THE ED MYLETT SHOW - Higher State of Mind w/ Jon Gordon

Episode Date: January 31, 2023

If you’ve ever felt like there’s something missing in your life, THIS is for YOU.This is all about MINDSET.JON GORDON is more than just my friend, he’s my brother and we often share our innermos...t thoughts with each other.  This week, we’re both going to share some of those thoughts with you.Privately, he is an ADVISER and a CONFIDANTE. Publicly you know him as one of the most sought-after public speakers in the world who has written 27 BOOKS and sold over 5 MILLION COPIES!This INSPIRATIONAL and FAITH-BASED chat between two great friends will guide you to living a more COMPLETE and FULFILLED life, without feeling like you constantly have to prove yourself.You’ll learn the keys to adjusting your focus so that you can experience an abundance of LOVE, CLARITY, COURAGE, and CONFIDENCE that will seep into all areas of your life, from being a better friend, spouse, or parent to enhancing your leadership skills, understanding your mind and soul connection, and deepening your faith.I consider Jon Gordon family. By the time you finish listening to this episode, you’ll feel a new level of ONENESS with him as well.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is The Edmila Show. Welcome back to the show, everybody. So I keep my personal circle really small. And it's not that it's a big deal to be in it, but I don't let a lot of people in, and especially close to me, because I you know people that have proximity to you Have the biggest influence over you and my guest today is somebody that I'm honored has gotten very very close to me the Last few years. He's made a huge impact in my life and I'm very very grateful for his presence in my life He's been on the show before and the show was so well received that I asked him to start the year sometime in January, February, can I get you on? And he's here today in addition to being a great friend of mine.
Starting point is 00:00:48 He's authored coming up on 27 books. He sold only five million books. And he's one of the most prolific speakers in the world. And also he's a counselor to some of the top leaders in the world in business and in sports, professional and college athletics. A lot of those leaders go to him for council and I do oftentimes as well. So John Gordon, welcome back to the show, brother. And my let it's great to be with you. And I got to say that you've been a huge influence on my life. My friendship with you has been such a blessing.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Thank you. Starting last year, we got to spend more time together, spoke it one of your events and then came to the max out live event. You gave such an amazing talk. So did you. Do you remember me coming back there and just started to weep and cry? I do. I'll never forget it.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Yeah. I haven't cried like that in years. I've cried maybe two or three times in my life. And that was one of the times. Right. Yeah, that I really just, I mean, my father passed away five years ago. I cried. My son was going through a big challenge a few years ago.
Starting point is 00:01:44 I cried and I cried in that moment, just seeing you speak, seeing you share. Just it brought something deep within me out. And my year, my word that year was power. Like it was about bringing more power to my life. And it was amazing because out of that vulnerability, out of that openness came this incredible power that I didn't expect.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Came out in the talk, and then all year, it's been a year of power, and I really create, like, your influence on me, your relationship, your friendship, your guide, and seeing this incredible impact that you have has been just so inspiring, and then it's just been a big part of my life. So I love you, brother. I love you.
Starting point is 00:02:21 When you asked me to be on the show, it was just a huge honor, and you're one of my top three people in this world. We always tease each other. You need to be on the inside. When I speak, you're one of the top speakers. I'm like, one of what are you talking about? So what we do lately is we rank each other low on lists.
Starting point is 00:02:38 So that's why I'm the top three and you've got to be easily top 49. Right. If there's 41-42, you're right there with me. I'll take that. It's just kidding. You said oneness and one of the things that I feel with you is a oneness. Both in, there's a brotherhood for you and I in our faith, but also, you know, I just admire how much you're trying to become a better man. And I watch the way that you connect with people and your
Starting point is 00:02:58 work is so brilliant and I can't wait for everybody to now start to get some exposure to it. So let's talk a little bit about this thing you You've been teaching me, which is oneness versus separateness. What does that mean? It all comes down to oneness and separateness. So when we feel oneness, we feel a connection to others, a connection to ourselves, a connection to God, the creator of the universe, right? We're meant to be one with our creator.
Starting point is 00:03:21 There's actually a scripture that says that nothing could separate you from the love of God. So you're always connected to that love. So when you're connected to that love, you feel purpose. You feel joy, you feel happiness, you feel unity, you feel strength. Think about a team that is a united team, one team. They are a powerful team.
Starting point is 00:03:40 When you are connected to oneness and you experience that and feel that, you have power, you have strength. And then there's a separateness. As we move from oneness to separateness, we feel separate. We feel weaker. We feel divided. The word anxious literally means divided at its Greek root word.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Think about that. So the more divide you feel, the more anxious you feel. So we move from oneness to separateness. And everything in life could be explained literally in move from oneness to separateness and everything in life could be explained literally in terms of oneness and separateness. So do I feel separate? Do I feel disconnected? And when I am, we actually move from,
Starting point is 00:04:16 when we go from oneness to separateness, we move from positive to negative. We move from living inside out to outside in when we're separate. When we're separate, we look outside. We feel separate. Everyone blames social media for the problems of today, for people's mental health issues. But it's actually the fact that they feel separate.
Starting point is 00:04:36 And because they feel separate, they now are looking outside. They're comparing themselves. And when you compare, you despair. And that leads to you seeking a feeling. You're seeking to feel better, but you feel worse and worse and worse because you feel separate. You're looking at other people's lives instead of your own soul, instead of your own purpose, instead of your own journey. So the more we look outside and set it inside, we feel more and more separate. And that leads to seeking
Starting point is 00:05:07 instead of knowing. So when you're one, you have like this knowing, like, okay, I know what I'm here for. I'm connected this purpose. I know what I'm here to do. I know my journey. I feel confident. I have courage. I have clarity. But as I move towards separateness, I don't have that clarity. I have clutter. I have fear. I have worry, anxiety, doubt, insecurity. I have a lower state of mind when I feel separate. When I am one, I have a higher state of mind. And in that low state of mind, what happens is you start seeking.
Starting point is 00:05:38 So I'm seeking a solution or I'm seeking a feeling. And what you really want is that feeling of oneness. You're seeking that connection. And that's why addicts, for instance, addicts feel separate. So what do they do? They try to feel the separatists, the void with things that will make them feel better, but their cheap substitutes to what they really seek. Well, they are.
Starting point is 00:05:58 And they want to stay on this because I was actually, this is amazing. We're talking about this conversation at dinner last night. And without being really personal, it was my son's 21st birthday. He'd never had a drink before. I'm pretty sure he'd had it too. Because he'd made a promise to my dad who was sober many years
Starting point is 00:06:13 that he would wait till he was 21. So he had his first drink yesterday. And I was a very awkward thing for me. Right. You know, because it made me feel separate from my dad almost. Watching my son have a drink. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I explain it. But in the process of doing that, I said, Max, you know, I was talking to my daughter too about how, you know, more you use something external to feel something. Before you feel separate, you're trying to externally feel something. I said, you know, Max, a lot of people that get addicted to drugs like meth or heroin, at some point, stop getting high. They can't even get high from anywhere, but the pattern is there. So they keep doing it. You got to do more and more and more. To eventually blow out all the dopamine receptors, you can't even get high anymore. And that's sort of
Starting point is 00:06:52 a metaphor for what you're discussing here too, is like the more we feel separate, the more it's external stuff, their life, not my life. How does somebody before we go to higher state or lower in thinking? How does someone begin to feel more oneness and less separateness in their life? Well, one, there is a hole in your soul. And so you have this hole. So you're always trying to fill this hole with things and stuff and fame and success and wealth.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Why'd you point at me when you said things? You pointed at me. You did? Well, you're very successful. And you're the most famous guy. I know. We go to you have C-Fight together. And we can't walk too feet without people coming up to you.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Oh, that's nice. I thought you were saying I was still filling myself up. No, people want that. Right. They want what you have. And what happens is people are chasing it. And they're seeking it. And the more they do, they're filling that hole in their soul.
