THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Dr. Joe Dispenza - The Mind-Body Connection

Episode Date: June 27, 2018

Dr. Joe Dispenza is an expert and teaching people how to heal their mind through his incredible techniques. Dr. Joe is an expert at the mind, body, and heart connection. He has mastered the convergenc...e of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics. Dr. Joe Dispenza is teaching the world how to empower and heal our mind through meditation and mindfulness. His studies have proven that when well practiced these tools can put us on the path to understanding and breaking deep-rooted bad habits and even heal illnesses. As a NY Times best-selling author, Dr. Joe has written You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter (Hay House, 2014), which explores our ability to heal without drugs or surgery, but rather by thought alone. He has also written Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One (Hay House, 2012) and Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind (2007), both of which detail the neuroscience of change and epigenetics.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Ed Milachow, the place for leaders, dreamers and champions. Welcome back to Max out with Ed Mylett. Super excited to bring this gentleman to my left here today because if you take his IQ and you take mine and you average them together, you may actually get an average IQ out of the two of us here. So, this is Dr. Joe D'Spenza and Joe is, I think he's a peak performance expert is what I would really call you. I think you help people reach their peak and their ability to perform in their life, but
Starting point is 00:00:43 he's really an expert at the mind, body, spirit, sort of connection and helping you really be a happier version of yourself. And so we're going to talk about all the details of that today with you. So Joe, thank you for being here. You're welcome. Happy to be with you. That's wonderful. I'm Lyriad Bulletproof Labs, by the way, in Santa Monica, California, which is one of the
Starting point is 00:00:59 most impressive places I have ever been in in my life in terms of the cutting edge of human performance as well. And so check out Bulletproof Labs when you get an opportunity to do that. So let's max out our time here together today. So you say all kinds of things that I'm fascinated with, but I think you're fascinating because you've become this expert in a field that's very unique really to you. And the way you explain things, people always want to know how to perform better,
Starting point is 00:01:24 how their brain works. And I think you show know how to perform better, how their brain works. And I think you show them how to do it, but also why it works. And I'm fascinated by that. But you didn't start out in this industry, right? So before we go to all the great stuff, how the heck did you become you? Like I've read about you,
Starting point is 00:01:38 you were actually like, you're like, chiropractor prior, correct? Yeah, I started out as a chiropractor. So tell everybody about you just a little bit. Well, let's see, I started out as a current. So tell everybody about you just a little bit. Well, let's see. I got started on this, I think most of the time when we wake up, we need a wake up call. And I was in Palm Springs, California. I was in a triathlon.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I was on a biking portion of the race. And I was making a turn, and I was passing two cyclists on the corner. And there was a cadet, a police officer kind of pointing at me, waving on to make the turn, like this. And he had his back to the oncoming traffic. So when I made the turn, a four-wheel drive Bronco going about 55 miles an hour caught me from behind and catapulted me out of my bike. Oh my gosh. Anyway, when you land that hard on your rump or on your back, the force of that compression
Starting point is 00:02:26 takes the columns of the vertebrae and compresses them. So I had broken six vertebrae in my spine. And I had bone fragments on my spinal cord. And the very top segment of the eighth thoracic vertebrae, I broke T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, and L1. And T8 took the compressive force, and I flexed. And so when I flexed, it compressed that vertebrae more than 60% in the arch, where the spinal cord passes through
Starting point is 00:02:54 broke like a pretzel. So I had multiple compression fractions of my thoracic spine. I had a bone fragment on my cord, because when you compress a volume of something, the volume has to go somewhere. So when back on the cord and the neural arch of the atherasic vertebrae was compressing the cord as well. So anyway, a typical procedure for something like that is called the Harrington Rod Surgery. And they cut off the back parts of your vertebrae. It's called a laminectomy. And my case, it would be from the base of my neck to the base of my spine.
