THE ED MYLETT SHOW - How To Have A Life You Don't Need A Vacation From w/ Amy Porterfield

Episode Date: January 10, 2023

👉🏽 Do you want to put MORE MONEY in your pocket this year?👉🏽 Do you want to BE HAPPIER doing the kind of work that brings you JOY?👉🏽 Do you want MORE FREEDOM in life? Of course, you... do! That’s exactly why I invited AMY PORTERFIELD on my show this week. We’re going to learn how to UNBOSS YOURSELF & the STRATEGIES needed to build a life you don’t want to vacation. Amy transformed herself from being a successful corporate executive WORKING FOR TONY ROBBINS to one of the top coaches for ENTREPRENEURS who are ready to take it to the next level.She’s got a top-ranked business podcast, best-selling online marketing courses, a new book coming out, and more than 250,000 loyal subscribers who are living Amy’s philosophy by moving away from “step-by-step” and into “ACTION-BY-ACTION.”Amy and I are going to help you do that in this jam-packed hour-long exchange.Listen up as we talk about…👉🏽 Amy’s struggle of transforming from an EMPLOYEE MINDSET to a BUSINESS OWNER MINDSET…👉🏽 The importance and the REALITIES of starting a SIDE HUSTLE, including the “PATHS OF POSSIBILITIES” and your “CAPACITY FOR ZERO”…👉🏽 The importance of CHOOSING A DATE CERTAIN EXIT DATE from your life as an employee…👉🏽 How you can succeed by developing a 10% EDGE and GIVING YOUR ROADMAP AWAY…👉🏽 The keys to setting up your business, including being crystal clear on the “WHY” and where your “SWEET SPOT” is…👉🏽 How to CRAFT YOUR OFFER and the importance of building a killer EMAIL LIST.  This, more than any other strategy, can spell the difference between failure and success.  Big money or pocket change.  Confidence and happiness, or not…👉🏽 The pros and cons of using SOCIAL MEDIA…👉🏽 The right reasons for LEVERAGING other people’s content…Finally, the biggest question of all …was it worth it? Listen to the end to find out why Amy says all the moments of being uncomfortable, all the pain, doubt, and struggles were WORTH IT.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the end my let's show. Welcome back everybody. Now today is big time. I'm talking big, big time. So when I first got into the personal development space, I was doing a lot of speaking and I'm in this green room with a bunch of other people. I won't say who they are and I'm like, who's who's who. And then one of them goes, that one over there, she's big money. And it was my guest today,
Starting point is 00:00:28 like she is making big money. And then I learned her story. And I'm like, no way, what a remarkable story. And I remember thinking to myself that day, that would be a cool book. That would be a cool book. Turns out it's kind of a book now. So my guest today is Amy Porterfield. She's got a new book out. You can pre-order if you listen to this before February of 2023, February 21st. If you listen to it after, go get it too. But two weeks notice, find the courage to quit your job, make more money, work where you want, and change the world.
Starting point is 00:01:01 And you kind of have done this. So we're going to talk about how to do it today. So welcome to the show. Thanks so much for having me. This is so fun. I'm fired up and you do make big money and let me give you an idea guys statistically. I went through something here. What is it? Like, how many, how many total 40 million downloads of your podcast? Yeah, the podcast. I've had it for a while but yeah, it's a big one for me. But there's another stat that was nuts that I was reading about, how many clients? So we have helped over 40,000 of my students, yes, and generated about $70 million in the business
Starting point is 00:01:34 since we started, so. Can I have some? I think you got enough. So, but you didn't do this over. One first thing, it's just like advice you gave that I was surprised by, then we'll go back to your story. You're like, you actually start out by saying like, you can start a business and not know what it is
Starting point is 00:01:49 or what you're going to do. How the heck does somebody do that? I know. That kind of sounds crazy, but I really mean it. So here's the thing. I typically work with a lot of women and women tend to think that they have to have it all figured out before they get going, even a lot of men, of course, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:04 And I feel like that stops people in their tracks. So of course, you've got to have it all figured out before they get going, even a lot of men, of course, too. And I feel like that stops people in their tracks. So of course, you've got to have an idea and you've got to start putting some feelers out there, but a whole business plan, absolutely not. All the details figured out, you'll never get started. So I encourage people to get started even when you feel like you're not ready. What's get started? Look like what does somebody do? So I'm at a job, like like you say I'm in a cubicle
Starting point is 00:02:25 Yeah, you got we're gonna talk about some of the story to actually maybe it should be through your story That someone sees this so you're working a job. You're successful at this job, right? But like your lifestyle is not what you want it to be not at all So was there a was it from the very beginning? You're like I want out of here. It was there like a point where you're going No, I got a get out of here some So I'm with my family and with my child. What was it for you? Okay. So here's what happened.
Starting point is 00:02:49 I was working this really great job. I worked as the content development director for Tony Robbins. I got to travel the world with Tony. Do amazing things. So he paid me well. He treated me well. It was awesome. However, there was this one meeting that changed my life.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Here's what happened. I was in the San Diego offices and I was asked to come to a meeting and I walk in and there's this big oak table and a bunch of guys are sitting at this table waiting for Tony to come in. Now, this is humbling. I was called in to take notes. So, I wasn't even invited to the main table. I was sitting at a side table and I was called in to take notes and Tony invited these internet marketers to talk about their businesses because he was getting more into the online space with digital courses. So he said, come in. I want to hear about your businesses.
Starting point is 00:03:35 So what happened was he went around and he asked each of these guys, tell me about your businesses. We're talking, if you know internet marketing, Frank Kern, Jeff Walker, Evan Pagan, Brendan Bruce Shard, like guys we know, right? Yeah, really successful. And this is like 15 years ago. So I didn't know who these guys were. You were in that meeting?
Starting point is 00:03:54 I was in that meeting. Okay. And I had no idea who the guys were, but they went around and talked about their businesses. And all I heard was freedom. They talked about lifestyle freedom, financial freedom. They were calling the shots. They were making things happen. And in that moment, I thought, I am not free.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Like, these guys have absolute freedom to do what they want. And it was the first time I realized in my life, I'm not free. I started out with a really strict dad, who was my boss. Like, my first boss was my dad. His way or the highway, period, no questions asked, then I got into the work world and all I had was bosses. And I was really good at being an employee. I love to climb the ladder. I love to get the add-a-girls, the rewards, the promotions. Like, I never thought about being an entrepreneur. Ever. But then I realized, wait a second,
Starting point is 00:04:44 I don't know what these guys are doing, have no clue, but I want a piece of it. You really had no clue? No clue. I didn't know how to create digital courses. I didn't know, I didn't know how they were creating things just like from their houses, like it was so bizarre. In fact, then no one works from home.
Starting point is 00:05:00 But all these guys did. So in that moment, I thought, I don't know how they're doing it. I don't know what they're doing, but I want a piece of it. And that was like my pivotal moment. Wasn't there like, I think some people like, no, I'm pretty free at my job. Are you really like you were at the story really broke my heart a little bit. You're at your someone's wedding.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Yes. Okay. Let's talk about that. Yeah. My best friend got married and she got married in this little sleepy town in Northern California. And by sleepy, I mean no Wi-Fi anywhere. And I was still in my corporate job. I go to the wedding and the entire weekend, I was sneaking around to cafes, trying to
Starting point is 00:05:37 work on this project that I needed to get done. And anywhere that there was Wi-Fi in these cafes, I'm like pounding away on my computer secretly because I didn't want her to know. And so I show up at the wedding, I think I'm being like a great friend, and we do a champagne toast, and she looked at me and she said, all you do is work.