Starting point is 00:07:43 But only God can make you whole, wh-o-l-a, right? Only God makes you whole. So it's that connection that that word for the year. And that's why it's my word. As I'm writing this book, and this is a book that's coming out in about May or June, as I'm writing this, I realize, you know what, I have this hole in my soul, and I want to be whole.
Starting point is 00:08:01 We all do. We all have a wound. And what happens is the more separate we feel, the wound gets worse. The more one we feel, the more it heals, the more we can heal that wound. So it's our relationship with God, really is important, is essential
Starting point is 00:08:14 because you were never meant to be alone. You are meant for relationship. It's why loneliness is an epidemic. It's why it's actually more dangerous than most diseases actually being lonely. It's so true. Right. People are dying from loneliness, health issues come about because of loneliness and isolation. So think about the more we move from oneness to separateness, we get more depressed.
Starting point is 00:08:39 We have more feelings of disconnection, isolation, despair. And what does that do? It causes us to retreat. So instead of running towards one of this, we actually run away towards separateness. What we need the most, we resist the most. And so what happens is we're feeling that whole with all the things that doesn't help us.
Starting point is 00:08:54 It's almost like, I'm in LA right now. Yeah. It rained a lot. It did. The last couple of days. Okay. Well, I got a leak in my place. So do I.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Right. I got a leak all of a sudden, there's a leak happening. And I'm like, oh no I got a leak in my place. So do I. Right. I got to leak all of a sudden, there's a leak happening. And I'm like, oh, no, like the leak, we didn't know, existed. Everything seemed great. But then the rain came. The storm came, adversity, challenges. It revealed the whole that you have in your place.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Life will often reveal the whole that you have when your place. Life will often reveal the whole that you have when you're dealing with a difficult situation, challenging experience, right? You think you're great, I'm good, I'm Mike L.A. It's sunny all the time, I'm great when it's sunny. But when things are hard, when things are tough, it will reveal the wounds that you have. You just nailed it.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Everybody can function pretty well when it's sunny in their life. How do you function when the rain comes and when those leaks get exposed? Are you under the illusion that you're separate? Because the truth is in our faith and by the way, whatever you, you and I both believe in the quantum and in energy as well, right? Well, we both do. The truth is that's an illusion.
Starting point is 00:09:58 It's a lie. You tell yourself you're never separate. You're always one. It's always right there for you. It's always right there. Since the day you were born, actually, before you were born, before you were born, it's always been there. So you are never separate. And I think people in business and life that are great are better at creating oneness with people. They're great partnerships. They create relationships. They have an
Starting point is 00:10:19 energy about them that says, we are one. You know, I often my son teases me, but I call a lot of my friend's brother. And he's like, Dad, is everybody really a brother? And I'm like, yes, they actually all, we all have the same DNA running through us. And I said, Max, it's also important that I remind myself of this person's my brother. And I remind them that they're my brother. And I call many of my girlfriends, I call them sister,
Starting point is 00:10:40 because there is a oneness that comes from being a part of the same family. So if you're listening to you're like this is great theoretically, how the heck does this apply in my life? It applies in every area. Makes you a better father, a better mother, a better business leader, a better sales person, a better coach, all people who can communicate and feel oneness. They call it in sales books, rapport. Report is really oneness. In fact, cheesy sales books will say, match and mirror someone's cadence and pace, right? That's all the cheesy artificial way.
Starting point is 00:11:08 It's actually a sense of spirit I feel like you have. And you speak so eloquently about this, which you call high state and low state of mind in creating this one this is a separate. This is some of everybody you listen closely. This is some of the most cutting edge, brilliant work you will hear in a very long time in your life, and it's simple.
Starting point is 00:11:29 And sometimes simple things that seem common, sensical aren't sophisticated enough to rise to the threshold of most people's lives of brilliant. But this is brilliant because it is simple and it's so true, so go ahead. And the closer you get to truth, the simpler the lesson becomes. And so how do we get to one this we love?
Starting point is 00:11:50 How do we get to a high state of mind? We love when you are loving what you do and Loving the moment and loving people and loving the competition if you're in sports and loving your team if you're a leader The minute you focus on love fear dissipates and sports and loving your team if you're a leader. The minute you focus on love, fear dissipates. Fear is what separates, fear divides, love unites, love creates oneness. So I was just talking to a young man. He was really struggling 20 years old
Starting point is 00:12:16 and we just had this great conversation. He reached out to me and he's searching for his purpose. And I said, listen, you're a performer, he's a musician. I said, let me tell you about Poveratti. Poveratti said, you know, everybody wants the audience to love them. But I love the audience. I said, focus on loving what you do. Focus on loving your friends. Don't worry about your friends thinking something great about you because he's very insecure. I said, just focus on loving others. and what happens is when you become love and You love others guess what everybody will be searching for you because everyone is searching for love is to song tells us
Starting point is 00:12:51 Everyone really wants love so they're searching for you So the many you start loving people you move towards onus and also from a high state of mind standpoint That's the ultimate way to have a high state of mind because when you are focusing on love you create to have a high state of mind. Because when you are focusing on love, you create connection. Love creates connection, unity, oneness, right? From connection, we get clarity. We see things very clear. We have that connection. Football players will tell you, right? I have a lot of clarity. When you're in the zone, you have a lot of clarity when you're in the zone because you feel this connection to the moment really times flows down you feel like you're a one with everything and every one right time literally like ceases to exist so you're in this oneness and then from
Starting point is 00:13:32 there that leads to confidence so we got connection leads to clarity that leads to confidence so so the more clarity have the more confident I am we often think that oh I'm confident so I have clarity no when you have clarity and you see things clearly, you have so much more confidence. So true. And then that leads to courage. And so the more confidence you have, the more courageous you will be,
Starting point is 00:13:53 the more you will go for it. Okay, let's go. And when you're in a low state of mind as an athlete or a performer or in sales or in business, you don't want the ball. We're in a low state of mind. When you are on a sales call, you're in a low state of mind, you don't want that call. You don't want the ball. We're in a low state of mind. When you are on a sales call, you're low state of mind, you don't want that call.
Starting point is 00:14:07 You don't want that meeting. But we're in a high state of mind when you're feeling great, when you're feeling like I am one with everything, you're ready to take it on and you're going for it. And you're not worried about the outcome. See, the man you're loving the moment, you're not thinking about the outcome, you're loving the process.
