THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Groundbreaking Science Between Your Mind & Gut Health w/ Dr. Amy Shah

Episode Date: February 7, 2023

THIS is a REVOLUTIONARY conversation about the INTERSECTION of YOUR BRAIN, GUT microbiome and FOOD!This podcast with Dr. Amy Shah is going to BLOW you away with her CUTTING-EDGE insights about YOUR HE...ALTH and the connection between your GUT BIOME and YOUR MIND. DR. SHAH has written two books and is beyond qualified as a double board-certified doctor and nutritional expert show has studied at Cornell, Harvard, AND Columbia University. In a fast-moving hour, DR. SHAH unlocks more mysteries about gut health, your immune system, the brain-gut-bacteria connection, and several other critical things you should know to help you feel and live better, including…💪🏽 Fermented food and the link to bacterial DOPAMINE💪🏽 How FOOD CRAVINGS are linked to our memories💪🏽 Six SUPERFOODS you should eat every day💪🏽 How processed foods affect your MOOD💪🏽 Why you need to eat MORE PROTEIN for peak health💪🏽 The right way and wrong way to fast, and the link to CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS💪🏽 Food and female HORMONE health💪🏽 What are PREBIOTICS and PSYCHOBIOTICS, and how they interact with your body💪🏽 The science behind FECAL TRANSPLANTS💪🏽 The link between gut health and EXERCISE💪🏽 Things you can do to SLEEP BETTER and should you take CBD or melatonin supplements to help you sleep better💪🏽 The truth about how much WATER and COFFEE you should drinkDr. Shah does an incredible job of SETTING THE TABLE with a commonsense approach to FOOD and GUT HEALTH.That's why you’re going to EAT UP THIS EPISODE if you’re looking for ways to live a more HEALTHY, HAPPY, and LONGER LIFE.Make sure you have a notepad open you're going to want to apply these STRATEGIES in your life TODAY so you can be HEALTHIER & HAPPIER tomorrow! 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Ed Milach Show. Welcome back everybody. You know, it's not easy to get on the show two times. Usually, a most are one and done. I'm so honored. And the reason I'm having you back was, I was just telling you off air, that, you know, the first episode we did just like, virally went crazy. And I think it's one because of your brilliance and just the way you deliver very complicated
Starting point is 00:00:32 information and a very easy to understand fashion. That is, that's how you know your smart person when you don't have to try to sound smart all the time like I do. But the other reason is the topic. So much of our audience is into this topic. And so let me introduce you so that everybody properly knows who you are if you didn't hear her last time. I don't know Harvard trained Cornell trained.
Starting point is 00:00:53 I don't know what else you want to know. Columbia. It's got a little bit of an educational background and her. She's an expert in a lot of different things, but we're really going to talk about today is hunger, your gut, your microbiome, how all of that stuff's connected. So you can live better, healthier, with more energy, with better sleep. And there's some really cool stuff
Starting point is 00:01:12 we're gonna cover today with, back for the second time. Dr. Amy Shaw, welcome back. So honored to be here. I mean, your show is just the pinnacle of mindset and motivation, so honored. Well, you helped me with my mindset and I am motivated when you're here. So the name of her new book is, I'm so f'ing hungry,
Starting point is 00:01:34 which is like the coolest title in the world. Why we crave what we crave and what to do about it. And this is right up my alley. Yeah. Cause there's different times, man, I go through these crazy cravings for food. And I've always not wondered why. Let's set some parameters first, like basic stuff. When you say microbiome and I say gut, are we saying the same thing?
Starting point is 00:01:53 Well, the gut includes our own cells and bacteria, but also viruses, fungus, parasites. I mean, they're all in there. So the microbiome is like a more global term. We can't really think about just our cells. Our cells are just very microscopic compared to, there's 10 times more genes in the gut from the bacteria than our own cells. The last time you were here, really enlightened me and a lot of my audience about really the gut being like the second brain and the
Starting point is 00:02:27 connection between the gut and emotions, brain function, brain fog, et cetera. Let's just start right there because there's so much we're going to cover this hour. I wish it was six hours, but like there is a, why is the gut called the second brain? When we are embryos, they're connected. And then they separate, okay, but then we stay connected through the vagus nerve, through the nervous system. So our brain and gut are connected. And we really think of them as separate things. Like we think about, God is like, oh, your stomach hurts or you're bloated.
Starting point is 00:03:06 But I'm telling you that if you're happy or sad or motivated or hungry right now, it's coming from your gut, actually. Hmm. They're connected when we're in the embryo. Yeah. Why is it taken so long for medical science even to approach the topic then?
Starting point is 00:03:21 It was, I mean, we thought these gut bacteria were just annoying or, you know, we wanted to kill them as you know, antibiotics, the whole culture that we live in is germaphob, we hate bacteria, but it was in the turn of the century in London when everybody started to move into the city, start to get it richer, quote, quote, you know, live in large apartments,
Starting point is 00:03:44 eat at restaurants, out of the farms, where they started to see the problems, problems in the immune system. And then they're like, wait, why are these problems happening? Why? Because your gut needs to see bacteria, otherwise, it's sterile. And when it becomes sterile, all these problems start. So when we wonder why we're so depressed and depression is going up by 35% we wonder why we're so hungry that we're getting obese more obese. And then we wonder why inflammatory disease, like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, you know, all of these, they're all linked to this. We're missing that big picture when we're talking about it, we can't just treat the heart,
Starting point is 00:04:21 can't just treat the brain. Yeah, that's why when you call it said, hey, can we do this again? I'm like, yep, let's do it again right away. So we're gonna go all over the place because in like the sequence of stuff, because you've already brought things up I was gonna ask about. So let's just start with we need bacteria. Reading that you're like, hey,
Starting point is 00:04:36 these antibacterial gels were pouring all over ourselves now all of a sudden because of the pandemic and all these other things, be really careful. And then the other thing, even for me, every time I get sick, I'm like, Doc, can I get an antibiotic over here? So just address those two things to start out for everybody's knowledge. Okay. Things like mouthwash, antibacterial mouthwash raises your blood pressure.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Okay. Because we have these bacteria in our mouth that are like nitrates. They relax the blood vessels. And if we kill them, we automatically get higher blood pressure. Heart disease comes from that, right? That's a number one reason for heart disease. Then we have bacteria in our gut that gets killed every time you take an antibiotic.