Starting point is 00:05:55 And I just even now I think about it. I'm like, you're right, and I thought no one really noticed that I was so obsessed with grinding all the time. So that was, you would think that would be a pivotal moment that I'd kind of change things. Oh no, I went back to my corporate job and kept on grinding. So what was the, was there a turning point?
Starting point is 00:06:12 Like this is the day I'm going to start something. Yeah, so what happened was I think that the wedding thing happened and then the meeting happened at the Robin's organization. And that's when I thought I'm going to figure this out. So I immediately started to think, I started to think what would I do in my own business? And I turned to a good friend of mine who worked for Robbins and she was a writer and I said, you're a writer, you could go out and be a freelancer, you could have a business, I know nothing to be an entrepreneur. I've only ever known getting a paycheck from a boss. she's like you're crazy There's tons of stuff you could do with this
Starting point is 00:06:46 So I started to think like what could I do and I did a lot of social media and I thought I could teach this I could create a digital course and teach social media So that was my first plan and what I did is I started a side hustle So I'm a big proponent of side hustles I think they're a great way to kind of get your foot out the door just begin And I started to do social media for small businesses Okay, and so that was like my little like I'm gonna see what this looks like And I did that for about six months till I officially quit my job. Okay, let me ask you about that
Starting point is 00:07:19 Yeah, because the purpose of this book to some extent is like hey chase your dream. Yeah, you don't have to be ready Don't discount yourself, but there's like you guys are in the book It's very tactical like there's this part of the book where she goes the mindset the strategies the work Absolutely, so we're gonna go there in a little bit, but I want to you This high side hustle thing Everyone thinks well the way a side hustle works is because this is the theory What I'll do is I'll work for six months 18 18 months on a side hustle, my part time income will pass my full time income. And when that gets really cozy and comfortable when I'm making this
Starting point is 00:07:52 transition, then I just go because there's really no risk at that point. But like 99.7% of the time, that's not really how it ends up happening. Absolutely not. So would you do that? And that happened to you too, you probably weren't replacing your income on it. Absolutely not. Okay. So when you do that and that happened to you too, you probably weren't replacing your income on it. Absolutely not. And so I started this side hustle and had a few clients. It was making enough money to barely scrape by. But what happens when you start a side hustle and you really want to leave your job, you are
Starting point is 00:08:18 already gone mentally. Like you want it bad. And I wanted it so bad. I figured this is my first time to work when I want where I want how I want to work. I don't want to be on someone else's dime or someone else's time. Like I wanted it. And that's the first thing with if you're going to leave your nine to five jobs, start your side hustle, turn that side hustle into a full time thing, you got to want it bad because it's going to be painful. Like everyone starting a business, it is not easy in the beginning. Do you think Amy,
Starting point is 00:08:43 I want to interrupt you on the last you do do think it's because the initial move, you have probably less freedom initially, would you agree with that as a overall statement? Oh, absolutely. I'm glad you said that. Okay. So this is something I've been thinking about a lot. If you want to leave your nine to five job and go out on your own and we'll get back to the side hustle thing, I think that you have to be open to what I call
Starting point is 00:09:02 the path of possibility. Okay. And the path of possibility is picture it as there's like these three circles. The first one is present where you are. You're comfy, you're cozy, you're in your job, you're getting a regular paycheck, you're getting benefits. That is a comfortable situation usually. It might not be fun, you might not love it, but you're comfortable, you're safe.
Starting point is 00:09:21 In order to get to possibility, you have to pass through the middle circle if you're visualizing it, which is pain. And I believe there has to be pain in order to get what you really want. Have you ever known anything that you wanted bad enough that it wasn't painful? Yes, survived the temporary pain. You have to. So when I started thinking about you have to be willing to feel the pain and pass through it, that's where I came up with this concept of capacity for zero.
Starting point is 00:09:45 How much capacity for zero do you have? And what I mean by that is, are you willing to burn it all down? Are you willing to make less money, start with zero people on social media, start with the business that you're not even sure if it's going to work, maybe you have a side hustle a little bit, but like you said, it's not filling up your full-time income. And so this capacity for zero, how willing are you to start again, start from scratch? And I look back and I think my capacity for zero was very high. I wanted it bad.
Starting point is 00:10:13 And that helped immensely. And it's helped me with tons of stuff that I've started since I started this business. I love this capacity for zero because to our former point that I interrupted you on was, because I just think that what you just said is so compelling, is that I interrupted you on, was, because I just think what you just said is so compelling, is that it's not, it very well might be zero, meaning, if you're making $9,000 a month, and you've got a side hustle for six to 18 months,
Starting point is 00:10:36 the likelihood that you're consistently making that same $9,000 and not being on some rollercoaster bumps and downs, or just no ups yet, is pretty likely, right? So how did you navigate that? So what I did is I thought, okay, I am going to get just a few clients to pay the bills enough. And I had a husband who at the time, Hobie, my husband, was becoming a firefighter. So he wasn't making a lot of money. So we were in a place that it was little dicey. And I said, I'm going to save a bunch of money before I leave my corporate job. I'm going to make a bunch of money with these clients,
Starting point is 00:11:08 then I'll leave. But I think I realized I wanted freedom so bad. I realized that it was time for me to go out on my own that I thought, if I wait much longer, I'm going to lose the nerve and I'm never going to do it. So what I teach people is you got to choose your exit date. No matter what, come hell or high water, you're leaving on this date. And so I looked at the calendar, and at that point it was about six months out. I chose the exit date, put it on a post it, put it on my mirror,
Starting point is 00:11:31 and every single day I looked at that date. And I said, I'm doing this no matter what. Now, when you remind yourself every day that you're doing it, and you visualize yourself going out on your own, being your own boss, you start to embody it. What decisions do I need to make today to make this happen What decisions do I need to make today to make this happen? How do I need to show up to make this happen?
Starting point is 00:11:49 Who do I need to reach out to or get support from? So every day I was looking at this date. And so as it got closer and closer, I realized, I'm going for it. I don't have a savings. I didn't have it at all. And I was maybe making a fourth of what I was making at Robbins. So it wasn't a lot, but I said screw it. I'm going to do this.
Starting point is 00:12:08 See, this book is so good and you're so good. By the way, being in your presence now, like, to be able to share this hour with you, I think success has an energy to it. And I'm overwhelmed. I mean, a lot of people are setting that seat. I'm overwhelmed by your energy and your capacity to communicate these thoughts in a way no one's ever sat there has before. And by the way, no one's ever said this kind of truth on the show either on this topic. Yeah. Because that is the real of how you're going to leave something. The funny thing about it is
Starting point is 00:12:36 that decision that you just stated about look in six months, this is the place. I put it up on my mirror in the bathroom. That's the first decision towards freedom. Yes. The bondage part is negotiating it. When this, when this, when this, when this, call the shot. If you're ready to do it, call the shot. That's the first free. People think massive commitment is a lack of freedom. It's the reverse. Once you've completely committed that there are no other options, that's the beginning of freedom for you. Because you have no choice but to execute. So I love that. Now let's go do a couple of things that you say in here, because this is a content heavy book. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:11 And the reason you've become successful, I believe, and what I'll call digital or online marketing is because the contents good. Now the first question, I'm going to go to the top five things in a minute that you navigate that are boss traps. But before we do that, I think people are listening to this and they go, I want the freedom. I don't want to continue to do what I'm doing. I probably could foster the courage and the guts to make this decision. If I had a little bit of a runway, if I had the six months you had, but I have no value.
