THE ED MYLETT SHOW - From Stress to Freedom with Peter Crone

Episode Date: December 1, 2020

“The most successful people are the ones who find TRUE PEACE” by living in complete harmony with your current circumstance. This may be one of my favorite and most timely interviews of all time! P...eter Crone, AKA The Mind Architect, is a writer, speaker, and thought leader in human awakening and potential. He works with everyone from world-class athletes to stay-at-home parents to redesign the subconscious mind so you can reach your full potential. I believe he is the BEST IN THE WORLD at what he does and has a unique approach that will change your life… and you’re getting it right here FOR FREE! In this mind-blowing interview, we are breaking the barriers of time and space to help you manage stress, anxiety, and fear. No matter where you came from, no matter how your past has shaped you, Peter is challenging the so common disease of not being “enough,” and teaching you how to reconcile your past so that you can find freedom! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU! This interview is packed with actionable steps to help remove yourself from a state of fear and suffering and enter into a state of relaxation, calm, compassion, and joy. Whether you are rich, poor, young, old, a stay at home parent, entrepreneur, or professional athlete, THIS INTERVIEW WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Edmmerlich show. Welcome back to Max Out everybody. I'm so excited about today. My guest is a mind architect. I think he's the best in the world at it. I've become a huge fan of his work. Peter Cron is my guest, everybody, first of all. So Peter, welcome to Max Out with Ed Mylett. Welcome to our family. Thank you so much. It's a privilege and an honor to be with you, my friend. I've been looking forward to this conversation for a while.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Though of I, and for so many reasons, mainly which I love my audience, and I know how much you're gonna help them today. And I'm so honored to, for some of them introduce you to them for the first time. I'm sure some of them are obviously very familiar with your work. And I am just so you all know,
Starting point is 00:00:50 Peter is a very unique man, so eloquent. But the way he approaches the mind and changing our lives and he's worked with very well-known people, professional athletes and the corporate space executives. And today, we get access to them for free, which is super cool. So I think I find you at such a good time because I think so many people right now may be struggling with some of their emotions. You know, there's been a curveball thrown this year for
Starting point is 00:01:17 an awful lot of people. And I think, you know, you and I are both sort of about helping human beings reach their ultimate potential, their ultimate happiness. Absolutely. You have a message that sort of unless start in the past, ironically, because I think part of your philosophy can correct me if I'm wrong, but it's these misconceptions, these false beliefs that we attach to our past that is maybe most ultimately impacting our present and our future. Could you talk about that a little bit? Yeah, so I mean beautifully articulated. You're obviously a smart cat, and that's why I feel there's a lot of synergy between us.
Starting point is 00:01:52 But one of the things I, one of the primary things that I look after human being is how do we relate to time? Right, there's certain constructs that we function within by virtue of the dimension that we're here as human, right? So space and time are the sort of the fundamental fabric of our experience. And particularly how the human brain relates to time, it's quite fascinating. So without going too deep, but let's go straight there.
Starting point is 00:02:18 It's an illusion to think there's anything that we call a past or a future, which right out of the gate is a little bit mind blowing for people because mind and, you know, the way that we relate to time is all simultaneously occurring at the moment. So past and future are nothing but constructs in language. You've never been in your history and you've never been in your future. So what's actually occurring in the brain is you're having a narrative, a dialogue that is based in past tense language or future-based language. So when that really hit me, it was just so profound.
Starting point is 00:02:53 I realized I was never worried about the future. I was always worried about my thoughts about a presumed future. So I was actually worried about the thoughts I was having in current time, which is why when people have anxiety or fear or apprehension or concern when I'm working with my athletes, you know, they've got this pressure, whatever it be, a guy on a Sunday who's in contention at a PJ Tour event, a guy who's close to throwing a no-hitter from the mound, whatever it is, it's game seven
Starting point is 00:03:20 of the World Series, you know, out of guy from the Chicago Cubs who was involved in that when they won. You know, there's this perception of pressure, but pressure is based on our own perception of a future that hasn't happened yet, and it's occurring in the moment which gives rise to the emotional experience of fear, which we're seeing all around the world right now, right? People are either scared of what's going to happen with this like deadly bug, you know, the virus that people are concerned about. What is the concern? Am I going to get it? Well, what's deeper beneath that is, am I going to be okay? And fundamentally, the biggest relationship we have to life
Starting point is 00:03:52 is ironically death. So people aren't actually worried about a virus, and they're not worried about whether they get it. What they're worried about is the impact, and especially as it relates to their mortality, all of which is happening right here. So when we change our relationship to time, we change our relationship to life and when you realize that the only thing that you're ever up against is your own thought processes, it is absolutely transformational. So I don't know how that is for a start. My God, we went way, well, first we went into your brilliance and it's really interesting.
