THE ED MYLETT SHOW - From Waiting Tables To Influencing Billions w/ Tank Sinatra

Episode Date: June 7, 2022

I’ve made some of you cry in recent weeks.  This week, my goal is to make all of you LAUGH and really help you LEARN. Wanna truly know how to GROW your social media? Like really?Or maybe you reall...y wanna know how to get from where you are to where you DREAM of going?What is a real strategy and the real thoughts of somebody who transforms their life?Whether you wanna transform your life or explode your social media I have a full-blown expert this week.And you’re gonna laugh your ass off.My guest is TANK SINATRA, aka George Resch, and he’s been lighting up Instagram for the past few years with a sharp-witted combination of the best of the best memes he finds online and a good dose of his own commentary and original content.Tank is the self-described Michael Jordan of memes (who has more than 11 MILLION FOLLOWERS on his various platforms, banking 4 BILLION IMPRESSIONS A YEAR and making him the #1 MEME CREATOR in the history of social media!  On the surface, Tank just THINKS FUNNY. It’s not what he does, it’s who he is. But as you’ll find out, a lot is going on underneath the surface of a guy who is 20 YEARS SOBER and leads an otherwise normal life in a New York City suburb with three kids, a great wife, and a day job he loves.Tank’s life hasn’t always been FUN AND MEMES.He’s forever been drawn to the funny parts of life but started out waiting tables and tried a lot of funny stuff (and failed) before he found his place and Tank Sinatra was born.Tank freely shares some of the reasons he’s been so successful and the unique nature of how the online world works.  We also get into HIGHLIGHTING HAPPINESS. Many people equate money with happiness, but TANK keeps it real, with advice so SIMPLE and spot-on that you may have overlooked it in your life before now.  Here’s a hint…it’s an inside job, and I can tell you this…HAPPINESS IS THE NEW RICH.Then we get into a new game you’re gonna want to play…Tank and his partner created INFLUENCERS IN THE WILD. The premise will BLOW YOU AWAY. Instead of playing the game and racking up money for the win, you travel around the world and add influencers. I’ll let Tank explain more, but suffice to say, this game is HILARIOUS.   You’re also going to get a hefty dose of Tank’s take on SELF-ESTEEM and SELF-AWARENESS. Pay attention to what we talk about because a lot of people really need to work on these parts of their lives.We wrap things up with Tank offering wise advice by POLLUTING YOUR BRAIN WITH POSITIVITY as a way to overcome the constant bombardment of negativity that we all deal with every day.Thanks to Tank!   And have a HAPPY DAY.Hope we made you laugh this week…You’ve EARNED it.And you DESERVE it.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Ed Milage Show. Welcome back to the show everybody. Well, today is going to be incredible. I've wanted to have this guy on the show for a long time because I've been a fan of his work. He is the number one meme creator in the history of social media. So do you think he knows a little bit about branding and social media? He does.
Starting point is 00:00:23 He knows a lot about influencers. He's hilarious. He's positive. He's deep too. And he's a guy that we're going to cover a lot of topics. They're going to go everywhere from your mental health to recovery. We're going to talk about your social media and give you tips for that branding. You're overall state of mind, all kinds of incredible stuff. And so my guest today is tanks and actress. Hey, what's up, Ed? Do you go by Georgia tank? What do you want? I mean, when my mom called me tank for the first time, I was like, I think George is dead. Okay. So George is gone. It's so rare that somebody calls me George. At this point, even like when I was
Starting point is 00:00:57 George, my wife would refer to me as G with my friends. Okay. We got to go tank then tank is way more fun. Okay. We got it. We're 250 pounds. Did. Yeah. I roll it. And by the way, he rolls in here. He's like, who's bigger, me or Phil Heath? I'm like, it's actually pretty damn close. And it is pretty damn close. He's like five foot three, 250 pounds of muscle. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. You guys, you've got, you probably about five 11 somewhere around there, six feet tall. But let me give you some stats just so you all have an idea. Most of you know who tank is because he's everywhere on the internet. Yeah. But if you don't, his normal Instagram account,
Starting point is 00:01:26 which is tank.synatra is, he's got three million roughly followers there. Influencers in the wild Instagram account, 4.7 million followers. Tank's good news on Instagram, 2.8 million and growing. How about this? Four billion impressions a year on social media. He is a behemoth and he's got the most downloaded memes
Starting point is 00:01:45 in the history of the internet. So he knows a little bit about this stuff. So you were always really good at this, right? Or did this take a while to get it? I think so, man. I don't know. I'm just, I'm having a blast. I'm having a good time.
Starting point is 00:01:55 It's a weird skill to have. I'll tell you that. Being able to put picture, you know, captions over pictures. It's something I started doing when I was actually living out here in Aliso, VA, I was bored and I was always into comedy. I mean, I grew up watching stand-up comedy. The first stand-up comedy show I ever saw was when I was up too late one night.
Starting point is 00:02:15 I was like, maybe 12 or 13 years old and it was a show called Full Frontal Comedy. Just to give you an idea of what kind of content was on there. It was Dom Arrera and Joe Rogan, were the only people I remember performing. And I was laughing my ass off. I could not believe there were people who were professionally funny. It was, it was obvious to me that they were like above and beyond me and my friends who were just goofballs and like, I would do Chris Farley impersonations and Ace Ventura, you know, these guys were like another level. So I just let that go. And then like as the years went on, I was always impressed by funny people. And I was like to gravitate towards
Starting point is 00:02:54 funny people because there's something about laughing that is just heavenly. Yeah. It really is. There's some, you know, they say fear just displaces faith and vice versa, laughter displaces everything. Good point. In my opinion, it's impossible to be sad when you're laughing. And by the way, it's such a light at the end of the tunnel because social media has a lot of dark spaces and a lot of negatives, a lot of that stuff. But obviously you didn't come out of the gate, man, with like, you know, 10 million total followers
Starting point is 00:03:23 or whatever the heck it is on all these. I started with zero. I started with zero. Yeah. And then like even that, didn't you like try the gate, man, with like, you know, 10 million total followers, whatever the heck it is on all these accounts. I started with zero. I started with zero. Yeah. And then like even that, didn't you like try to do blogs for a while? I mean, to all right. Yeah. Because I think everyone out there's like, man, I've had an Instagram account for seven years.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I got 3,300 followers. I get 11 likes. Yeah. And you know what? I don't know the mind would ever grow. Yeah. So when I got sober in 2002, I had this feeling like I wanted to do something bigger than what I was doing. I was waiting tables at the time and I didn't want to be like a diner waiter at 50. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:03:54 It was just like I knew that I would be waiting tables. I think about this guy all the time. I don't remember his name. I do remember he used to come in all the time and He would say to me like what are you doing here? Why are you waiting tables? You got to do something bigger like you're so funny You're so quick and I would just be like just give me like 25% I don't know like I don't know what to tell you I don't know where to go with this, you know I'm terrified to stand up. I did stand up when I was 23. I hated it Not only did I never get over the nerves at 23, I just repeating the same jokes over and over again was not for me. That's why with memes, I have an idea,
Starting point is 00:04:30 I shoot it out there, it works great, it doesn't, it doesn't, I know immediately. I don't have to wait two hours or three hours to get it out there, and I don't have to say it 30,000 times in order for it to be in a special. So I started a blog called Inside is Never 2020 because hindsight is always 2020. At that point in my life, I was very clever. As you can tell from the title, really crushing it. That had maybe seven views over the course of the year. That's great, okay.