Starting point is 00:05:16 And actually, we're really good at killing all the bugs, but it's really hard to grow them back. And it can be from generation to generation, you can lose bacteria. So we have 40% less bacteria than our forefathers. And so we're damaging not only our own gut by doing this, but we're damaging the gut of our children, our grandchildren, our great-grandchildren. I mean, this is a big problem. I'm telling you, so I tell people, it's like,
Starting point is 00:05:45 I say big because it's brain immune system gut. We're missing that big picture. If we started to address these things, I mean, you talk about mindset all the time. Our brain is so powerful. Our gut is so powerful. If we use these things, we could actually solve some of these problems. So you brought me a bunch of goodies today. And a lot of this like fermented foods, right? And you're telling me before we started, you know, I think most of my audience knows what dopamine is, but we all want more of it, right? And you're like, Hey, there's a little bit of connection here to your gut and these foods,
Starting point is 00:06:16 particularly fermented foods. Yeah. When it comes to this and this cool everybody already get all the stuff that's really in the interview. So tell us about that. Dopamine for those who don't know is your motivation hormone. That's the one you want to do that thing, get to the top of the ladder to get better at your workout, to be a better father, you know, friend. That is the neurochemical that is created in your brain. But what people didn't realize until recently
Starting point is 00:06:45 is that that neurochemical is made by the gut, by the gut bacteria and the gut bacteria and the gut cells ourselves. Actually 50% of the dopamine actually comes from our gut. Wow. And the dopamine that the bacteria make is much stronger than our own dopamine. It can be a hundred times more potent than our own dopamine. So it's giving you a hundred times more of that motivational chemical that we are trying to get from everywhere. We are dopamine fiends.
Starting point is 00:07:18 That's our cravings hormone. This whole book is about how to control our cravings. That's dopamine. Dopamine is a craving. It's craving. So, stay on this though. So the why fermented food? What is it doing in our gut to unleash, or is it there's not a direct correlation or there is?
Starting point is 00:07:36 Okay, so fermented, or some people call it probiotic, that's probably the better term, because some fermented doesn't have probiotic. So, food that has live bacteria in it, fermented foods. They have bacteria that go to your colon and join the other bacteria there, right? We now know that more diverse, the more little friends you have in there, the better your brain function,
Starting point is 00:08:02 the better your outcome in life, the happier you are. And so those bacteria together, they make dopamine. It's crazy to me. It's not crazy. What's the quit? And so also like... Why do people not know? I mean, it's like mind blowing this information.
Starting point is 00:08:18 It is mind blowing and it's like, I don't know why. Like, I, it's taken so long. Thank God for you. And a few other people, seriously. Yeah, I know, seriously. Like, I got permission this morning from you that I should be drinking more champagne. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:29 What should deal with that? A little bit. No, I would drink a lot more. The problem with alcohol is that obviously it's a toxin. So fermented foods can be really, really helpful, but not when it's mixed with a known toxin to your brain. So the benefits that you're gonna get from your bacteria are gonna be negated by the toxin effects So now we know you know no amount of alcohol is actually good for your brain So what was the champagne you're giving me some chocolate or something? Yeah, it's it's a it's a non-alcoholic
Starting point is 00:09:00 You'll have to take a sip of champagne on the side Let me say something about the book first. Well, like about the book is there's like five steps. So it's easy to read. It's a very complicated subject. And then again, that just goes to your brilliance of how you handle these topics with simplicity that are very complicated. But let's go to kind of the root of the book.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Number one, by the way, everybody is hungry right now, right? And I wake up, I'm curious to now, right? And I wake up, I'm curious too. I'll ask you this secondly, I wake up with hungers at different times. And so let's start out, in general, why are we so hungry? And then number two, is there a rhythm to hunger? And I know you talk about circadian rhythm in the book with bacteria, just tie all that together for us. Sure. So hunger and cravings are two different things. First of all, it's actually different parts of our brain and our body. You could be hungry or you could be craving something.
Starting point is 00:09:55 So sometimes you're full, right? You've eaten a full meal. Yeah, put a place spaghetti in front of me. I've ate the whole film. You know, I still got cravings. Exactly. You get in your car. You'll drive across town cravings are so strong that you will take action much more so than hunger, right?
Starting point is 00:10:13 Hunger, you could bypass that. You could sit in here and be like, yeah, I could bypass that. But cravings, it will get you up off your chair, it will get you to take action, move, and get that thing. Why do you think that cravings is the same mechanism for food cravings is the alcohol, the gambling, the porn, the craving pathway is the strongest pathway that we have to motivate behavior. So it can be good, right?
Starting point is 00:10:41 You can be motivated to do, go to the gym every day, do your work read books, or it can be bad. You can crave bad things or you can crave good things. And what I basically talk about in the book is we should know how to control our own cravings because it's possible. You can have the best of intentions. Everybody woke up on January 1st and they had a whole list of things, right? But now, you know, not even a third way through the year, what happened? It's that cravings pathway. Interesting. What is the craving then?
Starting point is 00:11:13 So you're exactly right. By the way, brilliant. I never thought about the difference between hunger and cravings. The truth is, I'm not hungry because I eat a lot. I have cravings though. And so what's causing the craving and what can I do to alleviate or reduce it? Well, exactly what I was thinking to myself when I was reading this, when I was reading the research, I thought, wow, if we all knew more about cravings, then we would be such
Starting point is 00:11:37 a happier, more motivated, stronger, fitter group of people. So basically how cravings work is that when you were a kid, you went to a baseball game with your dad or a family member. I'm just guessing because that's what I did. And you had, you know, French fries, had a coke, you had maybe a Kit Kat, you know, who knows? A lot ice cream cone. And it became a memory, a neural pathway. Okay. So now, when you go to a game or do anything happy, you remember that, right? Your body wants to remember that.
Starting point is 00:12:12 And then somebody asked me, why would our bodies want to remember to eat junk food? Like that makes no sense evolutionarily. But it does. Because if we were a thousand years ago, if you were walking around the forest, and all of a sudden you saw this Amazing fruit tree. It was a full of juicy sweet fruit. You would stop in your tracks You would eat the fruit you would gather it up
Starting point is 00:12:35 You take it back to your family or tribe whatever and your brain would form a pathway So that next time you know where to go. It's a very strong motivator. It even in times of famine and strife, you will remember where that tree was and go and get that fruit. Really good. And the problem with dopamine,
Starting point is 00:12:57 you know how you know it's a dopamine trigger? It's pleasure mixed with pain. So quickly after you eat that cookie, you almost feel discomfort. Right? You feel like, oh my god, am I going to get it again? How did I eat too much? Like, I want more, but I shouldn't, you know, that whole discomfort, that's your neurological way to make sure that you do it again.