Starting point is 00:04:24 I want to unpack that just a little bit from my own understanding Yeah, we both work with athletes and you use the example of golfers I have a few two and one of the things that I do say to them is you really don't have anxiety over this putt What you've done is you've projected into the future if you miss this putt what it's gonna feel like what people are going to say What your expectations going to be you've also projected into the future if you make the putt what it's going to say, what your expectations going to be, you've also projected into the future if you make the pup what it's going to look like. Is that sort of, to some extent what you're saying? And then secondly, how does that apply for saying every day person? How does one begin to change their relations? Is it just being conscious of what you just said, reminding yourself of that, or is there something I can do to change my relationship to time?
Starting point is 00:05:04 Amazing. So yes, is the first part of your question, right? So that does relate to whether Guy's worried about missing a part. I actually had a client. He was, he wasn't actually a pro golfer. He was a scratch golfer. He'd won his club championship a couple of times. And he was a phenomenal hedge fund guy. He was great with finance. But because of his success in golf, there was this sort of impression that he had that he had to sustain that which create this feeling of pressure pressure. If you understand the principles of pressure as much as I'm like a spiritual teacher to many, I'm really a physicist, right? So if you I always use the analogy of a garden hose lying on the ground. If there's water flowing through it at a consistent speed, like the force that is just set or whatever opening it is, the water is flowing through
Starting point is 00:05:45 uninterrupted. But if you put your foot slightly on the hose, it reduces the amount of space. So that's one component. When you reduce space, the water has to travel at an increased velocity to get through the same square footage area because of the volume that's coming through, right? So now if you apply that to the very subtle channels of our mind and how things happen and certainly are circulatory system, is when we have slight pressure, everything moves quicker. Isn't that cool? So what happens is the power of the mind is so insane when your friend or the guy you're helping around a three-foot part and he doesn't want to miss, what's actually occurring is he's literally, literally becoming physiologically a different
Starting point is 00:06:28 human being by virtue of the fact that his chemistry is changing, his heart rate, his respiratory rate, and his blood pressure. So what he's accustomed to doing in a completely altered state, he now is very unfamiliar in a new state based on the principle of perspective that's giving him a perception of pressure. Therefore he's not so accustomed. He doesn't have the same confidence or she obviously applies to both to be able to execute what he would normally do, quote, unquote, in his sleep.
Starting point is 00:06:57 So it's so beautiful when you understand how mine is truly informing physiology, which is then impacting behavior and result. My gosh. You really understand this is so good. I want everyone to listen to this brilliant man because when you listen to something like there, but I think one of the things that you have to do is, how does this apply to me? So perhaps you're unemployed right now. And this future projection of applying to the pose of your life about I've got to be perfect on this call.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I've got to do this. How it impacts your performance. If you're thinking about your financial situation, all of those different things, how they apply to you, and if you can alter your relationship the time, it's just amazing to me the way that you say that. It helps me. Because I think I have a tendency to do that to some extent. I think oftentimes achievers are dreamers. There's this nuance maybe between being a dreamer and dreaming of a
Starting point is 00:07:57 future and something that you want better, navigating being in the present sense to your point, this future doesn't really exist, which is, yeah, it's totally suspicious. So the second part of your question about what could we do, and it's less about doing. Doing is in the realm of physical behavior or action. My well, you know, you said, is it just to having the awareness of it, and that is the first step. You got to recognize the pattern. I'll tell a lot of people, it's not you, it's a pattern. So it's a piece of code based in dialogue, which was accumulated over time,
Starting point is 00:08:30 invariably started in childhood, that has created an identity by which people are defined, which creates the experience emotionally of anxiety fear and then the consequential behaviors and results. So that's the cascade. So what I'm undoing is reverse engineering, okay, well, you have an issue with whatever the outcome is. You're not getting paid enough.
Starting point is 00:08:48 You have some physical ailments. You have a relationship problem. You're not satisfied in your career. So that's the external manifestation. That's the symptom. But everything that happens is a byproduct, the result of action. Action is the inextricable precursor to whatever happens. Now, if we understand action is the byproducts of a combination of feelings and thoughts.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Now we start to get into the meat of, okay, well, what's the actual software driving human behavior, which will lead to results? So why my work is so immensely powerful, and I say that objectively, not just because I'm doing it, is because if you change the code of somebody's subconscious mind, they have no choice but to think, feel, act, and then consequently get different results. That's power, right? So what I love about how much you care about your audience is, yes, everybody's experiencing this, whether they play golf or they don't, whether they're just worried about paying rent this month or they're worried about putting food on the table or they're concerned about being paying rent this month, or they're worried about putting food on the table,
Starting point is 00:09:45 or they're concerned about being furloughed, and they're going to have a job. Whatever the fundamental concern is, it still belongs to the same principles of physics, which is your mind is creating a perception of a future that hasn't happened yet. And it's eliciting a physiological systemic response called fear, worry, anxiety. Now, that doesn't make anyone wrong. That's human.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Why? Because the primordial incentive of any organism is to survive. Survival is what drives people. And if you have a thought that is in any way jeopardizing your perception of survival, then you have no choice but to do whatever you feel you have to do in order to mitigate that.
