THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Growing Up "A Mylett" w/ Bella & Max Mylett

Episode Date: August 2, 2022

I've had lots of interesting and important people on my show over the past few years.  But this week is EXTRA SPECIAL for me because my children, MAX AND BELLA, agreed to sit down for a chat with dad.Part of the reason I asked Max and Bella to join me this week is that I know lots of you are curious about what it's like living in our home. As you'll hear, it's probably not that much different than yours.My success has allowed us to do some cool things over the years, and it has changed our lives for the better.  But Max and Bella will also tell you how being a part of a public family and my accomplishments have affected them and their relationships with others. It can be complicated at times.I ask lots of questions. More importantly, I also listen. Sometimes Max and Bella don't need answers, they just need to know that you hear them. There's extreme value in letting your kids figure things out for themselves.Like my father, I've tried to instill that it's not the size of your bank account that matters. Your CHARACTER and HOW YOU TREAT OTHER PEOPLE determine how rich you really are. The greatest thing you can do as a parent is to prepare your kids for the world. TEACH them, let them EXPLORE, LEARN from their failures, and let them CARVE OUT their own lives.You two are my GREATEST JOYS in life.Love…Dad

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Ed Milach Show. Alright everybody, welcome back to the show. Today is very special for me because there's two people that I love very, very much here today. And I've not shown each of them very much on my social media over the years just because I wanted to give them privacy and anonymity themselves if they wanted it. But so many of you have asked over time, tell us more about your family, what that's like
Starting point is 00:00:30 and your kids and what's it like to grow up to be a mylet, lessons learned in our family, different stuff, maybe we've not shared before. And I look at our audience as an extension of our family. And so I've asked my children to be here today. So welcome to the show, Max, mylet, and Bella, mylet my children to be here today. So welcome to the show Max Mylet and Bella Mylet. Great to have you. Thank you. Great to be here. So it's great to have you. I love you guys. Love you. So people ask all the time what it's
Starting point is 00:00:57 like to be in our family. I'm curious for you guys. What was it? What is it like to grow up in our family? Or you know, maybe a family that's had a little bit of financial success or whatever, what was that like growing up Maximus? Well, I would say it's a little bit different than what everybody would think it is because for us growing up initially, we didn't really know kind of what the difference was versus other people. Like, the whole spectrum from high school and college, it took a bit to figure out like how different the impact you were making and the wealth that you were
Starting point is 00:01:28 accumulating basically over time. You think it was, you think it was like hard to tell because we're just like any other family, right? I mean, there's no real inside our family. We don't look at ourselves as any different than any other. Yeah, I know. We're just completely normal people. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Like, I don't, we don't see us different versus any other family, basically anywhere at school or anything like that. What about you, Boo? I mean, same thing in the beginning, I like had no idea the difference between like, if our family was any different than anyone else's, but I mean, it was definitely lucky to go up like this and go on like nice trips, go to copo, stuff like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:01 So, but I mean, it always felt very normal. I didn't feel like anything like, oh, we're super different than anyone else. It was just similar. It still feels that way, doesn't it? I mean, I don't feel like, I mean, just the fact that we've been able to live in some nice places or do some cool stuff. I mean, we just, you know, we're not any different in that sense, but I do think, you know, like, for example, you Bella, maybe, well, Max, too, both of you guys even growing up, weren't you a little like, you even wanna bring people over.
Starting point is 00:02:26 You didn't want them to know that maybe you had a nice house or whatever. Why for each of you was that did you not, you didn't want people to like you for that reason or like why? Cause there was a long time both of you are like, you know what I mean, my friends at the beach, but not at our house, you go to another beach.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Yeah. Why Boo? I think I don't know. I think it was kind of like I didn't want people to know that my family had money. So they would look at me differently kind of. And like, almost in the way of like, other kids, if you had money, would kind of look at you and be like,
Starting point is 00:02:53 oh, like she must be like a stuck up type of person or something like that. And I kind of wanted my friends to just like like me and not be like, oh, she lives in like Laguna Beach, like we should go to her house. Like I was like, didn't want that to happen. What about you?
Starting point is 00:03:07 I would say it's kind of the same thing. When you grow up, kind of like how we did, sometimes people can make like judgments about you right before actually getting to know you. So if they kind of know like who you were, like I've had people that come up to me and I've had friends that have not known you at all and that eventually found out.
Starting point is 00:03:24 And the way they treat you and like how they talk to me is completely different. Oh, that was a different. Well, some people will be like, oh, like, oh, your dad said, my let. Can you sign my book? Can I ask him a couple questions? I even had someone ask if they wanted to like stay a couple of days just so they could talk to you.
Starting point is 00:03:40 First is I have some friends that just grew up, like, they're just normal people. And I was just talked to them and then they found out. to you versus I have some friends that just grew up, like they're just normal people. And I was just talked to them and then they found out the build relationships with you kind of like a normal way. I think that's what good for them too, but like they didn't, it weren't friends with me just like for money or to get to know you, they were actually just genuine friends.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Yeah, do you, cause I don't know, I mean, I feel like I mean, you guys even to this day, like we function very normally, like neither one of you Spent lots of money. Yeah, like really great cars bella's Car but it's not a car you think some little rich little girl has right? She's not driving on a number say these are gonna be in W or anything like that. She paid for it
Starting point is 00:04:19 She's cute. She's cute. She's cute and even in your case you drive my old truck. Yeah, it's your truck You're driving old truck that I had so I don't You know, we've been a pretty good job of that stuff. Do you either you feel any like pressure coming from a You know, I don't know like a family that's you know made some impact or anything like that Is there any pressure that comes along with that or you just discard that all together? I don't I mean maybe a little bit of pressure just being like oh wow like I Want to end up successful as well, but I think it's more like motivating,
Starting point is 00:04:47 being able to actually like see someone in your life that's like one of the most important people do so well and do so much. It's like, wow, I want to do a lot. Instead of just like seeing someone from afar and like having an idol, it's like, you're with this person every day. You live with them.
Starting point is 00:05:02 It's like so motivating. And you know how screwed up I am and weird I am? Yeah. Well, no, and that too, it's like we see the side of you. That's not like, oh, he's like killing you and going on trips. Like we see him like waking up like six a.m. sitting on the couch, like drinking coffee with like seeing to the dogs. Yeah. No, I think that's really important for people to know. Like there's not some robot there. Like I have good mornings and bad mornings. I'm in a good mood and a bad mood on some days some days I'm motivated and inspiring. Sometimes I'm kind of a jerk, right? Like there's this them. Yeah, like, well, it's like some mornings that's like anytime I leave the house, like you're
Starting point is 00:05:31 yelling at me like, like, like today, like, my friends are waking up from a sleepover and you're like yelling like, today's gonna be great. And then but there's also days when it's like you're just drained and tired and tired. By the way, when she says yelling, she means yelling motivational things. Like you're not super star. Yeah, no, like you got this. I'm like, it's seven a.m. I used to roll your eyes a lot when I did that. Do you think it was good? Like if you were talking to parents listening to this,
Starting point is 00:05:56 do you think that was a good thing to send you? Like, hey, you're a sweet star. Was that actually even though you were on your honest, that's a good thing? Like even though I'd like played off and be like, oh my god, like shut up now. It was like, that's nice to hear in the morning. Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:07 So it's nice to go up and have like, affirmation when some kids don't grow up. Can I have my band? Yeah, I would say you're a leader. Yeah. So you say to me, hug's not drugs. Rachel and I brought that up the other day.
Starting point is 00:06:18 How every morning you were like, times more drugs, like, you got it. What are you gonna say, Vex? I was gonna say, I remember growing up. you still do it a lot, but especially when I stayed at home, wasn't in college every night, you'd be like, hey, you're a leader, you're a champion, you're the greatest of all time. And that kind of just built like a mindset in, where it's like, I can do all these things, like I can be a leader, I can be great.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I can do all these things and actually have some self confidence. Do you feel pressure being the son of someone who's, you know, I, this is really weird tone. I don't mean for people to think I, I hope everyone understands us in the tone. Which is a normal family. Like we don't ever talk like this. Never, never, never, never what you like to come from our family. Oh, we've never talked about that. Never. You're, you know, you're going off to college, Bella Max. You're going to be a junior college. We never talked like this before. I know that support her. but I know it's super weird for us because for us, we're just
Starting point is 00:07:07 a family and for us, it's just like, you know, very normal every single day and we don't look at ourselves nor are we any different than any other family, but we're a public family now. And you know, obviously, you know, there's a responsibility that comes to that, but for you, you know, being the son of someone who's, you know, made a little bit of a difference in the world or having some financial success, I've heard from your mom and from other people that sometimes you go, Hey, I feel a little bit of pressure not to end up average and ordinary or anything like that. Well, yeah, I think that's very true.