Starting point is 00:13:39 In other words, and I know you struggle with this too. What would I teach people? Like if I knew a bunch of stuff that was incredible, I would probably already be doing this. So, and I think people undervalue their experience, their life experience, or their capacity to teach things. But what would you say to them? I'd say all you need is a 10% edge. And this is something I teach my students over and over again. So the 10% edge is this. You definitely need to have gotten results for yourself or somebody else. Let's not create a business around something that you're not good at or you haven't seen results.
Starting point is 00:14:09 So out of integrity, you want to create a business around somewhere that you can get other people results. But that might mean you start with the results you've gotten for yourself. So where have you gotten results for yourself or somebody else in your personal life or business life? And it could be things like this, like I teach people how to create digital courses. So some of my students, they have lost a hundred pounds and they did it on their terms how they knew what's going to work for them. Now they're teaching other people how to do the same. And so one of my students I'm thinking of Katrina, she lost a hundred pounds as a busy
Starting point is 00:14:42 female physician. Other female physicians are like, how did you do that? Our lives are crazy. We're working night shifts or grabbing snacks. She's like, here's what I did for me. Let me teach you. That is good enough. You've got to start somewhere.
Starting point is 00:14:54 My fears people are sitting there listening. They're sitting on a gold mine of results they've gotten for themselves and they think it's not good enough. It's not big enough. Yeah, exactly. And that's the number one thing that I think are stopping most people
Starting point is 00:15:06 from starting their own businesses. So think about where you've gotten results. You just need the 10% edge, which means you've got to be 10% ahead of those that you serve. Like Ed, you've done so many things, but if you said, Amy, there's this one thing I did really well. Let me show you how I've done it.
Starting point is 00:15:20 I'm just going to follow your roadmap. Yep. So if you're willing to give your roadmap away, you can start a business with that. So good Amy, because you know that even when I started and there's, I was very late to all this. And it wasn't just because I wasn't into it. In my own case, I was like,
Starting point is 00:15:37 why would anybody want to listen to me? Yeah, okay, I want everyone to hear that. And my let just said that, like everyone feels that way. It's true, I don't think no matter what you've done, you're like, well yeah, but the other people have done that or someone else could do it or I don't even know if I know how to explain it Yeah, or but once I got intentional like no and and by the way where it came from for me And I already see this all over you was like I actually want to serve people first and and Because I wanted to serve on like now I really want to be able to articulate the things that I've done and there is a few things
Starting point is 00:16:05 That I've learned like there's a guy in my program. He's a CPA You know, and he's like What would I do is see actually he now teaches CPAs and he actually does tax advice and he has courses Any has a program and he was like I'm just a CPA No, you're a really great one and you do some stuff nobody else does or you just do it better than they do it Yes, and he's built a business, but I could see go, I'm just to this or I'm just to that. It's not the way it works. It's not. I love that you brought up a CPA. I have a student who he also is a CPA and he got interviewed on someone's podcast. He thought, I'm just going to put myself out
Starting point is 00:16:38 there try a few things. And so he was interviewed on a podcast and all the questions were from Amazon and Etsy sellers and eBay all about taxes, right? How do I protect myself when I'm selling online? And the questions kept coming in, coming in and he thought, there's something here. And he ended up quitting his job working for someone else, building digital courses and programs around helping these resellers, online resellers,
Starting point is 00:17:03 and his business has exploded. And it's like, if he didn't put himself out there maybe to get interviewed, that would have never came. Oh my gosh, you're so, that's why you have to start. So here's why, here's why you're so amazing what you're saying. So I had business success and I was a speaker. So I'm like, well, when I get out there, I thought my edge was going to be, and it ended up being like entrepreneurial advice and personal development in the mind, but actually what got me traction when I started with there, I thought my edge was gonna be, and it ended up being like entrepreneurial advice
Starting point is 00:17:25 and personal development in the mind. But actually, it got me traction when I started with something I had no idea. I started to do videos online, and people were like, hey, for your age, you're really fit. What's your nutritional program? That's what my husband wanted to know. He's like, can you talk to him about all the muscles?
Starting point is 00:17:40 When I said bizarre, so like all of a sudden, the stuff that hit, I was like, I did a podcast on like, this is what I eat, these are the supplements I take. This is my training. That was the one that took off. And then it led into the other windows for me. So you're 20 trillion percent right on this. So the 10% edge is a huge thing.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Yes. What about this? The key is to set up your business to avoid trading your time for money. What are some of the key? So okay, I go, all right, I got it. I'm gonna do this in six months. What do I do?
Starting point is 00:18:08 Like, what do I do? And this is why your work is so good because a lot of people that are in this space are very theoretical. And I love theory, I love philosophy, but I can't theorize or philosophize my way. That's not a real word, but it'll work. You all know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:18:24 My way to actually starting this business. Okay, I wanna do this. What is some stuff I need to be doing right now? Okay, so first, before we get into some of the strategy, you do need to understand your why. Why is it important to you? Why do you wanna do it? And we talk about this a lot through a lot of stuff we do.
Starting point is 00:18:40 You better know. You've gotta know, right? You know, we have a mutual friend, Mel Robbins. And one time she had me write down five things I wanted in every day for 30 days. What are the five things I want? And I thought, oh, this is easy. She loves fives. She loves fives. And by like the third or fourth day, I really struggled with coming up with new things. And I realized, I wonder how many people don't know what they really, really want, like ultimately what's important for them.
Starting point is 00:19:05 So, if you're going to quit your nine to five job where there's security and safety and go out on your own where there's tons of risk, you better know your why. What do you want and why does it matter? So, we always start there. I get into that in the book a lot because it's important. It's huge. But it's so important, right? But from there, you want to talk about some of the strategies and tactical things you
Starting point is 00:19:23 got to do. Okay. So the first thing is, I think it's important that people focus on their content. And by content, back in the day, I didn't even understand what that meant in this kind of setting. So I want to kind of make it clear. It's what you're going to create, what you're original messaging out there. And I tell my students, I want you to be creating a blog or a podcast or video show. Even before you're ready to make money, you can do this on the side when you have a nine to five job. And this is something that most people won't do though. The fact that you're creating a show every single week you've got content coming out, it's easier said
Starting point is 00:19:59 than done, but it makes a huge difference, right? We look at all our peers that are doing great, making big money, they all have something that they're creating every single week. So you've got to start out with original content. So I always say, let's not do like a podcast once a month and then maybe make a video and a blog. Let's just choose one and go all in. I love a podcast.
Starting point is 00:20:20 I think it's easiest to get started. And all the other platforms can pick you up and start pushing you out there if you do it right. So right. You know the number one thing those of us with podcasts worry about? Guys, especially when the podcast is middle or small size guests, you'd be surprised how many podcasts would like to have you on
Starting point is 00:20:37 as a guest had you created any content to validate yourself. Yeah. I just want to go back. Like if you just created some content, it's got seven views on YouTube. It's got nine views on your blog, but you have actually validated content that you've created. Thank you. I'm telling you, there are literally millions of small to mid-size podcasts who would love
Starting point is 00:20:58 to have you on because right now it's, we're recording this on a Wednesday. They're like, who am I having on next Tuesday? You'd be surprised how many of them would love your email. You're not gonna get on my show or Rogan yet. But if you do well on those shows, then you've got evidence to get on the bigger show and the bigger show and people don't get this stuff. So you're a billion percent right on that.
Starting point is 00:21:21 I think pitching yourselves to podcasts is the number one thing everyone should be doing if you want to put yourself out there. Absolutely. No one teaches this. No, it's so important. And it's one of the easiest thing you're right, people need guests. So that's how you start.