Starting point is 00:13:23 It's kind of like that discomfort making you go back for more just to stop the discomfort. So is this a matter then of increasing the right bacteria in our gut so that that mine's usually sugar. Yeah. Minus sugar. And ironically lately maybe you could explain this to me, maybe other people can relate to this Sometimes it's at a particular time like when I wake up in the middle of the night Is that something going on in my back to your I'm like I would like a bite of like chocolate Which I don't necessarily have it like 8 30 in the morning. Yeah, so that so there's a few things that play
Starting point is 00:14:00 Okay, the nighttime one can be a blood sugar drop Okay, so when you have a blood sugar drop in the middle of the night, and that can be because you ate a very sweet or high carbohydrate meal, and then when it's dropping, that's when you're wanting the food again. And the bacteria, exactly what you said, changing your gut bacteria so that it helps you with your motivation raises your baseline levels of dopamine. So you're not just fiending for quick dopamine. And then using your mindset, okay, learning that,
Starting point is 00:14:29 hey, if I learned this pathway when I was a kid, maybe I relearn this and maybe exercise gives me a dopamine burst. When I go for a sunny walk or jog, that gives me a dopamine burst. Maybe adding up these little things that actually give me the dopamine burst instead of having the dopamine explosion that you get from processed food or from,
Starting point is 00:14:50 you know, gambling, video games, social media, all of that. What are the, I'm going everywhere, but there's like, I want stuff for me. Yeah. So everybody in my audience gets a little benefit of this day. You said there are soup, there are six super foods that you recommend. Why do you recommend them and what are they? Okay, I recommend those foods every day because you're like, okay, I got it.
Starting point is 00:15:16 You told, I wanna change my gut. I wanna change my immune system, my brain, the big picture, I wanna change it. So tell me what to do. The biggest mover is food, right? Food changes your mood. Okay, can I say something about that? I read something in your book that shocked me.
Starting point is 00:15:31 You're like, we're actually not eating enough in many cases. And we're starving the right bacteria's in our body. So that's pretty good news for everybody. It may not be that you're eating too much. You may be that you're eating the wrong stuff. I just want to interject that. Because I, that's just, whoa, we're not eating enough. That's crazy to me, but it's enough of this probably is what you mean.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Yeah, because if you think about it, it's very difficult to say to someone, just donate process foods. Yeah, right. You know, or you're done. It's much easier to sprout out that stuff by eating the right foods for your gut. Okay. So your gut. So your gut bacteria do not like ultra-process foods and I'll define what a ultra-process food is, okay?
Starting point is 00:16:12 And ultra-process food is a food with ingredients that you could never recreate in a kitchen, not in your kitchen, not in anyone's kitchen, meaning there are non-colonary ingredients in that food. So easy example, geridos, Oreos, no matter what ingredients you had in your pantry, you could never recreate that. I mean, there's no list of ingredients that could recreate.
Starting point is 00:16:38 So that's your definition. Ultra-process foods are terrible. They are gut bacteria killers. We now know that the people that eat the highest amount of ultra-process foods have the lowest mood. And some of them are trying to be healthy, but no offense, but they're trying to eat like a lot of protein bars or things like that, right?
Starting point is 00:16:55 But actually, technically, these foods are designed not to satiate you, actually make you hungrier in some cases. They make you hungry, and they kill the bacteria that were gonna make you feel full. Bacteria actually make these peptides that make you feel full. And so if you're killing the bacteria, you're going to be hungerier. You're going to have more cravings. Your dopamine level is going to go low. So they did the study where they wanted to see what it did to the mental health. And it was 80% more mental health days. So depression, anxiety
Starting point is 00:17:27 with the highest amount of ultra-process food. Okay, what are these six we need to eat then? So that we have bliss instead of anxiety. So some of these are going to sound very foreign, but stay with me, okay? Because we have, you got me right here. In the book, you can basically look at the list because there's a food group called glucose inhalates. Glucosinolates sound like what the hell are you saying? But it's a group of foods like broccoli, kale, cauliflower, a bok choy are all in this group. And they have this special food for the gut.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Okay. So you want to do that. Number two, you want to have fiber. Fiber from plants especially Because ultra-bresous food one of the things they do is they take out all the fiber from the food So you want to have fiber number three you want to have dopamine Supporting foods and we can go into what dopamine supporting foods are give us a couple Eggs
Starting point is 00:18:20 Yoga nuts Cheries bananas. Wow., eggs are dopamine supporting foods. Yeah, they have a amino acid called tyrosine. Tyrosine gets converted to dopamine. I love it because I pound eggs, so that's great. So what you can do is, what I do is you have to have a dopamine rich breakfast to kind of dopamine is very similar to adrenaline.
Starting point is 00:18:42 So it gives you that energy boost. It gives you that motivation that drive. That's dopamine supporting foods in the morning as best. So if you had like, you know, I got you some probiotic cutiches, you've put some nuts and berries on there. You have your eggs, you are set. I'm on it, okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Omega three rich foods. We know about omega threes for their brain health, but they're really great for your gut health. Amino acid rich foods, which, you know, high protein foods. We know protein is one of the things that is very controversial, but we know for our gut health, for our brain health, for our muscle health, we need protein. You know more and more on the show, food and nutrition experts, you at the top of that list are recommending protein.
Starting point is 00:19:30 It's just like more and more, the group that doesn't recommend protein is a very small group of people now. They're becoming more and more isolated. It seems in the nutrition world. I don't mean to offend anybody, nor am I a doctor. I'm just saying anecdotally on my show, almost Max Lugovir, yourself, Dr. Davidson Claire, whether they're anti-aging or health experts, pretty much across the board, the protein is really important.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Especially if you work out a lot and you're getting older, which is like, for me, I was abysmal at eating protein because I grew up vegetarian. I didn't lift weights a lot and as you get older Really takes a toll because you lose your muscle mass You have more hunger and cravings or hormones or tanking so you really need to do that Higher level as you get older and do weight training with it so that you're using it up and you're not and the last the sixth one Is polyphenols so polyphenols are the brightly colored berries and the last, the sixth one is polyphenols. So polyphenols are the brightly colored berries and the vegetables. Polyphenols are like antioxidants for your body. So it's like anti-aging in a food form. So you want to be having those. So it sounds really complicated,
Starting point is 00:20:37 but if you had that breakfast that I was telling you about, you pretty much covered all of them. Did I get some yogurt with some berries in it? That's a good breakfast, at least to some extent. Yeah, what? Yogurt with berries and nuts, seeds. And then you have a high protein lunch. You have a salad, maybe, or soup. You're set.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Yeah, what's interesting for everybody listening to this, that's why I just love you and your work so much. I've always eaten for like fitness. Yeah. Yeah, a build muscle, a reduced fat. I never thought about eating for emotion, energy, warding off anxiety, worrying depression because I never understood the connection between these two places. And now I'm finding, especially as I get older, like, yeah, I really do want to be fit and strong and all that.
Starting point is 00:21:17 But I also feel there's such a connection to my energy level and my emotional health and my desire to go to the gym, my desire to do that extra meaning, that power of one more that I talk about is really connected to this. Let's stay on rhythms. So I fly a lot. So I'm real familiar with circadian rhythms, right? And the lack of feeling like I'm on jet lag.