Starting point is 00:03:28 And then they screw in these stainless steel rods. And the action of screwing into the bone causes a cantilever. It kind of pulls the column off the cord in some cases and opens up the nerve supply. And then they take bone fragments from your hip and they paste it over the top and they hope for the best. And so I had four opinions from four leading surgeons in Southern California and it was unanimous that I needed that procedure. Now, I was on a lot of pain, I had some neurological problems.
Starting point is 00:04:02 And they told me if I didn't have the surgery, I would never walk again. So I decided against the surgery. And I thought I didn't wanna live handicapped. I didn't wanna be in a wheelchair and I didn't wanna be addicted to pain medication. So I thought, I might as well take a chance here. So I didn't really know what I was doing at the time. I was doing the other time. I was saying the chance on what?
Starting point is 00:04:22 Did you know what the alternative was? Well, I think that I believed that this voice kept coming up in my head saying the power that made the body heals the body. And I thought, well God, this power is an intelligence. An intelligence is consciousness. Consciousness is awareness. Awareness is paying attention. It must be paying attention to me.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Can I ask a question? Did you think this way prior to that incident? Yeah, to some degree, I think that most of us are philosophical to some degree. You know, we have a philosophy about life. So what? But when you're initiated, that means you have to initiate that philosophy.
Starting point is 00:04:56 So I had to take what I knew and weigh it against what I didn't know. And I think one of the worst places we wind up as human beings is in decision. And so I had very, very strong authorities telling me, you're never going to walk again. You have a head injury. I don't know why you're deciding against the surgery. If it was my son, it would be on the operating table.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Anyway, I checked out of the hospital, and I began the process. I wasn't going anywhere, I wasn't doing anything. I was laying face down and I said, I'm not going to let any thought slip by my awareness that I don't want to experience. And if this intelligence is truly a consciousness, I have to be present with it. And so what I did was I just started reconstructing my spine and my mind, vertebrae by vertebrae. And then you know you'd start off doing that and the next thing you know I'd start thinking about should I sell my home, should I sell my practice. And I realized
Starting point is 00:05:56 that the template, the design that I wasn't creating wasn't complete. So I'd stop, start all over again, get frustrated, then we get harder. That sounds like me when I began meditating. Yes, the same thing. Yeah. Because meditation requires being present, and that's a skill. You've got to practice it. So I didn't have a teacher at the time. I was just going off my intuition, and it would take me three hours to go through the whole
Starting point is 00:06:21 entire process just to complete it. And I'd start all over because I wanted it to be a complete model. So six and a half weeks of just a dark night of the soul, because I think when we're traumatized or we're under stress, we tend to focus on what we don't want to have happened, and what we do want to have happened.
Starting point is 00:06:40 And I think in survival, we're always preparing for the worst case scenario. So it was a battle that I couldn't get my mind to do what I wanted to do. The end of six and a half weeks, one day I went through the whole entire thing without breaking my focus and I swear it was like hitting a golf ball right in the sweet spot. It just clicked and I clicked. And from that moment on my body started to heal. That's incredible. I started to have less pain, my neurological symptoms were diminishing. And the moment I started to heal. That's incredible. I started to have less pain, my neurological symptoms were diminishing.
Starting point is 00:07:07 In the moment I started to correlate the changes that were happening in my body with what I was doing inside of me. I started doing it with more passion and more enthusiasm. Anyway, I was back on my feet in nine and a half weeks. I was back training again at 12 weeks. Come on. I was back in my practice. And they told me that I would have to wear this body cast
Starting point is 00:07:30 for a year, six months to a year. And Maggosh, I put it on once and took it off and said, there's just no way I'm going to wear this. And so I just made a deal with myself. And the deal was in those lonely nights where I couldn't sleep. If I'm ever able to walk again.
Starting point is 00:07:46 I'll spend the rest of my life studying the mind, body, connection, and mind of a matter and pretty much that's what I've been doing. That's amazing. So that's the, see I'm a layman. So I start out introducing you as a peak performance because I see everything through performance, I guess, right? But that's incredible because the sophisticated version is that you're this, you've studied this convergence of like neuroscience, quantum physics, epigenetics, sort of the convergence
Starting point is 00:08:08 of that, right? What would you say you do? In other words, if someone said to you, because I know we talk a lot about healing, what would you say? Someone says, what do you do? What would your answer be to that? I get that question every week when I'm on a plane, if someone says next week, they go, so what do you do?