Starting point is 00:07:36 And I can't speak for you, but for me, I feel like you've set a bar in a standard for me. I think for Bella and everybody in our family, like our cousins, our aunts, uncles, everything. You set a bar that I feel like we have to meet expectations that we have to meet. Obviously you grow up and we're fortunate enough to even be in a podcast like this. I feel like there's certain things, certain standards that we have to hold to that most people don't have. Well, maybe you'll take the show over Sunday too. Because I get a little bit older.
Starting point is 00:08:03 You know, have I made it clear to the two of you that I don't think what you do for a living has to necessarily bring money? For sure. 100% for sure. Yeah, how have I done that? I mean, you tell us like, when we talk about like, oh, what are you gonna do when you go up?
Starting point is 00:08:17 You're never like, you're always like, you could be like, anything you want, you could be a vet, you could be like, but nurse, you could be like a living on an island renting canons to people like you could be a vet, you could be like, but nurse, you could be like a living on an island renting canons to people like you could do anything. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Basically, you told us basically chase after what you love to do the most because sometimes money can just come with that. Sometimes it doesn't, but if you love it enough, it's okay. Yeah. And a lot of the people that I've told you a lot of the people that I know that are happiest in life. The money is not part of that equation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:41 So what they love, what they do, they make a difference to do that stuff. Yeah. One thing I would ask you is when you were growing up, obviously, for, I don't know if everybody knows this, but you play college baseball, like I'm a college golfer. Mm-hmm. Did you want to get more into money with that? Or did you just want to become a professional just because you love baseball?
Starting point is 00:08:57 I loved baseball. Um, I didn't do anything even in business to make money. Through the truth is that even in the beginning, I like in my financial career, I remember the apartment that I lived in back in the day didn't get automated deposit, right? You would get checks. Yeah, but I had checks stacked up on my dresser that I had not cashed yet that were about to expire,
Starting point is 00:09:20 not because I didn't need the money. I wasn't getting rich, but I was paying my bills and I was loving what I was doing. I was not doing need the money. I wasn't getting rich, but I was paying my bills and I was loving what I was doing. I was not doing it for money. I think when I came out of the orphanage, when I worked at McKinley, it became more like of a cause thing. I have really never consciously ever had any meeting where I'm like, oh, wow, I'm making this or I could make that even, you know, if I go speak or do anything or even like the
Starting point is 00:09:40 show, I don't even know what I make from the show. Honestly, don't know. People ask me all the time, I know there's advertisers, I know it's a lot of money, but I couldn't tell you how much. I never think about that. I don't think about the rankings or the ratings often I check them. Hey, wow, we're first this month, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:54 I went more from a competitive standpoint, than a financial standpoint. So for me, it was always that I wanted to compete and I liked what I was doing. I didn't like every single part of what I was doing, but in baseball, I just loved the game, you know, and then in business, most of the businesses I've had, I've loved, you know, most of them I love most of what I'm doing,
Starting point is 00:10:13 but I've also been, I've told you both this before, I'm willing to do things I don't wanna do in order to be successful. I'm willing to do things I don't enjoy in order to be successful. I've in loved every part of every business I've had for sure. So yeah, what about you and golf? I would kind of say it's the same thing. Like I just do it because I love to golf. I love the
Starting point is 00:10:30 competition as you kind of say with baseball. A lot of people know some people joke like golf's not a sport or anything like that. Some people just go out just to have fun, not as much competition. And you did an interview with Zach Johnson before as well. And he kind of went into this too. He just loves to compete. Like I'll be out with my friends, teammates even family will do like monopoly. I will find every single way to try and win him an Op-A-L. You cheat him monopoly. Yeah, it is completely on Yeah, I can't do it here. It is messed up completely. She's And I get me over every bell and I play legal
Starting point is 00:11:03 Ethical monopoly and you and your mom are constantly cheating interesting last game we actually ended up on top and they both admitted to cheating correct and we both it well it actually the end the only reason I beat you is because Max cheated it gave me all his money so you would look correct the next whole money from me in the middle of them I didn't see all money what you did you gave me too much I just didn't give you change back that would cost five $500 from me that would be so until the next day because the game was longer like hey I got to let you know at least you have some honesty you know well I would say remorse for that but yeah, but Bella and I play it
Starting point is 00:11:36 Allegedly straight up so I want to mention that's only a monopoly Oh I don't know Max I actually really really dealt out. Oh no come on. Yeah, so you know, okay, who knows maybe the only other one? See like that's people think what I mean what your family must really do a bunch of cool stuff Yeah, actually we basically sit around play pretty much like board games and watch TV like everybody else We don't take extravagant vacations or anything We are invocation will still do those things We're just a main and we're like sitting every night playing Monopoly. Yeah, it's actually really really true
Starting point is 00:12:07 What do you want to ask me? I want to ask you what makes you kind of feel peace because you're always like going and Will you work in like chaos all the time? Do you ever want like simpler life later on or do you want to keep you know the crazy? Well, I think I find peace in doing the work. I think part of that I really, really love, you know, I like, I like work a lot. But there's a part of me that knows when I'm burning out or I'm wearing down, probably right now between my book, the TV show, the podcast, all the businesses that I have all the speaking, you guys getting ready to go off to college. Friends, family. My book, the TV show, the podcast, all the businesses that I have, all the speaking. You guys getting ready to go off to college, friends, family, all the preparation that
Starting point is 00:12:50 goes all that stuff. I'm definitely a little bit tired right now. So yeah, I do. There'll be a day where I won't go at this pace. And there's also times where I've paced myself. You guys probably don't remember, but when you were little, there were windows where I did take some breathers. I was more of a sprinter back then. I would work really hard for say 90 days, and then I would, you know, shift gears
Starting point is 00:13:11 down for a week or two or three, not that I didn't work, but I've never been really good at just taking complete time off. Yeah. You know, like I'm gonna take three weeks off. I'm on vacation, I don't really do that, but I definitely know how to downshift from fifth gear to like second or third, when we do that stuff. And I did more of that when you were younger as you guys started to become more independent and have your friends in your life.
Starting point is 00:13:32 I was kind of like, all right, I'm gonna shift back up again to like, you know, fifth gear again and I sort of stayed there but idling really, really high for a while. So I'm a little bit fatigued on that. Would you say for you when you are doing all this hard work, do you find the piece kind of more in like the process of it? Like you actually physically doing the work? Or do you think more of the result and the impact it has on those are two things. That's a great
Starting point is 00:13:54 question. By the way, you guys could host the show. So by the way, most people don't know this. Max was the editor of this podcast for the first year or so. So every show I did, most people don't know this. Every show I did, I recorded on my laptop computer on a microphone and it was a mess. And then Max was the editor. I had my giant iPad with some freest editing software. I don't even know what it was called. And just knock off brand. And we would basically just sit down for like,
Starting point is 00:14:20 with like an hour or two, basically, depending on how long the interview was. Sometimes longer. Sometimes longer. And I get to hear his voice on repeat for like three hours straight. Yeah, a lot of same color. And what did I pay you just so you know because he's a rich kid's building. What did you get paid? Do you remember to do a show?
Starting point is 00:14:34 Ah, depending on how long it was. I think it was over an hour. It was like 40 bucks maybe and then anything less. It was like, whoa, whoa, whoa. I did one show where I got 20 bucks. Yeah, you did. You did the one you got 20. Why did I get 20?
Starting point is 00:14:45 He got 20 for one's under an hour. Yeah. And then he got 40 for one's at or an hour and a half. Yeah, but like those were like three and four hours. Yeah, you didn't get shipped. He got 20 bucks a show for the most part. But what was cool about it was that you were learning from all of my guests.
