THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Evolve Your Brain w/ John Assaraf

Episode Date: June 16, 2020

Your mind is the greatest weapon of all! Do you want to ACCOMPLISH MORE and BECOME MORE? Your BRAIN has the potential to do all of that and much more. You just have to learn how to unlock it. PROGRESS... is the EVOLUTION of ourselves into the next best version of ourselves and it all begins with the most powerful part of our body, our brains. Today’s guest on The Ed Mylett Show is one of the leading mindset and behavior experts in the WORLD! He is PROOF that mastering your MIND can completely alter the trajectory of your life. As a serial entrepreneur, he’s built not 1… but 5 multimillion-dollar companies. He’s written 2 New York Times Bestsellers, and been featured in Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Entrepreneur Magazine, AND been featured in movies alongside Richard Branson and the Dalai Lama. He is simply the best in the industry, John Assaraf! This man’s track record speaks for itself! In this interview, John is teaching you his proven methods of how to take control of your mind and unlock its inner power so that you can achieve your God-sized dreams. You’ll learn how to conquer fear, doubt, shame, and channel that energy into ACTION! Get ready to take notes! This interview is filled with so many actionable tips you can implement starting TODAY. You’ll learn the secrets behind DEACTIVATING your negative habits and resetting your mind to ACTIVATE new habits, rituals, and routines that will SERVE you! “It’s like a software upgrade for your brain!” - John Assaraf This interview gets DEEP as John shares his final moments with his mother just before her passing from Coronavirus, a virtual goodbye, and how his mental conditioning allowed him to continue to be filled with gratitude during a time of extreme grief. Every strategy you’ll learn in this episode is REAL! THEY WORK! They are the exact same strategies John and I have used on a DAILY basis to achieve our greatest successes. I would go as far as to say I’m addicted to them! This is one episode you DO NOT want to miss! Its time to REPROGRAM YOUR MIND!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Edmmerlich Show. Hi, welcome back to Max Out everybody. What an honor it is to be with this gentleman here today and to share him with all of you. I guess probably the thing I admire most about him is that he came to the space, I think similar to how I did, which is that almost reluctantly, he was a person building businesses
Starting point is 00:00:32 and becoming successful in the real world, applying the things he was learning from personal development and making those things reality in his life. And then after he had business success, being sought after enough, he decided to start to teach the things that it helped him become successful. And I love that there's a track record behind
Starting point is 00:00:49 the incredible things we're gonna cover today. Multiple time, New York Times bestseller, company called NeuroGym that you're gonna fall in love with everybody, a bunch of different books. His recent one I read in two days called InterSize. I highly recommend you all get this. Most of you are probably familiar from him for the first time from the Secret. I read in two days called Inner Size. I highly recommend you all get this. Most of you are probably familiar from him
Starting point is 00:01:06 for the first time from the Secret. He's one of the stars, if not the star of the Secret. A bunch of different books. The answer's so many great things. And it's an honor to have him today because I consider him on Earth, one of if not the greatest expert on the brain, on the inner mechanics of the brain,
Starting point is 00:01:24 mindset and peak performance. So I know it's what all of you want to talk about. So I have John Asuraf here with me today. John, thanks for being here brother. And it's so good to be here and thank you for giving me the honor to be here with you. Pleasure as mine as you know. We're going to go right into the good stuff here with this man. There's too much gold there to kind of go to generalities. Well, we're doing this during the COVID pandemic and people will
Starting point is 00:01:49 watch as any given time. It could be two or three years from now. But I want to talk about fear to start. A lot of people are afraid right now. And whether they've lost a job and they're afraid it's not coming back, they've lost money, their business is going potentially backwards. maybe they've lost the fitness they achieved and some of the weight they had lost is returned possibly. And in the inner size, you teach these first two exercises. And if you could talk about take six calm the circuits,
Starting point is 00:02:19 if you would start, we're going right to the good stuff, real quick. Plus, everyone's going to want to get the book after we do this. So could you talk about fear and some help that you could provide people in that regard? Sure. If everybody can imagine from home and you're driving a car and everything's going great and all of a sudden a light pops up on your dash.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Now the average person won't take a hammer and hit the light to turn it off. An average person will take a look at what is that light? My low on windshield? Wife with fluid? Am I low on air? Am I tires? Is my back trunk open? What's going on?
Starting point is 00:02:51 So just like the signal in a car is meant to make you aware, fear is a trigger in our subconscious mind that real or imagined danger has percolated in our brain. And so fear, there's nothing wrong with fear. We can actually use fear as fuel. Now I like to give people visual. So imagine if you have two parts of your brain, there's many more, but imagine these two. We have the Einstein brain and we have the Frankenstein brain. And when fear gets activated,
Starting point is 00:03:26 let's assume that that's our Frankenstein brain going, what if, what if you get hurt, what if you lose money, what if you die, what if you get embarrassed ashamed, ridiculed or judged? And so where, why does Frankenstein even get activated? Because we're not born with those fears. And so, if we're not born with those fears, that means that something in our brain is triggering this reaction automatically without our thought. And that is what we call as the fear response. And we also know that that fear response causes something called the sympathetic nervous system to activate, which causes us to want to fight, freeze, or run away.