Starting point is 00:08:24 And then I wind up talking to them for four hours. I teach people really a way to live a better life and to heal themselves, and pass scars, to provide the tools for them to realize that they're more than they really perceive themselves to be. And I believe that your personality creates your personal reality. Can you elaborate on that? I was going to ask you about that. Yeah, so your personality is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel.
Starting point is 00:08:55 So the present personality who's watching this show has created the present personal reality called their life. Means then if you want to change your life, your personal reality, that means fundamentally you have to change your personality. That means you have to start thinking about what you've been thinking about and change it. You have to begin to become aware of your unconscious habits and behaviors and modify them. Then you have to look at certain emotions that keep you anchored to the past and decide
Starting point is 00:09:22 of those emotions belong in your future. And I think after all these years at, I think that most people try to create a new personality as the same personality that doesn't work. You literally have to become someone else. So the process then, most people, they're thinking the same thoughts, they're making the same choices,
Starting point is 00:09:42 they're demonstrating the same behaviors, they're creating the same experiences that stamp the same networks of neurons into the same thoughts, they're making the same choices, they're demonstrating the same behaviors, they're creating the same experiences that stamp the same networks of neurons into the same patterns, all for the familiar feeling that they call themselves. And if you keep doing that over and over again, there's a principle in neuroscience that serves cells that fire together, wire together. So people begin to hardwire their brain into very finite signature into these automatic programs. begin to hardwire their brain into very finite signature into these automatic programs, turns out by the time we're 35 years old, we become a set of memorized behaviors, emotional
Starting point is 00:10:10 reactions, beliefs, perceptions, unconscious attitudes, that function just like a computer program. So, when people want to change, they're using 5% of their conscious mind and they can think positively all they want, but the programs are running subconsciously telling them that they're negative. So the only way to do that then is to get into the operating system and getting into the operating system of that where those programs exist requires then people beginning to do some inward work. If you sit down and you disconnect from your outer world, you close your eyes, we place a music in the background, you sit down and you disconnect from your outer world, you close your eyes, we place some music in the background, you sit your body down and not smelling anything or tasting
Starting point is 00:10:51 anything or experiencing anything or feeling anything, and you're not thinking about or anticipating the future or remembering the familiar past, that moment, that elegant moment where you fall into the present moment is where the magic happens. And so after looking at enough brain scans in the process of studying the transformation, I call that getting beyond yourself because when you disconnect from your present personal reality and personality, now you're ready to create something else. And so what thoughts do you want to fire and wire in your brain? What behaviors do you want to demonstrate?
Starting point is 00:11:29 And the act of rehearsing the behavior begins to install the neurological hardware in your brain, primes it to look like the experience has already happened. Yes, that's step back for a second. I want to stay on that. I want everyone to be with us. So a couple things you said, because you said a ton there right? And so this is, I want everybody to catch a couple things here. The basic thing, a base model is that people don't think about what they think about enough. In other words, just taking a second to think about what you actually think about is a breakthrough experience. Just something that simple, right? And we have,
Starting point is 00:12:01 you can correct me, but we have somewhere around 80,000 thoughts a day. Is that about right? And at some point, 70% of them, I just want everybody to understand this, are the same thoughts on every 90% of them. So 90% of those thoughts are the same thoughts on a daily basis. And we wonder why, if we really are what we think about, why our lives continue to sort of perpetuate themselves
Starting point is 00:12:19 over and over. We got it. We got it. And so we have these patterns. You've talked about beginning to consciously choose and decide what these thoughts and behaviors are that you would like. So is there a way specifically maybe one technique you give today outside of some of the seminars and books that we're going to talk about in a minute, but how do you break that pattern and how do you become