Starting point is 00:04:59 I wish I could find it because I'm sure that stuff that I was writing that I thought was so deep was just garbage. Right. You know, it was just my brain like coming back to life from not being polluted with drugs and alcohol. Okay. So I was like, you should make your bed, man. Like you should not, you know, drink until you piss your pants every night.
Starting point is 00:05:17 You shouldn't do that. People were probably just like, yeah, we know that. This is really profound. Yeah, yeah, it's really, really changed the world. Then I was like, all right, maybe let me like go more niche. So I started a website, a blog called where I would decode JZ lyrics. Yep. Because he's always saying something different than what you think he's saying.
Starting point is 00:05:34 He's one of... Well, let's step back for a minute. What most people might not know about you is you worked for deaf jam and marketing before you did all of this, didn't you? Oh, yeah. I mean, that was a dream come true for me. Yeah, I mean, this is crazy career. So I want to stay down the road, but like, first things first, I want to unpack one thing.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Number one, you tried. So you're a waiter, you got nothing really going on, and you're trying things to get it going. I think most people are like in fear, like, oh, I'm going to fail in front of my family or whatever, you just kept putting stuff out there and trying to find your space in your niche, right? You'll, you will fail.
Starting point is 00:06:04 You have to fail. Let's just get that out on the table first. I'll be honest with you, failing to me is kind of the point of trying stuff. Seceding would be great. I mean, I love success. What you've done now. But success is so much more foreign than failure.
Starting point is 00:06:20 What, for me, when it comes to trying stuff, failure's so much more common. You better get used to it Very good you better get used to failure. I read Mark Cuban's little thin book. I don't know if you know that book. It's like 70 pages He said something in that book that really inspired me to just keep swinging over and over again. He said I might mess it up I'm gonna paraphrase he goes if you want to be an all-star baseball player You got to hit three out of ten pitches for an entire season You want to be a all-star baseball player, you got to hit three out of 10 pitches for an entire season.
Starting point is 00:06:45 You want to be a whole of fame baseball player. You got to hit four out of 10 pitches. It's only one difference. Out of 10. You want to be a whole of fame business guy, you need to hit one pitch ever. Oh wow. Out of all the swings you take.
Starting point is 00:06:59 That's really good. And I was like, man, one swing has to connect out of all the swings you take. That's when I started really chopping away. Jay Z for dummies failed. I tried to get my own show on the Oprah Winfrey network when she launched that. Butch the audition. I mean, just stuttered and sweated through the audition.
Starting point is 00:07:16 The video did terribly, but out of that came happiest, the new, which I really latched on to because in California, when I lived here, I was broke. $0.0 cents at 30 years old, by the way. Wasn't like I was 18 years old. I was a full grown man at this point and I had no money. But I said, I better learn to enjoy my life with no money or I'm definitely not going to enjoy it with money. I love that, by the way. That's, I mean, that's a truism of all truism. By the way, I won't step in on that.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Sure. You've already said three or four things that are super profound, man. And you are funny, but I introduce you saying he's a deep guy. And it's true. Number one is, if you can't find a way to be blissful and happy when you don't
Starting point is 00:07:58 have the very things you want, when you get them, you're not going to be any different. I have tons of friends that I could introduce you to that I have a ton of money, weren't happy without it and aren't happy with it. In fact, to some extent are less happy with it because they're freaked out about losing it. You're totally right about that. Number one, and number two, this whole idea of you having these failures that you did, what is unique is that there's a lot of approaches to getting a brand. And I've always thought before you that the brand had to be you. Like it had to be, this is who Ed Mylet is
Starting point is 00:08:26 and what he stands for, or Sarah Johnson and what she stands for. But you've actually built some brands and some following that were about concepts and thoughts and not just about an individual person, right? Like this idea about the one on influencers in the wild or tanks good news is probably a better example. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:44 tanks good news isn't really about you as much as it is about putting stuff out there that can change people's lives for the positive in a really negative space called the internet, right? Yeah. And listen, this question of, is the social media like if you could snap your fingers and make social media disappear, would you or wouldn't you? That's an existential question that I've heard people ask and it's like, some pee, I would not.
Starting point is 00:09:05 There's no doubt. And it's not just because I make my living on it, it's because I think that it's a new tool for us that we're just starting to learn how to use and corral. And anytime a kid gets a new toy, they don't really know how to use it. As a human species, we're just learning how to use it. So we've had it for 20 years.
Starting point is 00:09:24 You know what I mean? We really are starting to say, all right, you know what, maybe we shouldn't let one person run an entire, you know, four billion, essentially four billion person nation. You know what I mean? Maybe we should have some checks and balances there. We will figure it out.
Starting point is 00:09:41 I'm confident. And I let, you know, I always say like this game and we'll I know we're going to get to it. Like people go, why did you start a game? It's like, well, because I don't love the fact that my whole entitled livelihood is at the whim of Mark Zuckerberg. Yeah. And whether or not he feels like making the algorithm show people my stuff or not, I trust him like vine disappeared. Yeah. Um, that is terrifying to me. The fact that people built their whole following on there. And then one day it's literally just gone. Yeah. I trust terrifying to me. The fact that people built their whole following on there and then one day It's literally just gone. Yeah, I trust him to do I
Starting point is 00:10:12 Really do believe and I believe this about everybody I believe he and everyone are doing their best with the tools they have even people who don't so a lot of people don't understand Social media. They don't know that they're getting fed information that reflects the world they want to see. Exactly. Like they don't know that they're getting fed A, B, and C because they keep clicking on A, B, and C. Right. Over and over again. Yeah, you're getting tons of confirmation bias. What you already think you're getting more of and it feeds this belief system over and over again. But as an influencer or as someone on social, you can flip that and use it to your advantage. Sure. Right. And so, oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Let's, he has a board game out there we're going to talk about in a little bit guys called Influencers in the Wild, which is really a fascinating account he has and now the board game. You might even be a TV show at some point. And you are one of those influencers though. So you became one. So I want everyone to get this, is there listening to this? Because we're going to now talk a little bit about some strategies for you guys. This is a guy who was in a fencing business.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Then he's got this dream job at deaf jam records, right? He's a waiter. He's, you know, spent his early 20s doing way too many drugs and alcohol. Then he gets sober. 30 years old, he still broke. What hit? What happened that made, look at, man,
Starting point is 00:11:20 I told a lot of very well-known friends of mine that you were gonna be on today. I was shocked. Shocked that every single one of them knew who you were. Not just my day-to-day friends, you know, I'm done with like really well-known people. Try me names, I name them self-esteem. Well, I'll tell you just get it.
Starting point is 00:11:38 When I say my day-to-day friends, meaning they're well-known people that I don't interact with very often. Barack Obama, wow, I can't believe it. Well, hey man, I'm just, you know, you wanna go there, we can't. But I just gotta tell you, they knew you. And it's like, wow, this guy was a waiter
Starting point is 00:11:50 in a Lisa V.A.O. evidently not that long ago, was only like a decade ago, right? So what hit? What made your content work? What success leaves clues, right? Yeah. Give us some clues, give someone listening to this, here's some stuff I did, and maybe in your own way,
Starting point is 00:12:04 you could take this concept that it may work for you to help grow your following or your social media. Yeah. So there's, you just have to, like Buddha said, life is suffering, right? You have got to resign yourself to the fact that. So like, you know, when you were introducing me, he said, he knows a lot about influencers,
Starting point is 00:12:24 and I was like, that sounds kind of embarrassing, you know, when you were introducing me, he said he knows a lot about influencers, and I was like, that sounds kind of embarrassing. You know what I mean? Why do I know that much about influencers? Why do I know so much about this? It's just something I find fascinating. I find it fascinating from a sociological point of view, a psychological point of view. Why do people act like this?