Starting point is 00:14:57 But most people, you know, probably would be surprised to know that you know, what is really number one business and personal development show in the world, which is the show started in my bedroom on a microphone and my son was the editor. And we just edit over and by the way, that software is really bad. So we go back and we're trying to get an um-out
Starting point is 00:15:14 or trying to get a word out of it. We take 30 minutes, no go back, place this sentence with that sentence and we're getting mad at each other. And that's how this thing started and the other part of it too, because that should show you that can begin anywhere and to get your kids involved with stuff that you do.
Starting point is 00:15:26 But I think was a good for you though. I'll answer your question. It was a good for you to like listen to whoever's on back in those days. Tim Grover, Zach Johnson, Andy for sale. Tony Robbins was one of the first ones. Yeah. He was one of the first ones too. I remember when we did that interview, you kept trying to say like this one on and it
Starting point is 00:15:40 was very fast pace and we just couldn't fix it. But no, those interviews definitely changed me a lot. And I've even been able to connect with a couple of guys. Tim Grover as an example. Yeah. I was able, he's been able to help me out a ton, kind of just the golf and the mental stuff, kind of just like how you have listening to that stuff
Starting point is 00:15:56 over and over again. Yeah. It kind of has built like a subconscious thing where I kind of know how to react in certain situations where I kind of didn't really know that before. Yeah, I definitely saw you start to change then. Yeah. I don't know, what were you 14?
Starting point is 00:16:09 Something like that probably? Yeah, like 14, 15. Yeah. So to answer your question, I love the process of stuff. To me, there's a difference between the results and the impact. So results is like, okay, did it go well or go bad? You know, usually if I could do something that really goes well, I don't know that I enjoy it like you might think, because I'm sort of like I could have done this better. I could go to or go bad. You know, usually if I do something that really goes well, I don't know that I enjoy it like you might think,
Starting point is 00:16:26 because I'm sort of like I could have done this better. I go to the next thing, but impact I do love. And so the process I love that gives me peace and the impact. So like if I've given a talk or this show, like this today, right? When we're done, I'll go, I should have said this, we could have done that, you know, I'm a should have could a person a lot in life
Starting point is 00:16:41 where I wanna be better, because that makes you grow, I don't think that's bad. But the impact it would make on someone listening to this, that part, that is why I do it. That's why I would give a speech. That's why I was in the real estate space, the financial space, any of the businesses that I've had, it's sort of for the impact.
Starting point is 00:16:58 That part of it's super, super cool for me. So yeah, definitely. Boo, I'm curious for you, what, like, what's a good lesson? Because I think as a parent, a lot of stuff, and it could be your mom or I, either one of us, I think a lot of stuff as parents is like caught, not taught. Like you just catch stuff from people, right? What if what have you caught as a kid in our family that you think is something you would want your kids to catch some day. Like behavior that you see. I think honesty for sure,
Starting point is 00:17:28 like just seeing like, you know, there's things where it's like, well, catch mom may be like, fibbing about something or like, you know, mom's like, oh, if it's like about a sandwich or something, we didn't have like turkey and like not telling someone, it's like just being like, just don't lie.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Like there's no point, just be honest. Who's that, that's me saying that? I mean both of you like, yeah, mostly probably you saying that being like, there's there's no point just be honest. Who's that, that's me saying that? I mean, Paul, to be like, yeah, mostly probably you saying that being like, there's like, let's just be honest. Let's be real like, we do, there wasn't any turkey. She is right. You guys have been very honest. I mean, just everything growing up,
Starting point is 00:17:57 like even if it's just business stuff, work, whatever it is, you've been very straightforward with us. If you're doing a real estate thing, I mean, sometimes you'll wait a tad to tell us, but then find out you tell us all about it, yes, for our opinions. You kind of also would just bring us into your decision sometimes.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Like you made us feel like we had kind of a big say in a lot of the things, especially in the past, like what you've done financially, starting Instagram. Like I remember Boo and I were doing your post. You didn't know what a hashtag was You knew absolutely nothing and we were Trying to help you get the ball rolling you kind of let us into everything. Yeah, I thought it was hash browns Yeah, I know people don't know that but when we first started on on
Starting point is 00:18:38 Social media stuff max was my account manager I actually referred to it as insta face because I didn't know what Facebook and Instagram was at first and Tony Robbins had told me you better post around breakfast time every single day. Be consistent, which I still do. I post everything on social media at 730 Pacific time every day. But I also thought it was Brett. He said something about breakfast. And I heard him say, make sure you add hash browns.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Yeah. And I'm like, I don't know why you need to do this. So unlike the video has a plate of hash browns in front of me at breakfast time. I shoot the video that way because Tony told me that you should have hash browns in post a breakfast time. And then the video didn't get very many views at all. I got like four views and one like and I called them and I go, look, this is not working what you told me to do at the hash browns at breakfast time.
Starting point is 00:19:18 And he's like, what's the next? You talk. We had a plan about that too. I don't like it. I'm like, what's wrong with you, man? Like, why aren't we having hash browns in these videos? You're the social media manager and he's like, you dumbass, it's not hash browns, it's hashtags.
Starting point is 00:19:32 I'm like, oh crap. And I'm like, what's a hashtag? He goes, I don't know, it's like a pound sign in a word. He didn't even know either. You just put a pound sign on there with a word. I'm like, why is that releving? I don't know, make some fine, find your videos.
Starting point is 00:19:42 So that's where we started was with hash browns and insta-face and you editing my podcast. So back to you, Bella Booth. There's questions from the audience for you, which is, I think pretty good. I want to know some of these things from you actually. What are you worried about? Do you go into Clemson?
Starting point is 00:19:58 Yeah. You're leaving. By the way, people ask, why are you having them on the show now? Why are you sharing your kids? I've always tried to keep your privacy and anonymity for you. For the most part, I mean, I'll put you on there a little bit and your mom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:11 But now you're grown-ups, you're leaving. And so it's probably time that you start to message the world a little bit. But you're going off to college. What is someone like you going off to college? Like, what are you excited about and what are you worried about? I'm excited for a new phase in my life to like be able to try things and kind of like I feel like I'm at the age where I can start like dipping my toes in the water and to like
Starting point is 00:20:31 start and work things and like kind of what I want to do on the opposite of that like a little bit scary like I don't know what I really want to do yet but I'm excited just to like start figuring it out and like being independent to, living on my own, being away like obviously far away from you guys, just kind of figuring out by myself. Yeah. But done my little scared of like, I don't know really what I'm doing yet,
Starting point is 00:20:55 but I feel like I feel like I'm super ready and have like everything I need, I think I'm developed enough. I think it's cool that you don't know what you wanna do. I think a lot of young people listen to this or people that have young people. I think that's the time of your life. We should try a lot of different things and see what
Starting point is 00:21:10 clicks. See what feels at home. See what you get passionate about. See what you're good at. Yeah. And that's what I want you to do. I want you to go there and try different things. Most people switch their major a couple different times. And if you do great, if you don't, that's awesome. It's
Starting point is 00:21:21 even okay. If you leave college and you don't know what to do, you just start doing different things until something lands. So, yeah. And in your case, Max, you're going to be a junior, you're playing golf, you know, was there a turning point for you in golf, which I know what it was, but was there a turning point for you? Because this is, to be honest, Max played a lot of sports when he was young and he worked very hard at it, very hard. But I would think you would even agree with me that from a natural athleticism standpoint. There's not a...
Starting point is 00:21:50 No, well no, you are now, but when you were little, other kids had more natural athletic ability than you, even in our own family, right? And so, where did it change for you? I know this answer, but you can tell it was... Well, I feel like there's a lot of turning points where you could kind of say, like it was a big shift. One of them was finding out that I actually had glasses, so I kind of get that from mom, the vision part, which, yeah, that kind of was a first, a big issue.