Starting point is 00:14:22 And when you love the process, you will love with the process produces. And I think about Michael Jordan, I was with the bulls speaking to them a few months ago. And John Paxon was there when I, one of Michael Jordan's teammates. I said, what was the like playing with Michael? He said, let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:14:37 He didn't have fear, because he was so focused on competition. He wanted to beat you, so bad. See, fear didn't make him great. And I believe everyone says, you know, oh, he hated to lose. Okay, that's a part of it. That's an equation for success. But fear will never cause you to be great at something. Only love can do that. So what did he love? He loved beating you. Yep. He loved the competition. Yep. He wanted to destroy you when he played. So he's not thinking about failure in that moment.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Think about a lot of people. What happens if I fail? What happens if this talk doesn't go well? What happens if this meeting doesn't go well? What happens if this business deal doesn't go well? There's all this fear. He wasn't fearing anything. He was so focused on the competition and winning
Starting point is 00:15:17 and beating you, it drove him. It created a oneness within him in that moment. So it's the love of competition. That's key. And I just spoke to a young man who's struggling as well and a lot of anxiety and I said, you know what? You got to get back to just loving the battle and loving playing and loving the competition. He's like, you're right. I got I got a way from that. I was talking to a minor league hockey player a year ago. This is when I came up with all this. So I start teaching him this these strategies.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Turns out hadn't scored a goal in six games. And so he is just struggling. He wants to make it to the NHL. He's at its wit's end. He's on the roller coaster going down. And there's this roller coaster of a state of mind. So he's going from high to low. And if you're in a roller coaster that is going to crash, what would you want to do if you think the roller coaster is going to crash? You want to jump off? Well, guess what? He wants to jump off. He doesn't even want to play anymore. He's rollercoaster is going to crash? You want to jump off? Yeah. Well, guess what? He wants to jump off. Yep. He doesn't even want to play anymore.
Starting point is 00:16:06 He's done. Like, he's frustrated. But then he's also searching for answers. Yep. Because he thinks something's wrong. Something's broken. So the more he's thinking, the more he's having revved up thought, the more clutter he has, and now he has a lower state of mind.
Starting point is 00:16:20 And the book I diagram this and I draw pictures and so forth, just like I do in the talks. But now he's got this lower state of mind trying to figure out answers, wanted to jump off the roller coaster. I said, wait, just stay on the roller coaster. Get back to loving playing in the loving the competition. That's how you got here in the first place. He did. Next thing you know, scores six goals and three games. Yeah. It's called up to the NHL and scores a go in each one of his first NHL games. It was amazing. It was so cool to see because he got away from all the outcome stuff, all of the thought and just focused on love. So how do we get to one this? We focus on love instead of fear. I know it
Starting point is 00:16:54 sounds so simple. It's not let me let me say some of the power about this. It's amazing how we reach the same conclusions in life. So I'm, you know, one of the MLB players that I'm working with right now, didn't have a great season last year. And he's really down on himself. He's down on the game. He's down on the organization. And there's just parts of this is the other of the illusion. You don't have to love everything about what you do. You don't have to love everything about your spouse either.
Starting point is 00:17:17 You have to love things about them. And so he was focused on, hey, it's the media. It's this, the other said, okay, let's just stop right now. What do you love? Yep. And he goes, I said, okay, let's just stop right now. What do you love? And he goes, I love being with my teammates. I love being in the locker room. I love the moment where I'm dialed in
Starting point is 00:17:32 and I'm facing that picture. And it's me and the wrong, the guy with the wrong lid on out there. I said, what else do you love? And I made him make a list. It got all the way down to where he goes, man, I love when they first cut the grass when we go out there.
Starting point is 00:17:41 And I love the smell of the first cut grass. And he goes, I said, what about the baddies? He goes, I love the smell of pine tar. We went through all these things that he loves. And by the time we were done, he found enough things about what he loves to re-engage in the process and to improve. Same in your relationships.
Starting point is 00:17:56 If you're struggling in a relationship with somebody right now, stop. Okay, because what you're doing is you're obsessing on the things you don't like that aren't healthy. What do you love? What makes them beautiful to you? What is things about them that are High-level thinking that you love about them and you'll find when you return to those things
Starting point is 00:18:13 Same with your sales job if you're driving in your car right now. Same with going to the gym. Full confessional for me I've trained hard in the gym for 30 years. It's part of my identity guys like you and they meet me are like, hey, man I'm in a gym, send me videos. Cause I'll you. The truth is when COVID happened, I took a little breather like some people did. And I got away from it a little bit. And I started going, man, I'm sore.
Starting point is 00:18:36 I've got a left shoulder under your sheet, man. If anyone knew about how often I tear my hamstring and pull my hamstring and my bones are bill, I'm tired of carrying this body weight. And I started to really get to this process. And I was like, really, it was hard. I dragged myself into the gym. Why don't I have to drag myself into my relationship,
Starting point is 00:18:53 drag myself into my marriage, drag myself into the gym? What do I love? I love sweating. I love training. I love how I feel when I'm finished working out, right? I love what it looks like after I'm done. I feel I'm feeling strong. I like when I put a suit on it, fits a suit. right? I love what it looks like after I'm done. I love feeling strong. I like when I put a suit on it fits a certain,
Starting point is 00:19:07 I don't like what it looks like when I don't. So when you connect to the things you love again, this may be very important for so many of you because the other part that you say that you work with a lot of great leaders. Yeah. Can I say who some of them are their friends? Okay, so Sean McVeigh, we're just discussing Sean's
Starting point is 00:19:24 a good friend of yours. Sean McVeigh is we're just discussing Sean's a good friend of yours. Sean McVeigh is the head coach of the Rams. He just won a Super Bowl last year, right? Great friend of yours, right? The guy that you work with, a dabbo-sweeney who's become a friend of mine through you, who I think is one of the great leaders I've ever met in my life. And when people ask me often, what do you think's made dabbo such a great leader? The first thing I think of is not his savvy, his unbelievable oratory skills, although they
Starting point is 00:19:46 exist or his strategy or his ability to recruit. It's how much he loves his players. It's the first thing I think of when he introduces a player to you, each one of these is like his son. He loves them. So I'm curious what these leaders you've worked with that are great leaders or the floor from the Green Bay Packers. It's a friend of yours. What do they have in common as leaders that make them good leaders?
Starting point is 00:20:07 Are they better at what you're describing of being in the higher state as opposed to the lower state? I do believe that I believe they have more clarity and also work with Kevin O'Connor with the Vikings and Brian Dable shared this with him this summer. Doc Rivers shared it with him. I love sharing this teaching because guys like that get it and they want to be better leaders. They want to grow. They want to be the best they can be for their team and they will get that information from anyone and when I'm open, they're sharing it, they're
Starting point is 00:20:32 open to receiving it. So yes, they have a lot of love. They also have accountability. So they have a love where they're sharing that love with them, but they're also helping them be their best. And because they love their team and their team members know that they love them, they earn the right to challenge them and push them to be their best and push them to be great. So, so love is a huge part of the equation, but I'm convinced integrity. All right, oneness and separeness integrity comes from the word integer, which means whole, complete. A leader with integrity is whole and complete. Let's compare that to a narcissist. A narcissistic leader is separate. They're so focused on themselves
Starting point is 00:21:12 because they feel separate. They protect themselves and they're focused on themselves. They don't care about anyone else because they're so focused on them. Usually as a self-protective mechanism, many of them have been wounded in the past. And actually, if you study narcissists, you study their brains, they actually are able to shut off different parts of their brains that disconnect it from the other parts of the brain.
Starting point is 00:21:33 So at the neurological level, they're creating separation that we're talking about here. Where a leader with integrity has wholeness and completeness. And so there's no gap in their character. There's no gap in who they are and what they say. But with the narcissist leader or the leader with a big ego, for instance, there's a lot of gaps. There's a lot of character gaps.
Starting point is 00:21:54 And so what they say and what they do are often different. So think about that. The rain comes, the storm comes, and that reveals the gaps within that leader. And then people say, can I trust you? I don't think I can. Mm. With the integrity based leader, yeah, I can trust you.
Starting point is 00:22:10 And so that's why I trust an integrity build long term success. I did a one this, though, right, John? I mean, what you're saying, I never thought about it that way. But when you're one with your message, you practice what you preach, you become a great leader. When you say one thing and then don't do it and do another, there's a separateness that that creates
Starting point is 00:22:27 and that builds the lack of trust. I've never thought about that. There's a gap. Let's look at ego, for instance. People say ego is the enemy. Ego is not the enemy. Separation is the enemy. Because you feel separate, you feel powerless.