Starting point is 00:10:22 So again, I tell people, most people are trying to avoid a bad future that hasn't happened yet. Now, if you just get that, you wonder why people, or you don't wonder why people are so exhausted, right? Or they have to talk to their doctor or I have a drink at night, none of which I have any judgment over, but you start to get some sovereignty and domain over your behaviors as opposed to being victims of them and go holy shit. My anxiety, my depression, my addiction, my relationship was my physiological dis-ease is a byproduct of my psychological programming through no fault of my own.
Starting point is 00:10:55 And that I have some say over. And that gives people such a position of empowerment. And it is the ultimate form of liberation because you come out of the cage of your own mind versus constantly trying to fix circumstance which is exhausting and futile. My gosh, I have to tell you, I think where we're going right now is, if everyone could hear what you just covered
Starting point is 00:11:20 and what I'm gonna ask you now because I have some inclination as to some of the brilliant way you articulate this. You touched on a couple things there. We could heal the planet, by the way. Yes, sorry, they're going to be gone in a minute. They're going to be riveted and sharing this, trust me. But this idea that you talked a little bit about childhood.
Starting point is 00:11:39 And one of the things I've said for years, people say I'm the first one to say I probably wasn't. So everything is happening for me and not to me. Right. Take a little bit differently, but it's beautiful. And one of the things that always strikes me, people when I meet achievers, like people you and I were talking about right before we went on live here on camera, is how often, no matter what someone's accomplished in their life or is not accomplished, that at some
Starting point is 00:12:01 point early in knowing them, they are compelled to tell me about their childhood. Yeah. In other words, it seems to me that this is a conversation, a video running in the back of so many people's minds, and oftentimes it doesn't serve them, meaning they're overcoming something. They think that those circumstances that happen to them were somehow imperfect. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:22 And I watched you work with people on this. And it's just amazing with how it transforms their heart. I know this love begins to pour out of people when they come to this reconciliation, this breakthrough mentally. Yeah. So there are literally millions of people who are watching this who have a past or an impression they have a past that is imperfect somehow. Yeah. They're overcoming that's caused them to be the way they are and create these patterns. Everyone, wait to you here. What this man says regarding this topic. So go ahead. I'm going to unleash you here. Well, you're very kind. I mean, what comes to mind
Starting point is 00:12:58 and maybe you're speaking to this is one of my favorite quotes. I write in quotes. Anyone who's familiar with my work, I write in quotes with sort of transcend traditional thinking and it kind of gives you that, wait a minute, I think you just said something profound, I got a cheer with that. So one of the ones that come to mind, my quote is what happened happened and couldn't have happened any other way because it didn't. Now when people get that, the experience invariably is for most people who are ready to hear it, they're like, wow, that is incredibly liberating. For most people who are ready to hear it. They're like, wow, that is incredibly liberating. For those people who have had very troublesome, maybe even traumatic or abusive histories, it takes a minute for them to be able to integrate because I am not saying
Starting point is 00:13:34 that what happened was easy. I'm not saying that what happened was perfect. I'm not saying that what you experienced, I would condone that behavior. You know, certainly people I helped who've had abusive sometimes. So for me, it is not condoning a history or saying that it was exactly the way you wanted it. It is nonetheless what happened. And when we can recognize that I'm still here, I was often by the age of 17. My mom died of cancer 107. My dad went to work one day on the boats that went between England and France and England and Belgium. Never came back. He was lost in a fatal accident. So would I say that was ideal? No, that's not what I'm saying, but that is what happened. And the degree to which I can find harmony and acceptance with that is the degree to which I find freedom, which my assertion is that's what every human being's
Starting point is 00:14:18 looking for. They think it's to be found with more money, a better body, the right partner. They don't want any of those things. If I gave someone 10 million bucks, you know, in a big duffle bag and stuck them under my staircase and locked the door, they're not going to be happy, but they got the 10 million bucks. Right? It's the idea of what something's going to give you. We fundamentally were chasing a feeling. And so that quote, what happened happened and couldn't have happened any other way because it didn't, is at least the access to reconciling your history. Now it gets deeper. So everybody is under the impression you can change your future.
Starting point is 00:14:50 First of all, that's an illusion, right? Because all you're changing is what could have happened. Because whatever's gonna happen is always what's gonna happen. Again, that's a very, you know, it's a bit of a mind twist. But what I learned as my relationship to time shifted is I can actually change people's history. Now that seems like out of this world as a tariff magical.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Now I'm not saying that I changed the facts. My dad died when I was 17 by virtue of the fact that he was in a fatal accident. That cannot be changed. What I did change was my narrative about it. And therefore, my history changed. Now that gives me chills, right? Because I know you've been through a lot and obviously recently and I, you know, I support you and I say much love for what you've been through personally with your dad. But when we can look at our history and look at the narratives that are associated with our history, that is the
Starting point is 00:15:45 access to true power because none of us have been a victim of circumstance like you said, but rather the beneficiaries of it. And I'm going to, again, one of my favorite quotes I says, a life will present you with people and circumstances to reveal where you're not free. And that to me is this dimension that we're in is that you will always attract the partner, the friend, the business, the opportunity, the loss, whatever it is that you go through in order to reveal where you're still confined. And that is the gift of life. Is that because of this, you have some sort of a psychological relationship with your impression of your past?