Starting point is 00:04:12 That's just the absolute reaction at a biological level of what is happening. Now, when we want to deactivate that sympathetic nervous system, there's several of what I call our inner size that we can do that actually gives us more control, more power, and the ability to reactivate the Einstein part of the brain. So, inner-size number one is really, really simple. It's called take-six calm the circuits. So, as soon as you catch yourself in a state of doubt, fear, worry, anxiety, stressed. That means that Frankenstein's activated. If you just took six deep breaths in through your nose as slowly as you could, and then you exhale as if you're exhaling through a
Starting point is 00:05:00 straw in your mouth. If you just did that six times, that very simple inner-size would deactivate the Frankenstein brain and allow you to reactivate your thinking, imagination, Einstein, part of your brain, and then you can do the second inner-size which puts you right back in control. And that one I call is IAA, which is now a matter
Starting point is 00:05:27 of awareness, awareness of my thoughts, emotions, feelings, sensations, or the behaviors that I've just taken or the one I'm afraid to take. And in a pure state of awareness without judgment, blame shame, guilt or justification. Let me repeat, without any judgment, blame shame, guilt or justification. Let me repeat without any judgment blame shame guilt or justification of the feeling or the thought of the behavior now I'm empowered again because now I can observe and now in this observational mode I could say okay what's my intention let's say for the next 10 minutes. Well my intention is to be happy great my intention is to be productive great my intention is to you know take Great. My intention is to be productive. Great. My intention is to, you know, take action on this. One thing that's going to help me towards my goal
Starting point is 00:06:09 and dream. So in the awareness and in the intention, then if I say, what's one small action step, I could take towards what I want instead of what I don't want. So all of a sudden, of interrupted a fear pattern, I've created this state of awareness, I've set an intention, and now I'm taking action towards what I want versus being paralyzed by what I don't want, and a fear that may or may not be real. So awareness is what actually gives us choice, and choice is what actually gives us freedom
Starting point is 00:06:43 if we make the right choices. So good. So guys, the reason I wanted John on was because these are actionable steps that you could take. You need to go get energized because these are actual exercises that will change your life. And I love how John arrived at this space. I want to go back, we just got pretty heavy there. Now I want to go to a little bit of a lighter space, but both of you and I have had mentors that have entered our life. We didn't come from perfect families, loving families, both of us, but not perfect families. And by the way, I don't know what that exists. Yeah, I think that, you know, a dysfunction is normal. It's not so great. That's normal. If you had a functional family, that's not normal.
Starting point is 00:07:25 That's not normal, right? And I guess to the extent that the dysfunction you experience is probably part of these things we have to undo. And we'll talk about beliefs in that regard in a minute. But you're this guy, Mr. Brown. I've heard about Mr. Brown for years. But it's hard to imagine a man has become a multi-million. I mean, just so you know, John's built five, six different
Starting point is 00:07:43 multi-million dollar companies. One of those is on four billion in revenue. He's taken a company public on NASDAQ. It means he's not a very accomplished man in here. But Mr. Brown was one of the catalysts for that. John was kind of a screwed up youth there for a while, making some bad choices. And you have this moment where you're talking about goals with him. Yeah. And he asked this incredibly powerful question. And it, I mean, honestly, I've been in the space 30 years. I've worked on myself a great deal. I understand the mechanics of the mind, but sometimes the most basic things have the most deep impact on us in our lives. When I read this story, I must have told this story probably 35
Starting point is 00:08:18 times the last two weeks to people. So if you share that, I'd really appreciate it. So if the person watching a listing canon can imagine 19-year-old kid working in a shipping department of a warehouse, hating my job at a $1.65 an hour back in 1980. This is April of 1980. On the side, I'm selling drugs. On the side, I'm doing breaking in entries. On the side, I'm part of a small little group of kids who got a depth of shoplifting and doing all these stupid things as a kid.
Starting point is 00:08:50 And I knew that my life was either gonna, you know, I'm gonna go to jail or the morgue at that time. One of the two was gonna happen because we're doing some pretty heavy stuff at the time, it was just getting more and more and more advanced and more riskier. So my brother, who's a tennis pro and a coach at the time, asked me to come from Montreal to Toronto
Starting point is 00:09:09 to meet one of his clients. And his client's name is Mr. Al-Braser. I took the train 350 miles for lunch with this guy and to see my brother for the weekend. And as I went right from the train station to lunch, my brother introduced me a Mr. Brown, and he's cordial, very, very nice man, very kind. He asked me, so what are some of your goals?
Starting point is 00:09:30 I said, I'd love to buy a card, I'd like to move out of my parents' house, I'd like to get a better job because I'm not making enough money doing that. He says, well, I understand you're also getting yourself into a lot of trouble. I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm going to Paris now,
Starting point is 00:09:42 and my brother told him all the way. And he said, listen, say, what are some of your bigger goals and dreams? I said, what, I don't know what you mean. I said, listen, you know, having food on the table and mind of my car and all that stuff, that's all nice and dandy. But what do you want to do with your life? And I have no idea, I said. And so he gave me this document as she was the 1980 goal setting guide.
Starting point is 00:10:07 And on it said, what age do you want to retire? How much net worth do you want to have? How much money do you want to make a year? What kind of lifestyle do you want? What kind of charity, you know, charitable things you want to do? I'm like, what the F is this? I'm 19 years old. When do I want to retire? I want to get a damn good job. Forget about retired. Just listen, take a few minutes and go and write this stuff out. So I sat there and I wrote out, I want to retire at age 45.
Starting point is 00:10:33 My net worth, I want to be $3 million. I want to make $250,000 here. Why am I Mercedes-Benz? I want to house the beach. And I just started rifling off this stuff. And I gave him back the document. And he goes, these are really good ideas. Yeah, you had over here. So when did you get these ideas?
Starting point is 00:10:50 I said, well, I like watching the TV show called Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. And Robin Leach shows all these nice homes kind of like your lifestyle, Ed. And I said, I want that kind of a lifestyle. And he says, listen, Simon says, all of this is possible. I'm going to ask you one question. And the answer to this one question will determine whether you have it or you don't. And the back of my mind, I'm going, come on,
Starting point is 00:11:16 give me a break. One question. Plus, it's sure, Mr. Brown, fire away. So he says, are you interested in having this kind of life on achieving these things, or are you permitted? And I said, Mr. Brown, what's the difference? And he said to me, he said, son,
Starting point is 00:11:39 he says, if you're interested, you'll do what's easy and convenient. If you're interested, you'll allow your stories and your excuses in the fact you're at the grade 11 and left school and the fact that your father's a cab driver and your mother's a seamstress at a store. Come up with all of the stories and reason excuses. Why you can't? He says, if you're interested, all of the obstacles will be bigger than your vision and your goals.