Starting point is 00:12:37 conscious of getting new thoughts that serve you, that create that person that you want to be? Look, it's really simple. Your brain is organized to reflect everything you know in your life. Your brain is a record of the plant past. It's an artifact of everything you've learned and experienced in this moment. If feelings and emotions are the end product of past experiences
Starting point is 00:12:58 and we can remember experiences better because we can remember how they feel. So most people wake up in the morning and they start remembering all their problems. And those problems are connected to certain people and certain things at certain times and places. The moment they start thinking about those problems, they're thinking in the past.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Those problems have an emotion associated with them. And the moment they start feeling those emotions, the body is the unconscious mind, doesn't know the difference between an experience that's creating an emotion, and the emotion the person's fabricating by thought alone. Now thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body and how you think and how you feel creates your state of being. So most
Starting point is 00:13:36 people's entire state of being when they start their day is already in the past. So you have a choice. The choice is you're either defined by a vision of the future or you're defined by the memories of the past. And when you decide to say, okay, I'm going to change and you decide one thing, I'm not going to eat this food, I'm going to wake up earlier, I'm going to do something aerobic, I'm not going to have sugar after six o'clock, whatever it is, the person, whatever choice the person makes. The moment you make a choice gonna do something aerobic, I'm not gonna have sugar after six o'clock, whatever it is, the person, whatever choice a person makes. The moment you make a choice to do something differently and the hardest part about change
Starting point is 00:14:11 is not making the same choices you did the day before, get ready because it's going to feel uncomfortable. It's going to feel unfamiliar. There's gonna be some uncertainty and unpredictability and that's the moment the game is on. Yes. So then most people, their body has been conditioned there's gonna be some uncertainty and unpredictability and that's the moment the game is on. Yes. So then most people, their body has been conditioned
Starting point is 00:14:29 emotionally to be the mind. So now the body says, wow, I'd rather hang on to my guilt than take a chance and possibility. I'd rather live in fear than trust in the unknown. So once the person feels uncomfortable The body goes whoa wait a second. We're out of the program here and body starts influencing the mind So it says start tomorrow. You'll never change You don't have the money to do this. You're not good enough. Your mother told you were this your father's fault
Starting point is 00:14:59 It's your ex's fault. You know all of the voices that come up. Now here's the deal. If you respond to those voices, those same thoughts as if they're true. By the way, they're always going on behind the scenes of your awareness, but now they're amplified because you're outside your comfort zone. You believe in that thought. That thought's gonna lead to the same choice,
Starting point is 00:15:19 which is gonna lead to the same behavior, which is gonna create the same experience and produce the same emotion. The person's gonna say, this feels right. No, no, no, that feels familiar. Going from the old self to the new self is a neurological, it's a biological, it's a chemical, it's a hormonal, it's a genetic death of the old self. And people will say to me, in that void, in that unknown, I can't predict my future.
Starting point is 00:15:42 And I'll say to them, the best way to predict your future is to create it. I love it. Not from the known but from the unknown. Love it. So close your eyes now and think about that vision. Once you start thinking about that vision of your future, you're activating the creative centers in your brain. And naturally, you begin to think about putting yourself in the scene.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Yes. And the act of doing that when you're truly passionate and truly present, the moment you're defined by that vision, when the thought in your mind becomes the experience, you begin to feel the emotion of the event before it's made manifest. Yes. Now, you're giving your body a sampling, a taste of the future. And now, if a thought and a feeling create a new state of being, you're combining a clear intention with an elevated emotion, and now you're beginning to change your biology,
Starting point is 00:16:34 and you're seeing a whole new landscape that you could never see before, because you're no longer viewing your future through the lens of the past. I love this. Now, this requires then something really specific because most people will wait for their wealth to feel abundance, the wait for their success, the feeling powered, they'll wait for their new relationship, the feel of love.