Starting point is 00:21:36 And also when you get interviewed on people's podcasts, you start kind of working out your content. Like what you're talking about, your frameworks, how you want to say it, you got to get out there. I think the biggest thing the theme of the book is not being afraid to put yourself out there, not having that fear of capacity for zero, meaning like what if it doesn't work, what if people say no? Tons of people are going to say no, right? But it gets so much easier. So the content thing is I'm huge on that. I genuinely think it was my secret to success. Yeah. You just started being one of great. So
Starting point is 00:22:06 you guys, I'll give you an example. My brother-in-law came to me. He's like, hey, I want to do something. And he listed these other things. He was great at. And I said, let me just tell you, man, what I think about you, the thing that I think about when I hear you, is I think you're the best dad I know. I said, that's your core competency. Now, this is this is in a business sector. It's a dad sector. I said, you're an incredible dad. He goes, well, so what? I go start a dad podcast. Yes Like seriously, just do it and I wish that he would I people get that then you could get on these other things
Starting point is 00:22:32 It's it's amazing to me How people devalue what they could be creating that they're already good at it could even be your mental health It could be it could be anything that you're You're great at doing but people devalue themselves and they don't do it. So when we go to $72 million in sales, okay? There's success leaves a lot of clues as your friend and mine, Tony Robbins like to talk about. And on this Y thing, I just want to validate it and I'm going to ask you a question.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Last night, Jamie and I were talking, our mutual friend, we were talking about Jamie currently before she got in here before you came in. And last night, we're both on the next thing for us. And we're both like, well, why would you do that? Why? So the real work at the highest level even is your why. Like right now, for me, the next five years of my life, the different things I could be doing, I'm trying to get clear
Starting point is 00:23:19 on why right now at my level. What's my next why? Because these things evolve over time in your life. So that is the real work. Because if you don't really clearly know why when resistance hits your toast. OK, I'm glad you just said that. I have a quick story about that.
Starting point is 00:23:34 So when I started out, I wanted to create digital courses and teach people how to do online marketing. But I didn't know how to create digital courses when I went on my own. And that's why I took a bunch of clients in the beginning, which I think client work, one-on-one work is great, right? You learn so much about what you like and what you don't like and how you can help.
Starting point is 00:23:51 So I decided to create my first digital course. I created it, I was so excited. I even had a small email list ready to market. And I put it out in the world and it was like crickets. No one was interested. Now, I did something where I didn't have the 10% edge. I was teaching people, I'm so embarrassed to say this, how to market a book online with social media. I had the social media down. I never marketed
Starting point is 00:24:14 a book in my life. Why did I do that? I was desperate. I wanted to be known for something. It seemed marketable, probably. Yeah. So we can come back to the sweet spot, but I take people through a sweet spot and it didn't hit one of the four quadrants, we'll go back to that. So I got this course out there, it totally bombed and I made $267. Now Ed, I had done launches for Tony, I had done launches for other internet marketers,
Starting point is 00:24:37 I thought I was making $100,000. And so when I looked, I'm like $267. I was devastated. I thought I was not cut out to be an entrepreneur. I'm gonna have to go beg for my job back. Like this is not going to work. But I knew what I wanted. I wanted that freedom to work when I wanted,
Starting point is 00:24:56 where I wanted, how I wanted. So that's why even though I was down, I was so sad and so upset, I didn't go back to my old ways because I knew my why. So I say that to say it's so important to know your why when you get kicked down. Yeah, man, I had to tell you every part of my life's been that way. And you're about to go down a road. It's literally my next question on here. I think the sweet spot is one of the more brilliant things I've seen taught on like, this is the thing. People like,
Starting point is 00:25:23 I want to be free. I don't know what it is. Like, why do I know what my thing is? It's the number one thing I get asked. Okay. You said, you wanna be free. Would you like to control your time? Would you like to travel? Would you like to work from a beach?
Starting point is 00:25:35 Would you like to work out of your house? Would you like to do this? Would you like to control your income? Yeah. Yes. Okay. I'm afraid that's the one part we've talked about. But it is like, what is my sweet spot? And I've never had anybody teach it before until this. So go. Okay, let's afraid that's the one part we've talked about, but it is like, what is my sweet spot?
Starting point is 00:25:46 And I've never had anybody teach it before until this. So go. Okay, let's talk about it. So the sweet spot is different quadrants of what you want to look at when you're thinking about what would I create, what digital course would I create or membership or mastermind or product, whatever. So the first thing is you have to ask yourself where you've gotten results. Is that 10% edge?
Starting point is 00:26:04 So where have you gotten results, yourself where you've got and results is that 10% edge. So where have you got and results? What are you good at? What do people ask you about all the time? Like your, is your brother in law said? He's really good at being a dad. He'll discount that like that because it's easy to him. That's another thing. What comes easy to you that you know
Starting point is 00:26:17 is not always easy to other people. So we need to start there. Where have you got and results? The other quadrant is what are people struggling with? Where are their pain points? When you think about who you want to work with, where are they struggling, what keeps them up at night, what are they worried about, or on the flip side, what are they desire, what do they want? It doesn't always have to be a pain point. But you need to make sure that what you can solve is a problem people are having, okay?
Starting point is 00:26:44 So that's the other thing. You want to think about where can I solve a problem? The other quadrant is where are people spending money or time? So are their podcast episodes on the topic you want to create? Are there books written about it? Are there other courses, other memberships? If the answer is yes, that is a good thing. So we need to pause there. Someone sees someone else doing what they want to do and they're bigger and quote better at it and they think there's no room for them. I came on the scene when I taught social media. Everyone in their brother taught social media 15 years ago.
Starting point is 00:27:17 It was like the Wild West of social media. If I looked around and thought it's already being done, I wouldn't be sitting here with you today. I don't care if it's been being done by a wouldn't be sitting here with you today. I don't care if it's being done by a million people, no one can do it quite like you. Right? So we're both in fields that are very congested. But here we are.
Starting point is 00:27:33 And we are rise above because we just said we're going to do it our way. Yes. A million percent, right? It doesn't matter if someone else is doing it. Don't, I always say, run your own race. Put blinders on like a race horse. Don't look left or right. You're running your own race. So that's what you do in that quadrant. Where
Starting point is 00:27:48 are people spending money? And I don't care if it's been done before. Actually, I do care. It's a great thing. The fourth quadrant is what lights you up. Like I'm really good or one in the past, I've been good at Facebook ads. I used to teach it. I had a course on it. It was really good at ads. I do not want to teach Facebook ads, no matter how much you pay me. So that's not gonna light me up. You have to at least love it, but let's stop there for a second. It doesn't have to be your passion,
Starting point is 00:28:12 your end all, what you were put on this earth to do. Because that's another thing Ed that keeps people from going after starting their own businesses. They don't know what their passion is. Yes. I don't think it has to be your passion. I'll give you a quick example.
Starting point is 00:28:26 My bread and butter of my business is I teach people how to create digital courses. That is not my passion, teaching people how to put together a digital course. However, seeing people take what they know and turn it into freedom is absolutely what I could do all day long. So my passion is more of a feeling that I want people to have versus digital courses, but that's the vehicle. That's the vehicle. Yep.