Starting point is 00:21:40 You actually use that term in the book that some people almost permanently live feeling like jet lag. So you talk about that the gut bacteria has a circadian rhythm to it, I think, just make it up, which blew my mind. And that the connection between that circadian rhythm, that there might be a circadian rhythm fasting that you recommend or something along those lines. I think most people are doing fasting wrong,
Starting point is 00:22:01 I'll just say it. Let's do this, okay, I wanna hear this. Because they're doing fasting for, like you said, fitness, I think most people are doing fast and wrong. I'll just say it. Let's do this. Okay. I want to hear this. Because they're doing fasting for, like you said, fitness, maybe they heard the word autophagy or whatever. Yes. But the problem is they're not understanding that circadian rhythms run our body. So when you wake up in the morning, you see sunlight, you move, you're supposed to
Starting point is 00:22:24 eat. Okay. Ideally, for circadian rhythm, for your digestion, for the best mood boost for all of it. Now we have studies. This is going to get good. Okay, good. There, now we have studies backing it up. That breakfast is actually a very healthy meal.
Starting point is 00:22:37 It can be delayed breakfast. Most of us are, you know, many of us delay our breakfast a little bit, but you can still eat it. So what people are doing wrong is that they're fasting all day. You know, they're pushing it all day, maybe three, four, maybe they're not even eating until dinner, right? And then they're eating late into the night. And most of that stuff after dinner is not good stuff, right?
Starting point is 00:23:00 It's process, it's sugary. And then you basically are keeping your gut bacteria up. You're keeping your digestion up instead of being in the restorative repair phase. So imagine if someone woke you up in the middle of the night and made you do work and you would be exhausted in the morning. I've wondered about this. Right here. I've wondered about this very thing that eating later in the day when you've held off, that now your body's working to digest what you're supposed to be resting.
Starting point is 00:23:29 I've wondered this exact thing. And you go straight to bed, right? Yeah, yeah. And then you wonder why you have digestive issues, why your weight's not going down, why you're not feeling, why you feel groggy and you're aging. I mean, all of us want that growth hormone burst. You know, that happens
Starting point is 00:23:46 one hour after you go to bed. And in the ideal situation, if you've been sleeping, you get that big growth hormone burst, you should be in kind of a fasting state at that point. Shouldn't just be digesting an hour ago, you know, go. How far back then? Four hours, five hours? Two to three hours before bed. Two to three hours. Yeah. So if you stop eating at 6 p.m., and you went to bed at 9. hours, five hours? Two to three hours before bed. Two to three hours, so yeah. So if you stopped eating at 6 p.m. and you went to bed at 9.30, you're full.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Perfect, you're perfect. And then maybe you get up and you do a workout or you get a sun before you have your first meal, you're set, that's where kids are investing. Okay, my female listeners, I had different people on and I've always asked because I'm a man, I often ask about like, okay, testosterone levels, hormone levels related to food.
Starting point is 00:24:28 And I had Dr. Lane Norton on recently and I had asked him, how do you feel about exogenous testosterone? And a lot of my female listeners, which is more of my audience than men, ironically, said, hey, would you please ask somebody about female hormone health on the show? And I'm like, yeah, I should be doing that,
Starting point is 00:24:43 shouldn't I, since I have a daughter and a wife? Yeah. Lots of'm like, yeah, I should be doing that shit and I since I have a daughter and a wife. Yeah. Lots of female friends. So is there anything food wise, particularly if it relates to a woman that's different than a man or just in general that you say, here's something you should be doing to optimize your hormone levels.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Yeah. I love talking about hormones because that was my journey. I felt like my hormones were imbalanced. I kept thinking like, how am I going to balance my hormones? But what I didn't realize is that this is all about gut health again. Okay. Okay. If you transplant gut bacteria from a male to a female, the female will have testosterone
Starting point is 00:25:18 levels similar to the male. Without ever doing any testes transplant or changing their, you know, hormone replacement therapy. Nothing. So it is coming from the gut. You know, the gut bacteria can make hormones can help you balance. So there's very good evidence that it, you know, when you have too high estrogen, it kind of stops it. When you have too little, it kind of pumps it out. It is your best way to keep your hormone level stable as you get older.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Poor gut health is one of the biggest reasons that women feel like their hormones are imbalanced or maybe their cycles are off. Their PMS is exaggerated. I actually talk about women should all know what their cycle is. So in today's world, in 2023, it's no secret that a woman has a 20-day cycle.
Starting point is 00:26:10 It's still considered like, oh, don't talk about your period or like, you know, it's like you have a daughter, you have a wife, you have female friends. So I encourage women to start to learn their cycle, start to learn like, hey, there's a follicular phase for the first 14 days, then there's a luteal phase. And at the end of the luteal phase, that PMS, it's called the late luteal phase. You need to switch up how you do things. Late luteal phase, your hormones have dropped. It's like a free for all, you know, like a free fall that the hormones just go away.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Okay. Well, I'm telling you this so you can help your, your, you know, friend, colleagues, the people, the women in your, in your life and the women listening and watching this. So when you're in that phase, switch it up. Switch it up. So you're going to want to be less, do less stressful activity. So if you like hit training, just lay off, you know, whatever that means, what it is for you.
Starting point is 00:27:09 So if you're doing it three to five times a week, stay on the three or even two, you know, start to do more yoga restorative. Don't do the long fast. Don't do the things that are going to stress you out. Don't even though you feel like eating a lot of sugary foods to get that mood boost, that's actually not the best time
Starting point is 00:27:31 because your insulin sensitivity's also like down in the dumps, okay? So eating things like sweet potato complex carbs, you know, things that are gonna give you that feeling of carbohydrates, but they're not gonna spike your blood sugar. Just don't keep eating the highly processed sugary foods because it's going to exacerbate the problem. And you're going to get such an insulin spike that you're going to regret it after because
Starting point is 00:27:54 people will say, oh, I gained like 10 pounds during my PMS phases because when they feel down, they're trying to replace their serotonin dopamine with food. And then you end up really regretting it later. So try to do things that are longer lasting, like fats are really good, like avocado mixed with some complex carbs, eating a, you know, a burrito with beans and rice and avocado. That's a great way to kind of give that comfort food feeling without getting your blood sugar all out of whack. Okay, thank you so much for that. I want to ask you in general, just maybe think, think about my life. So when we were joking there, I was thinking about the people in my life that I talk to most regularly.