Starting point is 00:16:56 They'll get all these things win. Yes, so think about that. The absence of getting those things causes people to live in lack their entire life. And so they're waiting for something outside of them to change how they feel inside of them. And if they're not creating a new life, then they're not applying the proper principles, then they keep all their manifestations, all their dreams at arms and legs.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Think about this. If you get up feeling gratitude, if you get up feeling empowered, if you get up feeling gratitude, if you get up feeling in power, and if you get up feeling whole, if you get up feeling unlimited, why would you worry about whether it was going to come or not? You would feel like it already happens, right? How do you do that when you are stepping into the know? If you give us one strategy, one thought, one technique that keeps us, is it just for me, candidly, for me, it's just always been because you're explaining to me
Starting point is 00:17:45 at a much more deep level things I've understood through my own experience, right? Everyone that's listening to this has had an experience where these formulas, these concepts and these ideas have worked for you. They have, you've all had an experience like this. For me, it's just being conscious of it. For me, it's literally for me taking control
Starting point is 00:18:02 of it and being conscious of it. How would you mention it? Well, I absolutely agree with you, Ed. You're absolutely right. We're wired to create. This isn't something that you have to try to do. You just have to get beyond the memory of your past from all the associations to create a new future.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Now, theoretically, that sounds really easily, but everybody's done it at least once in their life. What happened? You get a wild idea. You get a crazy idea and you think, what would it be like to be happy, what would it be like to be in love, what would it be like to be rich with, whatever it is. Yes. And all of a sudden you ask that question and you turn on the creative center in your
Starting point is 00:18:36 brain. That's right. It turns on. Yes. And then now the frontal lobe is the boss. It's the CEO, it's a symphony leader. And the frontal lobe as an executive has connections to all other parts of the brain.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Now, when you ask that question, it's gotta answer it. So it's gotta look out over the landscape and see what kind of raw materials do I have? Well, you only have a few things. Knowledge you've learned and experiences you've had. So it begins to call up different networks of neurons and it begins to seamlessly piece them together and you get a vision in your mind, that's called intent.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And if you're passionate, you start to feel the feelings of when it happens. Now, you're giving your body that energetic boost. Now, everybody's done this. The moment you've said that, no one can talk you out of it, no person, no thing, no experience, it's your possess by it. So then what happens next, you start writing down all the choices you need to make,
Starting point is 00:19:28 all the things you gotta do, all the goals and experiences you want in your future. And every time you write one of those goals or experiences down, you start to feel more of those emotions. And now you're basically assembling more of your future. Now, the astute person does something really amazing. They start learning more information. You want to be wealthy? Study wealthy people. You want to be healthy, study healthy
Starting point is 00:19:49 people. As you begin to gain more knowledge, you're adding more stitches into the three-dimensional tapestry, and you got more raw materials to dream in new ways. Now, here's the part that is the most important. They've got to piece a paper and say, what thoughts do I have to stop thinking? I can't, I'll start tomorrow. I'm too hard, I don't feel like it, I have a headache, I gotta go to sleep, I'm tired. List those thoughts and become so conscious of those thoughts that you would never let one of those thoughts
Starting point is 00:20:18 slip by your awareness unchecked by you. Can I say something about that? I wanna jump in on that. One of the powers of writing those thoughts down is you completely eliminate and weaken their influence over you. They become say something about that? I want to jump in on that. One of the powers of writing those thoughts down is you completely eliminate and weaken their influence over you. They become minimized when you write them. They lose their power over you when you grab control of them by writing them down.
