THE ED MYLETT SHOW - How to Channel Energy to Achieve Your Goals - with Cesar Millan

Episode Date: June 25, 2019

At the end of the day, your ENERGY and HARD WORK will lead you to success! “It's not where you are at today or where you came from but where you will be at tomorrow.” These are the words of a man ...that embodies a TRUE “Rags to Riches” story. He is a world-renowned dog behavior expert, a New York Times best-selling author, a global public speaker AND the star of the hit show, Dog Whisperer. I am overwhelmed with excitement to bring you, Cesar Milan! It’s not the events in our lives that define us, but the ENERGY we give to them! We ALL will face hardships, setbacks, false starts, tragedies, but it’s how you respond to them that matters. You can have ANYTHING your heart desires. It all has to do with the ENERGY you put towards it. From humble beginnings, growing up on a farm in Culiacán, Mexico, Cesar crossed the border to California at only 21 years old, $100 in his pocket and not speaking a word of English. With the odds stacked against him, he MASTERED POVERTY and found happiness even with just $100 in his pocket. In this interview, you will learn how Cesar’s ENERGY transformed his entire life and how he was able to channel his ENERGY to reach his dreams! He is breaking down the science behind how to sync your MIND, your HEART and your SPIRIT to unlock your SUPER POWERS hidden with you to be able to achieve ANYTHING YOU CAN DREAM OF! You’ll learn how your energy can be your biggest HANDICAP or the separator that makes you WIN! ENERGY transcends race, gender, nationality, age, class, AND SPECIES! Your time is NOW to find the balance between your mind, body, and spirit, master the power of attraction and ACHIEVE YOUR FULL POTENTIAL!  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the Edmire show. Welcome back to Max out everybody. Said my let. Unbelievable show today. I'm telling you. I've even had to chase this guy for about two months to get this thing set up. And I'm so grateful. If you were here for the off camera conversation, you already would be sharing this with everybody. So I'm
Starting point is 00:00:28 hoping the on-camera is even better than that. But this man to my left really needs no introduction. If you look at him, you know that this guy had a television show from almost more than a decade played in 120 countries. They call him the dog whisperer. but more than that, I see a man in front of me who's an immigrant who's got an incredible story from his family. He started out as somebody who was a dog walker when he came to the country. That was a dog groomer, a vet helper, a kennel person, a kennel person, then a trainer, now kind of a behaviorist and all different forms. And, but I'm calling him my friend now. So Caesar Malone, thank you for being here.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Thank you, appreciate it. I like your energy. Thank you, man. I love yours too. Thank you. And I gotta tell you, I've impreping for this and diving into your work. I was telling you off-care, but it's helped me so much.
Starting point is 00:01:17 I've just enjoyed learning from you. And so I'm really grateful that I get to share you with my audience today. Yeah, I'm happy. I'm happy to be part of your pack and your journey and how you are going to connect to people and change the world. I think we have the same in common, you know, we got is about if you can, you know, is making this planet a better place. For me, I have a timeline. I said, better humans, better planet. And the way I do it is helping people to connect
Starting point is 00:01:45 to natural, simple, profound frame of mind. It's a lifestyle. Most people didn't know how to connect to fame, money, and power. And so that's comfort. I mean, that gives you a lot of luxury and comfort. And you're able to afford medical health. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:02:03 Coming from as an immigrant, I mean, we always think food should help their medical health. So it's always something in the back of our mind that we have to make sure we have it. Before savings. You know, that's how you're gonna keep somebody alive. So let's talk about you acquiring those things
Starting point is 00:02:18 for a second. By the way, we're coming to you from the dog psychology center. Yeah. And this place is bananas. It's unbelievable. We'll be feeding in of you, those of you that are watching this, you're gonna see the b-roll this place. It's unbelievable. We'll be feeding in a few of those you that are watching that you're going to see the b-roll this place. It's just breathtaking when you come in here.
Starting point is 00:02:30 It's just a special place that was really- It's literally a dream. It's literally a dream. Because I started walking in a place called Ranyan Canyon. So I started, first I started walking and South Central in England. So I was called a Mexican guy who can walk a bag of dogs and I have 40 dogs walking off leash. I didn't know that it was illegal to walk dogs of leash in England. So I was called a Mexican guy who can walk a pack of dogs, and I have 40 dogs walking off leash.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I didn't know that it was illegal to walk dogs off leash in America. 4040? Yeah, 40. Because I was making money with, instead of charging $30, $40 per dog, I was making money with volume. So I was charging $10 per dog.
Starting point is 00:03:02 So for me to make a hundred, you know, 400 bucks, I have to do 40 dogs. So that way people will hire me. Because I don't have papers, I don't speak English, you know what I mean? I don't know the system. I have to gain the trust. So as a Mexican, we always give something so that people keep coming back. And that something was my service.
Starting point is 00:03:21 I was an amazing service. Super cheap. You know what I'm saying? But thanks to that, I became known as the Mexican guy who walks up out of dogs. Then I start walking in different places like Ranyan Canyon, which is a beautiful, beautiful place. And then you start thinking, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:38 one day I'm gonna buy this place. You know, why not? I'm already in America and you're seeing that your goals and your dreams are coming into reality. So you keep dreaming big and you know, dreaming and I'm almost crazy. But Ranyan Canyon was in for sale obviously. And I said, well, I have to have my own mountain.
Starting point is 00:04:01 You know what I mean? Because I can't keep getting tickets. You know, you can take us if you walk with your dog off leash. I'm walking 40. And so then I say, well, I'm going to buy a mountain. Oh my gosh. Yeah. And that's pretty much it. And you did. You did. This place is, you guys, I'm telling you, I've been to a lot of places that you can see the vision even how you've built this place, and then your future plans as well. I think you're interesting, man,
Starting point is 00:04:29 like you fascinate me because obviously the depth of what you teach and who you are, which we're gonna get into in a minute, makes such an impact on people, because you come from a perspective that I've never heard before, and I've told you that off camera. But the other part of your story is like,
Starting point is 00:04:43 there's this amazing life story of who you are too. And I wanna, I'd be cheating the eyes, we didn't go to both. So can we go back at this a little bit just for a second? So you end up coming here, December 23rd, 100 bucks in your pocket, correct? Yeah, my dad's life savings. Your dad's life savings?