Starting point is 00:28:41 And I'm like, as it relates to gut health, and I'm talking about the type of gut health that's obvious to you. Like, I know I have gut health issues based on anecdotal stuff you've told me about my emotion level, my energy level. But I don't feel like I have gut health issues, if that makes sense. Like, in my gut, I don't have a lot of discomfort
Starting point is 00:28:59 or those things. But in my own life anecdotally, it does seem to me, I'm sure there's been no study on this and it's probably inaccurate. But in general, I would say my female friends mention discomfort in their gut more regularly than the men in my life. Has there been any studies about that? And is that just that women are more in touch with their bodies than men? Or men think it's okay to be bloated and whatever. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Or is there actually some evidence that says potentially with women because of their cycle? I don't know what the person might be, that they might have more gut health issues. Women have more cravings. Women have more IBS, irritable bowel syndrome. Women have, women visit the doctor both because of convention, meaning like it's more, you know, men tend to not visit their doctor even when they have problems. But women have more of these issues and we're hormonal gut health. Cravings, like when we looked at the cravings research, first of all, there's not that much research on women in general, but
Starting point is 00:30:06 when you look at the cravings research, it's markedly different. How much cravings really dictate a woman's life versus a man? It's like double. It's interesting. Yeah. See, I got to tell you I was talking to a good friend this morning about our wives and their health and we were both pointing out to one another that our wives and I think this is just again these are over generalization right but that women typically put everybody else first and themselves last yeah, so they ignore these issues in their body they've got to take care of their spouse or their boyfriend or their parents or their children or their grandchildren or whatever it is and they just sort of push away the discomfort or the grandchildren or whatever it is and they just sort of push away the discomfort or the I think oftentimes like I'll get around to it but I've got to care for everybody else and that's why when I bring somebody like you on the show I hope all the ladies listening to this Really take note of it that you got it sometimes put yourself in the mix and the men listening to this
Starting point is 00:30:59 You have a woman in your life Ask her how she's feeling and she's got some of the symptoms of these things with energy or anxiety or depression or lack of dopamine or bloating or just discomfort, like whatever these things are, take care of your lady. Make sure she's taking care of herself. And so I just really glad that I asked you that because I wondered, it turns out it's true. Let's fix some of it for everybody. What is a pre-probiotic?
Starting point is 00:31:23 So probiotics is what we talked about, fermented food, probiotic food, food that has bacteria in it. That's probiotic. So we now know that eating as much, if you can get four servings of probiotics a day, that actually puts you in a category of the healthiest, gut bacteria. It actually can happen for you.
Starting point is 00:31:46 All of us, you know, anyone who's watching today, they can start to eat four to six servings of probiotic foods, which is, you know, the fermented cottage cheese, the yogurt, the kimchi, you can have apple cider vinegar. So there's a lot of things you can do. Prebiotics, so P-R-E, prebiotics, they're the food for your gut bacteria. So you and I have different gut bacteria, but we can be equally healthy if we're eating prebiotics. So prebiotics are the fibers and foods, the polyphenols.
Starting point is 00:32:19 What's a psyllium husk? Yeah, that's a great fiber. So remember about the six foods I was telling you, psyillium Hust checks your fiber off for the day. Why does fiber make me feel like I get a triple whammy good with fiber? Yeah. One stuff starts getting moving better. Yeah. Right, two I know the dip, but also I feel fuller.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Yeah. Is there anything else about that? Yeah, Sillium Hust actually expands in your gut. There you go. So we have stretch receptors, and when our stretch receptors get activated, leptin, our hormone that makes us feel full, gets set to the brain so you're like, oh, I feel fuller. That's why soup and salads and vegetables just are so good for our appetite control
Starting point is 00:32:56 because of these stretch receptors. It's a neurological system. So when you stretch it, it sends signals and it creates hormones that actually help you stay fuller. Fascinating to me. Is this good guys or what? Like legit. See, you're hearing stuff here. You don't hear every day. What if you're going, I got issues with this. What type of, what doctors do know about this? Or is this stuff like, we got to get on hungry, we got to read the blog, we're going to take the steps in it. But like, I don't even know who you would call. I mean, I guess, who do you talk to about it? So I'll tell you the truth. The problem is, this is a huge opportunity
Starting point is 00:33:34 for any company, any entrepreneur, right? Sure is, we said this last time, you're right. And anyone who wants to kind of get into this field, they can, right? But there's no gold standard, there's no test, no pill, nothing right now that you can take. Wouldn't it be awesome to take a lactobacillus cocktail of all these things that are going to boost
Starting point is 00:33:57 our dopamine levels. Right now, there is a company that sells the stool pills of athletes. No kidding. So you can get the fecal transplant that you always wanted from your favorite athlete, because you know athletes will do anything to get an edge, right? What if someone told you, hey, you can eat like an athlete, you can start to think like an athlete, you might start to have better hormone levels like that athlete wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Are you serious the last time you were here you educated me in the world about fecal transplants. And I thought well that's like one into the bazillion there's no way like. That's last ditch emergency effort i've exhausted all options but you're saying there's sort of a mini one. Are you being serious right now? I'm serious. Okay, first this for definition purposes a fecal transplant is what you covered on the last show But let's just do 30 seconds on that and you're saying more and more that you could actually get a pill that you're getting Lebron James Yeah, bacteria in your body because in Lebron James stool is 30 to 50% is bacteria in his stool.
Starting point is 00:35:06 So the best way for you to transplant his gut into your gut would be to swallow that stool or to have it placed in your gut somehow. Like the three you put it in. So a vehicle transplant is not currently not allowed by the FDA, right? Because they said it's really life saving for some people who, you know, just, they have this clostridium difficile, it's a very, very toxic bacteria. So they need a transplant from a healthy donor. So basically what they do is they take stool from a healthy donor, could be your family
Starting point is 00:35:38 member because it's like a blood product, you know, you really can pass anything through it. And they take it and they mix it up and then they put it back into you like with the, like if you've ever gotten a colonoscopy, they basically put it back into your gut. And it basically seeds your whole colon. And now you have a whole new gut bacteria. Well, what that does for me is, I know that's new, but it tells me is like this part of medicine or science or nutrition is starting to finally progress. That's what's exciting for me. And the company that's doing this, I mean, it's genius, right? You take
Starting point is 00:36:16 really great athletes, optimal hormone levels, great dopamine levels, you know, very, very fit and you take their stool and then you clean, you know, you make sure there's no diseases in there or whatever and then you put it in a pill and, would you take it? I don't know. Yeah, I think I would, be honest with you. I wouldn't, I, if it was in a pill, not the other way, said, but all you guys out there and ladies that are getting really fit, hey, maybe there's going to be another way to monetize your fitness at some point. There you go. There you go. You're're putting cups left and right and selling it. Let me tell you this though. If you want to do it the old fashioned way, remember that thing is like you're the sum of
Starting point is 00:36:52 the three people you spend the most time with. It's actually true. It's true. So you're saying you'd be the sum of the three people who's gut bacteria that you put into your body. Start sharing their food. Start doing more hand-to-hand content. I'm serious. That's why maternal, that's why moms and babies, when they breastfeed, that skin bacteria
Starting point is 00:37:14 goes into the child, it sees their gut when they come through the vaginal canal, it sees their gut. They have found that people that have C-section deliveries, they can tell 30 years later, 40 years later because there's a difference in their gut bacteria. It's incredible to me. And the last time you were here, someone didn't hear it, she did talk often about sharing food with your children. Yeah. And how that's like you shouldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:37:39 She's saying, oh, no, absolutely, you should do it because you're sharing that bacteria. So what is a psychobiotic? Okay. This is probably the billion, maybe like, you know, the diet industry is what? Four billion dollars, this is probably going to be double that. Okay. Psychobiotics is a next phase of mental health. So remember in the beginning, we were talking about how bacteria can make dopamine. It's much more potent. Yeah, it's great. It can also make serotonin. It can make GABA. It can make dopamine and it's much more potent. Yeah, it's great. It can also make serotonin. It can make GABA. It can make adrenaline.