Starting point is 00:22:16 But the second one, I would say is there's specific golf tournament I played in. I think this is what you're thinking about. I was probably what, like, like 10 or 11 you would say. And it was like a US kids tournament for those who don't know. It was just like a, some of the tournaments are a big deal. Some of them aren't,
Starting point is 00:22:31 but you were able to caddy for me in the tournament. And I was doing really bad. Like I was the thing where like 10 shots behind, 12 shots behind, and you basically pulled me to the side of the back nine is like you're not out of this, control what you can. I want to help you out and like we're going to do this and there's like the refanlies like and you are taking this so seriously.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I'm trying to have fun. I don't know too much of the mental aspect yet and you kind of it was one of the first times where you really taught me kind of like control what you can. Here's what we're going to do in a situation. You're going to get back in with some pressure and you're going to learn how to grow through it. Yeah. So I would say that was definitely the turning point. So do I. So what it was was everybody just so you all know we were down by 11 after nine holes. Yeah. And Max had not been winning tournaments and we were playing mainly against professional golfers and their kids. And so, you know, you got these guys out there matching uniforms, great golf clubs. You're looking like a ragamuffin. We're still switching as a left or right handed.
Starting point is 00:23:27 We're pretty sure now you were right handed. Yeah, we weren't even sure at the time. Time, we're still not sure. What do you do? You eat left handed, don't you? You're right left handed. You golf right handed, like who knows, you're a zoo, right? So, he was 11 behind and one of the dads made a comment
Starting point is 00:23:42 that I didn't like. For years, I used to tell Max, hey, let's just go have fun. And we wouldn't even, at the end of the day, a comment that I didn't like for years. I used to tell Max hey, let's just go have fun And we wouldn't even at the end of the day he was losing so much We wouldn't even talk about a score afterwards after a while we get home obviously. Yeah fun. Yes, I had fun We didn't talk about what because we knew he wasn't gonna win and and we I kept telling him you know, I love you I can't love you more if you win remember I used to say this yeah You used to say I used to look at you when you get out of the car go I can't love you more if you win Right, and I won't love you any less if you lose.
Starting point is 00:24:07 So let's just go have fun, which was really a wonderful sentiment, except what I was doing over time was teaching you. It was okay not to compete. Yeah. It was okay to lose. And then you were down 11 after 9 holes. This dad basically said, Max, go grab the other guys' lunch. You're out of it and you don't care.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Yeah. And that did not resonate very well with me. Someone actually said that. Yeah. And I basically looked at the dude and said, what the f? Did you just say to my kid? Yeah. Don't ever talk to my son like that way again. And I said, you guys go there, Max, stay with me. And I got down at your eye level. And I said, we're going to have fun. Yeah. We're going to win. You're like, Daddy, what about having fun? And I go, I've never forget this. I looked at you. It's
Starting point is 00:24:43 in my book. I go, winning is more fun than fun is fun. You understand me? We're gonna have some fun, but we're gonna win. And you listen to me. I'm gonna tell you what club to hit. No practice swings. You hit this thing right where I tell you. And you're like, you kind of did this walk that you don't remember you have.
Starting point is 00:24:58 But your shoulders were kind of hunched over and I watched my little precious son walk over to this T-box. I had to get the lunches and you hit a good drive. And I kind of watched you kind of sit up, and I got over there and I grabbed your shoulder. I said, that felt good, didn't he go, yeah daddy, I felt good, dad. And then we started to walk down the fairway,
Starting point is 00:25:14 and I noticed you walking a little different. Your shoulders are a little bit more back, and the next shot was an eight iron, there was a lake, and I said, max, hit this sucker, 10 feet left of the pin, hit your eight iron on there, and you got up in sucker, 10 feet left of the pin, hit your eight iron on there. And you got up in it about 20 feet left of the pin, but it felt good and you twirled the club. And you handed it back to me. And now you're walking with your shoulders back to the hole.
Starting point is 00:25:36 And you went to put the ball and I go, Max, line the put up. These other guys line the put up. You're like, I don't. So you like walked on both sides of the ball pretending to know what it did. No clue. I was doing it. And I have no idea which way the putt breaks. And you go, I daddy, I think it's like two feet left to right downhill. I'm like, that's exactly what it is, Max. And neither one of us have any idea. No clue. And you made the putt for a birdie. And then you were down nine with eight holes to go. And if we fast forward all the way to the 18th hole, you ended up making a birdie on that hole
Starting point is 00:26:06 to win the golf tournament. And we had never even finished anywhere but last. That's crazy. It was really last of first. And we're screaming. There's this amazing picture of you. We'll put it up on the YouTube version of with your medal. And it changed things.
Starting point is 00:26:20 You went on to win tons of tournaments in a row. Yeah. And then he went on to, you know, get a college golf scholarship, and now he's played in a couple professional tournaments, and that one day changed your life. And I say this in the book all the time, you're one moment away from changing your life, one decision, right? One shift, one thought, you know, one new relationship away from totally changing your life, and that totally changed you. That doesn't mean you're going to play pro golf or be a neurosurgeon or whatever but the but you learned about winning that day. You learned
Starting point is 00:26:48 about competing that day, you know, and it was I think the most significant day in your life. Yeah, and it was a big day for me too, because I want to just you know, it's easy. You want our kids to be happy and all that. I didn't want to be that dad, you know, that soccer or football that's like, my kids going to the NFL or in the probably not, not you know and so but it corrected that day so that was a really really special day and in and Boo in your case I'm just curious like and I know Max I'll ask you some stuff too I want to try to do that but who are a couple role models for you Boo people that you look up to it's definitely you thank you obviously you're a great role model. Definitely mom too,
Starting point is 00:27:25 with mom just seeing how she treats people and cares about people. Even Max, like he's a great example of like someone who's just growing up to be a better person. Yeah, for sure. I'll take that one. For sure. And I think just like my really close friends that I've chosen. Like Parker. Um, he's, he's, he's such a good kid. He's great. He's, he's gone through a lot and he's one of like the strongest, most mature, like intelligent people I know. Rachel, same thing with her. So you're my close circle.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Yeah. They're all people I look up to. What about you? How to percent. I want to go back really quick to the close circle thing. A lot of people don't know about Bell and I. A lot of our close friends have been through a lot of hard times. I feel like that is another one of the things that's really built us up. I can say we'll take Parker for an example.
Starting point is 00:28:14 He's had some family struggles. His family's been doing better. His mom's great. Our mom's great as well. So it's kind of good to compare. But when you go through and you see friends go through that, you can kind of take a little bit of part of them. You always talk about your circle, like Bell just said, and you kind of become very similar to what your circle is.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Yeah. That's one thing we feel like we've learned for you. But to get back to you, obviously you and mom, have been great role models. You said an example, basically, for both Bell and I, and what hard work looks like, has succeed, how to be a good dad for me, and mom, how to be a good mom for boo. Obviously, I mean, for you and me, we both know this. I'm a huge Patriots fan, I get it from you. So growing up, Tom Brady was my favorite athlete,
Starting point is 00:28:55 and it was still not close, even though it's with Tampa still, but Tom Brady looked up to him for winning, kind of. Just like with you and him as an example, like seeing how you guys with one, you don't always succeed all the time. You succeed more than you fail, I would say, but how you pick yourself up from failing as well.
Starting point is 00:29:15 And I've kind of learned a lot of that too. Just even in pressure situations, just kind of seeing how to behave and how to recover. And that's something I was going to ask you to more is like, what do you react in times where you don't succeed? What do you learn from it and like, how do you kind of reflect back on it? Well, good question.
Starting point is 00:29:30 By the way, it's nice that you've been around Tommy too and that you've met him and had the opportunity to be there. Yeah, got to meet him more. Which was pretty sweet. From our club, yeah. You know, I, losing for me is hard. I don't enjoy it and I don't look forward to doing it. I've been pretty good, though.