Starting point is 00:05:00 My dad's life savings, yeah. He gave you the $100. He gave me $100, that's all he had. That's all he had. You can't save money when the system keeps you oppressed. Talk about the pack, seems to be a little bit. You talk about this all the time. What's the pack, what is that?
Starting point is 00:05:17 Family. I just identify with the work pack because I love the way a pack of dogs work. Harmony, balance, nobody has feeling less than the other. Everybody plays such a great role. I always tell people about dogs are like immigrants. They can only take empty spaces. So when I came to America, I took the pack of the pack space
Starting point is 00:05:40 because that's the only thing that's available for us immigrants. We can't take 13, 25 an hour us immigrants. We can't take, you know, 13, 25 an hour. Right. You know what I mean? We can't take that. You know, and definitely we can't own, play, uh, uh, company so we can't take the front of the pack. So in order for, uh, for, for economy to function, all the positions have to be filled,
Starting point is 00:06:00 you know, so we play a, a very important role because we take the back of the pack Payment yes, and a dog a dog and a pack of dogs as soon as somebody's missing in the pack Somebody takes in got you the funny part is in my profession is most of my clients take the follower position and the dog takes the leader position So if it's only two chairs and you take the the chairs say it's follower, the only one is empty is the leader position. So America is controlled by kids and dogs because the kids and the dogs are guiding or dictating what the activities should be. Right, so that's what's super nanny 99191 and dog whisper existed as a TV show. So that's the only reason. From a logical perspective, I'm glad I feel blessed is a great opportunity that the world gave me. But the reason why I did it is because I saw that empty space.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Oh my gosh. You saw that. So did you come here knowing that was that you're dreaming originally? No. No. No. I thought I was going to come and learn from Americans. I grew up watching the Americans know everything.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Americans were the superheroes of the world. You know what I mean? So the greatest marketing in the world, Americans have it. So who is the best in the world? Americans. Okay, so you gotta go to America because the lasso in Rintin-Ting lives there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:17 And so that means all dogs in America are like lasso in Rintin-Ting. They can't have no less than that. Oh my goodness. I'm sorry. I'm thinking. So I was thinking that everybody in America has a dog, just like lashing or anything. So I'm glad that I was naive. I'm glad that I was ignorant about it
Starting point is 00:07:35 because when I came to America, I said, what is lashing or anything? Why this people are afraid of walking their dogs? Why are they afraid of opening the door? Why they're afraid of opening the door. Why they're afraid of being in a baby in a dog. You know, why they're giving dogs prosak. Why they're utilizing dogs. Why they are isolating dogs.
Starting point is 00:07:56 You know what I mean? Why the dog has to be medicated? I mean, he's like, you know what I mean? He's like, why the dogs wear muscles? Why are the dogs all these things that in a third world country, you're never gonna see a dog on a leash. You're never gonna see a dog on a leash in a third world country. That's true, that's right.
Starting point is 00:08:11 At least cost money, there's a third world country. Okay, all right. You know, so that money will go for food, not for a leash in a dog. You also said, would you touch on this that in a third world country for the most part, dogs don't have behavioral issues? Nothing, no. They're hungry. If you're hungry, would you touch on this, that in a third world country for the most part, dogs don't have behavioral issues? Nothing.
Starting point is 00:08:26 They're, they're hungry. If you're hungry, you're not going to have like, you're not going to have drama in your life. You're not going to have like, you're not going to not enjoy the moment. You're going to be looking, you're biggest motivation to stay alive. I think that there's a lesson there. I just want to jump in on this and that is that, that's one of the things also why I think someone should always have something that they're pursuing in their life. That hunger inside a human also keeps you from sitting around
Starting point is 00:08:50 worrying about all your problems all the time and how you're not fulfilled and you're not happy and all these other things that I think human struggle with most of the time. Sometimes it's just created by the fact that there's no hunger in your life. You're not after something. You're not passionate about something and the journey's unreal that you're going to put in this TV show for a decade, written all these books. But at some point, is it accurate? You were living homeless when I came to America, yeah? You were literally homeless. You sleep under a bridge literally. Two months, yeah. Two months under a bridge. It's so.
Starting point is 00:09:20 You don't feel like a homeless. You feel like when you go to Europe and you're like, it's back back in the hospital. Back back back back back back. You don't feel like a homeless, you feel like when you go to Europe and you're like Backie, you know, I mean it's a perception. It's a thing about you and this perception thing though that I perceive about you like right when I got out of my car immediately was your energy and It's I it seems to me that it paints your outlook on life like talk a little bit about how even with dogs or humans How you tell them you earlier that like in Mexico, they don't name their dogs, but they have a connection with their dogs. Yeah. But often in the US, you don't see that. And that's from an energy, a connection perspective, right? How does energy work exactly to you? Look, here we go. Classroom time, everybody on YouTube. This is awesome. Look, so animal is energy.
Starting point is 00:10:07 All animals know how you feel, no matter what species they are. Okay? No matter. Walk up to a cow, they know how you feel. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Squirrels, everything, everything, everything. The species is how you're going to connect. So this is through connection connection and this is communication.
Starting point is 00:10:28 This is nose, eyes, ears. This is awesome. Yeah. So because people want to connect, communicate with a dog, you have to use nose, eyes, ears. Because people want to gain the trust respect and love of any animal. Your energy is more important than how you communicate because there is people who are mute. That means they can verbally say anything. There is humans who are blind. That means they can never see the body language. There is humans who are deaf. That means they can never hear the sound.
Starting point is 00:11:05 But, handicat people connect with dogs, right? My clients, even though they're not handicapped, they make a dog unstable. Handicat people make dogs normal, normal people make dogs handicapped. So, handicapped is what? Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Anything can be handicap. Sure. So why are you handicap? Because your energy is not aligned. Oh, brother, I like it.
Starting point is 00:11:32 You see it? So that's how you end up becoming spiritually handicap, emotionally handicap, and mentally handicap. Because your energy is not aligned. So you can't really have communication with you. Because you have negative energy inside of you. So if you energy is negative, it doesn't matter if you talk to you, why?