Starting point is 00:28:49 So what brings you joy? What could you talk about all day long? What does your family, they're like, enough, I've heard enough. That's a really good sign. Yeah, gosh. I'm just, as you're talking, I'm processing, the reason the show's gonna explode is this is really what I'm asked about the most really yeah
Starting point is 00:29:08 I want to be free. I don't know how to do it. I'm not sure where to begin. I'm not very good at anything I'm not sure what my passion is like you're literally checking all of the boxes like I'm unable to ask you the questions on here because you're one in front of me Which is the sign of the great interview. Let's say I go. Okay. I'm going to start to create some content. I'm writing a blog. I'm going to start downloading, by the way, what you said earlier, one of Validate and other things. That when you start getting on these podcasts or you start just writing or you start just creating content, you do begin to work out your voice. It's very much like the stand-up that I've had on my show, but a lot of my comedy friends are like, look, man, I go to the comedy store to work out my bit before I go to the Big Arena. I work it out, what works, what's the sequence. And as you're doing it over and over, you are like, look man, I go to the comedy store to work out my bit before I go to the Big Arena. I work it out, what works, what's the sequence.
Starting point is 00:29:46 And as you're doing it over and over, you're like, this is the setup, this is the punchline, this is the story in the middle. That's how you create content. You start to have your message. More and more podcasts, I've done them like, now that would work on stage. That could be a video for me.
Starting point is 00:29:59 So it's the doing of it that makes you better at expressing yourself. Thank you. Action creates clarity. If you're not in action, it all feels confusing, overwhelming. That's another thing I hear from my students all the time. I'm so overwhelmed.
Starting point is 00:30:12 I'm so confused. I don't know which way to turn, so they don't do anything. They don't do anything. The other thing they don't know how to do, and it's in your stuff here. So I'm so grateful that you're willing to share it. By the way, like, there's very few books you're like, wow, this is stuff that you could have charged
Starting point is 00:30:25 a fortune for that's in like a $25 book, right? So that's one of the reasons that I love your content. But it's actually how to craft your offer. Yeah. Like, okay, I kind of got a little content going here. I think I kind of have found a little bit of my message, how do I craft and offer to people? So I'm actually, because by the way,
Starting point is 00:30:43 maybe need to make $267 the first time to just have some experience of having your offer. And I, we both want you to be more successful than that. But how does one begin to craft enough? This was the hardest thing for me. I had content. Yeah. Okay, this would be stuff I create. I was uncomfortable asking for an offer. I didn't know how to write one. I wasn't good at copywriting. I wasn't sure how to sequence things. So how do we do that? Okay, so when you think about crafting an offer, obviously I love that you're asking about this because people want to make money.
Starting point is 00:31:10 And a lot of people need to make money pretty quickly, obviously leaving a nine to five job. So you want to start to think, obviously you're getting clear about, you do the sweet spot. You're getting clear about what you would want to teach. Then we have to start thinking about how are we going to package it?
Starting point is 00:31:24 And there are tons of ways that you can make money and package it. But in the book, I walk through three really specific ways. And the first way is one-on-one coaching, consulting, anything like that. And I think when you do one-on-one consulting or group coaching, that's where you start to, again, get your message clear, your framework,
Starting point is 00:31:45 your roadmap, so that you know what gets people results. So I love just starting out with that. And when you do that, I talk about pricing, like how much am I going to charge? Package it up, say, I'll give three months of coaching to 10 people, and that's how I'm going to just start making money. And that's essentially kind of what I did in the beginning. And the truth is, I didn't love it. I don't love working one on one. I'm much better teaching. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:11 But I had to start somewhere. And so I didn't know I didn't love it until I did it. Now I did it for two years and then realized, wait, I got to get out of this. Yes. So that's one of the things that you could do. Now another thing, one of my most favorite things that I teach in the book is a workshop course. So anybody could do this, okay? A workshop course is like a mini digital course.
Starting point is 00:32:34 So it's not like tons of modules, tons of lessons, overwhelming. It's like a one to two hour training. So you think about what's one thing that I could teach really well? What's something that my friends or family or if you have a small audience ask about all the time? And what could I teach in an hour or two and just drill down on it? So what you do is you charge a hundred or two hundred dollars and you do it live, okay? So you start to tell people on social you tell your friends, co-workers, whoever you want to tell I'm going to teach this live. And that way, I always say your first launch
Starting point is 00:33:05 is much as much for you as it is for your audience, because again, you're getting into action and putting yourself out there. So you get on Zoom, we can make it as simple as possible, and you just teach your heart out for an hour or two. Maybe you teach for an hour and you do 30 minute Q and A. Let's just keep it simple. Now that you have that and people paid for it, let's just say you made a thousand bucks. People pay a thousand bucks for it, but now you have it recorded and you could go and sell that over and over again. And my thing is, when I come on podcasts like this and because I'm such, I love you dearly and I think it's so cool to be here, I think, is this going to be sophisticated enough? Am I going to share something that people are like, whoa, that blew my mind. But then I remember how I created this business with absolute simplicity.
Starting point is 00:33:50 My motto is always, let's keep it simple, get fancy later. So because of that, because if I could get fancy and tell you about funnels and all these different strategies and paid ads, no one's going to do it in the beginning. Yeah, a million percent. Right. So I know my audience well enough to say, you could do an hour Zoom with 10 people to get your feet wet. And we could turn that into thousands and thousands of dollars. Okay. It's so brilliant. And you're 100% right.
Starting point is 00:34:14 And the biggest mistake I made when I got into this space was trying to be too sophisticated and trying to go to level 10 right away. Yes. And I'm not meeting people where they are. You have to meet people where they are. And then you can bring them to this more sophisticated stuff if and when you're even capable of teaching it. And for me, I was like, I'm taking level 10, like, no, man, I just need to know how to like get a morning routine. I'm like, well, let me tell you about the
Starting point is 00:34:34 particular activating system in your brain and neuroplasticity. And I'm like, they're like, no, no, no, no, I need to go all the way back here. So you're a billion percent right? I think, by the way, I know the thing about women. I have a couple female friends who you don't know that their friends were criticizing them. Who is she to be coaching people? Like, she lives in an apartment. Like, what is she living in an apartment? Like, well, I lived in an apartment once. Actually, I didn't pay the rent for a while. I was so broke. I didn't even have power or water at one point. So that have discounted me back in the day. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:35:05 And I want you to speak to that a little bit, that you don't have a bunch of monetary success. The other thing people don't know, and I'm going to let everybody in here, the females in the space are the ballers. I'm going to tell you. This is why I love Ed so much, because I know you believe this. I do. Yeah, I've heard you talk about it.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Well, number one, I believe that the, and I mean, this discount on my brothers in the space, there's amazing people in the space, and you have to be very careful when you start saying what I'm saying. I'm just, most people tell me, like, seems like most of your friends in the space are the female influencers and the teachers. I'm going to tell you why. They provide me more value personally. They're better friends of mine.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Their content is incredible. Their advice is incredible. And just so you know, behind the scenes, their financial success is incredible. Their advice is incredible. And just so you know behind the scenes, their financial success is incredible. It was one of the things that surprised me when I got into the space was how successful so many people were in this industry compared to other industries. Yes. This is a big time industry to get involved with. And a lot of you are listening to going, who's going to give me $200 or $80 to go to my own like thing? Do you know how much people spend? I'm spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for my
Starting point is 00:36:07 daughter to go to a university right now. People spend money all the time on upgrading their, and this is the way the world is now, and you have something to share. But just to the women part of it a little bit. I think more women think they can't because they have to be perfect. Maybe I'm over-generalizing. You tell me if I'm right. I feel like that's very true. And also let them in to know, like, there's a whole bunch of women really doing great things in this space. Really?