Starting point is 00:29:45 I feel like I'm, I feel like I really like learning, you know, and I'm pretty good at not making the same mistake twice. So if I've been under pressure and I've made a mistake, right? I think that I go, okay, that's a lesson for me. I won't repeat that again because a lot of things in life are not just about what to do, but what not to do. And for me, the big thing under pressure is for most people, things speed up. If it's a sales call that I've missed before, like I really needed to make a sale right or playing in a golf tournament and I've had a shot, I got to hit things start to speed up. And when things start to speed up, every part of you inside speeds up, including your breathing. And so for me, like a major thing I've learned is to control my breathing.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Like I think whatever you do with your body, when pressure hits, even like if it's a podcast, someone like this or a speech, I've got to give them, trying to slow things down. Right, most people try to get amped up. Getting amped up is really easy to do under pressure, but can you slow things down? I think that's, you know, quite frankly,
Starting point is 00:30:42 one of the things that the Patriots do better than most teams over the years is that they're able to control things and slow things down. I think that's, you know, quite frankly, one of the things that the Patriots do better than most teams over the years is that they're able to control things and slow things down. It's not all emotionally driven all the time that they're processed driven. So I think if you looked at Tiger Woods heart rate under a big putt compared to an amateur average player, his heart rate slower. He's able to slow things down. So it's a matter of slow things down for me under pressure and just learning, I don't want to fail, believe me, but I think it's about learning from the failures that you have.
Starting point is 00:31:09 And I think I've done a pretty good job of that. Let me ask you guys this. There's some questions from the audience. Okay. So let's go through a couple of these. I think people would be interested to hear this. Of all the things that Ed has taught his kids, what do each of them think is the single most valuable lesson
Starting point is 00:31:24 they've learned at this stage in their lives? Okay, can I go? I think I know what. I think mine is more like, you literally just have to keep trying at certain things. Like, you cannot give up, you just can't do it. And like, I mean, I've like, with like jobs and stuff, you've always told me just keep trying, just keep trying.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Like, well, how'd you get the job that you had? The last job you had. Tell them how that happened. Oh, how did happen? Went into BJ's and they were like sorry, you're not old enough. So then and I didn't have to pizza place. Yeah, BJ's pizza and then I Didn't have a car so I was like waiting for my right home and I was like I'm gonna go get like a chai tea at this bakery and then I was in there ordering I was like do you guys have any job applications and then they were like I talked to some people and they're like yeah like you can start tomorrow and then I got that job and it was great and that like felt really good to because you told me like keep trying and keep trying and like probably if you didn't say that I would not have been like oh you guys have a job application right after it felt super good and like, oh my god, like I finally got a job because I kept trying.
Starting point is 00:32:26 So I think for me, that was probably one of the most important lessons and like, drop my life too. Yeah, you know, one more try that's in the book. But one of the things that you have, I don't know that Max and I both have it, but you have it. I don't think, I don't think you're quite as concerned with everybody thinks about you.
Starting point is 00:32:41 As I'm like, I think that's true about Bella. Like I think one of your superpowers is this is what I would everybody should still in their kids. Like I think you're willing to get laughed at. You're willing to make a mistake. You know, you're willing to go, I don't really know. And who cares? Screw you.
Starting point is 00:32:54 I'm gonna do it anyway, right? That's you do have that. Yeah, I mean, everyone has a little bit of like you care kind of of like and you should a little bit care about what people think of you. But I mean, I don't I think I have it in a positive sense of like, what do you think that's from? Do you think it's because you know that,
Starting point is 00:33:07 like you come from, do you think it's that? I'm really, I've never even thought about it to what we're talking about, but this is like good stuff for people to listen to. Yeah, yeah. I mean, do you think it's because you like, you know, we're gonna love you, no matter what, you can come back to a loving, you can family.
Starting point is 00:33:18 I mean, yeah, I think honestly, it's like, even when I was little, like, when I was a baby, like went after my like shy stage, I was kind of like a little obnoxious kid, like screaming, wearing whatever I want. Like I would wear some weird stuff. I would act kind of weird and like screaming. But like you guys were always like,
Starting point is 00:33:35 I mean obviously you'd put me in check if I was being like super obnoxious, but you guys kind of were just like, let her be her, like let her do what she has to do. Like I'm wearing something weird, let her wear it. Or if it's like, I know I kind of, I grew up kind of not like doing whatever I want, but I was able to kind of be myself and figured out and you guys were super supportive. So I think it like transferred into like me growing up kind of being more like, I don't care what people think because like if I know that like, I'm left
Starting point is 00:33:59 by my family and like I'm still doing good that it doesn't really matter. Really good. And that's like a conscious thing that your mom and I did with both good that it doesn't really matter. Really good. And that's like a conscious thing that your mom and I did with both of you was like, let you be you, not like be a good girl or conform to this or that or it was not something, one of you to behave, but it was really not trying to suppress your personality or your expression of yourself.
Starting point is 00:34:22 I think that was like the most important thing that you guys did that made me like how I am because like I was a little bit weird when I was little like. It's weird. Yeah, super. But like you know what I mean? Like certain benefits like mom is talked about it like what do we like you guys at one point were kind of like do we like tone or down?
Starting point is 00:34:39 Do we like like what do we do when you kind of decided to let me be myself? I think that's super for it. Yeah, definitely want to do that with my camera. Yeah, I love that part about you. I love a lot about you, but that's one of the things I love the most. What were you going to say? Yeah, I was going to say it's definitely on the money,
Starting point is 00:34:53 what Bella said. I would say the most I've learned from you specifically is being able to kind of control the things that you can. Like when you just mentioned your breathing, like if you're in a pressure situation, like let's just say the golf tournament we were in. I don't know if you remember this exactly, but we were talking about that 18th tee shot.
Starting point is 00:35:08 So those palm springs, it's like a hundred degrees outside. I take a practice swing, and the club slips out of my hand, and it goes in the water. That's right. Let's make sure everybody hears this. The day that he came back and won that golf tournament on the 18th hole he was sweating. And he takes a practice swing,
Starting point is 00:35:24 and the driver flies out of his hand and lands in a lake. And this thing went far too. Fly away. You didn't, until you have another driver? He did not. No, he didn't. He couldn't hit his driver.
Starting point is 00:35:34 By the way, do we ever get that club back? I don't think we ever get it. We never got it back. He literally has the club flying to the lake on the most important shot of his life. Yeah, I forgot. As a kid, super important shot. And one of the things that we did after is,
Starting point is 00:35:42 I was like, in shock. I'm so nervous on this tee shot, I finally have a chance to win. And one of the things that we did after is I was like, in shock, I'm so nervous on this tee shot, I finally have a chance to win, and you're laughing hysterically. And like you get me in, you're laughing, you come, he down, and he's like, all right, you got all the jitters out now. Now just go have fun.
Starting point is 00:35:56 So that was a big, so that was a big thing for me is being able to kind of just control the things that you can't, very good. Like kind of control yourself. You can't control always your external environment, but you can't control yourself. Really good. This is great for me to hear that you guys have got all this stuff. Sometimes you wonder if you're...
Starting point is 00:36:10 Well, we never sit down and like, really talk about it. Yes, we know. And that's important. I don't think you have to. I think things are caught, not taught. There's lessons. I go, Bella, this is why I think this way. You know, you know, that'll go, let me tell you what I'm thinking right now.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Or we'll be watching something and I'll stop the TV and go, listen. Here's the lesson here. Oh, yeah. I do a lot of that. This is stuff that we take for granted that I don't think is normal. Like my dad, well, first off, when I was going up, there was no remote to do that. But that's how it went. But like, there are lots of times where go listen to me.
Starting point is 00:36:34 This is important right here. You're watching or watch this speech, this person gave her. Listen to this thing they said or read this book or whatever. So I do do that. But it's not stuff we sit down and consciously, okay, control your breathing. It's not necessarily true. We don't I do do that. But it's not stuff we sit down consciously. Okay, control your breathing. Not necessarily true. I don't really do that stuff. So what is there's another question from the audience. What is one thing the public would be surprised to learn about each one of you or me that they might not know? I have one about that. Okay. Well, I mean, you're on social media.
Starting point is 00:37:06 You're very like out there talking a lot like you have a podcast. And like I will say within the last few years, you are a lot more like social and do more things. But like he is super introverted, like like, like, Loki. Right. Like he loves to be home, like growing up, we go to Idaho every summer.
Starting point is 00:37:22 And like, and once we got like our actual house, we weren't living like in the communities, I'd be like, oh, like let's go out to dinner. Like I want to go to the club, so I could like see my friends. And like every single night, it was like, we'd rather just stay inside and watch a movie.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Like dad doesn't want to go talk to people. Right. And obviously you love people, but like I think it's, I don't know, I don't think people would expect that you like, like being just like home under a blanket. Like yeah, I think it's, I don't know, I don't think people would expect that you like, like being just like home under a blanket. Like, yeah, I think you're right. I'm doing what the only most people would know how introverted I am.