Starting point is 00:11:52 It doesn't matter. Well, you have to say, my energy is negative. How do I make a calm, confident love joy? Confident, calm. No, calm, confident love joy. Body, mind, heart, spirit. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:07 You see, so do you feel humans are identical? Correct. I mean, humans, it seems to me, even like in sales courses or business courses, often, I teach people this all the time. People are so caught up in the part that they're going to say or what people are going to hear and not enough about what people feel. Humans respond to how they feel as well, correct? On energy, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:25 So your job, my job as a salesperson to an animal, is to assess and evaluate. Okay. How do you feel right now? So passing future is irrelevant. How do you feel right now? So it's my job to assess and evaluate. Right? So then, who's best to tell me
Starting point is 00:12:42 how that animal feels best? The instinctual side of me. Not my brain, not my me how that animal feels best the instinctual side of me now my brain now my heart now my spirit my instinctual side So you naturally when you're little you use your instinctual side to survive Then you learn who to love right and then just use spirituality to believe so you you're doing that Okay, so the but the first thing that moves is your instinct. Absolutely. So your instinct is immediately says, calm, be confident, love, joy.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Ta-ta-ta-ta. It just, automatically, is a program inside of you to stabilize yourself. So you are actually a much effective human to earth and to a pack. If you start calm, confident love joy. Calm, confident love joy. Combody, confident mind, loving heart, joy for a moment. Stayed on that for a second with me because I've learned so much from you about my incorrect approach when it comes to dogs.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I think I do a little better with humans, but I don't do so good with dogs. Yeah, because humans are audio. And they see, like you can benefit with you just by A, that guys come here as it was, so it has that intellectual winning. And in my case, it was like when I met you, with humans over my life, for some different circumstances in my life,
Starting point is 00:13:57 I have learned to connect with humans and sense energy and try to transmit energy just by being present, by being instinctual, by thinking less exactly what you've said. But when it's come the dogs, I haven't done that. Comes the dogs, I do the thing most people do. Would you show them when you, it seems to me that your first approach
Starting point is 00:14:14 when you're with a dog is calm, which is the complete opposite of what 99% of humans do when they interact with a dog, correct? Yeah, anyway. But horse people do it right. As I mentioned, you earlier, right? Which way that? Horse people, when they teach a child to be a runner horse,
Starting point is 00:14:31 they put a lot of effort in making sure the kid is calm. And they put a lot of effort in making sure the kid understand why that way with the horse. Because we want the horse to trust us. So it motivates the kid to actually go deeper into his already knowledge and become kids and naturally come. Kids are naturally loving and kids are naturally excited.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Just like kids are naturally inclined to follow play and explore, right? They wanna do that with their mind. They wanna follow somebody, play with somebody, explore. But it's naturally, they're naturally inclined to become, to be loving and to be joyful. So you're not teaching anything. You're just saying that, that part of you,
Starting point is 00:15:14 we're gonna bring it out with horse. Yeah. You see it? And then with dogs, people tell the kid, be joyful and approach, regardless how the dog feels. And if he bites you, we're going to blame him. That just made a kid completely confused. Because the kid is given a gift, but then he receives the wrong reaction.
Starting point is 00:15:40 And then the humans, or the parents, or the grown-ups, were immediately react in a panic way. And then they said, okay, so I am bad. That dog is bad. And so dogs are bad. Yeah. So it creates like a really negative memory. You know?
Starting point is 00:15:56 Do dogs respond to that common thing because they, in a pack, you follow stability? Well, animals like, because they, in a pack, you follow stability? Well, animals, like, let's, because people love elephants. You know, they always attach elephant with the most intelligent species in the world. But they're instinctual, okay? So, in the elephant world, it's not the male who leads,
Starting point is 00:16:19 it's a female. So what kind of female leads a pack of elephants? They want, who is the the highest at a calm state, confident state. The male becomes to out of control. You see what I'm saying? So we are the only species that follow unstable leaders. So even the elephant world who have
Starting point is 00:16:39 who have allowed a female to lead the pack for hundreds of years before we politically decide that a female human can be a pack leader. You got it? So we have learned to believe that there is a male figure regardless if it's unstable that we must follow him. Only humans do that. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Only human. You know what I mean? I'm not feminine, I'm not this. I'm just saying energy is something the animals have been showing humans that is the right, that is the first thing to focus. Not gender. Yeah. And that's fishy.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Yeah. You know, so have you seen relationships with a cat and a dog live and the cat takes the leader position? Yes. More and more in Instagram. And I love it because people get to see that a duck can have a relationship with a dog and the dog doesn't eat the duck.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Why? Because the dog takes the leader position. Got you. So it's your responsibility to take the leader position as a parent, so calm, confident, love, joy. Wow. You see it? So direction, protection, love is very important, but most parents do the same thing with dogs.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Joy, love, no confidence. That's a play at back piece right there everybody, for being a leader and being a parent. It's the same, but. Yeah, exactly the same brother. That's the brilliant thing. You just say, you just created a pack. Yeah, you know, you totally made.
Starting point is 00:18:01 You told me that in the pack that there are, there's multiple positions, but there's really like three main positions in the pack. And what are those three positions? Back of the pack. Okay, and these are... Go ahead. Back of the pack.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Middle of the pack, front of the pack. And who are these personalities typically? Well, sensitivity. Okay. It's based on sensitivity and strength, you know, and just the happy-go-lucky energy. So the three energies in the animal world, calm, confident, happy, go lucky, calm surrender. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:31 You see it? So the calm surrender is going to be the most sensitive because it's in a surrender state. Okay. The calm, confident is direction and protection. So they're always alert, always alert. That's their job. And the middle, they're just making sure everybody, you don't get to
Starting point is 00:18:50 sensitive, you don't get to strong. It's like you HR, human resources. That's what we have, a human resources, and a pack of people with leaders and followers. We need a middleman. Wow. You see say so instinctually we should pick people with good humor for HR. You should not pick people who are better. You should not you know people who don't have sensitivity and definitely if they don't have happy-go-lucky energy they shouldn't be HR. It couldn't be an HR because that's the middle of the pack position. Yeah that's the one that's the because that's the middle of the pack position. Yeah, that's the one. That's the one to make sure everybody gets alone, the front and the back.