Starting point is 00:22:40 So what happens? The ego arises to give you a sense of power. What does ego stand for? Eging God out, creating separation. So now you're operating out of this separate limited power where you're trying to be powerful, but it's limited because it's not connected to something greater. You're edging God out, so it's not connected to oneness, it's connected to self. So it's actually not very powerful. So it seems powerful, but it's not. It's ego driven. And as a result of that, it drives what you do, how you act in a negative dysfunctional way,
Starting point is 00:23:10 rather than feeling what, if I felt one with my team, if I felt like I was a leader with integrity, if I felt love for them, I would include them. I would involve them. I would care about what they say. But if I have an ego, I don't care about what they say, because I feel separate. And I see them as separate. Yeah. You know what's interesting? When you're talking, I was thinking about a word that used to be used a lot that's not, that I love in people and the words enthusiasm.
Starting point is 00:23:36 And when I think about people that I think bring in energy that's infectious to whatever they do, they're family, they're business, they're body, they're faith, there's body, they're faith. There's a level of enthusiasm about them. And that enthusiasm, the root of it is their love for what they're doing or their love for the process
Starting point is 00:23:54 or their love for the results or the difference that it makes. I've had people oftentimes, the show people say, there's an energy when I listen to your show, like you so are into your guest, you enjoy them so much. And I've actually said many, many times I actually love them. And even before we start you and I said a prayer before we started I always say a quiet prayer before we start. And I try in my life. I don't even know when this started. I'm not I
Starting point is 00:24:17 consciously do not know when. Because I do do not believe it was a way I lived for a while. But at some point I started really like, what can I love about this person? It's strangers walk by me. This sounds really weird, but I'll just peace be with you. You've heard me say that before, just peace be with you. And I have found the way the world responds to me has changed when I come from a place of someone sent me the other night, man. I'm not on social media much. All I post on there. I don't
Starting point is 00:24:45 scroll it much. And I don't know if you ever seen these things because you're on Twitter. And this was a Twitter thing. And it's these like fight. It's these these Twitter sites that are just fights. It's humans fighting humans. It's two kids in a bathroom in high school slugging it out. It was the next one was a guy on the street who took a fire hydrant to a guy's and I'm watching these humans do horrible things to one another. And some of its political red versus blue, some of its, some of it was racial, some of it looked like someone had mouthed off or said something or whatever. There's just a lot of different things that divide us. And it's exactly the word of these people don't know they're connected. They think they're separate.
Starting point is 00:25:25 They think they're separate because one likes socialism and one likes capitalism. They think they're separate because one of them's a Christian and one of them's Hindu. Or they think they're separate because one's black and one's white or one's old and one's young. And I'm like this illusion of separateness in our world today. And how the media, social media, the
Starting point is 00:25:46 mainstream media gets paid to separate us. And everything in our lives, everything in the world is ultimately comes down to oneness and separateness. And there's an evil. We have to admit there is evil. Look in the world and you see it. There's an evil that is looking to divide and separate you And there's a God who loves you and wants you to wants to unite you
Starting point is 00:26:11 to others and back to himself and that is ultimately the battle going on between this evil that's separating So do I feel separate from you or do you feel one with you and you just nailed it the media is always creating News or shows or talking points that separate. That divide. Let's talk about racism. What is racism? I wrote about that in the book just this morning. I said, okay, what is racism? It's actually looking outside, feeling separate, seeing color and thinking that one color is better than another color. That's what it is. But if I truly knew the truth, if someone knew the truth, right,
Starting point is 00:26:50 we all should know the truth, right? And I do know the truth. That's why I don't practice racism we're having. I see the soul in you. I have a soul, you have a soul. I love the word namaste. Namaste means the spirit in me bows to the spirit in you. Yeah. Yeah. And so my spirit sees your spirit and we are one and it's a sense of connection and togetherness.
Starting point is 00:27:13 I don't believe we need diversity training. I believe we need one this training. Oh God. It's so good. It's so good. We need to let people know we are one. We are one people. One race, right? One soul, one spirit all here together. But I gotta say this, I watch your love on display. And that is one of the things that really inspired me the way you truly share with people and the way you care, like you love and you care. And it does shine.
Starting point is 00:27:38 And I believe it's why you attract so many people to you. We're at dinner, there's like a little example, we're at dinner, me, you a little example. We're at dinner. Me, you, Irwin, a few other people, and Irwin orders a diet coke. Half an hour later, you call the waiter over and say, hey, I don't think he got his diet coke. Half an hour later, I'd even noticed a diet coke never came.
Starting point is 00:28:00 But you cared enough to know that he didn't get his diet coke. You cared about him. You actually called the waiter over and politely asked for it. And I was like, wow, like Ed cares so much. He noticed the little details. So so love is not about this big thing. I'm just going to love people. It's like, what am I doing to love people?
Starting point is 00:28:16 How am I showing that I care? Yeah. And you just gave such a great. I think you love his love is a noun and a verb. Right. I guess it's an adjective too, to some extent, it's descriptive, but you can act in love for people too. I appreciate you saying that.
Starting point is 00:28:30 It is powerful. Now I'm gonna go deep with you. Now we're going to the deep, deep. So you get to hear what he and I and friends of mine talk about some time. So I was talking, you didn't know I was gonna ask you this. So I told him before, I'm not telling you what I'm gonna ask you. So you and I were talking, I asked Deepak Chopra on your behalf about this too. I interviewed him yesterday
Starting point is 00:28:49 but I was I had said something to you about the subconscious mind I used the term unconscious and subconscious mind and you said to me Do you know where that's located and I gave you my answer I said well, I think it's in the prefrontal cortex you know and the basal ganglia and And here's how it works and you said well, what think it's in the prefrontal cortex, you know, the basal ganglia. And, and here's how it works. And you said, well, what if that's the Holy Spirit, which is sort of connected to our souls? And I repeated that to a friend of mine who is an atheist the other day.
Starting point is 00:29:14 I thought this was a powerful thing. My friend John said, and he goes, well, then where's the soul located? So I'm just, look at your face change. So, so I'm curious as to your thoughts as to them we have a brain we know that they've never been able to locate the mind Specifically, so your thoughts about is there a mind soul connection is the mind the soul is the Holy Spirit So I'm curious as to your way of thinking so you did not know I was gonna ask you this But I wanted to ask you and I thought I'm gonna record this when I ask my dear friend his view on this I love that you did and I actually wrote about it in the book.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Oh, you did? I put it out there, yeah, because I talk about oneness. What are we connected to? What is oneness? What are we? Who are we? When you understand that we are 99.99% empty space, because we are made up of atoms. Atoms are literally empty space.
Starting point is 00:30:02 We are more light than physical. We are light, we're not physical, we are energy. So if you understand that, we just appear like we are physical, but we're actually energy vibrating slow enough to appear that way. So we're energetic beings. We live in an energetic reality. How do we make sense of this world?
Starting point is 00:30:21 We see spectrums and colors and wavelengths and sound vibrations. So everything we see in this world is actually the result of an energetic vibration in how we ultimately make sense of the world and apply meaning to it. So the body is just temporary, but the soul is eternal. And the mind and the soul are one. So when I talk about mind, it's mind and soul that little out. The way I perceive it is that it's inside you. Jesus said the kingdom of God is inside of you.