Starting point is 00:12:06 He said, but if you are committed, you will do whatever it takes. You will upgrade your knowledge, you will upgrade your skills. You'll develop the beliefs and the habits to match the vision and the goals." He said, so, son, which are you? And I said, a little scare, I said, well, Mr. Brown, I'm committed. And he just smiled. He reached out his hand to me, and he says, in that case, son, I will be your mentor. Oh boy, that's so good. And I was like, wow, that's great. What does that mean? He goes, well, I will teach you. Because I've made all of these goals that you want to have. Are they already done those 10 times over?
Starting point is 00:12:51 He says, the first thing I need you to do, I need you to move from Montreal, where you live now to Toronto. And I said, move from Montreal to Toronto. I don't have a car. I don't have a job in Toronto. I gave him all these things. He said, stop.
Starting point is 00:13:06 He says, there you go. Are ready giving me excuses. I know, but this is the truth. You don't know. Right? He says, son, he says, here's your first lesson. First, you set the goal. You make a commitment to achieve the goal.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Then you figure out how you're going to do it. So I said, fine, fine, I'll move to Toronto. And he says to me, great, the second thing I want you to do is on May the 5th, there's a new real estate class that starts. It's a five recourse nine to five. I want you to enroll in it. It's 500 bucks. I said, excuse me, I said, 500 bucks. And you want me to go back to school? I failed English. I failed math. They kicked me out. I was happy. They were happier. I don't have the money. He says, there you go again. Look I started to give him the story again. You know, stop it. Are you interested? Or are you committed? I said, I already said I'm committed. He says, good, then make the decision
Starting point is 00:14:12 we'll figure out all the rest afterwards. No, so good. Long story short, Ed. I made a commitment. I said, fine, I'll do it. My brother said, I'll lend you a hundred bucks. I had $60 in the bank. I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Want me some money. My father lent me some money. May the fifth, 1980. Okay, 40 years ago, I got my first day in real estate school. Five weeks later, I passed the test. And some people made one. How do you remember these dates so clearly? 40 years ago. And the answer was on June the 20th, 1980, I passed the test on my own. You remember that? Ed, I cheated to get out of high school.
Starting point is 00:14:51 One of my friends gave me the answers to all 50 questions on a multiple choice, so I could get out of high school. Amazing. Amazing. The first test I passed on my own. But here it is 40 years later, and it affects you right now, telling that story. Yeah, it's like, it was the first time I passed on my own. But here it is 40 years later and it affects you right now telling that story. Yeah, it's like it was the first time I felt proud. Wow, Brad.
Starting point is 00:15:11 That's, wow. You guys 40 years later, millions of people helped and it still affects this man to this day. You should be asking yourselves right now, what a great story you guys, are you interested or are you committed? I made a video today, it's not gonna be out for a couple days, but I made a video about dreams.
Starting point is 00:15:31 And I think people sometimes think, I don't have a plan so it disqualifies me from the dream. That's not the case, my biggest dreams, we always want a plan and a strategy. But my biggest dreams, I had no flipping clue how I was gonna get to them, no clue. And what happened was though, if I got committed to them instead of interested in them, the people places things, situations, circumstances begin to reveal themselves and you find them,
Starting point is 00:15:54 you attract them as part of the secret that I learned many years ago from some guy. Forget his name. Oh, there he's, there he's in front of me. So you're a hundred percent right, guys. And so you got to ask yourself, are you interested or are you committed to what your dreams and your goals are? There's this thing you touched on there about beliefs. In other place where I consider you a guru was about the beliefs, the subconscious brain to the subconscious mind that there's a difference between those two things too everybody. But you have this great thing where you took your real estate agents that were doing a circle level of production and you worked on their subconscious. So tell them a little bit about that and then talk to us about beliefs.
Starting point is 00:16:29 How powerful are they? What are they? Why do they matter? So I'll start with the story first and then I'll share beliefs and then what to do. So we have some cool things that you can start doing today. So back in 1987 when I bought the franchise rights for remax of Indiana, I have no idea how to build a company. I was 26 years old, but I had another mentor who I invested $75,000 to become his partner to have the opportunity to learn from this man who at the time was probably $100 million.
Starting point is 00:17:06 And so I was very, very keen on learning. And I didn't know how to build a business. I didn't know anything other than how to sell real estate. And I set a goal to generate $1 billion a year in sales. And I set the goal for five years in the future, not knowing a billion dollar goal is like mind-boggling big for me. And there was an interview, the second week I was in Indianapolis, I moved from Toronto to Indianapolis for this opportunity. And I was interviewed by the Indianapolis Business Journal and I said in the interview, there was a goal for a billion dollars in the report.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I said, are you aware that there's two companies that have been in the state of Indiana for 80 years, one, 100 years, the other one, and they haven't hit a billion dollars in real estate sales in all of these years? And I said, yeah, I know, it's Graves and Tucker. And you can let them know that I'll be the first, right? And as I said, that I almost felt like I put my foot
Starting point is 00:18:02 right in my mouth, because I didn't know how I was gonna do Right Long story short five years later we sold enough franchise recruiting enough agents We did 1.2 billion dollars, so we were we were stuck Which is a great place to be stuck and I was asking myself how is it possible that I'm Training these agents with strategies with tactics with, with selling skills, marketing skills. We were like the gurus of here's the books, here's the cassettes, here's the trainers,
Starting point is 00:18:30 here's like out of the deep end and the agents who, for example, would make $30,000 here kept making $30,000 a year. The agents who made 50 kept making 50, they made $100, kept making $100. And so I realized that they weren't missing the skills of the knowledge. There was something else at play. And what helped me from the age of 19 to 27, 28, 30 was every single day. And I still do it today. I'll share this with you in just a little bit. Every single day, I was priming my brain with the beliefs and the self-image required to achieve the goals that I wanted. So I got 75 agents together
Starting point is 00:19:12 who agreed to pay $3,000 each to be part of an inner-game training. Forget the outer game, the inner-game training we worked on affirmations, visualization, mindfulness, meditation, listening to our affirmations on our vision on our cassette recorders. We had Melodica sets, we put in our cars. And so I had the work on their self-image and self-worth and self-esteem and to develop the beliefs that we were going to imprint or impregnate into their subconscious mind by listening to these audios every single day, twice a day, and while they were driving. And those 75 agents, over six months, increased sales by $100 million.