Starting point is 00:16:22 Is that what's happening there? Yeah, so I'm unparering event with emotion. PTSD is where people have still got an emotional and it's a collapsed and attached to an event. So to be able to disassociate my personal experience of an event and just look at it as an event is where I recognize my sovereignty and my deepest spirituality.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Again, for what of reason all these quotes are coming to mind. I say, you know, if it's not life threatening, it's just ego threatening. So all that's ever getting threatened, unless you really need to call 911 or someone's at your door with a gun, you know, it's really just the psychological aberration in the way that you're relating to time, which is ego threatening. You're under the impression that you're not going to be okay, but which you, the you that you're relating to time, which is ego-threatening, you're under the impression that you're not going to be okay,
Starting point is 00:17:06 but which you, the you that you perceive yourself to be. So even with this whole COVID nonsense, people are worried about themselves, their identity, not their physiology. If I was a fortune teller, and whoever's worried about COVID, and I said, no, no, you're going to get it, and you're going to be fine, like 99.9% of the population, then their whole experience to their projected future would suddenly shift and they'd be like,
Starting point is 00:17:28 oh, it's okay. I mean, just based on a reposition of their own narrative and their perception of a future again that hasn't happened yet. The default of the human mind tends to be from fear. That's the issue. So what most people speculate towards is a worst case scenario. I take one of my MBA guys who was shooting the worst average in the league, 37%, 35.37.5. And I went to his house, live locally here. And I was talking about everything he goes through when he's at the free throw line. And you can imagine, right? He's getting paid millions of dollars at the time. There were like thousands of thousands of fans screaming. There's millions watching.
Starting point is 00:18:07 And there's this, this feeling of inadequacy, letting down his team, like the embarrassment of being a pro who can't make a free throw. Or should he average the league average was 75? I'm sitting there in his kitchen, right? And I say, okay, what if I told you for the rest of the season, it was like month one of the, the season I said, for the rest of the season, you shoot, you shoot league average. How would you feel? His face lit up like a little kid who first picked up a basketball.
Starting point is 00:18:30 And he's like, dude, that would be amazing. I said, can I just tell you something? I said, what I just proposed to you, that future is as real as the one that you're worried about. Why? Because none of them have happened. We're still sitting in your kitchen. He went on to shoot that whole week, 67% and then went on in part of the Olympics and whatever.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Now, again, the guy's got immense talent. It's not all because of me. I'm just helping him to look through different eyes and more profoundly to go back to some of you said earlier, one of my quotes again, I say, past hurt informs future fear. Ooh. So whenever we past hurt informs future fear. So whenever we've asked for it informs future fear.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Correct. So wherever we've had disappointments let down failures, and in this case, using my athlete or any of my athletes who've had some sort of disappointment, then what happens is the mind because it's designed to predict and protect. It naturally is going to be looking out for the repetition of something that hurt or was disappointing. That's survival. But what happens is, unbeknownst to the repetition of something that hurt or was disappointing. That's survival. But what happens is, unbeknownst to the individual, they're sustaining and perpetuating the
Starting point is 00:19:29 very thing they're trying to avoid. Yeah, like madness, right? Yeah. There's very few shows where I'm in my own thoughts as the, you know, I'm completely in my own thoughts, right? Collecting on something with me, most of any stress or anxiety I give myself, even as a grown man who helps people with these things. And I'm sure even, one of the things that people should know
Starting point is 00:19:56 is that guys like you and I, we've come to these conclusions out of necessity for ourselves and these things that even we navigate in our own lives and we have our own breakthroughs and most of the time, even at my age, if I'm creating any stress for myself, it's my projected future thought about what it will look like to someone else. And one of the powers of having shared this with you, one of the powers of having my dad pass away. And one of the blessings of it and being there while it happened,
Starting point is 00:20:27 was in those moments, all the things, you know what my dad wasn't doing in those beautiful moments? Any of the things were describing that hurt us. He wasn't projecting into the future. He wasn't worried about what everybody thought about him. He wasn't worried about a bad or a good choice. Those things sort of go away when you realize there's an inevitability
Starting point is 00:20:46 eventually to all of this anyways. So he might as well be in the present moment and enjoy it because even in that moment, that's the present moment. Oftentimes people say to me, I've got to make a decision between A and B and I often tell the people I coach, what are both of them are good choices? There's this false notion we have it on my back. That's the right choice. That's the wrong choice. I don't want to make the wrong choice.
Starting point is 00:21:05 You've got a belief system that both could work, both ended up in the right place. And I think the reason, and I want you to talk about this because you're the expert of this, is this, there's this notion and personal development that is a kind of a battle, but it's a, it's who's right, who's wrong type thing, and I think both are right. And it's this. It's people, I think there's this not enoughness feeling with so many people. I'm not enough Yeah, yeah, so there's people like you and I were saying you are enough. What if you were actually? Perfect. Yeah, what if there was actually nothing wrong with you, right?