Starting point is 00:36:32 Crushing it. Yes. Okay. So when I left this, I am this woman you're talking about. When I left my Tony Robbins job in Sombaires to tell you this, I created a bunch of videos, okay? And I've always been self-conscious of my? And I've always been self-conscious of my weight, I've always been self-conscious of how I look. And so to do these videos, it was a very big deal for me. So I recorded them, but then did nothing with them, okay? They
Starting point is 00:36:53 just sat on my computer. And my suite has been one day, said, like, where's all these videos you're creating? Like, I don't see them anywhere. And I'm like, I can't put them out there. And he asked me why. And I said, because I'm afraid what Tony Robbins is going to think about me. He's going to say, who is she to be doing this? She was behind the scenes. She doesn't know what she's talking about. Or my co-workers that I used to work with,
Starting point is 00:37:14 they're going to think I'm crazy or a total fake. And he looked at me and he said, babe, I love you so much, but I gotta tell you, Tony Robbins is not thinking about you. He's got his own life going on. You're the least thing in his mind right now, and your coworkers are concerned about themselves, not you. And in that moment, I was embarrassed, but I thought,
Starting point is 00:37:33 oh my gosh, I'm thinking about me every minute and how I look and how I sound. Other people are not doing that. And if they were, they're not paying the bills. They're not paying the bills. They do not get an opinion. And if they had an opinion about me, it's absolutely about themselves.
Starting point is 00:37:50 That's right. That's right. And when I learned that, and luckily I learned it early on, I realized this is ridiculous. It is ridiculous. Right? So that whole thing about what are other people going to think?
Starting point is 00:38:01 And they might have an opinion and who cares? We cannot worry about that anymore. Yeah, you have grown to such a point in this space. I meant what I opened the show with. My first introduction to you wasn't you. It was other people in a room going, just so you know. That is so cool.
Starting point is 00:38:16 I never knew that. Yeah, just so you know. And I knew who you were before that. But I, okay, I'm going to tell you the truth. I was told about that time. I'm not going to say it here. what you were doing a year in income. Yeah. You.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Yeah. And I got into the car after that event, and I called my wife, because I was in the space, but just like getting paid to speak, and I went, you will not believe how successful these, I kept telling her, my favorite speakers of these events for whatever reason for me are most of the female teachers. I don't know why that is for me, just they are.
Starting point is 00:38:47 They're content resonated with me. Things I needed to know tactically they know. I'd already told her that for a while, a few of you, and then I got the car to go, I had no idea. Like they're crushing it. And so to now for me, I'm hearing it in the reverse. To now know this woman that I know is so successful, to know that it goes all the way back. Like I didn't even know that he would work for Tony.
Starting point is 00:39:12 I didn't even know that your first course made $267. I didn't know any of these things, but I have learned a lot from you. And one of the things I learned, especially from, I wish I knew this stuff five years ago. But one of the things you're obsessed with doing that, let me just tell you, before she teaches us, she is 1 million percent right. And that is that you got to be focused on building your email list. Thank you. I'm so glad we're going to use that. So please, like it is, it's the number one thing I missed.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Yes. Number one dumbass thing I did. Name, same. And the key and you, you're the, really, most people don't put these in books. It's like a secret in the businessass thing I did. Name, same. And the key and you, you're the really, most people don't put these in books. It's like a secret in the business, but you did. So talk about it. And I think most people don't put it in the books
Starting point is 00:39:52 because it's not sexy. You're right. People do not want to do this. And so I'm going to tell you all a secret that if you do this, your competitors likely will not. Yes. Absolutely. Yes, yes, yes. And that is building an email list,
Starting point is 00:40:02 getting names and emails into a software and using that list So I've got some stories for you from this one the $267 failed launch is because I had a tiny email list that I never nurtured there was nobody to market to now people listening You might say but social media you could use social media do not build your business on rented land Rented land is Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, that they change their algorithms tomorrow and boom, you're changed. Elon buys Twitter and you don't like the way
Starting point is 00:40:33 he's doing it anymore and you relied on Twitter for your business, you're screwed. Yes. And so that's why I love social media, but I'm never gonna bank everything on it. Absolutely not. Oh, where are you? She's going. I wish that my biggest regret in my business, I say Absolutely not. Oh, where are you? Keep going.
Starting point is 00:40:45 I wish that my biggest regret in my business, I say this all the time, is I waited two years to start growing that email list. And that's why it was so hard, right? Remember when we grow to my whole business career? Same, same. So anyone listen to this. Yes, the best time to grow an email list was yesterday,
Starting point is 00:40:58 the best next time is two day. Here's the thing, about a year ago, Facebook and Instagram went down. Do you remember the day? Yes. The went down for hours and hours and hours. Okay. It was actually a great day for me in the sense that I was like, oh my gosh, my life is so good right now. Isn't that so sad, the true? Yes, it is, but go ahead.
Starting point is 00:41:14 I felt the same way. Yes. So that day, Instagram and Facebook went down. It was a coincidence that that morning, I sent an email list to a very small portion of my list for a digital course I've had for years. It's a four was a four hundred dollar digital course I had it for years, but I wanted to kind of get it out back to my audience and remind them that it's waiting for them If they want it so I sent this email to a small portion of the the group and Hours in we made eighteen thousand dollars on the day that Facebook and Instagram went down Imagine if I thought I could just rely on them that day,
Starting point is 00:41:47 I couldn't. And so I have a dad that is blue collar to the bone. He's a firefighter, a firefighter, does not get this online world. If you asked my dad when I did, I'd be mortified to hear what he said. I have no idea what he would say. He would come across very slowly.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Very weird. He is description. So true. And when I left my corporate job, he was very worried that his baby very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very Because my email list grows, I will always be able to make money. Every time he calls me on Sunday, how's your email list? Does he really, is it that part of it he knows? He gets that, he looks at that. I'm telling you, it is life changing and business changing. It's the number one thing.
Starting point is 00:42:32 It's the number one thing. Okay, I've had 400 shows. No one's ever set it on here. It's the number one thing. It is, I love what you said about rented real estate. I love that my average post is shown to 3% of my following. Yes. And it's like, I got to hope they're there. When it's there at the time, you're a million,
Starting point is 00:42:48 it's just, it's, okay, me tell you when I discovered it, when my book came out. So I've been in the space this long. Okay, talk to me about that. And so everybody's like, okay, brother, so in, by the way, it's the number one book on the planet. Huge. However, it had been way bigger.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Had I been focused on building, I've got millions of social media followers, I got a podcast that gets millions of downloads and people are like, so what about, I'm like email list. Should I have been doing that? So like you're kidding, right? Like you're the one of the biggest dudes in the whole space. You're kidding me that you have not done this.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And I'm like, well, not really like this. I didn't know that. Here's how bad I was. When you would come to my website and you would opt into particular parts of my website I still didn't add you to my email list when I got your emails don't laugh at me So it's it's my my business strategy. I got the content stuff down. I got my business strategy Right now is grow my email list. So I don't care if you have two emails you need to grow it to 40 40
Starting point is 00:43:41 You got to grow it to 2000 2000 grow it to 5000. So, you got to grow it to 2000, 2000, grow it to 5,000. So here's some, how does someone do that? What could they be doing? So they're going to use social to grow an email list, potentially, right? So what are some strategies to grow an email list? OK, I want to back up and say that an email list converts four times better than a social media post. Hands down.
Starting point is 00:43:59 At least. That's right. So absolutely, that's why it's so important. So how do you grow an email list? Well, I'm going to start with a quick story. I have a student, he's a photographer and during COVID, he was getting no business because he had to go out and meet with people. So he created a program where he taught how to do flash photography. That's all. Just flash photography. He sold it and he had 100 people on his email list and made $12,000 for a guy that never sold anything online.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Now the reason I tell you the story is, I didn't say he had 100,000 people on his email list. I didn't even say he had 1,100 people. So it's not that you have to have a massive email list, it's that you have to have engaged people that want to hear from you. They've raised their hand, giving you a hot commodity,
Starting point is 00:44:42 naming email in exchange for hearing from you. So I just want to set the stage. We're not talking about huge email list where you can make some good money. Okay. Okay. So the first thing is you need a lead magnet. You need a cheat sheet checklist guide, 10 minute meditation if you're in the yoga space, a quick video training.