Starting point is 00:37:51 And you're not, you're not really introverted. No, I'm super. You didn't get that. Yeah, I did not. But I mean, I would have never, you'd see your social media. You never be like, this guy doesn't not want to talk to people. Yeah, you're like, the public speaker. You're supposed to be the one.
Starting point is 00:38:02 It's always talking to people. But kind of when you get back, you're basically just like watching movie. Like every summer night at a hoe, we could go to like a golf course at dinner, just like a local restaurant. You're like, no, let's go watch and grow on ups for the 50th time. Yeah, we did. We did a lot of that. Well, anything from you that you would say that you've learned?
Starting point is 00:38:17 I mean, Max, you should talk about your food reviews that people don't know. Oh my God. Yeah, that's interesting. So we've talked about this too. So I mean, I'll say it's with other people that make me not look as bad on the podcast. Like, you're part of it. We got mom part of it. A couple of our friends, but. It's basically all there.
Starting point is 00:38:33 It's mostly me and a couple of other people, just to throw it out there. But I have a list of things. So if you ever watch Barcel Sports Day, Portnoy, he has a thing where he goes and reviews pizzas and gives like these very specific ratings. So I was like, I thought it'd be funny just to do it with all food.
Starting point is 00:38:48 And it's kind of grown into a bad obsession. Where I have over 150 places rated on my phone now. Yeah, you're nuts. And when we go eat places, immediately he's like, he's like, this is an eight. Yeah, he's like, what you get? He's like an eight to or like, seven, six or something. This is very specific. Yeah, but would
Starting point is 00:39:07 That's super interesting to me For both of you that like those will be a couple of your takeaways about you know our family and whatnot in your own lives So it says If you ever seen your dad be unsuccessful in something If so how did he react what has he taught you about the importance of failure? If so, how did he react? What has he taught you about the importance of failure? Either one of you want to answer that one? I could kind of answer this.
Starting point is 00:39:28 I was thinking about this earlier. I don't know how many things I've seen you not be successful at. Like you've done very well in certain things, but like, for example, like if something doesn't go well in a day or like you have business trouble, it's like, you're very on it. Like you're like, if something, okay, this is one thing about you. If there is an issue, you have to fix it immediately Like if the TV remote won't work and we're watching TV in the other room You're like nope, we have to fix it right now like let's call the guy, but I think you're very like on top of it
Starting point is 00:39:55 And like you're quick to get the problem solved Which sometimes like going up I'd be like oh, that's kind of annoying like can we just watch TV like why do we have to fix the other one right now Because we're not using it. But it's like, it's really interesting. Because like, when I'm going to have troubles in life, like, I want to be able to like, put my attention on it, fix it, and be able to move on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Instead of like, you know, pushing it off, flattening it last, like, fixing another day, like, you're very on top of it. I do think you're right. I think when problems come up in life, I try to fix them really quickly. I attack them. Like, I think that's actually a word I would use.
Starting point is 00:40:23 I attack the problem. Like, I will kitchen sink that sucker. I'm going to eliminate obliterate the problem. I'm pretty sure you get that from gum. I think he was the first one. You think I get it? So gump you guys was my dad or is my dad who passed away, which really leads into something good. I did get that from my dad. I'll let you answer that question back. And then you can tag on to that. You know, what did you learn or what do you miss about, about Gump? Well, I'll say first, the answer to the part where we're kind of talking about like how you do in like a failure situation
Starting point is 00:40:50 or something that doesn't go entirely your way. Like, I mean, I won't go into it, but you had a situation recently, and what I saw how you behaved is kind of like Bella said, one that you were like right on it. The two is like, if it's a serious situation, you wouldn't check it on other people. You wouldn't make sure that everyone's okay.
Starting point is 00:41:06 And then if something happens, you can kind of reflect back on it, see what could have been improved, and then you make sure that it's a building block towards the next thing. But going back to it is, I think you said it was like, what did I learn from Gump? Yeah. So there's a lot of things, and one of them too is kind of, if you have a plan, and you have a specific goal, stick to it. Like I mean, you've talked a lot about Gump in your book and there's a lot like he was sober for, I don't even know how many years then in 35 years, incredibly long time.
Starting point is 00:41:32 And he stuck with that. It was just one more day. And he kept sticking with his plan for one more day. And I mean, I always have good memories of Gump. I mean, I remember when he passed and we went into like a service form like a celebration of life. And one of the things I said when I actually spoke about Gump was a tournament that I went to.
Starting point is 00:41:49 His Gump was there for everybody. When the last he was battling cancer, was super sick, couldn't really get out of bed. And then you told him, you told Doug, which was your mom. This is my mom. Yeah. Like, oh, Max has a tournament in Diamond Bar. And he was like, really? And he was like, yeah, and I texted him the name for it.
Starting point is 00:42:07 And he's there, battling cancer. This is like a super-hilly course. Like, I don't even know if the course exists anymore. I think it shut down. You put it down hot, hot day too. Yeah, super hot day. And he walked the entire tournament. Yeah, I left.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Yeah, you left after nine holes. I left that after nine holes. And my dad, who's going through chemo and you know, weighed nothing and could barely walk, stayed the whole day, put his own, put golf shoes on. Did you know that? Yeah, I put golf shoes on. He was in the golf shoes and followed you through that whole 18 holes. Yeah, his white shirt on and his pants tucked out to his belly button.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Yeah. And actually won that tournament too. And you did win that. On the last shot. Yeah. I remember him calling me going, you need to get down here. Your son just wanted to. Yeah. It was him calling me going, you need to get down here, your son just wanted. It was really, really an amazing, amazing memory. So that was really, really good. Who is the smartest family member? BookSART, Smart, and StreetSmart.
Starting point is 00:42:55 There's also some conflict when we talk about this question. I know. So I would say for StreetSmart is between you two. Me and Bella. Okay. We'll take it. Okay. See, but then we always, we always leave me out of the book smart. And I'm kind of like, Hey, let's put me back in the right. So I was just saying, you get a higher AC. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. That is true. Yeah. But I mean, like, I'll be able to accept Max's extremely smart and intelligent with school stuff. Like I honestly, I'll give it to you. So if you were to rank intellect, be honest too, intellect.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Well, I can't leave mom out of here. I know, so keep mom in it. So intellect, be honest, it's okay. I would rank it. Let me tell what my rank is. Well, what is intellect? Is that what I'm talking about? IQ test.
Starting point is 00:43:35 We've taken IQ test, right? I don't think most people would know this. So we've taken IQ test. I'm fourth, right? But if you're just ranking, who would you say in our family? Well, we're going on pure IQ tests. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Yeah, what was your ranking? Well, I hate to say it, but okay, well, I can see mom in the corner saying that she's number one. Yeah, but like their mom's here today, by the way, Christian. Yeah, she's in the corner. Yeah, I can see her in the corner saying like I'm one, but I think for if you're going on IQ test, I mean, you said you're fourth, but you're a different type of smart beyond the IQ test, I would say.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Okay. But I think Boo and I would be very, very close. We took a nice Q test again right now. Mom would be right there too, but the only reason I'm talking off to Twelby laugh at this is that she can't spell the savor life. Yeah, I'd probably go max mom, me, the new, I mean, you like kind of tied. I mean, I don't know. I really don't know. Yeah, me, then you. I mean, you like kind of tied. I mean, I don't know. I really don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Yeah. I really don't know which one of you is smarter. Okay, lessons learned. Let's go through some lessons learned. All right. Let's go through some real stuff right here. And I want you to answer some hard things, not like the fluffy stuff about our family. I want you to be honest about this because I know that it isn't easy.