Starting point is 00:21:38 How would you live your life? Yeah, and there's this other notion people say, you can't tell people that when they're laying around eating Cheetos all day long that you're enough, you're enough, you're enough because it sends the message to them that they don't need to change. Yeah. That what they're doing is enough. Yeah. But what are your thoughts about that nuance between those two things and that disease? Because I think everything else is the symptom that does. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:00 So if I'm not enough. No, I love it. And this is why we're clearly brothers from other mothers and I can't wait to connect in person. But so the way I look at it again is the construct we're in planet earth, the experience of being human is by design a relative experience. What does that mean? We are in the world of duality, right? We would not know other and unless it were, we would not know ourselves unless it were for other, right? So if I'm lying in bed at night, if anyone is and you kind of feel a little hot and you move your leg to one side, it's a little cooler, that experience
Starting point is 00:22:29 is only generated by the laws of relativity. Ooh. Right. So the actual paradigm that we're in is based on the laws of relationship, which is why relationships are usually the number one conversation that anyone has. Because that's where they think their bugaboo's are.
Starting point is 00:22:45 That's where they get pissed off. My boss doesn't ask, oh, my wife, this, right? That's because that's where you're having an experience which has got nothing to do with them, nothing. What it is doing, it is eliciting, whatever it is in you that you still haven't reconciled. So that's the real power is rather than trying to control or get someone else to be different.
Starting point is 00:23:02 They shouldn't have done that. They should do this. It's like, I didn't get the memo that you're in charge of the Frickin universe. Like, you know, how's that working out for you? Let me know what I'm supposed to do for your side, you know? It's like, so anyway, so as it relates to all of that, that world of duality, I love what you're saying. And obviously you have such a huge heart of compassion for people,
Starting point is 00:23:20 whether the guys eating Cheetos or someone's at the gym at five o'clock every morning and looking like the elite athlete. To me, there's no such thing as wrong. Wrong is their subjective narrative. It doesn't exist in the world of Mother Nature. It is a human generated conversation. That does, again, not to condone behavior. Someone who steals a car, they break into someone's house, God forbid they physically abuse someone. I'm not saying any of that is good. I live in the world of physics and physics has consequences. Doing heroin is not wrong, but it's going to have consequences. If you have an ox constitution, you'll probably survive longer than if you're quite frail.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Right? So again, it's physics is playing out. So the guy eating Cheetos, that's his current karma. Or, you know, that's what she has been, you know, programmed by virtue of what she saw, the icons of her care providers of mum and dad, and that's what they bought, and so that's what she's become accustomed to. You grow up in Madrid, you learn to speak Spanish just by virtue of your environment, right? Doesn't make them bad. I always give the example of a 16-year-old kid is on my street right now, smashing some neighbor's car window because he sees an iPhone. Is he a bad kid? Or is he a byproduct of his upbringing where his mum was a single parent, his dad was in jail, she sold drugs. The only sense of belonging that kid got was by virtue of a local gang. And his introduction to
Starting point is 00:24:38 that gang, his initiation was that he had to contribute by stealing, getting money. And so that's what his conditioning it. I'm not saying it's ideal, and there's going to be consequences if he gets caught, but it breeds a lot more compassion. So we get out of this conversation of duality of wrong or right or good or bad. You know, and we start to look at like human beings as the byproduct of their conditioning, doing the best they can within the level of their current awareness, and having the opportunity to contribute to that level of
Starting point is 00:25:07 awareness such that they can make better choices to themselves. All right, every time he talks, I've just sort of processing information because I do some of the ways that I view it and you just say it a little bit differently than I do. And I, it's talking on the front of mind this weekend. What did you just speak to this? So it was a group of, we're in a place where wealthy people kind of hang out, like really wealthy people, you know? And he says to me, he goes, isn't it interesting how many,
Starting point is 00:25:36 how many rich people are more unhappy than people that aren't rich? Yeah. And I've had this notion too, like if people think, well, once I get a bunch of money, then I'll be happy. Once I get the relationship, as you said, once I get the body, you know, once I've had this notion too like it people think well once I get a bunch of money That I'll be happy once I get the relationship as you said once I get the body, you know Once I get the house whatever it is and and I've come to the conclusion that it's not that rich people People with money are less happy
Starting point is 00:25:56 It's that people that are less happy end up getting more money Mm-hmm. The reason is is because it's some sort of a coping mechanism that they're trying to fill themselves up so that you end up with a lot of people that have acquired things in their life. And not all rich people are unhappy. They're a plenty that are very happy. But my feeling is that we do this to sort of cover up or fill up a hole that's within us, whether it be the negative where we drink or heroin or binge eat or whatever it might be.
