantly trying to write the new script, become the new character in my life. And it could just be the new emotions. It could be the new
Starting point is 00:20:49 beliefs I have. It could be the new story, the new place I'm moving. But I'm constantly retelling a new story all the time. I'm constantly obsessed with writing the next chapter of my life, not reading the previous ones. The happiest and most fulfilled people don't read the past chapters of their life, whether they're good or bad. They are writing new ones all the time. These are the keys of changing the internal thermostat of our lives and ultimately are the keys of changing the external circumstances of our lives. I know today helped you. It's all I ask from you is that you share this. I want more of the people in the world that need to hear this message to hear it.
Starting point is 00:21:29 All of my information is free. I teach specific tactical strategies that I hope are inspirational. And based on the growth of the show, the world is finding out about it. It's the number one downloaded audio in the world when you combine video and audio downloads. And so I just ask you to share this with people. If you're subscribed and you're listening to the audio version right now on iTunes or Spotify, make sure you go over to YouTube and subscribe to the YouTube channel so you get the video version because I'm going to put content on each platform that's different
Starting point is 00:21:55 going forward. If you're watching this on YouTube, go subscribe to one of the audio platforms and share it with somebody. Every day on Instagram, we run the max out two-minute drill in an effort to engage closer with you. I read all your comments. I reply to most of them. First off, make sure you follow me on Instagram, turn your notifications on because in the first two minutes, if you make a comment on my main post with hashtag max out in the first two minutes, we take all the people to do that every single day. We pick a winner. Some of them read autographed copies of my book, a coaching call with me, coaching call with some of the guests on my show,
Starting point is 00:22:25 max out gear, anything we can do to connect with you deeper we do. We pick a winner every single day that comment in the first two minutes. And if you miss the first two minutes because for whatever reason life happens, as long as you make a comment on every post I make in a week, I usually make four or five six posts, as long as you just comment every day at any time, at the end of the week, we add up people, all the people who commented every day. We pick a winner from there as well that I can get engaged with.
Starting point is 00:22:47 So I want to challenge you to engage with me on social media more deeply as well. I hope the program is helping you, and I just here to help you max out your life and become the best version of yourself, become happier, more fulfilled, and more productive. God bless you. This is the Edm Mylet Show. you

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