Starting point is 00:20:32 It's a significantly powerful exercise is to write down those thoughts. From a neuroscientific standpoint, what's called metacognition because the moment you can observe the thought and become conscious of it, you're no longer the program. Your consciousness is observing the program and you begin to literally objectify your subjective self. And now you're pulling out. So then right down the choices you have to stop making. Look at the things you have to stop doing. You complain, do you make excuses, do you blame other people? What do you do? List those things and be really honest with yourself. What experiences do you have to stay away from from certain people at certain times away
Starting point is 00:21:11 from them so that you are not in the environment that triggers it? And that here is the most important point. Write down those emotions that keep you anchored to the past because those emotions are literally residue from the past chemically. So then the moment you start feeling suffering, the moment you start feeling guilt, the moment you start feeling unworthy, the moment you start feeling despair, or when you start feeling any of those emotions, you're back in your past. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:37 And you can't see the future. You're thinking within those emotional states, and we've looked at enough brain sense to say that when you think within a certain emotion, you're going to make your brain worse. Our thoughts are physical. What are thoughts when they happen in your body? The power of this particular... The stronger the emotion that you feel from any condition in your environment, the more you
Starting point is 00:21:59 pay attention to the cause. So the higher the threshold of the emotion, the more the brain narrows its focus on whatever it is in the environment does it. And the brain takes a snapshot, and that's called a memory. So now people think neurologically within the circuits of the past experience, and they feel chemically within the boundaries of those emotions. You say to the person, well what happened? The person say, this person did this to me, that person did that, then this happened. And the latest research on memory says that 50% of what you talk about in the past isn't even a truth. That you don't have the same brain then. So you make stuff up, which means now you're reliving a past
Starting point is 00:22:38 that you didn't even have just to embellish it to produce the emotions to reaffirm your limited state. People are hearing this, just thinking, I would like more of this. I'd like the details. Well, we're doing cliff notes here, right? And so you're learning, but you could be immersed in some of these things, too. How does someone find you?
Starting point is 00:22:56 How do they, this man travels all over the world. He just programs all over the world. People will get healed physically, emotionally, spiritually. How do they find you? How do they interact with you and find out about your books, your programs, the things you can do to help them? Sure.
Starting point is 00:23:09 My website is just I changed. You put it up on the screen for everybody too. I changed the format of the events this year because I did 23 workshops, progressive workshops, that initiate people into the work last year. And now they're an online course. So they can study online. workshops, progressive workshops that initiate people into the work last year. And now they're an online course.
Starting point is 00:23:27 So they can study online. And they can practice all the meditations. They have a ton of resources with all the science and information. And it'll prepare them for our two week long events. And now I'm not interested in key notes. I'm not interested in conferences. I, I'm not interested in conferences, I've outgrown all that. I want to be with Dewers.
Starting point is 00:23:49 And I think that this is a time in history where it's not enough to know. I think this is a time in history to know how, right? And so we teach these workshops all over the world. I just came from Sardinia. We had a beautiful event with a lot of people there and boy, we saw some pretty amazing things. I want to encourage all of you to just get engaged with him.
Starting point is 00:24:08 It's just going to help you. It's going to change your life. It's going to improve your life. You can feel that as we're talking here today. Not one utterance, not one second has been a waste of your time and engaging with him will only be a benefit to your time on a gigantic life altering type level. Can you talk about just a couple more things? Just want to give them the gift of it.
Starting point is 00:24:24 You've studied a lot about sort of the heart brain connection. Can you just talk a little bit about that? I just think this is fascinating. Well, when we live addicted to the hormones of stress, and stress is when your brain and body are out of homeostasis, stress is when you're at a balance. The stress response is what your body and natately does to return itself back to order. So you're driving down the road and someone cuts you off, you jam on the brake, you almost hit them, you get that rush of adrenaline, you're aroused, you're awakened from that experience,
Starting point is 00:24:54 there's a rush of chemistry that takes place in your in emergency mode. You may get angry and may say a few things, but most people just get back on and the body returns back to balance. You know, you may talk about it to a coworker here and there. So that's all organisms are designed for short-term stress. But what we as human beings do is something very different. When we react to something, the rush of those chemicals become addictive. Now, we begin to use the problems and people in our lives to reaffirm the addiction to
Starting point is 00:25:32 those emotions. We need the bad job to work for the rest of the world. We need to watch the news because it works or something to that state. So we become like an addict that needs the rush of those chemicals. Now, when the brain is in emergency and it's living in the state, what happens naturally is we begin to pay attention to whatever the stresser is. Now, where you place your attention is where you place your energy. So the stronger of the emotion you have to your ex or to your job or to the news, the more you're giving your power away to that person or thing. So good. So now, as your stress is created from a lack of control, you can't predict the future,
Starting point is 00:26:10 you can't control it, or you have the perception of something getting worse. So when those chemicals are beginning to become aroused, this is what happens. You start shifting your attention from one problem to one person, the one thing to another place to another problem. Now, each one of those elements, you have a circuit in your brain for. So imagine looking at the brain, when you're doing that, it's like a lightning storm, it's just going off, and if you were to measure brain waves when that happens,
Starting point is 00:26:34 the brain is very incoherent, it's out of sync. And when the brain's incoherent, you're incoherent. At the same exact time, if you're sitting across the table from a coworker and you're smiling and you're thinking, God, I love to throttle him. And you're arousing yourself in that state. Don't you know that your heart is racing because it's perceiving a predator. So that is the heart starts to race.