Starting point is 00:38:08 It has the power to change your brain. You can transplant the gut, that bacteria from one human to another and change their entire mental state. Amazing. Schizophrenia can be cured in that sense. Depression. Autism, you take, you name it. So now we're doing a bismilly bad in mental health, right?
Starting point is 00:38:31 We are going skyrocketing up. What if we started to think about it in a different way? Maybe we don't just think about it as like a deficiency in a chemical, right? Maybe we start to think about it as like a deficiency in a chemical, right? Maybe we start to think about it as a whole body disease. Like I said, the big picture, the brain immune system and got. And we start from inside out rather than just, you know, giving them a pill. Yeah. You know, Amy, intuitively, this just makes sense to me. Yeah. Like it's the frontier of health now. So, I wanna go back for a minute. If you have somebody in your life right now,
Starting point is 00:39:08 I just wanna give you my layman's translation. You or anybody that you know that is struggling with gut health, or they don't even know they're struggling with gut health, but they've got emotional discomfort in their life, energy, drive, ambition issues, and you've tried a lot of other things. Why not start to eat these six super foods? Why not induce, introduce more fiber? Why not go to prebiotic route,
Starting point is 00:39:32 the probiotic route? Why not begin to do this and give it some time and see if you can really change the gut-brain relationship because I got to tell you like for me I'm thinking of so many people in my life that have really tried almost everything Yeah, and and also maybe be eating wrong too at the way they fast. That's a big one for me. Yeah, because it's it's It's connected. How does when you work out? Stay you know I read this stuff How does when we work out or how we work out affect our gut rhythm or gut health. The best probiotic you can take is exercise.
Starting point is 00:40:11 It is better than, and you could spend $150 a month and your exercise for 20 minutes, especially if it's outdoors, is going to do a better job. Because our gut bacteria love exercise. They produce this like happy chemical called butyrate. It's a type of short-chain fatty acid that goes all over the body, including the brain, to calm down inflammation. Inflammation in your brain is what makes you tired, what makes you unhappn. Have you ever noticed when you exercise, you feel happier, you feel more motivated, but
Starting point is 00:40:44 it has this anti-inflammatory effect on your body that is more than just the calories burned, right? So that is effect of short-chain fatty acids. Short-chain fatty acids is like an anti-inflammatory drug that you could never bottle up, but it happens when you exercise the gut bacteria make it. Really? I gotta tell you, I do feel better when I work out,
Starting point is 00:41:05 and I feel a level better when I work outside. Yeah. Why? I was gonna say when you were saying the change your food, I said, I would say, if you were gonna do one food thing, one non-food thing, okay? The non-food thing I would do is start to incorporate a sunny walk into your day.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Mm-hmm. One sunny walk into your day. One sunny walk into your day every day and see what kind of magic it does for your brain for your immune system for your gut. My mom just today said, you know, I've been getting sick a lot lately. I don't know. All these viruses around. I don't know what's going on. So I asked her, you know, about the diet. You know what? She hadn't exercised in the last month when this all started. And he said, it's the what's going on. So I asked her, you know, about the diet, you know what? She had an exercise in the last month when this all started. And he said, it's the exercise. It's not getting enough nature. It's not getting enough movement. You're really short-changing your immune system.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Goodness. My mom has those issues. Mom, start to walk her in that park more often. She's doing it a few days a week. It sounds so silly, right? Like, you feel like there should be like, there should be a million dollar medication or a savior. I always tell people that there is no one coming to save you. No one's coming on a white horse, and they're not, they're not going to have a cocktail of pills and drinks for you. They're not going to pick you up. You have to pick yourself up. You got to do the work.
Starting point is 00:42:28 You have to move your body. You have to eat the right foods. You have to save yourself. I don't think it's crazy at all. What on driving here today, one of my best friends called me, we're both saying to one another just in a malaise lately. Yeah. And both of us acknowledge that recently,
Starting point is 00:42:47 even when we wake up, like there's been mornings recently, more for him than me, but for both of us, where there's just dread about the day. And for some reason, we both reach the conclusion. We need to work out and take more walks. And I said to him, a very well-known businessman that I know, one of the richest men in the world. Now, he does an extreme thing. He walks like four or five hours a day. Right? And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:43:10 that might be extreme. I said, there's been something to his mental health, his creativity, his, he's in his 80s too, his longevity to being outdoors walking on a very regular basis. And it's just something that actually when I do it, and I put my phone down, I feel great. And I think you're a million percent. I don't think I know you're a million percent, right? And you obviously don't need me to validate your research and your work. But anecdotally, it's exactly right for me. I mean, and the reason why people don't say this, I think part of the industry that we, the world we live in, this capitalistic world, they don't want you to just get better
Starting point is 00:43:49 by walking around in the sun, right? Well, then you won't buy their stuff. Right. So speaking of that, you're reading my mind. What if I'm on medication? I'm listening to this and maybe it's not you, it's your mom or your kids or something, but I'm on a statin.
Starting point is 00:44:03 I'm on some medication for some ailment I've got. I got a figure if Champa, if alcohol's messing my gut up, somehow medication of any type is jacking with my gut somehow. Is it? Well, let's put it this way. We now know that there are many medications that inhibit the, you know, bacterial growth. We know obviously antibiotics is one of them, but now we know that acid-reducing medications, they also harm the gut bacteria.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Now I wouldn't, the problem with a lot of people is like, they want to just get off their meds, right? You can't just get off your meds. Dangerous. It's really dangerous. And sometimes you need those medications. So glad you threw. So glad you're doing it. You need to work with your doctor. And you need to say, Hey, doc, I want to start to reduce my medications. I'm
Starting point is 00:44:55 going to change my, I'm going to read this book. I'm going to change my diet. I'm going to start doing the exercise. Can we do this together? And then start to do it. Because some people, I mean, you need an SSRIs, those are the type of medications for depression or anxiety. You need that as a bridge. Maybe you're starting to do all that, but you need some time. You ain't got right away. You're in the danger zone. Gut bacteria starts to change in three days. Okay, I think that quickly. They, a landmark study in nature,
Starting point is 00:45:25 which is like the biggest, it's like the Harvard of research journals, reported a study where they rapidly changed the diet of people. And they just wanted to see like, how long does it take to start to see a big change in their microbiome? Three days.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Three days. Three days. Was that good news, everybody? Cause a lot of stuff in life takes forever. I mean, I'm sure it's not fixed in three days, but it's making progress in three days. Right. That's when it starts to, you start to feel, oh, you know, my cravings are a little different. And you know what, everyone,
Starting point is 00:45:56 you listen to my show every week. Like, can I just say something to you as someone who loves you and I do the show for you? Do some of this stuff now. Take something we've covered today and implement it. Take at least one of these things. Go get I'm so effing hungry. Read it. There's stuff in there that I've changed since the last time Amy was here. And it's, you know what? I think you sometimes have changes and you don't realize like, I have a lot of energy. Yeah. You know, I'm working harder right now at 51 years old
Starting point is 00:46:28 than I have ever worked in my life. And I worked really hard when I was young to go from broke to not broke anymore. And the truth is, I can honestly say this, I don't feel like it. I feel really good. Yeah. Really good.