Starting point is 00:26:30 And then the other side of it is there's positive, what the society would say is positive things we do. But nonetheless, it's sort of the same behavior. Do you agree with that? And how do you, how do you change that if it's a part of your pattern now? A beautiful question. I can see why you help so many people. So this goes back to where I wanted to address your previous question about non-enoughness, which really is an epidemic. So I would say that that lens, that construct that people are stuck in thinking they are
Starting point is 00:26:58 somehow not enough is the adaptation or the adaptation arises from that. So now we could look at the bipolarism of that. Somebody who really buys into their insufficiency, they're inadequacies, they're not enoughness as though that's who they are could lead to the self-sabotaging kind of life that we've seen where they get introduced to drugs or they drink a little too much,
Starting point is 00:27:23 they become an alcoholic and eventually, might take a few years, but perhaps say they end up on the streets, right? Don't wish that upon anyone, but to the lay person, it's like, well, that makes sense. Like they brought up in a family, they didn't experience love, they didn't do well at school, they weren't given a good education.
Starting point is 00:27:38 And so the internal expression of not enoughness becomes manifest as an external representation. We can see that. The irony and what people don't understand is your friends who you're hanging out with or this particular community that you were talking about, whether it's an immense amount of wealth, there's abundance of materialism. I would assert that I've been driven by the same piece of code if I'm not enough. However, they forks in the road not into buying it but
Starting point is 00:28:05 adapting to it. So some people prove it and some people are constantly trying to disprove it. Either way, you're being driven by the same mechanism. It's so fascinating. So when I work with very successful people, as I get the pleasure to do, I could equally be talking to somebody who is derelict, right? Because what I'm looking at is, I don't need to know the details of their bank account or how much square footage they have in their house. What I'm looking at is, what are the subconscious patterns that you've yet to transcend?
Starting point is 00:28:34 So if somebody could be a multi-billionaire, which I've helped plenty, but they're still driven by the fact that at the deepest level, they feel that they're not loved or wanted, but I virtue the relationship they have with their parents, which is equally the same person who ends up as an addict on the streets, who equally didn't have the same experience of love with their parents. But the way that we generate a response and an adapt adaptation or compensation
Starting point is 00:28:59 to that deep piece of code looks vastly different on the surface. What would you say to someone who says, you're right, but it's working for me. In other words, yeah, I am trying to prove my dad wrong. Yeah. That coach that cut me. Yeah. Or I'm Tom Brady and I got drafted in the sixth round. I happen to know the Brady family.
Starting point is 00:29:19 I don't believe that's why Tom is successful. This was the sixth round, Draftik. I think his family comes from love. Yeah. A very beautiful, loving family. Yeah. That is giving him a rock solid internal identity. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:33 He said that. There are people listening to this going, hey brother, I'd like a little bit more of this piece thing. Yeah, yeah. But I come from a place of wanting to overcome. It's got me to the NBA. It's got me to six figures. It's got me to seven figures. And I got me to six figures. It's got me to seven
Starting point is 00:29:45 figures. And I'm afraid, because this is real, Peter. I'm afraid, even though I know it's not very healthy for me, I'm afraid if I let go of this pattern that is producing external results, that I'm going to lose my mojo. It'll be, it'll be kryptonite for superwoman. So can you tell me how you feel about that? And is there another strategy, another place I can come from to create an abundance in my life that's even more powerful and more peaceful? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:30:14 So I like to use as many metaphors as I can. I think it helps people to take, you know, what I would consider very profound and make it palatable. So let's look at our physiology. There's not a human being on the planet who hasn't experienced the lactic acid buildup of some sort of urgent movement, whether they were literally sprinting in a race, they're running up and down in a game of pickup, you know, basketball with their friends, they're playing soccer, they're running to get a tennis ball, or they're
Starting point is 00:30:41 just like late for the train, you know, and they get to the train and they got oxygen debt, right? I was trying to clear the lactic acid. That's one form of energy expression. And then we look at these guys who run like, you know, now sub three hour marathons, right? They're appealing to the aerobic system within our physiology. We got anaerobic aerobic. So the question sort of again goes back to what I was saying about this world of duality. The mind wants to sort of, well, is it this or
Starting point is 00:31:09 is it that? And I'm in the both cam similar to you, right? So at times, using a little bit of like a chip on your shoulder could be the anaerobic method of like a bit of a fuck you. That's great. You know, like how many of my guys on the PJ tour, they do three bogus in their own, they start to get a little frustrated and then all of a sudden that energy, it might on the surface look like it's detrimental. It's causative in terms of like a build up. It's not, it's deleterious to their system. It's not harmonious.
Starting point is 00:31:40 They're pissed, right? But it leads to four or five birdies over the next seven holes. Oh, was that bad? No, it was a natural response. But I don't want to play four days like that, they're never going to make it. Right? So again, it's like recognizing where do we use which resources? Now, I personally would rather favor love aerobic using the metaphor versus fear anaerobic fight-or-flight, right? Fight or flight is phenomenal. It's part of your sympathetic nervous system. You're not gonna get rid of it.