Starting point is 00:26:59 It becomes in coherent. And then when your heart becomes inent, you don't trust yourself. When your heart doesn't be, it's no longer coherent, you no longer make choices that are going to be in your best interest, right? It's no longer the guidepost. So then, is it possible then to train the brain to become more coherent? Is it possible to train the heart to become more coherent? And we've done extensive studies. And you can't tell me you're too old for this. You can't tell me you're too sick for this. You can't tell me you're too out of shape, too overweight, too underweight.
Starting point is 00:27:33 You have a difficult pass. You can't tell me that you haven't meditated before. Yeah. It doesn't matter. This is fun to me. Like learning this is fun to me. But I want you to know about you a little bit. So I want to step out of the heavy now,
Starting point is 00:27:45 be to the light before we finish up, okay? Because you're a little bit dorky too. I am a dork, you know. I like dorks. What do you do for fun outside of this? Tell them about you, because I want them all to connect with you, and I want them, see here's,
Starting point is 00:27:58 I have people on my show, some of the most impressive people in the world on, right? Clearly this dialogue right here, most people have never heard almost any of this. You're one of the few people in the world who possess the ability not only know these things, but you can communicate them. In a way that's understandable. That in and of itself is incredibly rare, right? This heavy stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:15 I also don't want people to think you're different than them. Sure. Because you're not. I'm not different than them. We're both people that we both struggle with things. We both have things that we have to work on, et cetera, et cetera. What do you do for fun outside? It's like, are you gonna drink some wine with me when this is done with the folks over here?
Starting point is 00:28:29 So I run wine tours all over the world. I've been drinking wine since I was five years old. My grandfather was a wine maker and spent a lot of time tasting a lot of wines. He's sit me down and make me taste wine. So I love wine. I love to cook for groups of people. You do. Cook really well.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I have two boys and they surf and so I get out there with an easier, a little bit. You love to laugh too because we're off camera. Every seven or eight minutes you were laughing about something. So there's that element too, right? I'm a pretty normal guy. I do like to take time for myself. I think that's really important. I think when you invest in yourself,
Starting point is 00:29:12 you invest in a future. I like being around super creative people. I come from a family of artists. All my kids can draw really well. My parents were artists. My brothers are great artists, really. So I love design. I love architecture. I love design. I love architecture.
Starting point is 00:29:26 I love beauty. I love that. I've remodeled one home four times. Have you really? Do you struggle with things? I mean, sometimes I think people see me and I don't think that life's about struggle. I don't need one of us to do.
Starting point is 00:29:37 I think you can live in a blissful state all the time. I think you'd be blissfully dissatisfied, too. But I still have things that life still has, if there weren't things in life that made me have to feel like I had to grow or get better, then there'd be no purpose to being here. So you have those things as well, don't you? Of course, of course.
Starting point is 00:29:55 I mean, we were growing as a company in a lot of ways. And so I have to balance Joe D'Spenza and his personal life with managing a big team of people and running events and then being able to walk on stage and for a week to connect with people and to advance the run. And I understand the kind of energy that takes to. Yeah, I understand. You're going to be in the right state and the right energy. Yeah, so I think it's not about reacting.
Starting point is 00:30:26 I mean, I think everybody reacts. It's how long you react. I think that's the key. And so I do my best to not see the challenges in my life. I don't take them personally because I know that most people are running a program anyway. I always see that as what the challenge brings and how I react emotionally so that I can take care of that in my inner work.