Starting point is 00:45:00 You need something that's valuable. Now, my motto has always been, give your best stuff away for free. I feel like you live by this, though. I do. I do. So don't hold back, make it really juicy and good, and something that people are like, I've got to have that. Yes.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Because the trick is, if they download your guide and they go through it, and if they think, this is so good, I wonder what the paid stuff looks like. Right. You've won. That's what you want people to think.
Starting point is 00:45:23 So think about what you could teach that would be so good and people would want it, and you package it up, any way you've won. That's what you want people to think. So think about what you could teach that would be so good and people would want it and you package it up any way you want to. From there, you've got to sign up for an email service provider. I know we're getting a little basic, but these are things people just don't know. So there's so many great ones out there. My favorite is ConvertKit and you can get started for free. And so you have to get an email service provider so that you could legally collect the names and emails. And then from there, that's the software you use to send out your broadcast.
Starting point is 00:45:50 And so you're putting your guide out there, you're putting it on social. You're talking about it when you're interviewed on somebody's show, you're making videos about it, you could run ads to it, and you're growing that email list. But here's the part that absolutely no one talks about. What do you do when they're on your list? Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Because my thing was I had 600 people on the list and I made $267 because I never emailed them. Okay. I believe you should email your list once a week, rain or shine, never miss a week. Okay. And what are you emailing them? Well, it goes back to what we first talked about.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Do you have a podcast? Do you have a video show? Do you have a blog? You're sending them your weekly original content. My podcast does really well Not as big as yours, but it's like over a million downloads a month And the only reason why I think it's grown that way is because every single Thursday I email my list and I remind them I've got a new show out and if I miss a Thursday My downloads will go down. Absolutely. That list is everything to me.
Starting point is 00:46:47 But it's that consistency. That's what people are missing. They'll email maybe once a month or here's what they're gonna think. That's a lot every week. People are going to unsubscribe. You know who unsubscribe is the people that aren't interested in learning from you.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Let them go. You're over everyone. So, let's draw a, bring in your content, giving them something of value or entertainment even through your entertainment. Even entertainment. Have a fun. Have a good time with it.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Yes. What about emailing too much, the latter? Is there such a thing? So, I'm subscribed. It's like, I, just yesterday, this dude just keeps hitting me. It's like, his problem ain't once a week. His problem is, it's every six hours, I feel like, it's so mean. Okay, so there's a window there too, right? I think there's a window.
Starting point is 00:47:25 I think the cadence of once a week is really easy and smart. Now, when I'm in a promo, when I'm launching a course, you'll hear from me every day. And on the last day, you'll hear from me three times. And I have tested this. I will make a lot more money if I go hard the last day. It's all the last days. What I've been doing, I can't surprise by that.
Starting point is 00:47:45 More so than ever right now. But so yeah, launches are different. The regular content that you want to add value once a week is a perfect sweet spot. Okay, this is so good. Like this is a master class for free, everybody. That's why you need to go get the book. Okay, couple more things because time's flying by.
Starting point is 00:48:06 How does one lever, let's go to social now. So my experience on my social is since the beginning, this is what most people think, I don't have a camera crew, I don't have this, I don't have that. The truth is for me, the market speaks to me and the market tells me that my less curated content performs much better than my highly curated video content. But like the stuff with just my phone or just a picture or just a well written caption per and here's why it's more shareable. So I'm trying to create shareable content.
Starting point is 00:48:34 So your social can be a mechanism to grow your brand and your social can be a mechanism. You correct me if I'm wrong. It can also be a mechanism to grow your email. My problem is I grew a massive social media following with no strategy What so ever to convert it to a owned land as opposed to the rented land that I was gone I want to use the rented land to acquire land that I own absolutely but I didn't get that so how about someone says Yeah, how much should I post what type of content? What would your advice be on something like that? Okay, so we're talking social media Yeah, okay, so I're talking social media. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Okay, so I think people should post daily. I do think that, again, that consistency, you know, if someone's listening right now and they want to have an edge, an email list, and being consistent, those are two things that most people won't do when they're starting out because they chase every shiny object out there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:21 And so I think posting every single day on social is a great thing. And even if it's just once a day, and you can use some of the content on TikTok that you do on Instagram, and we kind of like repurpose stuff all the time. Right. So I think that really works. But the thing is, you're, I like the 80 20 80% of the time you're posting value. You're not asking for anything in return. You're just giving, giving, giving that 20 20% of, hey, did you get my, did you get my guide, did you get my checklist
Starting point is 00:49:48 or did you sign up for my program or whatever? Great, but the more you give versus take, it people do know this online. You're right. It really comes through. Also, I 100% agree with the stripped down super simple iPhone videos. And it makes me mad because I do these great photo shoots
Starting point is 00:50:06 and no one's paying attention. And then here I look like crap one day and I just jump on, but I share something from my heart. It's like boom. It's so interesting. You say that I did a photo shoot yesterday and it was really long and about halfway through. I'm like, and I know none of these are going to perform
Starting point is 00:50:18 as well. I never do. The better one is when I just literally woke up. My, you guys as well. I got like it's a better stuff. Yes. I want to ask you, I want to make sure I was a couple things I wanted to ask you about that. I don literally woke up my head guys. It's woke up. Like it's the better stuff. Yes. I want to ask you, I want to make sure I was a couple things I wanted to ask you about. I don't want to miss.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Oh, so on the social part of it and on the email part of it, do you feel like if someone's creating, should they be doing the entertaining part of it to build an email list, I want to want to know you and I both know a few. I think of Evan Carmichael for a minute. Do you know who Evan is these a YouTube? Okay, so he's done well Utilizing other people's content. So I'm wondering what your opinion is about like to generate to grow my email list bringing value From other people's got to do you think it should all be self-generated content because you're building someone else's brand or for that weekly
Starting point is 00:51:02 Email or that post I want to put out to listen, this is something I saw that was valuable to me, that Mel Robbins did, that Joe Blow did, that, or you diminishing your own value by growing through leveraging other people's courses or content. Okay, here's my answer to that. If you're just getting started and all you do is share other people's stuff.
Starting point is 00:51:22 And because I'm in the Tony Robbins world or was people share his quotes all the time or stuff that he said, if that's all you're doing because you're afraid to put your own stuff out there, you got to do a gut check and say, why am I sharing everybody else's stuff? Because I'm afraid to have my own opinion and put my own thing out there. Because I'm afraid what people will think. If you give yourself a gut check and realize, no, that's not the case. I'm putting my own stuff out there. I love talking about other people's stuff. Number one, I think it creates great relationship. It's a great thing to do for other people. I think
Starting point is 00:51:52 you do it really well. You build up other people and it really pays off in a beautiful way. So I'm all about highlighting other people. Okay. Good. I wasn't sure on that. Like I because you're so tactical. Yeah. That are are you moving people away from you? Are you diminishing your own reputation or brand? So I'm glad to hear that you're not so overall You said that you've built a life that you don't need to take a vacation from yeah, right? And that's the dream. It is literally the dream. Is it be real here? Okay, like we're not on a podcast Okay, Mrs. is me and you and I really want to know this because I evaluate this myself. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Was that move worth it? In other words, you know, you know, the hard parts of it. You know the sleepless nights, you know, the pressure of continuing to grow when you're already up the flagpole a little bit. You know, like having this book out, it's like this thing better move, right? So was it, take someone into this, being real, was all of this worth it? The other day I was in the car with Hobie, my husband, and I told him, I'm so uncomfortable. Every day I'm so uncomfortable because of this book launch.