Starting point is 00:19:30 This is your strongest energy. This is just a mediator. I love it. It's like a, you get a mediator in the legal world. You can hire a mediator, but that is just providing an instinctual moment so energies can come in the middle. Everyone's starting to figure out now why I told you I was so fascinated by his work
Starting point is 00:19:50 because as I'm hearing things, I'm obviously listening because as it applies to dogs and animals, but I'm really listening to how it applies as humans. And in my life, the leaders that I've been willing to follow the most have been common confident first. You're exactly right about that. And the people that have been the glue in my company
Starting point is 00:20:06 have been people that have utilized humor. And the people in the back of the pack have been the most sensitive people that kind of build the relationship in the company and are belongers and build the community. And these are all things you should be identified in people. He's the only person on earth who speaks it this way.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Even when you drive up here, just talk about this. I drive up to the property and right on the hill and big writing is trust, respect, love. And is that how you would build a family? Is that how you'd build a company? Would speak to why those things are those three are so important to you. Well, it's a relationship.
Starting point is 00:20:36 It's through relationships, you have to build, self and outside yourself. So you have to trust yourself, respect yourself, love yourself. Otherwise, you can't really ask for somebody else to do it. So, if you don't master this, if you don't live by this high code, and I value animals very, very much. And they have allowed me to keep my standards at a high level because how much I love what they have done for me.
Starting point is 00:21:06 You know what I mean? Because I am here because the animals. So trust, respect and love is not so much for somebody else, is that you actually trust yourself, respect yourself, love yourself. You know what I mean? And most people have learned not to love themselves, not to trust themselves, not to respect themselves. So unfortunately, that is going to hurt your spirit.
Starting point is 00:21:28 That's going to hurt your heart, and definitely going to hurt your instinct, because if you don't trust yourself, you can only feel bad about it. You know what I mean? You're pretty much stepping on yourself, and self-inflicting pain. So trust respect in love is definitely not something that you
Starting point is 00:21:46 learn outside, but you master it inside. How do you think someone acquires that speaking of people who lack it? Is there a place to begin where you go, okay, don't trust myself? Well, motivation. Motivation, I think every change started with what motivates you, you know, sometimes most people find motivation outside of them. And that's a perfect way of reason to start changing habits, you know what I mean? Perception, so formula, I love the word formula, I follow formula. And it's easy to remember, you know, one, two, three. Yes. You really have to be dancing with life.
Starting point is 00:22:21 And when you are with animals, you're dancing with energy, you know. Yeah, so you're definitely, you follow a formula. That's what you can go with dancing with life and when you are with animals you're dancing with energy. You know, yeah, so you're definitely you follow a formula. That's what you can go with. Then say with the start they teach you a formula. So you say when your animals you're dancing with energy, I just love jumping in here. Isn't that what you're doing? Isn't that what you and I are doing right now? Isn't the best connections you're dancing with energy with a person as well? You're connected. Yeah, and you talk about the way you do that and you talk about the difference between being and thinking.
Starting point is 00:22:45 This is like brilliance to me. What is the difference between those two things? But then you feel what you're saying. Yeah, most people just say shit. And then, you know, they don't know they can hurt people. You understand? So that's really mean, because if you can hurt your own family,
Starting point is 00:23:01 and that's the one you don't want to hurt, you know what I mean? You don't mind to hurt people outside your personal space, but when you end up hurting the people inside your personal intimate space, that's the part where you don't realize that you're not aware of how you feel. You're aware of what you want, but you're not aware of how you feel
Starting point is 00:23:22 so you can get what you want. You know, so it's a big responsibility being a parent It's a big responsibility wanted to bring somebody into your life and that person give you back happiness Because if you're not happy with yourself and then you can't really generate You know the ideal lifestyle. Why do you think people speaking on that because I speak to this a lot Why do you think people delay their that? Because I speak to this a lot. Why do you think people delay their happiness till they get somewhere or something? You and I both have talked about this, but most humans are kind of waiting to be happy. Don't you think till I get this relationship or
Starting point is 00:23:56 till I get the mountain or till I get the car or I get the job or I get the they delay their happiness and their lives animals aren't that way, are they? They don't delay their happiness till they get something. I think it's priorities. I think it has to do with you priorities of what do you prioritize? You prioritize natural simple profound or you provide or you prioritize money, fame and power. What are, what are your, what are your priorities? Right? And money, fame and power only exist in the intellectual world. That means you're not going to take care of youramous power only exists in the intellectual world. That means
Starting point is 00:24:25 you're not going to take care of your body, of your heart, and your spirit. So if you don't take care of your heart, your body, and your spirit, how in the world are you going to ask somebody to do it? And if you do, you're not using honesty, you know, because you've been a hypocrite. You say it's, and then the other person will clearly say, or see that you are now practicing exercise. So why would you encourage me to do exercise? You're not being a positive person. Why would you encourage me to be positive? You're not being a loving person.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Why would you encourage? So you can't motivate someone that you are not being. Gosh, these are so good. You get it? So animals, for me, are playing a very important role because it keeps me grounded on the natural, simple, profound lifestyle. So I can be happy with or without money. I already mastered how not to have money.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I was poor. My whole entire childhood and adolescent stage. Of course, I mastered that. Do I feel bad about it now? Feel great. Because I can say I master poverty, you know what I mean? And most people who make money and then lose money, and then they get depressed because they have never experienced
Starting point is 00:25:40 to be happy without money-fame and power. And you had that happen, right? You've told me that you had money, then you didn't have money again, then you had it again. Did you, if you don't mind saying, this is somewhere that's interesting to go, but that you could help people. Because I think people look at someone like you
Starting point is 00:25:55 or like me and they think we have all these answers. But for me, in my life, many of the answers I found for me are out of necessity. Like I had to learn some of these skills so that I could be a happier person, so that I could be a higher functioning person. Like, my self-confidence comes from the fact that I was so insecure as a little boy
Starting point is 00:26:14 that I had to learn these tools just to be like a functioning person, right? But you had a mastery in uncertainty. And you've had some, if you don't mind going there, cause I just think you'd serve people so much because you're this world famous guy. You've had all these celebrities. We were walking through earlier,
Starting point is 00:26:28 you've worked with the NASA, you've worked with the astronauts. And I mean, you said this incredible life. Leaders of the free world have called on you to help them with their pets. I mean, it's like, it's like, and really to help them with themselves, frankly, but. They don't know it. They don't know that, right?