Starting point is 00:19:57 My gosh. We didn't teach them one thing about selling more. Wow. We thought about changing their identity and their belief structure so that it matched the goals they wanted to achieve. And then I said, holy shit, this works even for other people, not just me. So we started to teach that to all of our agents. And we created these cassettes with these recordings on them of the beliefs that we needed them to believe, the self-image that they deserved, that they were good enough, they were smart enough. And we went from 1.2 billion to a 4.5 billion a year within four years. Wow. And that's my belief. And so, guys, that's a belief.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I believe it. A belief and believing in a new self-image and identity and a new story. Gosh. So good. You're going to tell us about beliefs, what they are. Yeah, so when you were born, were you born with any beliefs? No. Were you born with any habits? No. Were you born with any fears? No. No. So, from a neuroscience and neuropsychology perspective, a belief is nothing more than this. Imagine that you're born and your brain's made up of a hundred billion billion marbles and every time you have an experience or somebody says something to you, you read something or you watch something, these marbles make these connections and the connections that are reinforced go from conscious connections to subconscious connections and once these subconscious connections are
Starting point is 00:21:21 made and reinforced, they run the show 98% of the time. So, I believe is nothing more than a reinforced pattern in the brain. And our conscious brain can choose what we want when we're in that part of our brain, but our subconscious mind can't choose its program from the age of 0-3 in the imprinting years, three to about seven or eight the modeling years, and then eight on, it's the experiential years. And so if you have these powerful beliefs that you're good enough, you're smart enough, you're worthy to achieve the goals that you have.
Starting point is 00:21:56 If you have these powerful beliefs, you are able to achieve any amount of income, you choose no matter what the amount is, you just need to learn how. So if you have these empowering beliefs, you have brain coherence between conscious and subconscious. What if you said, okay, I wanna make, let's just say $100,000 a year, or a million,
Starting point is 00:22:15 it doesn't make a difference. And I asked you, what do you need to believe about yourself to achieve it? So I need to believe I'm smarter, good. Write down, I am smarter. What else do you need to believe? I need to believe I'm smart enough. Good. Write down, I am smarter. What else do you need to believe? I need to believe that I am worthy. I need to believe that I deserve this.
Starting point is 00:22:31 I need to believe that it's possible. I need to believe, you write down five or six or seven beliefs. They're just words on a sheet of paper. Now let me stop for just a moment. I'm going to tell a story and come back to this. I want you to imagine that somebody tapped you on the shoulder sometime today and say, hey, I work with Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks in Hollywood and we have this new script, okay, that if you get really good at this script where you could read
Starting point is 00:22:58 it in front of a camera without the script, we'll pay you 10 million bucks. Now, I want you to imagine you've never seen the script, you don't know how. Now, I want you to imagine you've never seen the script. You don't know how to act, but they said to you, we're gonna give you an acting coach, we're gonna give you everything you need to memorize the script, we're gonna do everything you need to act it perfectly. What would you do to take that script that's on a piece of paper
Starting point is 00:23:20 that you've never seen before? What would you do to take that script to make it yours for you to own it? And the answer, as you probably read it like what, once, would you read it maybe a hundred times, two hundred times, five hundred times? You think you might role play with somebody while you're holding the script in your hand. Do you think you might research the role? Do you think you might take a camera and practice it?
Starting point is 00:23:43 And do you think that if you practice it one time, 50 times, 100 times, 500 times, you can finally put the script down and you can get in front of the camera and go, boom, here is the script. You think you could do that. Well, guess what? A script that's on a piece of paper that you don't believe with practice, you start to believe. So what happens if you take a belief system and you start to imprint it into your subconscious mind initially through conscious repetition. But there are ways to access the subconscious mind that we know today that are faster and easier than just doing it consciously. And so you take a vision of you achieving your goals and dreams. You take the belief you need. You learn how to manage your emotions a little bit better and then you develop the habits which again are nothing more than neural patterns in
Starting point is 00:24:29 the brain that have been reinforced. And when you learn how to deactivate the destructive ones and activate constructive ones through space repetition and reinforcement, now you are resetting your default way of being. So a belief is nothing more than a reinforced pattern that if you learn how to deactivate it and create a new one, it's like a software upgrade for your brain. Wow, so guys, what he didn't say, so good, John, thank you. Guys, this is stuff that you pay thousands of dollars for, but you, by the way, can get in his book and you get here because I know him for free. But guys,
Starting point is 00:25:09 what he didn't say is beliefs are necessarily true. No, thank you for the truth. And this is important. I've told you many times everybody that your thoughts aren't necessarily true. Your beliefs are not necessarily true. They're patterns reinforced over time. And so if you could create this new script that's reinforced these patterns over time, that's a conscious way of doing it. Give us one key, you said, we know now there's subconscious ways to do it that are faster and more powerful. Give us one that is a new hack to do this. So one that everybody's heard of, and very few people do, unless you're a professional
Starting point is 00:25:42 athlete, astronaut or Navy SEAL, is visualization. Yes, thank you. It's simple, simple. I know you had Phil Mickelson on in the past, and I watched him. And if you think about visualization is simulation. Now, here is the difference. Whoa, that's good.