Starting point is 00:30:55 So we have the shell of a body that's the cocoon. Our friend Irwin and I actually talked about this the other night. We have this cocoon that is the shell. But when we die, think about it. The body turns a dust. We have this cocoon that is the shell, but when we die, think about it. The body turns a dust, but the soul is eternal. The soul is expressing itself, its journey, its unique purpose, its unique spiritual DNA that it has, that it came into this world to live and share, and go through challenges
Starting point is 00:31:21 and suffering and pain and adversity to learn, to grow. The soul comes in in this body, but it has any turnal significance to it. So the soul doesn't die, but your body does. And your brain does as well. So the brain is the hardware. It's where activation happens. I've talked to neuroscientists. I said, Hey, have you ever found a thought inside of a brain? No, we have it. No one has ever found a thought inside of a brain? No, we have it. No one has ever found a thought inside of a brain. They don't exist in the brain. It's where the activation happens. Right now, we're making sense of this conversation. People are listening to this conversation. They might be watching it. They're making sense by their brain firing, right?
Starting point is 00:32:01 And neurosenaptic connections are happening. And think about neurons, what are neurons? Little transmitters and receivers inside of your brain. Hundreds of billions of them. Billions. Making sense of everything. We're energetic beings, making sense of this reality that we're experiencing. But this soul, right? This soul is expressing itself. So it's not happening necessarily in the brain, the brain is the activation. And it's how we perceive things and see things. So the soul, the thought activates the brain to be able to have the thought become realized. And when that happens all the time, like we are wearing a peril that are words with, you know, on a
Starting point is 00:32:43 peril. So it starts as an idea as a thought, then you wear a peril. Starts as a thought in your head, but then it becomes a reality. You manifest it in your life. You start to see it. You start to experience it. So everything begins, this is real deep,
Starting point is 00:32:55 begins with a thought though. And so once you understand that it's the soul, right? That is basically using the brain to activate, to experience, then you understand that thoughts exist in consciousness. It's like the internet cloud of consciousness and thoughts always coming in. Now, here's the key for a lot of people, they have a lot of negative thoughts. Yes. And so when those negative thoughts come in, I always say to people, are they coming from you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:22 And people often say, yeah, of course, they're in my head. But if they're coming from you, who would And people often say, yeah, of course, they're in my head. But if they're coming from you, who would ever choose to have a negative thought? Would you ever choose a negative thought? This blows people's mind. I love this. This is so good. You would never choose a negative thought.
Starting point is 00:33:35 So thoughts are coming in from consciousness. Thoughts come in from, there's an evil force that is always trying to divide you and separate you. What is black Panther about? Good versus evil. Harry Potter, good versus Superman. You say, good versus evil. Wonder Woman, good versus evil.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Every epic movie is about good versus evil because that's the narrative of the universe. That is the battle that's going on. And our mind is the battlefield. And so the soul is basically living this journey to take on evil with good, to either be separate or to experience oneness. And it's basically happening in our lives,
Starting point is 00:34:14 in our reality that we're experiencing, our brains are processing. Consciousness actually comes through the heart first. So the heart is actually connected to consciousness. You actually experience in heart math research shows this, you will experience consciousness through the heart is actually connected to consciousness. You actually experience in heart math research shows this you will experience Consciousness through the heart three to five seconds before the brain even realizes What's going on?
Starting point is 00:34:34 That means we live in a projected reality which would make sense at energetic universe a projected reality Which is what BOM says right a projected reality? So we're projecting this reality that we're experiencing, but the soul is experiencing it beforehand. I believe baseball batters who have intuition of what the pitch is gonna be, their heart, and their tuned into the oneness in the moment in the zone are able to actually know what pitch
Starting point is 00:34:56 is coming beforehand. Bro, you're incredible. So first off, everybody, you're welcome. So you know, like, I'm sitting here listening to you going, a couple things, I just gotta jump in, a couple things, but what you just said about the baseball thing. Hopefully it makes sense. It totally makes sense makes sense and by the way if it doesn't rewind and listen again, right? I
Starting point is 00:35:11 First off, this is why this is the greatest show in the world because we go to these places that no one else ever goes on on shows It could be there could be fitness. It just works. We go really deep on the show and Deepak Chopra Here's what's interesting. You're a Christian. I don't think Deepak Chopra, here's what's interesting. You're a Christian, I don't think Deepak is. I think he's, I don't know what his particular chosen faith is or that he doesn't have one. It is sort of remarkable though, to hear what you just described
Starting point is 00:35:35 and to hear what he described when I asked the same question and how almost literally identical the description is. Except you've reached a conclusion that there's a savior. Right. And he has not reached that conclusion. but the concept of the energy, the heart, the thinking. And actually, he uses a terms, he for here first, he says, all thoughts are magical lies. And I've said many times as you've heard me say, you don't have to believe everything you think, right? And then he, I asked him about a term, I do you think some thoughts are reincarnated, right? And he said, I do.
Starting point is 00:36:05 And I actually believe a great baseball player has a reincarnated thought of where that pitch is. And that's why repetition in life matters. That's why practice matters because it allows you to reincarnate a thought. So if I've had enough pitches that are low in a way as a batter, or I've thrown enough punches that are a right hook to the chin, and I've thrown enough of them that when I have the, I have the millisecond thought that I'm gonna throw that punch or hit that ball,
Starting point is 00:36:29 it's reincarnated because it's already been there before. And so the... The reincarnated from when now? From the practice that you put in, from the experience, I'm talking about in athletics. So it's called a reincarnated because you brought the thought back from a previous experience. And so we could say that consciousness
Starting point is 00:36:44 is this unbelievable floating of energy and experiences that have happened in our lives and our experience and we regenerate them over and over again. But in terms of being an athlete, I really do believe this or anything, even in sales when someone asks that question and you have that immediate beautiful response when it happens. That is an energetic connection that you've made. You and I would call that the Holy Spirit. Some of them might call that a reincarnated thought, but in that moment, you're able to see something almost before it's happening in some sort of slow motion. Like, let's just be honest, we both know this podcast right now is something really,
Starting point is 00:37:18 really special. It's not like other ones we've done before. And the reason that we know that is because there's a certain energy that's flowing between the two of us when we do this. I believe it's because we love each other. And so on my show, I always love the guest. I'm not sure they always love me back. They're probably nervous half the time, right? But when you have two people that love one another, another magic showhead was robbed here. Dick and I recently were like, my gosh, it's two men that love one another. So it just has a different resonance to this. There's trust and there's trust to it. There is. Yeah, you can be safe.
Starting point is 00:37:47 You can say what you think, right? In your case, I want to continue to on that road, but I want to connect it to something that you teach that I also agree with, which is that goals may be a little overrated. And it's connected to this as well, because I think there's this hyper obsession in our culture with outcomes and goals.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Oftentimes creating a tremendous amount of pressure that actually blocks you from achieving the feeling that you think you would get if you achieve that physical thing in life. And so I often say standards matter more than goals, but I really like the way that you phrase this. So I wanna kind of pull those two things together. I love that we just went to, what is this all to? Let's goals. Right. Well, let me tell you why I did it sequentially. I love that
Starting point is 00:38:30 just for the muscle mind is knows how I think when I'm putting a show together. My ultimate goal is to go to heaven. Yeah. And I've had an acceptance in my life that I don't have to necessarily work my way there. So good. I've also made some deep commitments in my life that matter much more to me than the goals. And I really believe in my life that I adhere to those commitments that the end result becomes automatic.