Starting point is 00:44:42 What has been difficult about having a dad who's so busy? I want the parents that are really busy to hear the good and the bad about this and it's okay that you share the bad. So having a father who's just really, really busy, gone often, right? Helping a lot of other people, putting his energy outside the house in addition to inside the house. So what's been good about having, what's the good and or the bad that's that comes with that and be real about it. I want people to know so that maybe they don't
Starting point is 00:45:09 make some of the mistakes I've made and some of the stuff I wish I could go back and do better. I do want me to start it. You go for it. Okay. I think that growing up the first time I kind of realized like, oh, I wish my dad was here a little bit more was like middle schoolish area. And sometimes I'd be like, oh, too. Wish dad was here for this or something, but it's like, you just have to put it in the back of my mind
Starting point is 00:45:31 where I'm like, I know my dad loves me so much. That it is not a reflection of that whatsoever. And I think the part for me that made it really easy was because I know my dad is doing good for other people. And like I was like, I'm so lucky and I'm growing up great. And mom's doing great. It's like, I don't need you to be there ever see one second.
Starting point is 00:45:52 And I think a little bit was like sometimes you'd be like, when you are back, it's like, oh, we'll do this. I want to trip and sometimes you'd be like, it's okay like we can just like hang out or do whatever. Yeah, I try to over make up for time away. And that was literally for such a short time in our life, because I think right around high school time, you started being around a ton more. You were there for everything.
Starting point is 00:46:12 We were going to, like, you were home all the time more. So I think for a little face, but I think honestly within the last few years, you've done a really good job of making a balance because it's like, you do work, but it's like, now when you're, when you're home, it's like, you're home, like you're hanging out with us. Like, I think you do a really good job of it. Thank you. I think, yeah, I think that for some parents who are super busy, it's important to just like,
Starting point is 00:46:35 when you are home and making time for their kids to be super present, because that's like, the most important thing. Yeah, I think that's two. And by the way, I don't know that I've always done a perfect job of that, but I tried to do that. Sometimes you get spread so thin, but I did try to be present when I was back. So we're going to say, I was going to say for you. And I think it's a go for a lot of families, honestly, is one that you were a
Starting point is 00:46:56 successful dad. So you did set the bar there, but also you were incredibly hard working. And there's a lot of dads out there that are very hard working. And would be so dedicated to what you're doing kind of like what we were saying like there's ever issue you get it done immediately you were so committed to what you were doing where it kind of like you said caught not taught I think that's one of the things that blue and I have been able to catch from you one of the things I would say if you're trying to go kind of like on improvement thing is whenever sometimes when we were around like it's being fully present sometimes the work catches
Starting point is 00:47:26 up and everything. You've done a really good job at it now in the past sometimes like even if we're just doing like a normal thing like oh someone texted me I got a respond. I got to take this call really quick is being fully present. But what you've been able to do which I think was a great thing that people should know is because you were so hard working and it paid off for us, you've allowed like gum, mom, and all of our family to be just so great and so supportive. Thank you. And I don't think they could have done that without you.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Oh, wow. They've been able to go to like, I mean, you were able to go to them too, like littlely games, but they were able to be there for everything. Yeah, that's really wonderful to hear. And by the way, I appreciate you guys being honest. That's one of the things about, you know, being present. What have you learned about, or what do you both believe about That's one of the things about, you know, being present. What have you learned about,
Starting point is 00:48:05 or what do you both believe about money? Do you believe that money, you have to have money to be happy? Do you believe that it's overrated? What have I taught you about that, or your mom taught you about that? Like the belief about money in general, because I think sometimes when people see a family
Starting point is 00:48:22 with a lot of money, you would think we talk about money a lot. I'm pretty sure we've literally never talked about getting money or having money. Ever one talk. I don't think we've ever talked about it. But what are your own beliefs from growing up around our family or in our family? You weren't around it about money and what would you tell people about that? I would say that money can be used as a tool to kind of just help the rest of your family.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Like as I just mentioned right there, because you were so hard working, mom was able to stay at home and be the great mom that she was the boo and I. And what we were able to do with that is she can be there for everything. She, by you being able to work hard and make the money, she was able to be so supportive to boo and I into the rest of our family and a bunch of other people as well. It's important to know, by the way, that's what your mom wanted to do. If your mom wanted to have a career outside of the home, she could have done that as well. It's important to know, by the way, that's what your mom wanted to do. If your mom wanted to have a career outside of the home, she could have done that as well. And we would have pulled that off.
Starting point is 00:49:08 She got her dream and I got mine. Yeah, and she also helped you with your dream as well. The very beginning. Absolutely. That's a great lesson. What would you say, Bella? About money, I think it's totally not what you expect coming from our family.
Starting point is 00:49:19 I don't view money as something that like, I need to have a ton of in the rest of my life to be happy. I think that, you know, obviously money is something that like I need to have a turn of in the rest of my life to be happy. I think that, you know, obviously money is a really cool thing that you can use to help other people. And I think that's what you do. Like you are help a lot of people. But also on the other side of it, I do want to be successful. And I, you know, I want to like, it's kind of striving for greatness from like how the bar has been set. But I definitely don't think you need money to be happy. I don't think money is like the most important thing, and I don't think like, we don't spend that much money. Like, we don't, you know what I mean? Like,
Starting point is 00:49:54 we don't like grow up, like getting crazy Christmas gifts or stuff. Like, we don't, we don't just spend money recklessly, and I think that's kind of something too, is you're always like, that's why I have money is because I've saved money. And it's like, I think it's kind of something too, is you're always like, that's why I have money is because I've saved money. And it's like, I think it's super like, I wanna save my money. Like that's how I think I'm gonna obtain the most money is by saving it. It's not.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Very good. I was waiting for one of you to save that. Well, it's like, you really do save money, because like anytime you be like, well, like, that's a cool boat. You'd be like, got to save your money. And then if there's like something, it's like, well, this person just spent all this money on this you're like could have saved it
Starting point is 00:50:27 for this or if I'd be like going up and like I'm gonna go shopping you'd be like oh my god like you could save your money for something better which max is probably better at the mean. You're both pretty good at it. I've gotten better once I got a job. You both have saved money. Yeah. You both have our savers and that's an really huge thing you just said is that a family or a person has a culture of the other spenders or savers. You're one or the other. Doesn't mean you never spend, but with your default answer is, when you get money on your hands, do you save it or do you spend it?
Starting point is 00:50:54 And I have really tried to emphasize that with you guys because I don't think, I think it's easy when you come from money to say money doesn't matter. But when you grow up like I did with the lack of it, then you need it. I think the lack of money can be a real problem, but the abundance of it doesn't necessarily make you happy. Yeah. And learning to say, I'm so glad you said that because I think that's a huge breakthrough
Starting point is 00:51:17 lesson. It's just stuff that you, in our family, you would get that most families, you don't save money, save money, save money, save money no matter what you make, right? I mean, that seems silly, but like, you've gone to Starbucks before I'm like, what size coffee did you get? And that sounds like insane. It's like a 50 cent difference. It's about the process. It's about the mindset. It's like, I just saved 50 cents by getting the smaller coffee, or I made my coffee at home, or we don't have a million subscriptions to different things like because it's just a waste of money.
Starting point is 00:51:46 So yeah, were you going to add anything to that man? I was going to say one thing I did want to add to it. I mean, this is kind of getting in depth to it too. But if you do spend money, this probably maybe one of the most important things I've learned about for money is you spend it on assets. You don't spend like, let's say a Starbucks is an example, you're not spending like an $8 coffee, where you're not buying some stupid thing that's going to depreciate, you buy something that you're going to use and get value out of it. Really good. And if you like to say don't use it all the time,
Starting point is 00:52:12 you could hypothetically just sell that and make a profit. But watch you're wearing right now, you know I'm a big watch person, that watch appreciates the value. So if you wanted to ever sell that watch, you would make money on it. But you also use that all the time. Well, you guys have learned more stuff than I realized. This is really, really good for me. They're actually very proud right now. This is really, really good. I don't know if anybody else is getting any interest out of this,
Starting point is 00:52:33 but for me, it's like fascinating to know what are, you know, there's things that are just in our family that we think about that are, you know, normal everyday things that maybe aren't that normal. What about faith in our family? Like, you guys know, I pray every night on my knees or whatever, like, you know, we're praying over meals or things like that. Did you, I mean, your grandfather baptized you, right? Mom's father baptized you. So do you think faith has become a part of each of you as you go off to
Starting point is 00:53:04 college? You maxes a junior, you bella as a freshman. Like what part of each of you as you go off to college? You maxes a junior you bella as a freshman like what part of out about your life? Either one of you. Well, I would say for me is one for people who don't know I go to a Christian college right now or religion is a really heavy aspect of it. Like I'm gonna get my minor in biblical studies as well. Mm-hmm. At Arizona Christian in Glendale. And one of the things that we're taught is like you have to build a world view around your faith. And honestly, whenever I think of that, the first person I think of is my grandma. So my mom's mom, she might be the most religious person I've ever met in my entire life. I think we could all agree that I see everybody laughing. But just it kind of just been like
Starting point is 00:53:40 a lifestyle that we've just grown up around. You've never forced religion on us too, because I feel like that's the thing people get sensitive about, especially since we're Christian. If people think that Christians just love to Bible thump and push it down, but that's not how we were raised. It was around us and we just had the opportunity to take advantage of it as we want. Like we don't always, like we'll pray at dinner, but we're not always like actively engaging in it together. Like you kind of let us do our own thing with it. We decide too. Really good.