Starting point is 00:46:43 For a dude, my age is hard as I work and travel. I attribute a lot of this stuff to many of the things you've taught me. One just thing for me, it was just really simple because I'm a simple person. I'm taking a probiotic, going forward, and I'm starting to eat way more fiber. Those two things, just for me alone,
Starting point is 00:47:01 I'm like, this is a huge difference for me. It's just fiber alone, it seems really simple, but like, this is a huge difference for me. It's just fiber alone, like it seems really simple, but it's been a major game changer for me, so thank you. Just one, you know, you talk about one more. The power of one more, I mean, the thing that I think is so great for people when they hear that, when they read the book, is that you can do one more, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:24 like so like you said, you can have one thing that has fiber in the day. That's, you can take one walk. Right, and the reason I like doing one or two is then if things haven't changed, I know that wasn't the issue. It's the next thing, right? And so I'll go to the next thing.
Starting point is 00:47:40 What's chrononotrition? Yeah, chrononotrition is this time restricted eating in the literature it's called, but we call it circadian fasting. That's chrononotrition is you are supposed to be eating at certain times of the day. Medications actually work better when taken at certain times of the day.
Starting point is 00:47:58 There's a whole, I mean, we never even talk about when to eat. We always talk about what to eat, right? So there's a whole, there's a clock in every single one of ourselves. And if we're not following that clock, you will feel exhausted. You will feel hungry. You will feel the cravings. Have you ever not gotten a good night's of sleep?
Starting point is 00:48:20 You're good. Are you reading my dad's mind right now? Because it's about sleep was my next question. Please go. Because you talk about this a lot in the book. Yeah. It's sleep and things we can do to sleep better. So yeah, like the number one reason I wanted you back here for me to answer your question so that you can give the brilliance now is if there is an element to my wellness game
Starting point is 00:48:41 that there's still a big hole in, it is sleep. And I think for a lot of people that they don't sleep well. They don't sleep deeply, they don't get into the right brainwave states early enough in sleep or long enough, they're not really resting when they sleep. So heck yeah, I know what it's like not to sleep well. So please fix this for all of us. Well, I have a question for you.
Starting point is 00:49:02 If you want to share. What is your sleep like? please fix this for all of us. Well, I have a question for you. If you want to share. Sure. What is your sleep like? What's the issue that you usually have? Okay. And then I can, we can use you as an example. Okay. Well, in my case, my heart rates too high when I sleep,
Starting point is 00:49:16 I don't like my resting heart rate. I've been working on that. I would say it's staying asleep. So I don't know about that hard of a time anymore. You still have a hard time falling asleep. My mind was racing. I've done things with making the room cooler, making it very dark in the room,
Starting point is 00:49:32 trying not to eat for a while before. But for me, it's staying asleep. I wake up a lot in the middle of the night. And then when I wake up, getting back into any type of deep sleep, I find, you know, once I'm up, it feels like very surface sleep to me. What are the hours that you wake up usually? A lot. So I would say, I'm also a 50 year old man. So every once in a while, we have to get up and pee
Starting point is 00:49:58 in the night. But I would say that I probably get up. It's moniker. I want those order rings. Yeah. Tells me, I'd say I'm up every 90 minutes or so. Maybe every two hours, best case scenario. So I'm glad you did the sleep hygiene thing because, and that's what you were saying, the blackout curtains, you keep the room cold, you start to not eat. But the other thing about it,
Starting point is 00:50:20 and you didn't mention this part, is a blue light. Are you getting a is a blue light. Are you getting a lot of blue light or looking at your phone, looking at your computer, activating? So, when you have an activating charge conversation, email, phone call, right before bed, what you're telling your brain is that there's a threat. You know, there's a line outside, Your brain's not gonna let you sleep. Your brain's gonna keep you on light mode,
Starting point is 00:50:47 keep you alert so that the little sound will wake you up. Yeah, I'm blue light till I go to sleep. I'm on my phone until I go to sleep. I'm on my phone and then... And then what about in the morning? Morning, I'm a little better. I'm a little better when I wake up. I've got that 30 minute rule where I don't touch my phone.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Most days for the first 30 minutes, but I have to be completely honest with you. That blue lights in my grill till my eyes close. Yeah. In my bed, I'm, heck, it's when I'm reading, it's when I'm doing emails, it's when I'm buying on Amazon, what I want or think about. So yeah, I'm on that phone and I am on that phone all the time as well. What about when you wake up in the middle of the night? I do check it. Yeah. Because you know what? Because I have this goofy rule. It's not goofy. It's good. I don't check it. Once I wake up in the morning, but when I get up at 2 a.m. do I check my phone? Absolutely. So one bout of blue light delays your
Starting point is 00:51:37 melatonin by 90 minutes. So when I have you ever noticed that I, so what you want to do when you wake up in the middle of the night is not look at your phone. Maybe you get a clock if you need to look at the time of analog clock, a different way to check the time. If you're just curious, don't turn on the lights. Do you kind of the squint and you know, walk to the bathroom, dark, dark, dark, keep your thoughts really clear, not you're not going into your to-do list at 2am. Don't start to rehearse like, oh, I got this big guest tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:52:14 I got to, you know, you don't want to be in your forboring, right? Because that's going to keep you up. So keeping it dark, keeping it kind of very, very dim and your thoughts very, very calm, and then get back into bed. And then see what happens because when you look at your phone, you activate those frontal centers, those are the, that's what's keeping you up. So when you talk about, when people take THC marijuana cannabis, all of these aspects. What this happening is it turns off the forebrain. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:50 And so they're able to relax. What do you think about doing that? Taking some gummy before you go to sleep. My problem with that is that what do you do when you don't have the gummy? How do you, it's like, I'm fine with taking melatonin, taking, you know, oils, taking, you know, whatever you need, as a, you know, stopgap method.