Starting point is 00:26:42 People in power, you have to break it down. You can't pop the bubble real quick. I mean, your life story from this little boy who's working at five years old who lives under a bridge, who gets his dad's hundred bucks to come here who has his place in South Central to just what it's turned into is just extraordinary. But you've also had dark times in your life.
Starting point is 00:27:04 There was a point, at some point as an adult where you weren't sure you won't even be here anymore. Is that not right? Yeah, it's what I thought. I think I experienced it once. I think I was a perfect situation. I'm glad that I didn't follow, I mean, I took everything I could and I should
Starting point is 00:27:26 be dead. But one of those moments was even if you get in the way of the bullet, it is not your time, that's what's like, that sentence, I heard it many times, it is real. So it gave me that sense of direction again of not being selfish. So I became too selfish. I started thinking about me only, and then I became a failure. So I got into this concept, I jumped the border. There's so many things that I could think at that time, it's almost like winning gold medals, right? So everything I accomplished, it's a lot of gold medals.
Starting point is 00:28:12 But then you start, you're all the fixation, all the focus, all the passion, all the spirituality, you put it into the negativity. So I experienced what a lot of people experience. I never had that experience. I never experienced a human who I didn't trust or never experienced a human who was very dishonest. So I did.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And it was very shocking to me. It was almost like I was shocked. I was shocked. Did it happen to me? Did it happen to you? Yeah, I was shocked. But now I'm like, okay, I see, when I'm puttin' on his human nature,
Starting point is 00:28:48 that has nothing to do with me. So, you know, I just, I just, it just made me a better father. It did? Yeah. I'm glad you were willing to share that because I haven't gone quite to that extreme in my life to that extent rather.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Yeah. But I've had real dark times in my life. I still have them. In fact, it's just driving up here today. But if you do, just call me. Because sometimes you just need somebody to redirect you. Just for like a give you like a, you can go back and think about it again.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Sure. But if somebody can take you out just for 30 minutes. Ah, so good. So good. And by the way, that's a lesson for everybody. Any of you who are ever contemplated suicide, you call somebody. You talk to someone. Yeah, talk about it. Talk ever contemplated suicide, you call somebody, you talk to somebody,
Starting point is 00:29:25 let them take it. Talk about it, talk about it. Talk about it, one of your self. Think I love about you. Right, a novel. The thing I love about you, I know we're going everywhere, just because like you have this capacity to talk about so many different things,
Starting point is 00:29:36 all through the prism of animals and dogs, we have Rio even sitting here with us right now, and you rescued Rio from the fires, right? So, from the fires of Mollable. And who's sitting in my lap this whole show? That's Alfie. Alfie loves to be in every single interview. That's his job, right?
Starting point is 00:29:53 That's it. Speaking of that, I've heard you say this that with your dogs, and Alfie's so quiet, too. I've heard you say that your dogs kind of learned from you, and I was so glad he was, I have a pomeranian lily, and at first she didn't like it, but there's always cameras in my house lately, right? And this little girl loves cameras now. This is true with our dogs. Could you just let people in on this secret? Because I think it's a secret to most people. Well, if you have like a pack of dogs, one of them is going to become the way you are at the kitchen, the way you are, you know, with
Starting point is 00:30:23 people. So they're just going to, they're just gonna know, this is my thing. You know what I mean? So, yeah, so it's very classic. Is it true that we go to the camera? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's great, yeah. The attention? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Because you enjoy what you're doing. Yeah. And so she's actually attaching it to those lights and to all of the... Okay, so my dad is going to start feeling really good. I'm going to go and do it. No. You know what I mean? I think you know.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Yeah, they watch and they imitate. You talk a lot about surrender. What do you mean when you say that? Surrender. Surrender is just accepting something that is good for you and good for everybody else. It's a truth of yours. It's something that you believe.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Yeah, that you can logically, logically prove it, emotionally agree with it, and spiritually commit to it. You know, your instincts, your heart, and your spirit, once they're in sync with each other, you're gonna surrender to anything, because now you're gonna use your superpowers. You know what I'm saying? You're gonna come, trust, respect, love.
Starting point is 00:31:23 You're gonna have the triangle inside of you, pushing to create calm, confident love and joy. Now, what do you want to achieve? Wow. Wow. You're unstoppable. You have to generate, like even the NASA, they know that they have to generate a certain kind of fuel in order for them to have that. Well, how you human generate what you really want, the power of intention
Starting point is 00:31:44 and having like great group of people around you is you have to understand that to do that and to accelerate the process, you have to come with the right energy. You understand? You have to come with that energy. It's not what you want, it's the energy that you have to have or to create what you want. I wanted to be the best of training the world. I was con, confident, love, and joy when I said it.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I remember it and I always go back to my set line and I stopped on the plays when I declare it. You declared it in a specific place? Yeah. I was going to a judo competition. How old were you? I was 13. 13, you said, I'm gonna be the greatest dog trainer in the world.