Starting point is 00:38:58 So I believe they're very much connected to two topics. Well, it's so special about that, as I was thinking, I want to share this, but how am I going to share this going to goals? And then you just made it possible for me to share it. Because I'm like, this is unbelievable how this happens, right? Again, research from heart math shows when two hearts are in connection like this, there's actually an entrainment where
Starting point is 00:39:17 they actually start to synchronize. And they actually start to synchronize together. They become one heart. Yeah, one. One heart instead of two hearts, which goes back to oneness. So why does it matter? If we're gonna die one day, right? Why does this life even matter?
Starting point is 00:39:33 Right, right. Why does it matter what we produce, how much success we have? Why does it matter if we write a book that may not be around in 100 to 200 years? If we make a great bottle of wine, why does that matter? What? Someone's just going to drink and it's going to be done, right? If someone's going to eat the meal, why should we make a great meal if they're just going to eat it? It's
Starting point is 00:39:57 because there is the eternal nature to temporary things. I want to give credit to Erwin because he and I had this deep conversation about that Erwin McManus where we talked about this because I was exploring this thinking about this and he really helped me thinking through, thought it through in terms of the fact that it matters because we are eternal souls living a temporary reality. So even though we're in this moment right now, the eternal soul is operating and living from an eternal reality right now. So everything we do is actually eternal. The love we give to our kids is eternal. The commitments we make every day, that's eternal.
Starting point is 00:40:32 When we show up and we produce great work, that's eternal. So the love and the care that you put into your life, into your work, into your family, that's what lasts. Nothing else does. I'm just, I'm so excited. I'm thinking so fast ahead, but appearances temporary appearances temporary, but essence is eternal. So with the essence you put into it. So goals are often appearance space. Like what's my goal? What do I want to
Starting point is 00:41:01 achieve? What number do I want to have? That's appearance space, right? Goals of temporary. I was with a football team and NFL team. I had them right down their goals. And then I said, rip them up. Like, what? Just took five minutes to write them down. They were all mad. I'm like, oh, I better run out of here. But they were a little excited. They were a little frustrating. I said, no, just give me a second. Give me a second. I said, how many of you have a goal of winning the Super Bowl? Quarterback wants to probably win an MVP, have so many passing yards, running back,
Starting point is 00:41:29 have so many yards, y'all have certain goals, right? Is that your goals? Yup, yup, yup. I go every single guy in the NFL right now in their training camp room has these same goals. Yeah, right. But will goals take you to where you wanna go? No.
Starting point is 00:41:43 But your commitments will. So then I had them write down their commitments to their goals. You know what John, I'm gonna commit to more recovery time because my body often breaks down. So I'm gonna spend more time in recovery, more ice baths. So I don't break down, may I wait through the season? Another guy said, I'm gonna eat healthier.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Not a goal, but I'm gonna eat healthier. I'm gonna focus on the process. I'm gonna eat healthier. So that way I have better nutrition because my body often breaks down because I don't eat healthy. So now these guys were talking about their commandments. The quarterback said, I'm going to spend more time in the film room. I've got to spend more time.
Starting point is 00:42:14 I've got to get better there. So I'm going to spend more time doing that. I'm going to commit to that. So it's committing to the process. But the process matters because the process is an eternal moment where our essence is shining through through creating something Amazing in that moment and so the eternal again is what last it's experience right now But it's also being experienced in eternity forever
Starting point is 00:42:36 See we live in a like once you understand quantum quantum field and the quantum mind all of that like consciousness is the quantum mind, all of that. Consciousness is the quantum field, quantum energy. So consciousness, when the Holy Spirit comes through, it comes through the quantum field. This is just the ocean. It comes through, but that's how it reaches us. When we're hearing thoughts, it's coming through the quantum field. We're interacting and vibrating every day with the quantum field and with consciousness.
Starting point is 00:43:00 And so every day we're living this life. We're creating an eternal reality, right? In this temporary world. That's why this world matters. Yes. Because otherwise it wouldn't matter. Yep. It's not like earth, then I go to heaven.
Starting point is 00:43:12 What did Jesus say? Bring heaven to earth. Make earth like heaven. We're meant to make it right here, right now. We don't wait till we die. We're not meant for that. We're meant right here, right now. Because this is the eternal moment, right here, right now. We don't wait till we die. We're not meant for that. We're meant right here, right now, because this is the eternal moment, right here, right now.
Starting point is 00:43:28 So good. It's by the way, one of the most important questions because when you're depressed, or you're in the lower state of mind, that's the unconscious conversation you're having with yourself. Why is it matter? Why is it matter?
Starting point is 00:43:42 Why is any of this matter? That's really, it's one of the most important questions of life is why does this matter? Yeah, that's really it's one of the most important Questions of life is why does this matter and I've seen people do it both ways I've seen people who are really down on their luck and have a difficult times and I remember when I was a little boy my grandfather died And I was so sad because he was so good to me He's the only person that ever went to any of all of my baseball games. He never missed a game And I remember when he died and I remember literally being depressed and I remember thinking,
Starting point is 00:44:05 why does this matter? You're going to die anyway. Right. Why does it matter? And so that answer that you just gave is so profound and so beautiful. I've also seen people achieve things in their life get there and it wasn't quite what they thought it was going to be and they go, well then why did this matter? And now you've had an answer to that question. If you ever begin to feel that way again,
Starting point is 00:44:22 I really recommend you rely back on what we've been talking about here today because it's a profound answer you just gave. And you know, it also is really important to share with people. It's really important. You know, Deepak gave his answer. He's not sure what he fully believes, right? Or he may. I can't express it. He may be able to express it. I can. But in terms of faith, he may not be a Christian, right? Here's what I believe about that. The truth doesn't need Jesus or Christianity to exist. The truth exists regardless and separate from that. But Jesus and Christianity actually explains the truth of one that's in separateness. It's the only thing that explains it. And when you understand that there's a wound in your soul, and everyone could actually talk about the wound and knows the wound, We all have this hole where we know there's something more, where we feel less than, where
Starting point is 00:45:07 we feel unloved, where we feel like we're searching for our purpose, where we feel empty at times. We've all had that moment or so where we just truly feel lost and empty. And when they understand that there is a God that created you for oneness and that this wound is meant to be healed. So you have a wound and then how do you heal it? Love and forgiveness. So you heal every wound to love and forgiveness.
Starting point is 00:45:34 What I often say is that wound, that pain, that burn you've been carrying, that trauma you've experienced, it's like inflammation of the soul. You have inflammation. We know to have a healthy body, you gotta remove the inflammation so the body can heal itself. We have to remove the inflammation within your soul so your soul could be healed.
Starting point is 00:45:54 What removes it? Love and forgiveness. And that's when I became a believer in Jesus, because I realized he's the only one that actually came to heal our soul and to take the burden, take the pain, take the inflammation through love, through forgiveness, and his whole purpose is to create oneness with God to make us whole, WHOLA. So he takes the whole in your soul, HOLA, and he makes us whole by taking our pain, our
Starting point is 00:46:21 burden through love and forgiveness. How many so much sense? How many books had you written before you were a Christian? I written two and I came to faith as I was writing energy bus. So people literally said they can see my faith almost being transformed because I was a big energy guy and still am, right? Still am.
Starting point is 00:46:39 It's all one. It's all one. Yeah, it's all one. Once you understand that, right, that's all one. It makes everything easier to talk about. So how have you achieved? So I want to ask you this though, the application of all one. It's all one. Once you understand that, right, that's all one. It makes everything easier to talk about. So how have you achieved, so I wanna ask you this though, the application of all this. So we've been deep in theory today and application.