Starting point is 00:53:13 But what are you gonna do for the rest of your life? You can't, you have to learn how to turn that four brain off, right? Like, you have to learn to get out of, if you don't train yourself to do that, then you're always going to have that crutch. That's my only issue with all of this stuff, right? If you can't socialize without your alcohol, are you really, are you really social? No, right?
Starting point is 00:53:36 You're really right, Amy. That's my deal. It's the blue light for me. Some people it's the room's not dark enough or cold enough for whatever. It's the cortisol, you know, also, I don't know about you, but I have a high stress life You go to bad stress you wake up in the middle of the night because you have a little bump of your cortisol in the middle of the night And for some of us high-strung people that bump is enough to kind of Wake you I sometimes wake up and like you know, especially when I have a lot going on. That's how I know me too
Starting point is 00:54:04 Yeah, I know me too. I love your work. Okay. Two more questions. I want to go, I want to go four hours, but we can't. So water, hydration, as it relates to gut health and wellness. And like, there's this thing drink a gallon of water a day. Yeah. Does that, does your, how big you are calibrating that?
Starting point is 00:54:22 Like, I don't know, you probably weigh 105 pounds or something like that. I weigh 210 pounds. Are we supposed to drink the same amount of water or is there some ratio there that matters? It's ridiculous, right? That's cool. It's what we call bro science. You know, drink eight glass of water a day.
Starting point is 00:54:38 There's no study. I was even surprised because I thought, how could there be no study saying that you should be drinking eight-class of water, no study? This is just, I don't even know how it came about. Basically, if you talk to any kidney specialist, this blood specialist, we are trying to prevent dehydration. So you just tell people, shrink before you get thirsty because if you're getting
Starting point is 00:55:05 thirsty it's already a sign that you're starting to get dehydrated, right? So you want to drink enough for your body that when you go to the bathroom, it's light yellow. Okay. It's not dark yellow, it's not orange, you know, it is. It shouldn't be an odor from it. Am I right about that? Yeah, there. I mean, sometimes certain foods like asparagus, like, yeah, odor makes that odor. But really, when you're drinking water, even a little bit of dehydration can make you hungry, can make you crave, can make you tired.
Starting point is 00:55:35 So you really wanna stay on top of that hydration. So for you, it may be a gallon, but for me, that might be half a gallon. Okay, so you're one of the fittest people that's ever been on my show. And you're telling me, you don't drink a gallon of water a day. Because your body size, you don't drink that much.
Starting point is 00:55:49 I drink to thirst, like, I mean, I drink before I get thirsty. If I'm thirsty, that's a sign that I gotta drink a lot of water. Okay, and also, I would imagine when you're eating a lot of vegetables and things like that, there's actually water in some of the food you're ingesting too, right? Probably not a lot, but there's some water in that food as well.
Starting point is 00:56:08 And you know, but you have to remember that a lot of us are drinking a ton of coffee, which is a diuretic. So you got to counteract the coffee that you're drinking. Coffee, by the way, is great for your dopamine because it actually increases the dopamine receptors in your brain. So it's good for motivation, but then it dehydrates. A lot of people drink it to go to the bathroom for me and real. I have to tell you something and then one last question. As I started to eat more the way your book recommends, this is a really weird thing.
Starting point is 00:56:37 I crave and dislike coffee more. I don't know what it is, but like I can't even drink a full cup of coffee anymore, where it's I'm like a coffee addict. Now I don't know what it is, but I can't even drink a full cup of coffee anymore. I'm like a coffee addict. Now, I don't know what it is. I think it's because all my stuff, my pipes are working really good without it. That I don't really drink that much coffee. I didn't mind. No one's ever told me it's bad to drink coffee, but I just, frankly, crave less of it. When I made my coffee, I wanted lots lots of splendor sugar or something in it.
Starting point is 00:57:05 And again, I think my gut health is improved to the point where I don't have the craving for sugar so early in my day. And that distinction between craving and health is huge. You wanted to say something I could tell. I was going to say that I'm sure you say this. Motivation follows action, right? For gut health, that's true because you start to make the changes and then those bacteria start to motivate you. I don't know what it is with you and I today,
Starting point is 00:57:32 but like you're right where I'm going, like thank you. So my last question is you say this in the book that the way you think, so can affect your gut health. So there's that your gut health can affect the way you think, but also the way you think can affect your gut health. So there's your gut health can affect the way you think, but also the way you think can affect your gut health. That part, you're pushing my ability to understand. So finish with that, because I'm a think, I'm a mindset guys,
Starting point is 00:57:55 you said to some extent, how does how we think impact our gut health and what should we be thinking impact it the right way? That's why I said, we're missing the big picture because that brain has so much power to create change in your body. We know our brain has the power to heal us to make us happy, to make us a better people, right? They have seen studies already, human studies, where you take someone who's generally a happy
Starting point is 00:58:27 go lucky, well, they rated their well-being as high. They have different gut bacteria. Crazy. Then people who generally rate themselves as kind of more negative people, right? So what you think can change your gut bacteria. That blows my mind. By the way, I should have great gut bacteria then. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Because I think the right stuff most of the time I'd like to think that I do. That should be more motivation to, you know, hang out with the right people, think the right things, look at the right social media sites because your brain has so much power. I'm so glad you just said that. And I'm really glad you came back on the show. I think you're one of the most interesting people, and this is one of the most interesting topics.
Starting point is 00:59:16 And I told you, I was really glad the last time you were on that everybody seemed to agree. Because I do think it's so important, and there's a part of me that thought, okay, we're gonna talk about stomach and gut, and no. Everyone was like, oh my gosh, this is incredible. And I think today was even better.
Starting point is 00:59:30 I hope so. So I think you're remarkable. And thank you for all my gifts today, by the way, too. I'm so honored to be on your show because I'm such a huge fan of your work. Thank you. Thank you. Well, you know that that's extremely mutual.
Starting point is 00:59:43 And you're gonna come on again. It's gonna happen again everybody. By the way, just first off very clearly I want to express to you my gratitude and thank you and and thank you for your work and keep doing it because It's changing and saving lives. It just really is guys. This is why I do the show right here. It's day like today like I know we did really good stuff for all of you today and The reason certainly isn't me. It's Dr. Shaw So please go get her book. I I'm so effing hungry depending on when you hear this might be on pre-order It might be already out doesn't matter go to Amazon grab a copy or get one in advance and Let's make this thing a bestseller because the more people that know this stuff the more people are gonna live happier
Starting point is 01:00:24 longer more fulfilling lives. Thank you everybody. And hey, while you're grabbing her book, go grab the power of one more if you haven't yet. Number one. Number one nonfiction book on the planet until this one comes out. So thank you everybody. God bless you, share today's show, max out your life.
Starting point is 01:00:39 This is the endmila Show.

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