Starting point is 00:25:58 OK, go ahead. The visualization is simulation. So when we close our eyes, or even if our eyes eyes are open and we start to use our Einstein brain the imagination We now have just activated one of the biggest centers of our brain the occipital load that's connected to the motor cortex It's connected to the motivational circuit the nucleus comes up releases that dopamine that makes you feel good that makes you want to take action So if you visualize yourself achieving the goal, if you visualize yourself behaving in ways that match the new belief, if you even visualize the words or you take the words on a sheet of paper and you read them, run your right finger across it, run your left finger across it, close your eyes,
Starting point is 00:26:46 see it and feel it. Your brain is creating a mental movie with the words. And as it creates a mental movie with the words, that's happening in your subconscious mind. And when you give the subconscious these instructions, a couple things happen because of the way the brain hierarchy works. Number one is survival, but then number two is safety, and then number three is energy conservation. Now, when you do something 20, 30, 40, 50 times, it takes about 66 days to 365 days of repetition to override an old habitual circuit, not 10 days, not 21 days, 66 to 365. So if you visualize yourself achieving the goal, feeling the success that you want to feel,
Starting point is 00:27:34 seeing the belief on the screen of your mind, you are actually creating a neural network through the science and neural plasticity and the networks that you reinforce become the most dominant networks. And since your brain wants to conserve energy, if you do this on a consistent basis, your brain says, okay, you're doing this so often. Let me just make this automatic. Let me set aside the old beliefs.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Let me replace it with a new beliefs, and now you've deliberately and consciously evolved yourself. Oh my gosh, so guys, it's patterns. John, thank you guys. John used a word earlier, which was co-herence and it can fly by. But when you've done this hard work, and I say fun work, by the way, on your subconscious brain, your subconscious mind, what happens is now when you set that ambitious goal, there's a co-herence between what's lying underneath you and what's on the surface.
Starting point is 00:28:24 And that's why you know people. You all have someone you know that when they point their mind at something, it's almost like a weapon. When they point themselves at a dream, they draw it towards them. Part of that's energy, part of that's vibration, but a big part of that is coherence in your brain. And so you've got to do this difficult work that you might think is difficult, which by the way, is fun, is easy, and it's really just a matter of patterns and taking control of your life, taking control of the things you do, you can literally, everybody, change your life. You can change the external parts of your life by changing the internal or the inner sizes that he teaches part of your life.
Starting point is 00:29:03 That's why I do this show. What we're talking about. Can I ask you something? Please. Since you picked up on the word coherence, and you mentioned the law of attraction earlier, for the people who think that the law of attraction is, you know, think, believe in your chief,
Starting point is 00:29:20 first I'm going to tell you that's bullshit. So let's call it that. I love this man. I love it. Bullshit. But I'm going to tell you that's bullshit. So let's call it bullshit. But I want you to think of your brains a little bit briefly and think of it this way. Let's say you love a rock and roll. And let's say rock and rolls on station 95.5. If you're on station 92.1 that might be classical. If you're on station 98.7 that might be classical. If you're on the station 98.7, that might be punk rock, but a 92.5, that's rock and roll. So imagine cohears just means locking your electromagnetic
Starting point is 00:29:54 spectrum of your brain, lock it and load it on exactly what you want. So what's the vision, what's the role, what are the beliefs, what are the emotions that create cohe appearance? What are the beliefs? What are the emotions that create coherence? So you're locked and loaded to the frequency of the universe that is matching that goal. Part one, part two is when you get locked and loaded, you've actually activated the Einstein brain, connected to the motor cortex, connected to the dopamine release in your body, and when that happens, okay, now you're in coherence, but there's another part that happens in this Einstein part of the brain. That's actually
Starting point is 00:30:31 what the latest neuroscientist and psychologist are thinking is connected to this GPS part of our brain, to the frequency of where all of the tools, resources, people are that resonate with that frequency. So we've been evolving for about two and a half million years since homeore rectus to now 108 billion humans on Earth with a brain that's been changing and growing. And my belief is we're just scratching the proverbial surface. When we talk about a little quantum mechanics or quantifies with entanglement, how we're just scratching the proverbial surface. When we talk about, you know, a little quantum mechanics or quantifies with entanglement, how we're all connected.
Starting point is 00:31:08 We're all tuning into the frequencies that are us and within us and all around us. Now, when we learn to use our brain better, it's just mind-boggling how we can achieve goals and dreams that we thought were impossible to achieve before. This is the fun part now. That to me, this is the fun part. And by the way, when you see two people better vibrating it, frequency like this,
Starting point is 00:31:30 you get an interview like with your experiencing right now, everybody. Like we both have done lots of interviews and we know when we're in the midst of a great one. And everyone, I just want to be clear, please follow John, please. And if you're listening to the show or watching it, share my show. My gosh, people need to know this. You know someone you care about or believe in or love that should be hearing these things. A couple more tips. And then I want to talk about something pretty serious at the end if you don't mind,
Starting point is 00:31:54 because you're just such a geiger. But one of the ways you can do some of this work, many of you know about vision boards, and we can have a competent person talk about it. John, I can have you touch on that a little bit, but John goes even deeper into these accomplished boards, I think you call them. And he's got a crap board, which I've never flipping heard of in my life. And again, guys, you're just not gonna get this anywhere else.
Starting point is 00:32:15 So could you just, these are strategies that are real, that work, that we both do. So there's two prolific entrepreneurs who are now in this space that are saying these are the things we do and isn't it ironic that we both do them and we're both addicted to them and we both attribute it to our success. So please talk about that brother. So I have my vision boards and I actually have my exceptional life blueprint that I've created. It's about 50 pages of my prayers, my rituals, for my spiritual growth, health, wealth, my
Starting point is 00:32:52 money story, my intermission, my outer mission, some of the stuff, either that I have or that I'm creating. So I create these visual representations to trigger the biggest part of my brain called the Excipital Lobe and to activate my memory center. So I have vision boards for what I want to create. So I'm giving my brain the exact instructions so that not only it focuses helping me achieve that, but most people don't understand about vision boards are creating goals and writing that are specific, is that your brain is a deletion and distortion tool as well. So if you give your brain instruction, this is the stuff that's important to me for health,
Starting point is 00:33:38 God, spirituality, charity, fun, experiences, my children, my mother, my father, my father, whatever it is, and you say, this is what I want to trade my life for. Delete and distort everything else. Now all of a sudden, you're using your brain as a deletion of distortion, an organism, in order to be able to help you hyper-focus on what you want. So part one is get absolute clarity on what you want, so your brain helps you eliminate what you don't want. Part one. Part two, right? Part two is I tend to be a goal-seeking guy, right? And I used
Starting point is 00:34:15 to not celebrate the small stuff. And I used to just like, you know, five bigger goals, bigger goal, bigger goal, more, bigger, bigger. And somebody says something like, you know, like slow it down just to enjoy some of the stuff that you actually have done for yourself or for people in your family? And I was like, well, let me create an accomplished board. So good. So good. So a accomplished board. So a accomplished board, you passed that test on your own 40 years ago. Celebrate that. You helped this person who was challenged and celebrate that.