Starting point is 00:32:24 No, that's not what I said. I said to my mom, mom. You think going to be the greatest dog trainer in the world. No, that's not what I said. I said to my mom. You think I can be the best dog trainer in the world? Mom comes out. You could do whatever you want. I love mom. Waka! You need, you need, you need to believe in yourself and you need somebody to believe in
Starting point is 00:32:39 you. That's Yang Yang. Wow. And so no, no, you have to know when you declare something, that you have to do it around people who don't have a block. Okay? Who, who they're, believe in you is 100% love to you is 100% and there is no negativity.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Gosh, that's so, okay. So then, so that's what miracles exist because we all declare in the same thing. Miracles do exist, but you have to do it with a group of people that are at your level because you can pray for somebody, somebody say, and negative energy is more powerful than people being positive. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:33:18 We don't live in an amazing planet, even though the planet is incredible, but pollution only happens because we live a polluted lifestyle. You understand global warming is now what happens outside is how happens inside of you, because you live it, you can only create it. Oh my gosh. So global warming will not stop until your energy is in a better place or your chart class,
Starting point is 00:33:40 how are you going to call it? I want to tell you in the middle of this, like I just want you to know how grateful I am that I'm sitting here with you, because I'm getting so much, I are you gonna call it? I wanna tell you in the middle of this, like I just wanna know how grateful I am that I'm sitting here with you. Cause I'm getting so much, I told you, in the very beginning I told you, on say you say things that no one else says, and it hits me and affects me. When you're speaking, I don't know if my audience
Starting point is 00:33:55 is experiencing this, but when you're speaking, I'm thinking of all kinds of different applications for what you're saying, and situations that I've watched happen in my own life. And you, you're, you situations that I've watched happen in my own life and You you know where that come from right? Tell me that that comes from your creativity. You're a very creative person And when you hear things you already put it into work and and so can we all do that? Yes, of course
Starting point is 00:34:20 How do you do that creativity? That's painting, music, and ceramic is very important. You have to do some kind of a creative activity. Even if you suck at it, it doesn't matter. The fact that you allow in yourself to create in a creative way, it allows you to come out with so many different ways of helping yourself. So what makes you me an amazing, you know, dog whisper is how creative I am. Okay? I'm very, very, very creative. Like no one dog I have helped the same. It's crazy to me. And I assume that that creativity is expressed most when you are being and not thinking.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Is that right? When you're just reacting to your instincts, is that when you're the most creative? Well, yeah. You're thinking about that. Yeah, because I do talk, when I drive, I don't waste time. Meaning I'm always creating the new show. I'm always creating the new way of making sure humans get educated, entertaining, and light.
Starting point is 00:35:28 I'm always, I'm always, I'm always, formulating what is the natural, simple, profound way this year. Natural, super profound way. Yes, you know what I mean? But this natural, simple, profound, is always gonna be like a good formula, right? And then as the creativity is how you how you it's
Starting point is 00:35:46 like fashion is the same freaking dress, but it's a different fabric. Yes. And so the creativity makes you look at it in a different way, but it's a dress, it's pants, it's shorts, it's shoes, it's just creatively speaking. They just added something new. Is that your secret for me? Because there are people who have a dream right now, or there's been people with dreams that never achieved them, right? You achieved it. Like it's happened, and now there's a bigger one,
Starting point is 00:36:16 and you're thinking of the next one, and the next one. What do you think separated you, Caesar? Like, why did this happen? If someone's watching this, they go, I have a dream. You know, my dad had a dream and it never happened. My mom had a dream. What is different about someone like you
Starting point is 00:36:30 that it happened? Focus. That's it. The only way you can cross from one place to another place on the rope is because you focus. That's it. Those people are freaking good teachers, okay? If you wanna achieve something so stupid, it's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Just look at the people that cross from one tower to another tower on a rope. And the only reason why I think I do is because they focus. You, I wish the people that are listening as could have just seen you, because when I just asked you that, man, your face went focused. Like you dialed in, like you're,
Starting point is 00:37:02 did you see that? You guys saw, your energy even changed when you said that That is the separator by the way as someone's ability to get laser yeah, healthily obsessively focused on something I believe as a separator healthily obsessed because I I just I I know that that's the answer You're gonna show us something here. How are I allowing myself to make a decision? Okay Is how does my body feel when you ask me a question? How I align myself to make a decision. Okay. How does my body feel when you ask me a question? How does my mind see it in a natural, simple, profound way?
Starting point is 00:37:33 How much I love that decision and it's split second. Wow. So that's knowing yourself because you react. If I bring something that's male really bad, you're going to react really fast. You're going to mean so you're going to, and it's split second, you're gonna react really bad, you're gonna mean. So you're gonna, and a split second, you're gonna make five flight avoidance or surrender decision.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Okay. You know, so I'm always listening to my instincts, analyzing your words, intellect, loving the moment and believing in what I want to say. See, it's on my spiritual, oh, this is always what helps me give you the answer. Wow. And it just comes like this with you almost instinctively,
Starting point is 00:38:13 right away. Yes. I learned to explain what I was feeling. You know what I mean? Yes. It's like people are saying they just Adele, you know, they just born that way. Yes. And so then they have to, they have to learn how to explain the feeling of it.
Starting point is 00:38:34 So I learn to explain the feeling of it. But I never let go of the feeling. That's one thing I love about me, right? That I never let go of the feeling. So I rather know how I feel, they know how much money I have. Oh, amazingly true. I know that for a fact for sure.
Starting point is 00:38:55 So that's how I'm going to guarantee myself that I will never choose suicide. I lost my feeling. I lost what I treasure the most. So I gave my influence to the outside world. And you own your world. Every step you do is yours. Right? So you are your pack leader. You are you middle of the pack and you're your back of the pack. You are one pack inside of you. Oh, great. You can understand, so you're using superpowers. Otherwise, it's just the mind, yeah, the mind plays games
Starting point is 00:39:31 and your heart, your heart using it the wrong way can create the wrong emotion. And that's gonna affect your spirit. So you're not gonna be able to walk around with spirit. Oh, wow, bro. You know what I mean? Because you're spirit, you just spirit is broken. I feel like that's an entire book right there.
Starting point is 00:39:48 What you just said. I feel like that's like a 25 chapter book. It's so good. So when you had your dream, you only have too much more time, but I'm just going to take full advantage of my time with you. Because I know with the audience is doing already,
Starting point is 00:40:03 there's millions of people sharing this, and pressing the share button and all that. But for me, I'm maxing this out for me. Like I'm getting so much from this. But your dream of being the greatest dog trainer in the world, I think what people need to know though, I doubt you knew exactly what it would look like though, like where it would be, who you'd meet,
Starting point is 00:40:21 that there'd be books, that it was TV. I think for me and my dream, I had the feeling. I've always held onto the feeling. I think what a huge lesson when the dream isn't happening, can you hold onto the feeling of how it would make you feel to have it. But I think some people think they have to have every step figured out in advance, or they won't take action. And I think that holds a lot of people back.