Starting point is 00:12:41 Hmm. What is it about us that needs this attention? And I say us because I'm in on the joke too. Right, so am I. I started this thing because I started thanks in Acha because something was a couple of reasons. One, something was missing from my life, I guess, in retrospect that that void was,
Starting point is 00:13:02 you know, that was able to, that filled that void. I tell you what I think it is for most people. Yeah, yeah. I think, I think most people in this world today, because of social meeting, because of the media, feel invisible, that they're not seen, they're not heard. Yeah. They don't matter. And potentially this free platform that can be viral in some
Starting point is 00:13:21 sense, is gives us a chance to potentially be seen or heard. And we can express ourselves. What's ironic about that is the very reason people want to do it, they then fear doing it. If I express myself, I'll get criticized. If I express myself, they won't like it. I may get haters, I may get negative comments, maybe no one will respond.
Starting point is 00:13:38 And so the very thing I'm pursuing, I'm going to embarrass myself in a public setting. So I'm better off just kind of hiding and doing the really safe posts and the safe stuff that I say. Yeah, I think that's what it is for most people. Yeah. And listen, it's not for everybody. I mean, it's not not everyone needs to do this. I mean, if you're good in your life doing whatever job you do, one thing I learned during the Oprah Winfrey show thing was that she said, everyone has their stage. My stage happens to be a very large stage. Your stage might be a conversation
Starting point is 00:14:05 that you're having with a stranger one day at a bus stop that you don't even realize you said something that changed their mind, their life or you smiled at them. Your stage is, you know, is wherever you are, right? So I was like, you know what, maybe I don't need to have this massive impact on the world. Maybe I'm just like, maybe I'm just meant
Starting point is 00:14:23 to be like a normal guy. And that's fine with me. It is what it is at that point. I think what changed was I went into it with no expectations and I was just enjoying the process of it. I was enjoying making the memes. I was enjoying getting the response from people. Listen, when I started it, when I started Tanks and Atura, here's something that people need to prepare themselves for and just get ready for. People will say to you that you're friends with. So like you start with zero followers, I said in the beginning, it's worse than that.
Starting point is 00:14:55 You don't start with zero. You start with 178 or however many you have in real life. And then you post something and it goes down to 167 because your friends has been unfollowing you and goes, what is she trying to be an influencer now? I don't want to find, I don't want to see this anymore. You know what I mean? Really good. So, you got to be ready for that, and then you have to say, yes, I am.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I don't care. That's what happened. I said, I don't care. And it's not that I don't care in like an aferious way, like, I don't give up, you know, I don't care, bro. I just don't care. don't give up. You know, I don't care, bro Like I just don't care. You don't like what I'm doing. That's literally not my problem I do like what I'm doing. I'm having so much fun Finding these images writing a caption above them that reflect something funny that happened in my life
Starting point is 00:15:37 Colin Quinn One of my favorite comedians of all time Famously said if you want to be good at, don't talk about stuff you think is funny, talk about stuff that pisses you off, and people will laugh, cause comedy, humor relieves tension. So there's always some kind of tension in the humor that I put out there.
Starting point is 00:15:56 There is. Thanks, good news, the same thing. Thanks, good news is a break from the tension of the media landscape, which is just, as you know, I mean, it's gotten so out of hand with. It all started in my opinion, my father, I remember playing trivial pursuit one day when I was a kid. And one of the questions or the answers was something like, on this day, in let's say 1972 on November 8th, such and such an anchor said this to such an anchor and it changed the way
Starting point is 00:16:23 news would be reported forever. And my dad goes, oh, that was when, so it's so told the joke on the air for the first time. Do you know what I'm talking about? And I was like, what do you mean he told the joke on the air for the first time? And he goes, they used to be dead serious. No personality, no nothing, just the facts.
Starting point is 00:16:43 There was no commercials, you couldn't advertise it during the news. It was just a gut like a straight up information delivery with no personality, no flavor whatsoever. You were so far removed from that. I mean, it's almost like no information, all personality now. Yeah, exactly right. So I want to just give people,
Starting point is 00:17:01 hey, yeah, you can get what went wrong during the day. I just, I showing you what went right because there's almost so much that I can't post it all. See, I think that's a clue. So I think it's a clue. So part of what you could be posting if you're out there that could draw attention to you or could help you grow your following or could actually just make a difference for people. Maybe you don't have a separate account that's tanks good news or you're good news, but maybe you start to be the person who posts good news every single day. Maybe you're the person who starts to post something funny every single day. Maybe you're the person who starts to post something, you know, dramatic every single day
Starting point is 00:17:34 or that makes someone cry or that reinforces your faith. And so you don't have to, all your posts don't have to be about you. Sure. Posting about things, events, situations, politics, if you wanted it to be. Whatever it is, start to get creative about those things because, listen, the internet's a big place. To be the number one meme creator in the history of a space means this guy knows what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:17:58 This is not a small thing. And by the way, that's not Jay Z. That's the number one guy that's ever done it. It's not, you know, Kim Kardashian with these massive following. It's actually tank. It's actually this dude right here. So maybe you're not going to go get hundreds of millions and four billion impressions a year and all that other stuff, but start to think if you're listening to this today, maybe a lot of your posts are just about you and your kids. Maybe some of it could be about, hey, you know what every day, I'm going to bring your Bible verse or every day. I'm going to bring you something funny or every day I'm going to tell you something that's I'm doing dad jokes on Bible verse or every day, I'm gonna bring you something funny or every day, I'm gonna tell you something that's,
Starting point is 00:18:25 I'm doing dad jokes on my stuff now that are terrible, right? Just be like, maybe every day, I'm gonna tell you some good news. I'm gonna tell you something that'll make you emotional. I'm gonna tell you a comeback story every day. I'm gonna give you an underdog story every day. Yeah, you do a great job with your social media. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:18:39 You do a great job of showing people, and that's what I wanted to do. That's how it really started to build, because when I first started, and I have to give a shout out to my friend Kevin who runs White People Humor, when I say the number one meme creator, which is not my words, by the way,
Starting point is 00:18:52 there's bigger meme pages out there. Yours gets stolen a lot. But nobody has made, nobody has psychotically sat and drilled and banged out more memes than I have, except for maybe him, but it's, I'm on the podcast now. So he's number two on his page. I'm number two. Right now he's number two. Um, but you also get your stuff plagiarized a lot too. Right? So like, so like if we added all those up, I think you are number one, and he's not sitting here. So you're number one. Let's say
Starting point is 00:19:20 that. Yeah, let's say that. But we're in the top. You're in the conversation for the top two. So that's number one. That's social stuff. The other thing is you're consistent, you post regularly, it's something that are kind of, it's almost a dependable thing that they can go to you. The other thing you've done is you've highlighted happiness. I think your book was called like, Happiness is the new rich.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Happiness is the new rich, right? So the internet is this place. And so talk about that for a second. Like, our culture today really puts a premium on money. Our culture puts a premium on stuff. Yeah. It doesn't seem to put much of a premium on bliss or happiness. And I just wonder whether or not you think
Starting point is 00:19:59 there's a niche there on social media. It is your overall thoughts about, what percentage of human beings today that are driving in the car on the treadmill, they're listening to this right now, find themselves happy as they listen today. And what maybe would you say to them if they're not, because you were at a really dark place in your life at 22,
Starting point is 00:20:18 and you turned it around. What would you say to someone who's in that place, maybe you're not using drugs or alcohol, maybe they are like you were, but they're just not happy. Yeah, I mean, there's so many different ways to be unhappy. There's really only one way to be happy, and that's to just choose to be happy.