Starting point is 00:34:51 You know, you did this for him or for her or for yourself. Celebrate that stuff to remind yourself because I'm tough on myself. Like, I'm, like, I'm, let's come on, let's go. It's a goal, let's go. And sometimes I forget the stuff that I have done, the stuff that I do do that I need to remember.
Starting point is 00:35:11 So I create an accomplished with board and a list. So I can just go to it when I feel like, holy shit, am I smart enough to achieve that next thing? Am I good enough? What a lot of people don't know Ed is so good. When I was a kid, I used to feel like I wasn't smart enough. And when I was a kid it helped me back. And today I still feel like I'm not smart enough and that fuels me to get smarter. So I used it. I said big goals like oh god I don't have the skills,
Starting point is 00:35:37 I don't have the knowledge, but I can figure it out. I've got contacts, I've got friends, there's books, there's Google, there's YouTube, there's Holy Mackerel. I don't need to have all the specialized knowledge anymore. So I have accomplished what we also, you know, crapboard is what conflicts are happy right now. I often say that there's only four things that are holding you back as a human being. Only four. There's not 25, there's four that are the core. One is if your vision and goal
Starting point is 00:36:06 is bigger than your self image. Okay. So if you deserve it, you can have this vision and goal and be excited about and motivated about it, you will not do what it takes to achieve. One, two, if you have limiting beliefs, if you have a vision and goal, which you have a living and believe that you're too young to hold whatever the case is, your limiting beliefs. If you have a vision goal, which you have a living in belief that you're too young, too old, whatever the case is, your limiting beliefs will drive your behavior. Three, fear, fear of being embarrassed ashamed, ridiculed or judged, fear of failure, fear of disappointment, and we'll talk about disappointment, or fear of succeeding and failing again. Disappointment. Most, and then the fourth one, by the way, is you're lacking the knowledge and skill
Starting point is 00:36:42 required. So that actually sets up a self-doubt trigger, which activates the Frankenstein brain, which causes you to lose motivation. But most people prefer to master disappointment and comfort zones instead of mastering change. So if I master disappointment, I know what I got. I just have to deal with, well, okay, this is what I got. And if I master my comfort zone, then at least this is the devil I know. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Versus mastering change, and we know what's going on in our brain under, we know what's happening, neurologically, biology, emotionally, physically, and all of that is a skill. It's just a skill. So why not just master change? Why not become an adaptationist right now in the time that you needed the most in the world? Because if you don't, then you're just going to keep repeating the same patterns that are gonna get reinforced
Starting point is 00:37:45 and it makes it harder in three months, six months, in six years. So master change now and make that one of your core competencies and then you master your life. Oh my gosh, you guys, anybody familiar with my work? Know how much I love this man and how much we line up on these things. Similarly, I love the way that you phrase things. And guys, one thing about change, one of the reasons we hesitate to change
Starting point is 00:38:08 is humans is it's an energy depletion too. Humans kind of want to conserve energy. You have to realize one thing, everybody, and we're going to go to one more part, and then I'm going to ask you about grief. But, yeah, guys, we love to gravitate towards what we're most familiar with, we create these patterns in our life and we repeat them over and over and over again. And if you're not conscious of what they are, if you don't create new ones, you're just repeating the same life in a different year over and over. And that's scripted that John talked about. Your script is the same as it was five years ago, ten years ago, twenty years ago, with slightly different characters and slightly different dressings in the room.
Starting point is 00:38:47 One of the things that I read with you just took my breath away because I struggle with what you said. I think most achievers struggle with celebrating the small wins. They cheat themselves. These dopamine hits, eventually that's part of what burnout is, is that you're, you just finally go, winning isn't fun. I don't get anything out of it and I no longer seek to do it because there's no pleasure center being activated
Starting point is 00:39:07 when I do it. The other part I do is I'm really hard on myself like you said. And I think if I were splitting hairs with me now, to this day, it would still be my language. Like I always try to find what's the millimeter I can fight for. You know, I think the thing that I regress on
Starting point is 00:39:23 from time to time, because I try to remain humble and have some humility is I think I take sometimes self-deprecation too far. I've caught myself recently, I said it in this interview, I'm old, I'm old, I'll say phrases like that, in friends of mine, I'll even say, stop, please stop saying that. You're the guru of personal development and you keep using these words. And then I was watching you when it came to wait. Guys, John does not say lose weight. I've always thought, that's not far from this thing to say, I want to lose weight. Please talk about words and specifically when it comes to just wait for a second, because it's going to, it it's gonna set up this people's minds. So you may or not know this story yet but 10 years ago I was 238 pounds, 33% body fat, borderline hypertensive, diet almost full in diabetes, severe sleep apnea, not in good shape.
Starting point is 00:40:19 So I said listen, you've done okay in business, you've done okay with your relationship, you're happily married, great, listen that. Look at you, you're a physical mess. And so words are really, really, really critical because there's something really important listening. And so if you're using words that you're reinforcing, if they're self-deprecating words, you're reinforcing a self-deprecating self-image, which means Frankenstein brain is going to be triggered by those words.