Starting point is 00:46:53 But the application of these principles in your life has made you one of the most prolific authors in the world. Let's just be clear about this. The stuff has an application everybody to your work, to your life. So, because I think there's a lot of people that says go and look, I'm with you. I want this, I need to do more of this. I need to be certainly cognizant and mindful
Starting point is 00:47:15 of all the things you guys are discussing. Same time, I'm not sure I know what my purpose is and I'm not achieved at a very high level. And although I maybe I've been too focused on goals enough on my commitments, but something happened with you, bro. And although I maybe I've been too focused on goals enough on my commitments. But something happened with you, bro. And it wasn't something happened where your life exploded. There's things you did. So not only the prolific author, you are, I think in college football, I think it's safe to say you're the most sought after guy to come in and leadership in college football. Yeah, probably. And that's transcended in now to the NFL.
Starting point is 00:47:45 It's transcended to the NBA. You're an unbelievable speaker. We're with a ton of corporate clients as well. Yeah, tons of corporations in the business world. We don't talk about this for the corporate clients. Right. We talk about leadership with you. But also, even like I said, when I open the show,
Starting point is 00:48:00 like, I almost nobody did my circle, right? So like, what if you physically don't that's changed your life, the external, it sounds to me like the internal change and then this external life just exploded? We always create from the inside out. And it's so funny, because that's the end of my book, actually,
Starting point is 00:48:22 the last chapter I talk about my journey journey and I talk about how I was depressed How I was down how my wife almost left me because I was so negative I was searching for answers. I was seeking I was getting rid of jump off the roller coaster And that was me that was my journey I had so much angst so much anxiety so much fear so much stress I'm 30 30 when years old and my wife is about to leave me. She's like, if you don't change, we're over. And that is where everything began to change for me.
Starting point is 00:48:52 That is when I finally said, I've got to figure this out. I want to be a more positive person. And I started with just a simple step. And it always starts with simple steps. We have to remember that. We're talking theory, but I love that you always bring it back to practical application. What could you do today?
Starting point is 00:49:06 You could take a walk of gratitude today, because research shows you can't be stressed and thankful at the same time. So if you're feeling blessed, you won't feel stressed. If you're feeling grateful, you start to rewire your brain, literally rewire your brain. You start to tune your brain into a higher frequency when you're practicing gratitude.
Starting point is 00:49:21 So I'm walking every day, and I'm practicing gratitude. That turned into walks of prayer. And I just started to say, God, I don't have all the answers, but I need help, God. God, I trust in you. I believe that you have a plan for my life. I expect all the great things in my life.
Starting point is 00:49:36 I accept all the people wanna work with me and benefit from my gifts and talents, God. Somehow, some way it's gonna happen. And I literally started to speak life and speak words out there saying, I was gonna create this life. Now, along the way, from that, I started to surrender and trust and say,
Starting point is 00:49:56 you will not my will, God. I can't believe that I believe what I believe, right? You know what I mean? You know what I mean? Like what I believe, I can't believe I know what I know now. What I know, I'm able to teach this one truth. I'm able to teach these lessons because I'm obedient and I surrender
Starting point is 00:50:11 and on my walks God speaks to me because I make time for relationship with the creator. If you wanna have a better relationship with your wife and you guys have an amazing relationship but say you wanted a better relationship, you have to spend more time together, right? I mean, well, maybe with my wife and I have too much time, but it's enough time.
Starting point is 00:50:28 She doesn't want to see me too much, but you got to spend more time if you want to, we're just joking by the way. But if you want to have a relationship with someone, you spend more time with them. Well, to have a relationship with God, you got to spend more time with God. Spookedly a young man today.
Starting point is 00:50:44 I said, are you an accident? He said, no, I'm not an accident because he was down the existence of God. Are you an accident? No, I'm not an accident. I go, well, I said, if there's no God then you're just an accident. No, I'm not an accident.
Starting point is 00:50:55 I go, do you have a purpose? He goes, yeah, I have a purpose. I'm searching for my purpose. I said, well, if there's no God, there's no purpose. It's all accidental. It's all randomness. There's no purpose. There's no meaning.
Starting point is 00:51:03 He said, all right, well, I'm open to that. So here's what you gotta do. You want to know your purpose. You want to live your purpose? So I'm focusing on having a relationship with God and just trusting and surrendering and taking walks and asking for guidance and just believing and just be open and just have faith. The more you do that, the more you connect with God, he'll start to reveal your purpose in your life. That's what happened to me. I said, God, what's my purpose? Use me for your purpose.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Guide me towards my purpose. It's the prayer that Ben Newman always says. Use me for your purpose. Guide me towards my purpose. And I would say that every single day. So I was doing a lot of things that were allowing me to tune into God, get mentally healthier, speaking words of encouragement.
Starting point is 00:51:44 And I would talk positive words instead of negative words. When the negative thoughts came in, I would replace the negative with something positive. So instead of listening to yourself, you talked yourself. So I would do that. And that just really started to impact me. And I'm convinced the more I did that and the more I trusted and the more I surrendered. And I was obedient to it. When God gave me an idea for a book, I wrote it. When God said, right, this training camp, I wrote it. The main scene, the main character comes to faith literally in a locker room, you know, and with coach and gives his life to God.
Starting point is 00:52:18 You say some things really quickly that people will miss that are beautifully profound. Sometimes I speak too fast. No, you just said a lot. One of the things you just said there is, maybe I should stop listening to myself and start talking to myself. That's not small. Listen everybody, there's a few keys. Let's take faith to the side just for a second, okay? Couple keys, he said.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Number one is he took walks. Why is that matter when you're trying to connect to your faith or even do creative thinking or unleash your genius? There's a power to moving your physiology, to moving your body. Now, when I pray at night, I'm well known for saying, I pray on my knees, makes me feel small,
Starting point is 00:52:51 reminds me of my smallness and context of the world. Same time though, I pray many different times a day. I create many different times a day. They are always following or during a workout or moving my body. So people ask me, how do you write your book? How do you give your speeches? How do you come up with the ideas, the concepts,
Starting point is 00:53:06 preparing for an interview? It's during my workouts or right post to my workouts. Your form or that is taking a walk and moving your body. It's a massive key, okay? The second massive key is language. The way you use words, you just set a lot right there. But the way we use words, it defines and magnifies and actually creates experience. Words create experience. And so if you're having a difficult
Starting point is 00:53:33 time, really, truly evaluate the words and the language you use. I've watched people when I've been out to dinner with them. This service is, you know, and I'm like, no, it's not. It's, it's, they could do better. Right. Or, or even people use words to minimize. If they want to lose weight, well, I put on a few pounds. No, you're getting fat, right? Like the way we use words is really important in our life.
Starting point is 00:53:57 And I, it used to be the self-help personal development culture. This was a centerpiece. The last 10, 15 years, this whole notion's gone away. And no one talks about how much language changes our life, just a switch of different words and context. And I've watched myself when I've checked into hotel, my room's not ready. And I'm going to give a speech. This is, you know, I'm like, hold on a minute, right? What's the word here? Really? This is unfortunate. This is frustrating. This is disappointing.
Starting point is 00:54:28 There's a different tone into your language. So just speak to that for a second. How important language is in someone's life. I think people think that it's corny these days in doing that, and that's why it's sort of taking a back seat. They made fun of them on Serent Live, right? You're smart enough, you're good enough. You're smart.
Starting point is 00:54:44 You're good enough, you're smart. You're smart enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough.
Starting point is 00:54:52 You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough.
Starting point is 00:55:00 You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough.