Starting point is 00:20:34 You know, I can't, you know, the thing about stuff and material goods is that they're external. It's very hard to tell whether or not somebody's happy walking down the street. You can tell if someone's got money, you don't know if they're external. It's very hard to tell whether or not somebody's happy walking down the street. You can tell if someone's got money. You don't know if they're in debt or you know, they're spending habits or they're whatever situation behind closed doors, but I at this point in my life because I'm so in tune I like to think I can walk past somebody or at least talk to somebody for a couple of seconds and know whether or not
Starting point is 00:21:04 They're living a long spiritual lines or like my type of person. You know what I mean? That's what I look for now. The stuff, I like stuff, who doesn't like stuff? Everyone likes stuff. But it's so unimportant when you've had a couple of experiences in sobriety.
Starting point is 00:21:20 So like, when I got sober, like I said, there's so many different ways to be unhappy and believe me, I've tried all of them. I've put them all on none of them fit. They're all a tight suit. Co-dependency, lust, food, spending, they're all none of them fit. The only one that I found that ever fit was acceptance and acceptance doesn't mean approval, by the way. A lot of people think you have to accept things and then that means you approve them. You don't have to approve of everything. You just can't resist everything. You know what I mean? Yeah. So, yeah, I mean the connection to for me, God, higher power, whatever, people call it the universe nature, whatever. I don't mean to prejudice anybody against my terms.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I just use those terms. I might say universe tomorrow. I don't know. This is the conversation we're having. That to me is what's worked because that is not only internal but infinite, whereas the other stuff is external and finite. Like, bro, I think people that watch takes an outro on Instagram. Maybe a little bit surprised to hear
Starting point is 00:22:25 that what you just said. I mean, there's a depth to what you just said. There's a profoundness that, I don't know where that came from, by the way. I know, I'm just kidding. It was really, really good. I do. And you referenced it in a minute ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:38 And it came from God. And, bro, that's powerful what you just said. And I want to first acknowledge it because I introduced you as deep, and I think even you looked at me when I said it, I've known this about you. There's a thing about you when you communicate where I think people feel things. They feel things when you write it,
Starting point is 00:22:54 they feel things when you say it, they feel things when you make them laugh, but there's a depth to the way you communicate that I think makes people feel things. And you just said something I want to acknowledge too. Happiness is the new rich. Yeah. And here's the thing. We all set goals up in our lives for the things we want. I want this relationship. I want to weigh this much. I want this amount of money. But what we never do is we never get intentional about our emotions, which is really ironic
Starting point is 00:23:18 because the very things that most of you are trying to pursue, you don't really want. You want how you think they're going to make you feel. Oh, yeah. So I want that jet, because if I get that jet, then I'm gonna feel good about myself. I want that relationship, because then I'm gonna feel loved, right? I want this amount of money, because then I can feel safe, and or I can feel in control.
Starting point is 00:23:35 So we're always in the pursuit of the things we want, because it's not those things we want, it's the emotions we have. What if you flipped a script and got really intentional about the emotions you want to have? Because that's what you did. You started to find peace. This is my belief about you.
Starting point is 00:23:49 You started to find some level of peace in your sobriety, or at least a lack of chaos that existed when you were sober. And it was because you began to pursue that peace and that sobriety and some level of giving up control over the things you can't and take control of the things you can, which is what people do that are sober. Yep. All of a sudden, bro, you started to produce external results at some point. It took a while, but the external manifestation of these better emotions you were experiencing is the social media. That's the lesson of you.
Starting point is 00:24:20 That's the lesson for life for most people. And in hindsight, aren't I probably pretty right about that even though that it took a while? Could you have done all of this if you weren't in sobriety, if you weren't in peace, if you weren't connected to a higher power, if you didn't find more happiness and bliss and these other things? There's zero per se chance. Anything good in my life is a result of my relationship with God, my recovery, secondarily, my family, my wife. I mean, that footsteps prayer, I think about this all the time, where there's one, you know, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:49 that footsteps prayer. I've heard you talk about it and I know it, and I want you to say this right now, because it's perfect, so go ahead. Okay, so if you don't know the footsteps prayer, there's this guy walking on a beach, and sometimes there's one set of footprints, sometimes there's two, and at the end of the guy's life,
Starting point is 00:25:03 he says, hey, God, how come at the toughest points in my life, there was only one set of footprints, and he says and at the end of the guy's life he says hey god How come at the toughest points in my life? There was only one set of footprints and he says well was then that I was carrying you and I feel Since I got sober there's been one set of footprints the whole time like my feet have not touched the ground Since that day and I'm childishly like a toddler toddler trying to get my feet on the ground Like let me just have some say and I just don't listen. I'm not I trying to get my feet on the ground. Like, let me just have some say. And I just don't, listen, I'm not, I don't know what's best for me most of the time. My will has gotten me in so much trouble so often
Starting point is 00:25:32 that I know when it's cropping up, my stomach starts to hurt. When I'm fighting to get something that I think I want or to hold on to something that I don't wanna lose. And once I stopped fighting that, my life got immeasurably better. Bro, you immeasurably.
Starting point is 00:25:51 You're blowing my mind right now. One, what you're saying is so freaking good. But two, when my dad got sober, he got sober when I was 15. Wow. For my 16th birthday, one of the presents he gave me on my birthday was the Foot Prince Prayer and a little plaque.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Really? And I've had that Foot Prince Prayer somewhere near me for 35 years. Wow. And it's the only prayer poem, whatever you wanna call it, that I've ever had near me. And when I was prepping for this, I saw your reference and I went, oh my gosh, I can't believe he's saying this. And I have a book
Starting point is 00:26:27 out right now called the power of one more. And I wrote about, oh, here's all the successful strategies that I've used. And I always feel guilty because the truth is that I know in my own life that although I did all these things, that their entire parts of my life that are complete blur. And I cannot explain to you how I made these leaps, except those were the times for sure where there was one foot of set of footprints. And God had just picked me up and carried me for a while and then put me down in a better place. I know this for sure in my own life. I can't explain to you how those things I did a lot of work. I have a lot of strategies, but there's a point in my life where there was one set of footprints
Starting point is 00:26:59 for sure. And I love the fact that you think there's always been one. So you're awesome, man. You're awesome. Thanks. Yeah. You too. I'm a big fan, man. love the fact that you think there's always been one. So you're awesome, man. You're awesome. Thanks. Yeah. You too. I'm a big fan, man. You said something that really, I was always a fan. Thank you. But you said something very recently, not very recently, but I was like, who is this guy?
Starting point is 00:27:14 Who, like, I have to, that's why when they were like, you could do it remote, you could go there. I was like, I'm going there. Thank you for coming by the way, bro. I really appreciate it. Flight of California. Yeah. No problem. Yeah. You said all the way over here to, bro. I really appreciate it. Flight to California? Yeah. No problem.
Starting point is 00:27:25 He said all the way over here to see me today, and I appreciate it. You said when I die and when I get to heaven, and there's God shows me, I believe God shows me a potential version of myself that I could have been, had I listened to him every step of the way and never diverted. And I want who I am and who that person is
Starting point is 00:27:42 to be as close as possible. I mean, I think about that every single day. Thanks man. Because my wife is very obedient to that inner voice. She's that angel. She's like a perfect angel, you know. And I mean, I'm a little stuff like, I guess like there's a rapper on the ground.