Starting point is 00:40:51 So if you think about, wait, what is it? Every pound is 3,500 calories of energy, right? And so when you think about, what are you doing, you lose something? What have we been taught to do when we lose something? Try and find it. We'll find it, you'll get it back. So if weight is energy, I said to myself, what do I need to do to release this energy
Starting point is 00:41:17 back into the universe, back in the form of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, whatever it is? So that somebody else who needs it right now can use it. It's served me long enough. I'm ready to release it and to change my physique, to change how I feel, to change how I look. And my goal back then for my 50th birthday was to get into the best shape of my adult life for 50,
Starting point is 00:41:41 which I did. And then my goal is to have a six pack at 60, which I'm already there. So I'm actually almost there. But the whole idea was the words that I use, right, are really important because they're the words that I listen to and reinforce. God. So he releases weight, everybody. He doesn't lose weight. Now I'm gonna tell you some of all the breakthroughs I've heard, we've learned so much more about macros and fat intake and caloric intake and we know the chemistry of how to lose weight from almost all body types.
Starting point is 00:42:18 This right here is a huge thing to be considering guys and it comes to truth with money, relationships, every area. Start to be aware, start to be cognizant of the words you use to describe yourself, circumstances, situations, even the words you use to describe your goals and dreams. So, can I just do one thing? Yes, definitely.
Starting point is 00:42:41 So, in my health section, okay, I script every word for health, wealth, relationships, career, business. So it says, I have an abundance of physical and mental energy. I feel and look great. I'm the healthiest I have ever been, being spiritually grounded, emotionally, scent and mentally focused and totally healthy and happier in my highest priorities. I now weigh 195 to 198 pounds or less than 12% body fat. I'm consisting of performance day of flow creativity and productivity.
Starting point is 00:43:12 My blood work is perfect. I now have in a bunch of energy focus and piece of mind. I sleep deeply in sound and I feel well-rested and energized every day. Now I read this every day. I have that on my mobile phone of my recording that I listen to every single day. I look at my document every day and run my fingers across it. Why? I want to enforce exactly the words and the patterns that I choose into my subconscious mind. So I choose consciously, very careful. Like an artist writes a song, I write my life song for health, welfare, lace, tribus with very specific words. I imprint those into my subconscious mind. They formulate my conscious dialogue. I love this. So guys, subtle thing, got to point it out, two things.
Starting point is 00:44:05 You know, just read with your finger. That's a different visual stimulus for your body. The reason you have a bone is you're not giving yourself the auditory feedback as well. So there's science behind what John's teaching it. I got to tell you right now. This is a literal flipping masterclass on how to change your life. It's a masterclass. Like I, you guys, I'm so exciting. And if you're not sharing this man, you're cheating people out of like, you know why John's so good at this?
Starting point is 00:44:32 Because there's one level, and you can just tell if you're watching the video version of this, there's a goodness about his spirit in his presence, even when it's just a Zoom presence. Everyone that knows the two of us mutually. I love to hear how brilliant and smart and successful people are, but what I really listen for is, do I hear repeatedly, he's such a good man. And this comes out of you. It's natural. And guys, both of us really worked on ourselves to build our businesses and our lives. Something is overtaken
Starting point is 00:44:59 both of us. We're now we're working on behalf of you as well. And I know John's so great at this, not only because it's changed his own life, but because he's learning to teach now. He's learning, he wants to reach a billion people in the world. And there's a difference. And I admire that about you, brother. I just want to acknowledge that in you because I know that's why you're so great at this. I've improved my ability to articulate and have breakthroughs not just on my own behalf because I only do so much for myself. But when I think I can elevate other people and that's why you're such a gift. And it leaves me to the last portal and moral purpose than us.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Yeah. And you're doing it, John, like you're doing it. Like, lives changed today. I think the end, I want to talk about life and I know this is a sensitive topic for you, but I want to talk about grief last. We could talk about so many other things, but there are people right now grieving that are listening this. They're grieving the loss of their business. They're grieving the loss of their job. Maybe it's the loss of a home or money. Could be the loss of their health or that of a loved one. Maybe their relationships and a little stress right now because of all what's going on. And without being too personal,
Starting point is 00:46:11 John's gone through a very, very recent moment of grief. You can be personal. I don't know why I'm getting so upset. I said, I'm John's recently lost his mother and I'm talking about in the last days, this has happened. And I've spent just really a couple weeks. And I'd like you to talk just for a second about coping or dealing with grief. I probably coping is not a strong enough word. Maybe persevering, thriving through grief. And your own experience with it, if you would, you said I could ask you anything today. So you knew that that met this topic was going to come up so could you share that with us please? Sure so I think what I wanted to start with philosophy first right so as opposed to the experienced first philosophy first I personally don't believe we die so if we go backwards in time to, you know, mother's egg, father's sperm, that was just energy
Starting point is 00:47:07 that combined and through the transmutation of energy and energy multiplying 26 times, you know, the DNA of my mother and father and ex and wife from the zone created this sentient being called, you know, my body and John. So I believe that we are spiritual and that whatever you believe about what spirituality is and the creator, but there's something created us. You want to call it God? I honor that. You want whatever you want to call it as irrelevant. So if we came from that,
Starting point is 00:47:39 then is it possible? That's what we return to? And right now we have a physical experience for X number of days moments years. So about two weeks ago, my mother was diagnosed with coronavirus. And she was pretty healthy, walked in her retirement home, went to physiotherapy three days a week, ate on her own, talked to her every single day. And she was diagnosed with coronavirus six days later, she was dead. As you and I discussed, we had a virtual goodbye when my brother and sister and I said,
Starting point is 00:48:14 I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you a million times. And you know, 25 minutes that we had with her. And then we got my children, my brother's children, my sister's children, and a couple of grandkids to say goodbye to their mother. And you know, eight hours, my mother was dead. And the first thing that I, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:30 that I felt was gratitude. And people asked me, how did you feel gratitude? Your mother died. I said, listen, my mother was 87. She could have died and suffered with Alzheimer, with a stroke, with a heart attack. She could have suffered in the hospital, coronavirus. She died peacefully.