Starting point is 00:40:41 But I doubt when you came over here on December 23rd with the 100 bucks, you had the dream and the feeling, but I doubt for sure you knew every single step you're going to take for the next 20 years of your life. The first dog whispered in on the planet. So you created your own path. And the first dog behavior is internationally known in the world. And the first Mexican guy who chose to go into the dog world, And it's just, I'm the first. So there was no roadmap for a guy like me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:11 So as a doctor, yes, it's roadmap for to be a doctor. There's a roadmap to be an engineer, there's a roadmap to be a scientist. It's a roadmap. They can tell you the ups and downs and things. But in my, in my, it was no roadmap for me. Mm-hmm. And so, but one thing that I can tell people, it doesn't matter what dream you have,
Starting point is 00:41:35 is definitely make sure that you take care of yourself, exercise, be around great people, eat as healthy as you can. It does affect how you deal with life. You know, be around great people. Eat as healthy as you can. It does affect how you deal with life. You know, bad food is bad. It's just bad. Even your thoughts change. It's just luggishness.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Chains, just your body is not gonna like it. You're not supposed to give yourself, you know, bad food. You know what I mean? Things good, but it doesn't mean it's good for you. So in everything that affects and just have that understanding, you know, that anything that you're going to build, if it doesn't exist, time is part of it. It's just part of the building time. And the, in my culture is believed that there is four kinds of humans. You even born to be a teacher,
Starting point is 00:42:31 a builder, an artist, or a leader. At the end of the day, you are all of them. Yeah. You are a teacher, you are an artist, you know, also, you know, it has to do with earth. You know, you know all of that, and you should lead your own life. But the way they separated it is to create different classes. So that's just human stuff, where he comes, I'm gonna control all of these people comes, I'm going to control all
Starting point is 00:43:05 these people and I'm never going to let them become happy. Do you understand? So it's like we should learn to achieve our full potential. That's why I love about America. America allows human being to achieve his full potential. You know, would you become, would you become your whole self? Have you done that yet? What? Achieved your full potential? I'm getting in it.
Starting point is 00:43:33 You know what I mean? Because, yeah, I definitely... You cut me out my best time of my life. Besides the childhood, that's without a doubt. That was really, really good. You know, because I had a doubt, that was really, really good. Because I had a grandfather, grandma, dad and mom and farm and animals and food, water and shelter. So, like, talk about primal, primal.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Okay? So, I got all the primal needs, cover at a high level. Not only that, my grandma, my grandpa, my dad, my mom, my sister, love me at a high level. Not only that, my grandma, my grandpa, my dad, my mom, my sister, I love me at a high level. Then we went to church and we learned to believe at a high level. You know what I mean? Like we're like super devoted, religious people, you know, so do I practice catalysis? No, you know, but do I love the fact that I learned to believe absolutely, absolutely, absolutely. So all of those things definitely affect how you agree, commit and follow through with whatever you want to achieve in life.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Beautiful. So you're getting there, you said. What's next for you? What are you focused on right now? Right now, I'm super focused on making sure my kids, my pack, you know, now that they're out in adolescence stages, they're never been there, you know? And they had never been so surrender
Starting point is 00:44:59 because they went through a five flight avoidance, I went to the divorce, that triggered that, you know? And so finally, it's like they flew away and then come back. There was always a round, meaning mind, heart and spirit, right? So they flew away, mind, heart and spirit, even though the body is around. You know what I mean? So now it's like, damn, these things are there. I bred them.
Starting point is 00:45:19 I raised them, right? So it's my DNA. You can see the genes, you can see how they relate with animals, and now we're gonna do a show together. You are? Yeah, my two kids have a TV show, right? And they have done live shows with me, but now we're gonna do the three of us together.
Starting point is 00:45:36 It's the pack, you know, for me, definitely, for me changing the world, or benefiting the world is part of my purpose in life. I know. I was absolutely born to what I'm doing. You know, and I want to make sure I take it full advantage and make sure I inspire as many countries in the world, you know, and help... It's three kinds of humans in the world from a dog perspective.
Starting point is 00:46:03 People who love dogs, people who are afraid of dogs, and people who don't like dogs. And people will practice the same thing with you. People who will love you, be afraid of you, or don't like you. You will experience those three things. I sure have. Yeah, we all would.
Starting point is 00:46:18 But in the dog world, there is people who are afraid of dogs. So I want to go to those countries and help them stabilize. Because you shouldn't live with fear, right? I don't want you to live with fear. So I'm going to help you understand how to work with energy. So you change your energy into calmness, your fear into calmness. People who don't like dogs, I want to change the hate to empathy and compassion. You don't have to have a dog. There's humans who never want to have a dog, you know, because they're afraid of they don't like them.
Starting point is 00:46:52 But it doesn't say that you can practice comp-confident love, joy around them, which that would allow dogs in the city to feel understood. Because when you're afraid of dogs, they don't know what you are afraid. They just know you're negative is wrong. So they're going to fight flight avoid you. When you don't like dogs, they also can practice fight flight avoid you. But when you learn to practice calm, confident love and joy, then there was surrender to your presence.
Starting point is 00:47:20 So that to me is world transformation. You think you're naturally the pack leader? Do you think that's your main cause? I just watch your physiology. You lean it. You are, aren't you? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Do you think everyone has a more natural one of those three? Yes. Yes. Yes. And when you hire people, you should hire people based on their energy. Got you. And Japan, they hire you based on their blood. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:47:44 And they do blood tests. And if you're not the blood that they want for for their team You're not in that's definitely different Well, there's a different way to know you wrote you said something earlier about transformation I wrote down that I wanted to tell you that I've observed you to be in my lifetime One of the truly transformational figures like there's a whole Consciousness and culture in the world today that's different because of your existence. Not big enough. It needs to be bigger as you've said. But you literally this little boy from Mexico who comes across the border
Starting point is 00:48:12 ends up being that type of transformational figure blows my doors up. I also think you have great business judgment, by the way, because we are partners. We should at least mention this. That's right. You've also come. The best thing I did for pigs, thank the Z-Beef. So you and I and Rob Deerick and Dirk's Bentley and a bunch of other people, we are all partners in the most amazing, I guess we're chip company right now,
Starting point is 00:48:35 called Outstanding Foods and Pig Out Chips. Just tell them why you got involved. And let's at least let everybody know about pig out chips. Well, I love mushrooms, you know. I love mushrooms and I love the idea of, I love scented things and I love crunchy things. And when they asked me to try them, when they asked me,
Starting point is 00:48:53 you wanna try this mushroom, this smells like bacon. And it's like, okay. I like the idea of vegetables, and I'd really like it. Then the first thing I do is not to eat them, is to smell them. I always smelled everything, okay? So I'm like a dog. That's the nose first. It tells you stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Okay. And so I went and smelled it and I said, wow. I don't want bacon, I don't want bacon right now. And they said, it's not bacon. Are you serious? Then I close my eyes, then I grow up. And then is the whole explosion. So as the explosion part of it,
Starting point is 00:49:38 that was really attracted to me, is the senses, how my senses were, were, it took into a playful state. Yes. You know what I mean? Great memories. And at the same time, it's just, it's just a great way to help people, uh, understand by creativity,
Starting point is 00:49:55 how to, how to get the benefit of a vegetable. It is smelled like some kind of memory that you learn to do because, you know, this is the life we live in. And, and the, and. And everybody loves crunch. Yes. Yes. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I'm mouth first just because that's me. And mine was I tasted them. And it wasn't even an investment opportunity. It was like, oh, I need to be involved in this. This is the best damn chip I've ever tasted in my life. And then, so you went those first, I went mouth first. Before we both ended up in a safe place, which is super cool.