Starting point is 00:52:59 You have to ask for favors. You go on shows that you don't know the people, you just put yourself out there in a way different way than I've ever have. I think it's easier to sell a 2000 digital course than a $25 book. I don't know what that's about, but this has been uncomfortable. And he looked at me and he reminded me, that's how it's supposed to be. You have to be feeling that to grow. And I look back at the last 14 years of growing this and I've been so uncomfortable so many times. And I absolutely believe the rewards of having your own business being your own boss where nobody can tell you what to do or how to do it is absolutely worth all the pain, all the uncomfortable feelings,
Starting point is 00:53:39 and all the fear. Like I sometimes feel like the way to the world is on my shoulders. I employ all these people. I need to make this work and all of that. I wouldn't change it for the world because I go to bed at night and I know that I don't have to answer to anybody. And you know, I know men are listening to but the women that are listening, we have usually had a boss since we were very young. Like I said, my dad and then a bunch of other bosses. And I was someone who believed I always needed a boss. I always needed someone to tell me how to do it.
Starting point is 00:54:08 And when I call it um bossing yourself, when you um boss yourself, the opportunities and the freedom that you feel outweighs every bit of challenges it takes to get there. Beautiful answer. And by the way, you've done this so elegantly too. I think it's maybe one of the other reasons. It's just like the way in which most of my female friends in this space have done it is more tasteful.
Starting point is 00:54:31 I don't know what I would call it, more ser... This sounds bad. My buddies in this space are awesome. They are. They're amazing men in this space. Women do it differently. I really do believe we do. And there's something special about that.
Starting point is 00:54:44 And I think the men listening to this who want to do it, you should not only be studying the men in the space. Okay, I love that. I've never heard another man say that, but it's true. Okay, you know, one of my secrets guys, I just gave it to you. There it is. So I already know what most of the dudes are going to say. I've learned from the women in this space. I've learned, makes me emotional because so many have been so, my life is so much, because so many have been so, my life is so much richer because so many of you have been in it. And I don't know, I speak of me emotional.
Starting point is 00:55:11 I just, I've learned a lot about how to communicate differently. What really matters to different types of people, not just speaking to people like me or like I used to be. Being willing to reveal parts of my personality and my emotions that maybe I would have never done that had I not been encouraged or given permission to do it by a lot of my female friends in the space. They're remarkable. And there's you guys listening. It's a lot to be learned there. And you ladies listening, you should
Starting point is 00:55:40 know, the space is wide open wide open open and you have some unbelievable pioneers in front of you that are really trust me really killing it like Amy here in front of me. Let's do this last even though it's tactical. You do have these like five how to deep week unboss yourself. Yes. What's the term that you use? Unboss yourself. Just give us one or two of those last. So since it is worth it. And I'm like, I got to get unbossed. I'm a woman or I'm a man. Listen to this, right? Like I got to get unbossed. What's a couple strategies you share? So the number one thing is with unbossing yourself is you have to believe that you are capable of doing it your own. I'll tell you this really quick. I decided about three years into my
Starting point is 00:56:20 business that I needed a business partner. And I won't get into it. I tell the story in the book, I won't get into it. I tell the story in the book, I won't get into all the details, but literally within a span of 24 hours, I said yes to a guy coming into my business, taking 50% of it was I made the decision. It wasn't his fault. And I said, yeah, I could use the help. I was almost at a million dollars in my business. And I thought, maybe I can't do this alone. What if I mess up? Who am I going to look toward or whatever? So I took a business partner and we did explode the business. It did go really well until the I realized I went back to all my old habits of letting somebody else boss me around,
Starting point is 00:56:57 tell me what to do. And I couldn't believe I had gotten there. I literally felt like I was working for him. And again, totally my fault, not his. And that is the day I realized I have to once and for all emboss myself. I have to believe that I don't need anybody else to help me do what I want to do. And I have to believe that if I crash and burn, I do have the capacity to get back up.
Starting point is 00:57:17 I don't need somebody else to lift me back up. And listen, I love men, so I'm not men bashing, but I always gravitated thinking I needed a man to help me do what I do. And so when I realized that, I thought I can emboss myself and then I could teach other people how to emboss themselves as well. And another way, so one, you have to believe that you have the capacity to do it on your own.
Starting point is 00:57:39 The other thing you have to do is understand that you will crash and burn and that does not mean that you are not worthy of being an entrepreneur or going out on your own. I think a lot of people will get in the space of being their own boss, something doesn't work right, and they run back to what they knew. One of the things I love is you gotta burn the boats and storm the island.
Starting point is 00:57:59 And I had to burn the boat saying, you never get to go back to a 95 job, Amy, you have to figure this out on your own. And so those are the moments that I realized embossing is one of the most powerful things you can do. And I think it really beyond strategy, it starts in your mind. I totally agree with you. You said something in the beginning.
Starting point is 00:58:16 I just want to acknowledge about unbossing yourself, which was there's a screen book called the E-Meth. Do you have read the E-Meth? Yes. Yeah. It's one of the best entrepreneurial books of all time. No one reads it anymore. Well, I shouldn't say that, but most people don't know, because it's an older book written
Starting point is 00:58:27 by a guy named Michael Gerber, who's a little bit crazy. I've had him speak with me. It's a bit. But he uses this term in the book called an entrepreneurial seizure. Oh, I forgot about that. When you have an entrepreneurial seizure, and the one thing I will say to everybody about this is what Amy said in the very beginning about, when you have that seizure, if you're in that moment, you better take advantage and set your deadline.
Starting point is 00:58:46 When you've had that event, that seizure of I want to be an entrepreneur, set the deadline, right? And that'll be the most freeing experience of your life. And at the same time, know that you better know why you're going to do it because when that seizure goes away and you're left with just the work and the financial hardship, you better have something very deep within you that gives you that resiliency to persevere. And here's one of the resources that would help you persevere. It's Amy's book.
Starting point is 00:59:11 It would help you persevere during these times. You're going to need to be reading something that reminds you that you go back to tactically, that you go back to emotionally. And I really believe Amy's book could help you with that. So it's called Two Weeks Notice. Find the courage to quit your job, which we talked a lot about. Make more money, which we actually covered. Work where work where you want which we covered and change the world Which is the end result if you do these things and what you did here today several million people's
Starting point is 00:59:33 World change today and they heard me mispronounce three words which I normally don't do in the show So please go get her book. It's out February 21st You can pre-order it if you're hearing it before then you can just go order it if you're hearing this afterwards You are remarkable and today was one of the fastest shows I've ever done. Like literally flew by. And I watched my producer when we do shows. I watch her behind you. And she's like just nodding and smiling. And she she loved it. So thank you, Amy. Thank you, friend. I really appreciate you having me on. So good. So good. So good. All right. Hey, look, guys, go get her book, right? And go get my book. Go get the power having me on. So good. So good. So good. All right. Hey, look guys,
Starting point is 01:00:05 go get her book, right? And go get my book. Go get the power of one more. You get those two together. You're freaking unstoppable. So go get my book. Share this with people who want to be free. You know, someone who wants to be free. Share today's show with them. We gave them a masterclass, Amy, rather gave them a masterclass on how to do it. God bless you all, max out your life, go do one more. This is The End My Let's Show. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ you

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