Starting point is 00:48:49 I'm grateful for that. I'm grateful that I spoke to her every day for the last 20 years. I'm grateful that every 100 days I got to see her because I flew to see her. I'm grateful that I have a brother and sister that are close that we can appreciate our mother. I'm grateful for the lesson she taught taught me, and grateful for the wisdom. I took my heart and I went right to gratitude of all the things I was grateful for, for the doctors, the nurses that took care of her. Now, I want you to just understand, I was extremely sad, but I could hold both
Starting point is 00:49:24 emotions at the same time. Right? Sad. Oh my God, I just lost my mother. I couldn't fly to see her. Like, I would have gotten on a jet and done that, that, that, that five minutes later. Jet. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:49:37 You know, I couldn't do that. I couldn't hold her hand. I couldn't caress her hair. I couldn't, I couldn't look into her eyes and tell her, my mom, I love you. Thanks for me. Such a wonderful, amazing mom. Couldn't do that. So what I could do, I could choose what to focus on. I could choose to focus on what I had control over. So we arranged for a virtual funeral for my mother, virtual goodbye, virtual funeral. My nephew was taking a video of my mother being put
Starting point is 00:50:10 in the cask, oh, none, she was already in the casket into the ground. And that was on Zoom. And I was grateful that I was able to do that versus nothing. So grief. A lot of times when we are focusing on what we've lost or what we're losing, we're not focusing on what we've gained. A lot of times we're focusing on what's possible as a result of this. We tend to monofocus, right? On either good or bad, I like it, I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:50:50 It tastes good, it doesn't, it's hurting me, it's not. But what if you could learn how to observe both? What if you could observe the law of polarity in its entirety that says you cannot have an electron without a proton and in without an atom, up without an that says you cannot have an electron without a proton and in without an atom, up without an atom, you cannot have that on this planet in this universe. So is it possible that with just a little bit of training, whether it's mindfulness or meditation or awareness, you can be sad, you can grieve and be joyful and happy at the same time.
Starting point is 00:51:27 See, it's when we are afraid that we're losing something, that we've got that Frankenstein brain of our saying, what if what if what if what if what if oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god. When we are in that state, we can't be focused on what are we going to do about it. Now in a grieving state like with my mother the only thing I want to do about is make sure that we respect and honor her life and my brothers and sisters and my dad etc. So I need to focus on that and when we're talking about, you know, a business going under, a relationship, you know, that's unraveling right now. If you're focusing on all of the dis empowering emotions and circumstances, you cannot be focusing on the solution to that possible problem.
Starting point is 00:52:19 So you have to learn how to manage the emotions and for those who don't know what that's like, I want you to fucking imagine, I just got a really maddened. A Hollywood actor actress learns that they are not their emotions, they have emotions. Now everybody's gonna grieve differently, but I want people to understand that you don't have to be disempowered in grief. You could be empowered in grief, and everybody's going to do it differently, and some people are going to go inside, some will go outside, but we have the ability to frame things in ways that empower us and gives us the best chance to move forward instead of being a victim of it. And all I'm saying is consider, consider that you have way more power than you are displaying in your
Starting point is 00:53:22 emotional management, in your focus, in your awareness, and in your behavior. And you can feel the entire spectrum of emotions, co-deco with that. But are you being constructive versus destructive in your behaviors? Unbelievable, Joe. Your mother must be so proud of you. I mean, my gosh, what is a remarkable son she has. I love you, brother. This is my future friends. You guys have got to meet. I'm going to tell you, it's so obvious. Why now? I mean, I to let the audience tell you, okay, because it's not
Starting point is 00:54:10 fair to other people that are on my show, but let Mrs. Berelle. This has been unbelievable, and everyone is told both of us, the two of you need to get together. And we've talked for a very long time, John and I have. And I actually reached out to John to do this, ironically, within a couple days of this situation. He said, can you give me, you know, a little bit of handling the situation with my mother?
Starting point is 00:54:31 And I have not, I cannot tell you, number one, I'm so grateful that we did it, but I gotta be honest with you, I'm even extra grateful that it was right now. This is when it was supposed to happen, don't you? What's that sense? Oh yeah. I actually,
Starting point is 00:54:43 I don't know how to do accidents in God's universe. That's amazingly true. Very prophetic. A lot of things I don't understand, but there are no accidents. I loved it. I don't understand all of it. I actually love that. I love entertaining and interesting. If I do it all, I don't know where to go. I don't even leave anywhere. So I love the exploration, the learning. And today was that for me with you, last thing, where do they find you? I know they're going, this guy I got to know more about, I got to follow him. Where do they go? I've got an Instagram page at John Asraf. I've got a Facebook fan page. And then my company is, Everything we do is around the neuroscience and the psychology. I just
Starting point is 00:55:25 happen to love spirituality and quantum physics as well and that you know all the stuff in between so or you know on social media. And go get you go get energized too everybody. I read it two days you're gonna be blown away. There's no wasted pages it's just all great it's just like today there was no wasted moments saying in this book, John, thank you. You're a treasure. And everybody in the audience, you know on Instagram, I did first off shared this show, but on Instagram, I want to engage, I engaged, I'm gonna tell you more than anybody in the personal development and business space. It's why we're the fastest growing team. Every day on Instagram, I run the max out two-minute drill. What that means is I make a
Starting point is 00:56:01 post every day, 7 30 Pacific, 10 30 Eastern time. You can figure your time zone out. If you make a comment in the first two minutes, you're going to drawing every day. If you miss the first two minutes, just make a comment on other people's comments, just engage with each other. That increases your chance to win. And if you don't do that, just make a comment on every post every day at any time, 10 hours later. It doesn't matter. Just consistently comment on my post. We pick winners. We announce them every Sunday. They win rides on my jet. Take a sceny speak, coaching with me, coaching with my guests, max out gear. Just to engage with you and support you. I do this. And so please participate. Turn your notifications on and follow me on Instagram. John, thank you again. And God bless you,
Starting point is 00:56:40 everybody, and max out your life. This is the end of my life show.

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