Starting point is 00:30:52 So then when I'm no longer reacting to the problem, then I'm no longer giving my power to it. So for me personally, I'm initiated, I call it initiation. Love it. But I do my best to not be a victim around that I do my best to really meet it from a greater level of mind. And certainly, somebody has faced a similar problem with me.
Starting point is 00:31:13 And if I look long enough, I'm going to find the answer. And then taking that knowledge and information and applying it and personalizing and demonstrating it, you have to modify your behaviors in some way. And when you do, you have the experience, and the experience produces the emotion, you begin to embody the truth of that philosophy. And now you're wearing it, right? And so reproducing it enough times
Starting point is 00:31:34 allows you to begin to master the philosophy. So I have a think tank of people that are just not part of my company or my organization that are friends, that would be like you that we sit around, I'm a glass of wine, we cook together and we say, okay, let's unravel this thought and let's see how far we can go. So I do enjoy doing that with unlimited minds. I love, I, here's what's special about you.
Starting point is 00:31:57 And by the way, we're time flew. We're, what I have time. I feel like we're here for like three minutes, right? I want to tell you something that, the reason I think you're such a happy person, the lessons that can be learned from you or a man, so that's why I want them to get involved with what I call your programs, your technology, your thinking. But what's unique about you
Starting point is 00:32:12 and just getting to meet you today, right? I've read about you, I've watched your stuff, but to get to meet you today, is happy people find their gift in this in life or their purpose and they live their life using that gift and using it for purpose. And that's what you do. This is joy for you.
Starting point is 00:32:26 In other words, this is fun for you. This does make you happy. And so I think that's one of the keys in life. And I this thing having met you, I just want to tell you, just acknowledge one thing about you. You're a healer. You're not just a healer. I know that you teach people how to heal themselves, but you're a healer, you're a
Starting point is 00:32:41 giver, you're generous, you're warm, you're kind, and typically people that are so brilliant and you are brilliant, sometimes have an error and edge about them that, then some way they're superior, and there's just none of that error about you. I feel like we're kindred spirits, like we're brothers. I bet you make everybody feel that way. If we're off camera, I'm gonna, well, hit you in the gut and play a few games. You know that, you did like three times. I almost walked him back by one heard of but but really the truth is is that that I mean honestly I mean I God I I work so hard every day and overcoming my ego that I learned really quickly to build it up the next day I have to work hard at it the next day again so I think it's a lesson that that you learn as you as you mature and I just do my best to see potential in people.
Starting point is 00:33:27 And if you see potential in people, you don't get stuck on the small screen. I love that. I feel the same exact way. I get it. I feel like you're, sometimes I interview somebody, I'm like, how are we going to fill 45 minutes right now? Then there are very few people, but they're wonderful when they happen when I go, this flew by. I felt like we did five minutes in an hour. I really do feel like we've just scratched
Starting point is 00:33:47 the surface and I actually know that we have. So that's why I want you to get more involved with Joe with Dr. Joe dispensate his programs, read his books, get engaged with him, and I want to thank you for today. I learned things today and the things that I will never forget, a few of the things that you shared. So thank you so much. Appreciate that so much. Everybody out there, I hope you enjoyed today's program. I know you did. I know that this is one of those programs you're going to play over and over. This is one of these things you just listened to in the car. You go, I got it.
Starting point is 00:34:13 You want to go replay this and listen to it again and take some notes. And so if you enjoyed today's program, remember two things. We run the two-minute drill on social media. Any post that I make, any post that I make, as long as you make a comment within the first two minutes, we select a daily winner, you'll get my books, my gear, coaching calls with me, introductions to some of the guests on my program, and then if you enjoyed the program,
Starting point is 00:34:31 make a comment on YouTube, and most importantly, if you're on iTunes, leave a review so that more people around the world get access to the program. God bless you and max out everybody. Ed Mylett is the premier, inspirational speaker, life coach, and peak performance expert in the United States today. you

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