Starting point is 00:27:59 I'll bend down and pick it up. Stupid stuff like that, but also the kids are, they need something she'll do, but she doesn't resist internal prompts at all. Yeah, especially the good ones. Well, it sounds to be like you're doing it less too, when you say you get that stomach, that's thinking that not-
Starting point is 00:28:13 I try, man, yeah. Yeah, I think you're doing great. And I think that, I think success is coming to a good man. And I think the platform for you, maybe even just as we're talking, it's dawning on you that there's a depth of the things you could be creating and doing because I think thanks good news is incredible. I think your Instagram accounts incredible. And I think maybe there's even another
Starting point is 00:28:33 level for you of things that we're talking about right now that are really profound because you're also gifted with a unbelievable the community ability to communicate. Then there is the influencers gone wild account, which is a little bit of a different direction, but equally entertaining. So tell them about the account a little bit, because this is awesome. By the way, some of the most shared stuff on all of Instagram. So much fun, Dan.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Is are these clips, and then tell them about the board game as well. So this is the link the two together for us. So, so this account, so people when I first started it could go, you run Thanksgiving news, how could you start this account, so people, when I first started it could go, you run tank, good news, how could you start this account? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Yeah. So this account was born out of two experiences. One was when I was here about two years ago, speaking at a conference, a recovery conference. And I was at Griffith Park, because I had never been there before. And there was these, this group of young people standing by a tree that was like three feet tall. And the girl climbed up on the tree and was just not graceful. I'll say that whatever. She was just really struggling to get up on this tree that was like three feet tall. And I was like, why you just stand
Starting point is 00:29:33 next to the tree, huh? Like what are you doing? It's so short. What's the game here? Right. But I was standing like 10, 15 back, 15 feet back from them. And I was like, this would be a funny vantage point for an account. And then a couple of months later, I was standing like 10, 15 back, 15 feet back from them. And I was like, this would be a funny vantage point for an account. And then a couple of months later, I was in New York City shooting a video with a friend of mine. And we were, you know, in a very precarious position, it was a visual gag that we were doing on 38th Street, 38th Street and 8th Avenue. We had the Chinese finger cuffs on. We were latched together.
Starting point is 00:30:04 I had my foot on his knee and he was jumping and, you know, kicking his leg over. I had my hand in between his legs and whatever. And people were obviously looking at us. And I was like, I wish I had another angle of this, you know. So a couple of weeks later, I'm like, let me look and see if there's any of this stuff out there that I can just populate the account with to start. There was a few things for me to get going with. And I was like, what should I call it? What should I call it? What's a good name?
Starting point is 00:30:30 And I was like, you know what, I'm just gonna, influencers in the wild underscore, because influencers in the wild was taken at that point, but it was inactive for years. So I posted a couple of things. I posted about it from my tanks and outro account. I think I populated 12 posts so that if people got to it, it was a full page. Which by the way, if you're gonna start a page, it's just an important thing so that if you don't
Starting point is 00:30:52 send people to a page with one post, try and make sure that the grid is full. If you send people somewhere. Okay. So that at least it looks at first glance like the page is a real widget page. Good point. They're not gonna look and see that you posted the thing 10 minutes ago, but at least when they get there, they go, this is a funny concept. I'm gonna check it out. Very good. So, I mean, dude, it exploded.
Starting point is 00:31:14 And this was the moment that I felt like my imposter syndrome, my house of cards success was solidified. Like maybe there was some glue on the edges of the cards. Up until that, after all the stuff you've got, you still feel like I'm faking this. They're gonna come to you eventually. Oh yeah, I'm ready to wait tables at any moment. Like I'm in the waiters reserves or something.
Starting point is 00:31:40 You know what? Okay. So the account grows to a million followers in three weeks. Oh my gosh. It grows to two million in two months. And then it just goes from there. And I mean, the celebrities, the world star, I mean, influencers in the wild became a world star, ask thing to yell out when people were posing. I was like, what is this? People were tagging me in stories that didn't even follow me. I was like, this thing is getting major and then the pandemic hit.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Mm-hmm. I was like, well, that was fun. I guess I'm gonna be waiting tables again sometimes. I do the thing. Or selling fence or whatever. I don't know, I'll work. You know, that's the other thing. This is like a moment of journey.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Like if all of this fell apart tomorrow, I have gotten to spend the first four and a half years with my son of his life. You know what I mean? I'm good. My life is great. Yeah, big time. Even when I don't have it, I still have it. I make myself have it.
Starting point is 00:32:42 So the account started growing. Instagram was thrilled with it to my dismay because I was yelling at them because my account wasn't growing. They were like, well, it kind of is. It's just not tanks and not tree. You got this other account that's growing faster than any account is ever grown. You're third one, except for like Jennifer Aniston and Will Smith, like, we're actually using this account to quell people and shut them up, like we're telling them,
Starting point is 00:33:06 we'll look at this account. So at the end of this, we're all thinking, like me and Adam, Adam's the guy that I host the meme daddy's podcast with, where we just, we're, we're just started this year, right? Yeah, we just started, we just look at memes and have a blast. I just wanted somebody to hang out with.
Starting point is 00:33:20 I was so lonely at home. I was like, dude, we're gonna start a podcast. I don't even care if anybody listens. If they do great, I'm not, I still get to hang out with. I was so lonely at home. I was like, dude, we're gonna start a podcast. I don't even care if anybody listens. If they do great, I'm not, I still get to hang out with him, right? And talk about memes for an hour. Can I say a little less in there? Sure.
Starting point is 00:33:32 You do that very well and I do the same thing. It's like, hey, if it doesn't do this, at least I get this. Oh yeah. In other words, I'll take the little piece of it that's good for me, even if it's not the big piece. And I think that's the thing that will cause you to step into the unknown.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Hey man, at a minimum I'll learn something. 100% I'm gonna make a new friend. At a minimum I'm gonna get this. Not enough people go at a minimum. In other words, they'll only do it if they're gonna get the maximum because they're so obsessed with what the negative could be. That's a really little thing right there bro.
Starting point is 00:33:57 At a minimum I get to hang out with my buddy. At a minimum people will laugh. Yeah. And a little bit everyone's got to do that in life. At a minimum if I do this, I'm gonna get X, Y, or Z. Yeah. And that's the price tag, everyone's got to do that in their life. And a minimum, if I do this, I'm going to get X, Y, or Z. And that's the price tag worth paying to get in because that's the reward. So most people think, I don't get the big thing. Man, maybe they'll be a little bit of paying.
Starting point is 00:34:14 And that's what all great people do. They're like, you know what, man, if it doesn't get what I want, I'm at least going to get blank. And maybe there will be. And maybe there will be. And that's the thing that causes us to take action when we're fearful. That's a fear reduction mechanism that you're using, even though it's an unconscious thing.
Starting point is 00:34:30 The great point. It's a great point. So go ahead, keep going. You made the point, I'm just pointing it out. So. Well, you just crystallized, because I don't even know if I was, if I was doing that,
Starting point is 00:34:38 I just would be scared of things. You don't want to do it. Because I would want the fear gone. Yeah, yeah. So you do it unconsciously. Yeah. But that's a great point, because I just can't, gone. Yeah, yeah. You know, consciously. Yeah. But that's a great point because I just can't, I can't imagine not getting something out of something.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Yeah, right. We have to extract something positive. So we're on the phone one day, man, I can remember it like it was yesterday, dude. I was sitting on the couch looking out the bay window of my high ranch house, right? Staring out the window, I'm on the phone with him and we're always like thinking about the next move
Starting point is 00:35:09 or whatever what's gonna happen. And he was talking to me about doing a game a long time ago. I was like, pro, we're not doing a game. It's a stupid idea. What are we gonna do? I don't know, whatever. I would just poop who at every time.