Starting point is 00:32:08 It's just most people live there eternally. And then they wonder why they have Hashimoto's or their adrenals are shocked because they're constantly pulling from a system that doesn't have that depth of resource. It's only to be used when you attend to something that requires a bit of an urgent situation. Otherwise, let's drift into Paris in pathetic.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Let's be harmonious. That basketball player, the NBA guy I was talking about, he was in a perpetual state of fight or flight. He was worried about a future that hadn't happened by virtue of a history that was hurting the shit out of him. And he didn't even realize he's actually trying to fix his history, which is impossible, which is why it was, you know, constantly there and is in the front of his face. Conversely, he found this sense of joy. He revisited his child like an ammo with the sport. He had freedom. He's like, whatever happens. I don't know
Starting point is 00:32:55 what's going to happen, right? And that pulled into the sense of relaxation, calm, compassion, and joy. So both systems apply, it's just to what degree are you imbalanced in the way that most people are, which is you're pulling from a limited resource, anaerobically, physiologically, psychologically, fight-or-flight, dumping adrenaline and cortisol into your system, you are not going to be able to withstand that. So that's the difference. I spent the first, I don't know, I don't even know what had happened. I don't know, first 35 or maybe 40 years of my life, pulling from those depleted resources of frustration, anger, overcoming, proving to people, those things.
Starting point is 00:33:34 And it created an external life that was pretty beautiful. I was tired. I wasn't as happy. I don't think I spread as much. I actually think I missed what my capacity was as well. In other words, there's a limited threshold for that. I'm glad you said you should never do it. But when I started to create out of which I just
Starting point is 00:33:52 read Meyer so much about you, it's so obvious to me. When you see somebody's brilliance, their superpower on display like you see with Peter, this is just somebody with their giftedness creating out of love. That's the ultimate expression of any human being is to create out of it. This happens to be Peter's genius.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Yours may be cooking. Yours may be your nurturing skills. Your may be your athleticism. You've got a genius. All of you have a genius. And I'm telling you the most blissful pathway to do that is to create out of love for people. That doesn't mean though, I love that you said said because I have to tell you, sometimes I feel
Starting point is 00:34:28 inauthentic because I am this guy who believes in creating out of love and gratitude, but I have days, weeks, moments, and certain projects that are not created out of that space sometimes for short windows of time. So it sort of makes me feel good to hear that from you quite frankly. So, I know you're a mindset guy, but is there something someone says, I just like a little bit more peace in my life? Yeah, on a daily basis, is there some practical ideas or thoughts you would share with them and you know, some of our final time here today, you know, here's some thoughts I'd like you to consider thinking or some
Starting point is 00:34:59 actions I have you consider doing on a regular basis. It's a beautiful question. I would assert actually it's what everyone's looking for. They might be under the impression they want more money or they want a better body or the right one or whatever it is that we, of course it's fun to pursue, right? And certainly I don't want in any way to dismiss people who literally are surviving, right? There's a distinction between the psychological idea
Starting point is 00:35:22 of survival where I don't want to look bad or I don't want anyone to sort of not like me or you know, I'm not going to make my million dollar budget this month. You know, like these are quote unquote first world problems, but they're literally people who are surviving. So I also want to make space for that conversation. I would still assert that regardless of how troubling your circumstances are, deal with physics versus your psychological reaction to physics, right? Because it's one thing to be in a difficult situation. It's another thing to be in a difficult situation with a mindset of fear, right?
Starting point is 00:35:55 So now you've got difficulty with suffering. Let's at least remove the suffering. You become way more adept and proficient at dealing with life when you're not in a state of fear, right? So even where we feel, and I've been there, I can remember when I first got to the States, often didn't have a penny to my name. My roommate was from a very wealthy family in Long Island. He would order food all the time. And that was growing up in England. That wasn't something that we typically did. We'd normally ate family food at home, mum would cook or whatever, someone would get
Starting point is 00:36:30 So he and I would see the receipts on his little brown bags, you know, and I'm like, God, I'm spending like 21 26 31 dollars on food and I was blown away because I was eating pasta with ragu sauce the cheapest generic one You know a treat once a week was a 59 cents can a tuna So believe me, I can relate right anyway, to come back to your question, peace. Peace to me is synonymous with success. To me, the most successful people are the ones who have discovered true peace. Now, this is the illusion.