Starting point is 00:50:24 So all of you listed this, go to, go check it out. I love it. You love it. I'm so glad that we met today because I'm such a fan of your work, and now I'm a fan of you personally. Thank you. You're just such a good man, and it's so obvious
Starting point is 00:50:38 why you've been successful to me and the difference you make because you make people feel something special. And I feel it when I'm here with you and I'm so grateful for it. You can always help the nature of you can always help God, right? So it's the same. Nature and God had the same principles. You know, it's the same. It's about healthy, it's about believing, it's about love.
Starting point is 00:51:01 You know, that's what we love, loving peace. And that's what we love, loving peace and that's what we always give in people blessings. Because we know internally the health, positivity and blessings is part of who you are. You know, it's like it's already inside of you. It's already inside. Somebody already put that inside of you. The wisdom that you have is what strikes me, Caesar.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Immediately it screams to you just this depth of wisdom that this man has. Natural, simple, profound. Whatever you focus, you're going to find information. Right? So do you want natural information? And then it will come in, because that's what you're attracting. So power of intention is what you have in your mind. So in my mind I just want natural, simple, profound things that I can talk to people.
Starting point is 00:51:51 You do it so beautifully, brother. So the last thing, if so. You have a formula, you create a formula, do write things down. And when you do it, do it in a time when you are absolutely calm, don't do it when you are nervous, because it's not going to happen. And you're going to attract that crappy energy. Do it calm. And do it at a time, if you don't feel that way,
Starting point is 00:52:11 how people they help you achieve that. It's almost like create the vibe. When you want to romanticize your girl, you have to create the vibe. The environment has to create the whole calm, confident love, joy, moment for that person that you're trying to do. So this person is you. So how do you attract what you want? Well, environment means a lot because it affects you. Whoever is around it affects you. The activities you did prior to that, it affects you. So exercise, discipline, affection before you actually sit down and say, I want to
Starting point is 00:52:50 be the best doctor in the world. Oh my gosh. You see what I'm saying? You create the energy before you talk about a subject. If you really want this to, you know, it's like a Wi-Fi, you know, it's like, you have to tap into that wavelength. Yes. And so most people don't talk about the wavelength
Starting point is 00:53:09 so people can achieve things. They talk about, if you come to my seminar, did it, it, it is. It's like, yeah, that's a technical aspect of it. That's more for you, intellectual roadmap. But how you connect to God and universe and earth is comfort and love and joy. That's it, that's it, that's you foundation,
Starting point is 00:53:31 that's you, this is where you start, you know? And then that gives you all the happiness in the world. Oh brother, that's so beautiful. Our energy is so insane, because you answered my question, whether you're able to ask it, that's how I know we're in flow, as you answered my question. The really're able to ask it, that's how I know we're in flow, is you answered my question.
Starting point is 00:53:46 The really bad part of this interview is that it has to end. Yes, sir. Because I'm telling you. Well, to be continue, I think we should do it again. Caesar and I have talked. We're going to be doing it. You're going to see, he and I do some collaborations together. You're going to get a chance to come see us together.
Starting point is 00:53:58 What do you should do? Tell me. So you can challenge your energy? Yes. I can bring three different kinds of dogs and your job is to gain the trust that day. I would love to do that. So I can bring an anxious dog and secure dog,
Starting point is 00:54:09 an excited dog and your job is to make them, all of them become calm. And that's a challenge of my energy. I watched Caesar do this off camera before we started and it was extraordinary to see the difference. Mike, my cameraman is nodding here, but to watch the different way that he approached this, what he would call the back of the pack, dog.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Dog that I would want. Dog with the calm part of it was extraordinary. I take you up on that challenge. Common intention. I'll do that with you. Let's do it. I have a lot to look at you. Everybody, I want to first thank you today, brother. So much. I enjoyed it thoroughly today.
Starting point is 00:54:43 And I want to remind everybody watching this is the number one show in the world for a reason on iTunes and it's growing on YouTube, share it with people. And also remember, the max out, two minute drill on Instagram to everybody every day. On Instagram, when I make a post on my main feed, you get a chance to win something every day. You could win a coaching call with me
Starting point is 00:54:58 with one of my guests right on my jet. It's stuff like max out gear and clothes, autograph, copy my book, tickets to see me speak, you might even get to see Caesar and I together. All you have to do to win, you got three ways to win, either make a comment in the first two minutes. So turn your notifications on, make a comment in the first two minutes, we usually give you about five minutes.
Starting point is 00:55:15 If you miss the first two minutes, just make a comment on every post every day, just consistently make comments on my material, on my post on Instagram, or third, make a comment on someone else's comment and engage and collaborate with people just so I want everyone connecting in the community. So I wanna pick winners, I pick them every single day, we announce them on Sundays, turn your notifications on on Instagram and get engaged in the max out universe.
Starting point is 00:55:35 God bless you and max out everybody. This is the end of my life, shall we?

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