Starting point is 00:54:06 You're excited. Yeah. I think it's super cool that we grew up in like all our morals or faith base. There was faith kind of in every aspect of our life. But we were never the family that goes to church every Sunday and wakes up at like 9 a.m. and puts on our little church outfits and goes. But I think that it was really cool. So it was like we all just kind of have our own form of our faith.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Like for you, like you get on your knees and pray every night, like we have our bibles and stuff, but I think it was cool that, you know, we didn't have to go to church every single Sunday. That's really hard when you have, it sounds really bad, but when you get multiple homes, you know, multiple places to become a part of eight churches, not easy. Exactly. That it wasn't really like the best thing for us. Like we couldn't have one church that we went to, but I think that we did a good job
Starting point is 00:54:50 of like keeping it around and like praying and almost every meal, like just from, you know, and we talk about it too. Yeah, all the time. But I think it's kind of we all have our own individual ways of it, and it's cool to kind of see each other do it. Yeah. I'm not proud of you guys. This is so good.
Starting point is 00:55:04 I hope this is good for everybody listening to it just to pick up some tips. Yeah. No problem. This is so good. I hope this is good for everybody listening to it, just to pick up some tips and keys and stuff like that and some insights to it. I hope so. There's one thing I want to add to it, kind of the religious thing that we were just talking about is a lot of people probably don't know this, but what you would specifically do, which I've kind of picked up on is since we can't go to church every Sunday because you're traveling all the time, one thing you did is you would just look up a sermon online.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Yeah. From people you've even had on the show before. Like, you just go and watch them. Like, you always just try to find a way even on Sunday. Sometimes not even Sunday. It's just get in your life. You know, it's something kind of funny. Yeah. You would think that my die listens to a certain type of music.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Like, you know, this favorite Kings of Leon. But in our house, literally almost 24-7, if my dad is getting ready for something, which happens a lot, There's full, like, Christian music blasting on, like, full volume in our speakers while he's showering, like, and getting ready. Like, so loud, like, you know, we all kind of have just like our own way of doing our thing. And that is one of your way. I love worship music. I got to tell you. He loves it. They're like, what do you work out to? Your ACDC, your Kings of Leon? I'm like, yeah, 10% of the time, but I got a lot of elevation church on.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Elevation was so. Yeah. It was crazy. Once or twice maybe. Yeah, I do. It's just a big deal. All right, lightning round, my lets. I am going to everyone respond to their first thoughts come to your mind for each of the
Starting point is 00:56:18 following. So I'm going to say something and then you guys are going to tell me what comes to your mind when I say it. Okay. You ready? Yeah. Okay. Success.
Starting point is 00:56:28 You. Same time too. Okay. Daisy and Lily. Annoying Barking. I think a Barking all the time. Okay. I think of two of the loves of my life.
Starting point is 00:56:43 I think you say Daisy on the camera. Success to me is when your life vision matches what's actually happening. My friend, if you watch my social media, Richard Cabesa. I gotta say food. Yeah, food. Yeah, food. Every time, if you're ever with Richard Cabesa, he brings food every single time. And he brings good food too. He's thoughtful. Yeah, he's thoughtful. For the first time, I'm going to reveal his real name, he brings food every single time. And he brings good food too. For the first.
Starting point is 00:57:05 He's thoughtful. Yeah, he's thoughtful. For the first time, I'm going to reveal his real name, which is actually Kelly. Go ahead and Richard Cabasa. Go ahead and shut up, Kelly. Go ahead and shut up, Kelly. Go ahead and shut up, Kelly. Go ahead and shut up, Kelly.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Go ahead and shut up, Kelly. Go ahead and shut up, Kelly. Go ahead and shut up, Kelly. Go ahead and shut up, Kelly. Go ahead and shut up, Kelly. Go ahead and shut up, Kelly. Go ahead and shut up, Kelly. Go ahead and shut up, Kelly.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Go ahead and shut up, Kelly. Go ahead and shut up, Kelly. Go ahead and shut up, Kelly. Go ahead and shut up, Kelly. Go ahead and shut up, Kelly. Go ahead and shut up, Kelly. Go ahead and shut up, Kelly. So you can put together why I call it Richard Cabasa. And I think of I think of kindness and gender. Yeah, he's a very selfless person. Very selfless person. Okay, when I say family. Us. I think of each other. Yeah, I think of us.
Starting point is 00:57:33 But the first thing that came to mind was gum. Was my grandfather. Was your grandfather? I think it was just like love and positive. Every like we always got each other's backs. Okay, the power of one more. Best book ever. I think of the impact is made
Starting point is 00:57:46 that change on people's lives. Yeah, I kind of think of God for I think of it too. You do as well. Yeah. I love that he's so important in our family, you know, even though he's gone. And it's a beautiful thing. Favorite place to travel. Cordelaine. Oh, so hopefully probably backscale. I love Cabo. The truth is, honestly, we're in Maine now too. We're in Maine school. Once we got it all settled.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Yeah, the truth is, I think most people will be pretty surprised. We really have not traveled that much. No. Yeah, like you guys have never been to Europe. No. I think like that. Rich fans, they're the Paris. Yeah, Mexico.
Starting point is 00:58:22 We've only been to Kabul a few times. I mean, the only our real traveling was just when we had a house in Idaho. So we'd go there and saw what besides that we've got to like, yeah, and like, you know, Hawaii a lot because of business trips, yeah, yeah, all the financial trips. Okay, real answer here. Instagram. Well, I think that's grandma. I think of like me, my friends taking Instagram photo. Good. I'm glad you didn't think of me. I honestly think of you just saying max out to the camera. Yeah, all the time And yeah, like, let's go back to your show. Okay, what about love? Family, yeah, I love that. Okay, well, you know what you guys, I feel like we accomplished a lot together today. I do tell I think we did
Starting point is 00:58:57 And I'm very proud of both of you. I love you so much and I'm proud of your mom for doing such an amazing job Raising you and I hope everybody enjoyed today. for doing such an amazing job raising you. And I hope everybody enjoyed today. I hope it's one of those shows that maybe you just got a little insight. It's not one of these things where, you know, I got an author of a book on here. We're pushing something. We just wanted to let you into our family and maybe some of the lessons that have been caught and not taught in our family and also just finally to start to share with the world
Starting point is 00:59:22 the people that I'm the most proud of, which is, which are my children. So thank you for being here. Thanks for having us. We're grateful to be here. Yeah, you did great job. I'm really proud of both of you. So, hey, if you've got a family or people you care about or people that might want to know more about what some of the keys are to building a beautiful and wonderful family
Starting point is 00:59:39 and some of the lessons, hopefully today helped with that. I just have a feeling this will be the most downloaded show we've ever had before. Really? Oh yeah, really. No doubt about it. Tell your families. You love them. Tell your families you love them. All right, and we love your families as well. You guys make sure you tell them that. I want to say God bless you. Share today's show. Make sure you get the power of one more my book. Do it. I don't get it. Good extra ones. Amazon, Amazon, wherever you can get books, and continue to max out your life. God bless you, everybody. This is The End My Let's Show.

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