Starting point is 00:35:24 So then he goes, whatever, I don't know, what about like an influencer who's in the wild game? And I sat up like a lightning bolt. Maybe two seconds later, I was like, I don't know, what, bro, hold on, he hates when I do this. I'm like, wait, Adam, listen, dude, hold on a second. He's like, what?
Starting point is 00:35:47 What? Tell me, tell me. I'm like, I can't even get it out right now. Hold on a second. I want to hold on to this. I didn't even want to give it up yet. I was so turned on by this idea. Oh my God, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:59 So I said, what if, oh my God, what if we did a game where people travel around the world and rack up followers instead of money. And he was like, wow. It's really great idea. Dude, what do you mean? Like, what does it look like? And that was like the birth. He said something so brilliant.
Starting point is 00:36:23 I mean, I hope people benefit from this the way I did. He's a workhorse. Adam, his account is Adam the creator. He's a brilliant creative. He said, all right, now we gotta get to work. He goes, you just, you know, the idea is the orgasm. The work is like the doctor's visits, the pregnancy, the delivery, the taking care of the kid for the rest of its life.
Starting point is 00:36:45 You already got the good part. Now we got to do them to the stuff that's not fun. Right. You know, it's a good analogy. It's a good analogy. So we started drawing out rough, terrible schematics of what the game could look like. And then he brought in this guy, JC, who is a guy that he works with on some things. We sourced a manufacturer. I paid to have a commercial made by a friend of mine,
Starting point is 00:37:14 Jared Balucci, who does the visuals for the podcast. He nailed it. I mean, absolutely nailed it. I brought some friends in. We had a prototype at that point and played the game. entrepreneurs listen close. Here's what he's doing. He's scaling and building a business right now, right in front of you. Keep going. Yeah, and it's all, listen, when I used to break dance, right, which is another fun fact about me.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Yeah. Most of the stuff I learned was by falling into something that I would fall out of, I'd make a mistake and fall into something and then I go, that was interesting. Yes. How did I do that? Yes. So. But this thing works out to the point, bro, where like, I wanna get to this
Starting point is 00:37:47 so people get the game. Oh yeah. This freaking thing's in target. Yeah. In target. I know. Like, come on. I don't know, dude.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Can they get it right now? No, June 26. It's gonna be. June 26, okay, so everybody, listen to me. First off, go get the game, because it's fun. And it's like, it'll actually help you in your social too, by the way, even though it's fun, it just gets you thinking the right stuff. It's having fun, right?
Starting point is 00:38:12 But the other part of this that's just remarkable is this guy who's super self-deprecating, which by the way, he uses that type of humor like I do self-deprecations, a big thing for you. And I think a lot of people that nuance, confidence, and the lack of it, a good space for them is self-deprecation, because you can be in both worlds at the same time. Sure, no commitment. But what's really cool about this game, man, to me, is it's going to be mega-successful game, and people like in my audience are going to go grab it like crazy. But the fact that this just started in your imagination with Adam, right, and there's a lesson in this. And by the way, it's just remarkable that not only is it a game,
Starting point is 00:38:45 and like you could go in or out of a warehouse, no, no, no, no. It's in target, like one of the biggest distribution arms on planet earth that you could possibly get a game into, which is only like 96 billion people are trying to get on their shelves and you're in there, which is incredible. So congratulations.
Starting point is 00:39:00 But you do something in your life that unconsciously that other happy people also do and that's this You although you have a history and you can talk about it I I was a drinker. I was a waiter. I was other things. You don't live there in my book Power one more of this chapter. I say you have to learn to not operate of your history and your memory And you have to begin to learn to operate of your imagination and your dreams That is not easy to do. Yeah. And it's not something most people do.
Starting point is 00:39:26 It's be very easy for you to spend the rest of your life going, I used to be a drinker, I used to be a waiter. That's not what you're doing. I used to have tanks and a truck, you still have that. But then you created the good news account. Then you created the influencers in the wild, then you imagine this board game, even though that idea came from him.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Yeah. You are flourishing because you operate in your imagination and your dreams and not in your history and your memory. And a lot of people listening to this, this is a lesson for you. You've got to stop operating out of your history and your memory because you're just repeating the same life, the same emotions over and over again
Starting point is 00:39:56 with a different cast of characters, different circumstances, the same life. What I respect about you is you're not doing that. Now, if I'd had told you three years ago, you're gonna have this influencers in the wild account, it's gonna be your biggest, it's the third one you've done. And then you're gonna be on my show and then you're gonna be having a board game and the board game's gonna be in Target. It's gonna make you probably millions of damn dollars and then the board games probably gonna turn into a TV show. You to gone broke.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Okay, buddy. But there's a little part of you if I would have said it to you that's there's what's different about you. Well, maybe at that point, yeah, but had you come to me 10 years ago, exactly because you were operating out of your history and your memory. Oh, yeah. Well, I met a guy in California when I was here who said that even though he was massively successful, he was sober for 30 years, I think at that time.
Starting point is 00:40:45 It wasn't enough for him to not live out of that. He would recalibrate every five years. He'd say, all right, I can't even live like I used to when I was 15 years, I got to like, this is like 25 years up. I got to just keep moving forward and forward. So that to me was really interesting. You're, bro, you're interesting. My daughter, when I turned, I think I was 50, maybe I was 45, that was 50. And she, we're having dinner, my daughter talks smack. She goes, daddy, are you in a midlife crisis? And I go, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:41:12 And she goes, come on dad, like the beard, like the selfie, social media, like what the hell is going on with you? You know, she's like 16 of the time, and I go, I go, well, Bella Boo, I am. In a midlife crisis. And when you were a Bella Boo. I am in a midlife crisis. And when you were a little girl, I was in a young life crisis.
Starting point is 00:41:28 I'm constantly in a crisis to replace myself. If I'm the same guy next year of it, I was this year, what's the point of living another year? I wanna have a different experience, a different person. I just think you, you, and what you're doing with your life, it's why I wanted you on. I think you personally are inspiring. I think there are people that say inspiring things.
Starting point is 00:41:46 I mean it, and then they're inspiring people. And you're doing the things that I kind of teach, and you're doing them very, very well, and you do them many of them unconsciously. But I want to step back. So everybody go get influencers in the wild, the board game, go to Target, go get it. Is there anyone else they can get it?
Starting point is 00:42:00 So it'll be in stores June 26, and then you can go to influencers in the wild To enter your email. I think there might be a pre-order link still up on there I hope it's not up there because I tried to have a take I asked to have a take it down But we'll figure it out, but either way, okay, it's probably better to wait and go to target But can I say how it works? Yeah, okay, so you can two minute pitch But can I say how it works real quick? Yes, okay, so you can two minute pitch Dude, it's so much fun. It really is have you ever played what do you mean? We're cards against humanity? Okay, so
Starting point is 00:42:38 Those games are fun the thing that I don't love about them is that there's no beginning and no end Right so right off the bat with this game. There's like anybody who's competitive gets a little like, I'm winning or I'm losing going thing, right? This game is just as fun. So you pick an influencer piece, you either pick the Coachella girl or the fitness influencer or the dog with sunglasses or whatever, right? You roll the dice and you travel around this board and Coachella girl for sure. Oh yeah, yeah, it's going to be between the Coachella to Coachella girl and the dog. It's gonna be like the, the whatever that piece on monopoly that everybody wants. Nobody wants to be the thin ball. Yeah. That's gonna be the tourist with the selfie stick, which is also in there. So good. Oh my gosh. So you travel around, you stop it. The vessel in New York City, which is that big, you know, that big thing in Hudson Yards,
Starting point is 00:43:23 we had to call it the whatever New York City landmark. Some of the, you know, that big thing in Hudson Yards. We had to call it the, whatever New York City landmark. Some of the things are funny. Are like you, we have Burning Man in there, what we call it, the Desert Rave, which is funny because I picture somebody like on drugs for two days. Like I was at this desert ray. I don't even know what it was called. So it's Bali desert rave, Coachella, um, Talum, Griffith Park. The pink wall is where you end.