Starting point is 00:55:08 You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. You're good enough. Am I speaking hope, faith, trust, confidence? What I wanna create in the future? Am I focusing on the past, the negative, who hurt me, who wronged me? And so when those negative thoughts are coming in, do this exercise, write them down on a left side of a piece of paper, write down your negative thoughts that come in, right?
Starting point is 00:55:18 What are your common negative thoughts? On the right side, write down the words of encouragement that you will say to yourself, in the future, to speak life into yourself. The word encourage means to put courage into. So when you're encouraging yourself, you're putting courage into yourself. When you encourage others, you're putting courage into them. And think about enthusiasm. Adesiasm means, right, comes from the word entheos, means feel with the divine. So bring that energy, that divine, that passion, that purpose, those words of encouragement,
Starting point is 00:55:49 to your life, and you'll start to create a different life. So true. I was towards the negative. I was down, I want to give up. I was hopeless at so many times, and then I started feeling with hope, and with belief, and with trust.
Starting point is 00:56:03 And I think that's the key. Hope gives you one more day. It's true. One more day. There's a power to one more day. And by the way, one more. Yeah, one more. There's power to one more.
Starting point is 00:56:14 And I want to, we don't have that much time left, but I just want to second something you said there. People have commented to me that, hey, I don't hear you use profanity very often. Here's the truth. I do use profanity in my life from time to time. I wish I could tell you that I didn't, but I do. But one of the reasons I abstain or refrain from it
Starting point is 00:56:31 as much as possible is there's such magnifying words to negative states. And so I had to pull it out of my everyday vernacular because it magnifies negative states and takes me out of the state I need to be in to be creating, to be productive, to be pulling the genius out of me. So it's just one really small thing. And for me, it matters in my life.
Starting point is 00:56:52 I actually will use some of those words to magnify positive experiences sometimes. But I'm very, very careful about the way that I speak because I know it creates a state. And I think most things know it creates a state. And I think most things you're created of state, I want to be in a peaceful, loving, beautiful state. And that is comprised of my faith, the way I move my body, what I focus on, and my language. And those things combine create a state. And that state is what you're going to create your life out of to end up in the ultimate state. When you talk about state, I gotta just talk about frequency for a second. Please.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Because our brain is an antenna. So you are tuning into a high frequency or a low frequency. So imagine these negative thoughts are coming in. You start to tune into them. You start speaking those words into existence. You speak them out loud. You start to tune into it even more. So now
Starting point is 00:57:45 you have a lower frequency. Your brain is literally now tuning into the lower frequency more often. The more that happens, I'm convinced we actually get a lower and lower frequency within our brain. And then from there, we go down the downward spiral. That's why the more negative thoughts we have, the more we actually have and get. So we go down the downward spiral, think about the brain. It's an antenna. So what should you do? Tune into the higher frequency. Love, enjoy, and gratitude, and hope, and encouragement, and faith, right?
Starting point is 00:58:18 Take every thought captive, the renewing of your mind. As you're doing this every day, you're literally renewing your mind, you're raising the frequency of your brain, of your mind. As you're doing this every day, you're literally renewing your mind, you're raising the frequency of your brain, of your mind. You're creating a healthier brain, a healthier mind, right? That now is tuning into that higher frequency. And from there, that gives you the state. Your time out state. State is nothing more than frequency.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Tuning into now amazing things in this world, rather than the hardship and the suffering you're tuning into the positive and the hopeful. Now, why should you do that? Because there is suffering. There is pain. So you have to raise your frequency to help others deal with their challenges and their pain and their suffering. If you're sick, you can't help somebody else who's sick. You have to be well to help others. So it's about you becoming well. You're raising your frequency, raising others. So it's about you becoming well, you raising your frequency, raising your state, right?
Starting point is 00:59:07 So you can be someone who gives people hope to your words, but also your actions. Your brain is an antenna. An antenna. So good. And by the way, gosh, it's like a masterpiece conversation here, man. Like this matters because I believe there's a pattern of thought.
Starting point is 00:59:24 There's a pattern of language. There's a pattern of language. There's up and that creates a pattern in your life. And when you can begin to tune that brain into that antenna into the right frequency, the results may not show up the first day or the second day or the first month or the second month or maybe even the first year or the second year, but you begin to create a pattern of your life to tuning into that frequency,
Starting point is 00:59:43 the majority of the time. Life is not about 100% of the time all the time, but I can tell you, and I know this of John as well, my life has changed over the last several decades because there's a pattern to my thoughts. There's a pattern to my language. There's a pattern to where my antenna is tuning in and that eventually creates an external pattern of results that are produced or are produced.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Why is all this matter? Final thing. Thank you for today, by the way. The final reason all this matters is you said something when you walked in and I'm going to let you finish the sentence and I'll let you elaborate on it, but you were saying this to a leader you were working with just yesterday and And you said, all this matters because wherever you go, there you are. And so you're going to take yourself with you wherever you go in life. You have a bad relationship. If you don't work on yourself, you're going to
Starting point is 01:00:35 just bring your bad self to another relationship. You can leave your job, go to another job. If you don't work on yourself, you're going to bring that self to the other job. And it's not going to go well there either. So as you work on you, you're going to bring that self to the other job and it's not going to go well there either. So as you work on you, as you become the best you, you bring that best to others. And then you help others be their best. Again, circling back, it all comes down to that oneness when you're experiencing the oneness and you feel that connection. You have more purpose, you have more hope, you have more love, and
Starting point is 01:01:03 then you share that with others. You ask me what I did, add more hope, by walking every day and praying and trusting, by doing these things and tweeting my mind to a higher frequency, by practicing gratitude, by exercising, by working out, by eating right, doing all the things that you do every day. What happens, right? You create this person, this being that is able to take on this world in a more powerful way. You're right, brother. You do that for me. When my dad was alive, this notion of wherever you go,
Starting point is 01:01:33 there you are. I remember I was broke and pretty broken and just negative and down and depressed and fearful and anxiety and slothy. Yeah. And my dad, I said, if I could just get my business going, down and depressed and fearful and anxiety and slothy. Yeah. And my dad, I said, if I could just get my business going,
Starting point is 01:01:48 dad, if I could just get there and I got these dreams and I might have a mansion. I might have this. And my dad said to me, he goes, just so you know, when you get into that mansion, you have to bring you with you. Wow.
Starting point is 01:01:58 And you get to find a way to find bliss and gratitude now and the small things in your life, Eddie, because if you can't find them now, you won't find them when you move into that mansion. The furniture can change, but it's still you sitting there. And I just think what today hopefully did for so many of you is it gives you some insights, some thoughts, some strategies as you go in your life to bring a better you with you when you get there and where you are right now. Where do they find you?
Starting point is 01:02:25 Because I know my audience knows you pretty well, but after today, there's, you know, several million more people that go, okay, this Gordon guy is pretty damn good. How do I go get more from him? Hey, John, John and also Twitter, Instagram at J.O.N. Gordon 11. Love connecting with people and just if anyone wants to reach out after listening here, I'd love to hear from them and just check out the one truth when it comes out in a few months. I think it's gonna rock people and pull out of people away.
Starting point is 01:02:50 We'll certainly check out the book when it comes out and then everybody joins us to give her. So you're part of a really important man's life. He's making a big difference in the world. And he's made a difference in my life as I've told you all by the way, everybody, I have one ask from you, which is to share the show. If the show makes a difference for you,
Starting point is 01:03:07 share it with people that you care about, but you love that you believe what we've talked about today could help improve their life because that's why we do it. And today was a 25 out of 10 brothers, so thank you. All right, God bless you, everybody. Max out your life, take care. This is the endm Mylethal.

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