Starting point is 00:36:59 People are under the impression that peace is to be found when circumstances are in accordance with how our mind or ego is saying they should be. That is not peace, that is exhaustion, that is manipulation, that is the attempt to control your environment. No bueno. Peace, and this is why everybody listening to this right now can find peace. Peace is the effortless byproduct of saying, I am in complete
Starting point is 00:37:26 harmony with the way that everything is at this moment. It is a profound surrender and acceptance. I'm not in resistance to the way that anything is. I'm not saying that's easy. I'm not saying that whatever your circumstances are, are to your personal subjective wanting. I'm not even saying that they're pleasant, but peace, if you want to find peace, you will, every time, hit that crescendo of inner liberation, when you recognize there is nothing, nothing wrong with your circumstance, nothing, other than your conversation about it. And you are the generator of that conversation. Again, really clear. I'm not saying
Starting point is 00:38:06 the circumstances are easy, but they're not wrong. They're just the way they are. Your bank account has got minus whatever or plus whatever your spouse is not talking to you. Your parents have disowned you. You just got fired. Your loved one is just being diagnosed with cancer, all circumstance, none of those things that I listed and of course there's thousands more iterations, none of them are wrong, they're just the way they are. And peace is me finding complete intimacy and acceptance with reality as the way it is versus my subjective narrative about the way
Starting point is 00:38:41 I personally would like it to be. Right between there, that Delta is the world of suffering. Wow. I have to tell you, first of all, everybody, I want to say one thing about you. When you hear Peter speak, it's, for me, it's like listening to some beautiful concert pianist, you know, the way he articulates his thoughts. And what I mean by that is that you say things I remember. Yeah. You
Starting point is 00:39:06 don't have any like profound truths. Maybe hearing for the first time, because I think for millions of people right now, many of these thoughts, they're hearing for the first time. And I find myself with you, brother, you know, I watch his social media. By the way, we're going to put up on the screen, but go follow Peter on Instagram. Go to his website because you're going to hear and see things there that will stick with you that become part of your soul to some extent. And that that dialogue that he just gave you about that space between suffering and peace and how to how to find the one you walk, which is peace, is something I would rewind and go back and play again and share for people. Peter, I gotta tell you, first off, I don't think I've ever had a show fly by this quickly. And I'm very, very grateful for you. You're a force for good in the world. You're special, you're unique, there's one of you. And I'm honored that we're becoming friends
Starting point is 00:40:03 and that we shared this time together today. And you know what I like? I like that it was so good. Most people right now are going, I wish there was more. And there will be more. Peter and I are going to do some stuff together that you'll hear about down the road. I'm pretty sure. Yeah. They have them back on as well. So any final thought you want to share with everybody before I let you go because I don't want to make sure I've at least got everything I can for me that we've emptied the tank so to speak. Any last thoughts for people right now during these times? Yeah, I feel, you know, first of all, I want to reflect your generous words to me, you know, we see and other that which we are ourselves, right? So I appreciate you. I'm very excited for the
Starting point is 00:40:42 start of this relationship and friendship. And thank you for noticing just like, you know, that I just, I just, I quote, quote, forced for good. Like I, I realized at a very young age that one of my superpowers was caring, you know, I just, and at times it was like my downfall, like it really hurt me because I didn't always get what I wanted. And I was like, it doesn't make sense because I just care so much whether it was the girl I was trying to get or the client or the job and it hurt. You know, and then I realized no caring, which is synonymous with love is our inherent nature. And the degree to which we don't care and we don't love is the degree to which we suffer. And so I just really feel blessed that I get platforms like yours to express whatever it is that I see.
Starting point is 00:41:28 And if it resonates with people awesome, if it doesn't, that's okay. I'm still coming from love. And I just feel so blessed that I get to impact people. I wake up every day to DMs from people who were literally going to take their life, who heard something I said and they didn't, to somebody who might have had a more superficial issue of psoriasis and they heard how I helped somebody overcome like a psychological block that was manifesting in their body and they have had it for two decades and now their psoriasis has gone. Like, you know, I just feel so humbled by the feedback and I hope that my words have resonated
Starting point is 00:42:00 with your audience and that people really find relief from this because this isn't about me telling you people how to live their life. What I'm pointing out fundamentally is at the deepest level, there is literally, literally nothing wrong with anyone. And if we could come from that place of full acceptance of one another, if we could revere the life that we each are, starting with ourselves, then we would live on a very different planet. And that is my stand for humanity, is that we start to recognize the beauty, the gift that it is to be human, and stop making each other wrong, or bringing harm or any sort of oppression to each other, because then we can all thrive. And that's where all boats rise with the tide.
Starting point is 00:42:39 That's my commitment. Thank you for having me, Ed. I send so much love to everybody, and I can't wait to connect in person. So grateful, brother. And by the way, last last thing there's another nugget in there everyone a lot of you You should give yourself a little bit of grace thinking I don't know what my superpower is. What if it's carrying? Yeah, but if you're superpowers how much you love people and You certainly do brother and you're making such a huge difference. Well, thank you And everybody remember this for me too if you're listening to this you watching it, follow me on Instagram every day at Ed Mylet.
Starting point is 00:43:06 I run the two minute drill. I post every day at 730 Pacific time. Make a comment, comment on other people's comments in the first few minutes. You're in a drawing. If you miss that, just comment on all five posts I make every week at any time you want to. And I pick people to get max out gear, come get coached by me, meet my guests. Sometimes they fly on the plane and we talk, they get my book. it's really cool stuff. So engage with me as well, add ed my
Starting point is 00:43:28 lead on Instagram. God bless you everybody and max out. you

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