Starting point is 00:43:45 The pink wall is like the mecca, right? That's like the money shot. So you can land on, if you land on a verified symbol, you become verified, which is very exciting. If you land on a no Wi-Fi symbol, you lose a turn. That's awesome. Um, and if you land on a blue space, oh, by the way, if you land on a travel spot, you get 100,000 followers automatically.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Very exciting. So if you land on a blue spot, and this is where all of the fun is, you pick a playing card and they're a stack of about 100, I think it's 150 cards that are random. They're rewards, penalties, challenges, or questions. So the rewards are like, you know, in the expansion pack we'll say, you know, you got invited on the Ed Milett Show, gained 50,000 followers.
Starting point is 00:44:31 But in this one, it's you got your stuff that happened in my life prior to the game coming out. Your meme got reposted by the rock, gained 50,000 followers. John Mayer commented comments on your meme. You get verified and gained 100,000 followers. So like people that comments on your meme. Yeah, you get verified and gain 100,000 followers. So like people that things that people freak out about, the penalties or the challenges are like, you know, do your best Kylie Jenner impression and post the
Starting point is 00:44:57 video with hashtag influencer game to gain 200,000 followers. So if you're really down in the game, you can come back, but you got to feel like an idiot a little bit who buys the game? Who is it? Who do you think who's the buyer? 18 to 45 heavy users of social media, or it's almost funnier when somebody's not that familiar with social media. I think so too. That's just thinking. I was just thinking like, obviously, I think that demo does the main demo, but I actually think it would be cool to like two or three people who get it all to play with someone who doesn't get it all. It's got to be mixed. Yeah. For sure. I think it would be cool to like two or three people who get it all to play with someone who doesn't get it all. It's got to be mixed.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Yeah, for sure. I think it would be really cool. So the questions are like, you know, has the person on your right ever ever had oat milk or whatever. If you guess that right, you get followers. That's so good. And then the penalty is just to wrap it up or where I think the most fun is, but unfortunately you lose followers. Like there's your your pyrotechnic gender reveal costs cause massive California wildfires.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Lose 100,000 followers. Your dad found your only fans. Lose 100,000. But I can imagine you're playing with someone, your grandpa who doesn't know what an only fans is, you got to explain that. That's awesome, dude. I love that. It's going to be so much fun.
Starting point is 00:46:04 It really is. It really is. I mean, we can's gonna be so much fun. Yeah, it's it really is I mean we I own a piece can I give a little piece of this somehow? I would like to be an angel investor This is gonna be big. Yeah, no, this is so good. I can't wait your text on your only All right, you guys gotta go get it. I'm so fired up about this. Let's finish on some stuff about you again though. I love today, dude. I really love today. I'm enjoying this so much
Starting point is 00:46:31 because I think everyone's got so much value about life. It's how I open the show. I love when I open the show and we actually do it. I started to say we're gonna get a lot of tips on social media life, happiness, productivity that you were deep and you are. I'm wondering about this whole imposter thing with you, I want to go back on it,
Starting point is 00:46:48 or your self-esteem in general. Where are you right now? And what have you done to, like I share openly, like the reason I'm in personal development is I needed to learn a lot of the stuff, like just become baseline functioning person, right? I just did, like just to be decent. And then as I got good at it, I'm like, wait a minute, I know some stuff and I can refine
Starting point is 00:47:06 the stuff and almost perform on a superhuman level as a very average man. And average people every day in the world do extraordinary things. Ordinary people do extraordinary stuff all the time. I think we have two pretty ordinary people sitting here right now that are both trying to do something extra ordinary and kind of are with their lives. But I still battle that stuff. What about you? Were you out on Self-Asteem and give us a couple tips on improving it that you've used? Oh, I mean, not to go right back to you, but another thing you said recently, which I put
Starting point is 00:47:37 in my repertoire, was your self-esteem is based on how often you keep your promises to yourself. Being go. Without being able to put it into words, that was kind of where I was trying to just nail down. So, my therapist said to me years ago, I've been in and out for whatever years, just when I need like, you know, whatever if I get jammed up, which is so rare that I get, my stressors are so infrequent and so mild now,
Starting point is 00:48:05 I'm so grateful that my life is like, it feels like one big giant, almost like I'm in heaven. Like Drake said, I cannot see heaven be in much better than this, you know what I mean? That's what I feel like sometimes. That's great. So he said to me, you know, we're about the same age. You remember when you had to tune a radio
Starting point is 00:48:23 and you had to, like you actually had to get the thing over. Yes. He goes, when you got sober, you made a big adjustment. You've went from 92.3 all the way down to 107.5. For the rest of your life, you're gonna be back between 107.7, 107.3, 107.5,
Starting point is 00:48:45 you're gonna be fine tuning for the rest of your life. And then let's say you do nail it for a second, you're gonna drive two miles down the road, you're gonna lose a signal, you're gonna need to tune again. It's just the way it is. You need to prepare yourself for that, and you need to be okay with it. And I took it in for a second, I was like,
Starting point is 00:49:02 that's life, isn't it? Yes. He's like, that's life. That's so good, right? And I was like, all right, I guess that's for a second. I was like, that's life, isn't it? Yes. He's like, that's life. That's so good, right? And I was like, all right, I guess that's what life is. What do I want to be dead? Right. What is the alternative to working on yourself
Starting point is 00:49:14 and being a better person and trying to improve? Dying literally like, what's the, you know, a flat line, you're dead. You gotta be up and down, but you don't have to be manic, high and, you know, crazy low. It's just looking at things and trying to do my best to do what I know I need to do in the moment I need to do it. Don't put anything off. Procrastination is a big one for me. Time management. That's where myself, esteem suffers. I've come to terms with the fact that probably, I don't want to say never, but I'm probably not gonna be a fitness model,
Starting point is 00:49:48 so I've given up on the six percent body fat. It just is what it is at this point. People don't follow me from my- You're making a joke, I know you're making a joke, but you are a jack dude. I didn't write first thing I said to you when you walked in, I mean, you're a big boy. You're strong, dude.
Starting point is 00:50:03 So I know you're joking, but you're also being self-deprecating at the same time. But I like to eat. So do I. You know, I like to eat, I'm not gonna be. Right. But you know what you want, you know who you are. I think self-awareness is a huge freaking key in life.
Starting point is 00:50:16 And I think most people don't take the time to be aware of themselves. That's why you're funny, you're self-aware. You know what's funny about you. You know what's awkward about you. I love self-aware people. If you're clueless about yourself, I just have no time for that.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Same here. And not no disrespect. It's just a laziness. You never took the time to figure out who you were. Get started. And let's check back. It's a big ego thing. People with low self-esteem think I don't have an ego.
Starting point is 00:50:37 That's not true at all. In fact, one of the reasons you have such low self-esteem is because you're so you driven. You're so self-centered that, and I say this is a friend to everybody, but like you ought to look at that, it is an ego issue. The reason you don't have self-esteem is everything's about you,
Starting point is 00:50:49 what people are thinking about you, what you're doing, how you are feeling instead of being about other people and about helping other people and how they're feeling. You'd find that you'd change a lot, you said something real deep in a minute and going, what to go back to it, which is the alternative is to be dead.
Starting point is 00:51:02 But I gotta tell you, and there's a quote that says, most people die around 22. We just don't get around to burying them until they're 65 or 70 years old. And I just want everybody listening this to know that it's okay to come back to life. Yeah, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Maybe you have been kind of, you know, figuratively dead for a while, figuratively meaning without hope, yeah, figuratively without action, figuratively without bliss, figuratively without gratitude. And in any moment, you can have one new thought and change your life, one new decision, one new post, one new podcast, one new book, one new board game, and you begin to change your life.
Starting point is 00:51:33 The separator between you and where you are or where you would like to be is much smaller than you think. It's not huge leaps as you just said it. No. Small stuff. Yeah. You've already moved to 107.5. It's fine tuning adjustments in your life that go back and forth. That will be the case, the rest of your existence, but it's not mass.
Starting point is 00:51:53 It's not 25 years until you can be happy. It's not 20 years until you can be successful. It's one relationship, one meeting, one thought, one post, one meme, one podcast, one new emotion away from really being in the pursuit of it and you can come back to life again. Well, that's because it's a path. Once you're on the path, you're on the path forever. You never get there.
Starting point is 00:52:13 So, you know, reading for me is one thing that increases my self-esteem a lot instantly. And when I talk to people about reading, they're like, I try to read, I can't. I can only read like 10 pages at a time. I'm like, 10 pages. I read like two pages at a time. Maybe. But I mean, I read so much. I love that you said that. What's so much daily? Multiple times per day. Do you read on the airplane coming out here? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm reading this book called
Starting point is 00:52:39 Untether Living right now by Michael Singer. unbelievable book. But it just never stops. I can't imagine like when I was in college, I think I don't remember which college is who's at because I went to so many different colleges. But I remember this teacher saying, your self-esteem is the gap between who you are and who you think you should be. However big that gap is, that's how low and who you think you should be.
Starting point is 00:53:05 However big that gap is, that's how low your self-esteem is gonna be. I was like, oh, that sounds bad, because I think I should be way different than I am. So I got to work on it, right? And reading for me for some reason is just the more I read, the better I feel, the more aware I am, because it reminds me of things that I forgot. It's like having, you know, you have this toolbox,
Starting point is 00:53:25 and it's like, imagine trying to build a house, and you're just sitting there standing at it, you know, like, you're right. Oh, it have tools. Yeah, I forgot I had the tools, I forgot, I'm so sorry. You know what, I should get to work. Reading just reminds me of these tools that I have, and I mean, unrelenting reading,
Starting point is 00:53:44 but not like Joseph Campbell where I sit for 14 hours a day for 10 years and read everything it's ever been written. I read them like some people would ingest social media. Yeah, you know? That's exactly what I do, by the way. Yeah. I'm so glad you said it that way.
Starting point is 00:53:58 What you said about your teacher saying that is absolutely true, that gap. The other thing that's true in life is that success and it means different things to different people. And to me success is just really simple. It's that your life matches your blueprint. The way you'd envision and dream your life to be, you produce that life.
Starting point is 00:54:15 And so you live in congruency with your vision of your life. That's bliss. And so if that means that you're going to spend six days a week in some charity somewhere and have a nice little life, and it's not about a bunch of money, but you want to make a huge life and you want to just serve people that's great. If it's having $200 million in the bank, that's great. If it's contributing and having a bunch of people, that's wonderful. It's feeding the homeless. If it's being ripped and sexy and doing bodybuilding contest and you do that, that's success when your life
Starting point is 00:54:37 matches it, right? But the only way to find that out going way back and tying it all together is to try as many things as possible to figure out what feels right. Maybe feeding homeless people doesn't feel so good to you. You got to try it. You got to give, you got to hand them the food. Maybe having $200 million doesn't feel great to you.
Starting point is 00:54:54 If it doesn't, give it to me. I'll figure it out. So true. Being willing to try things. There's been stuff in my life, man. You just said something, no one said on the show before. And it's true. There have been things in my life. I'm really sure if I were doing that, I'd be happy and fulfilled because it sounded noble or whatever. Like it probably would. And then I did. I'm like, that one doesn't get me. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 00:55:16 and I thought I thought having a bunch of money was the one for me. And honestly, I would, by the way, I'm, I've been happy and poor and I've been happy and poor, and I've been happy and rich, and happy and rich is better. But it's not that much better. For me, but for some people, it means everything to them, and that's wonderful. So I'm not going to give you my, but I appreciate the offer. Last thing you said, I want to use this term that you use. Pollute your brain with positivity. It's interesting terminology. And a lot of people go, oh, positivity. Yeah. And it's interesting terminology.
Starting point is 00:55:45 And a lot of people go, oh, positivity. Here we go. But what do you mean by that when you say, let's finish on that. Well, I say pollute because pollute has negative connotations. And pollute your brain with positivity because you're being polluted with negativity all day, every day.
Starting point is 00:56:02 You got to offset that somehow. So taking as much positivity as you can, and when, you're right, that word positivity has like these kind of wishy-washy, polyamorous, yeah. Listen, I've been accused on tanks good news multiple times of having my head buried in the sand, polyanna, you don't really know what's going on in the world.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Of course I know what's going on in the world. If my head was buried in the sand, how would I see all the good stuff? First of all, second of all, I see it. I'm just not focusing on it. Of course, I see what's going on in the world. But I see this other stuff, too. All I'm asking you to do is not even asking you to not focus on the negative stuff. Just glance over here every once in a while. Divert your attention for a split second, and maybe if you divert your attention, maybe the good stuff will make, suck your attention away.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Just give it a chance. That stuff, that negative stuff is so addictive. And it's not even, I used to think it was the media's fault. Then I would say, it's our fault, it's nobody's fault. It's not the media's fault, they're trying to sell advertising. It's not our fault We're wired that way. We're trying to survive. You the media selling anxiety is the same thing as us to you know getting chased by a lion through the Cesaranguetti It's not different at all. We just don't know the difference yet
Starting point is 00:57:22 That's why I'm saying we're still so new to this social media. We're new to everything here. We've been around for a long time. How long have we had this for? 70 years? Are you kidding me, bro? Give us a couple of generations to figure it out and then ask me the question about snapping our fingers and what I erase it. You're awesome man. This was tremendous today. Thank you for flying all the way here. And I got to tell you something man, you really changed a lot of people's lives today. And you made me think about some stuff. And I love one that happens on my own show. You know, and I've always, you know, I think the two of us have wanted to get together for a while now. I just feel like it was the perfect time. Yeah, great. There's about the right time. Thanks for having me. Yeah man, you're
Starting point is 00:58:03 awesome. You're really awesome. And I know everybody gonna want to share this show today and see another side of tank too So follow tank on Instagram Look, there's a million accounts that he's got out there Let me just make sure you have a pick up you got tank. Sinatra. You've got influencers in the wild and you've got tanks good news All of those should be accounts that you follow and then if you go to influencers in the wild You can get more information on the game and you can pick it up a target. Am I right about all of that?
Starting point is 00:58:28 Yep, June 26th, it'll be on an end cap. I don't know what aisle though, so don't, don't hold me in that. Don't DM him what aisle to find it on us, somebody in the corner. But take a picture of yourself, buying the game because we're gonna repost those. It's gonna be part of the promotion.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Everybody do that and make sure you go get my book, the power of one more right now, because it's everywhere, it's the number one seller on the planet and it'll help change your life. And I just want to say thanks to Tank and to all of you, thank you for listening every single week and watching. And most importantly, man, just for your support. And I love when I see so many of you share the show and I know today's going to get shared all over the place because it made such a difference for so many people. So God bless all of you. Continue to max out.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Take care. This is The End My Let's Show.

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